#(its me. im sinners)
allastoredeer · 4 months
So, in the throes of doing world-building for my Hazbin fics and analyzing characters and how they fit into Pentagram's political system, I realized not only how powerful Alastor actually is, but how fucking scary.
Now, yes, in the grand scheme of things, Alastor is far from the most powerful person in Hell. Far from it. The Royal Family (Lucifer, Lilith, and Charlie), and the Goetia are way above the Overlords. Our twinky, angsty, galaxy bird, Stolas, could 100% body Alastor. I'm sorry, Al. I love you, babe. But in terms of the hierarchal system, you and the other Overlords aren't influential to the rest of Hell, at all.
But, it's an entirely different story if we stick exclusively to the Pride Ring.
I'm not trying to do a big, essay-length analysis, that's a lot of work and I'm tired, so I'll try to make it as brief as possible.
We know three crucial things: 1) sinners aren't allowed to leave the Pride Ring, 2) they've built a semi-functional society for themselves that is exclusive to their specific ring (with a political system that they've molded just for them), and 3) sinners can't kill other sinners.
So, what we have here is a big piece of land stuffed with people who can't leave it, in a society they've built specifically for themselves, with an amassing population that is constantly growing because they have no way of dying/or killing each other. (Honestly, it's like Heaven was setting them up for an Exterminations - THOUGH I'VE ACTUALLY COME UP WITH A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT, COMPLETELY FANON BASED THEORY/WORLD BUILDING IDEA ABOUT HOW HELL HAD KEPT THE POPULATION DENSISTY CONTROLLED FOR THE MILLENIA OF COLLECTING HUMAN SOULS, HOW THE POPLUATION STILL GOT TOO LARGE AND THUS RESULTED IN THE EXTERMINATIONS, AND HOW IT WAS ROSIE WHO HAD A HUGE HAND IN IT ALL.
Anyway, back on topic, so the Overlords essentially control this Ring. We know Stolas lives in the Pride Ring (judging by the red sky we see when he's at his house), so its possible more Goetia live there too (and imps, and succubi; the Pride Ring is known for being the most diverse of the Rings), but we haven't seen any evidence of the Goetia, or any of the other Hellborn, interact or influencE Pentragram City in a political way--outside of the Goetia being above the Overlords in the hierarchal system). I headcanon that they do have some involvement in Pentagram City, as they do live there, but for the most part, the Pride Ring is left completely to the sinners and how they run things.
Lillith got involved, obviously (but she's been missing for years in the beginning of the show), Lucifer hasn't been involved for who knows how long, and Charlie obviously doesn't have a lot of sway, nor did she have any previous influence given how she's treated by the very people she rules over. Her status is known, but there's no actual respect for her or her title as the literal Princess of Hell.
The royal family may the the strongest beings in all of the 7 Rings, but outside of Lillith, it seems they had very little involvement (in Charlie's case) or interest (in Lucifer's case) in ingratiating themselves into Pentagram City.
The entire Ring is being run by the Overlords. They cannot leave it. The Pride Ring is their domain. This is their new home. This is their world.
And in this world, the Overlords are the top dogs.
So, Alastor is powerful just in the sense that he is one of the Overlords. Like them, he is essentially one of the rulers of their personal, caged-off little world. He has power and political sway. He joined the other Overlords for Carmilla's meeting, where they were going to discuss the aftermath of the Extermination and what they can do about the loss in the population (and thus, their power, given that owning souls is how they get it).
It's implied that this isn't the first time they've had meetings like this, and if they get together to discuss the best ways to recover from the Exterminations and make up for their mutual losses (literally working together when they could've all just been rivals trying to undermine the others to get more souls), who knows what else they've discussed in their efforts to keep Pentagram City running (especially considering that the best way to maintain their power IS by maintaining the city, it's people, and keeping it from falling apart at the seams. Taking care of the city is in their best interests - I use "taking care of" very, very loosely, considering this is still Hell and it's hardly the gold standard of utopia's). They're essentially a Board of Leadership with mutually shared power.
The Overlords have all the power. All the sway. In their established world, THEY are at the top of the food chain.
BUT then, you take into account that sinners can't kill each other (a rule that extends even to the Overlords), and that's when things get interesting.
In episode 4, "Masquerade" Valentino told Angel that he's "killed people for less" during the scene in the dressing room. But, in episode 2, after Valentino had torn apart one of Velvette's models, she wasn't upset in the way an Overlord would be if they lost someone under contract, especially considering that owning souls is what gives them power (and I assume that they own the souls of most, if not all, of the people they employ). She said that she can't sit and wait for "that bitch to pull herself back together," so, yeah, the implication is that sinners can literally be torn apart (even by the Overlords, who are the strongest among them) but won't die is immense. No matter what you do, a sinner will reform, or heal, or whatever, but they will come back.
So, consider, that there is only one person who's been able to kill sinners, permanently, and that person is Alastor.
Not only that, he killed Overlords.
In a realm where death is impossible, Alastor had cheated the system. And as far as we know, he's the only one who's been able to do it.
The only person I can think of who has something similar is Carmilla, but that's because she'd integrated angelic steel into her apparel. (Though, there's something to be said about her selling angelic weapons to the masses, as she is a manufacturer and distributor of them not only in Pentagram city, but all of the 7 Rings, (as Stryker had gotten his hands on a "Carmine blessing tipped rifle" to kill off Stolas, who's a Goetia), thus, sinners killing other sinners can still be possible, but that's only if they get you're hands on a weapon with angelic steel, or they're wealthy enough to buy onr, and I imagine Carmilla doesn't sell those cheap.
But Alastor didn't use angelic steel. He found a way to tear souls apart, where otherwise they were only able to be owned. Considering how terrified Husk (who is one of the most calm and collected people in the Hazbin crew; who had once been an Overlord, himself) was when AIastor threatened to do they same to him, like, that goes to show just how serious it is. He was literally full-body shaking. Ears-pinned back. Flight-fight-or freeze. Pressing himself down into the carpet.
We've never seen him like that at any other time during the show, even during the Extermination when they were all about to die.
Alastor's threat had scared him more than literally getting killed my an army of Exorcist's.
And like, yeah???? I get it????
That shit has to be terrifying. Not only for those that Alastor threatens, but for every single sinner in Pentagram City.
This random guy cheated the system, killed without any outside means, and if he can topple Overlords (the strongest and most powerful of them) almost over night, there's no saying what he can do to regular sinners. (Or what they think he can do, I have more thoughts surrounding whether Alastor would be able to tear apart a soul that is owned by someone else, but this is already getting long).
And, presumably, the only reason he stopped is because he decided to.
Like???? Do you guys understand what I'm saying???? For someone to have that kind of power??? In a system where that power SHOULD NOT be possible??? A power that gives him this massive advantage over everyone else???? That no one else can do???? And the only reason he doesn't use it is because he decides not to????
It's no wonder Alastor was so feared. Why he still is feared (by those who know of him at least LOL he has been gone for 7 years). And, like, yeah we see him be all creepy and scary during the show. We see him use his magic and grow into his demon form, and he is intimidating in that right, but I think the true horror of his character comes from this ability to kill the unkillable in a system where it never should've been possible in the first place.
That's where the true terror of the Radio Demon lies. That's where the visceral fear comes from. And it's why he's someone you wouldn't want to mess with, even for the other Overlords (especially for the other Overlords).
Like, it makes sense why he has such a massive ego. Why he thinks he can take on anyone. It's because he has. He's powerful, even by Overlord standards, and he knows it. And it makes further sense why him now being on a leash is making him unravel at the seams.
Am I making sense??? Is this all just meaningless rambling to you guys??? Idk! Idk. It's just been tumbling through my head, and it made me realize just how scary Alastor is, especially from an outside perspective.
I have SO many headcanons T.T I've done so much world-building, and I am have so much fucking fun. I feel like a kid in a sandbox. My brain hasn't stopped buzzing since this show came out.
Anyway, I'm off to outline more wips and work on the fics I'm writing. Happy Hazbin-ing to the rest of you.
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anonymouscheeses · 7 months
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Charlie will always be on time and even early to whatever it is she wants to get to. Unless she worked all night before on what she wants to do for the the activities next week. Then she would rather die than step foot outside.
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moeblob · 4 months
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You literally spent three hours having an ENTIRE SCHOOL (teachers included) slut-shaming a guy just for him to be a (spoiler).
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staryarn · 1 year
I like how all of the project moon games are tied together by cycles of pain and suffering and learning how to end your own cycle of suffering just to get a breathe of fresh air (or at the very least, attempt to end the cycle).
In lobotomy corporation Angela is going through her loops over and over until the script progresses. She's only 'free' when she decided to start white days and dark nights and take the light for herself. (Same can be thought about the Sephirah and their meltdowns)
In library of ruina both Roland and Angela are in another cycle of suffering and hatred (though from Roland's stance its moreso a cycle of suffering and hatred towards Angela for White days and Dark nights, along with the Pianist incident.)
Eventually the cycle is broken by forgiving eachother (because Dying only perpetuates it) and freeing the books of the library .
And so far limbus has shown us the sinners each confronting their past and (more or less) deciding how to move forward with their lives.
(This is especially evident with how canto iv is worded and how Yi Sang wants to choose the road he walks rather than wandering aimlessly)
(Bonus to what I said in the tags about connecting each sinner to a Sephirah (minus dante and whichever sinner decides to backstab, making it 11 which matches tye Sephirah.
The Will to Stand up Straight (Malkuth) - (???)
The Rationality to Maintain Discretion (Yesod) - (???)
The Hope to be a Better Person (Hod) - (???) (I'd personally want to say someone like Sinclair)
The Fearlessness to keep on Living (Netzach) - (???) (Personally I connect this with Yi Sang)
The Expectation for the Meaning of Existence (Tiphereth) - (???)
The Courage to Protect (Gebura) - (???) ( I think Don Quixote would fit this one)
Those who are Faithful and Trustworthy (Chesed) - (???)
The Eye Facing the Fear; Breaking the Cycle (Binah) - (???)
The Eye Embracing the Past; Building the Future (Hokma) - ???
The Knowing I (Angela) - (???)
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monards · 2 months
can a girl ramble aboutthe way you can interpret so many parts of the propaganda and characterization of rhine by other the people/general populace of teyvat as people largely antagonizing neurodivergent traits without being chased with pitchforks and torches.
#FUCKKKK DSOMMEBODY HEAR ME.#YES. i know shes a not a good person.#but half the shit she's described with by other sources#is so obviouslye exaggerated based onwho she is and NOBODDIESSSS talking abt it#'cold and unfeeling' MY ASS. THIS WOMAN WAS TALKING ABOUT EATING MOLD FOR A GOOD FOUR PARAGRAPHS ITSNOT THAT DEEP#the way she clearly a ton of albedo's behaviours but i dont see anybodyyyyy talk about it and just demonize her for it#THE HEXENSUCCESORS ARE ALL PARELLELS TO THE HEXENLADIES. THATS THE POINT#THE FACT RHINE LARGELY MIRRORS ALBEDO IS NOT A COINCEDENCE OR WEIRD INTERPRETATION ON ANYONES END.#the fact many of the trait she CLEARLY shares with albedo are demonized... HELLO..............#mond propaganda book writer gets shot IMMEDIATELY#-> i dont know guys. Maybe its also the fact she's probably traumatized from the. yknow. CATACLYSM. that made her a worse than albed#just maybe!#its sooo established that neurodivergence leads people to cope with stress different... Hello............ can we talk about this.........#NO HATE. but if I wathced my nation got destroyed > and this loser twink knight said i should've protected everyone/ when even HE DIDNT/#i wouldd also spiral. AND THATS CLEARLY WAHT HAPPENED ON SOME LEVEL.#if you read her hexenbook excerpt she is. quite literallh just sarcastic. blunt. and not emotionally experessive#WHICH ALIGNS WITH THE EXAGGREATED TRAITS SHES LATER CHARACTERIZED AS???#she literally JUST got worse symptoms as a result of trauma. why are we playing it up like this. “Great Sinner” my ass she's a woman ins te#they're all sinenrs if you really think about it. THEYRE IN STEM#-> the way neurodivergent women are demonized for sooo many traits they have just because it doesn't fit the mold of being a 'good women'#NOBODY IS TALKING ABOUT THIS. ITS MOND#THEYRE NOTABLY. NOT ALWAYS DOING THE BEST. WITH FREEDOM AND GOOD OPINIONS BC OF VENTI'S ABSENCESSSSSSSSSSSSS#NOSHIT THIS TAKE WOULD COME FROM THEM..... MAKE SOME SENSEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE#this is no hate because i love mond with alll my heart im just fucking insane over this. venti i love you#crepe rants
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speakofthedebbie · 18 days
smh why did the french have to insist on equal language rights. didnt they ever think about how i, a 21st century girl, would feel about having to learn it /j
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crunchchute · 9 months
im torn between headcanoning william being bi or just outright gay but hiding it and going as far as to have a wife and kids.. (i like that more but i also like to think he did love his wife at some point) i also like him nonbinary in the way it applies today but back then he wouldnt know. i just love the whole nonbinary/feminine springbonnie idea (like a girl counterpart to fredbear, or basically a similar situation with the rabbit from Well, Just You Wait, where some people believed the bunny is a girl, even if theres many hints its a guy, but he ends up looking very nonbinary/gnc) and that by wearing the suit he can like explore himself more. and the whole deal with him being so obsessed with the suit and becoming one with it and later dare i say loving it? at least using it to his advantage and claiming a new persona as springtrap its to me like.. its very gender to me okay (in the way that when i was a teen figuring out im trans but couldnt show it, fursuiting and cosplaying as male characters saved me. let me explore this stuff in small bits)
im not a good worldbuilder so im having trouble deciding how similar is the fnaf universe to ours. if their tech and robotics are so much more advanced so early on, what are their views on lgbt people. or is it just, they have good robots, but are still homophobic. i wonder. it doesnt correlate but you know. world kinda changes when tech changes
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1angeleveryday-ish · 1 year
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Dealing with a sinner
brought to you by this lovely meme {X}
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bespectacledbun · 1 year
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started playing Path to Nowhere and i’m very much enjoying the plethora of hot evil women surrounding me
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ghostr0tz · 4 months
Does Angel Dust Have backpain from being so tall?
I imagine so, yeah. With the rest of the poor souls that arrive to Hell with less human like traits than others- like with multiple sets of limbs or other similar body extensions like longer/elongated limbs/wings/others but my brains not working at full speed
Angel Dust definitely has back pain, and honestly probably just physical pain all around both from physical and mental strain from work AND... also his Unfortunate Long Limbs and Unsupportive Back and REALLY messy Muscle/Internal Composition , Probably.
Everyones design intrigues me and its so fun to dissect... I need to draw angel some time he's so good but the extra arms.... shudders
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smrtnik07 · 5 months
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i had a dream the limbus crew had to go get info on a new distortion that popped up in a romani village in some corner of the backstreets and they had to go stealth, couldnt just fight their way to the distortion for some reason; they had to fit in. and since gregor is the last sinner, n13, he got last pick for outfits and he had to go in this. his mantits were out.
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mythicalpoolnoodle · 5 months
We have to think of the positives - Jannik always learns so much from defeats and gets to work quickly. Look at how he bounced back from IW and this is just the beginning of the clay season and he’s already looking good. Rome especially I hope he will be on fire with a home crowd to support
Yeah I think as long as he is uninjured I don't think this will cause a drop in level or anything like that, I think another semi is a very positive thing for his "worst" surface and honestly tsitipas did play well, but I'm glad jannik does still have matches he can learn from (maybe fix those drop shots babygirl), hopefully rome is a good tournament for him, home crowd support, no injuries god willing, and he's playing good on clay, all point to a successful rome and a successful clay season
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fragiledate · 11 months
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cringetober day 27: babygirl pose(s)
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spookysinner45 · 4 months
I just found out what reaches peak autism for me..... Fucking DVD directors commentary and behind the scenes...
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Over what movie you ask?......... The Fast and The Furious... I found it in my collection and totally forgot I had it and now I'm watching that directors commentary like it's the bible kdjdkdnd.
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toytulini · 1 year
they should make more songs about rats i think
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rafasbiscuits · 1 year
it seems that everyone is entering the jannik sinner/carlos alcaraz rivalry era. I think I'm still stuck in denial of Roger retiring cause i'm still very much in my fedal rivalry era. I don't know how to move on from them to the new one. Any tips for your fellow struggling tennis mutual here?? Cause it's not getting any better..
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