#(totally not procrastinating on the new fics *cough*)
limi-pie · 9 months
About the fic YuTae 'Longing or love'
A/N: Hey guys, I thought I should update on you all on what happened to part 2 of the YuTae fic.
I'm sorry that I'm a gaesaekki (asshole/jerk). I know that I said in the reply/comment that part 2 would come out soon but I'M A LIAR, PROCRASTINATER AND I'M SORRY. My bestie has told me that I should at least update you guys on what is going on - so that I don't keep you guys waiting or expecting something for too long! But something as updating and telling my readers what's going on is such an obstacle for me, because I don't really use social media that much aside from scrolling Tik Tok. 💀 Tik Tok addiction is too big, ngl.
Well the number one reason is I just really haven't been in mood to write tbh, even though I'm horny 24/7 and this fic is spicy.
Like I'm just a lazy piece of shit (me) when it comes to reading and correcting my fucking fics, I just hate it and I don't know how to explain this, I've made it a toxic habit to only write fictions before I head to bed, so when I read or write at evening I get sleeply. and associate writing fics with bed time. 💀
Then when I end up writing it's always somehow between 2-4 AM and I re-read it in the morning it's like gibberish and shit 💀
Like my English isn't English-ing 💀
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Why do I always create this fucking evil circle of creating and starting new fics and then never updating them or continuing them? 💀 I'm giving myself the biggest bombastic side-eye and I be eyerolling myself so hard🙄 whenever I come across the thought of never updating or continuing any of my fanfics *coughs* TTORW, *coughs* LAB.
I get easily frustrated, overwhelmed and stressed when certain things don't go my way. I'm sighing so hard as I'm writing this ramble of a note or update. Like once I touch the keyboard I can't fucking shut up.
Second reason for not updating is the fact that I'm fighting for my damn love life and I can't move on! 🙄 My stupid crush from work won't take the fucking hint that I'm fucking into him, that fucking bastard. 🙄 Like I like and love him so much but ain't no way am I going to tell him or convey my feelings to him like that. He really thinks that flirting with me privately at work and calling me by my nickname isn't going to let me know that he's totally into me. (I'm so delulu and I know that. But please shut up.🙄)
He's playing hard to get, then he gets easily jealous when I'm joking around with my male colleagues and he is always on his damn phone that asshole! 🙄 Do I really have to make the first move and tell him that I'm into him? No way! Imagine if I did end up confessing he would reject me because he doesn't feel the same or just sees me as a close coworker.
UGH. FUCK LOVE. HONESTLY I'M TIRED, I SHOULD STAY SINGLE AND NOT BOTHER MYSELF WITH THIS COMPLICATED LOVE LIFE. I NEVER SIGNED UP FOR THIS SHIT. Anyways this song is too real and relatable to how I'm feeling about my stupid crush right now.
내 눈앞의 너를 보면 (When I see you before my eyes) 한없이 작아지는 걸 (I feel so infinitely small) 심장이 멎을 것만 같아 (As if my heart could stop any minute) 난 참을 수 없어 (I can’t stand it anymore)
This is all your fault.
Sorry for my random rant about my love life. If I'm being brutally honest, I think the main reason for my delay and procrastination of writing or continuing fanfictions is the fact that I only write fanfictions when I genuinely want to and have the actual energy to do so.🤷‍♀️
When I do write it is extremely important that I'm having fun or enjoy the time I'm writing. I hate it when my hobbies suddenly or slowly turn into obligations or chores that I 'must' complete.🕴
After all, writing fanfictions is a hidden passion and hobby to me, I don't write to gain popularity or to build a fanbase, I just like the idea of fantasizing, writing feelings, making unsual or exciting plots and and creating fake scenarios within the Kpop fandom. I post what I think would be a fun or entertaining piece of work to read through. I don't write and post fanfics to gain clout or expect 5K notes on each fic. (Not that it is wrong if you write fanfictions for that reason, to each their own💗)
I also like the idea of making Y/N more diverse or unique, as someone who is of South East Asian descent, I like making Y/N Asian or mixed Asian. I love creating chaotic, funny or relatable Y/N moments to my fellow pocs or even non-pocs.
Lastly, I want to say a huge thank you for reading my fanfictions despite the fact that I don't update them. I want to thank you for scrolling/skipping through my fics just to read your favorite parts or certain lines, even if it's for the small parts that you enjoy in my fics.
I highly appreciate the fact that people even come across my fictions. Even if you don't end up reading through the whole thing, I am super thankful for you just taking a look at it or even saving it in your drafts. Thank you for the likes, comments and support for my fanfictions. Thank you for your patience and kindness.💞 
Sorry for rambling, anyways I had to explain myself for delaying my fic and I have probably repeated myself multiple times, sorry. As soon as I've posted this author's note, I will take a look at (Lol aka longing or love) and try to check what I'm missing and try to write on it. Sometimes you just run out of inspiration and that's okay too, but I hate keeping people waiting so I'll look and work on it little by by little.
– Author L. out ✌️
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phoebe-delia · 3 years
AO3 Tag Game
Thank you so much for the tag @lou-isfake!!
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
29, which feels insane lol.
2. What is your total Ao3 word count?
108,228. Which, again, for a girl who's been writing fics since April is kinda nuts and a testament to the intensity of my hyper-fixation 😂
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
Just Harry Potter, but I do have one jokey HSM fanfic about Chad and Ryan that I wrote on Tumblr oops
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
You Are In Love, Deliquesce, Miss Americana, Call It What You Want, and A Dangerous Combination
5. Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
Yes! I LOVE responding to comments. I try to match the energy and length of each response to the particular comment. For example, if you say "I love this!" I'll say "Omg thanks so much! <3" But if you leave long, rambling comments with excerpts from the fic and your thoughts, be prepared for a whole ass essay response telling you exactly what I was thinking when I wrote it 😂. I respond to all comments, except hate comments, and I'm fortunate to have only sort of kind of gotten one so far? *knocks on wood*
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I have written some very angsty fics, thanks to the enabling encouraging from some of my friends *cough* Lyssa and Luci *cough.* I've probably written angstier stuff than this, but I'm going to go with Travelin' Soldier because it left me depressed for like 2 days after and it was my very first MCD. I also literally wrote a second chapter to give myself closure lol.
7. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve ever written?
No, I haven't! But it could be cool.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
I got one comment, once, that was just not as kind as it could've been? But I'm so fortunate that I've never gotten any real hate on my fics so far.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes, but rarely bc I'm not as confident about it and my ideas usually aren't that smutty. And idk how to classify it? Just...smut?
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of? I've seen one of my fics posted on another site without my permission but they gave me credit, so I guess that's not exactly stealing?
11. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not yet, but maybe one day!
12. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
13. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter
14. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
Okay. I'm torn about this one, so I'm going to be annoying and pick two. My first favorite is "life's like an hourglass glued to the table." This is one of those that I wrote a sequel to just so I could keep writing the story. I think that fic was one that really elevated my writing and honestly made me get to know Draco better—and the two chapters combined are only 1.4k!
My second one is "Holy Ground." Writing this was like pulling teeth, and it took forever, but I got there. It took a ton of research, frustration, encouragement from my friends, and procrastination to get it done. But ultimately I'm happy with it. It combines Drarry and New York City, which are two of my favorite things! And I even got to include one of my fandom friends as a character, so that was fun.
Tagging @lyssarose @starlitsilvereyes and @rockingrobin69 bc why not. And anyone else who wants to!
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townhulls · 3 years
author interview
hello friends! figured as long as i am procrastinating writing i may as well answer these questions. i was tagged by the wonderful @thrillingdetectivetales​! thank u beloved :-)
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
40! it used to be more but i broke my ‘no deleting works’ rule to get rid of a few that i honestly believe were doing more harm than good being up.
2. what’s your total ao3 word count?
317,486. kinda wild! i remember hitting 100,000 and being like, holy shit. that’s a lot of words.
3. what are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1. peaches & plums, the magicians, 833 kudos
2. Come With Me, hamilton, 514 kudos
3. some are born to endless night, star wars, 329 kudos
4. if it is not alright now, then now is not the end, hamilton, 307 kudos
5. promises are meant to be kept, hamilton, 228 words
i’m gonna go ahead and disclaim that list with the simple facts that a, hamilton is my oldest fandom so those fics have been around the longest, and b, i wrote main pairs for hamilton. i do not do that very much anymore. is a huge relief that my most kudosed fic is not hamilton, though.
4. do you respond to comments? why or why not?
yes! i love receiving and replying to comments. discussing fic is one of my favorite things in thee world. this is maybe a bad thing, but one of the things that makes me more likely to comment on other people’s fic is if they tend to respond to comments: for me, comments are a space to engage with the author and let them know what you liked or ask any questions you may have. if they don’t engage, i feel a little weird shouting into the void. so i try to give that kind of engagement to my own readers! should note that i do sometimes fail to reply to shorter comments on older fics, but otherwise i think i’ve replied to almost every comment i’ve ever gotten.
5. what’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
the deleted ones. they sure were about being a teenager and being catastrophically sad about it. god. and a lot of my fics that are still up from before, idk, 2018? are just pure self-indulgent angst. i don’t like to look at them. i guess more recently, the ‘angstiest’ fics i’ve written would be you were the most exciting thing i’d ever known (turn), cough it out (undrafted), and d’celui que son coeur aime (hockey rpf), but i’d say those endings are less angsty than unresolved, in a way that, you know, could be hopeful.
6. what’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
well, if they’re not interminable angst, they’re all pretty happy. not sure how to quantify that. my older fics tend to end with more unbridled joy, i suppose, but i couldn’t name a Happiest One.
7. do you write crossovers? if so, what is the craziest one you’ve written?
i have never published a crossover. HOWEVER, a long, long time ago, my friend and i came up with the idea for a sense8/hamilton crossover that crosses my mind every so often. i’ve always loved the band of brothers/the pacific crossover fics as well, and that one sledgefu/baberoe mixup fic from a couple years ago lives rent free in my brain. i would love to explore that further. (on another note, everyone keeps ignoring the brock boeser/harry jowsey hockey rpf/too hot to handle crossover event that i would like to force you all to bear witness to. but i’m not sure that counts as a crossover because it’s just two ‘real life’ dudes who i think should kiss.)
8. have you ever received hate on a fic?
nope! everyone has been lovely and kind and uplifting to me during my time on ao3. i’ve received some strange comments, but no mean ones.
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind?
yes! but i am relatively new to it. (i say this. i have been writing it for two? three? years? but i have not published very much of it, so i still feel like a newborn fawn every time i venture into that genre.) i am also not sure what ‘what kind’ is supposed to mean, but i did write hockey rpf knifeplay that one time. cheers?
10. have you ever had a fic stolen?
nope! i do not think i am popular enough for anyone looking for fic to steal to happen across me. i do think someone trying to claim, like, ballet class with a visitor (hockey rpf) as their own would be funny, though.
11. have you ever had a fic translated?
not yet! i think one may? be in the works? but i have not heard back from the person responsible for a bit. i welcome all fic translation requests!
12. have you ever co-written a fic before?
nope, and i don’t plan on it! i am a terror in group projects. i could be working with, idk, markus zusak and i still wouldn’t trust him to put my ideas into words in a way that i wanted. i just get very controlling and snippy if my style and my co-writer’s style don’t exactly mesh, so i can happily say co-writing fic would be a bad time for everyone involved, and i don’t want to put anyone through that.
13. what’s your all-time favorite ship?
hmmmm i don’t think i have one! if you’d asked me this five years ago, the answer might have been alexander hamilton/john laurens. if you’d asked three years ago, it might have been lewis nixon/dick winters. if you’d asked, like, six months ago it would’ve been ‘idk, something hockey-related?’ i am fickle and changeable and cannot pick favorites.
14. what’s a wip that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
oh, so many ideas for the pacific. sometimes i go back and listen longingly to the playlist for a little less human (the pacific) and think about how much i love pirates. and then i remember how much i hate plot, and yeah. that fic is not getting written. would love to repurpose it into an original pirate lesbian story if i ever decide that plot is my thing, though.
15. what are your writing strengths?
i like to think i write pretty good descriptive prose! people also tend to like the way i handle relationship dynamics, the way i write pretty genuine human emotions, and my fondness for metaphors/motifs.
16. what are your writing weaknesses?
haha. i don’t like editing. at all. once i finish writing something, i don’t want to look at it anymore. it’s already embarrassing, get it away. let someone else on the internet read it and judge it so i don’t have to think about it. i can force myself through like, one or two rounds of editing (and by that i mean like. light editing. grammatical errors, word choice, etc. i am not rewriting whole sections or anything), but after that i need several days (weeks? months?) before i can even think about reading it closely again. i think because of that, a lot of my writing reads like a first draft. it can get purple, repetitive, unoriginal. but i’m also having fun with it and i learn something new with every story i write, so i’m not, like, mad about it.
17. what are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
i do this a lot! i think it takes practice to understand how to include it in a way that’s not clunky or awkward, but it can be really effective if you’re doing it for a reason. i also think it helps if you are actually multilingual or can talk to someone who is, because you can think about it from a personal perspective. like, when i’m throwing in dialogue in another language, i’m thinking, okay, how would i do this? why would i do this? would i do this if i were in this specific situation? how do i think about switching languages? how do i use the languages i speak in different situations? and so on. i will say, if there’s a fic that includes another language in a weird or awkward way, it’s an instant turn-off for me, haha.
18. what was the first fandom you wrote for?
well, that depends on how you define ‘wrote for.’ i wrote warrior cats roleplays with my friends for like, five or six years of my life. and i mean four hundred page tomes of roleplays, full of stupid conflict and overripe descriptions and a million cats named shit like mistytwilight. then i wrote really shitty supernatural fanfiction in middle school that i never published because i barely knew what an ao3 was. and then i published my first fic on ao3, and it was for hamilton. so take your pick.
19. what’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to?
the terror!!!!!!!!!!! on GOD i will write something for that stupid show, i just need to get over being intimidated by the super intellectual fandom, lmao. everyone i have met through the terror has been so smart and good at writing and knowledgeable about everything to do with 19th century naval exploration, and i feel like a small child throwing out a peace sign every so often when i reblog a silly gifset of the square man who is in love with the little teapot man.
20. what’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
it’s still gotta be got no brakes (hockey rpf). my magnum opus. quite honestly the best thing i have ever written. this is the one piece of writing i can revisit as many times as i please and not cringe internally at any part of it. every time i read it i have a brief flicker of hope that maybe, maybe, through all the bullshit and writer’s block and self-doubt and bad bad fanfiction, maybe i am a decent writer. it’s also just incredibly absurd, and it reminds me of people who i love a lot because it is essentially one extended inside joke. just many good feelings tied to jeep fic, and i think everyone should experience it.
thank you again for the tag! that was very fun. i love to be chatty. i am tagging whoever sees this and wants to word vomit all over the post editor like i just did!
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theadorablespderman · 5 years
Spideychelle Week Prompt 1
Guys I procrastinated and I’m probably maybe only gonna be able to do one fic for the week :( I’m so depressed about it, but in recognition of Spideychelle week, and our lovely couple, I’m gonna repost a fic I did ages ago which I think fit’s under Prompt 1: Secret Relationship. Basically it’s news to Peter that MJ and him are already dating, so I think that fits under Secret Relationship. Right? Anyways, please forgive me for procrastinating. I promise new content is on it’s way. 
Rating: T (Strong Language)
Pairing: Peter Parker/Michelle Jones
Summery:  Peter is completely surprised to find out that everyone thinks him and MJ are a couple. Everyone, including MJ herself.
Everything came to a grinding halt. Every detail is memorable, a fixture in his brain. There are defining moments in life, and this is one of them.
At first everything is normal. May is cursing her burnt casserole in the kitchen, batting the smoke away, before entering the living room to grab her phone. She asks what everyone wants for dinner like any other night her cooking goes wrong. Ned mentions Chinese food and Peter says he doesn’t really care as long as it’s food. MJ, then, from her place beside Peter on the couch, simply answers that she’s been craving Indian food from the restaurant down the block. May smiles and winks. “That’s exactly what I was thinking. Same place and all. Indian food it is.”  Everything is still normal, until May opens her mouth a second time. “This one’s a keeper, Peter.” And she points at MJ with her phone before dialing the restaurant. As if dropping a bomb like that fit perfectly in their completely normal conversation.
Peter’s head whips up. “What does that mean?”
May crinkles her brow at him. “Just that your girlfriend’s a keeper.” She smirks, like she caught the joke Peter most certainly wasn’t making. “Are you saying she’s not?”
“What, no—I mean—wait. What?” The heat spreading across his face is unbearable. Aunt May has the audacity to look confused.
She decides to abandon her phone call and drop her phone into her pocket before motioning between MJ and Peter. “Well she is. Isn’t she?”
Peter coughs, rather violently, and tries to put space in between his and MJ’s touching thighs. He’d been just about to muster up the courage to brush his hand closer to MJ’s before Aunt May had to ruin it. Right in the middle of their Back to the Future marathon too. Peter’s eyes jump over to MJ’s face. She’s as collected as ever. Placid like a pond in the early morning, completely undisturbed by Aunt May’s typhoon of a statement.
God, she’s utterly beautiful.
Snapping back to reality, Peter opens his mouth to contradict Aunt May. Ned, from his spot on the arm chair—one leg draped over one armrest whilst his head rested on the other—decides to join the conversation. He pauses the movie right at the lightning strike and speaks around a mouthful of potato chips. “Why do you sound surprised? I mean you haven’t told me, which I was kinda offended by, but it’s totally obvious so it’s no big deal. I’m just glad you guys—”
“Hold on!” Peter’s hands flail out beside him. He’s completely bewildered by both May and Ned seemingly being under the impression that MJ and him are dating—which would be great, but that’s not the point. On top of everything, MJ is merely sitting back in her spot, looking completely entertained by the entire exchange. “MJ and I aren’t dating.”
May just laughs, grabbing her phone and dialing a number again. “You may not know it, but you’re dating.”
“We are not!”
Ned rolls his eyes and says, “Dude, you’re an idiot.” before sticking his hand back into the bag of potato chips for another mouthful.
Peter finally turns to the only voice that could quell Ned and May’s disbelief. “MJ, tell them.”
There’s a smirk, a mere glimpse of MJ’s white teeth. “You do realize we’re dating, right?”
There’s nothing to choke on, but Peter still manages. Surprise pitches his world sideways. “W-What?” His voice is squeezed tight, higher than normal. The blush over his face is intensifying, the comprehension coming in waves. A month ago, he took MJ out to dinner. The next week after, he took her to the apex of the Empire State Building and made a webbed hammock to watch the lights of the city. The hammock had pushed their bodies together. It wouldn’t have mattered anyways, MJ wasn’t fond of the precarious perch and kept both arms firmly shackled around his own. Eventually she relaxed, but never let go of his arms. Peter loved every second if it. And, just the other night she’d threaded her fingers into his to pull him through the crowds of the movie theater they’d gone to. He’d even introduced her to Mr. Stark.
Oh my god…I’m totally dating MJ.
“There it is. Just now figured it out then?” MJ laughs at his frozen stature, sliding over and filling the empty space he’d put between them. Her hand fits into his, and his fingers instinctively fold around hers.
He smiles, small, but enough to feel it deep in his chest. This is what he’s been trying for months to achieve and he didn’t even realize he’d already arrived. He squeezes MJ’s hand, dragging her as close as he can get her. He’s about to say he’s sorry. She must have the patience of a saint to wait for him to come around. She stops him. “It was totally obvious, I was just waiting to see how long it took you to figure out. Also, you’re a loser. Seriously, I can see you when you’re making googly-eyes at me.” Blushing, Peter averts his eyes. MJ nudges his shoulder, an honest smile in her eyes. “Keep doing it.”
From his spot in the armchair Ned snickers before it erupts into bellowing laughter. He flips the movie back on, drowning out May ordering food in the background. “You’re fucking oblivious, Peter.”
From the kitchen May yanks the phone away from her ear. “Language, Ned!”
Peter can feel MJ chuckle before he hears her. “Sorry, May.” Ned calls back.
Peter cherishes the moment that MJ places a tender kiss on his cheek. “You’re a total loser.” But it’s spoken as an endearment as her head rests on his shoulder. Peter gently—as if the moment would break back into the reality that had been his only ten minutes previous—pecks MJ’s forehead, warmth radiating through his body.
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tobethefairybest · 5 years
First Miraxus fic is up! Thanks @i-write-fanfics-to-procrastinate for proofreading! :D
The fanfic can be read here below or by clicking the ff.net link above :)
It was late at night at the Fairy Tail guildhall. Mirajane walked down the stairs from the highest floor, it had been a long day. Ever since the guild had been re-established, she and Levy had been helping Makarov nonstop with all the paperwork needed to get the guild back into business with the entire city again. Levy already left an hour ago, but Mirajane had stayed a little longer. Not because she had too, but simply because she felt like every time spent with the almost century old master was precious to her. She never wanted to leave before knowing he was feeling well.
It has been strange for everyone to go back to the lives they had always led here. Some had gotten used to their new life already in a new place, but most of the guild members had never felt home again since the disbanding until now. So had she. Fairy Tail had been her and her siblings' home and suddenly being left without it had thrown them into the dark. Of course they still had their house in Magnolia, but the city had had a gaping hole in its heart without the guild.
She awoke from her thoughts by a low rumbling sound coming from the main hall. It was followed by an almost inhuman sound of rasping and gurgling. Mirajane froze in place. It was as if a large animal was drowning and gasping for air. It eerily resonated in the now empty and dark guildhall. The last thing the now peaceful guild needed, was trouble from outsiders. Maybe an animal had gotten stuck in the building?
Carefully she crept down the stairs and up to the balcony. She kneeled down and looked through the bars. She could feel her heartbeat in her throat. Normally there wasn't much for her to be afraid of, but the thought of someone, or something, having intruded the guildhall without anyone noticing left her surrounded by fear.
At first, it seemed like not a living soul was present at ground level. Had she imagined it? No. There was no way a sound that loud was just in her head. She carefully stood up straight. It was then when she saw it. On a barstool, somebody sat with their back towards her. A back that was all too familiar to her.
He was visibly startled, as if he didn't expect anybody to be around at this time, but he didn't turn around. Something was off, he should have definitely been able to hear her walking around with his extraordinary hearing skills.
She walked down the last stairs.
''You scared me! Why on earth did you make that sound?''
He didn't reply.
She slowed down her pace when she came closer. ''What's wrong?''
''None of your business.'' he replied in a hoarse voice, while quickly covering a napkin laying on the bar with his hand. The light of the oil lamps of the bar was faint, but enough for Mirajane to notice the blood on his chin, which he wiped away with the back of his hand.
''Please look at me.''
After a moment of hesitation, he slowly turned his face towards her.
He looked absolutely awful. His eyes were bloodshot and the bags under them had turned a greyish colour. It was as if his body had become an empty shell, even his skin colour didn't look natural anymore.
''The bane particles never left your body, did they?'' she managed to bring out quietly.
He shook his head and let out a raspy cough again.
''You lied and just convinced Porlyusica that you were doing better, while your organs were and are still degrading.''
He picked up the bloody napkin to wipe his mouth with.
She almost didn't want to ask. ''Just how bad is it?''
He sighed. ''I'm gonna be real with you, I have no idea how much longer this body of mine will last.''
Mirajane couldn't believe what she was hearing. Deep down she had always feared that him poisoning himself last year would lead to problems later, but never had she thought it was this bad.
''Most days, I don't feel that much pain and it makes me think that it's gonna get better, but every time I have an attack like this...'' his voice started to break down, ''I feel like it's gonna be over.''
''Why have you been hiding this from us?!'' she said in a trembling voice, ''we're your family, the ones you're suppose to reach out your hand to in times of need,'' she took his hand with hers, ''so we can help you.''
He jerked his hand back, ''I've caused the guild enough trouble already, this is my way of repaying for that.''
''By dying and causing us all grief?!'' she let out, crying.
He fell silent and looked to his side, only to see her with a tear-streamed face. Her skin all red and her eyes soaked. Her always neatly brushed hair was stuck to her cheeks in strands.
''Nobody wants you to suffer, even after all you've done to us.''
He was left totally stunned. Never had he expected anyone of the guild to be this worried about his wellbeing. Especially not Mira, after all the times she called for help and he just ignored it and laughed it off.
She turned around and walked back to the stairs.
''Where are you going?'' he asked.
She looked over her shoulder. ''To your grandfather, he deserves to know.''
He stood up, electricity surging through the wooden floor beneath him. ''No you won't.''
She stood motionless on the first step. Sparks escaped the floor at her feet.
''Please understand that this is my choice.'' he said slowly but with resolve, ''I don't want my old man to die of worry.''
She felt conflicted. Of course she wanted to keep a secret, but not one as heavy as this one.
''Please, Mira.'' he softly said.
He knew that calling her by that nickname would make her feel nostalgic.
She turned around. He had moved closer and his eyes had gained that golden glow again.
''For how many years have we known each other now? Twenty?'' he asked.
''Twenty-one.'' she corrected him.
''And how many times have I been in mortal danger during that time?''
''Too often.'' she let out softly.
''But I survived.'' he said, ''I don't know how, but I will find a way around this.''
As much as this sounded like just another lie to keep her from worrying, somewhere deep inside she believed him. He was a mage who carried a dragon lacrima in his body, if there was anyone who would overpower a nearing death again, it would be him.
She reached out her hand and rubbed some blood off the corner of his mouth with her thumb, ''If only you had absorbed a demon instead of poison, I could have gotten rid of it.'' she smiled, still swallowing the tears.
He was left without words. Never in all that time together, they had gotten this close. At least not when they were all alone. He had a hard time picking up signals. Was she really flirting with him right now?
''You should open up more often,'' she said, ''it suits you.''
''Oh shut up.'' he grumbled.
''Back to normal, I see.'' she said as she made her way towards the guild's doors. ''I should be going then, it's getting late.''
''Wait.'' Laxus said out loud before instantly regretting it. What was he supposed to say next? He cursed himself.
She looked over her shoulder. ''Hm?'' Mirajane turned around, only to find herself looking up to him. Gently, he wrapped his arms around her and hesitantly pulled her closer.
She was surprised by his sudden move, but had no intention to resist either. His clothes smelled like gunpowder, probably from all the times the electricity had burned little holes through it. As intimidating as he was, resting her head against his chest made her feel safe. ''Thank you.'' she heard him say, followed by a pressure on top of her head.
Her eyes widened when she realised what caused it, ''Did you just-?"
He let go of her and walked up the stairs.
''As far as I know, we didn't have this conversation.'' he said with a wink.
She took the hint, ''I'll keep it a secret, don't worry.''
Mirajane walked out the guild, ''Just don't die.'' she whispered before closing the massive doors behind her.
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dammit-stark · 5 years
School AU with the Avengers taking a chem test then? X)
ironic how I procrastinated on this too, isn’t it? anyway, here it finally is (I hope its okay that it isn’t in traditional fic format… also I ended up making it Steve/Tony oops funny how that happens)
Steve still isn’t exactly sure why he signed up to take ap chem
sure he excelled in biology, but observing the unseen has never exactly been his forte. he prefers having the ability to physically be able to hold and examine the things he’s studying. it’s pretty difficult to study a couple of atoms.
but he takes the class anyway. partially because he wants to challenge himself and also to spite Bucky, who told him it’d end up doing nothing but drop his grade point
on the first day of school, Steve went into class excited and optimistic
now it’s almost the end of the third quarter and Steve wants to drop out of school or maybe just drop out of life. he’s dramatic, but also totally serious (or so he tells bucky during track practice)
another test gets passed back, and Steve finally has to admit to himself, “okay, maybe I should get a tutor”
he doesn’t really know who to go to, but Bucky feeds him a few names. He thinks he recognizes this Tony Stark guy, a senior whose dad owns some big fancy company. tony’s infamous for his spectacular grades and his big parties, but all Steve really cares about is his brain and the hope that maybe this guy’ll help him not fail chemistry
he finds Tony flinging Cheetos at a dry erase target on a white board in an empty study hall room. he doesn’t look eager to get to know Steve or even to talk with him, but Steve forces himself into the seat across from him anyway, “you’re good with science stuff, right?”
tony hits him with a Cheeto, “maybe. why?”
the rogers family has been infamous for generations for their stubbornness, it takes everything in Steve to grit his teeth and say, “I need help.” 
“Fine,” Tony says, “But I come at a price.”
Steve grimaces. money’s been tight at home, and almost all of every paycheck goes straight into his college savings, “How much do you want, Stark?”
“Oh, it’s not that kind of price.”
They decide to meet at the library every Tuesday and Thursday for two hours
it’s weird, actually understanding what’s going on in this class for once
most of the reason that he’s actually getting caught up is the way Tony explains things. sure he’s rude sometimes, impatient as hell, and more sarcastic than Steve had previously thought humanly possible, but he’s passionate and knows what the hell he’s talking about. he also knows how to explain it to people that don’t know what the hell he’s talking about. 
Steve’s younger sister is sick one night with the flu, but their mom has to work, so Steve shoots a text to Tony, ‘can’t make it tonight. sister’s sick. gotta make sure she doesn’t get high on cough syrup and walk out of the house or throw up on the cat or something. you know how it is.’
an hour later, and Tony actually shows up at Steve’s family’s modest apartment with a quart of chicken noodle soup and a chem textbook
“what are you doing here, Tony?” he’s in his sweats and a ratty old tee-shirt, expecting to be sitting in a room alone with his feverish sister
“I’m here to study, rogers. obviously. aren’t you going to invite me in? I brought soup.”
Steve can’t think of anything to do besides just letting him in, and it’s weird to see Tony Stark in his house. the whole night is weird.
they actually start off studying. Steve sets them up at the kitchen table with their textbooks and a couple of mugs of reheated coffee. he tells his drowsy, cough-syrup-laden sister where he’ll be, then goes off to study intermolecular bonds.
it’s something about the change of location that gets them talking.
they talk about family and expectations and the juxtaposition of a future perfectly laid out for you and a completely uncertain one. they talk about trust, and yes, even a little chemistry. things are different after that.
they hang out on Fridays, too (and most mondays), but there’s no chem to do. they just meet at Starbucks or wherever for coffees, sometimes they split a pastry. it’s nice, and new, and Bucky only teases Steve about it a little bit. Steve doesn’t really know what he’s doing.
when finals comes around, Steve all but becomes a hermit. 
they only hang out on Tuesdays and Thursdays for chem now and Steve imagines Tony would probably take offense from it if he hadn’t also witnessed Steve having two separate panic attacks about the upcoming tests. Tony expertly helps him come down from them. it’s weird how easy it is for him to coax him down, but Steve doesn’t dwell on it. he has more studying to do anyway.
by the time his last test is done, Steve’s spent. he’s exhausted. but it means the end of his junior year is done, and now he can finally breathe.
tony’s waiting for him by his car, “How’d you do?” He says, the sun beating down, his sunglasses on his nose
Steve grins, “Totally aced it, Tones,” He says, then just because he doesn’t feel like he has any more excuses, he takes a few steps forward and presses a kiss to Tony’s lips
“Yeah,” He says, when he pulls away. Tony’s got this smug/surprised look on his face, and Steve really wants to kiss him again, “I really learned a lot.”
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anthony-kate · 5 years
Your Writing Meme
I got tagged by @lynne-monstr , thank you so much dear! <3
What is your total posted word count on AO3? (Go to your Works, then click Statistics.)
61200. *coughs* 
How often do you write?
My goal is every day. But then my procrastination and anxiety say hi and... yeah. But I really wanna get a more regular schedule this year because having a routine is good and important. So, we’ll see how that goes for 2019. And yes, I am also wondering how I get shit done in the end. lmao
Do you have a routine for writing?
Not really. I just sit at my desk, depending on my mood and the scene I am writing I might turn up some music, but otherwise, I just try to get as many words out as possible.
What’s your favourite kinks/tropes/pairing?
I am loving, breathing, and living Malec right now. Hence, it is all about them. Not to mention that they are the most interesting characters to write about. 
That being said, I don’t think I have special kinks? Okay, maybe I have a thing for men with beards?? Does that count? lol When it comes to tropes, I am very boring, I think. AUs, bed sharing, fake dating, enemies to friends to lovers, bicker/banter, idiots in love, humor, angst with a happy ending, ... Basically what I am writing about is also the stuff I like to read. Haha
Do you have a favourite fic of yours?
Hmmm, I haven’t really written that much so it’s hard. And I am a libra so choosing things is always hard for me. lol But from the ones I finished, it’s probably “Somewhere Only We Know” because I am still proud how it turned out and it challenged me in so many way, since it’s also the first one where I wrote smut. So...
When it comes to my WIP ones, I really can’t choose. I am actually loving both “Against All Odds” (writing those 3 chapters was hard but also fun!) and “I Knew I Loved You” equally. I am also super excited for a new project but I can’t talk about it yet.
Your fic with the most kudos?
“I Knew I Loved You” (I am still amazed how that fic got so many kudos ngl.)
Anything you don’t like about your writing?
I think my beginnings, in general, but also for each chapter, are meh and boring. Same goes for the important “info dumping”/descriptions which I hate to write even though I know it is crucial. But yeah... I don’t like it and I believe it shows.
Now something you do like?
DIALOGUE. I LOVE THAT SHIT. Especially banter is my kind of jam. I could fill pages with that and I always have to tell myself to chill. lol But yeah, witty banter/bickering is one of my best qualities when it comes to writing I believe. 
I also dig my observation skills. Which has less to do with writing itself but it helps to find things that don’t work. I mean, it also has a downside because I am my worst enemy when it comes to editing but I also believe I am a good editor for others even though they might end up hating me. Haha.
Tagging: I believe everyone has already done it by now so if you haven’t and you wanna do it, feel yourself tagged! :)
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Any advice for someone who struggles to finish a WIP? You've managed to write over 200K and that's astounding! How did you keep with it? I always get another idea that just NEEDS to be worked on!
I'm honestly not the best person to ask this I think, because I do take long breaks, and since I have school and I don't get paid to write fanfiction, I don't force myself to write when I have no inspiration/can't concentrate, and so on.
But over all, making an outline for the plot and cutting anything superfluous can really help you finish a work that's dragging on. Making an outline before you write your fic can also help you see if it's something you actually wanna finish. Most fanfic writers write for themselves first and foremost, because they want to read those specific stories, but since no one else have written them they are forced to do so themselves. And that's great. It's wonderful to see your own story unfold-- sometimes in directions you didn't expect. But of course the danger is: You write the ending in your head long before you put it on paper. After that, it can feel like a chore to type out what you already know. You finished the story in your mind and got the emotional resolution... The rest is just extra work.
All I can say to this is: Try anyway. Put your work aside for a while if you have to, then reread it and maybe, just maybe, you'll get a bit frustrated when you run out of pages.
"What? That's it? But the ending!" You'll rage, before remembering: oh right, I'm the idiot who wrote this. I should totally write that ending now. Actually, I think I know how to make it better.
So that's my advice.
As for constantly starting new works? That's good! Feeling inspired to write something and doing so only results in 1 thing: You get better at writing.
Even if you never finish that particular story, leaving it to languish on your harddrive, the premise of it might be really interesting, and might be something you can use again. Or maybe, that particular scene you imagined can be tweaked and used somewhere else.
Finally: Remember that fanfiction is a hobby. If it doesn't feel fun, or it's stressing you out, making you feel guilty or making you procrastinate on work/school, then it's fine to take a break. Keep your love for it alive by having fun! Don't make it a chore.
Oh, and dubious amounts of caffeine has been known to help my focus too, but of course I would never advocate for such substance abuse *cough*... certainly not with added caramel either.
So yea. 👍
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toast-the-unknowing · 6 years
AO3 Tag Game
I was tagged by two-of-swords-621 :D thanks, doll!
What is your total word count on AO3?
...There's no way on earth that's accurate. An extra decimal got in there somewhere. What?
.........guys, I've written 300,000 words in the last two years. No. I've posted 300,000 words in the last two years. What the fuck.
How often do you write?
I have periods where I write every day and periods where I don't write for weeks. The latter is a good warning sign my depression is acting up.
Do you have a routine for writing?
Not in the least! I'll usually start a bout of writing by reading some of the stuff that's already there, and sometimes I don't actually get around to writing anything new, and that's fine. I tend to write in places other than my home -- coffee shop, bar, bus, desktop at work (*cough*).
I'll have times where I'm just writing big splotchy messy chunks of text with no punctuation or dialogue tags and lots of notes like [thing happens here], and then I'll have times where I write in nice perfectly formatted paragraphs that need no editing whatsoever, and then I'll have times where I take the messy chunks and turn them into writing.
What are your favorite kinks/tropes/pairings?
I love AUs. I used to be all about crossovers but lately not so much. I'm a HO-BAG for platonic friendships, especially between underwritten or unexpected combos of characters. I love road trips but I don't know that that's accurately reflected by my published works. Oh, and Five Things is always fun.
I never used to be someone who predominantly wrote ship fic, and I rarely have a pair I write a lot of. And then fucking Pynch happened.
Do you have a favorite fic of yours?
Favorite is such a weird metric. I would say, whether or not they're my favorites at any point in time, and whether or not they're the best thing I've written, there's a handful that I think of as my heart-song fics: The Quintuple Convergence Alternatives, every superhero has an origin story, The Visit, The Science of Science Fiction, and new worlds for the weary, new lands for the living.
Your fic with the most kudos?
while we're on the subject, could we change the subject now
that's exciting! I love that the fic that really did well and connected with people is one that was written for a good cause.
Also it amuses me to think that 1000+ people have given kudos to the fic where I ranted about parking in Palms, exorcised some demons from living with my ex, and mocked my ex-roommate's shameful 7-Eleven coffee addiction
Anything you don’t like about your writing?
Has any writer in history answered this question with a "no"?
The things I catch myself being most dissatisfied with are a lack of visuals and an over-reliance on dialogue. On the other hand, I love writing dialogue, so who cares if it's a crutch?
What do you write in (program)?
Writer at bighugelabs.com! I need something web-based that I can access on a variety of computers and I have a weird paranoia that my Google Docs are not private. You don't need to @ me and tell me that it would be extremely difficult to accidentally share my gay porn with my mother, I KNOW that it isn't a logical fear, but it's a fear I have and I can either live with it every second of the day or I can just use a different program. Not a hard choice.
I used to have an iPad, and Google did NOT play nice with that, so I spent a while trying different website until I found one I liked, and I've stuck with it. It is basic to a fault, but I like that about it -- given the chance, I will procrastinate the fuck out of "changing fonts" and "reorganizing my files" and "fucking with pagination even though it's going to be posted somewhere without pages." Writer has nothing to procrastinate with.
Tags never work for me on the desktop version, so, if you wanna do this, consider yourself tagged!
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lcthebtswriter · 7 years
Tumblr media
Request: hi!! I was wondering if I could request a fic where Ethan from CrankGameplays finds out the reader pregnant because she's been sick and kinda hides it from him? if you're not comfortable with Ethan, I would totally love an Anti, Mark or Dark version 💜💜💜💜💜
Genre: fluff, angst
Your hands trembled around the cup of coffee in your hands, Amy sitting across from you and her eyes focused on her own Starbucks cup. The smell of burnt cookies and autumn wind following customers into the shop had your stomach grumbling, and you completely forgot about the cake pops Amy bought before you reached for one. As you bit into the birthday cake flavored dessert, Amy’s eyes scanned your face in search of a sign of something - anything. With what you had just told her, Amy was worried about your own emotional health with how content you seemed to be at the moment.
“How long?” She asked quietly, like the people sitting around you would care to listen in on a pregnant woman’s conversation. You glanced at Amy, cake pop disappearing into your mouth, and your stomach dropped along with the chewed dough and icing. Amy’s question pulled you from the safe haven you created in your mind, and you suddenly realized you were back where you started: one girl, six weeks after finding out she was pregnant and seeking her best friend’s guidance.
You sunk in your chair, embarrassed with the conversation but knowing you were the one who asked Amy if she could meet to talk. “Seven weeks,” you huffed. Amy, having been mid-sip with her cup of hot chocolate, brought a hand to her mouth to keep the liquid from spilling out from between her lips. She swallowed her drink, coughing a bit before moving a strand of hair from her eyes. “And you still haven’t told him?” Amy inquired as she leaned forward, trying to keep her voice low like her handbag had been bugged by an expectant baby snatcher.
By him, Amy referred to your boyfriend of a year and a half, Ethan. He was the entire reason you moved to California along with Amy’s bribery of course. With you graduating with a bachelor’s, you couldn't afford a place to stay and moved in with Amy and her friends when she told you of her convincing everyone. You met Ethan last; the man leaving his room in the middle of your arrival. To say it was love at first sight was cheesy, but you both shared awkward exchanges that quickly let to awkward flirting and eventually a less awkward relationship. Together you had been happily dating, a year and a half concluding with an unexpected pregnancy that sent a wave of nausea throughout your gut.
You shook your head no, bringing the cup of what you ordered to your lips to take a much needed gulp. Amy bit her bottom lip, mind racing to come up with something to say that would fill the silence and further your decision on what to do. “So you don’t want an abortion?”
Amy’s brow furrowed in thought, but she obviously came up empty and leaned back in her chair to cross her arms. You groaned, setting your coffee aside before leaning your elbows against the wooden table and holding your head in your hands. Hair cascaded down, blocking the view of Amy although you could feel her eyes on you, concerned. “I don’t want to ruin his reputation, Amy,” your voice wavered, “What if Ethan doesn’t want to stay with me, or help raise this baby?”
Amy reached a hand across the table to take yours, and you grasped onto it like a lifeline. Tilting your head up, you leaned back and shut your eyes to try and relieve an oncoming headache. To say you were terrified was an understatement. Everything Ethan built - all his hard work - could come crashing down simply because you were too afraid of him leaving. You felt selfish for not telling him sooner, for not making a decision before the symptoms appeared, although you had to give yourself credit for concealing the pregnancy so well. Ethan’s habit of sleeping in late prevented him from witnessing your morning sickness, but eventually you would start to show. Then what?
“I could run away,” you chuckled sarcastically. Amy rolled her eyes, the pitiful joke still doing some good and breaking the tense conversation. “You would break Ethan’s heart,” Amy pointed out. She retracted her hand to dig through her purse and find the car keys while she worked up the energy to stand, and you knew her schedule was filled with errands; you were thankful she even picked up the phone. “Besides,” Amy went on to say, “Ethan would be ecstatic to be a parent with you. Don’t you love each other?” That answer was obvious.
You stood, chair scratching against the tile so you could follow Amy to her car. “Of course we do,” you responded. Cups in hand, you left the cafe and climbed into Amy’s car. The AC flicked on, sending a cold breeze at your face that managed to calm your raging nerves. “(Y/N), you've got to tell him today,” Amy broke the silence as she stopped at a red light. You looked out of the window, hands falling to rest on your stomach as you sighed, “I know.”
Ethan jumped into your shared bed, eager to fall asleep beside you after running around recording with Mark and Tyler all day long. You were on the brink of sleep, blankets pulled over your head as Ethan’s shirt clung to your body. Who knew how long until you could wear one of his shirts without a large, pregnant belly stretching the material?
Your boyfriend joined you underneath the covers, temperature rising at the additional body heat as he pulled you closer to him, arm around your waist and lips against your neck. You shifted, his left hand having sat too close to your stomach for comfort but he didn't notice. “How was your day?” Ethan wondered, and the smell of toothpaste filled the dome you and Ethan created. You turned, pushing the blankets over your head to give yourself fresh air. After resting your head on a pillow, you faced Ethan and smiled at how the dimly lit bedroom casted shadows upon his face.
“I hung out with Amy,” you responded. Ethan’s hand trailed up and down your waist, a tired smile making its way onto his lips as his eyes fluttered shut. Tell him, you thought.
“What did you do?”
Tell him now!
“Just got coffee,” you said as Ethan’s eyes shut. You watched intently as you allowed him to rest, unsure whether or not to wake him and dump the news like a pile of dirty laundry. Quiet snores fell from Ethan’s mouth, and you figured it was too late to confess to him the secret that you were carrying his child. Knowing you purposefully procrastinated telling Ethan that night, you fell asleep facing away from him, humiliated at how scared you were of what the future held.
And then you woke up to the smell of pancakes, eagerness to eat immediately setting your stomach into starvation mode. Ethan was nowhere beside you, but the shouting you heard from the kitchen gave his location away. You pulled on a pair of discarded yoga pants, deciding to brush your teeth before greeting your roommates. Everything was so normal that you almost forgot about having to tell Ethan you were seven weeks pregnant.
Your friends greeted you upon entering the kitchen, the smell of all kinds of breakfast foods hitting your nose and sending your appetite skyrocketing. Amy handed you a plate, your favorites already piled on and you thanked her before sitting on the island. Ethan stole one of your bacon strips, earning himself a smack on the hand before you took a sausage patty in yours. Ripping it in half revealed the pinky uncooked part in the middle, the sight of the flesh leaving your mouth dry and stomach flipping in repulsion. Your throat constricted with an oncoming wave of nausea, and you threw your plate aside to rush into the bathroom upstairs and away from everyone.
“(Y/N)?” You heard Amy and Ethan calling, their footsteps following as you locked yourself in the bathroom. The toilet seat flew up and hit the tank, your hands holding the rim as you emptied your stomach until there was nothing that remained. Outside the bathroom door you could hear Amy talking to Ethan, hushing him before her footsteps retreated and it was just Ethan knocking. “Are you okay?” His small voice sounded from the other side of the door, and you shut the toilet lid.
Standing, you ran a hand through your hair and stood before the mirror, switching on the faucet with an uneasy sigh. “I’m fine,” you replied. Turning on the faucet, you cupped water into your hands and sipped it, spitting out the acidic aftertaste that came with bile. “Babe, can you let me in?” Ethan wondered, voice full of worry. He probably thought you contracted a virus or maybe even food poisoning, and your stomach dropped as you realized it was probably the best time to confess. Hands trembling, you turned off the faucet and reached for the knob, taking a seat on the toilet lid as Ethan eased the door open. He shut it and leaned against the wooden frame, arms crossed as if he knew there was a deeper meaning to your sudden ailment.
“What’s up?” He asked, tone gentle yet forceful so you knew he desired the truth then and there. You had been walking on glass around him for the past month and a half, terrified of the exact moment you found yourself in. Dropping your head, you felt a tear slide down your cheek and sniffled, the sound flipping a switch in his brain that triggered the primitive need to protect you. His hands fell on your shoulders and rubbed your arms, comforting you regardless of whether or not you would confess to him the problem. After wiping away a few stress induced tears, you met Ethan’s gaze and held his hands in your own. “Ethan, there’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you…” “But you suck at telling me things.” In any other situation you would have laughed at his remark, but the news you were to deliver pressed heavily on your conscience and prevented you from smiling. Ethan’s smirk fell once he realized how serious you were trying to be, and he adjusted himself to sit on his shins. “You can tell me,” Ethan reassured. His grip on your hands tightened, bringing you down to reality and grounding you to the moment.
“For seven weeks I’ve,” you paused in hesitation. The possibility of breaking up with him hurt your heart even more than if you hadn't told him anything. He was too good of a man to simply abandon you, but there was also the fan’s reactions to your pregnancy. There were so many “what if” questions and not enough answers, but the desperate look on Ethan’s face had your mind settled.
“I’ve been trying to tell you that I’m pregnant.”
Ethan’s face fell, frozen as he processed what you told him. Your hands slipped from each other, and despite your efforts to hold them once again Ethan had swung the bathroom door open and walked out. He left you, alone, heart shattering as a choked sob ripped from your throat. And then the sound of laughter rang from downstairs, the gleeful echo anything but what you intended to hear. Ethan repeated the same five words like a mantra, your cries slowly transforming into relieved chuckles as your ears listened to what your boyfriend was practically screaming.
“I’m gonna be a dad!”
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flamboyantommo · 6 years
Annual Writing Self-Evaluation
*All answers should be about works published in 2017.
@allwaswell16 tagged me to reflect on my writing this year. And because I’m a huge procrastinator, clearly, I’m doing it right now! 
(My GOD, this is so long, so if any of you actually read all of this, God bless.)
1. List of works published this year: In the order that they were posted
- What's Stopping You?
- Know It All
- Curveball
- Shut Up and Wink at Me
- One Day, Maybe Next Week
- It’s Hard to Say It, Time to Say It
- Got It Backwards
- NC-17
- Members Only
- Ready
- Aim
- Fire
- From the Floor to the Ceiling
2. Work you are most proud of (and why):
Um... Probably Got It Backwards. It was a pinch hit, written for @stnbutterflies, and she loved it! I churned that fic out in like, three weeks, and it got so long so fast that I had three betas working on it as I was writing it. It was... a lot, haha. I did a lot of literary research for it because Harry was a tutor in it, so he needed to know what he was talking about, and I wrote about 20K words of it - so, half - in a weekend because I was just going so fast. I think it’s the fastest I’ve ever done a fic of that size before, and it’s definitely something to be proud of. Oh, and Denise got it turned into a book, like an actual physical copy, and I think that’s pretty damn cool! 
3. Work you are least proud of (and why):
I can honestly say that I loved all of my fics this year, and there’s two of them that I want to write sequels to. But if you've been paying attention, then you know those sequels won’t be coming out for like, another year, hahahaha. 
4. A favorite excerpt of your writing:
(this is from Members Only, which may be the fic I had the most fun writing this year)
“Um… Save me a spot in there?” Louis stumbled.
“You do yoga?” Harry asked.
“Yeah. Every week.”
Fucking liar.
“Really? Oh, I’ve never seen you.”
“Yeah, um, it’s usually in the morning. Or during the day. But yeah, I’m waiting for my coverage to get here, and of course Perrie is running late, so… But yeah, I’m totally coming.”
Why am I like this? Louis wondered.
Harry grinned, though, so Louis supposed it wouldn’t be too bad. “Well cool, then. Yeah, I’ll save you a spot by me. OK?”
“OK.” Louis saw Perrie coming from the locker rooms, so he told Harry, “Be right in. Get us a good space.”
“Cool.” Harry was still smiling when he walked away, so Louis hoped Perrie would be a good person for once.
“Perrie!” Louis hissed when he approached the counter. “You love me, right?”
Perrie eyed up Louis and kept walking.
“Perrie Louise, get over here!”
Perrie sighed. “Yes, Louis?” She didn’t walk over to the counter, but she didn’t walk out of the building, either, so Louis figured that was a good sign.
“I need you to cover me so I can go to yoga.”
Perrie frowned. “I’m sorry. Did you just say you wanted to go to yoga?”
“Yes! Keep up!”
“Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t you once say that yoga was only for hippie vegetarians who needed to learn how to breathe?”
Louis shook his head. “Nope, wasn’t me.”
“What about that it was just for people who wanted to be flexible so they would be better in bed?”
“Can you just help me, please?” Louis whined. “Please?”
“Harry’s going to yoga, isn’t he?”
Perrie sighed again. “Go. Just know that I’m only doing this because you’ll never shut up about it if I don’t.”
“Thanks, Perrie! You’re the best!”
“You don’t listen to me when I talk, do you?”
But Louis didn’t answer her. He was too busy grabbing his water bottle from behind the desk and hurrying back to the training room.
When he walked in, Jade, the instructor, was just turning down the lights.
“Louis, what are you doing here?” Jade asked him. “You know this is yoga, right?”
“Yes,” he said through gritted teeth. His eyes darted over to where Harry was sitting on his mat, hoping he didn’t hear. Luckily, Harry was doing shoulder rolls to get warmed up, so Louis didn’t think he did. “Everyone has to start somewhere, right?”
“Yeah. Just never thought you would.”
“Why doesn’t anybody have any faith in me?” Louis muttered as he made his way over to Harry. There was a spare mat next to him, so Louis sat down on it.
“Hey,” Louis whispered as he took off his socks and sneakers. He was glad he wore basketball shorts today instead of actual pants. He was feeling warm already.
Harry just smiled at him, looking perfectly peaceful already.
Louis wanted to suck a mark into his neck.
5. Share or describe a favorite comment you received:
OMG I love my comments. But I’m going to put two here, and they’re from the people that my fics were written for. 
First is from @stnbutterflies on Got It Backwards. She wrote: 
I'm so in love with this story and I feel so honoured, that you wrote this story for me. The whole idea with the robin picture was wonderful and I might have shed quiet a few tears while reading. And liked how you put together the story with the flashbacks and everything. This really might be my favourite mpreg fanfiction I've ever read! Thank you so, so much! You really did great! xx <3
Second is from @harrystinychristmasshorts on It’s Hard to Say It, Time to Say It when Kat clearly knew I wrote it but wasn’t calling me out yet. 
i was going to wait until you were revealed to come talk to you but i couldn't wait any longer! by the looks of it the round of fics yours is in will be revealed next week and i'm just so excited because? i have a very vague idea of who you are but i really don't want to spoil the fun so. i'm forcing myself to be good and wait. but! i'm gonna come yell at you when i found out who you are because you deserve more than just comments on here! okay Xx
6. A time when writing was really, really hard:
Well, this year, I actually took a break from writing. It was only for a few months, just because I was just so stretched thin last year of fics I wrote. And this year is actually the year I’ve written the least since beginning to write. 
So the time for me that was hard was when I was trying to get back into it, trying to remember how to write a sentence and how to characterize people. That was tough. I got back into it with What's Stopping You?, and then of course, it was just continuous writing after that. But getting back into my routines was really difficult. 
7. A scene or character you wrote that surprised you:
Actually, in What's Stopping You?, when HL were finally finally about to hook up, the dirty talk part of their conversation had me in giggles because dirty talk is so not something I write on the norm. Like, it just felt so strange to me? But it fit the scene of the story, so it had to be done. 
8. How did you grow as a writer this year:
I think this is the year I stopped caring about how many kudos my fics got and focused more on writing because I enjoyed it. Of course, I want people to read what I spent all of my time working on, and I do think there are some fics that have been definitely slept on, but it doesn’t make me as upset or frustrated as it used to if my fics aren’t super read. 
And, I guess I tried new things. Like, I wrote two proposal fics this year (wow, I’m such a sap), and I took part in the Drabble challenge, after complaining forever to the gc about not wanting to because I thought it would be hard. (It was, but I still liked it and might do the spring one) 
9. How do you hope to grow next year:
Next year, I want to follow through on all of the sequels I’ve planned and have been planning for God only knows how long. *cough* Taylor Times, if anybody’s still interested *cough*. That’s literally it. Hopefully I can follow through! 
10. Who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer (could be another writer or beta or cheerleader or muse etc etc):
Let’s see... As always, @temporaryfixlouis for being my go-to beta, even if our schedules haven’t quite lined up in a while. I know I can still count on Michelle! 
Then there’s @harrystinychristmasshorts, who has become a new beta and friend this year, and is always there to boost me up. I loved being able to work with her and also write a fic for her and being super sneaky about it, lol. 
Then we have @wonderdaysoflunacy who I only met because she made me a moodboard for Runner on Third, and she always has a compliment ready. She’s also an amazing person and so so so easy to talk to, about fics or anything else. 
And of course, everyone in the Life Ruined But It’s Fine gc, because all of them are amazing writers and it’s an honor to be included with them and fangirl over each other, hahaha. 
11. Anything from your real life show up in your writing this year:
Bahahaha of course. Nothing specific is really coming to mind at the moment, but it’s mostly the characterizations. In every fic I write, one of the characters is based on me, either a little or a lot. Also, the setting. Unless I actually say otherwise, just assume all of my fics take place in South Jersey/Philly, because that’s just where I live and where I spend a lot of my time. 
12. Any new wisdom you can share with other writers:
Don’t be afraid to find a beta. It took me more than a year and a half to start working with a beta, and all of the fics I wrote in between then and the time I started probably could’ve been much stronger. It also would’ve made less work for me, so I didn’t have to read over my fics four times. I could’ve just done two. And it doesn’t hurt to have extra eyes looking over a fic or get another perspective on something you’re writing. 
13. Any projects you’re looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year:
OK, let’s see. I have: 
- a fic for the @1dshortficfest due in February. 
- a fic for Rachel’s @moodboardprompts due... shit, when is that due? March 1.
- my next prompt for the 1000 Feelings challenge. I had an idea all ready, but then I read another fic with the almost exact same plot line, so back to the drawing board! 
- Thursday Deadlines! The last part of The Taylor Times series. I revisited what I had written the other day and have started adjusting the plot for it. It’ll be shorter than what I planned, but it’s been hovering over my head for the last year, and I need to finish. 
- Eventually, I want to write one more part in the Bottom of the Tenth series. Destination wedding? We’ll see. 
- A full fic to tie up the Your Move series (my winter drabbles)
- I’m working on an age difference fic that I’ve been thinking about for a while. 
- I’m still working on the famous/famous AU I started planning like, months ago
- Oh, and I’m working on a pinch hit for the @hlwinterficfest2017! 
14. Tag three writers/artists whose answers you’d like to read.
@harrystinychristmasshorts @wonderdaysoflunacy @tommostummie @harrygotthebee and anyone in the 1000 Feelings gc who hasn’t done this yet!
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bushlaboo · 7 years
meme me
I was tagged to do both of these by my wifey @alexiablackbriar13
Star sign: Scorpio Height: 5’3 Time right now: 2:21 pm Last thing googled: [haven’t Googled anything today and sick brain isn’t letting me remember what I might have searched yesterday] Favourite music artist(s): Captain Geech & The Shrimp Shack Shooters [A+ to anyone who gets that reference, because honestly I can’t choose.] Last TV show watched: Does the Penguins game count? Oh, I put Supernatural on my Fire to fall asleep to because tinnitus is a bitch. What am I wearing right now: Jeans, my new Stitch t-shirt (it makes me so happy), and a lightweight grey jacket. When did I create my blog: 2013-ish I think What kind of stuff do I post: Arrow & Timeless stuff. Random movie and tv show gifs, Pittsburgh Penguins stuff, random pretty photographs, fic links and my own fic. Do I have any other blogs: Active, no, but my old LJ is still out there. Do I get asks regularly: Nope hardly ever. Am totally open to getting them though. [Yes, I am shamelessly encouraging folks to come at me. ;)] Why did I choose my url: Homage to my cat, Tabby and our goofy ways together. Pokemon team: What? I don’t play this game. Favourite colour: Purple. Also really fond of green and yellow. Average hours of sleep: Never enough. Recently with being sick and coughing myself awake maybe 3-4 hours. :( Favourite characters: Arrow OT3 - Oliver Queen Felicity Smoak, John Diggle; Timeless OT3 – Lucy Preston, Wyatt Logan, Rufus Carlin; Layla Miller and Jamie Madrox How many blankets I sleep with: one of the electric variety Dream job(s): travel photojournalist or Keeper of the Cup
Rules - copy this post into a new text post, remove my answers and put in your own. when you are done tag up to 10 people and also tag the person that tagged you….most importantly, have fun!
a / age – I stopped counting when I hit 30. I think that makes me officially old.
b / biggest fear – Anything truly bad happening to my nephews.
c / current time – 2:34 pm
d / drink you had last – Like Lexi, water was my last drink.
e / everyday starts with – me not wanting to get out of bed and hitting the snooze button at least 4 times, if not more.
f / favourite song – I don’t know … I’ll Make a Man Out of You
g/ ghosts are real? – Possibly. I’ve not seen anything conclusive to make me determine yea or nay.
h / hometown – Pittsburgh.
i / in love with – stealing from Lexi, my family & friends. My lovely internet wives. My bed.
j / jealous of - ??? Ah, anyone who doesn’t get migraines.
k / killed someone – just to watch them die, nah. Not my style.
l / last time you cried – ah… I don’t really cry. I mean I can tear up and maybe get a single tear to roll down my cheek, but actually cried? Um … 2010, when my Grandpa died.
m / middle name - Elizabeth [Why do I feel like the meme is just gonna aid in identity theft?]
n / number of siblings – 5, if you count step-siblings and my sisters from other mothers.
o / one wish – fix the fact that mom healed askewed or for her to have her dream one-story house with professional kitchen nothing higher than she can reach and no steps.
p / person you last called/texted - my friend Rachel (aka a sister from another mother)
q / questions you’re always asked - “How are you?” “Can you do ___ for me?” “Should we be questioning your sanity?”
r / reasons to smile – my awesome family and friends.
s / song last sang – I was singing along to Story of Tonight on the drive into work this morning.
t / time you woke up – 1st time, 3ish as I coughed myself awake.
u / underwear colour - grey
v / vacation destination – Like ideal vacation or my favorite place I’ve been or what? I’d love to visit Scotland, China, Japan, Australia and New Zealand. Also, Alaska and Hawaii. Favorite place I’ve been is a tossup between my favorite cities of New Orleans, Boston, London, and Rome.
w / worst habit - procrastination
x / X-rays you have had – So many! Had my first one in 1st grade when I broke my ankle. My knees, my shoulder, my neck, my jaw, & my hands – have I mentioned that I am a klutz? Breaking myself is my one true talent. I’ve had a full body bone scan. And how many MRIs now? Like six I think, maybe more. Trying to remember if I’ve had a CT scan or not. Maybe. I think.
y / your favourite food – How do you pick? Ah … cheese?
z / zodiac sign – Scorpio
Oh crap, I’m supposed to tag folks ... ah @msdanvers you’re it because I miss you, Mind-Twin.
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