#(this is my opinion of all scooby doo movies pretty much)
ceciliathecabinwitch · 8 months
I watched scooby doo and the witch’s ghost for the first time in Years yesterday and even though at this point in my life I don’t remember a lot of the movie very vividly, I Do remember that it influenced my understanding of magic and witchcraft and stuff quite a bit in my childhood, and it was very interesting to look back on it now, so I just wanted to write out a couple of my favorite parts
First of all they delineate between Wiccans and Witches which is interesting but also interesting is that witches are bad guys/evil and Wiccans are good guys
Second it’s the whole “witches are separate from humans” thing where they call normal people mortals and things are strictly hereditary, so like the main guy can only use this witch’s grimoire (I’m not sure if that’s the word they use for it or not because I was kinda half watching) because she (the titular witch) is his ancestor
Third when he reveals that she was a witch and he’s totally a bad guy he refers to himself as a warlock which is one of the only parts of the movie that I vividly remember from childhood and that’s because the line where he says informed my opinion of the whole witch/wizard female/male thing for Years, which was “witch Is female but male is warlock, wizard is gender neutral and everyone else is wrong” (this opinion has obviously changed)
Fourth, and probably my favorite part although it directly goes back to point two, is that when they’re all freaking out because none of them can get rid of this ghost because they’re not Magical, they save the day by having Thorn from the Hex Girls read the spell that banishes the ghost, because it was previously mentioned that she is “1/16 Wiccan” and it Works
Anyway idk but if you’re someone who tries to understand their own thought processes and where they come from I have long believed in rewatching things that you enjoyed in your childhood because you’d be surprised at how much stuff makes you go “huh, is That where that idea comes from?”
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thenightling · 4 days
Unexpected Goth music
In the 90s you had the curious dilemma of both trying to avoid the title of Goth and also being accepted in the perceived Goth community. And there was an unfortunately high number of gatekeepers. You'd get asked what your favorite Goth artist or song was and for whatever reason "That doesn't count." or "That's actually Punk." or 'That's Death Rock, not Goth." or "That's too mainstream, that's not REAL Goth." And it got very irritating. So I'm going to list some of the things I think fit under the Goth genre that many would either not consider at all or would think "don't count." Disclaimer: This list does not contain obvious bands like The Cure, Siouxsie and the banshees, or Bauhaus. Once you remove those you'd be surprised how limited the selection of "real" Goth starts to feel. ______________________ And now here are the things that have (in my own experience) been classified as not Goth despite really fitting the criteria. Aurelio Voltaire - Sometimes considered Goth folk or "Dark Cabaret" or even "Death Rock" (1988 version of The Night) Aurelio Voltaire pretty much personifies Goth music. From his Gothic Neo Victorian / pirate look to such songs as Raised by Bats, Land of the Dead, Vampire Club, and the Neil Gaiman's The Sandman inspired "Come Sweet Death." Aurelio Voltaire is so Goth that I can't help but think there are other reasons people may not want to count him such as unconscious racism. (He's Cuban and has released Spanish language tracks.) Danny Elfman - Perhaps today most well known for his movie scores, particularly the iconically Gothic Nightmare before Christmas (where he was multiple voices including Jack's singing voice), Danny Elfman used to be the front man for the band Oingo Boingo where he had such songs as Dead Man's Party, Flesh 'n blood, Weird Science, No one lives forever, and No Spill Blood. These are arguably Gothic themed but not Gothic "style." However I do feel there is some Goth leanings in his 2020 album Big Mess which was officially released as the genre Industrial Goth. The Hex Girls - This band was invented for the 1999 Scooby Doo animated movie, Scooby Doo and the Witch's Ghost. Representing Gothic fashion, Wiccan spiritual beliefs, and environmentalism the band was meant to be a Gothic inversion on The Spice Girls. Defined as "Eco Goth" though arguably pop their songs actually were really good including "Earth, Wind, Fire, and Air" (though admittedy it should be Earth, Water, Fire, and Air), The Witch's Ghost, and Hex Girl. Inkubus Sukkubus - Considered Pagan Rock, they are definitely Goth, including the songs Sweet Morpheus and Vampire Queen (and several other vampire themed songs!) Blackmore's night - Neo Medieval folk rock band. You know... I think once you get called "Neo Medieval" you get a free pass to call yourself Goth. That's just my opinion. Including the songs Locked Within the Crystal Ball, The Darkness, and Shadow of the Moon.
Within Temptation - Symphonic Metal / Gothic Metal. One question... have you listened to them? Just listen to Angel, Stand my Ground, The Fear, or A Demon's Fate. Eden's Bridge - Progressive Celtic Folk Rock. They have two songs dedicated to Oscar Wilde's The Canterville Ghost. I know one song isn't enough but still... Sonata Arctica - Metal but some of their biggest hits are about magic and more commonly werewolves. Cain's offering - Again, Metal, but the subject matter is decidedly Gothic. Kamelot - Power metal but they have two albums that retell Goethe's Faust parts 1 and 2 (Epica and The black Halo). In fact pretty much everything they do is of Gothic inclination. Richard Campbell - Metal but he did an entire metal opera retelling the novel Frankenstein. I think that's pretty Goth if you ask me.
Smashing Pumpkins - Considered Alternative rock. There was time where just about anything vampire related was advertised with Bullet with Butterfly Wings. And the band is named after a popular Halloween prank. The lead singer is also a professional poet.
Alice Cooper - Welcome to my Nightmare, Keepin' Halloween Alive, The Ballad of Dwight Frye (actor from classic universal monster movies), Gimme, Black Widow (With Vincent Price). He also performed in Tim Burton's Dark Shadows.
Marilyn Manson - Once Classified as industrial Goth, he was denounced by many Goths as "too mainstream" or "Not Goth enough." The man did covers of Danny Elfman's This is Halloween, David Bowie's Golden Years, Annie Lennox's Sweet Dreams, and Lost Boys' Cry Little Sister. That's pretty Goth if you ask me. My Chemical Romance (MCR) - Do I really need to elaborate wit this one? David Bowie - Mostly considered Glam Rock, Bowie has dabbled in all genres and Heart's Filthy Lesson was definitely industrial. Aurelio Voltaire did a Goth sequel to the songs Bowie wrote for Labyrinth. And Bowie's Scary Monsters and Super Creeps inspired Danny Elfman. You can't get more Goth than that (In my opinion). Even Bowie's album Hours drifts into Emo territory. Prince - At the very least he had a Goth aesthetic. I think if he wasn't black people would be quicker to realize he could fit as Goth. There's a lot of unconscious racism among some (not all) Goths. Michael Jackson - One word. Thriller. He also had The Boogeyman's Gonna Get ya with The Jackson Five, and later Ghost. But once you get Vincent Price to rap you should automatically count. The Rasmus - Rock but most of their songs are decidedly Goth and probably should count such as In the Shadows, Ghost of love, and Lucifer's Angel. Sarah McLachlan - Though considered pop let's be honest. Every Goth and person in the 90s "vampire Scene" had her Surfacing album or at least heard Building a Mystery. Before her music started playing in ASPCA commercials you heard songs like Adia on Buffy The Vampire Slayer. Savage Garden - Though definitely pop they get an honorary mention for having songs inspired by Anne Rice and for naming themselves after a phrase invented by The vampire Lestat to describe the nature of the world in The Vampire Lestat novel by Anne Rice. Sting - Though not always Goth, Sting was in the Gothic horror movie The Bride and wrote a song from the perspective of Louis in Interview with the vampire called Moon over Bourbon Street. Stevie Nicks - She got an American Horror story: Coven tie-in music video and practices witchcraft. That's like hitting a Goth bullseye. Johnny Cash - Wore all black all the time and did a cover of a NIN song that is considered better than the original version, Hurt. Sir Elton John - Glam / Pop rock but he gets an honorary mention for composing the Lestat Broadway musical and having a full demo album that was never officially released and can only be found through dubious / underground sources. (Or Ebay if you were lucky in 2006...) Honorable mention to Bobby "Boris" Pickett for having the first Gothic themed song to get banned in the UK (Monster Mash) for being "Too morbid." You can't get much more Goth than that.
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harlowsbby · 2 years
Halloween with the Wyatt’s
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“Daddy, Mommy how much longer do we have to keep walking, my feet hurt a lot.” Phoenix cried while dragging his feet along the sidewalk.
It was Halloween night you were all trick or treating around the neighborhood, Phoenix dressed up as Batman while Urban dressed up as Spider-Man.
You dressed Venus in a cute bumble bee outfit while you wore a pair of cat ears and tail something basic but cute.
“Phoenix we asked if you wanted to bring you wagon so we can push you around in but you said no buddy so you have to keep walking till we get home.” Phoenix didn’t like that answer the started crying and whining.
“Phoenix no crying baby come on just a few houses left and then we’ll be home and you can eat as much candy as you want.” He instantly stopped crying and replaced his frown with a smile.
“I swear kids are truly something else.” Urban mumbled and took Phoenix’s hand.
“At least he isn’t crying anymore that’s all that matters. Isn’t that right my little bumble bee.” Cooing at Venus who looked up at you with her big blue eyes she got from Urban, she smiled a toothless smile at you.
“Daddy can we check out this house? It looks really fun.” Looking up you noticed one of your neighbors transformed their garage into a mini haunted house.
“Oh I don’t know about that one bud how about we try another house.” Urban hated haunted houses he had this fear of things that jumped out randomly and scared him.
“Please daddy I really want to go pretty please.” Phoenix begged and pulled Urban’s arm.
“Why don’t you go with him baby? I’ll stay here and hood Venus.” He went to take Venus from your arms but you pulled back from him.
“Oh no I don’t think so Urban you’re taking Phoenix in that haunted house not me, and besides it can’t even be that scary.”
Oh was you wrong, Urban was clinging onto Phoenix like his life depending on it.
“Daddy you’re squeezing me a bit too tight it hurts.” Urban apologized and put Phoenix down.
“It’s okay Phoenix don’t be scared it’s all fake buddy none of this is real.” Urban whispered and flinched when one of the electronics laughed.
“I know it’s not really daddy but I think you’re the one that’s really scared.” Phoenix giggled and laughed when a few people dressed up as Vampires and Aliens jumped out.
“I’m not scared Phoenix what makes you think- Ahhh dammit fuck I mean dang it don’t tell mommy I said a bad word!!” Urban jumped as one of the Aliens jumped up from behind him nearly scaring him to death.
Phoenix was a laughing mess, he took Urban’s hand and helped led me through the haunted garage till they finally made it to the exit where the neighbor waited with a bowl of candy.
“Well it’s a good thing your dad had you here with him Phoenix he definitely was a scaredy cat.” Your next door neighbor Mrs. Baker told Phoenix.
“I wasn’t scared Mrs. Baker I was just simply trying to scare Phoenix a little bit while we were inside that’s all.”
“Oh really? I could hear you screaming from all the way out here Mr. Wyatt you sounded pretty scared in my opinion”
“I was just like I said I was trying to scare Phoenix you know.” Phoenix and Mrs. Baker gave each other a knowing look before laughing.
“How was it?” You laughed seeing the terrified and petrified look placed on Urban’s face.
“Daddy was super scared mommy! He even said a bad word he told me don’t tell you but you always told me don’t lie to you.” Phoenix grinned seeing the annoyed look on Urban’s face and you all started walking back to the house. Phoenix skipping along happily while singing Jack’s song Yikes he did for the Scooby- Doo movie soundtrack.
“So you’re saying bad words in front of my baby boy now?” Whenever Urban did something bad in front of Phoenix he always got scared of how you’d react.
“Look baby it wasn’t my fault they were dressed up like aliens and vampires in there and it scared the shit out me.” Urban tried reasoning with you but you weren’t trying to hear any excuses.
“You’re sleeping on the couch tonight.”
“But- fine that’s fair enough.” Urban grumbled and went back to chewing on the candy he had won at the haunted house.
(1 of 2 Halloween fics ima post today 🤍)
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broke-on-books · 1 year
The live action Scooby-Doo movies?
I did not see this ask until RIGHT now (first time on desktop since crab day, second time since Nov 5 2020 [which was DOUBLY experience since I got my phone taken the same day]) so I'm going to assume this ask got eaten on mobile because tumblr, HOWEVER you poked a bear with this ask anon (as I'm sure you knew when asking) SO without further ado: my Scooby Doo live action opinions
So when you say 'live action Scooby-Doo movies' I'm assuming you're talking about the James Gunn films, starting with Scooby-Doo (2002) followed by Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed, just due to like, generally popularity and also the fact that I have actually seen those films. However shoot another ask if you wanted me to include Curse of the Lake Monster in this (because I will if anyone cares and turn this into a live-action scooby dissertation, i'd just need to like. watch the movie first) But anyways where I'm going with this is that this post is about the Gunn movies aka the ones with SMG, Freddie Prinze Jr., Linda Cardellini, and ofc our #1 man, Matthew Lilliard.
Okay so my take on these movies is... complicated. I wouldn't say it's as complicated as my feelings towards SDMI, because I watched the live actions way less as a kid and generally care less about them, but still no matter how much shit I throw at these two movies there are parts that I generally like (even love) that stops me from totally condemning them wholesale. Like the fact that these movies are FUNNY! There's so many moments from this duology that are just beyond iconic "like, that's one of my favorite names!" the whole thing with Scooby in the dress at the airport, ET. CETERA (like I can go on!)
The Gunn movies are genuinely SO fun and I can 100% see and understand how they've stood so well in the public view as a representation of Scooby. HOWEVER, this is where you start to see my problems with them. For the general American, (because that is the audience I'm familiar with) ESPECIALLY millennials and younger, who happen to make up the majority of both people on this site AND people I talk about Scooby with in real life, these movies, and the elements they introduced as "quintessential scooby tropes" are the base of their understanding of the Scooby franchise, along with likely some miscellaneous WAY episodes and maybe SDMI.
Which is where I get pissed off. In the pushing of the narrative of "breaking away" from the Scooby norm, Gunn basically invents (aka totally makes up) an idea of what classic era Scooby was like, cementing an idea of classic Scooby into the public mind that is totally disingenuous and just straight up false. For example, in attempting to portray Daphne as having taken strides to be seen more seriously in solving mysteries and defending herself, it pushes the narrative that in the classic era she WASN'T taken seriously, and only existed as a damsel-in-distress prop of a character, which is just not true??? Like yes, Daphne is clumsy, that's a part of her character, and her friends (because, fun fact, the gang ARE friends) joke about it sometimes because that's what friends DO. Framing that in some kind of sexist "that's all she does" lens is just total bull, especially as gang members fall into secret passageways/get lost etc. in WAY ALL THE DAMN TIME because that's how the plot functions! Like are we calling Velma ditzy for losing her glasses every other episode? Of course not, and Fred falls into passageways all the time, not to MENTION Shaggy and Scooby and all they get up to. Also one last thing on the topic of Daphne, like this idea of her mystery solving skills not being respected by the gang is just so supremely bullshit it amazes me sometimes, especially when she was the LEADER (or leader adjacent) through pretty much all of her appearances in the 1980s [Not that James Gunn could look at '80s era Scooby without spitting on it, but I digress]
AND THIS IS JUST DAPHNE! Like the perceptions pushed towards Fred (and Velma, but mostly Fred) through these movies are just as bad! Like okay, with Fred---In these movies Fred is just an asshole. I hate Gunn Movies!Fred. I mean yeah he can be funny but it's almost always so mean! Almost nothing makes me madder than a mean Fred by the way. If he's putting other gang members down (even halfway, like with his whole "dorky chicks like you turn me on too" line, which... ew) then to me something has gone very, very, VERY, wrong in your basic understanding of Frederick Herman Jones as a character. Like he's the cheerleader! He puts himself in between his friends and danger! He loves nets, and traps, and Elvis impressions, and wrestling, and the trapeze, and cars, and most of all he LOVES sharing the things he loves with his friends! (Sometimes to a bit of an extreme. No one wants to hear about your net facts, Fred) And the live action movies just don't understand that at all. And I know there's maybe something to say I suppose in that some of those aspects of his characterization hadn't been "established yet" by the time "Scooby-Doo" came out in 2002. But it's there if you look. For Fred Jones, being the leader means being the caretaker, (he's the Mom friend what can I say) and any version where he's cruel and arrogant and just DOESN'T CARE about his friends in the way he's shown to in the Gunn movies is just so far from Fred to me it's not even funny. And what makes it even worse for me is that this (or at least something similar) is the idea of Fred that has really spread to the popular culture. Just the "leader", the jock that makes the rules, the one that [insert X adaptation here] finally gave a personality and made interesting (something that has been said more times than I can count for pretty much every gang member, save Shaggy and Scooby).
And I haven't even touched on Velma, and how they gave her a bit of a early 2000s smart superiority girl complex against Daphne, plus the whole makeover thing and etc. etc. The Gunn Movies are pretty much what would happen if you took someone who hadn't seen Scooby since they were 7 years old (and honestly had a pretty negative outlook against it then) and tried to "fix" it, only his memory was so bad he just made up problems (and threw in a good helping of early 2000s style sexism with it) convincing pretty much the entirety of the popular culture that said problems exist and that Gunn was absolutely brilliant for fixing them (and then bringing up said "problems" whenever anyone wants to talk about Scooby) and this entire rant has been without even fucking MENTIONING what is probably the reason you, anonymous tumblr user sent this ask in the first place, to I, Swishy "Scrappy Doo Redemption Arc" Broke-on-books (dot tumblr dot com), which is his HIGHLY SUCESSFUL and utterly sadistic character assassination of my number one man, Scrappy Doo.
And I am going to try my damnedest here not to get totally into my highly passionate opinions over what James Gunn did to Scrappy in the first of his Scooby movies and how thoroughly it has pissed me the fuck off because I have been writing this post for over an hour now and if we start to really get into my feelings on this topic it will certainly be a couple of hours more but like. That Fucking Bitch. I give James Gunn personally a solid eighty-five percent of the blame for making my life as a Scrappy Doo fan UTTERLY unbearable with this stupid fucking movie alone, and just his Scrappy crimes would honestly be enough for me to say that I hate this movie, not even considering the numerous Scooby crimes I've been talking about here for the past million paragraphs, but the part about this movie that makes me the MOST mad the most pissed off is that it's actually a good fucking movie. James Gunn wrote two hilarious and entertaining movies that have become beloved in the popular culture for their successes in that arena, while at the same time pissing all over the core themes and messages of the franchise of which it was based, that of friendship.
TLDR; The Live Action Scooby Doo movies (written by James Gunn) are highly entertaining and fun pieces of media to watch, and are widely loved by the general public and looked at with fondness and nostalgia because of that. However, as a hardcore Scooby Doo fan (writing that phrase sounds so ridiculous but oh well) the existence of these movies and their impact on the popular culture can be extremely frustrating (despite any personal nostalgia said fan may have) due to their spreading of a misinformed picture of what "typical Scooby Doo" looks like. This picture is especially frustrating due to the fabrication or exaggeration of problems present in classic Scooby (such as sexism in regards to the girls), as well as giving more ammunition to other problems in Scooby fandom (such as oversexualization, and sexualization in general, which no one wants to see in regards to their children's cartoons, like HONESTLY.) Discussions of sexism and sexualization in Scooby (both of which ARE present and are issues, although not at their worst in WAY) can often lead to an overlooking of the issues that are very present and clear in WAY and have continued since then with far too little resistance (I'm 100% talking about the racism here) HOWEVER that topic deserves at least a dozen posts of its own that I am no way informed or qualified enough to even begin to think about writing. The Gunn Movies are frustrating to many longtime Scooby fans because of these reasons, but for me, and fellow Scrappy Doo fans there is also the added aspect of the demonization of Scrappy Doo in the live action movies and the affects that has had on the popular culture as well, making it uniquely inhospitable to like or enjoy the character of Scrappy. End post.
#that last sentence is such a weird tone jump btw but its because the topic flowed one way and i had to jump it back to a summary to actually#finish this monster of a post#SO anon i hope you're happy with this and this makes my opinion make some more sense. and you or anyone else is more than welcome to ask me#questions about anything i said here or my opinion on any and everything scooby related (and not) so if theres a specific aspect of this yo#would like expanded on i can definitely 100% do that for you or anyone who cares#also there are many complexities towards my feelings on these movies that i didnt get to hit on despite the monstrous size of this rant (il#check word count later but im not gonna fuck with it now because im terrified of deleting this post by accident) one of which is my lasting#fondness towards all of the actors in this movie. YES including freddie prinze jr. i may have major issues with his fred but hes also playe#characters i really really like. for example hes the va in this tv show i LOVE and havent watched in like 10 months despite the fact im on#the last season because freddie's character dies in like 7 episodes and i am NOT AT ALL emotionally prepared for that on any level because#that is my fictional father goddamnit!!!!!#also every buffy the vampire slayer gifset that crosses my dash gets me closer and closer to watching it because oh my god daphne!!!!! that#sarah michelle gellar thats daphne oh my god!!!! also i went and saw guardians of the galaxy 3 with my friend (despite not having seen a#marvel movie in 2+ years AND holding a grudge over james gunn's scooby doo crimes)[the things you do for {platonic} love amirite?]#and the title sequence SAID linda cardellini was in it and i got SO excited i was looking everywhere for her it was like wheres waldo in th#discount movie theatre FOR REAL and i just could NOT for the life of me find her (turns out she was VAing the ferret) so in a way linda mad#me cry with that role. whatever. istg i get so off topic i forget what i was even talking about but ANYWAYS <<<1 of my fave english words b#dubs (my favorite spanish word is el amanacer btw. it means sunrise. also burbujas because its bubbles and saying it sounds like bubbles#popping) BUT. AS I WAS SAYING. SEND ME ASKS IF YOU WANT SCOOBY DOO OPINIONS. DEAR GOD I GET SCATTERBRAINED SOMETIMES.#scooby doo#answered#anonymous#blah
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threephantomrey · 8 months
February 5th 2024.
here we are. it’s officially been 5 years since the release of my comfort movie, my 2nd favorite Scooby movie, and my 2nd favorite movie of all time. Scooby Doo and the Curse of the 13th Ghost.
if you follow me or at least see me online on a regular basis, you probably know that i LOVE this movie. i always loved it more than most people. (i would also call myself a curse of the 13th ghost stan. and i think i’m the only 13 Ghosts stan that loves it lol) i remember watching it at midnight when it came out because i was so excited and couldn’t stop thinking about it i literally couldn’t sleep that night until after i watched it. (that’s why this post is going up at midnight tonight) and well, this movie had a big impact on me for the past 5 years. seriously, it means a lot to me on a sentimental level, and i’m going to get into that with this post, and also me thinking about this movie all the time and my opinions on it. today is probably going to be an emotional day for me, filled with many different feelings and a lot of love.
anyways this is going to be talking about the topic of mental health so just be warned if that’s a sensitive topic for you (cause i know it is for people and i get that)
sentimental stuff & me thinking about this movie all the time:
so let me paint a picture for you of my life around the time that this was announced and coming out. i was having the WORST mental health of my life. WHEN I TELL YOU IT WAS SO BAD OH MY GOD!!! i hated myself SOOOO MUCH. and was REALLY anxious a lot. i was dealing with a teacher that negatively impacted my mental health (she commented on my body sometimes, which made me feel even worse than i already did about my body back then, and did some other stuff that really pissed me off but we won’t dive into that right now) i was also living in deep regret of bad things i did online in 2018 and it was eating me up inside. i dreaded everyday. i had some pretty dark thoughts and couldn’t really see myself having a future. this movie was really the only thing that i looked forward to at all. (sounds dark but it’s true) because of my never ending hyperfixation over it and over the 13 Ghosts series, (which was caused by the release of the movie’s trailer, congratulations to my autism for that!!🥳😁) (though i was a 13 Ghosts fan before that, i actually started being a fan sometime in early 2018. i thought it was November 2018 up until a few months ago idk i was just misremembering) it was a distraction from my terrible mental health. it was an escape from the life i was living. this movie made me feel better. it’s not the ONLY thing that got me through that rough time in my life, there was music too. and one of my childhood friends that i still talk to on the regular is a person that got me through that rough time. she’s always there for me and i’ll forever be grateful for her, i love her so much❤️ but to say that it didn’t help me at all would be a lie. i didn’t realize that this movie got me through that rough time until last year, but im glad i realized it and i’ll always be grateful that it did. i’ll always be thankful that it provided comfort for me in a time where i really needed it. it gave me hope when i didn’t have much. and since i’ve lost friends and things that were important to me in recent years, i have related to how upset Vincent felt when he thought he lost Mortifer forever. plus, this movie gave me my Vincent and Asamad hyperfixations, and those two are big comfort characters of mine💙❤️ im not kidding when i say this movie changed my life.
i think about this movie 24/7. and it’s because of how much i love the artstyle, Vincent Van Ghoul and his outfits, Daphne and her outfit, Asamad Van Ghoul + him being the 13th ghost and Vincent’s ancestor. (top 3 Scooby reveals ever if you ask me) Velma telling Vincent that Asamad wanted redemption and was watching over and protecting Vincent and now that he’s safe, he can rest. (thanks Velma and Vincent! it’s your fault that i never stop thinking about Asamad!) Vincent’s plane, Vincent and Mortifer flashbacks. Mortifer impersonating the 13th ghost and betraying Vincent. (which i think there should be more jokes about in the fandom cause it’s funny to me) Mortifer’s car getting destroyed and it being implied to be Asamad who destroyed it in an avalanche when he appears to Vincent in a cloud of smoke and snow, (LMAO) turning back into his human form, proving that the supernatural IS real. and Vincent feeling at peace with Asamad after🥺 (THE scene that changed my brain forever. i honestly think it’s cinematic, along with the scene where it zooms into Asamad’s portrait and then zooms in on Vincent’s face and he looks down in shame. two of my favorite scenes in this whole movie and in the franchise in general) Mortifer causing avalanches with his car and just being a terrible driver in general. Castle Van Ghoul. the banger that is the song “Scoobystition.” Velma almost opening the chest at the end but chooses not to after everyone tells her no, making her question her doubt. teen Flim Flam. the chest of demons merch that Flim Flam sells. Vincent reuniting with his kids. Flim Flam reuniting with his old friends. you get the idea.
i’ve had criticisms about this movie before that a lot of the fandom has. hell, i made a video with some of them in 2021. and i will admit i remember ranting to an online friend back in 2019 that the Velma explanation thing felt like a big FU to 13 Ghosts fans. and i remember being disappointed with the ending after i watched it for the first time but i don’t believe that anymore and am not disappointed anymore. and i said i had sort of a love/hate relationship with this movie around the time i first watched it. but i don’t have those criticisms anymore and i just have a love relationship with this movie now. but no matter what, i could never bring myself to full on hate this movie. my love for this movie is too strong. stronger than any mass hallucination from high altitude oxygen deprivation in the Himalayas or any swamp gas😭
and it’s not that i don’t understand why people don’t like this movie/hate it/have those criticisms, because i do. also i get why people don’t like/hate return to zombie island. but i also like that movie and i don’t think it’s insulting or that the flashbacks shown there are lifeless or bad. and i think it doesn’t retcon everything about the original or too much. and i think it’s a good movie and i don’t think it’s a bad sequel and i also consider it canon. (plus the gang run monsters over with the Mystery Machine which is awesome and makes the movie automatically better. we should talk about it more because it’s hilarious!) even though i agree that the flashback scenes look better with the artstyle of the original ZI movie and that RTZI is not AS good as the original. i think no matter what would’ve been done, people in the fandom would’ve still been disappointed with any ZI sequel because they still would’ve said nothing could live up to that movie. even though i don’t think a ZI sequel is destined to be disappointing, im just saying other people still would’ve been disappointed with any ZI sequel. shocking, i know right? and i recently realized i only said i hated RTZI before because of how most of the fandom hates it even more than they hate 13th Ghost after i rewatched it. but i love the original Zombie Island movie too and always have) but starting sometime in 2022, i’ve started to see some things differently. (a good amount of my opinions change quite often)
now i’m going to talk about my opinions since a lot of them i’ve been DYING to say for the past year. (yes that’s a Vincent pun) before i begin, if anyone is like “you have a very poor understanding of 13 Ghosts you’re a fake fan😡” or makes jokes such as “do you work at WB?” or “ok Jim Krieg lol” or anything like that in the comments, reblogs, or my ask box, you’re getting BLOCKED. i am NOT in the mood today. or any day really, but ESPECIALLY today. and no, i am not joking. i am 10000000% serious about everything i have said in this post so far and am about to say. and as much as i disagree with a lot of people’s opinions on this movie + RTZI, im obviously not going to defend WB or any of their executives. i fucking HATE WB for a number of reasons and i could not give LESS of a shit about Jim Krieg. (the guy who demanded no magic or real monsters in this + RTZI, and i heard that he had more creative control over RTZI. i don’t think he was involved in Happy Halloween though i’m going to assume he was not) i actually hate him because he was one of the writers for Scoobynatural in which Dean Winchester, a grown man, tries to get with Daphne, a 16 year old, throughout almost the whole thing and Sam Winchester, also a grown man, kisses Velma, a 15 year old, than for his insistence to keep the supernatural out of this movie. (not that i think him trying to remove any supernatural elements was good or that any of the studio meddling behind the scenes was good cause i definitely don’t, i’m just saying i hate him way more for contributing to what happened in Scoobynatural and i feel like he should get more hate for that. that’s a bigger problem) and i also hate him because he was the writer for Scooby Doo Frankencreepy, which has a gross amount of fatphobia. he is responsible for that and we should recognize that’s also a much bigger problem than his mandates on 13th Ghost and RTZI. we should hate on him more for the fatphobia in Frankencreepy too.
i know some people are like “oh if he doesn’t like supernatural stuff in Scooby, then why did he work on two sequels to versions with supernatural elements?” which i get and i don’t disagree with! (though i do disagree with the way people go about it. and what i mean by that is them being like “that’s why they shouldn’t have been made”/that’s why these movies are bad. or say that the mandate ruins the movies or when people say that’s why we shouldn’t be doing sequels) i don’t know if he specifically made any other mandates for 13th Ghost or RTZI that wasn’t the no supernatural stuff one, and there were other decisions made by WB that most of the fandom were upset about. but regardless though, i’m still suspicious about him being a writer for Scoobynatural. and sure, the Scoobynatural episode is only canon to Supernatural + being one of the writers is different than being a co-producer + that episode was not for kids (the guy says he doesn’t like supernatural stuff in Scooby cause he thinks it’s too scary for kids) + they probably had to put supernatural elements because the show is called Supernatural obviously. and yeah sure, it’s not a sequel to a Scooby series or movie with supernatural elements, but it’s literally a crossover between Supernatural and Scooby Doo Where Are You. (the guys get sucked into an episode of Where Are You by a magic tv) and yes, you could also argue that Scoobynatural was about real ghosts not belonging in Scooby Doo, but there WAS a real ghost there that the gang saw!!! even though at the end of the episode, the gang went back to not believing, everyone else + the viewers know it was real. it is 10000% confirmed in the episode. (also Castiel, a literal angel in the Supernatural show, was there too) and that episode came out only a year before 13th Ghost and Return To Zombie Island. (and after doing a little research, and by research i mean looking on Scoobypedia, i found out that he was one of the writers for the series Scooby Doo Mystery Incorporated, a Scooby show from a decade ago that ALSO has real monsters. he was one of the writers for two episodes, both in season 2, so i’m also suspicious about that) basically what i’m trying to say is that i think something’s not adding up here/there’s something we’re not being told. and i read somewhere on the ScoobySnax blog that in an interview, he said he believes the message of Scooby Doo is that monsters being people in masks symbolize things not being as scary as they seem, and that there’s really nothing to be afraid of. i will admit, i don’t think that belief is bad at all nor do i care about him not liking supernatural stuff in Scooby either, but that’s not what the entire franchise is about. like we can still have fun with non-supernatural stuff in the franchise and then also have some fun with supernatural stuff in the franchise and some fun with ambiguity too! (i think he has this belief partially cause he probably grew up with only SD stuff that doesn’t have magic or real monsters) the way he goes about his belief? incorrect. the belief just on its own? neither correct or incorrect.
while i don’t think he should’ve worked on these films, i think if he really had to, he should’ve just not put those mandates on them and should’ve just pushed his belief to the side. sometimes, if someone’s working on something, there are some opinions that shouldn’t get involved in it. and this was one of those times. but yeah the other things he did that i mentioned earlier are definitely worse
AND ONE LAST THING!! this post was originally written in late November 2023 and has been edited many times since because i knew i wasn’t going to write this whole thing on the day of the anniversary + i kept thinking of things to say over time. just thought i’d let you all know❤️
okay here’s the opinions:
• i think curse of the 13th ghost is an amazing movie and was fun. i love the movie just as much as i love the series! i could never choose between them the same way i could never choose between Vincent and Asamad
• about its reputation specifically: this movie + rtzi gets too much hate from the fandom. now don’t get me wrong here, i’m not saying these movies don’t have flaws or that they are perfect because i don’t believe that. (i don’t think any Scooby movie is perfect or above any kind of criticism, not even Zombie Island) and listen, there are some problems i have with both and i won’t deny that. but i’ve been bothered this past year at points by the hate because of how much of it is there. not ALL of it but definitely a lot of it in the fandom. (i was bothered by only the hate for 13th ghost originally and then towards the end i started getting bothered by the hate for RTZI too) i just feel like it’s overwhelming, ya know? and im not saying people CAN’T hate them or not like them!! i’m not mad that people on the internet don’t like this movie!! (to be honest, i also feel like i have been too harsh on these movies at some points, especially RTZI) it’s just that almost everytime this + rtzi are brought up, there’s people who will jump at ANY chance to hate on them and sometimes it just feels like negativity for the sake of being negative and it bothers me. hell, sometimes they aren’t even mentioned at all in conversation like people will be talking about something else that’s Scooby related and then someone will bring them up randomly JUST to hate on them. like bro we GET it, you don’t like these movies. and i’m not saying that everyone does that cause obviously it’s not everyone, (and i am not bothered by anything my mutuals or people that i follow or people in the same discord servers as me have said at all i am not talking about them <3 im talking about some people in the fandom in general) but it REALLY pisses me off. like you don’t understand how much this shit gets me heated. i’ve been feeling this way for the past year and UGHHH it sucks because i don’t WANT to. but i do. anyways i think this movie deserves more credit for the good things it does. (same opinion applies to the other one, and i feel like these are underrated and misunderstood. not in a “you just hate fun and don’t get the complexity of this cinematic masterpiece” way, but in a “it’s not invalidating the originals or trying to invalidate the originals and the magic isn’t completely removed from them” way) and i know people are going to want to say “well, these movies were shitting on things that we loved so they deserve it!” but i disagree in every way possible 10000%. and regardless, it still hurts me to see a lot of people shitting on something that i love, especially since 13th Ghost means a lot to me on a sentimental level. not implying that it’s a personal attack on me cause obviously i know it’s not. don’t get me wrong, movies shitting on something you love is obviously terrible and does hurt. im just saying seeing a lot of people in the fandom shitting on something i love hurts and is terrible. the hate for 13th Ghost hurts me on a more personal level since that movie means so much to me on a sentimental level, but the hate for RTZI is more annoying to me since it gets more hate.
but ALSO i wish people would criticize 2 parts in RTZI more: in one of the flashbacks where they lightened Chris’s skin color (that was a mixture of a saturation issue and them actually lightening her skin color) and that part where a grown man tries to be romantic with Daphne, a teenager, and no one says anything about it. but this isn’t the first time a grown man was involved with Daphne or someone’s skin color was lightened in SD, so every time that does happen, that should ALSO be more criticized, not just in RTZI. we should bring more attention to that every time it happens, especially since we don’t do that enough. it’s wayyyyyy more of a problem than the things most people will hate on that movie for/criticize. we gotta focus on that more in the future. i also wish people would criticize the whole “confederate zombies being said to be the good guys” thing in Zombie Island more, but that is another conversation for another day. and i also am really annoyed when some people telling others not to watch these movies because they themselves don’t like it and think it’s bad or insulting or whatever reason they’ll say. and it’s mainly because i think people should be able to watch whatever they want and have their own opinions on it.
but yeah i definitely think these movies are hated on too much especially for the same reasons and i just wish they had better reputations i think they don’t deserve the hate they get. they don’t deserve the reputations they have. (i feel bad for these movies because of how much hate they get. i think it’s sad) the conversation around them is reductive. the conversation around these movies most of the time is “oh they say the originals didn’t happen,” “they retcon things from the originals,” “13th Ghost didn’t conclude the 13 Ghosts series/the gang didn’t capture the real 13th Ghost,” skeptic Velma, etc. it’s wayyyyy too much of that and not enough discussion about all the good things these movies do. they don’t get enough credit as much as they should. and there’s a lot to say about these movies. they’re definitely not movies that most people watch and then have nothing to say about them and they’re not forgettable. my feelings are complex okay guys😭
• Vincent’s plane is BEAUTIFUL when am i going to get to be on that plane????? this whole movie was GORGEOUS visually like they really made the backgrounds and literally everything look so beautiful. they did not have to go that hard but they really did. and everyone had GREAT winter outfits but tbh the gang always has great winter outfits so i can’t be too surprised. but yeah the winter outfits were amazing here, literally some of their best. and the Rubber Ducky being referenced was iconic
• i consider this movie to be canon and a good 13 ghosts sequel and finale, but just in the way most people didn’t expect it to be. i really love the Asamad redemption thing and i think it’s lovely that it brings peace to Vincent and now he’s at peace with his ancestor. and i know what you’re thinking: “Velma said she lied about it” and like yeah, she did say that. but because we saw Asamad appear to Vincent + because of her not opening the chest at the end because of everyone insisting for her not to, i believe that was her doubting herself and that Asamad really did get redeemed. she was like “ok i won’t open it because these ghosts might be real and i don’t want to risk that.” so i think it’s either she THINKS what she said about Asamad is a lie, but actually it IS the truth. or that, again, it is the truth and deep down, she actually does believe it but she’s just not admitting it because of her insistence throughout most of the movie to not believe in the supernatural. so i think the Asamad redemption thing is canon. and listen, i get that people wanted to see the gang capture the real 13th ghost in the chest. (it’s what i wanted too when the movie first came out) i get why people aren’t crazy about the Asamad redemption thing, that’s fine. and hey we ever get another sequel where Asamad is actually still evil and he does get captured, i would also love to see it. i still love the idea of him still being evil. (in general, i think there’s always more to add to the 13 Ghosts universe, so if they also expand on more 13 Ghosts stuff in general in a future piece of media, i would also be down to see it 10000%) though, ever since September 2019, i’ve been loving the idea of Asamad seeking redemption more than him still being evil. so i actually love this ending. (and especially if they ever expand on him and Vincent and the redemption thing in a future piece of media, i would be 10000% down to see it) (he’s the ONLY ghost from the chest im good with being redeemed, everyone else has to remain evil imo) and i think it’s a good ending for Vincent especially, now he doesn’t have to worry about his ancestor anymore and gets to have peace and move on, and the others don’t have to worry about finding him and capturing him. to me, it’s symbolic of letting go of the past/what haunts you and finding some sort of peace and moving on, now knowing that everything is going to be okay. and you’re starting to heal. and it’s very comforting, especially since i’ve been feeling that many times in 2023. so i’m content if this is the last time they bring 13 Ghosts back. i think it ended beautifully. it’s sweet and beautiful. (i can write fanfics as a way of expanding upon it, so i win either way lmao) i also get why people have a problem with Velma in this movie + RTZI. (im sorry i keep bringing up RTZI but i kinda have to since these are in the same trilogy and because of my feelings) but i personally don’t anymore? i used to, i even called this version of her insufferable a few times iirc, but after watching this movie like 483947384783378 times, i feel nothing towards her attitude at all now, and she’s not that annoying. even though i still agree that this is not an ideal version of Velma, it’s not an irredeemable or insufferable version of her either. and her character wasn’t ruined in my eyes at all. and she doesn’t ruin anything. but her explanations will always be fun to joke about! and i feel like people have been hating her more since these movies came out, which i think is really sad because Velma is an amazing character in general and has SOOO many lovable qualities.
also i cannot be a 2019 Velma hater because she gave me the Asamad redemption explanation. like she cooked with that and i am eating it up!! and i think the whole Vincent and Asamad thing fits 13 Ghosts so well because to me, 13 Ghosts as a show and the universe it takes place in is about family, whether blood related or not, and they are family since they’re blood related. and the gang is a family (found family, not blood related) and would do anything to protect each other and Asamad was protecting Vincent. so i think it’s actually a great ending to both the movie and the show. the story is wrapped up. but we can always go back to it and add more if we want. and i think that’s an ending that wraps up the plot of 13 Ghosts well. like i said, there’s always more to add to 13 Ghosts.
• ok for this next part im about to be so “well actually☝🏻🤓” with. Velma’s explanations are not her or the movie erasing the series and we weren’t supposed to take her explanations seriously. (sounds hypocritical of me to say i know cause i just said i believe in her AVG explanation but im just talking about the explanations that she used to try to disprove the supernatural now okay lol) she’s TRYING to “prove” it wasn’t real, but literally nobody else is agreeing with her and of course they know she’s wrong just like we know she’s wrong. the movie is saying she’s wrong. i feel like the whole sequel trilogy (that’s my new name for it) is saying her behavior is wrong. and there WAS a point in 13th Ghost where Velma believed in ghosts too before going back to not believing at the end. also in Happy Halloween, she kinda thinks about how’s she been acting and is like “ok maybe i should stop” and also says she trusts her friends more than science which is very cute. everyone else knows she’s wrong and she starts to realize it in Happy Halloween. and again, she refuses to open the chest at the end after everyone tells her not to. she CAN’T erase the events of the series or the events of Zombie Island, she doesn’t have the ability to do that, no matter how many times she screams “mass hallucinations from high altitude oxygen deprivation!” or “swamp gas!” so i think because of this + Asamad appearing to Vincent + Vincent making the cuffs that Mortifer put on him disintegrate + Mortifer’s illusions not really being explained + Vincent’s crystal ball teleporting the others outside also not being explained + the flashbacks, it’s proof that the series did happen and that magic and ghosts ARE in this movie. are there as much magic and ghosts as there are in the series? no, obviously not, but they’re still here. i think it’s the writers finding a way to work around the mandates and being like “we were told not to include magic, but this is literally magic right here.” (also i am of the opinion that real monsters in Scooby should be special and happen sometimes but not all the time, but that is somewhat different than what we’re talking about here. still always going to love real monsters in SD though!) (there was also a real cat person at the end of RTZI. again, still not as much real monsters as the original, but it’s still there) so Krieg TRIED to get rid of all the supernatural elements, but he didn’t actually succeed at it. this movie is not avoiding being supernatural, it’s just that there’s not as much magic here as there was in the original. i think this movie was done well even though yeah studio meddling is bad and i will always want things to be fair in the studio! (and it’s not the first time there’s been studio meddling behind the scenes of Scooby movies. even the ZI era had some) i really don’t think that this movie ruins the original, and the studio meddling did not ruin this or the entire trilogy it’s a part of. the original still exists people can still watch it whenever they want, it’s not gone. even if i did think the movie was bad like most people do, i still wouldn’t believe that it has the power to take away from the original or to ruin it. and it does not ruin people’s childhoods/poisons their childhood memories. this is also how i feel about any sequel or reboot ever made tbh. anyways im done talking about Jim Krieg i will not be talking about him anymore. so basically no, these movies never said or implied or tried to say or imply that the originals didn’t happen, they are not invalidating the originals at all. and they DO have some supernatural stuff in them, just not as much as the originals did.
• i love cheerleader Fred :)
• i like Mortifer being the villain because it creates some good angst between him and Vincent. and like i said, it’s funny to me
• the scene where Vincent tosses the chest aside tackles Asmodeus when he tries to attack Daphne, Shaggy, and Scooby is one of the best scenes in the entire movie like omg he really loves them🥹❤️
• Shaggy and Scooby were good at flying the plane idk maybe we should let them fly more planes in future SD stuff
• i think this movie is an important part of the franchise. and i think “Scoobystition” is an underrated Scooby song that should get more love.
• no this movie is not a nostalgic nightmare/nightmare in general or an insult/mockery to the franchise, the original, or the fans and i do not think that it shouldn’t have been made. it’s not pointless or a joke or disservice or disrespectful or cringe or disappointing/a letdown or that it’s a mess/doesn’t make sense or boring/mediocre. and the ending is not a slap in the face to the fans or bad or insulting or disappointing/a letdown or spitting in the face of the OG. and i don’t think that that the other 2 movies in the trilogy are all those things either or also shouldn’t have been made. the 3rd act of this movie is not bad/ruining it and is not the weakest part, (3rd act is actually one of my favorite parts) and these movies do not treat the audience like fucking idiots, etc. and i really also do not think that this is the worst Scooby trilogy or that 13th Ghost and RTZI are the worst Scooby movies. and i do not think this trilogy overall is not good/is bad and i do not think it’s a failure or a mess/doesn’t make any sense or that these movies are incompetent or unwatchable or irredeemable or frustrating/infuriating. and it doesn’t hurt for me to remember any of them, especially not this movie. im actually really glad this was made and like i said, it changed my life with the impact it had on me and how it got me through a rough time. like now i talk about Asamad and Vincent a lot. i ship Vincent and Mortifer. and the debut of Asamad led me to create an OC of mine who is his wife and i get to make fics about Asamad and his redemption thing. so i just CAN’T agree with people who say those things for those reasons alone. it’s crazy to think how i would be without it. i would still be hyperfixating over Shaphne, which isn’t a bad thing at all btw. im just saying, i wouldn’t be who i am right now if this movie hadn’t been made. and im glad the other two in the trilogy were made too. and i don’t feel insulted whenever i watch this movie or those. (i liked the sheriff being the villain in HHSD, i think it’s a good reveal and i think HHSD is a great movie too) tbh i also think 13th Ghost is the best out of the trilogy with Happy Halloween as a close second though i do think HHSD is the one with the best opening, and i definitely prefer this trilogy over the 80’s one and always will. i think it’s better. i like Ghoul School though it’s a cute movie <3 (i like Ghoul School better than RTZI and do think it’s better than that movie but i like this trilogy as a whole better than the 80’s trilogy and think it’s better) i also can’t look at this movie as a standalone film like my brain just associates it with 13 Ghosts automatically (same applies to the other one but with ZI of course) and i don’t think this movie would work better if it was standalone. (same with RTZI) i wish this trilogy got more love🥺 and i don’t understand how some people consider the first two some of the worst Scooby movies ever. also i don’t understand how some people think 13th Ghost is “just as insulting/bad” or worse than RTZI. and it also bothers me when some people will joke that they don’t exist. and no, the 13th ghost (Asamad) is not nothing or disappointing compared to the other 12.
• i don’t think the avalanche scene was too long or that there was too much of it. it didn’t bother me at all.
• i think Vincent couldn’t do magic for the most of the movie because he has trauma caused by his ancestor so whenever he sees him or someone that he believes to be him, he becomes powerless because his ancestor made him feel so powerless, like he couldn’t do anything. so it’s his body responding to whatever he was put through. this is based off him saying “ever since Asmodeus showed up, i haven’t been able to cast a single successful spell” (in-universe explanation)
• Flim Flam’s shop is one of the coolest things i’ve ever seen. also teen Flim Flam is awesome and so is his design! he still feels like the same guy but just older. and im happy that he’s doing well.
• i love Vincent’s puns they are funny and adorable. and also when he calls Flim Flam “his boy” OHHH MYYY GODDDDD THAT IS SO CUTEEE🥺🥺🥺🥺 im gonna need another sequel where he calls Daphne “his girl” NOW. and i hope he does see Flim Flam in town when he attends his coven’s next meeting.
and yeah, i know Daphne and Vincent aren’t exactly the way they were in the OG. like there’s been a few changes made. but i love the changes and they’re both amazing characters and well written and i love them so much in both the series and the movie! and i don’t think the movie was saying/acting like that’s exactly how they were in the OG, just that it’s how they are in this movie. and it’s not ruining Vincent or saying/acting like Daphne was or is exactly like Fred and could do everything. and im not at the point where im like “WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE???” like that one Spongebob meme. they both don’t feel too different to me like i don’t think there’s been too many changes made. and im just going to headcanon that Vincent got more comfortable around the gang which is why he’s more zany and lets them call him Vincent and that Daphne changed a little because of her fighting the demons. i still get enough 13 Ghosts vibes from her hair and outfit and this movie in general so it works well. there’s just a little new vibe added. it fits 13 Ghosts well. (i think there was always going to be a new vibe added/some changes made and part of why is because this was made at a different time than the series + this is a DTV movie + made by different people than the series was) but yeah i think the changes were good and i don’t have any problems or criticisms with them, i don’t think they were bad at all. and im going to headcanon Daphne wore that outfit and had that hair offscreen back in the days of the OG. (and yes i know one of the writers said that they were aware Daphne wasn’t exactly like that in the OG, but that’s how they saw her while watching it. im just saying i don’t think the movie was saying she was exactly like that in the OG)
• speaking of Daphne and Vincent, the scene where Asmodeus attacks them and she protects him? SUPERB. also her doing a spooky pun for him and he gets so happy about it is so🥺🥺🥺
• the 14th ghost joke is fun i love it
• i’m fine with Bogel & Weerd and Scrappy not being in the movie because there were some episodes of the series that Bogel and Weerd weren’t in. (obviously Scrappy was in every episode) yeah, it would’ve been interesting to see them brought back and im not saying they weren’t important characters in the show, im not against the idea of bringing them back and i don’t hate them at all. and im not saying the mandate to keep him out was good cause i don’t think that. i get why some people wanted them to come back, they are valid!! i remember wanting Scrappy to come back very much too around the time the movie was coming out. but im okay with them not being here. also Bogel and Weerd probably knew about Asamad’s redemption thing, so they were like “well, we’re not working for him now.” (in-universe explanation for why they aren’t in this movie) where was Scrappy during the events of the movie? Bogel and Weerd captured him and he went missing, but the others don’t know that and just think he’s still with his mom. why is he not included in the opening credits? Bogel and Weerd casted a spell so he wouldn’t be, they’re trying to erase any trace of Scrappy’s existence. (another in-universe explanation) (yes i know that the real world explanation is that WB mandated for him to not appear, and originally Flim Flam wasn’t allowed to be included either but they included him after a writer found a way to make him work in the story, but i just made my own explanation in-universe) and im not bothered by the “What’s A Scrappy?” joke it’s just whatever to me. like obviously i don’t love it but i’m not going in a seething rage over it. (i think i used to be bothered by it a few years ago, but im not bothered by it anymore and haven’t been for a while)
• about continuity: gonna have to talk about this for a bit. i don’t think there’s too much of what people will call “retcons” or “continuity errors.” i don’t think that the movie retcons everything from the original. and i think there’s enough references from the series to make the movie fit in the same timeline as it. and that’s all i have to say about that. (i do have this theory that Time Slime controlling time is why Flim Flam aged but the gang are teenagers though if anyone wants to read it)
you might be wondering who this movie and the entire trilogy it is from is for. the answer is me. i am the target audience. seriously, even if it is bad and im wrong about everything i just said, i still had fun with it! and i think that’s one of the most important things to me: to have fun with a movie. so if it’s trash, it’s MY trash and IM LOVING IIIIITTTT!!!!🥳🥳🥳 like that meme of a woman saying “what? i love garbage.” (also im the type of person that when i like a movie, 95% of the time i will genuinely think it’s good. and i will like something more after i rewatch or re listen to it lol) and i’ll take a bad movie ANY day over no movie at all. i definitely think there’s things in 13th Ghost that you might not notice on the first watch but notice during rewatches. and you know what? i really do love the mass hallucinations from high altitude oxygen deprivation in the Himalayas and swamp gas. sometimes they are just what i need.🤷🏻‍♂️
fun fact: i learned the term “criminal negligence” from this movie.
in conclusion:
here’s to Vincent Van Ghoul, Asamad Van Ghoul, Mortifer Quinch, teen Flim Flam, the avalanches, Mortifer’s car, and the jokes and memories and posts that were made along the way by me and my friends. to the never ending theories. to all the daydreams i’ve had influenced by this movie, to the growth i experienced these past 5 years. to all the demons i conquered and am still conquering today. to all the other Scooby fans out there who like/love this movie. to that 3 month period where i and so many other people were excited for this movie. (even though i would never want to go back to that time period, it was fun getting excited and coming up with theories and seeing the clips drop, and i look back fondly on those memories) sometimes i’m still surprised by remembering that this movie is real and was made, like i almost can’t believe this is an actual Scooby movie.
as Vincent was healed by Asamad’s redemption moment, i was healed by this movie in some ways. there’s no other movie i would choose to lose my sanity over in a fun and cool way! happy 5th birthday my beloved <3 thank you for everything. im glad you won that “best nostalgia era movie” poll last year on tumblr. i’m always going to love you and i think you will be remembered regardless of whether the general fandom opinion of you changes or not. i’ll never let go of or get tired of you. i think it’s beautiful how a piece of Scooby media in general can have impact on a person❤️
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So I saw the Live Action Little Mermaid and...
Okay, I don't usually go and review movies like this but honestly, because everybody's causing a war over this movie, I gotta say my opinions; MIXED FEELINGS!
My completely honest opinion on this movie is that it was better than that stupid cartoon Disney version, however, there are way better adaptations of Little Mermaid out there. Don't act like the story only exists because of Disney, because Hans Christian Anderson wrote it hundreds of years before Disney made it into an adaptation. My friends and I watched the movie on Actvid. com, it's not worth seeing in theaters or on Disney plus unless you're a huge Disney fan. I'm someone who's NOT a Disney fan at all, in fact I'm kind of happy that it's at it's slight downfall, so I went on a free website to watch it. I don't have Disney plus obviously, so yeah. Neither of us were real excited about it, in fact only one of us was actually planning on seeing it in theaters. I saved her at least $15 from not going to the theater (she lives in Canada) by watching it on a free website, and she enjoyed it more than I did. Plus, we all got to sit and chat about it, and say what we liked and didn't like about it.
I personally am not a fan of the older Disney movies, and I never watched the "original" as in, I never watched the 80s one from everybody's childhood. I don't want to watch it, for a lot of reasons, I just don't think it's good for kids and I don't know why it gets so much hype. I wasn't used to watching the version of the story where the mermaid loses her voice, and I thought that was so cruel! I hated the fact that she lost her voice. I mean, they could have made her just lose her singing voice and not her voice-voice but at least her and the prince still had their quality time. Speaking of the prince, he was less of a stupid dumb himbo who only wanted a pretty girl, and he was more of a daring and fun guy with an actual personality. Also, I think it was kind of dumb to keep the talking animals in the live action version, since it was probably supposed to be more serious, but it played out just fine. The CGI in how they moved was just a bit creepy. I hated the crab, though! 0_0 He was a b**** crab! Mr krabs might be greedy sometimes but I like him way better than the crab in this movie. Scuttle the bird, though, she's pretty cool. I just didn't like the animation in how she moved. If I were the boss, I'd still swap out those talking animals for a tough tomboy pirate chick who becomes friends with Ariel and teaches her about human life. Probably what I liked most about this movie was Ariel's personality and outfits! I wish people would stop hating that they made her black, even if she was always portrayed as a white girl. I AM A WHITE GIRL TOO! I have Polish, Italian, Irish, Dutch, and British heritage! I see nothing wrong with a black mermaid! In fact, I thought she was really cute and she looked STUNNING and Halle Bailey is a BEAUTIFUL WOMAN! This technically isn't race bending either, since she had no confirmed race. Now when they racebent the Scooby Doo gang, that's a different story... that I have a problem with! I don't have a problem with "Ariel" the Little Mermaid being black. They honestly could name her whatever they wanted, she doesn't have to be named Ariel. I think Ariel is a cute name for her though.
Do I still think this movie is worth seeing in theaters? Nope. It's not perfect, it's nothing special. It's like, you either love it or you hate it for most people but I have so many mixed feelings about it. Again, it's the story that I'm talking about! IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH SKIN COLOR HERE! The haters hated it for the wrong reason (skin color) and not for the right reasons (creepy CGI movements in the animals, the story, the under the sea song, ect...). "But Jocey, I loved that song!" (I can't be the only one who gets annoyed at it because we had to sing it in middle school in chorus class? Plus I didn't grow up with the original). But STOP HATING ON THE MOVIE FOR SKIN COLOR REASONS! Hate on it because of the other reasons!
Btw, last of all, if you're looking for a more family fun adaptation of Little Mermaid, PLEASE GO WATCH PONYO! The English Dub is on Actvid for free, but if you don't want to watch it on Actvid, it's probably on Netflix or Hulu or Paramount. Idk what streaming service has the English dub but it's incredible! Ponyo's technically based on the Little Mermaid, but she's not exactly a mermaid. She's actually a fish who turns into a human and it's funny and Betty White and Cloris Leachman voice the two old ladies, and Noah Cyrus voices Ponyo and it's great! I don't recommend showing the old cartoon Disney version of Little Mermaid to kids, nor do I recommend the Live action one for kids either. if you insist on showing them one of the Disney versions, go for the live action, but I still think Ponyo is better for kids. Ponyo is by Studio Ghibli, but it's not as creepy as most Ghibli movies like spirited away and stuff. You're high a f if you think Spirited away is good for kids
So yeah, that's my review and also my recommendation for Ponyo
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monrageo · 2 years
Okay! Today has been a wild ride. Learns Velma is gay in the new Scooby-Doo movie: yay! Learns Velma is not gay in the new Velma TV show; nay. Learns Velma is bi in the new Velma TV show: yay! Learns Velma has a crush on Fred in the new Velma TV show: nay. Learns Daphne is a lesbian in the new Velma TV show, and the headlines have yet to notice yet (the character description confirming it), and secretly in love with Velma? *mind melts*
First of all, I'm sorry for taking my sweet time answering
Second, anon, you took me on a ride and it's all true??? I'm sorry but I've been out of the Scooby - doo loop for a while now so this was all news to me.
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Okay, this I love
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This not so much
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And this... this I have very little hope for
And while you didnt ask... I will share my opinions on the new show and oh, boy do I have opinions
Honestly, from what I've seen so far from the Velma show it all seems... bad... like really bad. Then again you can't judge a whole show by a minute long clip but also yes, you totally can.
At the end of the day this is the promo clip, the teaser if you will, that was chosen to represent the show and get people excited for it. For me at least the jokes fell completely flat and also no dog and more importantly no van??? Two integral things to the Scooby - doo franchise and world missing???
My main criticism is why is this show even about the Scooby gang? Oh, wait I mean the REDACTED gang. The characters are completely different and I know that Scooby - doo is a franchise that allows for different iterations of the same characters but from what I've seen so far this isn't it. Those are new characters with new backstories, new personalities and ambitions. Why not make a new show? Why slap some orange, purple, green and blue on a few original characters and call them Scooby - doo?
But then again, who knows? The show might be pretty good and just because it doesn't resonate with me doesn't mean other people won't or shouldn't enjoy it. Not everything is for everyone and that is okay.
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fandomgeeklife · 2 years
Trick or Treat Scooby-Doo Review
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Spoilers for Trick or Treat Scooby Doo
5/10 stars
   I’ve been watching Scooby-Doo since I was really young and I like the old cartoons. I thought the “Be Cool, Scooby-Doo” animation was really stupid. I was really excited to see this cartoon use the older animation style with a new flair. I had high hopes for “Trick or Treat Scooby-Doo” after seeing the preview, but I was highly disappointed. The storyline is great, the gang defeats the person responsible for all their villains costumes, Coco Diablo, and once that happens the gang is left with finding missing socks and things all over Coolsville, then the “Misery Company” comes along and the gang has to defeat them and figure out who is behind it like good old Scooby-Doo movies. Don’t get me wrong, the plot is great. It’s the over-execution of jokes that ruin the movie and make it like “Be Cool, Scooby-Doo”
    I know Fred has always been played as the handsome jock type but it was overdone in this movie. Daphne’s damsel-in-distress in the beginning and the meta they tried to execute with that. I also thought Velma was overdone with not feeling like herself and I think it is amazing she likes Coco but Velma knew herself as being smart and the gang knew that. Shaggy and Scooby were pretty on key, some of their meta was over the top like most of the movie. 
    A lot of the scenes of the gang are focusing too much on trying to be funny, for example when Coco Diablo confesses and they go “hmm” multiple times trying to figure out why it seems wrong but it is way over the top. It comes across stupid and overdone to me. A lot of the meta is like this ruining the movie in my opinion. Some are great like Scooby saying “Yeah this whole franchise is about me” to the bad guys is golden or when the Mystery Machine gets re-done and Fred says “It's not what I expected, but it's exactly what I expected” those were great.
   Overall, I just think they tried too hard. Dialing down on the meta and “comedy” would have helped this movie greatly. It’s nothing like the Scooby-Doo movies I love. I love “Scoob!”, “Scooby-Doo and the Scary Scarecrow”, Scooby-Doo Camp Scare!” to name a few “newer” ones. I love many others and the classic tv shows and movies. 
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First of december, the only acceptable time to start decorating for christmas in my opinion 🎄🎁 that leads me to my first queation:
Are you more of a christmas lover or halloween lover? Some people, start decorating as soon as halloween is over while others (me included) are still kinda sad halloween is over. Which one are you?
I see you like writing, which is so cool, cause i wish i had the talent and time to write. Who are your favorite authors and what are your favorite books/ book genres?
I saw the post with your embroidered scrunchy, it turned out amazing. What else do like to do creatively in your free time?
Also, i see we have some stuff in common, jake lane and we both like horror movies. What are your favorite horror movies and which ones do you think the boys could survive in and which they wouldnt last five minutes? What roles would the boys adopt?
This is it for today. Hope you have a great day <3
-Secret santa💫🎅
Well since you asked…
1. I am an avid Halloween lover! Dress up every year! (And I may or may not still have some Halloween decorations up.. oops). Now that doesn’t mean I don’t love Christmas. There’s something about Christmas that is just so special and it deserves all its hype, in December where it belongs, or in my case usually January because that always seems to be when my friends and I can get together for our annual Friendsmas
2. I do like to write! Sometimes I psych myself out into thinking I’m not that good but I keep doing it so 🤷‍♀️ As far as reading goes, I don’t remember that last time I read an actual book. I know terrible. I like the idea of reading but I don’t have the attention span for it. I think that’s why I like fanfiction so much (I’ve read fanfic for yeeeears) because you’ve already got the basics, you know the characters, and you can just jump right into the good stuff. Maybe one of these days I’ll do better and read a good book or even better find a series I like
3. In my free time I am torturing myself with more needles as I have started my next scrunchie hopefully this one turns out good too 🤞 I like art stuff in general but again I’m just mid at most things so it’s just dabbling here and there
4. Horror is by far my favorite genre of movie there’s so many good ones! But to just name a few favs that pop into mind: Event Horizon, Ghost Ship, 13 Ghosts, An American Werewolf in London, aaaannndd the 1985 movie House, among many many others. As far as Greta in horror movies I never really thought about it but now that you have my gears grinding it would be hilarious to see them in a situation like Cabin in the Woods considering that movie already plays on the horror stereotypes. I think Josh would be the scholar, Danny would be the athlete, Sam would be the fool, and Jake would be the whore (come on now 😏). I think they would fare pretty well in supernatural based movies but make obviously stupid decisions to get themselves all killed in slasher movies
Also you didn’t ask me this but my mind is off in its own world now. I’m also a huge Scooby-Doo fan and wouldn’t a Greta X Scooby cross over be so fun!
Well I hope I answered everything and I hope YOU have an excellent rest of your day. Till we meet again 💕🎄
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pynkhues · 1 year
Hi anon here 👋 this is cheating but for the game I’m going to do some iconic or at least in my opinion cartoons. Avatar the last air bender . Stevie Universe, Gravity falls , Hey Arnold , Scooby Doo and Teen titans
Hey! I don't think this is cheating, but if it is, it's definitely a fun way to do it, haha. I've seen pretty much all of these actually. I wanted to work in animation for a really long time and I still have a pretty big passion for the artform. There's stuff you can do in animation that I just don't think you can do in any other medium, and I wish Hollywood would lean into that instead of treating any 'worthy' animated film or series as something that has to be validated with a live action remake.
But yes! I've seen Avatar: The Last Airbender, Steven Universe, Gravity Falls and Teen Titans in their entireties, and I've seen ad hoc eps of Hey Arnold and Scooby Doo. I'm not sure why, but I never got fully into Hey Arnold as it was airing, which is kind of funny since I was definitely the target demographic for it. If anything, I was probably leaning too hard into magical girl series' like Sailor Moon and Cardcaptor Sakura at the time, haha.
Send me iconic movies you think everyone should’ve seen in their lives and i have to respond honestly if i’ve seen them 
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Velma Dinkley is not the only one that is smart in Mystery Incorporated.
Here me out will you.
Let's start with everyone's favorite redhead: Daphne Blake. She's probably the only one with street smarts, common sense, and knowledge of the fashion and cosmetology industry, along with being the daughter of two business mogel. She's also smart in the fact that in Scooby Doo 2 Monsters Unleashed (the only good live action scooby doo movie in my opinion) she got the gang out of the hamster ball with makeup equipment. Do you think Velma would have thought of that? NO! Daphne is also people smart in the fact she can read people's body language. Which means she's probably smart in psychology and sociology and would excell there if she took a class on them. Was it Velma that figured out the sheriff has feelings to Mayor Nettles? Was it Fred who realized Sherrif and Mayor were in a relationship? No. Daphne was. Because she was able to pick up social clues that the others didn't.
Fred Jones, the gang's leader. If you think about it, he comes up with the traps. He figures out how to make them work while Velma ponders over the clues. There is PHYSICS involved with this. Because mass is a factor in most of the stuff he does. And all of physics has a point where mass is a factor. Because if his calculations are wrong in where to put this thing or that thing or how deep to dig the hole, he could potential hurt the masked villain. No joke. Also the robotics and mechanics involved with some of this stuff?
Shaggy and Scooby may not be booksmart or street smart, but I feel like they're smart in something I feel is just as important: Pop Culture. Why? Because in Scooby Doo Mystery Incorporated they knew Vincent Van Ghoul like the back of their hand. They're also probably smart in other places of Pop Culture. Because I'm pretty sure that no one knew who the special guest stars of Scooby Doo Movies were. But they were. They were knowkedgable in that regard. Also with how much they eat, they're probably smart and knowledgable in nutrition and culinary arts. I mean in episodes across most series and movies, who is the one cooking or doing most of it? Shaggy and Scooby. They make sure that Daphne, Velma, and Fred get the right amount of vitamins, minerals, vegetables, fruits, proteins, dairy, etc etc every single meal.
Now Velma is smart. All of you are right in that regard, but she's smart in that she's more logical and reasoning than the rest of the group and she's knowledge about a broad range of subjects. She's a fan of mystery novels and authors and I believe theres a few mysteries (if not most of them) in which she explains and researches the history of it. I personally believe she's most knowledgable about history, classics, and music. But she's knowledgable about some if not a lot of stuff across a broad range of subjects.
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transxfiles · 2 years
What are your thoughts on Scrappy Doo and Flim Flam, The Boo Brothers, Google, The Ghoul School students and Vincent Van Ghoul?
i hate scrappy with my entire soul but i loved 13 ghosts as a kid (it was my favorite scooby-doo series for a while) so i put up with him through that and honestly i think it's probably the series where he's most likeable? idk, if i'm being honest i think the premise of scrappy in general isn't necessarily bad (IN THEORY) but the biggest problem is not only how he's written (annoying as all get out) but the writers also seem to feel the need to sacrifice an original gang member in order to put scrappy into a piece of scooby media, which completely imbalances the crew. i try to avoid scrappy-based scooby media at all costs so i can't think of many concrete examples off the top of my head, but i'm pretty sure the scrappy-doo and scooby-doo show falls into this trap, as well as 13 ghosts (obviously) and a bunch of the 80s direct to video movies, and maybe even certain episodes of laff-o-lympics? but that's kind of a stretch tbh i'm not fact checking any of this i just remember watching certain eps of scooby-doo and noticing that if scrappy was there, velma or fred (or both!) were frequently absent from the episode, which switched up the dynamic especially because unlike more skilled or experienced gang members, scrappy never really directly helped with mystery-solving but rather seemed to cause more problems and hinder the gang's ability to sleuth - whenever scrappy "helped" out, he only ever caused more problems or found clues on accident (and not in a cute scooby-doo scaredy cat way). so uhh sorry scrappy-doo lovers and truthers i can't deal with him.
on the other hand i remember i really loved flim flam?? he was a really strong member of the 13 ghosts from what i remember and i think he balanced scrappy pretty well - like, he gave scrappy someone to bounce off of who wasn't a member of mystery inc, and i think it fit better than forcing him to mesh with the pre-existing dynamics of the scooby gang. i also think it was more effective because scrappy finally had a fun-loving kid around his age (?? ignoring scooby-doo 2002 canon that says scrappy's just an adult dog with a gland disorder) who he could be friends with and bounce off of. it made scrappy's antics seem more genuine at times and less straight up shitty or mean, although the two could still get annoying. i really liked that flim flam made a cameo in the more recent movie "scooby-doo and the curse of the 13th ghost" it was a nice wave to fans of the original series and it plays to the character's strengths, in my opinion.
it's been forever since i've rewatched boo brothers but basically i remember this: i didn't like the titular boo brothers that much as characters, but i thought the movie was alright. not one of my favorites but it was an okay watch - like, i had fun, but i wasn't going to ask my dad to rip the library dvd onto our computer for me. i preferred other scooby-doo direct to video specials from that period better (like the ghoul school and the reluctant werewolf).
i also haven't rewatched the ghoul school recently, but i enjoyed the colorful ensemble cast and i thought some of the gags were pretty funny. i think it's helped by the fact that they were all girls and that was more girls than i'd ever seen at once in a scooby-doo movie. by association, i also really liked the movie! i can't remember having a favorite out of the students so i think i just really liked them all together as a group.
vincent van ghoul was a brilliant addition to scooby lore. i need more of him always he is the glue that holds 13 ghosts together. when will he return from the war? (sdmi's version of him barely counts i'm so sorry).
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tomdutch · 3 years
"i wouldn’t say she has no traits, rather the very few that she does have are written so badly and are so stereotypical that it makes her boring" YES. YES TO ALL THAT.
plus the bits in ffh when she was spilling "cultural" facts made me cringe so much: they tried to make her sound witty and smart, but as a european, the only vibes i got from her were "person x goes abroad, learns something new, gets it wrong, but still tries to lecture other people about it" -> "boh" being the "anti-aloha" joke? they got the meaning of the word wrong. the italian words she says when talking about mysterio? the sentence is grammatically incorrect (can’t believe writers at m*rvel get paid and don’t even bother to check when they use a different language)
lliterally the most stereotypical american (sorry americans) thing ever imo, and she’s supposed to be unconventional and not-like-other-girls, but I guess the only spark of brilliance was used with liz, when they took the popular girl trope, but instead of making her a walking mean girl stereotype, they made her intelligent and nice and you could actually see and understand why she would be popular...
bring back my girl liz, you monsters, they don’t even mention her in interviews because they know they really screwed up with her 😭 tom has been talking about the vulture, and not once has he said a thing about the character's daughter, who also happened to be the girl peter loved 😭 instead he’s really pushing the spideychelle narrative (like the whole "harry osborn being played by timothée chalamet and turning evil because he wants mj and fights with peter bc of that") to compensate for the fact that they had no progression in the movies... it’s like he’s thinking "maybe if i sound convincing enough, people will believe that mj is a relevant character and that this love story wasn’t built on nothing"... sorry tom, but i can’t forgive you for that 😭💔
god yes absolutely. i hateddddd the boh thing so much i was sitting there watching it like 🧍🏽‍♀️ is this what they call character? this is the best they could’ve given mj? the girl who the plot now suddenly revolves around wooing bc she’s so cool and wonderful off screen? 😭 pls.
i’m of the opinion that romantic subplots are not really necessary in spider-man films mostly bc the original trilogy did a horrid job setting it up and, while i do love gwen in tasm, i still have some criticism of her relationship with peter. so for me, making the ENTIRE plot of a film revolve around a love interest is already an… unfortunate choice. but then putting absolutely no effort in creating a dynamic character is so insulting 😭 like y’all disregard everything hoco built up just to make mj’s character, who was a glorified extra in it, worse? you give her nothing?
and you can tell zendaya really tried to make the best of it in the interviews but the base of the character is so bad and so lazy that the more effort she put, the more cringy and awkward it was to watch. it was just so unattractive, i could barely sit through peter and mj’s scenes together. even the moment shippers are obsessed with, the “you’re pretty too” part was sooo palpably awkward and not in a cute way 😭 i’m not opposed to some wholesome awkward moments between two teens who like each other and it’s clear mcu writers know how to do it bc they delivered in hoco with lizpeter, but they dropped the ball so hard with mj and it sucks. if they had to essentially kill off liz from the whole universe, the least they could’ve done is make sure mj, who had little potential in hoco, is properly characterised.
but naur… instead we get necklaces referencing a femicide and scooby doo that shit. i’ve read so many fics that created an amazing version of mj that i actually liked and that didn’t abandon those stereotypical edgy girl traits, but they worked with them and made them enjoyable and funny. mcu writers really need a lesson from some authors on here bc this mj they shoving down our throats is simply not it.
anyway whoo this ask had me going 😭 i really enjoy analysing films with y’all, it’s so fun to hear your opinions
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maryellencarter · 3 years
So your posts on the movie got me to watch Lupin III The First, and now I’m interested but have no idea where to start with watching more. What would you suggest for a newbie?
Oh my god, I only got into this fandom less than a month ago myself, I just don't do anything in moderation. ^_^ So this is going to be basically a "what all is out there" summary with a little bit about what I've seen so far, and I'd really appreciate it if the rest of the fandom would chime in with opinions / corrections. Short version, I started with Part 4 and it was pretty good? Part 2, also good if you're into the more batshit sort of Scooby-Doo type plots.
Major difference to be aware of between "The First" and most other entries in the canon: Lupin is usually a *lot* more of a perv, especially in the older stuff. Trying to get into Fujiko's pants is generally his main motivation alongside stealing stuff, and he has no sense of boundaries whatsoever. Him being completely uninterested in Laetitia that way is not exactly OOC but definitely not something you should rely on.
To start off with, there are five and a half "parts" of the Lupin III anime show so far (Part 6 is still airing right now), plus a ton of movies and TV specials and "OVAs". This is my first anime fandom actually, so I haven't entirely figured out the differences between those things, I just think of them as there's the TV show and there's the longer more standalone stuff.
The "parts" or versions of the TV show are mostly distinguished by the art styles, and especially by what color jacket Lupin wears.
Part 1: Green Jacket. Made around 1970ish? and looks it. Subtitled only (so far -- there's something going on with a dub for it that I'm not entirely clear on). Sets up the basic relationships including Goemon's introduction, has some really tasty emotional stuff (Jigen sobbing over the first time Lupin fakes his death onscreen still gets me), but the art style is crusty enough and the quality erratic enough that I wouldn't recommend jumping straight there from "The First".
Part 2: Red Jacket. Made around 1979ish. The first 80 episodes were dubbed in the early 2000s by the same main cast (except Zenigata) as the people who did the English dub of "The First", referred to in shorthand as the Epcar cast, since Richard Epcar (who voices Jigen) both voice-directed and wrote that English dub, as well as writing the English dub script for "The First". I really liked extremely competent Zenigata from "The First", so I'm not enjoying extremely bumbling Zenigata in Red Jacket as much, but the character relationships are solid -- you get a lot of the found family polycule aspect as well as Jigen's unquestioning loyalty to Lupin, which are both just barely hinted at in "The First". It's pretty wacky a lot of the time, with vampires, telepathy, mummy-mask possession, and what-all have you. There's barely any continuity but plenty of shenanigans and like 150 episodes to choose from. This is the part I'm working through right now. If you're looking for "baseline" classic Lupin III anime, this is it.
Part 3: Pink Jacket. Made in the 1980s, haven't seen any of it yet. I've heard it's significantly more cracky than Red Jacket, which has got to be an achievement.
"The Woman Called Fujiko Mine": Not sure when it was made but I know it fits here. Totally different art style, very dark and adult in both looks and content, visually inspired by Frank Miller apparently. Extremely pointy Jigen with the weird hatband comes from this or one of the three movie-type-things made in the same style, called collectively "koike Lupin".
Part 4: Made in 2015. Parts 4/5/6 are all "Blue Jacket" Lupin. Dubbed by the Epcar cast, again. I've seen all 26 episodes of part 4, it's a lot more like a modern TV show or anime, which makes sense because it is one. Pretty arc-focused with some standalone episodes. Much more consistent animation. The English version I saw has a theme song not by Yuji Ohno (as I understand it), which is a travesty but there you go. Fun, interesting, I enjoyed it. Lots of good character interaction and a badass Zenigata.
Part 5: Like 2018ish. I haven't actually seen any of Part 5 yet except one episode, but as I understand it, it's also set in 2018ish, featuring a lot of arc stuff about social media, surveillance, and so forth. Extremely competent Zenigata. Extremely competent everybody, really, as far as I've picked up.
Part 6: Still airing, so I'm really spotty on what's going on because I don't do open canons. Visually similar to parts 4 and 5.
Castle of Cagliostro: No idea when it was made. Apparently the first movie Hayao Miyazaki directed. Very pretty, very very soft, not very rowdy. If you're looking for "the least pervy Lupin III ever rescues a princess and everybody looks about twelve except Jigen", this is the movie for you. Features a delightful Zenigata truce -- if you liked the Laetitia and Zenigata content in "The First", you might try this. I've only seen the subbed version, so I can't speak to the dub quality.
"Is Lupin Still Burning?" -- 50th anniversary special. You need to have seen several backstory episodes of Green Jacket to get the full effect. However, with that caveat, MANY MANY FEELS, absolutely worth it. Lupin gets bounced through time, being put into positions where he alters his own history and fucks up his friends' lives. All of the found family feels, ALL OF THEM, I could probably pull together a non-spoilery list of What You Should See First if you're interested. Also there's a fucking amazing slightly AU Jigen/Zenigata fanfic based on the part right before the ending, which I just cannot say enough good things about, that thing is fucking Art.
(Look, disabled homeless Jigen was always going to hit me right in the feels for personal reasons, okay? ANYWAY.)
Uh. I don't think I've actually seen anything else yet, only gifsets. Hey fandom, any recommendations for "if you liked this aspect of The First, watch this"?
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broke-on-books · 1 year
Hi Swishy!!! 👋😊 If you’re still accepting these:
☕️ + Gang origin stories (what you like/dislike/prefer in canon or fan-made origins for Mystery Inc)
Oh my gosh Cally you picked like the best question on the face of the earth for this ask wth okay
SCOOBY: This one's easy, and I'm sure you can guess it if you've been around my blog for more than five minutes. GRILLO'S PETS ORIGIN STORY!!!!!!! Love love love the Grillo's Pet Shop origin! If you're somehow unaware, this is the origin shown in flashback in Scooby-Doo Goes Hollywood (1979) aka my favorite movie ever. Basically the gang (as teens already) go to a pet store wanting to buy a dog. While there, a baby Scooby tries to shows off for them and makes a whole mess (as usual <3) but is so endearing they take him home anyways. This is by far my favorite origin for Scooby as here he's more than just "Shaggy's dog" but the gangs' as a unit. This origin has really great gang interactions in and about Scooby with Shaggy showing reluctance to get him in the first place! (As opposed the the besties since birth origin that's common in other adaptations, such as APNSD) I really love that detail as we get to see other gang members (especially Velma!!!! The Grillo's pets origin has some amazingggg Scooby+Velma interactions and screencaps) argue for Scooby becoming a part of their lives, and it also paints Shaggy in the family-member-who-didn't-want-a-pet-but-now-they're-best-friends role that often exists in real life (and which is just HILARIOUS for Shaggy and Scooby!)
SCRAPPY: Of the Scrappy origins I'm familiar with (those being the one from the SD&SD theme song, and the other the episode surrounding his birth [the one all the baby bonnet scrappy screencaps are from]) I definitely prefer the original theme song version much better. Some of that strong preference is likely because I've spent a lot of time thinking about how I would go about reintroducing (or redeeming [in the public opinion] as my blog title says) Scrappy Doo, and that's by doing an extended exploration of the box-in-the-mail origin story. I'm also just obsessed with what that origin means for Scooby's family life and his relationship with Ruby that she would send her son (who Scooby has never met!!!!) to stay with him for an indeterminate length of time without notice (by MAILING SCRAPPY IN A BOX NO LESS) while also having Scrappy arrive at Scooby with a full hero-worship situation going on. Like do you know how much potential that idea has?!?!?!?!? I could talk about the Doo sibling semi-estrangement (as it exists in my mind and nowhere else) for HOURS and what it means for Scooby, Ruby, and Scrappy like !!!!!!!!!!. Warner Brothers needs to hire me to rewrite this introduction ASAP
Shaggy: I'm not informed enough on the Rogers family lore to say too much about it, although I don't see Shaggy having too large of a nuclear family. He's someone I see with a lot of cousins though and aunts and uncles (and differing relationships with each, as seen in the 'I'm a man? Another first! Take that Uncle Dave!' or however it goes clip from bcsd) I can't evision what his parents would be like at all, although I'm sure they're very interesting people for naming their child NORVILLE of all things. After some quick googling, I've learned he canonically does have a younger sister, Sugie, which I could definitely fit into my image of him with a big enough age gap bet the two. Shaggy is someone I see as growing up pretty alone (without Scooby in the Grillo's origin though, which... ouch) but could definitely fulfill the youngest/er child niche within a large extended family.
VELMA: I like Velma as an older sister and I like Madelyn Dinkley. I don't have a ton ton to say about her origin other that I like the parts we've generally seen (especially the fear of clowns lol). Velma to me has always been a lifelong reader and I think that's something that's likely true for her parents as well. Not a huge fan of her SDMI parents, but I don't like any of the SDMI parents so that's not exactly a surprise here.
Daphne: For Daphne, lots of Scopby properties like to portray her family as pretty wealthy, and I think I'd agree on that assessment for her. However if I was going to pick between Daphne origins/family situations I'd definitely go with the BCSD one for sure. I like her as an only child much more than having a gaggle of sisters like in SDMI, and I think that tying into her quirks and how her family is rich gives a good explanation for many of her more esoteric skills. Basically what I'm trying to say is that she had lessons in almost everything under the sun growing up, no matter how weird or useless.
FRED: This is definitely the hardest one. Believe it or not I haven't gotten to the BCSD episodes with Professor Huh? yet so I know pretty much nothing but idk. LOVE how Fred has tragic backstories with villain!parents leaking out his ears that's sooo funny actually (THREE TIMES FRED. AT LEAST.) However. Idk. I'm a fan of Skip and Peggy. Like Fred's embarrassing overbearing normal parents is also so entertaining as well. So idk I'm pretty flexible with Fred. This man has no siblings though. When he was bored at home he talked to his nets or something
THE GANG: I don't have preferences really on how the gang as a unit came together, besides the edition of Scooby and Scrappy. It's just not an event that interests me a ton, mostly because I see it happening in very similar ways each time. Like either they're all friends and a mystery pops up and they solve it together and BOOM! Mystery Incorporated or they're mystery enthusiasts and a mystery pops up and BOOM! close friendship (and also mystery incorporated)
But anyways thank you so so much for asking this question actually this was a very good pick Cally (esp in regards to the dogs, I have Opinions about those two)
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eyoricka · 4 years
Secret dating - Pete Davidson x singer!reader
First thing, I am sorry for my rather long absence I was moving to another country and way to stress. But now I have to spend ten days in quarantine so I will try to catch up and write all the asks I received in the meantime. So sorry for the delay and I hope the waiting will worth it!!
Also this is the first part of a small series about Pete x singer!reader because I had few asks on this theme! Hope you will enjoy
 Words: 1600+
Warning: none I guess
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You had been dating Pete for few months. You decided to keep it low profile. It wasn’t really a secret; your friends and families were aware that you were together but you didn’t want the whole world to know. You had seen Pete’s debacle with his exes, and he witnessed yours. You both agreed to not to make it public this soon since you wanted to avoid paps, gossips articles, harassment online and to hear everybody’s opinion. You were surprised that no one caught the two of you or speculated on your relationship. Maybe the both of you being friends for years, evolving within the same circle of people helped you. When people saw the two of you strolling, getting ice cream together, no magazines titled about how cute this date was but rather on how good it was for you to have such good friends in your life.
These past couple of weeks, it had been hard to spend some quality time with Pete. You had to flew to LA to assist to the Grammys and you missed your boyfriend so much through out the ceremony. You wished that you could have hold his hands during the stressful waiting, kissed him when you heard your name, thanked him when you gave your acceptance speech or feel his hand drawing absurd figure in your back to relax you while you were waiting to perform. Then after going back to New York, you hadn’t had that much time. Your publicist had packed you with interviews and gigs during late night shows. It was tiring but worth it. Your career was on a clear path to success. You were finally considered as not another pop star but one of the biggest artists out there. Pete was so supportive of you. You lived for his lovely text messages to give you strength before each performance or his compliments on how beautiful you looked on TV, how smart your answers were, how funny you were during an interview game.
You had eventually managed to find an afternoon just for you and Pete. You enjoyed a home-cooked meal at his place and could help but melt every time he was laughing while recounting his week. You simply spend the rest of the afternoon watching cartoons. It was your way to decompress together. Pete would always prepare some snacks while you set everything up. Then you would lose at least ten minutes to choose which cartoons or movies to watch. You usually had long debate on whether SpongeBob was better than Scooby-doo. Pete would always take you in his arms while you were watching, peppering your neck with kisses and smelling your hair. He liked the smell of your shampoo arguing that it reminded him of happiness. That was so cliché and yet so adorable, you couldn’t make fun of this cheesiness.
You were slowly falling asleep engulfed by Pete’s warmth, this was cozy, it felt like home. Suddenly, you heard your phone buzzed and sighed. It was your agent, asking you where you were to pick you up to go an interview. You texted her your address while you looked for something to put on for the TV. You liked very much the clothes you had on but you doubted that their shades would be nice on camera. As you were researching the perfect outfit in underwear, trying on several combo, you congratulated yourself for letting some clothes at your boyfriend’s place. You were hesitating between two tops and asked Pete’s opinion. After a quick joke on how good you looked in underwear and that you probably should go like this, he made up his mind for the baby blue top.
You rushed outside to be picked by your team but not before sharing a sweet but passionate kiss with Pete and agreeing to spend the night at your place after the show. Your team smiled at you knowingly as you entered the car but they didn’t make any comment on your relationship. You discussed the show, the possible questions and what the best answers would be… The ride was pretty quiet after that and you soon arrived at the building where the show was taped. You were warmly welcomed by the host. You had already done some interviews with him, he was easy to talk to, always made you comfortable and was rather fun to be around. He lead you to the make-up artist trailer who didn’t fail to notice your tired look but promised you that it was nothing than a bit of foundation and powder could hide. Indeed, after only 15 minutes there you were glowing, looking fresh, like a fairytale princess leaving her bed.
As you were waiting to be called on stage, you received a message from Pete telling you that he was excited to see you on the show, that no matter what you were the best and that he was eager to see you tonight to finish the nap you had started together. You quickly replied before entering the stage. The interview went rather smoothly. You had begun with questions about your last album and upcoming project teasing a possible collab with Taylor Swift. The crowd went wild at this info and you knew that you would certainly end up in top tweets. After a commercial, you played a game with the host where you had to sing a random song imitating another artist. Clearly, it was not your forte, but you were funny enough to make it a good moment to watch. Then, you proceeded to answers some more interrogations from the public that could be found on social media. Those questions were a lot more personal and globally more focused on your art, compositions, writing skills, inspiration. You were passionate, your eyes were big with enthusiasm and you did a lot of gesture with your hand with made the host smile.
You were so happy that when a question about your dating life came up, you didn’t think twice before saying “Well I am the luckiest person, I have my dream career and dating Pete Davidson is just the cherry on the top, you know. He is just so perfect for me, like me understand and support each other, it just so great when you can share all those moments with someone you love and trust.” As you finished your rant, you noticed how the host was staggered. You finally realized what you had revealed and blushed furiously. “Did you just announce publicly that you are dating SNL cast member Pete Davidson?”. It was like words were dying in your throat and you envisioned Pete’s reaction at this. Surely it was not how you had planned to go public. You nodded shyly and the show stopped there. The host thanks the audience who was visibly thrilled, and you made your way backstage. You compulsively checked your phone every five seconds waiting for a text from your now very public boyfriend. But none came and it was worse. You felt so bad, you never wanted to put him in such a position, you were not sure that he was ready to go public, face the world’s reaction but here you were because you couldn’t keep your mouth shut.
Your team drove you back to your place assuring you that it was okay, he couldn’t be mad at you for this but actually he legitimately could. They insist that you should check your social media, people were very supportive of you, saying that you were so cute together, goals… however you didn’t think that it was a good idea right now, you head spinning with the prospect to face Pete.
You silently entered your house waiting for Pete to arrive, a huge lump in your stomach. You felt so guilty, obviously you had to ruin everything, didn’t you. You were in your kitchen drinking a hot cocoa to calm your nerve when you heard Pete unlocked your front door with his spare keys. You didn’t dare to approach him and let him come in the room, your hands shaking so bad that you had spilled some hot beverage on it. You didn’t really feel the burning sensation, you were too scared of what he would say. To make it even more torturing he remained silent as he glanced at you. he eventually approached you and put away your cup as he took your injured hand in his. He put it under cold water and you let him do it, not understanding what was happening. “Do you think that I hate you or that I am angry at you for making it public without talking about it first?” he stated more than questioned as he stood behind you with his hand on yours. “Yes” you sighed looking down. He made you turned to face him and since you were still not looking at him, he put gently his hand on your face and lift it up. His face was so calm and soft, not what you were expecting at all. “I don’t mind, I mean sure it would have been better to discuss it and find a way together to announce it but you didn’t did on purpose. You were just so excited and you didn’t really think of it so I can’t blame you. I certainly would have done the same. Also, how I can be mad at someone who is so cute and so adorable when talking about me. You know what you say about us, it means a lot to me, a lot more than you can imagine. I love you, okay, and I don’t care if the whole world knows as long as you know it.” He smiled down at you and brushed away some tears that you hadn’t realize where rolling down your face. He cusped your cheeks and kissed your forehead as you buried yourself in his shirt.
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