#(spoiler alert: it is not Fine)
puppetmaster13u · 5 months
Prompt 178
So first of all he’d like to say it wasn’t his fault. He wasn’t into magic stuff, that was all Billy’s schtick. So really, it is not Victor’s fault that he accidentally activates some sort of sigil and suddenly ends up with a very confused looking child. 
A young girl, maybe four or five, with bright red eyes, slightly pointed ears, and what looks to be some sort of living suit partially fused with her body. Alright, okay, he doesn’t have to freak out, he’ll just… call one of the Justice League Dark members and get her a spare shirt or something to wear until they come to the Watchtower!
It’s fine, he’s fine. He’s not having memories to when he first got melded with all of this tech that’s now a part of him and feeling sick at the idea of it happening to a child. 
He’s not fine. 
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hippolotamus · 2 months
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ngl... lowkey gaydreaming about Tommy rolling up to save the day, dropping off Chim, and then real cool and casual (because lbr that's just how Tommy is apparently? like so fucking chill in the face of... *waves hand*... everything?) just walking over to Buck (who's enamored af) grabbing his lil awed face, 'Hey, baby. Sorry I'm late.' and kissing him on his lil kissable face. Buck flushes and ducks his head. Someone clears their throat and reminds him they aren’t alone. 'Oh, uh, Mom, Dad, Maddie? This is Tommy.' 😊
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leupagus · 2 months
Selyse is not a "who's this bitch" kind of person but honestly, she should be forgiven for meeting Sansa like this and going "who's this bitch"
Just then there was a call from outside the tent, asking for the king. Davos opened the flap and a young solder ducked inside, bowing low to the king first, then to Lady Melisandre, then to Selyse. "Your Grace," he said, "riders were just spotted on the pass below, making their way up to our camp."
"Spotted on the pass?" snorted Davos. "Are they riding snow bears? Or elks?"
As though in answer, an horn sounded in the distance. The king started, his expression as queer as any Selyse had seen on his face in their near twenty years of marriage. It seemed almost...hopeful. "That call," he said, as though to himself.
Davos shook his head. "I don't recognize it, Your Grace. Do you?"
"Oh, yes," said Stannis softly. "I remember it very well."
The party climbing up the pass was small — a hundred men at most — in two long rows, the banners of all of Stark's promised houses unfurled. They were mounted on the great lumbering beasts that passed for horses in the North. In the pearl-grey of dawn, Selyse could see the front pair dragging behind them a curious leather-and plate device. It was shaped for all the world like the prow of a ship and it cut through the snow with ease. The party moved only slightly slower than a full canter; even as she watched, the two horses affixed to the contraption slowed and stopped, their riders giving them full rein to blow out great puffs of air into the snow. The whole party halted in an orderly queue behind them, and the two mounted soldiers directly behind circled round to unhook the lead pair (without bothering to dismount) and attaching their own horses. The party then resumed its swift pace up the mountain pass. The two who had been in the lead rejoined smoothly at the end, where the snow been packed down to a tidy path.
"Ingenious," remarked Davos. Lady Melisandre said nothing, only quirked an eyebrow. Shireen asked some imbecilic question about something, and the king made a patient response.
"Perhaps these men of the North will bring you the miracle you seek, Your Grace," said Lady Melisandre, as the riders at last drew level.
"Certainly they seem to have performed the miracle of moving in this snow," Stannis observed.
Most of the riders remained at the foot of the camp, but a small group began to make their way toward them, their behemoth horses even more ridiculous as they drew closer, with their hoofs near as wide as platters and their tails cut short as a broomstick. As they halted before their king, the riders dismounted. Despite the bitter cold, not one of them showed any sign of discomfort, their thick boots and cloaks making them appear almost as outsized as their horses.
The king took a breath, as if to ask for their leader, when a hooded figure on a great chestnut beast came out from the midst of them. Her cloak and skirts were dirty from the road and snows, her copper-bright hair in a simple peasant's braid as she pushed back her hood. A half-dozen young men surged forward to hand her from her horse, but it was a giantess in armor who helped her down and followed closely behind as she approached them.
It took Selyse a long moment to realize who the girl was: Sansa, Catelyn's eldest daughter. (Eldest child, now that the usurper Robb Stark was dead — and Catelyn too, and Lord Stark before them.) She had more of her mother's look to her than her father's, which must have pleased the Imp when he married her; Tyrion had always liked his whores pretty and clever. There was something in the way that she carried herself, however, that made Selyse suspect Sansa might be rather too clever.
The girl made no move to bow to the king, merely drew within a length as her retinue fanned out behind her. "Your Grace," she greeted Stannis. At least she had the good sense to recognize her rightful king. "I am Lady Sansa, of House Stark."
"Lady Stark," the king replied, or began to, because at that moment the damned direwolf, that unnatural creature the Lord Commander had foisted upon them, came hurtling in from wherever the devils he'd been and lunged for the girl, sending her sprawling to the ground with a scream more chilling than Shireen's, horrifyingly cut off as she—
As she laughed, the creature licking frantically at her face with its great tail wagging. The girl brought her arms around its monstrous neck and hugged it closer to her, burying her face in its fur, unconcerned entirely by the spectacle. Her Northern lords looked well pleased, in fact, nodding and smiling at one another in shared understanding. He'll recognize her, Jon had told Shireen when she'd asked how Ghost would know who Sansa was. The pack knows its own. It seemed the whole of the North knew.
The king's people were nearly as susceptible. Davos was smiling like a dolt and Shireen looked as though she wanted nothing more than to join in the undignified affair. Lady Melisandre, at least, showed little sign of being moved; she was watching with an air of interest but no warmth. Only the king was truly inscrutable, as he stared down at the tangle of girl and dog with another expression she had never seen before. This time, she could not guess as to what it meant.
At long last, the beast allowed Sansa Stark to rise, once again accepting help only from her giantess. "My apologies, Your Grace," she said. Her smile was broad and bright even as she wiped at a streak of mud across her nose. "But as you might guess, Stark reunions are rare these days."
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aseuki · 1 month
Okay but I love how much you roll with the shit posting.
Also who is your favorite gjinka of an oc?
askdfjsd Thank You it's the clown blood in me 👍
Ahh, good question! From my own stable, I only have like. Two Gijinkas who I love for entirely Different and Equal reasons asdkfjsdn
While Phemus gets that New Design Brainrot askdfjn (while also being Extremely Cool In My Extremely Unbiased Opinion askdjfn) I'll give this ask to Stell/Parhelion Knight for Seniority--They've had the most dedicated time to having their design refined after all!
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weatherbane · 1 year
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good job! successful first mission everyone! :)
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joy-girl · 1 year
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One Piece 1079 - Akagami no Shanks
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arendellepeach · 10 months
jere just went and chose a lil clip of him and bojan giggling to put in his summer montage :( i'm fine i'm FINE I'M FINE
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marzipanandminutiae · 3 months
Remember that one person who tried to argue so adamantly that you could not put a 19th-century boned bodice on a mannequin inside out without breaking the bones, despite being told by multiple museum workers and clothing historians that it wasn’t true?
Sometimes I wonder how that person is doing
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dyinggirldied · 1 year
Danny meeting Ben will be a recipe for disaster because like: Ben got everything Danny wanted: fame (the good kind), friends and family and mentor, the adoring public, shapeshifting into every kind of aliens, got to journey into space and galaxy and see every kind of planets with their inhabitants, etc.
Meanwhile, Ben meeting Danny would realize: oh wow things that can go bad can go even worse huh
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corrodedbisexual · 1 year
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I'm fine I'm fine I'm fine
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mrs-jamesbbarnes · 1 year
In regards to the ending of Shadow and Bone season 2. Did I like it? Absolutely not. Do I see what they’re trying do? Yeah. They combined two books into one season and added five extra characters to the story. Things just moved so fast, and the story could’ve been told a LOT better.
For instance, we did not get Alina’s struggle. I think the beauty of her story in the books came from her needing to defeat the Darkling without becoming the monster he was and wanted her to be. It was an intense and dark path she took. Ultimately, the third amplifier’s power is shared with everyone to destroy the Fold. But the fact that she had to get to that point where she was okay with dying and/or being completely overwhelmed by the power if it meant saving everyone was the whole point of her struggle. Her reward was Mal, settling down with him to live a peaceful life. And she was ready to be done, to give it all up and just rest with him.
The fact that they skipped ALL of that makes the story so unnecessarily complicated. Because now she’s not ready to rest, she wants to help the Grisha. And she’s got power. But she delved into merzost to save Mal, so now she’s given into this path of darkness. That’s something book!Alina NEVER would have done. Leigh spent three books showing that. So now she’s got that darkness in her. And we know Elizaveta is going to try to resurrect the Darkling because that bee landed on Zoya as the Darkling’s body burned. So season 3 is going to go off the rails.
Also the fact that Mal made this BIG DEAL to the Darkling about how he wasn’t going to make the mistake of leaving Alina again and then the Fold is gone and the Darkling is dead and now he’s just leaving Alina? That’s just poor writing.
I’m hoping Alina and Mal still get their happy ending. Because TV!Mal deserves it, if nothing else.
Also it really bothers me that they just pushed Zoya aside for Alina. They could’ve sent Alina and Mal off into the sunset and let the story take its course. But now Zoya is a side character because Alina is the focus. And that really bothers me that they’re going to start the King of Scars storyline and not give Zoya the attention she deserves. Because Alina needs to be gone for her to embrace her destiny. Otherwise it looks like she’s just Nikolai’s (and Ravka’s) second choice. They messed with Leigh’s beautifully crafted hero’s journey for Alina, and Zoya is going to get screwed over because they did that and I HATE THAT for Zoya.
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narwhalandchill · 3 months
No way they had to actually nerf aventurines story boss fight 😭😭
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viagoh · 1 year
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silly thing based on a fic i’m writing
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makeoutstopcrime · 1 year
like even if whatever happens to Tim was staged for the case it still clearly affects Lucy in a big way bc she’s getting so emotional talking about it
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Y’ALL I AM AFRAID (for myself)
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buckttommy · 15 days
I'm known throughout my family as being the exact opposite of a picky eater. I can and will eat anything once and I like most everything once I taste it, but friends, for the first time in my life, I have discovered a fruit I don't like: dragonfruit.
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marthaskane · 2 years
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Rick, from what Beth told us, you just rushed in. You even hit Courtney.
STARGIRL (2020- ) ↳ Frenemies: Chapter Ten | The Killer
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