Guys you don’t understand. Supernatural’s subtext is so rich in lore and character building that we never actually see and it drives me absolutely insane. Like im fucking feral for the shit thats implied and brushed off on this show.
Like that seven deadly sins ep with Dean not being vulnerable to Lust.
Dean getting his GED even though he didn’t have to. Why did he do that? Gives us so much about his character
Saying “too much heart was always Castiels problem” implying a possible past rebellious streak
Sam’s implied torture with Lucifer
Everything implied about John Winchester. Like. Everything. Like i hate the episodes where they say “he did the best he could.” “He was a good dad”. Have we been watching the same show?
Dean’s alcohol dependency.
Like there is so so much under the surface of this shitty show and i wish people understood how insane i am about it.
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sarasade · 1 year
Part of me almost hopes that Viren's story arc will end in a disproportionately cruel way, you know.
I'm just so tired of seeing a character doing one good thing before they die or trying to change before they die and instead of the audience taking that as purposeful ambiguity the discussion will center around if the character was "Redeemed".
But imagine if he was punished so harshly that even the Viren haters would feel bad for him. Now that would be interesting! I've seen some dark speculation around season 5 so I'm looking forward to seeing how the show will contextualise his arc.
I don't understand why "Redemption" is such a popular talking point when centering villains (ok I actually do. I'm looking at you, Zuko).
"Sin and Atonement" and "Redemption" are deeply Christian themes. I don't think those should be a universal frame of reference to all stories.
Yes, yes, this is more of a fandom problem, not a show problem. But if people want to see a bad character harshly punished for their crimes maybe they should get that for once. I don't really mind because I think Viren, while unlikeable, is a sympathetic character already. Of course I feel for a character even if they are "irredeemable". That's what stories are for.
I don't mean it's a completely useless way to look at art but it's just- I don't know- I'm bored? Especially YouTube commentators talk about redemption constantly instead of engaging with the themes that actually are there.
Sometimes villains can't even really make up for everything they have done, just like some people in real life. Viren has committed so many crimes- like how do you even fix that? However it'd still be interesting if he tried to change. That's what I'm here for. Like Viren and Claudia are not just an antagonistic counterforce to our heros but they have a lot of going on as unique characters.
Viren has his saviour complex and values domination over cooperation. Claudia is interesting because she's both the victim and the perpetrator. It's interesting how self-sufficient she is while being deeply emotionally codependent on Viren. She has a ton of agency as a physically (magically?) strong person but not a ton of agency as an independent, emotionally strong individual. Viren and Claudia love each other but it's isolating kind of love where they don't really have anyone else but each other (Terry is really trying to get in there. Like sorry Terry you don't know how fucked up these two are lmao).
No wonder it was so easy to Aaravos take Viren's place as an authority figure in Claudia's life after Viren died. Or at least that's what I took away from Lost Child short and TDP season 4 in general.
I still think about the first information we got outside Viren and Claudia's POV about Aaravos's mirror: Runaan's warning about "A Fate Worse Than Death".
This framing device sounds really important. I've been wondering how it'll play out eventually. Is it something about Viren losing his old life he worked so hard to build, or will he lose Claudia in some metaphorical or literal way? Is it something even more personal?
Personally, I'd love to see Viren live and change as a person. There are plenty of high-fantasy male characters like him who go through that kind of transformation: Guts from Berserk, Geralt of Rivia, Jaime from GoT, Ged the Wizard... You know, characters who realise that the things they value are unsustainable or even harmful to themselves and to people around them and even to the world as a whole. Or they realise that superficial things like status and power are unfulfilling and only serve status quo. There are some parallels to toxic masculinity/ hegemonic masculinity, too.
However, I think it'd be interesting if Viren's story will be a deeply tragic one. Anyway I'm here for this.
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phychohex · 2 months
I met a vampire down in Santa Carla (chapter one)
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I pulled up the driveway dread seeping its way into my pours. I managed to get here in just one day only stopping for gas and food. I sit trying to gather the courage to face them again, especially after seeing them last. When I spoke to my mother on the phone asking if she could please help me and was immediately allowed; it took me by surprise. My stepdad and I never really saw eye to eye on just about everything. From religion to people who were different from us. My mom wasn't that way though. She just happened to be trapped in marriage something I never realized until being in the same boat. Stuck with a man who claims to love you only to show the opposite. I finally get the gull to walk up to the door knocking three times.
When the door opened I could barely recognize the woman in front of me the once youthful face now wrinkled with stress and the sad fake smile. Her hair was put up in a tight bun and her clothes resembled those of an old woman. Even though she was only in her early fifties. "Aurora my love come in you're just in time for supper" She stands aside letting me in and I see Steve sitting on his throne watching a football game. The brown leather recliner laid out as he looked up wearing what can only be Sunday best even if it was Monday. 'never know when we will meet god, so we always need to look our best' is what he always told me. He stands up a groan leaving him how he looked the same. From the tall lean figure that seemed to loom over you like a predator looking down on his prey. His hair greying and kept in a slick back appearance with those dull dark eyes pricing through my soul, judging me.
"Aroura" he nods I couldn't do it. My eyes hit the floor as a mix of fear and shame came over me. The last thing I told him was I would never come back to this hell hole and that I would never need his help. Now I hate that I was wrong this was the part I knew I would hate the most. The look in those cold dead eyes saying I told you so. "Is Dinner ready?" he asks my mom leading us to the dining room where a nice roast was all prepared for us. We sit down back in our spots. It was like I never left. He held his hand out to me so we could pray over our food. I was not religious I was the opposite I hated it. I know not everyone is that way but with what I had to go through because of god, because I was 'sinful' I couldn't help but despise it. The thought of religion sent chills up my spine and yet I joined hands and pretended to pray along with them.
As we say our amen and start eating he pipes up "So how was John" he asks the tone in his voice screaming that he was eating this up.
"Steve" Mom tries but he holds his hand up.
"you know this is my house Aruroa so I have rules," he starts
"Rory" I mutter "I go by Rory" I look up nervous. "that's what my friends call me," Having never told them before I just couldn't take not at least trying to be myself.
"Okay then, Rory. I have rules; now I know you are a woman now, all grown up. All I ask is you cover your tattoos inside the house and especially outside. I am a well-known member of society as you may know" That was true he was friends with a bunch of politically rich people. "I don't want you to be an embarrassment, you understand. Modesty is what I expect this means no crop tops, shorts or skirts must be at least knee length and no tight-fitting clothing it's unbecoming. Lastly, I want you to contribute help with chores and such." he smiles I look over to Mom as she smiles.
"It will be nice. A good change of pace to have help right" she asks
"Mom what about you, you work right"
"oh no" she shakes her head "I gave it up a few years ago" I was stunned. She was an amazing Veterinarian surgeon and loved what she did.
"well, that's good." I smile "But I think I will try to get a job if that's alright"
"With what education" Steve pipes up "Last I checked you never finished school"
"I didn't but I did get my GED, and then I went into a trade" The shock on his face was everything. After being told I couldn't do it and then to prove him wrong. "may I be excused I have some unpacking to do" I ask and they let me. I go out to the car grabbing my bags before going up to my childhood bedroom. The door opens with an eerie creek. The room was just as I left it. The full-sized bed with a creme-colored blanket. The frame has four long points with old fairy lights hanging from them. One light brown nightstand with a simple lamp and then a dresser across from the bed. All the neutral colors. If you told someone a sixteen-year-old used to live in this room I'd tell you that it was sad. Sitting on the old mattress and opening the drawer of the nightstand looking at the unused bible just collecting dust. Gazing to meet the Jesus painting that hung right above my bed. I hear a knock as Steve opens the door.
"gosh, so many memories." he shakes his head smiling "I remember that day, the rush you had as you got into that car cursing our names. Your mother she would lay in here for days sulking. You put that woman through hell you know," he sits next to me the numbness was back all I could do was nod. "she has asked me to not be so harsh on you, and for her sake, I plan to so do what you want with the room all I ask is you not deface god, show respect." he puts his hand on my back "I'm glad your back, no matter what you may think of me I am glad to have raised you, and that you have come to your senses" he stands up. Looking at the Jeues painting. "remember he is always watching over us."
"take it" I mutter "I don't want it in here" Tears peek up again. he lets out a disappointed sigh taking it down. As he is walking out the door he turns back to look at me.
"keep this door closed at all times, I don't want guests coming in" he shuts the door with more force than needed. I lay down in my bed trying to get over the feeling of entrapment. Telling myself over and over this was better than what I came back from. With the thought playing over and over I found myself falling asleep.
I wake up looking at the time. It's almost noon and I have to rush out. when I told my friends I was coming back we made plans to go out for lunch and meet back at the shack. The shack is an old hideout we made when we were younger. It was a trailer out in the woods just outside town. It used to be my friend's uncle's trailer and once it was paid off he didn't want it and agreed to give it to us as a clubhouse while he built his dream place just a mile down the road. I brush my hair looking in the mirror the bruise on my arm still dark. Using what makeup I had I covered it to the best of my ability before taking a glance over. Wearing a long-sleeve navy blue sweatshirt and then a skirt that went to my ankles which was black with navy blue flowers and black dock martins. I try to ignore the tired look and puffiness in my eyes. The light peeking its way through the curtains. Focusing on the dark auburn hair that was in a sloppy ponytail and the freckles that went along my cheeks like scattered stars. I grab my bag before heading out for lunch.
Sitting at the small little shop waiting. I hear a squeal and see Kayla rushing over. I stand up and she practically throws herself at me. She was gorgeous as ever, with honey-brown eyes long dark hair, and caramel skin. Not far behind her was Lilly a once light blonde now neon pink and fully decked with piercings. We sit down and start catching up. "okay, okay so I just started at this little nail salon down at the boardwalk and I'm meeting up with this guy who is a college professor he is so cute you have to meet him. Oh and guess who finally got together" I give Lilly a bright smile.
"Really?" I exclaim. Lilly used to have a huge crush on our friend Josh and everyone knew he liked her back but both of them were so deep in teenage awkwardness. They never would admit it to each other or anyone else. "since when"
"When we first started college. I'm studying for my nursing and he is going into film" Lilly smiles sheepishly "But what about you, why are you back so suddenly? I mean don't get me wrong we are all beyond happy but when you left it was because your stepdad pushed the last straw, I mean what he said I don't blame you and what he put you through so why move back in."
"Well, long story short I took off with an even worse person" I glance down adjusting my sleeve hoping they don't notice. Kayla reaches over and holds my hand her eyes filled with sorrow. I nod laughing as I wipe a tear. "I guess I should've seen that one coming huh, I mean what nineteen-year-old runs off with a sixteen-year-old."
"a fucked up one, I knew I never liked him" Kayla rolls her eyes "What happened, do I have to go and kill his ass."
"no, that would be too merciful" I laugh. "don't worry it's not like he knows I'm here.
"You're strong you know, getting away from it. Not many can" Lilly agrees "But seriously what a fucked up dude didn't he start trying to get you when you were like fourteen, he was a senior that just wrong." Lilly nods, "hey you know what we should all stop by the shack"
"yes that's perfect get the hell out of here and to a real comfort place." having finished our food we all go and meet up at the shack. Pulling in brought so many memories, all the weed we smoked the karaoke nights the game nights all the worst and fucked up movies we would sneak past the guys at the video store. it was a safe haven for us, no adults, just some dumb high schoolers with either nothing to do or escaping the reality of our own lives. It was our fortress, no one could tell us what to do. No one could take away the joys of being young and stupid and a place where we all looked out for each other. I get out seeing Will on the front porch smoking a blunt. He changed so much once a scrawny kid with messed up hair now in shape his big poofy hair held back with a ponytail holder. He looked good, especially for how he was brought up. He was one of us who was escaping.
While Lilly was the one who got us the shack cause of her Uncle she was also the den mother. The one who always cared and never had shit to do. Kayla was the same that is unless she had to watch her younger siblings. The three of us have been friends since the third grade when I first moved here. But for me and Will it was the safe zone. I was getting away from my stepdad who forced me to believe and who punished me if I didn't, but I felt he had it worse. His mom was a druggie and always had men coming and going which ended him in some trouble. Dealing drugs and having gotten addicted to heroin. It changed once he almost died and we freaked out. It was harsh but it needed to be said and if it hadn't he would probably be doped up. Kayla screamed at him saying he was no better than his mother. He went to rehab for a long time and I left before he came back. He looks up putting the blunt out and waves.
As I make my way up the stairs we clap our hands together and pull into a hug. "oh shit, they told me you was back, how you been" he smiles
"I've been" I shrug
"Felt you there, so hows that dipshit you were dating"
"don't know don't care how is your mom"
"dead" he laugh "fucking good riddance" We go inside the place was different probably cause we'd aged. the once dimly lighted room now has lights along the walls and a bright light and funky fan. With a wrap-around couch instead of bean bags which now sit in the corner. The TV was updated along with the gaming system and two bookshelves filled with games and movies. Down the hall, the game room is completely decked out with the table in the middle and shelves almost covering every wall with all the things a DND player could ask for. I see Josh in his natural habitat snapping pictures of some figures. He looks up smiling.
"awe shit," he makes his way around "bout time you stopped by, it's been what like six years? You look good" he complements
"you too" he nods the lanky figure and beanie giving hipster vibes. "what are you doing"
"oh well I'm working on stop motion so I take a photo and then move everything slightly and repeat the process until eventually I have a video of these guys moving. it's for an assignment, come on let's go sit down." everyone sitting in the living room music blasting as we hot box. It has been years and to say it was hitting hard was an understatement. Sitting with a big bag of barbecue chips listening to what everyone has been up to.
"You know what I was just telling my co-worker that I used to be in a band." Kayla announces "We should do that again now that Rory's back" I sit up shaking my head.
"hell no" I laugh "It's been years"
"exactly that's why we should, not for fame or money just for shits and giggles plus you used to sound like a literal siren" she pushes "Come'on what do you got to lose we can put it in with our DND sessions"
"Yeah we could" Josh nods "Every Wednesday we are all here anyway might be a good time Lilly still has all our old stuff we can set up here"
"where in here" Lilly scuffs "You giving your dnd room up?"
"hell no" Josh sits back. "we will figure it out but if we do you have to agree to at least try" he points passing me the joint. I take a quick puff and let out a long sigh,
"fine" Kayla jumped up in excitement before hugging me again. "hey I said try if it doesn't work out then that's not on me"
"Don't be a party pooper" Kayla pouts "I mean what are you going to do anyways"
"look for a job that's for starters there is no way I'm going to play housewife and be cooped up with sir I told you so, no way"
"Well, what are you looking for" Josh asks as I pass the joint.
"tattoo, I'm a tattoo artist and have been for three years now" I smile "I love it I wouldn't trade it for anything"
"I know a guy who is looking for an artist he is trying to do an almost twenty-four-hour opening. he is looking for the night shift from six to three. I can recommend you if you'd like." Will offers.
"yes that would be amazing" excitement filled as hope of actually being able to save up enough money to move out looking more and more possible, "where is it at"
"the boardwalk, its called Pop's Ink my guy Oscar is the owner pops was his old gang name I can have him give you a call" After a few more hours of talking and catching up it was time to finally head back home.
It wasn't even a whole week later when I got the call for a job interview. Like Will said he was looking for the night shift and seemed to be desperate. I make sure I'm in one of my nicer outfits with my hair in a messy bun and light makeup. Wearing winged eyeliner and a red lip along with nude eyeshadow. I grab my work bag that carries my portfolio of all the tattoos I have done and am the most proud of, my resume, and references. I walk down the stairs and as I am heading out the door I notice Steve eyeing me.
"where you heading to kiddo" he interrogates.
"I have a job interview" with my hand on the doorknob ready to leave.
"at six pm?"
"yep it's for a night shift and the owner is there right now for the interview so I have to go."
"what job interview happens this late anyways." he scuffs shaking his head "You know I let you back into my home and if you are trying to go off and do a job that is ungodly I swear. Besides, I provide enough to care for you and your mother there isn't any need for you to get one"
"look" I turn with what courage I have. "I understand your views on the matter and I don't agree okay. this way I can prove I'm responsible and it's not a sinful job like you may think. I'm not going out to be a stripper or prostitute if that's what you're concerned with. I'm going to use the trade that I told you about. I would love to stand here and explain but I don't want to be late I'll most likely not get home till later so tell mom not to wait up for me for dinner" With that I leave rushing to my car before letting out a sigh of relief. I drive the fifteen minutes to the boardwalk. even though I lived here the majority of my life I was never allowed in this area. With all the murders my mom thought it be best I stay clear. I make my way into the shop with late 90s rock lightly playing and the red walls with black printouts of pinup girls and then the counter. I look around not sure what to do. That's when I noticed a tall big burly man with a sleeve tat and a long beard. Reminded me of Santa Clause, well if Santa Clause was in a biker gang which I think this guy was. "hey are you Oscar" I pipe up. he turns and makes his way over his aura very dark and intimidating which quickly fades once he smiles.
"you must be Rory it's nice to meet you" I was taken back nodding and giving him a firm handshake. "Will told me you would be by" he was Santa, what the fuck.
"p-pops," I ask he sighs laughing.
"told you I was a gang member I told him not to do that, no that's my trucker name I was one for almost twenty years before tattooing. We meet in rehab used to do coke in my youth and I help run the support group where everyone calls me pops there too" he lets out a deep laugh and ushers me to sit down. "so you're looking for a tattoo gig right, well came to the right place let me take a look at what you got." with a startle I got through my bag and hand him my portfolio. he flips to the first page which was an eagle and American flag in full color. slowly flipping the pages no real reaction.
from the pinups to full color, and realism he closes it and nods. "that's fucking impressive what you'd say you are the weakest in"
"well to be honest it would be realism it takes me the longest and I'm not used to doing them a lot, but specifically doing photo realism of a human, if it was an animal or object I can do that pretty well. "
"Where do you think you are the best in"
"in my lining and color taking my time and getting it done right has always been really important to me"
"so would you say your time management skills aren't top quality"
"Well, I would rather take my time and get it right than have someone leave with a bad tattoo. The Bride of Frankenstein bust I did took about ten hours. same with Frank himself. I usually charge per hour and when I do start I can't finish cause it would bug me a bit so I don't take many breaks unless the client needs them if I do then it's just to get a drink or use the bathroom no longer then ten minutes and I stop the clock for the client so unless I am tattooing then the clock will be going."
"how much do you usually charge"
"depends on the type but I range between twenty-five to fifty an hour for them I did thirty, if need be I can do a flat rate of twenty-five"
"and twenty percent going to the shop is fine with you," he asks writing things down.
"yeah that's fine"
"Okay um, who trained you"
"Katie Fitz, here is her number" I hand him the number he looks over and stands up.
"well I am impressed I of course want to call her first but I can call you within the next couple of days and tell you what I decide but your chances are pretty good." he walks me out "It was a pleasure to meet you" I shake his hand.
"same here " I make my way to my car and when the beauty of the boardwalk takes my breath away. from the smell of cotton candy and restaurants to the screaming of joy from the people at the small fair ground-like area with the lights illuminated by the Ferris wheel and the doors of all the shops wide open. I noticed the sun was setting and even though I knew I should head home I couldn't stop that little devil in my ear telling me a look around wouldn't hurt. I make my way looking at the shops. There was the nail salon, then a soap shop with bath bombs and perfume, go further and you will find a bar that leads you to a tourist-like shop. I notice a quiet little bookstore that has a coffee shop at the front. As the smell of coffee invades my lungs and the large maze-like rows of books call to me I soon found myself going up and down the isles.
I come to the horror area which was ironically placed at the very back in a corner. I look up trying to see what would catch my eye first. I stumbled upon a new Stephan King novel that I have yet to read. Just as I was reaching up the sound of the bell that was to alert people entering the shop dings and blaring hard rock music filled the once quiet and peaceful space. I go to the end of the aisle and peer to see a group of four guys have come barreling in. Looking like they just stepped out of the 80's and gave off a menacing vibe. Not anything like what I felt when first meeting Oscar. This was true don't fuck with me energy that chilled me to the core. The tallest with long dark hair and brooding nature walks to the mystery section making it clear whose idea it was to stop by. The youngest and shorts with curly hair cut into a mullet ran around holding the boom box that was playing harsh music. He reminded me of a kid who forgot his ADHD meds. As he ran past another member of the group who was leaning against the table pulling all his best moves to get with one of the girls who sat peacefully at their table. His long blond hair which also was cut into a mullet seemed to be succeeding making the girls lean into whatever it was he said. My eyes go over not even two feet and are met with bright blue hues. The light blue reminded me of the light hitting the ocean just right. They made my skin bump up with anxiety and set my mind on high alert.
Going back to the area I was just trying to think of a way out. Away out where I wouldn't be interrupted by any of them. This all went right down the drain when I glanced over to see he was looking at the books with me. He must've made a straight beam over. I look back up at the book that I once debated on getting. He leans over being very close. I look over our eyes meeting and he holds the book above my head. I look to see if it was the last one that I would be able to reach. I wasn't short these bookshelves were just insanely tall. At least that's what I like to tell myself, Im average height 5'5 isn't abnormal and yet at this moment it seemed not tall enough as he loomed over me egging me on with the book over my head as if we were two school children.
He sports a cheeky grin knowing he was getting on my nerves. "what's your name, princess" his voice had a mocking tone to it. Not daring to answer I just turn to grab my things. "awe come on" he holds the book out. Unsure whether to try and grab it or not I stretch my hand out which causes him to pull back "Your name, doll" I officially am now fed up. "I'll give it to you all I want is your name" We hear the chick at the front finally lose her cool.
"Dwayne get your skank ass friend out of here" He rolls his eyes clearly annoyed by the demand,
"Last chance" he backs away tempting me with the book. I don't know why but it was like I couldn't stop myself,
"Rory" I mutter "My name is Rory" he smiles handing me the book before waving.
"I'll see you around" he turns and they all leave being just as loud as they were when they first entered the shop. What the fuck was that and why did I give him a total stranger my name for a fucking book. I checked out and went home laying down to read but they just kept playing in my mind on repeat. I lay awake trying to understand what the hell happened. What pissed me off is the book was not worth telling a strange man in a trench coat looking like he would shoot up the joint for.
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violettesiren · 7 months
And when we are finished, I ask if she thinks us grotesque, two plain monsters basking in our blood—our liquid plaque.
We celebrate the art of our unmaking. She spirals my body into a single drop, ambrosia spoiled by the Gods. I copy
the signature of her sin- ged moan, grind it down until it becomes my own dim map. Even the Gods fuck. Crown
themselves in gardens pastored by snakes. I am crying. Not out of shame but out of tradition. To have mastered this want, only to carve for it a lock, a name
as queer as unholy. How queer it fits inside the mouth, how queer is my woman and the sweat she makes of me, a sweet trick of her tongue. Don’t we deserve a hand-
made altar. Don’t we deserve a crowd of worshipers to carry our bed. And yes please to the beads, the sacred wars, the body ornaments, the vain-eyed
statues pulsing deep with our flood. Yes to the orchestrated violence, a quiver licked down my spine. May our love blood the skies like a storm of Gods high off terror.
O Zeus. O Oshun. O Ra. O Kali. O Me. O Her. O Gods—God? Yes. Gods. Don’t act like you don’t know our names’ roar. Whispered. Sweet and savage inside your temples. Preserved behind velvet doors.
Blood Sex by Crystal Valentine
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theunavenged · 1 year
Mommy Dearest
As the president of the Catherine Todd Protection Squad, and Founder of the AK!Jason Needs All of the Hugs organization, I am hereby giving Cathy a small bit of redemption from how she was portrayed in Arkham Knight: Genesis, therefore allowing Jason to get lots and lots of hugs and kisses as a kid ❤️ (Abusive Willis gets no redemption. Sorry bud.)
Also on AO3 (please comment & kudos if you enjoy!)
cw: domestic violence, child neglect, drug use/addiction, swearing
It was crying again. More like shrieking. Cathy rolled over in bed and wrapped a pillow around her head. She could fucking geld Willis for this. How hard was it to just pull his dick out and come on her back for a couple of weeks until she could get back on the pill? Too hard for her imbecile husband, apparently. 
As soon as she realized she was pregnant she wanted to get rid of it but Willis wouldn’t let her. That was when he hatched his idiotic scheme to sell a fucking newborn to a bunch of mobsters to pay off their drug debts. Dumbass. Now they were stuck with this 12 pound nightmare that never, ever shut the fuck up.
Willis kicked her in the side, so hard that she almost tumbled off the bed. He grabbed the pillow off of her head, yanking it out of her hands. “If you don’t shut that goddamn baby up then I will,” he growled before slamming the pillow back down in her face and rolling back over in bed.
He always threatened this. Last time she told him to go for it and he’d backhanded her so hard he knocked her to the floor. “Do I look like a fucking nanny? Deal with it!” She still had that bruise on her cheek.
She sat up on the side of the bed and rubbed her sunken bloodshot eyes, trying to find the willpower to stand up. It was December in Gotham and their gas was shut off because they’d smoked up the last payment (and the payment before that, and the payment before that, etcetera, etcetera…) Now they were making do with a couple of space heaters, but she was still freezing her ass off. The absolute last thing she wanted to do right now was crawl out of the warmth of her blankets to go beg a damn baby to stop crying.
She fantasized once again about taking a pillow and smothering it. But as much as she despised the thing she’d never actually do it. She was a good Catholic girl, and she didn’t want to burn in hell for murdering a baby. What does it want from me?? It wasn’t like she knew anything about raising a kid. She was only 19, practically a kid herself. None of her girlfriends who she could’ve turned to for advice even talked to her anymore—they didn’t want to associate with a junkie. Her sister had a brood, but she was on the other side of the country, wrapped up in some evangelical cult her nutjob husband sucked her into, and Cathy would rather suffer with her screaming kid than hear one more time about how she needed to embrace Jesus to be healed of her sinful addictions. She wished she had her mother to help her, but her parents cut her off when she dropped out of high school to run off with the dreamy Willis Todd, who was a decade older than she was, who’d failed out of high school and was too stupid to pass his GED. Worst mistake of my life, and she’d made a lot of them. She also didn’t have the luxury of delivering the baby in an air-conditioned hospital with a nice nurse to send her home with how-to instructions. Nope. She had the thing on a hot roof on a sweltering mid-August night, with Willis telling her to "push," while all she wanted to do was push him and his brat off the building. 
It was somehow shrieking even louder now. How the hell did it have this much energy? She could barely afford to feed herself, much less a kid. And as if everything else she had to deal with wasn’t enough, the damn thing wouldn’t breastfeed. Maybe it could tell that milk was poisoned. She hadn’t changed her lifestyle when she got knocked up or after it was born—why should I when I didn’t want the thing in the first place? Her drawn face softened, smoothing away her angry scowl. For some reason the thought of the baby going hungry made her sad all of a sudden, and for a moment she actually felt sorry for it. The kid didn’t ask to be born. And it certainly didn’t ask to be born to two dirt-poor fuckups. When she stopped by the kitchen to grab her cigarettes and an ashtray she’d make it a bottle. Maybe that would make it happy.
With a sigh, she finally pushed herself off the bed and stood up. She didn’t want to have to deal with Willis if he woke up again—she already had one whining kid to take care of right now. She wandered like a stoned zombie into their tiny kitchen. Their elderly neighbor had shown her how to swaddle the thing—she said it was like being back in the womb or something—but she’d been tweaked out of her mind then and now she couldn’t figure out what the lady had done. Goddamn kid. She’d told Willis over and over that they could dump it at a fire station and be rid of it once and for all, but the idiot was still convinced he could sell it, and there was no talking him out of something when he made his mind up. She’d thought about crawling back home to her parents and begging for a second chance, but she didn’t think she could give up dope for that. And besides, Willis would track her down and beg her to come back to him, and she’d do it. She hated herself for that, but that was how it was. She wasn’t gonna pretend it would be any different than all the other times he’d dragged her back to this shithole apartment.
She lit up a cigarette while she prepared the formula for the bottle. She’d thought all babies had blonde hair, but this one had a head full of black hair, just like her pig of a husband. And its eyes were baby blue now, but she just knew they’d eventually fade to that empty, soulless blue shade of his. You know, the least it could do after I carried it for 9 miserable months was actually look like me. But all she saw when she looked down at it was Willis. A carbon copy of the man. And it would probably grow up to be just like Willis, with his temper and his drugs and his gambling and his whores—another dumbass deadbeat in this godforsaken city. This poor kid was fucked every which way. He’d have no more hope of escaping Gotham’s gravity than she ever had.
She screwed the nipple back onto the bottle, slid the lit cigarette between her lips, and wandered over to the crib and her wailing baby. But… it wasn’t wailing. It had stopped when she entered the living room. Weird. Did the thing drop dead on her or something? That was all she needed right now. A dead baby. She sat the ashtray down with her cigarette, switched on a lamp, and leaned over the crib. 
The chubby little thing was on his back with his stubby arms and legs in the air like a turtle on its shell, and he was smiling up at her, with two huge robin’s egg blue eyes, and although he’d dragged her out of bed at 4 in the morning, she couldn’t help but smile back.
“Aww,” she said gently. “I’ve never seen you smile before.”
She reached in and touched him on his tiny hand and he laughed, and that little laugh was the cutest thing she’d heard or seen in years. She giggled back at him then picked him up and held him against her heart, cradling his head against her shoulder. “Did you just want to be held? Is that it?”
He burbled at her in response, and something cracked inside of her. She suddenly felt like the worst piece of shit human being to ever walk the planet. This was her son, her baby boy. Hers. And for four goddamn months of his short life she had treated him like an unwanted piece of trash. Yet, here he was smiling at her, reaching for her like he knew she was his mommy, knew that she was supposed to protect him and love him unconditionally. He didn’t give a shit that she was a high school dropout, or that she was married to a loser, or that she was a 19 year old jibhead who looked like she was 40, or even that she’d all but neglected him for his entire life—he still wanted her, when the same couldn’t be said of her girlfriends, or her husband, or even her own family. 
The poor thing didn’t even have clothes on, just a diaper. He was probably freezing to death in here. She tugged a ratty blanket from the back of the couch and wrapped herself and her son in it. Tears suddenly welled up in her eyes and she hugged the tiny body against her chest like a teddy bear. “I’m sorry,” she cried as tears rolled down her sunken cheeks, cheeks that were spotted with angry red sores. She felt like a little girl again, and she desperately wanted her own mother to take her in her arms and tell her everything was going to be alright. She wanted her dad to take her away from this hell, to protect her from Willis’ rage. But that was a different life, a life she chose to walk away from so she could play house with a wannabe gangster. Now it was time for her to grow up and become the parent, the protector, the mama bear. She rubbed away the tears from her dark-ringed eyes with the back of her hand.
Her little Jaybird had drifted off to sleep in her arms, and she could feel the gentle rise and fall of his chest, and the soft yet steady beating of his tiny heart. Her own heart felt warm in her chest, warm enough to chase the frigid chill away. She lay her cheek against his soft head. He was such a fragile, helpless little thing, and he would need his mommy to protect him from everything this godforsaken city would throw at him. 
“Mommy’s gonna take care of you now, little one,” she whispered as she rocked him gently. “I won’t let anything bad happen to you.”
And she meant it. It was a promise, an oath. One she hoped she had the strength to keep. For a moment she forgot who she was, who she was married to, where she was forced to live, or who she had become. Right then all that mattered to her was the little life nestled against her breast. Right then she swore that even if she couldn’t escape Gotham’s gravity, she’d do whatever it took to help her baby boy crawl out from beneath its weight.
She gave his black hair a tender kiss, and soon both mother and son were sound asleep.
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gaelicinternet · 11 months
A bheil diofar ann eadar “feumaidh mi …” agus “tha feum agam air …”? Tha faireachdainn agam gu bheil a chiad ag radh “Feumaidh mi (rudeigin) a dheanamh” agus an eile airson “tha feum agam air rudeigin”. Mar “Feumaidh mi falbh” ach “Tha feum agam air leabhar”. Ach a bheil seo sgudal?? 😆
gu traidiseanta, tha sin làn-cheart — cleachdar/chleachdte feum (an gnìomhair) le gnìomhairean eile (feumaidh mi rudeigin a dhèanamh) is feum (an t-ainmear) le ainmearan eile (tha feum agam air rudeigin). tha am buadhair feumach is a leithid ag obair mar a tha an t-ainmear, cuideachd — tha mi feumach air rudeigin, chan e *tha mi feumach rudeigin a dhèanamh.
anns a’ Ghàidhlig bheò, cha bhi a h-uile duine — fiù ’s luchd-labhairt bhon a’ ghlùin — an-còmhnaidh a’ cumail ris an sgaradh seo, ach mholainn co-dhiù do luchd-ionnsachaidh an dòigh thraidiseanta a leantainn — nam bheachd-sa, co-dhiù, tha e a’ fuaimneachadh nas nàdarra / fhileanta.
leig fios dhomh mura h-eil seo soilleir!
(cuideachd, dà nòta beag: ged a ghabhas buadhairean cleachdadh mar ainmearan, uaireannan, cha chreid mi gun gabh “ciad” na “eile” cleachdadh nan aonar mar seo — theirinnsa “a’ chiad fhear” is “am fear eile”. cuideachd, nuair a thathar a’ dèanamh sgaradh eadar dà rud mar seo, mar as àbhaist cleachdar “dàrna”, seach “ciad” — “air an dàrna làimh [...] is air an làimh eile”, mar eisimpleir (on the one hand / on the other hand). chan eil “ciad” a’ fuaimneachadh buileach ceàrr sa cho-theacsa seo fhèin, ach cha chreid mi nach biodh “dàrna” na b’ fheàrr.
agus seach “a bheil seo sgudal”, cuimhnich gum feumar a’ chopail (is) a chleachdadh airson ainmearan a cho-cheangal — mar sin, an e sgudal a tha (ann a) seo.)
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Two preliminary polls will go up April 26th, at 5pm EST!
(This is for characters of the same fandoms that got multiple but the same amount of submissions)
Below is a list of characters that only got ONE submission, I currently have 56/64 slots filled in.
If you would like to get any of these characters/fandoms into the tournament, send in a submission for them in asks if you didn’t get to in the first place!
(Note: There are 119 in total on this list. I haven’t done research into every single one listed below due to large amount but am listing for additional submissions.)
1. D&D- Changelings (1
2. D&D- Mimics (1
3. Dungeons and Daddies- Hermies the Unworthy (1
4. Dungeons and Daddies- Scam Likely (1
5. Dungeons and Daddies- Mark Likely
6. Fruits Basket- Kyo Sohma (1
7. Mystery Skulls Animated- Mystery (1
8. Just Roll With It- Ob’nockshai (apparently people hate him) (1
9. Just Roll With It- Rumi (1
10. Inuyasha- Shippo (1
11. Ena- Ena (1
12. Barbapapa- Barbapapa (1
13. Barbapapa- Barbalib (1
14. Barbapapa- Barbalala (1
15. Barbapapa- Barbabeau (1
16. Barbapapa- Barbazoo (1
17. Barbapapa- Barbabright (1
18. Overlord- Pandora’s Actor (1
19. Creature Court- Velody of the Vittorine (1
20. New Danganronpa V3- Tsumugi Shirogane (1
21. Deltarune- Jevil (1
22. Mirrorworld series- Fox/Celeste Auger
23. Switchers Trilogy- Tess (1
24. Hellsing- Alucard (1
25. Reflets d’Acide- The Doppelganger (1
26. Kirby- Void (1
27. Kirby- Morpho Knight (1
28. Kirby- Kirby (1
29. Invader Zim- Invader Zim (1
30. Ace Attorney- Maya Fey (1
31. Infinity Train- Alan Dracula (1
32. Bungou Stray Dogs- Natsume Souseki (1
33. Soul Eater- Tsubaki Nakatsukasa (1
34. Soul Eater- Blair (1
35. Soul Eater- Ragnarok (1
36. What We Do In The Shadows (film)- Vladislav the Poker (1
37. Little Witch Academia- Akko! (1
38. Genshin Impact- Rex Lapis/Zhongli (1
39. Genshin Impact- Venti (1
40. WarioWare- Orbulon (1
41. Hello From the Hallowoods- Yaretzi (1
42. League of Legends- Neeko (1
43. Kemono Jihen- Kon (1
44. CatGhost- Elon Doyle (1
45. The Magnus Archive- Not Them (1
46. The Hex, and Inscryption breifly- Dark clown sado (1
47. Your Imaginary Friend- Mimi (1
48. Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency (Netflix 2016)- Mona Wilder (1
49. Hugtto Precure- Hariham Harry (1
50. Natsume's Book of Friends- Nyanko-Sensei (1
51. Kingdom Hearts- Donald Duck (1
52. Uchouten Kazoku- Yasaburou Shimogamo (1
53. Lorien legacies- Eight (1
54. Parahumans- Genisis/Jess (1
55. Parahumans- Oliver (1
56. Homestuck- Kanaya's chainsaw (1
57. Blue Öyster Cult- Imaginos/Desdinova (1
58. Spirited Away- Howl pendragon (1
59. Spirited Away- Yubaba (1
60. Fairy Tale- Mirajane Strauss (1
61. Fairy Odd Parents- Wanda and Cosmo (1
62. Celtic Mythology- Selkies (1
63. Treasure Planet- Marco (1
64. ROTTMNT- Sunita (1
65. Space Dandy- the Chameleonian (1
66. Naruto- Naruto (1
67. Suite Precure- Siren (1
68. Undertale- Mettaton (1
69. Paranatural- Dimitri Danger (1
70. Ranma 1/2- Ranma (1
71. Ranma 1/2- Ryoga (1
72. Tokyo Mew Mew- Ichigo (1
73. Princess Tutu- Duck (1
74. Yume Nikki- Madotsuki(1
75. BIONICLE- Krahka (1
76. Greek Mythology- Zeus (1
77. This is how you lose the time war- Blue (1
78. Magia Record- Rena Minami (1
79. Divinity: Original Sin II- Fane (1
80. My Hero Academia- Tamaki Amajiki (1
81. My Hero Academia- Himiko Toga (1
82. Elden Ring- Mimic Tear (1
83. Lumine- Lumine (1
84. BNA- Michiru Kagemori (1
85. Wow- Ysera (1
86. Good Omens- Aziraphale (1
87. Final Fantasy XIV- Omega (1
88. The Earthsea Cycle- Tehanu (1
89. The Earthsea Cycle- Ged (1
90. Animal Crossing- Blanca (1
91. True Blood- Sam Merlotte (1
92. Heaven Official's Blessing (or, Tian Guan Ci Fu) by MXTX- Hua Cheng (1
93. Guardian (2018 web drama)- Da Qing aka Damn Cat (1
94. Attack on Titan- Lara Tybur/Warhammer titan (1
95. The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth- Delirium (1
96. Throne of Glass- Lysandra (1
97. Throne of Glass- Rowan Whitethorn (1
98. Touhou- Mamizou Futatsuiwa (1
99. The Last Dragonlord- Linden Rathan (1
100. Batman- Clayface (1
101. Generator Rex- Rex Salazar (1
102. That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime- Rimuru Tempest (1
103. Spooky's Jump Scare Mansion- Specimen 7 (1
104. Chaotic- Iparu (1
105. Dragon Ball- Puar (1
106. American Dragon Jake Long- Jake Long (1
107. Vampire The Masquerade- The Eldest (1
108. Legion of Super Heroes- Chameleon boy (1
109. Mistborn- TenSoon (1
110. The dresden files- Goodman Grey (1
111. Smallville- Tina Greer (1
112. Lobotomy Corporation / projectmoon- Nobody Is (1
113. Terminator 2: Judgement Day- T-1000 (1
114. Casey and Andy- Satan (1
115. xkcd- Beret Guy (1
116. One Piece- Bentham (Bon Clay) (1
117. Devil May Cry- Trish (1
118. Real Life- Trans person reading this (1
119. Wings of Fire- Chameleon (1
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the-phantom-otaku · 2 years
So my blog is pretty much entirely ben 10 but please allow me to momentarily turn into a Bayonetta blog. There is not enough Bayo/BNHA content and it’s criminal. So I present to you: a Bayonetta BNHA AU, wherein everything still happens, she’s sealed away and all, but she wakes up to find a world full of superpowers and superheroes. The events of the first and second game still happen, just set at a later date. Not sure when BNHA takes place, but it obviously isn’t our current time, so we’ll just say she woke up like 600-700 years after being sealed and Jubileus’ awakening was also going to occur in 600-700 years rather than 500. The events of 1 happen before any of the main events of BNHA. 2’s events occurred during the year Izuku was training with All Might.
I’m just gonna lay out a list of headcanons I have for the AU. Be prepared bc it's pretty long lmao
Bayonetta wakes up to find a world full of people with crazy abilities called Quirks. Rodin helps bring her up to speed since he’s been watching all this shit unfold. 
Rodin also thinks the development of Quirks is somehow related the to Trinity since most denizens of the world of Chaos are powerless when faced with demons and angels. Basically, he thinks it might be the World of Chaos evolving to match Paradiso and Inferno.
Jeanne is a pro hero working at a high school teaching in a heroics course, specifically she teaches the History of Heroes/Quirks. Her alias is still Cutie J, but I imagine her hero costume is something like her motorcycle outfit from 2 complete with a cat-like mask. Jeanne has been a pro for a few decades at this point, so she’s settled into a slightly more quiet teaching role, which involves less action. She’ll still take up her costume and kick ass when need be.
Bayonetta still works as a nun with Enzo, but she gains an interest in becoming a pro hero sometime before the first game’s events, pretty much only bc she thinks it would be fun to be allowed to legally kick the shit out of someone if they commit a crime. Plus, she’s begun to get bored with the low-level angels Paradiso throws at her most of the time and facing villains who can have any kind of power seems interesting. She still does act part time as a nun for Enzo and he acts as her manager at her agency. If someone’s handling paper work, it’s him. The nun business started to do better once she gained popularity as a pro. After the events of the first game, her being a hero becomes a little more about helping people.
She hadn’t really started her hero career before the first game’s events, but she was finishing up the requirements to get her license. Since she wasn’t going back to school, she went through a process similar to getting a GED except she gets a hero license instead.
The events of 2 also happen. Only game events that don’t happen are 3’s bc (I’m pretty sure) that wasn’t main Bayo and also bc I’m not tackling that confusing mess (also even if it is OG Bayo, she fucking dies in the end so-). So for the purposes of this AU, 3 didn’t happen, but elements from it (such as weaponry, demons masuerades, demon salves, and the sin ritual) are all available to Bayonetta and Jeanne.
In both games’ events, the pros weren’t very helpful bc they didn’t know what the hell was going on. Vigrid, Isla del Sol, and Noatun all lack a significant amount of pro heroes due to them being so secluded. The few who do inhabit the town couldn’t figure out what was going on to stop it. All they could do was try desperately to save people from the disasters that kept happening out of no where. The destruction and chaos in both cities were national news and concerned heroes for months afterward. Eventually, the curious cases of the holy cities died down and heroes stopped worrying if these were connected attacks by the same group of villains.
As a pro, Bayonetta gained popularity fast for her quick and stylish way of dealing with villains. Her sex appeal also helped. She just uses her Umbran Battle Uniform for her costume and used Bayonetta as her hero name. She still has her guns as well, but they don’t really get used a lot when she’s working as a pro unless she’s using suppression fire. She also has her weapons from the games to use, but they’re less frequently seen since she prefers her guns.
Bayonetta quickly rose to the top ten in a short amount of time in the States, making many draw parallels between her and the Japanese hero, Hawks. Her insane power also has people draw comparisons between her and All Might.
Tho she’s popular and in the top ten, what holds her back from being number one in the states is largely her raunchy nature. While many love it, there are plenty of parents who completely disapprove of her style and the flirtatious remarks she aims at villains when taunting. There are also religious groups who don’t like her for the witch/demonic motif. She gets more than enough support to keep her well into the top five, tho.
In this AU, she has Demon Masquerade and Demon Slave. She doesn’t use Demon Slave or even summons much when dealing with villains unless the opponent warrants a summon. Her summoning is a huge deal as a result, and it usually dominates the news. Fans of her are always dying to see what demon she’ll summon next.
When she does summon against a villain, she almost always uses Demon Slave so she can hold the demon back from outright killing them.
The media has no idea what her Quirk is. It’s a huge mystery much like All Might’s Quirk. She only ever teases what it is but never actually answers. Some people speculate she’s got multiple Quirks. Many of her abilities relate to her hair, but then there are outliers, like her ability to walk on walls under moonlight, Demon Masquerade, her incredible speed/strength that rivals heroes with power-up Quirks, and her ability to fall from incredible heights without injury.
People have noted the similarities between Cutie J and Bayonetta, but no one knows what the similarities mean. After all, Cutie J had been around for decades before Bayonetta came around, so they couldn’t possibly be siblings. Again, many have speculated about this mystery, but none have gotten the correct answer (besides Luka of course).
Luka is still a thing and he’s still deadset on finding out more about the Umbra and Lumen, but he does stories on heroes as well. On top of the Umbra and Lumen, he likes to investigate the origin of Quirks even tho most journalists consider it an unsolvable mystery. 
Luka has tried to reveal the truth about Bayonetta and Cutie J, but no one believes that they’re the surviving witches of a long-lost clan that most people don’t even know about. The two ladies always write the theory off when asked about it. I don’t think they really care much about keeping the Umbran Witches a secret, but they mainly do this bc they think it would cause a panic that they really don’t want to deal with. 
Both Bayonetta and Cutie J claim that their Quirks offer a form of longevity to explain why they haven’t aged a day.
There’s a TON of mysteries surrounding these two, many of which Midoriya would be very interested in if either were to visit UA despite being American heroes.
I like to think Mina is also a huge fan of Bayonetta. She loves how she incorporates her dancing into her fighting style.
Neither Bayonetta or Jeanne participated in the first two movies. (They technically could’ve in the first, but they’d break the plot, so-). They were involved in World Heroes Mission tho. Jeanne was in New York with Hawks and Tokomyami while Bayonetta went to Otheon. I like to think she went to the slums during the chaos and found Rody’s siblings. She kept them safe and looked out for them during the whole ordeal.
Mysterious Destiny is a real song made by a group of fans who wanted to make a musical tribute for one of their favorite heroes. 
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@sin-head did u see this coat its in the GED shop
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redemptioninchaos · 7 months
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art by @xxx-ashhazard-xxx
"I don't know you, and you don't know me. Let's keep it that way fa both our sakes."
Name: Sergio Salvadora
Age: 25
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 120 lbs
Species: Cat
Physical description: Short, wiry, very mild definition in his upper arms, over two dozen cut marks around his torso with patchy fur around them, predominantly orange fur with dark stripes from the top of his head down to his tail; white fur from his snout down to his inner thighs, pinkish-red "beans" on his hands and feet
Background from Mason's perspective: Born and raised in Harlem, New York, to Demetrius and Geraldine Salvadora. Geraldine was a nurse in a large Manhattan hospital, while Demetrius struggled to hold down any one job. Records indicate a conjugal visit between the Salvadoras roughly nine months before Sergio was born.
Demetrius was killed in a bout of gang violence the day Sergio turned 7 years old. Agent Bonita Salvadora of SIN claimed that Geraldine didn't want anyone from Demetrius's side of the family to contact her or her son.
Between the ages of 12 to 15, Sergio had scattered reports of delinquency and truancy on his record, from alleged pickpocketing and shoplifting to vandalism. His teachers in middle school noted that he had developed a brash streak, a few even saying he was "incorrigible." Despite this, he showed promise in mathematics and economics classes.
There are hazy reports of Sergio having joined a street gang known as the Sixth Street Clique, who notably initiated a gunfight with rival gang South Side Vipers. Everyone in the latter gang was reported dead, whereas the Sixth Street Clique was all either gunned down or arrested...save for one, who managed to escape the police. Surviving gang members mentioned Sergio's name during interrogations, but the case had gone cold before anything could stick.
Sergio was made a ward of the state and got his GED through private tutoring. When he was 18, he signed on with the Specialized Laborers of New York, a local worker's union that provided aid to myriad professions, blue- and white-collar. He started working for Olin's Repossession at 18 and stayed for three years, then became a taxi driver after the owner of Olin's Reposession had died under unknown circumstances. He then went on to drive for Chariot, a ride-sharing company that quickly took cities like New York by storm.
Rumors have spread about the Laborers being more than a workers' union, with scattered reports of kidnapping, extortion, and murder. The police haven't found anything that could stick, but there is also no telling if the Laborers have some officers in their pocket. We have found no connections between the Laborers and the aetherial, so we are currently leaving any issues regarding them to the mundane law enforcement. Sergio doesn't seem to be aware of his family's vampire hunting business due to his father's separation from the rest of his family, according to Agent Salvadora. We will allow her to keep tabs on him and to give SIN, and by extension us, updates on his whereabouts and exploits.
Human AU:
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(art by @birdy-the-artist)
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moth-feeet · 8 months
hi besties!!! this next monday will be my exam in mr.k’s class. that means after monday i won’t be returning to his class again :((((
despite despite despite
we have what was, and today i have more to talk about.
okay so i think i already talked about how he checks in on me when i miss a day of school, which is frequent due to disabilities of mine. but he’s also very, shall i say, forgiving. he has told me, because i only have two classes and won’t be coming on friday for first period exams, that he isn’t going to mark an absence for the time post-exam for studying. which sounds dumb but the conversation went something like
me: so i don’t have a first period so i just don’t come in on friday?
k: mhm, but if you don’t come in i’ll have to mark you absent…
me: oh…so do i have to come in?
k: we’ll im telling you i’ll just mark you absent
me: …okay…i don’t think i’m picking up the subtext
k: whispering im not marking it as an absence!
then it clicked!
a little while later, i didn’t have work to do, (which btw he never stops telling me how remarkable and amazing my grade is :3) i was reading. and with zero shame i’ll admit i’m a kindle reader. something about it is so motivating to actually read. i’m currently reading black ties and white lies im nearly 50% in and so far it’s alright. mr.k walks up, literally from no where like a fucking ghoul, and starts asking what i’m reading, boarder-line interrogation. (important to note, i was wearing noise canceling headphones, and actively reading a page with filthy filthy words. ) this man is a science teacher, who has admitted to having dropped out of school in his 9th grade and taking a GED course. he HATES reading. and king won’t stop asking about my damn book.
in hindsight i think he must’ve caught a few words from over my shoulder, it is a jarring catch when you pass by a book full of the most sinful snippets. any how, he inevitably gives up as i avoid questions because, y’know, im reading p0rn. he just ends up asking if it’s good, and if he should give it a read.
face, completely beet red. god the thought of him sitting down and reading the words my eyes glaze over and get addicted to is mortifying.
i obviously said “meh, kinda boring” !!!!!!! i lower my eyes to words like “throbbing”, “whine”, and much worse. BORING IS THE LAST WORD ID USE!!!!!!
he makes me dizzy.
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camilaramos · 1 year
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Name: Camila Ramos Age / D.O.B.: 26, November 6th, 1996 Gender, Pronouns & Sexuality: Cis female, she/her, bisexual Hometown: São Paulo, Brazil Affiliation: The Brotherhood Job position: Escort and Informant Education: High school GED Relationship status: Single Children: None Positive traits: Vivacious, charming, adaptable, shrewd, persuasive Negative traits: Selfish, apathetic, manipulative, cynical, greedy
Trigger warnings in bio: drugs, foster system, injury, stripping, death
Camila Ramos was taught to never trust anyone else to be there for you from the day she was born. Her mother taught her the lesson young when she made the little girl understand that her father did not care for either one of them. When he had found out her mother was pregnant, he left both without a word. Growing up in São Paulo, both lived in poverty. Her mother was uneducated and raising a little girl by herself. Camila started young, joining her mother in doing anything to survive and to keep them both safe. She learned how to pickpocket at a young age, how to join her mother in schemes she hatched up to con others out of money. Anything to keep their lights on for another week. When she was ten her mother earned enough money to get them both a ticket to America in search of a better life.
The second time she learned to never trust another came soon after arriving in America. Her mother caught the eye of a rich banker in New York City. At first it had been charmed, the man bought them clothes and she was well fed for the first time in her life. But when the man informed her mother that he was looking for a wife and not a daughter, her mother chose to put herself above her daughter. When she found herself in the foster system of her new country, still learning the language, Camila learned that both her parents did not want her. She could only rely on herself.
She soon found herself with a family who took in kids in the foster system. They all hoped for adoption at first, but came to realize that simply staying in the house was better than bouncing around from place to place. Camila took it in stride, hiding her tears on nights she went to bed hungry, on days she was sent to the corner for mouthing back, on nights she felt lonely and unloved. Her life had never been easy and growing up in the loud and cramped apartment taught her that life never would. However, she caught the eye of an older boy. Malik was four years older, and easily the biggest boy in the house. He saw Camila, he saw her loneliness and saw in her his little sister who he had lost years earlier. So, the older boy took her under his wing, protected her, looked out for her and became a true big brother. When Malik got out of the foster system, he soon started to try to get her out as well, to become a foster to her and even tried to adopt her. He never was able to get approval for adoption, but he did get her out of the house when she was sixteen. For the next two years she lived with him, while he took care of her. When she was 18 she was phased out and could finally start life with Malik, both of them free and now truly together.
Malik was the only family Camila ever had, the only who had proved he truly wanted her in his life. He was her brother, and despite the fact that they did not share a single drop of blood, he was her real brother. Unknown to her, Malik got involved with a group called The Brotherhood. They offered him promises of a better life, of connections and a network of those who cared for their own, who took back what should have been theirs. Who gave him power. He started drug dealing for them, all while keeping it a secret from his little sister. With only a high school education under her belt, Camila knew that school was not for her. Her only skills turned out to be her looks. With looks that caused anyone to drool with just one look at her fueled by thoughts of naughty sins, she soon found herself dancing on a strippers stage. The flashing lights, the attention and the lust actually suited Camila. Abandoned and unwanted most of her life, she greedily ate up every moment of others wanting her. Though she knew it was only for her body, Camila couldn't bring herself to care. She was wanted.
One night, when she came home late after work she could tell something was very wrong. The deal from earlier was starting to become tense. The man Malik had sold too was becoming agitated, unhappy with the product and the price. Unhappy with it all. Malik tried to satisfy him, but when Camila walked through the door the mood shifted. The man had become handsy, now wanting Camila in addition to more product. He wanted a party, and when Malik tried to get him to stop and to leave, all hell broke loose. She hadn't known her brother had been dealing drugs, but when the man pulled out a gun Camila knew he had gotten into something dangerous. The bullets started flying and the last thing she saw was Malik diving for her to try and protect her. Even in the end, he was still trying to protect her.
When Camila woke up, she was in the hospital. They had told her it was a drug deal gone wrong. They had told her that Malik had died at the scene. The only person to ever care for her was gone. Now, she was truly by herself. The next day she got a visitor. A man she had never met before introduced himself, told her that her brother had been involved with their group. That he was one of their own and that they looked out for their own. He told her that they would pay for her medical bills, pay for her rehab and full recovery. Camila was floored, but she knew better than to think this generous offer would come without any strings. Once she recovered, the rest of the promise came to light. The man came back again after Camila was fully recovered. He told her about his group's connections. How they knew the rich and famous, how they controlled power. He told her about an escort agency in the city. One that gave the most beautiful people to the rich and powerful. He got her an interview and her beauty once again proved to be the best asset she had.
Camila soon got a job as an escort, becoming anything the rich and powerful needed her to be. An accessory on their arm, a girlfriend, a mistress, a warm and willing body in their bed. Once again she thrived on being wanted and desired by others. Camila would play any part, be anyone they wanted her to be while she made off with the most money she had ever seen in her life. But the job was not without any strings. The man who had gotten her the job wanted her to inform for the Brotherhood. To learn the secrets of the rich and powerful she slept with and kept company. To report all that she knew and all that she saw. Camila agreed because she knew nothing in life was free. It may have been for a transaction, but at least the Brotherhood had given enough of a shit about her to save her. She was in their debt.
Other escorts
Brotherhood members
Those who knew her before she became an escort
Someone to make her give a shit about others
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impishglee · 2 years
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I posted 4,814 times in 2022
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3,647 posts reblogged (76%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
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#orv - 530 posts
#q - 254 posts
#locked tomb - 221 posts
#homestuck - 156 posts
#lawyer game - 134 posts
#orv spoilers - 124 posts
#mp100 - 115 posts
#help - 97 posts
#ntn spoilers - 73 posts
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Longest Tag: 138 characters
#“you have me but what if you gave someone botulism and they died? could you live with yourself? could you make your precious pickles then?
My Top Posts in 2022:
"Ah! I just had the best massage!"
"Oh? Where'd you get it?"
"Spirits and Such Consulting."
"Eh? Seriously? I never took you for the type to believe in that kind of thing."
"Oh, I don't. The dude is a total fraud but he's a miracle worker with neck and shoulder pain, you just have to tell him it's ghosts."
"Yeah, it's just this shady guy who works with his nephew or little cousin or something. Sometimes there are some other kids there too, maybe he's a babysitter for his siblings? Dunno. But he'll basically do anything if you blame spirits. One time I got him to change my tires and groom my dog. Weird guy but surprisingly competent."
11,198 notes - Posted February 9, 2022
another thing abt reigen is that he’s a conman who thinks if you don’t provide some kind of useful service to the people who hire you than you don’t deserve respect as a conman. which is an objectively hilarious ethical position for a conman to take.
13,695 notes - Posted February 7, 2022
it’s really really funny that so many of the mp100 villains stop being villains and most of them arent like “wow. i have been cruel and evil i must Atone For My Sins” and instead they’re like “oh. this is stupid. this is just really stupid. i am acting like a clown. i need to get my GED and stop behaving like i’m 13”
15,076 notes - Posted May 21, 2022
something i appreciate about this site is how often i see friends, mutuals and strangers salivating over the most Some Guy looking people i’ve ever seen. i think it’s actually good for your psyche to see people carnally desire people that you would not even think twice about. it’s good for the self esteem, a good reminder that for every random ass person on the world there is a subset of people that wants to do unspeakable things to them
18,115 notes - Posted November 24, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
what if i 😳 what if i tore the world asunder for one person 👉👈 what if i caused incalculable suffering across the universe 🤭 for one life
31,571 notes - Posted March 20, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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rosita-hormann · 2 years
Reseña/Opinión Un Mago de Terramar
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Un Mago de Terramar corresponde al primer libro de la saga de fantasía de Terramar, escrita por la célebre autora Ursula K. Le Guin. Un mundo de magos, dragones, espectros, y misterios. En el mundo de Terramar, todo objeto, cosa y ser vivo posee un nombre verdadero, y los magos usan este conocimiento para controlar los vientos, enfrentarse a peligros y ayudar a los habitantes del archipiélago de Terramar.
En este libro seguimos las aventuras de Ged, un joven mago que durante su aprendizaje de magia y sus recorridos por las islas y mares del archipiélago se verá amenazado por un sombrío peligro. Durante su viaje se enfrentará a distintos obstáculos y enemigos, y crecerá como mago y como persona.
Un Mago de Terramar es un libro esencial para los amantes de la Alta Fantasía. Pero, además, si nunca has leído alta fantasía, este libro es una excelente opción para adentrarse en el género, ya que es breve y muy fácil de leer, en contraste con otros libros del género cuya extensión suele ser mayor y poseen mayor complejidad en sus historias, sus sistemas de magia y en su construcción de mundo.
La historia está narrada con agilidad: Los eventos ocurren de forma fluida, explicando de forma fortuita y efectiva, sólo cuando es necesario, cómo funciona el mundo de Terramar y su magia. Esto hace que capture rápidamente la atención del lector, siendo fácil de leer sin dejar de ser entretenido, y genera interés por el mundo que se nos presenta. El avance de los acontecimientos es atrapante y te hace realmente preocuparte por su protagonista y querer saber cómo va a resolver los conflictos, cómo va a enfrentarse y superar los desafíos, cómo va a descubrir y aprender lo que necesita para superar sus miedos.
En cuanto al sistema de magia, es bastante interesante: “Todo en el mundo tiene un nombre verdadero, conociendo el nombre verdadero de una cosa puedes controlarla”. Desde objetos ordinarios como las velas, pasando por todos los seres vivos, incluyendo humanos y bestias poderosas, e incluyendo conceptos abstractos y los elementos de la naturaleza como la luz, el viento y las olas, TODO tiene un nombre verdadero y puede ser controlado con ello. Esta premisa base, tan genérica a simple vista, se desarrolla en el transcurso del libro y se profundiza, dándole distintas facetas  – magia de transformación, de ilusiones, de control, de atadura, de invocación, etc –. Parte como un sistema de magia blando que se vuelve más profundo de lo que al principio pueda dar a entender, generando curiosidad sobre qué otra expresión podría adquirir más adelante en la historia y en otras entregas de la saga.
El worldbuilding es único: Toda la historia se desarrolla prácticamente en el mar, en un mar que rodea e impregna entre las islas del archipiélago de Terramar, donde la navegación a barca es fundamental, tanto para transporte de personas y de bienes materiales como para guerras e invasiones. El mundo es mar, y tierra, de ahí su nombre Terramar. Vas a terminar respirando el olor a sal de mar y sintiendo el viento de costa en tu rostro.
Se mencionan ciudades, pueblos, criaturas como los dragones y los otak, además de animales comunes como ovejas, halcones y lobos marinos, y se mencionan personajes y eventos importantes para la historia del mundo que no llegamos a conocer del todo. Nunca explicando en profundidad qué son, dónde están, en qué consisten: Al abarcar el mundo de una forma tan amplia y sólo desarrollando lo fundamental para entender la historia de nuestro protagonista, se logra fascinación en el lector y causa interés por conocer más sobre el mundo.  Además, el mundo de Terramar tiene ese aire a antiguo, de confines ocultos, más allá de lo que las mentes de los sabios puedan entender. Todo esto lo hace un libro de fantasía por antonomasia, imperdible si amas el género, y un perfecto primer libro de una saga de cuatro: Es imposible no querer leer el siguiente libro después de leer el primero.
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Hay un par de cosas que me gustaría criticar sobre la construcción del mundo. La primera es que todos los magos de terramar son hombres: Hay algunas mujeres que ejercen magia, pero siempre son referidas como brujas, ya sea porque son malignas o porque su maestría en la magia es incomparable al de un mago. Tanto los viejos sabios como los aprendices de magia, incluyendo al protagonista, son hombres. Personalmente habría preferido tener un mundo en que el poder de la magia pudiera ser un don con el que pudieran nacer más variedades de personas. Quizá esto cambie en los siguientes libros de la saga, pero en principio mantendré mi expectativa según lo presentado en el primer libro.
Así mismo, los dragones son presentados como seres sumamente sabios y antiguos en el mundo, pero a la vez puramente malignos, lo cual como la amante de los dragones que soy, duele bastante. En especial porque (spoilers) el protagonista mata a varios dragones juveniles.
Esto no lo digo como una crítica, sino más bien como una opinión subjetiva: Dentro de la construcción del mundo de Terramar, tiene mucho sentido que los dragones sean criaturas malignas y despreciables. Pero personalmente habría preferido que la perspectiva de los humanos de Terramar hubiese sido explicada a través del miedo que sentían hacia los dragones y su enorme poderío, y que en las aventuras del personaje se hubiese llegado a un entendimiento mejor con estas criaturas.
Como dije, esta es mi opinión subjetiva y sesgada: Si amas la fantasía, de todas formas, este un libro que deberías leer. Pero si amas a los dragones ten en cuenta que en Terramar son malignos y los humanos los desprecian y temen.
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Quizá en los próximos libros de la saga los dragones se revindiquen y resulten ser criaturas del universo de Terramar igual de humanas que los humanos, o que simplemente sean un animal inteligente que convive para bien o para mal con los humanos, sin ser escencialmente malignos. Pero eso está por verse en futuras lecturas. Si has leído el resto de los libros de la saga, lo sabrás mejor que yo, ¡por favor no me lo spoilees!
En resumen: El libro me encantó por su mundo tan único e intrigante, su historia tan llena de peligros a superar y aprendizajes, y sus personajes (en especial el protagonista) tan humanos como sus lectores.
Lo recomiendo a cualquier persona que disfrute de la fantasía, y en especial a personas que quieran introducirse a libros de Alta Fantasía antes de leer otros libros más largos y complejos del género, como por ejemplo El Señor de los Anillos.
Mi clasificación es 4.5 / 5: Un libro entretenido, atrapante, fácil de seguir, cuyo mundo genera mucha intriga, fascinación e interés. Un protagonista cuyo viaje y aprendizajes nos hace sentir ansias sobre lo que pasará y las decisiones que tomará, es fácil empatizar con él y logras apreciarlo como personaje. La novela perfecta para atraparte en el mundo de Terramar y dejarte con muchas ganas de seguir leyendo el resto de la saga.
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nevadaxsaunders · 2 years
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                                             Nevada Raistlin Saunders
~~~ Overview ~~~
Name: Nevada Raistlin Saunders
Nicknames: Nev, Nevy
Gender: Cismale
Pronouns: he/him
Age: 35
~~~ Physical ~~~
Height: 6′5″
Hair: Brunette
Eyes: Dark Brown
Appearance: Hairline scar that stands out, more so when his head is buzzed. Several tattoos that cover his arms, back and legs. 
~~~ Preferences ~~~
Kinks: Oral, Rimming, Biting, Voyeurism, Light Bondage, 
Anti-Kinks: Age play, Puppy play, Incest, Degradation, 
Nevada Saunders was not born in the state of Nevada, nor had he ever been there. Instead, brought in on a cold, bitter winter night in Detroit, Michigan. It was his parents who had been to Sin City, where they first met, just like any other stereotypical love story. His mothers' romance was like any other: two college students on a Winter Break vacation who fell in love at first sight. When Nevada came into the picture, the couple married young just months before the birth of their son. Everything seemed happy-go-lucky; in fact, Nevada’s father was his best friend growing up. They scavenged during camping, hiking, and fishing trips, and this was how the boy found his love for nature. It all seemed blissful until the kid turned eight when he found himself hiding in a corner watching his parents quarrel. Later, his father would show up late for dinner until that one night when he never came home again. After that day, Nevada never heard from his dad back, not even on birthdays or holidays. His whereabouts were utterly unknown.
Once the divorce was final, Nevada and his mom shipped off to California, leaving their home and memories behind. Los Angeles became a new awakening for the single mother. It was a perfect place to settle and start over again with family just a few hours up north. For months, his mom was a mess. She even stopped calling him Nevada but instead called him Nev, and ever since, the nickname stuck. The single mother spent most of her time working several jobs to keep up with all the bills. Summer was over by the time they became comfortable with the city, and school was starting up again. Enrolling the boy in a private school was costlier, but better for his education. With the last few months of school he spent back in Michigan, Nevada was close to getting kicked out after many backlashes and refusals to do homework. She wanted the best for her son, even if it meant an extra expense.
When high school rolled around, Nevada entered public school after private schooling became too expensive for his mom. The boy did great for the first three years, having an average GPA and focusing on his career in music, and learning to play the guitar as a hobby in which he found comfort. His senior year, everything came crashing down. Out of nowhere, Nev’s father started showing up after school, sitting across the street. It was weeks before the stranger finally approached the teen, this left Nev outraged, and wondered how exactly his father had found him and why he had appeared suddenly. The intrusion went Nevada stressed and distracted, and slowly, he started to fall behind in his classes; soon enough was threatened with being kept behind if he didn’t step up. Within a few short months before graduation, he dropped out and promised his mom he would work his way toward earning his GED. As the weeks went by, Nevada never told his mom of the reappearance of his father, worried that she would fall back into her emotional state just as she had started dating again. Not long before his father noticed Nev’s absence from school, he showed up at their front door one day. Infuriated, Nev lashed out, telling the man to disappear from his life and never come back.
Three years later, after balancing several jobs and studying, Nevada earned his GED. Better yet, his mother found love and remarried, moving up north to San Francisco. Nev figured he was better off in LA after feeling he didn’t quite belong with his stepdad and stepsister. Throughout the years, he worked different jobs but finally came to settle at a small cafe and pie shop as well as walking dogs for a nearby animal shelter. At the age of 26, Nevada needed more friends and, on a whim, joined a social website. That was where he met someone dear to him almost two years after joining, but nearly half a year later, things didn’t work out on his part. Along with the split, his mother suffered a miscarriage, making things for him even more stressful. Hours away in Los Angeles, Nevada worried about his mother’s health. Months later, after selling some of his belongings and packing, he moved up to San Francisco.
While there, he put it upon himself to start considering the future after so much time worrying about the welfare of others and not himself. Nevada decided he needed something eye-opening, and that something was called the PCT. After delivering newspapers and walking dogs for the local neighborhood as well as helping his grandmother with housework, Nev had saved up enough to buy all the equipment and necessities for the trip. The trip would take up the whole duration of his summer, precisely 2,659 miles of hiking through deserts, mountains, rough terrains, and unbeatable weather. Starting from the border of Mexico and just beyond the boundary of Canada. After one hundred and thirty-eight days of rediscovering himself, Nev flew back to LA. During his trip, Nevada received from his mom a letter claiming that his birth father had grown ill. In it contained a note was one from his dad, as well as a check for all the years he hadn’t paid child support. The one request his father had was for Nev to visit him, which Nev refused. Just a few days before Nev finished his hike, his dad passed away. Guilt-ridden, Nevada found it wasn't right to spend the check but was convinced otherwise by his mother.
When he arrived back in LA, Nev had enough money saved over the years to find a better apartment than the last. He also picked back up his jobs at the Pie Hole and the animal shelter, but another thing Nev took upon himself was to go to college to become a music teacher. Four years later, the boy graduated with a degree in Music Education.  even used in movies and television shows. He got a job as a Music teacher for an element. One thing he never imagined was falling in love with working with kids. There was something about getting to see the joy on a child’s face when he shared his love and passion for music. Despite, loving his job Nevada still battled with his depression, and no matter how much he tried couldn’t find happiness in Los Angeles.
Flash forward to the current day time, Nevada is thirty-five and decided to take a year or two off from teaching. Instead, trying to focus more on his mental health and wanting to thrive in a new environment. Though his dating life could use a few tweaks here and there, after several that had ghosted him and the last had cheated on him. It came to the point where the man thought-- maybe, it was him doing the wrong. The musician wants to find happiness, whatever that meaning could be but right now, he wanted to get out of Cali and experience something different for a change. That’s where he finds himself at Haus of Perses.
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hayleycna · 1 month
End Up Being a Certified Nursing Assistant in Sin City: Your Guide to CNA School in Las Vegas
**Title: Become‌ a Certified Nursing Assistant in Sin City: Your Guide to CNA ​School in Las ⁤Vegas**
**Introduction:** If you’re interested in pursuing a career in healthcare and making a difference in the lives of others, becoming a‍ Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) may be the perfect path for you.‍ Las Vegas, also known ‍as⁢ Sin City, offers numerous opportunities for ⁣aspiring CNAs to​ receive the education and⁢ training ⁢they need to kickstart their careers⁢ in the healthcare industry. In this article,⁤ we will provide a comprehensive guide on how to become a​ Certified Nursing Assistant in Las Vegas, including information on CNA schools, requirements, benefits, and practical tips.
**Finding a CNA School in Las Vegas:** When searching for a CNA school in Las Vegas, it ​is essential to choose an⁢ accredited institution that offers a quality education and hands-on training. Some of the top CNA schools⁢ in Las ‍Vegas include:
1. **College of Southern ‍Nevada (CSN):** CSN⁢ offers a comprehensive CNA program that includes classroom instruction and clinical experience. The program is designed to ​prepare ​students for the state certification exam.
2. **Northwest Career​ College:** Northwest Career College provides a CNA program that emphasizes hands-on training and real-world experience. The school has state-of-the-art facilities and experienced instructors.
3. **Milan Institute:** Milan Institute offers a CNA program that covers essential skills and ⁢knowledge required to ‍succeed in the healthcare field. The program includes both theory and practical‍ training.
**Requirements to Become a CNA in Las ⁣Vegas:** To become a Certified Nursing Assistant in Las Vegas, aspiring CNAs must meet certain requirements,⁤ including:
– High school diploma or GED – Completed⁢ CNA training program -‌ Passing ⁢score on the ​state certification exam – Clear background check – Physical ability‌ to perform CNA duties
**Benefits of Becoming a CNA:** Becoming a⁢ Certified Nursing Assistant in Las Vegas offers a wide range of benefits, including:
– Job stability and high demand for ⁤CNAs – Competitive ⁤salary and benefits – Opportunities for career advancement – Fulfilling work that makes a difference in‍ people’s lives – Flexibility in work hours and settings
**Practical Tips for Success in CNA School:** To succeed in CNA school and excel in your career ​as a‌ Certified Nursing Assistant,⁣ consider⁢ the following practical tips:
– Stay organized and‌ manage your time effectively – Practice good communication skills⁣ with patients and colleagues – Seek out opportunities for hands-on experience – Stay up-to-date on the ⁤latest healthcare trends and best practices – ‍Take care of‍ yourself both physically and mentally to ​prevent burnout
**Conclusion:** Becoming a Certified Nursing Assistant in‍ Las⁢ Vegas can be⁣ a rewarding and fulfilling career choice for those who are passionate about helping others. By choosing a reputable CNA school, meeting the necessary requirements, and following practical tips for success, you ​can embark on a successful career in‌ the healthcare ⁢industry.‍ Whether you choose⁣ to work in⁤ a hospital, nursing home,​ or home⁣ health setting, your role ‍as ‌a CNA will be crucial in ⁣providing compassionate ‍care ‌to those in need. So, take the first step towards becoming a CNA ‌in Sin⁢ City and start making ‍a positive impact on the lives​ of others ⁤today.
By following this guide to CNA school in Las Vegas, you can set ‌yourself up for success in your⁤ journey to becoming a Certified Nursing Assistant. Good luck on your path to a rewarding career in healthcare!
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