#(now you see this wouldve been a submission BUT)
wishwaycrew · 2 years
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“Congratulations Lady Drachen, I felt it would be more courteous to present you this letter myself. I encouraged everyone to practice their prose for today, so you may be left with a small handful of letters next to your gifts.”
>You received 7 letters!
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yoon-kooks · 1 year
better than sex | myg | 3
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🍑Pairing: Yoongi x Producer!Reader
🍑Genre: fluff, smut, studio!au
🍑Summary: As Min Yoongi’s studio neighbor and self-proclaimed nemesis, you’ve always seen him as someone who knew how to maintain a clean, well-put-together image without any careless slip-ups. But after nearly walking in on him with a hand around his cock, you gain a new perspective that leads to steamy fantasies in your bedroom and much-needed inspiration in the studio for Bangtan’s next album.
A week before track submissions are due, you give Yoongi a taste of the dirty demo, and now the selfish bastard wants to claim it for his own solo album. In exchange, he offers to help you produce another Bangtan track by the end of the week. Your only condition is for this track to be better than the sexual fantasies that inspired its predecessor.
🍑Word Count: 2.3k
🍑Parts: 1 ◆ 2 ◆ 3 [discontinued after this chapter]
🍑Warnings: this is the last part im posting for this series even though it was supposed to be longer, the ending here isnt conclusive but im posting it for anyone interested! if you have questions about the couple or where the story wouldve went, feel free to send some asks🥹 no smut in this chapter btw
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Yoongi🍑👹 [6:47PM] “We’re filming near the BigHit building if you want a break from the studio”
Y/N💅 [6:48PM] “is there free coffee👀”
Y/N💅 [6:48PM] “asking for a friend”
Yoongi🍑👹 [6:49PM] “There’s a whole taco truck here for dinner”
Yoongi🍑👹 [6:50PM] “And free coffee for your friend”
Y/N💅 [6:51PM] “okay ill be there in a sex🐁”
Yoongi🍑👹 [6:51PM] “Sex?”
Y/N🐭 [6:51PM] “SEC”
Y/N🐭 [6:51PM] “fuck you”
You don’t really want to see Yoongi after an embarrassing typo like that, but you can’t say no to free food and coffee. Besides, the studio gets awfully boring and lonely when the boys aren’t around all day. It’s been like that as of late, aside from your late-night studio sessions with you-know-who. In times like this, you’re grateful the boy thought to invite you out for a change of scenery.
After throwing a cardigan over your shoulders and tucking your mini lyric notebook into your pocket, you step out of your studio and head over to the address Yoongi sent you. Your tummy immediately starts to feel like shit, but it isn’t hunger. It’s the kind of nervous feeling you get on a first date—except this isn’t a first date. It’s just the first time you’ve been invited by one of the guys to go behind the scenes of something other than music production.
Just as you’re about to message Yoongi about your arrival, you spot Jimin and Taehyung waving their tacos at you from right outside the area for filming.
“We’ve been expecting you, Y/N,” Taehyung says as if he’s the butler of some royal mansion. It matches his slicked-back hair and fancy gentleman costume that he’s only partly changed out of.
“Yoongi told us you were dropping by for table scraps or something.” Jimin hands you a to-go box loaded with tacos. It’s still nice and hot. “He said you’re like a little mouse scurrying around for free food.”
“Great. Did he just invite me over here so y’all can insult me?” You narrow your eyes at the boys, even though “little mouse” is the most endearing insult you’ve ever heard.
“He wanted to see you, obviously,” Taehyung shrugs. “Bro won’t shut up about that track you’re working on with him. Said you came up with a pretty sick hook.”
Oh, so he’s insulting you and complimenting you. Sounds about right for the nemesis you know.
The boys bring you inside to what looks like the set of a cologne commercial. Who knows. Maybe it’s actually a personal moisturizer for self-pleasure in that black bottle they’re advertising. 
One by one, you spot and say hi to the rest of the guys. Seokjin and Namjoon are getting their makeup touched up, Jungkook is devouring what appears to be his second box of tacos, and Hoseok is looking over the shots he just finished. The only person unaccounted for is the boy who called you over here.
Then you look over to where all the cameras are pointed. Yoongi is lying comfortably on a leather couch, legs propped up on the armrest. He holds the black bottle up and studies it like he’s reading a book. 
He looks good on that couch, but not nearly as good as he looked on the one in your studio last night. On your couch, he had a different look to him. He wasn’t the calm and well-mannered idol you see posing for the camera now. He was very much into finger-fucking you and making a mess out of you on your couch. And it was hot as hell.
Still, you have to admit you’re here drooling over him in his suit and tie like he’s the CEO of your heart or something. You’re not used to seeing him in anything other than sweats or jeans since there’s apparently no one worth impressing in the studio end of the BigHit building. And as much as you adore his naked face and casual look, Hot CEO is definitely a style he should adopt more of.
“Did you come here to stare or to eat?” Yoongi asks as soon as he gets a break from the cameras. No hi, no how are you. Just more slander. It should be illegal to be mean and handsome at the same time.
You came because he invited you! And because you like free food! And because maybe he’s nice to look at! But you’re not going to waste your breath on telling him something he already knows.
“I heard you called me a little mouse.” You cross your arms as he takes a long sip of water. “Is that your new pet name for me?”
He chokes on his water. Good. “You weren’t supposed to hear that.” Aha, you were right. And to be honest, you wouldn’t really mind him calling you his Little Mouse from now on. “It’s because you sent that mouse emoji earlier.”
Ah, yes, the infamous mouse emoji that came right after your infamous sex typo. Good to know he hasn’t burned that cursed text from his memory the way you have.
The boy points to the box in your hands. “You should eat.”
“Did you eat already?” you ask, fidgeting with the notebook in your pocket. A tiny part of you is hoping he hasn’t so you can eat together. Then he’d have some time to look over the lyrics you’ve been working on for the song.
He shakes his head. “Now’s a good time—”
“Yoongi, we need you back for maybe 30… 40 minutes?” a camera guy calls out. You thought this was supposed to be Yoongi’s turn for a break. You thought this was your turn with him.
“I’ll be there in a sec,” he says, pulling you around the corner to a narrow hallway. The strong grip around your wrist is an odd mix of comfort and clinginess. “I heard the tacos are good. You should eat before they get cold.” In other words, eat without him because he doesn’t have time for you.
“They’re already cold.” You don’t mean it as a complaint. If he ate with you, you’re sure a cold meal would be just as satisfying as a hot one. But the thought of eating cold tacos all alone is kind of pathetic. And that makes you sad.
With a frown, he takes the box from you and pulls a taco out, examining it closely like the hottest certified health inspector in town. You’re suddenly hungry. The taco does look quite appetizing in those hands of his. Anything he touches becomes a thousand times prettier.
He takes a small bite as if whatever’s yours is his. You don’t mind, though. At least you know he’s getting some food in his stomach before returning to work.
But then he turns the taco to you and holds it up to your lips. You feel a piece of tortilla cling to the corner of your mouth as you bite into your dinner.
“Good, right?” The boy picks the tortilla bit off your cheek and pops it into his mouth before you can hide the mess from him—can’t get anything past his eyes.
You nod as you munch on the taco. You’ve never heard of a mouse being fed like royalty. But you have to admit, you kind of like it.
Satisfied with your answer, Yoongi tucks the half-eaten taco away with the rest of them in the box. You reach for the box, but he pulls it back out of reach.
“You’re not gonna grab some coffee too?” he asks.
You’d long forgotten about the coffee. Besides, what’s the point if you can’t enjoy it with the biggest coffee enthusiast you know?
“Maybe next time.” You swipe for the box again like a cat making a move on its prey. But once again, he holds the box as far away from you without actually distancing his body from yours. You both know there’s nowhere to run with that taco box in this narrow corridor.
“How about tomorrow morning?” he casually throws out. What, like a coffee date? Like an actual date? There’s no way. “I’ll pick it up on the way to the studio.”
Right. He can’t be seen out in the open with anyone other than his members and managers. You just wish so badly that that wasn’t the case.
“Yeah, that’s fine.” Besides, the two of you are just friends. A coffee date with him is asking for too much. You feel yourself shrinking against the wall and fail to notice the way he studies the hint of disappointment in your eyes.
Before you know it, his lips find yours. They’re soft and lazy but also comforting—more comforting than any cup of coffee you could’ve gotten from here. And that’s when you know the small trip you made tonight was all worth it. Any time you get to spend with him is always worth it, no matter how short it may be.
“I’ll surprise you with something good,” he hums against your lips before finally handing the box back to you and walking toward the cameras. “See you around, Little Mouse.”
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When you get back to your studio, all you think about while eating your cold tacos is Yoongi kissing you again. This time was different, though. It wasn’t prompted by sexual tension or frsutration. It was the kind of kiss you’d give when parting with a lover after a perfect night spent together. What business did Min Yoongi have with sending you off like that? You’ve heard of superheroes being charmed by the enemy, but you won’t let yourself be that easy. Not that way.
So after you take the last bite of your tacos, you shake off the thought of his soft lips and reach into your cardigan pocket for your notebook. It’s time to get back to work.
But the pocket is empty. The one on the other side is empty as well. Oh fuck. The notebook with all your lyrics is gone. All your hard work is suddenly gone. You must’ve dropped it on your little outing for free food.
And that’s not even the worst part. There are things in there no one else is supposed to see. If it falls into the wrong hands—i.e. Yoongi’s large veiny hands—you’re going to lose your goddamn mind.
You should probably go back and find it before the enemy does.
As soon as you step out of your studio, your body smacks right into a solid chest. You square up on instinct like it’s some late-night intruder, but it’s just Yoongi. And he’s got his stinken hands on your notebook. Of course he does.
“Oh good, I was looking for that,” you say as innocently as possible before swiping your paws at him. He takes a step back along with the notebook.
“First of all, ouch.” He rubs his chest right where you’d collided with him. “Second, you’re welcome for returning this safely to you.”
“Thank you, Yoongi. You truly are the best,” you mutter, somewhat distracted by the hand on his chest. It’s so veiny. “Happy now? Can I have my notebook back please?”
“Wait.” He holds a finger up like you’re a puppy in training. You only obey because you really need the notebook back. “What are all those lyrics in here?”
“For the song we’re working on, obviously.” A half truth.
“Some pages have dates from years ago.”
“Well you weren’t supposed to see those.”
“Well I read all of them.” He finally hands the notebook back, but it appears to be too late. He knows your secrets now. “It’s a waste of good lyrics. Assuming you weren’t planning on using them after all these years.”
“I’m not.” You cling to the notebook as if there’s anything left to hide in it. Anybody who’s read them could tell those other lyrics weren’t written for Bangtan songs. They were clearly written for you, from your perspective. Your unfiltered feelings, good and bad, make up approximately 99% of those lyrics. You might’ve even written soft shit about Yoongi. 
“Okay, well, I’m glad I got to read them at least.” He leans against the doorframe. You’d expect him to be smirking after reading all the sappy things you’d written in that notebook, but he’s well-behaved tonight. “I wouldn’t be mad if you put out your own music eventually.”
“Very unlikely.” Although you appreciate him subtly supporting everything you do when it comes to music. “I already have my hands full with you, don’t I?”
“Oh, am I too much for you to handle?” There’s the smirk.
“Perhaps.” You press both hands into his chest and walk him backward to escort him out. There shall be no smirking or charming boys in your studio tonight.
“I have to head back before we wrap up.” He nods in the direction of the shoot as your hands continue to rest on him. “Will you still be around in an hour?”
“Nah, I’ll probably be out of here in about twenty minutes.” You pretend to check your phone even though you know you’ll still be in the studio for at least a few more hours. You’d rather not encourage him to come back and extend his already long day. “I just need to jot down a couple of ideas first.”
“I’ll see you tomorrow then.” He starts walking away before turning on his heels. “Oh, by the way, there’s been a change of plans about the morning coffee.”
Your heart sinks. No coffee? Got it.
“The photoshoot was supposed to be a two-day thing, but since we’re finishing it up tonight, I don’t have any work scheduled for tomorrow.” A free day? For Min Yoongi? Unheard of. “I’ll pick you up in the morning. Just bring your guitar. And that notebook.”
“You forgot the part where you tell me what the actual plan is.” You’re skeptical. He’s being sneaky, and that’s never a good sign.
“I told you it’s a surprise.” He dips before you can protest.
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arana-222 · 2 months
He is home
My first one shot <3 I wrote this while watching a movie and it’s unedited be nice
The loud footsteps rang out in your ears. 7 of them came closer and closer and there was nothing to do you knew it was useless to run.
it was in your head as if the thought was your own. it wasnt, this voice was deep, dark… commanding. Standing there like a sitting duck was all you knew… sanded down into this perfect pet unweavering and unmoving. the door slid opened with a woosh and not even that prompted your feet further. Normally back at home the noise of the door opening wouldve pushed your feet to the door to greet whoever was there with a warm smile.
This wasnt home though.
The 7 scary men came into view as you stood to face them one slightly taller than the rest stepped closer. His cape followed him as he stood close to you your space invaded…its not really your space anymore though. Not since youve been here. Its his space, everything of yours was now his. Your mind, body and soul belonged to him not willingly…but they were his and protesting it had just gotten you no where.
His soulless void that now looked at you, looked down at you. For some reason the mask had always scared you the most. . Looking into a black void as he towered over you. You already knew he owned you, consumed you, ordered you. But to see the mask just towering down at you looking was scary. It sent shivers down your spine every time. You knew what he wanted. Why he was looking at you. You knew he was looking at you.
He always looked at you. Your body reacted on autopilot it was second nature to lift your heels and press a kiss to his mask. It was a barrier between the two of you. It was a reminder most importantly, never forget he owned you, he was the supreme leader of course he owned everyone but you…you were his everything, his darling his pet. As you broke away from the cold metal of his mask he finally spoke. that was your reward for obeying…acknowlegement. If not he couldve not said a word to you the whole night. Punishment for the lack of submission as he comes back through the door.
I provide for you dont i? every day i allow you to live in here dont I? i give you everything I gave you a home.
home? you took me away from my hom-
hello, darling. Im home.
He is home.
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🥪 - Who didn't you know before it all started but now you root for them in every poll?
Also some own questions (answer as much as you like and leave the rest):
Is there any story you like very much but for whatever reason you couldn't include?
Did the preliminaries went as you imagined and/or hoped?
What was the most surprising thing so far in the tournament? Either regarding the submissions or the polls?
Thanks for the questions omg!
there have been quite a few stories ive fallen in love with through this tournament! Where Oaken Hearts Do Gather was one of my favorites, as well as A Guide For Working Breeds (rip). For upcoming stories, I like --And He Built A Crooked House--.
a few submissions were just too long for me to include, especially as i tried to be stricter about length at the start of submissions - The Ugly Little Boy by Isaac Asimov almost made me cry but it was just too long. also someone submitted 17776 and thats a kinda very long story but also... i should reread it, its great.
oh my god. preliminaries. the entire time i kept calling them pre-brackets. and the word preliminaries was right there. i was a fool. hehe omg. uuuh they went pretty much as i imagined! it was interesting to see people in my notes who were familiar with these works in ways im not (i actually havent read many Classics). maybe someone should run a tournament for every sherlock holmes story...
the need for preliminaries at all! i'll be honest i messed up a lot during the submissions period - i kinda assumed no one would be interested in this so i never limited submissions per person or author or decided on a word limit or capped the number of stories, and then i had to make do with the wild submissions ive gotten (though i'm happy with how it turned out). also - im surprised scandal in bohemia beat the end poem that handily, i wouldve thought the minecraft fandom would have posed a stronger threat. maybe if i'd called it the Minecraft End Poem instead of just the End Poem? oh, im also amazed at Man Door Hand Hook Car Door sweeping. its up against Cask of Amontillado next round, which is going to be insane. one last thing - its been fun to see the same people cropping up in my notes! feels like we've got a nice little community of bookworms here :3 i appreciate you all <3
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ginnsbaker · 5 months
Ive been so sick the past few days stuck in bed and just generally dying so imagine my excitement when i saw a new chapter (in my fever ive been very delusional and remembering the date has been the least of my concerns 💀)
no but in all seriousness the chapter was perfect first thing i wanna say mama reader is awesome her advice is so good and i love her i want one but her advice is gonna bite readers ass so hard cos like she said you’ve made your choice and im getting the impression reader’s decision is give it a chance but with Danny opening his big mouth its gonna make leigh unhappy so basically roles reversed 💀(i know ive been wanting him to and i’ll come back to this)
I liked the interaction with jules and leigh they’re not always on the same side but they’re still siblings who obviously care a lot for each other so it was cute especially jules remembering leighs comfort snack - i wonder if later for whatever reason leigh is sad or something and reader brings it to her and it just gets to her a bit that reader took the timt to learn the little things about her 🤔
I thought that reader knew leigh worked at the advice column cos originally i was like how are you this mad you knew she worked there and your submissions are very specific so it was obvious and easy to figure out so why you so mad but im guessing i just misunderstood (which in my current state seems about right) i do like how reader called leigh out on her hot and cold tho and while i do understand her reasons and okay maybe it tugged on my heartstrings just a little bit she did need to hear it not to hurt or upset her but so she can grow from it
HOWEVER can the two of you just call it even you both kept something from the other so call it a tie and start fresh cos you both want each other so kiss and make up cos when danny starts running his mouth i know miss shaw is gonna be mad a small deluded part of me is like maybe she will see the fact that it wasn’t readers thing to tell cos danny should’ve come clean about it but in those moments anger comes much quicker than any rational thought and especially after reader got mad at her for her secret if i was leigh i would get mad too (slight double standards) EVEN THO I WOULD NEVER BE IN THIS SITUATION COS I WOULDVE TOLD DANNY TO FUCK HIMSELF WHEN HE ASKED READER TO KEEP QUIET and i know i said i want danny to come clean but i didn’t mean like this 😭 not when reader was about to make things better (im assuming thats the decision they came to) its literally gonna be reader being all happy and excited and leigh pissed complete role reversal of the fight they just had and im scared
Also i was so worried danny was gonna hit her i was reader to beat his ass
I love your brain for coming up with this stuff but it hurts hopefully not forever tho (i swear im gonna need to reread your other more fluffy stuff to cope)
Actually, on that bit about Leigh working at the website part-time... Reader didn't know about that, just that Leigh used to work at the Beautiful Beast and then quit recently for another job.
Yeah, at first R was upset because Leigh pretended not to know about her feelings for her, but then that fact highlighted Leigh's treatment of her looking back. So she's more pissed about that, the inconsistencies, the hot and cold treatment.. but at the same time, she also remembers now what she went through herself losing her dad and brother. So R's mom encouraged R to extend her patience and understanding.
Yeah, Danny used the secret for his own benefit--again. I mean, he needs to do a lot of growing up, I guess. Or, I don't know. People do stupid stuff when they're heartbroken.
The second season of Sorry for Your loss kinda ended their relationship when Danny punched a wall :) So I kinda borrowed that scene :)
Whew! That was long, and I'm not complaining :D I love discussing the story with you as always :P Thanks for reading my dear!
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animeangel21 · 4 years
Part 2 is ready for my sukuna fic
Here you go sluts :)
"T-t-thank you ma-master" I stuttered with a shaky bottom lip.I would definitely have a handprint there tomorrow with the force he was putting on me.
"You need manners"
With him still buried deep in me his palm connected with my ass again and my hips pushed back forcing him deeper into me.
"You like that too huh?"
His hand continued to swat on me with no remorse but one hit in particular had lurched my body forward and I cried loudly cussing with drool falling out my mouth.
"God you're ass is raw, and this sweet little cunt is creaming all over me"
"N-no more" my voice barely above a whisper
He pushed himself back out of me and grabbed my hips and pulled me back on his cock harshly causing my ass to rub against his hips.
My moans were muffled again as his hand found my neck and pushed me further into the pillow. His dick twitched in me and I clenched as his pace somehow picked up.
I screamed a line of cuss words as his cum shot into me and he pounded me harder and I came all over him again.I tried to crawl away, get away, anything to help myself from the over whelming pleasure taking over my body. But his nails dug into my hip on my right side pulling me further back and his left hand was in my hair pulling my head back so my back met his chest.
My legs were on the verge of giving out on me and my arms wouldve struggled to hold up my own body weight if it wasn't for his hand and my hair.
"Just look how I'm bulging in your stomach. Fuckk, you wanted this and now you got it." He groaned pushing my head down and as he did so I could feel and smell the blood in my nose trickle down my face and down my neck.
"Is it that hot to you or is that your body saying you've had enough. Either way I'm not done with you. I've got 1000 years of pent up frustration and a tight needy cunt right here." He dropped my body into the pillows and there was a burning sensation on my hip causing me to try and move away but his grip tightened. " a bond you can't get rid of."
Sukuna had branded me with a RS on my hip.
In a heartbeat I was flipped and he sat on the edge of the bed with me in his lap and my neck in his hand
And his arm was securely wrapped around my waist.
My eyes were slowly shutting due to my body being exhausted. He drug his tongue from my neck to my mouth lapping up all the blood and slapped my face twice on the same cheek to wake me up immediately making my eyes wide.
"Enjoy being on top when you've got the chance because the minute you're down you need to be completely submissive"
" and if you dare to fall asleep or slow down with me I'll shove this dick in your ass raw" he whispered and licked the shell of my ear.
"Now ride" he said looking down at me licking his lips and flashing his white teeth at me. He smacked my ass hard as I sunk down and gripped the flesh hard and left bleeding scratch marks in his path as well.
Once he came undone and I did as well my body physically couldn't handle it and I passed out.
  but he just let out a deep sigh and set a little mental note to punish the brat next time he would see her.
He was decent enough to snap his fingers and wipe her down with a wet rag and dress her in her oversized shirt with some shitty anime on it and some cute panties.
Hm.. maybe the brat would get some action if he liked to same shitty anime .  Sukuna thought to himself
He snapped his fingers and dressed itadori  and laid him in the bed and pulled the girl to lay next to him burying his face into her breast, and hand on her ass. He positioned her legs to wrap around his hips along with her arms before swapping out as itadori was unconscious this entire time.
Basically got the brats dick wet for him.
And with that he sat back and just replayed the nights events with a smirk on his face.
To further make things interesting he got rid of the marks that were branded into the girls neck and collarbone only leaving the branded letters and marks from the spanking on her ass.
———————————-hehe skip to morning————
  Yuji was the first to wake up or so he thought. His dick was awake before he was and he wasn't exactly sure where he was but this was an every other day thing and he would handle it if there wasn't something weighing his body down.
He woke up enough to look down at the half naked girl next to him who looked a bit rough probably from yesterday's training since he couldn't even remember getting to her house yesterday. His face was no longer between her breast but his mouth was against her throat and he could feel each breath she took. With a small tired moan her legs pulled him closer and her arms tightened around his neck before loosening up and a small gasp fell from her lips.
"I-itadori I'm I- I'm really sorry" she apologize with a flustered face and the boy smiled into her neck but as she pulled away he pulled her closer causing her blush to brighten.
" no need princess I'm comfortable here if you are. I-is this okay" he said with a faint blush
"I - Uh Jeez this is embarrassing um.." she couldn't talk or think properly with the boy looking up at her like a goddess.
I didn't have the balls or energy to tell him that his hand was on my very sore ass and I wouldn't mind him massaging some ointment on it and my bruised thighs.
He adjusted our positions and finally realized where his hand had been and his little shocked face was cute. I hid my face in his chest and he looked down examining the bruises, hickeys, bites, and scratched that littered my thighs noticing it was bad it wanted to ask about something but the embarrassment on his face said it all.
"Can I help you?" He said playing with the hem of my shirt.
"Y-yeah, uh there's creams and stuff inside the bathroom." I said and removed my legs from the boys body.
He sat up showing no shame in his erection as he stretched and mumbled about how sore his lower body was along.I laid in my bed and reminisced about last night and grabbed my phone and opened the camera only to see that there were no bite marks, hickeys,scratches, or puncture wounds.
Yuji took a while in the bathroom and when he came back out I was laying on my side and furrows my eyebrows at the look on his face. Oh damn
"If you're wondering he said he fixed you up mostly last night." Itadori said with a bit of an upset face and he looked at me with shame and guilt
I  dismissed everything I was feeling and how sore my body was I shot up onto my knees on my bed and wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him into a tight hug.
"You're not angry? I thought you would be pissed especially with me of all people for letting it happen."  He mumbled sadly.
"Yuji you can't control him.. of all people him. Look, he's been inside my head for..god knows how long but, I know how you feel and if I could repeat some of last nights events with itadori yuji I would" I said and kissed him passionately to which he returned immediately.
"Let me fix you up before you get hurt again."  He said pulling away.
" he could never do what I did HELLO IM A DEMON" the mouth that manifested on yujis cheek spoke and I smacked it but not hard enough to hurt yuji.
"Fuck off, it was my body." Yuji argued and leaned into my ear before whispering.
"He's had a lil spot for you, always mumbling about how he would fuck you n blah blah blah" and I laughed lying on my stomach so yuji could apply the cream for my thighs and ass.
"Um who told you to spread my business brat" his deep voice boomed.
"Fuck, did you have to go so hard on her." He said after flipping my shirt up to my hips.
"Brats need proper punishment."
"I like the idea of spanking too but there's  hand prints here, and scratch marks"  yuji said  applying the cool cream to my very much still burning skin.
" ya know I'm still here right like right under you" I said and yuji mumbled an apology.
"I'm never sorry" he mumbled
He doesn't know about our little deal, our little bond, and if he finds out I'll kill you myself princess.  Don't make me do that.
Okay, I won't you have my word.
Good girl.
I couldn't help but feel a bit of guilt knowing I'll have to lie to him about what happened yesterday night but sukuna probably told him everything he had to know and not what he shouldn't know.
The feeling of soft but large hands massaging my thighs and butt really took a toll and really turned me on.
More from my thighs as they were always a bit sensitive for me whenever someone touched them.
"Y-yuji I think I'm okay" I said softly and I heard a chuckle.
"Someone's horny" a deep voice rumbled and I flipped myself and it was yuji again.
"YOU CANT DO THAT TO HER ASSHOLE SHES GONNA WHOOP ME CAUSE OF YOU" yuji said and I placed my hand in his cheek.
"I would never I may have my issues but I won't even accidentally hurt the wrong person."
He fell onto my bed and pulled me next to him and relaxed his body and held me close.
"Was he serious?" He chuckled softly and my face started burning
"Yes.. he was but you've had a boner since you woke up but I kept my mouth shut."
"HEY this happens every morning I can't exactly control it" he said blushing as well and it was my turn to laugh.
I couldn't help but think about death and what's go come in my future, I had a while before death would
Come my way but, I was gonna live my life to the fullest. Or so I though.
———guess what, another time skip————————
Months later...
How many curses flooded this place? I don't know.
Me and another student came here on a mission to take care of a special grade while megumi was fighting some special grade.
Back up was on the way but I hadn't seen itadori in weeks because of a 'special mission' he accompanied nanami on.
Me and another grade 1 sorcerer were dealing with some curses on our own and my body was wearing down from the amount of energy I was using.
"WATCH YOUR BACK" I screamed and before my attack could do anything he was done for his blood spattered all over the old walls of the underground building/ bunker we were in.
"No more fucking around." I placed my fingers together.
"Domain expansion: grave expansion " I said and I could feel my energy flow and every single curse was ripped apart into several pieces and the only sound was their screeching.
"Ah you've perfected your domain expansion? It's about time little girl" a voice said behind me and I turned slowly and I was met with  with the piercing green eyes of Toji fushiguro.
" what the hell do you want? Cant you see I'm busy" I said and he got close.
"Hm.. a message..tell gojo I'll be back for him, you have a special grade to take care of missy" and he vanished in thin air right infront of me and I blinked several times to assure I'm not losing my marbles before running towards megumi and the special grade curse. I was weaker than I was before and I couldn't even see straight for a minute but I had to keep going if I was gonna see megumi again.
"MEGUMI WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU!?" I screamed praying for the best.
" you're too weak you need to get out of here" his voice rumbled from behind me blood covered his face and I rolled my eyes.
"I'll be fine, back up is on the way we can both make it out of here, I- I can stun the special grade quickly and we Can make a run for it." I said and my nose dropped blood and he looked at me questionably before nodding his head.
I looked around and spotted the special grade and I took a deep breath.
"Fun times we're gonna have." I said  and my hands radiated purple flames and  a black dragon appeared from behind me and as I moved my arms forward she targeted the special grade and I grabbed megumis hand making a run for it.
" how are you feeling" he said and I shrugged.
" I'm doing just fine let's just get out the back up should be here in less than 5 minutes" I said and as hard as I focused I couldn't help but feel weaker by the seconds passing and the minute we stepped outside I froze in my spot.
A pain in my chest caused me to fall to my knees and onto my back.
This can't happen to me now
I summoned back my black dragon and the pain subsided even though she was injured whatever he did had been bad and transferred from her to me.
"Hold tight." He said and just as he said that the ground shook and the special grade was on ground level with us and standing over us as megumi carried my body. The curse kicked megumi sending him into a near by wall.
The curse picked up my frail body and held me up and smiled at me wickedly.
He turned towards the gates with my body and there stood gojo  and an unfamiliar figure.
"Oh young mya I never told you. This is all cause of me." I heard tojis voice and gojo was already ready with his signature smirk.
"Ah we meet again, I'm gonna need my student released from this curse and we can settle this one on one" he said and Toji looked me in the eyes grabbing my face" and let your strongest walk out of here alive? HAH" and with a flick of his hand the special grades hand shifted and impaled me to a tree  straight through my stomach and into the trunk the object was thin but it still hurt like a bitch
"SON OF A FUCKING BITCH" I screamed with anger crying almost immediately and before I was impaled again by the second arm I looked up at the curse  and it's body was split into pieces and nanami was behind it and itadori was looking at me with a shocked expression and tears on his face.
"I'll Help her call for help." Nanami said and before gojo got a hit on toji he vanished once again and ran over to me.
"I'm so sorry mya" 
"Pfft don't worry about it I'll be.. I'll be fine" I said and I smiled as nanami wrapped my stomach and itadori ran up to me and held my head in his lap.
"I hate this... please.. don't leave me" he mumbled with trembling lips.
"I'll always be with you no matter what.." I said fading in and out of consciousness.
"I'm sorry, I should've been there to help you." Megumi said with his head down and I lifted my hand to grab his hair and pull him close.
"You're a lot stronger than anyone here so don't worry about me. You handled that like a badass" I said and released him but his hand held my wrist and gojo had his head down.
" you are the best teacher ever." And I looked at nanami " my favorite mentor, you're more than capable of dealing with my knucklehead" I said and blood poured out the side of my mouth.
" I'll always be here for all of y-"
I was cut off with a kiss.
"Please, don't die on me!" Yuji screamed  my tears slipped and I could feel my body giving up little by little as I took my last breath and shut my eyes.
" I love you all" I mumbled and I faded into darkness 
Sorry princess it's time.
———————-innate domain——————-
Sukuna knew exactly what would happen if the girl didn't make it and he truly didn't care. But he would manipulate her and convince her to stay if he had to the easy way or the hard way.
He knew that at any given time anyone who entered his domain was gonna see the girl and that’s what he wanted. He wanted everyone to know that he owned her everything now.
I awoke almost immediately with a gasp and sukunas fingers left my forehead and he picked me up bridal style and out of my hatred for being picked up I wrapped my arms around his neck.
He sat down on the large mattress with an unreadable look on his face and looked at the ground below him.  I was seated in his lap confused and upset.
" 'M sorry, I couldn't save you. something wouldn't let me. Princess, don't think I didn't try to save you.. I did but something wasn't letting me through and it was too late.." he said with his chin on the palm of his hand. I was shocked that the great king of curses was apologetic for once and I just had a straight face.
"Great king of curses are you dying?" I said feeling his forehead causing him to glare at me.
"Cause you just apologized to me." I smiled and held his face with my hand.
" it was gonna happen.. plus I was too weak I used my domain expansion and several other techniques that I shouldn't use all at once so, I did it to myself." I said playing with my hands noticing his white kimono with black edging and the black shoes he wore.
"You're here now, and it's not too bad until I have business to handle." He grabbed my jaw and turned my face to meet his and pushed his tongue into my mouth for a heated kiss.
He pulled away and picked me up dropping me on the bed.
"You need rest" he smirked down and pulled away untying his kimono showing off his godly body and sliding in the bed as well.
"I know I know you don't sleep in pants." He rolled his eyes and with a snap Of his fingers I was in a large shirt and underwear.
He laid next to me and buried his  face in between my breast and wrapped his arms around my waist allowing one of his hands to rest on my ass and give it a rough squeeze.
No matter how many timeswe get intimate since that first day we fucked I’d forever be nervous with him. Every movement of his made me slightly nervous but I felt so little under him it was slowly become normal.
I ran my fingers through his hair and as my eyes shut my actions stopped and he let out a throaty growl which was stupidly attractive and I moved my hands again to mess with his hair.
I traced over his hairline and kissed it gently.
I hummed and let the exhaustion take over from today's events allowing my leg to rest over his waist.
Once you were asleep sukuna could hear urge change in your heartbeat.
He knew exactly what he did and the reactions he had on your body he easily could manipulate you into falling for him and he knew he had to put in little to no effort with such a Naive little girl in his bed.
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heavenbarnes · 6 years
Reader is an Avenger with super strength, different scenarios for Thor, Tony, Peter, Bucky, Steve, Bruce getting held down and taking her strap?? Hmm??
ohh my god? idk if my heart can take it x
so thor is a real man, no doubt
but i love entertaining the sub!thor idea
and it’d take a real strong woman to hold him down
like for as strong as you are, i bet you’d be nearly using full strength to keep his restrained
thor lying on his back on your 1000 thread count egyptian cotton bed sheets
his legs spread on either side of you
both his arms beside his head, one of your hands on each of his wrists
and you’d be rolling your hips real nicely up and hitting that spot
his golden hair would be splayed around his head like a halo
and he’d be whining, like a little bitch
“who fucks you this good?”
“you do, my lady!”
“anyone else able to fuck you this good?”
“nobody, only you feel this good inside me!”
and when you slow it down, softly rolling into him
he’d be squirming like crazy, so close to coming but you weren’t letting him just yet
you’d see his cock twitching, ready to release all over his chest and torso
you’d speed up at the last moment, driving into him so hard
his voice would catch in his throat as he cries out for you
so this man acts like a dom in every aspect of his life
except i bet if his lady had that strength, he’d be the biggest sub in the bedroom
i imagine tony knelt on the couch, legs spread and ass out
you’d be rubbing his back, lubing up the strap w your other hand
you’d whisper words of praise, cause i bet he’d be so fucking into praise
“hands behind your back”
and he would without even questioning it
you’d grab his hands, not using full strength, but enough that’d he’d know not to move
and once you eased your strap inside his tight little hole
he’d be howling, moaning your name and saying everything you wanted to hear
i bet he’d be into the like, financial degradation whatever it is?
like when you’re fucking him you’d ask
“i fuck you nice and good, what do i get?”
“you can have anything you want, name it and it is yours”
“no i want you to tell me”
“princess, you can have any one of my cars and name your amount of cash!”
then you’d smack his ass, putting one foot on the couch for better angle 
please god imagine it
your baby (legal age) peter parker with his faced pressed into the pillows, back arched and ass up ready to be fucked
and you’d pay him real special treatment, cause he deserves it for existing
you’re dealing with two people both equipped with super strength but peter never fought back
his hands would be crossed at his lower back
your hand gripping his wrists, whilst the other one angled the strap as you slid into him
he’d let out the sexiest little whine, completely letting go as he felt you ease into him
you’d start to buck your hips so gently, letting him adjust to it until he tells you to speed up
“please fuck me harder, baby”
“have you earned it, my sweet?”
“yes, i have i promise i’ve been good”
you’d chuckle and start hitting it a little harder, hearing his reaction
it’d be the lowest groan, feeling the way your strap massaged his prostate just right
his fists would be gripping the blankets, calling out for you as you continued your work
you’d subtly let go of his wrists, smiling when you see he doesn’t dare move from that position
he really was a good boy
your hand would snake under his body, fingers wrapping around his cock
he’d cry out at the doubled pleasure, your hand jacking him off as your strap gave it to him from behind
he’d be a fucking mess
so here i am to say that bucky would look so good getting fucked
but he wouldn’t go down without a fight
you two would be making out, viciously battling for dominance
you both thinking it was yourselves
you’d win, your super strength no match for him
and that would be how he found himself bent over the desk in your bedroom
hands tight within your grasp as you stroked his hole with the tip of your strap
he’d never admit it but this was his favorite, he was a switch through and through
once you got into his tight hole, giving him the longest strokes just enjoying the sounds he made
his huge thighs would be tensing, nearly giving out as you made the desk rattle with each thrust
he’d be trying his hardest to break his hands free of restraint, so he could grab onto you but it was no use
you held him down, free hand swatting at his behind
“what a beautiful boy, you look so good with your ass out for me”
“fuck you”
“no, no, i believe it’s “fuck you”, bucky”
he’d growl, before it turned into a moan as you angled your hips upwards
for a man who pretends to hate it
he certainly was grinding his rock hard cock into the desk below him
ready to blow his load over the hard wood
so steve with a beard getting his back blown out
that is why i’m here
i want steve lying on his stomach like a starfish
you’re practically lying on top of him, strap buried in that tight little ass
he’d be whimpering away as you rolled into him, that sweet and slow sex
he’d be gasping for more but it’d fall on deaf ears
you’d be giving him that slow assault
he would’ve teased you earlier, and this would be pay back
not a lot he can do when your hands have his pinned flat against the mattress
you’d see the tears roll from his eyes, the lack of relief wreaking havoc with him
“what do you want, captain?”
“i want you to fuck me hard”
“how hard?”
“like you hate me”
with that you sit up on your knees, hands still pressing his down
your hips would be violently snapping into his ass
the sounds he’d make would drive you crazy, bringing a flood between your legs
“yes baby, fuck some sense into me”
and you’d let out a dark chuckle, loving how submissive he could be
he’d be furiously thrusting his cock into the silk sheets
you knew he was going to make a mess soon
a mess he’d have to clean up
and bruce
that beautiful man, picture this
you’re sitting in a big armchair in the corner of your room
bruce on your lap, ass full of your strap
he’s riding you like it is the only thing he will ever have to do
you have his hands clasped around his cock, you holding them there so he cant move them
he was rolling his hips so wildly, eager to reach that peak
“such a good little bitch, riding me like you own it”
“feels so fucking good”
“you like getting fucked like a whore?”
“yes what?”
“yes, i like getting fucked like a whore”
and your free hand would wind into his hair, pulling down and listening to the sounds that follow
i feel he could be the biggest fucking sub
furiously grinding his hips, knowing he’s close
and he wants to stroke himself so bad but he physically cant move under your hold
and that was why you were doing it
you wanted to prolong this for as long as possible
every now and then you’d move his hands
giving him one stroke and watching the way his back arched
this was going to be a long time for him
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thevmontgomery · 4 years
Montgomery Family Values
After Rocky’s vigil, Vanessa comes home to gather a few things and is unfortunately met with a Montgomery sibling meeting.
included: @montgomery-malachai triggers: homophobia, rocky’s death, slut shaming, 
Vanessa: There were few situations Vanessa ever felt like she didn't have any control, there was only ever one that she's ever truly felt powerless: when it was her and her brothers. Vanessa had only came home to get a few things knowing that their father would be out, but caught her eldest brother Nate staring back at her with disappointment in his eyes as she was instructed to follow him to the dining room table, Kai already sitting there. She hadn't been home since she ran away and Vanessa knew it was only a matter of time before she would have to face her family. Her family that changed the locks on her, her family that took her son from him took every piece of existence of the boy out of the house, the family that made her feel like she didn't exist the majority of her life. Vanessa sat down across from Kai, not bothering to make eye contact.
kai: Kai hardly had a relationship with his eldest sibling, even when they were younger, he had always been closer to Vanessa. Something about Nate being able to bring out the almost submissive puppy in Kai, always breaking the hard exterior he built up as their conversation went. He had been sitting in the living room, his brothers eyes on him when they heard Vanessa pull up. Kai getting sent to sit at the dining table, popping one of his /sales/ in his mouth, dry swallowing it as he sat down. Hoping to feel something other than sobriety in this impromptu family meeting. His head glanced up as he heard the clicking of his sisters heels, rolling his eyes as she avoided eye contact with him. A part of him not shocked that she had left him with the two people he had hated most in the world, but a part of him still hurt by it.
Nate: "Sit," Nate instructed, sitting at the head of family seat. Looking over his siblings all he could feel was disgust and disappointment. "Have you two learned nothing?" he started. "All you two have done since I enlisted was cause Hell in this house. Mother would be turning in her grave if she knew how you two have become? A fucking useless teen mom and a drug dealing fairy. You two are going to wisen up and you're going to wisen up now!" his voice thundered. Nate turned his gaze to Vanessa, "And what do you have you have to say for yourself? Do you know the mess father and I have to clean up because you and those god awful Bells? Do you want to be one of their gang sluts for the rest of your life? You already fucked up your life getting pregnant and now you're going to let them ruin your life some more? You're going to pack up all your shit wherever you are and come home /tonight/. Not tomorrow, not when father is gone, /tonight/. And you..." he paused turning to Kai. "Fort Union Academy will be expecting you to move in this weekend."
kai: shook his head as Nate brought up their mother, no one in the house understanding Kai, especially after the accident. Talking or thinking about his mom was hard, let alone the thought that he wasnt what she would have wanted of him. He knew deep down that his mom would be disappointed in who he was, but he enjoyed himself, he loved himself. /most of the time/. His eyes glaring daggers at Nate as he addressed Vanessa. Knowing she went in on herself day in and day out, and now with rocky being gone he knew it had gotten worse. "dont act like you give a fuck," He spoke, for once getting bold with his brother. Instant regret washing through him as he turned to him, his brow raising, "youre funny if you think im getting shipped away like some fucking amazon return," he knew at that point he already sealed his deal, and he shouldnt have kept talking, but he had.
Vanessa: Even though Vanessa in her brain was the more mature one out of the three, she was also the most weak willed out of them and easily persuaded when it came to her family. She already felt so alone in the house that she would do anything to make her family happy with her again. Nate's words were hitting Vanessa like knives and she became that sad little forgotten girl once again. Tears started forming in Vanessa's eyes. Maybe if she had been a little nicer, a little prettier, a little smarter, a little more like her parents wanted, Rocky might still be here. If only she would have been enough all of this wouldn't have happened. "I... I get it, Nathanial," she said weakly, curling into herself. He was right. She was ruining everyone around her and letting other people ruin her. Before she could say anything else, she looked to Kai, shaking her head to stop him. Vanessa knew how cruel Nate was to Kai. She gave him a look of warning, hoping he'd stop talking. She'd take the beating if it meant Kai would be safe.
Nate: head snapped once he heard Kai's reply. "I don't give a fuck about some fag who is dead set on being a disappointment for the rest of his life. I'm concerned about our slut of a sister who killed our brother. Or did you forget?" He stood up, palms pressed against the table and eyes of fury. He took a deep breath, pretending to add some softness to his faith. "She's useless, beyond help according to father, but you.
Nate: head snapped once he heard Kai's reply. "I don't give a fuck about some fag who is dead set on being a disappointment for the rest of his life. I'm concerned about our slut of a sister who killed our brother. Or did you forget?" He stood up, palms pressed against the table and eyes of fury. He took a deep breath, pretending to add some softness to his faith. "She's useless, beyond help according to father, but for whatever reason he thinks you can be fixed. A year at military school should /straighten/ you out in one way or another. It's not up for discussion. When father comes home your hair will be black again and you both will be grateful that he is continuing to let you live in his house. Do I make myself clear?"
kai: "No all you give a fuck about is impressing the image of a man who has never been a father to anyone but you," he spoke sharply, his whole body telling him to stand down. That his brother wasnt going to take kindly to his words, but the fire he felt in his skin from hearing him talk about vanessa, he couldnt stay quiet. "Shes amazing. If you took a fucking second to look past what father has warped into that peanut brain, you wouldve seen the person she really is. Shes not a slut, shes not an idiot, shes not useless. Shes fucking family!" Kai spoke, standing from his spot, "Everything she has ever done has been to make father happy, to make you happy. And for what?! To be forced to live a lie her whole life? She didnt kill our NEPHEW. She didnt go to that appointment knowing that Vince fucking Bell would bring his gang ties with him. You dont get to sit here and lecture us when you arent even fucking around to see anything happening anyway!" He rolled his eyes, catching the way he spoke the word straight, "Yes because a year with only men around is really gonna make me only want woman. Smart plan on that one homie,"
Vanessa: "I didn't kill my son!" Vanessa finally spoke up, the pain clear in her voice. "You think I purposely got my son killed! I wish it was fucking me! I wish every fucking day that I was the one who died and I know you all wish it too! You wished it when Mama died and now you're all wishing it with Rocky gone," she continued, tears rolling down her cheeks. All she wanted right now was to drown herself in vodka but she couldn't right now with Nate of all people here and Kai catching onto her habits. Vanessa fell into herself, slowly breaking down for the first time in a long time. It was like everything came flashing before her. She knew her family hated her, knew her family didn't nor ever loved her, and it was all just resurfacing. She looked up for a second, puffy eyes immediately going to Kai and mouthing "stop". If Nate was already dropping the F word to Kai, it would only escalate from there.
Nate: "It should have been you," he spoke sternly, not bothering to even look at Vanessa. His full attention on Kai. He shoved Kai in his chest forcefully putting him back in his chair. "Don't get loud with me, Malachai. You think because it's just you here now you're the man of the house? He died because your sister didn't know who the fucking father of Rocky was. If she hadn't been whoring around there wouldn't have been an appointment. You let her go to that appointment alone. You're just as much to blame as those fucking Bells. This is your last straw, Malachai, last fucking chance. You want to learn what it's really like to be alone? You wanna get sent away too? Don't push me."
kai: "Like it shouldve been me when mom died? Bet you loved telling an 11 year old that everyday for months," He spoke bitterly, a groan falling from his lips as he was shoved back into the chair. His head snapping up to meet his gaze. His words sinking in and knowing there was plenty of truth to them. "I shouldve gone youre right," He spoke, "But you know who else couldve? You. You know who couldve stopped Vince being involved from the gun? You." Shaking his head, "Im already alone Nathaniel. This place is simply room and board at this rate. We arent a family, weve never been a family. father and yourself have made damn sure of that,"
Vanessa: heard the garage door opening and looked to her brother with desperate eyes. Thankfully, Nate walked out to the front to meet up with their father who no doubtly wouldn't even bother even saying hello to any of them now that his precious son was here. Vanessa waited a moment til their brother was far enough, "You're not... you're not a you know what," Vanessa whispered, not even daring to call him the F word. She hated the way Nate spoke and treated Kai. Kai always got the worst of Nate's anger especially since the youngest came out; usually Vanessa was there to defend him but in this moment she was being beaten down so bad she couldn't think straight. "I'm glad it wasn't you," she added.
kai: 's eyes shifted to their sister, his eyes soft at the look on her face. he could see how affected she was by nates words, the fire in kai only growing. shaking his head as she spoke, "he cant say anything I didnt say to myself for years. I know the stigma around bi men, as shitty as it fucking is," He shrugged, "Everything he said about you isnt true V. You arent useless or an idiot, youre an amazing human. Im glad youre my sister," He spoke, a smile gracing his lips as she spoke, "Im sorry you lost your son V, neither one of you shouldve been lost that day," He spoke softly, himself and V being the closest to Rocky, it hit home hearing Nate talk about him. As if he had a relationship with him.
Vanessa: "But you're not, I'm not going to let them send you away. I'll take whatever daddy has to throw. I won't let you be alone," Vanessa spoke. She got up from her seat, moving to sit in the one next to Kai. "I love you, little brother," Vanessa spoke, putting her head on his shoulder. The conversation was all too much, but everything Nate was saying was true. She believed every last word. She was useless. She was a slut. She was all of it and worsy. "It should have been me," she mumbled.
kai: "I like what I like, no one can get mad at me over that. Not logically, i aint doing harm," He shrugged, " We're never alone. As long as we got eachother we'll be ok," He spoke, resting his head on top of hers for a moment. "I love you too big sister," He knew her gears were turning, knew every word nate spoke was on repeat in both their brains. "It should've been me too," He spoke softly
Vanessa: "No harm, though, you could have better taste in men," Vanessa teased. "You think things would be different if Mama was still here? Or that she'd turn on us too?" she asked weakly. She knew her mother loved them, know deep down in her heart that Malachai and Vanessa whom she always joked were her precious little twins considering how similar they looked (way before the blonde locks and the shaved pink hair), but she also knew that her family wasn't perfect. That her father's heart was cold long before their mother's death. Would he have turned their mother cold too. "At least if it was both of us, we'd be with Mama..."
kaii: "as though you got any room to talk on that front," he teased, rolling his eyes jokingly. His smile falling as he thought of his mothers, the words of his brother ringing between his ears. "I think Mama wouldve looked out for us," He spoke softly. His connection with his mom strong from the jump, he was a premie baby. So he needed the extra love at the beginning, and not much has changed in his relationships since. But himself and the two females of the house were practically attached at the hip, having inside jokes and comments, little memories that no one else could recall. Their mom being the reason people never knew if the two siblings were twins or not. Their family was a mess, no doubt about it. Anyone looking in could see that they werent a family, but merely people coexisting in a home that became a house the day their mother lost her life. And thats what finally caused Kais tough exterior to break. All the memories and thoughts of his mom came rushing back, the ones he had pushed aside since that day in the car. Tears flowing but his face never changing from its stoic expression, a part of him scared that his father or brother would walk through the door. Calling him a fairy and other terms because he was showing emotion. "I miss her so fucking much.."
Vanessa: "the men i date are the best of their groups thank you very much," vanessa replied, sticking her tongue out. she took a deep breath, noticing how silent her brother had become. she shouldn't have brought up their mother. it was a sensitive topic for vanessa, but she wasn't there when their mother died. she wasn't the one who had to watch them pull her lifeless body out the car. vanessa turned to kai, right away seeing his tear stained face. she quickly used her shirt sleeve to wipe away his tears, ears listening closely for footsteps. the last thing they needed was either of the elder montgomery men coming in and seeing kai in tears. it was already world war 2 in their house, things didn't need to be worst. "I miss her too, but I need you to be strong for me right now? Okay, KK? I wouldn't ask this if I didn't think you could do it. Daddy can't see you like this. Just go to my room and lock yourself in there for the night, they won't bother you if they think it's me in there. I'll stay out here and deal with Daddy."
kaii: He allowed her to wipe his tears, tilting his head back as he caught his breath. He knew better than to be showing emotion, given that the two people he feared the most were beyond the door. But everything had become to much for him, every decision made in his life flashing through his mind. A gut feeling telling him she wouldnt be proud of him, and that hurt more than anything could say to him. He nodded to her words, "I know I know," He spoke quickly, rubbing his eyes slightly, "After all this I will. Im not leaving you with them alone,"
Vanessa: "Go." Vanessa said more forcefully. She wasn't going to take no for an answer. Vanessa knew all too well how their father was towards Kai. She never protected him from it, just hid in her room and pretended to be interested in whatever Nate was talking about in order to have someone to keep her from fully freaking out. "Whatever they do to me isn't going to hurt me as what they do to you. Go."
kaii: "No," He spoke with a headshake, "we're in this together V, from now on. You and me," He spoke with as much force as her, "We cant protect one another if one of us is just running off," He spoke, not meaning the double meaning behind his words, and not realizing till they were already out of his mouth, "We need to be united, it has to work,"
Vanessa: "United."
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donwilhelmina · 3 years
Can we walk across the waves, ser?
“Can we walk across the waves, ser?” asked Lysono Maar. In memory of Max, donations may be made to The Farley Foundation in Milton, Ontario which provides assistance to those in need who require help with the cost of caring for their pets, or to the Cobourg Public Library. Wars Set Photo Unveils Donald Glover as Lando CalrissianGlover is seen hunched over in what could be a cockpit, sporting a bright yellow jacket. And Crowfood Umber marches down the kingsroad, whilst the Karstarks approach from the east. In fact most of the time they are just going out with Mens ADIDAS ORIGINALS their girlfriends and looking for a good time so it is important that you come off as a fun guy and maybe even a bad boy right from the start. When the last of them bottines cloutees femme were gone, Ramsay Bolton turned his smile on Reek. “The silver queen is gone,” the ketch’s master told him. One day, a woman from a distant plantation called at her residence, and inquired for her. 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Clendenin / Los Angeles Times)After the Oscars flub that turned Tinseltown on its head, Hollywood was ready to dance it out. A boy king sits the Iron Throne. Never 58before, in the whole course of my life, have I been charged with a dishonest act. It takes a bus 5.5 hours to reach the rim. Poison. He lived his life with pride and he took pride in everything he did. I remained on deck all night, instead of rousing one of the men to relieve me; and nothing brought composure to my mind, but the solemn resolution I then made to resign myself to the will of God, and take with thankfulness, if I could, but with submission, at all events, air max 90 ultra se whatever he might decide should be my lot. I don't blame them, but I blame the airport.""You need a better response, especially in these kinds of conditions. Xaro was one of the Thirteen.
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yvvaine · 7 years
I was wondering if any [past or present] Jonerys, Pro-Daenerys fans like myself feel this way.....?
Firstly Id say please be nice i just enjoy analyzing the shit out of fandoms I like, (im a history/polysci major ((with an emphasis on Peace Justice and & Conflict Studies)) all i do is analyze and try to be diplomatic lmao) but considering all they petty drama between both ships as well as pro/anti Daenerys stans ON BOTH SIDES I’m going to be “That Person” and at least ask for people to be respectful/civil, I want to hear from everyone and their metas/what they think which is why i tagged like, all the tags, no matter if you love her/the ship or cant stand it, as long as everyone can keep civil So firstly I’ve loved Dany both books and show from the beginning. She’s gorgeous, wants to be the best person she can be, and her hair/fashion style game is always ON POINT.  That being said, somewhere around season 5 i think i’ve found my opinion on her cooling a little bit, ep after ep, till now. Like I still like her bc she was my first character love on the show but I’ve def soured in my opinion on her. Maybe it’s because I love learning about the subject that im more baised (im hoping thats the case) but she just seemed to have no interest in actual governance, just the reputation (esp of being the ‘rebel queen’)/the awe/the power/the thrill of the adoration that went along with it to the point where I feel like though she still wants to be a ‘good queen’ or at least wants to be seen that way, she doesnt want to do much work for the title. Like yeah she freed all the slaves and that was a def progressive and awesome move on her part (major props! slavery is sin and im glad someone recognized that who had the power to do something about it) but she didnt handle that aftermath or ensuing problems well at all nor really mulled heavily on the subject to find the best solution. She just got fustrated with pretty basic/common (albeit complex in themselves) issues of standard governance and kind of went agh! fuck this! (obv not actual quotes but that was the vibe I got). And then ESPECIALLY after season 7 her character has kind of nagged at me in the back of brain which i hate but its inherent like its just a feeling i cant help it?? I just dont know why to be honest that Im feeling so negative towards this character i used to love.  The whole ‘ bEnD thE knEe ‘ thing w/ Jon and yet pinning it on Jon’s pride not equally on his and her own was more than a little hypocritical, when hon they can discuss it later like at that point they have two common enemies the WW and Cersei they both want to do away with, and then again with the Bend the Knee or Die bit w/ the Lannister soldiers. In fact the whole sequence before that point felt kind of villinous I dearsay, I mean  deliberately burning the harvest that most of westeros needs for the winter or even strategically not willing to try, and well, nOOt intentionally burn the food considering its winter, the harvest is over (so likely not much is gonna grow in the time being) when she has a G I A N T ass army of her own to think of feeding???? Like i get it is war shit happens soldiers die but the F O O D ? Was that an impuslive in the moment mistake or did she just not give a fuck? And back to the aftermath scene/Bend the Knee 2.0, her speech was again quite hypocritical...and burning dickon?????? not willing to keep prisoners???? either bend or die??? I actually am glad she did away with Papa Tarly bc he was an awful human, but dickon????? a young idealistic man about to loose his father??? the heir to a major ally/house???? And honestly that bend or die strategy is soooooo dumb bc now she cant trust any of them like theyre only bending the knee out of self preservation homie, no one wants to die. they bend  the knee to survive and now they all of the sudden think youre their queen? Nah fam, prisoners were better, all you got are spies in your camps or people willing to backstab you at the smallest promise of coin. And i dont want that for my girl
IDK the whole “im gonna BREAK THE WHEEL,,,,,,,,yet im stating my claim mainly on my housename (aka the predominant force of said wheel for a literal dynasty) and the fact that i can scare people who otherwise are unconvinced bc lets be real westeros has had a bad run of rulers a lot of which were Targs in the past couple decades, into submission bc ill burn you otherwise???” doesnt sit well with me nor does it feel like the character ive been rooting for the past five-ish seasons. She just doesnt seem to put into effort on understanding Westeros, why things go wrong, being self-critical or sharing the blame,thinking on what a “good” ruler would do.... anyone else feeling this way and if so do you think this is just shitty writing? D&D butchering her character? or a new arc for her? perhaps the way shes always been? She just seems like a tantruming child bratty and entitled idk (a beautiful child but still)  As for jonerys...... im not gonna go into it much but how are other shippers happy????????? I honestly dont understand. I was SO looking forward to this season/this ship. like so much! But it felt so forced? And i know a lot of people claim its cause its rushed but tbh we’ve had a lot of romances in a similar time frame that felt like A C T U A L romances.....even Talisa/Robb who the Northerners will prob compare any of this too were so much better. THIS WAS MY EPIC SHIP DUDE. I feel the dany side of things (took a while but theres def heart eyes) and yet Jon???? He felt hollow. Still does even after sex. Im so disapointed but more than that I cant see the romance or the chemistry. He looks constipated. Hes never smiled like with his teeth around her the way hes done w others he cares deepily about (ygritte, toramund, sansa, even fkin gendry in the first scene they had together). He never reveals anything about himself. And between the “my queen” ep (and remember he was look warm when discussing her to toramund throughout it) and the previous the only thing that changed was that he saw the actual difference dragons made against WW. You could argue she saved them all too but that doesnt make you fall in love w someone out of the blue and also people have saved his ass before and??? Sansa w the vale anyone??? (Not an argument for jonsa js its happened) (though ill admit ive transitioned to loathing jonerys and loving jonsa more as a potential couple in the space of seven eps where if you asked me I wouldve been like PSH u cray. I never thought it would happen in a mill years but D&D ruined my ship and here i am! Shipping aside tho since its best too look at these things as neutral as possible).  Anyways the sigh of his after she left and when he pretended to be asleep.... idk. The only scene that felt genuine and where Jon smiled and it didnt look like a full on grimace and they actually kinda joked around was really nice and at the pit at the finale and if they do a LOT more of basic romance stuff like that I could ship it again but. It was followed by boatsex and boy.  I was hoping boatsex might rekindle my like for the two together. I could see the chemistry the passion. I was hoping the passion would overwhelm me and make up for the rest. But instead......like there was no foreplay, it lasted 2 seconds, and it was overplayed by brans voice and a reminder of future conflict or at the very least major angst b/w the two. i didnt see the parallel between regear and lyanna playing alongside their scene as anything romantic or that it should be taken as such. and the look they shared.... I was hoping jon would bring it bc Dany’s look in her eyes is like soooo smitten and adorable and say what you will I still have a space in my heart for her and still dont want her to suffer, but again Jon looks like oh shit/constipated. And not in a good oh shit way either.  There is a bunch more too but Imma stop there bc Im just tired at this point.  So many things were just....off this season. And it cant all be blamed on the “rushed” time frame. I’ve read the undercover lover theory and hon it makes the most sense (not perfect sense but still, more than what we’ve been poorly spoon fed) but im not willing to believe it just yet. Still, maybe D&D are just butchering a lot of things like making the romance believable and stuff for the sake of time that could be true i guess. But they like to go AHA GOT U so  Idk I dont find a lot of meta in the jonerys tag bc honestly (((((i think its bc the tag and ship are more popular and theirs more people both good and bad)))) it doesnt seem like snowballing theories is something all fans take really well in the tag at all. But whatever. I really want to know, is there any meta or theories im missing to either validate the icky feeling Im haveing about D or her “romance” or on the flipside anything that might make me change my mind about it? Theories, meta people! I just want to reiderate im not trying to hate on anyone or any point of view and I will flag any comment anti one ship or person or another if its plain hateful or rude. I just want to understand it and see what Im missing, esp because of how much I was looking forward to her arc and jonerys’ dynamic and how much the words “falling short” dont seem to cover it. And to see if im not the only one to either have critique on the ship or her character [or even actually change ships] Also i apologize for how much ive said “IDK” i just..... I DONT KNOW 
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kaialone · 7 years
I’m gonna ramble about Ganon(dorf) for a bit
Proceed if you’re interested (I wrote a lot)
Okay so I don’t even know how to start this, I’ll just go.
(note that I’ll mention the timeline in this, please dont think that I dont know that the timeline could be changed at any moment should nintendo feel ike it, I just like semi-going by currently established canon. Also please note that I got no problem with people who dont feel like following the timeline for any reason, to each their own.)
I kinda really like the fact that Ganondorf is said to be a reincarnation of Demise, because, idk, somehow the idea of powerful demons needing to reincarnate into human form for some reason, and then once they have this form and live that life they start having human feelings and emotions and start struggling with what they want to be and maybe end up becoming good guys, is just somethign I really enjoy.
(If that sounds weirdly specific, Great Demon King Piccolo from Dragonball is one character with that kinda arc that I love.)
And then of course, one of the most interesting things about Ganondorf, imo, is how in the three different timeline branches, you got one incarnation of Ganondorf who turns out very different in each branch.
Something I always like is to just kinda, look at the different “last words” Ganondorf has in each timeline branch, and what they really mean for each of them:
"The wind... it is... blowing."
“I am the Evil King, Ganon...”
“The history of light and shadow will be written in blood!”
(though this gets a bit muddled in the Downfall Timeline, as technically Ganon died in ALttP, but was revived in OoX,´, which I see as his true death for now, but then again we dunno if any Ganons after that where him revived or reborn so *shrug*)
But first we should talk about the guy that “grows up” to be these other three.
I mean, personally I think no matter how you look at it, OoT!Ganondorf did lots of bad stuff, and wasnt a good ruler to the Gerudo (I dont mind different interpretations at all though), but I do think his initial intentions were good like we hear him talk about in WW, but lets not get ahead of ourselves here.
OoT!Ganondorf doesn’t really end up helping the Gerudo once he actually takes over Hyrule (all the Gerudo are still over in the desert, cept for maybe Iron Knuckles) and its heavily implied all the Gerudo were brainwashed to some extent (The carpenters note that the Gerudo seem nicer, post-Twinrova’s defeat), and Nabooru, who was very respected among the Gerudo, was explicitly against Ganondorf, but then brainwashed into submission.
Like even if you think Twinrova did all that without him knowing, not noticing your parents brainwashing your people doesnt exactly make you a good leader.
Adding to that, if A Link to the Past’s backstory is to be believed (and the timeline is not said to split until Link falls in the final battle) then, Ganondorf entered the hiding place of the Triforce alongside fellow thieves of his, and ended up killing them all so he could have the Triforce for himself.
Buuut before you think I’m just gonna talk about how bad OoT!Ganondorf is, like, I still think he genuinely wanted to help his people (at first) and that everything WW!Ganondorf says does represent his true feelings, and that at some point, he just really wanted to do something good.
I think its interesting to think about why that presumably changed for a while, wether you think its the usual getting mad with power, getting to close to the “dark side” or whatever with all the dark magic going on, or being groomed into this role by Twinrova, or all of that, or something else entirely.
I mean, he definitely did some bad stuff before that too, but in the context of Ganondorf being a reincarnation of Demise, I wonder if it could be possible that either seeing Link and/or Zelda or laying eyes on the Triforce ended up having some effect on him, like awakening some part of Demise within him so to speak, contributing to him losing sight of his initial goals and getting more about power in general.
Notably post timeskip Ganondorf seems to use a lot more monsters/dmemons to do his bidding than before, but this could easily just be the difficulty spike for the player.
Idk if this sounds cheap to people somehow, but I remember a popular theory being that the Triforce of Power turned him evil so, its not that different imo.
Of course, in the final battle we see OoT!Ganondorf become Ganon, presumably for the very first time, but honestly? The transformation itself isn’t that important to me, as it just feels like a visual representation of the downfall Ganondorf had undergone already anyway.
And then, when he is defeated, he infamously curses Link, and ZELDA, and THE SAGES, vowing to kill their descendants once he breaks free from the seal and all...
...which leads into who is everyone’s favorite Ganondorf, and rightfully so, WW!Ganondorf.
Before going into the present day of WW, there is its backstory, which is very interesting to me, cause you just gotta think, how do we go from a guy like OoT!Ganon to WW!Ganon?
At some point after OoT but before WW, Ganondorf’s threat became reality, he broke out of the seal and tried taking over Hyrule once more.
But I cant help but wonder how it mustve felt for him. I picture him for years, decades, centuries maybe, sealed away, picturing his revenge, imagining how great it’ll feel to get free and eradicate the descendants of Link and Zelda, and finally making Hyrule his.
But when he was freed, he likely found a Hyrule that was different from how he remembered it. Notably, there would be no hero, nor descendants of his for him to exact revenge upon. And while we know that a princess seems to have had existed at the time, who knows if she was “a Zelda”, if you wanna call them that.
I just imagine it wouldve felt a lot less satisfying that he imagined, heck, probably wouldve felt more like he was robbed if his chance to take revenge.
And who knows what even happened to the Gerudo by that point? I know lack of them in Wind Waker doesnt mean they are extinct, but for all we know they couldve left hyrule altogether? (Like they seem to have done between OoT and TP, and mightve done post OoT in the Downfall timeline, if you dont think they went extinct)
Overall I could see what Ganondorf mightve pictured/wanted to be his most glorious moment, his long awaited return, mightve just ended up feeling kinda empty.
Not that I think he wouldve done a complete 180 already because of that, but I could see it leaving him in a bit of a shock.
Adding to that, now just as he is about to conquer Hyrule for real, the gods decide to destroy it, essentially. Or at least, thats how Ganondorf felt about the situation, given how he speaks of it in the game. Its like the gods are playing with him, everytime Hyrule is just within his graps, they take it from him.
The flood mustve felt especially terrible for him, cause the way he saw it, it mustve been something like the goddesses saying “we’d rather just end hyrule and kill all its people than have you be its ruler”. What a slap in the face, to put it lightly.
After that, getting sealed away again, and all the stuff I mentioned above, probably gave him time and opportunity to reflect upon his life so far, and the future too.
I dont think that in WW, Ganondorf was just “going through the motions”, and just trying to finish what he started because he had no choice at this point. I do think he still genuinely wanted to try and conquer Hyrule, its just that he has had some time to think about it, a bit more about why he wanted it, and about what he did wrong before, and regretting those mistakes.
Like for example, he really doesnt seem like he wants to harm Link and Zelda anymore, if he can help it. He could be hating them, still furious for what happened during OoT, but he doesnt seem to be.
One of these days I wanna talk about all the contrasts and parallels WW seems to draw to Zelda games that came before it, especially OoT, but for this bit I just wanna mention this one thing.
How in OoT you confront Ganondorf, who smugly plays his leitmotif on the organ, the sound of which growing louder the further you approach his chamber. His back pointed at the entrance which he knows the hero will emerge from. Zelda, encase in a crytal, hangs above him like a trophy, like the hero bait she is to him at this point.
And then in WW, his leitmotif plays in his final dungeon, but actually grow more quiet the closer you get to him. That already makes you feel like, while it invokes OoTs atmoosphere, it actually turns it on its head. And then, when you do cofront him, “Zelda” is instead peacefully sleeping in a bed, (presumably Ganondorfs bed?) with him calmly sitting by her side, watching over her. He doesn’t face Link directly as he enters, but isnt completely turned away from his either.
Of course this scene still has some creepy atmosphere to it, especially when he starts reading her mind, but maaaan, the contrast to OoT (and games that came before it) just GETS ME everytime I just think about it.
Ahhh, I could go on and on like, you all know this stuff, you all thought about him in this game so much, didnt you?
I really hope nintendo will choose to give another Ganondorf this kinda depth, and maybe even just play with the idea of Ganondorf taking on a different role than “final boss” in a Zelda title. I would love that.
Now, let’s turn the clock wayyy back to when Ganon fought Link, and talk about the timeline that occurs when Link is actually killed by him.
To me, this is kinda of the “original” timeline, for various reasons, but I don’t wanna distract from our main man here too long.
In this version of the events, Ganon manages to actually aquire the full Triforce in the final battle of OoT, and causes quite a bit of misery before the Sages finally manage to seal him away in this version, too. But because he is so powerful with the Triforce and all that, it ends up costing a lot more lives to finally get to that point.
Now from that point on, this Ganon seems to just kinda rule the Dark World, a twisted “evil” version of Hyrule of his own creation. And of course most notably, either because of this worlds properties, or his general state of being, this Ganon seemingly always stays in beast form from that point on.
Sadly this one doesnt talk too much (though he is very much capable of doing so), so we dont get much of a grasp on his character.
To me, ALttP!Ganon feels like somewhere in the middle when it comes to Ganons. Despite his bestial appearance, he doesnt seem as blind with power and rage as TP!Ganondorf, maybe cause he doesnt call himself a god or something. But he of course is nowhere near WW!Ganondorf in terms of reasons and having reflecting upon his past.
Either way, it is clear that he is not happy with just ruling his very own personal Hyrule, filled with damned people that have become monsters like him, as in ALttP he does attempt to break his seal and go back to the World of Light
This might just be out of greed, but you could also imagine he might simply be unhappy in this demonic world, or even scared? Given how we see that some inhabitants of this land lose their humanity to such an extent that they’re turning into things like trees, maybe even completely losing their sense of self?
One of the more curious things about ALttP!Ganon is his relationship to Agahnim. No one is entirely sure what they are to one another.
In some of the mangas, Agahnim is portrayed as a human who gets possessed or turned by Ganon in some shape or form, and this portrayal is popular from what I’ve seen.
But in the actual game, Agahnim is described as being Ganon’s alter-ego. The term used in the japanese version is “bunshin”, which can mean a lot of things, including alter-ego or even reincarnation, but in the context of the Zelda franchise, there is another part in the series where it is used. In Phantom Hourglass, Oshus is described as being the “bunshin” of the Ocean King. So, if we assume Agahnim works the same way, his consiusness would have to be exactly Ganon’s, right? Of course that doesn’t mean other interpretations can’t exist, I myself am not even sure what to think.
The usage of the word bunshin does imply that to some extent, Agahnim literally was a part, or offshot of Ganon. So froma  certain point of view, we could add his character to Ganons, if we wanted to.
Something that intrigues me though is that in the Downfall Timeline, we never see Ganon in human form again. Could this be related to Agahnim? Maybe not exactly literally but symbolIcally?
Did Ganon split the humanity he had left off of himself, because that was the only part of him that could exit the Dark World before the seal was lifted?
If so, did Agahnim dying have any effect on him? Or did whatever Agahnim was in the end just return to him?
So much to think about here, ahh.
Of cours, ALttP!Ganon then gets killed by Link in their battle. Not sealed away, just flat out killed.
Normally this would probably be the end, but of course OoX happened, in which Twinrova tried to revive him, but didnt quite succeed.
Ganon is revived as a seemingly mindless beast, only actualy talking in his final moments, which is the quote from earlier.
In the japanese version, this quote is written entirely in katakana, which can indicate that its pronounced weirdly somehow, in cases like this likely because he had a hard time forming the words at all.
He also refers to himself as a Demon King in japanese, but that term hadn’t caught on in the english versions of the games yet.
Okay so, as I kinda mentioned above, this Ganon’s story gets a bit muddled from this point on.
Sometime after ALttP, but before ALbW, ALbW’s backstory (which is not ALttP) occurs, during which a hero fights a Ganon, who is then sealed away by him, the princess and the sages, but we dont know if this Ganon is the same, just revived again, or an entirely new incarnation.
But you could argue that it hardly matters, cause he barely does anything in the game, essentially acting as a power boost for Yuga...
However, there is a theory that he might do more than that actually.
So, according to this theory, Yuga actually was completely loyal to Hilda, and its only by fusing with Ganon that he starts wanting to betray, due to Ganons influence. The theory is nice in the sense that it makes Yuga more of an opposite of Ganon than he seems if you take the game at face value, and gives Ganon more to do. Depending on your interpretation, Yuga might just be influenced by Ganon, or they literally fuse into a being that is just as much Ganon as it is Yuga.
But of course that is just a minor theory, and you dont have to like it, naturally.
After that we get HF and AoL!Ganon, who is said to be more of a mindless beast as this point, no trace left of the human he used to be.
A rather sad fate.
Again it is unclear if this is the same Ganon, revived yet again, or maybe (anotehr) reincarnation.
But if its the former, you can only assume that, even if you dont think Agahnim dying had any effect on Ganon, just forcing him to ressurect over and over instead of letting him reincarnate properly, must’ve done quite the number on Ganon.
Somehow thinking about this version of Ganon in particular makes me think about the cursed boars in Princess Mononoke, who where lost to their anger. Especially the moment when the Wolf faces the Old Boar, who we have seen slowly lose his self at this point, and she almost pitifully says “Can’t you even speak anymore?” to him.
It almost feels like Downfall Timeline!Ganon is cursed by fate, in a sense. Not really in-universe either, but out of universe too!
History is already written (the first two games are already out) and thus Ganon has to follow the path that is already set for him, become what he will be in the future (what he is in the first two games), a frightening monster that terrorizes this kingdom of Hyrule for the sake of power, with no humanity in him (him having been human wasnt part of his character at the time the first two games where released)
I wonder if the demons failing to get Links blood in 2 will mark the end of this Ganon? (I hope not)
It was kinda nice to see BotW seemingly do somewhat of a modern take on this kinda idea of Ganon, something that has become little more than destruction of Hyrule in pyhsical form. I could see people place BotW as post- AoL for that reason, even.
And well, rolling back time yet again, we go to the last way OoT!Ganondorf turned out, which is TP!Ganondorf...
....who, compared to the others, actually has a bit more of a complicated “set-up” that kickstarts his character.
When Link gets send back in time at the end of OoT, his Tiforce of Courage breaks apart into the pieces we find in WW, presumably because Link was literally removed from that reality as he possessed it?
Then upon his arrival in the new Child Timeline, Link immediately gets the Triforce of Courage of THAT timeline, presumably cause he is in a state of being where he is meant to have a Triforce Piece of Courage?
Well, regardless of what you believe to be the cause, this is what happens, and as a result, the other two Triforce pieces choose Zelda and Ganondorf to bear them and end up residing in them. Thats how the pieces ended up with the three without the Sacred Realm being entered in this version of the events.
Link ends up warning Zelda and the king of the events that will transpire in the future, and thus Ganondorf loses the trust of the king and is unable to set his plan from OoT into motion.
Its a bit vague, but sometime after that Ganondorf starts a direct attack towards Hyrule, but gets captured and put on trial.
And as you know, as he was about to be executed, the Triforce of Power activated and saved him from death.
Now I am not sure if this is true, but I think up until that point, Ganondorf didn’t even know he had it.
But wether he discovered he had it now, or the moment it fist came to him, one thing I am sure of, he mustve felt so great for it. Cause he has no idea that a time travelling Link caused this to happen, right? From his perspective, the power of the gods just came to him like that because he is that great! And then, he cant even die as a result of this? He is literally immortal? Well, he must be the dang chosen one, right?
No wonder he got all god complex in this one!
Something I´m kinda interested in is how this guy spend years, likely centuries, in the Twillight Realm, and if his form in there is any indication, not exactly in physical form either, I mean isnt it implied he HAD to mae use of Zant like that in order to be able to have a physical form like that?
Ultimately TP!Ganondorf just is a lot like OoT!Ganondorf if you think about it, just kinda taken to a more extreme. He is no longer just human, but has transcended humanity much further than OoT!Ganondorf has, and feels superior to everyone because of it.
He is absolute in his own eyes, he is a god, his eventual victory is certain, his battle with the hero just a formality at this point.
And he sticks to that mindset until the very end, even as he is stabbed and fatally wounded by Link. It only makes sense, he couldnt be stopped by this before, why would it stop him now?
Of course the events that follow are rather vague, and people argue about what it means to this day, but I think it ultimately boils down to Ganondorf biting of more than he can chew, overestimating his own power. Or rather, what he thinks is his own power, cause its not even his.
From the moment he was impaled by the sword of the sage, Ganondorf has been a dead man.
He has only been kept alive afterwards through the power of others, the gods, and Zant as well.
This power was not his, and thus it could just leave him just as quick as it came to him.
The imagine of Zant snapping his neck, to me, either just refers to the fact that with Zant dead, who acted as Ganondorf anchor of sorts, Ganondorf himself dies as well, or it refers to the fact that Ganondorf, who saw himself as a god and superior to everything, was ultimately just as much of a mortal and simple being than the very person who worshipped him as a deity the most.
Yes, you could call Zant the very person that made Ganondorf a god in the first place, in more ways than one, so without him, Ganondorf is a god no more. And he dies just like any mortal would.
Ultimately this Ganondorf story feels like a story of hubris.
Simple, but neat.
(Its interesting like, its almost like, TP!Ganondorf was a human who longed to be a god, and WW!Ganondorf was like a god who longed to be human?)
But, do not think it ends here...
We’ve looked at all the people that OoT!Ganondorf grew up to be, but that isn’t all the Ganons there is, the story of Ganon actually continues further down the Child Timeline.
Yes, this brings us to FSA!Ganon, or as I sometimes like to call him, Ganon II.
I understand that most probably never played this game, and I probably won’t blow your minds if I tell you Ganon doesn’t actually do much in this game but, I still like to think about him.
He’s actually a proper reincarnation of TP!Ganondorf, folowing the latter’s death at the end of TP.
From some dialouge in-game we know a little bit about his past. Like his past life, he was a boy born to the Gerudo people, and was named Ganondorf.
Interestingly, in this game, the Gerdudo dont actually say that every 100 years a male child is born, they that every 100 years a “special” child is born, and of course Ganondorf was that special child. They still mention the “only man” part, but it doesnt come up with the “every 100 years” line.
Notably it also doesnt seem that Ganondorf was supposed to be their king, and it doesnt seem like they ever treated him like a king, they only mention he was supposed to be the protector of the Gerudo people and the desert.
This is just speculation, but perhaps, after what happened to the first Ganondorf, the Gerudo people decided it wasnt a good idea to treat the sole male like a king just because.
The Gerudo in the game tell you that the older Ganndorf became, the more twisted and obsessed with power he became, and eventually he started breaking their laws, too.
When he entered the forbidden pyramid, the Gerudo basically considered him banished from their tribe, but also didnt think he would ever survive in there and presumed him to be dead.
The Gerudo in this game really only talk badly about Ganondorf, which probably makes sense if he really just did bad stuff to them, but its a very stark contrast to OoT where the Gerudo seemed to just let Ganondorf get away with everything, kinda.
Something I wonder about if maybe like, Ganondorf wasn’t exactly treated well by the Gerudo, out of fear of him turning out like the old Ganondorf, or if Ganondorf just turned bad all on his own. Or maybe a mixture of both?
What is sorta interesting is the story of how this one came to be Ganon, which is that within the pyramid, he found a certain Trident, which is implied to have caused him to “awake as Ganon”, so to speak, as he picked it up. This is the inscription found with the Trident:
“Seek...you...the world? Seek you...power? Does your...soul...despise peace and...thirst for... more? Does your soul...cry... for...destruction and... conquest? We...grant you...power to ...ruin...the world. The power of...darkness. Evil...spirit of magic trident. You are...the... King of Darkness.“
The trident feels like it has more out of universe meaning than in-universe (though I do headcanon it to be a reincarnated ghirahim somehow, because I can). The trident being a weapon that franchise-wise is heavily associated with Ganon, and notably Ganon only, as Ganondorf is never really seen wielding a literal trident.
This Ganondorf picks up the trident, and with it the legacy of the interpretations of Ganons that came in the games before this one, so to speak.
I´m sorry for this part being so unstructured, but interestingly, Ganondorf is this game is referred to as “ancient demon reborn”, or something like “instrument of evil reborn” in japanese, hinting that even at the time of the game’s release, this Ganon was probably intended to be the reincarnation of a previous evil, likely a previous Ganon, of course.
What I wonder about is how much this Ganon is aware of that, though. When he grew up, becoming more and more twisted, did he know? Did he know he was the reincarnation of a villain that had previously plagued Hyrule? Did he feel his hatred? Did he know whose it was, or did he consider it his own? Or was it simply his own?
And when he picked up the trident, and transformed into a demon beast, did he understand what this meant? What he was? Did he ever obtain any memories of his past self, even?
Something that hints that this /might/ be the case is Shadow Link.
Now Shadow Link is not actually created by the dark mirror from the evil part of Link’s heart as the english localization suggest. Instead its created from the evil part of Ganon’s heart, using the dark mirror. It is said that through the mirror,the hatred and evil of Ganondorf, throughout time, took on the shape of Link. Likely because the hero is a major subject of Ganondorf’s hatred.
The fact that this happened when FSA!Ganon used the mirror, despite himself never having met Link up until that point, hints that he might, at least subconsiously, harbor the memories of his past incarnations?
But really, as usual there is a lot open to interpretation.
I´m just so intrigued, like in this timeline there is a “second Ganon”, a Ganon that came “after”, someone who had to take on this cruel legacy.
And, with that we have now talked about all the Ganon(dorf)s that have existed in the franchise to this day, not counting stuff like BS Zelda and the CDI-Games.
If you stuck around until this point, thank you so much, you’re too kind!
But also thanks to everyone that just skimmed this or looked it over briefly, I hope this wall of text did something for you. 
(Sorry for any typos I... type too fast when I get excited about a topic.)
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i feel upset today because there is a continual expectation for me to put myself out for other people and get next to nothing in return as they ask for everything. and if i ask for something, it just goes ignored. 
i’m tired of my work being devalued. i’m tired of people just taking it for granted and using it to their own benefit. i felt nothing but anxiety and animosity at the last show our group put on because i was knowingly bullied on more than one occasion by another member and then forced to put on a show with them - and was even questioned why i might pull out my art. 
i was going to perform at this event. but as the weeks passed i realized i was putting in more work than anyone else and when i asked for certain things, they were ignored or put off. and yet there was an expectation for me to complete something for them ‘asap’. this made performing for the first time really devalued. like sure, i worked hard to create the event but why? what was the purpose of this? it was never to bring anyone together, it was never to showcase anything but the organizers themselves and the lack of good promotion means the likelihood of selling something at a venue not known for after hours shows and not joining our marketing is pretty low. 
i am 27 years old now. i have no fucking desire to put on shitty teen shows that are half assed thrown together with a bunch of my friends. thats not what this is about for me - it lacks a certain amount of organization and class. it lacks a curation in performers. i thought i might be the worst one - and that’d be okay. they cant all be winners. but now it’s just open mic - and if i really wanted to perform at a open mic, i’d go to a real one. if i’m going to do a large amount of the work - outside of meeting with the owner one time and putting up 5 flyers on street poles - i want the results to be worth the work i put in. and IMO it’s not. it’s mediocre and thrown together. 
and i feel a personal insult about this because of how much work i put intothe group itself. ive dedicated time on a semi regular basis to all the admin work, the promotion, keeping social media active, posting new submissions, fielding a majority of the questions and i’m not asking for praise - i’m asking for people to respect the work i’ve done. don’t come in and draw on it with magic marker and tell me its acceptable quality when theres folks painting in oils. i dedicated time to create an entity that could be used and harnessed; i ask for the quality of our output to match whats already there. 
and i think it’s asinine that i would hve to argue doing better than average. if this is just a hobby or random activity for you - fine. it’s not serious. you’re not serious. none of this matters. but it was presented as serious. it was presented as a showcase of people’s craft. there is no effort into making it somewhere one would wnt to be. we’re all going for the ~decor. we print posters because we want to see our name on a poster in the street - not becuse we’re really advertising an event. it was acceptable that the only people in attendance would be the performers and a few of their friends. acceptable!! that’s an unsuccessful house party, in my opinion. 
you know whats missing  locally? proper use of social media to network between people. it’s impossible to find other artists in the area unless you scour through obscure hashtags. but yet theres dozens and dozens if not hundreds of artists in the local area. this means you get stuck in one influence and within that influence you may be chastised for going against the “norm” of their influence. instead of new ideas being welcomed, they’re constantly turned down or argued against. 
i’ve met all of the people i know through facebook and instagram in my art world. thats a very powerful tool.i know models who only book through instagram. and ive had arguements about the use of hashtags. as if theyre not relevant. 
i’m tired of questioning what i know. tht honestly gives me the most anxiety. and its not like im tired of questioning what i do - its healthy to question your actions - but what i know and believe makes me feel unsure of myself and the skills i have. i have had experience working in the creative industries since i was 17, freelancing. and i have a wide variety of skills in graphic design, retouching photos, photography of models & landscapes & products, glamour modeling & product modeling (of which i’ve done for dozens of photographers in the local area), web design & blogging + knowlege of e-commerce platforms, wordpress, seo, promotion & marketing both online & offline, i’ve sold crafts online for almost four years and switched my primary creative tool from artisan crafts to trditional & figure art that i studied & practiced extensively for over two years, i have skills in copywriting & journalism, i have a handle on the basic laws of creative works & how they can be used, basic knowledge in building & selling a brand, communicating with clients & customers (of which i’ve had no complaints in regards to my communication - ive had complaints about shipping because post offices are not so nice), creating organized file systems which can be used by multiple people -- i have paid my dues. i am still growing, absolutely. i am not the best at any of the above things i listed. i could be even better. i could spend two hours today on one of these skills and be better than i am right now. i can always be better.
but just because i can be better doesnt take away from what i know now, what i have learned, what i have studied - like i took the time to study and read up on research and marketing & promotion techniques. a good portion of my first shop was spent reading about how to sell stuff, not so much making stuff to sell. as i did not realize at the time how much work went into being successful online. and i did not realize until my shop closed how i had taken that skill for granted - because i had done all that work & effort, it was able to pull in a few sales a month with little to no effort now. if i worked harder, maybe i couldve been even better. 
i also (un)willingly have worked full time as an artist and only an artist for at least two years. this is the “luxury” ive been allowed in  life even though i am the definition of starving artist. i didnt have it as a part time job or hobby - it was something i did every single day and i marketed & promoted for hours a day. an acquaintance of mine upon hearing of my mental state now told me that i had gone so hard for so long - and i kind of appreciated that he saw that on the outside. that someone could see that i actully did work incredibly hard. that i was dedicated.. that i AM dedicated. 
i’m not saying any of this makes me better thn anyone else or knowing more - it just means i’m experienced. i am very very experienced in not only practicing a craft but marketing that craft to sell, displaying that craft in it’s best light, knowing the best places to sell. i also work in quality over quantity. i am not interested in doing 9  - 10 shows a year. i’m not interested in shitting out  5 - 7 paintings at a time. it means before i touch anything to paper or canvas or wood - i’ve thought about it. i’ve really, really thought about it. i didnt just sit down and throw paint on the canvas. i couldve been thinking of this image for days before i do it. or the craft itself - my bone jewelry came because i absolutely neded to make a necklace out of fish bones i found and they needed vials attached. why? i dont know. but it just needed to be. 
when i started the group, i asked about names. i didnt choose a name or dictate the name. i was given a suggestion by someone i actually dont like at all and was given a reson for why he felt it was a good suggestion and i agreed because business-wise it was a good suggestion. i respected that he hd different ideas and experiences that shaped that suggestion that i did not have. i learned through it that i should expand my reach - both in my personal creative life and my ‘business’ creative life. 
my ~partner was disappointed i wasn’t going to perform. i could tell it was frustrating and dissappointing to him because i think he thought it wouldve been good for me and that i would hopefully find something in it that would bring me something. and through his disappointment he told me that it wasn’t totally right to drop out of something you planned to do or that peopl expected you to be at.
but i’d like to turn that around - my partner is someone who also puts himself out for others on a regular basis. and for a long, long, long time he was fucked around and fucked over by many people. an old friend came to his door and asked to borrow money and he allowed him to despite knowing he might be a drug addict now. he had no obligation to this person but it was like since he was asked, he should. and i think if he lerned to say no, or learned to walk away from an unhealthy situation, he would be happier as well. i’ve learned first hand the benefit of walking away from something toxic. and you will feel misplaced guilt for a bit, i feel some guilt now but it’s for the best. 
i try to think how i can change my perspective on it but i cannot. i wold not walk down the street if this was held in the local gallery, nevermind 20km away. like once i took myself out as a performer i realized i wouldnt even want to go. i dont want to see anyone perform but my partner; who will already be subdued because of the venue. ive been completely taken out of the organization of the event - despite having been continually involved in the promotion and a few conversations since the lst one where i said i didnt want to keep doing this. so ive deleted my advertisement efforts online andi’m just halting any further promotion on my part of this event. i’m 97% sure i’m personally not even going to go. i no longer ant to see half of the people there on a personal level so it’s not even worth going to to hang out and i dont care about displaying my art. 
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