#(like a really really tiny snippet)
foundfamilymylove · 10 months
Imagine the chaos if the people in the indignity test suddenly came into the LCF world-
Dodam calling Cale 'the terrible bastard' while everyone is confused
Raon is happy knowing that even in another world, his human will always save him, just like he promised
Maybe even them fighting for Cale's attention
Both CHs look at each other warily but bond over the confusion that is known as Cale Henituse. Also, CH promises to teach indignity test CH how to become stronger to protect his new-found family. Cale is scared at this, as always
Alver laughing with a refreshed smile, while the younger him wonders if he's gone crazy when he sees how much paperwork he has.
Tiny Alver being happy when he sees that the dark elves, and them too, have been accepted by people. It only reaffirms the fact that he didn't make the wrong choice.
Baby KRS who is wary at first and sticks to CH like glue, however soon opens up with the help of the children. I can imagine Alver going 'Aigoo, why can't I have such a cute dongsaeng?'
However it's ruined when they teach baby KRS how to scam with a bright smile to get money (a critical hit to Alver)
(If you want angst then they wonder why KRS is here when he's so young, however they see how skinny he is still, his footsteps too quiet to not have been learned, the way his eyes were always looking for escapes and he hated people getting too close. The way he dissociates sometimes, just staring blankly at the wall. It's... unnerving, to say the least, to watch a child go so blank and unmoving.
It's clear that something terrible had happened, but both CH, KRS and Cale (to Alver) hold their silence, so all they can do is treat him with care.)
Tiny KRS and the children bonding.
Raon being taught by Eruhaben and Rosalyn.
If they still had the cintamani, maybe they could also dote on baby KRS and how cute he was as a kid, asking 20yr KRS why couldn't he smile at them like that and how such a cute kid turned into such a grump- (tsundere-
Them helping each other out for the future, and sharing concepts/ideas from their worlds.
Vicross having to babysit but he doesn't mind
Ron noticing the similarities between KRS and Cale and deciding to pay more attention to the two of them
Anyways, wow. This got way longer than I expected-
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The first days (part 1)
After the portal closed, they walked. They didn't really know where, it's not like either Kai or Bonzle had a map for this dimension, but they kept walking. Kai just hoped they wouldn't randomly meet with on of the forbidden five, or four, since one of them swapped places with Kai after all. He didn't like to admit his own weakness, but if the storys about them were true, then there was no way for Kai to beat the four or even just one of them on his own. Especially when he would probably need to protect Bonzle in a fight as well.
"Do you have a plan?", Bonzle asked, pulling him out of his thoughts.
"Find a portal somehow, I guess. Or create a new one. Either way, we should check out how this place works. Aside from the random gravity rules."
Though, to call that a plan was probably to much. More like a general idea to get back to if the chance for it ever comes. Lloyd and the others would be able to deal with the one of the five that escaped, right? So they would be fine eventually, it was all that mattered.
But he wouldn't tell Bonzle that he basically gave up hope to get out of this place. Not after he just told her that 'Ninja never quit' and everything. Just like he never told Nya when they didn't have enough food for the two fo them, or couldn't afford her school materials, after telling her that he earned good money that month.
Lying wasn't very hard for Kai if it meant not making others worry. The situation may be vastly different, but he would adapt. Eventually.
A little voice in his head, honestly sounding a lot like his sister, tried screaming at him how this was one of his many bad habits he should get rid off. But ignoring that voice was another thing he just learned over the years.
He would just have to deal with this situation live gave him. He always did. One way or the other.
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sugarsweetvirgo · 3 months
💚Eve's Biology Fun Facts💚
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rosae-sloth · 5 months
Aku & Dazai first meeting/recruitment: short story 'A Heartless Dog' by Asagiri Kafka
Page 01 & 02
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(other pages under read-more)
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e17omm · 5 months
Giving Fu Hua a splash of Frieren, like just a tiny bit, is probably the easiest way for me to write the Fu part in FuKi.
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cold-neon-ocean · 6 months
I know there are those "send a [insert emoji] and I'll share a snippet from a fic I'm working on" asks but I can't find one right now so maybe just send an ask if you'd like to see a little something?? I wanna get braver about sharing my writing lol but also know that any snippets will be LoK/Baavira related maybe Bolin somewhere in there too lolol I've never posted fanfic work of mine literally anywhere in my whole life idk why it wracks my nerves so much but I wanna be able to share something when I don't always have art to offer XD
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oc-atelier · 4 months
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Part 2 of the, "putting Leo in outfits," WIP sketches! The outfit this movie is from has a really soft place in my heart and I was so excited to sketch Leo in it last night, but trying to figure out the perfect pose to put him in to match the feeling of the outfit while also showing off more of his personality was a struggle dgjksljgjlk Thankfully, just sleeping on it and revisiting it today helped bc I ended up liking this pose a Lot better compared to the ones I was trying to make work last night
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aza-trash-can · 5 months
Snippet (Child of the Water)
He just watches as the blond man in front of him gets closer and closer, looming over him with an unreadable gaze in his eyes but a dangerous smile on his lips. The man suddenly reaches out and grabs his arm, tugging him violently into his grasp. He yelps as those arms wrap tightly, painfully, around him, squeezing the air and any protests that could have gone with it out of his lungs.
“Hah! Little thing’s easier to catch than a crystalfly.”
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nocentis · 7 days
╳┆The ground beneath them groaned, preceding its shift by mere moments. He prepared to leap from one platform to the next, but his borrowed attire got the better of him and he sorely undershot the landing. The ledge scraped him from shin to chest on his downward plummet, arms just barely catching the platform before he managed to sink toward oblivion.
As he began dragging himself toward safety, fighting the rotation of the still-turning maze, he felt someone grab his wrist and hoist him to relative safety.
“Stay on yer feet,” Gajeel snapped, irritation laden in both face and voice, “If yer gonna be embarrassing, do it away from me.”
“Right,” he agreed, just barely managing to suppress his mortification. Only the first event and he was already making a mess of things. Not using his own magic was going to be even more of a challenge than he'd already anticipated.
Blasted pants. It’s hard to believe there is any alternate version of himself that would wear these gravity defying monstrosities.
Belatedly, he tossed out an underbreath, "Appreciate it," as they turned to catch up with the others, who had taken the shifting map into stride and carried on without missing a beat.
Gajeel grumbled back, "Don't mention it."
╳┆As the third day's events began and the stadium came abuzz, he found his window to slip away unnoticed. The past few nights of aimless roaming about, catching whispers of that sour presence on the wind, have yet to bear fruit. All that time wasted was compounding; it made his bones itch. He hadn't attended these games on holiday — hadn't broken the rules and risked Fairy Tail's elimination just to suffer a humiliating forfeit and then sulk in the stands. No, there was something evil lurking about, and he fully intended to find it.
"They went that way."
Despite his prickly countenance, Gajeel seemed adept at sneaking about. Jellal barely heard him approach before he'd issued his offhand comment, pointing in the opposite direction in which Jellal originally intended to go.
Just as he opened his mouth to respond, Gajeel cut him off to explain, "They stink."
Jellal nodded, remembering the reaction he received upon his last expression of gratitude, and shifted his stride accordingly. "Tell me how the day goes."
"Nah," Gajeel called behind him, "I ain't yer fuckin' parrot."
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lhrry · 2 years
#also really hope louis’ team has something up their sleeves to get fan excitement up for the release week because boy is this weak and they#really should do better to ramp it up#post tiktoks with tiny snippets of the songs and having the fans guess what song it is for example#or something to boost fan engagement because ive been through many impending album releases in this fandom and this is not it#the excitement is quite mild#they did a big push for bigger than me and a lot of it seemed to me to be for promo rather than for the single#there was scarcely anything new for out of my system in the sense that the questions are still the same as they were for btm#they are circulating the same old and it’s not interesting for many people to watch and then they manage to sneak in babygate always and in#quite ridiculous senses like him listening the album first and stuff and while i still think there’s a reason for this (and i’ve spoken#about what i think may be happening with that and with the reasons for it before so i’ll not repeat myself)#but it just alienates more and more people and with the promo being repetitive there’s nothing much to outweight it for many people#and unfortunately since louis himself is saying he does not care for charts the fans are not very motivated to stream and do listening#parties as they used to be when getting to number 1 was encouraged and by the boys and desirable#plus imho they messed up the tour announcement and sale which shouldve come after the album comes out because people will know what they’re#buying tickets for#but anyway i wonder whether there’s something up still with sabotage of louis and radios not playing him and stuff#because despite the emphasis on him being free and in control there are so many old patterns recurring that it’s incongruent#im really excited for the album and the music and the direction louis is going to take artistically and creatively#but some things about his promo still seem very off#especially knowing what an astute businessman he is and just how deep an understanding he has#of his fanbase as well as the GP and marketing#also i really do think it’s purposeful they’re building on chicago and danielle associations and ramping up babygate and that E is out#for good
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demadogs · 1 year
so many classic pop punk bands peaked in the 2000s and their music has gradually changed and gotten worse but paramore really was like nope cant be me
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morganee · 1 year
could you tell us more about soulmate au?
Hellooo ✨ thank you for this ask!!
I love soulmate AUs, it's something I always look for in every fandom I join! I've never written one, actually, so this would be my first time!!
The plot is quite simple, in this world your soulmark appears on your neck on the day of your 15th birthday, and I basically want to follow Mike and Will as they grow up and realise what a soulmark is and who they want it to match it with.
I haven't really decided if this fic is going to be set in a world where there's no Upside Down or if I want to fit it in canon (and consequently make it a canon divergence). I always try to fit my stories into the canon world with the Upside Down (unless they're full AUs set in different worlds or ages lol) but I might try a different route for this one? I'm not sure, this is something I'm still working on.
This is very much a work in progress because I've got the idea but not much lol I might end up changing lots of things BUT I can give you a tiny tiiiiny snippet!
Mike knows that the world he lives in is wrong. His mother has mentioned soulmarks a couple of times and his parents gave Nancy the talk recently, because her 15th birthday is only a year away. Mike doesn’t understand it and his mother keeps telling him that he’ll understand when he’s older, but he’s not sure he wants to understand. Even at ten years old, he realises how wrong it is, to be doomed to love someone that’s chosen for you by fate.
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happy wip wednesday! this one is the ed’s pov version of this post
“Izzy.” Ed waits, knowing Izzy is playing out any responses that lead to him going back to bed. Fortunately there are none, or at least none that Izzy deems worth the effort to argue with him over.
With a sigh, he hears Izzy rustle around for a moment before there’s suddenly a blanket in his arms. “Fine.”
#ofmd wip#ofmd snippet#blackhands#izzy hands#edward teach#apparently wip wednesday is just me releasing this one specific work (in progress - hence wip weds) in small paragraphs#so yes this is more of the one that's being simultaneously written in two versions: one from each pov#listen ed just wants to have a calm reminiscent and secluded night with izzy up in the crow's nest like they used to#is that too much to ask? i vote no#except this time they're old and ed has his knee injury so izzy is putting some of that hard earned knowledge that only comes with#experience to use and maybe this time they won't both wake up with stuffy noses#the blanket is mostly for ed btw sorry but izzy is just like that i don't make the rules (<- said while literally making the rules)#am I a member of club let-izzy-sleep? yeah sure but also#i'm like three whole members in the let-ed-force-izzy-down-sentimental-memory-lane club#also this is a tiny snippet for wip weds so I'm hoping to have a bigger bit or maybe string together some of what i've posted before into#one actual continuous scene for next week but we shall see#also this one really needs a title soon so I can go back and tag all of these before i lose track of them#however my strength does not lie in title creation so i'm extremely open to suggestions#and/or if i find a song that fits this one well i might use a phrase from the song as the title#wip wednesday#oh also i just read this back with a fresh mind and this requires context: they are in the dark lol
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aroaessidhe · 2 years
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2022 reads // twitter thread    
The God of Lost Words
final book in the Hell's Library trilogy
the library is threatened by those who want power over it & they must find a way to get it out of their reach
a dead ex-librarian an ex muse an angel and a fictional villain from a book hang out in hell what will they do (become a family)
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boyslugs · 6 months
christmas wrapping: done
trauma: bubbling back up
my mom: looking to me for reassurance with family drama i have worked very hard to stay out of
i am having a time and am now going back to hiding behind horror movies
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fumikoshi · 3 months
He is yours
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✧ — SUMMARY; Gojo's sweet student is jealous of him and reminds him of who he belongs to
✧ — CONTENT; 18+ ONLY // MDNI — fem! reader, a lot of nicknames, extremely size kink, age gap, reader's age is 18, riding, belly bulge
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"Wait here, sensei. I'll go grab us some kikufuku, okay?" you said with a cute smile on your face
he nodded, returning the big smile and giving a thumb "Sounds perfect! I'll be right here~."
You went towards the food stand, your heart fluttering with excitement. You bought a small bag of kikufuku and you turned back to go to Gojo.
but as soon as you turned your back, you saw a woman. The kikufuku bag fell out of your hand as soon as you saw the woman.
she was engaging in conversation with Gojo.
a pang of jealousy pricked at your heart, who was she?
approaching cautiously, you heard snippets of the conversation. The woman seemed to be asking for directions, or else she was trying to talk to your sensei and get his number under the pretext of asking for directions.
there was a possibility that he might do that because your sensei was undeniably handsome.
you couldn't shake the feeling of unease.
without thinking, you went to them and clung to Gojo's arm, pressing your petite body against him. "Senseiii, I don't feel well" you murmured dramatically, "Please take me home." gojo turned his gaze to you, and a grin slowly appeared on his face when he saw you staring at the woman he was talking to. He wrapped his arm around her delicate waist protectively and looked at the woman again
''you heard her, ma'am, I need to be a good teacher and take my poor student home immediately~''
His grip on your waist was tightened
"Let's get you home, my cute student~''
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''S-sensei-Ah~ ''
The sound of skin slapping against skin fills the room, accompanied by moans and gasps from both Gojo and you. Both of your voices blend in a chorus of pleasure and desire.
''Y-you are mine, sensei... No other woman can touch you like that.''
With your possessive words, a wry grin spread across his handsome face, he laughed under his breath
''ahah~, my lovely student is really daring today, isn't she~?''
You were so ashamed. Your cheeks were blushed. You had never ridden him before, you had never spoken to him in such a daring way before.
But you couldn't help it, you were extremely jealous. The fact that the woman he was talking to was really... beautiful.
''Tell me you'll never look at anyone else but me, sensei.''
The room was filled with the sounds of heavy breathing and moans of pleasure, the bed creaking under their movements.
''Fufu~, so this is what happens when my little girl gets jealous~''
Your petite body was bouncing on Gojo's massive cock, your delicate body rising and falling. Your mouth is open in a mix of pleasure and exertion. His piercing blue eyes shifted to your delicious tits jiggling with every thrust before his eyes. it was a perfect view.
''You think I'd prefer this pretty young cunny to another woman's, my little mochi~? Oh, only your sloppy cunt can make me so crazy~''
You are overjoyed. You felt touched. He was genuinely in love with you. A lovely smile appeared on your delicate face as tiny tears of delight spilled from your eyes.
''Awww~ is my pretty girl touched? Ah~ Don't cry cutie, your beloved sensei loves you more than you can imagine. So the only time you can cry is when I put this cock in your pussy.''
He slowly brought his hand to your delicate face and wiped away the small tears with his thumb. You leaned in his touch as you kept bouncing on his cock. your slender arms gripping onto his broad shoulders as you ride him. Your body moves in a slow rhythm, your hips bouncing on his large member. Moans and gasps echo through the room.
His large hands slowly slid from your cheek to your plump ass and spanked your soft ass. It causes your ass to ripple and slightly flush. You squealed sweetly and your body leaped in sweet shock and stopped for a moment.
''Fufu~ go on, little girl~. Keep riding your sensei's cock like a slut~.'' Gojo's deep voice rumbled with satisfaction.
With that, you started to bounce on his cock again, your cute moans growing louder with each movement on his big cock.
Your small hand's grip on Gojo's shoulders tightened, nails digging into his skin. Gojo's large hands grip your soft hips as you rock back and forth on his big cock, his large hands enveloping your soft ass cheeks. He was guiding your movements as he revels in the feel of your soft skin against his hard body.
His eyes were a shade of blue so intense they seemed to pierce through the shadows, watching your every move with predatory interest. He could sense your approaching edge, so he slowed your pace with a firm grip, drawing out the pleasure and tormenting you with the promise of release.
He wanted you to beg for your release.
''S-Sensei~, ah~ahah~!''
He lifted you with ease to meet his powerful thrusts. The change in angle had you seeing stars, the pleasure so intense that it bordered on pain. Your breath hitched as little spots of white danced before your watery eyes. your breath hitched in your throat, and your rhythm became more erratic as you chased your climax relentlessly.
*clap clap clap*
you whined above him, a high-pitched sound of frustration and need that was music to his ears. He smirked, white hair falling into his eyes as he decided whether to let you find sweet release or keep you teetering on the brink a bit longer.
"Please, sensei~" you gasped out, your trembling voice barely more than a series of panting breaths. "I need—"
"What do you need, my little one?" Gojo teased, his voice low and husky
you could barely form words, but your delicate, trembling body spoke volumes; it arched towards him, seeking completion.
"Y-you. I-I need you. P-please, sensei"
Tears streaming down your soft, blushed cheeks from overstimulation, sobs escaping your throat... God, you were gonna be the death of him.
His grip on your ass tightened, and his movements became more forceful, lifting you slightly and then pulling you down onto his cock with a vigor that left no room for thought—only feeling.
''I-I'm close~kyaah~''
*clap clap clap clap clap*
“Gojo... Sensei~” she gasped out between pants, her voice shaky with need. Your use of his title in such an intimate moment only made him crazy
“Let go for me, y/n”
He commanded in a low growl, contrasted with his earlier sarcastic and unserious tone. His voice was now rough with lust and edged with a raw desire that sent another wave of arousal coursing through you.
With one final thrust that reached deep within you, Gojo sent you spiraling over the edge into ecstasy. Your body shook as waves of pleasure crashed over you; you cried out his name like a sacred incantation as you clung to him.
Gojo followed soon after; his semen filled your fertile womb. There was a slight swelling in your tummy. He fell on his back on the bed and pulled you with him, wrapping his muscular arms around you and holding you tightly to him. His cock was still inside you.
You put your cheek against his chest and whispered tiredly to him as you caressed his muscular chest as you lied on his body
''I love you so much, sensei...''
his gaze softened and smiled softly. What a cute little girl, he thought.
He inhaled your scent as he placed a long, passionate kiss on the crown of your head, his arms still wrapped tightly around you
''I love you too, y/n-chan''
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