#(not on the being a cop bit but on the. being a woc and a cop bit.)
lovinnelily · 9 months
Y'all do know you can't make Jason be NOT white without changing his whole character, right?
For other characters, yes, because their physical appearance are not that influential in their story, on how they are viewed by people, on their personality formation — you can have a black/asian/indigenous/arab/brown/latino/etc Nico and yes, the hate he gets will have a undertone of racism but at the same time nothing significant on his story, motivation or personality will need to change. This is also true for other characters: Clarisse risks repeating the "aggressive WoC" stereotype but the character itself doesn't change.
This isn't true for Jason, whose main character trait is how he is perceived by others and how he showcases himself to others based on that perception. (specially with how little effort Riordan put on him besides making him perfect-er Percy who's somehow also weaker and less important than him).
Let's not pretend a black, Arab, indigenous, Asian, Latin man, etc, in the USA would ever be treated with the universal reverence Jason gets from New Roma, you can't have the illusion of perfection and most of all, of invincibility they have about him when you see him suffering racism or xenophobia in the middle of a mission. Nothing in his life has ever gone wrong, that's his image, destined to be king, he is supposed to have no weakness on his peers eyes.
He is not trying to prove people wrong, he is trying to prove them right; he isn't worthy despite their prejudice, on the contrary, he only tried to make himself worthy to fulfill their expectations. He can't be a woman or an immigrant or have a visible disability or any other thing that strays him from a perfect ideal by western society standards, and be that same character.
#Different from the other white character in the series he was never questioned or doubted#There's a presumption of perfection with no exceptions that society doesn't give to us (women poc immigrants visible minorities in general)#His privilege (handsome white man with no visible disability son of Zeus etc) also prevented anyone from worrying for his well being#This illusion/expectation of him having no weakness/being untouchable pushes himself too far and clouds his judgment.#I headcanon he didn't even consider the possibility of myopia because that wouldn't fit Jason Grace Son of Jupiter so it wasn't an option#And you think it'd be the same character after facing racism? Because ain't no way he'd be praetor without going through racism#I think I'd love him nonetheless since I'm very weak to the whole golden boy tearing himself to save the world but it'd be a new character#jason grace#I know racism in USA is different from here but I know how different a “non-racist” white person treats me and treats my white friends#Also for him to not be an entirely different character if PoC would be incredibly disrespectful and racist on its own#It would fail to recognize the difference in how we are read (and written). I hate that a lot.#I remember that when Cody told Brandi “I see no color” she told him “then you don't see me” and that's so fucking striking#We ARE different. treated differently. if you act like you don't see it then you also turn a blind eye to the violence that comes from it#This is straying from my point I got a bit heated banalization of things I care about usually does that to me#Point is please don't change Jason on the very few things that man actually bothered writing about him#I actually think this is true about Octavian too. A lot of what he is allowed to do would not be possible if he weren't a white man.#Same for Rachel Elizabeth Dare. I mean you can work around making her poc but it will truly be pushing A LOT#Let's put it this way: a woc doing a street performance is perceived very differently from a white woman doing a street performance.#Specially in the eyes of cops#Pjo
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thelesbianpoirot · 5 months
Omg Prue from Charmed! She was fine as fuck. And arrogant and skilled too which made her even hotter. I rewatched her seasons of the show this summer and couldn’t stop thinking that she’d have been perfect if they’d made her a lesbian. The reboot made one sister a lesbian but the writing was trash and her relationships never got the same time and attention as the other sisters.
Cosigned! Prue is still my favorite charmed sister, for all those reasons and also because she always sacrificed for her sisters. Other sisters (cough* Phoebe* cough*) were selfish and always jeopardized her sister's lives and mission for demon dick. Prue would never. She'd have been a great lesbian. Prue had a thing with a cop in seasons 1-2, and so did the lesbian sister in the reboot. I tried the reboot but it sucked, the characters talked like fucking twitter posts, cringe to the max and they just took the plot to crazy stupid levels on like the second bit of season 1. The original charmed at least let us know the sisters a couple monster of the week seasons before everything became the end of the world. I think the idea about the charmed sisters being woc because we have all kind of unexplored magic traditions and cultural practices, voodoo, santeria, obeah, etc real interesting shit, and I can't even get into what Asian charmed sisters would bring to the table, so it's a cool idea if every series we explore a different culture, but cringe writing in the modern way will always kill a female led magic based series.
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lonespektr · 2 years
Oct 29th Run Sweetheart Run
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Missing women posters
Right out of the gate assuming you didn't see the trailer or get it from the title
A young woc is in HR ( who's also black guy) is reporting something fucked up HR says hey sistah are you heard right, take the hit and get a good letter of rec but ok if you really want to report it we have to be...careful about our approach
Pan to the oh so subtle, all female secretaries taking calls for the all white man names
Our heroine is called "sweetheart" by her boss who calls later pissed. She apologized for reporting the creep and he assures her no its not that and the creep is fired!!! But she fucked up something else a double booking! She doesn't know what the boss is talking about but instead of chewing her out further there's a kind of..promotion??
Why don't you go the client dinner? You double booked me, but the client just needs hand holding
All this whilst creepy men are being creeps on the bus so clearly not getting paid enough to afford a car
It was weird on the bus the guys seemed oddly like conspiratorial in their creeping like they were in on it together
She's a single mom
Bestie provides not only emergency baby sitting but a wow wow red dress a compromise is made with a very beige very professional, trench coat
Exceedingly bashful European does the kiss kiss at the door
Blood spot yikes period leaking how embarrassing
The house looks like a fucking museums
Once again another this woman knows more than you and man talks like he knows what
Random dog goes bat shit (animals always know)
And he goes batshit
And SHE apologizes for a strangers dog
He says he was bit by a dog in childhood. They are basically on a date now????
Is roller skating appropriate for a client
They haven't talked shop once but the boss said don't bother, now she's kissing the client going inside after saying she had to get her kid
There's a weird bit with. 4th wall break he looks and the camera and music stop abruptly and the audience is left outside the door completely unclear how much time passes but she burts back out the front door mascara running panicking
Neighbors see her screaming, and ignore her
Finally blocks two white women call the police begrudgingly they book her for public intoxication
Survivors aren't believed ✅
Sex worker with a heart of gold gets her to share her sob story then flips a lid and wants out of the cell saying the woman's clock was ticking that guy she met was bad news and women have died access if she can get to the First Lady she might make it and good luck lil girl
Cops are on the take and let the guy in her cell it's all very too super villain when it doesn't have to be cause he's just a connected rich guy
But full sicko the rich guy let's her out and says he is going to stalk her and hunt her through the night
She takes a cab from a seemingly one not shitty dude left alive to her bosses house
The sex worker lady did tell her not to go home and the creepy guy said he would follow her, it stands to reason she doesn't want the guy tracing her back to where her kid lives AND if the cops are on the take she needs another rich powerful white man as a shield
In true millennial fashion she doesn't know any of her numbers. I sure as hell fucking don't , they are in my phone 🤷🏾🤷🏾🤷🏾 should I remember at least one? sure! Do I? Fuck no I got dyscalculia when I'm stressed I forget MY number
Anywhoo me boss is very rude to his wife despite saying mostly the right things he still says "sweetheart" and the wife is giving off battered woman vibes, keeps making hi signs
How are you so rich your office has a bathroom
She is clearly a smart cookie and checks bosses laptop there's no hard evidence but she sees she didn't double book the calendar and she is booked for something under TITHE she checks the calendar for TITHE and it's the creepy guy with all women meetings that's enough for her she books, the boss follows it clear he is trying to run her down
She's in the wifees old woman onzie fucking ha I really like the intrusive title cards that shout RUN and then the music picks up
So far the public transport drivers are the heroes of this a bus driver lady picks her up for free I mean she's clearly bleeding from the head (still) and there's white guy clearly chasing her
The fourth wall camera breaks pull us in as unwilling co-conspirators in the mess we are in on it we are hunting her too we are the creepy man
This is the second time I have seen it in these types of films and when I say it's absolutely necessary
They are doing something weird with the menstruation the wife said he can smell her blood and she's been outta tampons
Another reasonable guy intervenes kinda when the creep catches up to our heroine (who is trying to buy tampons) he fires off a warning shot but then backs down as the creepy white guy is rich and ...a clear lunatic but it's enough distraction for her to
She calls the shit x from the bus drivers phone
He's still shit
They are conveniently under a hyper sexualized Billboard
He demands answers before taking her anywhere, she finally fesses up and he goes machismo and says he's going get the guy but they go to the ex house who is fucking her best friend
Turns out ex is swanky and accomplished business man of types lives in a nice house the ex bestie is about to say no way until she sees the state of her and it's all girls club and the man is the odd man out girls support girls
The tv is playing a classic slasher where women are brutalized a clear commentary on these types of films
The ex boyfriend apologizes for blaming her for the incident and says of course he was being an idiot
It's nice they establish simultaneously the fear of Schrodinger's rapist men around every corner but not also saying all men are trash to hell with them it's a nuanced depiction of men while still establishing the patriarchy is overwhelming
Tarot reading
He follows her to the ex house
The whole family is there and tooled up they are going to kick this guys ass and they tell Cherie and a younger relative to hide
But he kills them all
Dance number
WHOA OKAY(just went into supernatural ) he's literally like a monster he ripped the ex head off
he gets hit by a car (because he's in the middle of the street like an idiot)
She tosses a soaked tampon on a moving truck
Enough time for her to run as he chases a false lead post car accident
Now there's something odd at a church he's ...doing mind tricks..it act entirely clear there is obviously a shape-shifting element but...maybe he just shape shifted after he walked the priest on the head
Real priest isn't dead and catches him one so she can ditch
Another outfit change after a bleach wipes bath ouch
Some body horror whoop I thought she was gonna put that bleach wipe up her hootch
Another clothing swap
And another save by women in the secret underground party to the rescue
She FINALLY calls the First Lady (the number on the missing women posters) and gets a ride
He literally wrecks the car off the freeway he's fully ready to end the chase cause he just car wrecked a car full of bio science majors who were going to change the world
He actually does hate dogs a dog just walks up and he takes off
Think the dog is a girl
He may be allergic to sunlight
The lady is a secret spa with secret women club and she's putting her blood down a bunch of city drains clearly a full scale operation
Vague references to angels and demons maybe been on earth for a long time but maybe so has the first lady
But they don't work for free they want her to be bait to kill him
You don't own me 🎵🎶🎼🎵
But she is gearedup in a gi
And there's a plan
That she is perfect for because she is the ultimate final girl, nobody else has made it to near sunrise
For someone obsessed with her blood he's a priss
About getting it on his tan suit
The throughline here is that the patriarchy serves to keep smart talented women underfoot
And ego is always a mans folly
Now she has hold of the camera and instead of the careful cutaways they have been doing to avoid the violent porn they do not cut away (very much) from his gruesome death
The ending is a a guard dog / nanny dog because pits were originally considered a nanny breed
And her going home to her baby
Adorable dk brown baby
That's it baby cute the end
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samswinchesters · 1 year
Heyy dw anon here. hope you’re doing good! Bit late on this review as my uni started up again and I am swamped already. but anyway. Episode 5. Want to preface this by saying I did really enjoy the episode. I am just a bit irritated with our girl Bernadette.
That being said loved the Chee and Bern moments. The whole she dated Elvis reveal had me gaping at my TV like??Damn Girl ok?? Thanks for sharing or good for you or? The writers are really trying to embrace the time period in the funkiest way possible!
Blond man is still being awful, Joe should have scalped him and called it a day but nooo some dumbass had to let Gordo drive the dude ALONE at NIGHT like ofc he escaped, who is surprised raise your hand! Need him executed asap.
then the whole thing with Dean was soso sad but so well done. His words to Bern about them not even being recognized as Americans obviously shook her entire worldview a bit.. and her giving him the necklace and a hug was soooo :((( her internal turmoil over Dean and the draft is so much worse in context with her border patrol job too like Bern I know you want to move up the ladder or whatever the fuck but jfccc get a gripppp. Atp I am genuinely concerned she’s going to leave like don’t you fucking dare!!
Like I get it. I do. Glass ceiling on the rez and all that. maybe she feels trapped (tho if that’s actually the case I would have liked the show to make that more obvious beyond her just saying “I want to find my own way”) And having modern day context for how shit the US border patrol is and how badly women and especially woc are treated in white-male dominated professions (and this is happening in 1971 to boot) helps to make it seem like she’s making an even worse decision if she goes. to me it’s a no brainer, I’m staying. But I really just think Bern doesn’t know any of that, or at least choses not to acknowledge it. Like she saw what happened to Jim in the FBI, come on now. and he warns her too this episode, “-I can come back” “Can you?” *silence*. He almost didn’t get to come back! Bern fr needs to make a weighted decision matrix and figure out her decision that way bc I think the lack of sleep is starting to affect her cognitive activity.
Anyway. Sorry for being a downer this week irl shit combined with the fact that the finale of s1 wasn’t exactly happy is giving me a creeping feeling that ep6 will be a rough one. Hopefully I’ll be wrong and we’ll actually get to see everyone experiencing happiness on our screens, but we’ll see!
everyone dont moveeeee, dark winds anon is back.
OKAYYY so we were a litttleeee off in our predictions HOWEVER I will say, in my heart I know what is chrew. that small scene of them sitting on the floor of her living room…….I currently live there in that moment nobody break the immersion for me. yeah, it was kinda weird for them to say that like at first I thought she was joking but no mames, she was actually being serious 😭
literallyyyyy not a bootlicker or whatever but iirc, cops follow a two buddy rule system so like, the fact that gordo probably gave himself the task of driving this sick son of a bitch on his own by himself bc #ego like omfg shut UP take someone with you, idiot 🙄 it’s like every time they try to shoot at the suspect and never shoot at the tires…these people are making the WORST decisions like if I were in that university, that blond man would nottt have escaped. we’d do a better job than the police -_-
omfgggg that part with dean and bern now THAT….moment of silence bc I almost cried LOL sorryyyy the emotions got to me again. if this was meant to push her into the border patrol route, oh, I’m shaking my fist because what is this show without miss. bernadette manuelito?? like, I’m really scratching my head at some of the decisions that are being made in this season. a part of me respects the route they’re taking, there are parts that I do love, and other parts where it makes me look around the room and wonder what everyone is thinking.
this show has always been bold in its message and like you said, I wish they had pressed more into those issues and leaned into the reasonings. I just don’t want bern to become some weird girlboss whedon strong girl because she’s always had that strength within her. it never had to do with the job, it’s about who she is as a person. exactlyyyy like why did she even apply in the first place when she saw the chokehold the government had on jim…….we need to go back to the drawing board…maybe a nap and a sandwich will do her some good 🙏🏽
don’t apologize for anything, babe!! we won’t always dig every single episode. it can be frustrating as well when it’s a show that you care about and they slip a bit and you’re like I know you’re better than this, girl 🤨 to me, I blacked out and only remember the jimbern moments bc the rest I was like, okay, we’re setting things up but I’m yawning a bit. finale day, everyone. and to those who already saw it on amc+, should I prepare for trench warfare or,,..
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equalseleventhirds · 3 years
Oh PLEASE go off about Annabelle in canon, I was actually considering writing a season 5 where annabelle joins Jon and Martin to put a stop to the entities. Like, it’s so weird to assume that only Jon would be actively fighting back against his monsterhood and putting Annabelle in a position where she utilizes her patrons knowledge to fight against it? Like.... *chefs kiss* but I wanna know what you think about her treatment in canon
fjksdlf anon... oh anon. i have said so many things about annabelle, mostly after like 197 aired bcos i was SO mad. but. let me see if i can summarize.
so, firstly, yeah what you said!! i think more avatars should actively work against their patrons! and annabelle, as supposedly someone great at trickery and lies and manipulation? COULD DO THAT. like, tma p clearly sets up that you've gotta be rebelling to do good, but there's more than one way to rebel against a corrupt system! outright refusing to do things is one, but careful sabotage is another! annabelle could have been that. she was perfect! an unwilling avatar! forced into what she became! clever & tricksy! aware of the web's plans! come on.
secondly, like, she had all these parallels to jon. so many! so many parallels!! she was set up as a narrative foil for him! and did those parallels come into play when she finally confronted jon? did he have to see & understand her life as it was like his? did she reveal she'd been fighting battles like his as well? did she even have a villainous 'we're not so different you and i' moment?? no! she just delivered the web's message for it! damn!!
...it's also not necessarily bad treatment but i am just like. personally miffed abt how bad jonny is at writing effective manipulation. she got martin to go with her by telling him she had a solution? really?? and all her big buildup as someone terrifying & dangerous by jon, and... she's just a messenger. not even doing anything. rly took that 'make sure people either under or overestimate you' thing to heart huh.
and with the purely narrative issues out of the way. the thing abt her being a black woman. the thing abt her treatment as a black woman.
like, she was lied to when participating in a morally questionable medical experiment and wound up physically, mentally, and emotionally changed. she lost her place in society, her family, her education, because of that. and canon says 'yeah that's bad & scary' but does it truly address the specific horror of that happening to a black woman?
and then in her service to the web, she rly is reduced to like, its obedient servant. she is utterly controlled. her life is sacrificed to its whims. other avatars got some benefit from their avatarhood, but does annabelle? we never see it! and in the end she's still not exerting any will of her own, not even with her dreams of a spooky children's show. she exists to deliver a message to jon in order to serve the desires of her patron. she even mentions so casually that maybe she'll get to live or maybe she'll die, but as long as her patron's desires are fulfilled that's all that matters. like... jonny, this is what you choose to do with your one specifically-described black woman? without even acknowledging how specially horrific that is for her bcos of her identity?
add onto that that in the final confrontation she morphs into a huge, scary spider in order to... what? talk to jon? deliver a message to him?? in a situation where she does not need to fight, is not even TRYING to fight, is in fact calmly having a conversation, is it REALLY necessary to make her large & monstrous & physically intimidating? especially when a 'final form' reveal isn't something like... any other avatar has.
and then! in posts abt jon being written like a white man i touched on this, but the thing where he gets to decide if she lives or dies based on, lbr, how he's feeling? if he's mad enough abt her taking martin to kill her, or if he personally wants to stop killing enough to let her go? pls do not put your 'aracial' character (played by a white man) in that sort of position over your one black woman. come on.
and ultimately parts of this happened bcos jonny used race as an aesthetic in early seasons and did not consider the implications of some of what he was doing, did not realize the special horror for her (and for other poc!) in the stories he was telling. but by season five he'd had time to think, and to have some realizations, and he could have AT LEAST explored annabelle as a more complex character, instead of totally ignoring her complexities, her parallels to jon, and her agency so he could use her to wrap up his big scary web plan.
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spookiekewchie · 3 years
never let me go...
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Characters: soft dark!Bucky x woc!reader
Summary: He’s wanted you since the first day he met you, he only needed to bide his time and play things smart to have you right where he wants you. 
Word Count: 4.5k+ (it got away from me rip)
Warnings: manipulation, dubcon due to manipulation, controlling behavior, possessiveness, criminal bucky (killer, stalker, home invader), also beefy bucky because oof, cheating (reader has a boyfriend), nicknames (daddy, bunny), somnophilia, oral (f receiving), fingering, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it), loss of virginity (reader isn’t innocent though), crying kink (blink and you’ll miss it), a lil overstimulation, mild pain play, scratching, a lil bit of choking, squirting.
A/N: My second entry for @ambrosiase​‘s hotel indigo challenge. Again I hope I fulfilled the prompt I chose okay and that you enjoy. This is a dark plot (soft dark but still dark) please be mindful of the warnings. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR OWN MEDIA CONSUMPTION. If there’s any errors or typos my bad, I gave it a look over before posting but I probably missed something knowing me. Moodboard made by me, and the divider is by @firefly-graphics​​
Reblogs and comments are always welcome, and let me know that you appreciate my fics.
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prompt: darkest desires/criminal with Bucky Barnes
You’d heard about the recent string of break ins that were sweeping the city. So far there’d been five in this month alone and it seemed that they got closer and closer to your side of town. You’d been so worried that your building would be next, but your neighbor had assured you that it was unlikely. You’d believed him, trusting Bucky probably a little more than you should have and letting the man soothe your worries with calming words. 
If only that had been true. 
You saw the flashing lights as you stepped off the bus, a line of cop cars in front of your building as cops tried to keep people from going inside that didn’t belong there. “I live here, please I-this is my building.” You insisted when one of the officers blocked your entry. 
“What’s your name Miss?” One of them asked, and after you’d given it they said something into their walkies. A second later a staticky voice replied for them to let you up. You didn’t wait for the elevator, taking the stairs as fast you could until you were huffing and puffing when you reached your front door. Your stomach dropped, despair and defeat taking up residence in your mind when you saw the officers and detectives at your front door as others milled around inside surveying the damage and looking to collect evidence. 
Your attempt to enter was barred, your home was an active crime scene, and you were being told that you'd need to find other arrangements for the night. You were seconds away from trying to push your way into your apartment when a strong arm pulled you back. The familiar scent of Bucky's soap mixed with notes of leather had some sort of calming effect on you, just enough that you didn't protest when he pulled you into his apartment and urged you to let the detectives do their job. 
"You got anyone you can call? Family, friends, that little shit boyfriend of yours?" He didn't miss the way you tensed at the mention of your boyfriend. Bryce was the last person you wanted to call, even if he was the only one currently in town that could give you a place to stay for a night or two. You knew it’d come with a price, and it wasn’t one you wanted to pay at the moment just to have somewhere to lay your head. You could tell Bucky wanted to say something, the way his jaw set and the sound of the metal plates of his arm shifting a whirring as he clenched his prosthetic hand into a tight fist. 
“My sister’s out of town, parents are on a cruise, and my best friend just had a kid so I really don’t want to bring my stress to her door step.” You hesitated, not able to look Bucky in the eyes as you trailed off for a moment. “Bryce...he doesn’t do favors, not even for his girlfriend.” You said the word as if it were a joke, lately you didn’t feel like you were anything but a challenge for Bryce to try and conquer. The signs had been there, but you’d been too caught up in having his attention to notice that he only really started paying attention to you when he’d found out that you were a virgin. 
He thought it was a joke at first, how could you be well into your twenties and still a virgin? It was something that he wanted to change, and it had only taken him a month and a half to start applying the pressure on you. Of course Bucky knew, he knew so much more than you thought. Bucky knew everything. The day you’d met him he’d been intrigued, you had caught a glimpse of his vibranium arm and instead of recoiling in fear or disgust you made a joke about how black goes with everything. That had made him laugh, and he hadn’t missed the warm smile that his laughter had brought to your lips. 
That one interaction had lit the flame, and no less than a week later he had pulled more than a few strings to clone your cell phone so he could monitor your conversations. That was how he found out that you were a virgin. It had been some conversation with your sister giving you a hard time about it only to tell you that she understood. You had trust issues, and you wanted to wait for someone that you knew you could trust before you took things that far. He thought it was sweet, and he wanted so badly to be that person for you so he started integrating himself into your life. Little things like coming over to fix things that the building super dragged his feet on repairing. Chasing off a few bad dates when they wouldn’t take a hint and leave on their own. He’d even been a shoulder to cry on for you when dates began cancelling on you one after the other. You didn’t know that Bucky had been permanently getting rid of any potential suitors to keep you single and available until he finally decided that you were in a vulnerable enough state to let him be the one for you. 
What he hadn’t expected was for someone like Bryce Langley to come around, a rich little bastard like that would take more work to disappear, and in the meantime he’d managed to worm his way into your life. Bucky had one of the agents at SHIELD look into the bastard, and what they came back with only made him more determined to get the little weasel out of your life. It was easier said than done, you were smitten at first. So Bucky had to resort to breaking in one day while you were at work and placing surveillance cameras around your apartment. They were to keep you safe, that was what he had told himself, but your safety was the furthest thing from his mind when he watched you touch yourself on some nights. Those nights the only thoughts in Bucky’s mind were thoughts of what you’d sound like when it was him that was pulling those sounds from your sweet mouth. God he had such plans for you, and you’d be so good and perfect for him once he had you. Seeing your reluctance to call the one man who should have been able to take care of you at this moment made his work all the more easier. 
He was suddenly so glad that he had pushed past his guilt of potentially traumatizing you by staging a break in of your apartment. He knew how afraid you’d been that someone could target your building next, and with his skills it had taken him little to no effort to sneak in silently while you were away. He trashed the place, taking a few items to make the home invasion seem as real as possible. Once he’d collected his hidden surveillance cameras he slipped out of the building making sure to avoid any cameras so he could say that he’d found your place vandalized, and have that corroborated when the cameras at the front of the building caught him walking back and entering the building seemingly for the first time since he’d left hours before. 
Now there you were, vulnerable, needing someone, and feeling as if you had no one. Well you had him, and Bucky would make sure of it. “You could stay here.” He offered, already knowing you’d never go for that. You didn’t want to intrude, and foolishly you thought spending a night in Bucky’s apartment would be too much temptation. 
Before you could even start with the many reasons why you couldn’t intrude on Bucky’s space like that he held his hands up in surrender. “Okay fine, if you won’t stay here then I’ll get you a hotel room.” That hardly seemed better in your opinion, and you didn’t want him spending money on you when he had no obligations to. 
“Bucky seriously it’s fine I’ll figure somethin—”
“That’s enough of that, bunny.” He cut you off, breaking out his favorite little nickname for you despite his voice sounding firmer than you ever remembered hearing. It made your stomach flip with nerves as you squirmed under the intense blue of his gaze like a child caught misbehaving. He liked that, liked how obedient you could be but before the thought could morph into something more lewd he pushed it away. “You’ve been through a lot tonight, so I’m going to take you to a hotel you’re going to stay there for a weekend, and I’ll take care of your place so when you get back it’s not a mess.” You wanted to protest, to say that was too much but he gave you a look that struck you silent. “Trust me, bunny. Let me take care of you.” The sincerity in his tone made a lump form in your throat and you just nodded, not trusting your voice. 
Bucky said nothing else, nodding once before disappearing into his bedroom and after a few agonizing moments of leaving you sitting there on his sofa to think about why you’d let him talk you into this so easily he returned. “What’s that?” You questioned, eyeing the small duffel bag he carried with him as he approached. 
“Spare toothbrush, unused don’t worry. A couple of my shirts so you can have something to sleep in. Just the basics I promise. Now let’s go get you settled so you can relax.” You still wanted to protest but you were too tired, emotionally exhausted and it took everything in your power not to say say anything to the officers still searching around your apartment when you let Bucky lead you out of the building. 
The hotel he brought you to was a modest looking one, Hotel Indigo, a place with fair rates and up to date décor and furnishings. It took Bucky all of ten minutes to get you a room and leading you to it he let you look around as he hung back by the door. “How about you shower, try to relax, and I’ll go get you something to eat?” You just nodded at the suggestion, feeling too overwhelmed to make any real decision for yourself at the moment. Bucky left then, giving you some time alone to grab one of the shirts he’d packed for you before you disappeared inside the bathroom. It wasn’t until you were in the shower that you finally let yourself cry. Why you? Why did you have to be the target of such careless vandalism? You’d never had the best of luck, but you never thought it was so bad that you would ever find yourself in this situation. You huffed out a frustrated sigh, forcing yourself to stop crying and pull yourself together before you finally exited the shower and dried yourself off. Grabbing the shirt you slipped it on, the smell of Bucky all over it as the fabric enveloped you and concealed the curves of your body under the large shirt. Something about it made your stomach flip, the physical proof of just how much bigger than you Bucky was making your thoughts stray for a moment. 
Stop it. You have a boyfriend. A boyfriend that only wants you because you’re a conquest. Stop it. 
The temporary war in your mind was silenced the second you stepped out of the hotel bathroom and caught sight of Bucky reentering the room with a large box of pizza and a couple of sodas. You smiled, despite the stress you were under and climbed into the bed, missing the way Bucky’s gaze hungrily swept over you as the scent of you mixed with his own wafted towards him. He swallowed thickly, watching the expanse of your thigh come into view when you reached for the remote so that you could put on one of the movie channels and let it play in the background. Fuck. He was trying to pace himself, not wanting to push for too much too fast, but you were so close and all he wanted was to finally have you. 
“I’ll just leave you to it then, call me if you need anything.” He muttered, not moving from the side of the bed where he had walked so that he could set the box of pizza down. He clearly didn’t want to leave, and the somewhat panicked look you shot him told him that you didn’t want him to go. “Or I could stay for a while if you want.” He offered, heart swelling with hope. 
“Please? Just until I fall asleep...don’t really wanna be alone just yet.” You admitted, opening the pizza box to grab a slice. You hated being so vulnerable, but Bucky seemed to have no problem with how needy you were feeling. It just made you feel guilty, he wasn’t your boyfriend, and you shouldn’t be using him like this. Your mind reminded you of Bryce yet again, the guilt pushing you to grab your cell phone with your free hand and send a quick text off to Bryce to tell him that you wouldn’t be home for the next couple days due to the break in. You included the hotel name and room number just in case he cared enough to bother with checking in on you. 
Somehow you doubted that he would. 
That was the last you thought of Bryce before you eventually fell asleep against Bucky’s chest. Your mind taking a course all its own as your dreams had you gripping against his body in your sleep as you whimpered and moaned out his name. Arousal slick between your thighs that you weren’t even aware of, but God could he smell it. That sweet honey between your thighs was calling to him, it was for him, and that was what made him finally break. 
Before he could think to stop himself he’d gently laid you back against the hotel room bed, the sight of you laying there in nothing but his shirt only making his cock stiffen under the black jeans he wore. He eased himself lower, steel blue gaze keeping a watch for any sign that he’d woken you while he ever so gently pushed your thighs apart and bunched his shirt on you up around your waist. The scent of your arousal hit him in full force then, leaving his mouth watering for just a taste of you as he lowered his face between your spread thighs to drag a slow stripe against your folds. 
The taste of you nearly caused him to groan, but he stifled the sound not wanting to wake you too soon. He dragged another stripe against your slick sex, cock twitching at the mewl of pleasure that it drew out of your sleeping form. Just a taste wasn’t enough, the taste of you was quickly making him ravenous and with his flesh hand he spread your soft folds and let himself indulge. His tongue stroked and swirled over the most intimate parts of you, bringing you pleasure that you thought was nothing but a dream. Your body knew better though, shifting against the man’s mouth when his tongue pressed into your virgin hole. 
“Mmmm...Bucky….” His name rolled off of your tongue sinfully, and it had him throbbing in his jeans until he was rutting against the mattress in search for some relief. His tongue fucked into you, slowly, carefully, savoring everything you gave him as he let the fleshy muscle curl inside you and explore your fluttering walls. His nose nudged against your clit, the jolt of pleasure it sent shooting through you making you whine tiredly as your hips rocked against his face. He should stop now, he knew he should, but you were too addicting, too sweet, too good...just the taste of you was overriding every bit of restraint that he had and Bucky wanted nothing more than to bring you to the brink and send you toppling over it just so he could taste you creaming against his tongue. 
That desire kept him there between your thighs, tongue working in and out of you as you whimpered and whined for him in your sleep until you were finally falling apart on his tongue. It jolted you awake, chest heaving as you looked around wildly and tried to make sense of it all before your wild and worried gaze finally landed on the man between your thighs. 
“B-bucky!?” You didn’t know if you wanted to scream or cry, you felt good but you hadn’t expected this. Not from him, not from the man you were sure saw you as nothing but a friend. 
“Shh, hey! Hey it’s okay, bunny.” He murmured, coming up from between your legs to press you back into the mattress of the hotel bed. “I know, I know...you’re confused. That’s okay, I understand...it’s,” he paused with a sigh as he ran his nose against your jaw, and you could feel the slick from your cunt smearing against your skin. “It’s not how I planned it, I just couldn’t help myself when I heard you moaning my name in your sleep. You were dreamin’ bout me, holdin me so tight like you needed me.” He sighed, pressing a kiss to your lips that your body returned all on its own. You had been dreaming about him, you couldn’t deny that...but still this was a shock. “Could smell ya too...so fuckin’ sweet, God, bunny you don’t know how long I’ve dreamt ‘bout tastin’ you.” He confessed, and you nervously licked your lips, tasting yourself against them as you whimpered when the cool metal of his left hand was felt against your inner thigh. 
“Bucky, I-I can’t! I have a boyfriend.” You protested weakly, and for a moment his gaze hardened. 
“A boyfriend you don’t even trust to help you when you need him most.” He countered, and you let your gaze drop to his chest out of shame because that was true. There was a reason you were here with Bucky and not with Bryce. “He doesn’t know how to take care of someone as special as you, bunny. I’m always the one you come to first, I take care of you.” You don’t reply to that, and suddenly his hand was gone from your thigh and was gripping your chin as he forced you to meet his gaze. 
“I take care of you, don’t I?” 
You nodded, Bucky was always there. Always helping and protecting you, and never asking anything in return. 
“You trust me, don’t you?” 
“Y-yes, but Bry—” He cut you off with a searing kiss that left you breathless and trembling under him. 
“I just want to take care of you, bunny. ‘s’all I ever wanted since I met you. Let me take care of you...” He almost sounded desperate, almost needy, and you had to wonder if he would stop if you asked him. You wouldn’t find out, your mouth opening and answering before your brain could catch up. 
“Okay, Bucky.” Your voice was a meek little whisper, but he heard it all the same and those metal digits were between your legs in an instant. You whined again, hips shifting against the cool metal as they pressed between your folds and he teased a single finger inside you carefully. 
“Gotta stretch you out first, ‘s so tight. Don’t wanna hurt you, sweet girl.” He cooed as his thumb settled against your throbbing clit. The contrast of the cool metal against your burning flesh only heightened the sensation and it was all you could do to grip onto Bucky’s arm as your fingers tried to find purchase against the metal prosthetic. 
Bryce had never made you feel this good, his fingers weren’t nearly as skilled and he never bothered to go down on you. All he ever tried to do was try to get you off as quickly as he could so he could attempt to guilt you into letting him be the first to fuck you. 
But Bucky was taking his time, easing you open on his fingers and taking you apart almost methodically. With one finger carefully curled and pumping into your tight channel he was already working a second orgasm out of your sensitive little cunt. It only took the gentlest of strums against your clit from his thumb before you were clenching around that single digit, and Bucky took the moment to slide a second into you just at that moment. It had you gasping, body jumping away from his insistent fingers as they continued to work themselves in and out of you as you squirmed against the mattress. 
Two orgasms in and Bucky seemed to want to push you to a third. It felt good at first, but now it was starting to feel like too much. You’d always stopped at one when touching yourself, and with Bryce one wasn’t even always guaranteed. The third orgasm wasn’t far off, and Bucky coaxed you through it with sweet kisses against your throat before he finally gave in to the urge to leave his mark against your skin. You didn’t even realize that he’d done it, too caught up in the moment of mindless pleasure to even care about the dark mark he’d sucked and bit into your flesh. You could only whine in protest when his fingers slid out of your quivering hole, the sudden feeling of being empty making you feel needy. 
Bucky only shushed you, quickly working himself out of his clothes before slotting his thick body between your thighs. You tensed then, reluctantly letting him hold your thighs apart when you tried to close them and scoot up the bed. “I-I’ve never…” 
“It’s okay, I know.” He admitted, and it left you wondering if you’d ever confessed that to him before. He kissed you again, pressed you into the stiff mattress until you were pliant under him and you could feel the swollen and blunt head of his leaking cock as it ran through your folds. He let your juices and cream coat his length, his hands sliding under his shirt that you still wore. “Just relax.” He urged, prodding against your entrance carefully. “Be my good girl, and let me in.” He muttered against your lips, and something in you flipped. You wanted to be his good girl, you wanted to show him just how much you did want him and trust him. You could give him this, not because he deserved it or earned it with good behavior, but because you didn’t want anyone else to have this moment but him. If you had known the truth of how he’d gotten you to this point you might have thought twice about that. You didn’t though, and so you nodded, silently urging him on. Bucky grinned, finally pushing into you and making you gasp and cling to him. His fingers hardly compared to the feeling of his thick cock claiming you for the first time, and the pain brought stinging tears to your eyes as you peered up at him. 
He groaned at the feeling of your walls squeezing around him, and the sight of your tears made his cock throb inside you. He took his time at first, slow thrusts that had you taking more and more of him inch by inch until he felt impossibly deep inside you. The pain slowly blended into pleasure and before you knew it your whimpers of discomfort had twisted into little pleas for more as your legs wrapped themselves around his waist. Bucky’s thrusts grew harder then, drawing a loud cry of pleasure out of you that had the person in the next room over banging on the wall for you two to shut up. You ignored it, feeling too good wrapped around Bucky’s cock to care who heard you or what complaints they had. You were too busy begging him for more, a chant of “Fuck me, daddy.” and “Harder! Please, more!” on your lips. 
Bucky swore he’d never heard a more beautiful sound, and hearing you call him daddy was nearly his undoing. His thumb found your clit, drawing quick circles against it as he pushed you over the edge again. The tight squeeze of your walls around him as they convulsed and pulled him deeper making his head fall back with a loud groan. “Fuck! Bunny, you’re a goddamn dream.” He praised, voice a low gravelly husk against your ear as he continued to rut into you while your nails dragged down his back hard enough that you were sure you’d broken the skin. Bucky hardly cared, he’d be healed by the time morning came, and the pain only added a certain edge to his pleasure that had him bucking his hips harder into you. 
“My fucking dream.” He growled out, causing you to reply in a desperate moan as he all but fucked you into the mattress. Bucky reared back then, vibranium hand lazily curling around your throat and simply resting there like a promise. “You’re mine,” He asserted, and you mewled in agreement, too lost to the pleasure to even consider denying him. “I’m your first, gonna be your last.” He added just the smallest bit of pressure against your throat then, and you clenched around him in response so hard that for a second he lost his rhythm. “Shit...you’re such a good girl.” He muttered, taking a moment to regain his sense of control before spilled sooner than he wanted. 
In the back of your mind you could hear that bothersome voice trying to remind you of Bryce, but he didn’t matter. Not now, he was the last person you wanted to think about. “When you wake up in the morning you’re gonna call that little bastard and break it off with him.” It was an order, there was no mistaking it and when you hesitated to reply whether it be from the overwhelming pleasure of Bucky’s cock fucking the thoughts from your mind and his thumb still circling against your clit, or because he thought you were still trying to hold on to your relationship with Bryce, Bucky’s grip tightened further. 
“You’re gonna break it off with him, or ‘m gonna take care of him just like I did with all the rest.” 
Your eyes flew open at that, mouth opening to try and demand he elaborate only for that to be the moment that a mind shattering orgasm hit. All that left you was a wordless cry, body arching up from the bed as you gushed around Bucky’s cock and fell back trembling. He gave in to his own pleasure then, unable to hold off any longer and with a loud shout he surged forward and let his spend paint your walls while he fucked you through his orgasm until he was sure your body had squeezed every last drop from him. 
Bucky collapsed beside you, gathering you up in his arms so that he could hold you close and bask in the post sex high that settled around you two. 
You were too far gone to think about the threat and confession he’d made, not wanting to deal with the implications of it just yet. For the moment you just wanted to be there, mind empty and body blissfully exhausted. 
“Never letting you go, bunny. I mean it, you’re mine.” 
It was the last thing you heard before you drifted off to sleep...and the first thing you heard was knocking at the hotel room door. 
And the sound of Bryce on the other side demanding that you let him in.
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mermaidsirennikita · 3 years
Ok I haven't read TVWLM in a while but does Edwina having "genuine feelings" for Anthony change much?? I'm seeing people freaking out about the dreded love triangle and I remember the love triangle being a big part of the book? Idk it's just every anticlimactic to have Edwina go actually I didn't care about Anthony or becoming a viscountess go off Kate be happy with the guy who's been courting me for weeks. That feels like such a cop out to me if there are no hard feelings.
The love triangle was a big part of the book, lol. Kate and Anthony aren’t married until 70 to 75% of the way in. He has no plans to marry Kate until he has to; she has no plans to marry him until she has to, and even when she’s aware of her feelings she fully allows him to keep courting Edwina. On their wedding night, he calls her beautiful while he’s literally INSIDE HER and she’s like oh my god stop you’re imagining Edwina. Edwina doesn’t have feelings for Anthony and she finds another guy, yes. But she doesn’t find this guy until after Anthony marries Kate, and she seems to have every intention to consider his suit seriously due to her circumstances. She needs a rich man, he’s not only rich but good looking and not abusive. It’s a pretty prominent storyline.
As I’ve said before, I find it pretty emotionally inauthentic than Edwina is just like oh well whatever about Kate and Anthony marrying. Like. She’s 17. This handsome, wealthy, charismatic older man was flirting with her and attempting to woo her for weeks. I can buy that she didn’t have a big infatuation for him as the show’s version does, but I can’t buy that she wouldn’t be confused and a bit weirded out by it at first. My question for Kate would be, did you want him this whole time, and if so, why didn’t you tell me and why did you risk me marrying someone you’d be pining after during my marriage. Edwina not having any questions and being purely happy for Kate is a handwave, and she’s a flat character for it. Edwina on the show, it seems, is actually being given some depth and that actually sounds like an improvement. I see people critiquing the idea of this rich white guy being chased by these two brown women, and I hope that doesn’t happen. But I also think it would be problematic if Edwina just existed to be a flat obstacle who’s happy to step aside, especially as a woc. Kate being a woc and having a rich character arc doesn’t cancel out the problems that would occur if Edwina basically existed to be cast aside a la Marina in s1.
And also, it’s kind of boring for TV if a character that audience spends time with is just like…. So bland. Not into a guy but letting him court her, happily hugging her sister when she gets the life that up into a few days ago, was presumed to be hers in the near future. This doesn’t mean Edwina has to be in love with Anthony or long term resentful of Kate…. But I do think she has to have feelings about the whole thing in order for her to be a believable character.
The big reason why people don’t like this is that they think it would taint~ Anthony and Kate. As if the best fictional love stories aren’t messy ones, first off—but I get that it’s not to everyone’s taste. To me, if your measure of a tainted story is one in which people exhibit bad behavior, though…. They’re already there. Anthony was fully intending to marry this teenage girl and fuck around behind her back to his heart’s content, before realizing that he actually had a massive boner for her sister. That’s not pristine behavior!
I think people want s2 to be a merry sunshine story where Kate and Anthony find love in a hopeless place and never look at anyone else ever and everyone loves them and claps when they get together and they just overcome their various traumas by valiantly holding hands against the thunderstorms. And for most people, myself included, that would be very boring. It’s also just not what happened in the books. Anthony deadass fucked the shit out of her and then ran out the door because he was afraid of being in love with her. She sat there holding in her feelings for months because she was just going to be tragically in love with a man who didn’t love her. These are not logical people. They should be human, just as Edwina is human.
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booasaur · 3 years
Lauren’s always been a bit of aloof, what with being a trust fund baby and all, but early on this season it was like the writers really set out to make her their resident out of touch white woman lol. Like you said in a previous ask, the stuff she was said to Leyla at first was pretty classist and her bringing the cops to the ED and even asking about women’s pay during Max’s speech when there were WOC in that room? Yeah that wasn’t great. I think they did fine with addressing her blindspots during the episodes they came up, (I still wish Leyla had called her out though) but I also wonder if they’ll ever acknowledge race at all between her and Leyla. With Leyla being an immigrant doctor and having to start again, there are so many relevant conversations they could have(onscreen lol) if the writers wanted. It’s probably been done on other shows but I’ve only personally seen that kind of conversation about race/ethnicity between a lesbian couple on The Bold Type(rip to Kadena’s potential btw). I think if Leyla starts working at the hospital, there could be an episode with that as the focus. I just hope the writers add some nuance and subtlety because they love a heavy handed moment on NA lol.
I think a lot of shows being written in 2020 decided they'd tackle BLM and NA decided on different roles for the three main white characters. Iggy already had his eating disorder storyline and well, even aside from that, his role--both his and Max's, are to be very empathetic. Even if they get stuff wrong, it's meant to be from a different place from the blunt trust fund white lady. It was Lauren's role to be the kind of bad guy through which they could teach these particular kinds of lessons. (Max and Iggy had their own kinds, just not...this.)
I do think that they should tackle the differences Lauren and Leyla face, for a million reasons, but I'm not sure they're willing to give them that much time or those kinds of issues. They've already had Max and Helen discuss race, though the scope was different from how it'll be in a relationship, but while both couples will have to deal with it, and in different ways (Black is not desi, Leyla doesn't have Helen's wealth, Max is a white man as opposed to a woman), I think it may be somewhat simplified and mostly given to Helen/Max.
It's funny, we were joking about how Helen and Leyla's dynamics with Max and Lauren would be similar but I wish the show would just lean into how that could actually work, where they'd naturally hang out a bit and arrange themselves along these lines. Real people spend lunch with each other, chat, joke, vent, commiserate, It'd just be genuinely interesting and fun to watch that, instead of everyone kept mostly separate by storyline.
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dhaaruni · 3 years
Ok re VP Harris i feel like she's going to have a hard hill to climb whether she does everything PERFECTLY or not, right? This article and a few others I've been reading are not super optimistic about her ~~chances~~ bc she's been given the real shit jobs so far (immigration, crime, etc) which are all R hammering points. But I feel like that could actually be freeing? Im obsessed w the concept of the valley of political death where a politician can make a bold, morally superior move that initially craters them but after a couple of months ppl end up having a higher opinion of them?? NOT to use AOC as a model bc she like squanders her goodwill ALL THE TIME but i feel like if i were VP i'd be like. K, im already a woc in power and Rs are going to try and nail me 2 the cross on immigration and crime, their biggest throwback hits - might as well become their biggest nightmare? Like i think people are spoiling for a less tepid dem response and in lieu of getting that response from the senate she can kind of ride on that?? Like if she just starts hammering back abt cruelty 2 children and capitalize a little bit on immigration as a childrens wellfare thing she can keep up pressure in the suburbs. they dont want to vote for a woman or poc BUT WE DO LOVE a maverick in this country still!! THIS IS NOT me saying she should go full Bernie btw
Oh thank you for your long response!
I think that wrt Kamala Harris, her biggest issue is our country's polarization in addition to the fact that while she knows California politics down cold and I'm not diminishing her accomplishments as DA, attorney general, and senator, that isn't representative of the rest of the country. Don't get me wrong, if she's the presidential nominee, I'm campaigning for her as much as possible whether professionally or as a volunteer, but the fact remains, a large part of the country, including people that pulled the trigger for Biden, won't vote for a Black/Asian woman, especially those who voted Republican down ballot (Biden-Collins voters in Maine, I'm staring directly @ you).
Plus, the Biden administration is sealed tight (which is infuriating the DC press corps) and Kamala's corner always leaks like a sieve, which has been an issue she's had since the presidential primary. Also, Kamala quite frankly let her family play too much of a role in her presidential campaign like Maya and Meena Harris should not be employed by the campaign and Meena shouldn't be using her aunt's image to boost her clout as an influencer while also tweeting about defunding the police, which both Kamala and Biden have loudly disavowed. If you noticed, while Jill Biden and Michelle Obama and Bill/Hillary Clinton (depending on who was running) all campaigned for their spouses and did events, but none of them were employed by the campaign and none of them contradicted the nominee! And I don't trust Meena to do the same thing based on her Twitter persona.
I also think crime and immigration are Democrats' biggest red spots as a party simply because we keep letting our most liberal members on MSNBC every single night to yell about abolishing and defunding things so nothing Biden and Harris or any other elected Democrat says counteracts that. Max Rose, who repped Staten Island where all the NYC cops lived, got clobbered with defund the police despite the fact he's about as pro-cop as you can get for a Democrat. Again, we need to run a tighter ship in terms of messaging as a party and that's my bottom line. If that means banning certain people from being on cable news, so be it.
I talked about it before but I really think that Kamala needs to shore up support in the Blue Wall, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania. Her being on the ticket actually helped with our Latino support although it still cratered from 2016 to 2020, but quite bluntly, we need to make sure she wins enough white men in swing states. That means putting a Midwestern Democrat on the ticket as VP (Pete Buttigieg, Gretchen Whitmer, Amy Klobuchar, Conor Lamb if he gets elected to the Senate), and that means parking herself down in the upper Midwest from the moment the primary is over until the general election. Honestly, I don't think a white and more moderate seeming female VP from the Midwest really hurts Kamala electorally given she herself is a progressive woman of color from California, but who knows, I may be wrong.
All that makes sense right? I'm not an expert but I've learned a lot about how conservative America is in the last year and it'd do people better to learn that sooner rather than later.
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winged-fool · 3 years
I open tomorrow so, here’s hoping for calm since I know I won’t go straight to sleep after tonight’s episode. And oh boy, my thoughts on Mindy got away from me a little bit 😂😂😂.
I think there’s two ways it could go. The cop out being that she was a shitty parent in the same way Helena was before the writers tried to make Helena whatever they were going for in season 2.
The more nuanced version is, Mindy was (probably) Jesse’s first victim and it’s a fact that the most dangerous time in an abusive relationship is when you’re leaving it. And given that Mindy is a WOC and Jesse is a YT man there’s another level of danger where he could have disappeared her and gotten away with it. So I assume she’d have had to do a lot of planning and making hard choices before she even left Jesse. So my best guess is there was some mental gymnastics going on convincing herself Jesse would never hurt his kids, and she probably convinced herself that her sons(who are men of color) would be better protected by Jesse’s white privilege. She also might have thought if she left and got her feet under herself it would be easier to take Jesse to court later and regain custody of her kids and Jesse used her leaving into manipulating the boys and their feelings about their mom.
This is obviously all speculation based on barebones information. Since in S1 when Alex was talking to Kyle in the cabin bunker he tells Kyle he wasn’t loved because his mom was gone and his dad was an abusive dick, then a couple episodes later Alex tells Jesse he called Mindy. Then in S2 Flint made the comment about when mom decided to leave dad she decided to leave us to leave us too and Alex saying she didn’t know what Jesse would do to them. But who knows what her story is because Roswell refuses to tell us damn thing about her.🍤🍤🍤
Ahh opening!! Good luck my friend! haha
Ughh I absolutely love this!! You are so great with head canons my friend haha. I totally forgot about the exchange between Alex and Flint about Mindy leaving them! Which is nuts because I thought I catalogued every Flint convo smdh i'm so disappointed in myself lol I really love the nuanced approach here, taking in the little we do know! I really hope we get to meet her someday, we need to need more!
Well the ep is about to start so I'll see you on the other side haha
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humanmosquito · 4 years
this is definitely gonna be a ramble-y post but i’ll neaten it when i’m done. (edit:  didn’t really but I’m sick of this sitting here already)
I’ve put this under a cut for obvious reasons. There’s more things I didn’t like about this book but I forgot most of the plot immediately after reading it.
Given the usual time skips in Clare’s work you’d think this would be 6 months down the line and Livvy would have been completely forgotten about and is mentioned sporadically to motivate the main characters. 
I’m not really buying the shock of Livvy’s sudden death i would say Clare’s done a job here and she’s certainly tried, but i’m not buying it.
Her treatment of Gay Characters (capitalisation necessary) is bad but so much worse with Alec than any others and i hate reading about her Alec bc of the way she infantilises him. Also has Clare seriously not found any way to solve problems in her own fictional universe without constantly reintroducing the same guy??? (who is also just a bunch of stereotypes of queer men) (Magnus)
you don’t need to use two separate images to describe people moving in the background, it’s fine.
why is Christina using Spanish pet names when we’ve never seen her using Spanish conversationally before? also, ( and this is a very specific thing to to be so worked up about like 4 years after i read it the first time) but why do whatshisname and Christina have to talk in English instead of implying the conversation was in Spanish but had been translated or even mention it at all? (okay, coming back in later to say that she does use Spanish randomly in this book, Clare has a habit of making Latine characters use Spanish randomly to show they’re Latine.
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isn’t Mark 20 or something? I’m legitimately confused about these lines.
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there’s no need to suddenly start using fancier language for two whole sentences. also you can just say she visited a wax museum or even Just Madame Tussaud’s (which i’m guessing is the place we’re talking about). also: why is all the dialogue in this book so stiff and overly formal? I know they’re in shock and some of them are functionally strangers but it’s still so off from how people normally speak. (I’m willing to excuse the faerie characters because everyone who writes faeries makes them speak super flowery but that’s it)
there’s no break between Mark and Helen’s POV.
 I’m pretty sure than Simon is secular, why is he suddenly sprouting hebrew? (CC makes no effort to show him engaging with judaism in any form and has him Christmas shopping at one point in tmi)
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wouldn’t that make it much easier to break in? (this is needlessly pedantic, I know)
A lot of people said that Emma just becomes a way to talk about how amazing Julian is and I’m beginning to see that. She focuses on the sound he makes walking along a hallway way too much. (Also: coming back a week later to add that Julian just gets worse and worse and for a character that we’re supposed to love(?), he has absolutely no redeeming qualities.)
Doesn’t witchlight only light up when a shadowhunter is holding it? I remember that from TID.
The rally with Dearborn feels like an attempt at the bit at the beginning of 1984 where they’re watching the propaganda video and the woman is crying out for big brother. also, there’s no way to write people chanting someone’s name that doesn’t make it feel like mediocre fanfiction, huh? The whole scene is very over the top and not at all like the actual process of radicalisation. 
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who thinks like this? Who thinks about themself like this?
The descriptions of the shadowhunters at the funeral are weird. Emma is described as putting on gear then wearing a dress, Christina has a gear jacket over a dress and Ty is in full gear.
she’s not even being subtle about stealing plot points from the tv show, is she?
why does she keep choosing random words to translate into Spanish? It isn’t necessary unless the word also means a specfic type of that word. A vela isn’t a specific type of candle, that’s just the Spanish word for candle. 
Doesn’t Jonathon Shadowhunter creating runes go against tsc canon? No one could make new runes except Clary because of her extra angel blood. (I should know, I read the fucking Shadowhunter codex). (there are more instances of CC creating thing that go against canon but i kinda got bored of making this list after here)
(I know the answer to this one is just CC’s incest fetish but) Why did everybody just let Christina get engaged to her cousin?
I have to say that my suspension of disbelief lasted longer than I thought it would but it ends with Julian killing a Rider with a D&D figurine.
The whole Thule bit feels like it was copy-pasted from ao3 (While we’re on the subject of copied from ao3 “Ragnor Fell lives” is such a “saw it on Tumblr” cop out)
how did the cohort get Jaime? It’s not explained and I wish it was.
Julian sucks. capital-S Sucks. For the guy Emma is facing Losing her Shadowhunter life for and going into exile for, he’s a dick, with emotions he comes off as creepy, over-sexed and obsessed. Without he’s somehow even worse.
Zara calling Cl*ce disgusting and being called wrong for it is such an obvious dig at the people who criticised Clare when she wrote them nearly fucking in a ditch when they thought they were bio siblings. (I’m p sure they’re also adopted siblings and they consider the same man their dad, so it would still be incest.) 
Also, she’s so one-dimensional and every scene with her, especially in the last 1/2 of the book was exactly the same. (emma attacks her but decides to let her go which was a ~mistake~ with consequences (consequences being “we see Zara again”))
It's not even a subtle D*mbl*dore's Army rip-off, huh?
I take back all the things I thought about Clare improving as a writer, chapter 33 makes literally no sense, also cannot do dialogue or consistent characterisation. (how did any of these get published, TMI especially)
Once again, Clare seems to be stealing plot points from the TV show. (Of course there’s going to be some overlap between the show and books even after it diverged from book canon but it’s getting pretty ridiculous at this point, isn’t it?). 
Okay, every woc in this book is here to further the white protagonists’ story (which i guess is the purpose of supporting characters but the white supporting characters do fuck all) And i get they have their own love interests but it was super forced (don’t @ me for this, Kierarktina had potential but it was all rushed in the second half of this book because Clare realised what a cash cow it was)
Diana gets a little tropey (Speaking as a trans person) but her treatment b Vlare and the other characters was okay. I do wish she was allowed more personality than “no one can love me or know me because I’m trans” (it’s stupid and overused) and “helps the Blackthorns and Emma”. (also Clare knows that you don’t stop taking HRT, right? it isn’t a limited course, it’s not Gender-Changing Antibiotics.)
My final thing is that it went on way too long, like, insufferably long. (you’d think long enough to explain some plot holes, but no.)
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i just watched the dallas theatre company les mis here are my observations
so, in case you didn’t know: in 2014, Dallas Theatre Company did a modern interpretation of les mis. i just watched it on youtube (i will link it later, i promise) and took SO MANY GODDAMN NOTES so here they are!
(Look Down-WHID)
starting out strong! we got some HARSH TRUTHS ABOUT THE JAIL SYSTEM!! blatant police brutality happening BASICALLY the entire first part of the song. it hurts me. 
note on the cops costumes: they legitimately terrify me and they are dressed in like. full riot gear.
okay so,,,valjean wraps the rope from his bag around his neck at the end of WHID. this is interesting bc, a) he’s trying to find a solution as to what he should do after the Bishop and that’s a direction I’ve surprisingly seen no one take, but b) this part has the same melody as javert’s suicide, when javert is ALSO trying to figure out what he should do after his perception on life is altered. for a moment there, they both are on the same page, the page being suicide. however, only one of them takes that choice.
the above makes the lines (in both songs) “i’ll escape now from that world / from the world of valjean” ESPECIALLY interesting because. in two different ways, they did escape, but they ALMOST had the same conclusion for a brief second.
(At The End Of The Day)
in ATEOTD fantine ends up being the last one working, causing everyone to look at her with varying degrees of annoyance or frustration. She do be hardworking doe
OH SHIT KIDS IN THE FACTORY!! three little kids run up to the foreman when he’s giving daily stipends to the ladies!! (they’re also the last to be paid, giving significant sass to foreman who also sasses back)
Girl #5 mockingly calling fantine “innocent sister” when 5 is white and fantine is a WOC...that’s kind of interesting given that that can be read as SERIOUS racial profiling on 5’s part
foreman looks like bob’s boss in the incredibles but like. tall lmao
(I Dreamed A Dream)
her look of like,,shock-but-not when everyone from the factory exits and she takes off her bandana,,,that. that is good acting
her transitions from chest to head voice are so good
i’m kinda sad she isn’t younger?? or just. doesn’t look super young bc fantine is supposed to be like. early twenties. she’s not 45 and had a decently long life before she died, no, she’s young. she was taken advantage of. that’s the whole point. but that’s sUPER little like this lady is way too good
she has the perfect mix of sadness and regret plus anger and shameless hope. like. kudos to you allison blackwell you’re a dope fantine 
the cry on “killed the dream i dreamed” brb sobbing
(The Dock Scenes)
MALE PROSTITUTES I REPEAT!! MALE PROSTITUTES!! (no idea what wig he’s wearing tho. he was done dirty in the wig department) 
oh male prostitute is prostitute #1! 
oh damn there is. lady def on some bad drugs with her kid passing behind fantine on the bench. ouch.
hoo okay they did n o t censor lovely ladies!! (mini note: camera person has the camera down an AWFUL LOT on these docks scenes lmao)
there are cops on the docks. gross.
(Who Am I-Confrontation)
jvj comforts not-jvj for a second!! (money note was FANTASTIC btw)
fantine being WOC and DYING in a modern hospital also is,,yeesh because. you know. racist doctors. 
jvj cries after fantine dies JUST STAB ME NOW OKAY—
confrontation is really funny when u see that javert has a GUN and jvj has A CHAIR
JVJ DID THE LIL RUN ON “live within my care” YAAAAY
(COAC-Master Of The House)
oh boy baby cosette,,so small,,so pure plus classic baby head shake when she sings I STAN
cosette: “please do not send me out alone—“ madame t: “oooooh my gOOOOOD” omg 
what the fuck is thenardiers hair i—
random idea regarding thenardier’s prison tattoo: he has the same number on his chest that jvj has. Meaning he was in jail too. so why isn’t he as messed up as jvj? i wanna say maybe he was in for less time, but like. I doubt it. However, he has a whole ass gang. did the thenardier gang break their boss out of jail? please say yes 
him listing things for baby éponine to charge i love it
OH MY GOD THENARDIER FLAUNTS HIS NUMBER WHILE JVJ DOESNT!! jvj hides his past because he believes it will get him into better places (it does, he becomes mayor for god’s sake) while thenardier shows off his past with stubborn pride. while thenardier cheats his way to success, jvj lives an almost honest life where he ultimately suffers due to the stress all the hiding he does gives him
i love that éponine looks like neither of her parents,,,madame t got around huh? 
(The Bargain)
Instead of madame correcting thenardier on cosette’s name he asks cosette herself which prompts the CUTEST ANGRY YELL OF “it’s cosette!” I HAVE EVER SEEN
also thenardier fuckin MANHANDLING cosette i’m DYING
(The Beggars)
omg marius is so ADORABLE i love him
gavroche is a style icon
kid holding sign saying “my mom got laid off” POOR BB
i love éponine
that’s it that’s the note
wait a sec was that montparnasse with the prostitute earlier in beggars??
why does enj have a bat?? If it;s not a bat then,,,what is it? someone please help me
marius saves cosette from bad guy gang!! 🥰🥰
bruh javert misses jvj running by like,,,MAYBE two seconds that is hilarious 
jav looks so done when thenardier is trying to get out of this lmao i love it
javert looks so cop-like it scares me
the line “safe behind bars” in stars kind of kills me here because as the audience you SEE the cruelty that the convicts face. you see the guy on the ground getting beaten you SEE the chains around their throats and yet. yet javert still somehow thinks that putting jvj in jail is safe? i think the thing to focus on here is not whether it’s safe, because it obviously isn’t. the focus is who it’s safer for, jean valjean or javert?
has it always been “your father” rather than “her father” when marius asks éponine to find where cosette lives?? if they changed it that is SMART because yk. jvj would be ALARMED if he found out he’d been found by éponine but he wouldn’t hurt her. he’s not the guy she has to worry about, it’s her own father. thenardier gave her a job and she’s straying from it, he’s what would endanger her.
(The ABC Café)
“note-ruh daym”
hee hee pretty enjolras
pretty enjolras in skinny jeans even better
OOH we have,,,angry enjolras in this version o k a y
grantaire raises his hand before agog/aghast part omg
“i’ve never heard him ooOOOOh and aAAAAh *excited squeal*
“dan joo-wan” i love texas
bossuet spotted :)
longing gay looks NOT spotted :(
i love enjolras okay but this one is just,,,a little too aggressive. enjolras isn’t just angry all the time, he’s not that one dimensional. of course, there is more of the show to see and i hope he changes a little bit, but so far red and black isn’t doing much for me. enjolras is hopeful, not just angry.
the amis finding out lamarque is dead has “fuck trump just won the election” energy
okay i was hoping that enj would change his aggression thing when they find out lamarque is dead (bc that’s when most enjolrai figure out what may happen and kinda sober up yk) but. it doesn’t look like he did. there is hope for barricade scenes
OMG LIL NOTE ON COMBEFERRE GIVING OUT FLYERS TO AUDIENCE MEMBERS: that is fucking pERFECT and yk why?? because it’s a call to action!! it’s less obvious in DYHTPS because they’re mostly singing to each other but later in epilogue when the words and melody is repeated, it’s meant as a call to action! “will you join in our crusade, who will be strong and stand with me?” is a cALL TO ACTION AND THEY ARE HANDING FLYERS TO AUDIENCE MEMBERS—that’s officially the only way to break the fourth wall THANK YOU 
hey fantine doubles as a student i think!!
(In My Life-Heart Full Of Love)
okay yes i already love cosette because she plays awkward-teen-in-love-for-the-first-time PERFECTLY. 
book-ish cosette hell yes a cutie
father-daughter forehead kisses 🥺
placing marius, éponine, and cosette in a triangle is a MARVELOUS decision thank u for that symbolism
marius checking if he looks good and ép giving him a thumbs up omg
*aggressively tries to sit normally* same cosette
*awkward curtsy* also same cosette 
(Attack On Rue Plumet)
robbery time let’s see how they do this
ooh marius and cosette run off but i can’t tell if they notice gang before running
thenardier fuckin SLICES éponine after her scream
(One Day More)
this lil part between robbery and one day more is interesting bc i legit have NO idea what jvj is thinking here. he keeps looking between his watch (i think it’s a watch idk) and cosette after she runs off to pack so like. what. is he doing here bc he looks like he’s choosing between two things but i don’t,,know,,what things
red berets on the amis are dope btw
i think marius is discussing what to do with éponine here, which is FUN because we all know why she goes to the barricade in the brick :’) éponine might be convincing marius to go to the barricade knowing this is her chance to die with him like in the book
that stomp bit with the students was the coolest fucking thing i’ve ever seen
act two will be posted shortly :D
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thisispurpleyam · 4 years
Surreptitious Candor part 4
A beautiful lounge singer and Napoleon Solo cross paths during U.N.C.L.E.’s mission in New York. 
Napoleon Solo x WOC oc
I thought that this fic would only need 4 parts, but apparently it calls for two more...
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Knocking out and tying up the owner of the invitation was much simpler than Gaby and Illya expected. The man was the personification of nervous, awkward, and clumsy. He tripped over his own feet and started sobbing immediately after Illya kicked his door down. When Gaby suddenly appeared behind him, the poor guy just couldn’t take it and passed out. They finished the job quietly and swiftly before their oblivious victim’s neighbors noticed something was amiss. Shortly after, they set off to the rendezvous point the team had agreed on. 
At the soiree, Napoleon was blending in with the crowd perfectly, being the usual charmer he was. Amalia and Bernard didn’t even recognize him, as he had anticipated. So, when they paused to ask him who he was, he flawlessly delivered his story of being Alan Sinclair, the only child of the late Mr. and Mrs Sinclair. Everything else would have gone smoothly if it wasn’t for the gossip filling the room unnecessarily dragging out his job.
“Leon?” he heard a familiar voice call out to him, distracting him from his thoughts. 
He turned around and faced the singer whom he had recently become very well acquainted with. “Ah, Eula. Fancy seeing you here.” 
“After last night, who would have thought we’d run into each other again so soon?” she responded with a suggestive smirk. 
Napoleon knowingly smiled back, taking pride in the secret only they had the privilege of knowing. He took her hand in his and kissed her gloved knuckles. “Fate has its ways.” 
“I thought you didn’t like to dance, though?” Eula slyly asked, making a point of darting her eyes toward the dance floor. 
“I suppose I could make an exception for a certain chanteuse again, considering how well my night ended the last time I did,” he replied with a wink, taking the lead and joining the pairs swaying to the music. 
As the two of them moved in time with the song, it dawned on Eula how much time she had been spending with Napoleon. She preferred to be detached from people, being the independent and self-sufficient woman she was. Every involvement she ever had with a man, and they were very few and far between, only lasted a night. All of them, she either met at the lounge or worked with during one of her side jobs before she became a regular at the diner. She seldom let things get far as breakfast. Yet here she was, in her highest heels and most expensive dress, dancing with the devilishly handsome spy and enjoying his company for the fourth night in a row. 
“Alan,” Amalia Fernsby called out. “I see you’ve gotten comfortable enough to partake in the festivities.”
“Mrs. Fernsby,” Napoleon greeted as he pulled away from Eula, noticing her expression sour the moment they heard Amalia’s voice. He pretended to not notice and settled for an arm around her waist instead. “I couldn’t possibly say no to such a lovely dance partner.”
Amalia turned her focus to the singer and remarked, “you never told us the two of you know each other.”
“I prefer to keep our conversations on a need-to-know basis,” Eula responded curtly, flashing an artificial smile to emphasize her point. 
Bernard sensed the tension and stepped in, “I’m really glad you and Alan Sinclair are getting along well, though. His mother really meant a lot to our family. She was a wonderful tutor to you, and we’ll forever be in debt.” 
“She absolutely was. Maybe you could come over for dinner sometime, Alan,” Amalia excitedly added. “How your mother didn’t talk much about you, I will never understand. If I had a son as handsome as you, I would-“
“Mother,” Eula sternly cut in. “Let’s not make our guest uncomfortable, shall we?”
Before the conversation could get any further, their assistant came to inform Bernard and Amalia that their presence was requested by an important guest. 
Napoleon waited for any woman’s reaction whenever they realized a man had been dishonest with them. He anticipated Eula’s rage or tears, but neither came. Instead, she took her parents’ absence as an opportunity to get away from the crowd. 
“Let’s get out of here,” she said as she grabbed him and pulled him to an empty hallway, leading him to the fire exit door. She looked both ways to make sure the area was clear before dragging him inside the stairwell. 
Napoleon lazily raised both of his hands and offered Eula a sheepish grin, “Alright. You got me.” 
“Relax, Alan,” she said in sarcasm and leaned her back against the door. “I’m trying to help you.” 
Napoleon incredulously eyed the brunette. “You are?”
“Yes! So you better listen carefully before anybody notices anything out of the ordinary,” she responded all in one breath. 
Still doubtful, Napoleon inquired, “but why? Considering you just found out I used you and lied to you, the last thing you should be feeling is generosity.”
Eula rolled her eyes in annoyance. “Leon, I knew. From the moment we first met, I knew you weren’t who you presented yourself to be.”
“Alright, humor me then,” he challenged. “What do you know about me?” 
“First of all,” she started, taking steps closer to him and meeting his piercing gaze, “I know that you’re a conman. You always don designer suits that only the upper class of New York can afford, yet your hands are way too rough to belong to a man of wealth. Hell, even your car is more expensive than any I’ve driven before. As far as I know, no man can get that rich off physical labor alone. Hands like yours could only mean being heavily exposed to either field work or combat. My suspicions were proven right when I saw your scars last night. I’ve had my fair share of men, and I think I can tell the difference between a puny heir with no backbone and someone who had to do whatever he can to survive.” 
Napoleon could only look at her in wonder. None of the women he had been with were as observant. They usually swooned over the smallest things and bought whatever persona he sold to them. 
“I also know that you’re a thief. A good one, I might add, who would have gotten away with stealing my bracelet if I didn’t know the contents of my jewelry box like the back of my hand. After all, how can my bracelet disappear after I first spoke with you and suddenly turn up in my jewelry box after you spent the night?”
Napoleon snickered. “A good thief probably shouldn’t return items they’ve stolen.”
“Even if you hadn’t given it back, I still would have figured you out,” Eula confidently retorted. 
“Oh really? Why’s that?”
“Simple. You’re not at all the type of man to stick around. You’re the type who leaves after you’ve had your fun. And if the object of your desire doesn’t take you up on your offer right away, you move on to your next conquest. With me, you actually waited for three days and even visited the diner despite barely knowing me. What other reason would you have to stay other than the fact that you’d already figured out who I really was?”
Napoleon hated to admit it, but he was impressed. The CIA and U.N.C.L.E. had done a good job covering up his criminal record, yet Eula was able to glean that much information simply by paying attention. She might not have figured out the exact circumstances, but she got pretty damn close. “You’re perceptive, I’ll give you that.”
“Alright, then. My turn to ask now. How did you find out I was a Fernsby?”
“Your bracelet,” he answered nonchalantly. 
“My bracelet?” Eula asked in puzzlement. “But it’s a unique design that never reached the market.” 
“Precisely. At first I considered it was a knockoff brand, seeing as it had an emblem vaguely similar to the Fernsbys’ trademark logo, but the quality was way too high to be that cheap. Then I found out that in every photograph taken of the Fernsby women from different generations, each had that bracelet in common. I gathered that it was a jewelry unique to every woman in the family.”
Eula shook her head and scoffed. “I knew I should have thrown that stupid thing away. It never did quite fit me right.” 
“But there’s just one thing I couldn’t quite figure out.”
“And that is?”
“Every single Fernsby woman of the last three generations have their photographs in the paper, except for you.”
“I don’t really like to associate with my family. That’s the whole reason why I left the day I turned 18. I’ve been working at the lounge since then and even took up graveyard shifts at the diner.”
“So that’s why you’re helping me? Because you hate your family?” 
“Don’t mock me,” she firmly told him. “They’re not as ‘glamorous’ as they make people think. I may not know the exact details, but I was groomed to be the company’s heir and trained to understand the ins and outs. I know they’ve been caught up in human trafficking and drug dealing of some sort. I can’t exactly report them to the cops because even they can be bought by our family name alone. The money from the business my ancestors started deserves to be put to better use.”
“And you think I won’t misuse the money?” he sarcastically asked. 
“I think, you’re not doing this heist completely out of selfish reasons.”
“What makes you say that?”
“When you left the diner, I saw what you did to that young news boy. I saw how you bought all of the papers he had left just so he could go home. I also know that on the evening we met, when it was a really slow night at the lounge, it was you who tipped every single server on duty. Leon, you’re not as terrible of a person as you seem to think.”
“You’re trusting me way too much, Eula” Napoleon warned her. 
“Well, I’d rather trust you than my manipulative and controlling parents. At least I know you’re capable of helping people on your own free will. They only do it for show.” 
“If you hate them so much, why’d you come to the soiree?” he questioned. 
“Because it’s part of the deal,” Eula bit back. “I promised I’d show up to every stupid gathering they’d hold in exchange for them getting their ‘henchmen’ off my back. It doesn’t guarantee my safety from the tabloids, but it’s worth a try…”
Napoleon wordlessly studied the brunette. All the years he spent in his trade taught him to recognize dishonesty, and Eula showed no sign of it. “Fine,” he gave in. “When do we start?”
“We? I can’t go with you. I go on stage in a few minutes. You’ll be on your own, so you have to pay close attention to everything I tell you.” 
“Alright, what do I have to do?” 
Eula looked around the fire exit staircase to make sure no one could overhear and hurriedly instructed, “go into the janitor’s closet at the end of the hall. The wall on the left side of the door is hollow and has a hidden elevator behind it. You’ll need this,” she took off her bracelet and handed it to Napoleon, “because the emblem on the pendant unlocks the elevator doors.”
“Ah, so this ‘stupid thing’ has a use after all,” Napoleon teased.
She let out a dry laugh and answered, “yes, but I won’t be needing it anymore, so you can keep it. The elevator takes you to the most restricted area of the building. When you get there, you’ll see a steel door with a passcode. I would tell you the code, but they change it every 12 hours. You get past that, and then there’s a safe you gotta crack.”
“Lucky for you, safe cracking is a part of my skill set. But I suppose you already knew that otherwise you wouldn’t be telling me all this.”
“I didn’t really know. But considering the magnitude of this larceny, I just figured.”
“Hmm, fair enough. 
“Best be on your way before people start to miss you,” Eula ordered him. “Oh, and the password for unlocking the steel door from the inside is ‘awanggan.’ It’s Tagalog for infinity.” 
“Listen, Eula,” Napoleon began hesitantly, “I’m sorry for-”
“It’s okay,” she interjected with a genuine smile and joked, “I always knew you weren’t a ‘coffee and breakfast in the morning’ kind of guy from the get go.”
Napoleon began to make his way to the door until he paused in his tracks and turned back around. He caught her off guard by pulling her in and capturing her lips with his. After she got past her initial surprise, she eagerly responded almost immediately; each of them moving with an amount of aggression to ensure neither would easily forget the physical memory of the experience. He gave her bottom lip a soft bite before slowly pulling away.
 “Don’t miss me too much,” he smugly teased. 
“Whatever you say, Leon. Now hurry!” 
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pinkykitten · 5 years
The Move
Stranger Things
Jim Hopper x black plus size! female reader
Warning: cursing
Specifics: fluff, comedy, romance, one-shot, plus size reader, poc reader, black reader, woc reader
People: jim hopper, mrs. and mr. sinclair, lucas sinclair, erica sinclair, flo
Words: 2,411
Requested: By @malasxlenguas (cannot tag) Hi! I'm hype you're puertorican, me too! I wanna request a Hopper x black plus size. Lucas's aunt that moved to Hawkins to be close to her famiky and Hopper saw her and he fell HARD and wanted to ask ber out but didn't know how to and one day he just blurted it out and reader yelled yes lol. Just fluff all over lol thank you!!
Authors Note: honestly i loved this frickin prompt it was so unique and i love delving deeper into the sinclair fam and having something based off of that like what a different prompt! this is really fluffy and just beautiful i love hopper so much and i dont know if i ever told you this but my mom loves hopper she finds him super sexy and she loves how thick he is and masculine yet sweet she even has his face on the netflix profile and my dad was like girl who da h*ll is this??? my dad is old schooled and doesnt watch modern shows. any who hope you guys like this!
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“Why is she staying with us?” Lucas asked as he followed his mother around the dinner table as she was setting it up for their guest. 
“Because, she is starting her new life here. She starts working at the police station soon and she doesn’t have a house. She is your aunt for crying out loud, Lucas. And she is supporting all our cause by being the first thing people see as they enter the police station, a black woman. Remember that Lucas.” 
Lucas rolled his eyes as he gave a groan. “But mom its weird being with her.”
“Aw why is that? You used to love being with her when you were younger. What happened?” Mrs. Sinclair shook her head as she changed the napkins out for another color. 
“I used to but every time I walk with her all these guys stare at her. They’re like undressing her with their eyes. Its disgusting mom.”
“Well baby that ain’t your aunt’s fault. Those are all those nasty men that can’t control when they see such a beautiful lady. Plus remember your aunt is on the bigger side and she has got her curves.” Mrs. Sinclair started to shake her butt as Lucas made a disgusted face. 
“That’s the thing. She walks around, people look at us and then the attention is on us like I just want to go to the mall but no can’t go there either without the stares.” Lucas felt like even saying these things his mother was not going to change her mind. 
“Lucas Sinclair I expect you to be nice and kind to your aunt. She loves you a whole lot and watch soon she’ll be out of here and who knows maybe you’ll miss her.”
The door knocked and Mrs. Sinclair took her apron off excitedly and sprinted to the door. “Who is it?” She bit her lip.
“Who do you think crazy? Its your d*mn sister!” You joked. 
Mrs. Sinclair opened up and you and her gave a loving embrace. “I missed my baby sister.”
“I missed you too. Your house is always beautiful. And you? Look at you girl you are gorgeous!” You spun your older sister around. “You sure you had two kids?”
“Hello there y/n,” Mr. Sinclair came down the stairs, smiling. He gave you a handshake. 
“Excuse me, we family. We hug,” you brought him into a tight hug. “Now where are the children? Kids!”
Erica screamed as she ran to you and jumped in your arms. You picked her up and spun her around. “Oh my God! I can’t believe you’re here! You can totally sleep in my room if you want!”
“Idiot she already got a room. She’s sleeping in the guest room.” Lucas said.
You raised your brow as Erica plopped down onto the ground and raised a finger in front of Lucas’s face, “excuse me! I didn’t know I was talking to you fool.”
“Hey both of y’all stop it!” You smacked them both in the head. “I am sleeping in the guest room but since I’m gonna be staying here for a while I can always have sleepovers with you Erica. Now Lucas where’s my hug?”
Lucas sighed as he gave you a hug. 
“There we go. Now, I got you something.” You wipped out behind your back a game that Lucas wanted really bad. 
Lucas squealed as he took hold of the precious item. 
“Now you better share with your sister. Any who I feel way better now but I’ma need y’all’s help with the truck. I know I couldn’t keep everything so I just kept some stuff.” You said as you led them outside to the moving truck. “You guys got all your arms and you all are healthy then you all can help.”
“Of course we are all going to help. Right kids?” Mrs. Sinclair asked, giving Lucas a glare. 
“Yeah of course,” Lucas said. 
Everyone started to help you unloading all your boxes and items. You felt a little homesick having to leave your life back out of town. You had to leave your apartment, friends your whole life. You told your sister that you had to leave because you wanted the job here along with it was closer to the family but in reality where you worked they fired you and no other place would hire you. It made you feel depressed and like you weren’t good enough. People got one look at your size and color and that was it, they saw you as not good enough. But you tried to see your situation half full and realize that you were with family and they were going to help you through this. 
You picked up a heavy box and because it had been raining earlier and was such a gloomy day you slipped on the side of the road with a squeal. Good thing you didn’t hurt yourself but you dropped all your items that were in the box. “Oh sh*t!” You grumbled picking each little thing up. 
You heard a car drive beside you and the car door close. You looked up to see a cop. You hastily stood up and wiped your sweaty palms on your jeans to get your wallet out. “Sorry I just slipped and I was trying to pick this up in time.” You finally looked up at him and he was very tall. 
The man gulped as he saw your beauty. The sun had just peeked through the clouds and landed on your beautiful skin making it shine. Your eyes captivated him and he felt speechless. 
“Are you okay?” You asked, waving your hand to him. 
“Yeah sorry. And don’t worry about this mess. I actually saw you slip that’s why I came here to offer my help.” The man bent down and helped pick up each little thing. “So are you new? Cause I’ve never seen you here before?”
“Yeah I just moved in here obviously today.” You chuckle. “I’m y/n l/n. My sister is married to Mr. Sinclair.”
“Oh so you’re the aunt of Lucas.”
“I’m afraid as to why a cop knows and remembers Lucas.” 
“He was just involved a little bit with a missing case we had. A few years back one of his friends went missing.”
“Oh I remember my sister telling me that. I heard you guys found him. That’s awesome saving peoples lives like that.”
“Well it is my job.” The man smiled. “I haven’t introduced myself I’m Chief Hopper, Jim Hopper.” He gave his hand out and you shook it. 
“Oh I know you! I think we spoke on the phone. I’m gonna work at the police station tomorrow at one of the desks I think y’all said next to Flo?”
“Yeah our secretary.” Hopper wanted to start dancing right there and then. He was excited to have someone like you in the police station. He wanted to get closer to you, know your story. He thought you were extremely beautiful and very kind. “So do you have kids? Maybe a husband?”
“No and no. My kids are Lucas and Erica but I would love to have my own kids someday just gotta find the right man.” She picked up the box but almost fell again with how heavy it was. 
“Here let me help you with that.” Hopper picked up the box. It was attractive. He was tall and very manly but a sweetheart. He was like a big teddy bear. 
Hopper walked in the Sinclair’s house, greeting them all. 
“What are you doing here?” Lucas asked. 
“I was in the neighborhood and saw your aunt slipped and helped her out.”
“So you were gawking at my aunt huh?”
“What? No kid I was-”
Lucas shook his head, “say no more say no more. Every man does it, you are not the first and frankly you are not gonna be the last.”
Hopper was weirded out by Lucas but walked up stairs to your room. 
“Sorry about the mess.”
“Don’t worry about it. You just moved in you should of seen my cabin when I put all my stuff in there. It was packed.”
“Really? Well I appreciate your help. So what about you Jim Hopper, do you have a wife and kids?”
“Kid yes wife no.”
“Oh really? Boy or girl?”
“Girl, her names Jane.”
You grinned, “how sweet. Well she has a good daddy. She should be really proud of you, especially how you found that kid.”
“Well it wasn’t just me who found Will. I had help but I’m more proud of her.” Hopper smiled just thinking about Eleven. “I was thinking if you’re free tomorrow night how about me and you go,” Hopper was going to say a date but he chickened out. “Go, go on a how about you stay and help me organize my desk?”
You were hoping he was going to ask you on a date. Feeling disappointed you nodded, “yeah I will. Thanks.”
“Well its getting late. I’m going to go home, you have a good night.”
“You too Hopper,” you said as he left and you felt self conscious. Maybe he wasn’t with you because you didn’t look like the other women. You were thick, chunky, plus size and black. Maybe he didn’t find you attractive. 
As Hopper walked out of the house he felt like hitting himself. He wasted an opportunity because he was sacred. “I’m such a da*n idiot.”
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It was your first day of work and you were nervous. Rubbing your hands on your floral dress you realized they were drenched in sweat. You had your lunchbox tight beside you as you walked inside. 
There were only a few people there so it was not an overwhelming setting. 
“Hello. You must be Flo,” you gave Flo, the secretary a hand shake. 
“Yes, yes I am. And you must be y/n. Nice to meet you sweetheart. There are some papers on your desk that need some checking, think you can do it?”
“Of course yes.” As you sat down in your desk you caught Chief Hopper staring at you. You thought maybe he was worried you wouldn’t do your job right. The other police men there gawked at you. Hopper came out of his office to go for some donuts by the coffee machine. 
“Hello y/n.”
“Hi there Chief.” You went to the copy machine and noticed it was down. “Does this copy machine work?”
“Its just broke down all of a sudden but there’s one in Hopper’s office.” Flo said. 
You became more nervous! Going into the Chief’s office was no joke. It was his personal space. 
“Alright,” you stated quietly. “Chief, may I go copy these papers?”
“Of course, sure.” He took a sip of his just brewed coffee. 
As you walked inside it smelled of cigarettes and faint cologne. 
“Its right there in the corner.” Hopper sat down in his chair and lit up another one of his cigarettes. 
The copy machine was stuck between two cabinets there was a small gap between the two. Noticing the papers had a staple on them you tried taking the staple out carefully, without damaging the paper. Unfortunately all the papers fell in that little gap. You bent down and kneeling in that small gap to pick the papers up. The problem was you became stuck. Your butt was too big! 
You tried not making a scene or noticeable. It was embarrassing to get your butt stuck between a copy machine and cabinets, especially in Chief’s office. You tugged and tugged but it was no use. Your grunts were heard and Chief looked in your direction only to be greeted by your a*s. 
“You okay there?” He put his cigarette down and walked to you. 
“Yeah just fine,” you again pushed and budged but nothing. “Actually no, I’m stuck.”
“Oh really?” Hopper breathed harshly as his eyes couldn’t help but land on your butt. To be honest you were the perfect woman for him. He loved women who were big and luscious. He bit his fist to stop him from drooling. “Da*n.”
“I’m sorry to ask you this but can you help me?”
Hopper chuckled a bit,” sure thing sweetheart.” He grabbed a hold of your chub and honestly in different circumstances his hands on your most insecure part would bother you but you were tired of being stuck and you had work to do. 
“This is not how I would imagine my first day would go.”
“How did you even get stuck in here?” Hopper tried to pull you out. 
“Well I tried to take a staple out of the paper but then all the papers fell on the floor and I tried to pick them up but I got my mama’s body and there is a whole lotta junk in the trunk.” It made you feel awkward to have his fingers gripping your flesh. It almost felt sexual in a way and you were bashful about it. His strong fingers held you in a way you wish it were more. 
“I think I almost got you.”
You felt yourself getting looser and looser as you finally popped out. You fell back onto Hopper as he fell on his back and you landed on your stomach on top of his chest. Your faces only a few inches apart. 
“Oh my God. I am so sorry for all of this,” you pointed your finger to yourself. 
“No don’t be sorry. You’re beautiful. I actually like my women thick,” he growled, trailing his hands from your waist to your butt. 
“Really? I assumed you thought I was ugly.”
“What? Who told you that?”
“Nobody but usually everyone does. That’s actually the reason I came over here,” you leaned on your elbow above him. Your face being cascaded with the morning light. “I was fired from my previous job and nobody wanted to hire me. You guys were the only ones to give me a chance.”
Hopper touched your cheek as you melted into it, “I thought about you all night. Do you want to go on a date with me-”
“YES!” You blurted out quickly and loud.
Hopper giggled and he kissed your sweet lips. You two laughed at the silly position and leaned your forehead against his. 
“I’ll take you later tonight, deal?”
You kissed Hopper again and in a way was very thankful you got fired and that you moved. “Deal.”
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Tag list: @harrington-lover​, @angelgl16​, @perfectlybeautifulsuit​, @hyehoney​, @haven-prelude (wont let me tag), @leasly​, @totally-alexa21​, @creamy-pasta-boi​, @multireese​, @fanfictionrecommendations-com​, @prentisskelley​, @malereaderforkpop (wont let me tag), @guardian-of-cookies, @justafangirl-97​, @teenageshitposts (wont let me tag), @dippergravity (wont let me tag), @some-booty, @fromfoolishpeopletodeadpeople​, @collectiveyou​, @wtfisalltherandoms​, @dirbel​, @eastcoasthaven​, @fangirl-4-life415 (wont let me tag), @idontknowwhattocallthisworld (wont let me tag)
wanna be tagged in my crap? comment!
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figjelly · 4 years
Okay, here we go.
The ending of LoK s2:
I guess I was waiting to get the full story on spirit portals but after the ending, I'm mostly
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Why have the atla team avatar travel if they could have just popped in and out like a magic door? And I thought it took some extreme spirtual moxy and training and strength to be in the spirit world?? AND also I thought one couldn't bend in the spirit world??? That last part was honored for a little bit but then thrown out the window completely sometimes (or maybe I was mistaken? It was hard to keep up).
The Raava/Vatuu thing was REALLY frustrating. Even though the words "light/dark" and "balance" kept getting thrown around, at one point I think someone literally said it was a battle against good and evil.
Me: 🙃 no
I don't really care about the details of the origin of the first avatar. Folklore is like that. Avatars were human too and have faulty memory (to act like they're perfect, Jesus-like figures is 🤢). I don't care if Wan learned bending from lionturtles or the moon. I think it's okay if the story isn't perfect.
God, Bolin's character is sickening with his relationship with Ginger and Eska. Issues with consent and abuse and just uuuuugh. The writers need some help y'all.
Up until the bullshit with Korra not remembering they'd broken up (HOW CONVENIENT THAT WAS THE ONLY THING), I really like Mako's arc (despite it being a cop story). He was bucking conventions and going against his commanding officers to do what he thought was right. Really wish that had been explored more with him realizing that being a cop is stupid and he should be a vigilante (especially considering his background).
The writers continue to do Asami wrong. She's obvs just a tool to be used when the writers need a cool gadget user and I get real sick of people acting like she's a queer icon
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What. Was. That. Final. Battle.
What did Korra learn during the season that allowed her to overcome the Dark Avatar? BWAHAHA DARK AVATAR LMAOOO those writers were taking shots at that point with that name. DARK AVATAR
But, seriously, where was Korra's growth that allowed her to fight Darkatar? Because here's what I saw this season: no mention of harmonic convergence until like two episodes or something ago, her uncle being the only competent spiritual advisor she's ever had (bwhahah Tenzin is like PEAK male giving advice and acting like he's a master when he's not done shit himself, even berating his kids who do shit better than him), AND she just spends most the season not trusting anyone she's had experiences with because of... ReasonsTM. Also, she just mostly goes around yelling and punching things but not working on that good ol spiritual aspect of herself EVEN THOUGH THAT IS STILL A LOOMING PROBLEM.
(lol did she ever master airbending lmaoooo)
But seriously, the writers really love taking this lead woc and stripping her of her power don't they??? Y'all eat that shit up. S1: all but airbending gone (which, honestly, why was that a big deal); s2: darkatar kills off her connections to all her past lives and bending. Gotta love a female lead where the pattern seems to be let's beat her into the ground!!! But she's a sfp so it's all good, yeah? As long as she acts like a man then it's Good WritingTM
All she has to do is sit in a tree, have Tenzin remind her that Wan was just a good dude and that's all it takes! We're all the avatar y'all (gag). Literally, that's it. Remember all the times Korra helped those less fortunate than her? Like the in s1 with the non-benders she kept threatening to beat up because they made good points about how benders used their powers to oppress non-benders?
Anyway, I guess all that work on her spiritual self that she hasn't been doing came back to haunt her because she literally got her ass handed to her and was going to get the world doomed. Let's all hear it for our lord and savior Jinora, the one true avatar who actually saved the world.
And can we just talk about Korra's split second decision to keep the portals open? 1. Pretty sure that's not how the spirit world works via canon set in atla but let's pretend it does. It's already been shown that Korra just needs to poke the thing with her finger. Idk just close em for now and maybe give yourself time to think about it? Writers gave no reason why she had to make the decision right then to keep them open. Seemed like a forced and imaginary pressure to me. "Hey Korra, five minutes til the ep ends and we need something for next season if there is one."
But gosh, "Korra saved the world."
And no don't get me started on the weird Alice in wonderland with Iroh spirit world thing because I can't even process what the writers could have possibly been thinking at that point.
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occidentaltourist · 4 years
I hope Mehcad brings up how both Supergirl and CW discredited Karolsen too. He’s been problematic since long ago but he doesn’t deserve any of the racism directed at him. Gosh I wish these actors actually know how to inspire on their social media instead of create more fighting in the fandom who consist broad group of people. I think I’m just gonna feel more anxious being a bisexual woc who has been beaten and terrorized by cops to have sc safe space pull another discourse. Logging out now 🙏🏼
I’ve been struggling a bit with tumblr because sometimes it feels so at odds with the reality we are currently experiencing, in the US and elsewhere. I feel so strongly that those of us want to think of ourselves as allies must face the horror and violence and the ugly truth of our history and society ... even when that light is shined on us. And we must turn it into action: every day, in ways large and small, for people we love and for strangers. It feels wrong to look away, even for a few minutes.
But I also see the value of this platform, which among other things gives us space for long form posts and discussions. And as you said, a respite of sorts to recharge, reconnect with friends, remember the things we enjoy, and discover new artists or look at media with new eyes. 
You know from your own lived experience how insidious and horrific police violence is, and I am very sorry the fandom is turning into yet another source of upset. At the same time, I also don’t believe Mehcad or any other Black actor owes it to any of us to phrase things in a way that we find acceptable, or are exclusively positive in nature or wording. They are full of rage and pain - of course they are. “Celebrity privilege” doesn’t change the color of their skin. The issue at hand is anti-black racism, whether we like it or not.
Take good care, friend. Self care is also very valid and important. Hopefully tomorrow is a better day. :)
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