#(to be fair i can see why her heart wasn't in it don't think anyone could save that dialogue)
navybrat817 · 1 month
Hold You Tight: Part 7
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Pairing: Club Owner!Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Fic Summary: The owner of The 107th wants you to be his girl whether you like it or not.
Part 6 | Series Masterlist | Part 8
Chapter Summary: You meet some of the staff at the club and try to reason with one of Bucky's men about your situation.
Chapter Word Count: Over 4.3k
Chapter Warnings: DARK AU, tension, mention of stalking, inner conflict, insecurities, manipulation, possessiveness, flirting, Bucky Barnes (he's a warning, okay?), more warnings to come.
A/N: More Hold You Tight! Hope you lovelies continue to enjoy. Bucky edit by the beautiful @nixakimbo . ❤️ Beta read by the lovely @whisperlullaby , but any and all mistakes are my own. Divider by the talented @firefly-graphics . Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog new fics and notifications. Comments, reblogs, feedback are loved and appreciated!
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You weren't sure exactly how far the club was from the bookstore, but you didn't say anything for a minute after his declaration. You’d read stories about instalove before, the accelerated trajectory of feelings and relationships. It wasn't something you thought you’d ever be on the receiving end of. That mixed with a dark antihero.
How was this your life?
Bucky chose to break the silence. “You can change here if you want.”
Your heart rate spiked as you stared at the garment bag. There was a chance that the dress was to your liking, your style. But in the car, it wasn't like you could shield yourself if you undressed. He’d see you. Maybe even try to touch you. Was it worth the risk?
Reaching for it, you took a deep breath and curled your fingers around the hanger. The moment you grabbed it though, you set it right back on the hook. You wouldn't bother unzipping it to take a look. You weren't a doll for him to play dress up with.
“Sorry, Bucky,” you began, shifting to face him. “I’m sure it’s a nice dress, but I'm not wearing it.”
“You sure?” He asked. “You haven’t even seen it.”
“I don't need to see it. You got your way about me going to the club and I think it's fair I get my way about the outfit,” you said. “We both know I could've met your friends another time. It didn't have to be tonight. So they'll meet me like this or not at all."
His eyes snapped to you, pinning you in place as you froze. Giving him an ultimatum over something he may consider trivial wasn't a smart move and it wouldn't be a hill you'd die on, but you needed some sort of win. Part of him had to understand that.
Bucky's lips curled in a small smile, but you still swallowed nervously. “You look stunning to me just as you are,” he said, tracing the collar of your shirt with his fingertip. "Perfect even.”
“What?” You asked. You were far from stunning. “You're really okay with me going into your club like this? I don't think it meets the dress code.” You were lucky your black dress was nice enough to get in the first time.
“And? I said in the bookstore that you can wear whatever you want since you look beautiful in anything, so of course I’m okay with it,” he said, his finger gliding down the middle of your chest. “If you're worried about anyone saying anything, don't be. You’re my girl and my friends and I will shut anyone up who tries to make you feel less than perfect.”
Your eyes widened at the casualness of the threat. There was no reason to threaten anyone on your behalf. You could also hear Marc's voice in the back of your mind, reminding you that Bucky was dangerous. “Bucky, you don't have to do anything.”
“If someone upsets or hurts you, yes, I do,” he said.
Addison was the type of person who would defend you if you were upset or hurt. You would do the same for her. A boyfriend type defending you was entirely different. He could've just said that to make you lower your guard or play on your insecurities. So why did it still sound like he meant it?
You gripped his wrist before his touch could move further down your body. “What if you upset or hurt me?” You asked.
Bucky blinked at your question, an unfathomable look in his eyes. “I promised I’d never hurt you,” he whispered. You were the only one safe from his underlying rage, weren't you? Because something was lurking beneath the surface that you hadn't yet witnessed. “But I'd do whatever I could to make you happy again if I upset you.”
“You realize dragging me to your club didn't make me happy?”
“I didn't drag you. You got into the car with my help,” he teased. When you didn't smile, he sighed. “I'm sorry. You told me you wanted a quiet night and I pushed you to go anyway. I just got so excited for everyone to finally meet the girl of my dreams and…” He shook his head. “That doesn't matter. I should've listened.”
The apology sounded so sincere it threw you for a loop. If gaslighting was an Olympic sport, he could take the gold. Everything about the man had you second guessing just about everything. “I appreciate that,” you said, going with a safe response.
He smiled as the car rolled to a stop. “I’ll make it up to you,” he promised, his gloved hand taking yours.
You wouldn’t ask how he planned to do that. “Wait,” you said, pulling him back slightly before he could open the door. “Can we just sit here for a second?” You weren’t ready to go into the club. Maybe you could buy yourself another minute or two.
“You're stalling,” he smiled. You didn’t disagree. “We can't stall for too long. The longer we stay, the more it pushes back the evening and I promised you’d be in bed by 10.”
“I just want to talk for another minute. I still don’t feel like I know much about you.”
“Like what?” He asked.
“Things like your family? You said there was a story about your mom,” you said.
A swirl of emotions passed in his eyes, a range of sorrow to anger and even hope. “There is, but I want to tell you that story when it’s just us,” he said. Just the two of you. Alone together. “I will say though that the original club belonged to her before I turned it into The 107th. It helps keep part of her memory alive for me.”
“That’s a beautiful thing,” you said honestly. She clearly meant the world to him. “And your dad?”
“He deserved what he got,” he said, not an ounce of pity or sorrow in his voice.
“Oh.” There was no lost love there. You wouldn’t linger on the topic since that was likely another story for another time. “Can you tell me why your left hand is always covered? You said I'd never be a mistress, but are you covering up a wedding ring or something?”
The storm raged in his eyes again and you had to keep yourself from shrinking back when he wrapped a hand around your neck. Your heart pounded as he applied a light amount of pressure, but he didn't squeeze any further. Would anyone help you or care if you tried to scream? “Do you feel a ring beneath the leather?”
“No,” you whispered, your eyes shutting when he leaned in.
His breath fanned across your lips. “I told you before that you’re the only one I see,” he whispered. “So when I do wear a ring on that finger, it’ll be on our wedding day.”
You let out something like a whimper when his thumb rubbed along your pulse. While you wanted to stall before, the car now felt too small. Too hot. You wouldn't be able to breathe if you stayed in there much longer. “I think we waited long enough to go inside,” you whispered.
Both of you sighed when he let go of your neck. “I think we did, too,” he agreed, taking your hand again. “But before I forget, you owe me a picture of you since I found you.”
You glared at him since you hoped he’d forget about that, but he only smirked before he helped you out of the car. Parked right in front of the club, you nearly jumped when you saw Raymond standing close by, his gaze flickering between you and his boss. “Hey, Ray,” you said as Bucky pulled you along.
Raymond said your name in reply as he followed close. There were already a few people lined up to get in, but your attention was on the bright sign of The 107th. It welcomed you. Taunted you. You had a feeling you were going to become very familiar with the ins and outs of this place.
“Let’s go, Kotyonok,” Bucky whispered. You hadn't realized you stopped walking until he slipped his arm around your waist and guided you forward.
Bucky nodded to the doorman and walked tall with you beside him. Of course he wasn't nervous. He had no reason to be. This was one of his castles and he was the king. And he chose a peasant to be by his side. A peasant he wanted to make his queen.
The music vibrated through the floor as you went inside and bypassed the coat check. The sound grew louder as you approached the main floor and watched the crowd, all dressed to impres. The lights bathed everyone in red and it felt like you had walked into a sensual version of Hell. And Bucky, the devil of the establishment, tugged you closer by the waist, but he might as well have put a collar around your neck to show everyone that you were his pet.
“Breathe,” he said close to your ear, making it hard to exhale. You were out of your element, the territory somewhat terrifying since you weren't in the company of your friends this time around. At least your legs weren't shaking. “Would you like a drink?” He asked.
“Maybe later,” you replied over the music.
“Then let me introduce you to some of the staff. And don't worry. They know who you are,” he said. Before you could respond to that and ask what exactly they knew about you, he turned you back toward the way you came and waved a couple of men over. Your breath caught in your throat when they approached. Both wore a black top and pants and were as large as Bucky and looked just as dangerous.
“This is Ari,” Bucky said, nodding to the darker haired man who had a scowl on his handsome face. “And this is Jax.” The blonde smirked when you made eye contact with him. “They’re two of my best bouncers and they’ll help keep an eye on you when you're not with me.”
You scooted closer to Bucky on instinct when both of them stared at you, but you didn't lower your gaze. Their looks could never be as penetrating as the man who owned this place. “Keep an eye on me? Are you my babysitters?” You asked. Would they watch your every move, too, and report back to Bucky?
Ari didn't smile, but the scowl softened. Jax, however, chuckled. “Guess you could say that, but we don't mind,” he said, his grin flirty and eyes twinkling as your cheeks warmed. “It's a pleasure to finally meet you, darlin’.”
“Jax,” was the only thing Bucky said, his fingers digging a bit more into your side. Ray gave the bouncer a warning glance, too.
Jax shrugged. “Just being polite,” he smiled. The man likely had people hanging all over him during his shifts with his charm. He probably wouldn't have looked at you twice under normal circumstances, but you smiled back anyway.
“I appreciate the politeness,” you said.
Bucky’s eyes narrowed. “You’re not being polite. You're flirting with my girl,” he said to Jax, your smile falling immediately when the air around you thickened.
“Just being polite,” he said again, not at all bothered by the look his boss gave him.
“Nice to meet you,” Ari cut in, his voice deep and even. People probably hit on him, too. And as domineering as they were, you felt an odd sense of security.
“It’s nice to meet you both. Hopefully you won't have to babysit me too much,” you said, glancing at Bucky. His fingers were still digging into your side, his muscles tense. Was he jealous? “Breathe,” you urged, giving him the same instruction he gave you moments ago.
The bouncers each had a look of surprise on their faces when Bucky listened and slowly exhaled. “Okay. Thank you,” Ray said, gesturing for them to get back to work. “Boss?”
Bucky’s hold on your relaxed a bit. “Let’s introduce you to Hal and then we’ll go to my office,” he said.
“Quieter than the VIP section,” he explained.
You weren't sure if people recognized Bucky or if it was just the aura of power that he gave off, but people moved out of the way without prompting as he led you toward the bar. He smiled as he did so, completely at ease in his domain. “You know, I don't need babysitters,” you told him.
“You need people to look out for you, especially if you’re with me,” he said.
“Because you’re dangerous,” you said. You’d eventually have to find out why. “Once again, you aren't giving me a choice.”
“When it comes to your safety, I can't,” he stated unapologetically. You grit your teeth as he took you to the bar where a couple of bartenders were working. You didn't pay much attention to the guy at the other end since the one right in front of you had no shirt on, his toned torso on full display.
“This is Hal. Our top bartender.”
“Hey!” The bartender flipped his light brown hair back and flashed you a smile almost as bright as his tan. “It’s good to see you again.”
“Again?” You repeated, nodding as your mind flashed back to Addison’s bachelorette party. “That’s right. You gave my friend a shot before we went into the VIP section. You have a great memory.”
“I’m good with faces and you have a very pretty face,” he smiled.
The attention from his staff was dizzying. It wasn't anything you were used to. What was it going to be like when you met everyone else? You felt so lost.
“First Jax, now you,” Bucky muttered. For a split second, you thought he would try to cover your eyes. “Would you put your fucking shirt back on and stop hitting on my girl?”
“Oh, c’mon. I'll put it on after my shift. This is getting me tons of tips already and will only continue through peak time.” Hal winked at you and you tried to smother a laugh. Between Jax and Hal, you wondered if the two of them had a bet going to see who could make their boss snap. If so, they were brave.
“Bucky, I’m not looking at Hal’s abs,” you said.
The bartender snorted when his boss's eye twitched. “Just get back to work,” he grumbled, stepping a couple of feet away from you to speak to Ray.
“You can look. I won't tell,” Hal smiled, leaning on the bar. “Boss man said you’d make an appearance tonight.”
“And here I am,” you smiled, leaving out that it wasn't by choice.
“Is there anything I can get you? Your drinks are always on the house.”
“I’m fine for-” A man in a blue suit elbowed his way in before you could finish. “Excuse me.”
The guy sneered at you as he gave you a once over. “Ugly underdressed bitch,” he said, making you flinch before he snapped his fingers at Hal.
You glanced down at your clothes, your throat tight. You stubbornly refused to wear the dress Bucky got you on principle, but the jerk’s comment was another reminder that you didn’t belong there. What would prompt someone to be so rude?
“Hey!” The guy snapped at Hal again when he didn’t serve him right away.
The bartender smiled, but it didn't look right as he stood back to his full height. Had he heard what the guy said? “You know, it’s not nice to interrupt a lady, John. Maybe you should apologize.”
“Fuck that,” the guy, John apparently, scoffed. He must’ve frequented the place enough if Hal knew the guy's name and you weren't about to cause a scene. A complete stranger shouldn’t make you feel bad anyway.
Hal’s smile disappeared completely. “Do you know who she’s here with?”
“It’s okay, Hal. Thanks,” you said, your burning eyes on the floor as you moved back to Bucky’s side. You didn't want to be there. You didn’t belong there. Why couldn't you just-
“You okay, Kotyonok?” Bucky asked, lifting your chin with a look of concern. “What’s the matter? What happened?”
“Nothing. I’m fine,” you answered, giving him a tight-lipped smile. You just wanted the night to be over. “Can we go to your office, please?”
Bucky intently searched your face, something dark taking over his eyes as your heart raced. “Ray?”
“Quick change of plans. You take her upstairs and wait outside my office,” he ordered, swiping his thumb along your cheek. “I think Hal and I need to have a quick chat before I join you.”
“Hal didn’t do anything,” you said quickly. He was a sweet guy from what you could tell and he didn’t need to be on the receiving end of Bucky’s anger for something insignificant.
“But someone did,” Bucky guessed, his eyes still dark when you didn’t deny it. “I’ll take care of it,” he promised, ushering you toward Ray.
“Bucky, it’s fine,” you said over your shoulder, but he had already waved Hal over to speak to him.
“This way, please,” Ray said, leading you away from the bar.
Before you knew it, he took you up a flight of stairs and down a corridor, the decor sleeker than the main floor. The closed double doors at the end of the hall you could only assume was Bucky’s office since Ray had you stop just outside of them. You took a breath and leaned against the wall. Though you could feel the beat of the music against your back, it was much quieter. Less crowded. You didn’t feel completely overwhelmed.
“What’s he going to do?”
“Depends on what or who upset you.”
“You’re my girl and my friends and I will shut anyone up who tries to make you feel less than perfect.
You took a moment to look at the bodyguard as he stood against the opposite wall. Stoic. Pristine. “What am I doing here, Ray?” You sighed. This wasn’t your scene. It wasn’t your world.
“Meeting some of the boss’s staff and friends,” he answered.
“That’s not what I meant. I meant… God, I don’t even know what I mean,” you groaned and wondered how long it would be before Bucky joined you. “But I don't belong here.”
“Yes, you do,” he said.
Why in the world would he think that? “How long have you worked for Bucky?” You asked. It wasn’t that you wanted to really talk, but you didn’t want to let your mind race while you waited.
“A few years now,” he replied.
“You’ve seen him date people then. Has he stalked any of his past girlfriends that you’re aware of or am I the unlucky one?” You asked. Bucky told you he tried to go the traditional dating route and that the last woman he saw tried to rob him.
“You’re the only person he has gone to extremes for,” Ray carefully answered.
“Extremes. You mean stalking,” you said. Did that make you feel better or worse that it was just you? “So, you’re fully aware that he stalked me. And that he plans to move me into his place.”
Ray gave you a single nod, though you wouldn’t say he looked proud. “I am.”
“Can you stop him?” Your stomach dropped when he shook his head. “Why not?”
“You can’t stop or delay the inevitable. He wants you and I’m afraid that’s that,” he said.
Incredulity crossed your face. He sounded like Bucky, but this was somehow worse. Did he not see that his inaction helped upheave your life? “Oh, it’s that simple, huh? Bucky wants me, so he gets me? Did you even try to stop him when he began to do ‘research’ on me?”
“No,” he stated. One simple word that held so much weight.
“What the hell?” Fury seared through you as you pushed yourself off the wall. “You didn’t think to step in and at least tell him, I don’t know, that stalking is crazy and wrong and illegal?!”
Ray blinked and pushed his glasses further up his nose. “You think he’d listen to me?”
Your fury didn’t dissipate, but you did step back. “Well. I assumed…”
“That what? That we’re friends? He may respect my opinion from time to time and he may consider me a friend, but he’s my employer first and will not hesitate to remind me of that,” he said, glancing down the hall. “And perhaps it is not my place to say so, but as wrong as it is this is the happiest I've ever seen him. You ground him.”
“So, as long as he’s happy, it doesn’t matter what he does?” You asked, feeling more hopeless by the second. “Why am I bothering? You don’t care.”
There was no reasoning with Bucky nor his men. At this point, you were going around in circles. It was exhausting.
Ray blinked again. “You assume I don't care because I’m not stopping him. His methods are unconventional, sure, but he just wanted your full attention.”
“There are other less creepy ways to get my attention.”
“Are there? You know what we found when we researched you?” He asked rhetorically. “You never go out. You're either home or at work. When you’re at work, you don't give a second glance to any of the men who come in. Where was he supposed to naturally meet you?”
“That doesn't…” Tears stung your eyes, but you refused to weep. Being a homebody shouldn’t be a tool to use against you or used as a means to manipulate you. “I went out with my friends. And he flat out said ‘where’s the fun in that’ when I asked why he didn't just ask me out. Stop making excuses for him.”
It was no wonder Bucky did whatever he wanted unchecked.
“You went out with friends who are all in relationships and aren't interested in meeting anyone. So you didn't go out of your way to meet others which no one is faulting you for. Breaking in was a bit much, but he was desperate and took drastic steps to get to and keep you,” he said. He spoke like it was natural, logical. “You're afraid. I know. But you’re the one in his eyes. If you try to run, we’ll be forced to catch you. Is that really what you want?”
Your hands shook. “I just want normalcy.” Was that so wrong?
“And you wanted someone to love you. So did he,” he said with more gentleness than you expected. “There’s always some madness in love.”
“And between love and madness lies obsession,” you said. That’s what Bucky was to you: obsessed. “Why am I the one? Why is he so desperate to have me?”
The bodyguard considered your question. “Does there have to be one reason? He has no family left. Work and friends can only take so much of the emptiness away,” he said, glancing down the hall again.
You bit your lip. “When you dug into my life, was there something specific that set me apart from anyone else he ever encountered? An incident or anything?”
Bucky convinced himself you were his soulmate, mind, body, heart, and soul. Ray stood across from you and stated he was happy since you were in his life, the happiest he had ever been. But why? Was the man obsessed simply because you were you or was there a piece of the puzzle you were missing?
“That’s not for me to tell, but I can say he’s devoted to you and you only.” He glanced down the hall again before he straightened up. Was there something for Bucky to tell you then? “Be angry with me if you wish, but know that I’m not just looking out for my boss now. I’m looking out for you, too. We all will.”
You heard Bucky’s footsteps as he walked toward you, but your eyes remained on his bodyguard. “Okay,” you whispered. Ray wasn’t going to help you any further. Not tonight.
Bucky stood in front of you, effectively blocking your view of Ray. “I hope I didn’t keep you waiting long.”
“I hope Hal isn’t in any sort of trouble,” you said.
Bucky gave you a wolfish smile, energy buzzing around him. “Not at all. In fact, I’m giving him a raise,” he said, slipping his arm back around you. What did the bartender tell him exactly and what did he do in response? “I do want to warn you before we go in, they may stare since they’re not used to meetings like this.”
“What, they’re not used to you having someone on your arm?” You asked. You found that hard to believe.
“They’re not used to me having someone I’d burn the world down for,” he said proudly, nodding for Ray to open the doors. “All you’d have to do is give me the match.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” you said, gulping when you heard the chatter and laughter inside.
Once again, you were the lamb going into the lion’s den. But you could do this. You just had to mingle a bit longer and then you could go on your way. Bucky swore he’d have you home and you’d hold him to it.
The moment Bucky took you into the office, all conversations ceased. The men appeared relaxed, like they weren't aware of or didn’t care about the aura that surrounded the man beside you. He was right though. They all stared. Including a man with a pair of blue eyes you recognized.
The man who bought tulips from your shop.
“It’s good to see you again,” Steve smiled.
With a sinking heart, you began to accept that there really was no escaping Bucky Barnes.
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Sorry to cut this off before meeting the rest of the friends, but it was a natural stopping point. And we'll find out what happens to John in the next part. Love and thanks for reading! ❤️
Masterlist ⚓ Bucky Barnes Masterlist ⚓ Ko-Fi
770 notes · View notes
sha-n-dowbannedlol · 7 months
Miguel O'Hara — Love Sick
a/n: i've been slaving over genetics (and biochemistry) lately, and when i was scrolling on tiktok during my break i saw this one superbat imagine and thought of writing it with my favorite geneticist
cw: uh just fluff ig, miguel o'hara is not good with feelings, miguel o'hara is emotionally constipated
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You haven't always had the best of luck in your life.
It wasn't so bad that it made you hit rock bottom, but you've had your fair share of moments where you ended up drawing the shortest end of the stick in the game we all call life.
And as you stare at Peter's hand balled to a fist, and yours with two of your fingers pointed out, his hand forming a rock and yours forming scissors, you quickly conclude that this is one of those moments.
Under normal circumstances, you wouldn't put losing to Peter in rock, paper, and scissors as top 5 of the worst moments of your life; however, this is different. To explain just how different it was, we need to go back to a few minutes ago, the reason why you and Peter had to play in the first place.
Not long ago, you received an alert from the Spider-Man 2099 himself asking for backup. You didn't bother to respond as Jess had already reassured you that she's got him—as it turns out, she, in fact, does not have him when she teleported back with an unconscious Miguel draped over her shoulder.
That, in itself, is already worrying enough. But what worried you more was Lyla's report on your boss' situation, relaying the information to Miguel's inner circle of most trusted Spider-people, including you.
"He's been hit with a love potion, an incredibly potent one at that," Lyla reports, her holographic form adjusting her heart glasses and typing away on her holographic computer. "It hasn't kicked in yet, but it will the moment he wakes up," Lyla adds before looking up from her computer, disappearing and reappearing in the middle of the huddled-up spiders
"And when he does, he'll be head-over-heels in love with the first person he sees," The AI informed them in a serious tone, before grinning like the mischievous rascal she is.
"So... Who will the lucky person be?"
It has been decided amongst your group that whoever loses shall be the unfortunate soul that needs to deal with Miguel's affection until Lyla and the other Spiders have concocted an antidote for everyone's admired boss.
And now, you stare back at your hand, then at Peter's, and back at your own hand again. Silence fills Miguel's spacious office as all eyes land on you, and you can feel your cheeks already starting to warm up.
"Can't we just blindfold him?" You spoke before anyone else could, looking over at the holographic AI, who seemed a bit too pleased with the results. "Or lock him in a room or something?"
"Don't be so barbaric," Peter spoke with amusement in his voice.
"Right. Besides, it can't be that bad!" Lyla spoke, her voice with a hint of something that you can't quite put your finger on. Mischievousness? Teasing? Hinting at something she knows but you don't? You didn't know for sure.
"I think Miguel would prefer being locked in a room than being lovesick for an entire day." You respond with a sigh as Peter practically drags you toward where Miguel is currently lying unconscious, and you have no other choice but to let him.
You were a person of your word. You can't possibly back out now just because you lost.
You tense slightly as your spider sense alerts you that Miguel is starting to wake up, feet glued to the floor when he starts to stir.
"You'll be fine," Jess tried to comfort you with a poorly hidden amused smile on her face, followed by Peter patting your back, and you didn't have to turn around to sense that he'd already whipped his phone out to record the whole scene.
The whole room was tense, or perhaps it was just you. Ice ran through your veins the more Miguel moved, and you could feel everyone's eyes on you as his hand moved to rub one eye before finally, finally.
His eyes flutter open.
Ruby red irises land on your form, and you can see a hint of your reflection from his intense gaze. The first person he saw as he awoke.
He stares at you in silence, gaze glued to yours, raking over your visibly tense form as you stare back at him. His face remains neutral, and you're already bracing yourself for his affection—may it be in the form of verbal affection or physical affection.
Miguel then leans forward to sit, before slowly standing up.
You watch as he takes steps toward you, his hand already rising and about to reach out. Your heart skips a few beats, trying to beat right out of your chest to meet his own halfway.
When he was closer to you, you tense up even more, ready to be pulled into his arms...
Except... he just slipped past you.
The hand he raised earlier ran through his hair, his eyes now on Jess.
"Mission report," Miguel demanded in his usual neutral, gruff tone as everyone looked at him with jaws dropped, all dumbfounded by his casualness.
The drowsiness seems to have left Miguel by then as he looks at everyone. He raises a brow in confusion as he notices everyone's stupified expressions and Peter's phone still pointed at him as if they were expecting something from him.
"What?" He asks, brow still raised.
"That's... This isn't how it's supposed to go!" Peter was the first to speak, begrudgingly putting his phone in his robe's pocket.
"Peter, I'm already not feeling well." Miguel responds, brow scrunched as he turns to face Peter, "I have no time for your antics, and that goes for you, too." He adds, pointing towards you on the last part.
Lyla's hologram hen shows up on Miguel's shoulder, bent over and examining Miguel's face, a hand on her chin as she hums. Her boss raises his brow again at this, trying to shoo her away, only for her to keep insisting.
"You were hit with a love potion, Miguel. Quite a potent one, too." Lyla informs the man who's looking at her with a skeptical look in his eyes as she continues, "I calculated its effects would include being down bad in love with the first person you see when you regain consciousness."
Miguel blinks at that, his eyes landing on you, and you recognize the flicker of understanding in his gaze as he does before looking back to Lyla and to the disappointed Peter and the less-visibly disappointed but still very much disappointed Jess.
"Well, it didn't work." Was his simple response, which caused a groan to resound from Peter and a shake of a head from Jess.
"Come on, not even a bit?" Peter asks, looking at Miguel with narrowed eyes. "Look at them, don't you feel like pulling them into your arms and kissing them until the sun sets?"
"First off, that's highly inappropriate," Miguel responds, his hand coming up to pinch his nose bridge in between his fingers to nurse a headache already starting to come up. He says your name exasperatedly, "Please don't mind him. You know how he is."
Before Peter can voice out the offense he took to Miguel's words, Jess speaks up with curiosity and a hint of suspicion in her voice.
"But how come it didn't work?" Jess asks, her brows furrowing in confusion, looking at Miguel, whose face remained neutral despite her questioning. "Lyla was so sure it affected you, and it affected you enough that you lost consciousness, and suddenly it just... didn't have an effect?"
Miguel clears his throat at that, subtly looking to Lyla to give Jess an explanation that would sate her curiosity and make her suspicions die down, but you suddenly spoke to his rescue.
"Perhaps it has something to do with his DNA?" You infer, humming softly to yourself, "His DNA is different from ours, and most of the time, he's immune to potions and poisons because he isn't human enough to be affected by them. Right?"
Your eyes meet Miguel's as you ask for confirmation, and your breath hitches at the sheer intensity of his gaze as he looks back at you. Still, this wasn't anything new. Miguel can be kind of intense and intimidating, even if he doesn't mean to.
"Pretty much." It was Lyla who confirmed your theory on behalf of Miguel, and before anyone could speak, Miguel swiftly interjected.
"Alright, the show's over." He spoke, looking over at everyone and individually giving instructions in order to get all of you off of his back.
"Jess, I need that report before the end of the day. Peter, weren't you supposed to go home early today? Look after your pregnant wife." Miguel spoke before turning to look at you, "And you, I have a mission for you."
One by one, the three of you leave his office, with you being the last one after he briefs you on the mission with Lyla's assistance. Miguel's eyes were glued to your back as you left, much to your obliviousness.
"It worked, didn't it?" Lyla coos suddenly, snapping Miguel out of his thoughts, making him jump slightly and snap his eyes from your figure and towards his holographic AI.
"What worked?" Miguel tried to feign innocence, looking away from Lyla as he turned toward his many screens.
"The Love Potion. It worked." Lyla continues to tease him, grinning at him knowingly as she lays on her stomach in the air, kicking her feet. "You're just so in love with them already that it didn't make a difference."
Miguel remained silent for a while at her teasing words, but the reddish tint blooming on his tan cheeks was enough of an answer to the AI already. Besides, she's the one subjected to Miguel's eyes, always following you around like a lost puppy whenever you're in the room.
"If you tell anyone, I'm shutting you down."
"No, you're not."
".....No, I'm not."
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mrsparrasblog · 4 months
I can treat you better than he can
Summary: You were hopeless in love with your Captain who pushed you away denying his own feelings for you, maybe this time he pushed you in the wrong hands.
Pairing: Keegan x Reader ( Callsign Sunshine)
Words: 2500 I think
A/N: This is a small chapter of my fic Nightmares become true solider(my first fic and the love of my life but its to long for Tumblr so I post stand alone chapters) The fic is written in an I perspective
TW: canon typical violence and swearing, sex, oral sex, fingering, spanking, cumplay, reader is a pervert, Keegan too, Price is an idiot, Reader is unhinged
Defeated, I walked over to the boys, leaving John alone by the bar. Well, he sure will join us later; why shouldn't he? "John doesn't want to join."
"Better for us, old man is always winning," Ghost said. Even in the bar, he wore a mask—not his hardshell mask he wore on missions, but a skull-faced balaclava—making him look like he was about to rob the place.
Confidently, I tried to challenge Ghost, saying that I could surely win a second time. "Maybe Kyle and I will win against you and Soap."
"Not possible."
We played some rounds of pool in which every single round Ghost and Soap won, surprising not only because of Ghost's skills. Soap was the best pool player I had ever seen; he was super focused, and every shot was a hit. After a while of sore losses, we decided to sit down in a booth. The bar was crowded with lots of soldiers and girls who wanted to find themselves a military guy. To be honest, I couldn't judge them. Military men were toxic but so damn attractive.
Even through the crowded space, we could see the Ghost Team sitting in a booth, still with their masks on, and drinking. They didn't seem disappointed in their loss. I saw a lot of similarities between them and us; anyone could easily see that they were more than just a unit—a family like us. Well, maybe like the four boys and me as a distant cousin taking up all the space at a family gathering.
"You sure don't want to drink, lass? Celebrate our win; we are officially the best team on base again."
"I don't want to drink today; we have training tomorrow, and I don't want to throw up on the mat."
"You sound like a mom," Kyle complained, and Ghost almost gagged when he heard this.
"Aye, look, Captain is flirting with a bonnie." As I heard this, I turned around, capturing the scene in front of me. John was sitting at the bar with a woman—worse, a pretty woman who looked like the complete opposite of me—and not just in a different hair type way—in a different figure, appearance, style, hair color, height way—everything about her was different. She looked so stunning; the boys, well, more like Kyle, repeated over and over again how gorgeous that woman was and how the captain normally doesn't pick up girls at the bar—but probably made an exception for her because that woman was stunning. 
If I hadn't been so jealous, I probably would have had a panic attack right now. I observed the pair—how she touched his chest, giggling and whispering into his ears—and he looked happier than just happy, delighted, lucky, elated, cheerful, joyful, content, and ecstatic—and every word in this universe to describe his smile. He didn't look repulsed or anything at all. Right now, I feel incredibly stupid. For a blink of a second, I thought that maybe he would like me too. He held me, he comforted me, and God, we almost kissed—but maybe it was just my delusion feeding me with unrealistic dreams for the sake of my hopeless romantic heart. I definitely made him uncomfortable; he was surely disgusted and repulsed by me for how I behaved and how I looked because in no way in heaven did I look like her.
"Captain is a lucky bastard."
"Quiet, Kyle."
I didn't listen to the banter of the boys; the only thing worth my concentration was John and how he laughed with this beautiful woman, and how I desperately wished it was me instead of her.  But life wasn't fair, and I was so freaking dumb for believing I had a chance. She sat down on John's lap. Would it be crazy to threaten her to leave him alone? She surely wasn't military-trained, and with her perfectly manicured nails, she would have trouble fighting me, but was it really her fault? She did nothing wrong, and I still wanted to gut that bitch out. Pardon me, I mean woman. As their lips touched each other after moments of anticipation, I almost lost it, but in fact, it strengthened my self-awareness, and finally, I knew all I thought happened between John and me was pure imagination. 
I took Ghost's Terrible Bourbon out of his hand and chugged it down as if it were orange juice. Kyle and Soap looked at me as if I had just murdered their grandma, but Ghost had a knowing expression. How did that little shit notice my utterly cringe and embarrassing hopeless crush on the Captain?
"That Bourbon was expensive, Sergeant."
"I'll pay you back," I claimed—I won't—and he knew.
He almost whispered an act of kindness to him to not address it in front of Kyle and Soap, who wouldn't let me hear the end of this. "It will pass."
"The feeling."
As I saw John and the pain of my existence making out like teenagers, I had finally enough. John had his fun, fine; I can also have much fun and forget that wixxer. Without responding to Ghost or entertaining Soap and Kyle's curious expressions and Kyle's question if I got my period, I left the table, walking straight to the table with the American mask boys. I will definitely regret this tomorrow, but tonight I don't care.
"Keegan, right? Come with me."
"Doll, do you really want to be a sore winner and rub your win under my nose?"
"I thought more of a consolation prize or how you say these things in English."
"Are you not a native English speaker?"
"And there I thought my accent was a dead giveaway."
"You're annoying, kid; did someone ever tell you this?"
"Ghost constantly."
"He is a dick."
"I'd second that."
"So tell me the real reason you're requesting my presence. Don't get me wrong, Doll. I won't mind, but I want to know why I have this luck."
"Nothing, just a girl in a bar speaking with a man in a bar."
"And there I thought, after you jumped into Price's arms today, you would be his partner."
"Did no one teach you how to flirt, Keegan?" I scoffed.
"Doll, I know how to sweep you off your tiny feet but tell me first, am I a rebounder?"
"Well, we can work with that," he grinned as he flicked his cigarette away, now completely focusing on me. "It must hurt seeing him like that at the bar."
"Like hell."
"Merrick was right. Price is an idiot and a goddamn fool. He's got a dime piece right here, and he's chasing after...that!?" He gestured over to that incredible woman.
"I wouldn't describe myself as a dime piece, Keegan."
Keegan leaned closer to me. His voice is now soft and low instead of his usual hoarse voice. "I would absolutely beg to differ. You're a goddess, and he's a complete moron if he doesn't realize that. Why do you even like this guy?"
I rolled my eyes at his hyperbel. "Well, isn't it obvious? He is tall, strong, and masculinely good-looking, but that is only his appearance. He is smart and funny; I would without a doubt rely my life on him." I noticed John's glance at me. Why? It's not like Keegan was the real enemy. 
"I'd just like to point out that so am I, and I've got something he doesn't." Keegan laughed, and his laugh was magnetic.  I would lie if I said he wasn't attractive, so would this be so wrong?
I'm single and young, so fuck off, John. "Tell me what you have and what he doesn't."
His expression turns to one of pure confidence and pride. "I've got class, doll. This 'captain' of yours is off there in this nasty bar, out with a random chick, eating her face at the bar for all to see. And I'm here, paying attention to you—only to you."
"Oh, so you're a high and mighty soldier with class and only pure intentions towards me?" I chuckled as I realized I was really bad at flirting, mostly because I only relied on my good looks. And here I am constantly insulting men I am interested in.
"Only the purest intentions towards you, and I got something else that he doesn't, doll."
"If you say big dick, I'm going to cringe."
He laughed, not even insulted by my comment. "As much as I'd love to, no. No, that wasn't what I was going to say. But I'm glad that's where your mind goes first."
"Well, then we are on the same page. But I think that's the problem with me. I think like a whore, and of course, he wouldn't like me. I'm just the type for fun, you know."
"Who told you that bullshit?"
"My ex."
"Bastard, come on, doll, let me show you a great time. Forget about that stupid captain of yours."
"Maybe I should."
He lowers his voice even further while his eyes meet mine, not afraid of eye contact. "I think he's intimidated by you. I mean, look at you. Smart, beautiful, and strong—you kicked all our arses today like we were toys, and Price knows that; he has no shot with you, and instead of taking a chance, he's hiding behind another girl."
His big hands started to caress my hair, tightly gripping it in an act of dominance. He wasn't afraid of showing me that he wanted me.
"Well, that other girl is hot."
"She might be hot, but she's also clearly not you. She's just someone he can control—someone who will do whatever he wants. Just a mere civilian girl with a boring life—but you're a different story. I already know how strong you can be and how much you like to do things your own way. And that's part of what makes you so irresistible—you're more than just a pretty face; you're a great soldier too."
Fuck it. I pulled him to my height, removing his mask enough so his full lips were finally free. He had a sharp jawline and stubbles that almost tickled against my skin as I finally planted my lips on his, desperate to kiss him and feel desired. He wasn't expecting my sudden kiss and his breath hitched for a moment, his hands tightening in my hair, keeping me so close. I could feel his lips curving into a slight smile, his eyes fluttering shut as his body froze, a low masculine groan escaping his mouth as he pressed his rock-hard body against mine. His hands started to roam over my body until they found my ass, squeezing it firmly and pulling me up in his arms to close even more distance.
John's POV
"Soldiers always had a different kind of appeal to me." If she tells me one more time how she fetishizes soldiers and how she always dreamt of marrying one and being a stay-at-home mom while her husband would be on dangerous deployments, I'd gladly off myself. It wasn't wrong to want to be a stay-at-home mom; John's mom was one too, and she did way more than his old man gave her credit for, but he always hated women who only cared about his status in the military and the benefits it came with. Well, at least she was pretty.
"Do you even listen, Johnny?" Johnny, really?
"Yes, of course, sweetheart." She always blushed when he called her sweetheart, and he felt incredibly terrible for only calling her that because he couldn't, for the love of God, remember her correct name: Sarah, or Sandra; certainly not Sunshine. John thought he could erase Sunshine completely from his brain by making out with that woman. He was wrong— it only made him long for her even more. For heaven's sake. He could lie to himself and say it was that woman's fault, but she was pretty and even a bit smart—she just wasn't Sunshine, and that frustrated him. He didn't even get a physical reaction out of that woman— even his dick betrayed him.
"Oh, God, John, that woman is completely embarrassing," she gestured at something, and when John turned around, he could see it. It was his woman in the arms of that tosser, exactly like he held her today, only that they were making out. Disgusting—deep inside, he knew he couldn't judge her. He was making out with a random woman in the bar just so he could forget her, but still, his stomach built a knot that twisted him like the time he got stabbed near his kidney in Afghanistan.  He would never admit that he was jealous—jealousy was something for weak people. He never felt this way before, and he won't start now. 
It clearly only bothered him because he was one of Merrick's fellow guys; he'd probably only flirted with her because of the rivalry. And as the good captain he was, he needed to stop that, right? So his woman—uhm, his sergeant—wouldn't get hurt and be unconcentrated in missions. 
Sunshine was now sitting on Keegan's lap as he whispered things in her ear that made her sweet cheeks rise with a beautiful color. John couldn't stand this sight anymore; his knuckles turned white from the tight fist he made. He didn't even listen to the woman whom he tried to lay tonight, and as Keegan walked towards the loo, he saw his chance to act like the proper captain he was, and he went after him.
"You deserve better than me, sweetheart, someone who is emotionally available." He didn't let her form her words in protest; he only put $50 down on the table and left in the direction of the loo. He entered the room, closing the door behind him. He was used to being intimidating, and he sure as hell would intimidate that little Sergeant of Merrick. He leaned against the door frame, not saying a word at first, waiting till he noticed him. Right now, he felt strong; it had something powerfull seeing his enemy with his dick out pissing—John was fully clothed, stoic, and strong while Keegan was exposed and vulnerable. John tried to hide his smirk as he saw how he was thicker than him down there—way more for his Sun to enjoy—concentrate on the task, John.
"Sergeant Russ," he said with his hoarse voice.
"Price, what do you want?" he practically spat out.
"Touch her again, and I'll make sure that you won't be able to touch anything else." He saw the look of fear in Keegan's eyes. Of course, he was a strong soldier, but Keegan wasn't a fool and knew that Price was a real threat. 
But then he tested John's patience by saying something foolish like "jealous that you won't be the one to make her scream in pleasure tonight." John saw red, his fists held close to his body, his knuckles turning white. He wanted to beat that shit out of that bastard, but being violent isn't what makes the other scared; it's his calmness and the fact that if he loses it, it's over. 
"Care to repeat that, Russ?"
"I'm going to touch her the whole night, and you guided her into my arms like an idiot." He didn't understand what he meant by him being at fault for Sun's interest in Russ, but never in his life dared someone to call him an idiot.
"I'll give you one last chance, leave her alone."
"Or what, you kill me?" he scoffed and laughed.
"Maybe I will," he said with a low growl that signaled Keegan that he wasn't joking. 
Both fell into silence as Soap and Ghost stumbled out of one of the cabins. They clearly fucked again; he would have said something about not sleeping around in the military, but he wasn't such a hypocrite. 
Soap interfered in the situation, "Aye, calm down, Captain; he isn't worth the stain." Why did they both need to interfere? He couldn't threaten Russ properly without giving the suggestion that he was more than just a caring captain for his Sun. 
Keegan rolled his eyes, "Whatever, I'm going to fuck your little sunshine now." Before John could react, Keegan already had a fist in his face. 
Surprisingly, not from John himself but from Ghost, the reserved man who seemed to hate Sunshine with all his heart. Was he perhaps interested in his Sun? No, never. Ghost was head over heels for Soap, even if he would never admit that. But why the sudden act? Keegan left the loo with a bloody lip.
"You fucked up, John."
"I know, Simon."
Soap and Ghost left the bathroom shortly after, and John could hear the arguing, something about Soap being jealous and thinking Ghost wanted Sunshine, and Ghost replying that Soap was fucking delusional and should know his place. If he hadn't been entrenched in his own hell of drama, he would have talked to Simon. Fucking hell that evening was fucked up. 
As he left the bathroom, going to the booth of his boys, he noticed how Soap and Ghost were silent, Soap's glance almost burning in rage. Sunshine was dancing with Keegan while he groped her precious ass. John sat miserably with his own scotch, but at least Gaz was happy drinking his beer and ranting about something.
After a while, he saw Keegan pull Sun over his shoulder, and they went straight out of the bar, with her being a tipsy and giggling mess. "What a show-off," he scoffed.
"How funny that Sunny is the only one getting action tonight," Kyle looked confused as every man at the table shot him a death glare. For heaven's sake, that evening was cursed, and in all vulnerability, John hoped that this was just a one-night thing for her.
Sunshine's POV
He threw me over his shoulder and carried me out of the bar. As we walked towards his room in the base, I could already feel my arousal approaching. It took forever since we stopped always to make out.
You could say a lot about him; he is arrogant, narcissistic, and a bit crazy, but he's a damn good kisser. We reached his barrack, it was as simple as hers just that his wasn't a single. She hoped desperately that his roommate didn't bulge in. 
He pressed me against the door frame as their kiss deepened, Keegan's hand slipped under my shirt tracing soft circles on my back. His other hand slides gently around my hair pulling it towards him as a show of his dominance.
I couldn't hold back and moaned into his kiss. "Fuck it." I ripped his shirt off him ogling over his muscular frame. He was toned his pecks were perfectly sculpted, every woman would kill for that sight but I thought about John - stop it, forget John, think about Keegan.
Keegan smirked as I ripped off his shirt, his hands slowly exploring every inch of my clothed body. His touch was rough and possessive like he desperately needed me. He released a loud groan as I started to trace down his abs and prominent V line. I pulled off my shirt and bra and threw it in the corner. His eyes widened as he took in the sight of my breasts. His rough hand cupped them and his calloused fingers from his work in the military brushed across my hardened nipples. "Fuck," he breathed out his lips finding mine again in a hungry kiss. His erected dick already pressing against my stomach.
"Please Keegan, I need you." I pleaded, Keegan broke our kiss, his lips trailing down my neck and collarbone, his teeth graze my skin lightly as he nipped at my shoulder- Oh he is a biter. His hand squeezed my breasts again before he started to undo his pants. His hardened dick sprung out of his boxers, his pink tip already glistered with pre cum. He wasn't very thick but the length was impressive and he was circumcised. I licked my lips in anticipation. "Shit you're big." Keegan only chuckled darkly at my words. "I'll show you how big." He growls his hands moving to grip my hips firmly as he ripped off my thong revealing my already wet folds.
"Hey, I liked that one."
"I buy you a new one."
His finger dips into my moisture before teasing my throbbing entrance. "You're already so ready for me," he murmurs. 
"Keegan please stop teasing me."
Keegan's other hand slipped down to play with my clit. His thumb circling gently the sensitive knot. With one swift movement, he pushes his thick fingers deep inside of me. He groaned in pleasure at the tightness that surrounded him. "Fuck you feel so good- around my finger."
He pushed his fingers lazily against my G spot and started to scisor them inside, he looked determined at my face to learn which movement kept me going. I felt the knot in my stomach building up letting me almost explode. His lips trailed down my neck sucking on my nipples while he continued to abuse my clit.
"Cum on me Doll."
I came hard spasming around his thick fingers and coating them with my juices. Keegan's cock throbbed in anticipation as he watched me cum around his fingers. He pulls his hand away, relishing the sight of my wetness. "That's it, baby girl."
"Let me take care of you Keegan." I let myself fall on my knees and slowly started to stroak his dick and lick the pre cum of his swollen tip. Keegan groans deeply, as I take his cock into my mouth, his hips jerking automatically forward. He grips my hair trying to maintain his control. "Fuck Doll." 
I bobbed my head up and down while playing with his balls with one of my free hands. He pushes his cock deeper inside of me but he should know that I'm the one in control. I bite softly on his tip to make him crazy. His lips escaped moans - loud moans. His cock throbbed in anticipation leaving stains of pre cum on my tongue. "Fuck Doll, that feels good don't stop."
I began to deep throat him almost gaging because of his length, my eyes began to tear, I tried to maintain eye contact. Keegan's grip on my hair tightens his knuckles turning white. His hips jerk forward, pushing only deeper into my throat. "You're so fucking good at that, I cant last longer."  I press my plump lips together tightening the friction around his member. 
As he feels him getting close he pulls my head back away. "Not quite yet Doll," he growls his voice stained with the effort to hold back his orgasm. I started to laugh and ignored his attempts to last longer I moved my head faster. "Fuck you're going to make me cum." I moaned in agreement - my voice only sending vibrations down his dick.
Keegan grunts loudly. His entire body tensing up as he loses control and erupts deep inside my throat. His cock twitches repeatedly, sending wave after wave of hot cum down my throat, I swallow every sip of his cum and finally hold my tongue out showing him my empty mouth. Keegan stared down at me in shock, his eyes dark with lust and satisfaction. His muscular thigh trembles as he tries to hold his composure. He gently traces down my jawline. "Fuck you're mine Doll" - I was definitely not his. 
Keegan lifted me and threw me on the bed as he spread my legs wide, positioning himself between my legs - his cock already hardening again. He looks down at me with a predatory grin, then lowers himself onto my waiting sex and pushes inside me with one powerful trust making me scream in pleasure and pain at the same time. 
He begins thrusting into me, hard and fast. The bed cracks under our combined weight as he takes me roughly. His muscular arms flex with each stroke. 
"Keegan, it feels so good."
"Doll," he groans his voice hoarse with lust, "you're so fucking tight I can barely hold back." 
"Don't hold back, Keegan. Fuck me."
He grins. "You like it rough doll?" I nodded and with a swift move, he flips me over onto my stomach and pulls my ass up, with brutal precision and starts a relentless pace as he fucks me from behind.  His large hand gripped me tightly leaving marks on my body. "This is what you want isn't it?"
I start to clench around him, only getting more aroused at his words. "Oh you're so wet," he murmurs, moving one hand between my legs to stroke my neglected clit. The added sensation sends shockwaves of pleasure through my body causing me to arch my back and cry out his name.
"That's it, Doll, take it all." 
"I'm close - please, Keegan," I pleaded to him to finally release me.
"Cum for me Doll," he growls picking up the pace even more. His cock slams into me over and over again, each thrust sending a vibration through my core as he pinched my clit hard. I started to cry out of pleasure and finally came spasming around his dick - coating him with all my juices.  Keegan held me firm supporting my body weight as he let me ride out my orgasm while starting to kiss me all over my body and leaving marks everywhere. 
After my orgasm, he guided me on top of him and I started to ride him as his hands roam over my body, griping my hips tightly again. His eyes followed the movements of my breasts, his mouth watering at the sight. He pulled me forcefully tight onto his shaft brushing against my cervix so I would start to see stars, his hand now pressed against the familiar bulge inside my womb.
Keegan started to rub my overstimulated clit again as he finally chased after his release, with each thrust his hips slams powerful against me, he became slowly sloppy and uncontrolable begging me to finally release him.
I clenched tight around his dick, his eyes rolled back inside his skull. With a groan that echoes through the room, Keegan's hot seed erupts inside of me, filling me up completely. His cockhead twitches as he emptied himself inside of me- pushing his cum deeper into my hole.
"Fuck." He collapsed on top of me, our bodies still entwined, Keegan pressed his face into the crook of my neck inhaling my scent. "What the fuck was that, no women made me cum like that before."
"Well, I'm pretty skilled at these things."
"You're fucking amazing Doll." He slowly pulled his softening dick out of me watching his seeds drip down from my cunt into his mattress.
"As much as I like to see you coated in my cum, let me clean you up."
"Oh, what a gentleman."
"It's the least I can do after you gave me the best orgasm of my life." 
"Oh was it?"
"Don't lie to me it was fucking amazing for you too."
"A close third place Keegan." I grinned.
"Don't challenge me Doll." 
"Or what?"
"You will regret this."
"You like Price even tho I don't know why."
"And Price doesn't like me, so I can have all my fun while he has his with that other woman."
"His loss is my win."
He cuddled against me after he cleaned his seed from my thighs but as he fell asleep snoring the only thought in my brain was John. 
I'm screwed.
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me casually thinking about miguel o'hara discovering reader's notebook accidentally left on her desk filled with cutesy drawings of him (hearts and all) and personal entries of what they think of him
perhaps there's a playful confrontation?
hii!! omg this is so cute!! I did change a couple small things, hope that’s okay. thank you for requesting, hope you like it💌
Tumblr media
Miguel O’hara x fem!reader
wc || 1005
warnings || none, just fluff
part 2 -> doodles
Sometimes during meetings at HQ, you were so bored listening to Miguel drone on and on that you'd often draw as a way to kill time. You'd have your mini notepad hidden behind your arm as you doodled onto the page, drawing and sketching whatever was around you. More often than not, Miguel would be a victim of your boredom. You'd doodle angry sketches of him as he stood there talking to the other spiders, scolding them or telling them off for things they've done wrong.
So like any other day, you had your doodle pad on the table hidden behind your bent elbow, drawing little sketches of everyone. Finishing up on Hobie's drawing, you glance over to Peter B, noticing Mayday's cute expression as she mimicked Miguel. 
You quickly sketched her, drawing her hat with locks of curly hair and a toothy grin hidden behind, finishing it by adding little mini hearts around her. You turn to Miguel next to her and doodle a softer sketch of him than you typically would. A little drawing where he is subtly smiling into the fist of his hand as he watches Mayday, a moment where he looks somewhat happy. You scribble away with his sketch, pencil to paper as you capture the unfamiliar expression on his face. You finish the doodle by adding small notes beside his face, little thoughts and entries of your undeclared feelings towards him.
You excuse yourself to the restroom, placing your notepad on your chair, discreetly hiding it as you stand from your seat. You make your way over to the door, mouthing to Miguel, "pee break," with a smile as you walk passed the other spiders. 
Miguel wasn't oblivious to your doodles. He often pays attention to you when you don't even realise it, watching you scribble away in your notepad, clearly disengaged in the meetings as he speaks with you and the other spiders. If anyone, anyone acted as uninterested as you during conversations, he would've lost his temper, but not with you. When you did it, he found it sweet, endearing almost.
You thought you were being discreet with your doodles, believing that you've played Miguel, but like always, he was a few steps ahead. So, as soon as you leave the room, he stalks over to your chair, snatching the book and hiding it under his arm before excusing himself from the room.
He was pacing outside the seminar room, fingers tapping on the cover of your notebook as if he was battling with himself; either sneak a look and betray your trust or leave it be. He knew he couldn't ruin what he had with you, so he decided on the latter.
"What are you doing with that?" you ask, your eyes squint in focus as you walk towards him.
"What is it?" he asks, waving the book at you, his gaze following you as you get closer.
"Give it back,"
"You didn't answer my question," he wryly smiles, his head cocking to the side.
"You didn't answer mine," you say playfully, hiding a smirk.
He stifles a snicker, averting from your gaze. "Can I see?" he asks, his tone genuine as he nods to your pad.
"Why?" he grins, extending his arm so it was out of your reach.
"Oh, that's not fair," you jokingly frown, tugging his arm.
"Why can't you show me?"
"They're just crappy doodles," you shrug, partially lying. "Please- it's embarrassing, give it back," 
"Okay," he nods, lowering his arm, raising it again as if to play you. "Why can't I see? Am I in there?" smirking.
Your eyes bug, and you feel the heat rush to your hands, feeling nothing but embarrassment under his attention. He must've sensed your unease because he hands you the book with no objection, avoiding your gaze.
"Thanks," you sheepishly smile, hiding the book under your arm. "They're just sketches of Mayday and Pav and stuff," you say, trying to ease the slight tension. Even though you didn't want him to see, you still felt a little guilty about it. He was only showing his interest, that's all. He wasn't being mean or critical. He just seemed genuinely curious about your drawings.
"I'm sure they're good," he smiles small, nodding towards the door as if it was time to join the rest of the group again. "You don't have to show me. If they're private, I get it," he comforts, dropping the question as he extends a hand.
"You can't be mean about them," you say quietly, pulling out your notepad. "If I show you... you can't be mean about them,"
A smile slowly creeps on his face, his eyes softening at the idea. "Promise," he grins, ushering you to the nearby bench. "I wouldn't dream of it,"
You sit down, and Miguel joins you seconds later, sitting close to you, inches apart. You hand him your work and look away, feeling too embarrassed. 
He's quiet, far too quiet, and it's making you anxious. 
"I told you they're bad," you awkwardly laugh. 
He doesn't say anything. He just smiles, looking over your mini sketches. 
"What uh- what'd you think?" you ask, glancing between him and the page.
"You did these?" he questions, his eyes focused on the paper.  
"Yeah," you coyly smile, chuckling.
"They're amazing. This one- is it meant to be me?" he grins, looking up to find your gaze. He softly laughs, pointing to a sketch in the corner. "Why do I look so angry?" 
"That's how you always look, Miguel," you laugh, playfully nudging his side. 
"Is that why I have... squiggly lines coming from my head?" he grins earnestly, watching the smile widen on your face. "And the frown lines?"
"You were being mean that day," you justify, snickering.
"Oh, really? Huh?"
You were thankful he stopped flicking pages when he did, as there were drawings and notes a few pages over with some thoughts and feelings you weren't yet ready to share, notations of your personal feelings towards Miguel.
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percyluvr · 7 months
Hi, can you do a percy x reader? I would love for it to be angst where the reader feels like they aren’t good enough for percy so they never confess their feelings to percy and watches him get into a relationship with someone else.
percy jackson x reader summary: you don't think you will ever be good enough for percy, so you watch him slowly fall in love with another girl that isn't you wc: 1549 pt 2
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You'd never been confident in yourself, but you could usually find something, anything, about yourself that you liked that you could grasp onto that would get you through the day. You could always find something before, but not now. not after seeing the boy that you had been in love with since you first met talking with her. Your life wasn't fair. Yes, they'd been on quest after quest after quest together, but you were his best friend. Sure, you weren't as smart as her, and nowhere near as beautiful as her, but a small part of you thought that maybe, just maybe, there was a sliver of a chance that Percy could like you the same way that you liked him. Maybe you were just delusional, but you two were best friends, for god's sake, didn't that mean anything to him?
It wasn't fair, seeing him with her. They aren't even together and they're already looking at each other like nothing else in the world matters. He never looked at you like that, and you knew it. You knew the way he looked at you, like you were his little sister or something, and every time you thought about the distinction, your heart cracked just a little bit more. 
After the first time you saw the way they looked at each other, you could never see anything else when you saw them together. All you could focus on was their eyes, deeply and lovingly gazing at each other, blushing even when there was nothing suggestive about what the other person said. 
All you could do to stop yourself from breaking down into tears in front of everyone at camp was to think about the fact that they weren't dating yet. They weren't dating, so you still had a chance, but deep down, you knew, you knew that there was no way in hell you had a chance when he looked at her like she personally put each little star into the sky. There was no chance for you to get what you wanted, not when she looked at him like he made the sun shine every morning.
They deserve each other, you know it, but you can't help but be bitter. you knew him first, you knew him before anyone at camp. He was your friend when your mother died and you were on the streets. He was the one who told his mother about his new friend who lived on the streets. He was the one that gave you a place to stay for your entire childhood and teenage years. you should appreciate that, and you do, but you can't help but hate him when you see them together. You can't help yourself feeling bitter, not when she stole him from you.
Nothing in your life was fair. You couldn't even get the boy that you had been pining over for years. you, your siblings, your friends, everybody knew that there was no chance for you, but that didn't stop you from trying, and failing, over and over again.
You woke up, and the first thing on your mind was Percy. He was always the first thought in your mind, and you bet that he wasn't the first thought on her mind when she woke up. You were the one who thought of him every second of the day, so why did he like her? You knew that in reality, you had nothing special to offer, but she did, and that was probably why he liked her, but you couldn't stop yourself from thinking how much you hated it. Why couldn't you be special? Why was fate such a cruel thing? Why did you have to be plain-looking, average at everything? Why did you have to be the person that everyone overlooked? Why couldn't you have just one quality that stood out, that made someone say, "Hey that's unique, I want to get to know them!"
You tried to be special, you tried to find your 'special skill,' you tried to find something about yourself that you could work on that would stand out to Percy, that would finally make him say, "Wow, I've been missing out with her," but you found nothing. You were never good enough for anyone in your life, and you thought that you were finally good enough for Percy, but you now realize that you aren't, and you never would be, not when you were being compared to her.
She was special, she was beautiful, she was smart, she was one of the chosen ones, she was perfect. You would never, not in a million years, even be a fraction as wonderful as her. You were reminded of this every day. 
You were reminded of how perfect she was every time that you saw how Percy's cheeks had a pink hue dusting them every time she was in view. You were reminded of how perfect she was every time they sat together and looked into each other's eyes, adoration showing with no care who saw. You were reminded of how perfect she was every time they reached for something at the same time, fingers brushing, causing a blush to appear on both of their faces as they quickly retracted their hands, hoping that the other wouldn't see the raging hues of pink appearing on their cheeks.
You compare yourself to her every waking minute. You looked at your dull, frizzy hair and thought of how her hair shimmered in the sunlight. You looked at your rough, dull skin and thought about how her healthy, smooth skin only added to her beauty. You thought about her perfectly proportionate body every time you stepped in front of a mirror, every time you got dressed in the morning.
You wondered why life was so unfair, why you couldn't have this one thing. You'd not been blessed with anything special about you. You were plain in every way. Your skin didn't reflect the light, your hair didn't shimmer in the sunlight, and your body sure as hell didn't look even half as good as hers did in jeans and a t-shirt. Couldn't the gods just give you this one thing? All you wanted, all you ever asked for, was your best friend's love. 
And sure, he loved you as a friend, but that wasn't enough for you. You should've been grateful he even loved you as a friend, but you desperately wanted something in life that could set you apart from the rest. There was nothing about you that could possibly do that, but Percy was special. Percy was beautiful, in every single interpretation of the word. He was funny, he was strong, he was brave, and he always said the right thing, even if he didn't mean to. He was absolutely perfect, like one of the gods.
The more you thought about it, the more you realized that it was just natural that the two of you couldn't be together. He outshone you in every way possible. He was too perfect for you, and you could never deserve him, not in a million years. she, on the other hand, absolutely deserved him. She was regal, she always looked perfect, she always said the right thing, she was smart, maybe she wasn't that funny, but that didn't matter. She was wonderful, wonderful enough to deserve him and any other boy in the world that she wanted. You could never be like her, no one could, and that was why she deserved him. That was why she would get him in the end, and your pathetic, average, lame self would not.
You finally understood this, and that was why you wouldn't, no, couldn't try to get in the way of this. It was fate that they would get together, and who the hell were you to get in the way of fate? Exactly, you were no one. You were a pathetic loser who couldn't even stand up and be brave for the man they love. You wouldn't fight for him. you couldn't fight for him. but she would. She would fight for him, and even if you did attempt to win his love, you would never win. You would never win against her.
She was perfect for him, in every way that you could possibly think of. This conclusion was why you couldn't even bring yourself to be surprised when you finally saw them walking around camp, shyly holding each other's hands and happily chatting with each other. Percy raised the hand holding hers, almost as if to mock your pitiful self, and gave you a small wave. All you could do in response was slightly raise your hand and give him a small smile.
You knew, deep down, that this was right. this was the way things were supposed to be. You would never, not ever, deserve a boy like him. He was Percy Jackson, for god's sake, how could a loser like yourself ever even think that they could get with him? 
And that was it, you realized. He was Percy Jackson, and you were, well, yourself. The two of you were from two completely different worlds, and in both of those worlds, nobody like yourself could ever deserve a person like him.
a/n: you can probably tell, but this was honestly my first time writing something like this, but i really enjoyed it. it was the first time i didn't stop writing at all, like zero writer's block!!!! so thank you so much for this request, i really enjoyed writing it and i hope you love it or at least like it <3
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scekrex · 6 months
I’ve had this idea for a while and I like your writing so I figured Id ask you! If you don’t like it, please feel free to ignore!! Can we get Lucifer’s reaction to sinner!Adam being with someone who seems to genuinely love and care for him. I always kinda saw Lilith and Eve as people who wasn’t into the idea of being with Adam in a serious manner (Lilith a lot more than Eve) which is why they turned to Lucifer.
I just find the idea of Lucifer seeing someone genuinely care for Adam more than any of Adam’s past lovers really fun. Like, would he be low-key jealous? Would he be happy for Adam (as much as he definitely would not admit it)
I also would find it funny of what Lucifer would think to Adam dating a guy. The first man, progenitor of humanity, Mr. everyone came from these nuts himself, discovering he’s bi waaaay too late into his after-life, and after he becomes a SINNER no less! I can’t help but chuckle about it
Have a nice rest of your day!! ❤️❤️
Okay so this turned into some Adam x male!reader n Lucifer being jealous over reader. Basically one-sided adamsapple. Hope you enjoy, xoxo/p
Part 2
Maybe you can call me Eve, standing here under the forbidden tree
pairing: one-sided adamsapple/Adam x male!reader
warnings: language
note: not beta read bc fuck you I don't have beta readers
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It was a little weird, that the devil had to admit, it was a little weird to see Adam so happy, so relaxed, so lovingly. Ever since the former angel had arrived in hell after Alastor's little demon girl friend had ended him he had been even worse than before. He had constantly insulted the residents of the hotel, whenever there had been the possibility to pick a fight with Charlie, Adam had done exactly that.
And it made Lucifer feel strange.
Adam was laying on the couch, you were laying on top of him - chest to chest - his guitar was gently placed on your back as he played for you. Has Adam ever played for anyone but himself? Lucifer certainly didn't think so. Sure, he had played concerts in heaven, but he had mainly played for himself, for his own entertainment, so that people listened to him had just been a nice bonus. But actively played for someone? No.
And your curious, loving eyes were watching his every move, an adoring smile was on your lips and Lucifer's heart felt heavy at the view. The thought was small but it bloomed in him, the thought that this could have been him, that he could be the one laying on Adam's chest while the first man played for Lucifer instead of a random sinner. It wasn't fair, but Lucifer had already known that. Life - or afterlife - never played fair. Never.
“Dad?” Charlie's soft voice made him tear his eyes from the scene, her hand came up to rest on his shoulder. “Are you-” she interrupted herself as soon as she spotted you and Adam and a small sigh escaped her.
Adam played the last chord and then proudly looked down on you, a cocky smile on his lips as you placed a small kiss on his stubbled chin. One of your hands moved to ruffle through his hair and Lucifer suddenly remembered Eden, back when it had been just Adam. Just him and Adam. Those times were long gone though, and the devil knew it, he knew that what they had back then would never return, especially now that Adam had you.
He was thankful that Adam had finally found someone, that he wasn't feeling as miserable anymore and that he actually seemed to try and redeem himself. And yet Lucifer couldn't bring himself to be happy for the first man, not when the person laying on his chest was you instead of him.
The fact that Adam was dating a guy didn't make it easier to deal with though. If you were a girl it would be different for Lucifer, that way he could trick his brain into believing that Adam was straight, that he had no chance anyway. But you weren't a girl and Adam wasn't straight. The possibility had been there, the possibility had been right in his damn hands back in Eden. The bond he and Adam had back then had been special, it had been a connection Lucifer had never felt again in that way. Yet Adam had always denied being queer once his soul arrived in heaven. The image of him kissing your forehead so softly however shed new light on it, Adam didn't deny being bi anymore, he had grown comfortable with it actually. The credit for that went to Angel Dust.
Why you? Why not him? That's a thought that constantly occupied Lucifer's mind. What did you have that he hadn't? The devil didn't know.
Charlie's hand squeezed his shoulder apologetic, she knew. Of course she knew, Lucifer had told her himself after all. He had told her about Eden, back when Adam had been the sweetest creation of God's, right after ducks, that was. A thing Adam had named. Adam had named most of the things, if Lucifer was being honest with himself, it had been his job after all. But when Adam had named ducks, Lucifer had been there, he had been with Adam when the first man had spotted a duck for the first time.
Oh how bittersweet that tasted now.
You looked over, spotting the devil and his daughter as you happily waved them over, Adam simply rolled his eyes in annoyance but remained quiet.
Lucifer tensed up, Charlie however led him over to the two of you.
Oh fuck him.
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luvermore · 5 days
I know a lot of people will villainize Mi-Suk and Hye-Suk but I just can't. These two women show us what different stages of motherhood can look like. We have Mi-Suk who is a family woman but not by choice. Her life would look much different if she had the ability to live as she wanted. Still, in the show we see she actually has more in her life than Hye-Suk does. She has two kids and a husband that adore her, they sit at the table and, even angry, eat. They apologize and make-up even when they still don't agree. She may have self esteem issues but it never stopped her from being able to love and support her family. To bring happiness to her kids and bonus son when they needed it. But that doesn't mean Mi-Suk is without fault. Her pride and embarrassment shoved a bridge between her and her daughter. So much so that said daughter had cancer and didn't tell anyone. Then much like many families, she let her son laze around and do basically nothing while chastising her daughter for it. She is exhausted and works everyday so she can't comprehend why Seok-Ryu needs a break. She has never gotten one. In fact, in her life, she has taken on more than taking on less.
Hye-Suk is a character that I can't bring my heart to dislike because I see so much of women in my own family in her. While it is no one else's fault that she and her husband got pregnant but their own, it doesn't make parenting easier. She deserved a career just as much as her husband and it wasn't fair that she was expected to stop while he kept going up the medical ladder. Then, when she ultimately chose herself, she was ostracized for it. Her marriage fell apart and her son turned away from her; both secretly praying one day she would choose them. But instead of seeing that, due to her own guilt, she saw it as their dislike of her because the truth was; she could have took some time off. She didn't have to take every job. But she did, and yes how she treated Choi Seung was wrong. But I just think if society was kinder to women, she wouldn't have had to choose.
Logically, if she did choose to stay, would that have been better? We know she was restless just sitting at home, she couldn't be, "Just Choi Seung's Mom", and that statement is so important. Mother's should be able to be people outside of being mom's. But so often they jump head first into parenting that they forget they are more than that.
Society tells us men can have it all in family and career but we as women have historically been told otherwise. When a child cries we call their mothers, when kids misbehave we call their mothers, when kids are born and someone needs to stay home, we look to mothers. All in all, these two women aren't just toxic mothers. They didn't wake up one day and decide to drive their kids crazy. They are people with issues and that is okay and it's okay for their kids to forgive them. It doesn't always have to be so black and white. You can love someone and support them, while also admitting they are flawed and need to do better.
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 2 months
Something that I couldn't put into words but now I can about the Chaggie conflict in "Rosie" and one other reason it hurt: Charlie questioning Vaggie's loyalty. Yes, I know it wasn't because of Vaggie's origin but because of the lie itself but still hurts and clearly hurt Vaggie - she has been nothing but loyal and honest in Charlie's dream and has only ever done 1 lie in all of that. And when it's revealed, Charlie is now questioning everything - Again, I understand but it still hurts. And I know this might be redundant, I WANT this moment to come back again in S2. I don't know how but I want Vaggie to admit how angry/hurt it made her that Charlie questioned the loyalty she has given without asking for anything. What do you think?
i don't think Vaggie was even slightly angry with Charlie until her girlfriend made a magically binding pact with an unrepentant serial killer the second Vaggie wasn't looking XD
......we're asking a bit much by expecting the woman who hates and judges herself over her own mass murderer past... to then be upset that her girlfriend was also hurt and angry about that and reacted badly to randomly having all that dropped out of the clear blue sky in the middle of an already terrible day...
so in that ep got the vibe Vaggie spent the entire time feeling sick and guilty over the whole thing tbh. As usual
(and her feeling very very not good about seeing Alastor getting all creepy mentor with a Charlie who just got a wedge driven between her and her main emotional support- im 100% sure Vaggie's "Charlie can we talk-?" following Alastor's "good girl" thing was her wanting to know EXACTLY what deal her gf just made with Alastor and what the hell she was thinking and charlie are you sure Vaggie can't just stab him a little as a warning-)
But Vaggie, she's also not really uh. Not got a good track record of wanting or letting Charlie know about her feeling bad about stuff, emotions wise. Even when Charlie is right next to her reaching out. That's not her thing???
ah what the hell tangent time
like one big reason Vaggie DIDN'T fess up her past to Charlie was her being scared Charlie would be hurt by it and actually hate her for having done that, because Vaggie is being hurt by her past and hates herself for having it (re: every time she's called angels like herself deranged), so even though the blackmail against her made NO real sense and Adam's threat was just him not understanding that someone (charlie) could ACTUALLY believe in redemption for LITERALLY anyone (she does), it still pinged Vaggie's fear right in the heart, making the stuff like how Charlie is letting a known serial killer live in the hotel and help out with her and Vaggie's dream go RIGHT out the window-
(to be fair from Vaggie's pov there's probably a BIG difference between ending someone's mortal life on Earth (a la normal sinner seral killers) and presumably destroying their entire soul forever (re: exorcists) so like, that's kinda fair, but it still doesn't include how Charlie is WILLING TO WORK WITH AND THINK THE BEST OF HEAVEN AND THE EXORCISTS ANYWAY which is WHY she thought going to heaven to talk with them could work in the first place)
(to be extra fair it doesn't MATTER how much Vaggie trusts Charlie bc Vaggie had body parts ripped off and her eye permanently gouged out and was abandoned in hell by someone ELSE she use to trust once and THAT means really trusting people not to hate or abandon her is gonna take her putting some more blame on Adam and Lute and co and less on herself, because as long as she focuses on what SHE did (murderer) to make all this happen TO herself (filth like you doesn't deserve-) she's never gonna fully get that what happened to her was a choice shit people made (let's exterminate ppl for fun! let's rip off our comrade's wings and eye without hesitation!!!), one they didn't have to make, one she didn't make for them- meaning non-shit people like Charlie probably won't do that to her, actually, bc people like Charlie will care about Vaggie as a person outside of her being useful or being exactly what is wanted. Like how Charlie was more worried about Vaggie at the end of ep 3 than anything else and wouldn't let Vaggie blame herself and was fine with things being hard as long as she and Vaggie could face them together. Like how Charlie was calmed in the More Than Anything reprise not by Vaggie promising to fix everything but by Vaggie saying Charlie is important and wonderful to HER)
if anything Vaggie might be upset if she found out Charlie had less of a problem with the Exorcist thing than with the lying thing
If you (Vaggie) think you still need to EARN redemption, then having someone say your sins don't bother them so much can ironically make you panic and either think they're lying to you OR it can make you worry you've downplayed what you've done and are somehow tricking the person you love into believing you're a better person than you actually are and therefor might be taking advantage of them, which of course you don't want to do because you love them, which is a pretty big contradiction you probably won't notice is there
Sooooo i could see Vaggie spiraling into something like THAT but,
her be angry at Charlie for being upset over the thing Vaggie hates about herself? the mental health levels aren't good enough for that one yet XD
basically both Vaggie and Charlie got to live through the very fun experience of being trapped in your own head and trauma
anyway, the fact that Charlie didn't ask or want or LET Vaggie do an apology for any of that at the hotel gates says more than enough for me, for both of them. Just like with Vaggie putting her own fear and self-loathing onto Charlie, most of Charlie's pain in that ep didn't come from Vaggie's past or Vaggie's lie.
I've said Charlie's bad at figuring out what she's feeling and ep 7 is where it really bit her in the ass- she got hit with an identity crisis (turns out the one person who always believes in her didn't trust her enough to tell her this) (this on top of the epic fail of their shared dream to save sinners from extermination and the looming destruction of the hotel that represents that dream) and trauma trigger (what if Vaggie lied about all of that too, what if she never really loved or had faith in Charlie, what if Charlie is going to be alone again) without understanding that's what was going on or that it was something coming from herself as much as from Vaggie.
Being away from Vaggie didn't reduce Charlie's stress during that ep, it made it worse, until Rosie had to yoink her in for an emergency counseling session. Before that Charlie vents about how she told Vaggie everything and shared everything with her (the exorcist thing gets a TINY throwaway mention it is NOT the focus here) and when you add the lie revelation to how Vaggie asked to be alone on the roof in ep 3 instead of letting Charlie be there for her, it stops being about ONE lie TO Charlie, and turns into YEARS of lies ABOUT Charlie's place in Vaggie's life.
Which was terrifying and painful and... went away the MOMENT Charlie realized Vaggie did actual love her and believe in her, and was not actually going to leave her.
If actions mean more than words then their reunion at the hotel gates is them both saying the only thing either of them want to hear- I missed you, i love you, i want to be with you. Here's this horrible souvenir i picked up for your while we were on opposite sides of town and thanks babe im gonna fling myself into your open arms about it.
Vaggie hates herself too much to feel like Charlie owes her an apology for being hurt and angry at the Exorcist lie. It was a pretty big thing to keep hidden
i mean murder aside, Charlie had no idea Vaggie's opinions and advice about heaven was from personal experience, she probably assumed it was just normal sinner bias against the people who kill sinners and not, you know, Vaggie secretly dissing on how terrible her former boss and co-workers used to be. Maybe Charlie would've approached the talking to heaven differently if she'd known. Maybe she would've tried strangling Lute's hologram in ep 1. we will sadly never know
we DO know that Vaggie ran to hug Charlie right after the secret was revealed, which means Vaggie was mainly worried about Charlie being hurt by it, which doesn't really leave a lot of room for Vaggie to be upset at Charlie when Charlie does turn out to be hurt by it
so Vaggie wanting an apology from Charlie? I see her more wanting a very, very, VERY long hug
but if Charlie ever tries giving an apology anyway (a la the balcony scene in ep 3), that might just freak Vaggie out and fuck her up with "oh no my gf doesn't understand how bad the things i've done are am i tricking her am i using her would she be better off without me" issues for the foreseeable future ^w^;
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doe-eyed-fool · 8 months
Fallen {Chapter Four}
Alastor x (fem)Reader
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I sat on the bed of my room, it was nicer than I expected it to be. Quite spacious too. My mind was still racing from what just happened. I spoke face to face with Lucifer himself. And what's worse? He's suspicious. He might not know I'm an angel, thanks to Alastor's help. But didn't make me feel any better that he suspects something. What would he do if he caught me?
I shutter, trying to shake the thought from my head. Alastor made it clear that demons would jump at the chance to get ahold of an angel. I didn't even want to think about what Lucifer would do. My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of my door opening. I look over to see Alastor standing in the doorway.
"Quite the day you've had." He says before stepping inside and shutting the door. I only nod. "You fell from heaven and got to meet the devil himself all in one day."
I grimace. "I uh, didn't expect him to look like that." I muttered. "Expecting a red demon with horns and a pitch fork?" Alastor raises an eyebrow with a smug grin. I shrug. "I guess?"
Alastor chuckled at my words, he walked over to a near by window and looked out of it. "I'd be lying if I said I didn't expect that either when I ended up here." I look over at him. As much as he has already explained to me, I was still confused to as to just what exactly he is. Who he is. I choose my next words carefully as I ask.
"How does one become a overlord?" I asked. Alastor's grin widened at my question. "Why, earning it of course! You don't become as feared as I am over night. Though, I will admit I earned my position rather quickly. Maybe a month or two at the most." Alastor went on.
"There are plenty more like me out there. I tend to keep my distance from them however. We do not share the same ideals, so I see no point in trying to "get along" with any of them. Especially that damn flatscreen faced fool."
Alastor's expression soured slightly at the mention of the "flatscreen faced fool". Such an odd nickname for someone. I couldn't help but wonder just who he was talking about.
"So, you're all pretty strong? From what you said, a lot of people here are afraid of you." Alastor nods. "Strong is an understatement my dear. But yes, we are." I then thought back to Lucifer. "But not stronger than Lucifer?"
Alastor's eyebrow twitched. "Unfortunately." I had thought as much. Though, I didn't speak much more on the subject, clearly Alastor wasn't too happy about it. "And you, an overlord, work at a hotel? Why would you do that?"
"Sheer boredom." Alastor says with a shrug. "I've reached a low point believe it or not. Things are starting to repeat. So, why not join in on the princess' little project? Sinners given the chance to be redeemed? Ha! Now that's entertaining!"
I didn't much like the way he laughed off Charlie's idea. She had a good heart, and wanted to see the best in others. She didn't want them to be in this place forever. It was nice, and she wasn't hurting anyone. If she could pull it off, than good on her.
"About Charlie. Has she always been like this? So...nice?" I asked. "I have only known her for a week. But I assume so. She's one of the more polite demons I've met, given who her father is." He chuckles. "And her idea, this belief that sinners can be redeemed. It's adorable."
I furrow my brows. "At least she's trying to care about the people down here." Alastor raised an eyebrow at my words. "So what if it's unheard of? Or if it's even possible at that? She believes in a good cause, and she just wants everyone to have a fair shot at being the best version of themselves they can be. Sure, some if not most of the people down here actually deserve to be here. But those who have done small sins, theft, substance abuse, things like that. Maybe they could make a turn around and be better people. We don't know these people's stories. Charlie's idea, this hotel, is what they might need."
"An angel indeed." Alastor smirks. "So naive, so innocent." I huff and look away from him. "Well forgive me for being considerate for others. I was kinda taught to do so my whole life." I cross my arms, a slight pout on my face. "Yes, about that." Alastor hums. "You seem pretty young my dear. How old are you?" I glance at him.
"I'm twenty five" I answer him with uncertainty. "So young, and already off in heaven? What happened?" My irritation slowly turned into sadness, I look away from him once again, my shoulders slumping slightly.
Alastor spoke after I refused to answer, this time his voice laced with a bit of sincerity. "I see it's a sore subject for you. Never mind it." He says softly. I only nod before more silence fell between us both. "If you truly believe in the princess' cause, why not help her out?"
"But she believes I'm already a sinner in need of rehabilitation. How could I work here?" I asked him. "Easily. Just ask. And showing some interest in helping your fellow sinner wouldn't hurt either." Alastor explains. "It could prove to help you in the long run. Maybe the big man upstairs will see your effort and grant your reentrance into heaven."
I perked up at the idea. Maybe that could work after all. If I can prove that even in hell I can be good and show kindness and love to others, maybe god will accept me again. "Perhaps that could work." I tell him. "Do you think Charlie would let me apply for a position?"
"She could use all the help she can get. I'm sure she wouldn't turn you away." Alastor assures me. "And, how can I be sure that her father won't show up again?" I ask, he only shrugs.
"You can't. Lucifer shows no interest in this hotel or it's ideals, so I doubt he'd be here often. However, I can not guarantee he will never be here. I understand your worry, but there is no need to fret. I have it under control. As long as you have this..." He carefully lifts my necklace by the gemstone. "Then you will be hidden from him, and everyone else in this god forsaken cesspool." He lets go of the necklace, I look down at it.
"The second it comes off, your disguise disappears. And your true form will be revealed." I place my hand over it. "I'll be sure to take great care of it." I promise him. Alastor grins. "I'll hold you to it." He walks back to the door. "I must be off now, I trust you'll stay here in the hotel until I return?" I nod. "Very good." He says before leaving my room.
I sigh before standing from my bed and walking towards the small bathroom in my room. I look into the mirror and stare at my reflection. I still couldn't get over my new look, I'd never thought I'd ever look like this. Like a demon.
Though, it was for the best. As long as I looked like this, I'll be safe. I place my hand on the necklace, my mind then went to Alastor and the deal I made with him. He said he would help me get back into heaven, and all I had to do was amuse him. I furrow my brow at the idea. Just how exactly was I suppose to do that?
I'm not exactly a comedian. Unless, his idea of amusement was some form of comedy at my own expense. I grumble as I step out of my bathroom.
"I wouldn't be surprised if some bodily harm is involved." I mutter before leaving my room. I made way through the halls and down the staircase into the main lobby. I turn my head and see a small bar with that same winged cat demon manning it.
I look around, no one else seemed to be around. Maybe they were all busy? "Hey you." The demon's gruff voice caught my attention. "Ya gonna say something or are ya just gonna stand there lookin like a fucking idiot?"
I bite back a sour expression before walking over. "Sorry." I apologize. "You're Husk, right? Where is everyone?" I ask him. Husk looked up from a glass he was wiping. "Charlie's is up in her office, and I assume her girlfriend is with her. Nifty's off somewhere cleaning something. And I don't know where Angel is. Probably out sucking dick."
Again, I hide my distaste for his choice of words, and only nod. "And as for Alastor? Who the hell knows? I'm sure he's up to no good though. Anyways." Husk puts the glass away. "What will it be?" He asks, turning to the many bottles of liquor on the wall.
"Oh, uh, no I don't drink." I tell him. Husk turns back to me with a raised eyebrow. "You don't drink?" He asks, very confused. And perhaps a little suspicious. Oh, that probably wasn't the best thing I could have said.
Almost everyone in hell drinks, I assume. It would be more than odd if someone down here didn't drink, even if not just a little. "W-Well, I mean, I just say that because people usually don't make it the way I like." I lie.
"Well, you ain't had me make it. What is it, exactly?" Husks asks. Darn. "A whisky." I say uncertainly. Husk nods and begins to make it. "Anything specific added to it?" He asks. Gosh darn it. "...Vodka." Husk raises his brows before returning his expression to normal. "Bold, I'll give you that." He pours the drink before passing the glass to me.
I took a sniff before taking a small sip, failing to hold back my disgust. I set the glass down and just barely repressed a gag. I coughed a few times, blinking back a few tears, a slight shutter going throughout my body.
"Wow." Husk mutters. "You weren't lying when you said you don't drink." I sigh shakily. "Sorry. I didn't mean to make you pour that drink for nothing." Husk shrugs before taking the glass and downing it easily.
My shocked and admittedly impressed expression caused him to chuckle. "You get use to it after a while." He tells me before making another drink. Before I could refuse it, he put my worry to ease. "It's just sprite." I thank him before taking a much appreciated swig of the drink, grateful that the horrible taste of the whisky was quickly washed away.
"So, what do you do if you don't drink?" Husks asks me. I just shrug. "Other things." I hoped he wouldn't press further. Thankfully he didn't. "Whatcha here for?" Husk asks me, I look up at him from my drink. "Pardon?" I tilt my head.
"You're here for rehabilitation right? What for?" Oh, I was no prepared to answer a question like that. Though, it might have been wise of me to think of something beforehand. Husk raised an eyebrow, I was taking to long to answer. "I stole." I finally managed to say. "I uh, robbed some people when I was alive."
"I see." Husk nod turning his attention away from me. "So. Heard Alastor's the one who showed you to this lovely hotel." Husk says casually. "Surprised that bastard would do something like that." I glance up at him.
"Why's that?" I asked. Husk gave me a look as if I should already know the answer. "He doesn't give a shit about this hotel. All he cares about is the suffering of others. Why the fuck would he care about advertising the hotel to others?" I didn't doubt that. He's been pretty obvious about his disinterest in the hotel. But it wasn't like I could tell him exactly why I was here.
"You two friends or something?" My mind raced as I tried to quickly think up of an answer.
I had a feeling that Alastor had no interest in considering me a friend. We weren't even acquaintances. We were simply just, helping each other out. If that's what you can call it. I went to open my mouth to answer but Husk beat me to it.
"Don't tell me you made a deal with him." His tone wavered on pity and annoyance. My heart skipped a beat, my body language seemed to have given me away as Husked sighed heavily. "Fuck, that's not good. You have no idea what you've gotten yourself into."
I already knew nothing good could come from it. But his words made my unease grow. It was like he had a first hand experience to Alastor's dealings. Suddenly the sound of Alastor's voice caused both of us to freeze.
"Husker my dear friend." I felt Alastor's presence from right behind me, though I didn't turn to acknowledge him. Husk's harden expression fell slightly. His brow twitched, ears flattening against his head a bit.
"I don't believe our business is any of your concern."
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teyamloving12 · 2 years
Quaritch going to interrogate his favorite captive and he stumbles upon her in heat. His new mission: mate and breed the na’vi female.
Heatful Experience
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Warning: NSFW content (MDNI), mention of heat cycles, praise kink, no protection, breeding kink, mentions of captivity, etc. Pairing: Miles Quaritch x Na'vi!Reader Synopsis: You were in heat and he was inquisitive. The hormones in your body said yes but your sanity said no because he was your sworn enemy.
If this war is anyone's fault, it was the sky people's fault. They took everything you had and if you didn't give it to them out of the will of your heart, then they would take it by force. You were held captive by General Ardmore to gain more information on the Na'vi ways and most importantly, the location of Jake Sully.
Why did you have to suffer for the sake of others? It was not fair at all. It's been months since Jake escaped to the reef. It was a strange day. Heat overcame your poor body. It was like an intense pressure building in your head and stomach. You felt weak. The heat cycles began once again. The last time your heat occurred you were at the Omatikaya with your soon to be mate who endured you are fine but now you are Eywa knows where with the people that took everything away from you.
The pressure in your stomach made you whiny. It was unbearable. You begged Eywa for mercy but your plea wasn't heard. You moved your loincloth to reveal your wet cunt. It was clenching around nothing if it mourned the touch and the pleasure your mate gave to you.
You reached your bulging and sensitive clit. You shrieked at the overwhelming sensation. Usually when you touched yourself, it never felt like this. The heat was different and you were alone. You had control before, now you just couldn't stop. Your juices splashed everywhere and ran down your fingers like flooding rivers. Your breasts felt sensitive. You grabbed your nipple hoping to relieve it. This only made the situation worse.
Little did you know, Eywa had it coming for you. Quaritch was on his way to interrogate you until he heard tour sweet moans from afar. He pulled his knife wondering if it was one of his men hurting you. He pulled on the door only to see you panting heavily with a pool of your sweet release around you. He smirked, pretending he saw nothing.
You were his favourite. You were just a healer taught to heal the strong, not to fight them. 
You immediately made yourself look half-decent but the pool of your juices was still beneath you. You looked at him with eyes full of lust with a hint of sadness. You tried to crawl away from him but he lifted you up and placed you down on the table in the cell. What was this man doing to you?
"Now tell me why you panting so hard, sugar?", he asked with the witty smirk of his. Your stomach became to fluster. No! You had to control yourself! You had a mate, this was wrong. You tried to calm yourself but your heat had other plans. His hand moved to your thigh, now your pussy was just getting wetter. "You in heat, baby?", he whispered in your ear. Your eyes widened. He flipped you over. You were resisting. He locked your hands with his. 
"Why are you pushing me away? You don't think I can feel your cunt soaking my pants?", he said before tucking your braid under your flushed ear. You were caught lusting after a man that wasn't your mate. A tear rolled down your face onto the table. "Get over it! Jake Sully will not come for you nor your mate!", he yelled still pinning you to the table. "Let me love You! I would never do that.", he continued. "Do what?", you asked. The venom in your tone made chills run down Miles' spine. 
"Leave You!", he exclaimed. "You shameless demon!", you spat in his face. He grabbed your braids forcing you to look back at his raging eyes. He kissed you hungrily, slipping his tongue down your throat. He let go of your hands. You flipped yourself making him slip in between your legs. You grabbed your face. You felt guilty. "No! I–we can't. I have a mate. It's against Eywas will!", you blurted out. He kissed you again and biting your tongue before he ripped off your top. 
"Fuck Eywa's will!", he started to kiss from your neck and licking down to your cunt. He smirked as he watched your cunt clench around nothing. He laid you down before placing your legs over his shoulders. He sank your long tongue into your cunt. You grabbed his shirt ripping in the process. He licked your clit. " N-not  there!", you screamed. " Ah! No~ you have to stop!", you begged him. " Too much~", you whined, your fingernails scratched his muscular back. "Please let me rest!", you asked once. "Rest, we've just started, sweetheart!", he stated. 
He unzipped his camo pants, resisting his boner. You were shocked, your mate was never compare. He was so veiny, it scared you. You unintenlicked your lips. Something inside of you snapped. You forced his length inside your mouth as you reached your hand to touch your heat. You couldn't believe your sworn enemy made you this way. Forcing your sanity to eventually break, this was the new you. 
He bent you over the table again, grabbing you by the scalp which made your hips throw themselves back. Impatient, you took his cock in your hands inserting it into your hole. You squealed. You were broken. Your mind was blank. You mouth released sweet moans. Music to the ears of your enemy.
"Such a good girl, taking my cock so well!", Miles praised. You grabbed his shoulders, kissing his pecs. You couldn't talk, just moans alone and Miles loved that. It proved you were his and not else's mate to claim. "Gonna fill you up real good so you don't leave me, you want that pretty thing?", he questioned, you didn't have a choice. Fuck Jake Sully. The only thing he wanted was you. He came inside you. Your womb was being filled to the brim. Your toes clenched as you release yourself on him. He pulled out leaving you on the table to recall what just happened. You heard the cell door shut. You whimpered on the table and balled your eyes out. Remembering your clan wouldn't want a woman bearing the child of the enemy nor would your mate ever look at you again.
Oh Eywa, why is it always you?
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sensei-venus · 1 year
@gemini-sensei , I might try doing something for this but-
Chubby!Reader who has been with the original group of students from cobra kai. She only ever defected to Miyag-Do after Kreese took over and then she went to Eragle-Fang. 
She's always been in the background, but so far back that not even the other background kids see or talk to her. It's almost like she's not there most of the times. For a long time she tries really hard to get some of any attention at that, but nothing worked. Nothing seemed to get her in the spot light, or even noticed for that matter.
So she just goes to class for her own benefit. Only to go home right afterward. She doesn't bother to stick around after practice, it's not like anyone wants to talk to her or hang out. No one makes a move to get to know her, they hardly even look in her direction most of the time. One of the only times she is noticed is when she's paired up with someone. Then right after they don't say a word to her.
Daniel is the only one who seems to care enough to notice her. He's the only one who tends to talk to her, asking about training, how she's doing, and how's school. More than Johnny ever has with the time she's been learning under him. She feels grateful that he at least takes a liking to her. One of the only reasons she keeps showing up.
But things change quickly one day and she snaps.
One day after a long hard trading session most of the students are talking. Everyone has changed out of their workout clothes before muddling around the dojo. Reader is checking out her bag just to make sure she hasn't forgotten anything important. While she is looking she over hears Miguel and Sam talking to the other students. They are all in tight circle having a conversation, Reader decides to walk over. She gets into hearing range to hear them saying how they should all meet up.
The other students get excited about the new idea.
“Can you just send the info to the group chat? So we can all know the time and place to show up?” solemn says. Everyone nods which has Reader stumped.
Group chat? What group chat?
Moments later the huge group starts to split up leaving Reader confused. She quickly tries to flag someone down before they can all leave.
“Hey so you have the group chat info-”
“Can you by chance send me the group chat-”
“Can you add me-”
Every single one of them seem to ignore her. Walking right past her, paying no mind to her or any of her questions. They just leave her standing there, hurt and clueless. Clearly, all of them were part of some dojo group chat. One where they shared group plans and hung out together. Maybe they even talked about things besides what went on at the dojo. What real friends did.
But now it was crystal clear to her, she wasn't their friend and they weren't hers either.
Her attempts at trying to be nice where useless. When she tried to talk to them during class or before, when she offered to help with school work, even when she tried her best to be a shoulder to cry on. None of it seemed to be enough for them to notice her. To care that she was trying to be apart of their friend group.
Even the slight crushes she developed on some of them.
There was no use in trying anymore.
This was the final straw.
That day she left the dojo with a heavy heart and a mind full of deep honest questions about what she needed to do. The dojo was no longer much of a comfort. Being there only made her feel like a outcast, out of place and cold. Why keep going if she could not build any relationships with her peers? While karate itself kept her busy and happy, the environment she was in did not. It only brought her down. 
Days passed and time ticked along with all of her thoughts about the dojo. Until one afternoon she decided on her final decision.
She folded up her gi and drove to the dojo.
She looked at Daniel’s face as he sadly took the crisp gi from her hands.
“I don't think I should be in an environment where I'm invisible to those around me. It's not fair to me or them. I'm sorry Sensei.” she bowed lowly to Daniel.
His lips draw down into a slight frown, brows knit as he watches the girl bow.
“I understand, not feeling as if your peers are behind you can be difficult. She shouldn't feel the pain of not fully knowing if they would stick behind you as you would them. I would hope that this is not the last time I see you. I can only hope you don't give up karate over this. You are a great student Reader.” his words priced her heart a little. Standing up she looked at him, her own eyes filled with sadness. She did her best to hold back the tears that slowly started to well in her eyes.
“I promise Sensei, I won't forget all the things you taught me. Maybe one day I can come back. Maybe then I will have a bit more confidence.” her voice cracks a little. With one final nod she turns around and walks away. She gives one last look around, knowing this might be the last time she ever sees the beautiful yard. Sighing she walks back to her car in silence, leaving the small lot without even a second glance.
When the next class comes around, no one notices anything missing. Everyone gets into their respective groups and stands ready for the days lesson.
“So we are going to pair up for today's lesson. So let's all get into pairs and start.” Johnny booms from the front of the group of teens. Quickly everyone starts to team up. Already knowing who they want to be paired with.
“Uhh sensei, I don't have a partner. I think everyone is paired up but me.” its Bert who speaks up.
“What so you mean you don't have a partner?” Johnny questions. They had never has a odd am out of students before. There has always been a even amount among the dojo.
Who wasn't there today? He looks around finding all the familiar faces he knows. He accounts for all of them which has him scratching his head.
“Shit that's my fault Johnny, I completely forgot to tell you. Reader quiet last class, I should have told you as soon as she came to me.”
There was a long pause between the two men. Even the teens stopped to listen in.
“Reader? Last Name? Do you seriously not remember your own student? Now that I'm thinking about it she was a part of your dojo before mine. I would have thought you would have noticed her missing.”
“Still blanking.”
Daniel doesn't even want to keep talking to the man. It's like talking to a brick wall with him.
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This idea started to die, but I like to think Poly! Hawk, Sam, Demetri, Robby and Miguel start to feel bad about not paying attention to Reader. They end up following her around school, trying to figure out what they can do to make her come back to the dojo.
But it quickly goes from just trying to get an old teammate to come back to “Oh no we might have started to develop a crush on the girl.”.
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aphroditelovesu · 2 years
❝ 🐉— lady l: I need it too, anon T-T so I made this little hc of her, it was short but I hope you, my dear readers, like it!! Forgive me for any mistakes. <3
❝tw: obsessive and possessive behavior, jealousy, overprotection, implied murder, unhealthy platonic relationship.
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Rhaenyra never really wanted to be a mother and she always made that clear whenever someone brought up the subject of marriage and children, however she knew it was inevitable but as long as she could postpone these events she would. She just didn't expect to get pregnant from what should have been just one night of lust between two people who now hate each other. But one good thing came out of that night and that was you. She lost something that night but gained something she was sure she could never lose.
Although she was apprehensive during the pregnancy, Rhaenyra decided not to interrupt it, even though she knew full well who her real father was. She never told anyone the truth and it was better that way. She didn't think she would really be happy with a child in her arms until you were born. And Rhaenyra could finally understand why they talked so much that she would never love anyone the way she would love her own child.
When your mother was finally able to hold you in her arms, Rhaenyra felt inexplicable things. Happiness, euphoria, love and maybe possessiveness. She grinned from ear to ear, not caring about your cries, she was much more focused on how she felt. She watched you with tears in her eyes, she really felt happy to have you. Something she was sure she wouldn't do, but she was and she wasn't going to let anything happen to her precious baby.
Rhaenyra wants to be the best mother possible for you, she has done everything you ask and more. She would do anything for her baby because she just wants to see you happy. It's a fact that she would kill and die for you if need be, Rhaenyra would defy even the Seven to protect you. It is her duty to take care of you, after all, she is your mother. Everyone knows how much she cares and loves you deeply and possessively but no one dares say a word about it because they don't want to take her fury.
She is a very proud mother of her baby and anything you do, no matter how small, Rhaenyra will be applauding you with fervor and a look full of pride. It's pretty obvious from everyone's eyes who her favorite child is, although she loves all her other children, you are the one she pays the most attention to and the one she dedicates the most to. You are the one she spoils the most, Rhaenyra is always gifting you, with no special occasion, she loves to dress you up too regardless of your gender, she wants to be there to take care of you always. Your mother will bathe you in jewels and silks, all the best for her baby.
Rhaenyra is extremely possessive of you, she gets jealous very easily if someone spends too much time with her baby. It's not hard to notice when she's jealous, her hateful expression towards whoever has your attention already says a lot for her. She wants your attention for her, your mother wants you to stay glued to her at all times, even though it's completely irrational, she doesn't care. She was the one who gave you life, so it's only fair that you always stay with her. Rhaenyra can and will be annoyed and irritated if anyone spends too much time with you, no matter who it is, she is possessive of her baby and always will be. You are hers, you were born from her and will always belong to your mother.
She is overprotective and combined to her temper and possessiveness can become overwhelming to deal with. Rhaenyra is very concerned about your safety at all times, but her heart rate increases when you ride your dragon. She knows it's natural, you're a Targaryen and it's in your blood, but she still doesn't like it. And if you get hurt badly? If you fall off your dragon? Or what if it hurts you? There are so many possibilities and danger that make her anxious all the time. If it were your mother's choice, you'd be glued to her side like a doll, but she knows you can't do that, so she tries her best to dissuade you from activities that could endanger your life. Rhaenyra knows she can't protect you forever, but as long as she lives, she's sure to do it.
Rhaenyra Targaryen tries to be a good mother as much as possible, and in a way, she is. She wants nothing but happiness for her baby, but she is selfish and she wants that happiness to come true only if she is by your side. You are her baby, the child she loves so much and defends tooth and nail from everyone, if she needed to jump in front of a dragon to save you she would do it without thinking twice but at the same time she will lock you in a tower for you to continue by her side. She goes from 80 to 180 really fast in her obsession with you, there are no qualms when her baby is involved. Rhaenyra does anything for you and all she wants in return is you by her side always, like a beloved child should be with it's mother. She wants only the best for you, and because of that, she feels that no man or woman is good enough for you and they will never be, in her eyes. You don't need anyone but her, right? You will always need her, she will make sure of that, just like she will always need you. After all, Rhaenyra is her mother and mothers should never be separated from their children.
''You are the most precious thing I have ever had in my entire existence and that's why I cannot let you go.''
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anzulvr · 22 days
୨୧ On Purpose Karma x (fem) reader || Chapter: 08 ୨୧
 PREV || 08 Klepto || NEXT
Last year, the strangest sequence of events altered [Name’s] life. It was a day like any other, beginning with countless possibilities. An inevitable build-up to the perfect moment, fate, which could have led to anything, led to him.
"Akio! It's good to see you, I'm on an assignment. Could you do me a favor and answer some questions?" [Name] greeted him with a smile.
Akio scoffed in reply he looked the [h/c]-haired girl up and down. "Spare me the trouble and tell me who reported me. My dad invests a ton of money into this school... so this conversation won't get you anywhere."
"I'm sorry, what?"
"Don't act clueless, it's annoying just cut to it." Akio yanked [Name’s] bag off her shoulder. "Unless you tell me who sent you, I won't be giving this back."
[Name] felt so out of the loop. Akio hadn't been apprehensive towards her before. "Gakushuu sent me. I only need to collect a student survey." He quickly backtracked in an attempt to cover up his self-incriminating tone "Of course he did... forget this, I don't need Asano getting mad at me for bothering his girlfriend."
"He's not my boyfriend and you don't have to be so hostile towards me, if you don't want to participate it's alright."
"Not your boyfriend?" Akio laughed as if it were the most ridiculous statement he'd heard come out of anyone's mouth. He blocked out anything else she'd said and honed in on that.
"The entire school knows the real reason you're in council."
She felt her heart sink. "Are you trying to insinuate something?"
[Name] shouldn't care, it's only a rumor. Still, it was hard not to when a good amount of the student body targeted her on how she didn't deserve her position. No one else in the Big Six had to take the backlash she did. It wasn't fair. Why did people assume the worst?
This was the first time someone had the guts to say it directly to her. She worked hard for her spot but her success was attributed to some guy going and "handing" it to her.
Just as she was about to wack Akio with the clipboard in her hand, Akio held his breath. A tall red-haired guy wearing a dress-code-violating uniform and a creepy smile was standing right behind him.
[Name] stared at the stranger's face a little longer, oh- that's the guy Asano constantly complains about!
He grabbed Akio's shoulder in an overly friendly manner. "Did you think you'd get away from me?" Karma's voice dripped with confidence, he was confrontational and clearly didn't run away from a fight. A weird guy, his tone was friendly; the same way you'd talk to an old friend. It was comforting in an uncomfortable way, his words didn't match his attitude at all.
The life drained from Akio's face, he went pale and rigid.
"I'm having trouble deciding what to do. I could beat your face in before I take the wallet back, or you can give me everything you have on you, clothes and all. You can keep the underwear."
"You can have it back! I swear I didn't take money out of it!"
"You're funny, I don't just want it back. Not after you made me run around the block ."
Akio dropped everything he had on the floor, Nagisas wallet, [Names] bag, his pants... Karma laughed at the sight of Akio running off like his life depended on it.
It was a cute laugh, a little maniacal considering the circumstances, but cute.
"This is like hitting the lottery... Nagisa had 10 bucks in that old thing- That blockhead carries hundreds!" He was excitedly talking to himself like a child opening an early Christmas gift.
"Karma! There you are! I finally caught up. Huh? Where'd Akio go? God, please don't tell me you actually killed him..."
Nagisa was holding his stomach for support, completely out of breath and a few minutes late. He must've gotten lost while Karma was chasing Akio.
"Even better, check this out!"
He tossed both wallets to Nagisa, Then Karma opened up [Names] bag and started rummaging through it.
[Name] spoke up softly, even though the belongings were hers she felt pretty out of place after watching the whole ordeal go down. She wasn't keen on being next.
"Hi um, that's my stuff."
Karma gave her a suspicious glance out of the corner of his eyes. "Are you trying to rip my steal?"
She shook her head no in rapid motion.
Nagisa gave a panicked expression, "Karma don't be rude! She's in our class, she always brings that bag."
Karma furrowed his eyebrows in response, "Really? I never noticed ya."
He tossed the bag back into [Names] arms, "Heads up." She dropped her clipboard when meaning to catch her bag.
"What's that stack of papers for?" Nagisa asked while picking the board back up.
"It's just a survey I'm having people fill in for the school."
Karma tapped his open palm with his balled-up fist, a lightbulb moment, "Now I remember you! You're the square's girlfriend!" A little late, but at least he had some sort of recollection of [Names] existence.
[Name] was visibly taken aback, he did not just say that.
"Seriously where did that rumor come from? Asano would put a bullet in his head before going out with me."
Nagisa gave an awkward chuckle, clearly, he was only being polite. "Sorry about Karma, we can answer the survey if you still need people."
"You'd do that for me? Thank you! I have like fifty more to collect."
"Anytime, it's no problem!"
It was a really sweet gesture until the mood got spoiled by the delinquent behind him who didn't share the same enthusiasm.
"Do I have to? There are plenty of other people to choose from."
While Nagisa started going through and checking boxes [Name] couldn't help but focus on Karma. In contrast to his perfect hair and face his uniform was completely wrong. He could get into trouble if a teacher notices then it'll become a bigger problem than it has to be.
[Name] took a step closer and began to fix his outfit the best she could. She straightened up his blazer and buttoned up his collared shirt.
He wasn't sure what to do with himself as she lectured him about cleaning up his look. He focused on her hands. "Your shirt's unbuttoned, the blazers on wrong and I have an extra tie in my locker so you can have mine if you want."
He smiled and gave her a weird look, "No thanks I'm not a big fan, ties are suffocating."
He'd gotten told off millions of times by the councilors and teachers over dress code but this was the first time a girl his age nagged him about it. What was her deal? "Sorry if I sound pushy, I'm only looking out for you."
Looking out for him, that's a first.
"Nah it's okay, your shoes are untied by the way."
She looked down to check completely forgetting they didn't have laces. "Hm? But they aren't."
He laughed again, this time not like a sadistic weirdo. "Made you look! Are you always that gullible?"
Back then, [Name] and Karma didn't know they'd eventually become the most important people to one another.
He's always there when she needs it, that's what sets him apart from anyone else. [Name] thinks this makes her over-reliant, and needy. She hopes he won't grow sick of her. In that way they're the perfect pair, behind his poker-faced facade Karma is worrying about the same thing, hopefully, she never gets sick of him.
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host-club-hq · 2 years
Indeed: ~This... is Our Ouran Fair~
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➼ pairing: kyoya ootori x reader
➼ summary: there's no easy way to say this... but you and tamaki seem to be leaving the host club for good. just like that, you're gone. that is, until a certain pair steps in and declares what they've been feeling all along...
➼ word count: 17.5k
➼ what to expect: "Not like this, y/n."
➼ warnings: heavy angst
➼ chapter navigation
➼ talk to my characters!
➼ thank you all for your support through this whole journey! there will be an announcement post after this at some point to express more thanks and announce some things :) please enjoy! i spent a long time thinking this chapter through
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As your chest aches with dread, your feet carry you one step at a time. Just an hour or so after Tamaki's heartbreaking announcement, as you all needed time to collect yourselves after such devastation. 
But now, like the absolutely horrible person you are, you're about to drop another devastation on someone else. At least, you hope he'll be devastated. Wait, that came out the wrong way. You mean... you hope he'll miss you. 
You had even contemplated leaving without telling anyone. Sweeping it all under the carpet and hoping they don't look underneath. You then decided that it would be cruel, regardless of how you felt about it. 
Kyoya insisted that you make an appearance at his estate to tell him your news as you were all so rudely interrupted by Tamaki's world-changing announcement. You truly insisted that it wasn't a big deal and that you should both just return home and let Tamaki's news sink in. 
But that wouldn't suffice, of course. Kyoya wants- no, needs to hear what you have to say to him. And... as much as you hate to admit it, even to yourself, you agree. He needs to. 
So here you are, where you've been standing motionless for at least seven minutes, standing at Kyoya's estate's front door. You're having an internal battle, your expressions matching your thoughts. 
Just as you and your mind are arguing, Kyoya's sister strides along past the front door, spotting you in the window that outlines the door and peers outside. Fuyumi stops in her tracks, tilting her head curiously. Then, without another thought, she pulls open the door and greets you. 
You nearly scream, instead settling for a quiet gasp when she appears before you suddenly. She smiles nonetheless, "y/n, what are you doing out here? Are you here for Kyoya?" She opens the door just a bit more to reveal her body. 
Are you? Are you here for Kyoya? Should you just turn around and leave, apologizing for the inconvenience and act like nothing's happened? Like nothing's wrong? You should. You should go; you should go right now-
"I think so."
Fuyumi's brows crease. She steps aside despite her confusion, "Come on inside; I believe he's expecting you." She nods toward the entry hall of their estate.  
You really wish he wasn't expecting you. With all of your heart, you want this to be a dream, and you're only here to spend time with Kyoya in the comfort of his own home. But, unfortunately, you bear the burden of news to share. And this is only the first step. 
It's like you've never been here before. The walls suddenly feel like they're towering above you, and you feel so tiny under the vast ceilings. It's like the first time you ever stepped foot inside his estate- the fateful year of middle school when you met him. 
Fuyumi watches you carefully, taking note of your tensed frame as you step inside, glancing back and forth anxiously. 
"I'll go get him. Can I get you anything while you wait?"
Her offer startles you. You shake your head, "No, thank you. I'm alright."
Fuyumi can practically see the gears working in your head. She knows you've got something terribly strenuous on your mind. Only time will tell what that is. Maybe that's why you're here to see her baby brother.
"I'll go find Kyoya." You want to stop her. You want to reach out; don't. Leave me time to sprint out the door and back to my car, maybe to drive it off a cliff somewhere. 
This is how you know you should not be allowed behind a wheel until this entire ordeal is over... maybe you'll call your driver after this. 
Fuyumi returns shortly; your nerves spike, "He's in his room. He'd like you to come to him if you wouldn't mind." 
No. He should come to retrieve you. You can't trust yourself even to make it to his room. What if you manage to slip past Fuyumi and leave?
"Sure thing." You nod, offering her a smile as you clutch onto the strap of your purse, brushing past her in the direction of Kyoya's room. 
You've made it. You've made it to his door. It's, like, half of the first step of your process, but it's half. That's more than nothing. You're congratulating yourself on the little things for now. You're hoping that'll make things easier in the long run. 
You knock thrice, inhaling deeply and exhaling in the same manner. Finally, you hear his voice beckoning you inside. 
You do as you're told, twisting the door open and peeking inside to find Kyoya working away on his laptop. He glances up as you enter, shutting it instantly. 
"How are you feeling?" He inquires genuinely. 
The concern in his tone makes your heart pulse. You sigh, "I could be better. What about you?"
"Likewise. But... we don't have to talk about that right now. Come, sit." He makes space for you on his pristinely white sofa. 
And you do, sitting cautiously on the opposite side of the sofa, placing your purse beside you and chewing your lip. 
"What're you doing all the way over there?" Kyoya chuckles, patting a seat much closer to him. 
Please, don't do that. Your actions betray your mind, gently scooting closer to him and an acceptable distance.
"What is it that you wanted to tell me? Looked like it'd been bothering you all day." 
Kyoya vaguely notices that he's doing most of the talking... something very unusual for your dynamic. Something must genuinely be bothering you. Whatever it is, he hopes you trust him enough to let him console you. 
"Right, um..." You might bite off your lip from how hard you’re chewing it. 
"I don't really know how to start this conversation." You admit, at last, exhaling heavily. 
Kyoya nods, "That's alright; take your time." He assures. Although, at your hesitation, doubt is starting to envelop the deepest corners of his own mind. What could it possibly be that's making this so difficult for you?
You nod to yourself, eyes cast to the nearly blinding white of his sofa. You can't bear to look him in the eye, "My father... when he came to the fair today..."
Just at that, Kyoya scowls. His gaze darkens. Has he done something more to you? Have you come here seeking refuge from him? He urges you to continue wordlessly. 
"He made it quite clear that he still doesn't approve of my relationships with all of you... especially ours." You still can't encourage yourself to bring your eyes up to his. 
"Okay..." That's not a surprise at all. Kyoya's known for a long time that your father disapproves of the shenanigans that go on in Music Room #3. Honestly, he himself disapproves of them sometimes. His own father disapproves of them as well. 
"So... he called me today." 
Kyoya nods, creasing his brow, "What did he say?" 
A beat of deafening silence passes the both of you by. Just the thought of saying it out loud brings tears to your eyes, and you frown. 
"y/n, you can tell me. Whatever it is, I'm sure that-"
"I'm moving." 
That's not what he expected you to say. In fact, that's worse than what he expected you to say. He expected you to tell him that your father disapproves of your relationship and sent you here to end it. But, you would both find a way around it to see each other. That's what he was expecting you to tell him. 
Kyoya knows the answer to his question deeply in his soul, "... where are you moving?"
You lament your answer, brow creasing as your face contorts with the effort of holding back a cry, "London." 
That's about as far away from Japan as possible, but Kyoya suspects that's on purpose. His expression darkens. 
Nothing but a whisper, "Soon… really soon."
Now you and his best friend have abandoned him. Just like that, you both got up and left without another thought about it. 
"Isn't there any way you could-?"
"No," You choke, "My father made it very clear that it's absolute."
Kyoya knows... oh, how he knows it's not your fault. Of course, it's not yours, but he can't help the frustration that bubbles up inside his chest, and it takes everything within him to keep from exploding. 
"Well, what about your debt to the club?" 
Your eyes finally manage to land on his face, blinking with bewilderment, "My... debt?" You exhale breathily. The word almost feels foreign. 
Holding back each and every emotion that dares enter his body, Kyoya nods, keeping a straight, unfazed expression, "You still haven't paid it back, you know." 
You furrow your brows, "What does that have to do with anything?" You straighten a bit. Blinking, you wipe at budding tears. 
You don't recognize Kyoya from the way he's avoiding your gaze. You don't detect the warm, soft personality that he truly has underneath all of those layers of a cold, icy exterior. Instead, you're only met with his side profile. 
"You can't repay your debt if you leave, and you know what happens if you break our agreement." Kyoya adjusts his glasses, causing the glare from the light above to hide his tired, miserable eyes. 
He's grasping at straws. He's grasping at you. Maybe, if he can hold on to a little bit of pride, a little bit of hope... you might stay. You'll hate him. Oh, God, you'll probably hate him for the rest of your lives... but despite that heartbreaking fact, you'll still be here. 
"What?" You're completely and utterly rendered baffled in disbelief. Tell me you don't mean it. 
"You heard me." 
You flinch at his words, placing a hand over your heart. You had honestly thought he'd forgotten entirely about that wretched debt you owed him. Clearly not. You feel small enough to be that middle schooler sitting in the very same position years ago. You remember the horrible nightmares that moment gave you for months. You have a sinking feeling that they'll start up again for the same reason. 
"So if I leave... you're going to hold up your end of the agreement...? You're going to go to the media?" You gasp, grasping at your purse beside you. You need to hear it one more time. You need to hear it come from his mouth and reach your ears. 
"Of course. That's what happens when you don't hold up your end of the deal, isn't it?" Kyoya crosses his legs firmly, folding his hands atop his knees. 
"Aren't... aren't we past that?" You shift away from him. You don't feel familiar in his presence; you don't feel comfortable. You don't feel... safe. 
This isn't someone you know. This isn't the man that kissed you in that abandoned church in Karuizawa. This isn't the man whose arms you've spent countless nights in, simply enjoying his presence. This isn't the man that swept you off your feet and had you falling head over heels for years.
This is... the little boy who initiated this debt in the first place.
You stand to your feet, jaw grown slack and agape, glaring down at Kyoya on the sofa. 
"You're really threatening me? After all we've been through?!" You sputter. 
Kyoya's eyes narrow, challenging you with a growing fury in his irises.
You're really leaving me? After all we've been through?
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“And, y/n, I hope you intend to place that order for that tea our guests have requested?”
“Of course. I always do as you command, don’t I, Mr. Ootori?”
“Well, my appreciation is immeasurable, good sir.”
“Not to worry, my lady, the pleasure is all mine.”
“Ah, I see even a proper lady like yourself can’t resist the Hitachiin brothers.”
“No! Not at all… they’re just so…" “… sculpted.”
“Because Mommy was keeping a secret from Daddy.”
“Whatever. Why does everyone insist on referring to us like we’re husband and wife?”
“It is amusing to watch them question themselves, isn’t it?”
“Indeed, it is.”
“I wouldn’t have hit him that hard,”
“Well, I’m here to ensure you don’t hit him at all.”
“I think it’s about time I learn how to swim, huh? That might be a good idea…”
“A good idea indeed, y/n.”
“I just… I didn’t know who I could tell.”
“I’m here to listen.”
“When will the teasing ever end?”
“Probably never. You’ll never get rid of me.”
“You sound like a common servant.”
“… Is that any way to talk to the person with the knife?”
“Even so… I have just the slightest feeling that everything will work out just fine.”
“Oh? And what makes you say that?”
“Do whatever you’d like; I don’t mind.”
“Ew, no. This Kyoya is far too chipper. We’ll talk when my Kyoya is back.”
“I miss her.”
“I know you do.”
“Come on, Kyoya. Please?”
“… there will be some conditions.”
“Not too far to stay away, hm?”
“Unfortunately not.” 
“You just kissed me.”
"I think I did."
“You go to all this trouble, acting like you’re a perfect twat when…” “When being a sweet guy is quite natural for you… it seems counterintuitive.”
“That’s a very intriguing notion in its own way…”
“Kyoya… would it be wrong to punch a child?” 
“Let’s not have any threats of child abuse on our hands.”
“Kyoya? B-but- the picture, you made me get rid of it, how did you-”
“I’ll explain that later, but right now, we have much more pressing matters to deal with.”
“You’re so full of yourself, you know?"
"It’s healthy to be a little full of yourself-“
"Hm, maybe these aren't applied correctly."
"Get your hands out of my mouth!"
"Here, hold this."
"A-are you just going to leave me with this?"
"You would?"
"Of course, it would be my pleasure."
"Just trust me."
"Alright, I trust you."
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If you were to wipe a stray tear now, you fear you'll look weak. You can't risk that now. 
"S-so, let me get this straight. I either have to stay and ruin my father's career in London or leave and ruin my father's career as a whole. How the hell does that work, Kyoya?! It's a catch-22 situation; I suffer either way! Why do you want me to suffer?" You point to yourself with a certain desperation, leaving Kyoya's chest aching incredibly painfully. 
Kyoya isn't sure he can handle the conflict within himself. He wants to pull you in with an insatiable hunger, kiss your trembling lips, and tell you that everything's going to be alright. That the both of you will find a way. 
But... his passion is turning to fury so fast that he can't tell it was any other emotion before. He's angry with you for leaving, but he knows full well that it's ultimately no fault of yours... which makes him all the more enraged at your father for doing this to you. 
But most of all, he's angry with himself. Angry with himself for never telling you everything he wanted to. Angry with himself for making you cry like you are now. He never wants to be the cause of this expression across your features. Disbelief, hurt, and hatred. 
Nonetheless, you know the expression, 'blinded by anger.' 
Kyoya stands to tower over you, fingers curled into his palms as fists, "Why do you care what happens to him, anyway? He's a bastard to you." 
You gasp indignantly, "Kyoya, he is my father! He's family! I know he's trying, I-I know he loves me... he just has a difficult time showing it." You're not only trying your hardest to convince Kyoya at this point but yourself as well. 
Kyoya can sympathize. Strong emotions are challenging to express or show, especially when they overwhelm each sense to the point that you feel as though you're simply going to burst. 
You cross your arms, your following statement going straight for the jugular, "Not like it's anything you'd understand."
It hits the target's bullseye, and Kyoya knows precisely what you mean. You've been so patient with him, and that word that makes everything just so different. It's too much different. It's not like you've said it yourself yet... but it's so painfully obvious how you would fall to your knees at his command. 
And it hits his limit. He squints his eyes shut tightly with the sudden urge to hurl himself over the edge of a bottomless pit and fall until the end of time. At least, that's how he feels. 
"You have until the end of the fair to decide your fate." 
Your features soften from absolute indignation to pure astonishment. Your throat constricts so tightly that you fear you might suffocate right here in his room. And part of you wants to... pass out and have absolutely no recollection of any of the events that have transpired today. 
"I... I thought we were past this. I thought you'd forgotten!" You can't help that your words come out as a desperate cry. 
Clearly, you were wrong. 
"I thought you'd changed." Barely a whisper. And what's worse, you'd even begun to believe that it was your doing that changed him. 
And you did. You changed him so intensely. But when fight or flight kicks in, many flight tactics include regression: returning to a previous state. 
And Kyoya's previous state is a cold, icy wall that protects his heart from the oncoming attacks that may or may not be approaching. 
"... I think we need to rethink this relationship, Kyoya."
One lonely bullet pierces through feet of thick ice and hits the softest spot within Kyoya's being. He wants to yell, scream, cry out in anguish, but he can't bring himself to do anything more than stand motionless, speechless. 
It can't be this easy... to sever such a strong bond formed by patience and trust... to merely break it with one weak moment of selfishness.
Your words even manage to soften his expression, making his chest heave as if there isn't enough oxygen in the room. 
Hold me tight, don't let me go. Hold me safely in your arms so that I don't have to face reality. 
"... maybe we should, then." 
You feel your heart shatter so abruptly that you must physically step away from him, staggering backward as you stare in disbelief at his side profile. 
Don't do this. Call me on my bluff, don't let me walk out that door and regret it for the rest of my life. 
Walking through the door and around the corner wouldn't have been so hard if you hadn't spotted the lone tear sliding down his cheek. 
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Fuyumi nearly stumbles as you storm past her, an absolute river cascading from your eyes as you throw open the front door and disappear. She doesn't even have a chance to call out to you. 
She blinks disorientedly, glancing between where you disappeared and the direction of her brother's room. Then, as quietly as she can, she tiptoes down the hall and to his door, left ajar after your quick exit. She senses no movement inside, but Kyoya is definitely still there. The lack of life inside makes her anxious. 
"Kyoya...?" She pushes his door open slowly, cautiously, and finds him seated on his sofa, unmoving. He's facing the window behind him, his arm propped on the back of the sofa and his legs elevated up on the seat. The light from outside merely outlines his silhouette, but Fuyumi can sense the tension that lingers. 
"What happened? Where did y/n go?" Fuyumi glances back where you disappeared and takes a few more steps into the room. 
A few more strides closer, she notices stray tears spilling from the corners of his eyes, but his expression remains emotionless. She nearly gasps. 
"We broke up."
"Oh." Fuyumi lowers her voice. 
He moves a hand from the sofa to rub over his mouth and chin as if he were thinking about something, considering something. He blinks; more tears. Fuyumi sits beside him, peering over his shoulder as his back is to her. 
"Do you want to talk about it?" She knows the answer. But, patiently, she awaits his response. 
"No." It's soft, almost inaudible. 
Fuyumi nods to herself, "Do you want a hug?" 
Kyoya places his feet flat on the floor, turning to look back at her with a wrecked expression, "Yes."
Fuyumi wastes no time pulling him in for a tender embrace, first removing his glasses and placing them haphazardly elsewhere. One arm around his back and the other at the nape of his neck. Kyoya tightly shuts his eyes, his arms desperately clinging around her torso as he buries his tear-stained face into the junction between her shoulder and neck. 
After a few silent moments, Kyoya inhales profoundly and exhales in quiet, trembling, breathy sobs. His body shakes, and his chest heaves. Tears spill over Fuyumi's neck and slide down her back, dampening her blouse, but she couldn't care in the slightest. 
Fuyumi hushes him like she would a child, stroking through his hair comfortingly as he clings to her. He might be larger than her in a physical sense, but she'll always be there to hold him when he feels so incredibly small that he might disappear. 
They stay like that until they lose track of time. Kyoya never speaks a word; remains silent. Fuyumi can feel every unspoken word in every tear. 
She'll hold him as long as he wants.
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Arriving home feels less dreadful than it usually does. You've let all of your tears stream during the drive home, your cheeks now slightly red and your nose tinted the same color. You shut your front door behind you, immediately greeted by your father. 
"y/n, there you are. Set the table for dinner; I have a friend joining us tonight." 
You nod indifferently, "Yes, sir." Then, you hang your purse to unpack later and stride straight for the kitchen. 
"I said now- oh." Your father blinks confusedly as you breeze past him without complaint or refusal. He assumed he was going to have to fight you on this.  
He watches quietly as you gather plates, setting them at one end of the extensive dining table, "Just one friend?" You inquire quietly, setting a place for them beside your father's plate. 
"Yes..." He responds absently, observing skeptically as you move out seamlessly. 
"Why are you so obedient all of a sudden?" He asks bluntly, narrowing his eyes to you. 
"Aren't I supposed to be?" You seem to have forgone the will to argue with your father day in and day out. Instead, you formally arrange the silverware and elegantly folded napkins at each place setting. 
"You are..." But you're not usually. 
You finish fairly quickly, folding your hands in front of you and peering up at your father, "Do you need me for anything else?" 
This is the most servant-like you've ever acted since he started treating you like one. He feels entirely uncomfortable asking his own daughter for anything all of a sudden. 
"No, that's all. Just be on time for dinner." 
You nod, "I'll be in my room then." Stepping past him, you aim to disappear around the corner when your father takes a sudden interest in your attitude. 
"Did something happen with Ootori?" He can't think of any other explanation for your behavior. It was Ootori that made you the way that you are, caused you to be so often upbeat, and seems to have been the reason that you fought him every step of the way. 
Your feet come together, and you remain still in the hallway, back turned to your father and unmoving as you allow his question to ring deafeningly loudly in your ears. 
Barely moving a muscle, "I am no longer with Kyoya." Your tone is, somehow, stable when you inform him of the events that have just recently transpired. 
Your father nods, quickly realizing that you're not facing him, "I see." He furrows his brow, confirming his suspicions. He should feel elated that you have separated, but why does it weigh on his heart and make his chest ache so?
"Will that be all?" You repeat, eyes darting to the left in hopes of catching a glimpse of him without turning your head. 
"Yes, go on then."
"Yes, sir." 
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Pulling the sleeves of your simple black dress down to your wrists on your way to the dining room, you catch wind of two voices. One is unmistakably your father's... the other belongs to woman that you do not recognize. 
You lift your head, mentally-prepared polite smile erased completely as you gawk at your father's aforementioned friend joining the two of you for dinner. 
If you were to analyze her character thematically from looks alone, you would peg her as a strict primary school teacher that all of the students pretended to adore but truthfully loathed entirely. While conventionally attractive and relatively young-looking, she looks as though she can tame a hoard of rowdy teenagers with one stern glance. 
Her sleek, starkly black locks of hair are tied neatly and tightly into a bun. The color of her hair matches her modestly flattering dress. It seems as though you have all dressed for attending a funeral- only you seem to think that the theme is appropriate. 
By the way your father kisses her knuckles, your stomach lurches. He isn't known to flatter any lady with such a gesture. 
Something is going on. Who is this woman?
As if reading your thoughts, "y/n, this is Ito, Sara. You may call her Ms. Ito." 
"Or mother, if you prefer." Her voice is teasing, but you wouldn't dare laugh. Your father does, though.
Your breath hitches. At the thought of calling a woman by a term you hold so dear, your blood practically boils underneath your skin. You even begin to feel quite flushed. 
Although it may be hard to believe, this is the first time that your father has brought home a lady friend with whom he seems to be... romantically involved. If he ever has been involved with anyone after your mother died at all, he's never brought them home before, at least not while you've been home. 
"Hm." Sara's eyes rake over your stiff figure, arms crossed. When she approaches you, you cringe as she reaches out and tilts your chin up to meet her eyes with her long, gaunt fingers with short, clean fingernails. Her gaze bores into your very soul. Your jaw clenches visibly, the muscles working painfully hard as your feel entirely disgusted by her touch. Your posture straightens, and you fold your arms behind your back, gaze narrowing back just as maliciously. 
"Aren't you a cute little thing? Well-groomed, too." She tilts her head, and you catch a glimpse of the eyeliner that compliments her dark irises. She blinks once, twice, and straightens. You notice the handbag looped over her arm as she adjusts it. 
"You're a second year in high school?" She muses, looking for an answer. 
"Yes, ma'am." 
"Which school are you going to attend in London?" 
It takes you longer than you would like to answer, letting go of a breath stuck in your throat at the painful reminder. 
"I'm not sure yet, Ms. Ito."
Sara is quick to notice that you have chosen not to refer to her as your mother. She nearly grins. You clearly have some sort of unresolved attachment to your late parent. 
"And you attended Ouran Academy?"
Your father seems to have mentioned quite a few things to her about you. Odd... 
"Yes." You nod curtly. You feel as though you're being interviewed for a prestigious employment position. 
"And you are involved with an Ootori family member? You know, that's quite a feat. I hear they're difficult."
A huff of air through your nose, a gentle shake of your head, "We have recently split. I'm no longer involved with Kyoya Ootori." 
Sara pouts with an exaggerated, jut lip, "Oh, well, that's too bad. Must have been quite recent; your father and I were discussing you two just the other day!" 
Now you realize her aim. Her eyes are set on you, dragon-shaped with an intent to aggravate and tease. 
"Today, in fact. We split today." If you play her game, you'll let her know that you're not one to submit easily. 
"Oh, wow, you must be feeling a little down. But, you know you don't have to sit through a meal with us. You're more than welcome to... take your leave." Sara cocks a brow with crossed arms. 
Your eyes narrow into slits, and you move to cross your arms as well, "I'll be perfectly fine, but thank you for your concern." 
Sara touches her chest and turns to your father, "My, Daisuke, you have quite a daughter." 
A pulse in your chest; it's been quite some time since you've heard anyone call your father by his first name, especially in this type of context. 
"Thank you, Sara. She's lovely, indeed."
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Kyoya's eyes peel open slowly and disorientedly. He winces at the burn that comes shortly after, blinking rapidly with furrowed brows. He turns his head, noticing that he's lying on his side on his sofa. He glances out the window; darkness has fallen. He must've fallen asleep for quite some time. The sting behind his eyelids is painfully reminiscent of tears previously shed. 
A quiet trill draws Kyoya's attention to something behind his legs. When he cranes his neck to peer over, Noel's head pops out of thin air, yawning and stretching her paws over his bent calf. He cracks a smile as she leaps over his leg now that he's awake and crawls to nuzzle against his chest. 
"You took a nap, too, huh? When did you get here?" Kyoya muses to no one but Noel, smoothing a hand over her head and down her back as she purrs contently. 
Noel isn't a particularly vocal creature, only purring loudly and letting out trills when she wants or needs something. She only truly makes noise in the morning when she has not been fed. So, in response, Noel leans up into Kyoya's hand as he strokes her. She falls to her side and shuts her eyes, legs splaying out and head tilting back with bliss as Kyoya scratches the specific spot on her chest that seems to be her favorite. 
"You're being sweet right now, aren't you? No urge to bite or scratch me?" More often than not, when Noel lies on her back, if Kyoya strokes her stomach for too long, she'll wrap both paws around his wrist and kick at the palm of his hand, sinking her teeth into his skin. He never takes it to heart, gently prying her off and settling for petting her head instead. 
Though Noel seems too tired to play right now, purring as Kyoya strokes along her stomach. When he stops, she wriggles and opens her eyes, silently imploring him to continue. 
"Did you find me sleeping here? You know something's wrong, huh?" Kyoya chuckles, lips tugging in a sad sort of smile when Noel stretches tiredly. Shortly after you'd given him Noel, Kyoya did his fair share of research into the mind of female cats and also determined her breed- it seems as though she is a black Bombay kitten, Kyoya deducted from the criteria he was provided with. He also fell into the rabbit hole of research about how most pets know when something is wrong or when you are sick. 
The notion of you erases the smile from his lips. He groans to himself, allowing his head to fall back onto the sofa with a thud. He slithers an arm around his face and lets out a trembling sigh, peeling his glasses from the bridge of his nose and tossing them haphazardly elsewhere. 
Noel's purring rises in volume when she nudges his arm with her face, insisting that he make room for her. She happily takes the place of his arm, licking her paws and cleaning behind her ears. 
"I think it's time for bed, my love. Come on." Kyoya hoists himself into a standing position, rubbing a hand over his eyes where his glasses should sit. He leaves them wherever they may be for now. He doesn't know the time; his body just knows that it would like to go to sleep now. Noel is quick to follow at his beckoning, nudging her body against his shin and nearly tripping him as he makes his way to his bathroom. 
"You're gonna kill me one day, you know that?" Kyoya mumbles, reaching to open his medicine cabinet. 
The first thing that catches his gaze is bright pink. The feminine products he stocked in the cabinet for you. And restocked. 
And there's your spare toothbrush, sitting in the cup with his own, the bristles protected by a hygienic cover because you couldn't stand the thought of your toothbrush even grazing his own, despite the fact that his lips have done more than grazed yours on multiple occasions. 
Instinctively, he opens a drawer near his hip: hair ties, a portable brush, and a travel-size vial of your signature scent. 
Another drawer: cleanser, cotton pads, makeup wipes. 
Gently, he shuts them both. Nothing inside is disturbed nor dwelt upon for too long. That is until he realizes he's failed to take down the polaroid of you taped to the bottom of his mirror. Without thinking, Kyoya plucks the picture off the mirror with ease, taking a closer, longing look at it. 
It was taken after a particularly long night at one of his family's formal parties. Of course, just like any other event, you were on his arm the entire evening, charming the guests without giving it a second thought. Although this party seemed to carry on a bit too long for either of your liking, so you retired to Kyoya's room while the party was still in full swing. 
In this particular photo, you're sitting on his sofa, one strap of your black, flattering dress hanging off your shoulder, and you're bent down to strip off a heel. You're looking at the camera with squinted eyes and a tired expression. 
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"No, no! Stop!" You pathetically whine, lunging for Kyoya as he lifts the drying polaroid out of your reach once again. 
"Be careful; it's still developing." Kyoya teasingly warns, easily shoving you away. Gently, of course. 
"Well, I don't want it to develop. Give it here!" You tiredly lunge once more, trying and failing miserably to gain possession of the photo. 
You groan, "I'm too tired to fight you." Finally, you allow your body to lay on his sofa, fully outstretched, with a sigh. 
"Good. It's going on my mirror." Kyoya tucks the photo in a secure spot. You wave him off lazily. 
"Yeah, yeah." Your eyes slip shut, almost moaning at the relief you feel to rest your body on the cushion below you. 
A shadow casts over your eyes. You peel one open tiredly, finding Kyoya hovering above you, arms caging you in with a cheeky grin spread across his lips. You crack one of your own. 
"What're you doing?" You snort less than gracefully, nose scrunching at his proximity. 
"Lying down on my couch." Kyoya lets his weight drop and buries his face beside you, his hair brushing your cheek as you gasp dramatically. 
"You're crushing me!" You weakly shove at his limp body. Kyoya hums contently, "This is very comfortable; I could definitely sleep right here on this couch." 
"This sofa will gobble you up if you don't get off it." You turn your head and nibble on Kyoya's earlobe for emphasis. 
"Ow! That was uncalled for." Kyoya lifts his upper body and cradles his poor, abused ear. 
A brief moment of silence. 
"I should have never given you that polaroid camera."
"That is your bad." 
"Mm, my bad." Your fingers rake through his neatly combed locks with an aura of comfort, mussing them up, but Kyoya couldn't care in the slightest as he rests his head near your collarbone, just on your chest. As he adjusts his position, his glasses slightly dig into your skin, and just as he's about to take them off-
"Oh, let me get those." You take the arm of his glasses and slide them from his temples and the bridge of his nose. A shiver runs down his spine as he glances up at his glasses that you set on the table. He lets his head rest without restraint and sighs heavily. 
This is a type of comfort that Kyoya never realized he could find in another human being. He closes his eyes and breathes in through his nose and out through his mouth. 
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That comfort has been cruelly torn away from him by the hand of his own selfish actions. 
A heavy sigh, a pang in his chest, Kyoya lets the picture gently fall into an open drawer with your belongings and shuts it tightly. 
A dreamless sleep is what Kyoya wishes he fell into when his head hit his pillow. Not a night filled with images of you flitting to and fro across his eyelids. 
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~School fair day 2 -- main fair~
After a dreadful night's sleep for each member of the Host Club, the central salon is buzzing with activity as the Club is open for business to the general public for the second day in a row, despite how they might feel. 
As composed and neatly put together as ever, Kyoya sets down a teacup before Lady Éclair with a smile, "Welcome, Miss."
"I know you. You're one of the Ootori family's sons, aren't you? Unfortunately, you're the third son, so you can never be the family's successor." Éclair peers at Kyoya's stiff appearance through her theater binoculars. An outrightly unpleasant thing to say, but Kyoya expects nothing less from an unpleasant woman. 
Deflecting her comment, "What can I do for you today, mademoiselle?"
A brief moment of silence passes before Éclair lowers her binoculars and tilts her head, "You can tell me how much Haruhi Fujioka is still in debt with the Host Club." 
Not even Kyoya can hide the fact that the irrelevant and strange inquiry catches him off guard. 
"Haruhi." At the beckon of her name, Haruhi turns Kyoya's way. 
"Someone to see you." And as Kyoya strides away to busy himself elsewhere, Haruhi finds herself wondering what exactly is running through his mind. It's clear as day, well, to Haruhi, that something seems to be amiss, other than the devastating news that the entire club had received just yesterday evening. 
Despite fighting with yourself, you've managed to show up to the last day of the Ouran Fair and make yourself useful. You had seriously considered not making an appearance and leaving Japan without a second thought. But, you thought it would be unfair to the rest of the Hosts, seeing as your job keeps their time free to busy themselves with guests rather than your work. 
Of course, you thought about how your interactions with Kyoya would go today. You simply plan to avoid him altogether. As petty as that may sound, you genuinely believe that it is the best solution at the moment. 
You mindlessly push your cart slotted with two trays of sweets and beverages for any guest who happens to stumble upon you and ask for either. 
"I wonder what happened to Tama-chan." Honey whines dejectedly as the Hosts have gathered into a small huddle. 
"I'm getting worried; something's up with him after what he said yesterday." Hikaru declares, hand propped on his hip with a scowl. 
You stop so abruptly that you nearly lurch over the handle of your cart.
"As of today, Lady Éclair Tonnerre and I are officially engaged. Furthermore, the Host Club will be permanently dissolved after the Ouran Fair."
It seems that the unpleasant memory has resurfaced for each host at Hikaru's words. 
Two claps and an encouraging voice, "Alright, gentlemen, no more idle chatter. Our guests are waiting for us." 
"Senpai, it's like you don't even care," Kaoru whines adamantly. 
Little do they know, Kyoya has become quite adept in using distractions to conceal underlying emotions- no matter how strong they may be. Years of training are to thank for that. 
"It's our job to take care of our guests to the best of our abilities." Kyoya adjusts his glasses with his pointer finger, "Remember, they're looking to all of us to entertain them. Their happiness is of the utmost importance."
The twins grumble, refusing to meet Kyoya's eyes. Then, honey takes action of his own, "He's right, Kao-chan!" He lunges into Kaoru's back and effectively pushes him away from the huddle. 
"Honey-Senpai, what're you doing?!" 
Mori wraps a crushing arm around Hikaru and drags him in the same direction, "C'mon, Hikaru." He orders in a gruff voice. 
"Let go, Mori-Senpai!" Hikaru strangles. 
As Kyoya turns, he merely catches your back as you lean forward and use your weight to kick-start the wheels of your cart, trodding off in a different direction. 
Kyoya feels the weight of the burden he bears. The weight of knowing such information that he is certain would devastate his friends if they knew. But none would feel the pain that he feels. None would feel the sense of longing and regret that his body contains. It wouldn't be possible, he believes. Yet, Kyoya knows something they don't, and it makes him feel as though he's hurting them all. 
He wonders if they can tell. He wonders if they can sense your despair as strongly as he can as it hangs in the air like something tangible. He wonders if they can see easily through his facade and are sparing his feelings. 
~This... Is our Ouran Fair~
As you slide a fresh teacup and saucer onto a guest's table, the sound of prominent footfalls catches your attention and you glance toward the offending noise. 
With his back turned, Kyoya's father and a colleague pass him by. Kyoya's eyes slide to the right to catch as much visibility of his father as he can. However, while the colleague bows to Kyoya, his father does not imitate the gesture. Rather, he stops just short of passing his son. 
"When they're young, many assume they have all the time in the world but really that is never the case. Don't waste your time with something that will ultimately have no value."
Shoving your cart out of your way, you huff angrily and audibly. Close enough to the pair to merely step across the aisle to reach them; you call out before your mind can catch up with your running mouth. 
Just because you split with Kyoya doesn't mean that you're heartless. 
"You don't get to decide what has value to someone else."
Yoshio stops once more in a similar fashion to moments earlier. He does not face you, but you know that he is listening. 
"You may be powerful, but you don't control human beings. Not even your own son." Your voice is filled with frustration built up over the past several hours as your body nearly trembles with rage. Nonetheless, you keep yourself in check. 
"And if entertaining others gives him and others fulfillment, what does that matter? Have you even thought of that? How could you possibly decide for someone you know next to nothing about?"
Craning his neck without turning his body, Kyoya's wide-set eyes land on your tense, indignant posture. 
"It doesn't matter what you say; I think your son has the potential to bend anyone to his will. But he doesn't want to. That's what sets you and him apart. That's what makes him better." 
As Yoshio and his colleague begin their path once more, Yoshio mutters, "I'm surprised that such insolence ever won Kyoya over." 
Your gaze is trained on Yoshio's retreating back; every muscle strained not to meet Kyoya's eyes that are staring straight into your side profile. 
At your side, Haruhi lets a few beats of stunned silence pass before she gently reaches toward you, "y/n-Senpai-"
And for the first time in all the length you've known her, you turn sharply from Haruhi without sparing her a glance or a word, resuming your duties as you whisk away from her side. 
Your silence cements the notion in Haruhi's mind- something has transpired that she has no knowledge of. But clearly, something dreadful. 
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Sliding on a coat, you ensure that your cart is safely out of the way of guests passing by and that the refreshments are handed out entirely. You straighten the sleeves and sigh, dusting yourself off as you spin on your heel and stride over to the first host that you find. 
Rather, the first host that finds you. Mori's towering figure stops you effectively in your tracks. Your head tilts back to meet his concerned gaze. He says nothing but has obviously taken note of your changed attire. 
With a deep intake of air, "There are some things that I want to tell you, but I don't have the heart. I hope you'll forgive me." His intimidating gaze nearly pricks tears in your waterline. 
Soundlessly, you know that Mori understands your intentions on a certain deep level. He hums, nods, and turns to reveal Honey standing directly behind him. 
"y/n-chan? Are you okay?" His eyes are wide-set and glistening with furrowed brows, gripping Usa-chan with confusion washing over his parted lips. 
You bend at the hips and place two hands over his shoulders, "Will you save me a seat next to you and Usa-chan for the parade?" 
You don't exactly know why you've asked that of him. But your heart pulses when he nods excitedly. 
"Of course! Usa-chan would love to sit with you! But... where are you going?" Honey innocently wonders why you won't be able to reserve your seat yourself. 
"I just have to check on something, alright?" Then, with a maternal hand, you stroke over his cheek and stand to your feet. 
You can't bear to look at his questioning eyes any longer. You turn more abruptly than you intend and pull your coat tight to you. 
At the door, you're stopped by none other than two identical gingers. You wince. 
"Senpai, where are you going?" Kaoru inquires casually, Hikaru arriving shortly at his side. 
"I just have to step out for a moment." Your throat strains with a searing pain. 
Hikaru shrugs, "Alright, but be back soon. We have your outfit prepared for you, and it'll take a while to get you into it." He simpers mischievously. 
You turn to look at them through glassy eyes. Finally, you manage a fond smile at their antics, "Okay." 
You're sure that you would have loved whatever strenuous pieces of clothing they have personally prepared for you. You hope they won't hold it against you. 
As they saunter off, you take one last longing glance at the grand central salon before sliding through the door and shutting it gently behind you. 
You expect your father has prepared you a ride to the airport as you scurry down the steps, holding your coat close to you for comfort. But when you lift your head, you're met with a red convertible. And standing just outside with an open door is Tamaki, dressed in a white suit. 
You merely stand gawking at him a moment before he gently smiles. 
"Where have you been?" You demand immediately. 
Tamaki chuckles, "Our fathers spoke. Your father asked if we would give you a ride to the airport." 
"You're going to the airport?" You lean slightly to the side and spot Éclair sitting on the far side of the vehicle, binoculars pressed to her eyes as she remains focused on her line of sight straight ahead. She spares you no acknowledgment. 
"I could ask the same of you." Tamaki teases. Though his tone of voice is playful, his expression conveys a solemn despair that you feel you mirror yourself. 
Your shoulders droop with a certain aura of anguish, "You're leaving too, aren't you?"
"To France. I... hear you're moving to London?"
Your resolve finally crumbles, leaping off the steps and into Tamaki's awaiting arms. You grip the back of his blazer, face buried in his chest with a heaving cry. 
"My darling, we're going to be alright." He whispers gently, stroking over the back of your head in a comforting motion. 
He pries you away by your shoulders at a close length, "I believe it's a sign that you and I are taking this journey together." He assures with a firm gaze. 
"But we won't be together." You sniffle, watering eyes meeting his violet irises. 
"You and me? We'll always be together, don't you worry." He jests, gently tapping under your chin affectionately. 
"Will you visit me? We'll be so close, Tamaki; we're just a two-hour train ride apart. I-I'll come see you every weekend, and we-"
He quickly brings your head back to his chest with his hand, resulting in your muffled silence and arms around his torso. You hiccup. 
Tamaki whispers quietly into your hair, away from Éclair's prying ears, "Do you trust me?" 
You nod into his suit with a pathetic "Mhm."
"Then this isn't the last time that you and I will meet. I promise."
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The King of the Host Club, which remains intact for only a few more hours, has failed to arrive for the Ouran Fair. A certain errand girl is missing as well. 
Kyoya stands solemnly by the window, glasses creating a glare as he urgently presses his cell phone to his ear. He knows that no one on the other line is there to answer, but he persists. 
"Kyoya-Senpai, what's with the outfit?" Haruhi grumbles from underneath layers upon layers of victorian-era women's clothing. Kyoya turns silently to her. 
"We told you, it's a costume for the special parade." Hikaru scoffs as a reminder. 
"You look so cute, Haru-chan!" Honey giggles excitedly. 
"I don't understand. Why am I the only person dressed as a girl? Where's Senpai?" 
"Aw, c'mon, it's cosplay, so it's okay for you to dress like a girl." Hikaru teases, leaning into Haruhi's space with a wagging finger and a grin. 
"I am one, you know." She huffs. Hikaru chortles maliciously. 
Kaoru's expression is less than amused, turning to Kyoya who's been trying Tamaki's cellphone for some time now. 
"No luck. He's not there." Kyoya sighs, shutting his cell phone with a snap! and a frown. The rest of the Club tunes into the conversation. 
"I can't believe... they didn't show." Haruhi hands her head dejectedly. 
"I really thought Tamaki-Senpai was gonna make it despite what she said... but that doesn't explain why y/n-Senpai isn't here. Did she even leave?" 
"She left to get something... she said she would be right back," Hikaru recalls, his tone filled with exasperation. 
"I wouldn’t be surprised if she didn’t show." Kyoya's voice rings out unexpectedly, even to himself. 
"Senpai?" Haruhi echoes with utter confusion written across her features. 
"What do you mean, Kyo-chan?" Honey pries insistently, urging him almost desperately to continue. 
Without meeting a single one of their gazes, Kyoya shoves his cell phone into his pocket. 
"y/n and I ended our relationship yesterday." 
"Are you kidding?!"
"Senpai, how the hell did that happen?!" 
"Why would you go and do that?!" 
At the last of the varied exclamations, Kyoya scoffs, "It wasn't any choice of mine. She threatened to violate the terms of her debt and when I told her that it was unacceptable, she broke it off." 
Most of that is far from the truth and Kyoya knows it. 
"Now I know that's not true. y/n-Senpai would never do something that shallow." Haruhi defiantly bores her gaze into Kyoya's. 
In every sense, Haruhi is completely correct. 
"Yeah, Senpai, what really happened?" Kaoru pries further, also not entirely convinced. 
"Fine. You want to know what really happened?" Losing control of his tone steadily, "y/n informed me that she's moving to London by the end of the fair, and since that is in violation of our contract, I enforced her terms, and evidently she was unhappy with that result; therefore she ended our relationship."
Stunned gasps echo gently at his revelation. 
"She said she was going to be right back! Are you kidding me?!" Hikaru's fists clench, eyes trained intently on the floor as he recalls his earlier conversation with you. You lied to them, straight to their faces. 
"She said she was going away for a little bit..." Finally, realization sets in behind Honey's wide eyes. 
"She told you?" Haruhi inquires urgently. 
"She didn't tell me anything!" Honey cries. Mori steadies a hand on his shoulder. 
Hikaru buries his face in his hands, "Not like this, y/n." He gently sighs. Kaoru slides an arm around his shoulder and steadies the other on his upper arm. 
"So she's already gone? Why didn't she tell us, Kyoya-Senpai?" Haruhi glances to Kyoya for answers that he doesn't have. 
“She could still be coming back. To tell us goodbye." Hikaru insists. He knows you would never leave them without a goodbye. Never in a million years. 
In the beat of painful silence that passes, Kyoya wrenches his phone from his pocket and dials a number that he knows will get him an answer to the absence of his best friend. He worries that he might have taken the same path as you with each passing second. He turns to the window as the phone rings. 
The telltale sound of the receiver being picked up causes him to be the first to speak, "Hello, Shima? Been a while, hasn't it? It's Kyoya." 
"This is about Master Tamaki, isn't it? I'm sorry, Kyoya, but the Master will be departing for France soon."
Kyoya's eyes fly open, and he stumbles toward the window. 
"I tried to talk him out of it, but he said the Suoh family had forgiven his beloved mother and that he was finally going to see her again. He also said that if he stayed at Ouran any longer, his capriciousness would only continue to make trouble for you and everyone else in the club. I believe he is also accompanied by your partner, Miss l/n. She mentioned that she wouldn't like to burden anyone else with her absence and decided to leave it at that."
You warned Kyoya about saying things like that to Tamaki. On some level, he knew then of his mistake. 
"How could they be so stupid?!" Kyoya growls, gaining the attention of the hosts. 
Pulling the phone from his ear, "Evidently, Tamaki is planning to return to France. y/n is joining him on his way." 
Blow after blow to the hosts, they each cry out indignantly. 
"They're both leaving us?!" Honey sharply inhales. 
"We just can't let it end so suddenly!" Hikaru becomes enraged once more at the thought of everything falling apart. 
"Hikaru." Kaoru consoles gently. 
"Excuse me, sir." Shima quickly gains Kyoya's attention. 
"I was just thinking. If the Master's mother really is as remarkable a woman as he claims she is, then I can only imagine that she would be upset with the manner in which the Master has chosen to leave Ouran Academy. And... I can't imagine why you've chosen to let Miss l/n leave so easily like this."
"Do you know when they're leaving, Shima?" Kyoya presses imperatively, leaning even closer to the window. 
"I'm afraid their flights are this evening."
"Why are they leaving so soon?" Kyoya gapes with a tone of desperation. 
"Master Tamaki would have left sooner, but he said he had to wait until the Ouran Fair was ending."
Just as she speaks, a red convertible dashes by on the road below the very window that Kyoya stands at. 
He gasps, "y/n!" 
At his exclamation, the Hosts rush to the window and press themselves against it. 
"No way!" Kaoru presses his hands on the window pane with a whimper. 
"The Ouran Fair isn't even over yet!" Hikaru shouts. 
Haruhi remains seated in her chair, hands poised elegantly in her lap as her eyes continue to bore into the table before her, seemingly shell-shocked. 
"My family's car should be in the parking lot!" 
"Haruhi, let's go!" 
Only then does Haruhi raise her head.
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As the sun sets behind the clouds, the Host club sprints across the parking lot of the Academy, aiming for Kyoya's family car, where his driver sits, awaiting their arrival. 
Kyoya bends to his window, "We're in a hurry. Can you drive us?" 
"I'm sorry, sir, but..." 
Both hands gripping the vehicle, Kyoya urges his driver to spit out whatever he's got to say, "What is it? What's wrong?" 
"Well, you see, the thing is..." 
As he speaks, the members of Kyoya's private police force filter in through the cars surrounding them, silent as they approach cautiously. 
Feeling irked to no end, "You want to tell me your orders? Let me guess; you've been hired to protect Lady Éclair."
Through a protective mask, "I'm truly sorry it has come to this, but as you know, as members of the Ootori private police, we answer to your father." 
Hikaru and Kaoru face the officers with caution, barring themselves around Haruhi without thinking twice. 
Brow twitching and face contorting into a grimace, Kyoya's bottled fury releases with a sudden burst of strength. He brings his fist down onto the hood of his family's car and leaves a significant dent and a loud, echoing bang!
"Damn it!" 
"I'm terribly sorry, sir, but we've been ordered not to allow any of you to leave, even if we have to stop you by force." 
Conveniently, the two martial arts masters are missing. 
But it isn't long before the Host Club can hear the sound of hoofbeats and rolling wheels, a carriage bursting through the tight ring of officers, carrying none other than Honey and Mori at the reins. 
Honey leaps from within the carriage, and the police force wastes no time in recognizing who exactly they're dealing with. 
"Hikaru, take the carriage. If you use the back hills bypass, you can cut them off." Mori directs in one breath, joining Honey's side, much to the horror of The Ootori Private Police Force. 
"It's Haninozuka!" 
"And Morinozuka!" 
Hikaru and Kaoru are the first to mount the carriage. Kaoru reaches for Haruhi, "C'mon!" 
Although hesitant, Kyoya grabs her tightly by the shoulders and gently nudges her forward. 
"Haruhi, go get those idiots. Hurry." 
Just as she leaves his grasp, Haruhi uses her last few remaining moments and grabs Kyoya by the lining of his jacket, pulling him along with her. 
"Senpai- if we don't succeed, you may never see y/n-Senpai again. You need to fix this yourself; you have to stop hiding from the pain even if your efforts are in vain."
Gripping her shoulders with renewed vigor, Kyoya's fingers tremble. Then, with one last urge, Haruhi yanks him forward by his coat and he stumbles onto the carriage as Hikaru flicks the reins.
With a talented driver behind the reins, the horses pick up their speed and dash straight through another group of police officers. They barely leap out of their way in time.
"Don't just stand there! Stop that carriage!" The officer giving orders is knocked to the ground as Honey uses his helmet to leap across the pavement and block the path left by the retreating carriage.
Kyoya steadies himself in the wagon, gripping the edges as Hikaru continues to urge the horses to their top speed. 
He decides in that moment that if you're going to leave, he's not letting go without a fight. 
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Sunlight filters through the rapidly passing trees as Kyoya, Haruhi, and the twins press on in their strangely chosen mode of transport. 
The horses are approaching a dangerous speed, but Hikaru continues to urge them on. 
"Hikaru! Don't you think we should slow down? Somebody could get hurt!" Kaoru exclaims as the carriage jostles them; both Kyoya and himself are prioritizing Haruhi's safety. 
"We're not slowing down till we get y/n and the boss back!" 
"But Hikaru-!" 
"If it wasn't for y/n, then the two of us would still only be lost souls. We were able to become friends with Haruhi and the others because the Host Club brought us together. To think that all of it could end so suddenly like this..."
Hikaru grimaces, "... is something that I can't tolerate!!" 
A crash is heard below them and suddenly the carriage is lifted into the air. The horses stumble mid-air, and both Kyoya and Kaoru leap to grip the sides of the carriage and hold the three of them steady, eyes squeezing shut.
With no one to steady him, Hikaru's body is hurled from the carriage and into a nearby pumpkin patch. He hits the ground with a pained yelp as the horses whinny in surprise and halt immediately at the sudden upheaval. The carriage hits the ground loudly and comes to a screeching halt. 
"No, Hikaru! Hikaru! Hikaru!" Kaoru leaps from the carriage and rushes to his brother's aid, falling to his knees and heaving Hikaru's body into his lap with all the strength he can muster. 
"Hikaru, are you okay? Is your arm hurting you?" 
The sun continues to set behind the trees, and only the clock tower is visible over the horizon. Both Haruhi and Kyoya observe the twins as they come together. 
"This can't be the end." Hikaru's voice comes out with a struggle, leaning into his brother. 
"It's just not fair; the Host Club's the only thing that made us happy. Damn it..." 
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"Where are you going?" 
You turn at Kyoya's groggy voice, rubbing his eyes as he sits up and lets the blanket fall from his chest. He looks so adorably sleepy that you almost laugh. 
"To the washroom. Is that alright?" You suppress a snicker with a teasing tone. 
It's well into the early hours of the morning, and Kyoya is roused from his sleep by the sudden loss of warmth in his arms. You'd decided that you would spend the night with Kyoya after a particularly rough day. 
"You can't just leave me so suddenly." 
You snicker, "I'll always come back, you know." You peek at him from the doorframe now, slowly inching away. 
"Well, next time, I'll just have to come chasing after you, won't I?" 
"I would be worried if you didn't." 
Kyoya cracks a smile at your own, listening to your laughter as you disappear into his bathroom.
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Kyoya hasn't noticed that Haruhi's cosplay wig and overcoat have come off as she pulls him back into the carriage and out of his deep train of thought. 
"Kyoya-Senpai..." He glances at her, "We have to go."
With a determined nod, Kyoya picks up the reins. 
You were right- he never knew he'd need to know how to drive horses until this very moment. It's a damn good thing he picked up a thing or two in the past two days.
"Hah!" With a shout, the horses pick up their feet again and are speeding off with only two remaining passengers. 
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"What's the matter, Tamaki? You haven't said a word since we left. You're a host, aren't you? C'mon, entertain me." Éclair urges with a sultry plea, her binoculars boring into Tamaki's solemn expression. 
"I have a question. Are you sure about this? Will you even be happy married to me, or are you just... following orders?"
The hoofbeats against the ground are no match for the pounding of Kyoya's heart in his ears. The sound is deafening as they rapidly approach the bypass that overlooks the bridge they anticipate you and Tamaki to be driving on. 
"Look!" Haruhi points to a moving figure between the trees. Surely enough, a red convertible drives along below them. 
Desperate to match your speed, Kyoya flicks the reins with another shout, "Yah!" 
Your chin is propped up on your fist as you stare over the side of the bridge, watching the water glisten with the last dwindling glints of daylight. 
The bypass is slowly narrowing, and both Haruhi and Kyoya know that it's coming to an end soon. Kyoya demands the horses continue, resulting in the pair of steeds leaping into the air to avoid falling. Kyoya feels his stomach drop as the horses leap off the ledge and onto the paved road, surely giving the wheels a scare. 
The sound can be heard for near miles and certainly doesn't go unnoticed by you all in the vehicle. Upon hearing the loudest crack! you think you've ever heard; you turn your head in curiosity to glance at the road behind you to see what the trouble is. 
You honestly believe your mind is playing tricks on you when you spot a horse-drawn carriage catching up to your vehicle. When you spot the two passengers inside, you nudge Tamaki urgently. 
"Kyoya! Haruhi!" You call out, twisting your entire body to face them in complete and utter bewilderment. 
With windswept hair and furrowed brows, Kyoya's eyes meet yours briefly, and the only thought that enters your mind is how much he resembles a knight in shining armor, arriving to save his damsel in distress. Kyoya shouts again; the horses match your convertible's speed. 
"What are you doing?! This is dangerous! Stop that carriage now!" Tamaki shouts as the carriage arrives alongside the car with miraculous strength. 
"Guys! Please come back to Ouran!" 
"Slow down!" You scream over the rushing wind and beating of your heart, leaning over the back of the convertible for the pair to hear your pleas. 
"All of us would be completely lost without you guys." Haruhi urges, ignoring your commands. 
Tamaki frowns, shrinking in on himself, "But they... they all said they were put out by the Host Club." 
"You really are an idiot! What's wrong with you?!" Haruhi all but growls in response, completely fed up with Tamaki's obliviousness to his surroundings. 
"After all this time we've been together... you still can't tell when we're joking and when we're serious?! Everyone loves being in the Host Club... we really do! Even me, Senpai! I love being part of the Host Club too!"
Tamaki's eyes become vacant as Haruhi reaches to him with an outstretched hand and fond smile. 
In the moment of desperation when you catch the carriage's nature of instability, you lean over the car door, "Kyoya, stop the carriage! This isn't safe!" 
"I'm not stopping until you do!" Kyoya grips the reins tightly, his voice rising in urgency and volume over the noise of the carriage and galloping horses. 
"You're being ridiculous!" 
"That's rich, coming from you!" He barks back in response. 
"I thought I had a debt to repay; what happened to that?" You shout, tears brimming your waterline as you bang your fist onto the door of the convertible. 
"No, you don't! I don't know why I threatened you with that stupid debt in the first place! I... I didn't know how else to keep you here, but I know it was selfish and wrong. I see that now... I don't ask for your forgiveness because I don't deserve it, but I ask you to stay!" 
The passion and desperation in Kyoya's voice feel utterly foreign to you. You stumble over your thoughts to gather them as well as your words. 
"I... I thought you didn't care." Your voice barely reaches Kyoya's ears, but when it does, he cries out indignantly, more so with agony rather than irritation.
"Are you so dense that you don't know how much I feel for you?! I've never felt this way toward someone, and you- you just got up and left!" 
The visible confusion on your face ignites an inevitable distress within Kyoya that his point is completely missing its mark. 
"I-... I'm in love with you!" 
Your head lifts to meet his gaze, eyes open wide in disbelief, and you stand to full height in the car without a second thought. The speed at which you straighten jostles you, and you nearly fall back into your seat. Kyoya flinches, arm briefly reaching out for you in concern as he grips the reins in his remaining hand. 
Just the mere sound of Kyoya's voice declaring those words feels like you've reached home. And all at once, your heart drops as you realize you've made the worst mistake of your life. 
You lean forward as Tamaki reaches out toward Haruhi. Just as he does, a hand grabs his arm and tries to pull him back down. Tamaki glances down at Éclair for a moment. Her blindingly blue irises plead with him jealously. 
If Kyoya could pinpoint his mistake, it would be letting go of one of the reins. The horses knock shoulders violently, jostling the carriage enough for Haruhi to fall into Kyoya's arms. 
They each know what is inevitably coming as they glance at each other, Haruhi squeezing Kyoya's coat in her fingers for dear life. Kyoya acts too quickly for his mind to catch up as he sweeps his arm under Haruhi's legs and hoists her into his arms bridal style. 
"Tamaki!" He exclaims, managing to gain Tamaki's attention for merely a split second before he prays to whatever god is listening and hurls Haruhi's lightweight body with all of his gathered strength toward her savior. 
"Haruhi!" Tamaki screams, lurching over the side of the convertible and catching her easily, pulling her into the safety of the vehicle and cradling her head against his shoulder with a firm grasp. 
The carriage scrapes along the parapet of the bridge with a deafening screech, and Kyoya is flung toward the edge, barely able to stand on his own feet. 
"Oh my God, Kyoya!!" You shriek, watching as his balance is lost. 
Eyes swimming with panic and terror, Kyoya's gaze meets yours as he's thrown from the carriage and over the side of the bridge, reaching for something, anything that might save him from his fate. 
Risks be damned, you don't spare the couple behind you a glance before you hoist yourself onto the side of the vehicle, managing to steady yourself before lunging over to the now mostly steady, still moving carriage. Your foot barely meets the wagon's floor before you're lifting off again, using all of your strength to push yourself off and over the bridge. 
And Kyoya watches you helplessly, reaching out for you subconsciously. Then, miraculously, Kyoya's arm stretches, and your hands meet. His reaction is immediate, gripping your hand tightly and pulling you firmly toward him. 
"Are you crazy?!" He yells, eyes still carrying a significant amount of panic. 
"About you? Yeah." 
Two souls colliding together, two hearts beating as one.
The clock tower chimes in the distance, but the two of you are lost to the world. The chime should result in the carriage turning back into a pumpkin at the last stroke. But with a combined effort, the fairy godmother has decided otherwise. In the last glimmer of hope, you made the spell permanent, retrieved the glass slipper, and restored everything to its rightful place. 
You secure your arms around Kyoya's neck, his hand pushing your forehead to bury in his chest for safety. The both of you close your eyes, bracing for impact and holding each other as tightly as possible. 
Will you save me when I fall into the deep water below?
You know I will.
With a splash, your bodies are submerged into the cold water under the bridge. But neither of you have anything to fear. Not anymore. 
The feeling is familiar- you resting in Kyoya's arms bridal style as he wades through the shallow waters and toward the shore.
"We have to stop meeting like this." You jest, glancing up at him with a smile. 
Kyoya rolls his eyes, "Moron." He groans. 
"Excuse me?" You gasp as Kyoya sets you down on your feet in less than ankle-deep water. You put a hand on your heart, feigning a hurt expression. 
Kyoya reaches for you and you jerk away from him. 
"You, sir, cannot touch me like that. I'm single, you know." 
You cross your arms and turn away from him as a child would. Kyoya purses his lips, sighing in exasperation. 
"Did you miss the whole 'I'm in love with you' part earlier?" He cocks a brow at your behavior, nearly cracking a smile himself. 
Silence, save for the sound of water lapping at the shore.
"... you better take me off the market again before someone else does." 
Kyoya decides he's had enough of you, lunging for you quickly, "Come here, you." 
You squeal as he takes you in his arms and spins you around to face him, twirling you elegantly before dipping you with grace and sealing his lips against your own in a passionate kiss. Your hand cups the back of his neck, unable to kiss him properly because of the stupid smile spread across your lips. 
Kyoya hauls you to your feet again and laughs, "Dance with me, my love." He arranges the pair of you in an embrace appropriate for dancing, and you snicker at his antics. 
"But there's no music." You remind. 
"My heart sings when I'm with you. That's music enough." Kyoya insists, moving along to the beat of his own heart. 
You laugh long and loud, throwing your head back, and he continues to move with you beautifully. 
"You're being weird." You snort as Kyoya twirls you and pulls you back into his arms for a gentle embrace. You allow him to sway with you as you bask in the utter bliss, entirely unafraid of drowning if you're in Kyoya's arms. 
The mood between the two of you makes a noticeable shift, and you stretch onto your tiptoes to cling around his neck, "Please don't let me leave." 
"They'd have to pry you from my cold, dead hands."
You giggle, pulling back only just to meet his eyes, pressing your forehead to his. 
"I'm in love with you, too, Kyoya." Your lips meet in another searing kiss, and this time it's Kyoya's whose lips are stretched into such a broad smile that he is unable to give you a proper kiss. 
"Hey! Are you guys alright?" 
You manage to pull away from Kyoya enough to crane your neck to the voice behind you. Tamaki and Haruhi are leaned over the bridge's parapet, seeing as the convertible has stopped to let them out. 
"We're alright!" You assure with an enthusiastic wave, Kyoya mimicking you smally as Haruhi waves her arm. 
"y/n-chan! Kyo-chan!" A screech of your names turns you the opposite way, finding Honey throwing himself from the inside of a car and clumsily stumbling toward the shore to greet you with enthusiasm. 
"Senpai!" The twins follow him not too far behind. A quick glance back toward the bridge confirms that Tamaki has taken off to find a quick way to convene with the rest of his club. Haruhi must not be far behind. 
Meanwhile, Honey lunges into your awaiting arms with a squealing giggle, and you swing him around once and set him back down. 
Behind you, the red convertible waits for just a moment more before pulling away and peeling off down the road, continuing on as if nothing has changed. 
"Boss!" Tamaki arrives as quickly as his legs can carry him, a worn-out, breathless Haruhi on his tail. 
"Man, he's fast..." She bends over, hands placed on her knees as she heaves out short puffs of air. 
"The both of you are morons..." Kyoya grumbles bitterly, drawing both your and Tamaki's gaze toward him with confused expressions. 
"... leaving without saying goodbye? What were you thinking?" He scoffs. Tamaki's lips tug upward in a soft smile as Kyoya pulls you close to his body, seemingly unwilling to let you out of his arms for even a mere second after one of the most frightening experiences of his life- almost letting you walk away without even putting up a fight. 
"I clearly missed playing dress-up. You all look so dashing in your victorian outfits." You tease, tugging at Kyoya's time period-accurate collar. 
"Let's get you into your costume-"
"-before you run off and leave us again." The twins seem playfully bitter; arms crossed with teasing scowls upon their brows. 
You let out a sound that can only be characterized as a laugh mixed together with a sob, leaping onto your tiptoes and tossing your arms around their necks, causing them to bend to your level with surprised grunts. You squeeze your eyes shut tightly, a grin splitting your cheeks in two. 
"I hate you guys." You sniffle, an unsteady giggle forcing its way through your throat. 
Hikaru clears his throat, "Yeah, well... you're the worst, so." He rolls his eyes. 
Kaoru scoffs, maneuvering the three of you apart so that he can sweep you into a tight embrace of his own, claiming you to himself for just a brief moment, "Can't just leave us like that, Senpai." He whines pitifully. You coo tenderly, pressing a hand to the back of Kaoru's neck, threading your fingers through his ginger locks as his face presses into your shoulder. 
"Couldn't ever leave you, Kaoru." The ever-present reminder that you know him sets Kaoru's heart alight with a comforting warmth, a smile spreading across his lips as a content expression settles over his features. You know him separately; you see him for who he is, an individual. 
"Hey, I'm still here," Hikaru grumbles as Kaoru pulls his face from your neck to face his brother, you turning along with him with a smug smile and a knowing glance. 
"Admit that you were going to miss me, and I'll hug you, too." You cross your arms playfully, a self-satisfied simper playing your lips. 
"You know, he was pretty distraught when we-"
"Shut up! I... I was gonna miss you." Hikaru mumbles. 
He isn't quite ready for you to pounce on him the way you do, practically hanging from his neck as his arms uncross themselves, unsure of how to react. Then, his miffed expression is completely erased and replaced with one of unexpected surprise.  
"I would have missed you and your stubborn ass, too."
Hikaru's cheeks flood with heat, tinting them a dusty pink shade as he groans, "Yeah, yeah." His arms cautiously encircle your body, apprehensively sparing Kyoya a glance as he does so. 
While expecting your partner to be glowering at the show of affection you're giving them. Instead Hikaru finds a fond smile spread from cheek to cheek, eyes soft and unaccusing. 
Hikaru lets his eyes slip shut with a feeling of relief, huffing out a breath of air over your back. When you pull yourself from him, his prominent frown has softened, and he looks at you as though you've returned something precious to him. 
A hand presses down onto your head, twisting gently through your hair as you crane your neck to meet the perpetrator's eyes. Mori's irises fall on yours with a tender expression. 
"I forgive you." He manages. 
You snort with laughter as he lets his hand trail from the top of your head to your cheek fondly, allowing you to lean into his callous palm before he's gently pulling away. 
"Are you okay? I can't believe you guys fell off the bridge like that..." Haruhi approaches you cautiously, carefully avoiding the edge of the water. 
You smile, embracing her tightly, to which she returns just as enthusiastically, "I should be asking you the same thing." You chuckle, pulling back far enough to meet her eyes. 
"Oh yeah, that was probably one of the scariest experiences of my life." Haruhi threads her fingers through her short locks, tittering awkwardly. 
"But even so... thanks, Kyoya-Senpai..." She turns to meet Kyoya's eyes. 
Kyoya places a steady hand on her shoulder, "Don't thank me... I should be thanking you." He settles Haruhi's confused expression when you settle in close to him, allowing him to wrap his arms around you tightly. 
"You guys made up?" Honey inquires with hopeful, glittering eyes. 
"After that show? How could I not forgive him?" You tease. Kyoya rolls his eyes, gently shoving you in a playful manner as you stumble with a malicious giggle. 
"What? You guys fought?" Tamaki gawks, a panicked expression overtaking his features. 
"And broke up," Kyoya adds with devious intent, actively fighting a smug smirk. 
"Senpai, it's okay... they made up," Haruhi assures, intervening at the perfect time to ensure that Tamaki doesn't break into an outburst. 
A shiver runs down your spine, causing your body to convulse briefly as you start to comprehend the consequences of plunging into a body of water in November. As you're pressed into Kyoya's body, his reaction is immediate. 
"Let's get you into your costume." He takes you by the shoulders and leads you toward the vehicle. 
"Yeah, it's cold out here." Hikaru agrees, rubbing his hands over his arms as the club crowds toward the car they'd arrived in. 
You glance up at Kyoya as you walk, "You know, I'm gonna tell everyone we ever meet about this." 
He groans, "Oh, God, please don't." He pleads futilely. 
"Kyoya hijacked a horse-drawn carriage and fell off said moving carriage over a bridge, all to get me to stay in Japan." You recall with a sense of dramatic theatricalism.  
"You fell off the bridge too, you know," Kyoya grumbles bitterly, wrenching open the door to the car before you get the chance to. 
"Yeah, trying to save you!" You remind with a wide grin. 
"Get in the car." Kyoya pleads with a knowing look, gesturing to the car's interior. 
"Sure you don't wanna take the carriage-?"
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You're more than ready to end your eventful evening with a waltz or two with your club... with your friends. You do your very best to slip and squeeze between swaying dance partners despite the rather generous skirt of your costume's gown. With the help of Haruhi, Hikaru, and Kaoru, your hair is dried to near perfection and styled according to the time period. 
You pick up the light, baby pink skirt of your dress so as not to trip over it as you search for someone you know. 
"y/n-chan!" Before you know it, someone takes you by the wrist and spins you around to face them. After realizing that the perpetrator is none other than Honey, he takes you by both of your hands and continues to spin the both of you in a series of tight circles. 
Before you can get a word in, Honey's relinquished his grasp on you and sent you spinning without a partner. Although, it's not long before someone takes your outstretched arm and pulls you into a much calmer embrace, assuming the traditional waltz position. You're met with Mori in his navy blue tailcoat, severely concentrating on smoothly moving along with you. 
Meanwhile, Yuzuru Suoh and Yoshio Ootori convene in Yuzuru's office with a convenient view of the clock tower. 
"I'm sorry that we caused you concern. It looks as though Grand Tonnerre will not be purchasing my company after all." Yoshio's hands are folded in his lap as he occupies the sofa adjacent to Yuzuru's desk. 
"An unexpected backer turned up. They bought the company before Tonnerre had a chance and the backer said that he was turning all the management rights over to me."
Your next dance partner is Kaoru, swaying along with you with a gentle smile across his lips. 
"That was a bold move. Which funds manager was it?"
Kaoru twirls you under his arm expertly, drawing a giggle from you as you spiral right into his identical brother. 
"A student investor called K.O."
"Oh, God, what happened to your arm?" You gasp, finding that Hikaru has shed his jacket and opted for a sling around his right arm hanging off his neck. 
"Carriage accident, nothing too bad... you know it's kind of your fault." Hikaru smirks, trying his best to spin you around single-handedly. 
"He cleverly left his name out of the deal, but it didn't me long to figure out who it was." 
"Yeah, well- whoa!" Hikaru slings you along to your next partner. You seem to be progressing toward Kyoya, who is ready to welcome you with open arms when Tamaki slithers between the two of you. 
With a sinister smile, Tamaki steals you away for a brief waltz, much to Kyoya's shock and dismay as he stands speechless. 
You laugh at his reaction, placing your hands on Tamaki's shoulders and allowing him to dip you low to the ground, hoisting you back up with a goofy grin. 
"You are something, you know?" You snicker, watching over Tamaki's shoulder as Kyoya's gaze bores into his back, rather impatiently awaiting your return. 
"Have to tease him sometimes, you know?" Tamaki's eyes disappear as he grins, twirling you thrice under his arm. 
"K.O. is Kyoya Ootori. The new backer was none other than my own son." 
Tamaki turns you by your shoulder and thrusts you in Kyoya's direction. 
"Well, aren't you a vision?" Kyoya's simper widens, sliding an arm to rest on your waist and the other to intertwine with your fingers. 
"Yeah? Like it?" You beam confidently, absently reaching to touch the matching cherry blossom flowers in your hair. You allow your body to fall into a natural rhythm with his. 
"Indeed." Kyoya nods, eyes remaining on your smiling features. 
"You know, you say that a lot." Your brows furrow with the realization. Kyoya tilts his head. 
"Say what?" He inquires. 
"You say 'indeed' a lot. Why is that?" You tease, sucking your bottom lip between your teeth to suppress a giggle. 
Kyoya shrugs, "Couldn't say." He fails to keep a smile off his face. 
"Is that your thing now?" Kyoya twirls you, pulling you back to his body closely. 
"If you want it to be." Kyoya nearly laughs at the way you're looking at him. 
"At least we know we don't have to worry about the future. I thought I knew how brilliant Kyoya was, but it seems he's even smarter than I thought."
You hum in contentment, gasping in realization when your mind sifts through topics of conversation, "Oh, my God. What happened with Grand Tonnerre? Aren't they buying your father's company?" You glance up at him anxiously. But to your surprise, he doesn't mirror an ounce of your worry. 
"I don't think we'll have anything to worry about." 
"What? How could you not worry? I mean, I don't want to stress you out, but it's sort of a big deal." You scoff in a nonthreatening way; brows furrowed as you mindlessly let Kyoya lead you in a gentle sway. 
"Maybe so, but I think your son is the one who's truly amazing."
"Don't get me wrong. I know it's a big deal." Weirdly enough, Kyoya cannot find it in himself to stop smiling. 
"I am responsible for the entirety of Kyoya's education. I always knew he would surpass his older brothers someday."
"Then- why are you being so weird? Aren't you afraid of your father losing the company?" You shake your head in disbelief at his reaction. 
"No, not really." Kyoya shrugs his shoulders, nibbling his bottom lip, containing his excitement for now. 
"However, I must say I'm shocked. While I can imagine Kyoya taking over a company, I never dreamed he'd turn around and give it right back to its original owner." 
"You-... You know something that I don't." Narrowing your eyes in an accusatory way, cracking Kyoya's resolve. 
"I might." 
"Are you going to keep being annoying, or are you going to tell me what the hell you know?" 
"As Kyoya grew up, I was constantly dangling the Ootori family companies in front of his face, torturing him with something he could never have." 
"Don't worry; I made sure that my father won't be losing the Ootori Group," Kyoya assures. 
"Spit it out, Kyoya. You can't keep going like this-"
"I... bought it out from under him." 
You blink, freezing on the spot. In turn, Kyoya's body halts along with you, both seemingly frozen in time in the traditional waltz position. 
"You... bought your father's company?" Your eyes grow wide in awe, your fingers tightening around the fabric of Kyoya's jacket where it lays on his chest. 
"Now, not only has he taken it out from under me by force, but he's basically told me he doesn't want it and has thrown it back in my face."
"That's unbelievable! Are you kidding?! I knew you were capable of something like that." You grab him by his collar, pulling him slightly down in your excitement. He chuckles. 
"Well, I didn't keep it." 
"Do you understand what that means?"
"What? Why the hell not? You could've... I don't know, taught your father and everyone else a lesson about underestimating you." You shake your head to yourself, eyes no longer focused on Kyoya's face with a creased brow. 
Kyoya hums, sliding his hands over your forearms and up to your wrists, tenderly taking hold of each one with affectionate eyes. 
"It means he's finally found it. He's found something that has an even greater value to him." 
"Because I have much more important things to focus on... I wouldn't have time for all of that." 
It's like a promise to spend your futures together. That owning a company at such a young age would hinder his attention on your relationship. Nearly letting you walk away has made Kyoya reconsider his priorities in a major sense. He's placed you at the top of the list. 
Your eyes well up with appreciatory tears, lip trembling as you whimper. You spring upward and drape your arms around Kyoya's neck, your nose buried into the junction of his shoulder and neck. He reciprocates quickly, arms encircling your body as he helps you reach him by holding your weight against him. 
"I love you." You whisper softly, eyes shut tightly and fingers just as tightly anchored to the fabric of Kyoya's jacket. It feels like a weight lifted off your shoulders just to say something so intimate to someone that you feel so strongly about. 
Kyoya's grin could practically split his cheeks, "I love you, too." He blinks, feeling a terrible stinging behind his eyes that he is nearly unable to put a stop to. 
Kyoya puts you at a distance enough to face each other, cupping your chin with his fingers and meeting you in the middle, and molding his lips to yours. 
A terribly loud crack! echoes through the sky, and you part from Kyoya abruptly, a startled gasp forcing its way through your lips as you glance to the starry night sky and find that a firework show has begun. 
"Oh wow... perfect timing, huh?" You exhale heavily, a hand over your chest, soothing your rapidly beating heart. 
You gasp, covering your lips, "Oh, we're in public." While your lips are still tingling with a spark, you glance around at the guests and fair attendees who might be watching you. 
"I'm aware." You squeal as Kyoya surges forward for another peck, flashing a smug smirk shortly afterward. 
Your heart swells with warmth. You hum with a laugh, pressing a kiss to his cheek in appreciation. 
Kyoya's pocket vibrates, his ringtone for an unknown caller blasting in the silence between you. You separate yourself enough so that Kyoya can slide his hand between the two of you and fish his cell phone from his blazer. 
"I don't usually answer unknown numbers... but with everything going on with my father's company..." Kyoya sighs, glancing at you briefly. 
"Oh, no, by all means. I'll find one of the twins to dance with in the meanwhile." You tease. Kyoya groans, "Keep them under control; I'll be only a second." 
You pat him on the shoulder and spin on your heel to find either Hikaru or Kaoru, or the first host that manages to sweep you up; you don't particularly have a preference. 
Kyoya presses the phone to his ear, "Kyoya Ootori." He answers, voice taking a quick turn from gentle in your ear to professional over the phone. 
"I assume that my daughter is with you? Seeing as she's not at the airport with me by now." A grumble comes from the other line. 
Kyoya blinks, a deadpan expression over his features as your father's gruff voice reaches his ears. 
"She hasn't contacted me about anything, and I cannot reach her. I asked your father for your number, so here we are."��
Kyoya nods, soon realizing that your father cannot see anything he does, "Yes, she's here at the fair." 
A long sigh on the other end and a groan, "I somewhat expected this... in that case, I'll be leaving for London soon enough."
Another moment of silence, "I'm calling you... to say that I owe you an apology and a bout of gratitude." 
That's probably the last thing Kyoya ever expected to come through the mouth of your father and through the phone to his ears. 
"I'm not sure I understand what you mean." Kyoya's brows furrow with a baffled expression. 
"I've just caught word of the nameless backer that returned your father's company to him. The initials couldn't have been any less inconspicuous, you know."
Is... that a speck of sarcasm in your father's tone that he hears? One surprise after another. 
"And you gave it up."
Kyoya exhales, "Yes, sir, I did." 
"If I'm not mistaken, that's thanks to my daughter, is it not?" 
At the mention of you, Kyoya swivels his head to find you in the crowd. You're being tossed between Hikaru and Kaoru, respectively. He can hear your indistinguishable shouts of alarm as you're switched to and fro. 
"You guys!!"
If Kyoya weren't on the phone with your father, he would laugh. Instead, he shakes his head to himself, a fond simper tugging at the corners of his lips, "Indeed." Kyoya affirms. 
"I also caught wind... that you know of a certain unfortunate incident that transpired under my company some years ago."
Kyoya's heart drops to his stomach. Your debt. He's talking about the safety error found in the l/n Model 7 that he kept for years above your head. 
"And I wanted to thank you. You managed to keep that secret for God knows how long... I still wonder how you found out, but nonetheless, you didn't..." Your father pauses with a heavy exhale, forfeiting his next choice of words. 
"And I know that it was for the sake of my daughter and her continued financial security, but in turn, you also saved me from a world of trouble."
Kyoya inhales deeply, "I care for your daughter more than you know, sir, and I want to ensure that she is always safe in every sense. Whatever that may mean." 
The statement has a self-evident underlying meaning, and it certainly does not fly unnoticed over your father's head.  
"I'm going to continue to London. I believe that my daughter would appreciate the space for the time being. I trust that she would be more than happy to have the house to herself. But I need someone to check up on her every now and then. I think you're the man for the job."
It's becoming increasingly clear to Kyoya that your father is a man that does, indeed, care deeply for you and your well-being. Despite his doubt, he realizes that you were able to look past all of his outer behaviors and many, many flaws and see his inner workings. 
Your father trusts Kyoya to keep you safe. And although he may fight it, Kyoya's heart flutters gently at the notion, "No danger will come to her as long as there is breath in my body; you can be sure of that." 
Sitting alone in his grounded private jet, your father nods to himself. "Good, good. I hope you mean that. And I trust you'll relay the message to y/n."
"I will." Shortly after his reply, the line goes dead. Kyoya brings his cell phone away from his cheek and shuts it promptly, stuffing it into his blazer pocket with a newfound sense of pride. 
It isn't long before Kyoya finds you after he begins his search, squeezed tightly in Tamaki's arms as he shields you away from two griping ginger-haired brothers. 
"You can't just toss my daughter around like a rag-doll! Have some respect!" Tamaki hollers. You, on the other hand, look like you're about to asphyxiate with Tamaki's constricting arms around your body. 
"Alright, that's enough." Kyoya intervenes firmly. 
Tamaki is quick to relinquish his grasp on you, startled by Kyoya's appearance. You inhale with a gasp, clearing your throat with relief shortly after. 
"I will dance with you later, Tamaki. Go find Haruhi." You pat Tamaki on the shoulder, ignoring the pink tint that spreads across the apples of his cheeks and the tip of his nose before turning to Kyoya eagerly. 
"So? Who was it? You were talking to them for a while." You adjust his collar absently, peering up at him expectantly. 
"We'll talk about it later. For now, I just want to dance with you." Kyoya pleads softly. 
You sigh, "You already danced with me, darling." You tease. 
"Then let's just sway here, alright?" Instead of assuming the traditional position for a waltz like your surrounding peers, Kyoya slides both hands to your waist and encourages you to sling both arms lazily over his shoulders. You do just as you're told. 
"You're cute; I like you." You giggle once your mouth is within proximity to his ear, nudging his head with your own. 
"Like me?" Kyoya raises a playful brow, not that you can see it, but you can practically hear it. 
"Fine. Love you." It seems as though neither of you can get enough of hearing or saying the word. 
"You're ridiculous." Kyoya scoffs. 
"Mhm, but you love me." You sing with a playful tone. 
"Indeed, I do." 
If Kyoya could have written his own story in middle school, he knows it would have a different plot than it does now. But when he looks into your eyes in this moment, watching them sparkling at him with such adoration like the stars above, the reflection of the beautiful fireworks in your irises, he knows that he could rewrite his story time and time again, and it would always end in some shape or form with you by his side. 
You know that you can count on your fearless confidant to pick you up when you fall and kneel with you when you're down. You know that in his arms, you are safe. Safe from the godforsaken world, safe from reality, safe from any hardship you might face. 
Only those with excellent social standing and those from filthy rich families are lucky enough to spend their time here at the elite, private school Ouran Academy. The Ouran Host Club is where the school's handsomest boys entertain with too much time on their hands entertain young ladies who also have way too much time on their hands. Just think of it as Ouran Academy's elegant playground for the super rich and beautiful. 
Remember, you're welcome to come and visit us in Music Room #3 whenever you'd like. The Ouran Host Club will be waiting for you.
And we wanna thank you, from the bottom of our hearts.
We hope you'll stay tuned, for our author has a lot more planned for our future. 
We'll see you then!!
🎵I run and run a thousand miles, and I am barely breathing. Only the fuel of a passionate heart keeps this body strong and moving forward.
Could it be I found a place to rest? How far until I’m OK?
Trees of the town reveal the time has come once again to shift our shade and colors. 🎵
🎵The world always changes around us but weakness will always remain;
Through all the pain, believe in who we are right here and now! 🎵
🎵Raise one hand to the sky; raise them both lift them high!!
And you’ll cut through the darkness make it go!
The time to start is now! And I can show you how.
Start with me, and the world will be even bigger than ever before. 🎵 
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want to read more? here's my ouran masterlist 🌹
and here's my bts blog💜
want me to write something you want to see? request something💌
have any questions? talk to my characters!🙏🏻
Adieu~ 🌹🌹🌹
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inlovewithregencyera · 4 months
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transcript under cut : )
Thornfield House, July 7th, 1818
Isabella: And you did write to her father informing him of this, right?
Max: Yes. He wrote back to me an hour ago, and they're leaving for Hollow directly after her birthday. I've asked him to keep this in confidence of himself and Lady Grey, and he says he will as it would break his heart to tell Aurelia himself.
Isabella: *clutching hand* When will you tell her?
Max: I don't know, and I don't know why you're all tasking me with the impossible. It's not fair, truly. *sniffling* If I had a lover and I lay dying of consumption I wouldn't have Frederick tell her. It should be an intimate moment between them.
Isabella: I think she shall be very upset.
Maximilian: *voice quivering* She'll be plagued with perturbation. Perhaps it would be easier if that idiot thought about how his actions effected others for once in his damn life. He overwhelmed her with affection and now I must tell her he's dying.
Isabella: Oh, please don't cry. More than anything, I hate seeing you upset. I don't care much for people's emotions, but yours always tug at my heart.
Max: Luckily for you I have no more tears left to cry. My eyes have been soiled with tears for the past 12 hours, I believe I'm done for today.
Isabella: Dear Max, crying that long isn't good for-
Max: Don't you stand here and tell me what's good for me and what's not. I don't expect you to understand. You've rarely been emotional a day in your life.
Isabella: have been emotional many times in my life, I just know that crying *THAT MUCH AT ONCE* does you no service!
Max: *scoffs* You are heartless sometimes, you know?
Isabella: How am I heartless for telling you the truth?
Max: I cannot help crying if I am again watching someone I love die.
Isabella: *scoffs* He's not dead! And there have been cases where people overcame this disease.
Max: And you think he will be an exception?! That he's some sort of miracle and will prevail through?
Isabella: He could be. Why you've given up on him I do not know.
Max: He's given up on himself! Why should I have hope for his survival if he's not going to even fight for it!?
Isabella: Because he's family, Max! You don't give up on someone even when they've given up on themself. When Eleanor gave up on herself, you-
Max: Damn it don't you bring her up. I told you I was done crying for today, so stop wherever you're going.
Isabella: Your tears won't bring her back, so what use is it?
Max: You are heartless! When you love someone, and they die-
Isabella: Damn you Max if you are trying to insinuate I didn't love her! I loved her more than anyone ever to walk this Earth!
Max: That's not at all what I meant Isabella and you know that! I just can't believe you're telling me that I shouldn't cry now. Name a time when any one of our household was dying and I didn't?
Isabella: When Uncle Percy had a stroke! He was as good as gone right after and I don't recall you ever shedding any tears then. And there's hope for Frederick, he's not coughing blood.
Max: Frederick is much thinner than the last time I saw him and that cough tops it all off. So no, I will not tell myself there's any hope. And I apologize for not crying in front of my sickly, invalid Father, SOMEONE had to be strong for him.
Isabella: Are you saying I wasn't Maximilian? Really? When you went off to do Ducal business and whatnot who sat with him that whole time until you returned? I endeavored just about as much as you to ensure his comfort, *voice cracking* and how can you accuse me of not being strong when you and I suffered the same trials?
Max: Bell…
Isabella: WHAT?! *covering eyes*
Max: I didn't mean to upset you, dear. I'm sorry, and you're right, we experienced the same sorrow. Perhaps we go about it differently when reacting to it.
Isabella: *sniffling* It just hurts that you'd call me heartless for saying crying does you no good. I'm not saying you shouldn't cry, because Lord knows I have moments sometimes, but I know it's not helpful in the long run. He's not dead yet, t-that is to say, *eyes welling up* if he was truly dying, *burts into tears* in which he is-
Max: *extending arms* Come here.
Isabella: *sobbing into chest* Oh Max! Whatever will we do?
Max: *kisses forehead* What we always do I suppose. Deal with whatever God throws at us.
Isabella: *sniffles* Yes. Let us not quarrel as we shall need each other more than ever in the coming weeks.
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pascaloverx · 3 months
Hit The Road
Epilogue (M)
previous chapter
Summary: You are a hunter of supernatural beings who is forced to experience a new reality: being a vampire. The only thing stronger than your thirst for blood is your thirst for revenge.
Author's note: Hello dear readers, did you miss me? I decided to write this extra chapter to complement the end of the fanfic. I hope those who read it will enjoy and comment. Thank you for your attention. This chapter contains adult content. Minors should not interact with or read this story.
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Being human again has been a challenge. Especially considering that you are romantically involved with two vampires who are brothers. Your hunting days are over and you've got a job as waitress at Mystic Grill. But recently there was a vampire attack near Mystic Falls. You don't like to admit it but you're suspecting it was Damon.
"I'm not going to interfere in your relationship with my brother. It's weird enough with the two of us sharing you. If I start questioning him, he'll get pissed." Stefan says while he's getting ready to leave. He and Caroline are taking her daughters for a trip.
"You're a coward. Let me go talk to your brother while you go on a romantic trip with your ex and her cute daughters." You say pretending to be uncomfortable, Stefan kisses your mouth in the next second.
"I thought there was no jealousy in our relationship." Stefan kisses every corner of your face, finally kissing your neck gently. You smile as if you've let go of your jealousy.
"I actually don't care if you still love Caroline or Elena. I just thought that one of the bonuses of you being with me would be to have your companionship in moments like when I'm going to accuse your brother of having once again brutally attacked people." You say, sighing as if you already knew how tense it was going to be to have this conversation. Stefan kisses you again, but this time it's an apologetic kiss.
"I'm sure you'll know how to deal with your other boyfriend. And don't forget that I love you." Stefan gives you one last kiss on the lips and leaves with his small suitcase of clothes. The best thing about the relationship you've built with the Salvatore brothers is that you don't mind having a lot of distrust. If Stefan gets involved with Caroline on this trip, he'll probably be honest about it and that's okay. After all, it wouldn't be fair for you to date both of them and for them to only have you. You make your way to Damon's room very cautiously, thinking about the right way to ask if he's back to attacking people.
"If you came here to accuse me of something, you better leave." Damon says as he come out of his bathroom and appears to be looking for something to put on. His bath towel is wrapped around his waist and he is slightly wet.
"You know I just need to make sure..." You're about to finish speaking but suddenly, Damon is in front of you. Vampires' faster speed is crazy. He's staring at you like he's angry.
"Are you here to make sure I didn't kill anyone? I wonder if you questioned Stefan about that too. I highly doubt you suspected anyone other than me. Is this what I get from being with you?" He questions you and you almost feel ashamed. Maybe you should trust him more.
"Assure me it wasn't you, and I'll be sorry I suspected you. No relationship can be filled with trust, Damon. And with our past, I thought that you could be involved in this attack." You say feeling your heart beat faster due to the proximity to Damon.
"So you can confirm with Elena. I was with her every night while these people were attacked. Is there anything else?" Damon speaks in a way that you know he wants to hurt you. He didn't tell you he was seeing Elena again.
"Why do you insist on making everything seem worse? I'm your girlfriend, I would obviously care about you to the point of wanting to know if you killed people. But if you think I will regret questioning you for finding out that you were with Elena, you are wrong. I'm actually glad that instead of killing someone, you were just fucking your ex." You respond a little angry but seriously. Damon smirks at you. But you only turn around, ready to leave the room.
"I wasn't with her like that. But it's nice to see you jealous." Damon says while holding his hand so you wouldn't leave his room.
"You do this on purpose, right? You try to get me off my feet for fun." You question while still holding Damon's hand. Your eyes meet.
"I want you to understand that if I'm going to attack people, you're going to know. If I'm sleeping with my ex, you're going to know too. Because I committed to being honest with you. In fact I have been nothing but committed to you." Damon responds and you feel guilty. Maybe you should have more confidence in him. You take a step towards Damon, holding his face close to yours. You kiss him softly, almost like a kiss to make up.
"I know you're committed to me, I want you to know I appreciate that." You say as soon as you break the kiss. Damon smiles slightly and then gives you another kiss. This time a thirstier kiss. You barely even feel it when he starts to take off your clothes. When you notice between passionate kisses, you're just in your underwear. Damon holds you steady so you can climb into his lap as he leans you against the wall. His hands touch your breasts with some force, which makes you moan.
"I hate fighting with you but I love sex to make up." Damon says while taking off your panties, soon after letting his towel fall to the floor. His dick enters you right away, making you scratch at Damon when you feel him thrust into you so abruptly. You kiss him, nibbling his lip as if trying to tease him. He enters and exits you with precision but delicacy at the same time. You throw your body against him trying to feel him a little more inside you. He holds your ass and squeezes it while he puts his dick in you. Your moans fill the room as he bites your neck, You feel him take some of your blood but it makes you even more excited. You start bouncing on Damon's cock, while moaning every time he enters your pussy. When you feel like you're going to cum, you pull Damon's hair back hard. He seems to love it. As some of your blood drips from his mouth, he also seems to be getting close to cumming.
"I love you." You say as you increase the times you sit on Damon. You pull him close to kiss him and he pushes you further against the wall. Your legs are already weak around his waist. He thrusts into you while using his hands to caress your legs and drink some more of your blood.
" Love you too." Damon says as he thrusts even harder into you. You feel your pussy all wet around Damon's cock. After a couple more thrusts from Damon, you cum. He cums a little later as he slows down his thrusts. You melt into Damon's arms who, after pulling out of you, carries you to the bathroom for a second round in his bathtub.
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