#(said after the usual far too long ramblings 😅)
mobius-m-mobius · 10 months
was on a bit of a bender, sent a bonkers ask to a another poor blog and forgot about it, but now I think about it, it mightn’t have been as bunk as I thought? I think it went like this
“The clowns are playing their part to perfection” -> thinking about clowns with set parts/roles, Pierrot’s sad relationship/love triangle with Columbine and Harlequin -> pierrot’s character over time has had a lot of range (mostly a sad underdog jokester) -> a 20th century/modernist interpretation of Pierrot as part of ts elliot’s inspiration for the Lovesong of J Alfred Prufrock -> (loki reading other Elliot texts) -> “prufrock” poem pretty lokius-flavoured ? -> is mobius or loki in the sad pierrot role ? Maybe both? Sad little clowns, playing their parts to a fault :(
ok looking back at it again it is a bit of a mess, yet I yeet it unto you
Anon if this is you on a bit of a lark I can't even begin to imagine your full power, lol! What an fascinating take that tbh I wish I had even an ounce of the literary awareness necessary to process as thoroughly as deserved but will happily give it a go anyway 😅
I've always found that "clowns are playing their part to perfection" line of Loki's especially striking because while I'm sure it was meant to imply a dismissal of the situation and nonchalance over loss of control, there's no reason it would have the intended impact when nothing about the TVA had come across as less than hypercompetent?? From B-15's seamless takedown of Loki in the first place to the efficient process of variants, swift guilty ruling as his lack of access to magic is scoffed at, and Mobius having the upper hand as a Loki expert there's not really anything for that line to do except hang there as much higher symbolism so I think you're right to look at it in perspective to both Loki and Mobius considering how much they ended up mirroring each other right down to the temporarily (forever an optimist 😂) tragic romance of their ending.
On that note it's very interesting there are such clear comparisons between Loki and Pierrot since as you mentioned Pierrot's known for being an underdog and prankster to hide his unhappiness, flawed and in search of love, not to mention having a near "obsession" with Columbine only to often end up pining for his best and only friend the Moon 👀
While I'm biased and usually think of everything in terms of Mobius so I see both Pierrot (with his sense of endearing, eternally youthful energy) and Harlequin in him, in this case it makes sense to look at him in terms of Harlequin and how he's usually in high spirits, uses his clever nature to solve and escape problems easily, and unlike those around him doesn't hold onto grudges against those who have wronged him. There's also his TVA service that later turns into full devotion to Loki similar to how Harlequin is later considered a witty, faithful valet (""Why aren't the two of you in cahoots with him and his butler?") and it's notable how Loki is described by Mobius as a man of action when in pantomime Pierrot eventually takes on many of the characteristics of Harlequin, ending up representing the symbol of the artist just like Loki created a new story in the end.
Apologies that Prufrock I'm not quite as familiar with outside of a general awareness, but if I remember correctly it ultimately conveys an isolation or distance from the world after being too afraid to confront the surface level emptiness of life?? Which if so talk about Lokius being doomed to the narrative after failing to escape their past circumstances and getting (temporarily!!) confined in the very places they feared 😬
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atariakana · 23 days
I have had a short sleep and a long think and now I am going to be sappy again:
I love this show. Nobody could have made anything more tailored to my interests if they tried, it's so far up my alley it's knocking on my kitchen door, and I knew from the title alone that it was going to be my new favorite. It is so so important to me for so many reasons, and I really am quite devastated that it wasn't renewed for a second season. But I do believe that just because something was left unfinished, that's no reason not to love what's already there. Eight episodes seems like so few when imagining what we could have had--I was fully envisioning 5+ seasons, perhaps even with 14+ episodes per season, because the format absolutely could have handled that-- but after the show's uncertain beginnings, I'm truly just happy we got anything at all. Dead Boy Detectives could have been dead in the water before it even began, and I'm grateful we got this little peek into the boys' afterlives and Crystal and Niko's journeys along with them.
The show is a wonderful rarity in so many ways--a full cast of fleshed-out and resonant characters, with amazing queer rep and female leads, beautifully crafted stories brought to life with so much thought and care, gorgeous visuals and a wonderful soundtrack and so much symbolism and little details that we have all been chewing over them for MONTHS and are still discovering new things.
And my love for DBD was only amplified by how singularly lovely and passionate this fandom is. I'm a serial fandom-hopper, and I can say that after nearly a decade of drifting from place to place that the DBD fandom is genuinely one of the kindest, most encouraging, most passionate fandoms I've ever seen, especially in such early stages. I've been inspired to draw again (difficult for me in these trying times) and even give writing a try (haven't shared anything anywhere yet--baby steps. I'm planning lots of stuff for Deadboyween, though <3). I've learned so much about so many different crafts and had the privilege of reading amazing fics and well-thought-out analysis posts and seeing so much mind-blowing art and so many gorgeous gifsets. And this is a sentiment I've seen echoed over and over, and I'm so so glad that other people feel this way, too. I jumped into this fandom feet-first after watching the show, and immediately thought: I've found my new fandom home. This still holds true--though my heart hurts a little, I'm still looking forward to making so many things about DBD and seeing all of the things you guys create, too.
My heart absolutely dropped when I heard the cancellation news, but you all made it easier. As others have said, these characters are ours now. We will write a hundred endings for their stories and then write them a thousand new ones, because that's what fandoms do, and I believe that we've grown strong enough to keep going, even if we don't get any more official content.
That was a HUGE ramble, but it was something I needed to get off my chest, so thanks for reading if you made it this far 😅 Again, I don't talk much (usually...), but I'm so grateful for you all and I hope you have nice weekends despite the news. Sending love and care to all who need it ♥️✨
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imahinatjon · 5 months
How she feels
Higuchi x reader
Just felt like it. Sfw.
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Higuchi was in love with you. Not that she could say anything though. It used to be her superior, Akutagawa, she adored the man. She was obsessed. But her love was always unrequited.
Higuchi used to call you to complain. To tell you about him, and how much she loved him, that she looked up to him, but he wouldn't even spare her a glance. He was not interested in romance.
You always listened, patient with her rambling, as she stumbled over her words, tears threatening to spill and voice cracking ever so slightly, because the man she loved didn't love her back, because he didn't treat her well.
She would then listen to you calmly tell her that things were going to be alright. That she was alright. You gave her advice, gave her your opinion on the matter, explained it from an outsiders view.
Maybe he's not interested in romance? Too consumed by his job?
She accepted that. And let it go. Until a few days later and she was crying to you on the phone again.
"He's just so mean"
"He's in the port Mafia, he's not supposed to be nice"
You seemed a little irritated after god knows how many calls, and she picked up on that - but you never said anything, you were far too kind, and Higuchi was far too shy to bring it up, so she opted for avoidance. She stopped calling so often.
But it didn't feel right. She missed calling you almost every day. She still went and visited you twice a week, but it didn't feel like enough. She wasn't seeing you or talking to you as much as she wanted.
It was like this for two weeks until the realisation came to her when she picked up her phone ready to dial your number.
She had a hard day at work, and to relieve stress and relax, to make herself feel better, her immediate thoughts when to calling you. To tell you about her day. You always made her feel better, she loved that about you. You were always so calm and patient and relaxing and-
She loved that about you...
Pausing to think on it, that wasn't all she loved about you.
She loved your voice, how firm and steady it was, reassuring. You could be worried, nervous, agitated, and yet, when she came to you feeling the same, you managed to disguise those anxieties, all for her. She wished she could do the same for you.
Higuchi loved your smile too, how bright it was, pretty. You lit up an entire room when you smiled or laughed. Her eyes always drifted towards you.
She loved your personality. It was complex, and you had many faces, many different emotions expressed in many different ways, changing your entire deminor to fit the situation while remaining wholeheartedly... you. She wished she could see the face you made when in love.
That was it. Love, she loved everything about you, not just those three things. Higuchi just loved you.
She thought it was Akutagawa, and while she does admire him, that is really all there is too it, she can't see herself living a happy and fulfilled life with him, she can't see herself pursuing a real meaningful relationship with him, she couldn't see her future in Akutagawa, he was just a fleeting fantasy fueled by her own delusion.
But everything she wanted in a true healthy relationship, she could see that in you.
To Higuchi, your out of her league. But, that won't stop her from swooning. She's realised she loves you, probably has for a long time.
She won't tell you. She can't tell you. She needs to be more sure of herself first, more certain. Her feelings are clear as day, but... she just needs time. Then she'll let you know.
And as she swipes on your name and clicks the green call button, a small smile on her face, as she hears you pick up the call and greet her with your usual 'hello', she swears she hears a hint of affection in your voice. And she's certain she had a chance.
Honestly more of an incoherent ramble if you ask me 😅
Masterlist :3
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tracybirds · 2 years
hiya! for the ask game- 14 and 15
-cora :]
💕💕 Thank you Cora!! I got a bit long and rambly bc I'm doing this first thing in the morning lolol but yay, fun questions!
14. Tell me about a headcanon you love, dislike and have a neutral opinion on
I am not married to any of my headcanons lol so if I contradict any of these in fic then shh you didn't see that 😅💕 however!
Love: I think it was @gaviiadastra who introduced me to this one - Gordon and John sending each other interesting articles and cool facts about the science stuff they're reading and just generally putting their heads together and geeking out 😄 it's cute and relatable
Dislike: The thing I love about Thunderbirds is how genuine and kind everyone is, so I don't really like any headcanon that takes away from that. Like John ensuring that bad people get their comeuppance leverage style, or Scott or Gordon losing their temper that stuff I don't mind and think is pretty fun, but the most important thing for me is that they are never cruel and they don't exact revenge on anyone.
Neutral: I would say I hang out here for most headcanons since I mostly have a "sure, why not!" thing going on 😄 Maybe Virgil and his coffee love? I'm pretty neutral on that - I'll write it into fics if I need it, but I have no issue with having him leap out of bed raring to go if I need him to do that instead!
15. Which protagonist do you think would make a good villain?
Lol and just after I said I didn't like anything that took away from them being good. But honestly, I think that they all have the potential. That's the thing about having a lot of power; the consequences of your actions are extremely far-reaching and have the potential to propel you into being seen as a hero or as a villain very easily. And almost all the characters have a lot of power that they're currently wielding for good and if even of them were to switch, things would be bad. I think the following would make the best villains though because they have extra power in particular ways over the others so have a shortlist:
• John - he's the one that usually gets a bit of the evil potential schtick and it does make sense. He has the ability to be sly and calculating if he were to ignore the emotion of the situation, to pull all the information at his fingertips together and then use it and it's all that information that he has access to that would make him have the ability to do far more damage than your average villain.
• Scott / Jeff - For similar reasons so I've grouped them together - both of them have power over the rest of their family due to their leadership positions and the high trust model present in said leadership, and they have the charm factor over everyone outside of their family. They have access as leaders of a major corporation to more people and could very easily assign tasks to people who never see the whole picture until it's too late...
• Lady Penelope - like all of them, Penelope has a name and a reputation that she can use to her advantage, but she especially has access to a network of spies and agents who could be convinced to gather intel and carry out plots for anything that money and simple persuasion can't accomplish.
There's some themes here of course - money, information, influence, trust. All of these things give you power over others and all of these can be abused to craft a villain (thank goodness they all chose otherwise!! They all chose kindness and that makes me !!!!!)
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louis-in-red · 2 years
I saw Louis in my city!!!
Ever since that boy stepped in Peru, Lima has been WAY TOO SUNNY for autumn/winter! Usually, Lima is very gray with minimun sunlight during this time of the year, but the sun really came out the days Louis was here, and I'm so happy because the city looked extra beautiful (he also stayed in one of the fanciest places in the city near the beach and the hotel had a pool so I hope he took advantage of it).
I couldn't get the day off yesterday because I was on holiday last week, so my chances of queuing early were none (I wasn't planing on going in the morning either way but I didn't want to go late). Because of work (adult life sucks) I arrived at the venue around 7pm (also the venue is far away from where I live, it took me an hour to get there), expecting everyone to already be inside because doors opened at 6pm, but I was surprised to see a very long long line that circled the Mall (the venue is inside a mega huge mall). I waited for my friends to arrived and we waited closed to the entrance until everybody got in, but after a while we realized it was better if we just queued😩. At the end we entered around 8:30pm when Sunroom was already playing so we missed the majority of their set. Since there was time till Louis started, I bought merch (the black t-shirt with the red eye) and then just waited with my friends for the concert to star 😄
He was late 😅 like for 10 minutes I think? but soon enough we saw the band getting on stage and the lights and We Made It started playing and then HE GOT ON STAGE and MY GOD!!!! I couldn't see him properly because I was almost in the back haha but the screens helped a lot!! (I saw jdelf🔪…) And I have to mention here how important and relevant was to start the concert with that song for us Peruvians because I know many Peruvians Louies fought very hard to have Louis here in our country which often is not included in tours 🥺. It was extra special and I was super emocional during that song. The energy in the venue was great since the start, specially during the 1D songs... which tbh I didn't mind because I know the fanbase is still very much 1D focused, but they totally made the concert about HIM. I didn't see any signs about a 1D reunion or about any ship or any dolls that weren't Louis, at least in my section, and that made me so happy because I was quite scared since I know how popular that ship is here in Peru (someone even mentioned it in the news but I won't focus on that), and from the photos I've seen of the barricade, I think the focus all the time was on Louis, which is how it's supposed to be.
I was sort of surprised that many didn't know the lyrics of Change(s) or Copy, but then I realized maybe it's because most of the people around me seemed like casual fans (not very much invested in the personal life or obvs not into deep in the fandom as me haha) and maybe they didn't even watch any livestreams before. At the end I realized it didn't matter that not everyone sang the new songs, because when Louis asked us to scream we delivered. I was also a bit concerned about the outdoor venue because a close one helps with the acoustic of the screams and the noise (and I wanted us to be super loud), but the crowd really came through!!! like the energy was amazing, super fun and electric and you could tell everyone there loved Louis.
I have to mention how special hearing Change(s) felt this time, as well as DLIBYH. Mainly because for a while I was feeling a bit meh about many things, including my job and in times the fandom, like for a bit I was feeling way too many things and many aspects started to bothered me way more that they should... I'm rambling haha... I feel way better now, like I think I needed this leg of the tour to happen to feel this energy, to feel Louis close to us, and those two songs are just... so great 😭 so comforting. Even my friend who didn't listen to Change(s) before said it was the best song, lyrically and emotionally and that she can't wait for the next album to come out (honestly same haha).
Now... Michael... what the hell??!!! he is so HOT!!! playing his guitar, being all daddy on stage and then all shy when fans approach him in the streets. Like everyone was always screaming for him, specially me and my friends haha like the thirst for Mikey is real (Louis would approve, I know it). My friend already follows him on insta and says he is a hottie 🥵
I loved being there with one of my best friends! since I'm always second guessing everything I was thinking maybe she wasn't going to enjoy it that much since she isn't fan of Louis like me, but I was surprised to see that she knew every song in Walls and that she loved the concert and that now she is hopefully closer to being a Louie 🫢 The other friends I was with were also happy and jumping and singing at the top of their lungs, and they just made the whole experience a great one!! I felt so young again!!
Last but not least, experiencing this in my own country was extra especial and even though I wasn't anywhere near him as I was in Buenos Aires, this felt different because ... this is where I live, this is where I was born, where I've lived most of my life... Louis WAS HERE??? AND HE LOVED IT? HE KEPT SAYING "LIMA/PERU" AND MY HEART COULDN'T TAKE IT? LIKE HE WAS THE SWEETEST VOICE??!!! And he was so baby yesterday, clean shaved and in his baggy shirt and his almost tight black jeans, and he kept saying that he felt our love, that our country was beautiful and he just has my heart you know? he already had it but now he has it more 😩
So yeah... this was long and I could probably write more but I just want to close this by saying that every time I think I couldn't be more proud of Louis, he shows me that I can. Yesterday was magical, healing, lovely. I wish Louis the very best all the time, and I hope he knows, I hope he knows how much we love him and how much he deserves this because he does❤️
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kyriolex · 2 years
Hello Sunny-Pandas here! Firstly, I wanted to say Thank you for the Follow! 😊 (If you're wondering why I'm on Anon it's because my Naruto account is just a Side Blog lol)
Well I looked at the newest chapter, and it seems like a problem I had with Himawari's portrayal in the Manga seems to have been subdued a bit. While I believe that panel was almost certainly put in there because of the current anime arc, it still helps
I like Himawari's motivation for wanting to be a Ninja in the Manga a lot moreso than in the Anime
But either way, I'm just happy that she's going to become a Ninja in both the Anime and the Manga... Even if the way it happens is a very different way...?
You see, there's been a lot of debate upon whether or not the Anime and the Manga are now at odds with each other. (I mean they ALWAYS have been but this is now possibly the most egregious case that they have ever done)
However, Unlike everyone else, I personally don't really see the current Anime Arc as being too contradictory to the Manga panel? At least not YET anyways.
Firstly we aren't certain how this Anime Arc will end, but I get the feeling Himawari will still remain in the Academy by the time it's over. And if she does then they could very easily just make it so that Himawari just hasn't become a Genin yet by the time she sees the conversation between Hinata and Boruto in the Manga.
Or alternatively, like I said, that panel could just be Ikemoto (or whoever's writing) giving the current Anime Arc a shout out.
I mean there's no way them having Himawari decide to be a Ninja in the Manga at the exact same time as the Anime doing aHimawari Academy Arc is just a coincidence. I refuse to believe that so. Like I HIGHLY suspect that Himawari probably wouldn't have even appeared in this Chapter if it weren't the current Anime Arc going on right now. But you know, that's just me...
But I do have wonder, what's the Anime's reasoning for skipping so far ahead to get to Himawari's Academy days, when they could've waited for the Code Arc to come to pass (or hell even put it somewhere in the middle of the Code Arc)? That Arc is more or less right around the corner in the Anime anyways. 🤔
I've actually got a theory.
I get the strong feeling that the Timeskip is coming in the Manga soon, and if it is, then the Anime rushing to show Himawari joining the Academy might make more sense at least. Because by that point Himawari will be a lot older and a full fledged Ninja
Plus Code is currently releasing an Army of discount Freeza's and starting a War on Konoha, so maybe the Anime Team thought that it would be better if they did the Hima Arc sooner as there would be no time or place for Himawari focus during or after the Code Arc? 🤔
Anyways I am REALLY sorry for this long ass rambling. I got way more caught up into the subject than I ever intended to 😅 I just have a really bad habit of getting my thoughts across, especially if it pertains to Himawari! If you take one good look at my blog, you'll immediately know that I adore that little ball of sunshine! Lol
Hi Sunny-Pandas!
You're right, I don't think the manga and anime are THAT inconsistent. Academy usually lasts a whole year, right? I doubt Kawaki will be at school that long for his mission. This may just take place later in Himawari's school days.
I definitely think her manga motivation for being a ninja is much better than her anime one. Her attitude in the manga has the "wise-beyond-her-years" vibe that I love about Himawari. The anime's reason, however, is "I think being a ninja is fun (and no one in my life has bothered to tell me otherwise because they really want the prodigy Hyuuga to fight)."
That said, I think we all better enjoy the Himawari academy fluff while we can before the discount Friezas destroy everything.
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dracones24 · 2 years
Hiiii! If it's not a problem, I would like to request a platonic bsd matchup. Thanks in advance and I hope you have a great day!
Also I am sorry if it's very long I don't know how to write short things 😅
I am 20 years old, I am short (around 156 cm) and chubby. My hair are short and dyed (currently it's orange) .
I usually wear t-shirts with a plaid shirt and jeans.
I am INTP and pisces.
I have glasses but my sight isn't that bad, I can see nearly perfectly without them.
I am asexual, aromantic and agender (brain said no to everything I guess) . I use any pronouns.
I dislike being touched unless you are one of my closest friends, but on some days I don't want even them to touch me (anything from hugs to just placing their hand on my shoulder).
I am very shy when I meet new people but when I know someone longer I start to be very talkative and if given a chance I would talk for hours about my interests or stuff I am into at that time.
I tend to not show it when I am sad or angry because I don't want to worry anyone.
I am very patient person.
I also apologize a lot out of fear that someone might be mad at me even if there is no reason that they would be.
My hobbies are watching anime (I usually just bing watch an entire season in one night), reading books, archery (just using a wooden bow on my backyard nothing big or anything) and playing video games .
My biggest interests are history (not the military history) and video games.
I am also interested in ghosts and other paranormal stuff but I will never try anything related to this myself because I don't want to be in trouble if they turns out to be real.
I drink a lot of coffee and tea (sometimes I drink like 3 cups a day).
My sleep schedule is very bad and it's very hard for me to fall asleep.
Also I listen to music basically all the time doesn't matter what I am doing.
I pair you with Junichirou & Kouyou
You get a 2 for 1 because I couldn’t decide
Junichirou is actually totally fine with just not touching you at all, he’s cool to just lounge in the same area. You being aroace is actually pretty cool for him because Naomi can be pretty jealous at times, I think he’d love to hear you discuss your experiences, especially being agender, if you want to. He likes to watch anime with you and he can count on your historical fun facts and knowledge. He thinks its cute (in a platonic way) when you’re shy and is happy to sit in silence or do most of the talking. He thinks your archery is the coolest thing ever and will make you lemonade or tea while you practice. He really likes to just hang out in your presence, he sometimes jolts awake in the middle of the night, and he’ll text you until he can fall back asleep, since you’re usually up. He’s an awesome listener and enjoys your impassioned rambles. He is also far too scared to mess with the paranormal but once he decided to prank you after a conversation about the paranormal by using Light Snow, but he felt so guilty that he never did so again. It would be easy to become one of his best friends!
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Kouyou would be amazing at archery if you got her into it and she really enjoys peaceful tea breaks to catch up with you. She often reaches to touch your shoulder if you seem upset but she’ll stop if asked and otherwise seems very content with the physical distance. She knows how to appreciate an unpopped bubble. She chides you on the apologizing and is trying to help you gain some more confidence in yourself. Kouyou can seem distant but she really does care and has grown fond of your presence in her life. She’s quite well read and will gladly discuss literature with you. 
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Loki, BioShock, and 8 Years
Wow, goodness. What a morning I've had. What a rollercoaster of journey I've just gone through to get to- Well, you'll see.
I don't normally make posts (normally bc I don't have anything to say) but this is too good to pass on. Tagging @helshades bc this directly involves you and I don't necessarily know if Tumblr will catch it way further down in the post so tagging you now. Also, you all will have to bear with me and my long rambling post. I was not lying when I said it was a journey of a morning.
To set the stage, this morning... did not start off pleasantly, I'll be honest. Period cramps and the limbo feeling of wanting to be awake but wanting to desperately lie down and curl up was the beginning of this day. But stay up I did. Thankfully.
To cheer myself I weirdly and randomly decided to listen to some of Postmodern Jukebox. (Yes, this important.) And bc of their usual old-timey sound they go for, my brain connected old-timey music to other old-timey music/vibes I'm familiar with.
Enter BioShock. I've personally started working on an old Minecraft project that's for a friend. A BioShock (Infinite/Burial At Sea) puzzle map with a story. So I started listening to more and more. Which led me to switching from PMJ to Robyn Adele Anderson (who used to work with PMJ until after her break up with the founder and then started her own YouTube and retro-fitting music cover career) and hearing her cover of Honeysuckle Rose.
Which, if there's anything that I love, it's a good romance song. To add to my romantic f/o (aka: comfort character ) playlist. Who's my romantic f/o? Who else other than the one and only MCU trickster?
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The only character I have loved and attached myself to so dearly for many, many a year. All since Thor 1. (Okay, timing with this one is a little wonky, so quick explanation here. It's actually when Avengers 1 came out but I watched Captain America and then Thor 1 at home the weekend the Avengers 1 movie came out. And then saw the latter movie soon after. Pls dont revoke my Loki fan-card. I swear, I've been there since basically the beginning.🤣)
Something that's also important to know about me is that currently... I have a problem. An AU-making problem. 😅😅😅
First, Wandavision with Loki and my self-insert. Lately, it's cowboys and the Old West with Loki and my self-insert. (Two different versions, I might add to highlight my clear AU-making addiction.) Today it's a BioShock-esque story. With Loki and, you guessed it, my self-insert character.
And what is a BioShock story without it's breathtaking, awe-inspiring city? And what is Loki without his home of Asgard? To combine the two and make it work, I need to know what architecture the MCU Asgard(s) are based on/inspired by.
A quick google search of "mcu asgard architecure inspired by" brings up two different Helshades posts. Ah, yes! Helshades! I remember them!
When it comes to MCU Asgard world-building stuff, I know only two blogs to go to from years and years ago when I first discovered them. That is, I know they exist. I usually forget the usernames lol. Sorry, Helshades. It's been a long while. (The other blog is exploringmcuasgard fyi. I have their blog pulled up and will comb through it in a minute once I'm done with this post and finished combing Helshades' Asgard architecture tag.)
So, as mentioned already, I start chronologically from the beginning of Helshades' Asgard architecture tag, going through and scanning the paragraphs of each post's texts looking for names of architecture movements.
I've found one btw! Through all the Thor 1 architecture posts is the name Deconstructivism! Successful so far!
But there was more than one Thor movie, if you remember. And more than one version/interpretation of the city of Asgard.
So onto posts about the Asgard seen in the Thor 2 trailer! The first one is fine and good. The second one...
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starts with a note. A dedication to a 400th follower. Oh nice. A 400th follower with the name-
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For those who don't know, a very long time ago I used to have the username, Egoimperiiruina. (A username I have somewhat recently reclaimed after someone else took it and now hold as a subblog to do... something with it in the future.😉)
And back then (as I mentioned earlier) I loved Loki and Asgard and the whole "Thor" side of the MCU franchise. (Which... honestly, and, very sadly, cannot be said now. *le deep fucking sigh in utter disappointment and disgust towards current MCU and Taika Waititi/Mike Waldron*
And this shows clearly here in this note where I apparently was on a Helshades post spree for costume designs. (This may have been for a fic I started and never continued (for awhile! I'll eventually get to it!) a long time ago with the temp name Asgardian Dreams, looking over Asgardian costumes references to get an idea for Vanir fashion that could look similar to Asgardian/Loki. Surprisingly, enough, not for a self-insert. Well, kinda. lmao)
But you might be wondering, this is a great find and what not, but you didn't see this before? Nope. Not once. Weird too because I have in the past occasionally looked to see all the posts that mentioned me via my old username and current one.
But the best part? Honestly, what makes it for me now, is that not only does Helshades say that I, and, I quote, "should welcome an architecture-oriented entry [of theirs] with a similar enthusiasm"- Which, yes. Very much the same amount of enthusiasm, still going strong after all these years. Especially after all the ridiculous nonsense given to us old Loki fans from Ragnarok to his quote-unquote namesake show (can't convince me that's even close to the same Loki I've known all this time nope!).
It's that this post is 8 friggin years old *and* they said the above.
You know what, Helshades? You were right.
I'm happy I found you too.
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sunshinexlollipops · 3 years
Take your time, love. Your health, both physical and mental, is far more important than anything else. Come back to us when you are ready. We'll be waiting ❤❤❤
I'm feeling way better. I know it seems like I've just popped off but my life is like an album that frank ocean wrote but Ed Sheeran performs. does that make sense?
still, I'm feeling A LOT better, and I'm hitting goals now that I'm content with and excited for. a bigger one was my insomnia -- that shit came back full force, and I have been doing a rework of my circadian rhythm with the help of a sleep clinic. eventually we will be able to do a sleep study, but I was so our of wack (falling asleep 4-6AM and sleeping very little) that I have to remediate it before we can see why my brain doesn't wanna let me sleep. it's been a struggle.
this last year I've discovered a lot w my health, mental and physical, and it's been a bit! I've been gone a while and after taking a lot of hits, I'm doing a lot better. I'm feeling INSPO for the first time in a long while too, and since therapy I've had some ideas for what to do w this last chapter of ACW (sounds strange but it's along the lines of behavior and certain things being addressed and said, and tbh, I think I'm going to make mental health an aspect to it as well).
rambling aside, I hope I can execute this and have something to show soon, in the sense that I cannot wait for y'all to read the finale. I really hope it's worth the wait I've unintentionally gave. 😅
thank you for being so patient and understanding. I feel like I have to explain myself since I disappeared for the most part, and usually without word. and that people have reached out, commented, sent asks, interacted, and I'm just.........MIA, oops.
I was gone off Tumblr long enough I missed the reblog/buttons update and came back to what felt like old Twitter. 😅
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szpd-demon · 3 years
Oof, yup, I'm glad I wasn't the only one. After a few attempts, I decided Scorpio suits me best. Capricorn does suit your vibe! I recently decided to read a bit more about astrology/the signs.
(i'd usually only read about mine or none at all😆)
Really?! Thank you, that's really kind of you! I'd love to hear all about it more in depth, I can't wait! As I said before, I was really into witchcraft, but due to lack of understanding/Amazon "spell book," I ended up losing interest. It would be amazing to get back into it! Especially since I loved it so much, even then. Yes, I agree, if you don't know anyone who genuinely practices witchcraft, etc. You'll tend to have a harder time finding your way through it/getting real information.
That should be normalized, let's all send negative energy to the people that have wronged us 😆. I should practice that, it'll definitely save me less of the trouble. Although, based on what you said, it seems to come with a bit of it's own faults. However, I would also agree seeing the people that have wronged me in misery would be a good motivator in spite of all that.
Wow, personally I've never seen entities, but an acquaintance of mine has. They'd always tell me about all the things they've seen/experienced. They told me about the time a creepy stray cat would stay outside their place and would yowl crazily for hours on end. After a while their parents got fed up with the cat for making so much noise, especially while they were trying to sleep. So they'd take it somewhere into town - they lived in the outskirts - leave it there and by morning... it'd be back. They told me it didn't matter where their parents took it or how far, the cat always came back by morning. After a few months of this, the cat disappeared suddenly. They've never heard/seen it since. They told me more "stories" like that, but I don't want to make this too long. I haven't talked to them In a long while, but we still keep in touch from time to time.
(i would sometimes jokingly sing the cat came back to them and we'd erupt with laughter, dumb dumb 😆)
I've never played with an Ouija board before and honestly don't plan on it. They seem scary 😨! I also don't want anything to attach itself to me.
To, Ruru 🥰
I've never heard anything like that. It's weird. I think only demons are able to shape shift, but if it was just a stray cat, I hope it's fine now.
I'm not an expert of witchcraft but I guess we can get into it together. I want to learn spirit work, but I am just not suited for it... I always had interested in mediums. I wish I had talent for that! I wish I had any talent, tbh 😅.
I am afraid of goblins. They're extremely strong; they steal or just hide your stuff for fun. I think it'll be more scary to see a goblin than a ghost. Yikes.
Twice is going to drop a new MV in a hour. I'm not really excited, but I'm curious. I started to stan them less since Fancy/Feel Special era, it's just a no no for me. I miss the old cute lovely twice... hopefully this comeback brings their true essence back.
I know you mentioned you don't use social media that much. But I have some matching icons and I thought we could use them if you're agree.
I ramble too much but yes, going back to the Ouija topic, it's very dangerous and I forgot how entities are able to get attached. I also heard something about it... they sucks your energy, vitamins... you lose weight, well it's a total disaster... And I heard that's difficult to erase... unless you go to a very good witch.
Btw, do you have any kpop bias? I think mine is Sana from Twice. Oh and are you into MBTI? I don't take that very seriously (just for fun), so if you're into it, can I know your type?
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