#but then theres that one thing. that one title that he could never get.
crazylittlejester · 3 days
*points at what you said in Sunny’s ask about hair stuff (which are all wonderful and yes) and Wars bleaching and straightening his hair*
Silly or Hero-warship previous mostly blond heroes gotta look the part perfect soldier image peer pressure whatever? (Basically, silly little guy or sads?) (My brain immediately went to this but it kinda falls apart with some of the others in the chain having different hair colors (which, again awesome, curly hair Rulie and Wind my beloveds) but thought why not ask anyways)
Taking this as a Yap opportunity because it’s been so long since people have sent in asks about my Wars headcanons and I feel like I haven’t gotten to talk about this in a while >:) SO THANK YOU FOR THIS
edit: apologies if theres any spelling mistakes im dyslexic but also just an idiot
So I hc Wars came from a very small village on the outskirts of the kingdom and when he got to Castletown and joined the army things were very different, HE was very different. He didn’t feel like he fit in with them, so he tried his best to force himself to fit in which is why I hc he does a fake accent, a Castletown/British one so people assume he comes from there. The way people view him is very important to him because he worries if they don’t see him through the carefully crafted lens he’s set up for himself to be viewed through, people will not like him or they won’t think he’s worthy or they’ll think he’s pathetic and he can’t handle that. So everything about how he’s constructed and built himself, from his hair to his accent to his walk to his laugh, his smile, voice, posture, all of it is carefully and deliberately crafted so that his image and how he presents himself is consistent, reliable, and “hero worthy”
Him straightening and dyeing his hair was 100% because he saw the heroes of legend and realized he didn’t look like them. I hc the Hero of Time was a huge figure, and one of the most noted heroes in Wars’s era, so little Wars compared himself to that a LOT. (and I also hc he never knew Mask was the Hero of Time because the kid called himself the Hero of Masks because HE didn’t think he could live up to his own title.) He thought if he looked more like what the people of Hyrule envision the great hero to look like in their minds, he’d be taken much more seriously
Of course now, seven years after the war, after he’s had a lot of time to come to terms with things and start to heal, Warriors doesn’t feel the need to look like the other heroes in order to be worthy, and he realizes this before he even meets the others. But NOW he’s stuck because he hasn’t felt like himself or like he KNEW himself at all since he was like 14/15, and he’s nearly 28 now and after over a decade of being in the army or “Hero of Warriors”, he doesn’t really know HOW to be him. He’s not yet at a point where he can fully realize the only thing that’s going to make him happy is becoming himself again, he knows he feels more relaxed when he feels safe but hes not really aware of how much his guard drops and how his act disappears when he’s completely at peace. He feels like he needs to keep playing this character of himself he’s made, and that includes keeping up appearances
He’s getting better about relaxing how strict he is with himself, he’ll allow himself lazy mornings where he doesn’t straighten his hair or do his makeup, but he almost obsessively dyes his hair and that’s the last thing he’ll stop doing, because I hc he looks VERY much like his mother and where he’s at right now, he couldn’t handle seeing that. (I hc his mother is alive, and so are all the sisters i hc he has, and they haven’t seen him since he left all those years ago because he feels like he CANNOT go back because hes so different now and he cannot handle the idea that home wouldnt feel like home anymore because he’s become a monster at war and he wont belong there anymore. He still writes home, and keeps in contact, and he’s seen Linkle (his twin), but he can’t bring himself to see his mother in his own face or just go home until he relearns who he actually is)
*wet cough* sorry for the yap 🥺 i have a lot of thoughts and he’s my special guy and this is how I characterize him in my writing (unless its an au or a specific other thing) so i think about him a LOT
if anyone is interested in this characterization of him heres a link to my main Wars series:
*collapses and dies*
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
Sorry but I was looking thru asks and I saw these again and they make me laugh every time I look back at them, thank you cofi and c 😭😭😭
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I ended up calling it Boy King bcs that's really just how everyone knew it already, but these are all soooo gold
Spanish Dream AU has such great historical context though btw:
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I guess sometimes when I tag drawings, I'm like "ah I'm kinda ignoring Nano :<" but then I realize that's the whole point! Yeah he's important and so are others in the au, but Seb is always the most important at the end of the day 🤭🤭
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b14augrana · 3 months
Ad Astra Per Aspera
Your story goes deeper than what meets Alexia’s eye
Alexia Putellas x teen!reader
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pt. 2 masterlist
Warnings: this story contains depictions of alcoholism, adultery, and familial issues. read at your own discretion. aditionally, alexia is pretty mean in this and there wont be a happy ending for a few parts 😬
A/N: massive thank you to this request for the amazing idea 🫶🏼. r is 18 y/o but still going under teen!reader. this is going to be multiple parts because theres so much i could do for this request that i find impossible to fit into one part and write to a good standard, so here you go!
The Stands
Football unites the world. It brings people, cities, and countries together, like nothing else.
You’ve seen it happen in your beautiful hometown of Barcelona — all you can see during the hours leading up to any match set to be played in the Camp Nou is red and blue in the sky. Blaugrana painted the streets below, and the entire city came alive with the commotion from the stadium.
You spent your entire childhood being part of the roaring atmosphere, waving your Barça flag proudly in the air alongside every other flag and wearing the infamous colours across your chest.
Most of all, you prayed with every bit of faith in you, that one day you’d be on the pitch, playing for the club of your dreams.
Everyone in the crowd had their own individual life. There could be a single mother, a lawyer who used up his last days of leave to attend the match, a young boy with his father, an elderly person on an outing with his wife, someone from abroad who’s spent thousands and travelled for hours to watch their favourite player in real life.
11 players could bring together almost 100,000 people just to watch them kick a ball around, and you wanted to have the same effect. You wanted to be so good at football and have the ability to transform a simple sport about kicking a ball around into 90 minutes of entertainment, performance, art. You wanted to do it with Barcelona.
You trained meticulously for months. You passed your small, worn out ball against the same fence in your backyard, you practiced your touch by juggling until the frustration made you storm away in tears and you learned new skills and used your own shoes as cones to pose as defenders and dribble around.
When you went to the Camp Nou to trial for the renowned La Masia academy, you were little and clutching your FC Barcelona backpack for support. The stadium already looked so big when you were up in the stands, but when it was empty and you were actually on the pitch, it was even bigger. You were stood on the same grass as your idols that once had the same dream as you, and that was unbelievable.
The start of your journey as a player at FC Barcelona had begun.
Day after day, you woke up early for training. Your siblings were never awake at that time, so the rare moment of peaceful alone time with your mother was something you looked forward to every morning.
She drove you to the La Masia facilities and then picked you up at sunset. Sometimes, when she had to work late, you and some of your teammates would go to the park and play with the other local kids until your parents came.
Those were the same teammates that you got promoted to the B team with, and the evening 5-a-side games in the park never stopped. They were your best friends — you all shared a common dream of getting to the first team and playing in big tournaments and winning titles, and even though you realistically wouldn’t all be able to do that, no one ever stopped believing that one day it would happen.
As you grew up and your career just started to take off, things started to change. Not just in football, but your life off the pitch too. All at the age of thirteen.
Your father started coming home late. As if your mother was stupid, he’d waltz into the house in the middle of the night, claiming he had to stay a little late because a last minute meeting was called or he lost track of the time. The mild arguments started, and when the late arrivals became more frequent, your mother’s suspicions grew stronger.
One night, it came to a halt. Just when you stopped expecting it, he came home at his regular time; half past six. The only difference was, he didn’t look happy to be home at all. A frown tainted his face ans there was something off-putting about his demeanour. Soon, it all made sense.
You watched from around the corner, your head barely peeking out. Your dad shrugged his blazer off, and you noticed the way his mouth twitched as if hesitating to say something. Once he spoke, a big part of you wished he hesitated a bit more and realised down the line that he was making a bad decision, but it was too late.
The reason he was working late, the secrecy, the floral smells that lingered on his shirts; he was never working overtime, the floral smells were not from the diffuser in the office, and he did have something to hide.
It was called infidelity.
Your siblings emerged from their rooms as soon as the cacophonous yelling started, and you were quick to usher them away from the arguing.
The reality of how bad the situation really was hadn’t yet settled in, but you knew the outcome wasn’t going to be good.
Your youngest brother complained about his rumbling stomach, and the other two were quick to jump on the hunger train. For a moment you were stumped, because you didn’t want to go into the kitchen where the argument was taking place and get dragged into it, so your solution was grabbing a €50 bill and sneaking out to the nearest restaurant.
You were the oldest of four kids. After you was one of two boys, Lorenzo, and then the twins, Magdalene and Dani. They shared the same passion for football as you, and your fondest memories consisted on being in the stands of Camp Nou with them.
All of you snagged a table in a cozy restaurant, one you were familiar with due to going there multiple times with the rest of your family.
The hour you spent in that restaurant with your siblings turned out to be the last hour of a carefree life you’d get to indulge in.
The Pitch
You turned 18 last week, but you got promoted to the first team last month. The headlines painted you as an emblem of success for Barça’s youth programme, the future captain of the first team, and there were all these opinions flying around about you as a player. The opinion that mattered most, though, was that of your captain.
You and Alexia Putellas didn’t get along. Her opinion on you was nothing short of disapproving, and she let you know of that as you arrived at practice.
“(Y/N),” the woman said, her voice holding notes of irritation as she approached you. You looked at her, preparing yourself for the inevitable lecture.
“You’re late again. You might be young, but over here you’re the same as all of us no matter your age, which means getting to training at the same time as us,” she berated you, her hands set on her hips and her eyebrows furled in annoyance.
“Look, captain, I had to–” you started, but your explanation was cut short by Alexia.
“I don’t have time for your excuses. Do better next time, or you’re sitting out of practice entirely. Go run your laps,” she snarled, dismissing you with a wave of her hand.
You could only watch in anger as she stormed away while the others looked at you sympathetically, and you bit your tongue as you walked to the locker room and dumped your bag in your cubby.
She belittled you in every interaction you two had, which was a shame because you really liked her beforehand. In fact, you looked up to her, and you looked forward to being captained by her, but now it was hell on earth every time you entered the gates and met her scrutinising gaze.
Training was nothing special. It was the same old passing drills, small-sided games, shooting and free kick practice, and then before you knew it, home time.
You slung your bag over your shoulder and left before Alexia could stop you and give you yet another lecture. After stopping at the primary school to pick up Magdalene and Dani, you three drove to the middle school to pick up Lorenzo. Barcelona rush hour was rife around the time you picked up your siblings, so you spent another half an hour stuck in traffic until you finally got home.
All you wanted was your bed, and a nap. Still, you dragged yourself to the kitchen to make something quick for dinner so it was ready for your siblings when they were hungry, and then you tidied up in the living room.
Ever since your dad left, your mother was a wreck, leaving you as the successor to her caretaking duties of the kids. She was never a drinker, but after he left, she found herself depending on alcohol for a quick escape.
It was nice for a little bit; a short break from the world that always ended too soon. She kept chasing and chasing that relief until she was in too deep, and it was never enough. The bottles multiplied, the cans lined the rubbish bins, the stench polluted the air that once smelled of a fresh vanilla essence, and she became latched onto it.
You blamed your father for it all, because it was his unchastity that motivated every drink. Your mother was a beautiful woman who loved her family more than herself.
That was what ruined her.
“Hermana, hermana,” Magdalene spoke, tugging on the sleeve of your shirt. You looked down just as you turned off the stove, and she rubbed her stomach, “I’m hungry.”
“Okay hermanita, ask the boys if they’re hungry, please,” you replied, smiling at her. She nodded and ran to their bedrooms, and soon they all emerged from around the corner.
After scooping generous amounts of macaroni and cheese onto their plates, you put some onto your plate and sat down with your siblings to eat. Together, you all talked about your busy days and they listened to you tell them all about your training. They loved hearing your stories about Barça, and every time, Magdalene and Dani would ask you to continue your stories until they fell asleep.
Tonight was no different as you tiptoed out of the twins’ bedroom, gently shutting the door behind you. As much as you loved sleeping after a long day, part of you also dreaded it, because it meant starting a new day and facing Alexia.
When you woke up, it was to gentle knocking on your bedroom door. You were awake enough to comprehend the quiet pattering of footsteps across your hardwood floors, and when tiny hands grazed your skin, you jolted awake. “Hermana, time to wake up! School time!” Magdalene chimed.
So your morning routine began.
With one sock and half your jacket over your head, you made three lunches for the kids right after making their breakfast. Your mother slowly slumped out of her bedroom, wrapping her robe tight around her.
“Bon día,” she mumbled, a smile on her face. With a glance over your shoulder, you acknowledged her before going back to slicing two oranges.
“Morning, mamá,” your siblings responded quietly, shoving food into their mouths to avoid speaking any further. She sat on the couch, sighing deeply.
As she walked past you, you could immediately recognise the stench of alcohol — no surprises there. Years ago, she would’ve smelled like warm musky perfume, not the pungent smell of chemicals.
“Can you make me something, hija? ‘M very hungry,” she said to you, looking your way. You kept your head down, sealing the lunchboxes and cleaning up the counter.
“No, ma, I have things to do. Make your own breakfast,” you responded coldly, “Hermanita, pequeños, bring your dishes here.”
Your siblings scrambled from the table with their empty plates, giving them a quick wash before retreating to their rooms to get their uniform on. On the couch, your mother was still begging for food.
“Hija.. I’m hungry,” the woman slurred.
“Mamá, I have to get your kids to school and go to my own job, which my captain is already angry at me for being late because I have to drive them all around Barna,” you hissed.
“Then I have to come home and make dinner after cleaning your mess. You can make your own breakfast, for once!”
You always felt bad for yelling at your mum, but your life was hard enough with trying to get to work and drop off your three siblings in time while worrying about making your mum a meal.
You had a chance at life. You had a chance to succeed, and you weren’t going to waste it. You weren’t going to rely on a man to look after you in the future until he turns around and wants to look after another woman, leaving you damned.
“Bye, mamá,” you grumbled, grabbing your keys from the bench and swooping your boot bag up from the floor.
It was Dani’s turn to pick which song to play on the radio on the drive to school. He chose a very popular song within your siblings; ‘Me Gustas Tu’. The song had been broadcasted on the radio one day, and everyone seemed to love it. Their favourite part of car rides to school was winding the windows down and singing as loud as they’d like.
Somehow, amongst your father leaving and your mother’s new habits, your siblings were always happy, and that’s what you admired most about them. Maybe they were unaware of the harsh reality, but they were still naïve and unscathed by everything that happened.
It was almost 9:30 in the morning when you started making your way to the training pitch. Mentally, you were preparing yourself for the big lecture you were about to get from Alexia and seriously didn’t need, but physically, you looked unbothered if not a bit tense in the shoulders.
You almost tripped on your way out of the car as you rushed around to get your gear. Walking into training everyday just to get yelled at by Alexia was never nice, but you were used to it. Unfortunately.
That wasn’t the sort of relationship a captain should have with one of her players. It was almost like she despised you, and if she had her way, you probably would’ve been off the team within the first week.
Sure enough, when you appeared on the pitch, the first thing you heard was the low whispers beside you.
“…She’s irresponsible and doesn’t belong on the first team. Being late once, I understand, but multiple times? Her excuses are not good enough–”
“Excuses? Ale, you’ve never let her explain herself.”
“There shouldn’t be any need for excuses anyways, because she shouldn’t be late at all. If she wants to take her time and be let off easy like a child, send her back to the B team. Look, she isn’t even here yet.”
“She is, though. Look behind you.”
The woman turned around, her glare settling on you and being as cold as ever. She spun her whole body around and folded her arms across her chest, her frown heavy.
You sighed, looking down to your feet. It made you feel even worse that you couldn’t help it, and you couldn’t explain it to her either, because that action had potential to get your siblings taken away.
“Drop your bag, get comfortable. You’re not training today,” she snapped.
Your heart sunk. You fought to fend off any tears from forming on your waterline as you nodded, raising your head slightly.
“Listen, (Y/N). This team is everything to me. I have lots of respect for the people who coach us and come here to be coached. You, showing up late? That shows a lack of respect for those people. You’re lazy, unorganised, irresponsible–”
Irresponsible was untrue. If anything, you were the most responsible person you’ve ever known, but Alexia didn’t know that because she didn’t care to know you.
“…I can’t expect you to represent our club and our city on big stages if you can’t even come to training on time. You aren’t FC Barcelona material, and unless things change, you never will be.��
Your lip quivered as your body aligned to bolt for the locker room as soon as she left you alone, away from the watchful eyes that surveyed you in pity when had you arrived. Alexia turned on her heel and stormed away past Mapi, whom she was talking to previously.
She left you in her wake, crestfallen and misunderstood, defeated by circumstances beyond your control.
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mikodrawnnarratives · 2 months
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Have some art + fic rn cuz i had this idea plaguing me for a whlie in my first playthrough of the game and i needed to have it realized.
I don't want to edit my writing just yet so i'll do that later, but for now have some mentally unstable Siffrin 👍
I'll come up with a title ltr, prob when i edit this and post to ao3 (so if this gets reblogs just check out the og post for latest ver.)
For now the warnings you should know of are just character death, lots of Siff hating himself, and i think suicide ideation? I wrote this a few hours ago n still don't want to go back just yet but basically its nothing that doesn't already exist in the game
Fic starts under the cut! Roughly 2000 words
(edit: i forgor some colors don't exist/can't be seen 🤡, fixed now!)
Siffrin can’t seem to fall asleep at all anymore. The night right before the loops he can only pretend to get some rest before facing the king. He isn’t quite sure what the reason is. Being stuck in one place for too long? Useless? His urges to reach out for Isa’s touch that keep him awake at night, yearning for connection that is immediately are followed by disgust in himself?  The pure exhaustion at the thought of repeating the next day again? None seem to be the answer. Maybe its a combination.
He only knows that he’s exhausted. Exhausted, yet unable to rest. Even if he were able, would he want to risk what ever dream or nightmare his head might concoct? A blend of memories and deaths to remind him that he can’t escape?
Not being able to sleep makes them worse at the loops too unfortunately. They got along fine for the first few loops after his first sleepless night, though the mistakes ramped up. They cursed their body, cursed themself for being so weak. Simple and stupid mistakes getting them killed via boulder when they forgot and slip of the hand resulting in the weakest of Sadnesses offing him.
Loop of course taunted about his failures, like they always do. He couldn’t fully blame them, knowing deep down he deserved it. There was a pull he sometimes had though, to rest with them, even for just a little bit. He’s hung out with them before, when it gets overwhelming, never for very long. Despite that, to actually sleep with them is a different story. Different vulnerability that, he wasn’t comfortable with. Too weak, he didn’t need another thing for Loop to tease him about. No matter how tempting it would be to sit in the tree and doze off. He wouldn’t doubt that, if he could rest at this point, he would doze off until the next loop.
He can’t have that. He can’t let his family die again.
The next loop began, the stage set, and Siff opened his eye, despite every ache in their body telling them not too. They can’t listen to their body right now though. They need to travel the entire house in the next few loops for anything he might have missed before. One more sweep. 
He carries out his lines, plays the role he’s meant, rehearsing the other actor’s lines in his head before they speak up. Familiar steps, expressions, directions. When they get to Isabeau, they slip up again, Isa’s concern blooms. But they’ve seen this before. It’ll be fine. Their gut twists at forcing Isa to be concerned, but theres a warmth in it too. That Isa cares. Cares about them. It’s strange, when Odile gets close to the truth, stars when she FINDS OUT the truth, there isn’t any warmth. Just, fear. But knowing Isa won’t find out, just cares and makes them promise to talk about it at a time they know won’t come, it’s a guilty pleasure. At least, for now. Before it becomes meshed with all the other lines Siffrin has come to expect from The Fighter.
While navigation the House like normal, they slip up occasionally, interacting with objects that spark Odile’s concern. They don’t bother reversing the mistakes, he hasn’t slipped up that much. There’s no way she could know. Siff crumbled on the first floor at the counter they jabbed themself into again. Unable to see it and always stupidly forgetting to be cautious there. Stupid. 
And they kept making mistakes. Their exhaustion pulling at their body, their nerves eating them alive. There’s no warmth with new lines of concern from their actors. Just spikes of panic followed by their attempts to reassure them. To continue on.
By the final snack stop before the King, their actor’s change the script again. Siffrin tensed, their hand tracing the handle of their dagger in case of emergency. Odile… odile doesn’t call out suspicious connections to time craft this time. Everyone just.. Just asks him to nap.
The third floor they had fumbled the most, their quick grabs at the keys became more clumsy against his will. His hands can’t stop shaking. The aches won’t cease their whining in his body. Change, of course they noticed, they aren’t blind. The script is similar, repeating the words that simultaneously warm his body and send nausea through it. They’re a family. They care.
Absently, Siffrin notes Mira’s asking him if he’ll accept a comb, again. At least that’s familiar. At least one of them new the script to stick to. And, he really wouldn’t mind it again. The loops reset his hair back to the tangled and knotted mess it was when he startled back to awareness in Dormont. Everytime. Sometimes they briefly wondered if Mirabelle would comb their hair out back in town too. They would never ask though.
Their family quietly chated as Mirabelle combed through his hair. Gently, dare they think lovingly. Careful not to hurt him. Like he’s fragile and weak. Pathetic. They are pathetic aren’t they. For wanting this. Selfish for forcing them. Their hands continued to tremble, as much as Siff tried to suppress it.
The Fighter changes the script first. First to notice. Notice a slip up. They tense, not for any particular reason just, they don’t know this script. The Fighter’s face is concerned but softens. Isa. Isa asked hesitantly it he could see their hands. Siff let him, letting their pathetic shaking hands be engulfed in Isa’s large ones. He hesitantly rubs their knuckles, Mira continues to brush the tangles out of their hair. Siff’s eyelid got heavier, their body screaming to just let go, just relax. They haven’t reached the king yet, the head housemaid, they can’t yet. 
When they heard Odile close her book, another off script action, they jolted up and looked her way. Odile was about to speak up, but hesitated at their startled form. Her concerned and piercing expression remained.
“Siffrin, did you get any rest at all last night?”
They stop and meekly speak up, “I slept..”
“That’s not what I asked.”
Siffrin grimaced, tensing up. “I got.. Some rest. Why do you ask?”
“The fumbling around and absent performance don’t suggest you did.”
She had them there. Their fingers twitch as they internally remind themselves their dagger is still on their person. Even if their hands are occupied with being held by Isa’s. They take a breath.
The other actors contribute, sharing their nerves about facing the King. Needing to be ready before confronting the Threat, that could be their final standing place. No. No they won’t fail. They won’t die here. He might, but he won’t let his family.
Odile is actually the first to suggest Siffrin rest before they face the King. They can’t have any weak links before such a moment. Weak members. Weak. They were clumsy this loop. Their other family members share in the sentiment. They probably think he’s weak too. Their concerned smiles are hard to say no to though. The aches and exhaustion overwhelming his body probably wouldn’t let him refuse such an opportunity either. Surely. Surely they went through the first couple floors quick enough that another fifteen minutes before the king wouldn’t be too long. Right?
It’s a thought that didn’t seem to cross his family member’s faces when he gave into their requests and laid down. Mira scooted over, getting started on the next clump of tangled hair. Isa offered his lap as a pillow, and Siffrin’s slow mind just. Accepts the request. Not noting the dark shade flooding The Fighter’s face as they dragged their body to his lap, their head and partial upper body relaxing immediately. They rest their head on their blind side, one hand interlaced with The Fighter’s, behind them Mira finishing off the last of their tangles. The concern from their family’s faces hasn’t completely disappeared, but it’s eased. And that is enough to release the remaining tension in his body. It’s enough. 
Their family makes a few jokes that their brain muffles. Some laughing. Bonnie’s working on their snacks in the corner, still. They’ll be ready when they wake up. Their legs adjusted and placed in someone else’s lap, they think. Whoever it was, rubs circles into their calf. His eyelid grows heavier, their breathes come easy. Deep breaths. Someone rubs their back. 
It’s nice. Really.. really nice. One could easily forget they were even about to face the King at all. Face the end. They close their eyelid. It’s warm. One breath in. And out. Just.. just a quick nap. Where they are loved. They.. they are loved right? This is what this means… at least right now…
Yeah. They hope this is right.
Sleep engulfs them for the first time in several loops and their breaths slow.
The chatting continues around him, not lacking some glances exchanged between the adults in the room. But mostly, just relief fills the air. Mira stayed by Siffrin’s side, threading her fingers through his now completely combed out hair. The flush in Isabeau’s cheeks still hadn’t fully left, every movement reminding him of his crush resting so peacefully in his lap. Like a sleeping cat that once it has claimed you as it’s cushion, you are bound by the universe to not move for any reason. Odile didn’t pass up the opportunity to tease him, met with Isa’s shushing and hushed whisper “what if he wakes up and hears you!!”
Siff had done a lot today, and everyone would have assumed he was completely calm about fighting the king if not for his uncharacteristic clumsiness. Mirabelle supposed it made sense though. A night of rough sleep right before facing the most dangerous threat facing the country? That would make anyone mess up.
After another twenty minutes, Bonnie comes over with the freshly prepared snacks. Made extra special since they were more ahead of schedule than expected. Last hurrah before the king, everyone needed to be at their best.
Mirabelle smiles, heading over to were Bonnie had announced the snacks. Isa attempts to move but flounders at the idea of moving Siff. Mirabelle giggles at his flushing face as Odile moves their legs out of their lap. Well, time to end their nap she supposes. Their sleepy family member probably won’t be too thrilled about waking up but it is snack time.
Mirabelle collects her choice of snack and crouches over to Siff, moving their hat from where it had obscured their resting expression. Isa looked both upset to have the time his crush sleeps on their lap come to an end, and relieved. He lets out a chuckle as Mira gently shakes their shoulder.
“Time to wake up, Siffrin! Bonnie has snacks for everyone.” Mira moves a few hairs out of their face. “Siffrin?”
Isabeau adjusts, and joins in. “Siff? Sorry to wake you bud but..” He pauses, seeing Mirabelle’s face shift. Odile’s gaze sharpens as Mirabelle’s leans over them, placing her ear to their chest.
“They- th-they aren’t” Mira cries out. “They aren’t breathing! No no no-” 
Isabeau moves Siffrin off his lap with shaking hands. Odile rushes over to their side, checking their wrist and neck for a pulse. Bonnie’s face crumbles in the corner, alarm replacing the happy air.
Isabeau shakes Siffrin’s still body, Mirabelle readies a heal craft as Odile begins to try resuscitating them.
Siffrin first feels the gentle breeze around them. The grass moving in tune, sometimes brushing up against the small areas their clothes don’t cover. They hear Mirabelle in the distance and when they open their eyes, she’s right above them, apologetic for waking them. Siffrin blinks. It’s been a while since Mira’s been the one to wake them up. 
“Good morning! Well, more like good afternoon, I gue- wow. Are you okay?”
That’s new. Why would her lines-
“You’re crying.. Is something wrong, Siffrin?”
He blinks and brings a hand to his face. Sure enough, his cheek is stained with tears. He doesn’t remember crying, he just woke up too. From..
“Must’ve happened in my sleep” He says absently.
Mira frowns, “Oh no! What did you dream about…?”
Siffrin shrugs and repeats lines he remembers that will reassure her the quickest. She sighs and returns back to town. They’ll be waiting for him.
He takes a moment to think about what happened in the last loop. He.. doesn’t remember dying. Must have been when he went to sleep. That. That probably should worry him, that falling asleep could end a loop, but he doesn’t feel any regret about it. Actually, it’d be nice if all his loops ended like that. Just, dying with his loved ones around. It would take too long though, even if it could happen again. This loop needs to be faster. Last loop they didn’t even reach the king, and they have questions. 
He grumbles as he sits up, a part of him yearning to go back to that warmth. Oh if only the universe could have let it be permanent. A permanent death that didn’t even hurt. That’s wishful thinking though, the universe isn’t so kind. And they have work to do, his family- actors. They need what he knows. He can’t rest forever yet.
The show must go on.
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heavenlyhischier · 5 months
The guys finding their girl reading a hockey romance book with some spice in it and their reactions pleaseee
with the hughes bros as asked <3 smut implied but theres no details!
Quinn -> Quinn had been at the bookstore as he hunted for one specific book he'd had his eye on for a long time. He was scanning the various tables they had set out, his eyes reading the small signs they had until he briefly faltered over the one titled "Spice up your life". He admittedly got a little flustered, but he couldn't stop himself from looking at the books just to see if you owned any. However, he quickly got embarassed and moved on.
When he had gotten home a little bit later, he saw you tucked in your corner of the couch with a book in hand as you your gaze was unwavering from the pages in front of you. His eyes quickly darted to the cover and he nearly choked on his own spit. He instantly recognized it as one of the books the store had labeled as "spicy", and the way your face was red and your lip was pulled between your teeth told him that you were in the middle of a scene that earned it that title.
"What book is that," He asks, setting his bag on the table as he walks towards you.
"Just some silly romance book," You answered, briefly glancing at him with a small smile.
"Read a little bit to me," He tries, taking a seat right next to you.
Your head snaps towards him, your eyes slightly wide as you close the book and say, "You won't like it. It's not your thing."
He notices the way your chest was rapidly rising and falling, and he knew you felt like you had been caught. To him, you had no reason to be embarassed, but he'd be lying if he said the way you were looking at him didn't make him want to take you then and there.
"You sure it's not," He quirked his eyebrow, carefully taking the book from your hands and placing it on the table, "How about we test it out ourselves? See how much I like it then."
Jack -> With Jack just having surgery on his shoulder, there wasn't a whole lot for him to do the first month outside of his physical therapy. It was a lot of lounging around, watching tv, him being essentially attached to your hip when he could be.
The two of you didn't have anything planned for the day, and the house was empty now with Luke gone. After you had brought Jack home from his appointment, he had gone upstairs to take nap. Initially, you had gone up and laid down with him, but after about twenty minutes of you not falling asleep, you silently slipped out of bed and went downstairs with a book.
You heard the stairs creaking, telling you that Jack had woken up from his nap, but you were too engrossed in your book to look away. The main characters had finally given in to their unyielding desires, and you were not about to stop reading now. You could faintly hear the sound of Jack's tired voice calling your name, and when you didn't answer you felt the slight dip of the cushion next to you.
"Babe," He whined in your ear, planting his hand on the pages of your book and gently pushing it down, "You came down here to read about people getting it on instead of just waking me up?"
You couldn't help but let out a quiet giggle as he pouted, his eyes still drooping from his nap. You turned your hips so you were facing him, taking in the way his hair was a mess on his head and his cheeks were slightly flushed. Careful to not bump his shoulder, you climbed onto his lap and laced your hands behind his neck. His hand instantly found purchase on your hip as you lean down, your lips hovering over his.
"Well, you're awake now," You pointed out, smug smirk on your face before closing the small gap between you.
Luke -> Luke knew you loved to read. In fact, it was often him who was buying whatever new book you had expressed interest in reading. He was never a big reader himself, so he typically always left you to your own when you told him you were going to read. He would ask questions about the books you read, and he never thought much of it when you almost stumbled over your words when you explained it to him.
You were in the shower when Luke noticed the book on your nightstand, a dozen colored tabs sticking from its pages. He hadn't seen you do that to any of your books before, and he couldn't help but grow curious. He carefully picked the book up in his hands, flipping through the pages that you had bookmarked. His eyes were scanning the words on one of the pages that you had stuck a red tab to, and what he saw made his face flush.
He kept reading, his eyes widening more and more the longer he went on. You stepped out of the bathroom, your towel loosely hung around you as your eyes settled on Luke. You let out a started gasp when you saw the book in his hands, rushing towards him to rip it out of his hands as you avoid his gaze.
"Luke! Why were you reading that," You breathe out, moving around him to shove the book under your pillow, "You don't even like books!"
"You had all those little highlighter things sticking out and I got curious," He shrugs, stepping towards you to pull you into his arms, "So, that's what you read about, huh?"
"Stop, this is so embarassing," You groan, letting your head fall onto his chest.
"I was thinking," He reached up to carefully take your chin in his hand and tilt your head so you were looking at him, "We try page 115. It had your little red things all over it."
"But that's the one where they...," Your voice trails off, swallowing thickly as you keep your eyes on him.
"I know," He subtly smirks, "Guess we're finally putting those to use, yeah?"
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shinobushaori · 2 months
Hey dere 🤓. Could you do a Jealous Shinobu x Fem reader. The gist is Shinobu has been busy with helping patients and with Hashira work making reader feel alone. She talks to Shinobu about it but Shinobu just suggest to make friends with a hashira. Y/n ends up becoming bestfriends with Giyuu. Y/n tells Shinobu she made a hashira friend but didn’t say who bc Shinobu didn’t ask. Shinobu thought it was Mitsuri, until one day when coming back from a mission she notices Giyuu and reader hanging out. Reader is laughing loudly and Giyuu is smiling. Immediately already seeing Giyuu smile, upsets Shinobu but she boils in anger when realizing he’s smiling at reader. She marches in anger to them and tries getting in between them. Y/n’s confused and notices Shinobu’s odd behavior but doesn’t question her. Shinobu keeps on being touchy with Y/n infront of Giyuu making it awkward. Shinobu’s also bragging about their relationship to Giyuu. Eventually Giyuu leaves and Y/n immediately asks Shinobu why she’s acting like this. They fight a bit because Y/n finally made a friend and Shinobu’s all jealous. Y/n leaves to be alone and Shinobu thinks hard. Shinobu realizes how she’s been acting and feels bad so she tries apologizing to Y/n who is locked in her room.
A/N: My longest oneshot yet. Sorry this took a whole ass week to make!! I yapped at first when writing it then absolutely hated it and butchered it until it was just an ok for me. Theres a little change that tbh u wont rlly notice. I hope you like it!
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- kochou shinobu x female!reader
warnings: none i think, lesbians wanting each other too much they create unnecessary chaos(/j)
word count: 5.7K
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"Okay, can you stop that?!"
You sigh for possibly the 5th time this day and Aoi has had enough of your antics.
For the whole morning you've been gloomy, broody and absolutely pathetic, a stark contrast to your usual chirpy, mostly childish demeanor. She already does have an inkling of what could be likely upsetting you.. Well, more like who because there's only one person who could retract that much of a reaction from you.
Usually, she could not care less. Your relationship with Shinobu was not her business and never will be, she hopes. Rolling eyes thrown towards your direction when the two of you are acting unprofessional in front of patients, sure, that has happened and probably will more. But this? If she had to sit through your pathetic and absolutely not subtle way of sulking, she might just confront Shinobu herself.
Aoi pinches you and you recoil, snapping out of your trance before you eventually start tearing up.
"It's nothing, Aoi-chan.." You blink your blurred sight before looking down.
"It's just.." You bit your lip, "..she's been busy and I miss her, that's all."
The romantic development between you and Shinobu wasn't easy at all, never will be, you lament. She was a Hashira, a position many admired including yourself. They had many duties to attend to. Either slaying demons or patrolling in their supposed location. Not to mention the added work on your girlfriend, who had the proud title of the saviour doctor of the Demon Slayer Corps. Perhaps this was what attracted you the most.
She was selfless, caring, and endlessly talented. Catering to many, tending to their injuries and slaying demons along the way, all that with such a pretty smile. You've long accepted that there will be no such thing as endless peaceful days between the two of you as lovers. There will always be circumstances that need Shinobu and her limited attention.
But sometimes, you wish you could be selfish for once.
Make time pause or maybe just slower, so you could enjoy the moments you have with her and heal the longing you had in your heart. Wake up in the mornings with boring, mundane worries such as what to cook for your family, or how to stop Shinobu from being flirty in front of the girls. Not— worrying if you could see your lover be alive for another day after a hectic time at demon slaying work.
"You stupid girl, have you even talked about it with Shinobu-sama?"
You shrink in your place, silent.
Aoi shakes her head, scowling at you. "Well, you should! You should know by now that Shinobu-sama cares for you and would want you to open up rather than doing whatever it is you're doing!"
She takes the mountain of clothing on your side and glares at you. "So, go ahead and talk to her now!"
You flinch, heart tugging at her words. "Wha-what!? Now!? Aoi-chan, don't be ridiculous! With the amount of injured slayers this month, she's barely functioning as it is! No way, that's too much!"
Aoi rolls her eyes, "Fine!" She gives you an accusing point of her finger.
"But you better talk to her soon about it, okay!? Now, help me with these and quit sulking as well!"
Aoi, as harsh her words are, she's a good kid you're glad to have as your family.
Aoi's words has stuck itself in your mind the whole day you did chores alongside the other girls and it wasn't long before night fell and you gathered the courage to talk to her.
As you heard a muffled, audible "Come in." You slid the door open and inhaled at the sight of Shinobu Kocho, in all her glory. She's still wearing her uniform despite it being already late into the night, she must have been too busy to change again.
You smile as you catch her eye, setting her warm dinner on her work table.
"Hey, beloved. I heated up your dinner."
She smiles at you and gives you a grateful nod. "I appreciate that, thank you."
You hum as you stood behind her, arms sneakily slithering around her head in a playful manner, lightly hugging her head from behind. You grin at the blush coating her cheeks.
"You've been here for so long. Why not take a break already after you finish dinner?" With me.
Shinobu seem to give it a thought, before glancing at the piling paperworks. She lightly grimace and you frown when she shook her head apologetically.
"Sorry, beloved." She spins around to give you a short kiss. "As much as I want to, I need some of these done tonight."
You nod grimly, trying to not make your disappointment obvious. "I understand, but don't you go overworking yourself, okay?"
Shinobu, who had always been good at reading you like an open book, caught on easily. She takes your cheek, caressing it with her thumb. You close your eyes, hand bringing up itself to clasp with her own. You take in the familiar aroma of wisteria that had always lingered itself around the woman and seem to ingulf you in her work office.
"[Name].. you can always talk to me about what's on your mind, okay?"
As usual, your composure easily crumbled under her intense gaze. Your shoulders drop and Shinobu stops the urge to coo at your protruding bottom lip.
"It's been lonely without you.."
Shinobu sighs, taking you in a warm embrace. She hears you sniff and her heart painfully tugs. Just as much as you, she's longed long for your presence as well. Wanting nothing more but to bask in the warmth and love you've always provided for her.
Alas, duty calls and instead she has to disconsolately spend her time away from you, who's usually busy with other chores as well.
Suddenly, your arms around her waist tighten as you rub your head further down her neck. Shinobu feels the bubble of laughter pop out, chuckling while stroking your flushed nape.
"You've missed me so much, huh?"
You groan, burying yourself even more. "Of course I do, Shino! I wanna cuddle with you so bad but you're always away.. it's so lonely!"
Shinobu pats your head sympathetically, "I'm truly sorry, [Name]. Y'know if you keep this cute act up, I might just ditch these and kiss you till sunrise."
You immediately recoiled from her touch, face flushed at the absurdity of her words. "Shinobu! That's too harsh! These paperworks are important for a reason!"
She weakly smiles at your words, well aren't you just confusing? She means that as lovingly as possible before giving up and teasingly gives your cheek a kiss. "Hm, you're right.. I'll continue.." She looks up at you expectingly and you redden more at the sight of her battling eyelashes.
"..with some motivation, perhaps?" You groan at her teasing tone, pushing her away and Shinobu simply giggles.
"But I know what might help you, [Name], sweets."
You hum, playing with her fingers and leaning onto her. "Help with what?"
"Your loneliness silly. I'm thinking of.. a friend maybe? I've seen that you.. don't really interact with anyone else other than the girls. That's not a good habit now, is it? You'll be totally friendless, [Name]~!"
You pout at her but nodded. She's right. Looking back, when you just started demon slaying, you preferred to keep things to yourself. Even Shinobu took time to fully invite you in her estate and become one with the family. After all, friendship was intimidating for you, especially in this kind of workplace where death is often the leading reason of friends separating.
The possibility of you having a friend outside of the Estate wasn't unappealing. Not at all. You guess you just don't know where to start and who to befriend.
As if reading your thoughts, Shinobu smiles and leans closer to your ear. Her warm breath worsens the red state of your skin. "Actually, I know someone you might get along with."
You perk up, tilting your head as you catch her purple tinted eyes. "Oh, really?"
Shinobu nodded, "Yes! Actually, they're a very open-minded individual. You'll get along just fine!"
Your eyes seem to sparkle and Shinobu giggles at this. "Okay, who is it? Can you introduce me to them?"
You blinked when your lover shook her head, the familiar grin stretching her lips easily inducing a whine from you.
"Uh-uh," She takes your hand and brings it to her lips, trailing soft kisses on your flushed skin.
"You have to befriend them your own, I'm afraid. You need to be sociable, after all!"
You groan, leaning most your weight as you melt like a puddle beside her. "Ehh, but it would be easier-"
"Nope!" Shinobu chirps out and you sulk more.
She smiles and takes you by the cheeks, causing you to look back at her. "Just be yourself, okay? I'm sure the moment you two meet, you'll instantly gain a new friend!"
You sigh, tilting your head onto her hand. "Fine," You stare at her and her smile widens. "But in return, you gotta reserve some of your time for me okay?"
She chuckles at your cheeky words and nods, "Of course, I would want nothing more, my beloved."
You walk around the Butterfly Estate, visibly giddy on your feet.
Just not too long ago, you've finally finished all your assigned tasks! Although, double checking the patients was a bit difficult to do, since that roudy trio had invaded the rather peaceful environment of the mansion. Especially and specifically the two slayers, you grumble under your breath.
You've heard of these three, it seems that they occasionally get injured in missions a lot and it always happens when you're away. It wasn't a very good first impression, you concluded.
Actually it was a rather baffling situation to be in, in which one was asking for your hand in marriage despite your many endless attempts of saying that you've been spoken for. While, the other was as annoying as the former, firm on demanding a fight and trying to headbutt you. If it wasn't for the unbelievably patient third guy, you would've suffocated each of them, courtesy by their own pillow.
Either way, you're glad that was over. Thankfully, Aoi was there to save you and threaten them with no lunch, that seems to quickly shut the three up.
You hum a fun tune, thinking of ways you could somehow slither your way in Shinobu's lab, silently giggling at your thoughts.
Speaking of Shinobu, she was still pretty adamant on keeping the mystery person she told you about three weeks ago a secret. Simply waving your attempts of knowing more with a, "They'll visit soon!"
Heck, even the softest kisses wouldn't crumble her composure like it usually does. Gosh, that woman! She's so dreamy you might melt! You thought to yourself as you giggle more.
Although, slips still happened and you slowly knew more about your future friend. You assume they're a Hashira like her. Based on Shinobu's words, they often work together, that basically confirms it. And is in Shinobu's list of close friends as well. They also visit often and get along well with everyone!
You were pretty excited to meet them, they seemed fun to be around. Maybe they'll distract your simple mind for a while until you can't handle it anymore and scratch Shinobu's door until she stops working.
You really hope your desperation won't come to that point, fingers crossed.
You were fully immersed in your thoughts, occasionally chuckling by yourself. Well, until you swerved a corner and suddenly planted face first on something.
Or, wait.. someone?
"Oh, sorry."
You blink, taking a step back as the stranger spoke with a monotone voice. You bowed your head quickly, "I'm sorry for bumping you, sir!"
The man, who was notably a slayer like you was wearing a two-tone haori. One burgundy, the other yellow green with a unique pattern, with blue eyes and black hair tied up to a ponytail. He simply nod once and cleared his throat.
"It's fine."
You both silently stand still, facing each other and you sweat profusely under his intense gaze- or rather his blank one?
Seeing the man having no intention to move whatsoever, you cough to interrupt the silence. "So, uhm.. are you injured, just visiting.. orr??"
Seeing you tilt your head, the man blinks. "Ah," He slowly raises his arm and you suppress the urge to facepalm seeing the terribly bandaged bloody hand. How did you not notice that.
Immediately, you tell him to follow you and he does. You lead him into one of the more quiet rooms and gestures for him to take a seat. He silently did so and you secretly grimaced at the loud silence.
"So, uh.." You gulp, trying to see if smalltalk would work.
"You come here often?"
He blinks at you as your fingers did a quick work on his hand, untying the previous bloodied bandages.
You awkwardly give him a glance as he plainly replies, before you nervously chuckle.
"Right, so did this bad cut come from a mission?"
You look down at the wound and it wasn't exactly a very bad cut. It was thankfully only a bit deep and only seem to bleed a lot due to the poorly done wrapping. Still, your mouth involuntarily said so and the man didn't seem to really care much.
As blank as ever he replies, "Training. The wooden sword was a hassle."
You nod, taking the newly set bandages you set aside and started to wrap it around the cut after you thoroughly cleaned it. "Oh, yeah. Pretty relatable. I often get small splinters too, Shinobu always teases me for it. " You smile at the memory of her giggling at your misery while taking her time to slowly pick out the small wood on your skin.
You hear him huff, as if suddenly annoyed. You were confused but chose to focus on your current work. With quick precision, you softly tightened the white material and hum as you straightened yourself, facing the black haired man with a polite smile.
"Alright, that's all! Although, you need to come by often to get these regularly changed." You put away the previous bandages before continuing, watching him eye his hand. "Then, I'll give you a small cream which will help with the irritation afterwards."
He gives you a slow nod, "Thank you, I appreciate it."
Your smile widens and suddenly Shinobu's words enters your mind. Hey, isn't this a good opportunity to befriend someone? The guy looks nice, not one for conversations but you don't mind it! With a new objective in mind, you happily reply. "No problem! I'm [Name], by the way!"
He went silent for a few seconds, enough seconds for your heart to tug and for you to quickly regret saying anything.
"Tomioka Giyuu."
The man, now named Giyuu in your head replies. You nod, happy to get his name but your mind suddenly blanked in realization, the name suddenly being familiar to you.
Tomioka.. Giyuu? As in.. Water Hashira Giyuu?
Your eyes almost plucked out itself recognizing his name. Instantly, your gaze settles itself on his uniform and eyes widened even more seeing his golden buttons. In actuality, he is that Giyuu!
In a state of panic, you quickly bow your head. "Hashira-sama! I-I wasn't aware, I apologize!"
Giyuu was quick to be caught off guard by your sudden change. He stiffly sat still as you continued to deeply bow your head.
Finally, you straightened yourself to face him. "Uh, oh! Right, I'll get you a personal room..!"
The man sweatdrops and quickly interrupts you. "That won't be necessary, I'll be leaving soon."
You purse your lips, "Well, If you insist.."
How unlucky! To think the person you bumped into was a Hashira! Thankfully, it wasn't the Serpent Hashira or worse! The Wind! Those two didn't have the best reputation, especially with lower ranks. Although, you know Shinobu will quickly be by your side, you'd rather not get into that kind of situation.
As your lover easily resurface herself in your thoughts, you were quick to relax on your place. Seriously, you're grateful it was Giyuu who you met. What a nice pal.
A Hashira? Someone you could easily get along? Possibly friends with Shinobu?
"U-Uhm!" You, once again, break the silence making Tomioka look away from his hand, facing you with a small tilt of his head, indicating for you to go ahead.
"Do you.. happen to be close with Kocho Shinobu?"
Hearing her name, Giyuu visibly deadpans but you were too busy staring with sparkling eyes. He looks away and shifted around his seat in discomfort.
"Yes." Was his short reply and your eyes only shines more. He furrows his brows in confusion.
Meanwhile, you were inwardly celebrating. Thoughts all over the place. What an amazing coincidence! The Hashira you accidentally face planted into was Shinobu's mystery friend in the end! Isn't this practically a good sign that the two of you will be good friends after all? As always, Shinobu's right!
Giyuu instantly jolts when you took his hand, shaking it rapidly with a wide smile, "Giyuu-san!"
"Uhm, what is it?"
"Let's be friends, please!"
Shinobu breathes out a sigh of relief.
Finally, after the seemingly endless pile of paperwork overflowing around her desk, she has now finished reading over the last one. Just her signature and she'll get her well-deserved break.
And as the pen hovered above the messy sign, she immediately slammed it against the table, breathing out a tired exhale. Shinobu feels an exhausted smile stretch her lips. A week's worth of paperwork, ultimately finished. Unless there's more to come, maybe another order for a set of glass due to the mysterious broken window by the ward, perhaps? Highly likely knowing the current trio residing the estate. Aside from that, nothing else should come in for a whole week.
And she is beyond joyous.
Shinobu stretches her limbs, groaning when her back pops a satisfying muscle. Alright, now that she's free (from paperwork only) for the rest of the week, she contemplates what to do next. Thankfully, she expected this moment and have already requested a break from her demon slaying career. If everything is in order, her work should only consist of being the master of the house and doctor duties.
'Mm..' She looks over her window and sees the bright blue sky and white fluffy clouds hovering over them. 'I suppose it's a bit too early for sleep..'
The Hashira decidedly went out of her office to check on the other residents of the mansion to see if the girls were doing well and particularly, how you've been doing.
To be frank, you've been more distant for the last few days. Well, distant was a bit of a stretch. Shinobu thought while giggling. If she put it bluntly, you weren't as clingy as you usually were. Not that she's complaining since it did help with completing her work but it's just worrying that's all. She's aware though that this must be due to the friend you've gained a few days ago.
Truly, she was proud of you. While you were a friendly creature, often chatting with patients to ease their nerves, it never really went past acquaintances. So, imagine her happiness when you suddenly barged into her office, mindlessly chattering about your new best friend? My, what a surprise it was. Although, she couldn't even comprehend your babbles as you seem to talk faster than she could hear, she's still overjoyed for you.
Did she mention she was also surprised? Shinobu didn't know Mitsuri had already visited the estate. Seriously, that girl is hard to ignore, much less not notice. At the same time, she had to consider that she practically locked herself inside her office so it shouldn't be shocking she didn't hear the usual squeals and shouts echoing around the place.
Either way, she's still happy for you. She's been basically edging you on about your future friendship with the Love Hashira, staying rather vauge on her depiction on the pink haired woman. There were a few close calls but nothing she could easily wave away with a few tender touches.
She grins when the sound of laughter reached her ears, noting it was coming from the rehabilitation room. Maybe training with those troublesome trios?
However, just as she was about to step inside, someone suddenly collided all together onto her.
"Oh! Sorry, Shinobu-sama!" The triplets voiced out apologetically, looking up at her.
"Oh my, be careful girls. What's with the hurry?" Shinobu smiles at them, chuckling at the obvious dampness on their hair and clothes, the bitter aroma of brewed medicine surrounding the three girls.
"Ah, we were-!" Just as Naho was about the explain, your loud laughter suddenly cuts them off and Shinobu blinks when you were basically coughing and crying. She suppress a laugh of her own while the three girls didn't bother and laughed alongside you.
"We're actually just playing around right now! Kanao and Aoi are making lunch so we decided to enjoy ourselves a bit.." She thanks Kiyo for her explanation and was just about to send them off when, "Oh, and we're with Tomioka-sama as well!"
She tilts her head, looking at Naho. "Oh? Tomioka-san is here?"
The triplets nodded, "Yes! He visited earlier."
What a surprise indeed. To think that klutz visited without even bothering on greeting like a normal person should, he will never change, will he? Not very shocking knowing that aloof guy.
She inwardly sighs, letting the girls clean up after themselves and finally entering the room where she found you folded in the middle of the space, body uncontrollably trembling from laughter.
"G-Giyuu, that's- pftahah-!" She couldn't help but grin wider at your current state.
"Having fun, are we?"
You breathed out heavily and looked up before gasping outloud seeing Shinobu, weakly reaching out to her, "'Nobu! Ah- You can't believe what this guy said- pfttt-!" Once again, you fell into a shivering mess, coughing between your laughters.
Shinobu shook her head, walking towards you. She was about to tease your shameless act when she paused in her place, stunned at the sight of the man beside you, usually so reserved and stoic, firm on being by himself yet is currently smiling softly at you as if you've hung the moon and stars.
Suddenly, her chest tightens before an eye unconsciously twitches itself.
You continue to be all sprawled out on the floor, chest heaving and slowly riding out your giggles. Then, you shouted an exhausted cry. "Hah! Gosh, Giyuu! You could've worded that betteraAH-!?"
Both you and Giyuu blink when Shinobu instantly snatched you upright, sight dizzying and air being knocked out of your lungs from the sudden grab. "Mmf-! Shino..Shinobu?"
Her fingers hooked around your waist, chin planting itself on your shoulder as you hear her purr and you flushed almost immediately, especially when you were facing Giyuu who simply deadpans at the two of you.
"U-Uhm!? Sh-Shinobu, why are you..?"
"Hm?" She leans closer to give your cheek a kiss, eyes intentionally locking with Giyuu's before it catches your widened ones. She relishes on the red tint on your skin with a smile resembling that of a cunning cat. "Can't I miss you, my beloved?"
You bashfully looked away, "Well, you, you can but Giyuu is-"
"Oh!" Shinobu smirks. "You were here all along, Tomioka-san? My, I didn't notice! You're basically too plain to see, much less recognize! Now, that's just sad, hm~?"
"Mm." The guy simply hums, lips compressing in a thin line. Shinobu feels a vein popped when he basically ignored her to look at you, who's still as flustered as ever.
"Right, uhm. Me and Giyuu were just-"
Her hold tightens around your waist and you tilt your head in confusion.
"..me and Giyuu were just talking about Tanjiro and the others!"
She raises a brow, "Is that so?" Then she faces Giyuu again. "Well, why don't you go entertain the trio and give my wife and I some alone time, hm? Tomioka-san?"
You jolted, steam leaving your head. "W-Wife!? But we're not married..?"
She giggles and held you closer. "Not yet~!"
You clear your throat, trying to keep yourself upright, quickly failing as Shinobu keeps you tightly in place. "Anyways, that's not how you should treat your close friend, right?"
Shinobu felt the urge to gag, "Friend? Tomioka? Him?" She points at the poor blank guy, who remained entirely unfazed until he realized what you said.
You nodded, "He's the friend you told me about right? You're right, he's really nice to be around!"
Giyuu blinked and tilted his head, "..you see me as your close friend, Kocho?" He was surprised that not one but two people actually became his friend.
Although, he was quick to take it back when Shinobu looked absolutely disgusted behind your back as you obliviously smiled and cheered their so called friendship, entirely missing the obvious hostility radiating from her.
"So, he's the best friend you've been telling me about, beloved?"
You nodded with a grin, "Yup! We've been hanging out these past days!" Your words worsens the brewing distaste in her stomach. If she found Giyuu to be someone she somehow tolerated, that's all gone now.
"Ah, is that so? A few days could hardly compare to our endless time together, right?" You tilt your head in confusion, of couse it was, that shouldn't be a question in the first place.
Shinobu gleefully smirked at the man's direction, "Did you hear that, Tomioka-san? You must be unaware of the years we've been together, huh? You can say you're jealous, it's fine!"
Giyuu rolls his eyes, sighing afterwards, "I don't care."
"Heyy, no need to bottle it up! You'll eventually find someone else, don't worry! You should worry about your lack of decor for now!" She giggles at his clear misery.
This goes on for about 20 minutes. A one-sided conversation full of verbal jabs from Shinobu and an occasional grunt from a tired Tomioka. You stood between them as they banter, growing increasingly confused before restless at the amount mean comments the woman had said that not even you can ignore nor wave as playful.
"See? Now, that's just-"
The woman paused, head snapping towards you as you frown at her. You sent Giyuu an apologetic smile, standing up at your place and taking Shinobu with you.
"Giyuu, can we excuse ourselves? I think we'll take lunch first. The trio might eventually come here for their training so you can spend your free time with them." The man blinks and stares as you immediately left the rehabilitation room, dragging an unusual quiet Shinobu.
"..did I do something wrong?"
The doctor pursed her lips, had she gone too far with her words? She inwardly sighed and cursed for allowing herself to let her emotions get loose.
In an attempt to stop your sulking state, she pulls you in the opposite direction causing for you to halt.
"Shinobu, what was that?" You questioned with furrowed brows. "I know you have tendencies to tease people but that was a bit too much."
The woman stayed silent in her place as you continued, slowly growing agitated. "You were being rude!"
"..was I?"
You scoff at her sarcastic tone, "Yes, Shinobu. I thought you would've stopped at the ninth insult but you didn't!"
You sigh before rubbing your neck,  you didn't wanna cause an argument right now. "I'm sorry for shouting but that was really an inappropriate behavior to show towards our friend."
You placed a hand on her shoulder, rubbing her tense form away. "But I know that you might just be tired, so go rest before we have this talk, okay?"
Before Shinobu could open her mouth, you spun and walked away. Not leaving any time for a counter argument. The woman hissed, brushing her bangs upward in distress.
She really took it too far, huh?
You placed your folded sheets aside, thoughts still lingering at your lover who you had been avoiding for two hours now. Although, it felt childish, you were truly upset at how mean she was. Was she not happy that you gained a friend after a while? You tisked, of course she is, you shouldn't think of that.
Letting out an exhale, you stood from your place and walked towards your door, wanting to take a fresh breather on the garden and stare at the koi pond as long as you possibly could.
But as you opened your door, you blinked seeing Shinobu with her arm raised, as if about to knock.
Before you could speak, she pulled you in an embrace. One, in which you almost immediately melted on. Curse muscle memory!
".. I did it, I apologized."
"Huh?" You unintelligently replied. Body as stiff as a rock, leaning most your weight on her.
Her arms around your neck tightened as the woman sighed on your neck.
"I apologized to Tomioka."
"Oh." You stayed silent before a smile slowly crept on your face, arms slithering around her waist as you tightly held onto her like she was your lifeline. She could be and she is.
Shinobu exhaled, almost sounding so lovingly, "Yes, I did." She left the hug to face you, pausing to stare at the goofy smile that stretched her lips with one of her own. "..now stop being mad at me?"
You giggled at her lowkey pleading and cute expression, it was so unusual on her and yet you loved it anyways. You pulled her by the cheeks to lock lips, instantly feeling her smile into the kiss as it slowly deepened.
She pulled away, slightly heaving. "Don't ever do that again." You tilt your head, grin widening.
"Be mad at you?"
"Make me apologize to Tomioka." Shinobu shuddered.
You snorted while Shinobu smiles, caressing your cheek in a way that instantly caused your skin to be tinted red.
"But that too." Again, she pulled you in a soft kiss, one that screamed nothing more but love and adoration you had for each other.
From the start, this is what Shinobu should've done, in order to immediately cease every occuring thoughts of you possibly straying away from her.
And it worked. She thought of nothing else but you and your warm touches as she pushed you further inside your private room and closed the door behind. Giggling at your stunned expression.
"I promised to reserve my time to you, didn't I?"
"Ah, is that so, Tomioka-san?" Tanjiro spoke while munching on some crunchy snacks given by the triplets and Aoi. The three of them were just about to start training but when they went inside the room, they were surprised to see Giyuu sitting alone in the middle of the space with nothing other than the table full of watered down medicine in front of him, in which he calmly stared at.
Zenitsu was immediately spooked at how eerie the guy looked when in reality he was just being lonely on his own. Meanwhile, Inosuke was instantly driven to win against him in a tea game and sat on the other side, demanding to fight but went out completely drenched in nasty medicine.
Thankfully, everything calmed down and they sat down together to eat for lunch as Giyuu retells the previous interaction that happened.
"They must have been hungry! Yeah, that must be it!"
Zenitsu sneers, looking smug as if he knew something that they don't. "You're so naive, Tanjiro. It is clear that you just got away between their romance!! Of course guys like you couldn't tell." He spat out some food from his mouth.
Giyuu and Tanjiro tilted their heads in unison and confusion. "Ehh, really?" Tanjiro said.
Inosuke scoffs, "What the fuck is romance?" He roughly shoved the food in his mouth.
Zenitsu huffs, ignoring the disgusting boar and pointing an accusing finger towards the three guys in front of him.
"Look! When two people are in a romantic relationship, they should only focus on each other! You getting in the way would only result to either getting beaten up in a pulp or rejected by the girl!"
Tanjiro pouts, "But Tomioka wasn't aiming for one of them romantically, right?" He looks at Giyuu and the man nods.
Zenitsu simply rolls his eyes, "It doesn't matter! That's why when trying to befriend girls, always check if they have a partner or not! You can't be too sure if their partner is terrifying and scary!"
He remained oblivious to the widened eyes of the other guys in front of him and confidently continued on relying his experiences.
"Especially someone pretty and nice like [Name]-san! Pretty girls always pair up with absolute maniacs, I swear! That's why you should be careful of them!"
"U-Uh, Zenitsu you should stop.."
He continued to ignore Tanjiro's pleas, only confused when it seemed like there was a shadow forming on him from behind.
"Don't deny the truth, Tanjiro! Do you know how many times I have been punched either by the gut or with words because of their awful partners!?! Shinobu-sama is pretty and all but she's absolutely frightening!"
"Oh, am I now, Zenitsu-kun~?"
A cold sweat dripped down Zenitsu's temple as a familiar chirpy voice rung. He started to tremble before slowly twisting his head and an absolute horrified expression etched on his face upon seeing Shinobu standing and looking down on him with a dark shadow on her face.
Shinobu ignored the chaos that ensued when Zenitsu instantly fainted on his spot with Tanjiro immediately going towards him.
Instead, she strode towards Giyuu's direction who grew restless and uncomfortable at the way Kocho stared at him blankly.
Just before he could open his mouth, Shinobu cuts him off. "I'm sorry that I insulted you." Her tone was definitely far from apologetic.
And slowly, a polite smile reached her face as she patted Giyuu's shoulder. "You may continue being friends with my [Name], okay?"
Not bothering on hearing a response, she walked off the room, leaving the ruined peaceful atmosphere.
Giyuu blinked before a small smile slowly stretched his mouth.
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Look, This is gonna be one of those things that sounds bad until you read the whole story. Please don't read the title and go to 'yta' without reading.
AITA for yelling at our friend that my brother isn't trans?
Look, My brother ISNT trans. He likes to wear kilts and sew, Which is what kind of started all of this. My brother is NOT trans, He loves being a boy (trust me, I can hear him enjoying being a boy in his room all the time. Theres no way he'd wanna chop it off(I mean this as a joke I don't actually know how the surgery works), He's told me multiple times that being told by others what he likes is 'feminine' and 'girly' upsets him because he's proud of being a boy and doesn't like being called a girl. Its not because he hates girls or thinks less of them, He just does not like being called the wrong gender which I'm sure you want to be called the correct gender too.)
Anyways lets begin. I (16F) am my little brothers (15M) best friend, Basically. We grew up together and do everything together, Including sewing. I liked it when I was younger, And eventually convinced him to try it as well. He loved it, And we love just sitting together and making random crap we usually end up selling at our yearly garage sale. (Our mom makes us sell all our unneeded crap every year, But we aren't complaining when we make like $100 for it, Mom and dad even help us figure out what we actually wanna keep (we sometimes see old things and go 'Oh I could never get rid of this' and then throw it away))
Sorry for the rambling, But you'll see why some of this is important to know.
Basically, We were getting our shit together for the garage sale, And invited over a mutual friend of ours, Who I'll call uhhh Ley (16F). Shes kind of obsessed with the LGBTQ and loves to help people 'realize' they're gay or trans or non-binary. By this I mean she'll literally bully people she 'knows' is gay or trans by always telling them they are and spreading rumors about them saying they are. The way she 'knows' these things are from gut feelings. I thought maybe she needed friends who would be honest with her and tell her gently that it needed to stop. She stopped being so bad with it and we even convinced her to admit to the rumors she started being fake. We've known her for around 3 years now, And she's stopped doing it as aggressively for 2 of those years. She still makes jabs and 'jokes' saying things like "Oh thats so girly, Are you sure you're not trans?" and "Oh thats such a boy thing to do, Are you a lesbian?", Both quotes she's said to me and my brother less than a week ago. I am straight and cis, So is my brother. We have nothing against the lgbt, We just aren't apart of it. We support the lgbtq as much as possible (with my part time job I like to donate some of my paycheck towards point of pride so people who need the surgeries or binders can get them), And are very open about supporting them.
While we were cleaning out my brothers room and finding stuff to throw into the 'sell' box (we like to do precleaning before our parents help us, It makes everything faster and less work on the people trying to help), And Ley found my brothers kilt. She did a long exaggerated gasp, Looking at my brother.
"So, How long have you been trans? Why didn't you tell me?? I knew it the whole time!"
My brother tried to explain that it was a kilt for men, And he wasn't trans, But she kept interrupting him saying crap like 'you don't have to lie I know now' and 'Its nothing to be embarrassed about, I knew ever since you started to sew'. The last straw for me was when she continued not listening to him and started to ask about how he was gonna come out as school. I yelled at her to get out, That neither of us were gay, Neither of us are trans, And neither of us are apart of any of the lgbtq. We are allies and nothing more. She tried to argue that he had a 'skirt' which OBVIOUSLY meant he was trans, I basically screamed at her that she was a stupid know it all who made everyone who wasn't apart of the lgbtq's life hell because she made sure everyone knew them as someone they arent (I know, I shouldn't of brought up 2 years in the past) and that I was tired of her trying to force everyone to be in the LGBTQ when its just not realistic. Not everyone is gay or trans, Some people are cis and straight. She started crying and left, We haven't spoken in a few days but I think I'm justified. I'm tired of living my life being told I'm something I'm not, I'm tired of seeing it happen to my brother too.
My brother later thanked me for standing up for him, Telling me it made him really upset when she said those things. To cheer him up we watched his favorite movies and I made him his favorite dinner (mom and dad both work day jobs so we both make lunch and dinner)
And for those who are gonna say that allies are apart of the LGBTQ I strongly believe the A is for aro/ace. Being an ally isn't a gender or sexuality
(unless people identify using ally/allyself of course or whatever it is, I'm not quite sure how neos work or whatever but I love to see how creative people get with it and am happy it gives people who don't identify with any of the normalized(? Idk the correct term but yknow the man woman and nb) genders a chance to be who they actually are)
Extra info on why I think I could be the asshole: I feel like we might've been able to explain it if we got her to shut up for a minute, But she kept talking over us. I feel like I went too far by insulting her, And I feel like I might be TA because she's also autistic (so is my brother though, And I have ADHD).
Why I think I'm NTA: My brother is really quiet and doesn't really defend himself often. He doesn't really know how to stand up for himself and is 'easy' to talk over (soft spoken, Quiet talking voice and nonconfrontational) which is why I believe I had to step in in his place, And I don't believe I did anything wrong defending my brother and making her stop calling him what hes not.
Anyways. AITA for yelling at our friend that my brother isn't trans?
To see later: PINK PANTHER
What are these acronyms?
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angsthology · 11 months
“im just excited, is all” — or an alt title: roo vs. the australian allegations
who is roo, really? why is roo?
a/n a short one cause if im being honest theres just one tiny explanation and... yeah
or, yknow, alt alt title: daniel’s detective era
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“WOOOO!! I’M NEVER GONNA DIE!” she yelled into the radio, at this point not even shocking her engineer anymore.
“sure, kid.” he chuckled. “congratulations, again, i’ll see you out.”
as soon as she parked her car, the girl quickly jumped out of her seat and stand on the nose of her car, jumping repeatedly with both her feet going up and down excitedly. it ends with a last hard jump off the car and her hands up in the air, yelling on the top of her lungs.
when suddenly — to everyone’s dismay — she started shuffling. well, attempted, shuffling.
daniel, who had the pleasure of sharing the podium with her and was there to witness it first hand, could not help but unknowingly let his hand fly to his mouth to muffle his laughter. man, he just took off his balaclava, he thought.
then, just his luck, the girl stopped mid-shuffle and looked towards his way and waved at him excitedly before running towards the australian and attacking him in a bear-hug.
of course, the man expected the hug, what he didn’t expect was how strong it was going to be.
he let out a muffled “oof” as soon as she collided with him. daniel did not think he has ever gotten a hug this tight. let alone receiving it from a girl almost half his size.
“congratulations!” she could not get bored of hearing that. making her hug him tighter, “okay, oh, lord, i can’t breathe. please.”
“oh—hehe, sorry.” she immediately let go of the man and ran off—well, more hopped off—to get herself weighed.
the older man could not help but chuckle watching her hop away.
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again, really?
the girl could never not get bored of all the demeaning questions that seemed to only be targeted towards her.
unfortunately for them, she was not having it that day.
so here she was, berating a man who was like generations behind her — and everyone else — with the rest of the grid listening, watching in amusement.
they always enjoy watching her absolutely destroying male fossils that walked the paddock. it was free entertainment.
her manager didn’t even stop her anymore — well, he did, usually when he knows she’ll say something completely unhinged and not for viewers ears — he just watches with a proud smile like the rest of the drivers until she eventually runs out of breath, all the while also stealing it from the opposite person.
and now it’s about five minutes later and the room was silent, really soaking in her words.
as usual, daniel was the one to break the silence — his tone doing its best to relief the tension that clouded the room.
“remind me not to piss you off.”
sebastian found his voice when he looked towards daniel, “i really admire her agression.”
“i try.”
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the mclaren driver was minding his own business when suddenly he felt someone plop down on the seat next to him.
said person didn’t say anything, they just stared at him blankly for a good few seconds. in return, daniel had the expression equivalent of a question mark.
until eventually he felt a little creeped out, “what do you want?”
her response was… weirder.
“what do you want?”
suddenly, out of nowhere, the twenty-two-year-old pulls out a fanny pack from the side. and when she opened it, they were both met with all kinds of candy.
daniel raised his eyebrows at the girl.
“this stays between us.”
it did, but also no, she had previously already approached alex, mick, lando, and yuki, doing the exact same thing.
“…okay?” he then removed the confused expression on his face to one of curiosity of what’s inside the pack, “you got any haribo?”
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“everyone, everyone, everyone!”
the girl hopped over to the group of men, dragging a slightly smaller one with her.
“yes, yes, yes!” replied george.
she the shoved the brunette girl in her arms to the front, holding her by both her forearms from the back.
“i want you all to meet daisy-mae!”
a strings of ‘hi’s and ‘hello’s along with ‘nice to meet you’s were exchanged.
the young driver then noticed a certain australian missing.
“hey where’s dan— DANNY!” she jumped when she saw said man approaching. as usual, she excitedly hopped her way over to him.
he chuckled, “hey, roo.”
at that, she stopped mid-way and looked at him confused, “who?”
“you’re like a ‘lil kangaroo, y’know?”
still confused, she was brought out of a daze when she heard loud sounds of agreement from behind her.
“that’s what she is!”
“aw, that’s cute, our little kangaroo…”
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taglist; @treehouse-mouse @disneyprincemuke @yansbolobao @leilanixx @judespoisons @vellicora
hope this didnt disappoint </3
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poolverinessa headcanons now that i have a name to tag them under
Most of them include Laura bc theyd be the coolest step-parents
They call Laura "princess". It doesnt matter that she's still partially feral. She's their little girl that they adore and that makes her their princess. Logan doesnt call her that often because he's awkwardly making the switch to fatherhood ("sweetheart" is his go to), but Wade started calling her that instantly (she's the heir to the wolverine title!) and as soon as Vanessa started dating Logan she jumped on the bandwagon
They all live in a apartment with Blind Al and Mary Puppins. Its not much bigger than what they had before. Its very cramped theres no privacy and theres a ton of holes in the wall from stabbing spars. Its perfect
Laura and Vanessa do a lot of first things for Laura together. First makeup, first shopping spree, first mani-pedi (does not go well), first strip club
Wade showers Laura in affection as soon as he becomes Uncle Wade just like he does Mary Puppins. Its overwhelming but she likes it bc it makes her feel like she has a "real" family. Logan is a lot more subdued in his affection
Wade and Vanessa are very hands off in the actual parenting. She's already a adult and was never parented growing up. Theyre also not even her step-parents just her dad's bf/gf. Logan starts very hands off because he's not her actual dad and she's all grown up but he quickly becomes a emotional anchor for her and he parents her more by guiding and giving advice
Logan pushes Laura to join the school. She's in the final year but its her first time ever in a school setting. Wade and Logan help her with her homework. Logan suggested "wolverine" as her hero name. She made sure her suit was yellow to pay homage to her dad. The boys cried when she first showed them the suit and cowl. Vanessa took ten thousand pictures
They all share a closet. Laura and Vanessa share and Wade and Logan share. Blind Al is the only one who wont share
Wade sleeps in the middle of the bed. Logan sleeps shirtless. Vanessa sleeps pantless. All three cuddle
Wade kisses everyone good morning and good bye. Its adorable. Al hates it
Vanessa slaps Wade's ass every morning. She starts doing it to Logan too.
Logan has gone full pack leader mentality. Provider. Protector. Breeder
Wade and Vanessa were married and then separated during D&W. They are both dating Logan, Logan is dating both of them. They always try to make sure everyone is getting equal attention
Pet names! Wade calls Logan and Vanessa every name under the sun. Logan calls Vanessa "Gorgeous" and "Beautiful" but all Wade gets is his name and the non-pet name "Bub"
Logan is a simple man. He crumbles under any affection being bestowed upon him (canon?). Little bits of intimacy like petting his hair or rubbing his back and he's a goner
Vanessa was a hooker. Comic!Laura was a hooker. I like to think that didnt happen to movie!Laura bc of the comic circumstances were horrible but if it did theyd have something in common they could initially bond over. Maybe movie!Laura finds out how much money stripping makes and expresses interest in it? Vanessa still has connections and supports this. Wade supports this because he respects all work types and any of Laura's dreams. Logan has a heart attack when he finds out she's considering this
Laura very occasionally calls Wade "Dad" and Vanessa "Mom". Logan is always "Papa" and the og!Logan will always be "Daddy"
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the-s1lly-corner · 4 months
jeff + ticci toby + ej with child/preteen reader who likes going around on all fours everywhere and pretending to be an animal? Pls pls I'm just tryna relive my childhood💀
Jeff, EJ, and Toby x child!reader who is a little feral
wasnt sure if feral was the right word but it was the only descriptor i could think of to keep the title short LMAO
notes: reader is gn, platonic post
cws: mentions of bullying
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sometimes your energy can get on his nerves, hes not really a kid person- and your relationship is more like a sibling relationship than it is a guardian/child relationship
speaking of sibling, you do sometimes remind him of liu even if youre more wild than he ever was
he doesnt want to become a bully, he hates those kinds of people the most given his backstory and he doesnt want to crush you but sometimes he just.. looks at you and wonders if you'll grow out of your animal thing
he doesnt mean it in a mean way- hes just worried something is going to happen to you
doesnt make you stop though, so theres that!
i dont think he would find it cringe- even if he did he wouldnt say anything. a lot of his feelings are rooted in how he was treated as a kid and he doesnt want you to go through the same thing
eyeless jack
similar to jeff it sometimes get on him but its more so because jack is lower energy and him generally being easy to irritate- doesnt get on to you though, at most hes going to ask you to please tone it down if hes working on something or already working through something internally
takes you outside into the woods so you can get some energy out
makes a mental note to perhaps get you an animal based hoodie for your birthday if he ever gets the materials- maybe he can use on of his old jackets for it...
keeps an eye on you to make sure you dont go too far into the woods or get caught in one of the traps he set out somewhere- he would never forgive himself if you got caught in one
makes sure theres room in your home so you can do your thing without knocking into anything
ticci toby
he gets it! he didnt used to do that when he was a child but i do imagine he did something "odd" when he was your age that other people would view negatively
if hes got the time and if hes in the mood he might actually join you in your zoomies session
the most supportive out of these three i think! similarly to jeff hes a little worried about you potentially being bullied if you were to do this around others, but he doesnt want you to feel like you need to kill this side of you
projects onto you just a teeny tiny bit when he lets you indulge in your activities because he cant stand the thought of seeing your spark get snuffed out like his was- other people, especially other kids, can be incredibly cruel
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overtail · 6 months
Can u do zuko x tall reader headcanons? Her being his height or an inch taller??
i mean I'll do that but way taller since Zuko is canonically 5'3...................
he's our short king guys
Zuko x Tall Reader Headcannons
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pre-book 3 𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔
-zuko was always taller than you as a kid
-he was always teasing you since you were such a short girl
-over summer break, when you and your family went on a trip when you two were 11, you came back extremely tall
-'pre-teen growth spurt I guess?'
-he always felt very inferior to you
-you just kept getting taller as the months went on
-when you signed up to fight in the army, you were teased and called a boy by the others in training
-zuko always defended you, and made sure you felt like a girl
-he would get you flowers, try to get dresses for you, and would always call you his 'girl best friend', even though you were his only friend
-when he was sent on the mission to find the Avatar when he was 13, you couldnt accompany him
-you were devastated, even going as far as trying to quit your soldier training
-but when he left, you gave up on your efforts
-you worked hard, writing letters to zuko that were never sent
-you celebrated his birthday, buying gifts that collected up in the closet of your bedroom
-everyday you believed he would come back
-but he never did
-you gave up after about 2 years
-you tried to focus on your work of becoming a soldier, graduating at 13
-you were the most versatile and strongest because of your height, and you were the top of your ranks
book 3 𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔
-over three years later, zuko returned
-his hair was longer, his scar was fully healed at this point
-he was taller now, but not by much. you still towered over him
-he didn't recognize you at first. you of course knew it was him, since the announcement of his arrival was spread throughout the kingdom
-since you were the most trusted by your commander, you were assigned to guard zuko
-you waved awkwardly at him, and the only thing that confused him was that such a tall person has such a feminine figure
-he didn't see your face under the helmet, so that added to the non recognition
-he hugged you the moment you took off your helmet, waving back
-you were maybe 2 or 3 inches taller than him
-though it had been 3 years, it was like you were back at iroh's house, learning how to play pai sho
-'you're a soldier now? sick'
-he was already happy that he had his honor back, but seeing you made him ecstatic
-every say you two would take walks around the palace
-you two would eat lunch together, visit the village
-until he started dating mai
-you held no grudge against her - she was a lot like zuko
-you were happy that he met his other half, someone so indifferent to him
-that's what made you jealous
-you two stopped hanging out like regular
-'wanna get lunch?' 'I'm going on a picnic with mai'
-the title friend slowly faded into just being his bodyguard
-🔞it was always so awkward hearing him and mai get up to things in his room as you stood guard outside
-🔞you always wished it was you
-the possibility of you being too tall ran through your mind, how being a soldier cracked your femininity
-on the day of black sun, you caught him writing a letter and setting it on his desk
-'what are you doing zuko?' 'theres no time to explain'
-you insisted that you come with him, that you could help him
-it was both because you wanted to protect him and stay with him
-he told you that he was abandoning his role as the crowned prince of the fire nation, and that if you wanted to come with, you'd no longer be a loyal soldier
-when he said yes, you were both ecstatic and worried
-you would be leaving your whole life behind - you'd be commiting treason
redemption 𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔
-none of the members of the Gaang trusted you and Zuko
-they thought you were one of the soldiers that were on the ship with zuko
-you tried explaining to them you had to be 16 to graduate the training academy, and zuko left when they were both 13
-when sparky sparky boom man attacked, you and zuko helped fight him
-they trusted you a bit more, but still held a grudge against zuko
-they forced you two to sleep in a secluded tent together
-the first night you two stayed, there was an awkward silence
-you two were still distant
-'what was in that letter?'
-zuko explained to you that in that message, he told mai that he was leaving her
-he thought it was for the best
-you felt bad for him, not aware that he was going through a break up without telling anyone
-but at the same time, you were happy
-you had a chance
-'im sorry man'
-you tried to hug him, but he looked away.
-something was off about him
-'what wrong zuko?' 'i need to tell you something'
-he not only broke up with mai because he was leaving, but because he liked you
-he looked up at you as you two sat in the tent. the lantern light flickered as you moved closer
-the kiss was soft and first, tender, and practically just a peck on the lips
-when you pulled apart, he was extremely red
-🔞kissing wasn't all you did that night
freaky deaky 🔞 𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔
-zuko loved putting his face in your chest when you hug
-he likes kissing every part of your body, especially since there's so much of it
-he likes it A LOT, especially when he can make you buckle beneath his words
-you're such a strong girl that it makes him powerful when he's dominating you
-likes the arch of your back when he's hitting it from behind 🫣
-loves watching your long fingers prepare yourself for him
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cookiepie111 · 10 months
༊࿐ 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐜𝐚𝐧'𝐭 𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐦𝐞 𝐧𝐨𝐰 ༊࿐
Part 2 of drink from the leche of sirens
Part 1 here
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A/N: I'm back after what felt like f forever! Crying screaming throwing up it's finally finished! Part two of könig x nymph! Black Reader. I'm over the moon so many people liked part one i loved writing it. Love to hear your thoughts on this chapter or any ideas. Feedback,likes and reblogs are appreciated🙏🏾 also if you wanted to be added to the tag list please let me know. I've read this like a thousand times but if theres mistakes im sorry oop(Yes this title is from the new hunger games. I watched it and I'm obsessed! Please talk to me about it! )
Sisters in order of appearance Aganippe, Bolbe
Tag list: @montenegroisr @kneelingshadowsalome @havikshoochiemama @wordstome
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Red. you wouldn't say it was your colour. It's a harsh and rough colour that didn't suit you. A colour you've never taken any notice of before. But you're seeing it everywhere. It's in the berries, the birds, and the flowers. You're seeing /him/ everywhere.
"Sister! Sister! What about this one? " You watch, fiddling with the braslet on your wrist as your sisters pull up a man from the water, he's tall but too skinny and smooth. not your man. A shake of your head, and he's shoved back down the water. Why was it so hard to find this man? You should have paid better attention to his armour, although that wouldn't help much. You're not well versed in the human wars and their armies.
"When did you see him?"
"Around the willows and lake i think it was xxxx "
one of your sisters hums, coiling her hair around her finger, oak skin still wet from the water. "That was Around the date from the Eastern fight, so he's probably with the reds or the greens " that was something the most you've gotten about him "but they're both pretty big armies." She stills looking up at you
"are you sure you were supposed to heal him" huh what did she mean, were you supposed to do anything with him? he just found his way there to you, you could do whatever you wanted with him right?. You weren't sure what your sister was asking, the look on your face must have made her nervous "I mean, maybe you shouldn't have let him go"
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Magic is believing its a lot faith. There aren't any other options könig has so faith and believing are the only things he can hold on to. Belief, that the charm held tightly in his hands, will bring out a nymph, and faith he'll see you again.
The water ripples in the centre, slowly then rapidly, as bubbles ascending into the air.
This is what könig hates about magic it's too unpredictable, it's recklessness, and lacks control. Makes it hard to challenge and counter it. He needs to be in control, know all the moves his enemy could make, and magic doesn't allow that.
The lady standing in the water isn't the one könig's looking for. Her presence is off in every wat, from her appearance to the way the air moves around her. Her hair falls straight down her body it only moves at the tilt of her head. He expected this. Of course, finding his little nymph wouldn't be in easy task, but he more than ready.
"You're not the one I'm looking for," his efforts to keep composure are wasted on her, try as he might to stay neutral, its hard to miss this annoyance that slips in his voice.
"I'm sure I can be just as good," she responds, wearing a warm and gentle smile that never reaches her eyes. It's wasted time trying talking to her, he needs answers not idle conversation.
The waters are calm and still, yet his legs weigh heavy in the water. He's fighting against the waters just to make it to her, he shadows the sun just standing infront of her. He knows his presence is off putting, most women would have turned and run they wouldn't let him get his close. She only smiles the closer he gets.
König feels his feet sinking, or at least it seems that way. When he turned to gaze at her, she's still adorned with that same smile. Only König's looking up at her, not down, His knees are immersed in muddy water. She's now beaming with joy from her new catch.
Her hand catch könig's chin as he struggles to break free, forcing his face to her "hey don't worry. I'll tell her how good you tasted!"
So she does know where she is. That's all könig needs to know, ripping himself from the mud. She stares blankly at him, unimpressed by his display of strength.
"Where is she?" König's hand wrapping round her throat
"Haha, what's this? Are you trying to hurt me?" she dismisses him. König watched as her body phased between liquid and solid trying to worm her way out. Her face drops as she panicked, clawing at his hand while he tightened his grip. " You'll talk"
They struggled for a bit before she let out a screech, causing König to loosen his grip just enough for her swim away. Regaining his wits, könig stands straight in the water, looking around. He'd lost her, but He'll remember this for next time. The spirits are tricky things
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A high-pitched shriek ripples through the air, your sister rushing by, tears streaming down her face, complaining to everyone she passes, "YOUR STUPID SOLDIER ASSAULTED ME!"
"Your soldier?" Your attention sharpens at her call – she found him. She found him! Oh, she found him.
"That stupid man asked for you. He nearly killed me! He's such an ugly and scary thing, why else would he cover his face?". I thought you said he was cute!
Another sister chimes in, "You're just mad you have terrible luck with masked men." Your sister's face burns, her eyes sharpening as she turns to you, "If I see him again. That man is as good as dead." Ah, she's serious. It's best you find him soon.
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There isn't a better colour for könig than red. It suits him quite well. It's the colour of the flag he waves high, the flames that light the night, that clear the way for a sege.The blood that paints his body in all its many shades after battle. more than that. It's His source of comfort, his efforts, and proof of his labours turned physically in the form of a carnelin bracelet that sits on his wrist.
The only proof of his nymph he ( had). He'd never be so careless as to lose it. in all his years, he never lost it, if its gone, it's only because it's been taken. He can't lie he is a bit annoyed You took it, but in exchange for his life, he couldn't complain.
He should go clean up he's a mess from that encounter with that other nymph. It's not enough to warrant a full bath, just his face he can wipe his body down with a towel. He wipes the towel across his face, reaching down to wet the towel. In that moment, he freezes, there atop the bubbling water, a carnelin bracelet.
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fairyrcts · 1 month
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bags , m.s.
by fairyrcts contents - intended lowercase , use of y/n , cursing , resolved angst , 3rd person
as y/n walked up to the triplets front door, chris opened it before even giving her a chance to knock.
"well, seems as someone was waiting." she spoke, givng him a face. he rolled his eyes, opening the door to give her room to walk in.
"matt's in his room." chris spoke.
y/n nodded before heading up to see her best friend.
y/n's had feelings for matt since they were in highschool. of course, she'd never do anything to put their friendship in jeopardy, so she kept silent. as much as she wanted to tell him just to put that label on it, she was content with their current friendship. they already acted as if they were in a relationship, but she'd always wondered if it'd be different when they had that label.
she opened the door to matt on his phone. his eyes looked up to the door, his lips forming into a smile as he saw her.
"hey, missy. how are ya?" he asked whilst he sat up.
"exhausted. i was just at the gym for like two hours." she whined before setting her bag down and plopping on his bed next to him. matt grabbed the remoted on his nightstand and turned it on.
"mm, i'm sorry. we can watch one of your movies. those.. indie films or the joseph gorgon-levitt one ya like."
y/n's face lit up at his words. "which one are we talking? don jon? (500) days of summer? mysterious skin? 10 things i hate about you? 50/50? brick?"
her knowledge cause matt to laugh. "i was thinkin (500) days of summer. i never understand that title, theres only like 70 days in summer."
y/n moved up and sat next to him, leaning against the headboard. his lack of knowledge made her roll her eyes. "it's because they spent 500 days together and her name is summer. so the movies is about what he endured the 500 days of knowing summer."
"you're such a cornball" matt's arm slung around her shoulder, pulling her head on his shoulder. he turned on the movies and the room filmed with a comfortable silence.
around 30 minutes into the movie, y/n speaks up. "y'know, i always thought that could be us someday."
her words made matt's breath hitch in his throat.
"what?" he moves himself up and took away his arm from her.
y/n eyes wandered his face, trying to read him.
"y/n you can't just fucking say that." he spoke with his eyebrows furrowed.
"i'm sorry, i didn-"
"no, that's not fucking fair. i just got over you. i spent the entirety of my teenage years loving you and you just now decide you have interest in me? that's bullshit. it took me six years to get over the fact that you weren't interested in me. no matter how many times chris and nick told me no chance, i held out hope. but turning twenty-one made me stop and realize that they're right. i, mentally, cannot deal with the fact that it took me six whole years for me to stop loving you that way, and you just start. i won't."
he was now standing up with tears in his eyes while y/n sat on the bed, her jaw agape.
"matt, i've liked you since we were 17. i never knew you felt that way about me. i never thought you ever would." she said just above a whisper.
"well, get it through your stubborn fucking skull, y/n. my god, this is such bull." he ran a hand through his hair.
"what? matt, what the fuck are you even saying, are you hearing yourself? you're being goddamn selfish. you think this is one-sided?"
"yeah! yeah, i do think it's one sided because you've never once expressed any kind of romantic feelings until that little comment of yours just now!"
y/n was now in tears.
"i- i didn't know how. you didn't either."
matt let out a humorless laugh as he began talking with his hands. "seriously? never? because kissing your hand, your forehead, buying you whatever you want, calling you pet names, listening to every song youve ever asked me to, making you playlists, opening up to you about stuff not even nathan knows about, carrying you around when your feet hurt, giving you all of my hoodies and cuddling with you while i watch an insufferably sad joseph gorgon-levitt film is so platonic?! is that so fucking platonic to you?"
tears started streaming down matthew's face as he spoke with such pent-up emotions. y/n didn't know what to say so she stood there before grabbing her bag and jogging down the stair, wiping the tears from her eyes.
"i'm not fucking finished, y/n!" he yelled down the stairs, but she was already out the door.
she wasted no time getting in her car and driving off.
matt was left standing at the top of the stairs, thoughts running through his head. he smacked a fist against the wall before sliding himself down it, crying his eyes out. chris ran up those stairs, nick following. they hugged him and supported him while he ranted on about what happened.
meanwhile, y/n dangerously drove with tears flowing through her eyes non-stop. when she arrives home, she sat on her couch, wrapping herself in a blanket and cried herself to sleep.
the next morning, she woke up with puffy eyes and very little sleep. notifications flooded her phone, causing her to look up at the lit screen.
i'm sorry.
y/n i'm sorry
did you get home safe?
are you okay?
turn off your fucking dnd
i'm worried about you
please text me when you get this
i didn't mean to lash out
i still love you, y/n.
y/n rubbed her eyes as she read them, the message causing her to cry again. she walked herself to her bathroom and cleaned herself up as she called matt.
"y/n? i know i screwed up. i'm sorry, i'm so sorry. i love you, i never meant to hurt you or say those hurful things, i'm sorry." his words came through the phone speaker rushed and panicked.
"come over. please, i just need you." y/n spoke softly with a sniffle.
"i'll be there in five." hanging up the phone, y.n wiped the mascara that was run down her face, but didn't bother changing into clean clothes. she put on the pajama set she had a few nights before, not caring what matt saw her in. all she knew was that she wanted to be in the arms of her best friend again.
matt walked in without knocking. "y/n?" he spoke as he ran to her.
her arms slung around his waist as his shirt begain filling up with tears. his chin rested on her head and his arms gently ran through her hair.
"you're okay. oh, sweet girl, i'm sorry. please forgive me?"
she nodded her head against his chest before looking up at him. she placed a small kiss to his cheek while he smiled softly.
"do you think we could work this out? that we could be something?"
her words made matt nod immediately. "yes, yes, of course. if it means being with you, yes anything."
her lips formed into a smile and without hesitation, she moved a hand to his cheek and pulled him into a kiss. his lips moved with hers and the world went quiet.
authors note - short little story ! i got bored and was listening to beabadoobee because this was orginally gonna be called the way things go but i think imma save that for a chris angst. i kinda hate this cuz i didnt take my time on it, but i'll improve with time, you just gotta trust my writing process i promisw. anyways if you read fully through, thank you soo much! if you wanna be extra kind a spread a smile, likes, reblogs and comments are much appreciated!!
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jwirecs · 10 months
hello, hello! here are my bts recs of november! hopefully these beautiful stories get more recognition as well as the writers 💝
** anything in parentheses and bolded are my thoughts that can be disregarded if needed **
🔞smut || 💔angst || 💕fluff || ✅completed || 🔄ongoing || 💯favorite
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Bad Boy || @i-am-baechu🔞💕💔✅💯💯💯
↳ Yoongi has been best friends with Namjoon since he was seven. He knew his little sister was always off limits but Yoongi never followed the rules. (we love it when siblings are supportive of them crushes. we gotta give respect to yoongi for not pursuing his crush to not risk his friendship with namjoon. but also props to namjoon for not getting pissed off when they finally got together though.)
Partner Privileges || @7ndipity💕✅💯
↳ (imma need me a man to give me partner privileges like this yoongi right here. like my man yoongi is a whole ass softie. i love it.)
Sharp Teeth || @dearly-somber💕💔🔄💯💯💯
↳ Jungkook—a love struck puppy pining for Y/N’s affection. Y/N—an obvious, hard-headed tsundere too thick to realize a shifter likes her. What could go wrong? (i have a HUUUUUUUUGE soft spot for fantasy fics (mainly werewolf fics and stuff, and i solely blame my 13 year old self watching twilight LOL). like if you are writing a werewofl/hybrid/shifter fic just know that is going to be automatically be in my reading list. when i came across this one, oh lord have mercy. read all of them in one sitting PLUS its still ongoing to. imma have a field day with this one i know it.)
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Finding Your Boyfriend Sleeping In Your Hyperfeminine Pink Room || @rrjkive💕✅
↳ (theres no summary, but we just gotta love soft jungkook you know. like with the live of him just sleeping on live is freaking adorable and you can literally picture this big ass man with THAT HELLO KITTY THATS IN HIS LIVING ROOM and the man is just hugging that sht to death while sleeping.)
Five More Minutes || @7ndipity💕✅
↳ Anon Req: "Having to stand up in the morning with yoongi but not wanting to. cuddling and trying to stay in bed as long as possible instead" (i love soft yoongi, in this world, alternative world, ANY WORLD LIKE SOFT YOONGI IS SUPERIOR.)
Was It Better? || @gyukookswhore🔞✅
↳ Jungkook has been acting weird lately in bed, but your not complaining about it or are you ? (you know how it was literally no nut november for fics, well, lets just say that half of these fics on this list is literally smut. that says a lot. aka i clearly did not get the memo since i read mostly smut LOL. but this fic, is so detailed that i could read it again ngl.)
Wonderstruck || @jinkookspencil💕✅
↳ jungkook convinced his fearful girlfriend to try out a rollercoaster at the funfair… (honestly the ask that was sent to op was perfect. like stop this sht is fcking cute. got me giggling in bed kicking my feet and sht.)
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Animal Farm || @joonberriess🔞✅
↳ (there was no summary, but holy jesus, this was literally a wild ride. like without reading the tags and tw, but the title alone, i thought this was going to be a lil cute fic about farming you know. BUT NO THIS WAS NOT ABOUT FARMING WHAT SO EVER BUT THIS WAS A WILD WILD RIDE. i say give it a read if you are like me who forgets to read the tags and tw (which is prob not a good thing) but its a suprise everytime i read something.)
Biker!Kook || @lustfuldevils💕✅💯
↳ (there was no summary exactly, but lets just say that im a sucker for biker!kook + reader. whether the reader is like innocent type or just a regular...person??? like personality wise you know. i dont know if that made any sense, but you know what im talking about..hopefully)
Every Little Thing || @7ndipity💔✅💯
↳ When you overhear Yoongi talking about how clingy you’ve been lately, you decide to take a step back from your friendship to give him space. But your sudden absence goes far from unnoticed by him. (i like to torture myself by reading angst that makes me feel sad and sht. honeslty love this one + im pretty sure theres like 3-4 fics from this op on this list. hi just wanted to say that i love your writing.)
Forest Bride || @flowerwrites06🔞💕💔✅💯💯💯
↳ The business transaction of a marriage between two previous warring clans takes an unexpected turn. (i love how yoongi automatically became protective over oc while she was slightly closed off due to their past experience. like all hail yoongi.)
Lost & Found || @theharrowing💕💔✅
↳ Taehyung just wants to be left alone. Too bad you need a place to stay. (i honestly love fics where its told from the members pov. like it gives us a chance to read about what they would do and say (even if its fiction you know) like it gives us a different pov then other fics where its mainly through a third-person pov or like the readers pov. love this)
My Alpha || @btsbrat🔞✅💯
↳ you discover that the soon to be alpha, Jungkook, is your destined mate. However, your story takes an unexpected turn when Jungkook rejects the mate bond. (i honestly thought that this fic wouldve been longer, you know just to prolong the rejection and what jk would do, but this pace is also good too. i hope that op makes a longer version where it involves like the in between you know! not that op has to make a longer ver, i also love this ver too!)
Of Storms and Vampires || @wishesunderthestars💕💔🔄💯
↳ During the worst storm you have witnessed in your life, a bat crashes on your window. When you bring it inside your cottage to take care of it, you realize it isn't simply a bat but a baby vampire. Your past has come back to haunt you because Jungkook's sire is no one else but Min Yoongi, who you had left behind when you disappeared five years ago. (this is still currently ongoing but i havent read many vampire!bts fics BUT lets just say, bats be cute and sht but deadly. cant wait to read the future chapters. also this is first chapter isnt rushed or anything so it def caught my reading eye for sure. went at a nice pace, not too fast, not too slow which i love)
Do check out all of the other BTS Fics that i have reblogged as well!!
** if there is any fics that you guys would like to recommend, please do! i am slowly running out of fics to read **
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hyolks · 11 months
I'm back on my bullshit so heres a hoshihina post
we simply DO NOT TALK enough about how long hoshiumi WAITED????? FOR HINATA??????? FIVE YEARS??????
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BUT THEN. THE MATCH ENDS FOR HINATA. HE"S PULLED. and you know what hoshiumi doesn't do. he doesn't go Oh I win. see that. even when kamome beats karasuno. becuase. he didn't get to win against HINATA
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Hoshiumi is SO important to hinata's growth. like. Hinata finds that he doesn't want to be the little giant anymore. he's ok with being the greatest decoy. his EVERYTHING had been revolving around the little giant since he started. it started with the little giant. he wanted to be the little giant. being called the greatest decoy irked him in the beginning.
AND YOU KNOW WHY. hinata had been talked down to the ENTIRE CLIMB of his career. OF COURSE he wouldn't be good at volleyball he's SHORT. IT'S BECAUSE HE'S SHORT HE'S NOT GOOD. ignoring EVERYTHING he put into the sport. his heart. his soul. just because he's short. BUT THEN
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like yaya i know the alders v jackals match was about a lot of people and had so many important things in it. it solidifies hinata's growth and dedication to being the greatest decoy, so he can truly and finally move past the desire of wanting the title little giant, and we get some solid hinata/hoshiumi comparisons n stuff. but haruichi furudate . i need a chat with you. you. you have the LAST TIME THEY SEE EACH OTHER. HOSHIUMI SHOUTS ACROSS THE COURT "I'LL BE WAITING FOR YOU" and the FIRST PANEL WE SEE OF HOSHIUMI POST TIMESKIP IS "I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR YOU" AND THATS ALL WE GET???? THATS ALL WE GET????? THERES NOTHING ELSE????
anyways I'm just happy we have htis parallel. i'll eat the crumbs off the floor i dont care
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become a hoshihina liker today
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dollcherray · 5 months
GREETINGS! I wanted to ask you if you could do a SMG4 x reader who's after the Mr puzzles movie very like VERY traumatized, won't get out from their bed and wouldn't say a word, since Mr puzzles did very horrible things
If you don't want to it's alright!
BTW love all your blogs
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A/N: you guys are making me feel so loved istg</3 btw I LOVE YOU!
Tw: Traumas, Illusions, flashbacks, reader probably has PTSD,if theres any TW missing, pls warn me so i can put it!
type: Headcanons, Fluff/angst, romantic.
Song(s) recommendation: Lucy / Treehouse
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୨୧ SMG4 would be a very caring boyfriend, so when he noticed how traumatized you were because of the events of the puzzlevision arc, he would be extra caring for you, trying to make you better in all possible ways.
୨୧ He would do anything, give you gifts, stay with you whenever you needed to, he wouldnt let you be unsupervised for more than 3 hours, hes just too scared to something happening with you that could make you even worse.
୨୧ He would be there for you whenever you just felt the need to talk of how terrifying it was to you, he would hear everything you had to say even if he was in the same events with you, he knows how it feels to have the need to just, let it out so he will be all ears for what you have to say.
୨୧ But when you are eerily quiet, he will be a little more sadder, he enjoyed your voice so much, so he wouldnt really enjoy when you are mute, but would respect it since he knows better than pushing you and making you possibly stressed and worsening things.
୨୧ He would bring anything you needed to the bed, water, food, you name it, he would go to the ends of the earth to get something especific that you asked for, just so that you could feel a bit more at ease.
୨୧ If you have any episodes or illusions, SMG4 would come bursting through walls, doors, or anything on his way just to get to you and hug you to support as much as possible, he would panic, sure, but he would try to keep his cool so he could help you. (even though he has NO idea on how to help you.) if you have any flashbacks of Puzzles, Smg4 would be there to reassure you that he will never come back to hurt you, he wouldnt allow it.
୨୧ He would give you more peace by not taking you in adventures anymore, also would start sleeping with you so that you could feel safe and him unconcerned about any possibility of you having an anxiety attack and to also hold you close to him in his sleep </3 (he feels at peace when holding you)
୨୧ SMG4 would be so worried, so so worried, he really loves you and you were in such degrading situation, he wish he could just take your pain and fear away so that he could only see your eletric way again</3
୨୧ SMG3 would try to help, watching over you when SMG4 couldnt and giving anything you needed while hes gone, Smg3 would just be a tad careless when it comes to trying to help you, since he doesnt have that MUCH worry of SMG4 on helping you, dont get him wrong, you are his friend and all but he's still a little bitch sometimes.
୨୧ SMG4 would miss having you in his adventures, he fears that you can stay like this forever, feared that you would be in a anxious and painful to see state, he would still love you, he will always love you, but what worries him is that you would be in such heartbreaking state forever.
୨୧ Mario is proihibited to enter your room, SMG4 would burn Mario himself if he ever enters there just to bug you or mess around in your room, so if Mario ever tries to sneak in while hes not looking, just text him in one second and in the next second, Mario is being burned alive.
୨୧ ...he already went to find the destroyed TV just to smash it over and over again in pure anger of what Puzzles did to you...👀
୨୧ “I love you, aint that crazy?...”
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A/N:oops i did it again... i connected the title with the final quote 👍🏼
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