#(theyre about the same age because i had them as going to school together)
quaranmine · 1 year
also about autoCAD! according this rant an older engineer gave me, architects didnt start using autoCAD/other autodesk products until the 90s, when autodesk realized that if they got architects to use their products, everyone else had to lol
YEAHHH!! i found that too, it's buried somewhere in my 1700 words of author notes on tumblr LOL. grian, in this au, is pretty much like most people of the time period in that he knows basically nothing about computers and has probably never used one since they weren't particularly common, but he will very soon or over the course of his career need to learn since architecture is 100% a profession that uses autoCAD. he's going to get dragged kicking and screaming into the computer world sdflsjfsk
I had a fun little dive down the rabbit hole into CAD technologies while writing this chapter. I think I went into the story under the main assumption of "ah, it's the 80s, they don't have any modern technology" but that's not quite true, is it? It's the late 80s, for one--we're one year from being in the 90s. They're very much on the cusp of all of that technological innovation. Also, computer technology has generally existed far longer than most of us think, it just wasn't necessarily accessible to most of the public.
So while I was looking into CAD, I realized it was entirely possible for Mumbo to be learning it for his job in engineering. AutoCAD was released in 1982, which was directly in the middle of when he probably went to college in this AU. However, I don't know if he would have been taught it in his degree at that time since it was so new. He could, however, learn it from his job. I know that at my job one of the reasons I do most of the InDesign and ArcGIS work for my team is "ah, she's young enough to figure all that computer stuff out." I would not be surprised if that happened to Mumbo too. His bosses are probably like "fantastic he's young AND he's interested in it let's train him to do it" sdfjslfskl
Someone else mentioned CAD in one of my comments on AO3 so I was looking it up too. Something I didn't even know: the first 3D CAD product was released in 1987. Additionally, Boeing announced in 1988 that they would use a CAD software to design their 777 aircraft, which was the first aircraft to be designed entirely digitally. I read a different article about that that stated Boeing had used CAD in their engineering process for a few years before deciding to do it fully digitally, so it was definitely part of many company's "process" already within the 80s.
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neolxzr · 4 months
student au ivantill would be such peak "fell first fell harder" do you get me. the whole main cast has all known each other since they were kids and ivan's been nurturing his onesided crush ever since they were like. very tiny.
mizisua are best friends but grow up to realize their feelings for one another in like late middle school/early high school idk theyre around 14-15 and till has his crush on mizi crushed but mizi is the sweetest angel ever and he cant be mad at her for it. he only knows sua through mizi really and cant be too good a judge of character but he knows mizi loves her and wants to be supportive but hes a little sad. he starts spending a bit less time with her to give mizisua their space but also cause hes trying to get over his feelings.
enter: ivan. ivan has sworn off confessing to till outright for years cause he knew he liked mizi and the two of them have always butted heads so he figured he had no real chance and settled for being his kind of friend who lightly bullies him sometimes for attention. he grows out of this mostly as they age but he still makes it a point to spend as much time as he can with him because he's down horrendously. post-mizisua confession is the first time till is the one to initiate spending time together, and ivan is absolutely thrilled. till learns that he actually doesnt mind being around him and they become closer than they ever had been before.
they stay in this stage of being closer-than-before friends for like. most of high school and then they become seniors and talks about moving away to go to different schools start and WHAM. oh moment realization hits till like a truck. he doesn't want ivan to leave. he likes him. oh god. this is horrible. this is the worst thing that ever could have happened. there's no way ivan feels the same. dramatic irony
he agonizes over this for a long while. he tells mizi who tells sua who both are naturally already aware that ivan has been horribly hopelessly in love with till for nearly the entirety of his life and they want to laugh at him. but they dont. they consider just telling him but they dont and mizi encourages him to tell ivan how he feels.
time is running out. they're receiving college acceptance letters. ivan is accepted into some crazy prestigious university thats all the way across the country. he tells everyone together. till is happy for him. he's crying. ivan is confused. he tells him he doesn't want him to leave. "i love you." he feels awful about it. it's a selfish request. he shouldn't have said anything.
ivan is speechless. till is stammering out an apology. ivan drops the letter and steps closer. he's kissing him. "i love you too. i always have."
the end and everyone clapped happily ever after etc. anyway do you get me
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pansy-picnics · 4 months
I really want to say this somewhere but honestly, my favorite part of Varigo is that it can really go both ways.
Like they have that soft fluffy thing going for them with that first love energy and it’s absolutely adorable in whatever it’s done with. And very believable.
But then they can also have this side where these two hate each other, but they want to MAKE OUT SO BAD IT HURTS TO WATCH. Like major enemies to lovers vibes and it’s very believable.
Maybe it’s just because Hugo technically never existed but any dynamic that any fanfic or art gives them just MAKES SENCE TO ME.
they are enemies AND lovers……... it is the funniest thing to me tbh i cannot see them being super lovey-dovey all the time after they get together, like its not that they AREN’T sickeningly in love, it’s just that they can flip between that and calling each other ugly whores within 5 seconds and they’re completely unfazed. as funny as it is i personally think it’s because at their core they are both kids who were forced to grow up too fast, and they bring out each others inner child in a way…. cuz like, their rivalry/hatred for each other has never been, in any way, Reasonable or Mature
hugo was suspicious when they met, sure, but i don’t think thats really why varian disliked him- i think that’s just the reason he used to justify it in his head. Really he just thought hugo was cool as fuck and he was really mad about being outshined on HIS coming of age quest. like. HE’S the main character bro. Who does this blonde bitch think he is. Goddamn. /j
and….Hugo was the same way lol. like despite his awful circumstances and all the angst going on in his head he only initially antagonized varian because he was a 19 year old boy and wanted to look cool and act like he knew everything. THEIR WHOLE RIVALRY WAS SO CHILDISH! AND THATS WHATS SO SPECIAL ABOUT IT I FEEL CUZ….NEITHER OF THEM HAVE EVER REALLY HAD THAT BEFORE.
ITS EXACTLY WHAT YOU SAID!! it’s that they’re each others first love…but they are also simultaneously each other’s first best friend and also each other’s first Enemy. Neither of them have REALLY done any of that before like ever. varian had friends but he’s never had friends HIS AGE, yk? its completely new for both of them, each for separate reasons, and because of that they are both acting like stupid fucking 12 year olds about it.
even after they get together i think the core of their dynamic is that….they were kind of each other’s (incredibly belated) childhood best friend. and they will always be best friends first and foremost Yk? they bring out each others inner child. it’s why even when they’ve been married for 40 years they tease each other like theyre two middle schoolers fighting on the school bus over pokemon cards. its why they always know exactly how to make the other laugh or cheer them up after a long day. they know EXACTLY how to push each others buttons but they also know when is too far, which is why they can just say the most vile things to each other without even hesitating because they KNOW they don’t gaf. They share one braincell together but they’re also both genius mad scientists so they COULD take over the world together if they wanted to but they’re too busy playing jenga with glass beakers in their pajamas at 2 pm. Idk. They need to be shot.
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sunnixsunshine · 1 year
topher and confucius being besties in middle school makes me happy, but it also makes me sad because theyre not friends anymore in high school. its a shame because they seem to be good friends :(
If my math is right, then they both may have been in the seventh or eighth grade when the whole Christopher Columbus debacle was starting up and eventually spread all over the news and internet. So I’m thinking Topher pushed Confucius away not wanting to drag him down and “get cancelled” with him. They both were already pretty active on the internet but mostly for silly kid stuff like just watching or making cringey videos and watching anime. Again, just silly kid stuff. Nothing serious really. But quickly they both turned to it as an unhealthy coping mechanism— Confucius losing his closest friend, which would later push his other friends away and deepen his usage of the internet as a result. And Topher using the internet to escape the real world and the crap his clone father did, it providing a sense of comfort and control, until he turned into what he is now; a Reddit user 😱
Little details I like to think about is them meeting in the fifth grade and bonding over Warrior Cats and watching the same content creators on their iPad because of course they’re both iPad kids(just Topher’s was cracked worse than satan’s asscrack and Confucius had the newest model lol). They made a whole Warrior Cats oc clan with the most complicated name possible and before they broke up they were even making a whole ass animatic with their thinly veiled Mary Sue self insert ocs except neither of them could draw, especially not cats. Like the little comic I posted, they pretended they were anime characters fighting. Yes, they both were the two losers Naruto running during recess. Yes they went through a phase of saying sugoi and kawaii and other Japanese words in nearly every other sentence. They had sleepovers almost every week and would marathon movies like the Twilight Saga and other movies they really shouldn’t be watching at their age but do anyway because their foster moms weren’t exactly paying attention to what movies they were picking out every week. They were just the embodiment of carefree cringe. Living their best lives. Just a couple of stupid preteens dorks.
Now, in highschool, they tend to just purposefully avoid each other. Even though deep down both of them really do miss each other. It’s just Topher is too busy being kind of an asshole and stuck in this state of self loathing and other issues and being an actual social outcast of his own making, and Confucius is too stuck in his phone avoiding his feelings and also now that he’s got JFK as a friend who likes FlipFlop (because of him) as much as he does it’s only further distracted him from his unresolved feelings over Topher and the good times they had together. They both deeply, deeply regret not going back and talking and staying friends. Because in truth Confucius would have probably stayed through the whole ordeal. Although I can still see them both being chronically online. Just together. And most likely worse somehow? And very, very annoying.
Sorry for the rambling, I just have so much soft thoughts about these two being former friends and the potential of them making up is what fuels me. I wanna write a fic about this sooooooo bad but I’m so busy and by busy I mean I procrastinate too much AND I’m busy aihdjsh I may start one tho and it may eventually get finished???? Question mark, question mark?????????????
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bcolfanfic · 5 months
all the #young vet au world building and background posts are sooo good <3
would love love love to know more about how the boys were able to 'date' when they first got together - the stuff you're already explored (like the first kiss) makes my heart ache with the cuteness
(i'm sorry if i missed it but are they the same age as the #mota boys here?)
good luck with your busy week :)
yeahh the ages are more or less the same!!! i have it in my head (and in the planning doc for the during-war fic that may or may not be written...eventually) that gale enlists when he's 21/bucky is 3 years older than him. i ended up bumping curt's age up by a year bc i wanted him to have an extra year on bucky lol, and ken is still the wittle baby of the gang! everyone else i could not tell you their birthdays off the top of my head anyways lmfao so you can just assume theyre the same age as they are in the show/historically. putting a chunk of my during-war planning doc below for ref but it is very word salady so sorry about that!
(while i loveee hyperrealism i am fucking a whole lot with how exactly tech school works bc i still wanted the bucks to both be pilots alongside being security forces/EOD and that's...not exactly how the air force works in reality lol. the path to be a pilot is completely diff then basic -> tech school. butttt this is a work of fanfic so in the interest of grinding my teeth and taking some creative liberties flight school is built into tech school and they maybe continue flight training while they're in africa. also random side bar, re: actually fully leaving the air force aftert they leave afghanistan, i currently have croz in my mind as staying in. lives in the uk bc he ended up getting sent to a RAF base that supports the us air force there, maybe RAF mildenhall? rosie also stays in for a lil longer because he almost goes down the JAG path but decides not to. still have to figure out what exactly im doing with the others outside of the core four who do just get straight out (core four as in bucky/gale/curt/ken).)
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anyyways....to your actual question LOL. like i've said before i think it gets more practical when they're in afghanistan. obv *war wise* its more chaotic but they have their lil bunk room with curt and dickie and can let their guard down a little more. not just with them but with the other guys that they become closer with. it's still not ideal and they still can't manitain a relationship like they'd be able to in the states but. they find 'their things'. when i was messing with tech school stuff i threw around something that curt kinda ribs at them for being sitting practically in each other's laps on the couch when reading for class. and given how bookish they both are (gale more non-fictiony, bucky fiction) i think that'd be a cute lil something they do overseas too as ~enrichment time~. and if one or both of em has had a really rough day maybe instead of doing their own silent reading one of them reads out loud to the other one. it's just comforting <3 its the little things that are the Big things over there bc it does take an actual effort to make even that time for each other y'know? apparently bagram had a tiny subway that was open 24 hours a day, makes me chuckle thinking about them going there at odd hours, maybe when they can't sleep, just to be together when its mostly quiet.
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mackmp3 · 9 days
🏚 🔮 🪚 ⚰️ 🩸 for the character ask game bc theyre all interesting asf & im curious :P
YAY THANK YOU im assuming you mean for my ocs? i had tagged that game as them & i dont think we have a lot of media in common hehe but YIPPEE i answered ⚰️ here already :)
🏚 - what would your character do if their house was haunted? are they haunting their house? does the house reflect their state of mind, or does the house love/hate them and vice versa?
ooh it kinda depends cos strangeways can talk to ghosts, if it was a standard Dead Person haunting she'd be able to just hang out with them. like she probably wouldnt mind so much. haunting as metaphor for hanging on to the past etc. but if i was something a lot more nebulous she would 100% go full horror protagonist by a) trying to research & document & figure out whats going on and b) therefore providing a complete record of her haunting :) (she works in an archive specialsing in supernatural & extraterrestrial events in folklore lol)
mihangel would be the one haunting the house. or the house is haunting him. the house is representative of his doubt and how she feels his identity could slip away from him any moment and he doesnt know how to stop life carrying on, pulling her along with it. she is still living in the house that she knows is haunting her because she has forgotten what it was like before
rest of qs under the cut its kinda long lol
🔮 - if your character had a dream they or a loved one was going to die a horrible death (that is probably inevitable), what would they do?
strangeways would probably, very very deep down, a bit relieved - because of her Time Thing she is aging slowly and isnt sure if she'll ever die, and really cant think of much worse than living Forever. but she'd still be afraid. being theoretically able to die and seeing your own death barelling towards you is quite different. if it was someone close to her? she would walk to their house in the middle of the night and make sure they were safe.
mihangel kinda canonically has this? like he has dreams about his time Being Dead and theyre very real because it. Was real. he would only start getting Worried if it wasnt the same dream yknow? but if it was about someone else he would probably tell strangeways about it and then they would panic together lol
🪚 - what would happen if you put two of your characters in a saw trap maze together?
panic & cry & bleed a lot probably idk much about saw traps but it sounds pretty bad theyd hate it needless to say
🩸 - if confronted with a monster, would they romance them, befriend them, fight them, run away, kill them? something else?
strangeways would be taking meticulous notes & even attempting a few sketches and getting out a tape recorder to ask them a few questions & respectfully sitting down to listen. mihangel would be trying to leave but if strangeways did end up actually interviewing/documenting/petting a monster she would probably chill out a bit but maybe not get toooooo close. he's been to space & met aliens but he was also killed by one so while he knows most of them are chill she's well aware a lot of them are Not lol. he is one of those people who as a kid fully believed in fae & convinced his friends at school the beasts of exmoor were real & he'd seen one too (not in exmoor but on his grandparents farm in wales so that was pretty close when youre eight) so yeah he would be immediatly Scared by a monster. though it does depend on how Big & Feral it is ig
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aita-blorbos · 1 year
aita for treating my friend like my sidekick
so long storys short i [OOC: These characters have no canon ages, but the one speaking and “Marshmellow” are both female] have this rival whos had it out for me ever since the beginning. well call her “marshmellow” since thats what she looks like
ever since she started going to my old school she’d always been showin’ off just how much better than me she is at everything. everyone always completely ignored me and flocked to her whenever she entered the room, and sometimes she even had the AUDACITY to make her spite extra obvious like that one time where she stole my pickled onion off my lunch tray or psyched me out and made me miss the round-winning kick in some big soccer tournament. or when we were competing in a bread race and she fucmking SNEEZED on the side of the bread that i was supposed to eat. and then was all “kUrOmI~cHaN aReN’t YoU gOnNa EaT tHe BrEaD. Go On KuRoMi EaT tHe MeLo BuGgErS”. or when she got lost on a field trip so i got off the bus to go look for her and when she found her way baxk without my help she LET THEM LEAVE WITHOUT ME
and our rivalry led me to start this cool biker gang of ppl like me and meet my sidekick (17M) who well call eggplant for funsies. and eggplamrs family is DIRT POOR and one day i stole some bread from the market for them and got caught and thrown in the dungeon and had to lie about why to make sure they didn’t get in trouble too (for what? STARVING?? BECAUSE YOU DIDTN FEED THEM???). and nobody i knew visited me because they were too busy SIMPING FOR MARHSMELLOW. and to this day they all owe me 8 birthday parties (except my homies theyre cpol)
but one day i escaped and me and eggplant found a cool magical artifact in the same castles treasure room that could help me cast spells on humans that would bring their dreams to reality in rlly fucked up ways and if they enjoy it i get a black note and if i get a humdred of them i can play this special song that will summon this ancient evil to KICK MARSHMELLOWS ASS
and i went to the human wrld to enact my plan and ended up scoring a room in the most AWESOME house with djffjdjfhshfsh the most handsome most awesome most loving human EVR!!! youve prolly already heard of him since litrrally everyone has. and me and eggplant share a room
and ever since we started this journey hes been my sidekick, doing all the housework, going out adn fetching me stuff when i ask for it, paying the remt for our room, and letting me use him as a punching bag to vent my anger. and we fly around the human world together in search of black notes and he sniffs out humans dreams. and i dont say it often but im glad hes so willing to just sit there and take it all. is what i WOULD say if he he didnt suddenly decided he had enough of it and LEAVE. TO GO STAY WITH MARSHMELLOW (oh yeah marshmellow followed me to the human world and made friends there who shes also staying with. theyre collexting pink notes which dont really do anything but stop me from getting blsck ones)
and he says hes happier living there than he is living wiht ME. and i had to work my ASS off to get him back but its all cool cuz i punished him accordingly later <3
but while i was still tryna get him back i thought of how good our friendship was before then and realized i never treated him like that before coming to the human world and thought for a split second that i might not be being the best friend
prolly gonna keep doing it anyway bc thats just how this cruel world works lol. but i cant get ot outta my head so i might as well ask. aita?
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ashipiko · 4 months
Ashiii I hope you don't mind me askin a question about twst ashi!
I know the people she's close to are in her profile, like epel, floyd, leona, but exactly how do they act around her and vice versa? And are there any other characters? I'm very curious!! (also i'm working on something rn)
Take your time to answer if you need!! And you don't need to go through every character, just the ones that seem the most important/significant to you :D
HI TARURU!!!!!! 🤔 tbh this question isn’t really that hard to answer so I’ll go in depth about leona/epel? floyd used to be listed as a close relation but EHHH. tho I HAVE written little things for every single chara so that’ll be under the cut!!! (wrote it on discord so the like? rhythm behind the words might be weird cuz I cut them out www) 👁️👁️ TY for the interesting ask tho. hope you have fun w whatever you do!!!!
EPEL: yo the besties EVERRRRR!!!! their dynamic is countryboy that knows how to do so many things and princess who knows how to do so many things BUT neither of them know what the other does. THEY LEARN A NEW SKILL LIKE EVERY DAY THEYRE SO FUNNY. epel acts like his yeehaw self around ashi cuz they’re really close and he loves to catch a break wherever he can 🙏 ashi is more feisty and speaks her mind w/o worry (most of the time) w epel because there’s just a certain level of trust between them?? like you can speak your mind and really form a true connection. ashi who was never really close to anyone and epel who never really had friends his age growing up…… WWW I CRY. like imagine two elementary school students who are best friends. THEM.
LEONA: leona is his usual grumpy self and he doesn’t say it BUT he cares for ashi a lot. he’s not really a word person but more so an action type of guy? he’ll do things that’ll make her go “AWWWWWW” and stuff 🫶 ashi gets to be PEAK annoying and AGAIN doesn’t really worry about keeping up a front because she feels comfortable w leona. she’s the youngest at home after all!!! seems like they wouldn’t vibe at all but you’ll find em hanging out at the botanical garden together
RIDDLE: they’re pretty chills…… riddle likes ashi because she abides to the rules of heartslabyul (that she knows of) even if she’s not even a member of Heartslabyul herself <3 tho he does not understand what goes thru her head sometimes. “this slang is worse than cater sometimes and ACE??? ASHI YOU DESERVE BETTER YOURE TOO NICE FOR A RULEBREAKER LIKE HIM” vibes
ACE: do I need to even need to explain. I wrote 6K words about them and won’t shut up
DEUCE: THEY VIBE!!! NGL i do think that ashideuce have like sliiight similarities if you peek but deuce is more open and genuine than her 🤔 they’re very cute and I think Ashi wingmanning him could be cute <3 Ashi thinks he’s silly
CATER: people compare her to him sometimes and she’s like “……IMIG?” they would get along really well on paper but in reality they don’t interact all that often….. nothing special but I think they both know that they’ve got smth going on that’s not entirely the same
TREY: uhhhhh. TRULY JUST ACQUAINTANCES FRS <3 like he’ll ask her if she wants anything because she’s prefect and also cuz she’s like a regular at unbirthday parties but that’s bout it 😔
LEONA: accidental adoption at its finest. leona and ashi both have that bougie background even tho Ashi isn’t an ACTUAL princess so “out of pity” leona treats her 🙏 they have fun talks and ashi likes to draw w leona when she needs a break from ace or if he’s busy 🫶🫶 v chill……. leona could see right thru her act I think so he also likes to tease her and stuff. THEYRE FUN. i think they styled eachother’s hair to look like eachother once
RUGGIE: 😔 the person leona sends to do the dirty work to get food for Ashi…… they’re chill and they like to catch up!!!! ruggie tried to finesse her once and it almost worked 😭😭they talk sometimes when they both end up at Monstro lounge <3 homies!!! RUGGIE KINDA LEARNS TO ACCEPT HER AS A LITTLE SISTER TOO I THINK
JACK: truly just acquaintances pt 2 😔 it’s really hard to keep a convo going w these two and the only thing they’ve got in common is tsunderes. THE TYPE OF FRIENDS TO BE FRIENDS IN A GROUP but not 1 on 1
AZUL: she wants to punch him SO BAD. twstshi acts nice w him cuz he’s her boss and she’s very chill but she SWEARS everytime he opens his mouth she wants to sock him across the face. azul thinks they are great business partners HE MEANS FRIENDS. MAYBE
FLOYD: FLOYD LOOOVES ASHI he thinks she’s SO fun to rile up. will squeeze her very hard if he spots her at basketball matches and if crabby doesn’t point out that she can’t breathe 🫶 ashi likes him but she still finds him VERY scary. unreliable coworker 😔 tho I think wayy later on when Ashi feels more vulnerable their mood swings would be veeeeery uh. ruh oh
KALIM: they’re SO CUTE. ashi’s a foodie and so kalim invites her over to Scarabia a lot <3 slowly he helps her build up a spice tolerance…… slowly……….. both kinda naive but ashi’s more cautious than him I think
JAMIL: very skeptical of one another. vvvvvv sussy but ashi likes his food so. it’s okie <3
VIL: ADMIRES HIM SM vil’s very neato and espec after book 5 Ashi can’t even be MAD at vil’s overblot because she’s like damn fam 😔 i lowkey getchu. it’s okie <3 and she holds absolutely NO GRUDGE against him. there’s like nothing bad about him she can pinpoint and she thinks he’s really hypesies
ROOK: kinda scary but he’s fun so it works out 🫶🫶 rook is the type to joke and tease Ashi and make her laugh I think but give these one off lines and she’s like “???? WHAT’S THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN.” they’re funsies
EPEL: BESTIES WHO LOOK SO CUTE BUT WOULD KICK YOU IN THE NUTS IF THEY COULD. ashi loves hearing about everything epel and is SO invested in his hometown. she also loves all the apple cider he brings over and thinks it’s SOOOOOOOO good 🙏 ashi’s walls naturally come down w epel and TBH he doesn’t really notice or make a big deal about it? so they act very cute and proper w others but you might catch these two on the roof of NRC one day
IDIA: ashi hates him so much. so many reasons and she wishes she could curse him with rabies.
ORTHO: thinks he is insane and was fine w him until he threatened to blow up the entirety of NRC and now she thinks that he’s terrifying but she can’t mess w him MORE SO THAN IDIA because 😔 child
MALLEUS: very scary. she gets so scared and yelps everytime she sees him. she’s like constantly shaking when she talks to him and malleus is like teehee <3 gargoyle
LILIA: KINDA FREAKY WHERE DOES HE COME FROM. lilia think she’s very fun and he likes to talk to her!! tho she cannot eat his food. holy moly my guy like WHAT
SILVER: ashi’s just awed by his existence NGL like damn fam. how are you just like perfection 😭😭 she doesn’t talk to him much tho. like that person you look at and think about but don’t talk to <3 silver thinks she is a very nice girl
SEBEK: one sided affection and ashi is very “😨 huh. stop yelling at me” 😔 she wouldn’t punch him but she will give him the silent treatment cuz she’s so annoyed <33 she laughs everytime Ace disses him
GRIM: IFS LIKE. WEIRD because I don’t think Ashi is ALWAYS putting on her front w him because they’re together literally 24/7 but they care for eachother a lot 😔😔 like Ashi will be moody w Grim but gives him discipline like a dog WITH JUSTIFIED REASONS so he can’t really get mad at her…… even if she is moody she still seems cheery so like. weird middle ground. Ashi still plays it safe but he still gets a good look at a wider range of emotions w her
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Random Act of Ask.
If you and Ray went to high school together, what would that be like? Would y'all have been friends? Sweethearts? Classes in common? 😁
thank u for giving me an excuse to talk about my au where ray and violet are childhood friends, but it's still the same time period as when they meet as adults. i call it the "my s/i gets to indulge in 80s stuff for kids (while being age appropriate for it for once)" au.
ray and violet meet and fall in love when they're very young, but they're SO young they don't know it yet. Janine is violet's best female friend and they're both the weird girls in school. all the ghostbusters are also childhood friends. violet and janine have sleepovers on summer nights and watch scary movies and those horror anthology shows that are on at 11pm that theyre not supposed to be watching. the ghostbusters just happen to also be having a sleepover that night and they and the girls all end up at the 7 Eleven after sunset. ray and violet buy big gulps and trade marvel trading cards in the parking lot. they go back to the houses they were sleeping over at and their friends tease them about their obvious crushes on each other, but they've been friends for so long they can't imagine their lives without the other. peter prank calls janines house at 11:45pm.
by the time prom comes around, its not even a question that ray and violet will be going together. ray has been violet's best friend even through that weird phase boys go through where they're supposed to stop being friends with girls. at prom, ray confesses that he's in love with violet, but he never wants to ruin their friendship, because she's the most special and important friend he's ever had, the person who understands him the way no one else has ever understood him, the only person who never made him feel bad for all the weird stuff he likes, the person he could count on to go to the comic book store with him and marathon star wars movies with him. violet is overjoyed because OF COURSE she loves him too!!! he's the sweetest boy she ever met, the one who always makes her feel safe from all the bullies in school, who never thought she was weird for liking horror and cartoons and that alien autopsy special. after that night, they've been together ever since.
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falcqns · 5 months
hi Ava!! <3
take all the time you need to answer!! are you feeling better?
for your dm dr:
i might just be confused but if you do online school in another time zone, does that mean you do school at night?
which other projects have you had cameos in?
have you ever been to a premiere with her?
when did you first get a social media account? and did you have to ask permission?
have you met Xochitl?
for your flo dr:
are you in the mcu too?
have you been in a movie with flo?
do you and flo have a ship name?
i really hope you feel better soon <33
hey!! ive started feeling better! i ended up going to the hospital because my husband was concerned that i was going to develop sepsis in my lymph nodes so i got checked out and got a prescription and im getting better lol
dance moms: 1. my online school isnt like on zoom or anything, basically anything that gets taught during class (like slideshows, readings, etc) gets uploaded to our school portal and we can work on it on our own time, but our deadlines for assignments are all the same, if that makes sense? i did it that was as thats how things worked at my college and i liked that if i missed class i didnt have to worry about missing information lol.
2. i was also in godzilla as another background child in the ending scene when theyre all reuniting. i was also in age of ultron, as one of the kids on the helicarrier at the end! there have been a few more, like most of the marvel movies, kodachrome, and love and death, but i was just in the background and you cant even see my face half the time lol
3. i go to any premiere i can with her! it helps that both my parents are in the MCU so for most projects i go to her premieres no matter the parent im with!
4. i think i got a social media account at like 13, but it was private, and literally only mom and my aunts followed it, but when i was 15, the dance moms producers were pressuring me to have a public one so i made it public
5. i have!! shes one of my best friends :)
flo: 1. i do have a character in the MCU (i'm steve and sharon's daughter) but i took a break from acting when my dad and i fell out so i havent played sarah in a while
2. i've been in a few, and we're writing one together right now!!
3. tbh i never though i would get this question but now i have so now i must reveal that our ship name is Flava (pronounced Flay-va) 😭
thank you for the questions!! keep sending them, i love answering them <3
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confessions-official · 8 months
i fucking hate bulgaria so much and i hate living in it, i cant move out because im a minor but words cannot describe how terrible it is
mind you im not saying everywhere else is perfect, good grief do i know thats far from the truth, but litterly go anywhere else then bulgaria unless you want to travel to every country or something
almost every person my age is an asshole, im not even kidding i have almost not met a single decent person, maybe like 3 people in my life and i had to leave one of them because they were transphobic, but either they will directly bully you or they will do that thing where they fake being nice or ask you innocent questions in a condecending way, you do something emberassing once and the groups of girls nearby will never let you forget about it, and theyre ruthless to teachers who dont deserve it and then wonder why those teachers leave to be replaced with a worse teacher
i had to stop buying food to a nearby store in the school break because of kids from the nearby school faking being nice, they all acted like im a new organism or something and kept calling me "pretty" and then blew vape smoke in my face and one of them even took a non-consentual selfie with me to post on instagram or whatever, havent been there in a week and if i have to see them again i will scream
i need everyone to stop acting like chalga is such good music, half of the time it fucking sucks its just "ooohh i want sex with this woman your so hot" which i know that most english music is like that but atleast they hide it with clever lyrics or a nice instrumental, theres only one one chalga i like and its antilopa
the teachers completely suck i had the misfortune of councidently moving into the same school as my bulgarian teacher and it fucking sucks, its worse when im the "quiet goody two shoes good grades" kid because then every teacher speaks to me like A) i dont know anything B) they keep on staring at me like im a new bacteria found C) i can never have any negative opinion about anyone. ever D) baby me? for some reason
if you want to actually learn bulgarian good luck because none of the first language teachers do their jobs and no one cares about them, there has only been one teacher ive seen do their job correctly and have people respect her but ive only been there for 2 weeks and have not kept going at that school
sofia is not even that good looking either, its bland in my opinion and theres only maybe afew good places to go, ive only been to another city and id rather live in burgas 10000%
i would not mind if bulgaria just dissapeared from the map all together as a country, theres nothing of worth to keep here except maybe the dancing but thats it, i myself dont celebrate the first of march cuz im not interested, the only guy worth knowing in history is the one king that beheaded someone and used their skull as a cup
theres nothing to persurve in bulgarian history, were all white people we basically have no culture at all, many people have left for more good reasons then i can list probably, with the population decline it will probably be in the distant future, good god, never liked any of you
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greydiminishing · 9 months
*i wrote this journal entry last week on the 14th and never posted oops
Hanging out with a friend tomorrow and im nervous. i dont even know why, I love this friend. I think because its just gonna be us two, so it'll be one on one. And we dont really hang out often. When we do, its either in a group or with another mutual friend.
I usually feel really awkward in one on one interactions, i'm much better in groups. Theres less pressure to keep the conversation going if youre in a group.
Still, I get anxiety before hanging out with anyone, one on one AND groups. The anxiety only lasts the days/hours prior to the event, then we meet up and im fine, excited to be with my friend/s, end up having a great time and go hope thinking "omg i love my friends so much <3"
But sometimes the pre-event anxiety is too much for me to juggle with everything else I have going on and I have to decline an invitation, this always feels really bad. Especially if I dont have a good excuse. I know my friends would understand if i told them "Im struggling with being social and I need more time until im ready to hang out again", but i just say "Sorry im busy that day".
But I have FOREVER wanted to be surrounded by friends, talking and joking around. even online in a group chat. I have journal entries from when I was 13, longing for some type of close friendship/s.
I had a close friend group in high school, which felt really good, but it dissipated. In my first year of college (2019), I had a project group that ended up turning into a friend group, but that dissipated within the year too. I haven't really made any new friends since and it'll be 2024 in like 2 weeks.
I WANT friends, I WANT to hang out with people, and i enjoy doing it, so why don't I?? All I do is sit in my room on my laptop. Even at school. I wake up, go to class, come home and sit on my laptop. Go to next class, come home and sit on my laptop. Go to cheer practice, come home and sit on my laptop until i go to bed. I did that EVERY DAY. And it was so comfortable, but i was sad about it. I feel like i wasted so much of my life and my youth away like this.
This train of thought was also partially spurred on by Nana, which im currently watching. Theyre all the same age as me, and their lives are so rich. They hang out and eat together and have band practice every day and go to concerts. I crave that life but my anxiety is keeping me from it.
Right now, since I've taken my adderall (and probably somewhat fueled by watching Nana), I feel way less anxiety about tomorrow and more excited. And about socializing/social events in general.
Talking to people isnt scary, its fun and the anxiety is trying to trick me.
Im gonna make so many friends and hang out all tha time !
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megismorallysunny · 1 year
not too much happened in my science test i got a 96% i did really well in my maths test. the girl behind me who was smarter than me only got like half of it done so i either fucked up terribly or did amazing. in science our tutor teaches it and she took out 6 people to talk to them because apricot harassed melon for no reason, and like bothering her for no reason even tho she told him to fuck off.
my irish teacher didnt do the irish test, idrk why. but atleast i have more time, at the end of friday i walked from the school out to my old babysitters house next to my old primary school, and i just hung out there. she made me a potato waffle and fish fingers. it was very yummy. i talked to old friends again, i really missed them. i had old friends, twins. we were friends best friends until the end of 6th year because some shit happened and it was really toxic. my other friend comet was friends with them but they stopped being friends round the start of comets 1st year (my second year). no one knew what happened, i talked to her brother he didnt know shit, i talked to star, cloud (even with a 4-5 year ish age difference between cloud and 2 year with star) they didnt know anything either.
it was reallly weird, well me and cloud were talking on friday and were talking about the twins how we absolutely hate M but K is ok. and that theyre sister was going to turn out just like M. but anyways i decided to ask comet what happened, she didnt tell me at first but i said "i hope anything didnt happen" and i cracked her. she said that they didnt like her making new friends and that they always gave her dirty looks, after two years i finally found out. and i probably wasnt supposed to tell anyone but i told star, we dont talk to much only when we see each other but we talked more recently beacuse of that. stars friend E hates her other friend L and theres no reason behind it, i think E is very obsessed and maybe insecure because she doesnt want star to do anything without her and when she does she leaves the call or tells her she wont ever talk to star again but she always comes crawling back and its really weird. im very proud of star for not falling for the trap that emmas putting. it would be really toxic. i think im a little kind of like an older sister to star and cloud, we grew up together, and they were my best friends growing up.
i feel kind of bad saying this because i have a younger brother, i dont like him, he really annoys with me, everything that he does annoy me. i feel bad, i dont know what to do to become better with him, hes just way too annoying for me. but anywyas im glad i have star and cloud, i want them to play bigger parts in my life and i want to play bigger parts in theirs, i didnt show up in 1st year or second year much so i want to make up for lost time, they really were my best friends and its great that we can shittalk all the same people because we all grew up dealing with their shit. im glad i have them :DDD
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thelasttime · 1 year
bestie i might be in need of a little advice.
so i'm on summer break rn, but when i was in school, i sat every day at lunch with the same group i've been sitting with since seventh-eighth grade (dont want to say my exact age but its been a few years). i've been best friends with them for a really long time, but things changed really fast in the last few months of the school year.
the group is made up of me, "A", "B", "C", "D", and "E". A and B have been together for almost 2 years, and C and D have been together for little over 1 year. It used to be pretty seamless as far as group dynamics went, but in the last few months, A and B seem to have gone back into their honeymoon phase. They basically act like the rest of us don't exist, and they just live in their own lovey-dovey world. It especially hurts because I used to be really close with the both of them, especially A, but now they barely acknowledge me if they're within 5 feet of each other. C and D are similar, but they always kind of hung out with each other bc theyre both very introverted. That basically just leaves me with E, but she doesn't always want to talk or hang out (she's kind of a loner who likes to think in silence) so I end up being alone in the group a lot.
I've talked to A and B before about how they've basically stopped acknowledging my existence, but A just says that they need to be affectionate with each other and it's the way it is. Nothing changes and it's left me feeling really lonely.
Now ik this is already really complicated but my best friend outside of the main lunch group, let's call her G, knows about how I've been feeling. she usually sits with her boyfriend and his friends, but i told her that i was planning on taking a break from the group for a week or so when school starts again. I didn't really know where to go, so she said that she would sit with me for the week but after that she had to go back to her group- which i understood, i was really grateful that she was willing to separate from her group to hang out with me for the week. (we also call almost every day and live nearby so we spend a lot of time together outside of school).
but it's a temporary arrangement, and i don't see things getting better with my main group. i don't want to have to leave because i don't have many friends other than them (and i can't join G permanently because it's a whole other group), and i've been friends with these people for years. but at the same time, i feel so lonely and i don't know what to do.
hi anon!! first of all, thanks for being patient while i answered my other asks since i know this answer has probably been a slower than usual. and thank you for trusting me with this story, and i hope the following advice can be of help to you
i've been in a very similar situation to you where i felt as though i was stuck between a rock and a hard place where i don't have a lot of joy with my current friend group but i also don't have somewhere else to go. of course, the circumstances were a little different, but i think there's a shared feeling of "if i leave, and there's no one to hangout with then what will i do?" and this is further exacerbated by the fact that your friend group seems to be very paired up right now (which .. is probably a disaster waiting to happen from my experience)
my suggestion, and you don't have to take this advice because i don't know your situation super well besides what you've told me and you could feel uncomfortable with this advice, is that you talk to G about how you're feeling about the group (which you've already done) and ask her if she would think it's helpful for you to leave your group. since it sounds like she knows a lot more and she wants to help you because she's a great friend, she could be more helpful with you taking some action on this situation.
in your situation, what i have done is switch friend groups entirely. what i found is that GOOD! friend groups are actually extremely welcoming with new people joining their group. you might also find that you like your new friend group much better than your older friend group. i would ask G about the possibility of joining their friend group (if this is something that you're comfortable with).
i also really want to reiterate the fact that you're absolutely so valid in feeling the way that you are. relationships are hard and having friendships where you don't feel fulfilled even though you've tried to make it work aren't friendships worth having. it also sounds like you're somewhere in high school right now, and i've found that the fear of being alone often triumphs over the fear of not having a fulfilling friendship. i hope that this is helpful when i tell you that you're only going to be in high school for a little bit longer, and i think it's important to leave high school knowing that you made some really good friendships.
if this advice (leaving your friend group and joining G's) isn't something you're willing to try then i would suggest talking to your friends again and letting them know that you're still feeling this way. my hope is that they listen this time if you bring up these concerns again and let them know that you're not feeling comfortable. good friends would pay attention to your concerns.
i really hope this advice helps!
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mlm-mod-taka · 3 years
Hi, Can I request some hcs of Byakuya, Hajime and Kazuichi reacting to their s/o crying because stress? Thanks ^^
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STRESSED S/O • byakuya, hajime, kazuichi x gn s/o
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hi anon! of course you can, i really hope youre doing okay, and my dms are always open if you need someone to talk to. since you didnt mention the gender of the reader i just made it gn. please dm me if you want to change anything! i hope you like these.
tws/cws: internalizing feelings, stress & crying.
|| -> mod taka <3
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is definitely someone who had to go through and deal with stress even at a very young age. i feel like he would, surprisingly, be the most understanding of your situation.
you two were just studying in his library for the upcoming test, and all of a sudden you started to sob. it caught him very off guard, to say the least.
he first asked what was going on, and if you needed anything. he has an abundance of servants ready to comply to his every demand, so nothing is out of reach for him.
when you say that youve been so ridiculously stressed, tired and burnt out recently, he feels his heart sink. he has been through this exact situation before, crying in his room because he was so overwhelmed and stressed, so it breaks his heart to see you like this.
knows exactly what it feels like, so he asks what has been making you feel so stressed. if its something that someone else is causing, he'll intimidate them into dropping whatever it is theyre doing to you, and lets you off the hook.
if its school, then he offers to help you with it. he practically does your school work for you if this is the case, insisting that you need rest. hes had to balance being an affluent progeny and being a top student for years, so he's happy to help in any way.
if its a bunch of small things that have slowly piled up, then he'll command his servants to do these things for you, having atleast one task be handled by one of his helpers so it can be done more efficiently.
after he clears the problems that has been causing you to be so stressed out, and made sure that youve gotten the appropriate amount of rest, he also decides to open up about the impact stress has had on his life.
this is to help you know that you arent alone, and that he'll always be there for you to help whenever you need it. because no one was there to help him when he was going through this, he doesnt want you to feel the same lonliness he had to bear.
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when you two are just eating lunch together and talking about regular things that a couple talk about, and you suddenly start crying out of nowhere, hes extremely concerned.
starts asking a bunch of questions in his panicked state, which obviously overwhelmed you even more, so he paused and just asked what was making you cry.
after explaining youve been going through some things, that youve been internalizing all the stress and tiredness you feel, he puts his hands on yours and tries to comfort you by asking if theres anything he can do.
he'll try to help by buying you stress toys. he'll buy you the ball ones that are filled with slime in your favorite color. you can tell hes not the most experienced in giving gifts like these, but hes trying!
will ask chiaki and sonia for help. will not share your struggles with them, since its a secret for the both of you, but they agree to help either way. since youre hajimes friend, then youre also theirs.
chiaki will introduce you to games that are made for dealing with stress, and if they allow multiplayer, then hajime will gladly play with you.
sonia introduces you to some places that she goes to when shes feeling down on herself, and offers that you and hajime should take a date in those spots.
if you have any specific coping mechanisms, then he'll be happy to indugle in them with you. if, for example, cosplaying is one of the ways you cope, then he'll cosplay with you, if it helps you feel any better.
hajime will also take advice from nekomaru, and buy you a small punching bag that you can beat up if you need some kind of outlet to take your stress out on.
introduces you to some of the ways he deals with stress! one of these ways is by going to high, deserted areas and yelling everything you feel as loud as you can to let your feelings out.
while he isnt exactly the most knowledgeable in the stressed department, he'll do anything you want if it helps you feel happier and less heavy. if youre happy, then hes happy.
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is confused at first, but he definitely gets there in due time. you just have to explain why youre crying so hard when he was just explaining how to repair a motorcycle, and he'll start to understand.
is very energetic and enthusiastic, so he tries to motivate you by offering to help with your work. even if you insist that he doesnt need to help you, he does it anyway. youre clearly going through something, so he'll try his best to be by your side.
tells you that crying is a completely normal response to being overwhelmed or stress. he wants to be someone that you can be vulnerable in front of, since hes your s/o.
makes a small heart shaped machine that lets him send you little reminders and messages, no matter where he is. he uses it most to ask how youre doing, if youve eaten, drank water etc...
if you know what a rage room is, then thats something he would do for you. as a mechanic, he has a bunch of metal stuff just laying around that isnt gonna be used, so he offers to let you destroy it, as a way to get rid of your stress.
hypes you up in the background while you beat an old, broken microwave with a wooden bat. also probably plays a song thats really upbeat so you can feel more adrenaline.
if you prefer more calming ways to relieve your stress, then he offers to let you pet some animals. i personally headcanon him as someone who is friends with the cats and dogs in his neighborhood, so he leads you to where they all are so you can pet them, if youd like.
hes definitely trying his best to help you, he just needs a little guidance. kazuichi may not be the greatest person to go to when you need some help for dealing with stress, but he cares more than anyone else.
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malfoysstilinski · 4 years
girl in the mirror pt2 | DRACO MALFOY
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PAIRING: Draco Malfoy x Muggle!Reader
SUMMARY: part two of girl in the mirror. draco meets his soulmate for the first time. she’s pretty cool for a muggle, but reveals something that has him heading back to hogwarts a little less than happy. 
WARNINGS: none i think?  
A/N: i dont think americans have houses and i assume most of my readers are american,, so in case its confusing obviously theyre like harry potter houses, but jk rowling made it ten times more dramatic and a main part of her story. we dont really care about houses irl. 
Explaining to you that Draco was a wizard was one of the most frustrating and hardest things the blond boy had ever had to do. Only hours later were you starting to reluctantly believe that he was telling the truth. He’d been reluctant to tell you, but since you were his soulmate, you were allowed to know. You had the right. 
The pair of you hadn’t even realised how much time had gone by, sat on your bed as you stare at him unsurely. 
“You look as though you still don’t believe me,” Draco says. “I’ve shown you my wand.”
“Yes, but you’ve not shown me any real magic, have you?” You raise an eyebrow, folding your arms across your chest. 
“I told you, I have to wait a few months ‘till I’m seventeen,” Draco reminds you with a roll of the eyes. “Then I’ll show you something.”
You sigh, not wanting to believe him but having a funny feeling that he was telling the truth. I mean, how else could you explain the fact that he had literally fallen through your mirror? 
“So... We’re soulmates,” you repeat from earlier, before the two of you had fought over whether or not Draco was really a wizard. 
“Yeah,” Draco whispers with a nod. “You know what that is, right?”
“I guess,” you mumble, hugging your arms closer to yourself. “But why is your soulmate not... magic as well?”
Draco shrugs. “Happens sometimes,” he says. “Never ever to a Malfoy...” He looks a little paler as he says so. “But I suppose there’s a first for everything.”
You wonder why it’s a big deal for a member of his family to be put with ‘a Muggle’ as he had called you before. 
“Enough about me,” Draco claps his hands together when he sees the clogs in your brain turning. “Let me find out about you. Please. I’ve been wondering about you since the day I turned thirteen.”
“There’s not much to say,” you sigh. ���I guess I just go to school... come home... homework... maybe hang out with friends sometimes.” 
Draco seems interested despite your negative mood, sitting up straighter with an eager look behind his silver eyes and an encouraging small smile on his face.
 He looks odd sat on your bed. He truly does look like some sort of magical being with his pale features and icy hair, and the black suit and turtleneck and polished shoes make him look like he belongs truly where he says he’s from-- a castle or something. Not your bedroom that screams twenty-first century teenage girl.  
“Well, tell me about school,” Draco suggests, glancing you over. “Your tie is red. Is that your house?”
You glance down with a frown, pulling at your tie. “Hm? Oh, no. I’m in Austen. The yellow house.”
Draco frowns. “Is that good or bad?”
You frown back, raising a brow at him. “I mean... we won the most house points last year? Not really a big deal. Oh, and we won house games, like, two years in a row.”
“Not a big deal?” Draco scoffs. “Well done, Y/N! That is a great deal.”
You stare at him like he’s grown two heads. “Thanks? I’m assuming houses are a big deal at your school?”
“Well, of course,” he says rather arrogantly. “I’m a Slytherin. How were you sorted into your house? Do you take personality quizzes in the Muggle world?”
“No,” you giggle slightly and Draco’s heart skips a beat at the sound. “You just get put into whatever house depending on what tutor group you’re in. I switched from green to yellow half way through secondary school because our tutor group got full.”
Draco had never looked so confused. He wonders how Muggles are even motivated to do well when their house points don’t even really mean anything to them. 
He knows a few things about Muggles-- he knows they definitely do not play Qudditch on flying brooms and would much rather play football. He guesses their house games are like that. 
“My tie’s red because I’m a prefect,” you say and reach into your bedside drawer, producing a red badge with ‘prefect’ written in gold on it. 
Draco’s grin brightens, taking it from you as he scans it over. “Oh, they look just like ours!”
You laugh at his eagerness. “That’s good.”
There’s a moment of silence and Draco peers at all of the records placed on your wall. He stands and moved to look at some of the vinyl covers, pointing at your The Neighbourhood one, releasing a huff of air past his nose and glancing over his shoulder back at you. 
“You listen to this one all the time,” Draco states. “I like the one about jumper weather or something.”
You laugh and nod. “Sweater Weather. It’s a good song...” You trail off. “You know, I don’t really understand your music. You only seem to listen to classical.” 
“That’s me,” Draco says, scratching the back of his neck. “Playing the piano. I don’t- I don’t really listen to music much. I never really have to when you listen to it 24/7 anyway.”
You look away with a small blush on your face, bashful. “Sorry.”
“No, no, no,” Draco moves to sit beside you on your bed. “I love it, actually. It makes assemblies less boring and sleeping in a dorm far more bearable.” 
“I’m glad,” you say. “Do you want to listen to something now?”
Draco’s breath hitches because it’s all he’s ever wanted. He nods slowly, scared that you would laugh in his face and take your suggestion back. You grab your phone off of your bedside table and press shuffle on a playlist. Draco can’t believe how weird it is to hear your music playing but not have it muffled in his ears as if he was underwater. 
He watches with parted lips as you slide down so you’re laying on your bed, staring at the ceiling. Draco looks at you like you put the stars and the moon in the sky. You might be just a Muggle, but you’re magic to him. The true definition of it. 
Slowly, unsure if he’s crossing a line or not, Draco slides down so he’s lying beside you on your bed, on his back like you. You both stare at your ceiling and he notices that you have constellations painted on it. He nearly melts when he sees ‘Draco’, one of the biggest ones. 
He slides his hand down the small gap in between you and hesitantly holds your hand before guiding it up above your heads. It’s not like real stargazing, but Draco likes it. Maybe one day he would be able to sneak you to the Astronomy Tower and show you the same sky he stares at most nights. 
“That’s Draco,” he says. 
You smile as you turn to face him and Draco shuffles to face you too, the only sounds being your small breaths and an Arctic Monkeys song playing behind you. 
“Maybe I always knew?” You suggest. 
“Maybe,” Draco chuckles back and turns to look up at the ceiling. 
You spend a few seconds admiring his side profile; his sharp jaw and the strength of his nose. It’s hard to be scared of the stranger when he’s so beautiful and feels so familiar. Like a puzzle piece you’d been looking for. 
“You’ve only been playing sad songs recently,” Draco says quietly after a little bit. “Is everything okay with you? I was worried... so I asked my friend to teach me how to do the mirror trick.”
You frown a little at the reminder and immediately grow embarrassed. You’re not sure if you should make up a lie or try to change the subject, but Draco seems really concerned and you’d feel awful lying. 
“My... Well, um, my boyfriend broke up with me,” you say awkwardly. 
You feel Draco stiffen beside you. He sits up after a few seconds. He knows it’s not really your fault but he can’t help feeling jealous and angry. He swallows as he stares at a spot on your carpet, unsure how to feel knowing that his soulmate had been with another person. 
He needed a moment to think. He didn’t want to scare you with his harsh words or looks.
“I should get back,” Draco mutters, trying to make his voice sound strong as he stands.
“Draco, I--”
“It’s nearly what? Four in the morning? I should of been going ages ago anyway,” he forces you a grim smile as he heads towards the mirror. “I’ll try and talk to you tomorrow, Y/N.”
You watch with a saddened expression as Draco slips his hand through the glass or your mirror and is suddenly gone. You push yourself up from the mattress and rush over, your fingertips brushing it but coming to a dead end. You blink back tears, wondering if you had just imagined the entire thing. 
You stare into the mirror, unaware that Draco is sadly staring back. 
i know it’s a lil dramatic but that’s draco for you and teen love in general tbh 
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