#(sorta vague) spoilers in the tags
darkacademiaarchivist · 5 months
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so I was rewatching some bits of uncoupled today and um... well, I noticed that red ceiling lamp for the first time and all I could think about was this:
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eshtaresht · 8 months
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be not afraid? what happened to getting loved for the horror of you
something to summarize polygun feels for my psychic blast series
When dealing with Vash the Stampede, one must remember about his tendency to bristle with feathers and intrude on the other's mind (accidentally, of course). Normal looking guy? Wrong! Psychic blast
Rated M, 3 works (finished), 13.8k words total
Relationships: Vash the Stampede & Nicholas D. Wolfwood, Milly Thompson & Vash the Stampede, Meryl Stryfe & Vash the Stampede, Meryl Stryfe & Milly Thompson & Vash the Stampede, Meryl Stryfe/Milly Thompson
Characters: Vash the Stampede (Trigun), Nicholas D. Wolfwood, Milly Thompson, Meryl Stryfe
Additional Tags: Mild Hurt/Comfort, umm sorta?, Broken Bones, Dubious First Aid, Biting, Mild Blood, Poetry(partially), so like what if wolfwood is fenrir and vash is tyr. what when, but also this is as close as it gets to gay sex, Canon - Manga; Body Horror, Eye Contact, Biblically Accurate Angels (Abrahamic Religions), Fluff and Humor, Hurt/Comfort, Mental Breakdown, (of eldrich kind), Crying, hints at future polygun, Mild Gore, (of eldrich sorts), Caves, Shock & Awe, Hugs, Background Meryl Stryfe/Milly Thompson, Self-Harm, Blood, ascii art telepathic blast, Canon Disabled Character; Post-Canon, Angst with a Happy Ending, Arguing, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Depression, Suicidal Thoughts, Intrusive Thoughts, yep this one's heavy, vague trimax spoilers, they are so bad at communicating with words, Past Character Death, woowoo haunts the narrative as one does, Grief/Mourning, implied past queerplatonic polygun, Prose Poem, (partially. in 2nd peson pov), Panic Attacks
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starsisstars · 1 month
Getting Back to New Normal
Psst... have you heard of my fanfic...
This is my first time writing any and this is the first fandom I've really even read fanfic for so I'm a little excited about it!!! Come to my fanfic, we have:
4 Chapters of wildly disparate length
24k words total
The Hurt
The Comfort
Me getting confused researching checkers
Isafrin kinda sorta but also
Vaguely arospec Siffrin headcanon :)
Puns (legally required)
Getting a lil silly with the formatting here and there
Someone in the comments telling me what a beta is because I refused to look it up
CWs in the notes (and the big ones in the tags) and bigeo spoilers!
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bnomiko · 1 year
Spoiler-free Nocturne ramblings
(Guess everyone's all worked up about Castlevania again because "Under the Milky Way" gained like 28 kudos and 1000 hits in 5 days, yay : D )
Just finished watching Nocturne. I have thoughts, but in the interest of keeping things SPOILER-FREE (because yes I got spoiled on things because people can't bother using a spoiler tag, thanks a lot you wankers), I'll keep this as vague as possible.
Olrox: far and away the best character thus far. I can see why everyone's hot and heavy for the guy already, and the smut fics are apparently already rolling in. I would not be mad if they simply shifted this to Castlevania: Olrox and sent everyone else home. More, please! How about some merch too? I'd buy the shit out of it, dude is straight up hot.
This is not my Richter. I expected this:
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... and got this:
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(Yes that's Joseph Joestar, not Richter. The point is, sexy brunet hot-headed asshole vs. plain white bread. Richter needs more asshole points, less nutritional void.)
Since Richter is 19, that'd make Maria 12, going by the Rondo of Blood timeline (apparently she's 16 in Nocturne but she doesn't look it). For those who get why I brought that up, marinate on that, y'all. A very long marinade, maybe another 5, 6 years...
I... actually don't mind Annette. I didn't know how I'd react to her, but I have no complaints.
I rather like Edouard.
I noticed Mizrak right off the bat. Thought to myself, now there's a cutie. I'm not the only one who noticed ^_~
Um, trying to figure out how to word this without doing a reveal ^^;... Thanks for throwing us a bone, sorta, on what's probably the most well-known Castlevania threeway relationship prior to the animations? Is that vague enough?
Uh.... honestly don't have much opinion on anyone else. I predicted a much higher body count by this point and people I thought would be dead aren't, and vice versa, but I'm sure the numbers will start climbing next season.
Things I wish would've happened:
A little closer compliance to game lore, as Richter has a good amount of game lore to reference. If they skip the entirety of the SotN storyline I think that'd be a mistake since it's obviously the best-known game of the franchise.
I'm not necessarily mad at the throwing away of the Vampire Killer's special clause (that only direct line male descendants can use it) as it's patriarchal and outdated but I would've liked to seen mention of that not being the case, first, before it got flung out the window.
A LOT less crying. I know Alucard was a faucet in the original animation, but the crying jags in this are ridiculous. I'm pretty sure even the horses were crying. Tera running off sobbing like an anime girl, complete with hands over her face? Ugh. Everyone just standing around and watching Annette cry her heart out, without even a hand on the shoulder in sympathy? Uggggh. No those aren't spoilers, as everyone cries at least twice, if not more.
Original animation vs Nocturne, and the lack of camaraderie and banter:
I guess what I miss most in this series so far vs the original animation series, is the lack of teamwork and camaraderie. Trevor, Sypha and Alucard were yes, forced by circumstance, to stick together, rely on one another, and build up a rapport (they spent the majority of S2 locked in the Hold together), to the point that they could work as a team without having to verbally communicate. There was something really refreshing about that, ya know?
The protagonists of Nocturne thus far... mostly do whatever they want? There's so little interpersonal dialogue. The only character relationship thus far that feels organic at all is the one that started as straight up sex - there's an honesty to that, at least.
Also I miss the banter, a lot more than I thought I would. Even with a serious storyline I like a bit of humor in my shows / stories. How else would we have learned that Sypha has icy cold feet, Trevor can't fucking read, or Alucard is triggered by the word "the"? I came away with zero new trivia factoids about Richter, Maria, and Annette.
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winter-spark · 11 months
CitoIta and Kingdom Hearts Headcanons
Because I like Kingdom Hearts and I like them and they are gamers
(I say CitoIta but honestly, it’s just because it’s about Citron & Itaru, the ship is kinda vague here lol. Like it’s probably optional to read it that way at this point)
(There’s an attempted bonus section about Banri at the end, that’s why I tagged him.)
{Opening in new tab is strongly advised. I used bullet points with sub bullet points. UPDATE: I personally struggled with opening this in a new tab on the blog where all the subpoints are properly formatted, so I pinned it so you can go right to my blog and find it easily if you want. Also I moved the Intro below the Keep Reading link for space.}
Keep Reading (I manually put this one so it would hopefully always open in a new properly formatted tab)
In this post, scientifically backed by my memory, understanding of the characters and other things (eg: feelings, unlisted headcanons, & my understanding of types of people in fanbases/the kh fandom, minus shippers, I’m not touching that... here, I might consider it in the future, probably not but maybe), I will go over basics like how many games they’ve played and their fave games, trios, characters by groups, and moments. Also, there are conversations and little tidbits about how it fits into their world. I tried to pick a favorite battle but note that they probably have more than one those are just notable ones that I thought were worth mentioning. There will be KH spoilers if you’re someone unfamiliar/not caught up with it. 
Has not played every game but has looked into the story and watched playthroughs of some of the other games.
Hasn’t played the games he has played in order, 
Might not have caught up on the story in order but if so that’d be more because he was looking for specific characters and info
Has definitely played BBS, Days, CoM, UX, & Dark Road. 
Might’ve played (one, two or all three of the following, idk) DDD, Re:Coded, KH
Has definitely not played KH2,
Likes to find/delve into theories
Read the Sleeping Realm Theory 
to Itaru, because he thought it sorta sounded interesting but told Citron he wasn’t reading all that.
I don’t know any other names of long theories besides SRT but you can bet your bottom dollar that Citron has read(or listened to) them for sure
Wants very much to try Sea Salt ice cream
Considering figuring out how to make Wayfinders
UX Union:
and has never switched unions
Game: Birth By Sleep
Trio: Keyblade Knights
Lost Trio is a close second
Character from each group:
Destiny: Sora
Sea Salt: Axel
Keyblade Knights: Aqua
Twilight Town: Hayner
Lost Trio: Namine
but Vanitas is a close second
Organization 13(minus Sea Salt): Xemnas, Zexion/Ienzo or Demyx(probably depends on the day)
Foretellers: Luxu
Xkids: Brain
& He gets bonus points for dressing up his Chirithy
DR Underclassmen: Vor
DR Upperclassmen: Vidar
Xehanort: Xemnas (?)
I know I listed Xemnas as one of his faves in Organization 13 but genuinely I feel it’s a v love hate relationship, where the love is that he can and definitely would(is like two seconds away from it) do an analysis on Xemnas’s actions/behaviors/character
Boss Battle(that he definitely 100% played): 
BBS Aqua ft. Terra vs Terranort
Birth by Sleep 0.2 A Fragmentary Passage
Involving Fave Trio:
All three:
Terra gaining control and saving Aqua and Ven
Doing her job but still standing up for Stitch
Giving up everything to try and save Terra
BBS 0.2
Knowingly chasing after illusions of her friends because she misses them so much.
Gaining hope from meeting Cinderella
Standing against Eraqus to protect Ven
Running away with Stitch, lowkey being a space criminal
Putting his armor on Sora to protect him from the darkness 
Involving someone other than Fave Trio:
Kairi protecting Sora/saving him from being a Heartless
that Sora just subconsciously gave some of his memories to Xion because she didn’t have any
Neku telling Joshua Shibuya is his home too
Sora going off to thank the Dreameaters
Commonly Quoted(? idk what else to call these, i specifically mean the ones you find in compilations and stuff) Lines from the English Translation: “[’Me? I’m already half Xehanort'] ‘That’s nuts...’”
Bracketed the first part bcuz I think he uses the second part as a reaction sometimes, same infliction and everything
It’s at the point that Tsuzuru’s familiar with it, against his wishes(If Citron says the first part Tsuzuru might accidentally properly respond, that’s how deep in he is, he’s not even sure who Xehanort is(but he does think that’s nuts))
Final things of note: 
Is excited for Atlantis in KH2
Enjoys the attractions in KH3:
Loves that Dark Aqua could be beat w/ a pirate ship 
Loves that there was a roller coaster in the Keyblade Graveyard
Favorite Summons:
KH: Tinkerbell & Bambi
KH2: Stitch
KH3: Ariel & Meowwow
Often forgets he has items but has gotten really good at blocking and healing because of it
Very good with magic
Has played just about every game in release date order, 
with just about 100% completion on all of them
Is (lowkey, but acts highkey) appalled Citron hasn’t played the games in order, currently planning time for them to play through all the games together
Has read the manga and maybe some of the light novels
Does look at theories sometimes, might even have a few of his own, definitely has his own headcanons
Secretly wishes he could share a Paopu Fruit w/ someone
UX Union:
There’s a possibility he might’ve tried the other unions at some point but Vulpeus is his main and current union
Game: KH2
Trio: Sea Salt
Character from each group:
Destiny: Currently Riku, 
Wants it to be Kairi, but it’s just not, is always excited and ready for Kairi news tho
Was Sora for awhile
Sea Salt: Roxas, 
It really is, but he would absolutely main Xion if given the chance
Keyblade Knights: Aqua
Twilight Town: Roxas  Olette 
though he somewhat feels guilty to Pence as feels like he spent more time with Pence but that Olette is just a tad bit cooler
Lost Trio: Rep,
but Namine’s a close second 
Organization 13(minus Sea Salt): Currently Saïx/Isa, but it’s kind of a love hate relationship
There’s also a lean towards Larxene
Foretellers: Ava
Xkids: Skuld
DR underclassmen: Baldr
DR Upperclassmen: Hoder
Yes he cried over their story, no he won’t openly admit it
Chikage did witness it tho
Xehanort: Ansem SoD
Boss Battle (that he definitely 100% played): 
Days Roxas v Xion
not because KH2 is his favorite game but rather it adds to why KH2 is his favorite game
Involving Fave Trio:
All Three:
Their whole battle/reunion
to clarify the Lea Isa scene is a part of that
The scene around the Riku vs Roxas battle
Roxas v Sora scene
(I debated between this and the DDD scene. Also I feel like his list of favorite Roxas moment is longer than this but)
The seashell in the opening... for Xion
Xion getting her own answers and spending time with Namine and Riku
Xion leaving all those seashells for Roxas
Letting Namine go
Sacrificing himself to save Sora
Involving someone other than Fave Trio: 
Sora and Riku in RoD
(Data-)Riku reaching for the moon
Ephemer and Skuld saving Player|Star(light)/bringing them to the new version of the world
KH3 Re: Mind
Playing as Kairi in that boss battle
The fact that Kairi throws her keyblade because she trained with Axel
Commonly Quoted(?) Lines from the English Translation: “Roxas, that’s a stick.”
Final things of note:
Has found all 101 Dalmatians
Has read fanfiction longer than the Sleeping Realm Theory
(which is actually really easy to do, I looked it up and the docs word count is 31,265)
Has his Data-bosses battles on his channel
Proud it only took a couple of tries to beat Yozora (he recorded each try to put his win on his channel)
Uses items all the time, knows when the best time to effectively use items for maximum item usage
“Actual" conversations:
Fave Games:
Itaru: *rambling about some KH2-related topic &/or how he can’t believe Citron hasn’t played 2*
Citron: ooo! Itaru, are you one of those guys who feels Kingdom Hearts peaked at 2?
Itaru: Kingdom Hearts 2 is just an objectively good game, the other games are good too though. KH2 is just, objectively speaking, great. Is it my favorite? Yes, but it’s completely warranted as...
Citron: *smiling as Itaru starts rambling knowing that he’s point two seconds away from going into a 2hr spiel about how KH2 is great*
Itaru: *clears throat catching himself early* A-Anyway, which one’s your favorite?
Citron: Birth by Sleep! I love the ice cream rhythm game :3
Itaru: *understanding that there’s definitely a lot deeper of a reason to that being Citron’s fave* Oh, that’s a good pick. Actually sorta seems on brand for you. Ice Cream Beat is pretty fun.
[Then they boot up Itaru’s copy of BBS and play Ice Cream Beat]
Play Order:
Itaru: So it’s a little late for you to get the full proper experience but we’re gonna play the games in order because it’s really the best way to experience the games.
Citron: Ok, speaking of order and since we’ll get to Birth By Sleep eventually, we both agree that the best way to play the first time is Aqua Terra Ven, yes?
Itaru [has played each route and in varying order, does not quite remember which order he played the game in the first time but is pretty sure it was Terra Ven Aqua]: ...Ven makes a lot of sense to play last...
Citron: Then I am glad we are in agreement. ^^
Itaru: Most people play Aqua last tho--
Citron: Sure chronologically she left Land of Departure last, but story telling-wise *starts talking about why Aqua, Terra, Ven is the best order*
Twewy: (I could do a whole other post on headcanons regarding them playing twewy, it’d maybe be shorter, tho maybe I won’t bcuz I feel like they know more than me lol(I say like Itaru doesn’t know more about KH than me *cries*). If I refer to twewy’s og name wrong here I’m sorry)
Citron: It’s cool that the twewy characters were in DDD. :)
Itaru: Yea. Oh you played subaseka before you met the cast in 3D right?
Citron: :)
Itaru: Right?
[Citron refuses to answer because he thinks leaving Itaru hanging is funnier than a yes or no ever could be]
Ansem SoD as Itaru’s Fave Xehanort:
Citron *three seconds after finding out*: So, is he your favorite because nostalgia as he was the first one you battled or because you think he’s hot?
Itaru: *chokes on being immediately found out because it’s both*
Bonus: Banri & KH Headcanons for no reason other than he also plays games
(With some obligatory Citron and Itaru mentions below because this is their post lol Banri’s not a part of CitoIta. Just to clarify)
Probably has not played all the games
Stares at Itaru whenever he starts talking about secret bosses or hard-to-find treasure chests/secret reports typically until he stops, lists a specific Banri is familiar with or Banri finds a way to shift the conversation. It’s not that he hasn’t come across them he just
doesn’t know which bosses are secret and which aren’t
doesn’t go out of his way to look for treasure chests
Partakes in the memes
Can quote more games than he played honestly, loves those “out of context”/”lines I quote” videos
Has memes saved to his phone
Azami and Taichi borrowed his phone once for picture reasons and Azami was appalled by the Aqua Cinderella meme & the Terra memes (ifykyk)
Probably had Xion’s scream from Days as Sakyo’s someone’s ringtone as a joke (can people set ringtones and ringback tones anymore?) but then he recieved a call from that person in public and was lowkey highkey embarassed so he unset it
He and Citron:
have done a Goofy rendition of Bring Me to Life one time
though Banri sorta begrudgingly participated
At least one Mankai member who was there said he’s not going Karaoke w/ them anymore
are quick to point out or send pictures of “Lucky Emblems” when they see them, it’s almost a contest at this point
Sakyo has asked them to stop sending “lOOk!! a LuCKy emBlem!” in the main chat with a picture of three connected circles, Itaru eggs them on tho
Itaru participates too but he doesn’t have the same luck in seeing them, he is the reason they started tho as in person he pointed one out so later Citron sent a picture of one to show him, so Banri just had to too but he sent two as he already had the pictures and was gonna show them later, so Citron had to find two more to be in the lead and after he found just one more, Banri caught on that they were competing and they spiraled from there
I know logically they don’t appear that often irl but I also know in my heart that it’s happened enough that Taichi, then Kazu and Kumon participated. Now,  the rest of Mankai keeps an eye out for them
Between Tsumugi’s picture of flower bulbs leaning together captioned “Does this count as a lucky emblem?” Izumi asking how many points she gets for a random spot on the ground that sorta looks like a lucky emblem & Omi sending a picture of at lighting set up from work saying “ at this angle this sorta looks like a lucky emblem right?” Sakyo’s feeling a little betrayed because each of those were during times when people weren’t actively mentioning them in the chat.
Winter Troupe is the first troupe to all find at least one “Lucky Emblem”
Autumn troupe (jokingly) blame Sakyo for them not being first
UX Union:
Has probably been in a couple, Ursus or Vulpeus most recently
Game: Dream Drop Distance
but would rather tell you he “hasn’t thought about it, maybe 2″
Trio: Destiny, 
but might not correct you if you guessed Sea Salt,
Character from each group:
Destiny: Riku
He honestly sorta relates in ways. I’m not gonna get too into it but like yea he feels.
Sea Salt: Roxas
Keyblade Knights: Terra, 
but he makes jokes that rag on him a lot so unless you know Banri you would probably think he hates him or just likes to make fun of him. He really does like Terra as a character tho. Feels for him too. But as we know bullying is his love language
Twilight Town: Seifer Pence
Seifer’s a joke fave because of the undeniable proof [they] totally owned [those] lamers (if ykyk)
Lost Trio: Vanitas, 
but Rep’s a close second
Organization 13(minus Sea Salt): Larxene & Xigbar
Foretellers: Luxu (?)
Xkids: Player|Star(light)
DR Underclassmen: Xehanort, “but Bragi’s kinda cool, I guess.”
DR Upperclassmen: *hasn’t actually caught up yet, but he likes Helgi’s design*
Xehanort: Young Master Xehanort(YMX)
Itaru says it’s because they’re both brats
Boss Battle (that he definitely 100% played): 
KH2 Sora v Sephiroth or DDD Riku v YMX [I couldn’t decide which one to list]
Involving Fave Trio:
All Three:
Kairi “calling Riku tf out” ultimately leading to the reunion
Riku talking with Rep on the beach, Kairi and Sora sees him sitting there by himself
Sora giving his goofy smile before plunging a keyblade into his chest
Sora dropping down to protect Riku from Dark Aqua in the nick of time
That Riku just subconsciously became a dream eater
Riku taking a stand against the heartless despite just about all hope being lost
Kairi(and Namine) preparing to fight Saix and the berserker nobodies with their bare hands
KH3 Re:Mind
Kairi getting a surprise attack in on Xemnas
Involving someone other than Fave Trio: 
Yeetus Vanitas
Woody roasting YMX
YMX & Vanitas spouting “nonsense” at Sora
Lea showing up and Donald & Goofy dropping from the sky, ultimately coming to the rescue
Star ready to square up with the Foretellers
mainly in reference to the Star v Ira speech/scene/fight but the Aced one too
Commonly Quoted(?) Lines from the English Translation: “Mickey it’s Riku, they put bugs in him!” & “Thank you Sora’s heart”
Final things of note:
Always plays on proud mode from the get-go
Not really a completion-ist but does have just about every trophy earned on DDD
Didn’t know you could lose to Yozora in the battle against him
Probably actually more of a Final Fantasy fan than KH, or at least got into KH because the Final Fantasy appearances
Bonus Convos:
Itaru: Yea, I can’t figure out Luxord, for Demyx I’ve seen people guess his name as Myde.
Banri: lol I like the theory that his name is Demyx and he just wandered into the Organization 
Citron: That one is funny, but as far as likelyness goes I like to think his name is Demy and they just slapped an x at the end.
Banri: The laziest naming.
Citron: Exactly!
[and then Banri and Citron start talking about Demyx and it somehow leads them to talking about Goofy’s “death” in KH2 and now they’re talking about KH memes and jokes and Itaru just wanted to know if they had any thoughts on Luxord’s name.]
Vanitas vs Aqua:
Banri: *(possibly somewhat jokingly) insinuates Vanitas is as strong but probably stronger than Aqua*
Citron: *gasp* No!! He is not.
Banri: Really? Then how come he almost took Aqua out?
Citron[genuinely loves Vanitas]: He is a rat! He cannot beat Aqua in a fair fight!
Itaru: I believe he means brat.
Citron: No!! I mean rat, feral ferret child! Can only beat Aqua after biting her and giving her rabies! And even then, she still has at least a week to destroy him.
Itaru: lol that’s quite the metaphor.
Banri: I... *got lost* ???
Itaru: He’s saying Vanitas can only use dirty tricks to even get close to beating Aqua.
Banri: ???
Citron: If Vanitas could beat her he wouldn’t have to result to tricks like firing at Ven, which she was already off her A-game then mind you. But honestly, if Vanitas can’t even get close to beating Terra what hope does he have to actually beat Aqua. I can vouch that he can’t beat Terra. I beat the Terra v Xehanort and Vanitas battle by whacking Vanitas around. It was really easy. Vanitas has only beaten Ven in a fair fight. He’s not nearly as strong as Terra and Aqua. It’s demonstrated through their elements, really. Vanitas is fire...
Banri: *stressed, wasn’t expecting a whole lecture, looks to Itaru for help*
Itaru: *nodding along listening to what Citron has to say*
So yeah those are some of my headcanons involving KH and CitoIta (and Banri with minor Mankai mentions.) If anyone wants to do Taichi(who idk could play already, while I haven’t picked any out I know what type of moments would be his faves, I just can’t figure out yet if he prefers characters he relates to or characters he thinks are cool/want to be like) or Kumon (who I’d feel would want to start after seeing them enjoy it, bet Banri and Citron would have him play chronologically by timeline rather than release order “for science”) or any other characters, really, I’d gladly read it. I can see Taichi & Kumon playing KH but I don’t feel like I know them well enough to do this with them lol. I’m not even sure I know Banri well even to this with him but I attempted it lol. If there’s any questions about my decisions I might answer them, some are easier to put into words than others though. 
Anywho, I dunno how to end this post tbh. Ship CitoIta, Play Kingdom Hearts. idk. 
Thanks for reading all of my nonsense lol.
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In Every Life DSAF AU (Please Read This)
After posting my headcanon about the DSAF 3 ending, I came up with a cool idea for a whole new AU.
The basic outline of this AU is that in every possible lifetime across every reincarnation, Dave and Jack will always end up falling in love for better or for worse.
My favourite thing about fandoms has always been the level of creativity. From artists creating beautiful works from designs that were original vague looking pixel art, to fanfiction writers who turn the story on its head to show us what could have been, AUs which take a story and make a new one out of it, OCs that I fall in love with just as much as the original characters. 
So I had an idea about this AU.
My idea was to rather than having it like my normal AUs where I just sorta write about it and nothing more really comes of it, what if instead I write a list of guidelines and prompts to get anyone whose interested to create their own section of this AU and have it be canon? 
I’d be pleasantly surprised if anyone but me and maybe some people I know personally contributed to the AU but on the off chance I can get someone to take part in this project I am posting this.
Do not read this or take part in this AU if you have not gotten the DSAF good ending because I don’t wanna give you spoilers.
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Basic Idea:
To take part in the In Every Life AU all you have to do is create a story about or draw your own reincarnations for Dave and Jack and then tag it with “In Every Life DSAF” (You can also just create reincarnation stories or art about any other characters to contribute but the AU is predominantly about Davesport. I’d love to see some of those too)
The colour schemes of the two characters should be orange and purple. (It doesn’t have to be if you don’t want it to be)
No pedophilla, incest or otherwise toxic stuff because come on guys have morals.
If a story it can be any genre, fluff, angst, hurt comfort, yes even smut.
The reincarnations must be original.
Reincarnations of any member of the Flipside Squad or Henry can appear.
They do not have to be human, they can be anything you want.
This can take place at any time in history.
You can make up the setting entirely.
Your contribution to the AU can take place in any franchise you want, for instance, you could set it in the Owl House universe if you felt like it. The only rule about this is that the reincarnations still have to be original characters.
No being toxic to anyone.
Try not to limit yourself and believe in your own creativity.
Have fun!
I myself will be trying to contribute some content to this and I hope to see some of your guy’s stuff too! :D
Please reblog or comment if you’d like to participate <:
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crashlapine · 9 months
so uh, adventure time spoilers even though it's been a good decade i guess
elaborating on the tags on that last reblog, i've been goin in hard on marathoning the original adventure time series. i say 'original' because the fionna and cake thing apparently got made into a full-blown series of its own that takes place quasi-post mainline adventure time or something? who knows. been trying to remain spoiler-free
anyway. what the fuck is this show dude.
like i've always heard people mention it gets heavy, but vague memories of what i remember watching as a kid (back when cable was something i had access to, roughly during just seasons one and two) all made it very hard to put aside the original impression i had that it was just some funny quirky thing i used to watch. some fun little show where "mathmatical!" is a family-friendly exclamation for adventure and all swears and expletives are substituted with random g-rated humor
like, willing to bet everyone at this point is at least sorta familiar with the post-apocalyptic setting/backdrop running underneath it all; i remember back in its airtime when everyone treated it as a big deal, how folks here loved to theorize about it before the explicit confirmation in-show
but... now, actually sitting down to watch this all in order, seeing this silly thing slowly turn into this heavy episodic mess about loss, manipulation, the legacy you're expected to leave behind, identity (and a lack of ties to one's own), and god knows what else... the post-apoc theming's much less a Shocking Reveal, and more just... "yeah, that's just the setting. life goes on. this is how we've dealt with the fallout in trying to rebuild society, fixing our mistakes" since s03/s04.
as funny as it feels to get into a long post about a show aimed at kids and teens, we also have literal episodes like [spoilers] finn getting his own dominant arm completely torn off while trying to chase down his absent father, with the only thing stopping him from bleeding out is a mix of Cursed Artifact and Pool Of Healing fantasy tropes, going on to spend the next episode, and i mean the full fucking runtime of the episode [s06e04, "The Tower"], in a dissociative/depressive state, absentmindedly building a tower to the heavens above in some vain revenge-driven attempt to find his father again just so he can rip /his/ arm off as eye-for-an-eye payback, operating off the vague notion the dude escaped earth's orbit and is just 'up there' somewhere. the only thing that stops him and snaps him out of that state is passing out from a lack of oxygen at the elevations he reaches.
like, imagine tuning into a rerun of a random episode of this show and eleven minutes of /that/ is what you get, devoid of context. there's no adventure there. this isn't fun. but you can't bring yourself to fault the kid, either, seeing the events of the past dozen episodes that built up to that point. this little story arc is hardly the only time this kind of thing happens, and the consequences of each one of these events is never neglected by the writing team. it resonates through the rest of the story, constantly
all taken together, it feels like the main motto of this series season four and on has become some reassurance to the viewer that "life can throw a lot of shit your way, and we don't always know how to handle these things. but for better or worse, life goes on. it has to."
marathoning this series properly has been a trip that resonates close to home too often in too many ways, as weirdly high-fantasy complete nonsense as it can be. feels weird to acknowledge that.
i'm gonna miss this show dearly once i'm through with it
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genuflectx · 2 years
A Marvellous Light ("Terato" Book Review)
You can thank my fiancé for me reading this one, because this really isn't my usual cup of tea when it comes to literature! It's not "terato," not even exactly "exophilia" either, however I think its general themes might appeal to some people of those communities- even I was a bit shocked and impressed by it.
The first half has vague spoilers, such as descriptions of sex and if there was a happy end or not. Under the cut you’ll find a longer review with detailed spoilers.
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A Marvellous Light by Freya Marske has a simple plot at its core. Robert "Robin" Blyth is a typical well-to-do Edwardian jock who, due to a clerical error, is introduced to the secret world of magic. He meets Edwin Courcey, an icy and bookish magician with subdued powers- something Edwin's family looks down on him and teases him for. When Robin is attacked and cursed because of his accidental introduction to the magical world, Edwin feels responsible for him and does everything he can to find out how to remove that curse, with plans to remove Robin's memories after. Along the way a terrible magic conspiracy is revealed that the two become slowly more involved in. While also becoming quite "involved" with each other.
Pros and cons time! But.. I don't particularly have a lot of cons.
PROS ★ ★ ★ 
If I wanted to describe it in fanfiction tropes or tags, I would say: slow burn, magic kink, jock/nerd. Fun combinations.
Marske is really well spoken with her prose, and pacing seems to be a strong suit. Despite being her first published book, she really has mastered the craft of storytelling!
Highly romantic. Sexual content itself is built upon a strong foundation of slow built romance.
Multiple gay sex scenes, with some veeery interesting usage of magic as a kink. Something I've never seen before (but I've never been in any fandoms with magic, so maybe it's common in those?).
Because Robin is non-magical and Edwin is, it can sorta feel like that human/non-human gay relationship you might be craving. However, since they are both still technically humans, it doesn't really count as terato or exophilia explicitly.
A very rich magical world intertwined with the Edwardian period. It feels really unique, and the magic itself has rules and limitations, meaning magic isn't the end-all-be-all when it comes to power. Which... plays right into the underlying plot.
Themes of the rich (and rich men) being idiots and ignoring the importance of domestic magic and the magic of women. Marske is writing a period piece- and I appreciate her desire for accuracy while also clearly trying to find ways around it.
Ends on a happy note with potential for the next book and the main characters do not die.
CONS ★ ★ ★ 
The biggest turn off for some readers might be the prose. Yes, it's well written and well paced for what it wants to accomplish, but it is an Edwardian period piece that can still be pretty wordy. I don't think it's overly flowery, but someone else might find it harder to read if they don't really want to know what happens next.
While probably realistic for a bunch of rich white English gentlemen of that period, a large part of the book tends to feel like they're just piddling about reading books, chatting, and eating breakfast. That might be boring for some readers.
Somehow, the main villain should have both been obvious and was too obvious at the same time. I don't know if that is genius or lame. I guess it depends on what perspective you take.
This is a very "relationship" based plot; character relationships take the forefront over plot or action, as you'd expect with slowburn. If you go into it more interested in the romance and sex you might have a better time than if you go into it wanting to devour something plot heavy- it truly is just not plot heavy, unless you consider their romance the actual main plot.
Yeah! If you like magic stories! If you don't care for magic- or don't care for Edwardian period pieces- then maybe not for you. But if you do, then this is a darn good read. Marske is extremely competent in her craft, the romance builds slowly and the sex scenes feel both loving and exotically satisfying.
Just because magic stories aren't exactly my thing I might personally not read book 2, but I absolutely know my fiancé will because they adore this book and could not put it down. In their words, they believe it is one of the most romantic books they've ever read.
Monsterousness: 0/10 Eroticism: 10/10 Story: 7/10 Characters: 10/10
MY FINAL SCORE: 9/10 (Not my favorite genre, but really good!!)
Heavier spoiler time!
I initially wasn't sure how I felt about the characters, I think ultimately the beginning is the story's weakest part. I feel that these are characters you grow to love more over the story's length, and when you are first learning who they are and getting that early exposition on magic it's sorta "eh" compared to the meat of the book... i.e. the rest of their relationship. Because yes, it's really their relationship that carries it. And that's not a bad thing! I actually prefer character-driven stories. But I think that's just something to keep in mind about this book (and probably the series), that relationships heavily take the forefront and the underlying plot is second to that. In this book, Edwin's past relationships and icy personality melting for Robin are more important than actually doing footwork to discover what happened to Reggie, the missing person, for example.
About 40% through the book however, I did have the realization that nothing was really happening or moving forward. It was a lot of playing little games, chatting over breakfast, and reading books. Sure, all this leisure is likely pretty realistic for their social status, but it does not necessarily make it an engaging read. Luckily, I think watching Robin and Edwin slowly fall for reach other to have encouraged me enough to keep reading to see them get even closer, but I do think that this might be a detriment to others.
It's not completely explicit, but rather something the reader needs to make a conscious effort to notice, that women and domesticity play a large part of this book's universe. By that I mean no one is going to beat you over the head to say "PAY ATTENTION TO THE SERVENTS AND LADIES" but they do play very important roles, in spite of accurate world views from the men that the women are too dumb to be taught. It is a domestic spell which allows Edwin to remove the curse from Robin's arm. It is a group of women- ignored by their misogynistic male magician counterparts- who discover the Last Contract and realize its potential for misuse. It is a pair of intelligent sisters who aid Robin and Edwin when the two are lacking friends. If you are a shallow reader you might take characters' opinions (including main characters) on women at face value, but their opinions compared to the actual actions and personalities of the women and servants is meant to show how wrong these spoiled Edwardian men are.
I really don't have much else to say! I thought the slowburn romance was great and using magic as a kink unique, especially the kind of magic they used. Overall it was a good book.
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retro-memo · 2 years
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I posted 1,749 times in 2022
42 posts created (2%)
1,707 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 354 of my posts in 2022
#nwh spoilers - 18 posts
#peter parker - 18 posts
#sky children of the light - 18 posts
#tony stark - 16 posts
#irondad and spiderson - 14 posts
#irondad - 12 posts
#sobbing - 10 posts
#ask game - 10 posts
#sky cotl - 9 posts
#thatskygame - 8 posts
Longest Tag: 136 characters
#if they aren't dating by the 3rd movie i'm gonna call sonic to be that one friend that pushes these two idiots together so they can kiss
My Top Posts in 2022:
i know your url is probably pronounced memo as in memory but i keep reading it as mee-mo and i can't stop help
Omg, now that's stuck in my head 😭 I'll never look at my url the same ever again
14 notes - Posted June 9, 2022
All of your prompts seem so cool 🥺 the "oops ? What do you mean oops ?" seems super fun if you feel up to writing it 😁
Well, I'm finally answering this... almost a year later. I'm so sorry for that, I didn't ignore any of the asks in my inbox, I just forgot about 'em. Sorta. Anyways, the good news is that I plan to finally start emptying my inbox. Honestly, these prompts have been sitting there for way too long.
While this doesn't exactly start with the sentence that was given, it does use it. Kinda. Let's just get started.
Also, special thanks to @winter-turtle for giving me inspiration for this fic!!💜 💜
“Kid, what are you doing here?” It wasn't the first time Tony had caught Peter sneaking into the Compound. In fact, on more than several occasions he’d woken up in the mornings to find the kid raiding his kitchen and being a fire hazard to society by trying to bake a dish that vaguely resembled something out of a mad scientist horror film.
Tony refused to call anything Peter cooked food. The kid was worse than his aunt when he was near a stove.
Said kid who had his back turned to Tony, jumped, spinning around to stare at Tony with eyes blown so wide they almost seemed to swallow his entire face. He looked like the exact definition of a child being caught red-handed with their grubby fingers halfway into the cookie jar.
Not only that but for the first time since the kid got here, Tony noticed that he was, in fact, not wearing one of his infamous nerdy science pun t-shirts that were part of his usual civilian attire but instead, was in his Spider-Man suit.
That wasn’t even the weirdest part.
Tony felt his eyebrows shoot up well past his hairline as he took in the kid. More specifically, what was sitting snugly in Peter's arms as if it had every right to be and not sending him through another stage of existential crisis. “What the fuck is that?”
His death was going to be caused by his disaster-on-two-legs kid. Tony knew it. He was going to keel over from the stress one of these days. It was the only way to go out.
“A turtle?” If it was any other time, Tony would’ve probably asked the kid if that was a question or statement but instead, couldn’t help the borderline hysterical laugh that escaped him.
Gods, aliens, genocidal maniacs, hydra soldiers - he thought it would always be one of the former or some fucked up ‘sacrifice himself for the greater good of the universe’ bullshit that was going to get him killed him but nope.
“Uh, yeah, I can see that, kiddo.” Tony waved his arm out, probably trying to gesture to the sheer ridiculousness of the situation “I mean, why the fuck did you bring it here?”
“Oops?” The kid’s shoulder’s bunched up to his ears in what Tony had to guess was some sort of half-shrug.
“Oops?” Tony tried not to sound like less of a madman but that was a feat in itself, especially whenever Peter was involved. The kid was trouble walking around with ’kick me’ written on the back of his shirt with disaster not too far behind him. Sure, Tony kinda knew that things weren’t ever going to be the same again after the whole Vulture and plane crashing incident. He expected a few supervillains here and there, maybe a stab wound but still.
He never planned for a whole goddamn turtle. “What do you mean oops? This isn’t an ‘oops’, Parker! Start talking!”
The kid’s lips thinned as he pressed them together, obviously not planning on spilling the beans on why he brought a turtle into the Compound. Okay, that was fine, it was fine. Two could play it that game and if Peter wasn’t going to come clean, Tony was just going to have to use the ace up his sleeve. “Alright, fine, if you won’t talk to me, I’m just going to call May.”
Tony already had his phone out in the open when it happened. Maybe later, a part of him would’ve wondered why he didn’t expect the kid to put up some sort of rebellion. Still, it’s not everyday when one’s phone suddenly disappeared from their hand.
“Did you just web my phone from me?!” Tony looked up from his now empty hand to where the kid was standing, whose eyes had somehow blown even wider than they were before while said stolen device sat perfectly in his free hand while the other was still holding up the turtle in what was clearly a feat against all known human possibilities.
Right. Sticky powers. Gotta love ‘em.
“No, uh, yes, I mean-” On any other day, Tony would’ve found the kid’s ability to stumble over his own words adorable, endearing even. “I can explain!”
Today, however, wasn’t one of those days.
It wasn’t that he minded the kid’s company, in fact, on a good day he enjoyed having the bubbling ball of energy to bounce science off of in the lab or when they binged any sci-fi movie they could get their hands on until they both passed out on the couch.
Except, after being forced to sit through a couple dozen meetings courtesy of one scary-and-should-definitely-not-be-teaming-up-with-May-Parker and soon-to-be-wife, Pepper Potts, Tony was not in the mood to deal with the kid’s babbling.
“Then please, explain.”
“I mean, it wasn’t my fault!” Ah yes, the sinner’s plea. “Well, it is. Sorta but I couldn’t just leave him there!” There we go.
“You know what?” Tony raised his hands, shaking his head. “I don’t actually want to know. Just please, tell me why you bring it here to all places?”
“Donatello isn’t an it.”
Tony did a double-take at that. “You’ve named it?”
See the full post
48 notes - Posted March 3, 2022
Three people who I don't want to see in the irondad tags here on Tumblr:
Anti-irondad: This speaks for itself, you don't like irondad or Tony Stark? Fine, but don't tag your crap as irondad then, tag it as anti-irondad or anti-tony stark. I don't want to see your shit when I'm looking for wholesome content of my comfort characters.
St*rkers: I think this speaks for itself.
Anti-Ned Leeds: No. You don't go hating on my baby. Especially in one of my favorite tags. You can take your edgy reddit ass out of there and go bitch somewhere else. YOU DON'T PUT IT IN THE IRONDAD TAG SECTION. FOR THE LOVE OF EVERYTHING THAT IS HOLY.
I don't appreciate hate on Ned, of any kind. You don't like him? I don't care, keep it to yourself and out of my favorite tags.
Rant over.
122 notes - Posted June 1, 2022
So, you remember this picture of Tony and Peter in Endgame?
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And we know thanks to the latest extra scene of No Way Home, all pictures of Peter are altered or changed. Which also would include this picture and now no one can see Peter with Tony anymore :)
150 notes - Posted September 19, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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1,001 notes - Posted June 15, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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sweetbottletops · 2 years
JJK 204 Spoilers
Go on, Yuki. Rolling in late holding a Starbucks, but I get it. High waisted jeans would be annoying to fight in.
Overview of the Situation... There is a noticeable number of people with other people inside them that feel like end game-y characters. They are like those double checkmarked Twitter people. They got the important tag on them.
Kenjaku, Tengen, Yuji, Angel (personality sharing, not overridden like the others)... I'm going to sorta grandfather Maki* in here because she's carrying Mai with her.
Choso... not in the traditional sense of it either, but the page with his brothers' hands on his back lending him their strength feels like it's something. May change my mind when the official is out.
Then we got Yuki who was supposed to be merged with Tengen but at some stage of it didn't complete it. Who can somehow hear the other SPVs still. Did her failed merge leave her with part of the other SPVs in her or actively linked to her. Is she really alone inside herself?
Is being a SPV (*finger jabs* vessel...) make her a natural candidate for more vessel related things than just merging with Tengen? She seemed to have slipped that fate, but is she at risk for being taken over? Or has she gotten by this far by being strong enough to suppress anyone else who might try it?
Crackpot Take Wouldn't it be fitting if Nobara showed up again also containing and using something/someone? I'm going to just gesture vaguely at the straw doll mythology for now.
*Remember when Toji came back and overrode the body he was put into until he could act on his own will power even? It's all very intersting.
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charsal24 · 1 year
Fan Autoethnography
In summary: This autoethnography summarizes the various ways I interact with fandom and how each one has shaped me differently. My relationship to every media is fundamentally different, as this will share. I've learned that while in style and talk I haven't been effected by fandom, creatively and the themes that carry with me, has.
Note: My peer review partners did not suggest changes, so I've kept it as is with the summary above added.
My experience as a fan ebbs and flows between deeply engrossed in the tv show/book/series, etc. to casually enjoying. With the former, I’m on Tumblr reblogging GIFs and fanworks like a madman, occasionally rambling in the tags about x character’s arc and y’s characterization and — fuck, tumblr user Kinegg, you must be a prophet from the Gods. Modified the actual user’s name there, but their take on Collector from The Owl House? Absolutely immaculate. Even in my fandom spaces, I can’t escape my writing-major-ness, and I really search for those users who share my love of analysis of characters/themes/subtext. It’s crazy the amount of essays that will be poured out over what could be a single line, a single painting, a piece of clothing.
In the Owl House (spoilers —albeit somewhat vague — ahead!), users poured essays over the tapestries in the Archive house and what they meant for the Collector’s backstory. I had found myself following along with their detailed descriptions and theories in such a way that I rewatched the scenes they mentioned and found myself nodding along to their takes: of course Collector is an orphan of war! Of course his siblings didn’t like him mixing with the titans! Of course this parallels the segregated magic system!
Surprisingly, despite the glory and beauty of anonymity, and my deep love of character analysis, I’ve never actually thrown my hat — or, well, a post — into the void, into my fandom community. Instead, I stay to the tags or rambles in friends’ DMs.
Here’s a particular long example about the game Dredge, another fandom favorite of mine taken from a friend’s DMs.
Massive spoilers ahead for the game!
Just the fact that like… it’s been Y o u and it’s always been Y o u just augghhhhhhhh when hands of love become hands of destruction and you burn away every piece of yourself resisting the natural course of grief because goddamn !!!!! You *will* bring them back !!!! But if you do, they can’t recognize you anymore, and if you can’t, then you destroy every part of yourself trying and just aughhhhhhhhh aughhhhhhhh just the way grief warps every part of you until all you can think of is *them* I just augghhgghhhhhhhh and then you can’t move on because to move on would be to leave them would mean it was all for nothing and you’ve come so far to stop and it’s just another step and then they’ll back and just another step until they’ll be back and just another step until you have buried yourself neck-deep in the ocean and still you will go one more step because you’re !!! So !!! Close !!! But !!! You !!! Can never!!! Be close !!! And just aughhhhhhhhh
Okay so there’s like three main colors, right? This sorta dark purple red — raspberry-esque — this sorta slightly darker sea foam green and I think there’s either like a yellow or another green, can’t remember. I think it’s another green. There’s also the colors of different fishing areas: coastal, shallow, dredge, abyssal, hadal, but not important I’m taking about the dialogue and some item colors
So — and as you can guess — the colors coincide with their usual associations: red is bad, green is good, etc. now what’s interesting is that parts of the horror elements come with that color association that “oh red is evil/corrupt” and so there’s a really neat sorta psychological element of like when a text reads “be careful” and it’s in red and those color associations tell you that “oh no something bad” and the like. But what’s really really fucking cool and sorta subtle is that during the game this “Collector” guy — so cool lore around this guy but won’t spoil anything if you wanna play/watch — asks you fish up some relics for him and in exchange he compensates you very nicely with some nice power ups that are very much Monkey’s Paw-esque.
So, you fish up some of the relics: necklace, ring, music box, key, watch, and other stuff and when you put them in your inventory, the items are *red* whereas usual items like wood or metal or non-relic rings are just like grey or whatever. Now what’s also red you may ask? Four things, but let’s talk about the first two first. One: mutant fish. Sometimes when you’re fishing you’ll pull out an oddity like a bass with three heads or its spine out—something mangled and warped beyond recognition. And that, too, is *red* in your inventory whereas regular fish are like grey
Two: panic. So, if you stay up too late you start to get this thing called “panic” and it presents itself as an eye appearing under the time looking around worried and not only that but everything gets red like a red fog and rocks may appear out of nowhere or scarier creatures start to chase you—it’s a lot like a gameplay mechanic of “oops you’ve stayed up too late now you’re paranoid and seeing things that aren’t there or are they” kinda thin
Three: crimson and silver book, which is the source of corruption happening in this place and causing all the auroras to turn red and shit to get warped and corrupted and stuff
Four: infection. One of which you never actively see so much as much as you just see a dialogue of a package you can deliver saying that it’s “squelching and wet” or something like that
And so back to relics and mutant fish! If you notice those colors when the mutant fish appear, you can start to notice that hey !!!! These relics you are fetching are fucking cursed !!! And not only that but like when you use the “power ups” that fetching the relics gets you, they come with a cost
So like the power-ups you get are: haste (move faster, but increase panic), manifest (teleport back to the first island, increase panic/time speeds up), atrophy (catch a whole area of fish in one go, fish rot and get infected faster), and I thiiiiiiink one has to do with like sounding a signal to scare fish away or something like that
But like all of them are strengths that come at a cost!!!!! Which feeds into the narrative of “everything has a cost/you cannot get what you want without sacrifice” and just that theme of time and madness and aughhhhhhhh power comes with sacrifice and you are losing a piece of yourself for every “power-up”
And like!!!!!!!! Everyone knows more about you than you do!!!! And like they are just watching you spiral once again and once again and once again and just aughhhh aughhhh everyone knows of the madness except for you
And then you have green!!! Green is like the stuff that’s good, that’s helpful!! And like you see certain characters who dialogue highlights some words in green !!! And you can tell “oh yes this is friend, they are good” like the lighthouse keeper who is wearing green and has green dialogue occasionally !!
And then you have the other green as like “location for you to go” and again it’s like you can use these colors to 1. Make things easier to remember 2. Have a psychological impact 3. Associations !!!!!!!! And it’s just such a subtle thing to impact how you intake and receive information and hints to the overall corruption of the items you’re fetching and the corruption of the book itself and just aughhhh aughhh aughhh aughhhh
God and just the eye imagery is so cool fucking love eye imagery !!! But god yeah just the fact that it’s you and it’s always *been you* AND THE POCKET WATCH!!!! One of the relics is a pocket watch whose hands cannot move forward because you !!! Cannot !!! Move forward !!! You cannot move on !!! And you keep finding pieces of your life you can’t remember and aughhhhhhh!!!! Aughhhhhhhh
God. Just….. unable to move forward without That Person in your life, unable to move on, the need to rewrite what was written, to grab death by the bones and shatter them until your beloved has returned, until your beloved has returned and sees not a shadow of who they knew and just…. God.
You were always bait……. You were always the hook on the fishing line going to and fro… all to see her again, all to see her again…. And everyone knows except You that she isn’t coming back and will never come back and still you will burn yourself to pieces to try
*Goddamn* just unable to go back, unable to play god, unable to bend the forces of nature to your whims. Aughhhhhhhhh
As the above long example suggests: I love the deep analyses and most importantly the emotional core of any given work. As I said, couldn’t escape my writing-major-ness even if I wanted to and that dips into my main fandom experience: fanfiction writing.
Surprisingly, it’s only Gen loss and Gravity Falls I’ve written fanfiction for. Gravity Falls was the first, of course, and I still remember the cringey Wattpad “Author Notes” — a staple of the ol’ era of a 12-year old’s writing in 2013. I haven’t revisited those old Wattpad fics and I never will, but I know for all their cringe, they’ve been stepping stones for my writing.
Gravity Falls, especially, hugely influenced what became of my writing style and interests. The show introduced a world that balanced its lightheartedness with moments that had you staring at your screen like “what the fuck just happened?” and it balanced those moments beautifully. Not only that, but the premise of “normal kids move in to weird town but everyone who lives there just kinda deals with the weird stuff so it’s normal to them” has become one of my favorite things to write. I think what I like the most about that kind of premise is that it challenges the idea of what normal even is. Especially since “normal” means something different across cultures and what I, as an American, may find completely normal (let’s say, steering wheel on the left instead of the right), completely boggles the mind of someone who’s never seen that. To them, I’m the weirdo, and to me, they are the weirdo, but neither one of us is wrong or right and that’s the beauty of it.
This lends itself into the question of “us” vs. “them” — again, thinking about the “what is normal?” — that appears in some spaces in fandom. I think an “us” vs. “them” in fandom comes from the lack of acknowledgment that no one is right and that’s okay. There’s definitely a huge “us” vs. “them” in fandom spaces when it comes to shipping. Personally, I’ve never really understood why some people feel so personally to certain ships, and I’ve never really cared, but maybe it has something to do with what Jensen talks about: compensating and parasocial relationships.
For me, I find myself less compensating and more so either exploring pieces of myself through the other (a lot of this with grief narratives as found in Dredge) or examining other people. Characters and studying them and their actions is fascinating for me and I find that understanding characters allows me to be better at understanding people in my own life. After all, what is the self if not a character we all play?
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nothing-goldstays · 2 years
who's the blog you want blocked? /g
if they're problematic, you should report them!!
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randomfandoms2004 · 3 years
fuck i can’t wait for next week when we left episode 4 like this... 
[spoilers in the tags]
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lilyginnyblackv2 · 5 years
I was watching this reaction to Episode 9, and a very interesting concept that I never really thought about before was brought up. Basically, they talked about how, if the Zodiac Members transform when they are physically weak/sick that must mean that they pass away in their animal forms.
The two reactors in that video have seen the 2001 anime, but never read the manga, so they don’t know about the later stuff involving the curse and whatnot, but this is a really fascinating thing to think about in regards to that aspect of the series. While they may be born human, one of the first thing parents do is hug their babies/hold them close. So they practically start life in their Zodiac form and they end life in it as well. :(
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hamonnose · 5 years
I’m crying Brennan is iconic I would lay down my life for this man
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