#but enjoyed this ask more than i can say so tysm for sending it!! completely unexpected and very welcome start to the day 💖
mobius-m-mobius · 10 months
was on a bit of a bender, sent a bonkers ask to a another poor blog and forgot about it, but now I think about it, it mightn’t have been as bunk as I thought? I think it went like this
“The clowns are playing their part to perfection” -> thinking about clowns with set parts/roles, Pierrot’s sad relationship/love triangle with Columbine and Harlequin -> pierrot’s character over time has had a lot of range (mostly a sad underdog jokester) -> a 20th century/modernist interpretation of Pierrot as part of ts elliot’s inspiration for the Lovesong of J Alfred Prufrock -> (loki reading other Elliot texts) -> “prufrock” poem pretty lokius-flavoured ? -> is mobius or loki in the sad pierrot role ? Maybe both? Sad little clowns, playing their parts to a fault :(
ok looking back at it again it is a bit of a mess, yet I yeet it unto you
Anon if this is you on a bit of a lark I can't even begin to imagine your full power, lol! What an fascinating take that tbh I wish I had even an ounce of the literary awareness necessary to process as thoroughly as deserved but will happily give it a go anyway 😅
I've always found that "clowns are playing their part to perfection" line of Loki's especially striking because while I'm sure it was meant to imply a dismissal of the situation and nonchalance over loss of control, there's no reason it would have the intended impact when nothing about the TVA had come across as less than hypercompetent?? From B-15's seamless takedown of Loki in the first place to the efficient process of variants, swift guilty ruling as his lack of access to magic is scoffed at, and Mobius having the upper hand as a Loki expert there's not really anything for that line to do except hang there as much higher symbolism so I think you're right to look at it in perspective to both Loki and Mobius considering how much they ended up mirroring each other right down to the temporarily (forever an optimist 😂) tragic romance of their ending.
On that note it's very interesting there are such clear comparisons between Loki and Pierrot since as you mentioned Pierrot's known for being an underdog and prankster to hide his unhappiness, flawed and in search of love, not to mention having a near "obsession" with Columbine only to often end up pining for his best and only friend the Moon 👀
While I'm biased and usually think of everything in terms of Mobius so I see both Pierrot (with his sense of endearing, eternally youthful energy) and Harlequin in him, in this case it makes sense to look at him in terms of Harlequin and how he's usually in high spirits, uses his clever nature to solve and escape problems easily, and unlike those around him doesn't hold onto grudges against those who have wronged him. There's also his TVA service that later turns into full devotion to Loki similar to how Harlequin is later considered a witty, faithful valet (""Why aren't the two of you in cahoots with him and his butler?") and it's notable how Loki is described by Mobius as a man of action when in pantomime Pierrot eventually takes on many of the characteristics of Harlequin, ending up representing the symbol of the artist just like Loki created a new story in the end.
Apologies that Prufrock I'm not quite as familiar with outside of a general awareness, but if I remember correctly it ultimately conveys an isolation or distance from the world after being too afraid to confront the surface level emptiness of life?? Which if so talk about Lokius being doomed to the narrative after failing to escape their past circumstances and getting (temporarily!!) confined in the very places they feared 😬
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timidpumpkin · 1 year
Can I get a reaction when reader want to go to carnival or other fun places and then they got lost and ended up at their own home
Is the reader going to escape or go back to their daddies TYSMđŸ€—
HiiiiđŸ„°đŸ„°đŸ„°đŸ’œđŸ’œđŸ’œ. I loved this idea sooo much and it really helped get me out of the writer's block funk I was in! It’s a litttle bit different from what you asked so I hope that’s okay and you still like it!! Thank you so so much, I loved writing this!!~~~~~💖💖💖💖💖
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(pictures are not my own)
Helpless (Stucky x reader)
Pairing: Dark!Stucky x f!reader
Warnings/tags: Dark!Stucky, Daddy!Stucky, Female reader, stockholm syndrome, forced age regression, mention of previous kidnapping, reader gets lost, mild injury to reader, Implied reader has small hands in comparison because Stucky is gigantic (fact), Angst, Fluff, Comfort. Reader baby-talks as well, Lots o' cute nicknames (as usual).
Word count: 4.1k
Tagging a few of the absolutely lovely people who have supported me this whole time. I love you and appreciate you all more than i can express. @haleyhunwritess @ppatricia34me @hoplessfussybambi @canyonmooncreations @sapphyslittlenook
P.S. i'm gonna start a tag list so lemme know if you wanna be added <3
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It was getting a bit cooler now. 
The previously bright day had been overtaken by navy shadows that bring nippy wisps of air that catch on your exposed arms, sending chills throughout you. 
“I told you we should have used the long-sleeved one,” Steve remarks to Bucky as he watches you make a tiny shiver.
Bucky rolls his eyes at him, knowing you were the one who insisted on this specific onesie when he dressed you this afternoon. With an eager look on your face, you held it up to him, proudly showing him how it would match perfectly with some leg warmers you found in your drawer. He couldn’t argue with that, not when your giddy smile and sweet eyes looked at him while holding it up as high as you could for him.
“Come here babydoll,” Bucky says, squatting down a bit to get closer to your level. 
You don't hear him for a second. Not even your numbed fingertips could distract you from the bright lights that reflect off your eyes. You’ve been watching the multicolored Ferris wheel since you got here. You wanted to go on it so bad. 
Thus far, you’ve only been allowed to play the ground games. Though, you can’t complain too much now that you’ve collected quite a load of new stuffies to bring home. You’d like to think yourself pretty talented at these games–maybe too talented. 
You’ve all but completely missed the harsh glares Bucky gives the poor workers when they tell you “awh too bad” when you miss the target, but then proceed to hand you whichever stuffed animal or toy you’d been wanting anyway. You’d turn around to your daddies, excitingly showing them your prize and proudly exclaiming “I won! I won!” and Bucky would always tell you how good of a job you did every time.
“Babydoll?” Bucky calls again, bringing you back to reality, his voice sweet, as if he’s teasing you a bit, knowing how much you've enjoyed this outing.
It was a tough call. Bringing you here. They knew how much you wanted to go. Ever since Peter babbled on and on about his trip to the carnival at his birthday party a few months ago, you’ve been begging them ever since. It’s not that they didn't want to take you. It could never be that. They just weren’t sure if it would be safe

“There’s all kinds of creeps at those things!” Steve argues to Bucky, turning around as if that’s the last word and final say about it. 
“I know. I know. But
she really wants to go. Plus
it’s not like we’ll ever let her out of our sight.” Bucky tries to reason, knowing it was something they would enjoy too. He has several fond memories of dragging Steve along with him through the bustling crowds of people just so he could play–and win–all the games he could, always asking Steve which prize he wanted before promising him he’d win it on the first try. Long before he knew of what true cruelties lived beyond their hometown, Bucky had already mastered the art of staring down unfair showmen who would poke fun at Steve’s then narrower figure.
Bucky just couldn’t help the almost giddy feeling he got just at the idea of holding you up high while you throw one of those balls with all your might to win some oversized stuffed animal that you’d undoubtedly insist on carrying on your own despite it being twice your height.
“We could even get one of those leash things,” he suggests, the idea popping into his mind like it’s the most brilliant thing, remembering how he showed the leashed froggy backpack he saw a while ago to Steve.
“It’s not just that,” Steve admits, brows furrowed as he sits on the edge of the bed, a sad and worried look overtaking his features that makes Bucky want to cave to anything he’d ask. “what if
” he trails off, not meeting Bucky’s gaze, “what if
she tries to run off?” he says quietly as if the fear itself would be brought to life if he spoke it too loudly. 
It had been a long while since you tried to run away. All things considered, you seemed to be fully adjusted now. Every so often you would act up, but only in the way that all little girls would every now and then. They would always punish you appropriately, the way all good daddies would, reminding you that your life with them is your life, and that the horrid life you had before you was one never meant for a sweet innocent little girl like you. 
They saved you. Steve routinely reminded you as such, but he didn’t have to. Bucky could tell you knew it was true now just by the way your bright eyes greeted them every morning. You knew that you were only good and safe with them to take care of you. His little girl couldn't even function without them now. It was exactly how it was supposed to be.
Bucky thinks for a moment, walking closer to Steve and kneeling on the floor in front of him. He pushes his way into him, maneuvering himself between Steve’s legs, and scoops his distressed hands into his, kissing them both before looking back up to Steve. 
“She won’t.” he says, thick air questioning if it's true. 
But his words say more than just that. The meaningful look in Bucky’s eyes tell Steve that no matter what, they’ll always have you. And that there was no way you could get away from them. Bucky knew it wasn't just the fear of physically losing you, but the fear of hurt that they would feel if you even tried. 
Steve smiles a bit, his hands pulling Bucky up so that he’s now standing between his legs. He takes his hands, sliding them down from Bucky’s sides to his hips where they rest for the moment. 
“Alright,” Steve sighs, looking up to Bucky, and pulling him a bit closer by his belt loops, “but any sign of trouble, we leave” Steve states, seriousness in his tone, the same kind of voice he uses when they’re on missions together. 
“As if it would be any other way.” Bucky remarks, a smirk teasing his face as he dips his head down a bit to meet his lips with Steve’s. Steve sighs into his kiss, feeling the tension leaving his body just by Bucky’s stable words and secure presence.
“You think too much Rogers” Bucky teases after breaking from the kiss, thinking of all the times Steve would try to worm his way out of Bucky having to go on a mission with him in fear of his partner getting hurt–whether it be mentally or physically–Steve couldn't bare the thought of having to see Bucky like he was when he saw him for the first time in this new world. 
“Can’t help it,” he breathes, Bucky never ceasing to take his breath away from his all-encompassing kisses. “I love you two more than anything,” he says earnestly as if it’s the only known fact in the universe. 
“I know” Bucky smiles, “I know.”
“Oh-sorry Daddy!” you turn around, not meaning to ignore him. He holds out a sweatshirt and you instinctively hold up your arms so he can help put it on you. “Did you see the Ferris wheel Daddy?” you ask excitingly for the third time that night. Bucky chuckles a bit. 
“Yes, I did,” he answers as if it’s the first he’s hearing about it while putting some soft-knitted mittens he had in his pocket on your hands. “M’not sure if Dada heard though,” he whispers to you, “maybe you should go tell him,” he informs you with a wink. 
You hurriedly run over to Steve, jumping in place over and over again in front of him. 
“Dada! Dada!” you take his hand and drag him a bit closer to where you had the best view of the colorful wheel. “Look!” you point and turn to him with an excited expression. “Can we go? Please? Pretty please? Please please please please-” you babble over and over again while continuing to jump up and down until you’ve all but run out of air in your lungs. 
Steve looks at the contraption suspiciously, not trusting of the achy-sounding metal, and certainly not wanting his little girl near anything dangerous. He catches a glimpse of Bucky though, who’s contagiously smiling at you both, and remembers how often Bucky tells him not to worry so much. 
“Okay-okay” Steve caves, unable to help but smile at your hyper manner right now. “Just this once, then we can go home and get you all nice and warm” he teasingly pinches at your cold cheeks.
“Yayayay!” you literally scream out, not even caring one bit that he said it was only once or that you had to go home after this. You were more than overjoyed that you got to ride it at all. 
You start to make a sprint for it, only getting a few feet when resistance yanks you back, stopping you in your tracks and forcing you to steady yourself from the unexpected halt in momentum. Steve hadn’t even pulled on the backpack at all, it was just your pure running and his not moving an inch that caused you to ricochet back a bit. It’s a wonder you didn't fall flat on your behind. 
“Heh-sorry!” you sheepishly laugh it off and wait patiently for them to catch up with you in basically two full steps for them. 
As you make the short walk to the diminishing line in the late hour, Steve stops to tie his shoe, occupying both of his hands. You swing your arms aimlessly around waiting for him to finish while looking around. 
As you mindlessly scan the area around you, your head does a double take as you recognize something. 
You watch the stranger in confusion until the remnants of memory come back to you. It was a friend. But this person wasn’t Peter or Wanda
no. It was a friend from
It disorients you, confusion washing over you and placing a pit in your stomach as your life before now was mostly forgotten and placed in a dusty cardboard box in the back of your mind’s vaults. 
You watch as they walk away, towards where you know leads to the parking lot. And as if something takes over you, you start following their footsteps, unhinderedly drifting away from where Steve and Bucky are. 
As you mindlessly follow, several feet behind, memories of your past life replay in your mind. They playback in black and white as if you’re watching one of those really old movies Steve likes to show you sometimes. 
Then you hazily remember when they first found you
took you. Emotions of how scared and confused you were overtake your mind. You remember how they kept you in the house, never letting you leave. 
“Sily girl, Dada can’t kidnap what’s already his,” Steve would tell you every time you’d harshly accuse him of kidnapping you. 
“No one can protect you like we can,” Bucky would shush you after one of his punishments when you had pushed too hard. “Daddy only does this ‘cause he loves you.” he’d brush over your already bruising skin before carefully wiping away the tears that he had ignored for hours before.
Some nights you’d wake from nightmares, the specifics of it not mattering when Steve would find you crying into your stuffie. He never hesitated to pick you up and let you weep into his shoulder. Always whispering that you were okay, that you were safe. 
“It’s okay angel, Dada’s here. You’re safe with me. I’ll always keep you safe. Always.” he’d repeat to you sincerely, holding onto you so tightly, as if the slightest loosening of his grip meant the very air around him would harm you.
To him though, it was true. Nothing could hurt you as long as you were in his arms. He’d carry you downstairs, where Bucky would tell you that nightmares didn’t matter “‘cause they aren’t real, doll
not like me and Dada.” he’d caress your warm cheeks while Steve fetched you some cold milk. They’d stay up with you as long as you needed, not even daring to shut an eye until you felt safe enough to sleep again.
And truthfully
you did. You did feel safe. 
Maybe it was strange
the way you sought their comfort
their touch
their love, when you fought it in the beginning. 
And you did fight
But every retaliation you made only ended in harsh grabs. Every effort to push them away resulted in lacerated reminders. Every moment you spent denying what they told you only yielded unrestrained punishments. 
“My sweet girl
you’ll learn soon enough. Fighting us only makes it harder for you.” Steve would stroke your cheek through the bars of your crib. “All you have to do is listen to what we say. We know what’s best for you, angel.” he’d say before leaving you all tied up and alone for hours
sometimes days. 
And then, after you’d more than cried yourself dry, throat scratchy from lack of hydration, he’d appear to you, asking if you’d learned your lesson. Your body would somehow discover new tears as you’d plead with him, promising him you’d be a good girl. 
It’s then that he’d smile down at you so sweetly, lifting your limp body from its cushiony cage and shower you with endless affection. 
He’d drown you with attention, never allowing you to lift a finger. He’d clean you up with your favorite scented soap, and after you were all done, Bucky would present you with a new set of soft clothes they bought just for you for taking your punishment so so well. They’d play your favorite shows and message every sore spot on your tired body after ordering from your favorite type of take out, something you never even told them. There wasn’t a moment where they weren’t touching you in some way, dousing you with sweet words about how much they loved their beautiful helpless little girl. 
A word that reminds you exactly how you felt the very first time you bumped into Steve. All alone and scared, in a place that was dark and unfamiliar. You were lost then. 
Just like you were right now. 
You practically snap back into reality, the one where you’ve found yourself far away from the luminous festival lights and eerily close to where you can’t hear racket of activities anymore. It’s quiet, and you don’t even know where that funnily familiar person you were following went. Dread fills your insides as you realize you’re all alone. 
You turn around hastily, 
Anxiety fills your stomach as you rashly run in the opposite direction, before tripping on a wire that sends you spiraling down to the ground. You clumsily try to catch yourself, mittened hands harshly hitting the pavement, and asphalt slashes through your leggings, exposing the soft flesh of your knees to razor-sharp pain.
The sudden impact scares you, tears that were already forming from before start rushing out of your eyes. 
Instinctually, you cry for Steve. For Dada. But when after too many moments you don’t feel their comfort, you look around and remember they’re not there. Your heart pounds as people rush by seemingly unaffected by your fallen form. You swirl your head around looking for them and are instead met with the haunting image of your green leash’s end, its ghostly emptiness scorning you from where it lays.  
You cry harder, guilt and anguish now thumping alongside the throbbing in your chest that radiates to your body’s wounded limbs and you're pretty sure the only words coming out of your mouth are pathetic strings of ‘daddy’ and ‘dada.’
“There she is” Bucky spots you, both of them rushing over to you, distraught as they notice your scraped-up form. 
“Dada!” you cry, leaping towards Steve and wrapping your arms around his neck as he picks you up. You helplessly weep, not just from the physical pain but from the emotional strain your misplaced detour took you on. You cry for leaving them. You can't tell if it was on purpose, but you feel awful from even remembering your past life and getting so close to being lost.
“Fuck, angel. What happened?” Steve breathes, taking the scuffed mittens off your hands to examine you closer. 
“I-...I-” you try to speak through gasps of crying. They both question you on where you went and why you walked away. You barely manage to tell the story in broken sobs as to what truthfully happened. They listen intensively as you tearfully explain the details of what happened.
“But-but-I-I don’t wanna! Don’t wanna lose daddies! Don’t wanna! Didn’t mean t-to! I-I p-promise-I-I didn’t!” you stagger between breaths, gasping for air as your sob relentlessly in Steve’s arms. 
“Shh, hey-hey” Bucky caresses your head, directing your attention to him. “It’s okay, doll. It’s okay. You’re okay.” he consoles. Steve gently wipes your tears at the same time and helps in calming you. You look at them both through blurry vision and continue weeping apologies to which they both remind you that it’s okay. 
They were scared to death when they only took their eyes off you for a second and you were gone
but they found you, just like the first time. 
They bring you over to sit down on a bench so they can better help console you and check your injuries. Steve rummages through the backpack he was carrying to get a first aid kit, and Bukcy watches through tortured eyes as you miserably cry.
“Doll.” he tenderly tilts your chin up to him. Tearful eyes red from crying look up to him. “Daddy’s proud of you.” he states, earnestly, stern and true. It makes you cry harder though, with confusion written all over your face. Proud? How could he be proud when you almost thought about running away? 
“W-why?” you cry “I-I bad. bad!” you weep pitifully as you feel Steve cleaning your knees. 
“No angel. You’re not bad.” Steve states, only confusing you more, you were sure both of them would be upset with you
considering they had every reason to. 
“You know why?” Bucky asks, stroking your previously cold cheeks that have now been warmed by your tears. You shake your head no as more seemingly endless tears fall. “‘Cause you came back,” he says, wiping them as they come. “You came back to find us. That’s all that matters.” Bucky reassures you. 
It hurts, both his and Steve’s worst fear almost coming to life. 
But it didn't. 
And truthfully, no one understood that more than Bucky. He knew more than anyone what it was like to get confused. To see or hear something otherwise mundane that whips you back to a place where you feel out of control. 
The story you recanted to them rings all too familiar to him. It reminds him of shaky hands and paralyzed tongue that attempted to explain to Steve what it was like to not be in control of your own body. Your own actions. 
It didn’t matter that you wandered away. It didn’t matter where your thoughts went. All that mattered was that you cried for them. All that mattered was your tiny hands curled around Steve's shirt so hard he’d thought you’d hurt your own fingers. All that mattered was the way you pulled Bucky closer while weeping his name as he comforted you. 
All that mattered
was that you needed your Daddies.  
They both reassure as such in ways they knew you'd understand. Besides, it only made sense that their little girl would get confused sometimes. That’s what daddies are for. And you came back because you knew they always made the best decisions for you. And even if on the off chance that you hadn't
that really wouldn’t have mattered anyway either. They would always find their little girl because you belong with them. Always and forever.
“Which ones do you want little princess?” Steve asks you, offering a variety of colorful bandages in front of you. Your hysteria and their sweet strong words have all but distracted you from the pain of the scratches lacerating your knees. You point to the ones you like and Steve praises you for making “such a good choice babygirl.”
Bucky holds you close and lets you bury your head in his chest while Steve carefully puts them on. You feel guilt again when you notice that the soft mittens now have little scuffs and holes in them that match your pants. But Steve reassures you that it’s ‘no biggie’ and that they can always get you another pair. 
“How about Daddy and I get you some ice cream?” Steve suggests, knowing sweets was at least one way to cheer his sweet girl up. 
You sniffle, looking to him at the suggestion. 
“Ice cweam?” you say with a small voice “I-I wike ice cweam” you say softly, not meaning to slur your words. But you never did anyway, it always just happened beyond your control. 
“I think that sounds perfect, huh doll?” Bucky says lightheartedly and sweetly while picking you up from the bench and placing you in Steve's arms.
“Wif sprinkles toos?” you ask, rubbing your sore eyes. 
“All the sprinkles for my sweet little girl” Steve smiles at you while playfully poking at your side making you giggle a bit. 
The cold dessert cools your hot throat and brings a smile back to your face. Of course, what really made you happy was knowing your daddies weren’t upset with you, and even more importantly, that you were never going to lose them.
“Hey what’s that on Dada’s face?” Bucky points directly to Steve, making you turn to examine it closely as you're still in his arms. It gives Bucky the opportunity to steal a lick from your ice cream.
“Hey!” you laugh turning back to Bucky’s not-so-secret move when you realize there was nothing amiss on your Dada’s face. 
“What?” he puts his hands and shoulders up in a shrug of confusion while looking around and feigning confusion. You giggle more as obvious signs of ice cream are on the tip of his nose.
“Looks like daddy’s the one with something on his face” Steve teases, and you laugh with them while they let you finish your little treat.
“You still wanna go up on the Ferris wheel babygirl?” Steve asks after wiping your hands clean from any sticky residue. You look up to him with awe and shock, not expecting him to still offer it. 
“Really?” you question with a hopeful but weary look on your face from not being sure of why you deserve it. Steve nods at you and tells you yes. Maybe he was skeptical before, but nothing was better than seeing his little girl's face light up in a smile. 
Plus, Steve knew you were their little girl. More than that, he knew that you knew. In your heart, you came back to them. You needed them. And that’s all Steve could ever want. 
You’re squeezed between your two daddies as the wheel makes its way up to the top. They watch as you look in awe of how tiny everything looks from up above. This must be what it's like for your daddies to see all the time. You feel as though you’re at the tippity top of the wheel forever. You don’t mind as it’s beautiful and quiet up there with the only people in the world you wanted to be with. You tiredly lay your head against Steve's arm, signaling to him that you’ll likely sleep the whole drive home. 
“I love you,” you say contently, and they know you say it for both of them. 
“We love you too angel. So much,” Steve tells you, smiling down at his sleepy little girl, and looking up to see Bucky’s lightened up face too. 
He takes it all in, remembering the times when just he and Bucky would go out to these things–or really–when Bukcy would drag him to the carnivals. He knew how much Bucky loved this. He knew how much you loved this. And he loved it too. He loved you both, and that was all he needed.
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fleurriee · 1 year
 Ummm Hi I'm sending in this request before the population of fandom for avatar dies out completely can I ask for something that is so cute. Like shy reader who really likes neteyam but is to nervous to ever say anything about it and she's kind of singled out a lot and has little friends ( but her and neteyam are cordial with each other ) She goes to a gathering and is the only one who notices that neteyams stress and frustrated despite the festives and approaches him shyly with an offer to help ïżŒâ€œ i just want to be used by you tonight. can i be your personal toy? “ pls considered and thank you for still posting avatar also your a great writer
wooooo to be the one to help nete relieve some stress.... i loved this one, so thank u for sending it in!! hopefully the population of the fandom doesn't die out too much lmao... but, tysm, ily anonie <3
pairing ; neteyam x fem!reader
summary ; you take in into your hands to help neteyam relieve some of his stress and frustration.
themes ; talks of smut, tiniest amount of fluff possible, shy!reader/lonesome!reader
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You’ve never been good with friends.
After all the time, you guess there’s just something about you that rubs others the wrong way, causing them to flee in the opposite direction quickly, before you can attempt to cling on to them.
Maybe that was it - maybe you came off too desperate, wanting just one friend who understood you completely, who would be by your side for all the good and bad. Maybe you were seeking it too eagerly; maybe you just needed to let it happen gradually.
The closest you’d got to a friend was arguably Neteyam Sully, Toruk Makto’s eldest son and future Olo’eyktan of the clan. But, the most you’d even really been was cordial with him, smiling and greeting one another in passing. Still, he was the only one who would meet your eye for longer than two seconds.
A part of your brain raged at you that it was just him being nice, just him wanting to make a good reputation for himself, seeing as he would be leading all of you when the time came later on down the line. And, that did make sense, but your optimistic side, the one that won out more often than not, told you he might secretly enjoy your company, that he didn’t just think of you as another random Na’vi.
You kept that particular thought in your head every time you looked in his direction
 more so than ever now that the gathering was in full swing.
So much was happening, you weren’t entirely sure where to look - Na’vi were lingering within every corner of the surrounding area, each of them chattering away to their own family and friends, boisterous laughter spilling from them until you couldn’t even hear yourself think.
Making your way around people, trying your best to not bump into anyone and apologising to those that you did, you let your eyes flicker around to whoever they did. Your parents had actively forced you further out into the open, hoping that by doing so, it might help you interact with more Na’vi that were your age. But, looking out at the sea of people now, you couldn’t help but believe there was no worse idea than this one.
And, then, your eyes flew over him - Neteyam Sully. He’s standing towards the edge of the entire crowd, all alone as his own gaze flickers across everyone. His arms are crossed over his chest, and his brows are pinched, eyes slightly lowered. Even from a distance, it’s obvious he’s not enjoying himself.
The stress and frustration is emitting from him, lingering within the air and filtering within your own system, until you feel like it’s your job go to comfort him. Maybe this was the opening your parents had wanted for you - maybe you should take it with both hands and run with it.
So, with your heart on your sleeves as it pounded within its ribcage, excitement pounding within you at the thought of your offer you were going to give him, you made your way over to him.
He hadn’t noticed you coming until you were stood just in front of him, a shaky smile on your lips in spite of your nerves. When he spotted you, you noticed his shoulder had relaxed a little, looking down upon you with a welcoming smile of his own. “Hey
“Hi,” you spoke quickly, trying to muster the courage you needed for this next comment of yours, knowing it would definitely help him relax, “you didn’t really looking like you’re enjoying yourself
Neteyam chuckled at your words, shaking his head, but still looking fondly at you. “You could say that.”
Swallowing deeply, you sent him another timid smile, fingers beginning to fiddle with one another and stepping closer to him, making sure only he could hear your next words. “Well,” you started, “why don’t you
 me?” you paused, gauging for a reaction, watching his ears perk up extremely high on his head, his tail starting to flick. “I mean, you can take it out on me
 I can be your personal toy
Your last sentence came out as more of a question, swallowing your heart in your throat. Just seconds away from deciding to turn back with your tail between your legs and embarrassment flushing your cheeks, he reached out for one of your arms, licking his lips and putting his fangs on display. There was a new twinkle in his eyes now, one that definitely had your stomach tingling with further desire.
“You gonna let me fuck you, pretty girl?” he asked, voice suddenly rough and low in comparison to the happier one he’d had earlier.
With a tight grip on your wrist, not letting you even think about leaving him now you had him excited and aroused, you knew you’d made the right decision to finally come out of your comfort zone and wrap yourself lovingly around Neteyam Sully.
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flippinpancakes64 · 1 month
I’D LOVEEEE if you could do a cullens x indian s/o ? there’s NOTHING with Indian x Twilight so i’d super appreciate it ! you don’t have to be super educated about the indian culture just mentioning the outfits and food are enough ! TYSM ! also its fine if u can’t do it . I loveee ur work and I ADORE the fact that you don’t like angst like LETS BE HAPPY LOL !
The Cullens with an Indian! SO
I’ve mentioned it before but I am a white woman and I do not know like anything so sorry if this is completely wrong 🙏
And I’m so glad that someone else loves fluff!!! Like just let me be happy if I wanted to be sad I’d go talk to my dad or smthn fr
Thank you for requesting and I hope you enjoy!
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This man has over 10 degrees
He loves to learn
So he is more than willing and happy to sit down and learn about your culture
He asks so many questions
The last thing he wants is to assume something to be true and then embarrass himself when it’s not
So yes he will ask about literally every single little thing
Does his best to respect your culture as well
He wants to learn about all of your folk tales
He wants to listen to all of the music
Hell, he’ll even fly you out to India if you want to go
And he doesn’t take shit from anyone
If anyone says anything that could be even remotely perceived as racist, he is sending them the hardest glare ever
Also there’s a pretty good chance that he can speak Hindi so at least he’ll impress your family
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She LOVES your culture
She appreciates fashion of all kinds
But I feel like she would love the intricate designs and patterns of sarees and henna especially
Invite her to a wedding please please please
She doesn’t care whose it is
She just wants to go and admire all of the outfits
She is also very open to learning anything you want to teach her
You have a recipe that has been passed down in your family for generations? She’s ready to learn it
Also your parents definitely love her
How could they not tbh
If you wear henna a lot, look no further than your personal artist
She just has so much love and respect for your culture
And you of course
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He’s pretty inexperienced
If you asked him what language is commonly spoken in India he would say Indian
But once he meets you and starts to get more comfortable around you, he does his own research
He doesn’t want to burden you with making you explain everything to him
He’s so worried about screwing something up that he just
 doesn’t do anything
Like if he reads something about there being a specific holiday, he doesn’t do anything for it
He just gets in his head about what if you don’t celebrate that, what if he does the wrong thing, what if it’s not a holiday at all
You’re gonna need to help him out a little
Or else he’s just gonna stay stewing in his own self doubt for forever
But he’s got the spirit
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She knows next to nothing about basically every culture that’s not American
Not because she doesn’t want to learn
But because it’s just never been a relevant thing for her
Like no she has no idea about the cultural practices in India because she’s never had to go there or been close to anyone from there
But now you’re here, she loves you, and she wants to learn
She finds that she absolutely loves the clothing styles
Especially at weddings
I mean, she already loves extravagant weddings
So this is right up her alley
She’s a little sad to find out the fact that henna doesn’t do anything to her skin
So she just makes do by doing it on yours ❀
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Ok this is going to sound bad but stick with me
He doesn’t particularly care about your culture
Not in a mean way of like “you want me to celebrate what with you? No not doing it”
But in a way of it’s not what’s most important to him
You as a person is more important to him than your cultural background
That doesn’t mean he isn’t willing to learn
It just means he’s more likely to remember your birthday than a holiday
But again, he is more than willing to learn anything you want to teach him
He will sit down and listen to anything you want to say
And he will remember it perfectly
But he doesn’t go out of his way to seek out the knowledge
But he is the best when it comes to people being racist
He can throw a punch with the force of a semi truck and he’s not afraid to do it
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We know that she does her homework when it comes to meeting new people
She made Italian food for Bella because she was 90% sure she was Italian
I feel like she carries that same energy
She does her best to cook food or put on movies that she thinks you’ll like
But overall food is definitely her favorite
She loves to cook, it’s one of her favorite hobbies
But she doesn’t have anyone to cook for
So you best believe she is always making something for you to eat
And she does her best to learn traditional dishes and how to make them
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He has traveled all over the world and experienced many cultures
He knows all about the history and culture of your country
So you don’t really need to explain anything to him
He’s just respectful like that
He will go with you to all of your parties or family get-togethers
He will help you make any dish at all
And he will fly you anywhere in the world or sightsee any country you want
But your culture isn’t the thing he notices most about you
He just loves you
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Vampire! Bella:
She’s super curious
She has been three (3) places in her whole life
Forks, Arizona, and Italy for all of a day
So she knows actually nothing about your culture
Sure she knows what she learned in school, but honestly that’s not a lot
She wants to know everything that you’re willing to tell her
What holidays you celebrate, your favorite foods, the history of your family
And she will definitely try her best for you
You might have to be the one to drape her saree
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tmntxthings · 2 years
Hey! idk if youre taking requests but i love your writing!
I was wondering how about some angst where the reader likes to make things like donnie does, she talks about it but donnie keeps talking about how he can make something better than that or add improvements and one day she comes in with something she made to show them but before she can show the whole group donnie just goes “thats it? i could make that in a hour, heck 2 hours to make it better than that” and it kinda just diminishes the reader and she leaves
you can add more! Ive just been thinking about this for a bit c: I hope you have a wonderful day!!
I Can Do It Better
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author’s note: awww tysm c: i love this idea though i didn’t know whether to keep it just angsty or throw in the comfort at the end so I just went for it!! i hope you enjoy~~~~ <3
warnings: angst, slight cursing, fluff
This time. This time for sure, you felt confident in your creation. “The bros are gonna loveee this,” you laughed to yourself as you fiddled with a controller. You had made tiny color coded racing drones. One for each turtle and then yours, they were small enough to all fit in your backpack as you carefully placed them inside, also stacking the controllers in as well.
Of course your miniature drones were nothing like Shelldon, and that was the first response you were expecting from Donnie, but maybe he’d be a little impressed by the mechanics and how mini sized everything was, you basically had to make everything yourself, propellers and engines not really coming in such a small size. But you thought it would be a fun way to hang out with the turtles, they all loved a good competition you had come to realize. Whether it was video games or DDR in the arcade, lately even pizza box stacking! The record being a total of 50 boxes on Mikey’s head.
As you locked your apartment door, sending a text to the group chat that you were heading to the lair. Raph had been the first to acknowledge so you deemed it fine to continue your journey. It took about 20 minutes by foot to get to the turtle’s manhole cover. Which left you with plenty of time to mull over how nervous you were becoming. It all stemmed back to when Donnie had first shown you his lab.
“Wow! This is incredible!” You said turning around in a circle taking in the entire place. Donnie held a smug expression on his face, “built entirely by yours truly,” he bowed dramatically and you continued to stroke his ego, gasping at that fact alone. “How long did it take you?” You asked curiously and Donnie waltzed over to his swivel chair, pushing a spare one towards you. The conversation had been you asking questions, him answering arrogantly and you praising his achievements. To someone like you, Donnie’s mind was just phenomenal, he was your very own genius you could badger with a billion questions trying to get a glimpse of his ingenuity. And Donnie didn’t mind all the questions he was used to his brothers not being interested so this was like a complete 180.
“I’m also interested in making tech,” you added shyly, it was your first non question. Donnie blinked, “well I doubt it’ll ever be better than anything I’ve ever created, but cool!” And then he turned to his work table and got busy, asking if you wanted to watch his skills at work. That had lessened the sting as you pushed your chair to roll closer, watching his steady hands.
That hadn’t been the last of Donnie knocking you down. The things you had brought to him, he’d recalibrate or completely dismantle saying, “Don’t worry I can fix this and it’ll be wayyy better,” Even though you hadn’t asked him to do it. At first you were just happy to have sort of collaborated but you soon fell out of the whole idolization.
“Don’t focus on Donnie just focus on Mikey, or Raph, maybe even Leo if it comes down to it!” You chanted to yourself as you descended into the sewers. You had started to visit Donnie less because you realized his words really hurt your feelings. You had yet to build up the courage to tell him that too. So you hadn’t seen him in a while, you doubted he even noticed, he was a busy turtle. “Knock knock,” you called out as you entered the abandoned subway that was transformed into a home. “Y/n!” Mikey hollered and ran over to pull you into a hug. Raph doing the same hugging the both of you, “It’s been a while!” Raph noted as he set the two of you down.
“Sorry about that! Nothing personal in fact, I was building something for you guys!” Raph and Mikey smiled at you,
“Ohhh really??” “What did you make??”
“I’ll show you!” And just as you were grabbing your backpack, opening up the zipper, Leo and Donnie walked in. “Lookie here! Just who we were-“ Leo had started but Donnie elbowed his brother in the plastron effectively making him double over. “OW!” Leo said after regaining his composure. You turned back to your backpack, shaking your head with a smile, they were always fooling around. With your back turned Donnie pointed at Leo, then dragged a finger across his neck. Meaning, ‘you’re dead if you keep talking.’
Leo rolled his eyes, “Guess what guys! Y/n made us something,” Mikey beamed and that had the twins coming to stand in front of you. “Well all of you,” you clarified and Leo rubbed his hands together excited to see what you would pull out. You decided to take yours out, along with the controller. “I made everyone tiny racing drones!” And you quickly went on, not looking at anyone’s face (for fear of seeing any disappointment). Placing the drone on the floor and flipping a switch on the controller, the drone powered to life and it raised slowly according to your controls.
“I thought it would be fun since you guys like to compete, and-“
“That’s it?” Your heart sank as you turned to Donnie, the turtle you had told yourself you would ignore. For some reason that was impossible for you to do. “It’s so tiny, you know Shelldon was a racing drone once, I could totally make-“
You sighed, “yeah never mind.” You surprised yourself and Donnie by cutting him off. Embarrassed you let the drone drop into your backpack, flinching at the clacking sound, but to prove your point you threw the controller in there as well. “I don’t know why I thought this would be a good idea,” you said grabbing your bag quickly and heading for the exit. “Y/n!” Mikey called out worriedly. Raph was glaring at Donnie who had his mouth open, watching you leave. “You might want to apologize for putting Y/n down like that, I mean really Don??” Raph reprimanded his purple brother.
Leo took out a sword, and started swirling, making a portal underneath Donnie’s feet. “Try speaking your actual mind,” his brother winked as Donnie fell through eyes wide with surprise since he had been looking at you and not at his feet. “wait!!” He hollered and reappeared in the alleyway, you stopped thinking that had been meant for you.
“Uh Y/n, what I meant to say was
” he fell short not knowing what to say at all. You turned your head, you hadn’t been expecting anyone to follow you, maybe Mikey if any of the turtles. But Donnie?! “You meant what you said.” You grumbled as you turned back to face the street. “Well yeah but not as bad as it sounded,” he said quickly and you decided to turn completely and face him. “How exactly am I supposed to take your criticism that comes with every single thing I show you, you never say anything positive and-“
You were so upset that you threw your backpack at him. He fumbled catching it as it hit him in the plastron. Then he noticed you rubbing your eyes, his own softened. “Y/n..”
“No!” You cried, hiccuping, “y-you hate all of my stuff, that’s fine but, I was just trying to show your brothers, not you.” Donnie chewed the inside of his cheek, “I don’t hate them,” he gently placed the bag on the ground. “I like that you’re into tech and building your own creations,” he was mumbling. “Sure, just throw it all away, it’s junk.” Donnie grabbed your arm before you turned away again, “I’m sorry, I’m not the best at apologizing and I know I messed up big time,” he sighed letting his grip loosen as his hand slipped to hold onto yours. You blinked and he continued, “I know you’ve been ignoring me, I don’t know why I keep putting you down, it’s like a very bad filter turning my real thoughts into egomaniac bullshit,”
He paused looking into your eyes, “What are your real thoughts?” you said softly. “Just how much I miss hanging out with you, because you’re really cool and actually like the same things I do,” Donnie squeezed your hand before letting go. “Come back, I wanna race with your drones,” he said and you blew out a breath, “fine but don’t cry when I beat your ass,” you said going for the bag. But he beat you to it, tugging it over one shoulder as he uncovered the manhole, “Scoff! We’ll see,” he said with a playful smirk and you stuck out your tongue going down the ladder again.
You won the first match, to which everyone called for a rematch saying they were getting used to the controller or mechanics. “AH HA!” Leo said as his tiny blue drone won the second race. Donnie groaned wondering how he could lose to Leo of all people in a drone race. Mikey had placed all kinds of cute orange stickers on his drone. You went over to him as Leo and Donnie bantered back and forth. “I’m glad you came back,” Mikey said smiling up to you from where he was sitting, the drone in his lap. “Me too.. sorry for the outburst,” you said as you sat next to him. “It’s okay, did he apologize properly?” You drew your knees up and rested the side of your head there as you talked to Mikey though you wondered if he was being Dr. Feelings right now. “Yeah, we’re good,” you smiled softly thinking of how he had grabbed your hand.
“Donnie has always had that kind of trouble, he doesn’t really say how he feels,” Mikey glanced over at his older brothers, Raph trying to break up the twin feud. You closed your eyes, “he kind of said that actually,” you spoke and you felt a hand pat your head. You peeked your eyes open and saw that Mikey had leaned in closer, “you know what I think?” He whispered, and you waited for him to continued, eyes confused. “I think Dee likes you more than he lets on,”
As if to prove his point you felt his hand suddenly leave your head. “Mikey keep your hands to yourself,” Donnie’s voice was suddenly close. Mikey gave you a wink as you turned your head to the other side to see Donnie was now sitting next to you. “I was just telling Y/n how much I appreciate my baby drone!” Mikey quipped as he got up to go ask Leo to race him.
“He’s so bad at lying,” Donnie shook his head as he looked ahead, “what was he really talking about?” He asked still not facing you. “You,” you said honestly and that made him look down, “what about me?” He seemed wary to even ask. “something along the lines of what you said in the alleyway,” it was the truth but you kept the other statement to yourself. “Oh!” Donnie nodded, relaxing as he took out his phone. You watched him, wondering how much more Mikey meant, like a really good friend
You blushed and when you blinked clearing away your thoughts Donnie wasn’t looking at his phone anymore but at you. “What’re you pondering?” You shook your head giggling, “can’t say,” and that only piqued Donnie’s interest. “Oh c’mon we’re rekindling remember?” His phone all but forgotten as he tried to guess your thoughts. “Don I’ve always considered you a friend even though you were being a big meanie,” you teased trying to change the topic. “Not gonna work,” he smiled smugly knowing the tactic you were using very well. “Ugh,” you groaned turning your head straight into your knees as you closed your eyes. You felt him poke your cheek, “penny for your thoughts?”
“They’re worth more than that!” You sputtered keeping your eyes closed despite wanting to see him now. This was the second time he had touched you today. Then you felt his body move closer until he was brushing against your side. “How much are they gonna cost me?” He joked and you couldn’t resist turning your face back towards him eyes opened. He was still looking at you, eyes crinkled in a teasing smile. “A few compliments,” you replied and his eyes widened slightly before his facial expression went back to teasing, “that’s easy!” He said and you rolled your eyes thinking he had never done so the entire time the two of you knew each other. Other than today!
“You’re brain is above average,” he started and you snorted. “Wow thanks,” you said sarcastically, enjoying how he got flustered. “Mmm your style is next level,” he noted and that meant more to you as you let go of your knees, sitting normally, looking down at your outfit. “And you’re really pretty,” he said so quickly you almost did a double take. Your face heating up as he turned away and you could only see one side of his face turning a darker green. “I was pondering.. the idea of us being more than friends,” you said quietly, giving him the answer he ‘paid’ for.
“And that made you blush?” Donnie asked and you replied, “the same shade as you when you called me pretty,” both of you turned away too embarrassed to keep up the teasing. “I’d like that..” Donnie said his hand inched towards yours where it rested on the ground. “Me too,” your hand moving, meeting Donnie’s fingers shyly. Both of you whipped your heads back around, both blushing furiously. “Then it’s official?” Donnie whispered and you nodded. Mikey and Leo’s drones flew past the two of you and Mikey was jumping up and down in victory as Leo crumpled to the floor in defeat. Raph cheering his little brother on happily. But despite that you couldn’t seem to think of anything other than Donnie’s hand in yours, and the way his eyes were showing you so much emotion, how you affected him greatly and he utterly adored you.
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wordbunch · 2 years
how you look after the hobbits when they’re sick
a/n: happy Valentine’s day lovelies!!! 💐💕 we’re celebrating it with this little fic which can be considered a follow-up to THIS ONE I hope you enjoy, let me know how you liked it + consider reblogging if you enjoyed so more people can potentially see it! â˜ș sending love 💘
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firstly, we have two categories: those who act like it’s nothing even if it’s the worst flu in history, and those who act like they’re dying after coughing one time.
“it’s nothing, don’t worry” ➳ Frodo, Sam
he will literally bury himself in reading or writing something and just ignore the fact that he’s sniffing and coughing half the day (he tries and manages to be very quiet)
until you catch him sneezing like 3 times in a row and you literally have to drag him to bed
however, he does know better than to go and argue with you, especially when his voice is hoarse
he will just chuckle to himself at your stubbornness, but he’ll be very grateful that you’re going to look after him
for every single thing you bring him and set it on the bedside table, he will thank you a million times and he’ll literally blush
brushing his hair out of his face
you read something to him quietly as he falls asleep buried under blankets
luckily for him, the garden can keep him occupied for quite a while, and therefore he can stay away from your watchful eyes
he just doesn’t want you worrying, but as soon as he comes home after finishing his work, you see that something is wrong
as you go in for a hug, you notice straight away that he’s  basically burning up, so you just lead him to bed and tuck him in
you go off to make him some tea or soup, and he literally comes after you in order to help
and then you have to be lovingly strict and order him to stay in bed and rest
he will very very shyly ask you whether he can be the little spoon when you cuddle before sleep
as soon as he’s feeling better, he will bake your favorite pastry or get you the most beautiful flowers as a sign of appreciation for your care
“the end is near” ➳ Merry, Pippin
originally he wanted to act all tough and brave, but he realized that he could instead be pampered at least for one whole day... so he gave up on that
not a big fan of tea or elvish medical concoctions, so he’ll try to chat you up and keep talking until you forget you brought him tea/medication
unfortunately for him, you immediately catch onto his little game
and then he’ll act innocent and pouty and like he’d neverrr do anything like that
he wants to cuddle all the time and almost whines when he has to let you go even for a few minutes
it’s not that he wants to annoy you on purpose (most of the time), it’s just that he feels so much better when you’re nearby
even when he’s feeling better, he’ll pretend he’s still not okay just to get an extra cuddle session
he’s initially a bit difficult to pin down, but once he’s warm and cozy in bed, he’s completely at your mercy
much like Merry, not a fan of medication, but if you say that something is good for him and necessary, then something is good and necessary!
he gets bored and antsy pretty quickly and then he wishes he had been better at hiding that he was sick
at one point he sneaks out to go outside a bit, but soon he will feel extremely guilty when you find him and make him go back inside
he’ll apologize a bunch of times, and he’ll know the apology is accepted when you just hand him a bowl of his favorite soup
afterwards you tell him an entertaining story or two until he starts to get sleepy
he wants to be the little spoon and also hold hands
taglist: @lotrnonsense​ @starlady66​ @lazymeriadoc​ @entishramblings​ @thesolarangel​ @silversword7000​ @friendofthefellowshipsnerdblog​ @averys-place​ @i-killed-ramsey (tysm to all who joined! 💖)
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the-sinners-paradise · 2 years
i absolutely love how you wrote the adonis fic 😭😭 <33 ur writing is just so *chef's kiss*
can i req undead hcs with a s/o who has the same illness as rei?
as always keep up da good work and have an amazing day/night ^^
» u r very sweet as always haha, tysm!! im not sure what rei has in canon, but i wrote this with anemia in mind! enjoy ur day as well & may these headcanons be to ur liking, h4kaze!! ☆
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prompt: an s/o that has the same illness as rei
character(s): rei sakuma, kaoru hakaze, adonis otogari, koga oogami
pairing(s): UNDEAD x gn!reader
warnings: N/A, fluff
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☆ — REi SAKUMA !!
rei is obviously no stranger to this. he's 'been there done that', as they say, and therefore knows how to take care of you quite well, as well as offering advice.
alongside that, you two often help each other out depending on the situation. since you have to deal with it anyway, you might as well do it together.
he usually brings two of everything he needs. for example, during summer, he brings two umbrellas if you or him had to go outside for longer periods.
he makes sure you take breaks often, too. he doesn't want you to overwork yourself, especially if you wear out easily.
rei has apologized to you multiple times if he's ever "too invasive", due to constantly being around you and trying to help you out with everything. he would rather not have you experience the same things he did, even though that was pretty dramatic.
nevertheless, he is a very kind individual and makes sure to show his love in his own ways.
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kaoru wasn't exactly the best at taking care of others, especially someone with such a specific condition. still, you could tell he was trying his best.
he hasn't exactly done much research into it at all, but he probably wouldn't either. he loved you, but unless you sat him down and did it with him, he'd likely get distracted and forget about it completely.
kaoru's known to panic a little when you ask him for help. chances are, he wouldn't know what to do and you'd probably have to explain it to him, even if you're on your last dying breath. not that he wouldn't try to help before that, too.
he regularly carries you around places. it's a lot faster and he has less to worry about if you're with him the whole time. most notably, he often takes you to the infirmary with him.
kaoru uses your condition as an excuse to be around you more often. as your partner, he cares about you and he does insist on spending time with you as often as possible. and he doesn't mind having to help you every so often.
at some point he starts bringing extra money so he can buy you whatever you'd like that'd help you. specifically food and water, but you're known for buying other things, too.
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adonis already knows what to do. he's done enough research before, even going as far as to ask rei a bunch of questions to help him figure out what to do.
he also asks you questions, too, everytime he thinks of a scenario that could happen, he goes to you in order to know what to do in the future.
he's known to carry you around places, too, because he feels bad leaving you all by yourself, even if you're going to be okay.
if it's a particularly hot day, adonis will likely bring water and an umbrella along, though after making sure that it's what you need and won't just be an extra inconvenience (not that he'd mind either way).
he takes great care to be around you at all times. he wants nothing more than to make sure you're safe, because you are his top priority as his significant other.
adonis sends you letters sometimes. he's not good with tech, and although he's very determined to keep learning, he has settled on checking up on you through letters. you don't need to respond, they're just small reminder to take care of yourself and not do anything stupid.
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☆ — KOGA OOGAMi !!
i'll prefix this by saying that koga isn't too sure what he's doing either, but he's mostly following your instructions.
that being said, he likely wouldn't do anything for you if you didn't ask it directly. he cares, but he isn't sure what help is necessary or at all wanted. he'll only step up if he notices you're actively harming yourself.
he did not like asking for help from rei in order to understand what was going on, and he didn't want to embarrass himself around you, either, which is why he went on online forums instead.
that being said, he has been of great help. with how quickly he comes to your aid and how, albeit gradually, learns to understand you and how to help you.
koga has accepted that, even though he enjoys being outside, going out on dates with you is better kept inside, at least during summer. he was bummed out for the first two months and then finally accepted it after you told him that he doesn't have to hang out with you in order to be outside.
he thinks it's funny to call rei infectious because of how similar your condition is, even if he knows that's absolutely not the case.
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landoncrris · 3 years
hi bestie, love your work!!!
i was wondering if u could do one with mason, when him and the reader are expecting a baby and mason is always kissing her belly and talking with the bump. maybe one day they're taking care of summer and she with mason are talking with the bump?
hope it makes sense <3
tysm anon!! hope you like it,,, i didn’t mention any of his family names tho because idk tbh, but i hope you don’t mind <3 it’s also not my best but my head was completely blank when i wrote this, i apologise
weekend sleepover - mason mount x reader
warnings: english is not my first language, not proofread
word count: 1.7k
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gif by @masonmovnt
“Thank you again for taking her.” said Mason’s sister, giving her daughter one last kiss on the head before heading for the door to say a final goodbye to you and Mason.
“Of course, enjoy your weekend.” you murmured, and she gave you one last squeeze before heading out the door while Mason told the little girl in his arms to wave goodbye to her parents.
“We’ll be back Sunday afternoon!” his sister yelled, to which you sent her a thumbs up before they took off and you closed the door. You agreed to look after Mason’s niece again, but for the first time she was staying longer than a day, which made you a little anxious, but on the other hand was the perfect opportunity to practice, as you and Mason would soon be parents too.
“Can we bake biscuits, Uncle Masey?” the little girl’s voice rang out right after you closed the door, making you turn around and see her wrapping her arms around his neck, pleading him with her eyes. Seeing them like that always made you extra broody, and now that you knew you were getting a girl too, you really didn’t want to wait a moment longer to finally have her.
“Well, Aunt Y/N, can we?” Mason asked you, which made you think for a moment, because the last time they were in the kitchen together, most of the ingredients seemed to end up on the floor or walls. But you couldn’t deny it as they both looked at you with puppy dog eyes.
“Sure we can.” you mumbled as you stepped closer to them, watching her clap her hands excitedly and cling even tighter around Mason’s neck, almost strangling him, eliciting a laugh from you. When you got close enough, Mason immediately pulled you to his side, his hand intuitively finding its way to your bump. He’d always have at least one hand on your belly since he knew you were pregnant with his child, even back when nothing was showing yet.
“Do you want to decorate them too and give some to Mommy and Daddy when they get back?” you wanted to know, to which she nodded eagerly, “Alright, I’ll get everything ready.” trying to break free from Mason’s grip, but he wouldn’t let you until he had placed a kiss on your forehead.
“I want kisses too.” she pouted, pulling Mason away from you by his neck, and on the way to the kitchen all you heard was her giggling, echoing through the house as he spread kisses all over her face.
While they were busy baking, you sat across from them most of the time, trying not to get involved in their food fight to avoid having to take another shower today. You had a lot of fun watching them though, also making some videos and sending them to the Mount family group. Everyone gushing about how cute it was and what a great dad Mason will be — which you couldn’t agree more to.
He was so caring of you two, too, always making sure you were okay and immediately getting you anything you wanted or doing anything you wanted — which, to be fair, he did before, but now it felt like he was doing it for your daughter, too, and that only made you love him more. Also, there wasn’t a night in the last two weeks where he didn’t go to bed without saying goodnight to his little girl or telling her how his day was, to which he almost always got a response, as she started kicking around two weeks ago, already loving the sound of his voice.
“You okay?” Mason snapped you out of your thoughts as he sidled up to you and pressed a kiss to the top of your head while his niece was busy decorating the biscuits. You nodded at his question and turned your head to give him a quick kiss on the lips, smiling as you tasted the dough on them.
“Look! I’m finished.” she called out, whereupon both your heads turned towards her and you had to lean over the kitchen island a little to see it properly, “They look amazing, Princess," you said, getting up from the bar stool, walking over to her and giving her a kiss on the head,
“Are these for your parents?” you pointed at the biscuits decorated with little hearts and the letters M & D. At your question, she nodded and hummed as you brushed the hair that fell in her face behind her ear, “Alright, let’s wrap them up, shall we?”
“Don’t worry, I’ll do it. And I’ll tidy up too.” Mason said, to which you gave him a grateful look and he winked in response.
“Come on princess, let’s get you cleaned up.” You took her in your arms to carry her upstairs and bathe her as she was covered in flour and her hands stuck together, while Mason was busy cleaning up the kitchen.
As soon as you were both done, you settled down on the couch with the TV on in the background to keep her occupied while she ate. “Come here quickly,” you said to the little girl as you felt your little girl kick against your hand. She did as you said, confused, and climbed onto your lap before you took her tiny hands in yours and placed them where yours had been a few seconds ago.
“Uncle Masey!” she shrieked excitedly as she also felt a kick against her hand, causing him to hum and she told him to get over here quickly, luckily her voice was full of excitement so he knew not to worry.
“Be quiet, sweetie, or you’ll scare her.” you mumbled, to which she nodded and took her hands off your stomach as Mason came back into the room and handed you the tea he made before sitting down next to you both.
“What is it?”
“I felt her kick.” she whispered, and your heart warmed at her cautiousness, feeling her kick again at the sound of her father’s voice, so you took his hand too and put it right there.
“Well look who decided to wake up.” said Mason, making himself more comfortable by lying down next to you and resting his head by your stomach, smiling as he felt another light kick against his hand. At which, you pulled your shirt up so there was nothing separating their hands and your bump.
“Try talking to her, Sweetheart.” You told his niece, moving your arms so that both your hands were playing fiddling with Mason’s and his niece’s hair, watching her face contort as she thought of a topic of conversation.
“Can I tell her about how we baked?”
“Of course you can.” Mason replied to her before she gently placed her fingers on your bump again and began to trace patterns on the skin, just like Mason.
“So, me and Uncle Masey made chocolate biscuits today because they said I could eat all the candy I wanted if I didn’t tell my Mommy and Daddy,” she interrupted herself with a gasp as she felt another kick, and her smile widened even more as you looked admiringly at the two people sitting in front of you stroking your bump. “Go on, she likes you.”
“I like you too,” she whispered a little closer to your bump, eliciting a breathy laugh from you before she carried on, “The biscuits tasted really good, but the whole kitchen was dirty afterwards, Oh, I can’t wait for us all to bake together! I’ll invite my Mommy and Daddy too so Uncle Masey doesn’t have to clean it all up himself.” she laughed and an even higher pitched laugh escaped her as he tickled her lightly, but immediately putting her hand over her mouth,
“We have to be quiet so as not to scare her,” she whispered again, crawling over to you and snuggling into your side to get more comfortable, “now it’s your turn, Uncle Masey.”
“Well let’s see, today in training your Uncle Chilly thought it was a good idea to hide my shoes and wouldn’t tell me where they were, so I had to search the whole training centre to find them—”
“Where were they hidden?” asked the little girl in your arms, who was also listening intently to what he had to say, although you felt her head growing heavier against your chest, while her eyelashes fluttered from time to time because she was tired, for it was almost past her bedtime.
“In a washing machine, which of course was the last place I looked.” he said, looking up at the sight of you, which made his stomach flutter with happiness because he loved the relationship between you and his niece, but equally because he had to imagine you holding his little girl in your arms in about three months’ time, which made him as proud and happy as he’d ever been. He tilted his head slightly to the side to kiss your wrist, as your hand was still buried in his hair, before turning back to your bump and continuing to talk about his day,
“Which also got me in a bit of trouble with your mummy for not being home in time for dinner—”
“Not the first time.” You rolled your eyes, which made him smile sheepishly, while his gaze wandered to his niece again, who had her eyes closed and was fiddling with her fingers in her hair, a habit she always did when she was particularly tired.
“God, I can’t wait to meet you,” he mumbled, pressing a loving kiss to your bump. “We’re going to have the best time ever, I promise. We’ll annoy your mommy so much she’ll hate us.” he whispered the last part, whereupon you gave him a light pat against the back of the neck, which elicited a giggle from him.
Mason leaned up and pressed a brief kiss to your lips, trying not to startle his niece too much before returning to his previous position, “You’ve still got to teach me how to braid hair, love.”
“I will.” you hummed, running your hand back into his hair as you felt him press another kiss to your bump, to which your daughter gave another kick in the exact same spot, which you both smiled at.
“I love you too, my little girl.”
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Before I send u the information, I wanted to thank u again for being so nice and accepting my request even though the event was already closed, you're such a sweetheart, really! 😣💗
So, starting with my appearance; I have greenish brown eyes, my hair is long and naturally red and I have some scattered freckles. My body is hourglass-shaped, not chubby but not skinny either. I'm 5'2 and I feel a little bad when people comment about my height, especially in jokes. (I'm a little insecure about my whole body itself; I think I'm too short, my breasts are too big compared to the rest of my body and I don't feel confident exposing it, mainly because of my s/h scars... but I'm trying to change it little by little).
As for my personality, IÊŒm an intj, and my enneagram is 5w4. IÊŒm quite shy and serious when IÊŒm among strangers and in social situations, but IÊŒm much more energetic when IÊŒm with my (few) friends. IÊŒm kind of "antisocial"; a complete disaster when it comes to socializing, so I hate going to crowded and noisy shitty places.
Because of my tendency for introspection, I've had a Dark Academy lifestyle since childhood; I read constantly and am passionate about literature, history, classical music, philosophy, and the arts in general. I've been singing and playing the piano for almost ten years, music is one of my biggest passions, as well as art, as I've also been drawing and painting since I was a child!
Talking about relationships, I'd say that I'm not the best person for this. Idk how to handle my own emotions, and expressing them is a bit difficult (I also have trust issues). Although touch isnÊŒt my love language, I try to show it in other ways, especially through words of affirmation and quality time. Since talking about my feelings is a very complicated thing, the simple act of verbalizing what I feel means that the feeling is huge, you know? I also value experiencing delightful moments with my love, whether they are remarkable or not. Just the opportunity to be by his side and enjoy his company means a lot to me! In a relationship, IÊŒm looking for someone intelligent, calm, and who is willing to understand my issues and respect my need for personal space. IÊŒm the kind of person who hates clinginess, but makes a small exception just for someone in particular (and IÊŒd like my partner to be like me; not so clingy, but also not so cold and distant, yk?). I'm passionate abt people with whom I can have deep and intellectual conversations, especially abt topics such as art, philosophy, history, etc. I also have a certain inclination to seek validation when I'm in a relationship: I do everything to please and expect the person to acknowledge and do the same, making it clear that they love me (sorry but I have a huge praise kink and I kinda like like possessive behavior, because, for some reason, it reassures me that I'm loved💀).
holy shit, I'm sorry for sending this massive ask! I got carried away and said more than I should have. But so, who do you think I'll match with? đŸ–€
(...and sorry if there are any grammar mistakes, English is not my first language 😭)
Fandom: Bungou Stray Dogs
Format: Headcanons
Warnings: NSFW! content at the end, MDNI!
Word Count: 1.03K
A/n: Tysm anon, and I'm sorry I forgot to post this. I'm really sorry😭
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I match you with...
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Fyodor Dostoevsky!
Ah look at him in this pic. SO HANDSOME-
I think you're the perfect prey for this mischievous manđŸš¶đŸ»â€â™€ïžđŸ€đŸ»
Like, seriously lmao. He will enjoy teasing you A LOT. IDT he will comment on your body cause you're his S/o and there's definitely something special about you... So he doesn't want to break you. It's just... Fyodor, you know what I mean? He teases in his own way. By doing small affectionate moves like, reaching for your hand when he's reading a book (I can definitely see him doing that because you're not clingy/touchy so he has to do something about it), and suddenly letting go claiming that he wants to turn the page over just to see you pout and look the other way as your cheeks turn red since you're too shy to say anything/protest.
Fyodor doesn't care about body shape, ok? He's not that type of guy. He finds value in your personality. Whether you're cocky and idiotic, or intelligent and mischievous, or a mix of both. He doesn't want a S/o who's dumb, but he also has to have power on you. And believe me, it doesn't matter if your obedient or not, Fyodor will bring you down to your knees if he desires.
"IÊŒm looking for someone intelligent, calm, and who is willing to understand my issues and respect my need for personal space" I think you just described Fyodor😭😭😭He will give you personal space maybe a bit too much, to the point that you're begging him to interrupt your personal space lmaođŸš¶đŸ»â€â™€ïž But he will understand these all. He's calm, intelligent AF and yet a very simple man. You got it babe, as long as you're willing to be his pretty little mouseđŸš¶đŸ»â€â™€ïž (You don't have a choice nut let's not scare you shall we?)
But seriously Fyodor isn't a bad man =| IK that he likes to be the one in charge and stuff but don't tell me that you aren't enjoying it?! Like, it's FYODOR DOSTOEVSKY?!! He has some goals he needs to achieve, but he might will make time for you as well.
I think he would be into someone who's not goofy y'know? Someone who's maybe a bit quiet, shy when it comes to touching and stuff because he needs to see his effect on you(the blushing/getting flustered), obedient or he will make you beđŸš¶đŸ»â€â™€ïž, and maybe a bit idk... crazy? About him of course. Like, be obsessed with him. You're personality is kinda close to that, so yes, I can see something happening between the two of you.
Imagine him sitting on the sofa taking a sip of his tea with his eyes closed as he listened to the delightful melody of the piano. How your talented hands run around on the keys, creating such beautiful symphony. He will smile by the end of the song and praise you as he stares into your eyes that are filled with the need of his approval😭
"So elegant of you, my dear. Being able to play such tricky instrument like you were born for it. As expected of my little Myshka"
His praises are rare so enjoy these little moments-
Fyodor is delighted by you. You will have so many discussions when he has free time, about anything related to Philosophy, etc. He gets fascinated by your view on things when it's not similar to his; and if you point out something that he surprisingly hasn't considered/ thought about? He admires you. Might not straightforwardly tell you, but you can get it from his soft smile and his stare on your face when you describe your theory, meaning that he's interested in you.
POSSISSIVE. I actually cannot say that enoughđŸš¶đŸ»â€â™€ïž
Fyodor is picky about his significant other, and if he chooses someone, it means that they're his and only his. No man will live to see the next day if he even dreams about laying a finger on you. Like, the barista tries to flirt with you? You will not see him at the coffee house the next day. And as much as you feel bad for the poor guy, it makes you feel butterflies in your stomach knowing your boyfriend had taken care of him. It means that in his crowded complicated mind, you're there somewhere, important enough for him to stop planning shit for a moment and take care of people who dare to take a liking toward his belongings. It makes you feel important, proud of yourself.
If you ever wear a lingerie for him... OMG
He appreciates it a lot. Will teasingly caress your scars, smiling at how you shudder at the feeling of his cold fingertips on your warm breast. Oof, he might even kiss them if he's in the mood that day, and YOU WILL LITERALLLY FALL INTO HIS LAP IF HE DOES THAT CUZ YOU JUST HAD A HEART ATTACK OMG-
You're shy and quiet? OH, that's funny, cause you're the exact opposite when you're in this guy's handsđŸš¶đŸ»â€â™€ïžđŸ€đŸ»
He will have you whining, moaning, crying, begging for him to touch you more, and it will just make him smirk at how you're this needy for him despite not being touchy with others. He loves it. It feels his ego knowing he's the only one in your heart, Which is why he will treasure you and make you come if you've been acting like a good girl for him.
Holds you close to himself. Don't you dare break eye contact or tilt your head to the other side. He will grab your jaw and force you to look back at him, and might punish you if it pisses him too much. He needs to see your pretty face. He needs to see how much he got you worked up, how much of a mess you've become for him, and only him. He needs to see your face turning red, and he loves it when your moans get so loud that he has to silence them with a deep, passionate kiss ♡
Tysm for participating and giving me the opportunity to write for this man anon, GOD BLESS YOUR SOUL-
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tteokdoroki · 4 years
dick destroyer december | i. midoriya
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♡ pairing: izuku midoriya x fem!reader.
♡ word count: 6.2K
♡ rating: mature, 18+, mdni.
♡ genre: college!au, fluff + smut.
♡ summary: with no nut november over,  finals complete and christmas right around the corner, your number one boy returns to you with only one thing on his mind.
♡ warning(s): please read ! heavy smut, pwp ( characters aged up to twenties ), drinking, mentions of alcohol, mentions of poly!kiribaku, unprotected sex ( wrap it before you tap it y’all ) wall sex, fingering ( female recieving ), light!pet play, spitting, cum play, mentions of sex toys, exhibitionism, oral sex ( male + female recieving ),  light!praise, heavy!breeding kink.
♡ author’s note(s):  merry christmas everyone! i hope despite the circumstances that you’re all able to enjoy the holidays and are staying safe, if you’re not celebrating i wish you a wonderful day as well!! anyways here’s a little festive fic to satisfy you guys and tysm for 2K+ followers <33 find the corresponding kiribaku fic here!
♡ masterlist | requests
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ever since you’d started college, your roomate, katsuki had always said that november was his favourite month of the year; it took you a while to figure out why.
having known the blonde since you were a child, you were aware that he despised the cold weather that nipped at his nose and made his quirk slow down. he hated wearing extra sweaters and begrudgingly asking your mother to make him some hot chocolate whenever he came over to play; in fact he hated asking you for it now as adults in your early twenties but as his good college roommate from freshmen year, you made sure he always had a mug waiting. nonetheless,  katsuki’s sudden love for the winter months  and festive weeks following honestly confused you to your wits end— especially with the impending doom of finals sneaking up on you.
however, you quickly found out the reason behind your best friend’s change in attitude towards the month of november, six months into your freshman year relationship with  izuku midoriya.
“no nut november,” katsuki had purred into the neck of his beer bottle, rolling the cool glass against his bottom lip as he laughed at you from across the room. you had recalled the conversation to have occurred exactly half way through october, before the aforementioned month, you and your roommate had decided to host a small gathering with your classmates— purely fulled by thirty boxes of pepperoni pizza and beer, only two of the boxes had been vegetarian for your friends mina ashido and denki kaminari ( he was challenged by mina to go green for an entire month. “that’s why i love this month s’fuckin’ much.” 
bakugou ended his sentence with a swig of his beer, setting the now empty bottle onto the coffee table that had been a house warming gift from his own mom. the sound causes todoroki and sero to jump from their place playing cards against humanity with your girl friend momo on the floor, and kirishima ( bakugou’s crush at the time, who’s drunk and passed out in the blonde’s lap ) to flinch awake. katuski pets his red hair once, making kirishima blink up at him affectionally.
your boyfriend, izuku, fidgets under the intimating stare of your roomie and you can tell he’s fighting the blush that spreads rapidly across his freckled cheeks.  “n-no nut november?” your baby squeaks out, large palm settling on your lower waist as you shuffle to get comfortable in his lap. it’s clear he hasn’t taken part before, so you know exactly what your best friend is doing. trying to tease him in front of all your friends and pull him into something that you’re going to hate. nonetheless, deku downs the rest of his own alcoholic drink as bakugou prepares a response— the rest of your friendship group now pulled into the conversation.
“katsuki bakugou, don’t be mean.” you scold with a bite into your grease laced pizza and offer up the rest to izuku, who politely passes. you pout.
“‘m not, just sayin’— that damn month will be the only time of the year that i don’t get to hear you and the goddamn nerd fuckin’ like rabbits all the time.”
this time, its you who fights an embarrassed look on your face while your green haired lover simply swipes todoroki’s shot from the coffee table and swallows it all at once. the dual haired boy only groans before rising to get another from the kitchen and the rest of your friends hide their giggles in their own drinks, cards and half eaten pizza slices. “you
you can hear us?”  you squeal incredulously, causing your friends to snort out loud again. izuku still says nothing.
“baby, we damn near almost see you whenever we drop by!” kirishima mumbles with sleep curling in his tone, he stretches like a cat on bakugou’s lap and grins at you— sharpened teeth dazzling under the LED lights in your living room. they flicker to a deep green, but you barely notice it.
abandoning your pizza as a whole, you huff and push up the sleeves of izuku’s hoodie that you wear— just about ready to pummel your best friend into the ground for having people over while you
get some, but shoto returns from the kitchen quicker than you anticipate and cuts right through the chatter with ease, giving you little time to feel flustered by the sudden turn in conversation. “you guys are more sexually active than my parents and they had four kids, messed up with raising us from touya, though,” he says in his iconic monotonous voice, causing you to splutter and katsuki to kick his feet out in victory. “seriously, i doubt midoriya would be able to beat any of us at this no nut  november thing ‘cause of it.”
this time, deku ( as so affectionally nicknamed by your childhood best friend ), pouts, his frustrated voice bleeding into the conversation. “c’mon, don’t you have a little faith in me, shoto?”
“no.” is todoroki’s simple answer. you flinch, did you guys really have sex that often? to the point where no one believed your boyfriend could go a month without getting his dick wet?
“i second that,” kaminari pipes in, picking a mushroom off of his pizza and leaning over to plop it into sero’s mouth.
“third it!” the latter adds.
your roomie takes that and runs with it. “he wouldn’t last a day even if he tried.”
“leave it alone, katsuki.” you find the courage to defend yourself through your flustered state without realising the buzz of beer and vodka shooting through zuku’s veins.
it takes quite a bit to get your boyfriend drunk, he was a big boy after all and played for your college football team but once the drink was through his system he often broke out of his shy demeanour and into one of confidence and challenging your beloved best friend. izuku’s grip on your waist tightens as he leans forward to point accusingly at the blonde before speaking. “wanna fucking bet on it, kacchan?” he says with sparkling emerald eyes and a honeyed voice that makes you twitch in place in his lap. of course you would get horny right in the middle of your two best boys having a drunk argument.
“what’chu say nerd?” bakugou slurs, pushing poor kirishima off of his lap and to the floor in order to stand up and cross the room towards your boyfriend, pointing a finger in his face.
izuku pushes the digit away, smirking up at the blonde drunkenly and everyone’s gaze in the room suddenly falls on them. “i bet that i can last longer in no nut november than you.”
you whimper from your lover’s lap, knowing that as soon as everyone clears out you’re going to pounce on him before this stupid bet takes place. this doesn’t go unnoticed by the girls, momo and mina, who tease you for having such a high libido but you don’t think they’ll understand how much you’re going to suffer without your broccoli haired boyfriend’s dick every other night. 
you love izuku and katsuki, you really do— but its times like this, for the sake of your sex drive and love life, that you really wish they’d got along more. maybe it was their little battle for your affection that caused the rift between the two, after all katsuki had been the only boy in your life up until college and izuku, you were pretty sure was the one you wanted to spend the rest of your life with
either way, their rivalry was getting in your way and was about to be a major cockblock for the next thirty days. “hold up you guys, don’t i get a say in this?” your voice comes out in a slight whine as you tug on midoriya’s fitted shirt, but he’s too busy having a stare off with your roommate to notice. “what about me and my needs?”
“it’s not about’cha, shitty girl.”
“stay out of this, yn.”
you huff, pushing yourself off of your boyfriend izuku’s lap to stand and smack the pair of losers upside their heads before joining your girls on the floor. mina pulls you into a comforting hug, trying to distract your mind from the fact that it’ll be deku dick-less for a month while momo serves you out a set of cards to join her in a game of cards against humanity with the other boys lounging on the floor— kirihsima is invited into the game too. “sounds like i’ll be getting you a dildo as an early christmas present!” ashido comments, swiping her deck off of your hand me down rug before anyone can see them.
momo grins at you while you take your cards and take another shot from poor, unsuspecting shoto. “better make it extra thick, we know he’s got a nice one on him, yn.”
“fuck you guys.”
“gladly, we’re not taking part of no nut november like those two idiots.” the black haired girl hums, shuffling in her seat to start the next round. you roll your eyes and turn your gaze to watch the green and blonde haired boys you adore so much fight over this trivial guys only event.
their cheeks are flushed from all the beer they’ve drunk and they’re leaning on each other for support, but that doesn’t stop them from going at each other. “you couldn’t beat me, even if you tried, shitty deku.” katsuki mumbles, arm around midoriya’s head— forcing the poor boy into bakugou’s large pecs. “haha...shitku
“oh try me, bitch.” your boyfriend counters, voice so husky it sends shivers down your spine, although it contrasts deeply with the sight of his adorable cheeks pressed against katsuki’s tits.
they’re too drunk to brawl it out and quite frankly you’re too tired to bother to stop them, mind only wondering how you plan to survive the next thirty days.
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three years, three novembers and a few weeks into december later; you’re still wondering how the hell you’ve survived.
ever since that night in your freshman year; izuku, bakugou and the other boys have competed vigorously to last throughout the entirety of no nut november; your boyfriend having won the last three years in a row. katsuki hated it, losing to your izuku but he hated the victory sex you gave him even more. 
you’d think he’d be used to it by now, with everyone in their final year of college but bakugou had manage to luck out this year on not hearing you and midoriya go round after round on november thirtieth. finals had hit you guys hard in terms of wrapping up the semester before christmas; they were important to pass too, considering you’d all be graduating within a few months, so you’d barely seen izuku since november ended and december rolled around.
now, being a couple weeks into the festive month and with finals drawing to a close— you had yet to make plans to see your boyfriend. there was little time between the online classes and preparation from the holidays, yet you could feel yourself growing more sexually frustrated by the second. rubbing one out wasn’t doing it for you anymore and listening katsuki’s bragging about his peaceful nights of sleep while you decorated your apartment with mistletoe and tinsel was really starting to tick you off.
the very decoration slips from between your fingers as bakugou walks in, yanking bits of tape from his fingers from where you had him lining the ceiling rails with gold, green and red tinsel. the blonde had only gone and slammed the door to your living room against the wall, grumbling about the stupid mess of clear tape across his clumsy fingers— the action scaring you half to death before you huff, facing him. “what, katsuki? what could you possibly need right now?”
his vermillion gaze picks up from his smoking palms,  a last resort to getting rid of the tape. “came to tell ya that ‘m headin’ out with kirishima— going to pick up our girlfriend from the airport.” a sweet blush lays loosely against your best friend’s cheeks at his admission, not long after you guys’ drunken night in freshman year, bakugou had confessed to your red headed companion; only to find out he had a girlfriend waiting for him in his hometown. 
kirishima wasn’t a cheater, but he also couldn’t help the flutter in his heart around bakugou— so had the two meet straight away and after a lot of tears and large dramatics, the three settled into a cute little relationship. you’d only met the girl once when she visited both boys for spring break— but you’d loved her and knew how much she made your best friend happy.
you smile nonetheless, picking the mistletoe up from the floor. “tell her i said hi, yeah?” you mention to your friend while he shrugs on a jacket and checks himself in the mirror. katsuki was in love, and it was insanely adorable to see. “do i need to set up the guest bedroom for her ’n kiri?”
“nah, shitty red head kicked out kami, he’s staying with sero and mina while my girl’s up.” katsuki shakes his head, letting you fix the collar of his jacket after you bound over to him. “we’ll be back after lunch to pick up some of my stuff though. so don’t do anything fuckin’ stupid and i’ll see you later, yeah?”
you cross a finger over your heart but the mischievous smile on your face gives you away. “no promises katsu, stay safe out there!”
your smile drops however, as soon as your roommate closes the door behind him, knowing him and kirishima, they’ll probably fuck their girl across all the surfaces in eijirou’s free apartment, which only makes your stomach churn with hot jealously and a hint of arousal. 
selfish of you as it were, you wish your boyfriend hadn’t chosen such an intense subject with so many finals and intense studying— but izuku loved engineering almost as much as he loved you, so its not like you would ask him to give up his passion.
besides, you figured he’d look pretty hot in his mechanics classes—sleeves rolled up to his elbows, scared hands on display while sweat drips down his furrowed brow and—
and fuck me, now you were as horny as a mother fucker.
a familiar ache appears between your thighs while you attempt to busy yourself with the rest of the festive decorations; you hang a wreathe at the door both inside and out, tape the remaining tinsel around counters in your kitchen and finally attempt to fix the christmas tree katsuki insisted wasn’t lopsided ( even though it was ). but no matter how hard you worked om christmas-ing the apartment, you couldn’t shake the fantasy of midoriya railing you against his work bench. it wouldn’t go away.
patting your cheeks to calm your hot flush; you decide that you’re done bedazzling and fix some christmas lights above your doorways to go with your LED ones, and get ready to take a cold shower and hoping that the wetness between your legs will go away. you make a  b-line for the bathroom, not bothering to bring a spare change of clothes since katsuki isn’t home. it’s not like he hasn’t seen you naked before.
you’re half way through your commute, wearing nothing but one of zuku’s old shirts when the front door jingles and busts open from the other side of your home. foot steps pound against your hardwood floor, letting you know someone is approaching.
“fucking hell katsuki, stop slamming the door against the wall before you make another—“ your words die in the back of your throat when your sweet little boyfriend comes into view. albeit a bit dishevelled, deku’s green hair falls prettily over his excited eyes while sweat rolls in tiny droplets from his forehead to his chin and his backpack hanging half off of his shoulder
in all honesty he looks a mess, but a good looking one at that. “zuku? what are you doing here?”
your lover looks bewildered, but a smile that fills you with warmth crosses his face. “i ran across campus to see you; i finished my finals
” he pants, the engineering building is pretty far from here so no wonder he looks the way he does.
despite knowing this, you quirk a brow. “still doesn’t answer my question babe.”
“november is over,” izuku sighs, dropping his backpack and crossing the room towards you in three short strides. When he reaches you, scarred hands curl around your waist while soft lips tickle the shell of your ear with deku’s next words. “it’s christmas
don’t make me wait. i want to fuck you.”
you don’t miss the way bight green eyes darken and drag up your hand naked body, your boyfriend’s shirt ending just above your knees and exposing the meat of your thighs to him. the wetness pools between them, making your skin glisten under familiar flashing LED lights and tinsel. izuku is waiting for a. sign...anything for you to give him consent to take his prize between your legs, electricity crackles in the air and you instinctively reach up to curl your fingers in his curls. “fuck me, izuku.” you say breathlessly, unleashing a month and a half’s worth of hormones out onto each other. “fuck me like you mean it, big boy.”
the teasing lilt to your voice earns you a spank to the ass as deku lifts you up into his arms and over his muscular shoulder. you squeal in delight at the harsh sting, leaning down to pat his ass too. he’s got a particularly nice one and you’re sure it was carved by the fucking gods. 
the green haired boy hauls you over to the kitchen counter, setting you down atop it before his lips find yours in passionate and hurried movements. its been so long since you’ve kissed him, felt his muscles ripple under your touch while your hand roams his chest underneath the varsity jacket he wears.
you push the offending material off while izuku trails a hand between your thighs, chuckling into the kiss at the slick that adds a glimmer to your skin. his pink tongue darts out to lick a stripe across your bottom lip, begging for permission to enter your hot mouth. you grant him access, swirling your own pink muscle around is and suck it down. your breath hitches as thick fingers finally come into contact with the burn of your heat, gently prodding at your puffy, sticky clit. “you’re
doll, you’re so fucking wet already. did you miss me?” your boy moans breathlessly in between your sloppy kisses, pulling away to show you the string of your slick that coats his fingers. you nod in agreement.
izuku taps your lips once and you obediently take the digits into your mouth, humming at your sweetness that invades your tongue, all the while, his other wandering hand shoves two digits into your wet cunt with no warning— making you shiver on the counter while the tinsel you’d taped there scratches at your calves. both sets of fingers thrust into your openings at the same time, giving you a friction you so awfully desire.
“such a good girl, dollface— fuck, i f-forgot how good you looked sucking on my fingers like that.” midoriya whines out and you’re not sure which of your holes he’s referring to, but you couldn’t care less, not when those that stuff your tight pussy are curling against the walls in a way that has you leaking sweet nectar all over your marble surfaces. you gush at his praise however, bucking your hips into his hand while the heel of his palm grinds into your swollen clit— sending shockwaves through your body.
the fingers that plug your mouth are pulled out so the darling sounds of your moans mingle with that of your dripping heat, walls clenching around izuku every once on a while. your lover grinds against the table, watching you with close eyes as your face contorts into expressions that he’s missed so dearly. one thrust into your spongy g-spot makes your body jump and thighs close around your boyfriend’s hand— head falling forward against his shoulder. “mnn, zuzu... haven’t felt this good in s’long, gonna cum, gonna mess up your hand.”
to your dismay, deku pulls from your cunt faster than you would have liked and you whine at the empty feeling in your stretched out hole. your heat makes an awful dripping sound when you’re fully empty, and you grunt knowing that its a mess you’ll have to clean up later. 
however, you’re easily distracted by the lips at your collar bones, painting bruises into your sweat licked skin while slick hands paw at your breasts. “cum on my face first, please?” its cute how desperate izuku is, but you can’t say that you aren’t either— especially when you haven’t fucked in so long.
“yes, god yes
” you accept too quickly while your shirt is pulled off completely; for midoriya’s mouth as moved from pressing hot kisses to your neck onto biting at your breast and rolling the hardened nipple of your other with his free hand. “but, wanna suck you off too ‘zuku
your boyfriend doesn’t hesitate with his next movements, kicking off his pants and boxers ( in one go, mind you ) before  picking you up once again and sinking to the floor with you in his arms. he makes quick work of flipping you onto your tummy, pulsing cunny shoved so close into his face that you can feel deku’s nose bump your clit when he breathes and then;  your face rests so easily on the swell of his thigh— right next to his hardened cock that you’ve missed so much.
izuku midoriya is a god and you swear by it.
your friend’s were right, he is packing. he’s thick and girthy, tip angry and red as it leaks heavily with a clear precum that has you drooling. “missed your dick, zu,“ you sigh, mostly to yourself and before you know it, your lips enclose around the head of his cock.
the way you suck on it, as if you’ve been starved of your last meal makes izuku shiver with pleasure and his nails dig into your peachy ass. you roll his balls between your fingers, loving the delicious whimpers you manage to lure from between your boy’s lips and the sound makes your pussy spasm around nothing.
a weighted palm moves to the back of your head in order to push you further down on his cock, deku’s own hips bucking up so you swallow more of him down. the taste of him is dangerously addictive, saltiness dancing across your tongue. “suck my dick sweetheart, yeah? suck on it just like that, good girl.” the hot breath from each of his choked laments brushes against your eager cunt, dampening your skin even more. he dives right in, tongue slithering between your puffy folds while he slurps at you with at  insatiable place. 
izuku craves to make you feel nothing but ecstasy, working his pink muscle hard against your walls that clamp down on his tongue while yours runs laps between the dribbling tip of his iron hot length. inhaling sharply, you force yourself to take more of deku down your throat, listening out for the tears that sting in his emerald eyes wen you swallow around him. You hum with sweet victory when his breathing stutters and hips jump up with excitement.
you’re both close, sensitive from the time you’ve spent away from one another, but neither of you can find it in yourselves to care. the room rises with temperature at every step you take towards orgasm, deku taking your cheeks in large, calloused palms and spreading you apart to spit directly into your hole. you swear on your life you’d never known pleasure until you’d met izuku, as no matter how much time you’d been apart, he still knew all the little tips and tricks to get you going. where to hold you, how to touch you, what to say. he was always so focused on making you feel good.
your head bobs up and down with an inconsistent pace, each time, your tongue mapping out the veins on his girth that you’d come to know so well, hand’s fisting at balls and the rest of his cock that you can’t reach.
“i’m gonna
doll—puppy, i’m gonna cream in that mouth of yours
 please,” a strangled cry. “i-is that okay?”
you tap his thigh once, your own little signal to let your boyfriend know it’s okay before continuing your work— letting drool pool in your mouth before spewing it onto his cock. deku pulls his tongue from inside of you, flicking it rapidly at your clit to bring you closer and closer to the edge, not wanting to cum without you. and he doesn’t, the cord that’s built up in your stomach finally snapping.
white flashes behind your eyes as you gush all over izuku’s face, drenching his freckled cheeks and painting his innocence with a layer of your honeyed sin. Your lover follows shortly after, filling your mouth to the brim with a heavy load that tastes of him and only him. a taste that you could fall in love with every single day. “baby,”  you giggle after letting go of his cock with a satisfying ‘pop’, heat spreading beneath your skin as you take note of the slight shine to the green haired student’s face. “think you made me squirt!”
“guess i did! you’re always so cute when you squirt for me, yn,” and like the messy boy he is, midoriya wipes his mouth on the back of his hand ( always a poor eater, couldn’t keep his meal in one peace ) before peeking at you from over your quivering and arched back. izuku smiles proudly at his handy-work of your messy cunt, radiating a billion rays of sunshine and your heart clenches in your chest. you hate how cute he looks when you’re in such a lewd and compromising position, like he hadn’t just fucked you dumb under the mistletoe. “should’ve been on my dick ’n not m-my tongue though...”
“i wouldn’t be opposed to another round, if you aren’t.”
“like hell i could say no to being inside you after a whole month of waiting, doll.”
you roll your eyes, but wiggle your hips back into your boyfriend’s face nonetheless. “then dick me down deku, destroy me.”
with your boyfriend’s help, you manage to crawl off of his lap and wait patiently on your knees as he stands. izuku beams down at you, a hundred and one words of love written in his eyes that glow warmly under christmas lights before he pets your head and reaches for your hands to help you stand on shaky legs.
the first kiss you share after this is gentle and sweet, even while your tangled fingers are set free and deku’s large hands are once again on your waist, rubbing small circles into the skin of your hips as he backs you into the nearest wall. you simper at the taste of yourself on his tongue and allow him to hoist you up by the backs of your thighs— locking your ankles at the centre of his back and just above bis bum— all the while keeping you pressed against the wall.
the outline of izuku’s length presses hotly against your weeping slit, his lips still slotted against yours in a slow liplock while his tip smears the remains of his seed across your clit and between your folds. you feel your boyfriend’s arms quiver around you as he slowly begins to sheath himself within your spamming pussy— jolting away from his lips, your mouth falls open in a weak moan and the green eyed boy quickly follows you, copying the movement of your lips as his sweaty forehead meets your own and your gazes align sweetly. “doll
” he mumbles brokenly, letting you adjust to the push of his cock against your walls. “been so long since i felt you like this
your fingertips reach out and graze his shoulders, hot breath fanning out between your bodies as izuku’s cock reaches the hilt inside of you. he stills. “move baby, can’t wait anymore— “
izuku midoriya doesn’t need to be told twice when it comes to fucking you; finally making the move to bottom out inside of your pussy. heat blossoms in your heart and your glistening mound as your lover gently rolls his hips against yours and the way he feels reminds you that your mind, body and soul belong to him and him only.
although you are finally together, moving as one against the wall in your shitty college apartment, you crave for izuku to fill you to the brim and reach up to tug at mossy locks in order to bring him impossibly closer.
you don’t dare close your eyes as deku sets the pace, not even as your gaze on him flutters, you want the image of his blushed and blissed out face imprinted to into the back of your mind forever, you want the sounds of struggled whimpers and skin slapping against skin to become the tune of your memories. you want your senses to be filled with him always and forever as make love against tinselled ceiling rails and mistletoe above your heads. all you can think is more, more, more. more of him, more of izuku.
“focus on me, puppy,” izuku reminds you, grinding his pelvis against you every time his hips canter into you. his cock grazes the entrance of your womb, leaking into you like a cocktail of your arousals. but the neediness behind his words makes you blink away the glassiness in your eyes, locking your arms and legs around him tighter and grinding your hips down to meet the drive of his cock into your spongy g-spot. “your cute lil hole’s still so tight, nice ’n moulded into the shape of my cock— made to take me, right?” your boy babbles, tripping over his sentences through the saliva on his tongue.
the feeling has you stirring against your boyfriend’s length, his now rapid pace sending your teary eyes rolling and you mewling. “made for you ’n only you ‘zu, please don’ stop
” is all you can say, mind breaking as midoriya’s hands drop between your joined bodies to draw lazy shapes into your puffy nub, the movements silky due to the mild mix of juices coating your sexes.
each thrust from your lover sends you a little bit up the wall, head of his cock catching tastefully along the ridges of your velvety walls— the way your pussy feels inside drives izuku to the brink of insanity, you’ve always been able to take him so well and he missed the way your cute face curled into expressions of desire all for him. you’re so pretty, so intoxicating and he’s so happy to have you back in his arms.
“s-such a good girl for me, yn
fucking hell puppy,” izuku punctuates each of his toe curling thrusts with stuttered cries of your name, angling his hips upwards to hit your g-spot over and over. everything feels so sloppy, tainted with signs of your love but as the knot in your stomach begins to unravel, you couldn’t care less. “gonna make you mine, gonna fill you up and make you my fucking puppy.”
“’m already yours, always will be zuku,” you manage to speak, clenching down on him and letting out an almost pornographic moan as deku drills into you with the last of his strength.
he nods against your foreheads that remain pressed together, staring at you with adoration written across his seafood eyes. “love you, doll
love you s’much, you did so well baby
cum for me now
” izuku mumbles out, hissing slightly as your grip on his hair tightens to yank him down for one final searing kiss.
tears of heavenly pleasure roll down your cheeks as he swallows your final moan, his words pushing you right over the edge and into an earth shattering orgasm. “c-cumming!” you squeal so loud that you’re sure the neighbours can hear, while you lose control and pulse around midoriya’s scalding cock. the world of colour flashes behind your eyes— release splattering out against your boyfriend’s pelvis and the floor. “mnnn, izuku! i love you, please
you’re begging now, your sloppy pussy coaxing him along to his own release while deku relentlessly fucks into you. his chest rumbles with every one of his whimpers and groans, cock pushing you into overstimulation while he snaps his hips into you.
“ohh i love you
gonna cum, gonna cum— fuck, puppy—!” he sobs pathetically, dropping his head to your neck as his teeth clamp down on your bare skin to silence himsel. your tired body is forced up the wall while izuku tumbles into his own orgasm, sweltering seed splashing up inside your abused cunt. he slows to a grind, creaming inside you and painting your insides white as snow— panting with you until your breathing calms down.
the pair of you sink to the floor again, still in one another’s embrace as exhaustion sweeps over your limbs. before you know it, izuku is giggling sweetly against your lips, pressing grateful kisses along your neck and jaw while you fiddle with his baby hairs on the nape of his neck— still trying to catch your breath.
“t-that,” he sighs, nothing but love and adoration cushioning his gaze on you as you settle in his lap. you squirm at feeling so full, his cum dripping out of your fluttering hole but find yourself getting comfortable soon after. “that was so good, i missed you, yn, really.”
you cup the boy’s freckled cheeks and hum, heart swelling at his slight confession. “i missed you more zuku, all of you, not just your dick.” you clarify your words, making light of the mess you’ve made.
izuku rolls his eyes but leans into your gentle touch nonetheless, faking a pout in order to get a kiss on the lips. “glad to know that my girlfriend still loves me, even when she’s been deprived of my godly cock for a month and a half.”
“i’ll always love you.” you say, leaning in to give him a slight peck on the lips.
“as will i.”
you both tilt your heads to complete the vow with a simple kiss when a cough cuts through the love filled atmosphere, making you and izuku jump right out of your skin. Immediately, your gaze scopes out the room, only to land on your child hood best friend— accompanied by both his girlfriend and boyfriend. fuck, you completely forgot about that.
“are you two done now?” katsuki drawls, still tucked into his winter jacket, while krishima covers his girlfriend’s eyes with a free hand, the other occupied by her luggage from her flight. she still offers you an awkward smile and a wave.
“k-kacchan! haven’t you ever heard of knocking?” deku squeaks, wrapping his arms around you to pull you into his chest and at least protect some of your decency. it’s nothing bakugou nor kirishima haven’t sen before ( it’s not the first time you’ve been caught like this ) but you allow yourself to fall into izuku’s protective embrace anyways— heated embarrassment prickling underneath your skin.
your blonde roommate, however, is livid— staring you down with bloody eyes that speak tales of murder. “knock? knock? i fucking live here, you shitty nerd!” bakugou scolds, making you flinch and offer him a weak smile. eijirou by now has the decency to escort his girlfriend into his other partner’s room to gather some of his belongings, effectively leaving you and your boyfriend to face the wrath of your favourite angry pomeranian. the blonde turns to you. “and i thought i told you not to do anythin’ fuckin’ stupid while i was gone?”
“don’t yell at me! i didn’t know izuku was coming
 literally and figuratively!” both boys groan at this, making you scowl. what? it was a good joke! “besides, i was just congratulating my boyfriend for winning no nut november, again. you should be used to it by now, suki.”
katuski looks between you both, annoyance sweeping his face before he pinches the bridge of his nose and huffs. “couldn’t you congratulate him somewhere else? somewhere, where i didn’t have to be blinded and traumatised for the rest of my shitty life.”
this time, it’s your boyfriend who speaks up, standing with you in his arms. deku smirks evilly, pointing to the little green plant above your heads. “no can do kacchan, it’s dick destroyer december and there was no better way to start it, than under the mistletoe.”
izuku turns swiftly on his heel and makes a dash towards your bedroom before your best friend can threaten to blow you up, presumably to fuck you in your bed for this next round.
“fuck you guys!” he curses you out, watching you go.
“we’re already on it, have a great christmas, katsuki!” you sing back, just a deku slams your door shut and drops you onto your bed—  already crawling on top of you.
you’d have to thank katsuki someday for challenging izuku back in freshman year, because without his newfound love for november— you wouldn’t have discovered your guilty pleasure for dick destroyer december.
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myherowritings · 4 years
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SUMMARY. Todoroki Shouto was a wealthy, young CEO who inherited his father’s enterprise. You were a barista at a local cafe who wouldn’t mind some extra cash. One day, Shouto came in during an early morning shift and tipped you such a large sum of money, you were certain it had to have been an accident. To your surprise and complete pleasure: It was not.
PAIRING. ceo!todoroki shouto x barista!reader
GENRE. ceo/barista au, fluff, eventual smut
WARNINGS. sexual tension !! and umm sexual frustration ;p, not explicit but prob rated 16+, just read the title of this chapter BAHAHA
A/N. sorry this is coming a little later than planned ! :( but i hope the dressing room scene can make up for it u.u tysm for reading and for all the feedback! enjoy :3 xx sof
© myherowritings — all rights reserved. reposting, modifying, copying, or translating of any kind is not allowed. do not read my writing as asmr. do not plagiarize.
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What were you supposed to wear to a shopping date? you asked yourself. Not that today was a date or anything. Though maybe you sort of wished it were
The Naruhata Charity Gala was in a little over a week and Shouto would be coming over to pick you up in less than one hour and you still sat in your room with nothing but a towel on feeling more and more hopeless. 
It was a strange dilemma. He met you in your work apron wearing an unflattering work shirt and work pants. And when you met up over the weekend previously, you never paid too much mind on what you would wear. In fact, you were positive he wouldn’t even care how you looked. So why was it such a big deal to you now? 
Probably because of your recent admission of your growing feelings towards him, you thought crossly. 
In your defense, it wasn’t like it was your fault! Right? Seeing someone everyday
 Wanting to see someone everyday
 Texting regularly about the most random things, having the most banal objects you saw throughout the day remind you of something Shouto did or said
 With all those occurrences it would’ve been practically impossible to not start crushing on him! 
Time passed as you stared at your ceiling blankly. If you kept this up, he was bound to show up in your house and find you half-naked. (Now that you mentioned it, that didn’t sound like the worst idea. But it wasn’t something you’d randomly spring upon someone.)
“Get up, Y/N!” you scolded yourself, rolling off your bed and heading towards your closet. 
In the end, you ended up settling for another variation of your usual go-to outfit and called it a day. It happened to be perfect timing since, by the time you finished getting ready, you got a new message on your phone. 
Shouto: Parked in front of your place
Shouto: Sorry I’m a little early. You can take your time getting ready :)
Y/N: it’s okay i’m ready now!! 
After hitting send, you put your shoes on, gathering your belongings you wanted to bring with you, and headed out the door. Excited to hang out with Shouto again, you walked with a skip in your step down the path until you reached his car. 
“Hi!” You waved through his half-opened, tinted window. To no one’s surprise, his car was a sleek black color with dark, tinted windows, and gold details along the sides. If it didn’t look so oddly sexy you would’ve laughed at how cutely dorky he was for matching his car with his credit card. “This is one hot car.”
He turned his head to the side when you entered the passenger’s seat. “Should I turn the AC higher?” 
“Huh— Oh!” You stifled a giggle when you processed the pun he made. “You’re funny, Shouto.” 
He only looked a little confused. “Thank you.” 
The interior of his car was no less—for lack of better term—sexy than the outside. Leather seats, a large screen for the radio and carplay, and the dashboard and side doors lit up a nice blue color. 
“Pretty!” you complimented, poking at the colorful light.
“Want to pick a color?” 
Your eyes widened. “It can change colors?!” 
Shouto nodded.
“Can it be pink?” you asked intently. 
“Light pink or hot pink?”
He swiftly obliged and with a hit of a touchscreen button, the interior lighting changed from blue to pastel pink. 
It turned green.
Cue the orange. 
Once you were thoroughly satisfied with Shouto showing you the whole color selection (you were almost embarrassed to admit it kept you entertained for a good ten minutes), you settled on a bright turquoise that reminded you of the color of his left eye. 
“Ooh, this color! My favorite,” you said simply, giving him a wide smile. 
A faint blush dusted his cheeks as he developed a sudden interest in adjusting his rearview mirror. “Hm.”
Shouto drove the rest of the way in a comfortable silence, occasionally asking how your week was outside of work and what type of outfit you wanted to wear so he could have a better idea on where to take you. 
“Did you eat?” he suddenly asked when he hit the next stoplight, one hand holding the wheel and the other resting comfortably on the gear shift. 
His hands looked nice and slender and soft to the touch. Pretty hands, you thought but shook yourself out of it because you could go down a rabbit hole of examining his hands and going into detail about them. 
You remembered the single, measly granola bar you had due to your rush getting ready. “I didn’t really eat yet, no. Did you?”
He shook his head and pulled into a food plaza with lots of stores to choose from. The two of you agreed on a noodle restaurant that apparently had some of the best cold soba (once you learned it was his favorite food, you wanted to be able to have some with him and today was the perfect opportunity to do just that) and promptly headed to the location. 
In the shop, a waiter sat the two of you down at a dimly lit booth with the perfect amount of ambience that if someone were to casually look over, they might even mistake this outing as a date. 
You grinned at the thought. 
“Excited for the soba?” asked Shouto, examining the smile on your face thoughtfully. 
That’s not why you were smiling, but it was close enough. “Mhm. And the udon. You can never go wrong with noodles!” 
Yes, you got both udon and soba. But in your defense, where else would the fun in life be if not in sugary sweets and carbs? 
As the two of you waited for your main dishes, you ate some fish cakes and edamame while talking about the ways in which capitalism could be dismantled. Rather sexy of him, if you did say so yourself. 
Before you knew it, you were done with your meal and headed back into his car to go fancy-people shopping. On the remainder of the ride, you asked yourself what color you should pick that would match well with both you and Shouto. After all, nothing said a cute couple who totally liked each other going on a totally real date to a gala like color-coordinated outfits, right?
He parked in front of a street of buildings with a dark glass reaching from ceiling to floor with security guards at the door. Just standing near it made you feel fancy. 
“This is a place my sister told me she liked,” he said, leading you to the store front with his hand on the small of your back to guide you. “I hope you’ll find something to your liking.”
You tried your best not to pay too much attention to the warmth you felt both on your back and your stomach from the fuzzy feelings that spread. 
“Hello, welcome!” the both of you were greeted as you walked through the doors. The interior of the store was lined with designer dresses, some long, some short, and all incredibly stunning. There were only a few other patrons in the store, but all of them looked so elegant as they tried on their dresses. “It’s so lovely to see you again Mr. Todoroki.”
Shouto nodded subtly. “Hello. This is Y/N, my date to the gala who’ll need your assistance today.”
“Hi!” you chimed in at his cue. “Nice to meet you.” 
The worker smiled and made her way over to you. “And you as well. I’m Masuda and I’ll do my best to make sure you leave the store satisfied with your purchase! Did you have a particular style or perhaps color in mind?”
“Umm,” you said sheepishly, looking around the wide variety of clothings and unsure where to start. “I’m not too sure. It’s my first time going to one of these things so maybe something comfortable, but also still...fancy?” You scratched the back of your neck. “Does that even exist?”
“Of course— Just have to find something that feels comfortable to you.” She told you to hold on one moment as she disappear into the rows of fabric. 
As Masuda collected some starter dresses for you to try on, a customer walked by with bags of clothes in her hands, her gaze lingering on Shouto, though neither of you paid her much mind. 
“In this setting, you look almost fit to be a sugar daddy,” you said jokingly, looking around in awe at the sophisticated yet lavish dresses. “You take all your sugar babies here?”
“Only the ones I really like,” he teased back. His voice was deadpan but there was the telltale hints of a smirk on his face to let you know he was only messing with you.
The door chimed to signal that a customer left and by then Masuda had returned with bundles of fabric draped on her arm. She led you away in a hurry and you hesitantly looked back at Shouto who followed in a safe distance. Seeing your moment of panic, he gave you an encouraging smile that somehow was enough to ease a significant fraction of your nerves. This may be new and confusing territory, but at least he was here to help you through it. 
Masuda set a dressing room up for you—it was one of those rooms in the middle of the store with curtains that reached the ceiling and mirrors all around—and placed a bunch of outfits she thought would suit your taste. It reminded you of when a bride would go wedding dress shopping with their family. When you had enough outfits for the first round, she told Shouto to sit down on a leather seat in front of your dressing room while he waited for you to try the different dresses on. 
In a way, it felt oddly intimate: Shouto sitting just a few feet in front of you as you undressed, only separated by the veil of a curtain. Would he offer to help button the back of your dress up, fingers brushing against your bare skin? The thought made you feel almost hot inside as you changed out of your street clothes and into the first dress. 
Unfortunately for you, this dress had no such difficult buttons to reach. 
“How’s it look?” you asked shyly as you emerged from the dressing room. 
The dress was pretty and didn’t feel uncomfortable to walk in, but there wasn’t any sort of attachment you felt towards it. In other words, it was simply...meh. 
Shouto looked up from his phone to take in the sight of you. He smiled. “You look amazing as always.” 
“You think so?” You spun around and curtseyed jokingly and he chuckled. “I don’t think it’s bad, but I’m not sure if it’s the right one.” 
“We’ll be here until you find the right one you want, then. Take your time, Y/N.” 
His voice was normally on the deeper side, but it sounded even more sensual and gravelly at this very moment. You felt goosebumps on your arms and it wasn’t just because of the sleeveless dress you currently had on. 
“T-Thanks, Shouto,” you murmured, turning around and walking back into the changing room to hide the look on your face. You didn’t even know what kind of look you had on your face, but you knew it was one that might give too much away. 
It wasn’t fair that he had to be so sweet and caring and thoughtful and handsome and rich
 Most guys you met barely fit into one of those criteria, let alone all five. (Sure, the last two weren’t necessary in your opinion, but you couldn’t deny they were a nice bonus.) It was too bad you had no clue how he felt about you. 
There were moments where he felt flirty and teasing, like maybe he viewed you in a more-than-friends way. But other times he was so polite and proper and you couldn’t help but wonder if he was just being nice because that’s simply the sort of person he was to everyone. 
While you were trying to sort through all your thoughts, you completely forgot to change into a new dress the whole time you were in here. 
You saw a shadow at the floor of the curtain before a voice said, “Y/N? Are you okay in there?” 
Jumping at the sound, you scurried to put the next dress on, a blue one with almost translucent fabric and a delicate neckline. Judging from the proximity of Shouto’s voice and the shadow of his shoes, he was right next to you as you changed. 
“I’m okay!” you managed, hoping you didn’t sound as wobbly as you felt. You held the dress closed at the back, fumbling with the fastens. “I just, ah, needed help buttoning this one up.” 
A light ruffle on the curtain then a pause. “Should I...come in and help?” 
Your eyes widened, not expecting him to actually offer to button it up like you fantasized earlier. You fully thought he might called the worker to aide you just so he wouldn’t risk making you uncomfortable. (Not that he would’ve. At all.) 
“I apologize,” he said somewhat tensely after you didn’t respond. “That was indecent of me—”
“No, no!” you said profusely, poking your head out of the curtain while holding the fabric at the front of your dress to your chest. You tilted your chin to meet his gaze with a determined one of your own. “I’d love your help, Shouto.” 
With a dusting of pink coloring his cheeks, he nodded and entered your dressing room. “This dress is a nice color on you.” His voice was loud against the silence. 
Shouto ran his hand down the length of your spine and then up to unfold the column of buttons on your dress that curved inwards at your movement, his knuckles grazing against your skin like lightning striking water. You jolted at the sudden feeling but he didn’t remove his touch when he felt it.
“Sorry.” His voice was low, almost like a whisper. “Was just getting the buttons out.”
“N-No worries!”
His fingers began working on the bottom-most button at your lower back as he applied a steady pressure on the base of your spine to control the motion. Shouto slowly began his way up, fingertips cold to the touch. But you knew that wasn’t the only reason you felt yourself shiver. As he fastened the dainty buttons with immense concentration (much more concentration than was actually needed to fasten buttons, you were sure), you felt the heat of his breath tickling the back of your neck. You almost couldn’t keep yourself from arching your back in a mixture of anticipation and delight at his constant touch. 
When he finished the last button, Shouto let one hand rest on your hip, grasping the fabric between his fingertips to examine its silken texture. Your breath caught in your throat as you stepped back and bumped into his chest, but he was already there to steady you. 
With his arm on your waist and your back leaning against his chest, you made eye contact through the mirror in front of you. You weren’t sure if the pounding you felt was from your heart or his or a combination of both. 
There was something almost erotic about holding each others’ gaze in the mirror after Shouto just helped you dress, the two of you still not letting the other go despite the task being complete. 
“The dress
 You look gorgeous,” he said, not taking his eyes off you for one moment. 
You nodded slowly. It did look amazing on you. And it was breathable and soft. (Plus, Shouto liked it, which made you happier than you’d care to admit.) “The only downside would be I need help getting into it.”
“We could get ready together so it’s no issue.” 
“I’d...also need help getting out of it.” 
You held your breath as his eyes darkened, his grip on your waist tightening ever so slightly in a way that made you curve your back before you remembered you were flush against Shouto and he could feel even the most subtle of movements coming from your body. But by the time you stopped yourself, it was too late. He already felt it and you wanted more.
His voice was hoarse. “I could help you with that too.”
Instead of beginning to unbutton the dress like part of you thought he would, he surprised you by spinning you around to face him, your shoulder blades pressed against the cool glass of the mirror and your palms lingering on the muscles of his warm chest. The contrast of the cold glass and Shouto’s body heat left a shiver down your spine.
“And how do you plan to help take off my dress when you can’t even see the buttons?” you said challengingly, a smirk on your face despite knowing full well your body was showcasing just how affected you were by this situation. By Shouto.
He tilted his head to the side in response to your daring tone, hands swiftly finding their way to your back and unbuttoning the top five buttons. It wasn’t enough to completely expose your breasts, but it was enough to loosen the fabric at the neckline in a way that made you gasp. 
“Seems doable to me,” he commented. 
You tugged him down slightly by the collar of his shirt. “I don’t quite believe you. Maybe you should prove it.” 
A guttural noise sounded from the back of his throat as he cupped your jaw and leaned in closer. You inched forward, eager to meet his lips. But before they could touch, a knock came from the wall next to the curtain, causing the two of you to freeze in your spots, bodies pressed against each other in an intimate flush.
“Hello, Y/N?” said Masuda cheerfully, blissfully ignorant about what was about to happen in a public dressing room in the middle of the store. “How are the dresses coming along? Did you like any?”
“Ah, actually
” you trailed off, exchanging frustrated but amused glances with Shouto. “I think we’ll take this one.”
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a/n: so...mirror sex/sex in a dressing room as a bonus chapter? u.u why yes of course. i’m one step ahead; did u even have to ask? LMAO and hm i wonder if y/n’s fEeLiNGs~ are reciprocated skfkfkdg ALSO THEY WERE SO CLOSE TO KISSING BUT DIDN’T I CRY hopefully the wait will be worth it ;3
what to expect in the next part:
yes y/n finally gets the fancy candy they so desired
we get to see shouto’s sexy penthouse
shouto says eat the rich >:c
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holdingforgeneralhugs · 3 years
Emmaaa❀❀ may I request a headcanon where the easy boys fell in love with a shy reader? Maybe with Bull, Tab, Luz, Speirs Babe and Malarkey? Thank you❀ love you
Aaahhh Fran my dear, what a great way to start off my birthday week tysm for sending one in💓
Bull Randleman:
Bull is super protective of you, always has been.
He got 10 million times more protective when he realises he's head over ass in love with you.
He's always there, always got your back no matter what.
He likes that you're most comfortable when you're with him, makes him feel like he's special.
When he was stuck in that barn in Holland, separated from everyone, thinking about you was the only thing that kept his strength up.
Its then he decides he has to tell you how he feels.
He's pretty direct about it, he doesn't want to beat around the bush with this.
"Look darlin', I ain't gonna mess around here, because to be completely honest I'm head over heels in love with you."
You get all blushy and stuttery and he thinks it's probably the most adorable thing he's ever seen.
He can tell you're flustered, so he grabs your cheeks in his hands and rubs his thumbs over them gently.
"Can I kiss ya darlin'?" He asks softly
You can't even speak you're so surprised, so you nod and he leans in and kisses you slowly, not wanting to rush anything and ruin the perfect moment.
"Hell Bull," you giggle, "I've been hoping you'd say something for ages."
"And why didn't you say anything, huh?" He laughed.
"Because I was too scared you'd turn me down."
"Well," he sighed, kissing your forehead, "I just can't quite believe I ever gave you the impression I'd turn you down. Guess I'll just have to prove to you how much I love you from now on."
Floyd Talbert
Tab is a total flirt
He's all cheesy pickup likes at first and they make you blush like hell but you'll never give him the satisfaction of laughing at them because they're so ridiculous.
But he takes your blushing as encouragement so he keeps going for weeks until eventually he gets a giggle out of you and it makes all his efforts worthwhile because you have the most lovely laugh.
After that you start getting to know each other a little better, and you start to get closer.
He's delighted when you start to open up and share more with him.
It kind of hits him like a slap in the face that shit, he's in love love you.
He's a total softie with you
He's quite subtle about it at first. He does small nice things for you; makes you coffee, gives you half his k ration when supplies are low.
He's surprisingly reluctant to profess his feelings for you. He thinks there's no way you'll see him as anything other than a friend.
Chuck tells him he's an idiot, that you've clearly got feelings for him too and be should just tell you already.
So he does...in the most muddled way possible. It all kinda comes out like word vomit.
You're dumbfounded, and you can't quite comprehend what he's just said.
"Wait," you whisper, "are you being serious right now?"
"Yeah," he laughs, "I've kinda got it really bad for you."
You giggle and blush like hell, and he grins like an idiot because he loves that giggle so much
"How about I take you out for dinner sometime?" He asks cheekily, and his grin widens when you blush harder and agree to go.
He saunters over to you and plants a quick kiss on your lips, before putting his arm around your shoulder and leading you off, pointedly ignoring Chucks wolf whistles when the two of you walk past him.
George Luz
George is the biggest flirt around, and he makes no secret in the fact he likes you.
He goes out of his way to compliment you; tells you that you make Rita Hayworth look plain, that you make sunshine look dull.
The more he makes you blush, the harder he tries. He knows he can crack your shy shell and find the gem underneath.
He's a big fan of cheesy movie quotes, which you adamantly refuse to indulge him with, but he keeps trying nonetheless.
He's tried them all, so he decides this time to pull out all the stops and be as direct about his feelings as possible.
"See that's what's wrong with you," he starts smoothly, "you should be kissed, and often. And by someone who knows how."
He pauses for a second to judge your reaction, and when he sees you smiling he sweeps you into a dramatic dip and kisses you passionately, Clarke Gable style.
He quite literally swept you off your feet, and he knows it too.
Once he knows he's successfully gotten your attention for real, he softens. He dials down the flamboyant flirting and instead he just talks to you and gets to know you for real.
He loves to cuddle you in close and have whispered conversations for hours.
He's very affectionate too, always has to be holding your hand or have his arm around you.
He brings you out of your shell, his enthusiasm and fun nature is so infectious you can't help but be swept up by it and join in on the fun.
Ronald Speirs
Ron is incredibly different when he's with you, much to everyone's surprise.
He laughs with you, like....a lot.
At first you were very cautious with him. You'd heard the stories and weren't too sure what to make of him.
But when you get to know him you realise that he is totally different to what everyone said.
You found that he is really easy to talk to, and he has a wicked sense of humour.
He liked that you were a bit more quiet than others, it made you much easier for him to talk to.
He tells the most brilliant stories, and the two of you usually end up talking for hours about all sorts; history, movies, music, anything and everything.
Its obvious to everyone but you that he has feelings for you.
He thinks you must surely know, that it was completely obvious he'd fallen in love with you. I mean he spends all his free time with you, and he never talks to anyone else the way he does with you.
Lipton eventually realises that no, you don't actually have a clue how Speirs feels about you, so he tells him that you're oblivious.
Naturally Speirs is all action and matter of fact, so he decides to just tell you how he feels and see what happens.
He's kinda nervous despite outward appearances, but he'd never admit it to himself or anyone else.
So he literally just comes out and says it one day; no frills, no fuss.
You're disarmed by his straightforwardness. You'd hoped that he might return your feelings but you'd thought there was no way.
You've never seen him smile brighter than when you told him you returned his feelings.
He wasted no time after that; he wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you in to a passionate kiss, his other hand cupping your jaw.
Everyone was delighted you'd mellowed out ole Sparky a little, but of course nobody was brave enough to say it out loud in case he found out.
Babe Heffron
Babe....is a bit of a mess around you.
He tries to act all cool and smooth, but he's really a total disaster because he's so distracted staring at you.
When you first start getting to know each other he does most of the talking. He's nervous as hell around you so his mouth just keeps going.
Lucky for him though you find it endearing, and it helps you feel more comfortable with him so you start to open up too.
After that he prefers to listen instead of talk, because he's fascinated by everything you tell him.
You're two peas in a pod, and everyone thinks you're a miracle worker because you've managed to get Babe to stop talking for 5 minutes.
Its clear to everyone that the guy is totally in love with you, they're just waiting for him to do something about it.
So of course Bill is the one to tell him to get his act together.
"Get your goddamn head out of your ass Babe and stop acting like a lovesick puppy. Go tell her you love her and get the goddamn girl."
It takes him awhile, and he really has to gear himself up to do it. He's attempted to say it so many times but he keeps chickening out.
One night you two are hanging out just the two of you and he manages to get it out.
He stutters like hell, but you think it's seriously adorable, and you're grinning like an idiot by the time he's finished.
"Well, don't leave me hanging," he says nervously, "do you feel the same or...?"
You say nothing, instead leaning towards him and kissing him sweetly.
You're both blushing like two cherry tomatoes, but you're smiling so much your cheeks hurt.
Then you're even more inseparable. Bill thinks you're joined at the hip or something.
You're really cute together though, always holding hands or cuddled up.
What you don't see is that Babe rarely takes his eyes off of you, and he still looks like a lovesick puppy but honestly he couldn't care less.
Don Malarkey
Don tries to act all cool when the boys are around, but when he's alone with you he's much quieter.
It's those quiet moments alone together that you enjoy the most.
He's a great listener, and he has a gentle way of pushing you to open up and be yourself with him.
You guys grow close pretty quickly, and start spending more and more time together.
He finds himself getting lost in conversations with you, and getting distracted staring at you.
He realises one day when you're telling a funny story about your childhood and he hears your wonderful laugh that he's totally in love with you.
He doesn't say anything for awhile, thinking it all over. He contemplates if he should even tell you or not because there's a chance you'll laugh I'm his face and tell him no way in hell.
Eventually he decides to screw it and just tell you. But he's not gonna just come out and say it, he's gotta do some kinda gesture. But nothing too overly dramatic because you wouldn't like that.
So he turns up to meet you with a bunch of flowers he picked himself, and he's been trying to fix his hair for the last goddamn half hour.
He's got a speech prepared and everything, but he's pretty sure he's forgotten half of it.
"Look I...I don't know if you feel the same or anything but...I just want you to know that I am head over heels in love with you. And I don't expect you to return the feelings or anything but I'm hoping you'll give me a chance."
You could tell he was nervous about the whole thing, and it was quite possibly the most endearing thing you'd ever seen in your life.
You took the flowers from him and placed them on a side table quickly before jumping into his arms and hugging him tight.
"Woah," he chuckles, "I'm taking this as a good sign then."
You pulled back your head from his shoulder and looked into his eyes happily, nodding your agreement.
He eyes crinkled when he smiles and he leans in, pressing his lips against yours firmly.
Its clear to everyone how perfect you are for each other; you calm his wilder side and he brings out your more outgoing side.
Well there you have it! Hope you all like it and ilysm Fran thanks so much for such a fun request to kick off the birthday week fun💕
Taglist: @tvserie-s-world @geniedocroe @generousdreamlanddestiny @sunsetmando @cagzzz107 @howunexpectedlyso @alejodi0nysus @sunflowerchuck
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eeunoia · 3 years
Hi. Can I request a Jay fic just like Ni-ki's in "Enhypen as Campus Hearthrobs" and can it be with Sunghoon? Tysm <3
I love your stories so much. Take care always! I love you 💜
hello bb, here you go! Jay’s kind of a playboy here. But still the concept is still there. Btw, enjoy! Thank you so much for requesting anon! Ily <3
ENHYPEN Imagines
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pairing: jay park x reader
summary: you were in love with the campus playboy and he wanted nothing but plain hook ups.
warning: a bit spicy.
word count: 5.5k
a/n: It was long, lmao sorry. This was a request from the concept of Niki’s in my campus heart-throb series. You guys seems like to love his plot a lot because this was the second time it was requested. Anyway, enjoy reading this!  🌾
“Y/n!” you rolled your eyes when you heard the voice of your brother from outside of your room. Instead of responding, you continued flipping through the pages of the book you were holding and ignored him.
“Y/n!” he once again called out and you can’t hold it anymore so you shoot glares towards your door.
“What do you want?” you hissed at him.
“Aren’t you at least gonna send me off? Give me some hug or something?” you’re not quite sure if he’s being sincere or he’s trying to piss you off.
You let go of the book and marched towards the door to open it. There, in front of you was your twin brother, all dressed up, ready to go out and party.
“You should know that’s the last thing I would want to do, Jake Sim!” you glared hardly at him.
He sighed, “I’m not bringing you tonight.” his decision was firm as he put both of his hands inside his leather jacket then leaned over the wall.
You let out a frustrated sigh, “Why not? I promised to behave tonight.” you looked straight to his serious eyes.
Jake shut his eyes for a while before he let out a sigh, “No. I want to party hard tonight and I cannot do that if all I can think about is my sister.”
He was always the protective brother. Maybe the fact that he went out minutes earlier than you gave him an instinct that he’s older and that he has to protect you at all cost.
You pursed your lips and leaned over your door frame and stare at him. “You don’t even need to look after me. I have friends there too and besides, Jay will be there!” your voice sound so excited when Jay’s name went out from your mouth.
Jake’s stares became more serious as he eyed you. He was pretty much aware about your feelings towards one of his best friends. He’s not against it but he also not saying he won’t interfere if it’s already hurting you.
He clenched his jaw, stares not leaving you, “Jay won’t be able to look after you as well. He’s gonna get laid tonight, y/n.” he straightly told you. When it comes to the activities of his friends, he was not gonna lie about them. If anything, you need to be aware that Jay isn’t the type of guy who will settle with one girl.
You gulped, trying to get rid of the lump inside your throat and to mask out the sudden pain that took over your chest. You knew about how wild of a teen-ager Jay is and how hard it is to handle him. But you also think that if you give up on him pretty much quickly, it wouldn’t be worth it.
“What taking you guys so long?” both of your heads snapped over to the person who just appeared at the hallway.
It was Park Sunghoon, one of the best friends of your twin brother. He’s looking so handsome as always, seems like he’s also ready to party hard tonight. You rolled your eyes inside your mind, you don’t want to think about how many girls will he get tonight. You bet they will kneel before him without him even asking.
There’s a mischievous smile plastered over his face as he eyed his friend then over at you. His eyes then went over to your pajamas and it now furrowed hardly.
“Why are you in your pj’s, y/n?” he asked confused as he walked closer to you.
You pouted and looked back over to your brother. Jake looked over his friend, “She’s not coming.” he said right away that made both you and Sunghoon to look at him.
“What? Why?” Sunghoon asked and stood beside you like as if he’s on your side. Well, he is always taking your side.
“She just can’t, dude. I wanna party hard tonight.” Jake huffed out a stressed groan as Sunghoon slowly smiled at him.
“I can look after her.” he volunteered that made you smile widely and you looked at him.
He smirked and winked at you that made you chuckle a bit. Jake watch the two of you and he rolled his eyes.
“Dude, I’m serious.”
“I am too. You can have your fun tonight and I can take care of your sister.” You smiled widely at Jake while you stood beside Sunghoon then you even cling your hand over to his firm arms.
“I promise to behave.” you added.
Jake’s stares exchange from Sunghoon and you then he let out a sigh of defeat that made a grin appeared over to your face. “Fine. Hurry up and get change.” he said and rolled his eyes.
You cheered in happiness and went to him to give him a hug before going inside your room. The two followed you with their eyes, smile slowly spreading through their faces.
ïżœïżœLook at her, she forgot to close the door of her room. How stupid...” Jake mumbled and slowly shut your door for your privacy as they patiently wait outside.
Jake eyed Sunghoon who’s now busy with his phone. “Dude, I swear. You asked for this. You have to take care of her and promise not to hook up tonight.”
Sunghoon raised his gaze up to him then he gave him this assuring smile, “I got her, don’t worry. I won’t blink while looking after her.” he said.
Jake smiled and nodded his head raising his fist towards him for a bro fist. Minutes passed and you finally went out looking great as well. Of course, you’re Jake Sim’s sister. Good genes ran through your blood.
As you made your way out of your house, your smile grew bigger when you saw a familiar fancy car parked right outside. While you approach closer, the window of the driver’s seat rolled down and the face of the boy you’re crazy with appeared.
He looked amazing as always, his all black outfit sure makes him look dangerously hot and his stares pierced towards you making chills ran down through your whole system.
“Why is she coming, Jake?” Jay’s stares were fixed at you and you didn’t break the eye contact as well. You even raised your eyebrow at him.
“Sunghoon said he will look after her, don’t worry.” your brother answered as he went straight to ride the passenger seat.
You put your tongue out over at Jay to tease him as Sunghoon opened the door for the back seat, offering it to you. He was smirking as he watch you tease Jay.
Jay scoffed and rolled his eyes, “Just don’t expect me to babysit for her. She’s all yours, Park Sunghoon.” he said and you just entered his car while Sunghoon followed after you.
“It’s okay, I’m planning to behave tonight.” you smiled and you saw how he looked at you through the mirror and Jake turned his head towards you.
He raised his pointer finger and point it at you, “Don’t make Sunghoon have a hard time.” he reminded you with those serious looking eyes.
You sighed and rolled your eyes before shoving away his hand. “Yeah yeah, whatever.”
You didn’t notice that Jay was still watching you and he slowly shake his head from side to side. He doubt it that you’ll behave. If Jake’s the nice one, you’re the stubborn twin. You just don’t listen to anyone and you often push his buttons.
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You can hear the loud music even from the outside of the house. Since the person who’s organizing this was pretty famous in throwing great parties, people sure go here to have fun. You’ve been in a lot of parties already, this isn’t the first time.
You were walking between Jake and Sunghoon. Jay was in front of you, walking like he’s in a fashion show. Eyes followed him shamelessly. He was used to it, it was almost like it’s part of his daily life.
Your face showed a displeased expression how a girl flirt with Jay. He seems to recognized her because he stopped to talk to her. Since you’re behind, you have no choice but to stop as well--or that’s what you rather want your brother to think.
You felt a hand rested over your shoulder so you turn and saw your brother. He leaned closer to tell you something, “I’ll go party now. Remember, behave.”
You rolled your eyes and raised your hand to show him an okay sign. He starred at you for a while.
“I’m warning you. Create a problem, Sunghoon’s dragging you out of here.” he added before messing your hair before leaving.
Sunghoon chuckled behind you so you turned towards him. He smiled and looked down at you, “Ready to party?” he asked.
You smirked and bite your lower lip before nodding your head. He cheered playfully before grabbing your hand to drag you somewhere. Your eyes unconsciously looked for Jay since he’s the main reason why you wanted to be here.
You saw him now sitting over a couch, a girl was hovering above him. They were having an intense making out session. You starred at them blankly, not completely surprised by the situation. It wasn’t new for you anymore.
Sunghoon stopped from his tracks and followed your line of sight. He scoffed and pull his hand away from your hand then relocate it over your waist.
“Let’s get you drunk first and then you can bother him.” he whispered at you, lips slightly touching your ears as he talk. His suggestion sounds fine so you turned over him with a smirk over your face.
“What if I cause a problem? I’m wild when I’m drunk.” it’s not like he’s not aware of your drunk state. Of course, he was well awared about it.
He smirked before he turned towards the drinks to get both of you some. He then looked over at you, “Don’t worry. I’ll handle you if he can’t.” he said and pointed Jay using his chin.
You chuckled and accepted the drink he was giving you. The night continued and the people in that party just increased just like the number of shots you took. After your fifth shot, you can feel yourself starting to feel hot already. You fan yourself as you turned over to Jay. He wasn’t there anymore, panic took over you for a while but Sunghoon tried to calm you down.
“He went to the bathroom. You should follow and stop them.” he have this sly smirk, messing up with Jay sure sounds funny for him.
You nodded your head and was about to take another shot but Sunghoon held your wrist, stopping you, “Nah-uh. You already had five shots. The sixth one will be deadly.” he said smiling.
“You should go. If you need anything, you can find me here.”
You pouted but followed what he said. You stood up and even if eyes were darted at you, you ignored them. Your mind was fixed over to the guy who’s probably planning to bang someone at the bathroom.
You gulped when you arrived in front of it. Your fist balled as you hear soft whimpers and grunting from inside. You want so bad to just barge in and pull that girl away from Jay.
After letting out a heavy sigh, you knocked furiously at the door. They didn’t responded so you repeated it once again, now a bit harder to make sure they heard it. Since the music was so loud, you were afraid that the two was so immerse with their lusts.
“Occupied!” you heard a girl shouted from inside. You clenched your jaw as your eyes pierced over at the door. Imagining Jay’s hand wrapped around her body just made your blood boil.
“Jay! Sunghoon left me!” you shouted from outside.
Suddenly, the whimpers was stopped and in just an instance, the door opened. The first one you saw was Jay,  his used to be neat black polo was now crumpled and you can see lipstick stains over his neck. Your eyes then darted over to the girl at the back, she was glaring at you while she fix her dress. You rolled your eyes at her before looking back at Jay.
“What the fuck are you doing here, y/n?” he sound so frustrated as he ran his hand once over to his sweat stained hair.
You pouted, “I was getting a drink and when I turned around I can’t find Sunghoon anymore.” you lied to him.
The girl slowly approaches Jay as she kept her glares at you. You ignored her because she don’t matter to you anyway, you’re just glad that you stopped them even before they can do the did.
You heard Jay muttered soft curses, “How many did you have?” Jay asked you that made you furrow your brows.
“What?” you asked because you didn’t quiet catch it.
He sighed, eyes darkly darted at you, “Shots... how many?”
You raised your hand showing him five fingers. He shut his eyes for a while before he turned towards the girl behind him and his other hand reached over your wrist.
A smile then slowly appeared over your face. A winning grin was present at your beautiful face when you turned towards the girl.
“I need to take care of her first.” Jay said firmly that made a displeased expression appear over her face.
“See you around.” he didn’t even let her finish her sentence and he turned over at you. His eyes were dark as always.
“I knew this would happen. I told Jake to fucking not bring you.” he mumbled to himself but you managed to hear it anyway.
He pulled you over to a less crowded part of the house before he fished his phone. Maybe to call Sunghoon or something.
You stood just in front of him and let yourself enjoy the sight. He looked extra hot after his hair was all messed up and the first three of his polo was now open letting you have a sneak peak of his chest.
You gulped, feeling your cheeks burn because of the thoughts that taking over you. As you continued checking him out as you hear frustrated groans from him, still at his phone. Your mouth fell a bit open as you saw the bulge over his pants. Oh... you interrupted something.
You gulped and starred back at his face. He was hardly furrowing his brows, “Fucker’s not answering his phone.”
“Do you want me to help you?”
He glanced at you for a while, brows still hardly furrowed, “Help me with what?” he asked still focused with his phone.
He was about to dial somebody again but you advanced towards him and rested your hand at his erection. Jay was taken aback, he do know about how you feel but you never done this before. You were never this bold to him. His hand rested over your shoulder, ready to push you away from him before you can do something you will regret.
But Jay had lose it when you look up at him and he saw how your eyes were so innocent. Despite of your actions, your eyes was big and seems like clueless of the situation. It drives him crazy.
His breath hitched as he raised his head up, shutting his eyes and trying to breath heavily. You leaned closer and rested your face near his neck, breath fanning over to his skin.
“Damn it, y/n. Stop.” he was about to push you away because he’s slowly losing his mind.
You didn’t back away and moved your hand over to his shoulders. Jay stared down at you, slightly getting pissed after your hand left his erection.
“Y/n you don’t want this.” he said with a low voice, eyes completely darted at you.
You leaned closer, your lips were just inches away from each other. Both of your noses slightly touching each other. Your eyes were fixed over his slightly parted lips and Jay’s was just at your eyes.
His mind was clouded with a lot of bad thoughts about you. The wall he had created between you and him was slowly being broken down by you. Not even once does the thought of you initiating this had occurred to him. Between the two of you, he was the corrupted one. For him, you’re just an innocent little kitten.
“You sure?” was it the liquor? or is it the jealousy that drives you to do this? You have no idea, all you know is you love being this close to him.
His scent was invading your nose as your body felt hot close to him. Jay’s dangerous, you know it. But he’s the kind of danger you want to be involve with.
Your eyes trailed from his lips up to his eyes as your hand slowly cupped his face, “Because I really want this Jay--” you didn’t even have the time to finish your sentence when Jay cursed under his breath and pulled you over the bathroom where he just went out moments ago.
He pushed you inside, body dangerously close to each other. He kicked the door close and click the lock before carrying you. He placed you over the sink as he connect his lips at yours.
“Fuck y/n.” he mumbled between the kisses.
You hissed and groaned at the feeling of his lips over yours. You didn’t expect this would happen tonight. Jay’s hand moved from your face down over to your waist.
You pulled away and Jay was smirking at you, “I’m gonna ruin you tonight, y/n.” he mumbled that made your heart thump.
As he leaned over your neck, your fist balled and your eyes shut. You were very nervous since this is your first time and you didn’t really expect to lose your virginity in a bathroom.
Jay, as expected was professional at this thing. He knew where to kiss you to make you feel good but your slightly shaking body didn’t slip off from him.
He reached over your wrists and pushed you a bit away from him. His eyes were serious as he eye you now.
“You’re shaking.” he said, disappointment lures over his tone.
You gulped, lips trembling a bit as you try to compose a sentence. You can’t deny that you are nervous.
“I w-was just--” Jay cut you off as he took off his leather jacket and silently cover rested it over your shoulder.
“I can’t hook up with you when you’re acting like this.” he said. You were left silent.
Not because he said he ain’t gonna do it but because of what you heard. Hook up? Your eyes watered as you let out a sarcastic chuckle, “Hook up?”
Jay eyed you as he fixed the buttons of his black polo, running his hand over to his hair once.
“Yeah, what do you think? I still don’t like you, y/n. I never did.” his word rings inside your head and you felt your heart sank.
You’re so stupid for thinking that he will take you seriously just because he pulled you inside a bathroom to have sex. Of course, Jay was known for being a notorious playboy in your campus. You should’ve known better.
“And you really pull me here just to get in my pants?” your tears streamed down your face now. Jay looked at you blankly like as if it doesn’t bother him.
“Well you asked for it, didn’t you? You were basically throwing yourself at me--” your hand hardly slapped Jay’s face after you went down the sink.
You starred angrily at him, tears still pooling your eyes. You felt pathetic, you feel sorry for yourself for being this desperate.
“Screw you.” and you turn your back at him without saying anything anymore.
Jay clenched his jaw as he watch you walking out. He didn’t know but the slap did something to him.
You’re a bit still clouded with thoughts when you met Sunghoon’s eyes. He was flirting with this one girl but when he saw your face, his smile fell and he left the girl right away to approach you.
“Hey, what happened? Did he do something to you?” he asked worriedly.
You pursed your lips and gulped trying to get rid of the lump inside your throat. You wiped the tears away, “I wanna go home, please.”
Sunghoon didn’t know what to feel when he heard your voice crack a bit. He sighed heavily, slightly regretting that he send you to go after Jay. He fixed Jay’s jacket that was resting over your shoulders before he guided you outside the house.
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It’s been a week already and you were trying so hard to avoid Jay. It was kind of hard because he’s basically everywhere you are since he’s friends with your brother. They often hang out at your house and you stay at your room during those time.
Jake noticed that you were avoiding him but he just shrugged it off since maybe you just had enough of the chase. He’s somewhat happy about it because he doesn’t have to worry for you being hurt by his playboy friend.
On the other hand, you were spending most of your times with Sunghoon. Lately, you two just became more close to each other. He’s always fun to be with but since he always accompany you, he became even more entertaining for you.
“What’s up babe?” he was smirking as he called you with that playful endearment he kept teasing you with.
You rolled your eyes but did your handshake with him before you plopped down beside him. Jake didn’t give much attention to the two of you because he was used to it. But Jay was different. He starred at the two of you with hawk-eye like eyes. His brows furrowed as he watch Sunghoon rested his hand over to your waist to pull you closer to him because he wanted to whisper something.
His jaw clenched as an unfamiliar emotion took over him. Were you guys always this touchy with each other? And Jake was fine with it?
He then eyed Jake who’s busy eating his food while chatting with Heeseung. He, then roamed his eyes to their other friends to see if he’s the only one thinking that you and Sunghoon is flirting right now.
Feeling a bit frustrated, he lost his appetite and just played with his food. Your giggles and Sunghoon's laughs ringed inside his mind and it just made him pissed even more.
He knew he had said that he never liked you but maybe that’s not the case? Maybe he’s just afraid of how crazy he’s gonna end up if he lets you into his system? Yeah... maybe that was it. He really liked you and you being the sister of one of his good friends created a boundary he made his-self.
“Hyung, you okay?” Jungwon had noticed how Jay hardly played with his food and how his brows were hardly furrowed.
“Huh?” Jay asked finally snapping back to his senses.
“You were playing with your food.” he said and even pointed the food using his chin.
He eyed it and he just let out a sigh. He stood up and decided to leave first. The boys were eyeing him weirdly. Jake had also noticed that something’s up with his friend. Lately, he’s not like his usual self.
“Did you had a fight with Jay?” Jake suddenly blurted out while you two were chilling at your living room.
You tried hiding your surprised reacting by covering your face with the book you were holding. Your feet were rested over your brother’s thighs as he sat beside you, watching television.
“No.” you answered.
If you’re gonna be honest, you kind of miss Jay. You missed hanging out with him. You messed his pissed off face whenever you follow him around and cling unto him. But you also think you had enough, he had made his self clear that he don’t have feelings for you.
“Really? He seems like not himself lately.”
Hearing that made your heart thump faster but you tried to shrug it off once again.
Your head snapped over the door when you heard your door bell rang. Even before Jake can stand up to go and open it, you stand up.
“Are you expecting someone?” he asked curiously.
“That’s Sunghoon! He’s gonna sleep here tonight, we’re gonna watch movies.” Jake just watched how you opened the door for his friend completely abondoning him.
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“Where’s Sunghoon?” you asked Jake as you walked down the stairs, finger combing your hair.
Jake looked over you and he furrowed his brows as he gave you an elevator look. “On his way here... you look great.” he complimented you.
You smiled after muttering a soft thank you and held a leather jacket by your other free hand. His eyes darted over it.
“Is that Jay’s?” he asked you. You blushed and you panicked a bit but you tried to compose yourself once again.
“Yeah he let me borrow it last last week. I’m gonna return it to him now.” you said.
He just gave you a nod, “He’s outside,”
You nodded as well and walked yourself out. You’re partying tonight again and you decided to return his jacket to him. You had forgotten about this and while you’re fixing your room, you found it.
“Hey,” you softly called out.
Jay's eyes sparkled as he eyed you walking closer to him. He doesn’t know how to contain his excitement, you just talked to him again after that incident. He was actually so happy.
“Hey.” he greeted, trying to keep his cool.
You sighed and handed him his leather jacket. His brows furrowed and slowly reached for it.
“I forgot to return it, I’m sorry.” you plainly said and turned your back ready to leave him.
Jay doesn’t what got into him but he quickly grabbed you by your wrist.
“Are we good?” he asked you, lips ran over to his lower lip.
You starred over his eyes and you smiled. Even if you’re in front of him smiling, Jay felt your coldness lingers around you. You were cold towards him like as if he doesn’t matter for you at all.
“Yeah, of course.” Lies. You were lying.
Not really feeling okay about the situation, you were planning to get away but Jay held unto you tighter.
He was about to say something but you both heard someone talk.
“Hey sorry if I was late. I had to look for someone who will accompany Yeji for tonight.” it was Sunghoon. You pulled your wrist away from him as you playfully shoot glares at him.
“You’re just slow, Park Sunghoon.” you said and you heard him laugh before he wrapped his arms around your shoulder.
Jay clenched his jaw as he stare at the two of you. He couldn’t handle it but he knew he was at fault why all of this was happening. He’s the one to blame why the girl he loves hates him now.
Jake went out afterwards and you all went inside Jay’s car. Jake was at the driver’s seat while you and Sunghoon was at the back. The drive was silent until Jake decided to break it.
“Oh I remember, I really had a hard time sleeping last night.” he said that caught all of your attention.
Jay was clueless about the situation so he just kept his mouth shut and decided to just listen.
“You two should try and lower your voices. I was at the other room but I can still hear you. It’s annoying, you know.”
Sunghoon laughed and so did you. Jay on the other hand was gripping tightly at the steering wheel. He wanted so bad to stop the car and punch Sunghoon right there.
Jake shake his head acting like as if he was really disappointed at the two of you.
“Blame Sunghoon, Jakey. He’s such a baby.” you joked and laughed again.
“What? I told you I can’t take horror movies so well but you still insisted and it’s not like I’m the only one screaming! You were loud too.”
You two continued bickering as Jay spaced out. His grip slowly loosen up as he realized he was being dirty minded and actually thought Sunghoon and you did it.
When you arrived at the party, Jay was planning nothing but to have his eyes at you. He’s not gonna hook up or even look at other girls. It’s not like he ever did the past week because ever since he realized his true feelings for you, he stopped fooling around with other girls.
The night was pretty much going smooth, not until a girl approached Jay and he was trying to reject her in a nicest way. But the situation appeared differently for you, he seems like flirting for you so you can’t help but to feel bad.
Your eyes started to water, you had a couple of shots already so your emotions were getting the most of you.
“Hey doll face, why are you crying?” Sunghoon asked, making you face him. Now, you’re not facing Jay anymore.
Sunghoon laughed at your crying face before he leaned closer to fix your slowly getting messed up mascara, he was too close that you two were almost like kissing.
That was Jay had seen and he exploded. He couldn’t take it anymore and before you even knew it, Sunghoon was already at the floor.
“Jay! Oh my gosh, Sunghoon! Are you okay?” you asked and was about to go help him but a pair of strong arms wrapped over your waist to carry you.
You tried freeing yourself but you failed. He managed to bring you inside his car and his jaw clenched hardly after sitting down at the driver’s seat.
“Are you out of your mind? You punched Sunghoon!” Jay was pissed and you defending his friend just made him pissed even more.
He darkly looked over you, “He was kissing you!” he shouted that made you shut silent for a while.
Your brows furrowed, “What? No he wasn’t!”
“I’m not blind!”
“He was really not kissing me and if he is, then so what? So what if he’s kissing me, Jay?” you said, tone sounding a but challenging.
He clenched his jaw, “I don’t want you kissing someone else.”
You scoffed at him, “You have no right saying that.” and you were ready to go out of his car but Jay stopped you.
He snaked his arms over your waist and carry you to place you carefully over his lap.
“You're not going anywhere, y/n.” he mumbled under his breath that made your knees go weak.
You rested both of your hands over his chest for support. Silence took over both of you, eyes just starring at one another.
“I’m not planning to hook up with you, Jay.” you tried making yourself clear.
He licked his lower lip as his eyes trailed over your lips. “I am too.”
Your brows furrowed, “Then what is this?”
His eyes went back to you and you can’t explain how your heart thumped faster when you saw his eyes starring lovingly at you.
“This is me trying to confess to you.” he mumbled that made you pursed your lips together.
“I’m in love with you.”
You were surprised of course, you’re refusing to believe him but his eyes just makes it a bit more hard not to.
“I-Impossible.” he helped you sat to him properly, both of your legs over his sides then his large hands held unto your thin waist.
“You don’t know how crazy I am to you, y/n.” he mumbled, face leaned closer to you and now claiming your neck. His lips peppered you with soft feathery kisses.
“I was a fool for hurting you. Forgive me,” he said sincerely between his kisses.
You lose it as you shut your eyes, head tilting over to the side giving him more access. You hitched your breath, a low groan letting out.
“I love you.” you said that made Jay’s heart jump in excitement.
He smirked as he suck unto your neck, leaving a mark before he pull away to claim your lips.
“I love you more, baby.”
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“Where were you?” Jake asked when you entered the party again. You saw Sunghoon and he was holding an ice over to his cheeks.
He smirked at you but his grin grew wider when a tall figure appeared behind you. The party continued like as if no commotion happened a while ago. You went inside and found your brother and his friends at one of set of couches at the living room.
“I w-went out for fresh air.” you reasoned out to your brother.
Sunghoon scoffed as he eye your neck, a couple of hickeys were visible but the party light makes it quite hard to see. He smirked as he saw Jay’s hand possessively rested over your waist.
“Did you fix her mascara, Jay? I was just helping her, you know?” Sunghoon said, a sly smile plastered over his face.
Soon, the boy’s eyes were darted over the two of you. Your brother’s brows furrowed in confusion and he just noticed Jay’s hand.
“Shut up, Sunghoon.” he said, smirking.
Jake smirked too, finally getting the situation, “You fucker, what did you do to my sister?” he jokingly said and pushed his shoulder a bit.
Jay looked at you for a while before he kissed your temple gently then he smiled warmly. His eyes looked at you with full affection and love.
“I just claimed what’s mine.”
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misschifuyu · 3 years
Can I get boyfriend headcanons (with nsfw) of Sanzu and Kokonoi? Also, I wanted to say I’m loving your blog and your writing! Thank you!
- hi there babe !! tysm im so so glad to hear that you like my blog omg ;; here are the hcs you asked for of the best boys ♡ 
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Sanzu and Koko boyfriend headcanons + n/sfw
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characters: sanzu haruchiyo + kokonoi hajime
genre: fluff + n/sfw
warnings: explicit content, orgasm denial, oral (both)
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so ive already done some relationship hcs for him, but there can never be too much sanzu content so we will continue from those already written
going on a date with sanzu won't be something particularly regular, however when circumstances come together to allow you to spend time with your boyfriend, he will definitely try and make up for the lack of outings
he's not someone who would enjoy a simple date in a café. sure, if you wanted to sit for a while in Starbucks, he will reluctantly tag along behind you
though he hasn't a clue what any of the ridiculous names on the menu mean
but you will find him growing bored quite quickly. so make sure to get him out of the coffee shop and find something else to do. shopping is a prime example, but other times sanzu likes to actually do something fun
that is, if you happen to pass by an arcade, prepare to be dragged into it
doesn't matter if you didn't have any change on you, this was a date after all, so sanzu will be more than happy to pay for the games
he's surprisingly - and, honestly, concerningly - good at those shooting games where you have a prop of a gun
you don't know where he got those skills from, but you figured it was probably best not to ask
he's shit at racing games though. he won't admit to a loss against you, ever
instead, it would always be because of a distraction or because the game itself was rigged
he can be quite the stubborn one at times
but if you took him out to get a snack, he'll completely forget about getting overlapped by you, several times, in the race.
he's got a sweet tooth, so anything of the sugary sort will bring his mood up
when you brought him a bundle of sweets for his birthday he practically proposed to you on the spot he was so happy
and he pays extra attention to whatever you show a liking towards. he stores away these pieces of information and will make use of them in moments you would least expect it
now...onto the spicy content
okay so I don't see sanzu being vanilla
he probably isn't as freaky as some would presume, but he definitely isn't just going to make love to you and call it a day
the thing about him is that he's impatient
if you start to tease him, be it with subtle kisses on his neck or passing your hand over a certain spot of his trousers, he won't only get riled up in a matter of seconds
he'll also just straight up pounce on you or drag you off to somewhere a little more secluded if you were in public
it drives him absolutely crazy if you happen to have long nails and leave scratches on his back
it lets him know that he is, indeed, making you feel like a million dollars just by using his body
and it just...he loves it
foreplay will very rarely involved receiving oral on his behalf; he likes to leave that for later
when your hair is a mess and you've got a fucked-out expression before even going down on him
it would be like a half-time, though you didn't really get to rest much during said time
he won't hold back by that point, so you'd always have to stabilise yourself with your hands on his thighs unless you wanted to choke on him
he will, however, go down on you before getting into the main act, as he liked to call it. he'd always praise you on how good you taste
looking down to see his piercing eyes staring back up at you, the scars beside his mouth showing ever so slightly..
it was a sight you couldn't keep up for very long as your strength would falter at movements of his tongue
when it comes to positions, sanzu usually likes to be in one that will allow you to hang onto him for dear life as he pounds into you
he also loves taking you from behind, but only because it allows him to pull you back by your hair and whisper the filthiest words you have ever heard his mouth speak
"you like that? huh?...I figured as much from a slut such as yourself, now keep those noises coming before I make you scream even louder, babe"
bruises on your knees would always show up if he decided to keep you on all fours for the whole time
and he wouldn't always let you have the privilege of being on the softness of a bed
no, he'd do you anywhere
so be sure your wearing some easy fitting clothes
just so you don't have to struggle whilst putting them back on after making his car windows steam up in the middle of a parking lot
just before a meeting with bonten, no less
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same as sanzu, ive written a few hcs for him too, but we shall do a few more bc koko supremacy
right so...hair
so we all know that koko styles his hair and it looks quite pleasing to the eye, what with the half of his hair flowing down at the side of his face
now, what you didn't know is that koko gets up pretty early to be able to sport this look for the whole day. we're not talking 8am, no. 5:30am, the reason completely unknown to even you, his partner
he would wake you up once, having slept over at his place, as much as he tried to slip his arm from under you as carefully as he could
wondering what on earth he was doing, you would get up at trace his footsteps to his bathroom, seeing him with a comb in his hand at an abnormally large pot of hair cream on the sink
he hadn't expected you to wake up, but he would quickly invite you to sit on the toilet seat upon hearing you ask what he was doing
from that moment on, you would always ask to try and style his hair whenever you stayed over, or even just play with it
admittedly, he loves the feeling of your fingers run through his hair as you'd try your best to make it look just as perfect as it always did
it would fail, the first few times, which would result in you just putting it up into a side ponytail cue jojo siwa reference
all in all, though, he quite enjoyed it whenever you'd play with his hair, so you were more than welcome to do so
as a result, he would ask about your hair routine or, if you didn't really have one, your skincare routine
he'd always be amazed at your smooth skin whenever he held your face to give you a kiss
so you'd best drop him the tips and tricks
some weekends, the two of you would do a sort of spa day, where you'd both shower - or bathe, depending on how motivated you felt - and run through haircare and skincare together
koko really liked the facemasks you'd bring over whenever you did this, especially when you would struggle to put in on your face because they could sometimes be a little tricky
think of it as a cute, couple's day off, which he would always look forward to at the end of the week
but he'd never admit this to anyone, not a chance
onto the n/sfw side of this man...
much like sanzu, he's not a vanilla person. but he does have his fair share of kinks
orgasm play is right at the top of said list. he absolutely loves to be fully in control, and watching you writhe around each time he'd bring you close to your high, he'd take his hand, or anything else, away from where you'd most need him
his stare would always turn slightly darker when he'd see you before him, at his mercy and covered in sweat, and he wished he could capture the moment forever
he's give you a good three to four failed orgasms until he would let up his teasing act, but not before he'd get you to beg for him
it would always send shivers down his spine when he'd watch your almost tear ridden eyes look up at him, pleading for him to just give in already
"I don't know...you just look so pathetic each time I do it, I almost want to just leave you here and let you get off by yourself"
his sly smile would always stick with you as he'd utter out any words to you, right before giving you one last swipe of his hand between your legs and bringing you towards him
as much as he would usually be the one in charge, loving how you'd feel around him and making the bed creak with every thrust, if you tried hard enough you could turn the tables
he'd be a bratty sub, mind you, but watching him come undone beneath you will be worth the struggling to actually get him in that position
whenever you'd ride him, his hands would always be roaming the curves of your body, trying to get ahold of as much of you as he could
it would be a way to try and get back into control, but as soon as you'd squeeze around him, he'd fall back into his almost helpless state
but, back to him being the one pounding into you, expect him to bring you as close to him as possible
one of his favourites is bringing you up from being on all fours up to his chest, watching you struggle as you try to stay upright as he'd suck the skin on the back of your neck
"so much for being in control, you pathetic whore"
you never got out of there with functioning legs, that much was true
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arknights-imagines · 2 years
*leaves angle food cake for executor* okay bye-bye :)
Hiya sgshs!! Tysm for joining the Anniversary celebrations 🎊!!
Aaa omg you have a gift and it's for my favourite yayy đŸ„łđŸ’ž!!! Okay great, angel food cake for Executor đŸ„ș That's v perfect for 'Rico sgshs tysm and it'll definitely get to him safe, dw 💕!
I wonder how he'll take your gift sgshs 💞?
Taglist for Executor Appreciation!:
Angel Food Cake for Executor
(From @haruhifujimori)
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When the cake box is left in Dr. Exe’s hands, they beam widely - to no one’s surprise, they’re beyond delighted to be entrusted to deliver your gift to Executor.
They find the Sankta organizing paperwork in one of Rhodes Islands’ office rooms. A tap on his shoulder causes him to turn around with a gentle flutter of his coat. However, before he can ask Dr. Exe what they need, they quickly pass him the gift box, then explain where and who it came from.
Executor’s brow lifts ever-so-slightly. His eyes fix to Dr. Exe who seems to be raptly awaiting his reaction to the gift, before slowly coming to the box that was pushed into his hands. After a few moments, the Sankta clears his throat quietly, “Pardon. I am simply surprised.” Careful, he places the box on a desk nearby, “This is a gift addressed to myself? An occurrence like this is
irregular. Could you repeat again who its sender is?” Dr. Exe smiles and winks, “Someone who likes you lots, of course! Enough to want to send you their appreciation through a gift.”
His facial features soften - albeit, perhaps not noticeably - and his free hand comes to his chin, expression thoughtful. “I believe I understand. So long as there is no ill-will in this action, I’ll accept this. It is just that, sending me presents such as this is unnecessary.” Though he says that, the blue of Executor’s eyes that’s shining just barely with a sparkle of curiosity and content tells otherwise.
Finally, he opens the lid of the box - revealing a round angel food cake, the portion enough for one person. “Cake?” His hand picks up the small fork also in the box after a few moments, “Mm. Considering I am a Sankta from Laterano, desserts are gifts that would be typical.” And it seems that even he, as a Sankta - taciturn and mechanical as he appeared -, couldn’t suppress his near-natural sweet tooth.
With the fork, he takes a bite of the angel food cake; his eyes shut for a moment as he swallows it, and when they reopen there’s a gentle approval behind them. The cake is delicate and sweet, leaving behind a light sugary taste in his mouth - it’s perfectly baked.
As he takes another piece of the cake onto his utensil, the Sankta speaks in a tone that had a seldom-present warmth lacing it, “I’m afraid I cannot completely understand the emotions this gift’s sender has towards me, not do I think myself worthy of being someone's object of affection. But, don’t misunderstand me.”
Executor’s facial expression is gentle, and lifts the bite of the angel food cake to his lips, “What is for certain is that I appreciate this gift more than I am able to express, and I will enjoy it very much. Thank you.”
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h0tchner · 3 years
Worth It (college AU!aaron hotchner x fem!reader)
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pairing: college AU!aaron hotchner x fem!reader
summary: aaron and reader are both students together at George Washington University. although Y/N needs to study for her upcoming exam, her boyfriend aaron has other plans for their afternoon... other, sinful, plans... ;)
word count: 3k
includes: SMUT, fluff, hotch has a silver chain (adsfhkjdhskfhkjsd), spitting!kink, oral (female receiving), unprotected sex, cigarette mention, PDA, slight bratty!reader, lots of eye contact and kissing, creampie
rating: 18+ (this is basically pure SMUT so pls dni if you are uncomfy with explicit sexual content, or if you are a minor).
a/n: tysm to my besties in the discord server who put the idea of college!hotch with a silver chain in my head. this thing practically wrote itself. i hope you all enjoy, and that it's what you imagined! PLS (!!!!!!!!!!!) interact if you liked this, rb, comment, like and/or send me a request if you have ideas for future fics! i love y’all! - rivka💞
It’s the first beautiful spring afternoon of the year. Considering you and your boyfriend Aaron have both been cooped up in the GWU library all winter long, the choice to study outside in the fresh air today was a unanimous no-brainer.
After a full morning of classes, the two of you waste no time racing over to the courtyard at noon, in serious need of some sunshine. Hand in hand, you navigate the throngs of students and teachers, pushing your way through the sea of people toward an old oak tree at the far end of the outdoor common area. You and Aaron settle underneath the sturdy branches happily, study materials in hand.
His back is up against the tree, and you’re nestled between his long legs, resting comfortably against his warm, firm chest. In your hands are a pile of colour-coded flashcards that you’re memorizing for your Shakespeare 101 test that’s later this afternoon. Well
 trying to memorize, that is. Aaron is making it kind of impossible to concentrate.
Although he’s supposed to be looking over notes for his Political Science class, he is decidedly
 not. It takes all of five minutes for him to put his notebook down with an exaggerated huff.
You flick your eyes up at him. Aaron’s head is tipped back against the tree trunk, his eyes screwed shut, dark eyebrows furrowed. Something has him riled up and restless; he’s angstier than usual
 more impatient than usual. You can’t quite put your finger on why.
You let out a soft sigh of concern, making a mental note to talk to your boyfriend about it later tonight, and turn back to your flashcards.
About 10 minutes later, just as you’re starting to leaf through the literary symbolism of Hamlet, one of Aaron’s large hands begins to tease the hem of your yellow sundress.
You blush lightly and swat his touch away, playfully, cheeks flushing wildly at your boyfriend’s overtly public display of affection. You say nothing, and neither does he. He doesn’t exactly stop
 and it’s not like you exactly stop him.
You re-read the same flashcard over again as Aaron’s hand continues to toy at your dress. His other hand comes up to rest on your hipbone.
You fidget a little on the grass under his touch, adjusting your hips to move backwards, feeling something hard pressing into your... OH. So that’s what has him so worked up.
He sucks in a breath, fingers digging into your hip a little harder, the hand on your dress inching further up your thigh -
“Aaron!” you whine, breathy and bewildered. “There are so many people out here you seriously need to control yourself.”
You let your head tip back to rest on his solid chest. Looking up at him you can see the glimmer of arrogance in his darkened, hazel eyes. There’s something else there too
 something more
Predictably, he says nothing: but lucky for you, his eyes say everything.
“You made me stop studying,” you fake a frown, placing your flashcards onto your lap.
He gives your hip another squeeze.
“Took you long enough,” he murmurs, smirking, brushing a few strands of hair off your neck before attaching his lips to your collarbone.
“Oh fuck,” you breathe out. You bring a hand up and card it through his thick, black hair. You can feel him smiling against your skin, pressing light kisses up your neck, all the way up to your ear.
“You just look so good today, Y/N, I can’t help myself,” he whispers, deep and rough yet full of youthful horniness. He takes the soft skin of your earlobe in his teeth and pulls on it gently, making your eyes flutter shut and your hand pull hard at the hair on back of his head.
Aaron groans into your ear at the feeling. You shudder at the sound. He loops his arms around you and lets his head drop onto your shoulder. You stretch up slightly to the side and softly peck his cheek, moving one of your hands to cover both of his where they rest over your midsection, the other still playing with his gorgeous, raven hair.
“Babe, what in the world is going on with you today?” you ask, knowing full well what the answer is.
He lifts his head from your shoulder and glances at you, warm, golden-brown eyes shining. The expression on his face makes your heart do backflips.
You take the flashcards from your lap and toss them into your bag, twisting around in his arms so that you’re on your knees, facing him.
“Aaron,” you say again, this time more deliberate and confident, “what is it that has you so side-tracked?” Your fingers reach out to play with the silver chain he wears around his neck. You loop it around one of your fingers and pull him closer to you. You hear his breath hitch in his throat.
“You,” he shrugs.
Aaron lunges forward and catches you in a hungry kiss. It’s wet and needy, full of tongue and teeth.
“You’re insufferable,” you jest, lips pulling apart, fingers still toying with his chain.
“Yeah, I know,” he tilts his head cockily, grinning against your mouth as he captures your lips again.
“Dorm?” you ask him softly when the kiss breaks, dropping his chain back to rest on his black shirt.
He nods, letting his thumb brush over your cheek. He steals another kiss and then stands, suddenly, pulling you up with him. Before you can even register what’s happening, Aaron has both of your bags on his shoulders, and he’s scooping you up in his arms. With haste, he starts striding across the grass towards the dorms.
You throw your arms around his neck and grin up at him wildly as he apologetically barrels through the crowd. What a sight it is; you: cheeks flushed and laughing, yellow sundress billowing, and him: sexy as hell in dark blue jeans and a simple black t-shirt, practically sprinting with you in his arms across the campus.
You giggle as he elbows open the front door of his dorm building, and bury your face in his neck. You breathe in the faint smell of his guilty-pleasure cigarettes and clean, musky cologne. When you reach the elevator, he finally lets you down, but his touches never cease.
Aaron pushes you up against the wall of it and kisses you until you’re moaning into his mouth, legs practically jelly.
He continues this until the door opens on his floor, and you’re whisked away, again. He’s pulling you behind him at record speed down the hallway, your hand in his, until you reach his room.
The moment the door closes behind you, Aaron throws down the backpacks and is all over you again.
“Oh my god Aar,” you gasp, as he spins you around and traps you between him and the door. He pushes one of his denim-clad legs in-between yours and flexes up lightly, brushing over your core.
“So,” kiss, “fucking,” kiss, “hot,” kiss, “in,” kiss, “that,” kiss, “dress,” he breathes into your mouth in between bruising kisses.
“Do you have any idea what you looked like? Sitting between my legs in my favourite sundress of yours?” Aaron tilts your chin up with his fingers, forcing you to open your eyes and look at him. He is completely undone. A self-confident smile plays on his red, puffy lips. His dimples make your heart ache. His thick eyebrows are quirked up, and his eyes are nearly black, blown out with pure lust.
You answer his question with a whimper, bringing your hands up to his chest to tug at his black tee.
Aaron steps back a little bit, letting you pull his shirt up and over his head. You toss it to the side, bringing your hands back up to run over his broad, lightly toned chest.
“I couldn’t concentrate,” he admits smugly, letting his hands roam over your body.
“Yeah, and why’s that my fault?” You pant, teasingly, egging him on. You like to get a little bratty with him during foreplay, knowing that it always comes back to bite you in the ass later on in the best way possible.
He growls at you, licks his lips and dives back in, kissing you with unparalleled passion, rocking his leg up into your underwear-covered pussy.
“You were right there in my hands, but I couldn’t touch you,” he utters.
“You can touch me now,” you say, “and I can touch you.” You move your fingers down to the waistband of his jeans, eager to feel him. Aaron’s hands stop you.
“Not yet, babe,” he breathes out, shaky, touching his forehead against yours. “Need to taste you first.”
Your mind goes blank at his audacity.
“Aaron, fuck, please,” you whimper, eyes wide. You grind down on his leg, eliciting a grunt from your boyfriend.
You move to grind down on his leg again, but he removes it, leaving you to shudder at the loss of contact. He scoops you up again and carries you into his bedroom.
Aaron throws you down onto the bed, his black and white plaid sheets still rumpled from last night’s restless sleep.
He stands at the foot of the bed, staring down at you, his silver chain resting on the tufts of dark hair on his bare chest. His cock is straining at the fabric of his jeans, and his chest is heaving. He is lean and muscular, and oh so perfect.
“Baby, you’re so hot, please touch me, I need you to touch me,” you plead, pressing your legs together for friction.
“Fucking beautiful,” Aaron whispers as he kneels, wrapping his arms around your thighs and pulling you toward him.
You yelp as he drags you down the bed to him, the skirt of your sundress now around your waist. You look down at your gorgeous boyfriend as he nips and kisses your thighs.
“Aaron,” his name falls from your mouth like a prayer as you reach one hand down to tug at his hair. He tightens his grip around your legs, inching closer and closer to where you need him the most.
He presses a soft, open-mouthed kiss to the underwear covering your clit, making your back arch off the bed, chasing more.
“Aaron please,” you grip his hair with one hand and the sheets with another.
This time he sucks lightly on it through the fabric, and you cry out.
You squirm and moan under his touch as he licks your slit through your panties.
“Oh my god Aaron if you don’t to- OH!” Your frustration is drowned out by the sound of your moans as Aaron pushes your underwear to the side, eating you out like his life depends on it.
He laps at you with vigour, alternating between flat strokes and gentle sucking. Your hand in his dark hair is unfaltering as he hums between your folds, sending shockwaves throughout your whole body. You reach down with your other hand to hold onto Aaron’s, which he unhooks from your thigh and entwines with yours effortlessly.
You are a moaning, whimpering mess underneath his lips. He adds a finger, curling it just right inside of you. You can’t help but thrash, riding his face, begging to cum.
Aaron moans into your folds as he adds a second finger, scissoring them inside you.
“Aaron, baby,” you moan, “I’m so close.”
He peeks up at you under thick eyelashes from his spot between your legs. You lock eyes and he winks. The smug bastard winks.
That wink is all it takes for the dam to break, and your orgasm to overtake you.
Aaron continues to suck, kiss, and lick you through your high, letting you guide his head and ride his tongue until your body is still. He finishes you off with a gentle kiss just above your pubic bone.
“Come here handsome,” you breathe out, finally releasing the hand from his hair, reeling from the intensity of your orgasm.
Aaron wastes no time climbing up the bed as you push yourself into a seated position, taking off your sundress and throwing it across the room. His pink lips are wet with your arousal, and it makes your toes curl. You reach out and pull him to you, sealing your mouths in a searing kiss. Aaron groans into your mouth as you palm him over his blue jeans. He swiftly undoes your bra and lets it join the growing pile of clothes on his bedroom floor.
“Open,” he commands, rising onto his knees, running a finger over your parted lips.
You open your mouth and stick out your tongue as Aaron tugs on the hair at the nape of your neck, forcing your head back. He spits into your mouth, and you swallow it, never breaking eye contact.
It’s hot and dominating. You can’t get enough.
“Need you,” you whisper, your hand finding the button of his jeans.
“Y/N,” he grunts, one hand reaching to grab your bare breast as you unzip his pants.
He shimmies out of them, and his blue boxers too.
Finally, finally, Aaron is naked in front of you. His thick cock is red, hard, and pulsing, erect on his lower stomach.
You gaze into Aaron’s eyes as you spit into your hand and wrap it around his dick. You pump your hand teasingly, and his eyes slam shut, a string of expletives leave his mouth.
“Fuck, babe,” he groans as you swipe your thumb over the tip.
You move your hand a few more times, each more purposeful than the last. You’re just beginning to find a rhythm when your boyfriend pushes you down lightly onto the bed.
“Aaron?” You gasp, questioning.
“Need to be inside you,” he rasps as he hovers over you, pressing kisses to your neck as he lines himself up.
Aaron rubs himself over your pussy a few times, coating his dick with your arousal, driving both of you insane. You both look down as he finally pushes himself inside of you, the image of his thick cock splitting you open almost too much to bear. Your eyes snap closed in bliss at the sight of it.
“Oh Aaron, oh my god,” you breathe out as he bottoms out.
“Look at me, Y/N” he orders, unmoving.
You open your eyes to find his, dark and shameless, right over yours. His hair is soft and messy on his forehead. The silver chain around his neck touches your lips lightly as it dangles from his neck. He is the most beautiful sight in the whole world.
“Fuck me, Aaron.” You sigh, wrapping your legs around his waist to pull him in even deeper.
With a low, sinful, groan, he does.
The pace is perfectly rough; with every thrust of his hips into you, you grind yours halfway to meet him. You let your hands wander over the expanse of his back and shoulders, and then up into his hair. The sound of your hips snapping against each other is delicious. With every stroke, you whimper into his lips, his neck, his chest; any piece of skin you can find. It’s all free real estate.
“You feel so good, babe, I’m so close,” Aaron whispers into your mouth. You squeeze around him in response, letting him know it’s okay to take what he needs. The movement elicits a deep moan from your boyfriend.
With that, he picks up the pace, lifting your legs up and over his shoulders, and you dissolve into a pile of whimpers. This new angle allows him to go even deeper, even harder.
His silver chain passes over your lips again and again, as his thrusts become more frantic. You take the necklace between your lips and bite down, muffling the sound of your mewls. The metal is cold and hard in your mouth, and the sensation makes you moan.
Aaron’s eyes scan yours and then your lips, finding his chain in your mouth. His eyes all but roll back into his head.
“Holy shit Y/N,” he pants. You watch as he starts to devolve, clinging to him as he throws his head back and goes over the edge.
He spills into you loudly, pressing against your body, filling you up with hot cum.
You release the chain from your teeth and pull Aaron down onto you, needing to feel the weight of him.
“Aaron, oh my god, baby, yes, oh my god,” you whisper into his ear as his thrusting slows and his hips stop, his cock deep inside you.
You pulse around him, holding him close, rubbing your hands up and down his back. He is collapsed on top of you, and both of you are breathing heavily. Your chests are pressed together, sweat is sticking to your skin.
Aaron lifts his head from your shoulder to look up at you through hooded eyes and thick lashes. He gives you a dopey grin and his signature wink, before letting his head fall back down.
You laugh into his hair, pressing a soft kiss there.
You two stay like that for a minute or so, revelling in the closeness, before you decide to speak.
“Aar?” You say, nudging his head with your nose.
“Mhhhmmm,” he mumbles, still nuzzled into your neck, his breathing still slowing.
“I still have to study for my exam.”
Aaron groans into your shoulder, and then picks his head up again so you two are eye to eye.
“Don’t worry about it, babe. I’ll just pull the fire alarm,” he grins, all dimples.
You roll your eyes at his ridiculously adorable proposition, pulling at the chain on his neck to bring him in for another kiss.
“You’re so stupid,” you mumble against his lips.
“Only for you,” he replies, nipping at your bottom lip.
Well, it’s only one test. If I fail, I fail
 you tell yourself as Aaron slides his tongue into your mouth again, and you feel his cock hardening inside you, ready for round two.
For this? It’s worth it.
@ssahotchie @laurensprentiss @arsonhotchner @heliotropehotch @agent-laufeyson @mrsh0tchner
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