#(ooc; stop being lazy Sans)
misscloudykiss · 1 month
Bro I actually just can't write smut idk what's wrong with me. So enjoy this fade to black fic because I failed at dust. 🥲
Dust! Sans x reader.
Genre: fade to black
Other: I know this is probably ooc but I tried lol, hopefully, I get better at this =^. 1.2K Words. No warnings just implied smut.
Scrolling through the busted screen on your phone. you looked through your old messages with a friend you used to know, looking back on all the memories you two had before being forced into Nightmare's castle. He had brought you here after tending to killer's wounds in your au. At the time you were unaware of who you were helping, which inevitably led to your current situation, stuck taking care of the lazy murders.
In Nightmare's words, you were a “vital” part of the group. (You think he's just buttering you up to keep you compliant) You stayed and took care of the manor. While also making sure their wounds were tended to. Now you were stuck here left with the memories of your old life. Lifelessly scrolling through your phone in your lofted space. Your room was surprisingly well kept compared to the rest of the messy manor. Your personal items are on your desk. You had to practically beg nightmare for a loft bed so killer would stop jump scaring you at night.
You were bored, and playing with the door stopped bored. Your phone was dry, all your books read, the playlist wasn't hitting right, and no motivation whatsoever. So you decided to see how long you could annoy dust before getting slapped. Dust was in the common area on the couch playing his new video game, dead by daylight. It was only the two of you in the manor because the other three were on a “supervised mission”.
You were brought to a stop when he yelled out. “Get off my dick you tunneling asshole!” It took everything in you not to burst out laughing as you suppressed a chuckle, unfortunately, he had heard you as your attempt was futile. His head snapped your way with a piercing glare, but he said nothing going back to his game. He was bitchin' left and right.
you sat next to him side eyeing him whilst he played. Finally, when you looked at the screen you noticed it… bunny Feng. And he was an asshole player. It all made sense. “Dude you're kinda a dick.” You said watching him bully the killer. “I'm not a dick they just can't play well. It's not my fault.” He retorted back to you. He finally finished the game and turned to you with his eyelights lowered. “Do you need something?”
You shrugged and with a shit-eating grin snagged the controller making a run for it. He yelled out chasing after you at an impressive speed. ‘Who the hell did she think she was?!’ he thought, as he ran. He was so close to catching you before you locked yourself in the bathroom. He banged on the door furious.
“Give me my control back or so help me God I'm going to kill you!” he spat out. You could hear the venom in his words. “Damn dude calm down!” You said from the other side of the door. Your back pressed against it so it was harder for him to get in. You heard footsteps leaving the door and relaxed for a second. You were safe from his fury for now. You also still had your trophy for surviving, But just as you were about to celebrate your triumph you heard the footsteps come back.
Dust had snagged a butter knife and was trying to pick the lock. Placing the knife into the small lock slot and twisting. You had to hand it to him, he was smart. As well as being resourceful. You tried to press your back to the door to keep it shut but as soon as it was unlocked he barraged in, slinging you across the room as the door flew open.
You landed on the cold tile with a grunt, staring up at Dust who was standing over you, looking furious. you could see the red flush of anger on his face. For a moment, you were both standing completely still, the only sound in the room was the hum of the ventilation system. Dust’s eyes narrowed as he took a step toward you. “You think you’re so smart, huh little mouse?” he said, his voice low.
You scrambled to your feet, backing away slowly. “You win, you win! Just don’t kill me, please?” Dust still looked irritated. He snatched the controller away from you, now back in his grasp. “You’re really pushing it today. What do you want?” You rubbed your sore back and dusted yourself off. “I was bored! No one else is here and I'm stuck in limbo.”
Dust sighed, pinching the bridge of his nasal bone. “You’re a real pain in the ass, you know that?” “I wasn't trying to upset you that bad. I thought it was harmless..” you spoke out. It was true you didn't think he'd get so pressed about a controller. He looked at you still with a harsh glare as he pulled you up by the arm. “Don't do that again. I don't care if I finished the game, it's rude.” He said pulling you back to the couch with him. He sat down pulling you into his lap while he played.
“Will this cure your insufferable boredom little mouse?” he asked sarcastically. You shifted on his lap trying to get comfortable muttering to yourself. At your squirming, his breath stifled and his body froze up. He put his hands on your hips holding you still.
“Stop moving.” He said sharply. Holding you down. Not liking being restricted you tried to get him to stop holding onto you so firmly, wiggling around in the process. He grunted before slamming you down onto the couch and holding your hands above your head.
“I said stop. You don't want to pull this stunt with me little mouse.” He spat, as he hovered over you. Your hips are in between his legs. Your face heated up. Was he challenging you? You could take him. Okay probably not in a fight but still.
You looked at him, now caught in an almost terrifying game of cat and mouse. Dust was hovered over you, thick tension filled the air. His hood just barely hides the glare that for a split second looks… primel. He had his arms around you in a possessive manner, it brought chills to your spine. igniting a spark of defiance within you.
“Is this how you treat your nurse?” you teased, your voice taking on a teasing tone, a playful challenge thick in the air. You could feel his body get, more and more heated. His breath quickened when you squirmed. You were a fucking tease and a good one at that.
Dust’s grip tightened, his fingers digging into your hips as if to anchor you in place. “You’re really pushing it today, little mouse,” he growled, but there was an undeniable hint of excitement in his tone, a flicker of seductiveness making your heart race.
“Maybe I like pushing buttons,” you replied, your lips curling into a mischievous smile. “Especially yours.”
this kinda sucked but at least it's out of my drafts and I can stop stressing about it. I'm going to be starting on my request and hopefully get them out. I hope y'all enjoyed stay safe raindrops! 🌧️♥️
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pawnshopsouls · 6 years
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diofasolia · 3 years
Ink! Sans x Reader
(part 3)
Ink! Sans by @comyet
Error! Sans by @loverofpiggies
Dream by @jokublog
Writings by me
Warning: contains OOC, crappy fight scene, the dialogue sounds like some weird NPC
"…please…wake up…"
    "(Y/N)…open your eyes…"
    "Wake up…please…WAKE UP!"
Your eyes shoot open. Ouch, your body feels like it's gonna breaking apart. A beeping sound echoes in the room that you somehow stay in.
    Someone, no, Ink is sitting at your left side. His eye sockets open wide, brimming with tears.
    "Oh…Oh my Gaster! You're awake! You're finally awake!"
    "Ink? What…happened?"
    Your voice sounds scratchy, feeling like it's been forever since you last talk.
    "You don't remember a thing? You…give your other half soul to me. It nearly takes your life! You've been in a coma for two years!"
    "Two years!?"
    You regret shouting immediately. Because you break into a severe coughing fits the next minute. Ink gently pets your back, helping you soothing the coughs.
    "I mean…I still get some memories before I umm…lose consciousness? I remember I visit Error, and I think I meet Dream? It's all a little hazy. I also hearing your voice calling me? But that's unlikely possible…I'm supposed to be unconscious, right?"
    Ink giggles.
    "You know, for a person who just wake up from a long coma, you sure speaking a lot. Welp, guess I'll have to explain what happened to you…"
(Ink's pov)
    I'm relaxing on couch in the house I make for me and (Y/N). I've been thinking about the incident between us recently. I really appreciate the fact that she still managing to stay by my side despite what happens.
Especially it's me who break her heart that harshly.
I stand up from where I sit. (Y/N) hasn't returned from her work yet. A feeling of fright swirling in my mind. Is she leaving me? Does she hate me that much to never come back? I shiver uncontrollably, the very thought of being alone making me want to puke. I shake my head, clearing unnecessary thoughts. The most important thing right now is finding (Y/N).
    Strange, Dream tells me (Y/N) left his place a several minutes ago. He says she seems to be in a rush to go somewhere. I check the AUs where (Y/N) can possibly be in, yet I find nothing.
    "Where can she be?"
I think to myself, than a thought suddenly occurs in my mind.
    "Error! How can I forget? I haven't check his place yet. (Y/N) must be there hanging out with him!"
    Without hesitation, I open a portal to Error's place.
     "Hey Error! Is (Y/N) her–"
    I'm unable to finish my sentence.
    Because right in front of me is the glitchy skeleton, who's holding a half of (Y/N)'s soul.
And the human herself is laying limped on the ground, bleeding.
    G e t  a w a y  f r o m  h e r
    I grab my trusting broomie, swinging an attack at Error. He's too focused on (Y/N) so he doesn't fully aware of my powerful strike towards him.
    "WhAt tHE heLl InK!?"
    Error screeches. Carefully dodging my attacks and protecting the half soul in his hand.
    "Give it back!!"
    I'm surprised by how furious I sound. Error appears shocked too.
    "I won't let you take (Y/N)'s precious soul! How dare you injure her like that!?"
    "I SWeAr, yOU'Re bOTh iDIoTS. THis wAS HER IDeA. IT's nOt mE wHO nEedS tHE SoUl, it'S YOU."
    I stop my another strike in the mid air. For me? A soul? But that soul belongs to (Y/N). Does that mean she…
    "BAseD oN yOuR hALiRiOUs exPResSiOn tHEre, YOu'Ve FiGUre OuT wHAt HapPeNEd, doN't YoU?"
    Error returns to (Y/N)'s side, checking her HP.
    "SHoOT! HEy!! DOn'T fALl a sLeEp! yOu LAzY huMaN! DoN't YOu DaRE dIE oN Me! I StILl nEEd mY cHOcoLAtE SuPPilEr!"
    This is not good. (Y/N)'s alive but in a very dangerous condition. Her HP is slowly decreasing.
    "INk! TAke tHiS! AbSOrb iT NoW!!"
    Error shoves the soul in my chest.
    "What? I can't! (Y/N) is hurt now…and I…no! I can't do this!"
    "SHuT It yOU gIbBeRiSH SQuId! HAve yOu eVEr coNSIdEr (Y/N)'s thOuGHts? SHe's wILliNG To sACriFIcE HErSElF foR yOU. Do YoU wANt tO wAStE aWaY hEr eFfoRt?"
    "ThE sOUl'LL diSAppEAr iN A sEcONd If (Y/N) pASt aWAy. BUt iF yOu AbsORb iT NOw, iT wILl BEcoMe yOUrs."
    (Y/N)'s HP is getting lower and lower. I look at her, then opening a protal connects to the human world.
    "Take her to the hospital. I'll do what I must be done."
Grammar is hard
So is writing a good fight scene (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)
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eirist · 3 years
Little Bits and Pieces of Heaven
One-shot #: 25
Disclaimer: One Piece (and its characters) belongs to Eiichiro Oda-sensei.
Reminder: I have no beta-reader. Any grammatical and spelling errors are solely mine.
Warning: OOC possible. One shot scribble.
Rating: T (Just light flirting stuff)
Note: Light teasing. PWP. And pure insanity I tell you. Just ending my quarantine with another one-shot. Because who knows when I can write and upload one again.
Summary: "Found the bunny."      
With a cheerful and dazzling smile, Luffy—the captain of the infamous Straw Hat Pirates—held out his hands to show off the beautifully decorated basket to his crew members.
Sanji cocked an eyebrow at him. "Seriously?"
"Yes!” Luffy exclaimed. “We're gonna go hunt for eggs!" His already bright smile widened some more at the idea of an adventure.
This time it was Zoro’s turn to raise an eyebrow. "Wearing… that?" His lone eye scrutinized the rabbit costume the rubber man had on.
The younger boy nodded again, head bobbing up and down enthusiastically. “Usopp and Chopper are wearing the same!”
"Yes we are!" Usopp and Chopper yelled proudly, pumping their fists up in the air.
“What the hell is wrong with this island?" The cook muttered under his breath with a slight shake of his head.
“More like what the hell is wrong with them?” Zoro grunted, folding his arms across his chest as he nudged his head towards the three.
It was one of those rare days when he and the idiot swordsman weren’t snarling insults at each other because there is a more pressing and absurd matter to attend to...
…like Luffy, Usopp and Chopper in bunny suits, holding colorful baskets to join the island’s ‘egg hunt’.
“Fufufu…” Robin laughed softly from her deck chair where she was relaxing. “It’s the island’s tradition. They are celebrating what they call Easter.” She explained as she flipped a page of the book in her hand.  
“By looking for eggs?” Zoro inquired with a frown as the three bunnies started singing a song about egg hunting.
“Yes,” Robin nodded. “We just so happen to arrive here right in time for that celebration.”
“No it’s not!” Usopp retorted looking aggravated at Zoro’s comment. “I recalled visiting an island once where hunting for eggs is considered a manly man’s sport! The one who finds the most wins the title of the most manliest man alive.”
“Suge Usopp!” Chopper gasped.
“That is right,” the sniper crossed his arms over his chest haughtily. “And guess who won the title five years in a row?”
“You, of course.” Both Zoro and Sanji drawled, with the same expression on their faces that clearly says… they’re not buying Usopp’s obviously untrue and exaggerated story.
Robin stifled her giggles behind her hand as Usopp yelled his retorts at the two. Both Luffy and Chopper were looking at him with their eyes sparkling from amazement.
“Whoa you’re awesome Usopp!” Luffy commented.
“You really are strong!” The reindeer gushed.
“I know right!” Usopp answered with an approving grin and a thumbs up.
“But I will defeat you today!” The captain declared. “I will be the one to win the title of the most manliest man alive.”
“And you’d do that…” Sanji said in an almost bored tone. “By finding… a lot of eggs?”
Sanji sighed as he pulled out a packet of cigarettes from his pants.
“And you really need to wear… those costumes to hunt for them?” Zoro asked, still doubtful why they need to be in that.
“It’s tradition Zoro,” Usopp stated matter-of-factly. “You can’t find the eggs if you’re not in a bunny costume! You’re so ignorant.”
“Hey! Why don’t you join us too Zoro?” Luffy invited and Zoro almost blanched at that.
"Yeah!” Chopper chirped in. “Join us! The more the merrier!"
“Nope. I’m good.” Zoro answered almost instantly. Like hell he would don that stupid costume and then hunt for stupid eggs.
Best to just leave them to their crazy shit.
“Have fun.” He waved them off.
Sanji let out a ‘tch’ before taking a drag from his cigarette. Things seemed to get weirder and weirder these past few days. But somehow the idea that he'll be free of the usual food stock raiders for the day feels too good to pass. "Alright then, run along rabbits. Go scour the island for eggs.”
“We will!” The trio chorused.
Sanji nodded at them. “And don't you dare create any messes for us to clean you hear?"
“Eeeh…” a voice from behind them suddenly said. “Don’t worry about it Sanji-kun."
And just like that the cook immediately swiveled around to face the newcomer.
"Nami-swaaan! Don't you look dazzling in that ensemble, my sweet!" He crooned as his eyes automatically turned to hearts, kneeling down on one knee in front of the navigator.
“Thank you!” Nami beamed at him and winked. The chef instantly fell down the lawn deck in a swoon, blabbering about her beauty. She was wearing an outfit just like the one she had on when they went after him in Whole Cake Island. Only this time the corset skirt is frillier and more colorful as the layers sported different shades of pastel spring palette.
The puffed sleeves of her blouse are pulled down her shoulders, revealing them and she had put on a rabbit ears headband on top of her head.
Zoro glared at the prone figure of the blond before shifting his attention to Nami. “You going with them?”
Nami nodded with a scheming grin. “Heard something about money prizes.”
“Of course you wouldn’t let that pass,” the green-haired man smirked. His lone eye trailed up and down her form as he studied her. “And you're supposed to be what? A rabbit as well?"
He jerked a thumb towards the three doofuses in their onesie costumes. "Why not wear the same as them?"
Nami narrowed her eyes at him as Sanji barked threats from where he was still lying down. Something about shutting his trap if he can’t say something nice to his precious Nami-san.
Zoro ignored him. Even as he started shouting insults that he is being the usual, unfashionable stupid marimo that he is.
"Because that is not cute." The map maker huffed, placing her hands on her hips.
"Looks ok on them." The grin that Zoro send her way was nasty.
She flipped her hair over her shoulder snootily. "Say one more word about what I'm wearing Zoro and I'll make sure your next sentence is, “Please don't charge me”."
"Right. Don't charge me… greedy witch," he said monotonously, deliberately omitting the word please and adding an insult as well.
She gave him the evil eye.
“Now go and run along with your rabbit friends."
"You can kiss your next island allowance goodbye Zoro," Nami said in an overly sweet tone as she smiled evilly. "I'll be splurging them for expensive lingerie later."
"Byeeee!" Nami immediately pranced away from him to escape; pushing Usopp, Luffy and Chopper towards the ship’s ladder so that they could embark. Sanji was automatically back on his feet and on her side to assist her while nose bleeding about lingerie and the orange-haired woman.
"Damn it Nami! You come back here!" Zoro was yelling as he stomped to follow her.
“Have fun!” Robin called out to them, eyes never leaving her book and creating duplicates of her hand at the railing to wave at them.
It was around lunch time when Nami entered the crow’s nest. The first thing her eyes landed upon was the figure of a sprawled Zoro, unsurprisingly asleep on the floor.
She approached the thunderously snoring swordsman and nudged his side with her foot.
“Hey,” she prodded him awake. “Hey Zoro, wake up!”
The snoring stopped. And there was a grunt. Then a tiger-like yawn, followed by another grunt.
Nami rolled her eyes at his response. “Zoro!”
“WHAT?!” Zoro answered irritably. He opened his eye and blinked up at her. “Hunt’s done?” He asked groggily before turning to his side so his back was now facing her, not even waiting for her answer.
A frown appeared on her lips. What a rude and lazy ass. She poked him on the back with her feet. He merely grunted again and ignored her.
“They’re still hunting,” she explained, looking down on his prone figure disapprovingly. She doubt if he was listening. Sometimes, you might as well talk to a rock than Roronoa Zoro.
“The game is happening on the whole island,” she continued. “I went back to get reinforcements. So wake up and come with me!”
“Will not. I’d rather sleep.”
Nami settled down on the nest’s floor just behind him. This time she was prodding him with her finger, making sure her nail was digging into his skin.
“Stop that.”
“I will not.”
“Why aren’t you looking as well?” He grumbled petulantly as she continued poking his back.
“That’s what my three rabbits are for! I’m just there to oversee and secure the money prize!”
“You can’t make me join you.”
And Nami leaned forward so her lips were almost touching his ear. “Really?”
“Whatever you’re planning. It won’t work.” He declared smugly, even as he kept his eye closed.
She laughed softly, letting her breath tickle his ear. “You’re no fun.” She shifted closer, bending over so she could drape her body on top of him.
“You know… I’m not planning anything.” She whispered, letting her lips lightly touch his ear. “I’m just here to offer a ten percent deduction to your current… debt amount.” She let her hand slide inside his t-shirt, past his haramaki to caress the well-defined muscles there.
“I already told you that’s not gonna work.” Zoro’s eye was now open and looking at her. A smirk was on his lips. “And I don’t recall borrowing money from you onna.”
“You don’t?” Nami gasped exaggeratedly. “What about that time in Vert Island? You owe me belis for the cottage rent.”
Zoro’s brow furrowed. “Thought that was your treat?”
She mock-pouted. “Oh Zoro. When are you gonna learn that there are no such things as free or treat when it comes to me?”
“You really are a wicked witch.” The green-haired man groused. “And after I made sure you thoroughly enjoyed your stay there.”
Nami snickered. Zoro noticed that the bunny ears on her head actually made her look more mischievous. “Nothing’s free nowadays Zoro,” she pointed out. “Favor for a favor. I pay; you work your ass off.”
He snorted. “Next time, I’m just lying down and letting you do all the work. Whether you pay or not.”
She threw back her head and laughed again. “Do the hunt and maybe I’ll humor you.” She bent over and placed teasing kisses along his jaw and neck.
“In your dreams.” He sneered and she felt his arm snaked around her, his hand squeezed the back of her thigh before it slid up to do the same on one plump cheek of her behind.
That made her bite her lip even as she complained. “Tch! You’re a hard man to bargain with.”
A shark-like grin appeared on Zoro’s face. “Yeah.” He playfully slapped her ass before giving it another squeeze. “Offer a better deal Nami.” He said teasingly against her ear this time before nipping at the skin below it as his hand continued caressing her backside.
“Mmm… well what do you—”
They simultaneously turned their heads towards the voice.
Sanji was gaping at them from the nest’s entrance… his eyes wide as saucers. His face was so red. As red as the blood dripping down his nose as he took in the image of Nami's perfectly shaped-derriere and her lacy thong as her ridiculously short skirt and position put them on display….
… along with the shitty swordsman’s hand on it.
Silence reigned for a moment. Then…
Both men growled the word at the same time as Nami disentangled herself from Zoro. She wasn’t even embarrassed at being caught. They weren’t actually keeping it from the crew after all.
But of course it would be better if Sanji was the last one to know.
Nami sighed heavily as she watched the two throwing death glares at each other.  
It's the beginning of chaos.
The two attacked each other almost immediately. Sanji had leapt inside the crow’s nest, flaming legs and all as Zoro avoided him and made a grab for his swords.
And manage to hit the cook straight in the face with the sheathed end of his red katana.
Her mouth fell open as the Sanji collapsed down the steel floor. But she knew of course this was far from over.
In one swift move a grinning Zoro carted her towards the nest’s entrance. He enjoyed that, she knew. In a matter of seconds they were down the metal ladder while Sanji recovered, fumed and yelled expletives at his rival.
Using one arm to hold on to the ladder’s rung as his other was wrapped around her waist, Zoro swung slightly for leverage.
Nami’s eyes widened when she realized what he’s about to do.
“Zoro! NOOOOO!!!”
She screamed bloody murder when he let go and made the high jump down onto the Sunny’s deck.
Nami’s heart leaped to her throat. That was probably the reason why her scream stopped coming out of her mouth. Halfway down the long drop she could swear she felt her soul left her as her mind went blank.
She's going to kill Zoro! Mark her words!
Somewhere above Sanji was still yelling threats and curses.
The swordsman landed on the deck as if it was just a natural thing to do.
Oh dear heavens. Roronoa Zoro will be paying for this stupid stunt of his for the rest of his life until his next and next and next!
“Zorooo!” Luffy greeted when he spotted the former pirate hunter on the deck. “Heey!” He bounded towards him, showing his now-filled with eggs basket. Chopper and Usopp were nowhere to be seen as the three most likely got separated. “Look, look I found a lot! Shishishi! I can’t wait to show it to Usopp. Whatcha got there?” He peered at the figure tucked under Zoro’s arm.
"Found the bunny." Zoro answered nonchalantly.
"Oh that’s great! Shishishi!" Luffy chortled. He peered down again at the navigator who is still hanging motionlessly on Zoro's arm.
"Ne, Zoro?"
"Uhm... the bunny looks mad.”
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Sugar Sweet Smiles
So, this was more of writing warm-up the past couple of weeks after I hadn't written in over a month, so I'll be honest, it's not really up to my standards lol. I also didn't edit it because I knew I would just never post it, if I did. I also have only just started writing for BNHA so I'm still feeling out the characters. It's likely that this could be pretty OOC, but that's up to y'all to decide lol. Also, this fic feels a lot more bitter now that my brother-in-law ruined Christmas by bringing home COVID, but I hope you all get some joy out of it!
Ships: EraserMic
Summary: It's Christmastime, and Shouta and Hizashi have a very important tradition to introduce to Eri and Hitoshi.
Word Count: 2526 words
[ao3 link]
Shouta sighed as Hizashi got distracted by yet another shiny decoration in the store. They were supposed to be shopping for ingredients, and their house was already decorated to a point that was nearly sickening. Did they really need a fourth wreath? Where would it even go?
Next to him, Hitoshi looked on in amusement, periodically glancing down to type something on his phone. He was probably texting Midioriya or Kaminara, based on what Shouta had seen of the budding friendships before UA had let out for Christmas break. 
Eri, meanwhile, sat in the children’s seat in the cart and seemed mesmerized with the entirety of the grocery store in general. They hadn’t had many chances to take her out since she came into his and Hizashi’s care, and she was still fascinated every time she experienced the world.
“Hizashi,” Shouta said sternly.
Hizashi froze where he’d been trying to place some gaudy outdoor ornaments into their cart. He gave Shouta a nervous grin.
“Yes, dear?”
“Baking supplies, Hizashi. Not decorations. We don’t have any more room.”
Hizashi pouted. “We have room.”
Shouta raised an eyebrow and Hizashi's pout intensified. He did, however, place the ornaments back onto the shelf as Hitoshi snorted in quiet laughter. Shouta started the cart moving before Hizashi could get distracted again.
“Compromise,” Hizashi said as Shouta directed them to the correct aisle. “You let me get the cats Christmas sweaters, and I’ll stop buying decorations. Well, this year, at least.”
Shouta snorted. “I think Tigress, Kermit, and Blanket would sooner kill you than allow you to put sweaters on them.”
Hizashi stuck his tongue out at Shouta, making Eri giggle and Hitoshi roll his eyes with a grin. Shouta decided not to react and simply point to the flour on the shelf behind Hizashi, a silent request to get what they actually came to the store for.
The rest of the shopping trip went similarly, with Hizashi acting more like a child than either of their actual children and Shouta denying the begrudging fondness that filled him at Hizashi’s actions.
They did wind up getting Christmas sweaters for the cats.
The recipe they were using was one they’d gotten from Hizashi’s mothers. It was an old Yamada family recipe, but they constantly joked that a grandparent had probably gotten it out of a dime-a-dozen cookbook ages ago and passed the recipe off as their own. Either way, Shouta had been obsessed with the things since he and Hizashi were 15 and he tried them for the first time, and he refused to let the butter cookie tradition die even after Hizashi moved out of his mothers’ house.
Hizashi said it was cute and teased him about being nostalgic. Really, Shouta would just kill a man to have more of those cookies.
And now they had more people to bring into the tradition.
Hizashi washed his hands as Shouta lined up their ingredients and supplies. Hitoshi leaned up against the opposite counter and watched him with lazy eyes. Eri slowly approached the counter Shouta was setting up on and grabbed the edge, pulling herself up onto her tiptoes to see the surface.
“I’ve never made cookies before,” she said quietly.
“Well,” Hizashi said, loud enough that Hitoshi jumped, “it’s a good thing we’re here to teach you how!”
A smile tugged at Shouta’s lips as Hizashi carefully lifted Eri up to sit on the counter, out of the way of the baking supplies Shouta had set up. Instead of giving Hizashi the satisfaction, Shouta turned toward the sink.
“She still has to wash her hands,” he said. “And now you have to rewash yours.”
Hizashi groaned dramatically. “We’re a family, we all share the same germs! It’s not that big of a deal!”
Shouta, carefully telegraphing his movements, lifted Eri off the counter and kicked the nearby step stool into place in front of the sink. He turned on the sink and set Eri down, leaving her to wash her hands herself.
“Well, I agree with Aiz--Shouta,” Hitoshi said, finally walking forward to stand next to Eri and wash his hands. “I don’t want your weird loud germs in my cookies.”
This time, Shouta allowed the grin to pass over his face, even as Hizashi gasped in a way that was far too dramatic to be real. Hizashi thrust his finger in their direction.
“Watch it,” he said. “I’ll start a flour war.”
“You will not,” Shouta said, shooting him a glare. “Wash your hands.”
And then, in a move that surprised even Shouta himself, he swiped his hand through the sink’s stream and splashed it at Hizashi. Hitoshi burst out laughing and stumbled away, probably to get himself out of the crossfire. Eri just glanced up at him, giving a little confused giggle.
“Are you looking to start a war, Aizawa Shouta?” Hizashi asked, voice low and dangerous.
“Are you looking to lose, Yamada Hizashi?”
Hizashi narrowed his eyes. Shouta saw him tense and leapt back, carefully not to jump so far that he would hit the counter across the room. Hizashi lunged after him, hands already covered in flour (and when had that happened?), and Shouta let out a startled laugh as he dodged. Hitoshi cackled and out of the corner of his eye Shouta saw him pull Eri to the edge of the room and out of the crossfire.
That moment of distraction cost him, and Hizashi’s hands grabbed his cheeks, rubbing the flour into his skin. Shouta gasped and darted away, making a break for the sink and pulling out the hose from the faucet, spraying it in Hizashi’s direction. Hizashi screeched, barely keeping his quirk in check.
“And to think you two are considered responsible adults and students are afraid of you,” Hitoshi quipped.
At that, Shouta straightened back up and cleared his through, turning the sink off. Hizashi laughed, whether it was at the situation or the embarrassed look on Shouta’s face was unknown, and walked over to whisk Eri back into his arms.
“Right, now that we’re all clean,” Shouta started, and Hitoshi snorted, the sound cutting him off.
“But Aizawa-san, you’re not clean,” Eri said as Hizashi put her back on the counter. “Your face is all dirty.”
Hizashi and Hitoshi laughed, and Shouta gently waved her off. 
“Baking can get a little messy, anyway, so it’s okay if I’m dirty with flour. We just don’t want to be dirty with germs and grime.”
“Germs and grime,” Eri repeated quietly, examining her hands.
Hizashi clapped his hands together. “And now for the main event!”
“Where’s the recipe?” Hitoshi asked.
Hizashi laid a hand over his heart. “Right in here, little listener!”
Eri squinted and Hitoshi raised an eyebrow. Shouta flicked Hizashi in the forehead.
“I have it memorized. ‘Zashi couldn’t remember it to save his life, and he always loses it when we write it down.”
“Yeah, that adds up,” Hitoshi said.
Hizashi pouted, so Shouta placated him with a kiss on the cheek. Hitoshi made a gagging noise.
“Start with the wet ingredients,” Shouta said, pushing Hizashi and Hitoshi toward the mixer. “Cream the butter and sugar first, before adding the egg, vanilla, or milk. Please don’t make that mistake again. Eri and I will work on the rest of the dry ingredients.”
Shouta grabbed a bowl and the dry ingredients and moved toward where Eri was seated.
“Why do you mix the ingredients separately?” Eri asked, leaning over the bowl as she watched Shouta measure out cups of flour.
Shouta paused. “I’m not really sure. I suppose to make sure they’re mixed evenly, but I’ve never really thought about it.”
Eri nodded seriously and Shouta couldn’t help but smile at the concentrated look on her face. He measured out the salt and baking powder and handed her one of the utensils. She grinned as they poured them together.
“Do you want to mix it?” Shouta asked.
Eri bit her lip.
“I can show you how, first, if you want.”
She nodded and Shouta grabbed a fork, not willing to dirty a whisk when they were such hell to clean afterwards. He carefully whisked the dry ingredients around with the fork, making sure not to spill any over the edges of the bowl. After a few stirs, he handed the fork over to Eri.
“I’ll hold the bowl still,” he said. “You just stir, and try not to spill any if you can. It’s okay if you do, though.”
Eri nodded, that look of concentration crossing her face again. She stuck the fork into the bowl and carefully moved it around, mimicking what Shouta had shown her to the best of her abilities. Shouta smiled.
“Good,” he said. “Just like that, but try to get the fork a little deeper. You’re only mixing the top, you want to try and get it all--good, just like that.”
Eri brightened at his praise and direction, her stirring getting more confident. Shouta looked up and met eyes with Hizashi over her head, the two of them sharing a smile before Hitoshi grabbed Hizashi’s attention again.
“We’re ready for the dry ingredients if you are,” Hizashi called a few moments later.
Shouta looked down at Eri. “What do you think, do you think it’s mixed up enough?”
Eri hummed and eyed the bowl with a critical eye. She gave the mixture a few more strong stirs before giving Shouta a self-assured nod. He nodded back and lifted the bowl in one hand and Eri in the other, walking over toward the mixer. He handed the bowl to Hitoshi.
“I figure you’re far less likely to drop this than Hizashi.”
Hizashi made an affronted noise and Shouta chuckled. Eri hid a smile in his shoulder as she watched Hitoshi pour a portion of the dry mixture into the mixing bowl. Then Shouta’s smile faltered when Hizashi got a devious look in his eyes.
“Don’t you dare,” Shouta said, buying Hitoshi enough time to place the bowl with the rest of the dry mixture back on the counter.
Hitoshi frowned, looking back and forth between them. “Don’t what?”
Shouta narrowed his eyes. “He was going to prove that you were clumsy enough to drop it, too. By making you drop it.”
Hizashi put his hand against his heart. “How dare you accuse me of such a thing! On a completely unrelated note, Hitoshi do you happen to be ticklish?”
Hitoshi edged away from Hizashi, and Hizashi laughed.
“Good to know,” he said. “That’s important information for a parent to have.”
“I suddenly regret being adopted,” Hitoshi said, quickly moving behind Shouta, using him as a human shield.
Shouta let out an exasperated sigh, but he was smiling again. “Let’s just make the dough, come on. It still needs to chill before we can bake it.”
“Why do we chill the dough?” Eri asked.
Hizashi hummed. “I think it helps the cookies from spreading so much when you bake them? Or maybe that’s just with chocolate chip cookies…” Hizashi trailed off in thought.
Either way, Eri nodded, accepting the answer. Hitoshi moved back to finish mixing the dough.
Once the dough was wrapped up in wax paper and stuck in the refrigerator to chill, they washed their hands and retreated to the living room. Hitoshi and Eri were elected to choose a Christmas movie while Shouta and Hizashi collapsed onto the couch. Hizashi quickly cuddled up to Shouta, burying a hand into his hair.
“Someone’s affectionate,” Shouta chuckled.
“Gotta claim my spot before one of the cats does,” Hizashi replied, only curling in closer.
As if on cue, Blanket and Kermit came racing in from the office and launched onto the couch. They immediately curled up as close to Shouta as they could get, and it only made Shouta laugh harder.
The kids put on some cartoon that Shouta had probably seen before, and as soon as Eri plopped onto the floor, Tigress slinked out of wherever she’d been hiding and curled up in Eri’s lap. Shouta snapped a sneaky picture while Hizashi cooed quietly. 
And then Hizashi’s hand started scratching at Shouta’s scalp and he was out like a light.
He was shaken awake an indeterminate amount of time later and opened his eyes to movie credits rolling over the TV screen.
“Time to get baking!” Hizashi sang in his ear, clearly uncaring about the fact that Shouta just woke up.
He waved Hizashi and the kids on without him, taking a few more moments to gather himself and wake up. When Shouta finally made his way into the kitchen, Hizashi was helping Eri pick out which cookie cutters to use while Hitoshi was hesitantly sprinkling flour over the counter. Shouta nodded at him, going to fetch the dough.
“Good,” he told Hitoshi. “But keep the flour out, we’re going to need to put more down at some point.”
“Sho?” Hizashi called. “Would you mind helping Eri wash the cookie cutters? Who knows how long they’ve been in that drawer.”
Instead of answering, Shouta gently plucked Eri from her step stool and perched her on his hip, gathering the cookie cutters in one hand. He placed her down on the counter next to the sink and began washing the shapes she’s chosen, muttering all the while about being mindful of the sharp edges.
From there, Hizashi and Shouta made the silent decision to let the kids take over. Hitoshi swiftly, if a bit awkwardly, slipped into his role of older brother, showing Eri how to best use the cookie cutters. Hizashi and Shouta did, however, handle the oven portion of the baking, carefully taking the cut dough from their hands and placing them on baking sheets.
Hizashi gently chided them as Hitoshi tried to sneak a bite of the dough, and Shouta promptly distracted him. He sent a subtle wink in Hitoshi and Eri’s direction and saw them immediately began stuffing their mouths full of dough over Hizashi’s shoulder.
Shouta couldn’t help but sneak a few bites of his own when Hizashi turned back around to watch the kids. He was much more successful than they had been.
Soon enough, they were whipping up the frosting (or, rather, Shouta was while the rest of them completed the baking portion of the day) and digging their collection of sprinkles and food dye out of the pantry.
This was Hizashi’s favorite part, and it quickly became clear that it was Eri’s, too. The two of them had a knack for decoration. Even with Eri’s difficulty controlling where her frosting went, their cookies turned out decently better than Hitoshi’s or Shouta’s. Not that Shouta minded, he was more there to steal tastes of frosting over anything else.
Hitoshi quickly picked up on this habit.
After all the excitement, Shouta and Hizashi only let the kids have a couple of cookies after dinner before sending them to bed. Tomorrow was a big day, after all. Their first Christmas as a family was nothing to blink at, and Santa had a few things to get done before then.
Especially if the two of them kept getting distracted kissing frosting off each other’s faces.
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shikanaradai · 6 years
I just want to point out that I’ve debated for 2 weeks whether or not I should post this 3-year-old story. One of the main reasons I stopped writing fanfic was due to the fact I can’t write at all xD But Shikadai’s birthday is an exception and I decided to post this for his birthday. And you have noooo idea how many times I went through this story to make sure it’s up to standard. 
Quick Summary: Shikadai and his friends are talking to each other in their usual hangout spot, the Thunder Burger after the incident with Momoshiki. Boruto showed off his souvenir he got from Sasuke and Shikadai showed one of Gaara’s “strange” gift as well. 
I tweaked this story a little by adding a little bit of the canon story from the anime. Hope you all enjoy!
Happy birthday to our perfect son, Shikadai 🦌
After the incident with Momoshiki, Boruto received Sasuke’s headband as a sign of being his pupil. Boruto was excited and show it off to his friends.
“So that’s Sarada-san’s father’s headband?” Denki gasps and Boruto nods
“Cool right?” Boruto grins “I can’t believe he gave me such thing” He smiles widely, looking at the headband 
“But why’s there a scratch across it?” Inojin asks “It looks like he hated the village or something”
“From what I heard… Long ago, when ninjas abandoned the village, they draw a scratch across like that to show their runaways of the village” Shikadai mumbles while looking at the shogi board “Well... According to some old books, I found about the Akatsuki in oyaji’s study room...”
“I-I do remember stories from mama and papa after he returned... That he was once in Akatsuki and some team called Taka...” Sarada thinks “But I do know Papa left the village, still don’t know the reasons” She sighs 
“Must be in his rebellious stage” Inojin snickers
“I doubt it…” Boruto smirks “ Sasuke-san is way cooler than that! A lot cooler than my old man... But it’s so cool… Just from looking at the headband, there’s so much history behind it…” He smiles “Just look at these dents, maybe it’s from one of their past missions”
“I got to agree on that…” Shikadai mumbles, not keeping his eyes off of his shogi board, rubbing his chin to think “A headband can tell the story of what a shinobi went through, it reminds them of what they had to go through to get to this point”
“Oh? You sound like you got something just as precious” Inojin smirks, turning to him “What is it?”
“Something the same as Boruto…” Shikadai replies plainly and reaches for his pouch, pulling out a Suna headband
“Y-You got a Suna headband?” Boruto widens his eyes and Shikadai nods
“Does that belong to Temari-obachan?” Chocho asks
“No… Kaa-chan’s headband is hanging with oyaji’s in their room” Shikadai shrugs while the group stares at the headband in awe “This is actually Gaara-ojisan’s…”
“W-Why did the Kazekage give it to you?” Boruto asks 
“He must have stolen it” Iwabe comments 
“Like I told you before… Gaara-ojisan gives questionable gifts but I guess, each has a different meaning” He smiles, looking at the headband “Gaara-ojisan actually stopped using his headband after he turned Kazekage so he only had this during his genin year” He explains “He gave it to me a long time ago actually…”
“Shikadai? Where did you go?” Gaara looks around the building, worried. Despite being the Kazekage, he’s also the younger brother of the cruelest kunoichi, not being able to simply babysit his 3-year-old nephew will be his death sentence
“Gaga-ojisan!” A voice hollers as Gaara walks into his office to see a toddler Shikadai sitting in the office chair, the Kazekage cone hat on his head while something familiar hanging around his neck “Look! Dai’s a Kazekage!” He grins as Gaara walk over to his nephew, sighing in relief to see that his nephew is safe
“How did you get this? It was hanging on the rack and I doubt you’re tall enough to reach for it” Gaara chuckles while taking off the hat and hangs it back up on the rack and walks back to Shikadai to see the headband he used to have when he was a genin around the toddler’s neck “W-Where did you find this?”
“This is yours right?” Shikadai smiles, taking the headband off “I found it while trying to grab the hat” He explains, pointing to the cabinet next to his desk
“Well… I don’t use it anymore…” Gaara mumbles as he picks the toddler up and takes a sit, putting the toddler on his laps as he stares at the headband “I don’t remember the last time I used it”
“Really? But I thought the headband is important for a shinobi” Shikadai looks up “
“Well… It’s just to show that you’re a shinobi Shikadai, if you want people to respect you as a shinobi, you need to show it to them. Showing off the headband means nothing” Gaara smiles as Shikadai looks at the headband, examining each scratch and dents carefully
“You’ve been through a lot didn’t you Gaga-ojisan…” Shikadai mumbles, feeling them “I can tell”
“You’re really are smart for a 3-year-old” He smiles “Temari’s and Shikamaru’s son alright” He shuffles his head as Shikadai smiles
“When I grow up, I’ll be a shinobi as strong as you, tou-chan, kaa-chan, and Kan-ojisan!” Shikadai grins confidently, gaining a small smile from the Kage
“You want to be Kazekage?” 
“No way! It’s troublesome!” Shikadai huffs “Besides...” He looks down, fidgeting his little fingers
“Besides...?” Gaara urges him
“I don’t want to make Gaga-ojisan sad...” He whispers but loud enough for the man to hear, a tint of pink can be seen on the child’s face and he’ll be lying if that didn’t make his heart jump a little. How can his toddler nephew be so considerate? 
“You don’t want to make me sad by taking the Kazekage title? Is that what you mean, Shikadai?” Gaara asks, wanting to clarify the child’s statement and a nod quickly came, his gaze fixed on his little fingers “Then… How about you keep this?” Gaara smiles tenderly at his nephew, holding onto the headband “Consider it your stepping stone into the life of a shinobi”
“Y-You really will give it to me?” Shikadai gasps, a little taken aback by the gesture
“Sure, I don’t see anyone else more suiting for the headband” Gaara smiles as Shikadai smiles widely
“Stronger than the Kazekage huh… That’s some promise Shikadai…” Inojin smirks “Are you sure you can be as strong as a Kage? I don’t see it happening with someone so lazy and unmotivated all the time”
“Shut up” Shikadai grumbles “What a drag, I was only a baby…” He sighs, a tint of pink on his cheeks “Though, I did take his words to heart… Being a shinobi is something I became on my own term” He said and caresses the silver plate “And this headband is something that reminds me of why I decided to become a shinobi” He explains, thinking back to his uncle’s words
“You’re going to be Kazekage?” Boruto gasps surprised to know his best friend’s overly ambitious goal 
“Don’t be ridiculous, that’s too troublesome” Shikadai groans 
“Didn’t you hear him, Boruto” Inojin grins slyly, “He said he doesn’t want to make his oji-san sad” He smirks as the genin broke into laughter, leaving Shikadai blushing like a madman
“S-Shut up! I was a kid!” Shikadai yells, his face as red as a tomato “O-Oi Inojin, I thought we’re a team here? You’re supposed to have my back!”
“Only during missions” Inojin smirks as Shikadai grumbles and leans back onto his chair, his arms crossed while he tries to calm down “It’s not every day I can tease you, Shikadai. Chubs get all the fun”
*Nanadaime: Lord Seventh 
They feel OOC or is that just me? xD Hope you all liked it... 
I’m really worried about posting this but it’s our boy birthday and I want to post something for him along with that picture :)
I may or may not be posting more fic, depending on how this one goes and if I ever found any more old fics to cringe over
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idryusan · 6 years
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hello friends!! i’m glad idolize is back 💫 this is ryu san, he’s been tweaked juuuuust a tiny bit since V1 of idolize. he’s a lil...meaner now and tiny parts of his history have been tweaked, but otherwise he’s much the same!! i haven’t really had time to sort through his blog and delete purchases i’m not keeping, etc. ;^; i will hopefully get to reorganizing him soon. i was also too lazy to make a new blog like some people SO LMAO just assume everything past this ooc message probably doesn’t apply, it’s fine, i’ll just end up reposting any prompts that still apply to him now lmao. anyway under the cut are some quick facts, let’s plot everyone! 💞
he has a really intense stage mom, being an idol is basically all he’s trained for tbqh
has a really convoluted sense of love (due to his mother, group, fans, bad past sasaeng experiences)
is really Bad at relationships as a result
workaholic, perfectionist to an extreme and obsessive degree
which is somewhat ironic bc he hates his group
is far more interested in his solo endeavors
is honestly pretty mean, can be manipulative if push comes to shove, secretive, guarded
has a panic disorder, has medication for it
also takes various other medication he’s not rlly supposed to be taking
he’s bi, male leaning
wears a lot of black and oversized clothing + skinny jeans (call him mr. twig legs)
smokes like a chimney (san pls stop)
has p extreme self image issues he just doesn’t talk about
hates a lot of the image midas constructed of him, but is slowly coming to terms with part of it/himself
started dancing contemporary dance a while ago, but midas has been hesitant on allowing him to bring this skillset to the table in regards to what he shows in his solo despite it being his main focus in his personal life
used to be the worst singer in olympus, basically forced himself into skill
has bad eyesight, often squints instead of wearing glasses if he’s without contacts
midas usually has his hair dyed some color or another
debuted at 16, this drastically influenced how he matured and grew as a person, is stunted emotionally in some ways because of it due to how he was expected to act and how he was treated (essentially being forced into the role of child and adult simultaneously while having a spotlight shone on him)
prob more but this should suffice for now! if you want to know anything in particular just ask!!!!
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fyrapartnersearch · 6 years
Yo, wassup, I figured for the first of December I’d send out another ad to look for some partners; It’s been a while and my tastes have changed and narrowed and now I’ll be shootin’ for a smaller (sort of) group of people, this time around.
For starters, the name’s Sparky, or Shark, or whatever you wanna call me, I’m nineteen years of age and I’ve posted here a few times before, I’m pretty sure. I’ve become less formal and uptight with these ads as time goes on because I’ve learned that the more chill a gal is, the more people feel welcomed to send honest and colorful replies, but don’t be turned off by my lack of intellectualism; when it comes to my actual writing, I take it more seriously. For the most part. My sarcasm is sort of a package deal, but I swear my work is good.
I’ve been roleplaying for about eight years, now, and am willing to roleplay with anyone of legal age in their state, if only because I enjoy incorporating smut into my roleplays. If you’re somebody who likes to fade to black every time characters get freaky with each other at points in our story, I’m unfortunately not the gal for you. I enjoy long-term plot heavy stories for the most part, but am totally down for PWP as well, so feel free to message me for either.
At the moment, I’m mostly looking for a buddy who wants an Insert roleplay (Canon/OC), or maybe a Fandom roleplay (Canon/Canon), so feel free to contact me if you’re interested and match pretty damn well with the rest of these guidelines:
Care about your writing. I’m not asking you for a whole fuckin’ novel every response, you can write however much you’re comfortable with as long as It’s more than one sentence, but I’d appreciate it if you didn’t have a spelling error or a typo every other word. Everyone makes mistakes, I’ve been there on many, many… many, occasions (it’s no joke, man), but like– just try, y’know? To me, lazy writing shows a disinterest in the roleplay, which is a huge turn off for me.
On the same wavelength as above, please don’t feel stressed over how much you’re writing or if it matches enough to mine. Again, all I’m asking is for my partner to be interested and care a little about what they’re typing; I tend to write a LOT for roleplays I’m excited about but I’m not expecting you to respond with the same amount at all. If your limit is three paragraphs max, stick to three paragraphs max. If you love writing novels every response, I will fuckin’ read… ALL of that novel.
For Insert roleplays, I will ONLY write Double-up [unless you for some reason are just looking to play a canon character, because let’s be honest I can be a selfish shithead when you let me be], I am making this very clear because not only do I fuckin’ love seeing all the different characters people create, but also because the more the merrier. I like it when these things are played fairly– I play a character for your OC in return for you playing a character for mine.
Most of my pairings will likely be M/F or F/F (seeing as right now I only have one M/M pairing when it comes to canon/OC, and you’ll only be seeing them if you’re looking for Homestuck), but your side is totally free game. Do what you want. I���m also chill with Polyamorous ships and/or love triangles as long as you’re cool with the possibility of me going that route, as well.
It would be appreciated if you care about your side of the roleplay about just as much as you care for mine. I’ll totally do the same; I WILL get overly attached to everyone in our roleplay. You’ve been warned.
Please be okay with our OCs being eventual buddies sometime in the roleplay; I have a guilty pleasure for connections between all characters, even if it takes like, a story-year for them to meet. Obviously, if we end up planning something wherein that’s not possible, that’s chill, too.
OOC chat is 100% welcome– throw me all your jokes and ideas and stupid scenarios and possible future Ideas for the roleplay, tell me how much you love that one subject, talk to me about your day. I’m here for it.
Some extra info for those people who REALLY wanna know what they’re getting into:
I have 0 limits, on like, everything. The smut we write out can be weird kinks galore for all I care, there can be suicide and torture and pedophilia and major deaths and mental illnesses in our plot; and I have a bad habit of assuming my roleplay partner can handle anything I dish out in writing so just, if you have hard limits make sure to tell me about them before they can come up in an awkward situation.
I’m totally down to share kinks before a roleplay; ESPECIALLY if we’re jumping into PWP or a smut-centric plot
I’m very carelessly blunt and a smartass, so If I say anything that makes you uncomfortable just tell me and I’ll chill out a bit.
I’m in Mountain Time
I mentioned this before but my responses can range from like chapter-in-a-novel to a few paragraphs, and I’m not expecting you to match me in the slightest. Do what you do and we’ll be fine.
I very much love talking about character and relationship headcanons and shit, so like, hit me with all of your ideas, I could talk about this shit for hours.
I draw. A lot. Like, a lot a lot. There’s a large chance I’ll end up drawing characters from OUR roleplay, so just let me know beforehand if that’s not something you’re okay with.
I’m pretty flexible with response times, but it would be appreciated if you tell me beforehand if there’s something going on in your life that’ll make your replies more scarce than usual.
And, finally, the part of this ad that some of you have probably just skipped past everything else to get to, the FANDOMS: Bolded ships and/or names are preferred
WANTED: Anything Pokephilia, Cheren, N
WILL PLAY: Any character you can name from the Video Game franchise; I haven’t watched much of the show, sorry bruh
WANTED: Dib Membrane
WILL PLAY: Zim, Tak, Gaz, Prof. Membrane, Tallest Red, Tallest Purple, Sizz-Lor, Skoodge, Keef, fuckin’ Miss Bitters for all I care I will play them all you name whoever you want, my dude
WANTED: Jimmy, Johnny C., Edgar Vargas
WILL PLAY: Jimmy, Johnny C., Edgar Vargas, Devi D., Tenna, Tess R., Anne Gwish, Satan, I don’t know who else is there, that fat psychic lady from I Feel Sick sure I’ll play her if you really want I guess, or the doughboys if you’re into that kinda thing, or Sickness, you kinky lil freak
SHIPS: Johnny C./Devi D. [Playing Devi], Jimmy/Edgar Vargas [Playing Either]
WANTED: John Egbert, Gamzee Makara, Dave Strider, Terezi Pyrope, Sollux Captor, Cronus Ampora, Karkat Vantas
WILL PLAY: Literally anyone from this webcomic. You name it. One of the trolls? Done. Humans? Done. Calliope and Caliborn? Sure, man. Midnight Crew? You bet. Snowman? I mean good luck dude but go right ahead. Ms. Paint? All yours. Wayward Vagabond/Mr. Mayor? You do you. Just don’t ask for anybody from Hiveswap, I can’t catch up with all that just yet there’s only one chapter and a few character summaries out, slow your roll.
SHIPS: John Egbert/Terezi Pyrope [Playing Terezi], Dave Strider/Terezi Pyrope, Dave Strider/Karkat Vantas [Playing Either], Kanaya Maryam/Rose Lalonde [Playing Either], I’m gonna be honest these are the only four I’m cool with playing from the top of my head but hey, if you want something, ask, you never know, I coulda just forgotten.
WANTED: Grillby, Mettaton
WILL PLAY: Sans {under certain specific rules, NO JELLY DICKS}, Papyrus {under certain specific rules, SERIOUSLY, NO JELLY DICKS}, Asriel, Asgore, Toriel, Gaster {under certain specific rules, I’M SERIOUS, N O J E L L Y D I C K S, HE’S NOT EVEN A FUCKIN SKELETON GODDAMN-}, Mettaton, Grillby, Undyne, Alphys, Burgerpants, Ice Cream Bunny, etc. just nobody from Deltarune because I’m trying to keep that place pure and innocent and unruined because they’re just some good ass kids trying to play some good ass DnD and STOP TRYING TO FUCK THE JESTER-
WILL PLAY: Raphael, Leonardo, Michelangelo, Splinter, Shredder, April O’Neil, Karai, etc.
Email [Preferred]: [email protected]
Discord: Sparky#4225
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Hi, I’m sorry I went a bit overboard with my message about Sans. I shouldn’t have been so aggressive. It’s just hard to understand why you first talk about Mettaton being badly and “ooc” in fan art but then you portray Sans totally ooc and mix his canon self with fanon. That’s all. I felt quite bad after lashing out and I acted just like those annoying Sans fangirls so I wanted to send another message. I don’t want to sound like I hate you, cause I don’t. I just don’t understand.
It’s alright, really. I can take negative criticism and your was very well-worded. 
See, there’s a difference in the OOC between the characters. Sans’ OOC makes him braver and nobler. Turning a character that’s lazy and uncaring into a selfless hero with one of the biggest pile-up of tragic backstories I’ve ever seen and who always goes out of his way to fight the great evils that always make their way to the Underground. Be it Chara, Gaster, Flowey or someone else, he’ll be there to defeat them and he’ll always put others above himself. Also, his backstory is usually so tragic and twisted just being alive feels like a challenge. He has abusive parents, childhood torture, lost family members, he lives in poverty and Gaster... he’s just a great antagonist and evil father figure. His pasts are always tied to the big battle, like Gaster The Evil Dad/Mentor coming back for him, or him being the one who can stop him. 
Mettaton’s OOC, instead, completely diminishes every good quality he has turning him into nothing but a sexy body with a big butt that’s ready to be banged by Papyrus into oblivion. His desire to entertain and make the Underground brighter becomes a pathological need for attention and validation, making him into a sobbing wimp that constantly relies on others to remind him of his worth. Everytime I’ve seen some angst done with him it’s always him whining because he feels bad, and fake, and has remorse - he’s just a load, he never does or learns anything. His bad ending, which I already hated before (totalitarian dictators exist in real life, you know, and aren’t exactly “sympathetic and grey characters”), is now an excuse to A. have him act spoiled, grotesquely lavish and even more lustful than before; B. have him be forcefully redeemed by True Love, or  C. pose him as a sympathetic and tragic figure because he has a crying fit after executing innocents. In real life there has never been a dictator (or any bad ruler, like Louis XVI) who redeemed himself anyway, so why pretend it can happen? The only one left is NEO, who should be the big moment of bravery. Instead, he’s just “Lol, he ded”. Because when a big threat comes, it’s Sans time. Mettaton can stay in the sidelines, interview the winner after the victory, comment on the scenery or do some minor brave things because “my love Papyrus is in trouble”. 
So, Fanon Sans is a heroic and tragic protagonist with a terrible past and who always thinks of others before himself. Fanon Mettaton is a lascivious wimp with little to no redeeming qualities, no bravery, no nobility and no battle skills. 
I tried many times to replicate the Sans fanon with my Mettaton stories. I tried to create an original character that could serve as his Gaster, making his relationship with Napstablook as pure as the one between the Skelebros, give him minor antagonists to fight as a small excuse for battle, but it just can’t compete. Sans has all the good comics, setups, battles, villains and lines, and what I’m left with are simply slices of daily life where he can’t do anything remotely selfless, brave or heroic. 
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jxxhyuk-blog · 7 years
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( JEON WONWOO | CISMALE | HE/HIM ) you’ve heard of matthew kim, right ?? wait, really ? they’re the friendly writer who’s way too obsessed with music, geek culture, & web toons. somehow, they managed to major in english in college. i think they’re twenty-one. they’re the kind of boy next door that enjoys doodling all over his notebooks or any papers around him, staying home to read a good book or watch a tv show instead of going out, & writing song lyrics. some people told me they’re supposedly pretty imaginative, supportive, & considerate. but i think they’re just blinded by a pretty face. they’re clearly laid-back, forgetful, & compulsive. their favorite thing about buzzfeed is the quizzes.
‘SUP KIDS! this is your friendly neighborhood spider-man hels, the mid-20s old ass woman girl who typed an app in record time and almost hurt herself (the problems of being old, istg). you know what else is a record? me, having a 21 year old muse. IT’S BEEN MONTHS, ISTG, I’M THE GRANDMA FRIEND™ (please refer to this post) I CAN’T KEEP UP WITH YOU YOUNGSTERS. but here i am, SO LOVE MY BABY GEEK LAZY BOY. he’s very Relatable as you all might notice in this post and in future interactions djaskld. ALSO!! i didn’t forget the people in my ims, ok, i will get there in a bit. but if we ain’t talking yet and you’d like to plot with matthew, like this post and i will message you! enough about ooc bs, let’s go to the interesting (and actual helpful to plot) part, shall we!?
everyone knows him by matthew, but that’s his “adopted” english name. his real name is kim joohyuk. he’s too used to matthew (or matt), though!! his mother (and me) is the only one who still calls him joohyuk or hyukie.  
talking about his mother: she is his only family. she got pregnant during high school, the child was obviously her boyfriend’s, but he couldn’t accept the situation (it would ruin his future, the college applications he had already sent, would make his parents drop him, for sure). on another hand, she never thought on not having the child, as she grew up in a christian, catholic family. telling her parents was a pain, though―they said how disappointed they were and how they would not help her, that she would have to take full responsibility for her doings. and so she did: through struggles of moving far away from her family and past for her own sake, she gave birth to matthew in new jersey.  
the age difference between he and his mom is 17, almost 18. that being said, it comes with no surprise that she is his best friend. she raised him, making sure he would never think she didn’t support him, and basically put all her future on him. he knows her story and she is the person he admires the most and never stops trying to make her even more proud of him.  
truth be told, he had a pretty normal childhood. he was a happy, intelligent kid, very accepting of others, had a lot of friends and played with them a lot. he also played soccer growing up and, tbh, he’s pretty good? though he became kind lazy the older he got...  
although bullied in middle and high school, he managed to keep himself together. of course, though, that made him grow a bit more introverted and insecure, more into trying to enjoy his own person and not putting much expectation on other people (or even himself).  
he was always a year ahead, thus, he got into college earlier and recently graduated in nyu. he was an intern in buzzfeed new york, but after graduation, he got transfered to atlanta as a writer (he couldn’t be happier, tbh).  
although his mother doesn’t live with him, she did move to atlanta too. talk about the best mom and hype woman in the world.  
i wouldn’t say he is new around here, because, you know, he’s been in atlanta for months now so...  
“has he ever been to sdcc?” you can bet he saved money just to go literally to the other side of the country (as he lived in new york) just to go to sdcc (he went at least three years in a roll during college). “but there’s a comic con in new york!” he doesn’t care, he wanted SAN DIEGO’s.  
“what kind of tv shows he likes?” sci-fi, anything that doesn’t make any sense, comedy shows, anything that makes him think too hard.  
though his taste for books follow this same thing, he doesn’t deny “classics”... he’s a bookworm... he reads anything, truly.  
“marvel or dc?” he prefers to die than to choose (but he is trash for xmen, so... you see the problem...)  
as for music... he listens pretty much anything? it really depends on his mood.  
which brings me to: he will sing disney movies songs, he might even sing high school musical (rip son), and he will quote animation movies and expect you to get it (and if you don’t, he will shake his head with a tsk)  
ngl, he’s kind of a hopeless romantic. you know those people who believe in fate and “things happen for a reason”? so... matthew.  
he’s always writing something... either for work or for himself. from song lyrics to actual stories, either messy organized on his desk or on his laptop’s folders.  
ALSO! his specs are for real... he has eyestrain and little astigmatism. but no, he doesn’t use them all the time, but at work? while writing? definitely!   
so, that all being said, let’s talk about PLOTS: anything is very wanted, so bring it on, fAM!! a best friend, close friends, ex fling (i am saying fling bc??? “has matthew ever dated for real?” idk man???), other writers!!!!!, people who try to drag him out and he gets all “my tv shows won’t be watched by themselves”, people to complain about his mess at work, people to press him to do his stuff on time, people from the tasty team that has to kick him out before he gets the food, neighbors!!!!!....... seriously, anything, just come @ me and let’s brainstorm
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eirist · 5 years
Little Bits and Pieces of Heaven
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One-shot #: 16
Disclaimer: One Piece (and its characters) belongs to Eiichiro Oda-sensei.
Reminder: I have no beta-reader. Any grammatical and spelling errors are solely mine.
Warning: OOC possible. One shot.
Rating: T
Note: A very late Halloween inspired fic, as well as a prompt request from @tali-workshop​.  
Summary: “I think this place is haunted Zoro.”
The clock in the middle of the town struck twelve and its chime resounded across the air, the melody resonating along the silent streets.
Twelve times, it rang; each sound more sinister than the last one as if sending a warning of dire tidings to come.
When the last tones finally dissipated, an eerie silence fell all over the town.
“Are you sure this place is livable?”
Usopp stared unconvincingly at the close-to-dilapidated inn in front of them.
Franky studied the building while thoughtfully rubbing his chin. “I think it could use a few suuupeeer repairs here and there…”
“Scratch that,” the sniper said with a slight wave of his hand. “It needs an overhaul. A major one.”
“Quit complaining!” Nami snarled from behind them. “We are lucky enough to get a place to stay while the log sets.” Though she sweat-dropped when her eyes settled on the dejected sight in front of her. True enough the inn looked old and abandoned… and absolutely not inhabitable in her opinion.
“A-are we really going to stay there?” Chopper whispered in a trembling tone while hiding behind Zoro’s leg. “It looks really scary.”
“Well we have no choice,” Sanji answered as he scrutinized the edifice, blowing out a stream of smoke. “It’s the only place available that can accommodate all of us.”
“Why can’t we just stay in the Sunny?” Usopp inquired with a frown. “That should save us some money,” he glanced at the inn and shuddered. “And some sanity as well.”
Why is that the more he stared at it, the more it seemed… foreboding?
“Hmmm… it does look like most of the dwellings and structures on this island are built to look old and forlorn, if not mysterious or scary.” Robin observed as she stared at the other contraptions randomly dotting the downhill road leading to town.
“Yohohoho!” Brook bravely approached the threshold. “It does, doesn’t it Robin-san? From what I heard the people of this town live for the spooks and the creeps. They actually love the occult and the macabre; hence the whole dark, eerie and ghastly atmosphere.”
“Ok seriously. What kind of island have we docked into?” Usopp groaned.
“Tch,” Zoro clicked his tongue against roof of his mouth. “This couldn’t get drearier than Kuraigana.”
“No one’s asking moss-head.” Sanji huffed beside him.
“Urusei stupid eyebrows.”
“Shut up!” Nami viciously glared at the two, silencing them.
Zoro scowled at her. “Can we go inside now?” A yawn escaped him. “I want to sleep.”
“Is that all you can think about?” Nami gave him a disapproving glance. Talk about downright lazy. Zoro really takes the damn cake.
“Right now yeah,” he mumbled, scratching his head.
Nami sighed. She had to admit, she was tired as well. She was already up at the wee hours of dawn with Zoro and Franky; navigating the foggy waters surrounding the island, making sure they don’t ram head on into any of the numerous islets scattered everywhere.
A flash of red caught her eye. Luffy just landed right in front of the inn, after taking his sweet time prancing about the whole perimeter and frolicking in the nearby woods.
The rubber man’s eyes were twinkling with too much excitement at the prospect of exploring a new place. “Shishishi!” He laughed exuberantly. “I smell adventure!” He pumped his fist into the air. Then he pointed towards the inn. ​“Let’s go minna!”
“Shall we go in and find out if it’s… haunted?” Robin queried, winking mischievously at the others.
Luffy’s eyes lit up some more at that. “Oooh! Haunted? Maybe we can catch some ghosts!”
“Ghosts?!” Chopper gasped. 
“Ghosts?!” Usopp echoed.
“Ghosts?!” Brook choked, his bony hands going to his cheeks… or lack thereof.
Sanji aimed a kick at the stupid skeleton’s head… skull…
“Aho! Why don’t you look at yourself first?!”
“Yohohoho! But Sanji-san. I am scared of ghosts!”
“Everybody shut up!” Nami shouted. “There are no ghosts there and it’s not haunted!” She wrapped her arms around herself at the thought that it could be haunted… given the way the place looks.
“How sure are you Nami?” Robin asked grimly as the navigator flinched.
“Don’t worry my Nami-swan! Your prince will protect you at all costs!” Sanji sang and twirled towards her. “You too my lovely Robin-chwan!”
“Good grief cook don’t you ever stop?” Zoro groused as he nonchalantly strode towards the entrance.
“Stop it and just move your asses!” Nami hissed when the two men started glaring daggers at each other.
“Let’s go!!!” Luffy was already at the entrance, yelling. “Let’s hunt some ghosts!”
Franky trudged forward as the others slowly followed. “Looks like this is gonna be a fun stay.”
“Zoroo…” Chopper leapt up at the swordsman’s shoulders. “I’ll stay in the room with you.”
“Nami-swan! Robin-chwan!” Sanji crooned. “I can stay in the room with—”
“We’re good Sanji-kun,” Nami said dismissively as Robin giggled. The cat thief is not looking forward to the thought of a pervert hovering over her while she sleeps.  
“Hey wait!” Usopp raised a hand to get their attention.
“What Usopp?” Zoro asked, quirking an eyebrow at him.
“Are we the only guests staying here?”
They all fell silent at that.
Then Robin looked at him with a grave expression on her face. “And what if we are?” She said with a disturbing smile.
“Uhh… I think I’m coming down with a bad case of cannot-go-inside-a-haunted-inn disease!”
The clock in the middle of the town struck seven and its chime resounded across the air, the melody resonating along the silent streets.
Seven times, it rang; each sound more sinister than the last one as if sending a warning of dire tidings to come.
When the last tones finally dissipated, an eerie silence fell all over the town.
Then all the lights in every house, on every street were simultaneously extinguished.
Zoro opened his eye almost immediately.
It was quiet. Too damn quiet.
He slowly rose from the bed, rubbing a hand on his face in the process. He was alone in the room that they had rented for the night.
What time is it? And where are the others? He blearily looked around, trying to sense any of his friends anywhere.
And why is it dark?
He instantly stood up. Usually he would just shrug this off and go back to sleep but his gut instinct was telling him that something was… off.
Just like Usopp pointed out earlier, they were the only ones who were staying at the inn of nightmare (as the sniper coined it). But contrary to how it looked outside, the innermost area of the place was actually well-kept and tidy even. Robin commented that the inn’s façade was just probably to live up with the island’s weird ambience.
The moment they were assigned their respective rooms, the swordsman left the others talking to the inn’s caretaker. He sleepily made his way upstairs with Nami trailing right behind him, pointing the correct directions to their rooms in a snippy tone.
He was tempted to start a row with her, but decided against it. He knows she was being snarky because she was just as tired as him after that rather challenging sailing and steering to get to this damned island this morning.
He was out cold the moment his back hit the soft bed. And had just woken up when he sensed that something was amiss.
Zoro remained standing in middle of the room, waiting, watching and listening. He had been hearing weird, scratching sounds along the wall as well as dull thuds like someone was banging on it. Heck, he could swear that there was one time he heard someone moaning or groaning. But his haki did not pick up anyone or even anything in the area.
Except… Nami.
Gathering his precious katanas, he decided to step out of the room to check on the navigator.
To his surprised he was met by the sight a cowering mapmaker behind a slightly opened door, peering fearfully at the corridor.  
“Zoro?” She half-whispered, half-asked as she peeked from the slightly ajar door of the girls’ rented room.
The whole corridor was in darkness. No, scratch that. The whole inn where they were is in total darkness.
There were a few seconds of silence before the navigator threw the door open with a shriek that almost made Zoro deaf as she launched herself at him.
“Oi!” He grunted when Nami’s body abruptly collided with his. “Ouch! Damn it Nami! Watch where you are touching!”
“It’s too damn dark! I can’t see anything!” Nami retorted, trying to grab whatever part of Zoro she can get her hands on. Their hands tangled and pushed at each other as they both tried to grasp the other—Zoro with the intent to stop her from grabbing while Nami was bent on seizing any available part of the swordsman.
Her elbow knocked on his swords and Zoro growled. “Stay still damn it!” His hands finally managed to wrap around her wrists.
“Zorooo…” she wailed. “Wait! Are you really Zoro?”
“What the hell do you mean by that woman?!”
“I dunno. You could be someone pretending to be Zoro…”
“Are you insane witch?” He hissed. “It’s me. What are you gibbering on about?”
There was a pause and a sniffle much to Zoro’s astonishment. Then Nami pulled her hands away from his hold to wrap them around his waist in a vice-like grip.
“Zoro! You idiot! I thought I was all alone here!” She cried out; her tone muffled as she buried her face on his chest.
Zoro scratched his head at that. It was clear that Nami was on edge tonight. Well who could blame her? Waking up alone in the midst of darkness while in an unfamiliar territory would definitely shake the shit out of someone.
Well… except him. He’s used to waking up by himself almost anywhere in the middle of anything.
But Nami, he reminded himself, was different from him.
He patted her head awkwardly. “I’m here,” he grunted.
In the dark he felt her tilt her head up to look at him, arms still locked around his waist without any intent of letting go.
“Where are the others?” She asked in a hushed tone.  
Zoro shrugged. “I dunno. I just woke up.”
“Can you try finding them using your haki?”
“I already did.”
He shook his head before he remembered that she won’t be able to see the gesture. “Nothing.”
He can hear Nami gulped nervously. “So we are alone here?!”
“Looks like it.”
She was silent for a few seconds. Then her embrace on him tightened as she whispered, “I think this place is haunted Zoro.”
Zoro’s face scrunched into a frown at that. “What?”
“I think this place is haunted.”
The tall lad scoffed. “Don’t be such a scaredy-cat Nami. Ghosts aren’t real.”
“You don’t know that!”
“We have a freaking skeleton on the ship with us!” Zoro pointed out. “And you are drawing the line with ghosts?”
Nami did not answer.
​“Besides the only close to ghosts I’ve seen so far is Perona’s negative hollows. And that even comes from her devil fruit power.”
“Then how can you explain the sounds I’m hearing earlier?” The orange-haired girl retorted, grasping his shirt firmly. “Didn’t you hear it too Zoro?” She tentatively asked, biting her lower lip.
Maybe it was wrong to ask the stoic swordsman. Knowing him—if he indeed heard the same things she did—he would just shrugged it off as nuisances and would go back to sleep.
“You mean those—”
They both stopped at the sound. Zoro swore he can feel the way Nami stiffened against him. How her grip on his shirt tightened and how she pressed herself closer to him.
“I know you hear that Zoro!” Nami hissed, daring him to go and disagree with her.
“Tch. I do.”
She squirmed against him. “What do you think it is?”
He grabbed her shoulders and pushed her away a bit. He pricked his ears up, trying to listen to the sound again. But there was nothing.
Nami was looking at him uneasily. “Zoro…”
“It came from upstairs,” Zoro said as his hand slid to the hilt of his red sword. A shark-like grin suddenly appeared on his face. “Well… only one way to find out.”
Nami’s eyes widened. No. He can’t mean…
“Come on,” he took a step forward. “Let’s look for what’s causing that damned sound.”
“WHAT?!” The cat burglar finally managed to blurt out.
“You’ve been hearing the same weird sounds right?” Zoro inquired with a huff.
“Yeah…” Nami affirmed. “That’s what woke me up. I heard that same thudding and then some strange sound like someone was groaning or moaning.”
The former pirate hunter nodded. “I heard the same. That’s why we need to see what’s causing it.”
“No we don’t!” The navigator all but screeched. “I absolutely refuse! No. Nuh-uh. You can’t make me.”
“I’m not forcing you to!” Zoro growled lowly. “You can just stay in your room!”
“Fine I will!”
“Who knows what you might see or hear —”
“ZORO!!! YOU ASSHOLE!!!” Nami shrieked as she started hitting him with her fist.
“Hey! Aww! Stop hitting me Nami!”
“Why would you fucking say that?!”
Zoro restrained both of her wrists with one hand, pulling her towards him. “Listen here woman. Either you come with me or you lock yourself inside that room and wait for me to come back!”  
Nami looked absolutely horrified at that. Not that he can see it. Wait for him to come back? Seriously? “No!” She snapped at him. “With your sense of direction? You’ll get lost in this darkness and you will never make it back to me!”
“My sense of direction is fine witch!”
“No! No! No! No!” She shook her head vehemently making her long hair bounced around at the force. “I’m coming with you!” Nami gazed at the long, dark corridor weakly. “Even if there are things in the dark…”
Zoro snorted.
Nami shot him a sharp look. Their eyes have finally adjusted in the darkness that they can now faintly make out each other’s features.
He gently released her hands from his grip. “It’s much safer for you if you are with me Nami.”
Her breath hitched at that. There was something with the way he said it that makes her heart thump wildly against her chest.
“Let’s go.”
Nami reached out and clutched his hand. “Zoro it’s too dark,” she stated. She know how easily he can get lost in three steps and she’s afraid that she’ll be left alone in the dark trying to find her way. 
Zoro studied her for a few good seconds then nodded. “I won’t let go alright.”
She managed to smile. “Don’t get lost Zoro. Don’t leave me here alone in the dark or I swear you’ll be looting for treasures to pay me for the rest of your life.”
“Fine.” The green-haired lad tugged at her hand so they could start moving. “Weren’t you supposed to be a cat burglar or something? Shouldn’t you be at home with the darkness?”
Nami huffed. “Only if I’m stealing. Haunted inns are a different thing!”
“For the last time this place is not haunted,” Zoro groaned. “Come on let’s go.”
They barely made it a few steps when one of the doors ahead suddenly opened. The two pirates halted and stared at it, waiting.
“What the hell?!” They both shouted in unison as something crawled out of the open room.
It was dressed in what looked like a tattered robe streaked with blood. Its black hair looked molting and greasy and was covering its whole face. Whatever it was, it seems like it was not crawling as they initially thought… but slithering out of the room.
All of a sudden, whatever-that-thing-is, lifted its head and looked at them.
Then it let out the most awful, terrifying moan Nami ever heard in her entire life.
“KYAAAHHHH!!!” She screamed at the same time, absolutely horrified. She let go of Zoro’s hand and turned to run towards the other direction.
Suddenly something dropped from the ceiling right in front of the already terrified girl, cutting her escape.
Nami blinked. And froze.  She was face to face with a severed head—all skinned and bloodied—gawking at her even in death.
She let out a bloodcurdling scream.
Zoro moved fast, grabbing her immediately and almost shoving her face on his chest to stop her from looking at the hideous sight as he ran past it. “Damn it,” he muttered, cradling the bawling navigator against him.
He sprinted towards the other end of the corridor, not even bothering to look back.
What the hell was THAT?
He turned around the corner and leaned against the wall, catching his breath. Nami was still trembling in his arms.
“What the hell was that?” She managed to choke out after a minute.
“I don’t know!”
She buried her face back into his chest. “I told you this place is haunted!” She whimpered, clutching the front of his shirt. “This is so much worse than Thriller Bark!”
“I’ll say,” Zoro breathed out as he looked down at the top of her head. “Though I really doubt that those are ghosts.”
“I don’t care what they are. Let’s just get out of here Zoro!”
Before he can even answer, the sound of all the doors opening at the corridor they just vacated filled the air.
“What the fuck?” They both whispered and Nami pushed herself closer to him as possible.
There was the thudding sound again and this time it came from almost all around them, accompanied by unearthly moans that sounded like someone was in agony.
“Move Nami,” he ordered as he pulled her towards the dark hallway to their left. They covered a few good feet before a random door burst open and something rammed itself against Nami’s legs almost making her stumbled forward.
“Aaaaaah! Zoro get it off! Get it off!” She shrieked when she felt a cold, clammy hand closed around her ankle. She kicked at it wildly, the heel of her shoe meeting something solid.
When she felt it release her, she automatically threw herself at Zoro, who promptly caught her while glaring at the thing on the floor.
“Zoro! Zoro!” Nami gazed at him pleadingly. “Get us out of here!” She wrapped her arms around his neck with a wail. “It’s not a request. It’s a demand!”
Zoro’s eye left the figure he was scrutinizing and raised an eyebrow at her.
Nami grabbed both of his cheeks so that they were eye to eye with each other. “I’ll knock off some belis from your last debt and buy you whatever booze you want!”
How he was able to smirk while they are in this predicament is beyond her. “Heh! Now we are talking.”
“Just get us out of here!!!”
They managed get down the first floor and turn around a corner that was luckily devoid of any weird occurrences. By now the whole inn seemed to come alive with thudding sounds, opening and closing doors, creaking floors and some moaning and groaning here and there.
His eyes rested on Nami who was looking worse for wear. She was catching her breath, chest heaving in a frenzied manner as she struggled to fill her lungs with air. Between all that running and screaming, he was surprised she didn’t pass out. Well to be honest, they’ve been through worse than this before.
Their navigator was really something.
He had to admit. A scared Nami is a damn cute one. Not to mention the way she was clinging on him like he was her lifeline was kinda... nice.
When she’s like that, it can’t help but bring to surface a whirlwind of feelings he doesn’t really know he can handle or wants to deal with.
“Zoro!” Nami pushed herself on him again. In the dim light trickling from a window, he was able to see that there were remnants of tears glinting at the corner of her eyes. “Let’s just get out of here! This place is going to drive me nuts.”
He stared at the orange-haired girl for a few seconds. Nami rested her head against his chest exhausted. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders, pulling her close and basking in the moment that he can actually touch her like this.
This damned inn and all its spooks have it merits after all.
“Zoroo...” she bemoaned looking up at him beseechingly. “Let’s go.”
“Alright,” he sighed flicking one last glance at her. And before he can stop himself, he bent down and softly pecked her lips. 
Nami stiffened at the contact. And so did he; head snapping back sharply and stepping away from her. 
Nami brought a hand on her lips as Zoro turned red. What possessed him to do that? 
“I-it was just a spur of the moment thing,” he stuttered, embarrassed and thankful that the darkness was able to hide his blushing face. “Let’s just get out of here.” He pronounced, clearing his throat.
This is what happens when you let your guard down Zoro. He chastised himself. Just one damn situation like this, where all the defenses are down, had him showering the mapmaker with even just a sliver of his real affection for her.
He sidestepped and was about move forward when Nami’s arm shot up and hooked around his waist. 
Any other words stopped short in his mouth when he felt her pressed her own lips against his. 
There in the midst of all the spookiness and ghastliness, while everything is dark and eerie... they kissed each other.
Zoro brought a hand to cup her face, pushing her closer as he deepened the kiss. Nami didn’t seem to mind it as she returned the kiss with enough fervor to make him realize that there will be no turning back from this.
Her hand closed on the wrist of the one that was holding her face as the other gripped on his shirt tightly. He barely noticed his arm snaking around her slim waist, almost lifting her off the ground so that he can delve into her taste deeper. 
They exchanged soft quick kisses, trying to savor the sensation, before finally stopping to catch their breaths as they both gazed at each other. 
The corners of Nami’s lips quirked into a smile. He returned it with a smirk of his own.
“Get us out of here Zoro,” she murmured albeit cheekily. Gone was the scaredy-cat witch from earlier who was shrieking and screeching non-stop. 
He nodded. His grey eye still locked onto her brown ones. It seems to be telling him that a reward was due once he gets them out of there. 
Suddenly a door on the far right banged opened and there was a terrifying moan as a figure shuffled out slowly.
And just like that the somehow dreamy atmosphere dissipated, plunging them back into reality. 
“Zorooooo!” Nami squealed and flung herself at him again for the umpteenth time that night. “I don’t want to be here anymore!”
Zoro caught her effortlessly, wrapping an arm around her waist, a bit peeved at the intrusion.
Something slammed on the window on their left and Nami let out a bloodcurdling scream as a face twisted in what can only be defined as torment peered at them from the outside. 
Zoro winced as her voice hit a pitch high enough to shatter his eardrums.
“Get us out of here now!” Nami demanded arms locked tight around his neck and face buried against the crook of his neck. “Now!”
Zoro sighed and muttered an affirmative. Only one way out. He should’ve done it from the start.
“Tatsu maki!” 
The clock in the middle of the town struck eight and its chime resounded across the air, the melody resonating along the streets.
Eight times, it rang; each sound more sinister than the last one as if sending a warning of dire tidings to come.
Before the last tones finally dissipated, it was interrupted by a sound of explosion coming from the outskirts of the town where an old, creepy inn was situated.
“Hey,” Usopp called out as he traipsed along the cobblestone street along with Luffy and Chopper. “Did anyone inform Zoro or Nami that there will be something like a scare fest for the town’s festival tonight?”
“Uhm… I’m not really sure,” Franky answered, peering from behind the nine pumpkins he acquired from one of the market stalls. “I think Robin did?”
“I mentioned it to Nami,” Robin said as she fell into the step beside the shipwright. She just came out of the bookstore that they passed by with Sanji in tow. “But I doubt she heard it from all that yapping at Zoro about rooms and directions.”  
“The scare fest wouldn’t be until midnight tonight,” Brook hummed. “We still have time to tell them.”
“Don’t mind it,” Luffy waved their concern off like the carefree captain that he is. “They’ll both be fine.”
“Can we still walk around the town before we head back?” Chopper asked. “I still want to buy some of that candy corn we saw earlier.”
“Ooh! And some of those pumpkin-shaped cookies that really smells wonderful!” Luffy agreed his mouth watering at the thought of the treats.
“Go ahead,” Sanji told them. “I’ll head back first and drop off this books Robin-chwan brought. Then I’ll inform Nami-swan and that stupid moss-head about the—”
An explosion came from the location of the inn where they were staying.
The Straw Hats watched, perplexed, as the remainder of what could only be Zoro’s tatsu maki whirled into nothingness followed by a loud clap of thunder and a huge flash of lightning from Nami’s thundercloud homie, Zeus.
The townspeople pointed at what could possibly be a sign of an incoming storm.
Shouts and applause exploded from the crowd of onlookers as they cheered at the wondrous display of nature which would definitely add an ominous mood to their festival.
“Right,” Usopp deadpanned as he observed the destruction from afar. “Looks like somebody DID inform them...”
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shimurataeweek · 7 years
Shimura Tae Week| Day 2 | Getting Ready/ Friendship and Bond
TITLE: Those Who Charmed The Demons GENRE: Friendship  DISCLAIMER: I do not own Gintama. Sorachi “Gorilla-sensei” Hideaki owns this awesome story. (ง ͠ ͠° ل͜ °)ง NOTE: Apologies in advance. Grammatical errors and OOCness ahead.
    Two flowers staring at each other like they’d never seen a human before. Red reflected the brown ones and vice versa. No one was able to voice out their thoughts as they were too engulfed with the other’s presence.
           A party held in the Yorozuya’s apartment, everyone was wasted after finishing the dozens of Dom Peri brought them by yours truly. As if it wasn’t enough, later that night, Oniwanbanshuu’s top assassin, Sarutobi Ayame, Yoshiwara Hyakka’s leader Tsukuyo; and the heiress of Yagyuu-style School Yagyuu Kyuubei joined the session. Of course, with the women’s presence, the number of their liquors grew also. The gang partied nonstop until every single one of them was knocked out, surprisingly, even the most disciplined Demonic Vice Chief of the Shinsengumi, Hijikata Toushirou, who was the usual lookout whenever this kind of event happened. The whole gang from different factions were dispersed all over the place and it made Tae’s head ache once she woke up in the middle of the night, already past her intoxicated state, although her eyes were drooping. She thought, with that kind of mess, it would be painful to clean the area in the coming sunrise.
The Brunette was about to hit the bathroom when she noticed an unfamiliar figure of a sandy-haired female looming over the likes of Hijikata’s sleeping form lying on the couch. She didn’t notice it at first, but when she drew closer, she figured that the woman’s feet wasn’t touching the ground.
The lady in kimono was floating.
Upon Tae’s realization was the “guest” turning her head at her. Big blood coloured orbs mirrored the chocolate brown’s reaction.
“Y-You can see me?” she heard her talk after what felt like an hour of bewilderment.
She nodded, and was suddenly completely awake. How would a living person talk to a wandering soul? She had no idea.
The female smiled at her, and it was apologetically sweet. “Sorry for barging in without anyone’s knowledge. I just wanted to check if they were doing fine.”
Her eyes roamed from the raven-haired officer in front of her, to the Gorilla stalker by the TV set, until another sandy-haired teen’s sleeping form beside his Vice Commander. Her eyes were especially tender while looking at Okita Sougo. It reminded it of her whenever she was looking at her younger brother, Shinpachi.
“I’m Okita Mitsuba,” Tae’s lips curled into a smile at the mention of her name. “If it’s not a bother, can I ask you a favor, uhm…”
“I’m Tae Shimura.”
“Shimura-san. Can I ask a favor, Shimura-san?”
“What is it, Okita-san?”
She didn’t know what got into the both of them when they bowed down in sync. Once they faced each other again, their giggles couldn’t be suppressed.
“Before telling you my favor, can I ask another request? Please call me Mitsuba.”
“I understand. Kindly call me Tae in return.”
The ladies had an agreement.
Mitsuba’s hands move towards her younger brother. The attempt to touch his face was as impossible as two parallel lines meeting in at the end. The sandy-haired female’s gaze directed at the brunette, her eyes pleading.
“Can you touch him for me?”
The look on her face squeezed Tae’s chest. Living people were lucky. Did Mitsuba always try to reach his brother? Could Okita Sougo feel his sister’s caresses? If she were in Mitsuba’s shoe, would she strive as many times as the gods permit to feel his person again?
To struggle to touch someone who was dear to you.
Tae brought her hands forward to cup the sleeping First Division Captain’s cheek. She looked at Mitsuba and they smiled at each other. 
“Your brother has a smooth skin,” she said. It made the woman chuckle. “He’s young.”
“Just like you, Tae-san.”
“Yes. Just like me…”
“If it isn’t a bother, can you do the same to Toushirou-san?”
Toushirou… What kind of relationship did she have with the Vice Commander? But the Brunette wasn’t dense not to understand what had transpired between those two, especially now that the sandy-haired was smiling sheepishly.
“Heh…” she threw a knowing look at her. That was when she learned that ghosts could still get beet red in the face. “Didn’t know Hijikata-san has a great taste in women.”
“T-Tae-san,” she stuttered, now blushing madly.
“Hai, hai… I understand,” she teased, and withdrew her hands to pull of the guest’s second request.
When Tae turned her attention to Hijikata’s face, she was amused. She’d never seen his expression that relaxed, since as often as not, he always wore a grumpy face as if carrying all the world’s burden, no time to play around. Serenity for Hijikata Toushirou was whenever he slackened off with his beloved mayonnaise.
“Forgive me, Mitsuba-san, but I find this Demon quite good-looking,” she honestly told her.
“That’s not a problem. I find Sakata-san good-looking, too.”
She wasn’t able to meet her in the eye after the special mention of that specia… of that someone. The brunette busied herself examining the Vice Commander’s face, clearly evading Mitsuba’s intriguing stares. She heard her clear her throat afterwards.
“You and I are similar,” declared the guest.
She thought so, too.
Tae’s fingers carefully poked Hijikata’s cheek first, as instructed by the requester, then traced the bridge of his tall nose. Mitsuba especially mentioned to brush his V bangs using her fingertips before finally stroking his thick, shapely brows.
“I always wanted to do that to him,” the woman spoke. There was a hint of melancholia in her tone. “The closest I got to him was when he gripped my arm whenever I stumbled onto something.Toushirou-san’s always been a gentle person. He never touches a woman for his own good.”  
She agreed. The Officer had always been awkward. She never saw him play around with women even during his free time.
“What about you do that to Sakata-san, too?”
Her hand stopped at Hijikata’s nose holes.
“Mitsuba-san… you’re quite a tease for a ghost.”
Ten in the morning when the last visitor exited the dump site that was the Yorozuya’s headquarters. Shinpachi was having an early soliloquy about him being the one who’d clean all the crap that was left behind during the party last night. Of course, Tae would help. Kagura would follow. But she’d have to threaten the lazy perm before he hauled his butt from the sofa.
“If you don’t participate to the cleaning, I’ll extract all your teeth, Gin-san.”
The silver head immediately followed.
Tae was busy washing the dishes when Kagura called out for her. In the living room was Okita Sougo standing by the doorway, carrying a white plastic bag. Before the younger orange head left her and her rival alone, she stuck her tongue out at him.
“Nee-san,” Okita acknowledged her. “Hijikata-san is being a tsundere again. He wants to give this to you,” he handed the white plastic bag over to her. “That’s all. Sorry for the interruption.”
“Ah, no problem at all,” she paid him a smile, and bowed down to thank him.
The sandy-haired teen didn’t stay long and immediately left the place. She checked out the white plastic bag and found two pints of her favorite Bäagen Dash, a Tobasco sauce, and a mayonnaise bottle. The brunette looked at the back of the departing young officer.
“Aren’t you being a tsundere, too, Okita-kun?” she closed her eyes. “Mitsuba-san, your police don’t know how to say thank you.”
She smiled.
“Well… they’re always welcome.”
  銀魂    END
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genzelda · 8 years
So I was inspired by @bun-bunmuse‘s fic she wrote on Mr. G and decided to write my own reverse take on it. Only problem is... I went over board on it... as usual...  
So please take your time to read the fic as I tried my best to write from Sasster’s perspective. I’m not very good at writing another’s muse so please keep this in mind. If anything is ooc for Sasster, please let know mother @stealthnerd. I enjoyed writing this but was terrified of posting it. This is way out of my comfort zone so hopefully this pays off... 
It had been several months since the strange wolf girl had been living in the underground with the Royal Scientist and his two brother. From the moment he saw her, he knew something was different about her. Not just in her appearance alone. Sure, she looked like a human with wolf ears and a fluffy tail attached to her, that was strange in itself alone. What really caught his eye was her soul...
The size of her soul was small compared to the human souls he's encountered, but that wasn't what stood out the most to him. Her soul was fractured, cracked, something he had never seen or even believed was possible for a human-like soul. You see, her's wasn't 100% human. It was only half. The other half was monster which of course peaked the ghoul's interest in her. It was upright like a human's, however the color of the soul was a faded greenish blue, an obvious mix of two of the seven human soul traits; KINDNESS and INTEGRITY.
If it wasn't for the fact that he listened to his consciousness most of the time, he would of gladly experimented on her to figure out how this was even possible. He would've been lying to himself if he said the thought had never crossed his mind. On the other hand, he could very well deny ever thinking of doing such a horrible thing to her since she was practically family now. Actually, she was more than family to him. She was in a relationship with the Royal Scientist, she was his girl friend.
How this came to be is still a mystery to them and everyone else. Sasster had a reputation anyone in their right mind would label as undateable. He was rude half, if not most of the time, had an ego that transcends time and space, arrogance reincarnated, and the sassiest and most sarcastic monster you'd ever meet. You'd be nuts to think he was anything close to boy friend material and yet here he was, in a close relationship with this small wolf girl. Just like any relationship though, it wasn't perfect. Not in the least.
Fear had crept it's way into the ghoul's withered heart. He kept trying to find every reason to push her away. He knew very well it was hurting her and in all honesty he hated seeing her hurt by his own actions. However, in his mind, he felt it was the best thing for them or to be more accurate, for himself. It wasn't that he didn't trust her. He trusted her just as much as he trusted his brothers. It was the fear of her learning about his dark secrets that was causing him to push her away. If she ever caught wind of some of the things he'd done in his past, he was sure it would only lead to double heartbreak for the both of them.
You might be thinking “if he really trusted her, he would trust she wouldn't judge him for his past actions. Their in the past for a reason. He's not the same person he was back then.” and you would be correct. Fear is a strong negative trait that, once it settles itself in the heart, it only grows more and more with each passing moment. The only thing stronger then fear is love... and that was the very thing he was lacking..
“I don't understand. Why is she still pushing back?” Sasster thought to himself as he made his way through the snow to the front door. He had just returned from the laboratory after spending the whole day there trying to ignore these thoughts he had kept in the back of his mind.
“I mean, for someone who doesn’t even have perseverance as a soul trait, she’s being overly stubborn with me. It’s unheard of to be dealing with this level of stubbornness!” he grumbled to himself, reaching for the door knob. Maybe if he had done this when she was still a shy, nervous wreck, he wouldn't be dealing with this.
The ghoul's hand stiffen to a pause as the thought crossed his mind. No... if he had done it then, she most likely would've broken down into tears and-... He quickly shook his head, bringing himself back to the present. He didn't want to think about what she could have done... He knew exactly what she would have done. That didn't make it any less painful for him to recall.
It took him a few moments to recollect himself from his thoughts before proceeding to open the door. He was a bit surprised to be met with silence when he entered the house, as he was usually greeted by the little wolf girl. Maybe she finally got the message and was sulking in his room somewhere? Hopefully that was the case. The ghoul monster let out a sigh of relief as he walked inside. Finally, he could rest easy on his thoughts. Things won't be the same between them but at least she would still be around. That's all that mattered to him.
However, there was this feeling of dread he couldn't shake from his soul. Something wasn't right. It was too quiet. Not that he didn't mind it being quiet. It was just... odd for it to be this quiet at this hour. Something was telling him to check the living room...
When he turned to face the entrance of the room, Sasster immediately felt his soul drop within himself. Lying in the middle of the floor, passed out and unmoving, was the wolf girl herself.
Sasster cried as he rushed over to the small girl, kneeling down beside her. He was in shock. What happened to her? Why was she passed out on the floor? She was fine this morning! ...Aside from her making a comment about feeling unsteady and weak, claiming she was just tired. His glowing purple eyes widened in realization as he stared down in horror. Quickly but gently he scooped her up in his arms, holding her close to his chest. She was warm. Too warm. Almost burning. A sinking feeling suddenly came over him. He knew what was wrong with her... and it terrified him.
“so... any idea what it could be?” Sans asked his older as he watched the ghoul tuck the small girl into his bed.
“Pneumonia... She has Pneumonia.” Sasster answered after a long pause of silence. This wasn't the first time Gen had been sick. When he first took her in from finding her in the snow, she was suffering from a minor cold. A few coughs here and there with a runny nose. Nothing serious. She got over it real quick after being fed some warm food and drink. By day 3 she was all better.
This was different though. She wasn't just sick, she was sick with what humans call Pneumonia. This may not cause alarm to most humans in this day and age since the advancement of medical science has made such illnesses like this easily treatable. But for a society of monsters who don't catch the same illnesses humans do, it's much more challenging caring for a human suffering from one. Especially with limited resources and knowledge of these illnesses. He would have to care for her personally if he wanted her to recover. There was a high chance she wouldn't make it if he didn't. That was the last thing he wanted... A repeat from his past.
“that explains the coughing early today. she started up as soon as you left for work. said it was nothing to worry about. shouldn't of trusted her word. Now she's worse off then before.” Sans said as he looked up at his tall ghoul brother. He could sense his brother was extremely anxious.  Although Dings may not express his emotions as well as most, there were always little hints in his body language would drop. Having been raised by his older brother, Sans learned how to identify these 'signals'. He was always aware of how his brother was feeling, even when he tried to hide it from him.
He noticed Dings' right eye was glowing more intensely then normal as he gazed down the young girl. That wasn't a good sign. His right eye would only glow whenever he felt high levels of emotions, especially when he was surprised or excited. This time, it was glowing more intensely then normal. He would have to be careful with his wording if he wanted to put Dings' nerves at ease...
“...Inform King Asgore I'll be taking a leave of absence for a few weeks. I am uncertain for how long. I estimate about 2 or 3 weeks. Tell him something 'showed up' at home and I need to take a few weeks off. I will not make further contact with anyone until then.”
“are you sure about this, dings? i mean, we're so close to reaching a breakthrough. you said so yourself. do you really think it's wise to stop now?”
“If we continue to focus on the experiment while she's this ill, she will have little chance of surviving. As much as I want to go through with the project, I can not risk her well being over it. She may suffer from permanent damage to her health or worse, she may die from poor health...”
Sasster let a deep sigh escape him as he finished. He wasn't going to take risks when it came to her. It would be irresponsible of him to even try to when she still had that nasty fracture in her soul. That will be something he'll need to fix immediately, once this was over. For too long he's put off trying to find ways to heal it without accidentally shattering her soul in the process. He probably would have continued to put it off, if not for this illness reminding him of her soul's condition.
“dings, i know what you're thinking.” Sans replied as he shortcutted to the doorway, standing between it. “you gotta stay positive when in this kind of situation. as long as she's in your care, she will get better.” When Sasster didn't reply, he knew to drop the subject. His brother was no longer interested in continuing the conversation. Besides, Sans had to deliver that message to the king. He could be lazy and call the king but he knew it would be better to do it in person.
“...i'll, uh, go tell king fluffybuns you'll be taking a little vacation. what should we tell Papy when he gets home?”
“Tell him Gen is very sick and I'll be caring for her myself. If he wishes to help, he can assist me in cooking her meals. He is not to disturb her in any way. She needs to rest as much as possible.”
“you got it dings. i'll be back in a yiffy.”
With a wink and that ever present grin of his, Sans teleported away, leaving his older brother alone with the sick girl. Sasster couldn't help himself from groaning at Sans awful pun. He still managed to make dumb puns despite the seriousness of the situation. And why did it matter to him how he felt over this? What he felt or thought did not matter at the moment. Restoring Gen to her full health was what mattered and that was precisely what he was going to focus on. He wasn't going to have a repeat of what happened to his friend long ago. Not after spending years and years of his time studying to prevent it from ever happening again.
“I promise I'll take care of you. I won't be as arrogant and naive with you as I was with them"
Two weeks pass and Gen wasn't any better than she was two weeks before. Her condition was getting worse with no signs of any recovery. At this point, the scientist was at his wits end. Why wasn't she getting better? Why was she only getting worse? He had been taking care of her exactly like he studied. He knew how to care for this illness, along with many others. So why wasn't she recovering? It wasn't adding up...
“She's not getting any better, Sans!” Sasster exclaimed as her sat on the couch, dragging his hands down his face in frustration. “I don't know that I'm doing wrong. She should be fine but she's only getting worse with each passing day. If this keeps up she'll...-”
“dings, you gotta calm yourself. there's still time to help her.”
“I-I know I just-I'm worried she's not going to make it...”
“I can't sleep. I end up watching her all night, keeping an eye on her. Always checking to make sure she's still breathing...” He felt his emotions stirring deep inside himself as his mind swarmed with negativity. Just last night he laid down next to her and held her close to himself... something he never thought he'd do with anyone willingly, even if it was a close family member. He normally didn't like physical contact and yet he found himself craving it from her... He missed when she would ask to cuddle with him. He missed hearing her voice, seeing her smile... He missed everything about her. He just wanted her to get better...
“dings... has it ever crossed your mind that she doesn't want to get better?”
“What in Asgore's name are you talking about? Why wouldn't she want to get better???”
“because she knows you're going to continue pushing her away and she doesn't want to wake up to that reality. what else could be the reason be? you've been trying so hard to undo the bond you've made with her despite how close you've grown to her. You don't think that would effect someone's will to live? especially someone like her who's been nothing but pushed away by her own family?”
Sasster couldn't find the words to respond. True, it wouldn't be unlike her to respond in such a drastic way... She did have a painful and inhumane life on the surface. The ones she called “mom and dad” did nothing but abuse her after turning 14. She still believes she was a horrible daughter to them and deserved the scars embedded into her back and stomach. A low growl rumbled deep in the ghoul's chest as he remembered looking over them... They looked as if a large animal swiped their claws over her back and stomach. Not enough to cause serious injury but enough to leave a scar. The idea of her own parents abusing her in such a horrific way made his blood boil. 
Wait, why was he even thinking about this? That wasn't the point. The point was Sans was right. Gen wasn't getting better because she didn't want to... She most likely felt it would be better to pass away then to live like their relationship never was. As much as his ego and pride was screaming at him to deny these assumptions, he couldn't bring himself to. He made a mistake. He let his fears and insecurities come between their relationship and now they were both suffering from it as a result. He knew what he had to do. He only prayed it wasn't too late...
Sasster didn't have to say a word to Sans as he got up from the couch and headed towards the steps. Sans understood right away what he was doing. Dings may be an asshole, but he can also admit when he's made a mistake, when it counts at least. This being one of those times.
“good luck, dings. you're going to need it.”
She looked even worse than she did a few hours ago! All color in her skin was drained to a ghost white and her body was sweating up a storm. The sight of her twisted his heart in ways he could not comprehend. Never in his life had he ever thought he'd share such feeling for someone... He always thought he was content with having his brothers' company until she came along.  She was part of his family, his life. She was everything to him... He could see that now.
As he approached the bedside, the ghoul monster began to feel a strong urge to lay down with the wolf girl. Carefully, he positioned himself over top of her and laid down, resting his against her chest as he dug his arms under her small body. Gen's breaths were heavy and weak to his non existent ears. Even her heart beat didn't sound any better. If she really was to pass away this very night, he would stay with her till the end. But not before he said a few things to her...
“...I'm... I'm sorry Gen. I'm sorry for pushing you away. I know now that's why you aren't getting better. Maybe you aren't even aware you're doing this to yourself... I shouldn't of done that to you. I shouldn't of given into my fears. I made a huge mistake and I regret every moment of it.”
Hot tears slowly began to run down his pale white face as he laid there with her. He wasn't ready to lose her. Not like this. She meant too much to him. He... He loved her. He loved her with all his heart, all his soul. He wasn't ready to let go. He wasn't ready to say good bye...
“I... I love you, Gen. Please don't leave me like this...”
The ghoul monster ended up falling asleep on top of the small wolf girl, his head still resting gently on her chest. After so many sleepless nights trying to care for her, he finally pass out from the extra stress he went through that night. He was out cold. What a surprise it was for Gen when she opened her eyes to find his head over her chest. He looked completely exhausted. How long had he been there? And more importantly, how long had she been out? She remembered being really sick for a few days, watching Sasster as he cared for her. Then one day she felt really depressed and decided to try to sleep it off... She must have been extremely sick because she never woke up exactly after that. She had faint memories of waking up to be feed but that was it. There was nothing else to recall.
She didn't really care about any of that though at the moment. All she cared about was right in front of her. He looked so cute sleeping on top of her like this. He must have been really worried about her...
“You don't need to worry about me anymore, Gaster. I'm feeling much better now.  You'll see... Once you wake up that is. Hee hee~.” she said as she placed a kiss oh his forehead, snuggling her head against his like a wolf does with its pack.
“Oh and for the record... I knew you loved me before you even admitted it to me in my dreams. That's why I was being stubborn with you. Cause you're so emotionally constipated, you can't even tell when you're in love with someone. But that's okay. You're lucky I've learned to read you just as well as your brothers. You probably can't hear me but hopefully you do... in your dreams. Hee hee hee~.”
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ask-oumari-blog · 7 years
Headcanon time!
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So, since I’m bored, and I haven’t got any ask in my message box yet, and since I love OuMariDia dynamic (yeah, that gif tho), I made this headcannon...
And this is supposedly to become one shot, but I’m too lazy to do that + possible broken English, so I made it with Imagine-like  
OuMari+Dia and What They Will do at Summer Vacation
Warning! Long post! A very-super long post! And probably OOC too!
Today is summer vacation, what a relax day for the 3rd years to chill out. Especially, Mari and Dia.
Unfortunately, Kanan can’t go out with them, she must take care of her diving gear shop, and since there are many tourism from outside of Japan, Kanan must have a busy day. 
Mari once asked to help, but Kanan is okay with that. 
The 2nd years are in Tokyo now, and the 1st years are in shopping date now and already at shopping center earlier before them. 
So, that’s be a lonely day with Mari and Dia alone. 
Today plans is: Watching a movie, and have fun in the mall. And they already buy the ticket right before the summer vacation. 
“Wait, how about Kanan’s ticket?” Asked Mari, she wears her white dress, but this time without her fancy hat.
“I’m already asked Kanan about that, she said that someone will replace her.” Dia answered Mari’s question, she wears her casual summer attire.
Thinking about it, they discussed who will replace Kanan. 
“How about Tenko-san? She looks like a friendly person, though...” 
“Well... If that person is a boy... Oh! Amami-san seems like the person that Kanan will choose. He’s a chill boy after all...” 
They keep discussing, with laugh and joy. 
Until that smol grape panta boi standing in front on them. 
Wait, is that that person that Kanan asked to replace her?! 
Big sis Dia already furious inside her. 
Dia, chill...
“Oh, what’s happen with Kurosawa-chan? Didn’t you feel grateful to me? Since I spare my time for my secret organization to you both? Nishishi~” 
“But, why?” 
Hearing Mari’s word. Ouma is already cried and bawl like a big baby. 
“Because, everyone thinks that Matsuura-chan invitation in only a lie from me!!!” 
Well... As a liar, Mari and Dia thinks thats the truth...
Talking about what Ouma will wear for summer, I think, something like this.
“Geez, your dress are too tacky, Ouma...” 
“What?! This is my best summer clothes do far! Why you said that, Kurosawa-chan! I’m even willing to change my secret organization uniform just for you two!” 
Dia and Mari stare at each other with scared look. 
“But you know, I’m a liar after all!” 
“Fine! let’s move on!” 
They go to the mall with lots of talks and jokes. Who knows that spare her time with Mari and Ouma can be a happiest yet tiring day for Dia. 
At the mall, Mari and Ouma can act like a little child (although Mari are the oldest and the tallest between them, yet Ouma is the shortest), so our Big Sis Dia must keep on eye on them. 
At bikini store, they both point on the most “sexiest” swimsuit in the store.
“Oh! This one can be really cute on Dia!” 
“Yeah! Kurosawa-chan must be very cute if she wears this!” 
Our Big Sis Dia is angry.
At the movie. They planned to watch horror movie. They talked so many things about the horror movie that they will watch later. 
“Sorry sir, this movie is only for 17 years old or older.”
Great, now we have angry smol grape panta boi. 
No worries! Big Sis Dia and Shiny Onee-chan is here to help! 
“Sir, he just shorter that he looks...” 
At the end, Ouma can join them and watch the movie together. 
“Why do you call me a shortie?!” 
Now, we have angry smol grape panta boi, with big sis Dia and shiny onee-chan patting on smol grape panta boi’s head. 
“That’s the truth, Ouma”
Oh, don’t forget about that XL size of popcorn (They buy bought both flavor, original and caramel, just in case) 
And a big bottle of grape Panta for Ouma alone... 
And they watch the movie with scared look... 
At the end of the movie... 
“I’m shocked when she killed her best friend! She just being possessed! I’m glad that her best friend forgive her!” 
“Well... I’m nearly cried when his little sister died! She’s a pure cinnamon roll that need to be protected!” 
“I’m don’t know that girls can be so emotional, I’m rather find it attracting.” 
Ouma, watch out... 
If you can guess what movie is it, then, congratulation.
They commenting about the movie, too many feels that they can share! 
Oh, now, It’s snack time! They go to the cafe in the mall. 
Mari ordered a glass of cold milk latte (yes, her favorite drink is coffee, yet I’m confused with the type of coffee) and a plate of lemon pie. 
Since I don’t like coffee, I didin’t really know about types of coffee, sorry!
Dia ordered a glass of matcha milkshake and custard pudding with caramel and whip cream and cherry on the top. 
Ouma probably will order grape panta flavored ice cream with a cup of British-style black tea. 
Such a weird combination.... 
And then, Arifureta Kanashimi no Hate is played on the cafe speaker. 
Oh no.
It’s Eli Ayase solo song. 
Big Sis Dia is nutting.
“Dia! Calm down!” 
“Oh, so Kurosawa-chan is a big fan of Eli Ayase? And probably, μ's too?!” 
“Don’t you dare to call Eli-sama and μ's name with such dirty hand and mouth of yours!!!” 
“Yes! Dia is a big fan of Eli Ayase and μ's!” 
And then, it’s a silence for a while... 
“So, how about we form a group unit together?” 
“That’s cool, Ohara-chan! 
“We already a school idol, Mari....” 
“But, this is different, Dia!” 
So, they starting discussing again about their group unit. Mari offered a metal-style group and the clothes will be a mix of metal and gothic lolita. Dia’s costume will be modified to be like Japanese-style-like costume though. 
Yohane must be proud of them 
If Mari is the leader, then her dreams forming industrial metal group. can be come true.
If Dia is the leader, then she will dragged them dancing Gokuraku Jodo (the traditional Japanese style fits Dia well) or Eli Ayase’s/μ's songs. It might be a mix traditional Japanese and school idol.
If Ouma ended up become the leader, it might become worse. (Ouma is Ultimate Supreme Leader, but still). Full of dabs and memes.
No, that’s not real, don’t worry.
And the middle of discuss, suddenly, Ouma steals Mari lemon pie. Just a spoon, but it’s worth it. 
For revenge, Mari steals Ouma grape Panta flavored ice cream. 
“It’s Joke! SHINY!!!”
“Geez, you two such a little child....” 
“Oh! We didn’t try Dia’s delicious pudding yet!” 
“Good idea, Ohara-chan!” 
And them both invade Dia’s precious pudding. 
“Stop it! You two!” 
And that’s ended with apologizes from them. 
When they finished eating, they pay the bills, and go home together. 
But, before they go home, they go to the beach for chill. 
It’s a tiring, yet it’s a fun day!
“So, how do you two going?” 
It’s Kanan! They exchange smiles and stories together, Kanan are a little shocked, how they all can be get along each other? 
Now, Mommy Kanan feels so proud of them. 
To help you, here are some (Japanese) songs to help you imagine this, which I think it’s fits (lol, not really): 
BiBi -Trouble Busters (suprisingly)
Silent Siren -  チェリボム (not really in lyrics wise, fits in mood wise)
Snail’s House - Grape Soda (Dia’s calm dynamic and Mari’s playful dynamic and Ouma’s favorite drink in one song)
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