#their songs slap too
ceciliathecabinwitch · 5 months
I watched scooby doo and the witch’s ghost for the first time in Years yesterday and even though at this point in my life I don’t remember a lot of the movie very vividly, I Do remember that it influenced my understanding of magic and witchcraft and stuff quite a bit in my childhood, and it was very interesting to look back on it now, so I just wanted to write out a couple of my favorite parts
First of all they delineate between Wiccans and Witches which is interesting but also interesting is that witches are bad guys/evil and Wiccans are good guys
Second it’s the whole “witches are separate from humans” thing where they call normal people mortals and things are strictly hereditary, so like the main guy can only use this witch’s grimoire (I’m not sure if that’s the word they use for it or not because I was kinda half watching) because she (the titular witch) is his ancestor
Third when he reveals that she was a witch and he’s totally a bad guy he refers to himself as a warlock which is one of the only parts of the movie that I vividly remember from childhood and that’s because the line where he says informed my opinion of the whole witch/wizard female/male thing for Years, which was “witch Is female but male is warlock, wizard is gender neutral and everyone else is wrong” (this opinion has obviously changed)
Fourth, and probably my favorite part although it directly goes back to point two, is that when they’re all freaking out because none of them can get rid of this ghost because they’re not Magical, they save the day by having Thorn from the Hex Girls read the spell that banishes the ghost, because it was previously mentioned that she is “1/16 Wiccan” and it Works
Anyway idk but if you’re someone who tries to understand their own thought processes and where they come from I have long believed in rewatching things that you enjoyed in your childhood because you’d be surprised at how much stuff makes you go “huh, is That where that idea comes from?”
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ferretteeth · 2 years
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bezuss · 2 years
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Naruto and Sasuke in Konoha by Thiago Pantaleão & Lukinhas
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prism-forgone · 7 months
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at least they still have that sick pink belt i guess
an assortment of doodles of strange someone frisk - they're @the-meme-monarch's! go! check them out if u don't know them!! - simply because they were on the mind to the point where i had to visualize my thoughts or risk falling into the shadow realm
bit of a less serious doodle under the cut as a surprise lmao i did it once as warmup
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starsillys · 2 months
I’m sure it’s probably been spoken about before to some extent but I present to you.l!!?!
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KINITO PET TAMAGTOCHI AU?!! WHAT THE FLIP he’s so anime core (the, the idea was it was supposed to be like… slice of life anime something with magical creature buddy Kinito y yk? Yk? ) awuhhj
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here’s some compncept ideas sss a lil back story kind of!! Will be drawing more of this later for sure I’m having massive rot rn but i need slumber on god
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hingefreelester · 4 months
All Star was Unironically such a great choice for the wad credits like yeah it has comedic value as a meme and shrek ref BUT if you look at the lyrics it actually goes very hand in hand with wads message with the whole ”its getting tough out here but you gotta do it anyway” said in a funny way? Is it really so shocking Smash Mouth let him use it?
You’ll never know if you don’t go
You’ll never shine if you don’t glow
My world’s on fire how about yours?
Idk go listen to the song
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aioliravioli-69 · 1 month
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what a waste of a lovely night...
Aight, just because I can't make an animatic doesn't mean I can't do the au!
btw: @nocontextsock, I am looking forward to it!!
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bleaksqueak · 3 months
Since I posted some of my old fanart yesterday... if you're not familiar with Slayers, and thus have never heard its amazing music, do check it out. It's largely by the same songwriter, Masami Okui, that did Utena's iconic opening (Rinbu Revolution) and ofc (TRUTH) and sung by a duo of her and Hayashibara Megumi (you know, the GOAT)
The entire OST pretty much slaps. there's only a couple of bad image songs in an absolute expanse of pure gold. GIVE A REASON, the opening to the second season, tends to be the reigning favorite. (I've a hard time pinning down my absolute favorite... of the original openings, it might be Breeze, but all three are so good. Of the entire catalog? Impossible to choose. Midnight Blue, Raging Waves, Within my Unlimited Desires, Gloria, Get Along... Impossible Choice)
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micahdoesmusic · 9 months
A little fnc edit,, as a treat….
[art creds (the best evers): @lanladesu , @saturndigital , @kutakunagasblog , @skywerse , @wasyago]
[song: ‘My Love Mine All Mine’ by Mitski]
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morb1dcan1d · 2 months
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Did a lil thing for my friend Sunsetfeline (IG) birthday <3
Tried something new with the clouds and am quite happy with how it all turned out :3
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i-simp-stobotnik · 3 months
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Day 4: Cartoon // Winx Club
I was thinking about these prompts with a friend of mine, and for a cartoon, she suggested Winx. At first I was like yeah ok, maybe for the lols, but omg, the longer I thought about it the more perfect it became. A fairy of technology = Tecna!Robotnik, and a witch specializing in dark magic, trickery, and espionage = Darcy!Stone. Surprisingly perfect. 😂
Imagine how tall jimbotnik is in those heels. Like bitch, that's a motherfucking GIRAFFE. 🦒
Stone's face looks a bit derp. I like how Robotnik turned out, I like the suit, but Stone bugs me. The Trix Darcy make up didn't want to sit on his face. He does have his beard, which for some reason is something I tend to forget which would have made him look VERY weird. I tried to do one of those super exaggerated model-like poses they do in Winx, but I guess that just added to Stone's slight derpiness. But whatevs, it is a silly idea anyway.
Also fuuuuuck I need to post day 3 late. Big säd. :(
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grissomesque · 5 months
would i live my life over again? make the same unforgivable mistakes? yes, given half a chance. yes.
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(cw below the cut - corpse; blood)
Tomorrow, perhaps
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Tomorrow, perhaps...
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bajablastable · 3 months
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3-aem · 2 years
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tricksterlatte · 7 months
I have two types of Akeshu playlists
The playlists that are driven by the angst, the raw emotions, the chaotic concoction of all their mixed feelings in-game and throughout the story or even in my fanfics...
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and then whatever the hell this is supposed to be
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