#(this is supposed to be in a lore post but ill talk abt it a bit)
skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
Sorry but I was looking thru asks and I saw these again and they make me laugh every time I look back at them, thank you cofi and c 😭😭😭
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I ended up calling it Boy King bcs that's really just how everyone knew it already, but these are all soooo gold
Spanish Dream AU has such great historical context though btw:
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I guess sometimes when I tag drawings, I'm like "ah I'm kinda ignoring Nano :<" but then I realize that's the whole point! Yeah he's important and so are others in the au, but Seb is always the most important at the end of the day 🤭🤭
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rhunsui · 5 months
That side character i said yesterday was.....
The one,
The only
Not Spooky...
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Yep, hes the 'certain side char' that literally no one was waiting for!
Now you definitely are not thinking, Why Bruner? Well, im gonna tell ya whether you like to or not! Cuz you can skip anyway! Theres a TL;DR by the way...
(TL;DR is 'too long; didnt read')
Anyways, the reason that the certain dude is Bruner is cuz he's actually part of the lore! Not a big role, but he kind of plays a part in Helly's past.
Wondering why? You probably arent, but, yk how in the pilot episode of RoboPoli, Bruner was supposed to be part of the rescue team?
Now, in the RPTA, its normal for students to drop out due to the inability to keep up, not everyone's a rescuer!
Im not trying to say that he was an ex-rescuer, im trying to say that when Helly was still RPTA (Rescuer Preparation and Training Academy, ill talk about it in a diff post), One of Helly's coach's mentioned something about Bruner being a past-student there but dropped out.
But Bruner was different, Bruner was doing just fine in the RPTA, he was good at the training, he could keep up. But one day, he just.... left.
Bruner's only explanation about his dropout was, 'Rescuing isnt for me.' After that, his whereabouts were unknown, they thought he went back to his hometown, unfortunately the academy had no info on Bruner's family to know if that were true. So of course he would be remembered by the trainers and coaches of the RPTA.
The way Helly knew about Bruner was like what I said, a coach mentioned Bruner at some point and Helly just so happened to remember it. Bruner was also a common example that the trainers used for the students. What i mean by that is the trainers record their students, Bruner's recordings were usually used and sometimes they would tell the students a bit about Bruner. There is also a file of Bruner somewhere in the faculty room...
Enough about the RPTA, I'll be telling you about Bruner himself!
Bruner was actually very popular during his RPTA times, which kind of the reason he's a lil selfish and loves praise. Honestly, he was probably popular cuz he liked to sneak away to private places to play ball...
Now as to why he dropped out, its because he never wanted to be a rescuer to begin with!
Yeah, he didnt wanna! So why is he even IN the RPTA to begin with?
Well, thats because of his family tree!
His fathers side of the family is a whole line of rescuers, so Bruner was forced to become a rescuer to keep the family tradition going.
Bruner always wanted to be an architect/builder, so when he was forced into training his entire childhood to get accepted, he obviously hated it! Sure, everyone in the academy was nice, but being a rescuer was not what he wanted to be! He may like the attention rescuers get, but he doesn't want THAT much attention, it would be too much for him!
So by the time he was 18, he dropped out of the RPTA to run away and pursue his dream.
The place he ran to, the one and only Broomstown of course! However, his family does not know anything about Bruner's whereabouts... The only ones who know are his cousin's (Aka, Bruny's) family which is on his mother's side. Bruner also got most of his genetics from her side. Bruner trusted them because it was his auntie and cousins that played builder with him, and they didnt care about what Bruner would be, they also promised not to tell!
So thats it, Bruner's story! I guess he's kind of the only one with a proper backstory... But hey, at least he has one, ya know?
Heres the TL;DR -
Bruner used to train to be rescuer, didnt wanna, ran away to Broomstown and his family dunno except cousin's fam (Bruny). Helly heard of Bruner cuz trainers talk abt him sometimes back when he (Helly) was in training.
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morguemaw · 2 years
hello, hope this isn't like offensive or anything. but what's the difference between lusttale and underlust?
Hihi! It isnt :) I really love talking abt lustale, it also helps make sure those who are new to my profile understand Lustale <3 I really suggest looking through my tag ill have below on this post, since it has much more info. but i will try to sum it up for you! TW for a few triggering things!
I wanna first clarify my issues with Underlust and why i made Lustale. - Underlust has lots of issues such as the curveball of MTT being raped, the owner drawing / or drawing fanart of a AU that had a nazi chara, the sudden depression Sans gathers (no build up nor mention, the fact that the skeleton brothers have canon incest relationships.
The owner clarified their mental health wasnt good to continue the AU, hence why parts are most likely really bad. They also said they have stopped working on the AU, and its a fandom owned AU now like Underswap.
The main changes are;
x Chara has the trait of passion instead of Lust, when Chara fell down the monsters were sealed underground after the battle that caused a great depression, Chara ended up passing away but the monsters wanted the trait, and tried to copy it. This failed and the trait Lust was created, as Lust and Passion can be mistaken for the Monsters not understanding x Lustale will be taking a more Slice of Life story, it will only have the visual vibes of Underlust, and loose Undertale storyline. Other then that, there will not be anything such as breaking the barrier (as the monsters are also content and happy as they are ) until very very later on. Battles are less common in this AU, too. x Flowey is made via Asriel's soul breaking, Asgore and Toriel could not have children (Toriel is infertile) and tried to combine their souls to create Asriel's soul, however it was weak and dusted, therefore being sprinkled into a rose similar to how the Rose Flowey in Underlust was made
x Almost each and every character has a new personality, job, backstory, and more. They arent just empty headed sex freaks. I want them to have actual personality instead of "Omg Sans is a femboyant stripper slay king omg" . I also wanna clarify my Lust HATES being called anything feminine or femboyant, no this isnt a issue to those who have lusts' like this.
The only things i kept the same between them are:
x Designs of the characters being similar. It would be hard to revamp Underlust with fully new designs, because that both pushes it too far from what its supposed to be, but ruins the nostalgia of the original characters. Instead i did a few tweaks, minus some characters such as Undyne, Alphys, Toriel, and in the future more characters will have larger redesigns. This is only because Sans and Papyrus are more iconic with the AU, mainly Sans.
x A few pieces of the lore i may keep; However since the lore for Underlust is very short and has alot of wonky pieces, along with a extremely short comic, its hard to really keep anything about Underlust in my AU Lustale, because, to be fair, there is absolutely jack shit to go on.
And you didnt ask for this, but my main reason for doing it is:
With Underlust, there is JACK SHIT to go off of with characters. There is ZERO development, we get to learn NOTHING about them other than they like sex and making other AU counterparts uncomfortable. All we get for story is Mettaton was raped (which is NEVER brought up again. ) and that Sans is actually depressive and has lots of self hate, which again, is NEVER brought up. We learn nothing of what characters like and dislike, we learn nothing about the AU, we learn nothing about their jobs or positions, the entire AU is built up on sex, sex, and more sex. Lustale is a revamp of Underlust where they will be fleshed out, and, i can hope, will possibly replace Underlust because, holy shit, i really dont support Underlust.
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oh-cramity-its-amity · 8 months
little do my parents know that fanfiction is probably the reason i graduated high school.
annnnnd no thats not a depression thing (i was depressed but thats a different story), i literally was so behind on assignments that i stayed up the last week of the semester to crunch my grades (ive always had a history of being bad at focusing so online schooling was a godsend during the pandemic).
i stayed up for five days straight (dont do that!!! but i did) and realized that i could easily cheat a creative writing assignment by submitting fanfiction.
embarrassing or not, i did it. it was literally lumity fanfic and like it WAS the first chapter of what my current wip was before it became what it is now.
so this old white woman (she was prob like in her mid 50s. probably VERY heterosexual) read some gay ass fanfiction about two girls, and gave me an A on it.
but it gets worse okay? because she wanted to TALK about it with me because she liked it(???). said something like "i liked how you described things." BUT YOU DONT GET THAT YOU WEREN'T SUPPOSED TO READ THAT 😭- anyway. im just glad i didnt submit that assignment as soon as she assigned it because she read a lot of the submissions aloud over class and i could NOT stand if she read that aloud to my class. theres so much lore abt that class though LMAO.
tldr i did submit fanfiction for an assignment and maybe ill post the old ass draft.
its so bad though like. 17 year old me did not know what i know now about writing.
i do not know why im saying this but this memory haunts me but is still so iconic.
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pirrha · 4 years
im kind of grateful to myself that im almost solely an eliksni blog because its just like i dont have to deep dive into lore about the vanguard, the awoken origins, the praxic order or anything im just here for big sexy alien
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pikslasrce · 3 years
okay so the last time i wrote this [tumblr] glitched and i was left w only the memory of all the sentences and the dialogue i had so beautifully written on the topic of True Believer™ danwave.... so if it feels a lil dry thats bc i put my heart and soul in the tragically deleted draft.
ANYWAYS the idea came to me after seeing this post where i wrote some fun lore in the tags. ill put everything under the cut so it doesnt clog the dash <3
so. we already know danwave didnt believe in vampires before his near death experience when he encountered the evil vampire lady and diordan right. well im just gonna say that that was the case for everything except ghosts.
i just realized danwave hasnt had the chance to meet the rest of the vampstille dudes so i wont go into detail there bc i wanna include it in future scenes <3
anyways danwave was a huge skeptic (apart from ghosts) before encountering diordan but he didnt think abt the big picture and the implications of the existence of vampires bc he was still under the impression of that nights events and most of his thoughts were 'oh MY GOD I ALMOST DIED THERE' and 'wait a minute. THOSE WERE VAMPIRES! VAMPIRES ARE REAL?!?!?!'
but after meeting the rest of vampstille his little mortal human brain EXPLODES like 'wait. so. vampires are real. werewoLVES ARE REAL?? FRICKIN TOOTH FAIRIES EXIST???' and then he becomes a full on True Believer™ bc if THOSE exist what else might be out there as well? and that raises even more questions. are all supernatural/paranormal creatures and cryptids evil? are some friendly? good even? can the invasive ones be exterminated with Joygrave Equipment™??
anyways he becomes a crazy little man just imagine:
[the joygrave dudes (paul and joe) come into daniels office just to see him sitting in complete darkness w only the computer illuminating the room. there are empty mugs all over the place.]
joygrave dudes: hey dan we were won–
[danwave is on his 3rd cup of Joewave™ coffee in the past hour. he turns around, his eyes red from staring at a computer screen for hours with the lights off. he is heavily caffeinated and shaking.]
joygrave dudes: –dering 🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️
danwave: *paying no attention to what they were trying to say* I THINK IVE FIGURED IT OUT *proceeds to talk abt whatever cryptid hes latched onto this time*
paul: ...
joe: dan weve talked abt this those things arent real. you cant go chasing every possible "creature" that you hear of just because you met one vampire, werewolf and a tooth fairy, you have a job and a band you know you cant go on like this forever *signals to paul to get on the phone*
paul: hello. uh. can i get diordan van smith on the phone? [...] yeah i can wait... [a few moments later] hey dude, yeah hes gone off the rails again we have ghosts to kill and hes just– [...] yeah ill hand him to ya *passes the phone to daniel* here, its your vampire buddy
diordan: hello my friend, ive heard you were inquiring about [cryptid]
danwave: i know why they called you *sends a death stare towards paul and joe across the room* youre supposed to tell me to give up my search for [cryptid] WELL ILL TELL YOU NOW THA–
diordan: *interrupting him* actually my ghost hunting friend, i intended to inform you that [cryptid] is indeed real and is in fact a close friend of mine, and i can arrange for you to meet them
danwave: *loosing it* ITS REAL??? [CRYPTID] EXISTS? I WAS RIGHT?? *sends a crazy look to paul and joe while laughing Hysterically™ while pointing to the phone and gloating* OKAY WHEN CAN WE– ACTUALLY NEVERMIND IM COMING RIGHT OVER WAIT FOR ME OUTSIDE
[proceeds to frantically pour the rest of his Joewave™ coffee into a thermos and starts packing all of his equipment and leaves in a hurry]
joe and paul, now left alone: 🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️
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tomatograter · 4 years
do u have any random bits of dirk/jake/dirkjake meta u haven’t posted abt but would like to share.. I just love your thoughts on them lol
My honest answer to this question is that due to the nature of most stuff im working on i'm Never *Not* Thinking about them. Though most of these thoughts are disordered and a tad holistic, so calling it meta feels silly when im just pointing out text observations or something ill later fit into a story LOL
That being said, the latest detail I've been mulling over (and if you follow my rambletwitter this will not come as new information) is the manner in which jake will exaggerate aranea's hot-girl availability and interest in him entirely to spite dirk (Here, brain ghost dirk,) for ignoring him and his attempts at communicating for the first half of act 6. 
Jake knows being around aranea makes 'A' dirk jealous, jealous enough he won't shut up about it, and this kind of honest no-bullshit attention is the very same he's been fruitlessly looking for as the AR hogs all viable lines of communication and "real" dirk refuses to tip his hand. There's an ongoing theme there that i don't usually see explored, and its part of what makes their relationship blow up in the latter half of act 6: Dirk's emotional maze and steel mask of irony prevents him from being sincere and open with the people he loves (metaphorically and literally) even when they're standing right next to one another. You can talk at dirk without talking with dirk, the same way dirk can talk at you without focusing on you - bit of a bad habit, there- and this sort of mixed signal drives jake a little bit mad. He's not even sure dirk likes him half of the time, because it is not something that is stated between them. (And as i said before, the verbal affirmation part of the "believing" process is a big thing for jake - and generally fits right into his neurodivergent profile. 0 emotional permanence, if you don't say you like him he's going to doubt it with his pingpong brain.) So when he sees the opportunity to actually get dirk to react in a way that makes sense, he grabs it. Its a big "Oh? So now you can pay attention to little ol" me???? Now you care??"
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(The jump in tone between these because dirk wont let go of stewing in bitterness while also trying to make jake embarass himself & jake throwing it right back at him that at least alien girl is talking to me! And yes she is ""hot""! "And most importantly maybe if you werent so difficult this would be US!!! . jpeg" is A Lot)
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(I also posted these two, bc the way jake casually mentions his status with dirk and/or tries to get her to talk about Real Lore Shit instead of more winkwonk nonsense says more about his intentions than brain ghost dirk prompting him into thinking about porn by yapping about it)
In game dirk latches onto making them adventuring agendas and exercise programs and matching outfits and grinding for exp inside dungeons for 8 hours straight, nonstop, most of which probably spent rambling about the supposed intricacies of sburb's philosophical stances, but all of it is never *explicitly* about the nature of their romantic relationship, or affection, or any sort of emotional intimacy without a takebacksies of "i'm kidding, because I'm a stone cold cool dude." It's almost as though he's making their romance into subtext just for the sake of unproblematically acknowledging it as a Bromance instead, given he still thinks the AR forced jake's feelings, except… he's also desperately trying to engage with jake like this, expecting any attention to count as positive attention. Its a nonstop marathon to effectively monopolize being around jake without having to touch on the complicated / embarassing / necessary parts of dating someone. When jake finally loses interest in playing this extended brainpuzzle game of 0 honesty with dirk and his many extended dlc splinters, he goes to sit on the grass and huff and rant about it, but it's nothing we haven't actually seen before. Jake states many a time that he's not sure if dirk is really into him, with all the false positives. But he has no qualms about saying if he had to date someone, itd probably be dirk, or that he used to joke way back if dirk was a girl they'd be totally in love until he realized that didnt matter, all the while objectively classifying jane's hinted at feelings as "unrequited" or straight up saying "no, I'm not in love with aranea, what the fuck?" When brain ghost dirk gets it into his head that he really wants to get into her pants and does all the heavylifting to entirely shift the conversation about how much she is his perfect alien girl. Its just funny to see how jake picks up that this is just because dirk is jealous, and dirk being jealous means hes willing to truly engage in what looks like an irritated but honest way, and jake wants said attention so much hes going to milk it for what its worth. (But when given the chance, he couldn't give less of a shit for actually kissing aranea, and it is actually framed as something horrifically wrong, because it was never about her, it was about dirk.)
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posting this here before i forget again but the more i think abt the hk au im like… hm…
p4 would work so well in a post radiance sealed away setting w p3 having been the seal . like. minato/the hollow knight sealing up their respective gods rlly do be out there
the problem is that idk if id be into the idea of him being made a vessel? maybe somehow hollowed himself out n became a vessel as sacrifice? idk i haven’t seen p3 in years he just doesn’t fit the idea i have for the vessels (read later but im mainly reserving them for the non humans)
idk what that’d make the rest of the p3 cast but im here to talk p4 so like sh
anyways. tempted to make the radiance less nyx exactly n more just… a vague concept for all the gods 
so her leaking out again /the infection starting again as stand in for izanamis fog spreading n ppl going not great over that
all i know is that this au or whatever would prolly start at the start of it starting to spread? so its not like the game where everythings already gone to shit
all i have is for ted mainly is that he’s a vessel ! cus the abyss felt like it could work for him n also the anti shadow suppression weapons (yes im lumping the shadow and the anti shadow weapons in together here its mainly just bcus they all work w the idea of not being supposed to have ‚real’ personalities)
i kind of want him as a mask maker! maybe not the mask maker but i like the idea of tiny vessel escaping the abyss and as he finds his actual personality more actually making other masks for himself to fit the self he wants to be towards others more (to mimic him creating the bear costume n human body to fit in as well skjdhfjks)(also as a small nod to him making glasses for others ig! mask maker)
im not entirely sure if i want to keep the dreamers? well. im keeping them but not asleep. was thinking of making them the velvet attendants? having sealed away, the seal. they aint sleeping n will actively fight u tho. my main reasoning for this one was I Think It Sounds Cool
dont know how to deal w the pale king n stuff tho so
im thinking abt kind of. getting rid of them? which prolly sounds like a major element to remove but the kings/queens/wyrm god stuff translates over a lil harder w the actual persona gods being like that  (i wouldn’t know how to distribute the persona gods over radiance pale king white queen n grimm so i will just not do that i think (ik grimms not a wyrm but im not gonna lie folks his lore confuses me so i will just ignore it for this one) so instead the pale king could just be the entire kirijo group? creating the vessels to battle the radiance/the persona gods p much
as for the rest of the cast…. yosuke as a mantis? still has his wings. fast n jumpy to fit w him being fast n air based. speaking of the mantises- adachi possibly as the traitor lord?? not necisarrily a lord like in canon but just someone who accepted the infection willingly to gain power
design wise speaking i like the idea of chie as a bee? warrior bee. for yukiko- idk wtf isma was bug wise but cus her ability grants acid immunity n the acid i think could fit yukikos fire/n immunity her healing powers i wanna say smth like isma. maybe a giraffe weevil (like willoh) as species since idk what isma was and their long necks kinda remind me of yukikos bird shadows neck. yes thats fairly vague but im doing my best. giraffe weevil who has weird acid powers i dont even know. (THO I DO ALSO KINDA LIKE THE IDEA OF WEAVER YUKIKO. HM. MUST THINK ABOUT THIS SOME MORE IM JUST THROWING SHIT AT THE WALL RN)
kanji as whatever hegemol was. big scary towering bug. (who ends up actually being not scary!) for rise… wanna give her a design kinda like ze’mer maybe? traveling bard bug (which could be why she’s useful as a backup person moreso informing the team? she knows abt stuff cus shes been places)
naoto and yu as i genuinely have no idea . i dont know. help me. maybe naoto as a moth??? removing the moth tribe as inherently connected to the radiance. cus i removed the other worms/gods n jut replaced them w kirijo group radiance is kind of an outlier here n would prolly be a weird force of nature fuelled by emotions thing to fit in w persona more. can still take the form of a moth or whatever tho i might change that but the point is the moth tribe isn’t connected to r anymore n she wasn’t some ancient god already being worshipped that got angry shes just a force that suddenly started existing now
anyways. they all meet up bcus of infection starting to spread n start investigating and end up facing off w izanami version of the radiance (again. radiance is more a general concept of all gods so for the p3 cast it would’ve been more a nyx version. for p4 shes more izanami cus i make the rules in this house)
the dream world still exists and its where most of the major fights take place! like fighting the attendants- they’re not asleep but they can access the dream world n can only be fought in there (they dont die if defeated they’ll just be like yea i wont stop ya anymore do your thing)(defeating them prolly required to progress into certain areas besides them just protecting the seal)
teds still the one in charge of portalling them between worlds! when he was scouring the land still forming his personality he got access to a dream nail he can use to not only enter dreams himself but also let the others come w him. why? how? i dont know that yet. this is still just me throwing shit at the wall
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leeoliver · 7 years
8, 10, 16, 31 for mal and 5 for mugra pl ea se
(char dev)
8. where and when do they seem most and least at ease? why? how can you tell?
tbh…mals the west coaster from that “my body melted into the sand” post. he takes these fucking like “mal days” he calls them where he sets up a chair on the roof of the l38 and has cas mix him a drink (mal can cook but he cant mix to save his life) and tans for like 4 hrs while listening to music. and ur not supposed to bother him on mal days but sometimes rex comes up and licks his hand which he begrudgingly allows. like its terrible and boujee and his honored ancestor wu hongqi would never approve but sometimes uve gotta relajate.
ive totally talked abt this before but mals extremely claustrophobic esp w being underground so he literally cant stand it. in most cases ud have to drag him kicking and screaming to get him underground but in a situation (this is like a nightmare worst case scenario for him btw) where he just like wakes up underground hed pretty much immediately start panicking, sweating and hyperventilating and looking for a way out.
10. what energizes and drains them most?
mal lives for like adrenaline rushes in a modern au hed so be into extreme sports and shit so hes constantly looking for/setting up thrillseeking opportunities, all of which have to be approved by a council of arcade, boone, and raul (lily cant do it bcos she encourages whatever he comes up w it to see him happy, cass cant bcos shed totally say yes to something to see mal look stupid doing it, and veronica cant bcos shes right there doing it w him)
the worst thing u could ask him to do would be nothing. he cant meditate, way too restless. he needs something engaging either physically challenging or intellectually stimulating or at the very least something to fidget his hands with.
16. do they dream? what are those dreams like?
most of mals dreams are pretty normal, talking to ppl he knows and doing stuff, sometimes w weirder elements mixed in, but the worst ones are his like memory dreams. he gets dreams where he suddenly remembers everything he forgot when he got shot, everything about his past and the people and stuff and then he’ll wake up and forget all of it. and he’ll be left feeling like somethings been taken from him all over again.
31. is there anything that counts as a “dealbreaker” for them, positively or negatively? what makes things go smoothly, and what spoils an activity or ruins their day? why?
ddddd ill get back to u on this one
5. how do they dress? what styles, colors, accessories, and other possessions do they favor? why?
ok can i just start by saying that im totally tossing out th window norn lore abt how they all wear tiny fur underwear in this freezing snowy climate. norn culture has a lot of emphasis on feats of glory and strength and honor, so i think typical clothing would be very utilitarian, blends in w the environment, doesnt make that much noise when stalking prey. i definitely think it would come in a lot of layers, given the variation in temperature we see in locations ingame and just in general the idea of adaptability in a combat environment. im totally gonna do an outfit layer sheet for her someday.
mugras a good tailor, but thats got more to do w quality of make and stitching than any real ingenuity in design. she makes really solid clothing, but i wouldnt describe her as having a real eye for fashion. she rarely dyes pelts, keeping them mostly in the shades of brown and white they come in. she really likes skirts tho, but ofc wears them like over warm leggings. shes got a giant fur coat/travel blanket w a bear head for the hood. the story of where she got the bear from changes every time she tells it.
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maahistrash · 7 years
all of them >:3 all the asks
OH WOW THIS BLOG’S FIRST ASK !!!!! OKAY VERY LONG POST AHEAD🕸 1. Who’s the oldest character of yours that you still use?vincent and francis! my boys have been through a fuck ton of development, from halloween of 2015 to now.. they used to be youtuber ocs, and.. well.. yeah i love them both with all my heart!!!⭐️ 2. Who’s the oldest character of yours, defunct or not?a pegasus named raven who is highkey defunct  (mlp oc oof) but lmao her story makes me think i should give her an arc, and maybe put her in another form.. 💡 3. Has creating a character ever made you realize something about yourself?a bunch of times this has happened actually.. vin made me realize im not straight, nargis made me realize im not cis at all, and vin/nate really made me realize how much i self-project, esp in vin’s case🦋 4. Any minor characters that have either taken over or branched off into their own stories?nar was originally supposed to be a very side character, but his concept hit me right in the spot and i wanted to make him a main oc! and kenny has branched off into his own story, so has alde!🐲 5. Do you prefer to make human, animal, monster, or _____ characters? Why?i like humanoid ocs better bc its a more familiar thing to me? its easier  for me to write human-like ocs than animals, but monsters are also REALLY FUN. demons are fair game, usually my ocs are humans with powers, or humanoids as i say.elves also  play a big role in my stories but i guess that also counts as humanoid!🎨 6. When creating a character, do you come up with the visual concept or the written concept first?it really depends on the kind of oc itself but usually i write up the backstory before i even try designing. that way its easier for me to add elements of their past in their appearance, for consistency i.e. scars, birthmarks, style, etc.📌 7. Do you have characters that you know you’ll never use, but can’t bear to get rid of/recycle?elijah :( i dont think i can fit him anywhere in the big story arc and that makes me sad bc i really love his concept! (he’s a half-swedish half-american water witch with gay moms) (and his last name is jerkeryoff… he was a joke oc i fell in love with)💖 8. Is there a character that embodies your good traits, or traits you wish you had?fran or nar have traits i wish i had. theyre both sweet, helpful, unselfish, and though fran’s slightly more a pushover than nar, they’ve both gone through hell and come back shining and stronger. i wish i could do that. i hope i can.💔9. Is there a character that embodies your bad traits? Several characters? Which ones and what traits?i put a bit of myself in all my ocs, and it shows sometimes. vin has a lot of my bad traits (mentally ill [badly], prone to addiction, self-doubt, actually self-loathing really) and nate does too (selfishness, aggressive, mouth runs before brain does)rip♨️ 10. Is there a character that explores your interests or fetishes (orrrr is that just all of you characters)?interests? yes. vin does music, which im VERY interested in, and fran is really interested in space and astrology, like me! fetishes? ………….maybe…. talk to me to find out :^)✒️ 11. If you have characters that embody certain traits of yours—good or bad—has writing them changed how you view those traits? Has it affected you in any way?yeah. it’s been both, tbh. vin’s family drama  and stuff and how it affected him kinda helped me, or is helping me, get through shit. it’s changed my view on divorce. not really elaborating but yeah. fran’s anxiety also worked this way, and his shyness too. the more i wrote of these things, the more i realized how much i empathized. then i realized i self project lmaO💭 12.  Do you fantasize about being any of your characters, or are you more detached?if i was detached from my kids would i make a separate blog for them and have tags……… i love them and i think abt them all the time,,, fantasizing is the #1 reason i have any backstories whatsoever!🎵 13. Do you create playlists for your characters?ive been WANTING to for a WHILE but theres so many ocs and not enough time. one day i will .. i can’t use spotify because its banned where i live so maybe youtube or 8tracks? idk but when i end up making these lists i will share them!!!🎇 14. When writing for specific characters, is there anything you have to do to get into the right mindset?oh yeah def!! i need to be able to relate to the character, and see myself in their shoes, otherwise it’s hard for me to write them properly !!🌻 15. Which character is your guilty pleasure?cam…. for sure audsdafhnai he’s what i aspire to be honestly🌩 16. Is there a character of yours who’s a real struggle to write/draw? Why do you think that is?nobody really, i have a good time writing/drawing all my ocs! 🔑 17. Which character is the easiest to draw/write?the ones ive had for a longer time, i find, are easier for me to write.. so fran/vin, honestly. ive had growth with them, it’s kinda like we went through development together, and we did!!💎 18. Is there anything you really wish you could do, character-design-wise, that you feel is outside your current skillset? A concept that you wish you could pull off but are uncertain about?yeah… i wish i could pull off demons and stuff related to them. i want to make my lore super deep but then it’s not easy bc i barely have time to give, and demons in my universe would be super immersed in the lore. or um.. yknow, ships within my own ocs, instead of other peoples.🏆 19. What’s more important to you: visual design, unique personality, a trendy character aesthetic, etc? If you’re not sure, then what’s the first thing you usually nail down in a character?the first thing i nail down in a character is how theyre related to the big story. this means how they can be linked to other ocs, relationships, familial or friendly, or even past romances. then i figure out their personality from these things, and then i make the design! to me an in-depth personality is more important than anything, it’s a key to character  development. people think cool designs are all that matters, but to grab attention, a complex character makes sense. of course, i feel this because i’m planning to write a book, not make comics. visual appeal does exist ! and i believe in it. but i link personality to looks, and making the personality complex is more realistic and it’s easier to avoid mary sues then.🎬 20. Do you ever plan to do anything (comic, animation, etc) with your characters? Or are you just happy to have them?originally i never wanted to write a book with my kids! i was content just roleplaying. but one of my friends said that they have potential in a story arc, and that the way these people are connected is interesting (this is 2016, with my first three, and oldest ocs, fran, vin, and nate) i was really happy to hear that and got interested in writing a book, hopefully a series, with my ocs! and i plan to make this happen!!!thank u for asking, droki!!
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