#(since I've fluctuated between both before)
koushirouizumi · 2 years
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{What an "emergency supply" of Levothyroxine looks like.}
by @koushirouizumi {DO NOT re-purpose without asking me first or I stg}
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saffigon · 4 months
I'm a trans man and I'm having a hard time understanding one of your posts.
How can trans Men be lesbian? The definition of lesbian is non-man loving non-man.
I understand he/him lesbians, because pronouns don't equal gender.
But to me calling a trans man a lesbian for liking women seems... against the whole point. Wouldn't that be against their gender identity, since lesbian is non men loving non men?
I am genuinely trying to understand this and don't mean to come off as rude. I am also in the lgbtq community, I'm bisexual and transgender. I try to get your points.
Also if I understood the entire post wrong, MB. I'm just trying to make sure i can accept everyone.
Trans men have had a connection to the lesbian community for decades. The line between butch and transmasc "non-man" lesbian and male lesbian is blurry sometimes. If you want historical evidence, Alison Bechdel has some comic strips from the 1980s and 1990s where male lesbians are present. Trans men who like women often identify as lesbians before they realize they're trans, and so they have an established connection to the lesbian community and continue to identify with it as they transition. Some also feel that their attraction to women is inherently queer and don't really feel like their attraction is "straight". Not all straight men identify as lesbians or lesboys, obviously, but it's an option for those who feel like it applies to them.
Also, "non-man" and "non-woman" just create a new binary that's exorsexist and based in racist ideology if applied generally. Not everyone fits neatly into the "non-man" or "non-woman" categories. Multigender people, for example, may be both man and woman, and don't fit into "non-man" or "non-woman" neatly. To say a multigender person who is both man and woman is "non-man" or "non-woman" erases at least half of their identity. Or demigender people who identify with a binary gender can be both not that binary gender and that binary gender. So saying a demiman is "non-man" is to erase their identity as a man and to say they're exclusively "non-man" is to erase their identity as nonbinary. This is also true for genderfluid and genderflux people who are sometimes completely binary men. To say they're exclusively "non-man" is to erase their identity as a man and to say they're exclusively "man" is to erase their identity as nonbinary.
Post by @this-is-exorsexism and @our-lesboy-experience found here
I'm white so I'm mostly going to point to this post by @moonshinedyke to explain the racism surrounding "nonman" and "nonwoman" as terms. Historically, "nonman" and "nonwoman" have been used to degender Black people and the term also degenders Two-Spirit people. As he points out in the post, it's fine to use the definitions for your own attraction, but using them to define the label as a whole is antiblack.
This isn't to like shame you or anything, just to give explanations and resources as to some things. I would recommend checking out the @/our-lesboy-experience blog to learn more about lesboys in general. This Carrd also has a good amount of information.
As for my own experiences, lesbian was the first queer identity I had. I started identifying as a lesbian since I was about 12. I realized I was trans when I was about 15. I've strayed away from the lesbian label because I felt it was "too gendered" both in definition and in the association. As I've gotten older, I've started to connect with the lesbian community again and feel comfortable identifying as a butch lesbian alongside being a trans man. My girlfriend identifies as a bi lesbian, and we consider our relationship both to be a lesbian one and to be a straight one. My attraction to women is both lesbian and straight and it fluctuates between what it is from day to day. I also identify as bigender and have some connection to lesbian identity because of my gender identity being a little funky.
A better definition of lesbian would be queer attraction to women. It includes people of all gender identities and is generally a good faith way to understand lesbianism.
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Do you have any headcannons for the paradise lost gang? I'm dying for more of my healers.
Paradise Lost is my favorite set of character, of course I have hcs about them. My beloved disfunctional sitcom family that's somehow a hospital <3
Paradise Lost hcs
Everyone in Paradise Lost is on something. There's no way Morax can be so chill without some weed in his system
The only Paradise Lost citizen that graduated high-school was Bathin and he left
Lucifer was born in his 30s, he was born with a doctorate in every major
Becoming a citizen in Paradise Lost is almost impossible. Both Lucifer and Gamigin need to give you a vibe check and you have to learn healing magic.
Since Paradise Lost was founded after Lilith's disapearance, there are no native Paradise Lost citizens, the closest being Gamigin and Jjok
During Sundays where nobody in Paradise Lost works, each of the nobles has to come up with a fun family activity.
Be it board-games, movie marathons, walks through the forest, anything, they have to all do it together during Sunday
Lucifer has a picture of God or Jesus in every room of his castle because he is a true Orthodox Christian
Even though Lucifer has his own room in his own castle, he preferes sleeping in Gamigin's bed with him. He likes cuddling with the young dragon
Marbas is allowed untied whenever he's not dealing with patients, but he sometimes keeps the restraints on even when he's off duty
Lucifer sees everyone else as being beneath him, but he cares for them like they were children or pets
Lucifer never goes to meetings with the other kings because he doesn't like how often they happen and how little is actually done with them.
Morax has a facebook account where he posts low quality edits of him and the other people in Paradise Lost. They always get one like and it's from Lucifer.
Marbas has a brick phone because it's the only one he can't break with his bare hands. He sometimes calls his 'friends' from other regions with it, but he has no phone attiquit. He would call someone and just ask them for stuff with no hello, no small talk, no nothing
Buer is the best with phones in the whole country. He also didn't pass 5th grade tech lessons about how to make a folder on Windows. He has what used to be the latest phone model when he left Tartaros, but he only uses it to call patients.
Gamigin doesn't have a phone and Lucifer prohibited him from touching the internet. But Lucifer does give Gamigin his phone to play on during breaks or stuff
Lucifer has a fancy phone that he only uses to like Morax's posts on facebook and ignore the mail the kings give him
Depending on the type of meeting and the availability of his staff he will either take Gamigin or Morax with him during diplomatic travels.
He takes Gamigin most of the time, but if the subject is mainly about the atrocities of war he brings Morax. Morax is an airhead with no self preservation, he's used to seing people dying left and right in gruesome manners, but Lucifer would prefere to protect Gamigin from the sort of trauma
Everyone in Paradise Lost is devoted to Lucifer, but Gamigin fluctuates between "wow, he's so cool, I need to impress him" and "my king can beat your king in a fist fight"
Gamigin's also the noble that Lucifer spoils the most. He lets Gamigin do basicly what he wants around the country and he even lets him touch his angelic body.
Whenever there's a long ride from Paradise Lost to a different country, Lucifer sits Gamigin on his lap and let's him sleep there. If anyone speaks louder than a whisper, Lucifer will glare them down.
Gamigin is the favorite kid and by a lot
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It's bordering on platonic yandere, but we'll keep it light for this post (unless you want some darker stuff, feel free to ask 👀)
I've said this before and I'll say it again: there is no official uniform in Paradise Lost, Marbas just hates Buer in particular (and he wants to rip the clothes off him)
Lucifer has a photo album of all the memories he had with his brothers. There are some photos with Gabriel, Michael and Raphael in there as well
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reesespieces-org · 2 months
Fatui Harbinger Sexuality HC's
Its no secret that the Harbingers are all queer in some way, shape or form. It's just fact at this point, but I wanted to share some of my headcanons for the Harbingers + the Tsaritsa. TL;DR at the end.
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Starting off with our beloved Cryo queen, I am a firm believer that she is either aroace or an asexual sapphic. The Tsaritsa is the Archon of love. It had to happen. I mostly headcanon her as aroace just for the irony of it (love goddess doesn't seek love herself type of deal), but I also don't really see her with anyone. I know her and Pierro are a popular ship, but it kind of follows along with the weird pattern of Harbinger x Archon, and it got out of hand after ZhongChi (DottoNahida scared the daylights out of me). And I headcanon all of the Archon's to be asexual, so she falls in that line too.
Second up we got the Director, Pierro! Again, aroace mostly, but I've played a little with him and Rhinedottir being past lovers (interesting concept to me, can't really explain it because of the minimal information I have of the both of them) so from time to time I fluctuate between aroace and aroflux. The one constant for him would definitely be asexuality though, cannot see this man having kids. He's a cat dad, fight me on it.
Second in line, Capitano! He's a straight ally. Definitely the supportive dad that doesn't exactly understand but he'll defend his children (coworkers) if anyone gives them any problems (not like any of them can't handle it themselves, they just like having scary dog privileges!)
Next up, our morbid doctor, Dottore! He's a little fickle, as I can see him being bisexual because of his one date with Soreh and obviously his affiliation with Pantalone. Probably aceflux, it's just not something he's really into and doesn't care for it. Just depends on his partner I suppose. In regards to his segments, all of them are asexual and go by non binary pronouns. They differentiate between one another using their names (Alpha, Beta, Omicron, etc...) and personal attire preferences, so people just refer to them as "they/them" in order to keep them separate from Prime.
For the beloved angel, Columbina, she is sapphic! Definitely a demigirl too, since she is an angel and all. Not much to say, unfortunately, but I think it's self explanatory.
Ah my lovely wife Arlecchino. Like most, I think of her as a masc/butch lesbian. Was definitely Signora's gay awakening.
Pringles man—aka Pulcinella—is a straight ally as well. Much like Capitano, he doesn't quite understand all of it, but he's happy that everyone else is happy and doesn't mind learning more.
Scaramouche is demisexual, even after he turns into Wanderer. Much like Columbina, there isn't much to say about him.
Sandrone is aroflux like Pierro. She's happy being by herself with her dolls, and doesn't feel the need to have a relationship with someone. Also a demigirl!
Signora was a closeted bisexual, since she never truly figured it out before she died. Entirely Arlecchino's fault btw. Anyway, hope she's happy with her beloved Rostam.
Pantalone is pansexual (ah, see what I did there?), and leans towards the asexual spectrum.
And as everyone knows, Childe is a raging achillean/bisexual. It's just fact.
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Tsaritsa: aroace/asexual sapphic
Pierro: aroace/aroflux
Capitano: straight ally
Dottore: bisexual, aceflux
Columbina: sapphic, demigirl
Arlecchino: masc/butch lesbian
Pulcinella: straight ally
Scaramouche: demisexual
Sandrone: aroflux, demigirl
Signora: closeted bisexual
Pantalone: pansexual, acespec
Childe: achillean bisexual
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y-rhywbeth2 · 4 months
Naming Systems #2
Elves and Drow, part 1 (and people descended from them)
Given names | Surnames (Houses)
Given names may in fact be a big deal, as are clan and house names. Elven names are not the most pronounceable in the world.
Shockingly(!) the elves have a stupid amount of lore and then I got carried away examining sourcebook names and created a self-indulgent monstrosity. Once again, this is one part canon and one part educated guessing.
Long post:
Elves have their given names and their surname.
Child names are a long since antiquated practice amongst the elves of Toril, and the name given to a child at birth is normally their given name rather than one they had to 'earn.' Nobles are known to name their heirs after themselves; so you can get Garynnon I and his son Garynnon II. There's a trend of giving half-elven children gender neutral names.
Apparently discarding/changing your name is frowned upon: "An [elf] can of course have almost any birth name, and will rarely change it out of shame."
For surface elves the surname is the name of the commoner clan or noble House (or high House) they were born into. Although apparently: "they tend to dislike the term “clans” as being “too dwarvish”", so even if you're not a noble you're liable to refer to your family as "house [name]." The line between noble and commoner families is blurrier and more prone to fluctuation amongst elves anyway.
For Lolthite drow only the nobility and those who hold titles may use the House name as their surname. It is also forbidden for a House to have a name that begins with L, lest we tempt Lolth's wrath or amusement (depending on her mood). Both moods are to be avoided.
Houses all have family crests and house colours, the latter of which I believe members of the house (meaning relatives and servants who work for the family) are supposed to wear to show their affiliation.
Some moon elven houses, and a few wood elven, appear to have officially translated their house names into Common. "Moonflower," "Hawksong," "Silverspear." The gold elves have not, likely because the majority would sooner see their lineage go extinct before doing that. Even the progressive ones are raised in a culture that considers preservation of unchanged elven culture as a god-given duty.
Noble houses all have their histories and colours and etc, and they took up an insane amount of space so a brief overview of those is a part 2.
In the meantime here are some vague surface elven house names who don't have detail that I know of, so you can make up whatever:
Surface: Amalith, Braegen, Calaudra, Eveningfall, Laelithar, Moondown, Tarnruth, Arruar
And here are some commoner drow surnames:
Xiltyn, Ghaun, Luen, Illistyn,Jusztiirn, Dalael, Hune, Vrinn, Abaeir, Pharm, Quavein, Blaerabban, Blundyth, Argith, Omriwin, T'sarran, Veladorn, Dhuunyl, Mlezzir, Naerth, Olonrae, Zaphresz, Xarann, Wyndyl, Tlintarn, Seerear Yogh'il'rymmin
Performers and such may take "stage names", and elves who are going to be misbehaving will also take aliases "to avoid having their deeds reflect on their family (and perhaps mar ongoing house negotiations with others)."
An elf not using their house name usually goes for a sort of portmanteau in Common: "Fireblade," "Eveningfall," "Neverdeath."
"Many elves who live and work among humans (i.e. members of an adventuring band) adopt a “humans can call me this” surname that’s a portmanteau of a hue and a living thing/natural feature (like Blackrose, or Bluewater)"
Some word of god and some observations about pronunciation:
"Faerunian elves don't normally use D or F or hard-K to begin names"
Although there are exceptions, because I've definitely seen names beginning with D, F and K. -
Vowels may shift. Saevel and Saeval may be seen, -ian, might become -ien or -ion. -
Masculine endings tend to end in consonants, which can be feminised by adding an "a" or "e" onto the end. The "e" doesn't get pronounced, apparently, it stresses the final consonant. ("Kele" = "KeLL"). Sometimes elves and half-elves - particularly genderfluid and nonbinary elves - drop or add the vowel as per their current mood. An example given was a genderfluid half-elf who goes by either Phandarl or Phandarla. Names aren't necessarily exclusively male or female because of that; you can still find elven guys with vowels on the end of their names and ladies who don't. I observe that Drow women seem more likely than surface elven women to not bother with the feminisation of their names. Or possibly it's not part of the dialect. -
Pronunciation and rules shift a little by dialect (a moon elf from Evereska likely does not speak the same as a moon elf from Evermeet nor a green elf from Shilimista; drow in the north would pronounce Lolth 'LOW-th,' spelt like 'Lloth' while others further south might say 'LO-ul-thh,' etc) -
"all the elven names ending in "ael" can be used by any gender" "All of the "-une" elven names can be used by any gender."
"Many half-elves in the Realms seem to bear the "une" and the "ael" names as given names" -
Three syllable names seem to be the average. Two-syllable and four-syllable names are also possible. It seems like the longest, hardest to pronounce names are favoured by nobles. -
No dark elves, regardless of faith, will have names that sound like the name of a deity. It's viewed either blasphemy or inviting bad luck.
The drow dialect has harsher sounds: harder and more frequent consonants, more double consonant's ("mm", "nn", "rr") and buzzing/hissing ("zz" "sz" "ss"), and include a lot of ' , which I think means glottal stops? "Si'Nafey" or "Do'Urden".
Names beginning with "Ch" tend to be drow. -
" "Ph" is used for "F" ." Although it seems that the first f becomes ph, while if it's not in the start of the sentence it is written "f". So Phandarl, but if you add a third slyllable, Arlfandarl.
Judging by Angaradh, "dh" is pronounced like a soft "th" (sooth) and "an" at the start of a word/name is pronounced "awn", like "awww, how cute". SImilarly "am" -> "awm", "arav" -> "awrav," etc
We're entering pure hypothesis stages now, but as time goes on you begin to realise there's a lot of Celtic stuff here (like literal Welsh names like Rhys) so I'd imagine that "th" is a harder variant ("that")
"dd" is probably a dialectal variant of "dh", so soft th again.
and "ch" is a kind of back-of-the-throat growl/hiss noise. If you speak German or Arabic or something you probably get the idea, liebchen.
While there are differences between dark elven and surface elven (and they come in dialects, beside) there is still overlap, so you could still build a drow name out of the same syllable pool as surface elves.
"Nym" remains a common name for elves of all subraces.
Example drow names:
Feminine: Sabrae, Faeryl, Phaere, Olorae, Alauniira, Angaste, Briza, Chalithra, Elvanshalee, Quarra, Lualyrr, Si'Nafey, Li'Neerlay, Xune, Vierna, Talice - Masculine: Nym, Sorn, Belgos, Guldor, Solaufein, Bhintel, Hatch'net, Tluth, Welverin, Seldszar
Example surface elf names:
Neutral: Alael, Imizael, Lune, Lyrune, Belrael, Cathael, Tarune, Eluael, Rune, Gelthael - Masculine: Galan, Glaranal, Llombaerth, Elandorr, Eltargrim, Imbryl, Filaurel, Jharym, Maiele, Uthorim, Ardryll, Tehlmar, Iefyr, Delmuth, Dhoelath, Faerondarl, Luthais, Lhoris, Ornthalas, Naeryndam, Braern, Ajaar, Laosx, Edicûve, Uldrein - Feminine: Elandorr, Braerindra, Melarue, Alea, Shalantha, Saelihn, Tiatha, Meira, Ildilyntra, Halanaestra, Nuala, Yrlissa, Namyriitha, Itylra, Talanashta, Maaleshiira, Eallyr, Gylledha, Anaharae, Ysmyrl'da, Symrustar, Nlaea
And now the part where I lost my mind while breaking up the names of elves in Cormanthyr: Empire of the Elves and Elves of Evermeet.
If you're not here to bash together vaguely "canon" sounding elf names there's no more canon to glean from here on.
This was entirely self indulgent.
As with the human name post, the idea is you take syllables from broken appart canon elven names and stick them together with the endings.
So pick a syllable (Bel) pick an ending (-uth) = Beluth. Then you can make it sound "more feminine" by sticking on a vowel. Beluthe, Belutha, Beluthae, whatever.
Some elven names are three syllables or more, so (A) Abeluth, (Orn) Belornuth. I feel like mixing syllables that begin with vowels and syllables starting with consonants works best.
A, Aer, Aul, Am, An, Ath, Arav, Al, Ala, Ana, Aun, Aur, Aush, Aja, Ahsk, Ahren, Ash, Axil, Ard, Arl, Aneir, Anth, Aath, And, Alaun, Alys, Ang, Angh, Ans, Arath, Ava Bel, Byr, Bra Car, Cel, Cor, Cath, Con, Cys, Clu, Cshar Cheyr Daun, Daunt, Delm, Dosh, Da, Dath, Das, Dyf, Dann, Dil, Dilyn, Din E, El, Eil, Enor, Elid, Ey, Eyr, Ed, Edyr, Eis, Eval, Er, Erev Phyr, Phae, Phan, Phand, Phra Fel, Fen Gal, Gar, Gelth, Glyn, Gyl, Gw, Goron, Garyn Ha, Han, Hen, Has, Hanal Hang, Har, Hara, Hael, Iliv, Ilyr, Imiz, Im, Is, Iliph, Ilph, Ilf, Isc, Ief, It, Il, Illit, Ili Jas, Jon, Jast, Jhaum, Jaon, Jhar Kend, Khal, Khys, Kuorn, Kaeth, Ker, Kiss, Kus, Kusk, Kat, Kiar La, Lath, Lav, Lyr, Lhor, Luth, Las, Lash, Leoj, Lysan, Lov, Lif, Les, Lym, Min, Mol, Mord, Mand, Mour, Mar, Myr, Maal, Moth, Mi, Myrdd, Mei, Myrl Naeth, Narth, Nym, Nam, Naer, Ny, Nu, Nel, Nyl, Nid O, Orl, Orn, On, Otaerh, Om, Par, Pyw, Pel Quam, Qaer, Que Rath, Res, Rui, Rhis, Raer, Raeth, Rath, Rathi, Rai, Raib, Ruv, Rhang, Rych, Rynnhm, Rhys, Rhal, Rel, Ril Se, Seh, Sol, Ser, Sel, Sash, Saev, Sym, Syn, Sa, Sand, Susp, Sab Shi, She, Shy, Shyr, Shiir, Sha, Shal, Shel, Shri Tra, Tel, Tar, Tath, Taen, Taegh, Tal, Talin, Talind, Thal, Tehl, Thiil, Tan, Tiath Thel Un Var, Vrae, Vaer, Vhaer, Vand, Ves, Vest, Vier, Vyr, Vor, Vorl, Ven, Vol, Vet Wyl, Wylch Yas, Yauv, Yal, Yr, Yn, Yrth, Ys Xan, Xand Zorth, Zan, Zand, Zaor, Zil
Sounds more common with Drow: Akor, Af, Ax, Agg Briz, Bur Clav Chal, Char, Chess Div, Driz, Duag Gin, Gauss, G'eld, Grey, Gul Hatch', Houn Jeg Kren, Kel, Krond, Kron, Kal, Lauf, Lau Omar Que, Quil Rizz, Ssap, Sab, Sol, Szor, Szord Ul, Url Vic Wu, Waer, Wen, Wel, Wod Yond, Yon, Yazs Xull Zak, Zeb, Zar
Sticking a "th", "v" or "r" in front of a vowel sometimes happens.
M: -ar, -as, -al, -all, -an, -ash, -am, -aud, -arl, -aln, -arm, -ais, -aern, -ael, -aor, -un, -el, -ell, -eth, -ew, -eith -edd, -enn, -edh -iah, -ian, -is, -il, -in, -im, -ik, -iith, -iis, -iir, -iil -oun, -os, -on, -uth, -unth, -yr, -ym, -yk, -yf, -yl, -yll, -ymn, -yrm, -hyn, -rik, -ryll, -rys, -ros
F: -adh, -ae, -ie, -aeris, -ea, -ue, -ain, -ra, -ta, -ya, -lissa, -icca, -ii, -nii, -eyr, -ali, -'da, -ria, -la, -aar
N: -uil, -ael, -une, -as, -rynn, -ynn -
Endings that seem to be drow-exclusive:
N: -ee, -aste
F: -ace, -it, -ice, -yrr, -fay
M: -ab, -agh, -ast, -iz, -ica, -ild, -aen, -et, -erd, -een, -fein, -ig, -izzt, -oj, -oth, -ozz, -orl, -olg, -oos, -omph -ahc
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thevelaryons · 5 months
CORLYS + RHAENYRA - Power Dynamics
There is a constant power fluctuation that happens between these two, both before the Dance and for its duration. They each have an advantage over each other: Rhaenyra is the Crown Princess/Queen and Corlys is the richest man in Westeros. It's because of these factors they can exert influence over each other. Though it's worth mentioning that they only act when the other is in a vulnerable state.
The first instance is in deciding the names of Rhaenyra's sons with Laenor. Jacaerys & Lucerys are given Velaryon names because Corlys decides it and Joffrey is only given a non-Velaryon name because Corlys relents to Laenor's wishes. Rhaenyra has no say in this matter and it is Corlys' will that rules here:
Laenor’s wish to name the child Joffrey was overruled by his father, Lord Corlys. Instead the child was given a traditional Velaryon name: Jacaerys (friends and brothers would call him Jace). [...] Meanwhile, back in Westeros, Princess Rhaenyra had given birth to a second son late in the year 115 AC. The child was named Lucerys (Luke for short). [...] In 117 AC, on Dragonstone, Princess Rhaenyra bore yet another son. Ser Laenor was at last permitted to name a child after his fallen friend, Ser Joffrey Lonmouth.
I say this because the book specifically emphasizes when Rhaenyra finally does have a say in deciding the name for her child:
As the year waned, she brought forth a small but robust son, a pale princeling with dark purple eyes and pale silvery hair. She named him Aegon.
Rhaenyra's first three sons are bastards and she would be well aware that she needs to appease Corlys in order to have him accept her sons as Velaryons, so the choice of the boys' names is left to him.
There's a lot more political tension underlying their dynamic when it comes to the Driftmark sucession.
EDIT: There is even a direct contrast between the two back-to-back heirs: Lucerys and Addam. Rhaenyra's choice vs Corlys' choice.
When Lucerys was around 11 years old, Corlys fell ill from a fever. Up until this point, Corlys had not named any of Laenor's sons by Rhaenyra as heir to Driftmark. As I've mentioned before, Corlys is the type who views being a Velaryon as separate from the position of family heir. Although his grandchildren have already been betrothed to each other by this point, it's not a firm solution to the problem of the family succession in Corlys' eyes. This is evidenced by the fact that Rhaenyra has to go out of her way to request Corlys to name her son as heir:
That same year, across Blackwater Bay, the Sea Snake was stricken by a sudden fever. As he took to his bed, surrounded by maesters, the issue arose as to who should succeed him as Lord of the Tides and Master of Driftmark should the sickness claim him. With both his trueborn children dead, by law his lands and titles should pass to his eldest grandson, Jacaerys…but since Jace would presumably ascend the Iron Throne after his mother, Princess Rhaenyra urged her good-father to name instead her second son, Lucerys. Lord Corlys also had half a dozen nephews, however, and the eldest of them, Ser Vaemond Velaryon, protested that the inheritance by rights should pass to him…on the grounds that Rhaenyra’s sons were bastards sired by Harwin Strong. The princess was not slow in answering this charge. She dispatched Prince Daemon to seize Ser Vaemond, had his head removed, and fed his carcass to her dragon, Syrax.
Rhaenyra is able to exert her will here, through threat of force, and does seem to have succeeded in getting Corlys' to agree with her wishes. Once again, I'll emphasize that Rhaenyra and Corlys are able to act upon their wishes when the other is in a state of vulnerability.
After Rhaenys' death, Corlys is quite furious with Rhaenyra. It is Jacaerys who works to appease him this time (acting in place of his mother). Corlys is named to the position of Hand and when the Red Sowing occurs shortly afterwards, he brings Addam/Alyn forth to claim dragons. Just going off the timeline of events, it's clear that "Laenor's bastards" was part of the conditions promised to Corlys to retain his loyalty. No doubt, it is also the reason why Jacaerys is so willing to speak up for Addam as the new heir to Driftmark, knowing full well that the next in line would have been his own brother, Joffrey. I've already talked about the politics at play in deciding the succession between Addam vs Joffrey, so I'm not going to get too into that. Though it's worth mentioning that Rhaenyra only agreed to the succession change after Jacaerys urged her to do so. Meaning she must have been reluctant at first:
Not long after Addam of Hull had proved himself by flying Seasmoke, Lord Corlys went so far as to petition Queen Rhaenyra to remove the taint of bastardy from him and his brother. When Prince Jacaerys added his voice to the request, the queen complied. Addam of Hull, dragonseed and bastard, became Addam Velaryon, heir to Driftmark.
Speaking of Rhaenyra's reluctance, it makes sense why she would feel that way. It does not matter that Laenor was gay and neither he nor Rhaenyra had an interest in each other. What matters is the public perception of events. Rhaenyra was Laenor's legal wife. Marilda is claimed to be his mistress. It is Marilda's bastard son that is being placed ahead of Rhaenyra's son who is called trueborn. For any noblewoman, this would be an unthinkable turn of events. In Rhaenyra's case, she's not just any noblewoman, but a Queen. Nevertheless, she must swallow her pride and agree with what Corlys wants. Despite taking action to ensure the succession in favor of Lucerys, Rhaenyra does not do the same for Joffrey. Corlys is the one who holds the power now and Rhaenyra must bend to his will.
It is explicitly mentioned that everyone in Rhaenyra's court plays along with the story that Addam/Alyn are Laenor's bastards. Why? To appease Corlys of course:
Many and more at Queen Rhaenyra’s court must surely have suspected the same. If so, they held their tongues.
Throughout most of the war, it is Corlys that is able to exert power over Rhaenyra, even in matters concerning the succession of other houses. And so it is Corlys' authority that Rhaenyra has to obey, because she cannot risk losing his support, or that of other such lords:
Their deaths left her with a nettlesome problem of succession, however. As it happened, each of the “faithless friends” left a daughter; Rosby’s was a maid of twelve, Stokeworth’s a girl of six. Prince Daemon proposed that the former be wed to Hard Hugh the blacksmith’s son (who had taken to calling himself Hugh Hammer), the latter to Ulf the Sot (now simply Ulf White), keeping their lands black whilst suitably rewarding the seeds for their valor in battle. But the Queen’s Hand argued against this, for both girls had younger brothers. Rhaenyra’s own claim to the Iron Throne was a special case, the Sea Snake insisted; her father had named her as his heir. Lords Rosby and Stokeworth had done no such thing. Disinheriting their sons in favor of their daughters would overturn centuries of law and precedent, and call into question the rights of scores of other lords throughout Westeros whose own claims might be seen as inferior to those of elder sisters. It was fear of losing the support of such lords, Munkun asserts in True Telling, that led the queen to decide in favor of Lord Corlys rather than Prince Daemon.
That's not to say, Rhaenyra is entirely powerless. As the Queen, she does have the final say in matters. Especially in discussions concerning the Greens, it is Rhaenyra's decision ultimately to decide what is to be done. Of course, she does hear Corlys out first before making her decisions:
The Lannisters and Baratheons should be destroyed as well, so their lands and castles might be given to men who had proved more loyal. Grant Storm’s End to Ulf White and Casterly Rock to Hard Hugh Hammer, the prince proposed…to the horror of the Sea Snake. “Half the lords of Westeros will turn against us if we are so cruel as to destroy two such ancient and noble houses,” Lord Corlys said. It fell to the queen herself to choose between her consort and her Hand. Rhaenyra decided to steer a middle course.
One of the descriptions that GRRM himself gave for Rhaenyra is that she never forgets a slight. So I do think part of the reason she was quick to believe the worst of Addam is because the circumstances in which he became heir to Driftmark were already a huge insult to her. The book doesn't mention whether it was Rhaenyra or Corlys that had Addam residing at the Dragonpit but the fact that he was kept out of her sight is an interesting detail. When Addam is suspected of treason, it does give Rhaenyra an opportunity to let out her own grievances.
Corlys and Rhaenyra can't really be described as being particularly fond of each other. However, they do share grandchildren/children in common, and it's obvious they care about them. So it would make sense to say Corlys and Rhaenyra tolerate each other and keep their personal grievances mostly to themselves. Corlys' outburst after Rhaenys death in which he was very quick to wish death upon Rhaenyra certainly says a lot about his own opinions though. But most of their actions are them trying to play nice with each other.
Rhaenyra's exercise of power is almost limited (part of that does have to do with her position as a woman trapped in a war because her authority was questioned on account of her womanhood). Corlys is a man and a wealthy noble too, so he can use that to his advantage many times. Rhaenyra as a woman does have to appease him for this reason. But since she is a Queen too, she can exert her own will if she chooses to do so, even if doing so means risking losing Corlys' support.
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Imagine meeting T'Pring for the first time...
Since I haven't seen any episode with T'Pring not in TOS nor in SNW it can be a bit OOC, but I just cannot wait, there are no one T'Pring x reader fic on the whole Tumblr! So I've decided to write it first :3 Can be read as both TOS T'Pring or SNW T'Pring!
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‌Well, when you first met she was on the board with some diplomatic task.
It was a very awkward moment when you stumbled upon her and you dropped some papers and started to pick them up and she decided to help you and your hands touched accidentally.
‌You looked up and froze in embarrassment and yours eyes met.
You mumbled an apologise and quickly ran away, didn't notice how she followed you with her gaze and how she whispered "interesting…"
‌You weren't seeing her glances here and there while you were doing your daily tasks.
You were a knowledgeable xenobotanist and your knowledge was very useful to Starfleet. On one of the field missions, your ship had to visit the Vulcan Academy of Sciences to discuss the possibilities of planting Earth cacti and succulents.
‌You were going to Zargandara planet to make some researchers about new species of plants discovered there, but first your Captain had to deliver some scientists to Vulcan. So you decided to take a walk.
It was very hot and very soon you were tired, stopping right at the steps of the Vulcan Academy of Science. And then you saw her again.
‌She was calm and elegant as always. The aura of serenity seemed to cool the fluctuating air around her. You were truly in awe at her appearance.
‌"Peace and long life", you respond to her greeting, making the Vulcan salut. Little by little you started talking about your mission.
‌"So you graduated with honours in xenobotanical studies?" she asked when you told her about your line. She was noticeably impressed when you answered affirmatively, slightly embarrassed.
‌"It takes great dedication and intelligence to excel in such a specialized field. I am curious, what brought you to Vulcan?"
"I see," she responds, her eyes carefully studying your features, not loosing a single thing.
"Actually I had to go to Zargandara, and Captain Qongurzat is just about to fly there after the visit to the Vulcan Academy."
After a while you had to go to the ship and before you leave she mentioned that it'd be helpful for diplomatic relations between Earth and Vulcan, if you would agree to come here again someday to conduct research on the local flora.
"Not many xenobotanists with this level of knowledge come here," she said, her voice is even as always, her eyes never leaving yours.
When you shyly agreed, you can notice how her cheeks took on a subtle green tint and her eyes sparkled with something.
And when you stepped on the board of the ship she whispered to herself "See you later, Y/N"
This is my first "character x reader" writing ever and also remember that English isn't the first mu language so please be kind, live long and prosper! :3 Oh, and also please tell me should I write the 2nd part!
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polkadottedpie · 4 months
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Ouma Kokichi as a Vent Regressor
CW: canon typical horror (character death, the killing game, gore, etc.), vent regression/regression from trauma, repression, anxiety, trust issues
Wrote this because I've never seen Kokichi agere content in the actual context of the killing game, which is fair, but it was a concept I actually wanted to think about just for myself. Mentions of Amami Rantaro as a big brother-esque caregiver before his death.
Ouma Kokichi has never been one to allow himself to be vulnerable in front of just anybody, and that goes doubly for his regression. He doesn’t understand exactly what it is, so he doesn't have an exact age range, but he knows he’s not at 100% when it happens and that’s cause for concern. It’s hard to play the part of the Ultimate Supreme Leader of Evil when your head is foggy and you feel so small and your lies get worse and controlling your emotions gets harder.
In a place as dark and scary as the killing game, though, there’s nothing Kokichi can do to prevent the headspace from bubbling up along with all the despair and anguish he’s forced to experience as things continue to escalate. So, if he can’t hide this vulnerability away, the only solution he has is to bury it with more and more lies to obscure it from everyone in plain sight.
Thankfully, it’s easy to hide even the worst lie when you’re already known to be a liar. Kokichi swings hard in the direction of acting like a child, even when he’s not regressed, so everyone just sees him as childish in general. He pokes fun at others, plays practical jokes, breaks out the waterworks at every opportunity, he doesn’t take the game seriously at all, all to both cope with the situation and blur the line between his big self and his regressed self so none will be the wiser.
This becomes a bit of a double-edged sword, as throwing himself into the spoiled brat schtick only makes it easier for the haze of regression to roll in, especially when Monokuma first establishes the First Blood motive and time limit and things start to get serious. He does his best to scrounge up what clues about the killing game he can, but any time he’s forced to interact with one of his classmates and he has to turn up the kiddie act, the danger of potentially triggering himself looms in the back of his mind.
It’s dear Amami-kun, sharp as a tack and ever vigilant around his peers, who picks up on Kokichi’s behavior first.
Out of all of his classmates, Amami-kun was most partial to Kokichi for how his lies always twist the group towards the greater good at his own expense. He’s seen how serious Kokichi can be when he called Akamatsu-chan out at the Death Road of Despair when no one else would. It puzzles and intrigues him as to why he’d insist on acting so childish the rest of the time.
Amami-kun begins to notice how Kokichi’s behavior fluctuates, the thematic differences from his obnoxious kiddie act overshadowing the more genuine flashes of a frightened child looking for comfort and distraction. He may not remember much about himself, but he does still remember his sisters, how the younger ones acted when afraid or stressed out. It doesn’t take him long to put the pieces together.
None of Kokichi’s other classmates would play along with his antics quite like Amami-kun did. Akamatsu-chan and that sheepish detective that follows her around found him annoying at best and outright malicious at worst, and since she’d become the de-facto driving force of the group, most everyone was quick to follow suit.
Amami-kun, however, rolled with Kokichi’s energy pretty well. When Kokichi had the mental fortitude to be serious, Amami-kun was clever enough to brainstorm with, even if he kept a lot of his insight a little on the vague side. When he couldn’t be bothered and broke out the childish antics, he smoothly played along with his games like a cool older brother, and for once it made the fuzzy fog that would roll into Kokichi’s head feel safe and warm. It was the most comfort he’d felt since they’d all arrived at the Academy.
It’s a shame it couldn’t last.
Kokichi’s head was already spinning from the time limit video blaring in his room when the body discovery announcement suddenly played, directing everyone to the library. It was too much, too fast, and the whiplash from one anxiety to another had already put him in a daze when he rushed out of his room.
He had never plummeted so hard and so fast as the moment he saw Amami-kun’s body on the floor of the library, blood spattered across the bookcase and pooling across the carpet from the gaping wound in his head. He couldn’t stop staring, couldn’t hear anything anyone else was saying. He could feel the tears already coming, but the oppressive presence of everyone else in the room choked him up in spiraling thoughts of not safe, not safe, not safe.
Amami-kun was dead.
Everyone who remained hated him.
There was no one left to trust.
Immediately, Kokichi threw himself into theatrics to hide himself in another lie.
If people like it, I might consider continuing this journey through the other parts of the game with agere tones. Let me know if you'd be interested!
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ramlightly · 3 months
I thought I read somewhere (maybe hallucinated, idk) that you weren't very confident with prose; but Temptations reads extremely easy. Beautiful writing, wonderful characterization; great use of spot art. I obviously like your OCs quite a lot, since that's why I'm here, but I admit I wasn't THAT invested in the deeper lore; but now I'm very invested. One of my favorite things was how we circled a few times around Sage before it came out that he and Basil had quarreled, and we ended this part still not knowing what about; I like that both Dandelion and Basil remain mysterious to us--and Sage, most of all. Good week for email, between Temptations and What Manner of Man.
Please take your time, but I'm very excited for the next installment; thank you for sharing part 1 with us.
You aren't mistaken, I'm incredibly insecure about my prose! I just don't have a lot of experience with it compared to my art, I'm learning as I go. Confession Booth was my first real prose project since high school and Temptations is easily my biggest endeavor yet. So the nice comments I've been getting have been very nice lol, making me feel more confident!
And thank you so much! I'm so glad you enjoyed it. How much Sage there was actually fluctuated a lot during drafts. At one point it was way too much, so I chopped it back to way too little lol. I'm glad it seems I found the right balance in the end.
When it comes to the lore bit: that's the really nice thing about actually sitting down and writing this story. It feels like the past couple years I've been rambling and brainstorming, so I totally get not being very invested lol, but it feels good to actually have something concrete. Makes it all feel more real, I suppose.
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alives · 30 days
——— BASICS ! ♡
PRONOUNS : they / them or any tbqh
i was diagnosed as a type one diabetic at the ripe age of twenty one ( one of my many medical mysteries bc wtf )
i have three pets & between those three there are seven legs. have fun with that math !
i have a dancing pole in my bedroom & my favorite move i can do is a layback ( & i severely pay the price for it x )
i've been rping since like 2011/2012 without fully knowing it was called rp at the time in some weird chatrooms online with strange emojis that haunt my dreams to this day. started indie tumblr rping in like 2014 bc of my ex girlfriend , kept tumblr rping till 2017 or so , came back a few times but haven't been fully back until this year in indie at least. i've done a bunch of group rps as well as some twitter & jcink ones. i just always end up back in indie after awhile , my brain just fluctuates with what i want to write & my attention on media so honestly ?? multi is the way to go & i'm not sure why i didn't before now.
for some reason i always pick muses that are extremely devoted to another in some way , one of my first & longest muses was horn skuld & my recent comeback to indie was zestial / paimon in a similar vein. magnus bane however has been by far my longest muse considering i still write him here on this account. chewbacca might actually be my other longest. some of my friends will also claim i write old men & they aren't entirely wrong.
——— FLUFF / ANGST / SMUT ! ♡
FLUFF : i'm a sucker for some fluff !! it's a nice little palette cleanser after angst. ironically will have me kicking my feet more embarrassed than smut.
ANGST : i love it. i think it's very fun to make my writing partners scream & button smash over it. > : ) there's just something fun about exploring emotions in the same way i like watching the occasional sad movie !
SMUT : also 110% okay with it !! but i also don't mind fade to black if that's what my partner prefers. some of my muses are a little spicy ✨ considering the media they're from.
PLOT / MEMES : both ? both !!! i adore plotting when we're just talking about our muses & shooting thoughts back & forth. but memes are really great ice breakers too !!
tagged by: i'm a thief tagging: steal it from me !!
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leggerefiore · 5 months
Do you have any age headcanons for some pokemon characters like for example the train men, N, Lysandre, ect?
Well, there's a few with canon ages.
N is confirmed to be like 20-22 and Cyrus is a beautiful baby boy at 27.
Lysandre is probably in his early 40s (maybe 42?) alongside Sycamore since they're clearly around the same age.
Ingo and Emmet are in their early 30s to me nowadays (despite my previous thoughts, I've stated), and Warden Ingo is maybe... I go between a few ages. The joke answer is he's just 37 and going through it hard, but it's probably mid 40s+ (and that, too, applies to Silver Fox Emmet, of course.)
Nanu is... something I don't want to give actual thought. Late forties to early fifties, maybe? 48-52 is the range I'd give.
Grimsley varies, too? He's clearly maybe mid to late 20s in BW... but, uh, idk about in Alola? Something either happened to him, or he had a rough time in like 2 years. Because... SM apparently is just two years after BW2. Help him.
Colress is hard in his 30s. Somewhere. Not sure. Just pick a random one in that range, and I'll probably agree. He just seems a more into his career and far out of whatever university had him. 33, I guess in BW2, so he gets to be 35 and insane in Alola.
Maxie and Archie also fluctuate for me. They are either in their late thirties or just turned 40. Actually, maybe Maxie is like 39 while Archie is 38 or something. I don't know. They just seem older but not too old? Especially their Gen 3 designs... I don't think there's that much age variance between ORAS and RSE them, though. Them again, with the Cyrus situation, they both might just be 25 lmao.
Guzma is over 20, and that much is certain. He and Kukui (and Molayne) are all around the same age, so I like to imagine he's like 23 doing all that sjajdns.
Volo is 27 to me because it would just be hilarious that being in Hisui/Sinnoh and being that age makes you want to climb that damn mountain. Though, I also do think he's in his mid-20s in general.
My controversial take is that I see Irida as 18 at the youngest. She's the head of her clan, and her close friendship with Palina makes me think they're close in age. And I see her age as close to Adaman's own, too, but maybe just a little younger to make her feel more of a need to prove herself to him. I think they would also prefer an adult to be head of the clan, too.
Elesa is maybe... 24-26? Hard to explain why. Just seems in that range.
Cynthia is probably around Cyrus's age, so 26-28. They seem maybe a little acquainted before all the stuff in DPPt, so I think they may have met a few times, maybe at a university or in school.
Larry is like 48-50. He's been confirmed to have worked for the Paldea league for 25 years, so it just seems likely he may joined up after he graduated.
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veliseraptor · 7 months
Top 5 fucked up family bonds!
oh mannn. I feel like this one fluctuates depending on, like, what fandoms I'm focused on at the moment, but to try to shake it up a little since I've answered a question like this before (though that was specifically for siblings! and no shade! just challenging myself, mostly, since most of these are probably going to end up being siblings, that's just what I'm like)
1. Azula and Zuko. Since Avatar is in the air lately and I just queued a post about them, and I am deeply invested in their relationship even if I don't talk about it a huge amount these days - I think about this one in particular from Azula's persepctive. The way that Zuko is the negative that Azula measures herself against, that she pretends not to care about him but I think he occupies a substantial part of the way that she constructs herself in opposition to him, as everything he isn't, the negative model she will never be. But then there is Zuko's end of things, the push-pull between the ever-present comparison between them where he falls short and the fact that I think he genuinely does care for her even as he doesn't, I think, really know how to deal with her, or really understand her. And also any family relationship involving attempted murder is going to be like catnip to me.
2. Kinn and Vegas. Family dynamics where I am both very into the family dynamic and also kind of ship them occupy 3/5 positions on this list, which says something that I think is just about the way that sufficiently obsessive and entangled relationships between a pair of people is going to lure me into seeing what I can do to make it more fucked up (with possible fucking). But anyway!
I love how they make each other worse, all of the time. They bring out the absolute worst in each other, always; they fail to see each other clearly and perceive each other beyond their flaws but also beyond how their respective fathers have pitted them against each other like fighting roosters. They're mutually obsessed with each other no matter how much I think Kinn would like to pretend that he is aloof and indifferent. It's a mess. It's delightful. Also the only non-siblings on this list. Notable for the fact that in their first scene I failed to recognize them as cousins and assigned them ex-boyfriend energy.
3. Felix and Mildmay. Okay so I've included them on lists like this before but they deserve a mention anyway. Because boy! What a mess! From the beginning! They love each other so much and it's a disaster! Felix's attraction to Mildmay at least in part because he doesn't know how to love without sex! Mildmay's hopeless attachment to Felix despite all the cruelty he dishes out! They're just...I love them and I love their mess of a relationship and I also love how it develops over the course of the books into something better. Honestly the only one of these pairs that does that. Kudos to them.
4. Celegorm and Curufin. Okay, this one is built a little bit on a towering edifice of headcanon, but so sue me, and it's not entirely! There is on page content for these two! So there!
A friend of mine has the tag for these two #the other brotherwives and I feel like in some ways that sums it up for me - the way that they are, again, entangled in each other in a way where they always come as a pair, and their personalities both complement and contrast each other, and they're just so. All the sons of Feanor are a mess of codependent relationships but these two kind of stand out by virtue of always being paired, in everything, including all their worst choices, even their deaths. And again, I have a towering edifice of headcanon in particular about how their relationship both decays and calcifies over time, becoming both more desperately close and also more tangled with resentment at the way things fall out, but ultimately they can't be separated from each other.
5. Millions Knives and Vash. Throwing out a wildcard I haven't talked about much, but like. Wow! Another sibling relationship tailored to cater to me that came as a surprise out of left field and decked me in the face! I still need to read the manga but at least when it comes to Trigun: Stampede the sheer toxicity here, the fucked up love and protectiveness and possessiveness and guilt and the way that ultimately while Knives' goals exploit Vash it doesn't, I don't think, erase the love; I think he still sees it as for Vash's own good, even as he's doing much the same thing he deplores when humans do it. I have headcanons about part of Knives' motivation for crashing the ships has to do not just with self-protection but protection for Vash, and the way that decays over time is. Chef's kiss. Love it.
Bonus mention to Lucivar and Daemon and, because I just can't leave them off and they do still have a special place in my heart, Thor and Loki. But also for a non-sibling relationship again possibly out of left field, I actually think a lot about Loki and Odin too, and if I still have MCU feelings sometimes those are one of them.
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batmanisagatewaydrug · 11 months
Hi sex witch, I (cis man, late 20s) have a bit of an issue regarding medication and my sex life... I'm hoping you can be a bit of a sounding board for me?
I recently started taking an SNRI to help with anxiety and sleep. It seems to be working (not perfectly, but there's definitely a pretty big improvement).
Currently I'm single and all my sex is solo, but I've noticed that since I started the meds my libido has significantly reduced. It's also more difficult to reach orgasm, and the orgasms feel... different? (Not sure how I feel about that bit...)
My main problem is trying to work out whether I want to raise this with my doctor when I go for my next check-up. I'm not in the market for sex with anyone else right now, so the only person it is affecting is me. The positives in terms of my anxiety are great, and the negatives are more "differences" than actual "negatives".
What do you think? Should I push to try a different medication before I get settled on this one? Or should I spend more time working out whether I'm comfortable with the lower sex-drive? I think both are reasonable, and I would appreciate your opinion - thanks!
hi anon,
I just want to start by commending you for noting the difference between "different" and "negative." people are often taught to think of any change in their sexual function as automatically bad, when in fact it's often nothing more than a very natural fluctuation within their body.
in your case, that fluctuation is very common; many people report experiencing a decrease in libido after beginning anti-depressants. hormones drive much of our sexuality, and anti-depressants wreak havoc on our the delicate chemical balance in our brain - for the better, of course, because they ideally help bridge the gap for chemical deficiencies in our brains that make us feel Not So Good, but as a side effect functions like the libido can be thrown into a spiral.
it's worth noting that the change often isn't permanent; eventually, your body may very well acclimate to the new hormonal arrangement and gets back to business as usual. I can personally attest that my first year on anti-depressants saw my libido pretty much go dormant, but it eventually came back with a vengeance.
I'm not in any way, shape, or form an expert on how the brain works and how medication works in the long term, but as someone who spends a lot of time talking to people about sex and has been on anti-depressants for years, I have to wonder if part of the sex drive's return has to do with the effectiveness of the medication over time. many people have a hard time fully accessing their sexuality when they're suffering from stress, anxiety, and depression, because being horny - let alone actually having sex - requires an amount of mental space and energy that just isn't there when you're struggling to even perform the basic tasks that let you get through the day. again, speaking from personal experience, I know that before I was medicated, WAAAAAAY too much of my energy was getting burned up by my anxiety and the accompanying physical symptoms; there's not much left over for libido when all of you're exhausting yourself shaking and otherwise being a nervous wreck. turns out being horny is WAY EASIER when you aren't constantly on edge!
I will also point out that sometimes the reason people who aren't doing so great in regards to their mental health masturbate so much is for those sweet little dopamine hits that they're not getting anywhere else, which I don't say to stigmatize jerking off while mentally ill (god knows I can't judge for that) but to point out that after a few months with more managed anxiety, you may not even be as interested in solo sex as you previously were. or you will be, but it will look different thanks to the other positive effects your medication has had. sexuality is a slippery creature, and it's impossible to predict exactly how it will shift throughout our lives.
my point being, if you haven't noticed any other adverse side effects of this medication and you think it's going to help more than hinder you, I would recommend continuing with it for the time. you'll keep reaping the positive benefits in the meantime, and you'll have some time to reflect on those changes as they continue to happen and figure out how this new shape your sexuality has taken can still fit into the overall mosaic of your life. if you ultimately decide that you don't like what's changed, that's fine! but I would broadly advise waiting it out through the most dramatic shifts that will happen early on to get a fuller picture.
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nczaversnick · 2 months
WIP Questionnaire Tag
Thanks to @honeybewrites for the tag!
Rules: Answer the questions about a WIP!
These are for Project Gemini, with my answers in green and Rachelles in purple :)8
What's the first part of your WIP that you created?
For me, that would be Gemini. Or his concept anyway. A person with both fire and ice powers. Everything else was built around this one idea.
Uhh.. There aren't any parts I necessarily *created*, but more like added on. I've been here since the beginning. (We don't talk about the previous draft before I came into the picture) (Also, SIKE, I LIED. I created loveable Mason.)
If your story was a TV show, what would the theme song/intro be?
I'm not sure what I would go with, but off the very top of my head, I’d say the chorus in From Now On in the The Greatest Showman
Oooo, definitely Run by Iron Kid
What are your favorite characters you've made? Why?
Oh, definitely Adrian. He was originally the main character, so I developed his character way before I got to anyone else. He's the only one who didn't get replaced when I revamped everything a few years back.
I'm Adrian biased always, but I think I'm starting to have a bit of a soft spot for Mason and Iris - mainly because I don't know them that well, and that's a perfect start for me falling in love with them.
What other pieces of media do you think your fanbase would share?
Definitely the Lunar Chronicles. Probably Arc of a Scythe, too. Both series showed me how much I can do with multiple POVs to tell a story, but both are about revolutions and fighting for what is right
I don't think I understand this question
I hope they share sick animatics. That would be cool as Hell.
How do characters travel/get around?
Generally speaking, magneticlly powered trains and cars are the main transportation in the city
OH SHIT an underground rat maze in the sewers throughout the city would be sick af.
They mainly walk. Gotta keep hidden, ya know?
What part of your WIP are you working on right now?
I am currently trying to turn an outline into actual scenes. But I don't write like…whole chapters. I tend to write small snippets in random spots until there's enough to start trying to connect them
I'm constantly fluctuating between fixing what I've already worked on and continuing off from when someone gets their shit rocked for no reason (there's a reason, but it's a dumb reason)
What aspects/tropes do you think will draw your audience in?
I mean, who wouldn't love a dystopian lead by a found family of queer people?
Injustice and angsty slow burns.
What are your hopes for your WIP?
I have always wanted to publish this. Because I do actually want to be a published author, I enjoy writing and sharing stories with people, especially one so personal to me. A very longshot hope I have is that I'd love to see this made into a tv show, though I'd go 2D animation, not live action.
I obviously want to make something I'm proud of working on, but also use as a learning experience for my own projects. (I'm an entirely separate entity and *not* a growth from N.C.‘s brain)
Tagging: @wyked-ao3 @the-golden-comet @fractured-shield @theverumproject @the-letterbox-archives @ath3alin +open tag :)8
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bitchy-peachy · 3 months
[mostly queue operated : 15 posts per day]
Tags of stuff you might want to blacklist under cut as well as other things (check before following me. ):
[ #noodity and/or #smutty (if you don't want to see artistic nudes or smutty art reblogs. I have a good reason for not tagging these #nsfw)
#spoilers (I tag anything new for any fandom coming out as #spoilers to keep you all spoiler free.)
#fandom, #fandom discourse (if you don't wanna see me complain about fandoms)
#horror, #tw blood, #body horror and #dark art (if you don't want to see fun splatter or spookiness that may be triggering since some people er... don't like it as much as me.)
#personal, #personal pics #ramblings, #rant, #rant in tags, #!!! (if you don't want to see the most random ramblings ever along with pics, long winded tag rants and me boosting things... although I would want you to boost things in the #!!! tag)
As well as #witchy things (if you don't wanna see me talking my "evil hocus pocus" stuff)]
#politics, #news, #SA mention, #true crime are also recommended to blacklist if you don't like such subjects (and my ranting violence at criminals and hating on the injustice system. I'm a huge pig with badges hater especially since I see 97% bad shit)
#me being blasphemous is pretty self explanatory.
Things That Will Get A Block
Associating with people that have hurt me and my friends
Content thieves. Art, fanfiction etc. Plagiarism and art reposts without credits to get attention on yourself with other people's work is a no.
People that start fights over literally nothing. People that are overly reactive and see "something bad" in anything and start drama about it.
Homophobic, transphobic etc people get blocked.
Right wing conservashits and western commie shits (which are just as bad as conservatives) get blocked. I grew up in a conservative family and I've heard your kind of nonsense repeatedly. None of you are creative and bring nothing new to your "arguments" so I see no point in searing my damned eyes with your uninspiring stale bullshit.
Racist twats get blocked. I ain't gotta see your dumbass. Nobody does.
Porn bots, empty accounts, business accounts, weird content that gives me ick (poop, diaper and piss play, necrophilia, age play, etc... all which I don't want to see and properly filter. Like I've got weird fictional interests and personal but even I've got my limits and people ain't even tagging it to avoid getting banned in random main tags that has nothing to do with it.)
Even at my married grown hag age I've had guys act inappropriately towards me almost immediately after I made the mistake of following them back. Block, reported. I'm too old for that shit.
Don't waste your time sending me asks or DMs asking for money. Some of you spam this shit to the point of becoming overwhelming. Fuck outta my asks and dms with this. You're obnoxious and its too damn much. Tired of having 30 asks begging for money and dms from fake ass accounts asking me for money cos I made the mistake of thinking they were a legimate follower. Sincerely fuck off and away to my block list.
If I block you for any of these things you'll probably stay blocked forever.
Random Things About Me
[Status: Taken 💍 but we share each other with fictional characters]
[🧿🔮Ecletic Bruja. Some of my stuff is closed practice but I do share generalized info. Just not closed ancestral matters..]
[Horror/Gore movie/book obsessed: I also reblog a lot of dismemberment and innards which explains the #body horror or #tw blood tag.]
[A bit of a classical art snob. I love old art, the darker and more tragic the better. You can find pretty things of this nature as well as fandom fanarts in #art]
[I ain't 100% "politically correct". I can drag both left and right and my politics can fluctuate between center-right or center-left depending the issue. Example: I support the death penalty (as long as there's no reasonable doubt) and abortion. I also support guns but not everyone having them and there being some more restrictions/background checks etc. That was just some examples of my stance on some subjects. (Made bold for emphasis)]
[LGBT+ safe space🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🌈 (if you don't like that gfy]
[I have writer's block on everything sorry]
[Dark Humor galore💀]
[Perverted Humor galore🥵]
[🗡 I will only follow back if I like your content and aren't a shitty p0rn bot or some money begging bullshit. I want actual mutuals to interact with and fangirl with, not a bot or a one post blog that only wants money🗡]
[Hablo Español and can understand spoken/read Deutsch and Portuguese]
[My blog is for me. Don't tell me how to run my shit unless you're a masochist.]
[Account is monitored with statcounter]
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getvalentined · 1 month
For the ask game:
Vincent: 5, 7, 9, and 50 (any or all!)
[For the Random Character Asks game.]
5. Best personality trait?
Vincent's best personality trait is probably his intense sense of responsibility, which comes with a peerless level of determination to do whatever it takes to set things right in whatever way he can. This is also his worst personality trait. It pushed him to leave Nibelheim and strike down Hojo for what he allowed Sephiroth to do, and also kept him in the coffin in the first place based on the assumption that everything he touched fell apart. It makes him reliable to a fault in some situations, and utterly useless in others.
It's both the driving force behind his entire existence, and the weighted chain around his neck that keeps him anchored in place, unable to move forward.
7. Age/height/weight headcanon?
We have a canon birthdate for Vincent, contrary to the contradictory Ultimanias' timelines, down to the day of the week based on the real-world calendar for the same date, so we have his canon age at any time and I align with that. Vincent Valentine was born on Friday, October 13th, 1950. He's fifty-seven years old in December of 2007, meaning he was born in 1950, and yes, October 13th of that year fell on a Friday.
He's also twenty-seven until the end of time, but I've written a whole fic about that.
Vincent believes he's 184cm tall, which puts him at just over 6' in Imperial, and this was correct at the time of his death; it is not correct anymore, although Vincent doesn't know that until sometime postcanon. I've talked about it before, but my Vincent had an issue where his skeleton didn't completely scale back down after his first traumatic transformation into Galian, so his arms and legs are disproportionately long (and he already had legs for days) and he's just slightly larger all around, putting him at 194cm or just shy of 6'4" in the present.
After the incident with Omega, he actually starts growing, albeit inconsistently and very slowly; little by little, Vincent is developing into a shape befitting the role into which he was cast when Chaos' consciousness returned to the Lifestream, because at that point Vincent isn't a vessel for the Weapon anymore, he is the Weapon unto himself. The original animal consciousness is gone forever, and the role now belongs entirely to Vincent. It takes a long time for him to pick up on the physiological changes, and everyone except Nanaki and Genesis are dead by the time it starts to become noticeable to anyone else, but he'll top out around 225cm/7'5" not counting the horns and wings.
Vincent's weight is a goddamn mystery because his bone and muscle density are all fucked up because of mako exposure, while he's simultaneously built like a goddamn reed and has the shoulder to waist ratio of a dorito. It also fluctuates slightly between transformations for a while due to incomplete or inconsistent reversion, although those issues eventually resolve. It's anyone's guess, really.
9. Scene that first made me love (or hate) the character?
I've kinda talked about this before, but basically I was super interested in Vincent from the moment I learned of his existence, and fell in love the first time I activated his limit break and realized I was dealing with someone with a much more complicated story than previously let on. I have only fallen deeper in love with the character since then—he's smart and snarky and socially awkward, with a specific sort of trauma, both previous and impending, that makes him compelling to me specifically for very personal reasons—and he remains my favorite fictional character of all time.
50. A memory they’ve blocked out?
Vincent canonically blocked out all the memories of Lucrecia's involvement in his seven-year stint as a victim of science, although most of those come back eventually. My Vincent actually has a staggeringly clear memory, to the point that he remembers being on the operating table while Hojo removed all his organs, at least during the term that Hojo was keeping him conscious for it, and is also pretty cognizant of what he does when transformed.
Postcanon, the things he has blocked out are very intentionally blocked out, can inadvertently be brought back at any time with the right trigger, and are mostly related to the experiments. There was a short term when Hojo was still working on Vincent that he would instigate a transformation and run him through the sim on the bottom level of the research facility to observe the monsters, or occasionally just throw Vincent in there once the mako enhancements finally "stuck" in order to get data for Project 0, and Vincent has blocked most of that out. He knows it happened, but the details are either a blur, or he's pushed them so far back that he might as well have naturally forgotten.
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