#(note to self: practice drawing more spiky hair)
airawisteria · 11 months
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A scene in @holleighgram's Life Long Strangers fic that I really liked!
[ID: A drawing of Sora and Riku from Kingdom Hearts dancing and singing together, holding hands as they do so. Sora is looking up at Riku while Riku's eyes are closed as he dances. Sora is wearing a red hoodie with black accents, grey basketball shorts and red converse with the Kingdom Hearts heart and crown logo in place of the converse logo. Riku is wearing white and black shirt, black skinny jeans and black converse with the same logo as Sora's in place of the converse logo. He is also wearing a black wristwatch.
The background consists of dark pink with warmer light pink light behind Sora and a cooler light pink behind Riku. There are numerous semi-transparent hearts scattered in the background. The lyrics
“It’s not enough to take the one you love for granted!” 
are in the background as well.]
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s1ater · 4 years
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highschool rivals, part one. eli moskowitz x reader
summary 📣: in which reader believes hawk is fucking with her when saying he does karate, but he won’t prove otherwise, no matter how much she begs.
warning/s 🚫: swearing, UNEDITED, MAJOR CRINGE
slater’s note 🗯: au where robby and miguel and hawk are all friends. this is kind of a crack fic because reader really just wants to get punched in the face and it doesn’t make sense
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part one, part two
hawk is a pussy.
that’s all you could think as you walked down the west valley high school halls, searching.
for what? hawk.
where? you didn’t know.
you didn’t even go to the high school but rather the private one on the richer side of LA, east high private school for exceptional girls. you had your school uniform still on, the blue plaid skirt they made you wear swished around your waist as you marched down the blue tiled halls.
the idea of finding hawk seemed to be a lot easier in your head then when it was put into motion, it was like you had completely dismissed the fact that you had never been in west valley high, and you had only met this boy two weeks ago.
you had been parked up on the north carige hills, looking over the city lights with your friends when a silver beamer with tinted windows pulled up and parked right next to you, three boys and their siloettes inhabiting the inside of the new looking car.
it wasn’t long till they rolled down the passenger side window causing a chain reaction of you and your friend who sat in the backseat to do the same.
it revealed a teenaged boy with spiky red hair and a loud looking smirk on his face, an angry red scar that resembled lightning struck up the tip of his top lip.
“how’re we doing this evening, ladies?”
“oh dear god,” your friend harper mumbled under her breath from the passenger seat, the only one without her window down.
you chuckled lightly, glancing at the already annoyed brunette, before drawing your attention back to the boy and his friends.
“fine,” you nodded in a more upbeat tone then your friend, “and you?”
“good,” he nodded his head before looking between his friends, “say, you up for some car hoping?”
the answer was obviously yes and as soon as it was offered, mia, your other friend, practically hoped out of the backseat and into their own.
“depends,” harper shouted over your shoulder before anyone made a move, “how much weed do you got in that nice car of yours?”
he rolled his eyes, looking back to the boy in the drivers seat, a boy with tan skin and hair gelled up like all teen boys. he was smiling, and then shrugged when the boy with the mohawk looked to him.
“just get in.”
the night felt like a fever dream. immediately after your exited your own car, locking the door, you were shoved into the lap of the mohawk boy, not literally but it all felt quick enough to be a shove in the situation.
there had seemed to be no space in the back, another boy and your two friends already seated and buckled.
harper smiled up at you innocently after rolling down the window, “oh no, whatever will we do?”
“you can sit on my lap, princess.”
you rolled your eyes, thinking about if you had never gotten into that car or sat on mohawk boys lap, you wouldn’t be in the stupid situation you were in now. and it wasn’t really a situation, but more of a problem.
the sound of your ringtone echoed from the inside of your skirt pocket, you grasped the rectangle shaped devise before sighing, seeing the contact name ‘mia’.
“are you actually here?”
you exhaled while pinching the bridge of your nose, “yes.”
“no way, y/n, you’re fucking crazy.”
mia went to west valley high unlike you and harper, she was considered ‘the public school trash’ of your friend group, a long going joke ever since freshman year for the three of you.
she had never met hawk or miguel or robby, the boys you had acquainted in the silver beamer. which wouldn’t make sense until you actually got to meet her and how antisocial she was until she was around you and harper.
she was ditsy, clumsy, but could never put herself in very confrontational situations unless you or harper were there.
“he’s a pussy, mia.”
“so you just showed up?” she cried as you nodded even though she couldn’t see you, her own head shaking back and forth in disbelief at how impulsive you could be with your decisions, “and now you’re going to kick his ass... just because he wouldn’t kick yours?”
“c’mon mia, there is no way this boy actually knows karate, and if he did, why wouldn’t he at least try me?”
“y/n, you’re crazy!” she yelled in your ear but then it’s real silent causing you to frown, narrowing your brows.
“mia, he’s a pussy.”
“y/n, you’re crazy,” she repeated, but this time in a whisper, “and you’re also a female... who he made out with.”
your cheeks redden and you pressed your phone closer to the side of your face out of consciousness. it made you roll your eyes at how easily self conscious and embarrassed you got just at the thought of him and his body pressed against yours.
“female, mia, female. it’s 2021, how sexist could he be?” you said after a long pause, completely skipping over the part of ‘who he made out with’.
“where are you-“ the sound of the bell made her stop mid sentence, her eyes tracing the clock, “wait, y/n, wait for me before you make anymore crazy decisions.”
you rolled your eyes, hanging up the phone without any hesitation.
people begun to fill the hallway, squishing you tighter and tighter until you felt like you were in an impact box.
and even in that tight impact box, you could make out hawk’s stupid red mohawk bouncing through the air as he walked the opposite way you did, completely oblivious to the path he was about to cross, and the large storm heading his way.
you grabbed onto his arm, yanking him into the flow of your river, surprising him as well as miguel, who was previously by hawk’s side... until he wasn’t. his head stuck out from the opposite side of the hall, shock and confusion written in his face as he kept walking, there would be no stopping in a high school hallway.
“what the fuck man- y/n?” he looked like he was about to swing and you almost wished he did, but he recognized you way too fast, “what’re you doing here, princess?”
“don’t ‘princess’ me,” you taunted, “punch me in the face.”
“punch me in the face.”
“y/n, we’ve been over this,” he rolled his eyes, not even bothering to look at you, now knowing how ridiculous the conversation you were about to have would be.
“yeah a week ago,” you said, falling into step with him, and he looks over to you with a look of unbelievability, scoffing before looking away from you again.
“you’re fucking crazy.”
“you’re the one lying about doing karate,” you say, looking up to him causing him to scoff again.
“why would i lie about that?”
“you tell me mohawk boy.”
“shut up, i’m not punching you in the face.”
“who even does karate anymore anyways?” you mumbled more to yourself then him as the two of you continued to hustle down the hallway.
“shut up, babe,” he mumble right back, “you’re just mad i won’t touch you.”
“shut up, you couldn’t get enough of me last week,” you shot back, almost wanting to look at him and glare, but you kept looking forward, keeping your composure.
“please, you were the one-“
before hawk could finish his sentence, mia appeared from around the corner, her hands out lifted in the air as if to question why you were actually standing five feet away from her.
you rolled your eyes while hawk raised his brows in question.
“you’re actually crazy!”
“that’s what i’m saying.”
“y/n, i thought i saw your face,” miguel rounded the corner out of no where, his hands stuffed in his pockets while a small smile was printed on his face.
you look to all three of the teenagers that stood before you, your mind whirling around as you tried to comprehend the words that came spitting from their mouths.
“slow down,” you raised your both your hands, giving each of them pointed looks, “one, i’m not crazy, two, you’re the one crazy because you’re most definitely lying about doing karate, and three,” your face softened as you turned to miguel, giving him a smile, “hi miguel.”
he smiled back before laughing, his chest vibrating up and down, looking to hawk, “yeah, hawk, why you gotta lie like that?”
“shut up.”
“just punch me in the face.”
“no,” he practically yelled, glaring at you, “shut up.”
“why not?”
“because it’s the stupidest thing i’ve ever heard and if you don’t want to believe me, you don’t have to,” he rolled his eyes, waving you off, starting to walk down the hall again, only this time with miguel. 
you could tell that he was increasingly getting annoyed, which could only be good for you. maybe he’d finally cave. 
“so, are we hanging out this weekend?” miguel called back to you and mia, trying to break the awkward silence that settled over all four of you once you guys existed the high school and out into the parking lot. 
“i don’t know, i might be busy,” you lied, and they all rolled their eyes to the obvious snark in the back of your throat, key to your lying.
“c’mon princess,” hawk began to mumble, “we all know you have no other friends.”
“shut up,” you stopped along with mia for you had reached her car, “at least i don’t lie about doing karate.”
miguel laughed to himself, leaning against a neighboring car as hawk looked at you with annoyance, shaking his head.
“bye, guys,” miguel nodded off to you and mia as he began to walk to his car, cuing hawk to walk with him, no longer feeling like entertaining a conversation about lies and karate and all the teasing that flew out of your mouth.
you waved goodbye, your lips pursed as you watch the red dyed hair boy walk off, your mind swirling at all the stupid things you had said in the past ten minutes.
“oh one more thing,” you watched hawk stopped short, turning back around and jogging back to you and then closer and closer then before, his mouth touching the crest of your ear, “you look really hot in your school uniform.”
comment to be tagged to future works :)
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razorblade180 · 4 years
Venqua Week:Music
“When you-gah! No, that’s not right. When- ugh! Come on Ventus, you can do this!” The boy said, frustratingly tuning a guitar. He had been at this for months now. It all started when Namine moved into the Land of Departure with him, Terra, and Aqua. The boy had stumbled upon her drawings and by extension, the arts itself. He was completely hooked. Outside of fighting, Ventus didn’t have much time to explore possible talents. He was determined to find a hobby he was good at! It took all of ten minutes of Namine teaching him about color theory for him to realize that maybe literal art wasn’t his calling.
That’s when Namine recommended music. Seemed like a good idea. He didn’t want to brag, but Ventus always thought he was a bit musically inclined. Between dancing and the ice cream beat machine, he thought learning an actual instrument would come easy. Wrong! It was critically difficult! Three months into learning guitar and his confidence was was fading like the golden sunset that washed over him as he sat at the edge of the trio’s stargazing spot. Ventus played a few more strings and sighed. It didn’t sound off. Honestly it never was. The problem was his nerves. Ventus was trying to be a perfectionist with the only song he’s been able to learn so far. All for a special someone, Aqua.
He had always had certain feelings for his friend, but expressing them was beyond impossible. Any time he tried to show her a cooler, more mature side of himself it never worked out. He’d either screw up really hard, or Aqua would do her pretty little giggle while patting his head like he was some sort of puppy. He was not a puppy darn it! Ventus wanted to at least be a cooler, older anime. Something like a fox or a leopard. Just once, he wanted to leave Aqua speechless. He thought a singing to her would be his best bet. His face face grew redder at the thought of her listening to the song in awe, her deep blue eyes captivated by his feelings.
“Geez, I’m so hopeless.” He said, covering his face. Ventus turned his head towards his master’s keyblade that rested peacefully just several feet away. He wondered if Master Eraqus had any hidden talents? No way keyblade wielding was his only gift. If Aqua’s fighting style was any indication, the old man was probably a bunch of fun on the dance floor. The thought of him doing even half the moves Aqua did was enough to make Ventus laugh lightly. Once again he strummed his guitar. “Oh master, you think I stand a chance?”
“Stand a chance at what?” A voice asked from behind. Ven’s face went bright red, then pale in a less than a second when he realized it was Aqua. She smiled her beautiful smile like she always did and held a crown of flowers in her hand.
“A-Aqua!?” He stammered, “W-What brings you up here....!?” He wanted to hit himself right now. The answer to that was quite literally in front of him.
“Changing out Master Eraqus’s flowers” she answered anyways. Aqua walked over to the memorial and did just that. The old ones weren’t dead yet, but their color was obviously starting to fade. Still, they looked rather pretty. So pretty in fact, Aqua took it upon herself to sat right next to ventus and hang it around neck. “Wow, I’m a little surprised it passed your hair so easily. I thought it would sit on top.” She teased, ruffling the wild dew.
“Hey! It’s not that spiky! Also my head would have to massive for it to sit on top!” He pouted. Why is always a head rub!? This time he was minding his own business and still wound up like this. “Do you have a thing with my hair or something? You’re always doing stuff like this.”
“Of course. You always pout and turn red. It’s cute.” She answered, watching him get redder. Aqua couldn’t help herself. Teasing Ven like this was just irresistible. “So, what is it that you were trying to stand a chance in? Maybe I can help?”
“What? Oh! Umm it was nothing! Just talking aloud is all.” Lying was not a strength Ventus had.
“Really?” Aqua said sarcastically. She reached over to the guitar in his arms and ran her fingers across the strings, making a subtle but pleasant sound from it. “Nothing to do with the acoustic currently in your hands?” She looked at the blue eyes that were inches away and avoiding contact. Aqua tilted her head, a bit confused by Ven’s shyness. “Ven, I’m not a mind reader. Tell me what’s up?”
“If you read minds then you know mine only has you in it.” He thought to himself. “I’m just having a little trouble with a song I wanna sing. I learned all the notes and everything, but I get anxious anytime it comes to playing the whole thing.”
“How come?”
“I’m...self conscious is all.” It wasn’t a lie but it was certainly vague. “Any time I think about singing it the way I intend to, I get worried if it sounds bad or if I look like an idiot.” Ven could feel his heart beating so loudly that he was afraid Aqua might here it. Here being this close was nothing new, yet it too much to deal with.m right now moved back a little by pretending to readjust how he was sitting.
Aqua could the boys hand fidget a little. He wasn’t kidding at all about feeling anxious. She had never seen him so flustered when it came to things like this. Aqua had caught him a few times over the past few months really putting an effort into learning when nobody was around. She had even secretly caught him sneaking off early in the morning to find a place to practice. Learning this song must’ve been really important. For Aqua, that only left one response to this.
“Can I hear it?”
Ven was going to have a heart attack. “What!?”
“I wanna hear it.” She repeated, “We’re often our own worst critics. If you only play with no one around then you might always think it needs improvement, so let me hear it. I’ll give my honest opinion!” She said, excited to listen.
“That’s the one thing that scares me!!!” Ventus could not believe this was happening. How was he supposed to explain to her that she couldn’t listen because he was doing it all for her!? She even gave a valid reason for helping! “Oh, no I uh- you don’t have to do all that! Hehe, I just-” he stopped when he saw Aqua move to sit on her knees. His crush sat patiently with her hands resting her hands on her lap, a heart stealing smile still on her face. Here she was. Here they were. Two people bathed in the golden light of a sunset. Warm air and breath stealing views anywhere you looked. A gentle breeze made Aqua run a finger across her face. All attention was on him. Well, no time like the present right? Ven stood no chance of resisting with a face like that.
He sat facing her, legs crossed. He new his face was still red and the sound of his beating heart hadn’t gotten any calmer. However, a comfort came from that with a mix of excitement. An honest truth about his feelings. He really had fallen for her and wanting nothing more to express his feelings with all of his heart.
“Aqua...can I ask a favor?” He somehow managed to say. “Can you...close you eyes while I sing to you?”
The request was surprising but understandable. This was more about sound then sight anyways. “Okay.” She closed her eyes in earnest. “Ready...” For some reason Aqua felt herself get a little embarrassed as well. She hoped it didn’t show on her face.
Ventus took the deepest breath he could. Mustering his resolve and composing himself, Ventus began to strum.
🎶When you walk away, you don't hear me say
"Please, oh baby, don't go."
Simple and clean
Is the way that you're making me feel tonight
It's hard to let it go....🎶
Yeah, Aqua could totally feel herself starting to blush. Ven was only a few lyrics in, but she couldn’t think of a time she heard a more stunning voice.
🎶You're giving me, too many things, lately
You're all I need, oh~
You smiled at me and said...
"Don't get me wrong, I love you
But does that mean I have to meet your father?"
When we are older, you'll understand what I meant when I said
"No, I don't think life is quite that simple"
When you walk away, you don't hear me say
"Please, oh baby, don't go."
Simple and clean
Is the way that you're making me feel tonight
It's hard to let it go🎶
Ventus felt his nerves melt away as he kept playing. His mind was too focused on the notes to worry. Too focused on the girl in front of him. He was starting to find his stride.
The daily things, Like this and that and what is what
That keep us all... busy are confusing me~
That's when you came to me and said
"Wish I could prove I love you but does that mean I have to walk on water?"
When we are older, you'll understand it's enough when I say so
And maybe some things are that simple.
His serenade was unexpectedly cut short. Aqua had reached for his hand and stopped him from playing. Ven’s heart skipped a beat. For a moment, nothing but dread filled his thoughts. Did she hate it? Why else would he stop him midway. He would’ve asked, but Ventus couldn’t find the words. Not out of fear, but because of the look on Aqua’s face. Her calm demeanor was entirely gone. A the warmest smile Ven has ever laid eyes on was on her face with rose red cheeks. “A-Aqua...?” He finally spoke.
“S...sorry.” She spoke, “it’s just...well....” finding the words was a little difficult. Aqua couldn’t help but laugh at her own skittishness. “You confessing to me like this might be a little more than my heart can handle.” There, she said it. She watched a Ven’s eyes start getting bigger and bigger while his face tried rivaling hers in terms of red.
“Y...You knew I-”
“Of course.” Aqua giggled, “I watch you just as much as you watch me you know? Because...I like you...too. A lot.”
Ventus must’ve been dreaming. Chirithy has to have put him in a special dream. It’s the only way this made sense. “Why didn’t you say anything?” Like he was one to talk.
Aqua rubbed the back of her neck, “I’m not very good with this kind of stuff. Even though I had a feeling you liked me, I just couldn’t find the nerve. Then I started thinking about how I could be wrong and I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable. I kept finding reasons to keep quiet. But next thing I know is I started thinking more and more about these feelings sense we got back home and I-” Aqua jumped at the touch of Ven’s hand grab hers. She’s glad he did it, or else she might’ve rambled for hours.
A pressure weighed on their chest. One that was slowly pulling them together. The two of them couldn’t speak, only lean closer. They wanted the same thing. They knew it buy all the blushing moments and not so secret glances. Aqua moved the guitar away from Ven to get even closer. Ven invited the approach by tugging her hand closer to him. Her face had to be only inches away. Way to far for his liking. Aqua finally spoke.
“I think we should both close our eyes this time.” She said, flustered by her own suggestion. She was glad she managed to say it though. The moment his eyes closed, Aqua understood why he asked before. Filled with ease and courage, Aqua pressed her lips against the ones that had just serenaded her moments ago. Neither kept track how long they remained like this and neither cared. The only thing that mattered was it had finally happened; and it was only going to keep happening for many days to come.
[many thanks to @venquaweek because fun fact, I’ve had this music idea for three years and never wrote it 😂]
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artistrashofmine · 4 years
I got around to finishing that one KamiBaku smut piece from weeks ago, so here it is! 
Pairing: Kaminari/Bakugou W/C: 3131 Rating: Explicit Link: AO3
Kaminari Denki could admit it, he was a bit of a pervert. At least he had the decency to admit it, and it wasn’t something that took up the forefront of his brain like Mineta, no, it was more like, he wouldn’t hesitate to admire, from afar, when it came to a nice figure or a pair of pretty eyes. And who would've thought the subject of his recent admiration was the one known as Bakugou Katsuki, the scary hot-head of 1-A.
How was he supposed to know that the blond was shirtless when knocking on his door. He simply wanted to return the notes he totally didn’t steal from Kirishima who had practically begged Bakugou to give them to him. Denki swore the blond was rubbing off on his hyperactive friend, for when the redhead found out he decided it fit to deem death upon the golden-haired student via returning the stolen notes to their owner. Hence the current situation.
“The hell you doing here?” The blond was quickly becoming less attractive the angrier he got… actually no, he was still hot, hot and angry. He guessed quirks really did say something about their users, hot and angry Explodo-Kills.
Denki didn’t know it was possible for a boy to have such a small waist and compared to his practically sculpted chest, that was saying something. He gave little thought to the attractiveness of males until now. Sure, there were some you couldn’t just ignore, but how the hell did he miss this gem?! Did Bakugou not change in the changing room with them?
“Oi, your fucking brain fried or something?!” Yeah, scary and attractive in all his shirtless, pent up anger… heh maybe it wasn’t just anger he got pent up, that would make sense, wouldn’t it?
Denki yelped as he dodged a hand that swung out to hit him, “chill! I just came to return some notes.”
He held the messy pile out for the other to take, “the fuck you got these for?”
“Kirishima gave them to me.” He failed to mention the part where he saw them laying on the kitchen counter and decided to borrow them for a few minutes in the hope to find the answers to tomorrow’s homework.
“Idiots,” Bakugou stated, grabbing the paper from his hands, ready to shut the door in his face.
“Wait, could it kill you to be a little nicer Kacchan?” He pouted, throwing a foot between the door, preventing it from getting slammed shut.
“Don’t call me that asshat!” The firecracker raged, hissing like a cat.
“Oh yeah, what would you prefer, Katsu~” Maybe he had a death wish but teasing him was well worth it with the pink hue that arose to his face.
“Say it normally!” He held up a fist threateningly.
“Do you even know my name, Katsu-ki?”
The blond sneered, “we’re not on first name bases asshole! And why the hell would I bother to remember some extra’s name?”
“Owch Kacchan… I can make you remember it?” He quirked an eyebrow subjectively pairing it with a wink, and for a full minute the other didn’t move a muscle, his face morphed into shock.
Denki thought he did it this time; the blond was going to kill him, he was dead meat, goodbye cruel world. He jumped back when the other’s jaw snapped shut, he expected some explosions, yelling, death. Instead, red flushed across the other’s skin, his eyes looking anywhere but at Kaminari, sparks exploding from his palms.
That’s when it clicked and suddenly everything made sense, “oh my god, you-”
“Don’t you dare finish that sentence.” the blond hissed, gritting his teeth, “whatever the fuck’s going through your head, you’re fucking wrong.”
Oh, Denki highly doubted that, “you know I have a few stress relief tactics, I can show them to you.”
“Fuck off!” He snickered at the distorted expression on the other’s face.
“Come on Katsu~ I can give you a hand.” He pushed the teasing, letting his yellow eyes wrack over the naked chest.
And Bakugou hesitated, “...whatever.”
Denki’s eyes snapped to his face, did he hear that right? Whatever ? That was as much of a yes you could ever draw from the blond, he must have heard wrong.
“ Whatever did you mean about that?” He took a step forward, into the dorm room, the owner of said room refused to budge, his stubbornness only earning an uncomfortable closeness between the pair.
He didn’t think the hot-heads face could get any redder, hell, he didn’t think the blond had the ability to blush in the first place, not that he was complaining.
Bakugou spluttered, “Fucking hell, get out.”
“Ahah, no way! Nice try, but I’m not letting that go!” Denki kicked the door behind him shut, leaning in closer, “what’s the matter Katsu, are you embarrassed because you’re-”
“Fuck off!” The other shuffled back, only provoking the blond to move in closer to the point where he could feel Katsuki’s breath on his cheek.
“-a virgin,” he finished, ignoring the other’s protest.
“The Bakugou Katsuki-” he inched forward, daring to lift his hand so that it swept across his unclothed skin to rest on his small midsection, “-a virgin. Do you even jerk it?”
The other choked, sparks popping in his hands as Kaminari continued, “with that quirk, I bet not, or not often. That’s why you're so short-tempered, huh? Who would have thought!”
“Not everyone’s so fucking horny that they need to jerk off every fucking day.” He defended through clenched teeth.
“So how often do you?” His lips were centimetres apart from the blonds.
“What is this, twenty questions? A fucking interview? You’re such a pain in the mmfp-” Bakugou’s lips were surprisingly soft, smooth and docile, they mingled with Kaminari’s, fit perfectly together.
The hot-head wasn’t a good kisser. Actually, Denki doubted he was trying or knew how to, rather he simply allowed his lips to follow the electrical-users own. And all the darker blond could think was, this is Bakugou . It was Bakugou who was following his lead, making out with him.
“This is your first kiss?” He teased, parting to come to the picture of a dark blush and swollen lips, his eyebrows knitted together per usual, only instead of the signature scowl he was a pout.
If Denki was being honest, it was a cute sight to behold and one of a kind.
“So?” his voice rumbled, “you should be happy if you were a bad kisser, which you probably fucking are, I wouldn’t know.”
Denki broke out in a grin, “oh I’m happy, you know how hot that is? I took your first kiss!”
“Hahh? If that’s all-” Kaminari grabbed the hand that came swiping at him, taking hold of it by the wrist.
“If you want more all you have to do is ask.” He backed the spiky-haired teen towards the bed, taking ahold of the other wrist while he was at it, restraining them above his head.
“Fuck,” the back of the blond’s knees hit the mattress, causing him to fall back, “fucking fine.”
“Fine?” the golden blond repeated, “is-”
“Get on with it!” Bakugou interrupted, blurting the words out at the other who stood above him.
“If you say so,” Denki leaned his to retake Katsuki’s lips, biting into the lower one, sweeping a palm along the hothead’s cheek to guide him.
Soon they found themselves reclining onto the bed, the blond’s head hitting his sheets in the electricity-users attempts to push them closer, his tongue pushing past the plump lips to explore the inexperienced mouth. Katsuki lay slack in his grasp, jaw falling open to allow the invasion, a small grunt emitting from the back of his throat. He couldn’t help it, not with the hands that roamed his body, that groped his chest, as if they were a female’s.
“Shit Bakugou,” the yellow-eyed teen backed off to once again look over his prey, “your body’s so lewd.”
An unrecognizable sound escaped from his mouth at the comment, or maybe it was because of the thumb flicked at his nipples.
“ Fuck ,” Kaminari rolled the hardened nub between his finger and thumb, the blond hissing out a “don’t do that!”
Denki only hummed, lowered his head to kiss his peck, taking the other nipple into his mouth, licking over it, sucking on the swollen skin.
“Hahh,” Katsuki arched his back, hands setting sparks off into his sheets.
“God you’re sensitive,” He parted, squeezing the pair together, “I think you have the best tits in the class, Kacchan.”
“Don’t say shit like that, their not-” he hissed, once again cut off, “ fuck . Stop squeezing them like that .”
Though the erection in his pants betrayed the blond’s words, so did hands that came to map out Kaminiari’s upper body, holding onto his back as if it were a lifeline. Denki was forced to pull him up as he backed away.
“I’m taking our pants off.” He concluded, undoing his own belt, throwing it out of the way and working off his pants and boxers.
“How many times do I have to tell you to just fucking…” Katsuki trailed off.
Denki raised an eyebrow, “just fucking?”
“Jesus how…” He mumbled in return, a quiet curse escaping, “fuck me.”
“That’s the plan.” the electric quirk user wore an amused expression, watching Bakugou’s eyes as they flickered back up to his face.
“That’s not going to fucking fit.”
“That's why I’m going to stretch you Katsu,” He tugged undid the blond’s jeans, “you don’t happen to have any lube, do you?”
“Why the hell would I have lube?”
“I didn’t think so,” he tossed both their remaining clothing off the bed, pulling Bakugou legs apart, placing one on his shoulder, causing his body to fall back onto the sheets.
“What the hell are you doing?” The blond bit his lip.
“Getting you wet.” With that, Denki lowered his head to lick a strip along the other’s entrance, earning a surprised yelp, though it didn’t deter the other who continued to lap at Katsuki’s hole.
The tip of the tongue tracing the blond’s puckering rim before pushing past the tight muscle, slipping into him. Katsuki let out a loud gasp, his body unconscious pushing up against the intrusion, asking for more. The golden-blond hummed, placing a hand on the other’s thigh in attempts to stop his squirming. Katsuki’s other leg hooked its self around his neck, ensuring that Denki stayed in place. Kaminari’s moved his free hand to join his head between the explosion-users thighs, retracting his tongue to fit a finger in his entrance, nipping at the rim with his teeth on the way back, earning a hiss. The digit sunk in with little difficulty, the plush muscle opening or him.
“Uuhh.” God, Bakugou sounded fucked already and they’ve barely gotten started, his leg twitching as he wiggled the finger, pushing it to the hilt along with the saliva that gathered outside, repeating the movement a few more times.
He’d need more for the next finger, withdrawing his hand with a small grunt of complaint about his partner, Denki took the digits in his mouth, wettening them.
“How do you taste so good Katsuki?” He pondered between the appendages, “it’s 'cause of your quirk, right?”
“Don’t say things like that Dunce Face! F-fucking gross!” The blond’s attempt to defend his integrity was cute but useless.
He wasn’t fooling anyone, hard cock on display, leaking against his stomach, legs practically trapping Kaminari between them so desperate for him to continue. And the blond had no problem doing so, returning the two fingers to where they belonged, one at a time, sinking into the pliant hole. Fucik did the hole eat them up, Bakugou was born to be a bottom, he could hardly believe the hothead when he said he was a virgin. Those lustful groans and lewd curses were anything but pure.
Denki couldn’t help but release the blond’s thigh to bring his hand down to stroke his own cock, watching the other’s blissed-out face as he twisted the digits, fucking the greedy opening with them.
“Here,” he pulled them out once again, “you can taste for yourself.”
“ What ?” The other panted, eyebrows knitted together, Kaminari bringing his hand up to hover over the blond’s mouth.
And to his surprise, with a slight moment of hesitation, Katsuki leaned forward, taking three digits into his mouth, tongue swirling around them, a deep hum emitting from him. His fiery red eyes answering to the challenge. He took the fingers to the back of his throat, and Kaminari could only picture that as his dick, making the blond gag on it. He had to remove the hand from his erection before he bust a nut. He had to pull Katsuki’s thighs open again, this time pushing all three fingers in at once.
“Ahh,” The other’s back bowed as they entered, if the stretch caused any discomfort, it didn’t show, maybe he liked it rough, after all, they only lubricant they were using was saliva, and that’s wasn’t exactly ideal.
Denki licked his lips, curling the fingers and shiting them around a few times before, “SHIT.”
There it was, the spot that’d have Katsuki screaming his name in seconds if he wanted. He brushed it a few times as he stretched the blond, actively avoiding hitting it straight on, causing the hothead to push back in messy attempts to hit the spot.
“Come on just fuck me already would you?!” He demanded, finally losing patience, and Denki wasn’t in the right mindset to argue, far from it.
The hand was removed for good, The golden-blond leaning back to rub the head of his cock on the flushed entrance, catching on the rim. He spit in his hand, rubbing the saliva along the length, “ready Katsuki?”
The lustful, red-eyes met his own, “hell yes.”
That’s all he needed, Denki pushed in, groaning as his cock entered the wet heat and tight walls that practically swallowed around him. Halfway sheathed he rested, breathing deeply, watching the blond do the same, squirming and getting used to the bulk of his member. Kaminari couldn’t help but to lean down and take the swollen pink lips against his own, beginning an idle makeout session with the other, hand coming up to rest against his small waste, squeezing it, gaging its petite size.
He parted, “god, you’re going to be so full of me by the end of the night.”
Katsuki quirked an eyebrow gravelly voice giving an affirmative, “better get to it then.”
So Denki’s other hand wrapped around the other side of his small waist and he pushed farther in, pulling the blond along with him until they were bottomed out. He let out another groan at the site before starting off on a slow pace. His dick dragging against Katsuki’s walls, ensuring that he felt every single movement, and with the way the hothead twitched and tighten around him, Denki didn’t think he intended to miss anything, as if he were trying to create a mould of Kaminari’s cock.
He pulled back until the tip threatened to exit before giving a hard, experimental thrust to the hilt. A yelp escaped from Katsuki, his thighs squeezing the golden-blond, so he gave another hard thrust.
This time drawing out a long, “yeees.”
The pace quickened, hard and fast, skin slapping again skin. Bakugou’s quirk setting off in the blankets.  He pulled the blond’s lower body up higher, angling himself, and...
“ FUCK .” Katsuki couldn’t help but scream out, Kaminari’s cock pounding into the bundle of nerves, “fuck, fuck, fuck!”
“You’re going to have to be quieter, Katsuki.” The other managed, fingers digging into the blond’s hips, “else the rest of the class will hear us. Unless you’d like that to happen~.”
In return the hot-head only bit his lip, though it did little use for seconds later his mouth was hanging back open, lewd sounds escaping from it. And he didn’t dare cover it with his hands that set off inconsistent sparks in the sheets.
“K-Kaminari!” Was the next broken yelp.
“So you do know my name?” He panted, eyes lidded as he looked down at the shaking body, “I won’t let you forget it Katsuki.”
“Denki, Denki…” he tried, “s-shut up… shit... Denki.”
The yellow-eyed hero in training groaned at the sound of his name falling from Bakugou’s lips, he was close. They both were from the looks of it. He quicked his pace, fingers digging in hard enough to break the skin.
“Come on, come on, come on.” He didn’t know if the encouragement was coming from him or the other but it seemed to work, Kaminari shuttering to a halt, cock deep in the blond as he came. His hand releasing the hip to messily jerk his partner to completion. A mewl coming falling from Katsuki as he came, release running over Denki’s fist. He jerked him through it stopping when the blond let out a hiss of discomfort. Only then did he remove himself from the pliant body, falling to the side. Discreetly wiping his hand off on the bedsheets as he caught his breath, Katsuki taking time to do so as well.
“Hey, Bakugou?” The yellow-haired student didn’t move his eyes from the ceiling.
“What?” Came the grumpy, muffled voice from beside him.
And despite his fears, Denki couldn’t help but look over at him. The male had turned over to lay on his stomach, the mess of pale-blond locks upon his head looking worse than ever before. Half his face was smothered in a pillow, the other half stared right back at him.
Denki’s breath hitched, there wasn’t a crease in sight. His face wasn’t wound up in an angry expression. He looked cute, like a curious cat.
“You know…” the yellow-eyed student started, “it’s usually common sense to go on a date first.”
The other’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion, “what are you getting at?”
The scratchy voice sent a shiver up his back, likely sore from his earlier vocals. And Kaminari could only imagine how sore his body will be tomorrow, if not tonight.  
“We should get dinner.” The golden-blond finally offered.
Bakugou took a minute to think it over, “I’ll cook. Oi what the fuck?!”
Denki grinned, draping himself over the other, snuggling up close, ignoring the grumbling from Bakugou as they settled.
Damn, if this was what it took to finally taste the famous Bakugou cooking, he’d be far from opposed to doing it again.
He had half a mind to tell the blond so, only to be threatened by death, but what did he expect? Not the round of sex to follow.
And if getting Katsuki riled up wasn’t his favourite past time before, it was now.
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transdonaldduck · 5 years
*KICKS IN UR DOOR* I would love to hear more about ur tmnt universe stuff
okay!!! you dont gatta ask me twice. I drew these last night at 3 am and lost steam halfway through and gave up on donatello bc i wasn’t happy with any of my sketches and that’s that! forewarning: im edgy so this is edgy
the rest is under the readmore
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The setting: It’s new york babey! We’re following our protagonist April O’Neil, 17 years old, as she navigates the confusing waters of high school, first jobs, and accidentally stumbling upon a mutant underworld. This samples a lot from rotmnt and 2012 bc i have no creativity
characters i’ve thought out
Irma- 18, senior, about to go to college to major in Architecture. She’s aloof but she actually cares about people deep down, she just doesn’t like to show it. She’s trying to let her natural hair color grow out from the years she dyed it black. She likes documentaries, chess, hanging out at graveyeards, and writing horror short stories. Seems sorta doom n gloom but is more apathetic than negative. She’s the president of the journalism club (who runs the school newspaper and morning news segment.) She’s looking for someone to take over the club after she’s gone, and has the perfect candidate in mind… if only April had the skill to match her enthusiasm.
April O’Neil- 17, junior, and aspiring journalist and reporter. She’s upbeat, determined, confident, and a real bright spot ot the people that know her. Her favorite things to do are listen to music, sing, take pictures, and take walks in the sun. She’s a go-getting, very self driver to acheive her goals, and her ultimate goal is to be the greatest reporter that has ever lived. Unfortunately, april doesn’t have the knack for reporting, and every piece she’s submitted to her schools newpaper has been fluff pieces… Irma tasks her with writing a front page headliner for the paper so she feels confident passing the club onto her, and in Aprils attempt to come up with the greatest story ever, she sutmbles upon a gang war and 4 mutant turtles…
Casey Jones- 18, Junior, and barely passing. Casey’s the kind of boy no one really expects anything of, so he doesn’t bother trying bc at least then he won’t fail. April inspires him to be better. He likes bad jokes, terrible coffee, and hockey- he’s hoping that April will tutor him enough to be able to bring his grades up enough to be allowed back on the school’s team. He seems sorta prickly and rude at first, but he’s just got a spiky outer shell and he’s really sweet inside. He loves horror movies and extreme sports competitons. He makes a point to walk april home whenever she stays late working on school stuff,
turtle time
the setting: They still live in the sewers, Splinter is still their dad but he’s very old when he gets the turtles, making him even older now. He does a lot of meditating and watching tv and doing crosswords, yknow old people stuff. He relies a lot on Leo to be the head of the house now that he’s old enough. He still trains the boys to learn martial arts bc he thinks it’s important they can defend themselves, considering what they are. He can kick ass when he needs to, tho
leo- 19, red ear slider, silent and stoic leader, raised as a child to be responisble for his brothers. He’s pretty socially awkward and weird bc he was divided from his brothers at a young age and didn’t get a lot of chances to grow and play with other kids his age. He doesn’t do much outside of train, study, and chores, and April is appaled by the fact that he doesn’t have like, ANY hobbies. she takes it upon herself as a personal mission to find something for him to do. He doesnt know the meaning of the word fun, but he tries not to always be a stick in the mud (mostly by removing himself from the fun situation in a misguided attempt to make everyone happier…)
raph- 18, Snapping turtle, and he’s got a short fuse and a big appetite. He’s a bit resentful of his families situation stuck in the sewers and darkness, and he hates being looked down upon. He’s only rebellious bc of how confined and trapped he feels, and though he can act like a grump and lash out he has a heart of gold. He likes wood carving, it’s actually how he made his little sun pendant he wears, it’s something to remind him the sun will rise soon and he’ll be there to see it.
donatello- 17, softshell turtle, bookworm and tech wizard. he likes to read for fun and he’s super into mechanics and computers. smarter than his brothers but thinks WAY too much, often holes up in his lab for hours trying to work out some particularly tough programming problem and will only come out for tea or pizza. he can be snooty/superior in situations where his intellect can be flashed. the worst ninja of the bunch (he thinks more with his head than with his body and never practices)
mikey- 15, box turtle, goofy gooey heartfelt younger brother. He cant draw for shit but still tries because he thinks it’s fun. He’s good at writing and poetry, he likes words and keeps a daily diary he writes in every day. He also keeps a dream journal and a log on all the tunnels in the sewers they’ve explored. He like to keep notes. Comic books are his favorite reading material but he’s picky about the art styles he enjoys, and he is very naturally talented with anything physical. good at easing tension but has 0 common sense, just a round angel
Leo is the shortest and lightest, agile and quick. Mikey is second shortest but he’s fat, which doesn’t detract from his natural flexibility. Raph is second tallest and broad shouldered with big arms, a powerhouse. Donnie is tall and lanky, a little uncoordinated but still strong.
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sunniebelle · 6 years
Tentoo x Rose for @skyler10fic and anon 
When the Doctor and Rose’s TARDIS is finished growing, they find a wonderful way to celebrate.
A03, TSP
Rose could barely contain her excitement as she wandered through the corridors of her and the Doctor’s new TARDIS. The walls were a beautiful golden-tan coral and she couldn’t help but run her fingers along the wall, loving the coarse feel beneath her fingertips. In response there was a familiar gentle hum in her mind as the TARDIS reciprocated the loving gesture.
It had taken the Doctor a good three years to grow their TARDIS from the coral cutting the Time Lord Doctor had given them before leaving them in this alternate universe, in Pete’s World; though it had only taken him a couple of hours to do the calculations for the process Donna had suggested and a few weeks to gather the necessary supplies. Yet, after much time, patience, worry and a lot of love and doting by both the Doctor and herself, their TARDIS was complete.
Rose wandered the halls for more than an hour and looked forward to exploring the new rooms that had cropped up over the past few days. It seemed that the accelerated growth process had also allowed her the ability to almost completely recreate the interior that had been in her previous self, meaning the TARDIS' interior size and number of rooms grew by leaps and bounds almost hourly. Rose suspected she would have just as much enjoyment exploring the rooms in this TARDIS as she had when she was nineteen.
Finally she made her way back to the console room and marveled again at the sight of the coral support struts strategically placed around the room, and the occasionally flashing “Round Things,” as her Doctor liked to call them. Her gaze landed on the round console in the middle of the room. All the same knobs, levers, buttons, and mismatched odds and ends that had made up the previous TARDIS console, once again graced this panel. Rose's eyes traveled upwards to the green-lit time rotor that stretched to the domed ceiling high above. The Old Girl—hmm, Young Girl?... have to think on that one—had outdone herself in replicating the console room Rose and the Doctor had been so fond of.  
Her gaze fell on the spiky head of hair that was barely visible beneath the metal grating. She smiled when she heard the buzzing sound of the sonic screwdriver as the Doctor made adjustments to something beneath the console that likely didn’t need adjustments at all.
The Doctor finished what he was doing and clambered out from beneath the grating to see his beautiful fiancé lounging on the pilot’s chair taking in the view of him. Knowing that he was going to get dirty and greasy while working on the TARDIS, he had temporarily traded in his blue suit for a pair of black denim jeans and a dark green Henley. The look on Rose’s face told him that she was thoroughly enjoying the new look and he determined to make this his TARDIS repair outfit from now on (even knowing that the TARDIS didn’t really need maintenance now, not like she used to, he would find something to do... especially if he got that kind of reaction from his Rose!).
He sauntered over to her and took a seat next to her on the jumpseat, closer than was really necessary, then pulled her to him for a gentle, lingering kiss. One hand was soon tangled in her hair, gently holding her to him, while the other trailed down her left arm, and when he reached her hand it felt completely natural to link their fingers together.
From where their fingers connected he could feel the cool, smooth surface of the gold ring on her finger and the slight roughness of the adorning jewels that sat atop it. He still remembered Rose's surprised delight a couple of months ago, when he had performed the old Earth custom of bending a knee and presenting his beloved with a ring and speaking carefully chosen words of love, a promise of commitment, one he fully intended to honor and keep for the rest of his life. He remembered the look of amazed awe her face held when she saw the beauty of the white point star diamond—an item he had long ago stashed in his blue suit in the main universe, in case he ever got the nerve and courage to make Rose his own—surrounded by a cluster of sapphires, carefully cut and arranged in a pattern to resemble that of a blooming rose. He would never forget the look of wonder on her face when he slid the ring on her finger or the adoration and love when their eyes finally met.  
He was brought out of his memories by the feeling of Rose running a hand down his chest followed by a gentle tug of his shirt. “I like your new wardrobe choice, Doctor. That’s a good look for you,” she said, drawing a pleasant shiver from him as her free hand played with the tiny hairs at the back of his neck.
“Is it?” he asked, looking down at himself as though he just noticed what he was wearing. “I didn’t want to get my blue suit dirty.”
“In other words,” she murmured, a seductive lilt to her words, making his breath catch briefly, “you didn’t want to miss any opportunity to be ogled by your fiancé.”
“Wellll,” he drawled, trying for nonchalance, shrugging off the comment, “that wasn’t what I had in mind at the time.” He suddenly turned his head and pinned her to the seat with the suggestive heat evident in his deep brown eyes. “But it certainly is a perk,” he said with a waggle of his eyebrows.
He smirked satisfactorily when she swallowed hard before leaning forward to kiss him again, quite passionately this time. He loved the results of turning the tables on her when she purposefully attempts to wind him up.
After several minutes of pleasant and thorough snogging, Rose remembered that she is needed at Torchwood for a meeting. She reluctantly pulled out of the Doctor’s embrace, but almost reconsidered when she saw his glistening, kiss swollen lips.
She groaned as she stood up and took a few steps away before she can resume the tempting activities of a moment before. “I’ve got a meeting with Pete and a whole lot of paperwork to complete. I really need to go,” she explained upon seeing his confused look.
“Hmmm, well, that’s really too bad. ’Cause I need to get cleaned up and I’d love for you to join me,” he said in a low throaty voice and a you-know-you-can’t-resist-me grin.
She groaned again, turning away saying, “I can’t, Doctor. This meeting’s important. I gotta go.”
Faster than she knows is possible for her half-human Doctor, he is suddenly in front of her and holding her hand in both of his. She makes the mistake of looking at his face and knows any protest is futile when she sees his large, brown, puppy dog eyes pleading with her and the plump lower lip she loves jutting out slightly in a pout.
“Please, love, stay?” he asks softly, raising her hand to his lips and kissing her knuckles.
Oh, to hell with it, she thinks as her arguments fall to pieces due to the sensual feel of his lips on the tender flesh of the back of her hand. She doesn’t give him a verbal answer, simply grips his hand in hers and practically drags him down the corridor to their new room.
She knows she might be late to her meeting—or she might not reach it at all, it’s still too early to tell—and likely wouldn't get to her paperwork, but she also knows that she will not be reprimanded. A pleasant perk of being the daughter of Peter Alan Tyler, the head of Torchwood.
Her smile is lascivious as she shoves her Doctor through the door of their room, enjoying the squeak of surprise from him. She knows full well her afternoon will be busy, but certainly not with anything as boring and mundane as paperwork and meetings. She can hardly wait to get started!
 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~  Notes: Used Tumblr prompt “That’s a good look for you.” from @skyler10fic and an anonymous Tumblr prompt “happy/ lighthearted- ‘Please stay.’” Thanks so much for the prompts @skyler10fic and anon! It was so much fun to write using them together and I hope you enjoy! 
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negaifreak · 6 years
My Hero Academia: Into the Spider-Verse PART VI
Miles certainly thought his first day at U.A. was an experience. Shota Aizawa's Quirk assessment test definitely set the mark, where he threatened to expel the student that came in last place. Miles came in fifth, and Izuku came in twentieth. And it turned out to be nothing more than a logical ruse by the homeroom teacher; all just to make everyone give it their all in the fitness test. Miles stared over at Izuku in wonder afterwards, remembering the ball throw he had made that broke his right index finger. It was apparent he had a new power as well, though his seemed more self-destructive. The two once quirkless boys now with powers? It seemed unfathomable.
Yet they were here at U.A. And Katsuki obviously hated that. The next day arrived, with the two boys going through all of their classes for the day before the afternoon, where they'd finally go into hero training for the first time. And lo and behold, All Might was the teacher. Izuku hadn't told anyone about his relationship with the number one hero, nor about his power. He felt bad not telling Miles about it, especially they both gained their powers in similar circumstances. But All Might was adamant about keeping the secret intact, so he would do so.
After getting fitted into their costumes, the twenty students made their way out to Ground Beta, where the entrance exam practical portion had taken place. Miles was the last to arrive. His costume didn't come back exactly the way he wanted. The mask had the white eyes like he envisioned, but the rest of the outfit was entirely black. It had the same web-like design as Spider-Man's in silver, so now he just needed the red. Fortunately, he managed to sneak in a can of spray paint. It turned out to be a crude design for both spiders on the front and back of the costume, but the rest of the red he had sprayed onto his fingers, the soles of his feet, around the eyes, and the shoulders all looked like what he had in mind. He was glad that the support company in charge of the costume's design was kind enough to allow him to make his own changes. And with his web shooters added, he was finally ready. He shot out a web line that attached to the roof of the tunnel as he hopped up, swinging out into the open.
"Say hello to the new Spider-WHOA!" he yelped. The line snapped, and he fell flat on his face.
"Ah, Miles!" Izuku gasped, going over with Ochaco to check on him.
"Ha!" Katsuki laughed. He always enjoyed how foolish either Izuku or Miles looked.
"Ugh... I'm good..." Miles groaned as he stood up, rubbing his head.
'Guess I should've waited to test the shooters during free practice...' he muttered inwardly in realization.
"You look quite cool as well, young Morales!" All Might noted with a thumbs up. Oh yeah. There was something else that bugged Miles. Unless people were close friends or just associated themselves with first names, he'd hear his last name called upon by everyone instead of his first. And it annoyed him to no end.
"Uh, thanks," he responded, cocking his head to the side. Anyways, the mock battle scenario explained to him and the rest of class was simple. The villains had a nuclear weapon stowed away inside the building, and the heroes' job was to either retrieve the weapon or capture the villains. It seemed easy enough. All Might had the students draw lots to determine who would be on which team. Miles wound up with C.
"Okay, so I'm with-"
"You're Morales, right?" a feminine voice interjected in question. He sighed.
"Look, just call me Mi..." Miles stopped talking and widened his eyes. Standing beside him was a girl with a mature physique for her age. She had cat shaped, onyx colored eyes and long black hair. Her hair was tied into a spiky ponytail, and she had bangs on the right side of her face. That wasn't was caused him to go bug-eyed though. Her hero costume consisted of a red leotard-like vest with silver linings and edges and matching red boots. She sported a gold utility belt that matches a band that went across her chest. Her vest left space open from the center of the collar to the waist above the belt. It left much of her skin exposed, including the area from her stomach to her chest and her arms and legs as well.
"My name's Momo Yaoyorozu," she introduced, placing her right hand over the exposed part of her cleavage, "You drew a Team C lot as well, didn't you?" she inquired, noticing the black ball in his hand with C labeled on it. He blinked a few times before looking back at it and then hers.
"Uh... y-y-yeah!" he stammered, "My name's, uh, Miles..." he managed to stutter out, "Miles Morales..." he added. Thankfully, she couldn't see the redness building in his cheeks. This was going to be a long training session...
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impracticaldemon · 7 years
Fanfiction Duel: Canuck vs Canuck, The Gloves Come Off
With fanfic writers impracticaldemon (cheering! applause! glow sticks in a suitably attractive blue!); and @nalufever (okay, save the applause for her turn, alright? hehehe...)
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Fandom:  Fairy Tail, starts with Nalu as primary ship Note:  Much of this will be tongue-in-cheek as we try to stick to our genres and tropes; so if you’re seeing some silly stuff, please remember that a lot of it is intended to parody the genre.
Rules:  Each writer must stick to their assigned genre and the setting. Chosen genres and setting can change by agreement only. Fans can send suggestions. Which writers may choose to ignore. Or not.  :)  Writer is to showcase their genre and writing skills (... skilz? ... agh, no). Story MUST continue in a linear fashion but logic is allowed to stretch like your favourite so-called workout pants.
Coffee Shop is the first setting, with Fluff (Imp) vs. Sensual Moments Unveiled Today (Nalufever)
Episode One ~ The inaugural episode! The Premiere!
By the way... The Inaugural Episode got away from me... I’m sorry Eav!!! (Each segment was supposed to be 300-500ish words.  Er.  I will do MUCH better next time ~ think of this as a double-length TV promo pilot episode!)
Lucy sighed as she made an effort to drink her rapidly cooling coffee.  She’d tried to doctor it with lots of milk and sugar, but it hadn’t helped as much as she’d hoped.  She wasn’t a fan of basic coffee, preferring the frothy, aromatic beverages sold by CelestialJewels, as did so many others.  Unfortunately, CJ’s wasn’t going to hire a newbie barrista like her, but this place might.  At least she’d still get to work in Magnolia, hometown of the entire CelestialJewels franchise.
“... Ms. Heartfilia?”  The voice was thin and sharp, and so was the woman behind it. 
“Y-yes?”  Lucy jumped to her feet, knocked the rickety table with her elbow, spilled her coffee, and dropped her purse.  Spilling the coffee was arguably a win, but the overall result was less than desirable.  Especially when a napkin from CJ’s fell out of the overloaded purse.  Unfortunately, the napkin didn’t soak up the milky coffee fast enough to blot out the hearts Lucy had drawn around the central CJ’s logo.
The interviewing manager -- or owner -- stepped back quickly to avoid the puddle, but she’d noticed the napkin and her lips were pursed in distaste.  Lucy felt her heart sink faster than under-frothed cream in a cappuccino.
"I need real help in here, not some dimwit blonde with two left feet!”
Lucy cowered back.  It didn’t matter that her mother had once -- briefly -- been a CJ’s barrista of some renown; in the here and now, this woman’s opinion was the only one that mattered and --
The door opened with a bang, bell jangling furiously.  A striking young man with spiky, cotton-candy-coloured hair, dancing sage-green eyes, and the best smile that Lucy had ever seen stood framed in the doorway, haloed by the bright, mid-afternoon sun.  
Lucy’s heart stopped plummeting and started to beat wildly.  This was the man who had caused her to draw hearts on her CJ’s souvenir napkin.  He was one of the lead barristas for the CJ flagship store in Magnolia -- Lucy had seen him when she’d stopped by for a quick peek at her dream job.  He’d drawn her eye not only with of his classically handsome profile, but also with his crisp, competent movements. 
Suddenly realizing that she’d probably been staring, Lucy blushed and took a quick step backwards.  Inevitably, she managed to bump into somebody.
“Sorry!”  Lucy squeaked, careening off the emaciated guy behind her and then slipping on the coffee-soaked CJ’s napkin.  She felt both feet go out from under her and couldn’t repress a small scream.  The floor was cold and hard, and Lucy felt it rushing up to meet her.
Her plunge floor-ward ended abruptly as two strong, warm arms closed around her.  The young man from CJ’s had evidently moved faster than Lucy had imagined possible.  She stared up at him, trying to calm her breathing.  On the one hand, she’d never felt so safe in her life; on the other, she’d never been this close to a man before, since her father had been strict and she’d attended a select girls-only school before running away from home determined to make her own way in life.
“... Thank you...” she murmured shyly to her rescuer.
“Oh, uh, no problem!” The man set her on her feet a little awkwardly, a touch of red appearing in his cheeks.  He suddenly looked much more diffident than he had when he came in.  “Um, yeah, my name’s Natsu--Natsu Dragneel.  It’s a pleasure Miss?”
“Heart--um, I mean Smith.  Lucy.  Just call me Lucy, please.”  Lucy felt as though she were drowning in those beautiful, honest eyes of his, but she was trying very hard to leave her father and his fortune behind her.  The Heartfilia name was just too recognizable.
“Oh--sure thing then, Lucy.”
“If the two of you are quite done,” snapped the thin woman, “then maybe--Natsu, is it?--can tell me what brings a full-time, hot-shot barrista from CelestialJewels here to our humble establishment?”
Natsu seemed to shake himself, and his sunshine smile reappeared.  Lucy noticed that despite his cheerful manner, he had somehow managed to put himself between her and her prospective employer--and the rail-thin man Lucy had bumped into.
“Yeah, of course, Mrs. Kaze.  Hey Erigor--how’re things?”
Peeping from behind Natsu’s broad back, Lucy realized that Erigor was younger than she’d taken him for at first.  His dark eyes seemed to glare malevolently at Natsu, but he gave the shorter man a slight nod, although he didn’t respond aloud.
“Well, Natsu?”
“Oh yeah, it’s just about the rolls of change we loaned you guys last month.  We’re really running low today, so Gramps said I should see if you had some on hand.”
“We’re low today too,” Erigor answered brusquely, and Lucy realized that he must be an employee.
“I have a few spare rolls in my office,” Mrs. Kaze cut in.  “I’ll have Erigor bring them over to you as soon as I’m finished with Miss Smith’s interview and practical evaluation.”
Natsu glanced down at Lucy and seemed to reach a decision.  Lucy, for her part, had already decided that she didn’t want to work for, or with, Mrs. Kaze and Erigor.
“Actually, Mrs. K, Lucy applied with us this morning--about ten o’clock, wasn’t it?”
Lucy looked up at him, trying to quell a sudden rush of hope.  Did this mean he had noticed her when she stopped by CP earlier?  Had she actually made an impression? 
“Did she, now?”
“We need new staff,” snarled Erigor, his tone no longer polite.  “Lucy seems like just the right person for us!”  His eyes flicked over Lucy’s nicely rounded curves and pretty golden hair in a way that made her distinctly uncomfortable.
For some reason, Lucy found her fingers tangling themselves in the back of Natsu’s official CP-barrista vest.  She was surprised and a little self-conscious to realize how comforting it was.
“Oh, sorry to hear that, but that’s life, eh?”  Natsu smiled all around.  “Gramps okayed her app, so she may as well come with me now.  Don’t worry about the change, Mrs. K!  Gramps’ll send somebody over later.  Bye!”
Lucy found herself being hurried outside, mind whirling.  It was all a little overwhelming, and she found herself on the verge of tearing up.  She was torn between anxiety and incipient happiness.
“You mean... me work at, um, CelestialJewels?  Really?  Um, Mr. Dragneel--Natsu?”
“Huh?  Oh, sure.  At least, I expect it’ll be fine.  Just--Mrs. K isn’t a great boss, you know.  Erigor’s her son and just look at the poor guy!  He’d be blown away by a strong wind!”
Natsu had to stop, since Lucy seemed rooted to the ground.
“So... I get to work with you for CP?  That’s so incredible, you have no idea!”
“Sure, um, yeah!  It’s a great place to work, I mean--”  Natsu broke off, unable to tear his gaze from Lucy’s.  Her soft, pansy-brown eyes had the sweetest, most amazing glow in them.  He brushed her cheek with his fingers without noticing what he was doing.  Then they both blushed.
“We should get going.” “Let’s get going.”  The words rang out in concert.
Natsu took Lucy’s hand.  “It’s just to make sure you don’t get lost or something,” he told her, looking at the ground.
“Oh, sure--yeah, that’s, that’s fine...”
Hand-in-hand, they set off down the street towards CP.
Wow, thought Lucy.  He is just the nicest guy.  I hope I get to see him a bit more around the store.  That would be perfect!
[END - Part I]
@shell-senji  @eliz1369  @hakuyamazakisensei @hidetheremote @cherryb0mb79 @canadiangaap @sabinasanfanfic
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Necromancy Judgement
Two lifeless bodies are lying down on the concrete.
One is a fair toned man who is also a tlatchlibol player and a powerful warrior, with his body possessing a soul of his deceased twin brother.
Another is a young girl with brown, squash-like hair, whose main power is to summon plants as well as a powerful warrior and hoping to be a useful member of society.
Both of them die of unsuspected and unexpected cause together, with the former dying in his 20s and the latter dying in the age of 16.
A figure of a young man slowly walks into the body, looking at the corpses in his feet, Kneeling down, he picks up the souls of the deceased, slowly lifting them up and communicate with the souls, with the souls slowly taking form of what they used to be alive.
Hunoch, Xiboch and Nanu are now standing in front of an otherworldly psychopump, who specifically recruits them for accompany a heroine to stop a goddess from their world’s destruction.
Hunoch and Xiboch are happy to feel their presence again and are happy although they are upset that Hunoch dies. Nanu, however, breaks down crying, as she barely reaches the age of 20 and her life is suddenly cut short. Hunoch and Xiboch, for all their attempts to try being aloof to her because she’s a young girl who has romantic interest on them, took sympathy of her and reach down to comfort her, as dying in an age as young as 16 is very traumatic for her.
“I may ask of you, will you join with me in my quest?” Dante said to the three warriors who stood in front of me.
Hunoch, Xiboch and Nanu are unsure of themselves. For their belief, they will be expecting to be sent into their own version of the afterlife. But to meet with someone who not only is a practitioner of a more sacred art of Necromancy, it causes them a dilemma on whether they follow the Necromancer or continue on their journey to the afterlife.
“Your deeds are powerful, aiding with a piece of Kala to defy her and save the world.” Danta said, putting his gloved hand in his heart. “It’s a tragedy that you three all die at the same time, barely even living your life after the quest.”
“Will you come with me for my holy cause? To cleanse this land of soul defilers?”
After a few moments of silence, Hunoch begins to speak first. “Yes. You never seem to pervert the dead, instead you are like a demigod or something, swooping the dead for warriors for a holy cause.”
“If brother follows you, I’ll go too.” Xiboch said. “I’ll never stray away from my brother, and I will always with him.”
It’s Nanu who has more time to think of the decision before she eventually decides her answer. “Yes… I’m fine coming with you… But please… Don’t leave me alone Hunoch and Xiboch… I’m so scared…”
“It’s okay, Nanu.” Hunoch said, comforting Nanu.
“Yeah, we won’t leave you alone in here.” Xiboch said as well. “We’re… happy that you like us. We promise not to abandon you.”
Happy that the twin brothers comfort the little girl, Dante smiles and said to the three of them. “Thank you. I’ll tend the bodies to make them presentable and then we’ll continue on our journey to eradicate evil. Take your time to say the last words to your mortal shells before we go.”
Having reach to an agreeable term, they all nod and allow the Necromancer to respectfully tend the bodies.
In an old derelict wilderness, an ancient factory once stood in the place, where the internal mechanisms are still mindlessly active. However, it is where a soul defiling Pokémon resides, where he travels around, stealing and damaging souls to turn them into dangerous “Soul Spheres”. Dante quickly run into the heart of the factory, where nothing but the grass grown earth and parts of the machinery are still inside.
Angry that a well-respected Pokémon such as a Keldeo practicing black magics, Dante quickly confronts the Keldeo, pointing his staff towards him.
“Defiler of souls!” He said, glaring angrily at him. “How dare you walk in these lands unrepentant!”
The Keldeo only looks at the sacred Necromancer and gives a short cackle before he continues to speak. “Well, what do we have here. A self-proclaimed psychopump? You are more of a necromancer as I do and is also a defiler of souls.”
“Speak nonsense, fiend!” Dante rebukes back. “Your time is limited and you will soon face the judges of the dead and your soul will be weighted for your sins!”
“I think not!” The Keldeo said, summoning six Soul Spheres into his side, to defy against the more benevolent necromancer.
Seeing that there is no choice but to engage into combat, Dante sighs and pulls out his staff, twirling up in the air. “To my side, my noble Einherjar!”
Six different warriors emerge from Dante’s staff, where they materialize to his side. Hunoch, Xiboch and Nanu appear by his side, with Hunoch taking in place while Xiboch acts as the guardian/weapon spirit (Stand), as well as two Navar army swordsmen, an Ibieani bo staff wielder and an Ibieani sniper. Their weapons are ready as they engage into combat against the defiling Pokémon.
Focusing on attacking the Soul Spheres, Dante and his Einherjar quickly attack. Hunoch (using Xiboch as his ball), a Navar swordsman and the bo staff warrior quickly launch an all out attack against a Soul Sphere, obliterating it in several seconds by a spectral thick rubber ball, shamshir and bo as it has no time to defend itself and is destroyed once the attack is over. Long range fighters (Dante, Nanu and the sniper) and another Navar swordsman attacks another Soul Sphere, starting with a spiky ice barrage from Dante to a very large plant emerging from the ground of the soul creature and a devastating sword blow from the Navar swordsman.
With two down, the remaining foes quickly start to attack the Dante and the Einherjar. However, their attempts have been blocked and evaded, such as Xiboch defending his twin brother, Dante moving away from the Keldeo’s sword-like swipe from his horn, the Navar blocking with his shield and Nanu kneeling down to avoid some deadly spikes. Just before they could get a breather, Dante and the Einherjar quickly strikes back, this time focusing on their attacks on the Keldeo. This results with ice barrages, sword slashes, bo thrusting, thick rubber ball slamming and dangerous plant growth sprouting.
What happened to the rest of the battle is unknown, which is very frustrating. It’s better if we can get to see the actual outcome.
(NOTE: This dream’s version, or rather an instance of, necromancy is not based on the popular depiction mainly malevolent necromancers with armies of the dead, but servants of deities that tend the dead and draws inspiration to the original depiction (communication of the dead), Norse mythology Valkyries (chosen of the slain and fallen soldiers), Haitian Voodoo (summons them though they have will and control of their actions, more like divine spirits), shamanism (interaction with spirits or souls) and therapy (consultants and comforters of any death-relating tragedies and events, both living and dead), and as such, should not be mistaken as the “evil” necromancy.
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lunarmadison · 7 years
and carry me home in good health | 5.21.17
WHO: Madison McCarthy, ft. Éabha and a surprise special guest!  WHAT: Madison fights. She keeps fighting. And she lives to see another day. But is that enough? Is that all there is? WARNINGS: Violence, blood, injury, gore, child endangerment.
NOTES: This is PART TWO, continued from ‘deep in this sleeplessness’ posted yesterday. It is also quite long, so be advised of that! 
Dawn broke, and Madison stretched herself awake after a long night. She hadn’t slept much. Éabha’s questions -- her own questions -- spun circles through her mind, repeating themselves without answer, and spawning yet more questions. Two days hardly felt like enough time for Madison to put herself back together.
No, not back together.
A second EverEnergy bar and a bottle of water were her silent breakfast. Madison was still hungry, but she couldn’t find the third bar that she swore she’d packed. It was neither in the pages of her book nor in the bag itself. That was odd, but she probably just forgot how many she brought in her rush to pack. She put her trash back into her bag and swept up the campsite, leaving as little trace of her presence as possible. With a sigh, she looked ahead, into the woods. Long branches reached towards her, beckoning her to venture further in. There was adventure ahead. There was more waiting for her. The very concept of spending a full two weeks alone like this, now, with all that she had learned in the past several years, was enticing, but --
She had responsibilities back on campus. She had two classes, each with a full semester’s worth of work packed into the tight six weeks of summer term. She had a brother who was no doubt already worrying about her, and she had friends that she was trying desperately to reconnect with. As enticing as it was, she knew she couldn’t stay, so she turned to head back the way she came, and began walking. The path was clear, the sun was bright, and soft green leaves brushed her skin as the denizens of the forest flitted about her in their daily business. She almost thought she heard laughter -- and maybe she did. The Aether was strong here, although it had been stronger the last time she’d been here.  
So much had been so different the last time she’d left these woods.
Rain poured down on a cold and frightened little girl. Dark hair hung in wet strands around her face, and stained, torn clothing clung to her small body. Madison couldn’t remember when her last meal had been. The rations had been consumed days ago; how many days, she couldn’t be sure. She had lost count of how long she’d spent here. She’d measured days with notches sliced into the lower limb of her bow, with the intent to make them a reminder of how long she had survived this hell, a testament to the fact that she could certainly weather less tempestuous personal storms when she had this under her belt -- but her bow had broken.
So had her arm.
She’d patched it up to the best of her ability, with torn clothing keeping the wound closed, but she had nothing to replace the makeshift bandage, and nothing to keep it disinfected. Restorative magic was beyond her; she’d seen the way the healers at the compound simply laid on hands or applied healing salves, as the magic from their shining circles flowed into bodies and put together Slayers that had been in worse condition than this.
A broken arm and a broken bow meant she couldn’t hunt. Not hunting meant she couldn’t eat. Not eating meant she wouldn’t survive, even if the arm remained uninfected. Madison was loathe to succumb to the only guaranteed way out; she was put here because she was ready for the test, because her teachers knew that she was capable of survival in this forest on her own. Nonetheless, she pulled out the stone disk, roughly the size of her palm, with one side polished to a mirrored shine and the other inscribed with a complicated sigil. It was the only magical item that she was allowed to use on this test, and if she used it, she forfeited her grade. She’d be giving up if she activated it. She’d be admitting defeat. And that was unacceptable for the heir to the McCarthy clan.
Éabha glided down to rest on Madison’s shoulder as they covered a relatively facile stretch of the path. ‘Still not talking?’ she asked, teasing.
Madison hummed thoughtfully, pushing a bit of branch out of the way. “Still thinking,” she said, “about what you said last night.”
Éabha tutted audibly, mimicking the chastising call of a real raven. ‘You know I’m right.’
“Of course you are,” Madison replied, like there was never any question to the matter. Éabha was Madison’s familiar; she was a part of her soul made manifest by the Aether, so she knew all the things that Madison did, but hadn’t been able to articulate or admit to herself. She knew Madison better than even Mason did. Better than Madison herself did.
‘So -- did you find what you were looking for?’
“I --”
Wind brushed Madison’s skin. A shadow blotted the overhead light. Talons approached.
Madison jumped out of the way, drawing knives from her belt before she could even process the shape of the danger. She fell back into a defensive pose, surveying the creature that had landed in her path.
A huge feline, with sleek, green-black fur that shined in the patches of light that filtered through the leaves, it was larger than the panther that it seemed to resemble. Deadly bone spikes marched down its spine in twin rows, as sharp and threatening as the claws on its paws and teeth in its mouth.
Slaying without a contract was illegal. Slaying in self-defense was circumstantial. Madison tried to remind herself of that, but legality was the furthest thing from her mind as a giant paw swiped at her.
She dodged. She avoided another swipe with a tuck and roll, unfolding herself to standing behind the monster. A split second to discern a weakness. An attack from behind was unlikely. Above was plain stupid, with the spikes to deter enemies. Its long tail swished, brushing her knees, and the next thing Madison knew, it was facing her.
Long tendrils uncoiled from its shoulder blades, dancing above its head like thick green vines. The end of each was coated with translucent goo that dripped menacingly onto the forest floor and smelled like rotting fruit.
She’d smelled that before.
Young Madison had, thankfully, lost the not-cat in the dark shadows of the night, and she doubled over in her place, hands braced on knees as she tried to catch her breath. It had been a close fight, and she’d walked away with deep wounds on her arm and the kind of pain that she couldn’t ignore for too long. Her bow was gone, dropped in the thick of the fight and unrecoverable; it was nothing compared to Madison escaping and living to fight another day. A sickly sweet scent floated on the air, a spiky shadow loomed behind her, and she barely had time to register that it was the same monster before she felt a hot, sticky substance drip onto her skin. It burned where it met flesh, and then she felt nothing. Not even the pain of what was surely a broken arm. She didn’t pause to think, didn’t stop to strategize -- she ran. And kept running, kept moving, ignoring the sting of tears on her dirty face and the burning in her overworked muscles until she could find a place to stop and activate her sole ticket out of the forest. It was time to go home.
It’d paralyze her.
It was almost poetic, in a way, that the same type of monster that had forced Madison to give up all those years ago now stood blocking the way out. Running wasn’t an option this time. Running would only push her further into the forest, and the Vinecat no doubt knew the territory far better than she did.
<< Extend, >> Madison murmured, thumb pressed to the sigils on the hilts of each small knife. The blades lengthened in her hands, sharp steel growing to match the size of the threat. This was not the time for forgiveness. This was not the time for peace. Only one of them was going to walk away from this.
The vinecat charged forward, all four of its paralyzing tendrils aiming for Madison. She spun, she swerved, and she sliced clean through the head of one long tentacle, separating the poisonous gland from the limb. The vinecat howled, but the pain didn’t hinder it; a claw cut across Madison’s arm, but she held onto the knife. She raised her other hand to spear its shoulder and sliced through furry hide, black blood dripping from the wound, and she fell back again. She had a second to regroup. Breathe. Right.
Everything had a weakness. The tentacles were protecting something. The spines were defensive. Inside … gross, but maybe. << Sigil stones, to me, >> she summoned, and the small pack floated from the back of her bag, still slung tight over her shoulders, and hovered in the air beside her. She selected a few and dismissed the pouch.
That was all the time she had. “Hey, bet you can’t roar like me!” she taunted, laughing as she gave chase, daring the vinecat to follow her. “ROAR! ROOOAR!”
Her mother would call her an idiot. Madison could practically see Margaret’s disapproving glare, the way she’d fold her arms and shake her head at her impossible, potentially insane daughter. The way she’d wonder aloud to her husband how on earth these children could have possibly been born from their genes.
In the shadow of a deadly vinecat, dodging claws and tentacles alike, Madison Laurel McCarthy didn’t give a fuck. Another gland came off under her blade. Claws sank into her skin, and this time, she allowed it to happen, allowed the pain that came with torn flesh and the burning poison that dripped from the tendrils overhead. “Yeah, what’s that?” she asked. “You’re gonna eat me? Yeah, I bet you’d like to do that. I bet you think I’m delicious.”
She could smell its sickening breath looming closer, feel the weight of its sharp paw pinning her to the ground. The paralyzing poison hissed when it landed on her shoulder and rolled down her arm.
<< Explode, >> she cast, the green energy from her circle igniting the small sigil stone in her opposite hand. It glowed, radiating heat and magic, full of the power that came with Madison’s confidence. “Eat this.”
She tossed the sigil down the vinecat’s throat.
Madison heard the boom echo through the forest, and then she felt the explosion rip apart the beast on top of her from the inside. Flesh and guts scattered. Blood and poison goo sprayed and spattered. Half the monster was still on top of her, still warm, claws still pressing into her skin. Madison barely moved. Barely breathed. Waited until she knew that it was, without a doubt, completely dead. It felt like forever.
But then she was sure. Madison rolled and hefted the front half of the vinecat off of her body, wincing as she pulled the claws out of her skin, leaving puncture wounds in a wide arc across her chest. Her left arm hung limp at her side, already succumbed to the paralyzing poison.
She had to get out of here fast if she didn’t want that to be permanent.
Young Madison was still crying when the helicopter descended from above. She heard it before she saw it, cloaked as it was with McCarthy wards; even the noise it made was a dull echo of the sound it would make without the magic. The door opened, revealing the face of her father floating in the air above her, and at the sight of him a huge, thick lump rose in her throat. She’d failed. She’d failed and she needed to be extracted because she couldn’t cut it. A long chain ladder unfurled from the open door, and with one useless arm, Madison couldn’t climb it properly, so she held on with her good hand and allowed herself to be raised into the vehicle.
Her father’s strong arms encircled her tightly, and he pulled her into an embrace against his body. She could feel the heat radiating off of him, and hear his heart beating loud in his chest, racing like he’d been working out. Or scared. But that was impossible. In this embrace, in the helicopter, flying far away from this stupid forest, Madison felt her own body wracking with great sobs, her body heaving of its own volition, like there was too much emotion for her small frame to contain. Her father’s familiar magic circle lit up the small space, and she felt the familiar energy of his healing magic entering her body, stitching her wounds and pushing the toxin out of her system.
“Don’t cry, Maddie,” Shane said. It did nothing to calm the girl. “You’re going home.”
Madison willed herself to stop crying to the best of her ability, standing straight and pulling her quivering lip between her teeth. “I f-f- I failed,” she blurted, through sobs that try as she might, she couldn’t control. “I couldn’t make it until -- until the moon reappeared. After the, the new moon. I couldn’t. I --” The fear swallowed up her words, the lump in her throat choking her off.
“Madison,” Shane cautioned, but rested a gentle arm around her shoulder, putting enough distance between them that he could fix her with his eyes. “It was a survival test. You survived.”
She survived.
Looking up, she spotted Éabha swooping through branches, attempting to avoid a creature of her own -- but nothing so vicious as a vinecat. Madison didn’t recognize the critter, a fluffy little thing with big eyes and big ears, grabbing after her familiar’s feathers with tiny paws like a raccoon’s. “Éabha, quit playing! We’ve gotta go.”
‘It’s trying to eat me!’ Éabha insisted, but fluttered down to Madison’s shoulder all the same. At least near her witch she was protected.
“It’s not going to eat you,” Madison said. “The vinecat didn’t eat me. This little guy is definitely not going to eat you. Besides, you’re not even a real raven. And you could peck its eyes out if you wanted!”
‘I’m still going back in the book,’ Éabha insisted, and pulled open the clasp on Madison’s bag with her beak before wriggling inside.
The critter, such as it was, scampered down the tree trunk and towards Madison. It was about the size of a squirrel, and looked up at her with wide, adorable eyes, and something like a smile on its face. She’d never seen anything like it before in her life, even after a semester of cryptozoology and a lifetime of memorizing what could and couldn’t kill you in the magical world.
“You’re not going to eat my familiar, are you?” she asked, weary, like it could answer. Madison didn’t have time for this, anyway; she needed to find the portal back to NYADA as soon as possible. She looked up to make sure she was on the right path, and nodded as she forged ahead in the right direction.
When she looked again, the fuzzy little thing didn’t seem to be anywhere in sight. Éabha clearly wanted to sleep, and Madison needed to recover as well, so she kept walking until she got to the portal and finally, blessedly, made her way back to campus.
She needed a shower.
But before that, she needed healing and in a big way. Her items weren’t going to cut it, so she checked herself into the hospital, where she fully planned to spend the rest of the day.
She survived. Just like she’d survived back then. Just like she’d survived her first year: with her head above the water, dodging the threats, running between the trees. It wasn’t about plans or lack of them. It wasn’t about classes or friendships or boyfriends or any of the myriad things she’d fought like vicious vinecats over the twenty and a half years of her life.
There was more than just surviving.
It was time to live. 
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