#(verse: break the chains that bind us)
damnedrainbows · 6 months
Like this for a starter of Alastor bugging your muse, and just not leaving your muse the fuck alone
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In the wake of learning about who he’s truly contracted to and suffering at Roo’s hands, he slowly starts to unravel. He’s endangered himself and the hotel and is a wingless housefly flopping around in a trap he can’t get out of. Consistently, he represses his bleak fate and the fates of all he loves under a smile, and just overly friendly behavior, and he hangs around friends and enemies alike!
This estranged deer in this time cloys the desperate need for help by simply wanting to spend more time with his friends, abandoning any need for personal space and finding simply any excuse he can to just not be alone. If he’s alone, there’s no telling when he’ll be summoned back. If he’s alone, he’ll have nothing to distract him from thinking about what he’s done. How he’s…a ticking time bomb waiting to go off, and those he cares for may not survive the explosion.
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aceparagoned · 2 years
☆ VERSE: MAIN ☆ a world ravaged by war; yet still stands strong due to the efforts of protector vita and the pipe. ☆ VERSE: THE CHILD WHO WOULD PROTECT THE WORLD ONE DAY ☆ this is her beginning; the cosmos shall guide her. ☆ VERSE: PERSONA 5 ☆ BREAK THE CHAINS THAT BIND YOU TO SOCIETY'S EXPECTATIONS — foster your rebellion. ☆ VERSE: FF7 (AU) ☆ a former turk — i chose my morals above anything else; you won’t make me bend to your will. ☆ VERSE: FFXIV ☆ from an adventurer ascending to the warrior of light; a beacon of hope and bastion of strength for the realm. ☆ VERSE: DEVIL MAY CRY ☆ oh how the sun’s radiance shines within you child of Amaterasu; for you wield Her blessing to protect humankind. ☆ VERSE: IDOL ☆ may my voice raise you higher & higher with hope; inspire you to achieve your dreams; watch me as I shine with this melody. ☆ VERSE: HONKAI IMPACT 3RD ☆ inside resides the undying flame known as humanity’s hope; for as long as I am able I vow to never give up. ☆ VERSE: YU YU HAKUSHO ☆ a mortal I may be; but you’d do well to remember there is an indomitable spirit within me that will never go out. ☆ VERSE: SAILOR MOON ☆ another time; another reality; yet we share the same purpose—to protect the galaxy from cosmic threats. ☆ VERSE: BNHA ☆ magic flows through your veins; will you use it to create or to destroy? how silly to ask since you have a hero’s heart. ☆ VERSE: BAD END ☆ what are you willing to sacrifice so as to save the galaxy? Everything; even one's own humanity to end this war.
#☆ VERSE: MAIN ☆ a world ravaged by war; yet still stands strong due to the efforts of protector vita and the pipe.#☆ VERSE: THE CHILD WHO WOULD PROTECT THE WORLD ONE DAY ☆ this is her beginning; the cosmos shall guide her.#☆ VERSE: PERSONA 5 ☆ BREAK THE CHAINS THAT BIND YOU TO SOCIETY'S EXPECTATIONS — foster your rebellion.#☆ VERSE: FF7 (AU) ☆ a former turk — i chose my morals above anything else; you won’t make me bend to your will.#☆ VERSE: FFXIV ☆ from an adventurer ascending to the warrior of light; a beacon of hope and bastion of strength for the realm.#☆ VERSE: DEVIL MAY CRY ☆ oh how the sun’s radiance shines within you child of Amaterasu; for you wield Her blessing to protect humankind.#☆ VERSE: IDOL ☆ may my voice raise you higher & higher with hope; inspire you to achieve your dreams; watch me as I shine with this melody.#☆ VERSE: HONKAI IMPACT 3RD ☆ inside resides the undying flame known as humanity’s hope; for as long as I am able I vow to never give up.#☆ VERSE: YU YU HAKUSHO ☆ a mortal I may be; but you’d do well to remember there is an indomitable spirit within me that will never go out.#☆ VERSE: SAILOR MOON ☆ another time; another reality; yet we share the same purpose—to protect the galaxy from cosmic threats.#☆ VERSE: BNHA ☆ magic flows through your veins; will you use it to create or to destroy? how silly to ask since you have a hero’s heart.#☆ VERSE: BAD END ☆ what are you willing to sacrifice so as to save the galaxy? Everything; even one's own humanity to end this war.
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anony-mouse-writer · 8 months
Okay okay okay. This is literally gonna chew on my brain, so.
Here I list the tenets that guide the blooded sword:
I. May all that you face have a fighting chance. Any sword raised to the innocent or unarmed in cruelty is blackened by its shame.
[If he won’t move, move him. This must be done.]
[He could shove Tanguish back against the wall, stun him with the blow, and his sword would be in his hands before Tanguish knew what happened.
II. May your wrath be stoked only by the Saint's wrath, tempered by the Saint's fire, and quenched by the Saint's blood. A fool are they who, gifted the Saint's power, use it in wrath or malice alone.
His body still shook like the innervated sparks of a kicked campfire, but the parts of him that mattered, that controlled his voice and his will, felt so near to nothing it was startling. Transcendent. There was just a simple surety: he was going to make Wels pay for this.
[Do something.]
III. May you meet every adversary with honor, nor despise them for their challenge. May every battle prove your glory, and every accepted challenge prove their equal.
“He’ll make you kneel like that t-too and he’ll kill you, and you won’t be able to do anything to stop him!”
“Then I won’t give him the chance to command me.”
IV. May you be steadfast and know no retreat, for the back turned is once wounded and twice deserving. May every wound won show no proof of running.
V. May you meet every obstacle with courage, for just as all that emits light must endure burning, all the courageous must make a brother of their fears.
Helsknight felt his breath begin to heave, the silent determination of his wrath giving way to something nastier and more desperate.
VI. May your word be law, as binding as chains, and as chains may it drown you when bound in deceit.
“I didn’t promise that.”
“You did!”
“Then it's a promise I’m breaking.”
VII. May you seek the counsel of your elders, those more versed in the order and its ways, and respect their word once given, for their communion with the Saint is long, and their wisdom earned.
VIII. May you persevere to the end of any enterprise begun, for the folly is theirs that, through unfinished business, never gain wisdom from deeds done.
“You said we were in this together,” Tanguish said quickly. “Keep your promise and stay.”
IX. May you respect the honor of your fellow helsmet, that none may know you cruel or slave to vice. For no creature, be they sibling of order or beggar or king, is ever deserving of dishonor or pain.
Tanguish was so small, and so fragile. And he was so scared of pain, maybe all he really needed to do was turn around and grab the knife off the table, and then Tanguish would run.]
X. May you treat all siblings of sword and order as your own, held accountable as you would so hold yourself. A villain are they that stray from their tenets, and a villain they that allow it.
- Redstone and Skulk, @silverskye13
okay, so now that we’ve gone through all the ways Helsknight broke his tenets this chapter, lets talk about the WoG confirmation that the red text is the will of the his Saint and his accusation that Tanguish is twisting his tenets.
…… yeah I mean, he kind is. He’s admitted to it in the past too.
Like, obviously I am deeply unwell about this series in general, but Helsknight’s devotion to his Saint is so fucking fascinating to me personally. Holding to a code no one else has to is hard as shit and the Saint’s code is pretty vicious. But part of the code also addresses getting help from others and I don’t even know if there are others of the order?
BUT what there are others of, is the champions of the arena. And Helsknight has been forgoing their help for a while and the Hand calls him out on it. Helsknight just now realizing that he doesn’t have a lot of things grounding himself to him instead of Wels (and self-admittedly ignoring several of those things of late) isn’t healthy and he needs to reach out and he needs someone to hold him accountable, either to his tenets or whatever internal logic he decides to replace them with, and I don’t think it can be Tanguish, because I love him, but he’s absolutely a manipulative little shit who will use Helsknight’s code to his advantage in tense situations.
Hels doesn’t get much in the way of happy endings and I’m not entirely convinced that the ideal scenario for Helsknight to follow his tenets to the letter at this moment would be to muster up his allies and a battle plan and then march on hermitcraft to duel Wels or something. Which would be lowkey highkey horrible for everyone involved, not gonna lie. But I also have to wonder reallly strongly about how the red text of the Saint’s will directly violated several of the tenets and what that means for Helsknight going forward.
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Zeus the Father of Science - A Prayer to Zeus Mêchaneus
Zeus, the Father of Science, in your boundless might, Tallest one amongst the clouds, bearer of endless light, Hear our humble voices, raised in solemn verse, In your grand dominion, let our pleas disperse.
Mighty Zeus, who commands the lightning's fierce dance, Guide us through the unknown, give our minds a chance. From the heights of Olympus, with your gaze so wide, Shield us from the darkness, be our steadfast guide.
With your thunderous voice, break the chains of ignorance, Let your wisdom rain down, in its purest essence. As the eagle soars high, on winds unseen, Lift our thoughts above, to where knowledge has been.
In the forge of your will, let our curiosity blaze, Through the storms of doubt, guide our seeking gaze. Zeus, O sovereign ruler, in your hands hold the light, Dispel the shadows of unknowing, with your power so bright.
Grant us, O Zeus, the strength to seek and to find, The truths of the cosmos, the laws that bind. In your honor, we pledge, to pursue wisdom's flame, To honor your name, in science, in fame.
So, Zeus, Father of Gods, from your high throne above, Bless us with insight, with clarity and love. In the vast, starry sky, let our minds take flight, Under your watchful eye, in the pursuit of right.
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Trying to upload once a week on YT and I haven't even made the trackart, but I'm excited about this one if anyone knows where to find a higher quality off vocal please let me know
EDIT: Trackart and lyrics!
Part of the Evillious Chronicles by mothy(AkunoP) Referenced pricechecktranslations' transcript and octosan's translyrics UST by by NeeMiSo Cover, Mix, Thumbnail + Trackart, Translyrics by glitterbees
I'd be remiss not to thank octosan for their translyric of "Madam Merry-Go-Round is she" in the chorus, which proceeded to get stuck in my head for several days straight until I made this.
I gave Alice the royal We both in reference to her position, Queen of Levianta, and the OSS novels.
This is also where I had a bit of fun with host/ess as in 'hosting a party' and host as in 'a whole host of people'. Happy coincidence!
Also given the novels and Alice's identity as MotC/Irina and variations therein: calling her a Clockwork gear seemed thematically and literally appropriate, like the figurine made to dance in a music box
Rather than noting how Alice's face is familiar, I leaned into the novels again (can you tell I just read Punishment and part of this is my processing it) with the way nobody has actually seen the queen's face in Quite Some Time. Until Gammon, anyway.
Alice's hands are certainly not pure by the end of Evillious, but technically time is transient here, making it impossible to know if this is facetious or not. Seemed apt. Plus holding a smile in your hands is just a dash of unreality that fits the vibe I think, as representation for the abstraction of interpersonal warmth and comfort
I'm still not positive just which "vow" Alice is talking about here, so I tried to leave it ambiguous
Final verse, same as the firt! Only with a few words mixed around, nodding to how on some level Alice is aware of her fate to repeat over. And over. And-
Where should we go next on our tour of Evillious?
Welcome, all, to your new happy place! Pardon Us as We undo these chains binding you to one time and space.
Here's a tip from your Host: See the house brimming with ghosts! Give the ferris wheel a spin, don't be shy, tonight is yours so strap in.
But hey, if you find you need a break from the flurry of fun and games, our cold cradle will hold your weary frame….
Madam Merry Go Round are We, Ruling the park as the reigning queen. Madam Merry Go Round are We, always caught in the same machine.
From the top of the carousel you see in ever shifting Utopian glee…
Madam Merry Go Round are We, spinning through all the old worlds debris. Madam Merry Go Round are We. Nonetheless, We keep the same routine.
Round and round as it whirls fro and to, don't fret about a thing that you thought you knew!
So then if you want your wish to come true, I'm afraid you'll have to wait. So sit back, relax, and join in the queue.
What's that gleaming through the shade, but the famed Shadow Parade? They've been marching their whole lives to the beat of an end they've yet to find.
And as the clock strikes the midnight hour, see, desire for this in your power! It's just the role of your Hostess to oblige….
Madam Merry Go Round are We, Beautiful face hidden by a screen. Madam Merry Go Round are We, lost as a forgotten memory.
In her hands pure as driven snow, there she holds a smile warm and amiable.
Madam Merry Go Round are We. Even if you think your love is key, Madam Merry Go Round are We. Those fleeting feelings are all a dream.
As a vow made between two on both sides never lasted for long and was left behind….
Madam Merry Go Round are We, Ruling this land as the reigning queen. Madam Merry Go Round are We, Clockwork gear trapped in the machine.
At the top of the carousel you see, in ever rhyming Utopian glee,
Madam Merry Go Round are We. Spinning on through the new world's debris, Madam Merry Go Round are We. Every cycle the same routine.
Even if you have no way home, You should have known the only fault here's your own!
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quills-oc-blog · 20 days
FINALLY finished the combat form redesigns of roswell, prada, and roxanne! info down below!!! ↓
THE FIREBIRD — Roswell Mirrano
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roswell is a phoenix, and his undead form reflects the flow of the fire in the fabrics of his clothing. i wanted darker colors for the clothing because the wings(and somewhat the hair) really are the star of the show here. his design is based heavily in themes of east asian mythology, and as an added detail(that i'm mentioning here so nobody yells at me), i made his kimono-like collar crossed right-over-left instead of vice versa, since. y'know. he is dead.
the most fun part of roswell as the firebird to me is that the firebird's instincts directly conflict with the type of character roswell is established to be. while roswell prides himself on being gentle, kindhearted, and patient, the firebird is a mindless, violent vessel of bloodlust. in order to be any sense of effective in combat, he needs someone that he loves and trusts to direct him, since it's difficult to think in that form. perhaps it's what makes him and prada such a good team.
roswell keeps his weapon in this form quite basic, as most combat prowess lies in his sharp claws and talons, and the fire that encapsulates his wings. however, he does also occasionally use a staff often seen in the japanese combat sport of kendo.
THE LICH QUEEN — Prada Emery
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prada has been undead the longest of the three, and possesses great control over her abilities. she's the only character to be capable of using some of her abilities while disguised(while the other two have to enter their undead forms to use their abilities).
liches are beings that thrive around rules. the most common practice for a lich to gain power and strength is by collecting souls via contracts. a contract signed in lich blood is physically binding, in that it renders both parties physically incapable of breaking the terms themselves. as such, many liches quickly become well-versed in the design of loopholes to better retain the souls they collect- if a contract is broken(which it can only be by external means), the recipient has their soul returned to them, and the lich loses the power they have gained from said soul.
prada, having gained her contracts through the record label she owns, possesses great power and hundreds of souls, leading her weapon- a scythe with a handle of bone- to become quite large indeed.
her design, particularly the corset of bone, takes inspiration from common depictions of liches in media- a decrepit skeletal monstrosity desperately clinging to life. the shackles are a callback to a previous iteration of her weapon, which were two giant magic chains she would dual wield as whips.
THE SENTINEL — Roxanne Mirrano
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surprisingly enough, roxanne was the first character i drew for this. granted that the previous iteration of ice sprite roxanne was just 'roxanne but physically made of ice', i felt she desperately needed something more interesting going on- and this is what i ended up with!
i wanted to go for a more military-like vibe, playing into the uniform rigidity of ice as an idea throughout the design. roxanne, despite being undead the least amount of time, is incredibly strong. she could very well be using underhanded tactics to gain power(and who would put it past her?), but it may also simply be her own convictions.
i did worry about whether making her hair longer would take away from her design- one of roxanne's most iconic traits is her signature short hair, but in the end i'm really glad i took the risk. it really does feel like a leveled up version of roxanne, doesn't it? her weapon took a bit to settle on, she was originally just a magic user, but with the militant look came the idea of a lance- giving her the sense of a medieval knight, just for all the wrong reasons. in my opinion, it fits her very well.
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dnangelic · 8 months
i've been considering dark's passive morbidity for a while and i do think that in regards to verses wherein he has more utility freedoms thanks to various handicap aids that help daisuke's body attune to dark's magic (a la reverse1999 or fate) he's not going to rely on brute force (hey he's thin. he might have hidden talons/claws for his hands but he's got bird bones. he would Not win a pure physical fight) nor is his maximum capacity necessarily his free-range elemental prowess, (as a god-like [lucifer-esque] guy who can fuck around with fire, electricity, light, etc) nor is it even his debuff-type magic (putting everyone around him instantly asleep, adjusting/erasing others' memories) but. his absolute thematic peak. is quite literally messing with others' time. the 'chains binding him to the arts' has always one of his utilities already, (and also what he canonically uses against krad) but the way that dark ever destroys anything - soundlessly disintegrating it, turning it into nothing but a black smoulder, isn't any sort of 'physical force' as it is an applied, immediate, infinite aging. when dark breaks an artwork, or even something with a life with his magic, he's putting it through years, hundreds, thousands, centuries, a millennia of wear and aging, until absolutely nothing, not even dust exists. it's not flashy or dramatic, it's not bloody or visceral. anything just crumbles.
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overthinkingalchemist · 3 months
In Your Honor: Heartbreak Storytelling
"It's an album that appears to be telling a narrative: the story of a broken-hearted protagonist trying to navigate his confusing feelings in a lopsided relationship. Be it unrequited love or a toxic relationship, he struggles to get over this fractured connection that brings him anxiety and pain."
In Your Honor is, at first glance, your standard affair when it comes to Foo Fighters albums. Songs that speak in broad terms about feelings in relationships, with catchy guitar melodies, describe essentially the entire band’s discography. However, going back to it after the release of But Here We Are, an album with clear strong overarching themes of grief, made me appreciate the progression of emotions evoked in each of the songs a lot more. Particularly interesting is the fact that In Your Honor, in its first disc, seems to also have an overarching theme. It’s an album that appears to be telling a narrative: the story of a broken-hearted protagonist trying to navigate his confusing feelings in a lopsided relationship. Be it unrequited love or a toxic relationship, he struggles to get over this fractured connection that brings him anxiety and pain.
It all starts with the eponymous first track, In Your Honor — and it starts with the description of complete and utter devotion of the speaker towards this other party. And I mean some truly rock-bottom stuff; our guy is willing to outright DIE for them. There are no boundaries. As it is said in the lyrics “mine is your and yours is mine, there is no divide”. The protagonist doesn’t know who he is apart from the object of his devotion and he’s screaming towards the skies for anyone who’ll listen. Such is the emotional weight, that his life doesn’t matter apart from them.
“I will sacrifice In your honor, I would die tonight For you to feel alive”
No Way Back follows closely on the same track, but with a new sense of urgency. Maybe a bit of insecurity has creeped in, and now we’re looking for reassurance. Living in his head, pleading for a sign that he’s not fighting for nothing, he wants a response and some recognition for his love.
“I'm dying for truth Make me believe No more left and right, come on, take my side I'm fighting for you, I'm fighting for you”
It’s despair fueled by the thought that maybe things aren’t what they seemed to him. But the speaker has gone too far into his devotion, and he now knows it, but he’s still trying to bargain and get his acknowledgement. He is “breaking things” he “can’t repair”, because... well, there’s no way back from loving this person. The feelings are here and at full force, consuming his thoughts, in a borderline pathological sense.
Now, before paying close attention to the lyrics, the transition to Best of You can be a bit strange. At least sonically, it can feel like the album would flow better by going straight into DOA. But of course, in this narrative that we’re piecing together, there’s no better time for Best of You to come into play. This absolute ANTHEM represents the point of realization, where the protagonist comes to understand the one-sided nature of his love. And this realization is very much in everyone’s faces, as the first verse starts with a “confession” of how far they’ve fallen. In this moment of lucidity, there comes a want to break away from the chains that bind him to this unhealthy attachment. The protagonist feels like a fool, stuck between “life or death” — which is understandable after investing so much into something and getting your hopes suddenly swept off your feet. Seeing through the cracks, he wants to make an effort to regain his agency in life, validate his feelings, and heal. He uses chains, ropes, and death as analogies for the weight of his feelings, as he declares that this pain is a very real pain. And it is. Whether his agony is brought by his own doing as he obsesses over an unrequited love and feels hurt for being unwanted, or by being put-down by a toxic relationship, his feelings are real and need to be validated before he can go on a path of healing. It’s very appropriate for Best of You to be the most popular song from the album, as it perfectly encapsulates its feelings and conflict as a whole, bringing an intense and emotionally charged basis for it to build upon.
"He uses chains, ropes, and death as analogies for the weight of his feelings, as he declares that this pain is a very real pain. And it is."
DOA is a breaking point. Lover-guy has had it of his suffering and wants to tell everyone that he will move on. Imbued with some false confidence, even the song adopts a relatively fun, playful sound to represent this façade of a nonchalant attitude. But on top of that, a lot of aggression seeps in, as the protagonist antagonizes the other party (perhaps to make it easier to justify his feelings of hurt). After seeing through his situation, he regains a bit of his power, as he recognizes that he fell from grace, knows he must get out of this mental space and feels great for already taking the first steps to get away from it. And he does so by severing his ties to his love as best as he can for now.
“I'm finished, I'm getting you off my chest, made you come clean in a dirty dress” - Verse 2
“Take a good hard look for the very last time The very last one in a very long line Only took a second to say goodbye Been a pleasure, but the pleasure's been mine, all mine” -Verse 3
The following three songs seem to put the speaker in an anxious thought loop; they are a little chronologically disconnected, as if he is going back and forth on his thoughts as he tries to reframe his feelings, but he ends up getting caught further in them. The first one in the sequence is Hell, where the protagonist adopts an extremely cynical view on the relationship: “I’ll be right there, the buzz inside your head […] see you in hell”. Hell frames his experience as a toxic battle; the two parties in the relationship don’t want to break away from each other (he is still in their “spell”, after all), but the flame between them isn’t passion, but a burning hellscape.
The Last Song is as straightforward — if not more — as Hell. This time it’s about a clear desire to break off from this person. The interactions are too conflictive and out of sync to handle (maybe that’s the hellscape we’ve been described before), so the protagonist is swearing to not speak of them again, as this is “the last song” about them. This might not be true because, even here, he says that they only “pretend it doesn’t matter”. It’s not easy; there are still feelings that bind. And this is further explored in Free Me, where the lyrics seem to evoke all the bad feelings and triggers that this rupture brings them. Their problems unresolved, unspoken, as the hurt buried deep within isn’t convenient to handle or bring up. Now is the time the protagonist screams at the top of his voice his desire to be free, to break the chains that he’s seen since Best of You. And he suggests that the other party should do the same.
“All of the words that we dare never speak All of our ghosts and the secrets we keep Gather them all, and we'll bury them deep Like a safe full of sorrow” -Verse 1
“Can you free what's keeping you? Well, I need somebody to” -Post-chorus
After what is essentially the climax of his anxiety and anguish, the speaker finally sees some relief and solace, softening up and looking back on his experiences in a more positive light in Resolve. Adopting perhaps a more mature outlook after some time and distance has been put from the relationship, the protagonist reflects on his past and reframes his experiences as part of life. The good, the bad... it was all necessary for his growth. He fully understands and accepts where he stands at this moment, which isn’t to say he is “through” everything; a part of him still wishes things were easier and it still hurts to distance himself from something that he was so attached to and that he used to wish worked differently, but he is wiser from it and is finally ready to move forward. Still, he looks for that resolve to keep going and learn to be himself again.
“Looking back to find my way never seemed so hard Yesterday's been laid to rest, changing of the guard I would never change a thing even if I could All the songs we used to sing, everything was good”
The Deepest Blues Are Black paints one of the most beautiful visual analogies from the Foo Fighters. The protagonist reflects on the lost love; perhaps some reconciliation happened, or the person still occupies some space on his mind. Either way, a bittersweet wave of feelings floods his thoughts. It’s undeniable that he loves or loved this person, even after all the pain and resentment he felt, so thinking about what could have been stings. And whenever he feels this person’s warmth, the qualities he admires and their seductive features, he compares those to the vast alluring blue sea. But just like the beauty of the sea, the bitter nostalgia and the overwhelming amounts of jealousy brought by those feelings can shroud him in darkness — and drown him — if he goes too deep. He thinks about how his loved one can easily seduce someone and move on from him, and it eats at him to think about how they’re with someone else. Even if it couldn’t, wouldn’t, didn’t work between them… it sucks.
“Shame on you, seducing everyone You faded jewel, you diamond in the rough You don't have to tell me, I know where you've been Shining once again” - Verse 1
“The deeper the blues, the more I see black Sweeter the bruise, the feeling starts coming back All the deepest blues are black” - Chorus
And finally, End Over End is the way out. The album’s closer hits with a subtle confidence; its soundscape brings a calm but firm resolve. End Over End is hope. Hope to rise again amongst the good memories. Taking what’s good, leaving what holds you back, learning, and evolving from the pain. A new beginning is due, but renewal comes with change, time, and distance. As the experiences mold the protagonist into someone new, and hopefully better, he reflects on how he’s older and “worn” out. Marked from the past, but eager for the future.
“I'm a revolvin' door I've seen it all before I will begin again But I can't start until I've seen the end” - Verse 1
“I’m feeling out of luck Maybe I just feel too much That old familiar touch Will always sting my skin” -Verse 3
End Over End gives the album a sense of finality and renewal. The protagonist understands that there is a possibility to move on and rebuild himself if he lets time do its thing and hangs onto hope. This isn’t an ending per se; as the title itself suggests, life is a cycle of cycles. Ups and downs have taught him everything that makes him who he is. With his new sense of self, the protagonist can now keep looking for his place and his happiness — and the Foo Fighters can keep evolving and trying new things and new stories. But after all he's been through and survived… I think he’ll be ok.
“The good in everyone The ties we've left undone The heart that moves your blood All the things that bring me right back here” -Verse 3
Now, whether the band actually thought of weaving this continuous narrative at any point during production is an unknown. It is possible that they had entirely different experiences in their heads while writing this, and just as is the beauty of art, the open-ended nature of their lyrics can always evoke different feelings on the listener. So, have no worries, this isn’t me trying to decipher any “true” meanings, but rather explore a specific way to listen to and experience the album.
To be the eternally in love person, wallowing in their fantasies of heartbreak mixed with what could have been… it’s tacky, but I’d be lying if I said I don’t romanticize some pathological passion. To feel like something means so much that it consumes you and transforms you into someone new and evolved is an immensely powerful feeling that can, in a way, sum up what it is to truly live. To dream, to be vulnerable, to be disappointed, to be hurt, to change and grow; all of those are moments that can cause pain but remind us of our humanity. And maybe there aren’t many that could capture this with the needed intensity as well as the Foo Fighters.
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zorkaya-moved · 1 year
navigation: death under waxing moon.
This verse alternates the spoken canon about the sorcerers & curses outside Japan being almost non-existent.
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𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐤𝐲 𝐟𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐬, 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐮𝐧𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐲 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐛𝐞 𝐩𝐮𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐝. 𝐔𝐩𝐨𝐧 𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫'𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐯𝐚𝐥, 𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐛𝐞 𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐢𝐧 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐝.
Title: Ice Queen  Age: 28 years old, July 27th, Leo Ancestors: Chernobog and Morana (sorcerers turned vengeful spirits) Grade: Special Grade Innate Technique: Death In Winter
To speak simply and to, later on, write it better in another headcanon, Zarina’s cursed energy transforms into ice, she is able to create a variety of tools and even ‘living’ and ‘acting’ figures such as animals or even humans. Her technique can also apply either ‘stagnation’ state or ‘fragile’ state on her enemies but only one at a time due to complications of such technique. 
Domain Expansion: Eternal Slumber of Death;
Full description: TO BE UPDATED.
Incantation: All are equal before Death.
Heavenly Restriction: Inability to use the fire-related techniques passed down in the family in exchange for enhanced ice technique; emotional detachment in exchange for control of emotions and cursed energy. 
Binding Vow: Limitation of cursed energy based on ‘chains’ (accessories). Zarina binds her powers and her cursed energy based on how many accessories she wears (she wears 9 at all time but may wear 10 to fully be seen as if a normal person), each accessory limiting ten percent of her power. 
o1. The main history behind this verse: Background information and the story.
o2. The curse of Morana: the ancestry, the relation, and the effect on Zarina’s life as a sorcerer.  TO BE REWRITTEN/UPDATED.
o3. Morana’s Doll: What will happen when the seal breaks down? How will it affect Zarina? Why is she in such hurry? UPDATED.
o4. “I’m glad Gojo Satoru was born.” What does this phrase mean?
o5. Morana's Doll: The location of the doll at the beginning and middle of the manga. (TBA)
o6. (Ten) Nine limiters of powers: What are Zarina's 'limiters'? How do they affect others' perception on her power level and what they do to her powers?
o7. Reputation: How others view Zarina? What others whisper about her? What information is fully available from her reputation?
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prayerstotamino · 1 year
On Tamino's You Don't Own Me..
As the haunting melody of Tamino Amir's "You Don't Own Me" begins to play, a sense of urgency and defiance fills the air. The music seems to speak to the soul, stirring emotions and memories of past struggles against oppression and injustice.
The lyrics themselves are poetic and eloquent, conveying a sense of longing and desperation for release from the chains of oppression that bind the soul. The narrator speaks of being kept within walls, prevented from traveling or singing, and defined by the oppressive forces that seek to control them.
But despite the oppression and attempts to define them, the narrator refuses to be controlled or defined by others. They declare boldly that "you don't know me," reminding the oppressive forces that they do not have the right to define who the narrator is or what they stand for.
As the song progresses, it takes a darker turn, with the oppressive forces claiming to walk in love while acting as enemies of mercy. They have already dug a grave for the narrator, hoping for misbehavior in order to justify their oppressive actions. But the narrator remains unbroken, refusing to be defined by shattered dreams and refusing to owe anything to the oppressive forces.
The instrumental bridge serves as a moment of contemplation and reflection, allowing the listener to fully absorb the emotional weight of the song before the final verse begins. This verse is perhaps the most powerful, as the oppressive forces attempt to keep the narrator pinned to the ground and obscured from view. They try to take away the narrator's home and lay claim to freedom's song, but the chorus boldly declares that "you don't own me."
The song comes to a close with the repetition of the chorus, reminding the listener that freedom cannot be taken away and that the oppressive forces do not have the right to define who we are. It is a powerful statement against oppression and a call to arms for freedom, reminding us that we must always fight for our freedom, and that we should never allow anyone to define who we are.
In this way, Tamino Amir's "You Don't Own Me" is more than just a song. It is a story of struggle, of defiance, and of the human spirit's unbreakable will to be free. It is a reminder that we are all individuals, defined not by the oppressive forces that seek to control us, but by our own will and our own actions. And it is a call to arms for those who still struggle to break free from the chains of oppression, reminding us all that we must always fight for our freedom, no matter the cost.
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Persona AU Infodump
//as promised, for all my persona moots. Some details are subject to change after I actually get around to playing P5R when it gets here.
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Kaito Kuroba:
Arcana is Wheel of Fortune
Persona is Houdini
Element Affiliation is Light / Bless with mostly Hama based skills
Resists Light and Fire, Weak to Dark and Ice
Houdini’s Skills:
Innate: Lucky Punch / Triple Down / Hama / Kouha / Dormina / Auto-Sukukaja / Tarunda
Through Level Up: All Skills related to Hama, all skills related to Kouha, bless amp, hama boost, ailment boost, spell master, trigger happy, magic ability, dodge ice, dodge curse, evade ice, evade curse, invigorate, Masukukaja, Matarunda, Heat Riser, Debilitate, Megido, Megidola, Megidolaon, counter, high counter, energy shower, amrita shower, taunt, Riot Gun, miracle punch, assault dive
Houdini Exclusive: Spotlight (Severe Light Damage to all foes with chance to instant kill and a high chance to dizzy/confuse)
(Persona 5: Gun Attack is is Card Gun (shoots explosive playing cards))
(Persona 4: Card Gun shoots Tarot Card and it explodes to release persona)
Crit Attack: Kaito fires his grappling hook from his card gun, ties up his opponent and throws them across the room, knocking them over.
Houdini Desc.: A magician from the early 20th century known for his escape arts. He often challenged police to keep him locked up as part of his shows. He upheld professional standards and was keen to expose many fraudulent artists.
Concept Art
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-Wings to match Shadow!Kaito when the shadow goes berserk, along with the Heart Locket and chains as well as the key on the tail that unlocks them. Represents Kaito’s refusal to unlock the chains on his heart and reveal his emotions
-Grinning mask plays into this concept
-Mostly in Black & White aside from key parts like heart locket and yellow eyes, represents the time period Houdini comes from.
-Straight jacket & suit represent the more gentlemanly front though how he’s bound to keeping the facade up with his heart locked up and closed off
-I am not good at drawing personas...
Shadow Kaito
Persona 4:
Midnight Channel: Shadow Kaito appears in one of his father’s suits, claiming that on the destined night, he will use his magic raise a famous magician from the dead.
This version of Shadow Kaito appears when Kaito is present in the shadow realm. Dungeon is a twisted theatre with deep red curtains for doors. The fog is also layered with a dose of stage smoke that lines the pathways. Pathways are carpeted on a wooden floor.
Boss Room is backstage. Shadow Kaito is seen dressed in one of his fathers suits, berating his real self and his useless endeavour chasing legend that don’t exist, fighting a loosing battle and lying to the only people that care about him.
Boss has two phases: The first has a chained up Kaito with tied wings a heart locket around his chest hiding in KID’s hat while two giant gloves attack in his stead. Taking out the gloves starts phase two. The locket breaks in two and Shadow Kaito bursts out of the hat, which he puts on as he lets out his pent up negative emotions, trying to drown his opponents in bright light to avenge the gloves they destroyed. The objects binding him like the chains are in tatters as the shadow lets loose.
Kaito accepts the fact that his negative emotions are just as much a part of him as his smile and that it’s okay to ask for help, giving him the persona Houdini.
Persona 5:
Again, the palace is a giant, winding theatre. Though the P5 variant includes the entrance hall, cue line, concession stands, gallery and seating area rather than just the stage.
Shadow Kaito in the P5 verse is a small child in a suit much too big for him, and he seems insistent on people who aren’t performing not going on stage. People in his world are seen as people buying tickets to the show, though they’re often heard commenting about how poor the performance has been lately.
Shadows are the security detail keeping the theatre in order.
Kaito’s treasure is hidden backstage, though his Shadow is very adamant about letting anyone through. When the calling card comes, the shadow finally relents and lets the Phantom Thieves through very reluctantly.
Backstage is a rattling chest that’s locked up with the treasure, a giant heart shaped lock made of gold. Shadow Kaito continually begs the Phantom Thieves not to open the chest because “that’s where the bad stuff goes”.
Though in order to get the treasure they have to pull it off the chest, and of course that releases all of Kaito’s bottled up negative emotions. The emotional maelstrom in turn absorbs Shadow Kaito and turns into a boss fight.
Kaito’s treasure is his first ever pack of playing cards, covered in childish marker writing detailing how to do a trick. The Ace of Spades is signed by his father.
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babypsycho24 · 11 days
"Ride or die, we’re in this for life,  
No turning back, we cut through the strife!"
**Verse 1:**  
Yeah, we started from the bottom, just a couple of dreams,  
Now we’re breaking the surface, tearing at the seams.  
Side by side, through the fire we roam,  
Ain't no stopping us now, we’re making it home.  
Heartbeats thumping like the bass in the night,  
With you by my side, we’re ready to fight.  
No fear in my heart, we’re a force to be reckoned,  
Together we rise, like a phoenix in the second.  
In the shadows, we hustle, in the light, we shine,  
You’re my ride or die, forever you’re mine.  
(Heavy guitar riffs)  
Ride or die, we’re never letting go,  
Through the highs and lows, we steal the show.  
When the world gets tough, we stay on the grind,  
Together forever, true love intertwined.  
Ride or die, we’re writing our fate,  
No matter the struggle, we’ll never break.  
**Verse 2:**  
Rolling through the chaos, we break the mold,  
Every scar tells a story, every truth unfolds.  
With the wind in our hair, we’re chasing the thrill,  
Living for the moment, we’re climbing that hill.  
Behind every corner, danger might lurk,  
But with you by my side, I’m ready to work.  
We’re the kings and queens of this asphalt jungle,  
No chains can bind us, no way we’ll stumble.  
Through the storms and the shadows, we’ll carry the light,  
Ride or die forever, let’s take on the night.  
(Heavy guitar riffs)  
Ride or die, we’re never letting go,  
Through the highs and lows, we steal the show.  
When the world gets tough, we stay on the grind,  
Together forever, true love intertwined.  
Ride or die, we’re writing our fate,  
No matter the struggle, we’ll never break.  
(Spoken or melodic section)  
In this life, we’re the warriors, no retreat,  
Facing every challenge, we refuse to accept defeat.  
Through the chaos and the pain, we find our way,  
With you, I’m alive, in this game we play.  
**Verse 3:**  
So here’s to the nights we’ll never forget,  
The laughter, the tears, the love that we met.  
With a heart full of courage, we’ll take on the world,  
Together as one, watch our destiny unfurled.  
No matter the distance, we’re never apart,  
In this ride-or-die life, you’re my beating heart.  
So let’s raise a glass to the battles we've won,  
In this wild ride, our journey’s just begun.  
(Heavy guitar riffs)  
Ride or die, we’re never letting go,  
Through the highs and lows, we steal the show.  
When the world gets tough, we stay on the grind,  
Together forever, true love intertwined.  
Ride or die, we’re writing our fate,  
No matter the struggle, we’ll never break.  
"Together forever, it’s you and I,  
In this ride or die life, we’ll always fly high!"
### Melody Ideas
- **Intro:** Start with a heavy guitar riff to set the tone.
- **Verses:** A rhythmic, syncopated delivery with a strong beat; consider using a half-time feel.
- **Chorus:** Catchy and anthemic, with a sing-along quality. You might want to mix in some melodic hooks.
- **Bridge:** A more melodic section, giving a breather before the final verses
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tayrowulf · 2 months
Verse 1:
In a world so cruel, where hearts grow cold,
Where dreams we cherish start to erode,
A longing stirs within our souls,
To break these chains and seek freedom's hold.
Verse 2:
Oh, the modern world, a web it weaves,
Where shadows creep and innocence grieves.
But amidst the chaos, a glimmer shines bright—
A yearning for solace, a beacon of light.
Sail away, sail away, on a ship to the sea,
Where the winds whisper freedom, and hearts can be free.
Leave behind the shackles that bind you so tight,
Embrace the ocean's embrace under moonlight.
Verse 3:
The city streets echo with despair,
As people rush by, too busy to care.
But out on the waves, the salty air pure,
We find our refuge, our spirits secure.
Verse 4:
In the vast expanse of the open sea,
The waves become our symphony.
The rhythm of tides calls us near,
To a world untamed, where dreams appear.
Sail away, sail away, on a ship to the sea,
Where the winds whisper freedom, and hearts can be free.
Leave behind the shackles that bind you so tight,
Embrace the ocean's embrace under moonlight.
Verse 5:
As the sun sets low, painting the sky,
We find our peace as the world passes by.
In unity, we stand with ocean's might—
A dance of harmony under starry light.
Verse 6:
For in this voyage, we discover anew
The strength within, the courage to pursue
A life unburdened by modern strife,
Where the soul finds solace and spirit finds life.
Sail away, sail away, on a ship to the sea,
Where the winds whisper freedom, and hearts can be free.
Leave behind the shackles that bind you so tight,
Embrace the ocean's embrace under moonlight.
Oh, let the waves carry sorrows away,
Let the sea's embrace wash troubles astray.
We'll chart our own course, defy currents of fear,
On this ship of freedom, our dreams draw near.
Sail away, sail away, on a ship to the sea,
Where the winds whisper freedom, and hearts can be free.
Leave behind the shackles that bind you so tight,
Embrace the ocean's embrace under moonlight.
Verse 7:
In this modern world, where cruelty hides,
Our ship sails strong with hope as our guide.
Through tempests and trials, we'll weather each storm,
Bound for a realm where true freedom is born.
Sail away, sail away, on a ship to the sea,
Where the winds whisper freedom, and hearts can be free.
Leave behind the shackles that bind you so tight,
Embrace the ocean's embrace under moonlight.
0 notes
ammcgee-author · 7 months
249. WriteCream: “Philosophy of Poetry” (AI Generated Poem #2)
“In hallowed realms of thought, where words ignite, a tapestry of love, a luminous flight. Poetry, thine essence, boundless and grand, An elixir divine, the soul's demand. Philosophy's embrace, a quest for truth, Essence of being, unbound from youth. Ethereal musings, dreams in flight, Questions that pierce the darkest night. You challenge assumptions, provoke the mind, Perspectives shift, new horizons aligned. Inquiry's fire, an ardent first, Unveiling beauty, quenching thirst. Provocateur of thought, a rebel's art, Symbols and stanzas, a symphony of heart. Verse and metaphor, woven with care, God whispers, and the glowing angels flare. Soul's music, an orchestra of grace, Inspiring our hearts, a sacred space. The power of words, a touchstone so true, Reflections mirrored, introspection's hue. Poetry, love's nectar, a timeless art, A sanctuary for the mind, a balm for the heart. In its embrace, we find solace and light, A beacon of hope, dispelling the night. So let us dance, dear love, in this realm of verse; Where words ignite, and hearts immerse. Poetry, our passion, our eternal guide, In its warm embrace, our love shall forever reside.
Poetry's essence, both ethereal and rare, With questions that challenge assumptions, ideals, and egos’ laid bare. In stanzas and verses, thoughts take flight, Symbolism paints pictures, of darkness and light. Like music, it inspires and provokes, Elevating souls and breaking old yokes. A power that reflects, introspects, and blooms, Guiding us to truths beyond our earthly tombs. Poetry reveals the depths of the human heart, Whispers of divinity, where love's purest flames start. It speaks of innocence, ethereal and pure; in the spirit's journey, forever secure. So let us embrace this art, with hearts wide open, In the sanctuary of words, love's secrets are spoken. For poetry is a prism, revealing the light, Of the soul's endless quest, shining ever so bright.
With quill in hand, a poet's soul unfurls, A tapestry of emotions, like precious pearls. Philosophy, the musings of the mind, A love that seeks the truth, always with us, yet shy and hard to find. In our essence, the core of being, pure and bright, A love that shines, dispelling darkest night. An ethereal love that's light and free, Soaring high, for all the world to see. Questions arise, like whispers in the air, A love that challenges, a truth beyond compare. The Status quo, the chains that bind so tight; blind us to the love that breaks free, taking flight.
Assumptions challenged, perspectives shift, A love that grows, a transformative gift. In out inquiry, a quest for knowledge deep, Lies the heart that seeks, its secrets it will keep. Provoke the mind, ignite the flame, A love that sparks, a passion without shame. Symbols dance, like whispers on the page, A love that speaks, anew, in every age. Stanzas flow, like rivers to the sea, A love that weaves, a unity. Verse by verse, a symphony of love, A tale of hearts, entwined in the clouds above. Built with metaphors, like stars that light the night, grows a love that's infinite, a wondrous sight. In the eyes of God, the source of love, the guiding light; resides the Soul, the fire that burns within, so pure and bright. Spirit, the essence of our being, free, A love that's eternal, just you and me. A love that's passionate, a blazing desire for all we see. With music, the language of the heart, so true, A love that sings, a melody for two.
Inspiration, the spark that sets the soul aflame, A idea that lifts, a love without a name. In power, the strength of love, so strong, A love that conquers, righting every wrong. In self-reflection, a journey to the depths within; A love that heals, where healing can begin. In our introspection, the key to self-discovery, A idea that grows, with each new mystery and misery. Angels, guardians of love's eternal flame, A love that's sacred, a once and holy claim. Despite demons, the shadows that we face, A love that triumphs, with with and without grace. Devils, the tempters who would lead us astray, A love that's steadfast, come whatever may. In the realm of words, love's tale unfolds, A symphony of passion, stories untold. Poetry, the language of the heart, A love that's eternal, a work of art.
Oh, poetry, my sweet muse divine, Your words ignite a fire within; and paint a vibrant tapestry of dreams. Your essence flows through every line, A symphony of passion, so pure and fine, You captivate each heart and mind, With metaphors that leave mere lovers blind. Your spirit whispers secrets untold, Of love and longing, so brave and bold; You challenge norms and break the mold, Expanding minds, letting odyssey’s unfold. Your words provoke, yet let us know what’s good and true; Through philosophy, you guide and help us through; The complexities of life, making us question all we knew.
Oh, Poetry, my love, my muse! In words, you weave a web that I peruse. With pen in hand, you paint emotions bright, A symphony of thoughts, a dazzling sight. Your heart, a vessel of uncharted seas, Where depths of feeling forever comfort me. Your soul, a tapestry of dreams unfurled, Where whispers of the soul enchant the world. Essence of my being, you stir my core; A symphony of metaphors, now and forevermore. In spirit, we dance, a cosmic flight, Where words ignite the flame of endless night. Challenge me, my love, with depths untold, Unraveling perspectives, in stories of old. Philosophy's embrace, a guiding star, Provoking thoughts that reach both near and far. Oh, Poetry, my love, my eternal guide; In you, I find my solace, my humility and pride. May our love remain forever bold, A timeless tale where hearts like words unfold.
Your words, a symphony so grand, Dance upon the page, hand in trembling hand. You cast a spell, and challenge me to think anew, To question all I've ever known as true. Your parables painting vivid scenes, Unveiling truths hidden within all men. Your philosophy, a guiding light, Illuminates my mind's darkest night. You exorcise my lurking fears, And bring my angels close — so close — I feel them here! You hold a mirror up to my soul, Reflecting thoughts that make me feel at once both new and whole. Your demons haunt me, but they're mine; They make me stronger, more divine. The restless Seraphim on high watch me from above, Protecting me with their spirits’ boundless love. You're my mirror, my intuition, My imagination's bright tuition. You're everything I ever want or need; My poetry, my love, my friend, my foe, my enemy and creed.”
— By WriteCream.com (AI Generated Poetry) Edited by A.M. McGee
[Notes & Commentary: This was my attempt to try to tease out what the AI “thinks” of poetry, or of the poetry it writes. Just like how my last AI Generated poem about machines replacing the some of the functions of the heart during heart-surgery shows that Science hasn’t quite been able to entirely replace all the functions of that human vital organ with artificial technology (at least, not yet,) this poem I feel proves that although artificial intelligence hasn’t quite been able to “think” or form opinions on its own, yet, it can grasp some of the basic fundamentals of Art, if only by word association. Though, just like the human heart (a much more simple organ than the brain) is more than a mere “pump”; I believe the mind is so much more than a mere computer or a machine… And it is that spark of life that gives feeling, meaning, and context to the written word that is what we may describe as the “spirit” or “soul.” Proving that, in the long run, machines are a poor replacement for the human heart or brain, even when being able to emulate some of their functions, albeit in a much more limited capacity.]
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edwardgdunn · 1 year
Exploring the Wisdom of Life: The Key Takeaways From “The Prophet” by Kahlil Gibran
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Published in 1923, “The Prophet” by Kahlil Gibran is a timeless collection of poetic essays that delves into the myriad aspects of the human experience. Through the voice of the prophet Almustafa, Gibran imparts profound wisdom on topics ranging from love and marriage to work, freedom, and spirituality. In this comprehensive analysis, we will explore the key points made in “The Prophet,” each offering valuable insights that continue to resonate with readers across generations, much like it did with me when I first read it in my twenties.
1. On Love:
Love, often regarded as the most universal and profound emotion, is a central theme in “The Prophet.” Gibran’s poetic exploration of love portrays it as both an essential force in life and a source of great vulnerability. He emphasizes that love is not to be possessed or controlled, but rather a force that binds souls together while allowing them to retain their individuality. By describing love as something that flows freely, Gibran encourages readers to embrace its transformative power and recognize that it is a gift that cannot be contained.
2. On Marriage:
The chapter on marriage is perhaps one of the most celebrated sections of the book. Gibran’s insights on this institution shed light on the delicate balance between unity and autonomy. He suggests that marriage should be a partnership in which both individuals support each other’s growth and encourage each other to flourish as individuals. The verses remind us that marriage is a shared journey where each partner must maintain their own identity while nurturing the bond between them.
3. On Work:
Gibran’s perspective on work challenges conventional notions of labor as mere drudgery. He extols work as a means of expressing one’s love for life itself. The act of putting one’s heart and soul into their labor transforms it into a fulfilling and spiritual endeavor. By emphasizing the importance of finding joy in one’s work, Gibran invites readers to rethink their relationship with their occupations and consider how they can infuse their daily tasks with passion and purpose.
4. On Freedom:
The concept of freedom is explored in depth, with Gibran highlighting that true freedom is not solely about breaking physical chains but also transcending inner limitations. He encourages readers to recognize that they are bound by their own fears, desires, and beliefs. True liberation comes from conquering these inner constraints and attaining a state of self-mastery. Gibran’s insights prompt us to reflect on the nature of personal freedom and the journey towards realizing it.
5. On Self-Knowledge:
Gibran’s exploration of self-knowledge emphasizes the importance of understanding oneself deeply. He believes that by acknowledging our own vulnerabilities, fears, and desires, we can cultivate compassion and empathy for others. Gibran suggests that it is through self-awareness that we can connect with our true selves and foster a sense of authenticity in our interactions with the world.
6. On Joy and Sorrow:
Gibran beautifully portrays the interconnectedness of joy and sorrow. He explains that experiencing sorrow makes us more capable of experiencing profound joy, as both emotions are threads woven into the tapestry of life. By acknowledging the inevitability of both joy and sorrow, Gibran encourages us to embrace the full spectrum of human emotions and find meaning in every facet of our journey.
7. On Good and Evil:
Gibran’s perspective on good and evil challenges binary thinking. He suggests that good and evil are not distinct entities but rather two sides of the same coin. Just as light casts shadows, good and evil are intertwined elements that exist within each individual. Gibran’s insights prompt us to examine the complexities of human nature and consider the role of choice and intention in shaping our actions.
8. On Beauty:
Gibran’s chapter on beauty extends beyond the superficial to explore the beauty that resides within each person. He presents the idea that beauty is not confined to physical appearances but emanates from the harmony between one’s thoughts, feelings, and actions. By recognizing the profound connection between inner and outer beauty, Gibran invites us to cultivate a sense of inner harmony that radiates outward.
9. On Spirituality:
Gibran’s exploration of spirituality emphasizes the individual’s direct relationship with the higher purpose. He encourages readers to seek spiritual fulfillment within themselves rather than relying solely on organized institutions. Gibran’s perspective fosters a sense of personal connection to the whole of the living world and universe, reminding us that spirituality is a deeply personal journey that transcends dogma.
10. On Death:
The chapter on death offers a poignant reflection on the inevitable end of life. Gibran portrays death not as an ending, but as a transition into a new realm. He suggests that death is a return to the infinite, where the spirit is released from the confines of the physical body. Gibran’s perspective on death provides solace and encourages us to view mortality as a natural part of the cosmic cycle.
In “The Prophet,” Kahlil Gibran weaves a tapestry of wisdom that transcends time and speaks to the essence of the human experience. Each chapter is a gem of insight, inviting readers to reflect on their lives, relationships, and inner selves. As we journey through the words of Almustafa, we find ourselves immersed in a profound exploration of love, freedom, joy, and the interconnectedness of all aspects of existence. “The Prophet” continues to guide, inspire, and uplift, reminding us that the quest for wisdom is a timeless endeavor that enriches our lives immeasurably.
Check out the podcast episode
Check out the Happiness 2.0 Podcast — https://podcast.edwardgdunn.com/
Happiness 2.0 Blog — https://edwardgdunn.com/blog
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aifolksongs101 · 1 year
Don't you See.
(Verse 1) In a world that's so demanding, Where emotions are often commanding, We're told to hide our tears and pain, To suppress our feelings, it's such a strain.
(Chorus) But I won't be silenced, I won't be denied, I'll let my emotions flow like the tide, For it's okay to cry, to pout, and to sulk, These emotions are part of being human, don't you see?
(Verse 2) When they say, "Don't get emotional," They try to make us feel so small, But our tears are not a sign of weakness, They're a testament to our strength and uniqueness.
(Bridge) So let me shed these tears of mine, Let me release what's been confined, For in vulnerability, there is power, And in embracing our emotions, we truly flower.
(Chorus) I won't be silenced, I won't be denied, I'll let my emotions flow like the tide, For it's okay to cry, to pout, and to sulk, These emotions are part of being human, don't you see?
(Verse 3) Society may try to dictate how we should feel, But our hearts know what is real, We shouldn't be ashamed of our tears, They wash away the pain and heal our fears.
(Outro) So let's break free from these chains that bind, Embrace our emotions, leave them behind, For in expressing ourselves authentically, We find true liberation and set ourselves free.
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