#and even if he and nano eventually love each other
skitskatdacat63 · 9 months
Sorry but I was looking thru asks and I saw these again and they make me laugh every time I look back at them, thank you cofi and c 😭😭😭
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I ended up calling it Boy King bcs that's really just how everyone knew it already, but these are all soooo gold
Spanish Dream AU has such great historical context though btw:
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I guess sometimes when I tag drawings, I'm like "ah I'm kinda ignoring Nano :<" but then I realize that's the whole point! Yeah he's important and so are others in the au, but Seb is always the most important at the end of the day 🤭🤭
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nanowrimo · 2 years
Step Up Your Character Game: Character Building Through Repeated Actions
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There are many ways to establish character building in your writing. NaNo Participant Kathryn A. Patterson talks about how you can use repetition of certain actions to show off your characters’ personalities! I find inspiration for my writing in the usual places: podcasts, the dog park, alien encounters. This year I found a nugget in, of all places, a book about how to build habits.
In Atomic Habits, James Clear discusses the word identity. He traces the origins of the word back to two Latin words:
   • essentitas: which means the essential of something, being    • identitum: which means repeatedly
Identity translates literally into “repeatedly being”.
How does this affect my writing? Two words: character building.
A character is more than a physical description and clothes. A character needs personality, affectations, mannerisms, and other less tangible attributes. However, writing something like “Sam is a kind and warm-hearted person” falls squarely into the tell-not-show category.
Using the idea of “repeatedly being”, an author can show who a character is through their actions and habits as well as their dialogue. A character who habitually hosts dinners for their friends comes across as social and nice. Someone who texts while driving is thoughtless and selfish. By having your characters repeat specific actions, you show the audience who that character is.
For example, Patricia Briggs has written a series of books around her protagonist, Mercy Thompson. Mercy doesn’t take attitude or crap from anyone, but she also is kind-hearted and smart. The readers learn this from how Mercy gets revenge on people who have done something wrong to her. The revenge is never physically damaging, but also completely memorable. On one occasion, Mercy puts blue dye into someone’s shampoo. Even though she knows the dye wear off eventually, the person is very vain, so it works fabulously as revenge.
Readers also learn about Mercy through her baking. Mercy loves baking with chocolate, and she makes cookies and brownies for her people on a regular basis. The author never outright says: “Mercy shows people that she cares about them through her baking.” Instead, the act of baking speaks for itself.
When I start a new writing project, I use a character template for each of my main characters. There, I record all the details about that character. I started this to help with consistency within a story and within a story universe. But I also use the templates to help me define my characters.
After reading Atomic Habits, I changed my character template to include three new fields:
   • Habits: a record of important repeated behaviors    • Quirks: a catalog of the character’s peculiarities    • Behavior Patterns: a description of how the character acts or reacts in specific situations
Not every character gets an entry in every field, but I list the fields so I have a place to put the relevant information.
In preparation for NaNoWriMo, I fill out character templates for all the major people in my story. I use the template to construct the character’s personality, tone of voice, and expected behaviors. That makes it much, much easier to write when November 1 rolls around.
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Kathryn A. Patterson lives in a crooked house on a crooked road. Alas, she is allergic to cats so she does not own a crooked cat. She lives in a marvelous world, filled with vampires, werewolves, and magic - oh, my! But she pretends to live in a dull, boring world filled with post offices, taxes, and calculators. It makes her family happier when she pretends. You will find her writing like a fiend during November on every day that ends in a "y".
Her template can be found here. This template is flexible. For example, her templates for her vampire universe includes fields for characters' vampire house affiliation. For her sci-fi novels, she adds fields for home planet and other related info. Photo by Marissa Grootes on Unsplash
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eisforeidolon · 8 months
Since I'm still determinedly procrastinating on my NaNo novel, let's also touch on that bit about how SPN's legacy is gonna totally be nothing but D/C because it's such an important groundbreaking ship!
Except people who watch SPN in the future aren't going to spend a week in between each episode and months in between each season reading bad meta convincing themselves there's a love story told only in set dressing and eyeblinks between Dean and Castiel. Instead they're going to see the increasingly told-over-shown best friendship that's actually there in the canon. They're going to notice how little Castiel is proportionally present without meta about how he's really a lead and every scene he's not in actually totes revolves around him. It's going to be very obvious the central relationship of the canon is the crazy intense platonic one between Dean and Sam featured in every episode. Sure, people will still ship D/C, but actually believe it's the focus of SPN in the same delusional way as hellers have without the self-reinforcing echo chamber? No, SPN's legacy is going to be what's actually in SPN - with its notoriously batshit fandom as an entirely optional side dish.
Except when it comes to good representation of LGBT+ characters, even in the year 2020 when it aired, compared to what other canons had already done and were doing? Aside from the above mentioned bad meta that is not the canon, the thing hellers are bragging about is a single scene only about Castiel's character - which is not remotely the same thing as a ship being reciprocated and made canon. I'm not saying you couldn't do genuinely good representation of an LGBT+ character through them having one-sided feelings for another? But even just from Castiel's end? The scene in question is a very pointedly deniable and ambiguous potential "coming out" with no narrative buildup leading to it and no followthrough to confirm it. Outside of heller space, it gained so much traction as a meme not just because of how awkward it was, but also because it was so obviously a low-effort last minute throwaway blink-and-you'll-miss-it regressive queerbait implying bury your gays rather than anything like good representation. Berens/Collins attempt at a message for the hellers about D/C is the furthest thing from groundbreaking and noteworthy now. Five, ten, fifteen years down the road as more and more canons include well thought out, genuinely good representation? It's going to be even more of a cringe-y nothingburger to the point even hellers may eventually realize Berens and Collins were the ones actually queerbaiting and insulting them by getting their hopes up over nothing - and only getting away with it because hellers were just that desperate to pretend something more was there. As a legacy, it's a fucking embarrassment. On the other hand, the established message of the entire rest of SPN, that it's perfectly fine to center your life on platonic love which can be just as strong and important as romantic love? Well, that's actually pretty unique as a story, validating to those it speaks to now, and is going to age just fine as a legacy. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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inadreamerslibrary · 8 months
a quick intro to my nanowrimo 2023 project!
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title: project garden (temporary title until i think of a proper one)
genres: fantasy, lgbtq+, romance
themes: found family, survivor's guilt, healing
cool features: witches (two types), a sapphic romance, a platonic friendship between a girl and a boy, war, picnics, a character death
major characters:
odette: 18-19 years old, she/her, soul witch, protagonist, maisyn royal witch's apprentice
irene: 19 years old, she/they, soul witch, sencha royal witch's apprentice
madame tyla: 43 years old, she/her, soul witch, royal witch of sencha
river: 20 years old, he/him, human, prince of maisyn
other characters:
peony: 17 years old, they/them, human, madame tyla's maid
summer: 19 years old, she/her, soul witch, maisyn royal witch's apprentice
aidan: 21 years old, he/him, human, knight of maisyn
a quick synopsis:
odette has never been happier; she's the apprentice to the royal witch, best friends with the prince, and working towards magical mastery each day. she loses everything in an instant when her country is invaded and she is taken captive, the life and people she loved most ripped from her grasp.
even after the royal witch of a neutral country offers her refuge, odette is tortured with grief and self-hatred. how could she go on living when everything that brought her happiness is gone? when she failed to protect it? the answer to those questions eventually comes to her in the form of irene, a fellow witch's apprentice who wants to help ease her out of the darkness.
with the invasion of her country still continuing, odette must gather the will, the ability, to go on despite her loss. either she lets what remains of her country crumble, or she becomes the one to pick up the pieces.
other things of note:
i started working on this project during camp nano in july 2023!! i managed to get 32k words into it, so i hope to get another 50k of it written during this year's nano :)
i think i would consider this book's demographic to be new adult? the majority of the character have recently become adults (at least according to the age of adulthood in the u.s.).
if you guys have any other questions about my project, feel free to ask! i don't wanna give away too much, gotta have that air of mystique lol
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strangesoulmates · 1 year
Whats Over and Over? 👀
Over and Over is a yalex soulmate timeloop au fic! (Title taken from the three days grace song of the same name)
The basic premise (which I have seen only once and have been OBSESSED with ever since) is that the first time you see your soulmate, it starts a timeloop that only the two of you experience. The first day of the loop is the only "real" one and the rest is just the two of you like, getting to know each other.
Once you figure out who you're in the loop with (which can be somewhat difficult because like, you could literally have just seen them across a busy street), you basically get three years to fall in love. If you don't fall in love within that timeframe, you forget who your soulmate is and everything that happened in the loop, but do remember that it happened so you're not like, waiting your entire life for something that already occured. And if you die in the loop, you die in real life.
So, cue Alex and Yassen waking up after that meeting in Point Blanc only to realize that they're looping, resulting in VASTLY different reactions. Yassen is like "he's sixteen and made of hormones and being manipulated by MI6, just doen't lie to him and sleep with him until he falls in love with you, and then take him back to scopria's loving arms" and proceeds to set out to do just that.
Alex, meanwhile, is completely cut off from his support system and, you know, a fucked up grieving mess essentially trapped behind enemy lines. So he decides to be even more reckless than usual and like, gets himself into all kinds of trouble. And then, you know, when he finds out that yassen killed Ian has a complete breakdown about what that means
Eventually Yassen realizes he actually doesn't want Alex anywhere near any of this, and so he and Alex have to actively fight catching feelings with each other so that they have enough time to get dirt on scorpia and MI6 so they can both get out and retire once the loop is over.
This was my nano this year and has 50k+ and is still nowhere near done, given how complicated it is. But one day! I will finish!
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Camp NaNoWriMo Week 3 Progress
The first two weeks went by smoothly, and I reached the halfway point of my goal yesterday, which is awesome! Unfortunately, I didn't finish part 2 yet, as it's shaping up to be a bit longer than I expected it to. Regardless, progress is still progress!
Project Name: The Shifting Tides (side blog is @the-shifting-tides-wip)
Goal: 30k words
Tagline: Sometimes we must fight for a future we ourselves cannot see.
Genres: Fantasy, LGBT+, Romance, Adventure, Young Adult
Week 3 progress under the cut!
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Day 15
Words typed: 533
Total words: 15,796
Times updated: 2
Although I updated twice today, I didn't write very much. Regardless, I'm still at my word count goal for today! The voyage has finally brought Saran and co. to the island, and hopefully in a few chapters we'll get to the main plot!
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Day 16
Words typed: 1,177
Total words: 16,973
Times updated: 1
Woohoo! I skipped around a little from here (because that's my writing process, lol) and got to one of the more pivotal events of this draft. Specifically, the following line:
And in a single, fluid motion, the lepinl surged forward, skewering Saran with their massive horns.
I'll go back to write part 2 at a later date. Maybe not this month, but I'll have to finish it eventually.
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Day 17
Words typed: 999
Total words: 17,972
Times updated: 1
Yo! I typed a pretty cool number today, exactly one away from 1k! I probably could have made it into 1k if I really wanted to, but honestly I was getting tired. I started writing at 10:30pm and finished just before midnight, so I honestly needed the break!
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Day 18
Words typed: 181
Total words: 18,153
Times updated: 1
I'm hoping this will be the lowest number I type for this project. I've been really burnt out even though we're so close to being done! I think it has more to do with my recital coming up and the fact that I'm overwhelmed with schoolwork more than my draft, though.
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Day 19
Words typed: 1,149
Total words: 19,302
Times updated: 1
I thought yesterday was a fluke, and it looks like I was right! I managed to write over 1k words in one sitting today (and that sitting lasted about an hour), so I feel really good about it. I just finished one of the most heartbreaking scenes in this draft so far, and I'm loving how much I've tortured Saran. This next scene will help move forward his relationship with Viridian, and I'm hoping to get to their first "awkwardly romantic" scene at some point!
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Day 20
Words typed: 989
Total words: 20,291
Times updated: 1
Viridian and Saran's relationship is very rocky at the moment. Viridian has discovered that Saran is actually a holindal, and he's not sure how to feel! He thinks Saran is about to kill him, although Saran tries to convince him he won't actually do that. It's going to take a little while before they can learn to trust each other...
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Day 21
Words typed: 1,124
Total words: 21,415
Times updated: 2
Although it won't be this way on the NaNo website, I actually updated twice today! Once during class (I know, I should have been focusing!) and once later at night. I did skip around a little because the inspiration for the current chapter wasn't hitting me, but that doesn't matter!
There's only 9 days left, a little over a week! I can't believe I've made it this far, and I hope I can continue updating daily!
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riacte · 2 years
Hermitcraft on r/place - And The Blocks Need Placing (3/4/2022) Day 3 Part 2
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Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Part 1 Day 4 Part 1
Greetings cyberdogs and citizens of the interdubs, welcome back to another episode of "What Is Going On At r/place?", here is your morning (afternoon? nighttime?) newspaper. I am still losing my mind, exhausted but enthralled. For an introduction or explanation to what r/place is please read the first two instalments. This is Part 2 of Day 3, Part 1 has been summed up with relative Hermitcraft stability and helping allies far away.
For how to help, please refer to Day 3 Part 1.
1. Allies from Far
Now that main HC area was chill, forces turned to helping others. The 3L area was being watched over, but the WSB people appeared to be less organsied than 3L so 3L could maintain its area. Portugal thought 3L was cringe (lmao) but accepted our existence. Hong Kong had a second mural to the right which was being taken over, they asked for help but alas, they died.
Someone from farmcarrots popped by and asked for help against good ole Macedonia. In return, they would build a golden carrot to honour us. Later, Macedonia made an agreement with the carrots.
2. Civil Conflicts Just Don't Stop, Do They?
So the diplomats had just been WRANGLING people to STOP EXPANDING, whether towards Brazil or Love Live or even MCC. A small EvilX was built between LL and HC. Brazil decided to do some pixel art on their left corner aka. the HC-Brazil border. HC liked the bird and the tree a lot (they were Brazil's design, actually), so after a bit of communication they kept the tree in the background <3
People were also screaming about the finer details on the HC heads. We sought to maintain and defend, not to expand.
We started anticipating the expansion of the canvas at the same time they expanded yesterday, but nothing happened. Perhaps one expansion was enough... or perhaps Reddit wanted to surprise us. No one knew.
3. Don't you love the smell of built bridges?
The threat of WSB eroded over time, and communication was set up between 3L Empires and Portugal. The banners and heads were agreed to have a bridge under them, and the space next to RK Ren would be used for their Portuguese streamer <3 People between 3L and HC were scurrying back and forth to tell HC not to worry about the 3L area. After a long and exhausting battle (particularly concerning Fwhip and Ren being drowned), 3L appeared to be secured, no more heads would drown, and Martyn added a blush pixel on RK (truly the highlight of that segment). All was good in the world. Portugal also planned to build a sick pixel art at their bottom right corner and asked us to help with them. Since we were now cool with each other, aka. 3L had been integrated with their canvas, we agreed. A Portuguese streamer was built to the right of Ren, and he was eventually blushified like everyone else.
Fwhip and Jimmy also started looking at each other, and Martyn started looking at Ren. To the great surprise of the active Treebark shippers, a pink heart was suddenly constructed between Ren and Martyn, causing a wave of ?!??!?!??!?!??!?!. (Background info: a community of Treebarkers basically quarantined themselves in a private discord server to stop spamming #treebark, only showing up to do stuff like Trafficpose, Maidtyn Monday, Treebark Week 2022, Space Opera AU etc etc. Nobody from the private discord was responsible for the heart.) Somebody in Martyn's discord also pointed out the heart and jokingly said "bring out the fanfics". This is very funny because the Treebarkers were putting their stuff where no CC could see it, only for others to slap Treebark on r/place and put it in Martyn's discord. Fishfucker flag was also added between Jimmy and Fwhip <3 So the 3L area ended up looking gay as fuck. This is what happens when tumblr gets involved <3
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4. Movements in the Southwest
Nano, our neighbour-ish, got targeted by an anti-crypto streamer (asmongold). Love Live started eyeing the area with interest. Nano apparently asked LL for help, but the streamer would likely target everybody that helped Nano. HC would stay put and observe.
Around this time, a void started next to DSMP and we went to defend. People started joking the DSMP and HC communities have never been so cooperative before this.
EvilX was half-hidden by the LL girl and we would want to keep it that way to respect LL. Ah yes, the neverending battle of wrangling rogues.
5. Running Around
HC continued to do what they always did- fix rogue pixels, make contacts with allies, stop people from expanding, argue among themselves /lh, watch out for the void, etc etc. People were very anxious about attacks from streamers. We watched as the area below 2b2t was converted into a large pixel art based on orders from a streamer. A small HP (Harry Potter) mural asked for our help defending because they were invaded by bots for unknown reasons. HP lost, but apparently the public HP subreddit had their own secure thing elsewhere. Mindcrack also repeatedly asked for help with their logo.
Continued support was shown towards MCC's secondary area called MCC2 (which made me very excited because I thought someone was making a tribute to the actual 2nd MCC, and my pipe dream of [you guessed it] MCC9 Blue Bats mural could come true without me doing anything LOL). Noxite and Mysticat appeared under the team icons and were maintained. The team coin was also salvaged.
Brazil also occasionally popped by and asked for help with minor things, like their pixel art at their bottom left corner and when red hearts suddenly appeared next to the Pesky Bird of Peace (unofficial name by me, it's actually Brazil's blue macaw but everyone at HC had grown SO FOND of it).
Jellie also became bi (then mlm?) and Nugget became trans.
6. A New New World
More than 3 hours past the expected expansion time, the canvas suddenly doubled again, meaning it was 4x its original size. HC was way more excited about new colours than area because we finally had a decent skin colour instead of yellow for the hermits. 3L discord was burnt out and just focused on changing colours, maintaining, and giggling over Martyn's blush pixel. Hermitcraft Civil Conflicts were slightly starting again, but they were nowhere near the intensity of the Brazil-HC Crisis just yesterday (was it just yesterday? It felt like we were allies for days). HC argued over colours and tiny pixels and which hermit to start changing first. Also False's skin finally had better colours.
2b2t suffered another attack to the void, and while people were still distrusting of 2b2t due to their reputation, again we helped them out. It's actually really nice to see all of MC(YT) come together despite all the discourse and frustration. We know we're cut from the same cloth :) It's like when you have that one annoying kid from highschool and you two moved to another town and you only know them so you're forced to take care of each other? It's fun.
We watched in exasperation as the flags came to the New New World and started occupying again... what did we expect, lol. Cubfan also started being griefed for some reason, leading people to boom "KEEP CALM AND DEFEND CUB". Apparently they're targeting Cub because he said something anticrypto??? I have NO IDEA what went on, and HC discord didn't talk about it because it was a cause of stress, and I definitely respect that. Around this time, our old ally Skyrim asked for help for their new mural after they got destroyed, however HC forces were preoccupied right now.
HC was also collecting ideas to change the colour of half of the logo to (I think) potentially finally stop Kermitcrapt (which is seriously not funny anymore and a waste of pixels). The OG design also had two colours before the green bit got swallowed by mini Brazil (that conflicted seemed an era ago). Also, it looked nicer.
We also worked on maintaining our close allies, eg the SOR axolotl head, misc Brazil griefing. Then Jack Manifold came in to vandalise XQC and they thought it was the French...? Or something. "You've Been Etho'd" mural was also planned next to Green Lattice. Wynncraft was also relocating following the whiteout and request assistance. SOR also announced they would make a logo tomorrow. Whenever 3L asked for help, HC was eager to give it. As you can see, since HC was stable, we were extending our pixels to allies. Rogue GME continued the lime pixels into HC logo, we fixed them, blah blah blah.
7. Little Touches feat. the Knight
HC decided to move the Last Life (they share initials with Love Live, goodness gracious) hearts to the left to give space for Recap guys, which also required contact with MCC. HC was also very happy whenever Wels added a pixel <3 Ely was also VERY ACTIVE in chat :D The GME portals were refined a little to be more 3D. I'm very proud that we've come so far that we can care and negotiate on little aesthetic details <3 Last I heard, people were debating Gem's design, and the Hermit half of the logo was changed to purple!
Also, You've Been Etho'd was voided and needed rebuilding. MCSR also had their own mural (directed by Feinberg for a bit :D) and their heads :D It's so cool to see patches of Minecraft heads scattered around- if we all come together, we would be such a big target.
Also, little pics of DSMP and MCC2:
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I have to sleep now, I seriously don't know how I long I can keep this up. I need my life back LMAO. Apologies in advance if I never make a Day 4 post.
o7 to everybody, good luck and take care! We got this!! :D
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wistfulrat · 4 years
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this week’s fics! feat. bakeries, bookshops, bisexual awakenings of the angsty and fluffy sort, wolfstar goddads being tender as hell, desi harry reconnecting with his culture, domestic drarry, a lap dance set to akon’s smack that, and more!
But That’s History by @ebbet - 54k - T Harry Potter starts his first year as Muggle Studies Professor only to find that Draco Malfoy has been hired to teach History of Magic.
listen to me. this is one of the funniest drarry fics i've ever read. i was cackling in my bed at 2am because harry’s internal monologues throughout this fic are unhinged. insanely quotable. “what was he, a lothario” and “you were crushing me with your muscular thighs!” are lines that live rent free in my empty head. harry has never played anything cool a day in his life. there’s a faculty meeting where the teachers are planning the yule ball and debating the merits of a DJ when harry decides he must defend his muggle-music-loving honor by dancing seductively to akon’s smack that while a blushing draco loses his mind. i fucking screamed. and the best part is that in between the comedic scenes threading the overall story, you have extremely tender moments of like, padma patil helping harry become a more rooted desi by sharing their cultural traditions, harry proudly donning his sherwani. draco wrestling with his past, going to harry’s lgbtq+ club for students, being sheepish with ron and hermione. ugh, comedic writers with emotional depth are clever and talented as hell!!
Realities, Unfurling by @ebbet - 45k - M Draco Malfoy is released from Azkaban into a changed world.
incredible collage-fic told from multiple povs. 8yrs post-war and everything’s changed. the current state of the magical world unfolds via slice-of-life snapshots from a truly stunning cast. non-binary harry whom is running a non-prof org dedicated to building tolerance and establishing equality for marginalized identities. post-prison-release draco whose life will be changed by the internet. neville’s tender relationship with blaise. andromeda’s fiercely protective mothering. remus and sirius being alive and very hot and just, the tender goddads harry deserved. cho chang being brilliant. baker pansy’s softened edges. found families abound. harry being flustered by their crush on draco and making personalized playlists on an iPod nano.
that all might sound narratively cluttered but the author more than pulls this off. glorious, start to finish.
Knead by @jovialobservationanchor (an @hd-erised​ fic) - 83k - E This is not a story about Harry renovating Grimmauld Place. This is a story about coffee shops and brewpubs, about Ginny and Luna on a farm with creatures, about magical Oregon, coastal road trips, flying, friendship, and Draco Malfoy's lean arms.
cinematic. a love letter to oregon’s expansive landscapes and lively cities. it’s harry finding home in unexpected places and people. in the vast silence of rolling fields, endless coasts, and starry night skies big enough to feel like you’re adrift in space. and it’s also the lingering, intimate quiet of early mornings in a bakery, sitting on a park bench overlooking the city as you eat ice cream next to your crush. it’s harry watching ginny and luna dance and work around each other like bees. it’s the slow unfolding of harry and draco’s relationship as they fill each other’s quiet. finishing this fic is like waking from a good dream. transporting, immersive, lovely. 
Harry Potter and the Bisexual Awakening by @writcraft - 20k - E Harry is perfectly content being single, heterosexual and living in Godric's Hollow with his very clingy rescue dog, Snitch. When Draco Malfoy turns up on Harry's doorstep demanding that Harry teach him how to drive, things quickly become a lot more complicated.
first of all, i feel very seen by draco being a gay-who-can’t-drive. it’s called representation. but mostly i love the ease of harry and draco’s banter, a flustered harry discovering his sexuality, and the way this fic addresses biphobia. also very emo over this exchange: “I think I might be scared of you, but probably not for the reasons you think.” “Yes.” Draco stares at Harry. “I think I might be scared of you too.”
Forged through flowing water by @tedahfromtayla (an @hd-erised​ fic) - 40k - E When Hermione sets up a diplomatic mission to begin repairing the damage British colonisation did to Indian magical communities Harry isn’t going to pass on the opportunity to visit and help his family’s home country. Maybe he should have asked a few more questions about the personnel she had recruited for it before signing on because Malfoy surely has an ulterior motive to be there.
so much to love about this fic. the beautiful settings, from kolkata to mumbai, to the holi festival and colorful lively streets, to remote cave settlements and old intricate temples. it’s harry in the homeland, reconnecting to his family’s heritage and confronting the weight of imperialism in his history. it’s nipping the white savior complex in the bud. this part: That is what England left behind. That is what it still stands for, despite whatever mask of respectability and honour it presents. . .You don't get to step aside and let someone else deal with the mess. You have to listen and learn and then act, Malfoy, you need to learn how to fix your own mess. This is why we're here. my indigenous ass cheered. HP certainly sells the british fantasy but HP fanfic?? fuck jkr, fuck the crown. i love that this fic doesn’t romanticize england’s history. i love that we get to see the vast resilience and beauty of post-colonial india.
Purity Control by yrfrndfrnkly - 28k - T In which Harry tries to ignore his trauma with fantasy Quidditch but Malfoy's Thereness™ is distracting and all his classmates want to talk about are unicorns, virginity, and Muggle music.
tender 8th year fics where they go from bristly as fuck to understanding and soft 100% guaranteed to make me emo as hell. all the teens have traumas and no one wants to talk about it but eventually Things are Talked About. it’s good of the adults to finally notice. everyone just wants someone to hold their hand. and this part: “You’re the only person around here who’s a bigger mess than I am.” “I thought maybe we could be a mess together,” pls don’t look at me as i weep over their gentle empathy.
Advent, a comic by dustmouth - WIP - T It's Harry and Draco's first Christmas together and Draco is determined to live his full yuletide fantasy, come hell or high water.
dustmouth, patron saint of whimsical drarry. whose illustrations singlehandedly reinvented wizarding fashion. whose cheeky and tender comics are like a soothing balm to the utter depravity of this carnal world. harry and draco being domestic, draco’s xmas spirit brand being “traditional unhinged”!! extremely my shit. we’ll absolutely be reading this all december.
Little Spaces by @dracoladon and @lazywonderlvnd​ - WIP - E Draco's back from France and working on the spell damage ward at St Mungo's with Hermione, who invites him over for dinner. Without telling Harry. This is a roleplay, which means Harry is written by one author (lazywonderland) and Draco by another (dracoladon).
the switch in distinct character voices works so well for this fic!! tonally i feel like i'm watching an episode of the office. i personally love harry and draco being Pissed Off at how much they want to bone each other. the battle of the tapenade was the most riveting dinner scene i've read in a minute. clever, hilarious, emotionally tense. can’t wait until that inevitable moment post hate-sex when they’re gonna be like “oh noooo it’s a Heart Boner as well!! >:((” hell ya we’re subscribing for chapter updates.
Dragons Don’t Know Paradise by @teacup-tai​ - WIP - E In 2004, when Remus spends two scary weeks in the ITU due to complications of pneumonia and his HIV condition, Sirius walks around the house like a ghost and Harry finds comfort and strength in Draco through a chat in an online LGBT forum. Harry falls for him, but Draco has a lot of secrets and, before long, will need to come clean—even if he believes that no one is able to understand a dragon.
non-magical bookshop AU. remus and sirius’ relationship is a marvel. the ease of their affection with harry makes me so emo. draco’s friends being insistently present even as he tries to isolate himself. this is a story about acceptance, found families, and falling in love at a distance. the intimacy, the longing, the tenderness. what a fic!! i keep coming back to this part:...he looks at ease, inside his body, a body he needed to fight for. He’d made peace with his struggles and his scars. And Draco realises he wants that. He wants to be at ease inside his body, the body that now carries a virus. He wants to be at peace with his own existence. you hurt for draco so deeply but you get moments like these where he affords himself a kindness that feels foreign and it’s just!! the boys navigating grief and learning to be vulnerable. so good.
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marvelsimp · 3 years
The New Kid: Arriving
Ch. 2
The New Kid Masterlist
Genre: Fluff, Angst Pairing: Peter x Lesbian!reader (Platonic duh) , Avengers & Reader Warnings: General angst, swearing, Description: It’s the reader’s birthday so Peter takes her to Avenger’s Tower and there are a few surprises along the way. Reader’s Powers: Healing, telepathy, and empath. Word Count: 3,073
“So, what are the plans for today?”
“You’ll just have to find out,” Peter said smiling.
“Come on its my birthday, you gotta tell me,” you whined.
“Don’t worry it’ll be fun but first, donuts.” He opened the door to a donut shop that you were just about to walk past.  You grinned; donuts were definitely one of your favorite things for breakfast.  Peter quickly went up to the counter and ordered two chocolate donuts for himself and then your two favorites. 
“How’d you know my order? We’ve never gotten donuts together,” you said while sitting down at a table.
He looked at you a little offended.  “Y/n, we’ve known each other for almost a year know.  And you talk about food, especially breakfast food way, too, much.”
‘Fair enough,” you scoffed.  
You and Peter sat there eating for maybe fifteen minutes when Peter suddenly got up, “Looks like our ride is here.”
You looked out and there was a black car that had just pulled up.  You shot Peter a confused look but decided asking questions would get you nowhere.  So, you followed him out and got in the car door he opened for you.
“Happy, this is Y/n. Y/n, this is Happy,” Peter said while getting into the car himself.
You waved and smiled at Happy, he nodded and then started driving.  “So, umm,” you weren’t quite sure where you were going with that much less where you were going at all. 
“Y/n, calm down,” he teased. “I wouldn’t make you do anything you aren’t comfortable with, especially on your birthday.”
You let out a sigh.  The rest of the car trip there wasn’t much talking, you just looked out the window and took in the city that was becoming your new home. When you finally arrived you had no clue where you were until you got out of the car and looked up.  Your eyes grew wide in surprise and excitement.  “What the hell, Parker?” You exclaimed while slapping Peter’s arm.  
“Surprise,” he grinned.  
You were at Avengers Tower; you’d always wanted to go since if first opened after the attack on New York.  The first two floors were open to the public but the rest of the floors were for the Avengers, it was very rare for anyone else to be allowed to enter.  
Peter just smiled interlocking your arms together and walked you into the building.  Over the next two hours you walked from one station to another.  Some were a bit more historic and just listed facts about important Avenger events.  Some were video games or short documentaries about each individual avenger, or at least most of them.  Your favorite one was the VR game where you got to play as an Avenger, you chose Captain Marvel while Peter chose Ironman.
When you had seemingly finished, you were a little sad but Peter quickly lifted you spirts, “Don’t worry I have another surprise.” 
You could feel the excitement absolutely radiate off of him, you were pretty sure that even if you didn’t have powers that you’d still feel it.  Peter grabbed your hand and dragged you out of the building. He led you the back of the building to a garage like area and then to an elevator.  You quickly caught on. He was taking you to the upper levels, the Avengers Levels.  
“Peter, your n-“
“Friday, I have a guest.  Let Mr. Stark know that we’re here.”
“Yes, Mr. Parker he is already aware.  Would you like me to send you straight up to him?”
“Yes, please,” he said while stepping onto the elevator, dragging you along.
“Peter, are you introducing me to THE Tony Stark?”
He nodded. “Oh yeah,” he perked up, “Friday, this is Y/n Y/l/n. Y/n, this is Friday.”
“Hello, Miss Y/l/n. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
“It’s, um, nice to meet you, too,” you say looking at the ceiling. 
“She’s Mr. Stark’s AI for the building.  She’s also in his suits,” Peter explained.
“Like Karen?”
“Like Karen.”
You were anxious to say the least.  You were in Avengers tower and about to meet TONY STARK.  You collected yourself as the elevator rose, taking in a few breaths.  “You could’ve warned me.” 
“Surprising you is more fun.”
You rolled your eyes, “My own best friend keeping such a big secret from me!”
“Hmm, like you haven’t kept anything from me.”
“That’s different!”
You both had big smiles on your faces as the elevator doors opened and there they were the Avengers.  Your face dropped, “Holy fuck!”  You said that a lot louder than you meant, your hands covered your mouth, as the Avengers turned their heads to look at you.  You quickly slid over in the elevator to be out of their lines of view as you could hear a few snickers.  You turned to Peter slapping his arm a few times. “You asshole!” you whispered angrily. 
“Sorry! Sorry!” he laughed. “You should’ve seen the look on your face, though!”
“Peter! Those are the Avengers! Why are you laughing?!?!”
“Come on, Y/n. They’ll love you and I’m not the one who just screamed ‘fuck,’” he whispered in your ear. 
You muttered trying to figure out what to say.  You sighed at the stupid boy in front of you then you took a deep breath in. “Fine.  Oh my god.”  
You shook off your anxiety and when you were ready you gave Peter a light shove, making him lead the way.  The room, or what ever it was, was huge.  The main section, or where the Avengers were, was elevated from where the elevator was so you had to look up at them. It was to say the least intimidating, but they all seemed to just be hanging out on the couches that were on the platform.
You looked to the left, right over Peter’s shoulder, and there he was Tony Fucking Stark.  Right behind him were Steve Rodgers and Bucky Barnes who were talking between themselves.  Close behind them was the Falcon, you only didn’t know his name because the public didn’t know his name.  Some of the Avengers were like that, their true names weren’t know so the media used other names, such as Falcon, Spider-Man, Scarlet Witch, Hawkeye and a few more.  You had stopped walking and there he was, your mind was running at light speed while your mouth hadn’t even started walking yet.  
“Y/n, this is Mr. Stark.  Mr. Stark, this is Y/n!” said Peter who was once again beaming with excitement.
“Tony, please,” Mr. Sta-Tony corrected.  “I can never convince him to call me that.”
You turned your head to seen Peter’s face go a little red, causing you to chuckle. You turned back to Tony, you were amazed… more like in shock.  “I-It’s an honor to meet you.” You felt like you should bow or something, they were like royalty to you but you resisted the urge.  “And yeah Peter’s likes that, an idiot. Umm, I can’t believe I’m meeting you, cause someone decided not to tell me.” Tony smirked at your response. “I’d love to ask you about your suits, they are absolutely amazing!  Especially the nano technology its incredible.”  
“We can talk about that later, kid. But for now, you gotta meet the rest of the crew.” With that he walked away, back to the platform with the couches.
“You’re trying to kill me, Parker,” you whispered in your best friend’s ear as the three men who had been behind Tony approached.
You were freaking out all over again.  Three more Avengers, you were meeting Avengers.  
“Steve,” the blond man reached his hand out.
“Y/n,” you said reaching to shake Captain America’s hand.  “And you’re, uh,  Bucky.” He just nodded in return. You turned to the other man, you scrunched your face saying a sort of sorry.  
The man just stepped forward, barley bumping into Bucky, “Sam.”
“What the hell was that for?” Bucky growled, clearly angry that Sam had touched him.
“Language,” said Steve who looked like he was dealing with two toddlers.
“Don’t ‘language’ me,” he turned back to Steve.  “She just said a way worse word than that, not even five minutes ago!” he said pointing his finger at you. You gritted you teeth and turned your head a little in shame.
Steve scoffed at Bucky then turned back to you.  “Nice to meet you, doll,” he says grabbing Bucky’s metal arm dragging him and Sam away from you and Peter. 
That whole interaction through you off.  “That was-“
“Yeah, this one hundred percent makes me feel like I’m in a fanfic,” you say trying to ease your anxieties.
He just blushes.
“Come on I’m not even talking about sm-” 
“Ahem,” a brunette woman coughs to get your attention. You look over and there are the Scarlet Witch and Natasha Romanoff. You blush, both of them are a lot prettier in person and they caught you in the middle of a weird sentence.  “I’m Wanda,” she says with a kind smile.  The rest of the Avengers seemed excited or at least a little happy and she was but you could also feel her mourning.  A type of mourning she was hiding away, trying to ignore, wouldn’t accept.  You understood that kind of mourning.
“And I’m Nat. Oh, and you might want to watch out.”
Suddenly you were grabbed from behind and picked up. “Lady Y/n,” said the thundering voice, “It is an honor to meet you.” 
You got the wind knocked out of you but you eventually let out a big long laugh. You turned your head and as you had suspected it was Thor.  “It’s nice to meet you too,” you giggled. 
“How about you let her down now?” instructed it calm voice behind you.  With that Thor set you gently on the ground. “I’m Bruce,” stated the man stepping around the god to see you.
Your eyes widen, you have Dr. Bruce Banner in front of you. You were going to ask about his PhDs or something along those lines, but you were interrupted by Friday.
“I would like to inform everyone that lunch is now ready.”
Everyone made their way to a large table. You clutched onto Peter’s arm hoping you didn’t faint or get overwhelmed and have an anxiety attack, even though you were surprisingly calm.  You ended up sitting with Peter on your left and Wanda on your right.  You soon discovered that lunch was pizza. Thank god.  You were afraid it was going to be something fancy.  Wanda offered to get you some you favorites using her powers, to which you accepted.
“So, Y/n,” Tony started, “Peter tells me that you’ve already graduated from high school.”
“Uh, yeah.  After the blip, when I came back, my school was no longer running so I decided to do school from home.  It was just easier so I spent my time pouring over my studies and working on some projects.  I finished what would usually be five semesters in about five months?”
Tony seemed to be impressed. “Tell me about the projects you were working on.” You looked over to Peter, kind of asking if he had told him about your powers. It took him a second to understand but he returned with a nod.  “After I came back I discovered my powers so I used an old microscope and collected some of my blood to study.” You went on to explain your process and what you found.  You then continued by talking about your projects.  The avengers would ask questions, mostly Tony, Bruce, and Peter.  
Then you felt it, it was like someone was screaming in your ear. Loki.  That couldn’t be right, Loki died during one of the battles with Thanos. As you began to understand and test your powers you learned that a person’s subconscious was almost always saying their name, the only time that becomes loud enough for you to hear is when the person is trying to focus or is under a crap ton of stress.  The screaming persisted.  You finally decided to turn you powers completely on to figure out exactly where it was coming from.  You finally discovered it to be the man who seemed to be preparing some desserts.  The voice screaming Loki over and over continued to grow louder and louder. The sound was banging around your skull causing you to develop a slight headache.  You turned to Wanda, you wanted to make sure before you started to throw around accusations of Loki being in Avengers Tower.  “Wanda,” you whispered in her ear, “could you read that guy’s mind over there.  Something feels off.”
She nodded her head.  Her eyes had a very faint red glow to them.  After a few seconds she suddenly stood up causing everyone to turn their heads to her, a few them went into instant defense mode, ready for a fight.  Her hands began to glow red and the man was now surrounded in the red glow too.  “Reveal yourself or I will,” she demanded.
The man groaned and rolled his eyes.  “Come on,” he said while transforming and revealing himself to be Loki.  
Thor stood up quickly his happy demeanor turned mincing as he held his hand out for what you assumed to be for Mjolnir to arrive.  
Peter quickly picked you up from your chair and ran you out to the elevator.  Which was smart because now there was yelling and screaming. “Friday take us to the game floor… Shit!” Peter grinned punching your arm slightly.
“Didn’t know I could do that.”
“No, just didn’t expect Loki to be here much less alive!”
You went on to explain to Peter how you had discovered the God of Mischief while to elevator when down.  Eventually it stopped and you two got out.  You finished your story just as Peter opened the first door.
“This is the gym.”  It was a expansive room, a portion of it was just the usual work out gear, a ginormous rock wall, and a boxing ring.  “Over here is my favorite bit.” Peter led you to a door.  When you stepped through it was full of walls that didn’t meet the ceiling, little secret paths and quite a few upper platforms.
“This is where we play laser tag,” Peter explained, “It’s meant for training but also fun! Everything can be changed with a push of a button.” He walks over to a panel on the wall and pushes a few buttons on the tablet.  The room then shifts and changes, its now a little more direct with a lot of less tunnels and more simple hiding spots. Peter then walks over to a wall that has some vests and weapons. He turns to you with a cheeky grin, “Do you wanna play?”
You smile reaching your hand out to receive a vest. “Game on.”
You and Peter play for who knows how long, but it distracted both of you from what happened upstairs.  Even with both of your regenerative abilities you were both panting and sweating after half a dozen rounds but still having fun. Then Friday spoke up, “Peter, Mr. Stark has informed me that you need to check your phone.”  You both pause your game; Peter reaches for his back pocket and reads a message.
“What does it say?”
“Umm, he just wanted to let us know that they got Loki,” he says peeking up from behind a wall then you shoot at him missing.  “Cheater!”  After a few more rounds Peter asks, “Do you want to continue the tour?  We can always come back here later.”
“Yes, please,” you say catching your breath.  You and Peter put up the gear, get some water and then exit the gym area.  He shows you a massive olympic size pool with several diving boards of different heights.  Then he takes you to a huge game room.  It has several TVs, computers, there’s even a small VR room, and of course there are tons of board games.  
Since he got that text form Tony, Peter’s excitement keeps growing and growing.  “You have another surprise, what is it?”
Peter opens his mouth then closes and he lets out a sigh, he’s a terrible liar and you’re basically a walking talking lie detector.  “Come on,” he lets out sounding a little defeated.
You let out a chuckle, he leads you back to the elevator. “Friday, take us to the living area”  
The elevator rises.  It takes you to a common area, there’s a kitchen, dining table, and a tv with some couches and chairs all in the same room.  You assume, like Peter said, that this is where the avengers live.
“I wanted to show you the labs first, but I think you’ll like this a little more.  This is where the Avengers live,” he grins like he always does with pure joy escaping him.  “The Starks’ have the Penthouse, so they don’t have rooms down here and there’s a floor just for King T’Challa and his family, Princess Shuri’s nice you’d love her.”  He leads you to a hallway with several doors. “At the end of the hall there is a guest room on each side. This hall has War Machine’s, Hawkeye’s, Widow’s, Antman’s, Dr. Banner’s, and Dr. Strange’s rooms.” He had pointed to each one respectively. He then walks to the opposite side of the living space and to another hallway. Instead of stopping before the hallway he continued walking into it. “These on the left are Falcon’s, Wanda’s, Bucky’s, and Steve’s.  On the right there’s Captain Marvel’s, Thor’s, mine, and this one...” he opens door that’s in between his and Thor’s and walks in, you follow. “This is yours.”
You let out a gasp and put your hand to your mouth.  All of your stuff is here, your bedding, posters, pictures, clothes, all of it.  You can feel the tears streaming down your face and you turn to Peter who is smiling with tear filled eyes.  “What?” you breathe out not sure what to say.  Peter simply pointed to a note on the bed.  You walk over to it and read it:
“Welcome to the team, we got a lot to talk about but for now enjoy. -The Avengers”
“I..” you turn to Peter who is now crying, too. You walk to him and engulf him in a hug and whisper, “Thank you.”
Next Chapter
Arriving-deleted Scene
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jobean12-blog · 4 years
The Color of Your Smile
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
Word Count: 1,415
Summary: Each and every time Bucky smiles it’s like the sun comes out 🌞
Author’s Note: This is for the HBC’s @the-ss-horniest-book-club 24 hour surprise drabble challenge with the theme of colors! Really love this idea and I went with Yellow Sunshine because honestly the thought of Bucky smiling is really like sunshine! And my beautiful friend @nano--raptor and I were talking about how shitty bad days and anxiety can be and what we would love to have to help...love you Mal❤ Hope this makes you all smile and you enjoy it! Thank you so much for reading! Much love always ❤❤❤
Warnings: Super soft fluff, shy Bucky (he’s so soft) and LOTS OF SMILES :) 
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Nothing makes you happier than seeing Bucky smile. No matter how bad the day has been if you catch him laughing or smiling, it’s as if the clouds part and the sun comes out. The way his eyes crinkle at the corners and his nose scrunches up make it impossible for you not to smile too.
Sometimes he dips his head in the most adorable way, almost like he’s embarrassed and a strand of hair will fall over his forehead and you want nothing more than you comb your fingers through it and kiss him. He knows none of this of course, the thoughts never more than a whisper on your lips.
Today is a particularly shitty day. Everything is giving you anxiety and you can’t seem to focus enough to get anything done, which is bad because your to-do list has never been longer. It’s not raining but it might as well be with the blanket of gray clouds that covers the sky. When you finally make it through to dinner and head into the kitchen, you’re so ready for something yummy that you can already taste it.
Shuffling through the cabinets you search for your mac and cheese. You’re sure you had at least one box left. It isn’t anywhere to be found and you’re on the verge of tears. That is, until Bucky shows up. “Hiya doll, what are you looking for?” He walks up next to you and brushes the hair from your shoulder, smiling softly while he waits for your answer.
You smile back. “Well, I had a shitty day and I was hoping to eat some mac and cheese, but it looks like I’m out or someone else ate it, which is fine, but now I’m hungry and just…” You shrug and sort of deflate, wanting to lean into him for a hug. Without a thought he does just what you want, pulling you close to his chest and circling his arms around you. “I’m sorry. I hate days like this. What can I do?”
Feeling better already you lay your chin on his chest and look up and his still smiling face. “The hug really helped, thanks Buck. Now I need a shower and food.” You feel his laugh vibrate through him. “Tell you what, I have an idea. Why don’t you go shower and change into something comfy and meet me back in my room in about an hour?”
Raising your brow, you make to argue but he gives you one of his brightest smiles and you immediately crumble, smiling right back with an excited “yes!” After a nice hot shower, you throw on some yoga pants and a tee shirt before walking down the hall to Bucky’s room. Lightly knocking you wait a moment, hearing some shuffling from the other side of the door.
He opens it a crack, blocking your way with his body. “Hi.” This time you smile first and notice he seems a bit nervous. His cheeks are even a little pink which makes your smile grow. “Are you gonna invite me in?” Now he cracks a lopsided smile and you fall more in love. “Of course. But uh, can you close your eyes?”
Without a second thought you squeeze them shut and he takes your hand in his, slowly guiding you through the door and into his room. He stops and stands in front of you taking hold of your other hand and bringing them to his chest. His shirt is warm and soft under your touch and all you can think about is how nice it feels against your skin. “Ok, so I hope this helps and that it’s ok. And you like it. Because if not, that’s fine.”
Releasing one of your hands you reach around until your finger finds his lips to stop his rambling. “I’m going to love it.” He lets out a breath and brings you around to his front. “Ok, open ‘em.” Your eyes pop open and you’re momentarily stunned silent. He’s taken all the pillows from his bed and couch and laid them on the floor. The sheet from his bed is now somehow pinned to the ceiling and cascading over the plush fluffiness on the floor. Small twinkling star lights set the space aglow and when you turn to look at him, they twinkle in his eyes. “Bucky. I don’t know what to say. It’s. It’s perfect!” Grabbing his hand, you launch yourself into the fort, plopping down on the pillows and snuggling in.
He laughs and lays beside you, propping himself up on his elbow. “Really? Are you sure?” His smile is so sweet you can barely stand it. “I LOVE IT!” His nose scrunches and he dips his head and you almost let out a moan, not sure you’ll be able to stand much more of it. Rolling over to hide in the pillows you hear a crunch and quickly sit up. “What was that?”
Bucky leans over you and feels around under the pillows, eventually pulling out a bag of party mix. “Snacks!” he says brightly, opening the bag and offering you some. “My favorite! How did you know?” For a moment he looks too shy to speak but finally manages to mumble, “because I pay attention.” And now he has your full attention. “What do you mean Buck?”
He brushes you off with a wave of his hand and pops a pretzel in his mouth, smiling through his chewing. “Nothing, forget I said anything.” Taking the party mix from his hand you sit up, placing your hands on his thighs. “Bucky.” He drops his head and groans. “It’s just. Well. I listen when you talk, and I remember everything. Like when you said how much you love party mix and blanket forts and star lights.”
If it weren’t for the yellow glow from the lights above, you swear his face would be completely pink. With a sheepish look he waits for you to say something. “I’m completely in love with your smile.” The words leave your lips without a thought and it’s your turn to blush. Deciding there’s no turning back now you keep talking.
“Every time I see you smile it’s like the clouds part and the sun comes out. The way your eyes crinkle at the corners and your nose scrunches up makes me feel all warm and tingly. And when you try to hide a blush and dip your head and a stray hair falls loose, I can’t help but feel better and like everything will be ok.”
He hasn’t said a word, his eyes focused on yours as you pour your heart out. His hands slowly come up to cradle your jaw and he brushes his thumb over your lips. “You really feel that way when I smile?” You slowly nod, letting your eyes flicker to his lips when his tongue darts out to wet them. “It’s true.”
With the drop of his head he’s close enough that you can feel the warmth of his breath fanning over your lips and it makes you tremble. “That’s good. That’s really good. Because I’m completely in love with everything about you.” The press of his lips is soft at first but there is a swift progression of intensity that has you clutching his shirt to steady the dizzying sway of the world beneath you.
Pulling you into his lap he brings his hand around to hold the back of your neck, tilting his head and parting your lips with his tongue. You open up for him, carding your fingers through his hair and down over his broad shoulders. His hands smooth down your back and he gently lays you on the pillows, covering your body with his.
He moves his knee upwards, parting your legs and you wrap your own around his waist, pulling yourself impossibly closer. He drags one hand down your arm and his fingers dance around the hem of your shirt. You can’t help the giggle that rises in your throat and before you pull away you feel him smile against your lips.
“Wow,” he hums, trailing soft kisses over your cheeks and down your neck. “I think I found a new thing I love best about you.” You giggle again, loving the tickle of his beard over your delicate skin. “And what’s that?” He brings his eyes back to yours, brushing his nose over your jaw, “kissing you. I don’t ever want to stop.”
@aesthetical-bucky @auro-ora @abovethesmokestacks @book-dragon-13 @bugsbucky @buckys-broody-muffin @buckys-minty-breath @buckys-henley @breezy1415 @bucky-on-my-mind @buckyandbowties @eurynome827 @godofplumsandthunder @hiddles-rose @hawksmagnolia @hailmary-yramliah @ikaris-whore @imgaril-lindru @itsunclebucky @jhangelface0523 @jewels2876 @kaosera @lokilvrr @loricameback @lorilane33​ @littleredstarfish​ @littledarlinhavefaithinme​ @mushyjellybeans​ @marvelandotherfandomimagines​ @marvelgirl7​ @nano--raptor​ @randomfandompenguin​ @pinkdiamond1016​ @crushedbyhyperbole​ @this-kitten-is-smitten​ @sallycanwait68​ @softpeachbarnes​ @scarletsoldierrr​ @nordlysinthewoods​ @tuiccim​ @the-wayward-robot​ @yansi1923​ @cuddles-with-bucky​ @jamesbarnesappreciationclub​
I tagged some extra friends just to pass along smiles, hope you don’t mind and of course don’t feel obligated to read or anything❤🥰
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nanowrimo · 1 year
Five Tips for Memoir Writing When the Words Feel Too Hot to Touch
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Memoir writing can be powerful, but often times, requires the writer to look back on difficult times in their lives. NaNo Participant Emily Henderson talks about her own experiences with memoirs and gives tips on navigating painful experiences.
Content Warning: Death of a child to cancer.
I've been working on a memoir for what feels like 1000 years. In the beginning, I wrote about how, by the time I was 18, I lost both of my parents, one to a plane crash and the other to breast cancer. I wrote about my descent into alcoholism and eventual path to sobriety. I wrote about marriage and motherhood, all against the backdrop of my love for running. I thought this would be my memoir.
But then, in 2019, my youngest son Aiden was diagnosed with brain cancer, and four months later, he was gone. Suddenly, the memoir I had in my mind no longer made sense, and I stopped writing. It wasn't until the pandemic that I returned to journaling and running to process my grief. I decided to run every street in my city, and thus a new shape for my memoir began to form.
In 2021, I threw my hat in the NaNoWriMo ring. I began knowing how hard it would be to write about my son and all the trauma surrounding his death. I wanted to protect my mental health while I tried to put words into the most painful moments of my life. Below are a few strategies I employed to help me win NaNo.
1. Gather Source Material
I re-read old journals, blog posts, and social media posts. I highlighted different themes and organized them into sections. For instance, I marked scenes from my childhood and those about my son with different colored highlighters. The idea is to avoid getting lost in memories when the focus should be on writing.
2. S.O.S. Journal Prompts
On days when the words just aren't flowing, I like to have a few journal prompts handy. I write them down on index cards and pull them out when I get stuck. I made some of my biggest writing breakthroughs with these prompts.
“The doctor said….”
“On a good day….”
“At my age….”
3. Change your entry point.
I wrote around and around the scene where my son dies, possibly trying to change the ending, but I couldn’t seem to get it right. Rather than bang my head against the wall, I came at it from a different angle. I wrote about my husband and how our marriage grew stronger through our son's treatment. Then when it came time to write the worst moment of my life, where my husband and I hold each other as we say our final goodbyes, I felt more relaxed and confident that I could do the scene justice.
4. Write a rant.
I have a lot of anger around the loss of my son, and I find writing a long rant about how unfair it all is, helps to clear the cobwebs to find the truth in the narrative. I like to set a timer for 20 minutes and write nonstop, even if all I write is, “I miss my son,” over and over again.
5. Non-judgmental social support
Writing about trauma is emotionally draining, and I knew I would need to decompress after tapping into the harder parts of my story. I scheduled lunch with close friends with whom I could talk openly. They often made connections I couldn’t see, and that led to even more writing breakthroughs.
Once again, life keeps happening, and in January, I gave birth to my fourth child. She is next to me as I write this, cooing and grunting while she sleeps. It seems my memoir has shifted once again, and I have a perfect epilogue to my story.
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Emily Henderson is a freelance writer living with her family in Santa Barbara, CA. Her essays have appeared in HuffPost Personal, Scary Mommy, Writing Class Radio, and The Santa Barbara Independent. She is currently working on a memoir about processing the loss of her son while running every street in her city.
You can read more of Emily’s writing on her Substack, I’m Really Very Literary, or follow her on Instagram @emilykathleenwrites or visit emilykathleenwrites.com. Photo by Carli Jeen on Unsplash
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ghostsofmemories · 4 years
Insect Poison - a WIP (Re-)Introduction
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Hello folks! I’m finally back with the re-intro for my NaNo project, which I started over awhile back due to nothing going the way I wanted. Anyway, here it is.
Title: Insect Poison
Genre: literary fiction
Setting: a small, isolated town somewhere in Minnesota
Progress: currently drafting
Description: twins Robert and Ramona Bennett feel a constant need to outdo one another, and this in combination with their present but detached family will be the cause of their downfalls.
Literal Logline: a very unsettling pair of children manipulate everyone, including themselves, into nothingness, while their sister has a secret gay awakening and their mom descends into madness
Content warnings: manipulation, drug use, fire (almost-arson specifically), murder, toxic relationships
Actual synopsis:
Robert and Ramona are not good, and they’ve never claimed to be. Through a lack of parenting and a lack of trust, they stick to themselves and those they can change, becoming each other’s only influences and learning to hate most everything that doesn’t yield to it. When Robert convinces Ramona to set fire to their home, in hopes of killing their family inside, she doesn’t know how to stop herself. If she does nothing, then Robert wins—he makes the bigger impact. She can’t say no.
Until she does. She walks away, and just like she expected, Robert doesn’t have the courage to do it on his own. She wins, and he refuses to let her get away with it.
After the strategic and quiet murder of his twin sister, Robert is able to carry on with his life, for the most part, but her influence still haunts him in strange ways. In the old statue by the corner store, in his daughter’s name, in the shape of his face. He and his sister, no matter what, will always be intertwined—and even when she’s gone, memories he’s been left with can still send him into a spiral.
Major Characters:
Robert: a disturbed child and charming adult, manipulative for his own gain. Superiority complex and extremely competitive. Ramona’s twin brother.
Ramona: a quiet girl who controls people to see their reactions. Exists for shock value. Competitive by force, but would prefer to people watch over interact. Robert’s twin sister.
Lori: older sister to the twins. Very gay, very tired, but so vivid. Good morals and total sunshine, please give her a better family.
Amanda: extraverted friend to Robert and Ramona, and eventual partner to Robert. Loves being the center of attention, very nosy, but overall a sweet and kind girl/eventual woman.
Emily: mother to Robert, Ramona, and Lori. Very distant and addicted to narcotics, lives life through an unbreakable routine. Rarely experiences emotions and when she does it’s over the top.
Lorraine: mother to Emily. Moves in with the family after her husband dies. Big lesbian, the only person who knew was her husband (who had no interest in sex or romance). Self proclaimed bitch.
Jack: Emily’s husband and father to the kids. Absent often due to his job, and emotionally absent even when he’s there. Honestly not a super relevant character aside from flashback.
Random excerpt:
“Stale as shit,” Martha said, wrinkling her nose. “You still want yours?”
Ramona nodded and held it out the same way she would a pencil (how were you supposed to hold a cigarette anyway? It’s not like anyone had taught her). If it was stale, maybe it would keep her from smoking again. She she wasn’t doing this with intentions to start an addiction, she was just here to think about something besides fire, to plant the seeds for dependency and then rip them out of the ground one by one and congratulate herself for being strong enough not to do it second time.
- - -
And that’s about it! I’ll hopefully do some character profiles and an update soon considering I’m already 8 chapters in but who knows! 
If you’d like to be added to the taglist, feel free to send an ask or message or reply or whatever your preferred method of communication might be. My ask box is always open if you have questions!
Taglist: @coffeeandcalligraphy​ @alicewestwater​ @fliiik-art​
updates: one - two - three - four
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jcmoneydick · 3 years
TharnType SS2 Episode 11
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Why didn’t Type bring his bag with him? Why did he just throw it in the house and dip?
Type’s family dynamic is based on pettiness, and is so cute. You can tell Type doesn’t let his dad get away with anything. But, you would think that after seven years, Mr. Thiwat would get used to Tharn being around. As soon as Type is done hearing what his dad has to say he’s calling for his mom. It’s hilarious, and I could probably watch ten minutes of Type picking on his dad. 
Why are they trying to convince me that Tharn is capable of cooking. The series should be called Tharn & Ghost!Type considering how often Tharn talks to himself. It’s a coping mechanism, I get it, but like.... If you would tell Type this, you wouldn’t be sad and lonely. And at this point it kinda feels like them not talking to each other is all stupid pride. Tharn says “I want you to make up with me,” as opposed to “I want to fix things between us.” Tharn and Type both did wrong to get them to this point, but it wasn’t so wrong that they shouldn’t talk for a month. I feel like this is so dramatic and super freaking petty. If the script made it seem like this was the straw that broke the camel’s back, I would believe it. But the script (to me) implies this is their first big almost break up fight. I know the both of them are drama queens, but this “cheating” situation has been blown out of proportion. Also, Tharn no longer believes Type cheated on him (or is no longer worried about it). “I want you to make up with me. You know it, too. That you’re the one who let him in.” So he’s more worried that Type let Fiat in, but refuses to pick up the phone and apologize for accusing him of cheating. The whole situation has a mind of it’s own at this point.
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Tharn went all the way to his parent’s house for a bandaid. Pussy lol.
I love how even Thanya is like “Tharn stop being a bitch”. Then his parents are all like “good communication is what you need” and “even your mama made me super jealous once”.  His parents are saying everything I said to him since episode 1 and I am living for it. I can see his dad wanting to roast Tharn “Is that all? If he said dude’s a patient, maybe you should believe him.” And I feel like Tharn is realizing how silly he’s been by not giving Type a chance to talk to him. Ghost!Type appears again.
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I don’t know how to feel about Fiat feeling guilty. I’m happy Leo and Fiat can do their shit together, but that should be the end of their involvement with TT. Does Fiat not care that he was kidnapped? I really feel like that whole event should have been like “P’Type don’t want shit to do with me,” and leave it at that. Also, Phu and Cir need to stop leading people to TT’s condo. The face drop that Tharn committed to *chef’s kiss* cause I would be the same. Difference between me and Tharn: I ain’t nice, I would’ve slammed that door right in their faces. BUT ALAS, Fiat speaks for himself, instead of letting Leo do it for him. The apology does seem sincere, and Tharn seems to realize that his pride is getting in the way. Like Fiat’s show of maturity has influenced Tharn.
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Type puts on his best grandpa shirt to see Khom. Does Type take the closest open beer to him, no matter where he goes? Isn’t that how people get syphilis? And now we see Type’s pride making a mess of their relationship. Khom is a real one though, he immediately debunks everything Type is complaining about. 
Is the ordainment thing like a rite of passage in general, or like depending on where you grew up in Thailand, or strictly based on religious beliefs? This is also the fastest decision Type has made since asking Tharn to top him. 
I figured Tharn was on his way to Type when he answered the phone in the car, but it was petty of him to say “I gotta go” like that. I would’ve broken down just like Type, but I would’ve also sent a “fuck you too” text. Someone pointed out that Type went through the five stages of grief during this five minute crying scene.  (I just laughed at Type, slipping in the sand.) I know this is supposed to be sad, but like all the shit they put us through makes this so comical to me. But he made valid points. I would’ve been mad at someone making me love them for seven years just to Jimmy Neutron me too. Type cried for so long it got dark outside. It was like noon when this scene started.  Are Vespas appropriate for beach AND road travel? 
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Type’s dad is so mad Tharn showed up! It’s easy to see where Type got his tantrums from. Type switches from disbelief to “imma whoop his ass” in nano seconds. This apology scene furthers my belief that this was blown way out of proportion. I know Type says they need to communicate more, but I get the feeling that this wouldn’t be Type’s first time telling Tharn to be one hunnit with him. 
Type: I’d never do anything behind your back
Also Type: *kidnaps and assaults a nineteen year old*
Type: Let’s spend forever together.
At this point in the tale, so many of TT’s scenes together seem like MG couldn’t keep a straight face. Some of the laughs and giggles help the scenes, the rest of them seem like they’re breaking  character to me. The change to me is like a whole reset. The acting in the series seems more like MG than anything most of the time, so for Type and Tharn to be so characterized during episode 9 and 10 really throw me for a loop. It almost seems like two different people, and nearly negate (bastardize? debunk?) the impact of episodes 9 and 10.
“I’m not used to it” Just how hard is Tharn fucking Type?
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Since Ghost!Type is gone, Tharn resorts to talking to Sleep!Type. Gulf has to be asleep for real in one of these cuts.) I’m happy that Tharn is making the decision to follow Type, instead of imposing his opinion on him. Personally, I think Tharn trying to propose to him right after they get back together is POOR timing on his part. I can see how Type’s thinking has changed, but I do feel like they should’ve warmed up to this again. A thrown in the wind “So, eventually you’ll wear my ring, right?” I really don’t appreciate Tharn trying to run away again. They just talked about this like less than 24 hours ago. Type stating his emotions and plans about this is so nice though. After 10 episodes of his avoidance of the marriage, I’m glad he clearly spoke his feelings for once. And Type mentions not being able to give his parents grandkids, but I thought Type didn’t want kids. I know wants can change after years, but it kind of shocked me at first. Is this stated anywhere in the first season or is this a headcanon I actually thought was canon? 
I really can’t believe Champ and Doc are out here playing games with each other still. Type has given Doc so many tips and advice. Khunpol HAS to be playing hard to get at this point. It’s cute, but also kiss already. 
Type’s dad manages to be racist and homophobic. How familiar, reminds me of home. Did Type just tell Tharn he’d blow him? How bold.
Prediction for next ep:
Type’s ordainment and Tharn’s slaving about the resort.
Mr. Thiwat’s begrudging acceptance of Tharn
TT’s engagement (romance turned to 100)
P’Thorn’s wedding
Maybe the families meet?
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starlightnovas · 3 years
I'm bored so imma introduce/reintroduce some of my OCs :)
So little background: all the characters here are part of a superhero team called the Defenders. They were united by Henry in response to a large scale threat, and the team just never dissolved after that. They went on to stop dozens of threats over the next decade.
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Aka: The Dragon King
Species: Royal Dragon-Demiurge Hybrid
Personality: Intimidating, isolating, cold, blunt, but still a great leader and has people's best interests at heart
Powers: Elemental manipulation, accelerated reflexes, draconian regeneration, regenerative immortality, flight, super-strength (max strength unknown; largest display of physical strength was unmeasurable), can sense threats before they happen, natural knowledge of all modern and ancient languages and magics
Backstory: At 25 years old, Rex Foster developed his draconian abilities. He was completely normal at the time and had no idea that supernatural creatures and magic existed. He was immediately thrust into a world of said monsters and magic. He soon found himself to be a Royal Dragon, meaning he could control all of the seven elements; dark, fire, earth, energy, air, water, and light. Under the training of the previous Dragon King, Rex earned the throne and the power that came with it. The Defenders weren't formed until three centuries later. By then, Rex was greatly weighed down by the loss he had experienced in his life and had hardened himself to the world
Current life: Living among the Defenders, Rex has learned to open up again with the friends he now considers a second family. He remains with them as often as he can, staying on alert to help with threats and battles.
Power Rating (Extraordinary power scale): 126; Rex is one of the most immensely powerful creatures in the universe and falls on a whole other level than everyone else. His power is difficult to rank.
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Aka: Exo
Species: Draconian (Heavy genetic modification; basically human)
Personality: Kind, extroverted, leader; has a very strict moral code that he holds his entire team to
Powers: Superintelligence; Henry fights his battles utilizing a highly advanced technological armor that puts him on par with his enemies and allies.
Backstory: Henry Callaghan is the most intelligent man on the planet and the heir to the richest tech company in the world. His father, David, was leading one final project for the company before he retired and handed control to his son. Project NANO was a peacekeeping program. Being made of microbots, it can disassemble itself at a moment's notice and reform in any shape it pleases, even if it just chooses to remain formless. The project is corrupted by an ancient artificial intelligence. Henry is then approached by another rival intelligence Mare, who warns Henry and gives schematics for his armor, allowing him to become the Exo and fight Nano
Current life: Eight years after becoming a hero, Henry started the Defenders. He still leads the team and uses his company to fund all their equipment and necessities. He is constantly working on something for the team, rarely ever returning to his personal life. Some of his friends say that he's Exo more often than he is Henry
Power Level: 19; Despite his lower power level, his intelligence and cunning make him a much more effective hero, often outperforming everyone around him
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Aka: The Green Knight
Species: Human
Personality: Cocky, Arrogant, Egotistical, Stubborn, Short-tempered
Powers: Like all Dragon Knights, Maximus is gifted with the ability to control Telesteel. The metal is nearly useless out of a Dragon Knight's hands and extremely brittle. But the Knights can control the metal and use it to fashion armor. The strength of the metal is directly correlated to a knight's willpower and skill. The more skilled and disciplined the knight, the stronger the armor and tools. Knights also have natural enhanced strength and durability.
Backstory: Maximus' parents, who were Dragon Knights before him, were murdered when he was a baby. A dragon killed them in their home, crushing his mother and injuring the father so that he succumbed to his wounds shortly after the battle. Nearly two decades later Max is discovered by the Dragon Knights, an order of monster and dragon hunters. They take him in when they see his natural strength and aptitude to be a knight. He quickly climbs their ranks but soon finds himself, along with the entire order, pitted against one of the most powerful dragons they've seen yet. The very dragon that murdered Max's parents.
Current life: Also living amongst the Defenders, Maximus' will has never been stronger. He's learned to open up to his allies, make new friends, and even find love. He finds a true purpose in his life saving lives and defending the world.
Power Level: 36; with an iron will and burning determination, Maximus can easily tank any punch thrown at him and stop at nothing to achieve his goal. He is a true example of an unmoveable object.
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Aka: "I don't need a superhero name. I'm always gone before anyone shows up anyways."
Species: Human Body (Time Incarnated)
Personality: Energetic, Bouncy, Fidgety, Quick, Spry, Funny, won't sit in one place for very long
Powers: Can harness tachyon energy and manipulate time, effectively allowing them to control the flow of time for themself and everyone around them. Certain actions require large amounts of energy which takes more time to build up. Dan often utilizes their energy to move at superhuman speed, even able to outrun the speed of light. They also have an extremely fast metabolism, and their energy allows them to resist certain catastrophic consequences of superspeed, like friction. Speed healing is also included.
Backstory: Always on the run from an evil speedster, Dan kept on the move constantly. They used their super speed to move all over the world and always stay one step ahead and never stayed in one place for too long. After staying in one place for too long and getting themself into a situation they couldn't just run from, the other speedster, Quadrios, caught up. Dan made new friends, who helped them realize that they didn't have to run in fear. So Dan stopped running away and ran towards the danger instead.
Current life: A valued and vital member of the Defenders, Dan uses their speed to stop crime all over the world, still preferring to stay on the move. But when duty calls and the team needs them, they come running.
Power Level: 69; While not physically strong, Dan's speed makes them a dangerous foe. Beyond just being untouchable and moving faster than the speed of light, Dan's ability to alter the timeline at will and leap between worlds grants them nearly godlike power.
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Aka: Halcyon
Species: Human
Personality: Kind, thoughtful, energetic, sarcastic
Powers: Can harness celestial power to create energy and utilize it in a number of ways including flight, superstrength, enhanced movement and reaction speed, and can basically shoot lasers out of her fingers made out of celestial energy
Backstory: Mya was the childhood best friend of Rex, and developed her powers because she accidentally encountered one of the elemental walls on Rex's quest to master all the elements. The encounter left her with celestial powers. Later down the line, she accidentally got caught in a time rip and was presumed dead. Instead, she was found by Rex three hundred years later, having been flung forward in time. She was forced to adapt to living in a world where everyone she knew was long dead except her draconian friends.
Current life: Having decently adapted to the future, she has more of a hero life than a social life. She threw herself into her work, knowing that she would never completely adapt to the new world she found herself in. It was better to protect it than to become part of it. The closest she ever got to being normal again was falling in love with Maximus.
Power Level: 38; Her celestial energy gives her a huge advantage in combat, and constantly fuels her endurance. She is good at keeping up a relentless barrage of attacks to keep enemies off balance and distracted.
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Aka: Genesis
Species: Human
Personality: Kind, thoughtful, motherly, anxious, cautious
Powers: Can turn her body into a cloud of spores. Any allies within the radius of the aura experience enhanced regeneration, endurance, speed, strength, and perception.
Backstory: Amelia was orphaned at a young age and was taken in by her godfather, David Callaghan. She and Henry grew up together and knew each other very well, eventually falling in love. She was an expert in bioscience and virology and invented a "virus" that could've been the cure to all diseases thanks to nanotechnology from the nano project. An accident destroyed the entire project and caused her body to fuse with the cure. She became disembodied by the accident and Henry personally found a way to piece her back together.
Current life: Amelia stays amongst the Defenders at their tower. She is primarily responsible for patching up wounds after battles and being moral and mental support for the team. She watches out for every aspect of the team's health and does everything she can to help them.
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(I've got a lot to say here)
Aka: The Black Shadow (Later changes name to Guardian)
Species: Human-Altrimite Hybrid
Personality: Sarcastic, Funny, Energetic, Talkative, Innocent
Powers: Logan is a shadowborn, which means that he has the ability to manipulate the shadow element. He can create shadow constructs and teleport short distances. Logan also has increased strength, speed, agility, and reaction time. He wields a sword passed down from each Black Shadow that allows him to cut rips in space-time to move between universes, as well as harness dimensional energy. After he becomes eighteen he loses most of his previous powers as his altrimite powers develop. He gains flight, extreme strength, superhuman speed, near invulnerability, the ability to react to a threat or action almost before it even happens, regenerative immortality, and gains the power to absorb and redistribute energy in any way he pleases. His energy manipulation is so powerful he can even absorb the kinetic energy of strikes, effectively making him more powerful the more he's attacked.
Backstory: Logan is the son of Maxwell Cruix, the previous Black Shadow, who kept peace on a multiversal scale. After his father's death, Logan took on the mantel at 16 years of age. He was taken in by the Defenders and trained by them as Maxwell's dying wish. Logan was quickly realized to be the second most powerful member on the team but was told he was the weakest to keep his power in check and keep him humble until his training was complete.
Current life: Living amongst the Defenders and learning everything he can from them. He struggles to master his new powers and has become a personal student of the Dragon King. Logan is trying to find his place in the hero world, unable to focus on the much smaller threats that he's used to because of his strength, but unable to grapple with larger threats due to his inexperience.
Power Level: 84; His immeasurable power is matched by nearly no one. The only thing holding Logan back at this point is his inexperience and lack of ways to gain any without some world-ending threat to actually challenge him.
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Aka: Stormcaller
Species: Human (Universe EX-7401)
Personality: Mature, Funny, Kind, Thoughtful, natural leader, Powerful
Powers: God-tier regeneration, super strength, flight, regenerative immortality, Stormcall (summon and control an electrical storm), can resist most effects from other powers i.e. mind control, gravity, illusions.
Backstory: The daughter of the Cal, the previous Stormcaller, Chloe earned her title of another Stormcaller and acts as a hero in her world. When Logan accidentally stumbled into her world in need of help, she joined him. Seeing that there was another world that needed heroes more than hers, and being shown that her world would be just fine without her, she stayed with the Defenders and joined them.
Current life: Having joined the Defenders, Chloe finds immense joy in fighting and is deeply loving the fact that the villains in Universe Prime actually stand a chance against her. She is enjoying her new home and plans on sticking around for a long time.
Power Level: 52; Her mastery over her ability gives her immense power and control over her storm and makes her a deadly adversary. She was pleasantly surprised that a lot of people in Universe Prime could match her power level.
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silyabeeodess · 3 years
FusionFall Headcanons: Jake the Dog
To Jake, what’s an alien invasion compared to the countless other adventures he’s already had with his bro?  They’ve fought their way out of all types of situations and this have an a literal incarnation of death on their side via the Grim Reaper.  All in all, he’s not too worried about things long-term and maintaing his usual, easygoing attitude.    
Since I’m taking Seasons 1-5 of Adventure Time into account with these headcanons for a timeline of events and Lady Rainicorn has a small cameo in the game, I’d like to think that most of their family evacuated from Ooo.  Their kids (if they can still be called kids, given how rapidly they age) are fine and three of them--Charlie, Jake. Jr. and Kim Kil Whan--even joined the fusion fighters.  TV and Viola are staying with their grandparents in the Crystal Dimension.  Luckily, due to their teleportation abilities, they never have to miss each other or their parents when they want to see them despite the war raging on.  This ability has also come in handy for evacuations and other emergencies. 
Lady Rainicorn had the biggest trouble adjusting, as while most others of her species who lived in Ooo retreated to the Crystal Dimension, she chose to follow Jake and also do her part for the war effort.  Given that Rainicorns have a history of eating humans, needless to say, she didn’t always get a warm welcome. Eventually, she found her place mainly ferrying the Academy’s graduates from Mt. Neverest to their first assignments.  Jake often reassures her that more people will warm up to her with time.  
Usually, Jake is on missions with Finn, but whenever the latter is away at the Academy to train new recruits, Jake devotes his off-time to Lady or to unwind. He has a casual curiosity toward how different things are from Ooo in other parts of the world and tends to wander when on his own.
He doesn’t feel any personal attachment to his nanos: He just thinks they’re cool.  He doesn’t put as much effort into their training as some other models would since he doesn’t feel much responsibility toward them and believes that they should act on what comes natural with their abilities.
Jake is interested in imaginary energy (IE) and loves using it in battle, but not in studying it.  When other fusion fighters saw how well Jake could use it, they tried to get him to explain it and teach others. However, due to Jake’s lax personality, he isn’t much of a teacher.  He mostly just encourages people not to overrationalize things. Thus far, there hasn’t been any incidents of his imagination running wild like in the events of “Rainy Day Daydream,” but he has accidentally created an extremeosaur at least once.
Despite all of the strange and supernatural forces he’s battled against with Finn, Jake’s extremely uncomfortable around Jeff the Spider.  Whether Jeff is nice or not, both Finn and Jake are arachnophobic as seen in the events of the episode “Marceline’s Closet.” Similarly, if anyone just so happens to be carrying around spider eggs--and actually cares for the baby spiders as more than just a thrown weapon--it’s best to keep them out of Finn and Jake’s sight...
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newobsessionweekly · 4 years
You are my drug🌿
@isthatmaryanna: hi!!! could u make another ander imagine?  where ander realizes he as feelings for the female reader when she starts going out like crazy and making out with a random guy every night at the disco and one day she gets very drunk and starts to argue with ander and he says that he’s disappointed because she started to act like a slut  and she tells him that is all of his fault because she fell in love with him and he doesn’t even care about her and then they share their first kiss
a/n: there it is! I hope you like it! Thank you for this idea and for your patience! Enjoy and stay safe!��❤️
Sorry for the eventual grammar errors.
word count: 1.623
warnings: drugs
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Ander Muñoz x Reader 🌿
Marina’s death hasn’t affected only Guzmán, it affected every single one of you, but he’s te only one who is brave enough to show his emotions. You were a hunded percent sure Nano is innocent, he and Samu are your friends, but nothing seemed to make sense lately. You were convinced some people from your group are covering the real murderer. 
The pain never goes away, your shared room with her became a museum. All of her stuff was there, untouched, like they are waiting for her to come back and brush her hair again in the mirror, to write the homework together on the shared desk in front of the window and watch together your favourite tv show in the bed, laughing together and fighting with pillows when one of you were too conceited to admit that the other one was right.  There are so many emotions and thoughts, you felt like it’s too much. You and Guzmán are always there for each other, you were there when the anger and pain exploded inside him and he was there every night when all those emotions flooded from your body. And since then you brought a small bed and all of your stuff into Guzmán’s room. 
Despite the fact that the last summer was the worst, you preferred to be alone, to let your thoughts consume you and let that pain fade away on its own. Lu was there for you, but Guzmán needed her more. Thought you’ve been through hell and felt like the world stopped, it hasn’t and you now have somehow to re-enter into the normal life. As the car stopped in front of the school, you put on your black glasses and your brother took your hand, drawing your attention to him. He is as broken as you are. He is changed, his smile is not as bright as he used to be and his eyes are lifeless. It feels like you also died in the same day Marina died.
“Together.” he forced a smile and walked hand in hand through the crowd who was watching you. 
As you entered the class, everyone turned their heads for a moment, analyzing both of you from head to toes then came back to their business. Beside the usual group was standing a tall boy with a black curled head, wearing the Las Encinas’ uniform in his own style, with no buttoned up shirt and his tie hanging around his neck. You smiled as the boy turned and realised it is Valerio. An old friend, definetely the life of the party and a sweet and true person. Lu came and hugged you, followed closely by the rest of the group. The hug you nedded the most in that moment was Ander’s, the curly headed boy you’ve known since forever. Is one of the best friends of Guzmán’s and was around long enough to fall in love with his kindness, his pure heart and his terrible joks. He’s the perfect boy you’ve ever met and the only one you wished to be there through the hard time. You nedded him to pat your shoulder, not Guzmán’s and to tell you he’s there for you, not for Guzmán. But you came to terms a long time ago, for him you are just Guzmán’s sister. 
“Hey darling, how are you?” Lu sat down next to you and placed her hand on yours.
“Better.” you half-smiled and pointed with your head towards the boy waiting behind her. Apparentely Valerio wants to sit next to you. She fermly waved her hand and made him back up.
“You are lying to me. Or do you want to keep this to yourself, too? As you’ve done all summer.” she wouldn’t withdraw.
“I just need him, you know?” you avoided her look. “I want him to care about me, to be there for me as you’ve been those years there for Guzmán.”
“But he cares about you, love. He asked about you all summer. He just doesn’t know how to show his emotions.”
“Why is it hard for me to believe you?”
“Because those ugly sunglasses you are wearing blinded you.” she rolled her eyes and retake her seat next to Guzmán.
 The club was exactly as you remembered: loud, full of people and colorful. Going through high school without your best friend is hard and Ander not being around as you wished made you angrier than ever. Is maybe the fourth night in a row you’ve been partying, drinking and dancing to some randome guys. Valerio was around, spending too much time with Guzmán. He’s a great person, but he’s also involved into some nasty drug thing and Guzmán may be tempted to try anything that can make him escape from the pain.   
You had some Mojitos and helped Lu finish a champagne bottle when you saw your brother coming out from the toilet area with Nadia. She was as well concerned about Guzmán and didn’t find any good thing in this sudden friendship between Valerio and Guzmán, so she assured you she would try and keep an eye on him.
In your rush, accidentaly bumped into Ander. You tried to cover the music apologising, but you weren’t sure he heard you. Valerio was about to exit the toilets, but you pushed him back, Ander’s eyes troubling following both of you.
“What is that thing you have there?” you rushed him.
“What, this?” he pulled out a small bag filled with some white powder. “This is Big C.” 
“What?” you frowned.
He looked at you over his sunglasses, “Coke. Cocaine.” 
“How muchis it?” you bit your bottom lip as you searched for your money. 
“For friends in need, it’s free.” you nodded and he understood what you want. Just one time, no big deal, you thought. You were more worried for Guzmán and maybe his reaction if he would find out, that is why you were so stirred. “Like this.” he made a demonstration for you after he arranged the drug into some white tiny lines.  -----  You’ve been screaming and dancing with Valerio almost all night. You didn’t felt anything less than happiness, freedom and understanding. Valerio understands you, he knows how it is feels to be unloved, he feels your pain because he had been a good friend with Marina as well. After another drink, and after Valerio caught your attention about not mixing coke with too much alcohol, you got the guts and closed the distance between you and him. You were kissing in the middle of the dancefloor with his hands exploring your body. Ander loathingly sighed and made Guzmán look at him with curiosity. Lu saw that too and approached Ander, placing her hand on his shoulder. He had his jaw clenched and that was the moment he understood those fellings. He finally understood why he felt his heart going up in his throath everytime he sees you. He understood those sweaty palms and the stomach ache everytime he spoke to you. He finally figured out why he was acting so strange around you and why he couldn’t comfort you when you needed the most. Marina’s death affected him too, he changed too, but you had changed more than he tought and he didn’t like that view. “What the fuck is she doing?” Guzmán tried to come closer, but Ander stopped him.  “Let me go talk to her.” he asked for his permission.
 As Guzmán nodded, he approached and grabbed your arm, draggin you away from the dancefloor, towards some quiet place. Your eyes were red and a strange smile was painted on your face.  “What the fuck do you want? You ruined my moment, I was having a good timeeeee!” you were delirious now.
“I ruined your moment? I’m sorry I’m concerned and I don’t want you to ruin your life!” You laughed, “I’m just living my life!” “(y/n), you don’t get drunk and you don’t made out with some random guy! That’s not a good way to grieve Marina and you know that. I’m disappointed at you. You lately started acting like a slut, and that’s not (y/n) I wanna be friend with.” “Yeah? Just so you know, this is all your fault! You let me fall in love with you, you pretended to be kind and caring with me, but now I realised I’m not good enough for you to even care about me!” You hindered trying to enlarge the distance between you and Ander. “I needed you to save me from my thoughts, because you are the only one who can do that, but you let me sink! Valerio understands me, he knows how it is to love someone that doesn’t love me back!” there are tears running down your face and you couldn’t see clearly your brother’s face. You could assume only how disappointed he is. “Why haven’t you told me that before?” he cupped your cheeks with his warm hands and softly smiled at you. “Why would I do that?” you wipped away your tears. “Because you would prevent this things to happen. I would have been there for you, I would have told you how much I love you and you woulnd’t have to take that shit!” he took that little bag with white powder and threw it away.  “Now, let me kiss you because I’ve been dying to taste your lips for far too long.” And he did it. He sealed your lips with his while grabbing your waist, trying to pull you as close as possible. This one can’t even be compared with that kisses you had earlier with all those guys. His lips just fit perfectely like they are made just for you.
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