#(you know what screw it I'm adopting him. my son now.)
ckret2 · 7 months
In preparation for drawing 6 pictures of Gideon in a row, I browsed the Gideon Gleeful tag to see what other folks've been doing.
I have come to the conclusion that almost nobody is drawing/writing about Gideon. Nearly all the posts are about other characters with a brief passing mention of Gideon.
I'm not surprised but I am disappointed.
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alumi-san · 2 months
Wrightworth family au
- Phoenix and Miles started dating between AATaT and AAI.
- Edgeworth non officially adopted Kay and Sebastian after the events of AAI2.
- They moved into his apartment for better or worse>:)
- Sebastian and Miles accidentally called each other "father" and "son". It started happening more often so they decided "screw this!" and got use to it.
- Similar thing happened with him and Kay but without this much embarrassment.
- Phoenix met Apollo when he asked him to defend his teacher.
P: Well, not the first time a kid has asked me to defend someone.
- Afterwards, Phoenix adopted Apollo when he was 15 (not sure how it happened since we don't know his life between moving back to Japanfornia and becoming a lawyer)
- He is technically a dad to Pearl and took care of Maya so he knows what he's doing... right?
- When Phoenix analyzed Apollo's adoption papers he noticed something...
P: You're a girl?!
A: No, I'm a man!
P: Oh, then we need to change your documents later.
Apollo cried after that because it was the first time someone accepted him as male in a long time.
- Nick brought Apollo to the court with him on the day when MM-4 happened. He was very insistent on this since he wanted to see his idol in action (he didn't mention the idol thing because it's embarrassing now when it's his dad) but instead Phoenix suggested Pollo stay with Trucy. He was pissed at him but quickly got along with her pretty well.
A: I only know Trucy for 5 minutes. But if anything happened to her, I would kill everyone in this room and then myself!
- Apollo perfectly knows what she's going through since he was also abandoned by his father.
- Trucy was adopted 2 months later after Apollo.
- Phoenix thinks he disappointed his son despite him saying that he knows it's not his fault.
- After Phoenix's disbarment he wanted to break up with Edgeworth since he was a burden now with two kids and no job. Miles didn't want to hear any of it saying, that he cared about him and the children and would help with anything he could. He's not letting Wright give up so easily.
- Edgeworth visited the Wright family as much as he could and called them every day (with Kay and Seb of course)
- Kay created a chat group called "Wrights & Edgeworth's" plus "Team Task" just for the gang.
- When Apollo turned 18 and graduated from school he thought of finding a job since it wasn't right that only Phoenix and Trucy bring money and even that was not enough to pay for the office (they would starve without Miles). But Phoenix reassured him that everything was fine and he should focus on his law studies instead.
P: Especially studying Japanese, good lord I had problems with it in my days.
A: 半分日本人じゃないの? (Aren't you half Japanese?)
P: ...
P: Since when do you know Japanese?
A: Since... always?
- Trucy doesn't force Apollo to be her assistant! He's doing this willingly.
- After "Turnabout Succession," Phoenix, Apollo, and Trucy hugged each other, crying that this was finally over. And then they all celebrated it.
- Phoenix did tell Apollo that he hired Athena because f*ck miss communication! Apollo of course was like "WTF Dad?! She's 18!" In which Phoenix replied "Pollo, your auntie became a prosecutor at 13"
- Also Athena is now a part of the family.
- Between AADD and AASoJ Miles and Phoenix finally got married and moved in with each other and they're kids.
- Kay renamed chats into "Wrighworth's" and "Team Taask"
And that's all for now! Be free to ask questions about this au.
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maxcreatesthings · 3 months
AU: Instead of kidnapping and stealing Percy's and Jason's memories, Hera decided to make a sort of school swap with the Big Three children.
Summary: Greek and Roman demigods mix like oil and water.
Greek demigods are far more sporadic, easier to trust, more powerful, and chaotic. But they lack the numbers and the quick but good work the Roman demigods have.
Roman demigods are far more organized, they have more strength in numbers, and they know how to work quickly and get the best results. But they lack the power that comes with being a direct descendant of a god/dess, and the trust that comes with having constant life-or-death situations.
Not to mention the Big Three kids.
Camp Jupiter has two of them, Jason Grace and Hazel Levesque, a son of Jupiter and a daughter of Pluto respectively.
Jason could control the winds, and Hazel could pull the riches from the ground.
Camp Halfblood had the whole set with Thalia Grace, Percy Jackson, and Nico di Angelo.
Thalia could control lightning, and Nico could control the undead.
The best way to describe Percy's power? He could control anything that has water in it.
So what would happen if these two forces were to mix?
Ships: Jason/Percy (future), Thalia & Reyna (they're in a qpr), Will/Nico (future), Percy/Annabeth (present + polyamory!!!!), Annabeth/Piper (future), Frank/Hazel (future)
What I changed from canon:
Hazel's age. Her and Frank's canon relationship sorta gives me the ick since she's 13 and he's 16. She's 14 here, and won't be dating Frank until she's around 15-16 years old.
The Lost Hero + The Son of Neptune never happened here, obviously. Piper and Leo were latecomers, so to speak, but both of them got claimed by the first week like how it happened canonically.
Leo and Percy are balls of ultimate dumbassery and chaos together!!!! We were robbed of their friendship in canon for real. And also, Leo's aroace. Thalia helped him find the terms of his sexuality. He won't stop flirting and being himself, of course, he's just aroace now.
Speaking of sexualities, polyamorous percabeth <3
in this au, Annabeth and Percy are more chill with their relationship. sometimes they go on dates with other people if they want to, their partner knowing full well what happens and who they're dating.
genderfuck + asexual Percy the Beloved
no but seriously, i think he would not give a damn about his gender or sex. he could do either if someone else wants him to, but he generally doesn't care about it
Nico and Thalia getting adopted into the Jackson-Blofis household
the addition of Max Jackson and Ezra Jackson, two of my OCs that Sally fosters for Percy so that he could adopt them both when the time is right.
Nico still revived Hazel and became an Ambassador of Pluto for a bit, but Hera screwed with his plans to keep things hushed up about the Greek/Roman division. He helps (somewhat) with easing both Hazel & Jason into Camp HalfBlood and Percy & Thalia into Camp Jupiter.
did I mention that most of the big three kids are gonna have a sibling dynamic? because they're going to have a sibling dynamic (except for jercy, of course)
pipabeth is… well, it's happening, as much as lesbians who are so dumb about each other can be anyways (they are in a situationship is what I'm trying to say here)
the big three children can be dark sometimes, and that's okay!! we <3 the dark! little big three here
Annabeth isn't as controlling as she is canonically (someone had to say it)
Piper is less "I'm not like other girls"
Leo is a bit more mature, and doesn't make fun of people he doesn't know well like he did with Frank in Mark of Athena
Edit: forgot to mention that percy is a hopeless romantic here! He's the one who remembers any anniversary, gifts, etc form his loved ones
If you have any questions about this au, feel free to ask! it's still in development here, and I'd love to hear your thoughts about this au <3
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captmickey · 4 months
Out of curiosity, what game has your favorite writing for Guybrush? Personally I'd say probably Tales, I especially love how his and Elaine's relationship is handled there.
Oh my dear sweet Anon, I was in the midst of writing about just that for a different comment.... this one, to be exact:
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So ah.... might as well merge that with your ask.
In a super duper condense nutshell, Tales is my absolutely favorite version of Guybrush (if we take Dadbrush and SoT out of the equation.... which that's a thought I've had in the past) because of what they decided to push for. Aside from no longer being a walking punch line and as you so rightfully pointed out in regards to his relationship with Elaine, Guybrush throughout the story learned the importance of opening up to people and knowing it's okay to ask for help. He also learned first hand that his actions had genuine consequences to them. And he grew to be selfless instead of selfish.
But in a longer format? This is now my "Welcome to Mickey's incoherent TED Talk why Tales of Monkey Island is amazing and I will not take any slander on my boy's character".
(Also I might forget a point or five so keep that in mind... I have a lot to say about this game haha)
So lets get to it: Tales!Guybrush is, in my humble opinion, the iteration with the most depth (if we don't take SoT!Guybrush into account).
Up until Tales, there wasn't much exploration about his character. Like, don't get me wrong, I'm not going to go about and say he had NO character (in fact I'd say the opposite). He has it, though we only see it either if we interact on things and he does/responds to the thing that's not 'nah' or 'no' or digging through the dialog tree.
For example, in MI2, after digging through multiple dialog trees, it lets us know that Guybrush still loves Elaine even after they broke up and that he felt pressured by the pirate community to do something grandeur and even adopt that meaner personality he sports in the game. In MI3, if you screw up the elevator puzzle two-three times on Skull Island, Guybrush shows he is still very petty and even mean by shoving LeFoot off of said cliff.
But in Tales, it's where we get SO much depth with him with both his interaction, dialog tree, and even his reaction to the adventure as the story continues. It's, to date, the only canonical MI game where Guybrush not only expresses more emotions aside from his usual light-hearted, somewhat carefree, and even snarky personality. It's also the one to force him to look at how his actions badly hurt not just those around close to him, but even himself.
With exception from SoT, Tales is also the first time we see Guybrush react in hurt, guilt and even genuine anger and not petty irritation.
Now mind you, I love Return dearly (Boybrush my beloved~). It's funny, the puzzles are challenging enough, my vindication is through the roof with that game (GUYBRUSH AND ELAINE ARE END GAME WITH CHILD, SUCK IT THOSE WHO SAID IT WOULDN'T HAPPEN!!) and it's the perfect send off to the franchise if there's to never be another Monkey Island with Guybrush getting his rightful and hard earned happily ever after (and I'd love for there to be more 'Guybrush narrating to his son' kind of games but that's a topic for another day).
But after thinking about it properly, as great as a send off as Return was, it didn't hit in the same way that Tales did - narratively and character speaking. Like I said, I love the jokes, I genuinely get a good laugh especially so from LeChuck of all characters, but Tales did something that I have grown to respect and admire it for. It gave us back the badass and loving Elaine, it gave us back a genuine threat that is LeChuck who even reached out to (demon) Godhood. But more importantly, Tales stood out because it had Guybrush grow up.
What was said about Guybrush is previous interviews, and it bleeds into my incoherent ramblings, is that he's more of an idealist than an optimist and can often times be considered one of the more dangerous people to be stuck in a room with (because he is smart and he can be very mean). And throughout the series until Tales, you can't entirely fault him for being like that.
He's so experienced in the pirate-y game that he reminds the players at any given opportunity that he knows what he's doing. He knows enough to not rely on others and is willing to push people away just to get to his goal. And because he's so experienced and knows what to do, he tries to keep doing things alone even though the game - repeatedly - says otherwise:
So within the context to Tales, Guybrush by then is no longer this naive, wide-eyed wanna-be pirate.
-He's established (if Morgan is anything to go by).
-He has his wits to him (if LeChuck's remark is anything to go by).
-He's seasoned in his usual adventuring antics ("I feel a pirate-y quest coming on" he says, not eagerly... almost like it's a Tuesday for him).
In Chapter 1, after he steals the Screaming Narwhal from Van Winslow, he tells tries to tell him how he doesn't need a crew (plot twist: Winslow ends up being the best crewmate he ever had in the series)
In Chapter 2, when LeChuck insists on solving the puzzle himself, Guybrush is annoyed (aside from it being, y'know, LeChuck) because he was so certain he could do the puzzle alone (plot twist: he couldn't)
In Chapter 3, how he told Morgan to basically sit down and let him do all the work via talking to a mutinous crew and an out-of-touch captain (plot twist: he needed to brute force the crew in the end).
At every single point when he tries to do things alone (and friendly reminder: he's trying to fix a situation he inadvertently caused via Pox), there was always someone that made the process easier... primarily Winslow and Morgan.
(I should note, this isn't me slandering Elaine.... I genuinely believe her when she says she was trying to break whatever connection Guybrush, LeChuck and the Voodoo Lady seem to have but that... that's another rant for another day).
Anyways! Speaking of my all time favorite first mate.... lets talk about how he was the one that actually got Guybrush to begin his growth. In chapter one, Guybrush had zero issues using a bomb to knock Winslow off the ship, he had zero issues of straight up stealing the literal only means of escaping the island and yet Winslow, though competitive and having his own fair share of snark, treated Guybrush as an equal... even though he was in every sense of the word a threat to stealing the ship. He welcomes Guybrush to the challenge, tells him how he could (and should) do better when his initial plans fail. Even when Winslow looses, he smiles and commends Guybrush, calling him by new title of Captain... there's nothing malicious in his words or tone - he's genuinely happy for Guybrush which throws him off since he's not used to it.
He's not used to people being a good sport or even nice to him (ESPECIALLY the nice thing). So when Winslow asks to join, Guybrush is (rightfully so) super hesitant on letting Winslow in on his crew of one. He's been hurt, he's been mutinied, even in the prologue he was betrayed by the crew we the players only see if we click on the hatch of his ship... but Winslow pushes through and makes himself a crewmate for Guybrush. And not just any ol' crewmate. Winslow decides and goes to be the BEST one by freaking MILES by being the only one to not even indulge in mutiny and genuinely respect Guybrush (I don't think he's ever called Guybrush by his first name now that I think about it), even going so far as to save him during chapter 5 and telling LeChuck, a DEMON GOD, to stay away from Guybrush.
I've made a mention that Guybrush is known to be mean, especially so to people who wronged him. But he's not an overall mean-spirited kind of a person (....excluding MI2 where he's just mean). He'll show concern every now and again with a snark dashed in, but with Winslow, we get to see Guybrush gradually view Winslow less as a crewmate and more as a genuine friend. And that's not to say Guybrush hasn't seen a crewmate as friends (looking at you, Barber Quartet and Carla), but his banter to Winslow is more akin to a friend than a crewmate.... especially so by Chapter 5 when saved.
And I can't talk about Guybrush opening up without mentioning Morgan LeFlay. The key person to Guybrush's growth. The one who put a mirror in front of him and had him really and truly comprehend that his actions have consequences. She's the first one that both us and Guybrush learn is an actual fan (yes I am refuting Planet Threepwood as that just monetized his image for tourists (and they utilize his image wrongfully at that)) and even outright says how she was inspired by him to not only learn how he fights, but how to hold her breath like him.
She really highlights all the cool parts about him, even if she got it wrong in some aspects (such as thinking he fights his way to victory instead of talking and using his wits.... which Guybrush outright says he's known for far more) and Guybrush, because he has that bit of an ego to him, just took it, he didn't really think much of it. He even makes a few jabs at her for being his fan. But all in all, he likes her.
Until the betrayal.
And that betrayal really is the light to the whole thing about Guybrush growing up and facing different aspects of his emotions and personality.
Up until the betrayal, through the entirety of Chapter 3, even when Morgan is irritated that he's not looking at her as an equal and he refutes her help for the good first half of the chapter (pretending to be his wife aside), the two eventually find common grounds and Guybrush, thanks to Winslow and learning to open up a bit more, starts to view her as a friend. Guybrush and Morgan even grow a bit of a banter between the two!
But she betrays him so thoroughly that it causes Guybrush to put back up those walls of his and push everyone away.
He is hurt and he is angry.
Two emotions he had not shown throughout Monkey Island. Irritation? Sure. Aggravation? Absolutely! But hurt and genuinely angry?
Not. Once.
And it wasn't LeChuck that pushed him to show it... it was a supposed friend! And that's so incredibly wild to me! You'd think Guybrush would show some form of anger towards LeChuck for constantly being his nemesis, constantly trying to kill him and steal Elaine, but no... no it was a fan who betrayed his trust (that he RARELY gives, I should stress) that got him absolutely angry.
And it's because of that betrayal arc that actually made me adore Tales!Guybrush. Because it really only gets worse for Guybrush and he's really pushed to a limit.
Throughout Chapter 4, he is constantly refuting help from anyone, it's really the Guybrush we're used to of being essentially a loner and doing things by himself (not that he could push Winslow away anyways.... he was stuck on the Narwhal). He even makes a very snide and very mean remarks that boils down to how her betrayal is essentially what messed up his plan to save Elaine AND the Caribbean, and he even angrily tells her how HE (not him and Winslow, not him and the Voodoo Lady - JUST Guybrush) needs to save his wife and cure the Caribbean. Not WE.
(and something I thought of as I type this and I have no idea how to shoehorn this into the rambling but worth noting - at the start of the quest, he always focused on just curing himself and Elaine. The Caribbean was a bonus but it was really an adventure driven to save his wife.... and then Winslow gets Pox'd and he changes that tone from 'saving Elaine' to 'Elaine AND the Caribbean')
It goes from bad to worse during the courtroom when Guybrush gets a one-two combo of hurt: Elaine is so far gone Pox'd that he and the sponge can't reach her, LeChuck (his arch-nemesis that he was, until this point, the ONLY ONE to openly say he did not trust while everyone else did) comes in to be the only one on the island to defend him, the reveal that the Voodoo Lady had been behind essentially everything in Guybrush's life and kept throwing him in harms way (though that is also a rambling for another day)... all forms of trust, new and old, is shattering for him.
As I've said, this chapter is where we see Guybrush - not Poxed - genuinely hurt and angry, and aside from Morgan, he shows it on the Voodoo Lady by losing his cool with her, angrily saying that he no longer trusts her.
Yet he still, somehow, reels back that anger. Somehow. Not entirely.
Because it reaches to a head when he goes to DeSinge and finds a dying Morgan, who is apologizing to him because she was trying to make right to him after hurting him. A gesture Guybrush had never been given before: he never had anyone try to do right by him... and it cost them.
Someone is dying because he made them feel bad. They're not seeking revenge, they're not trying to hurt him... they're trying to say sorry.
And failed.
And there.... THERE we see for the first time Guybrush genuinely and unapologetically Angry. Granted, his anger, initially, was thinking DeSinge killed her, but he's not entirely wrong to blame DeSinge. If DeSinge had never gone after Guybrush, if DeSinge had just let him be to cure the Caribbean, if DeSinge had not been so villainous, Morgan would still very much be alive.
Guybrush could have, under different circumstances, met Morgan and maybe their friendship wouldn't have been so tarnished because of gold or silver.
And while Guybrush is angry and blaming DeSinge... he decides on something that he hasn't done in the franchise: getting revenge.
And not just comedic revenge as he's shown in the past, he's genuinely after DeSinge for killing Morgan and wants to strike him down in return.
And I. Adore. Tales. For. That!
He shows his anger again when LeChuck mocks Guybrush while he's a ghost, but it's not NEARLY as furious as when he looks out the window and bitterly says DeSinge's name. Not even when he declares how he's going to take down LeChuck is he that enraged.
His foundation of trust and genuine friends is shaken and shattered and bruised, but this is the only game where Guybrush takes action. He never really outright bemoans or says out loud "it's my fault", but he lets his actions do the talking.
And before it's pointed out "But it's still for his own gain", I'm gonna have to put one huge giant asterisk to that:
He needed the locket, but he cheers up Anemone by reuniting them with Winslow (and silly remarks aside, he genuinely is happy for their relationship).
He couldn't touch physical items, but he speaks rather warmly towards Winslow and asking if Winslow would still willingly help him as well as seek out advice.
He cheers Morgan up and offers her way back to the realm of the living... and that one had no ulterior motive. It was the least he could do after mis-hearing her dying words and it was his own way of apologizing to her.
I've also said in the beginning of this ramble that this is the only game to let Guybrush feel hurt. And again, not in that comedic kind of way.
In previous games, when he's discouraged or feeling some form of despair, it's always followed up with some kind of joke or laugh. Something at Guybrush's expense. And it would make sense considering whenever he felt that despair horizon of sorts, he was always (shocker) alone.
As mentioned before, he is incredibly used to doing things alone and without help. Tales changed that.
When Elaine "agrees" to being a Demon Bride (which, side tangent, she clearly began plotting on how to use it against LeChuck with her very loud and very apparent 'Hmmmmm' alley-ooped with "Yeeeeesss.....!" Like something clicked for her as an improved plan), Guybrush (RIGHTFULLY) feels discouraged: again, he's been betrayed by one too many people, the world is ending, LeChuck is a GOD, he's dead, and Elaine (as far as he knew) agreed to being a Demon Bride. After having four (well, three) whole chapters of opening up and relying on people to going back to being alone... no one can fault him for giving up.
And it's not the "Ah well, sucks to suck" like he does in Escape, he genuinely sits on the floor of Crossroads and sounds like he's just about ready to cry (Mickey where-- "C'mon Morgan, I just lost my *wife*" he says with the last part having his voice wavering, come freaking at me).
It takes Morgan... MORGAN, the one who brought out ANGER out of him, to not even cheer him up, but to tell him to give it one more go to try and save Elaine and the world. She even says how she admires his dedication since it never ever wavered... both in his memoirs and as she witnessed first hand, so he has to get back up.
But!! The biggest kicker was that he was not quickly bouncing back going "Yeah, you're right lets go save the world" and proceeds to make a fourth wall joke-- he looks away! He has a brief moment on his expression of feeling hurt and betrayed at his supposed dedication (again, he genuinely believed Elaine's lie and I'll get back at that in just a minute). He tries to think of a plan but he's so incredibly hurt that he quickly finds flaws within his own plans and I just....! He's the guy that always think of something. Whether it's a coherent plan or a Guybrush plan, he always has some kind of a plan.... maybe not Elaine-level, but he's not dimwitted to not be able to think of SOMETHING.
He is, frankly, too hurt to think of a solid enough plan and to think back on the adventure. It takes Morgan to suggest he finds some shield to block the attack (his body against voodoo root beer) for him to finally click a plan and perk just a little bit back up.
That hurt continues strong when he faces off against Elaine after reclaiming his body and pleads desperately that it's him, to please stop. There is no quips during that moment, he's just desperate for the one person he unapologetically and whole heartedly loves that just describing her has him swooning in love, flaws and all.
But my favorite favorite FAVORITE thing, since this is Guybrush finally expressing his anger and hurt, is how he shows it towards Elaine. When the control over her disappears and she's conscious again, if going through the dialog tree, Guybrush makes her promise him one thing and one thing only - To not give up and become LeChuck's bride again.
Not find a way to save Guybrush, not for revenge.... but to not give up.
It's the first time we see him be selfless. He's not asking her to use that mind of her's to find a way to save him, all that's on his mind is keeping Elaine safe and destroying LeChuck.
So he makes Elaine swear to not give up and is genuinely stern and demanding with her when she asks him to not talk like he's going to die again (which... is a hard promise since he's a ghost controlling a literal corpse at this point) but he stops her, and very very VERY sternly and nearly shouting at her to promise him just that. He would never raise his voice to her in ALL of Monkey Island!! He would sass every now and again, sure, but he would never ask her of nearly anything.
And that's how you see the lesson of asking for help had finally set in! He makes her promise him, he tells her to light the cannon, to attack LeChuck while the Undead Pirate was between realms, Guybrush had finally FINALLY started to ask for help and it's not for himself!
And the final act Guybrush does in tales is, hands down, the most selfless thing he had ever done in the entirety of ALL of Monkey Island: He sacrificed himself.
This is the same man who would saw off a peg leg, nail shut a person into a coffin, steal a monocle, destroy a ship with a boulder, steal artifacts for his own gains, mock, jab, and embarrass anyone that would cross him.... and he sacrificed his only means back to the realm of the living for Elaine and everyone else.
Tales, in that moment, became hands down my all time favorite iteration of Guybrush. He had shown an immense level of growth, he showed he was open to having friends, asking for help, understanding when things are bigger than him, letting himself feel such strong emotions like anger and hurt... Tales!Guybrush has easily the grandest and greatest character growth and one of the main reasons why I refute anytime someone say he's just a bumbling moron who is needlessly mean.
I'm sure I'm missing something or a detail or another reason why Tales is my favorite iteration (note: iteration, not game.... that one is in perpetual cycle with Curse), but for now I'll end it on this note:
He can be mean, he is definitely a goof with his own quips, and at times even selfish... but Guybrush Threepwood at his core is cunning, hilarious, and he is unapologetically loving to those that matter in his life. He just picks who gets to see that side of him.
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harleyification · 1 year
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I've been in a Batfamily mood again, and now I wanna remake my Moon Knight x Batman crossover AU cause it has been rotting my brain since November and THIS was the only thing I have ever made for it, asjdksajdkla
(Based off of this post)
Some details, to let my Brainrot Out:
Listen, I know we all love adding our favorite characters into the Batfamily because that group ABSOLUTELY needs more trouble and unhinged behavior, but like. This isn't just adding another kid into the family. This is adding Marc, Steven, AND Jake.
Why does every crossover character have to be the youngest addition?? Why Not the OLDEST addition?? Revoke that Eldest Child License from Dick, imagine THIS: Marc would be around three years older than Dick, and while he would be Bruce's second ward, he would throw that shit around like the law. "Well, I'm older, so I get to pick the first character for Mario Party, and screw YOU, *I'M* choosing Peach!" type behavior
Dick: "Well, Bruce adopted me first so I was here before you, I get to play Peach!!"
Bruce is having a hard time figuring out how to go about this
Marc/Steve/Jake all adore Dick and would die for him. Killing is off of the table, unfortunately.
Everyone is supportive of Steven and Jake, treating Marc’s alters with respect! I love the idea of Bruce or Alfred giving them a journal so that they can keep up with which alter did what that day, and Dick giving them different colored bracelets so that they can tell which alter is fronting at the moment. The three of them actually having parental and sibling support, can I get a HELL YEAH!!
Marc/Steven/Jake being adopted by billionaire Bruce Wayne after running away from home and not having any upfront memories of how he got to Gotham, but knowing that he doesn’t want to go back to his abusive mom and his negligent dad. Emergency Custody is a hell of a drug!
I have no idea how stuff goes down until Jason gets taken in, so consider this instead: Jake and Jason arguing about the morality of killing. Steven and Jason reading together. Marc and Jason doing competitive training. Think about it. Let the thoughts infest you.
Marc and Jake: "I'm not doing free babysitting!"
Steven: "I will, though!"
Steven and Alfred bonding while cooking and Steve is infodumping about his current research project, doN'T TOUCH ME
Cass joins the family early too, because I say so. And Cass wouldn't need the bracelets to see who is fronting in that moment, she would KNOW, and she will either: pester Marc, love on Steven, or pester Jake.
Cass would adore Steven.
We don't talk about the big explosive Elephant in the Room just yet, nope, so instead consider this: Tim coming in and realizing that Moon Knight really is just Like That. Marc would say, "Another one?? Really??" Steve would say "This one is smart and adds onto my research and just spoke to me for 8 hours straight about arthropods, I have found my new real brother", Jake would say "He's a little stalking freak, I like him already"
Jake and Damian is a brotherly match made in hell. Watch the fuck out.
Just. Just Listen to me...just listen...why wouldn’t a morally grey vigilante by the name of Moon Knight NOT fit the bat motif???
Also, Marc/Steve/Jake would get the Moon Knight powers either as a meta-human with a connection to the Egyptian god, Avatars being able to be chosen at birth, or getting them super early through weird means! I think it'd be neat!
Thank you for listening, I hope I gave you Moon Son brainrot
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Hi, just wanted to remind you that I still love all the ego stuff you wrote. I was a big lurker during the time you actively wrote it but dude it was so fucking good.
When I think about the egos, I mostly think about your stuff bc it made the characters come to life. It was so good. I can’t say it enough.
The stuff I’m pulling from memory rn is Anti’s time in The Forgotten. Like my bro, my dude, my homie. That shit pulled at my heart. The fact that he was only gone for like a day or smt in our dimension but he had actually been gone for like 10 years in that dimension experiencing horrors unknown. AND NOBEDY KNEW???? Good shit.
The relationship between the Host and dr. Iplier. Still one of my fav bromances. Like the trust between them and how it was made through hardships. It came to a point where Host even trusted Doc with his name??? Which gave him power over Host, something he was so afraid of. Doc made him a better man. Stopped him from being too cruel. But than he had to forget it bc he went insane. BUT BECAUSE HOST IS AN ASS, HE MADE DOC AND ANTI FORGET EVERYTHING. My guy, that’s your platonic husband and adopted son. Yes I was screaming about that. That still gets me going.
There is so much other stuff too though. Like Anti and Doc becoming family. The egos all getting closer. Phantom being an absolute menace every time he appeared. The Googles becoming more and more human over time.
You introduced me to Wiggles. Didn’t know anything about PJ before I started reading your works.
What it all boils down to, is me wanting to thank you. I don’t know how you look back on those ego stories but it got me through some dark times. You updating it always made my day better. I still carry a piece of it with me everywhere I go and has also inspired me a lot. So thank you!
Oh man, thank you so much for taking time to send this! It's honestly insanely encouraging to hear those stories stuck with you. I still love them a lot myself, cringe or no, because they're such a fun time capsule of that period in my life, and this blog and all the people who followed it (lurkers and all) also helped me get through college in one piece.
Gosh I did put Anti through so much, but in my defense, it was for character development! He and Ollie were always one of my favorite dynamics to write, personally. I mean, the computer glitch demon and the sentient android with a heart of gold? I still haven't made up something that good since. Also the Mare and Phantom dynamic, which they were always managing to screw up somehow. Unhealthy sibling dynamics are the best.
It's also insane that so much of the Host stuck with you because he was always my favorite to write and the one that felt the most like mine at the end of the day. The fact that Mark announced he'd retired him as a character and we all collectively agreed to kidnap him and give him a story is still one of this fandom's shining moments in my mind. In fact, I've kinda snagged Host for different original stories I'm writing now just because I miss writing him so much. I've also kept The Forgotten as a concept, which is definitely getting used in a setting I'm working on now because the angst potential is indeed too good to deny.
Also, while we're strolling down memory lane, what one writer gets to wipe their entire canon midway through and start over again in an alternate timeline whilst using references to the previous timeline to terrorize their readers? Ending one timeline of the blog to begin another was a wild but fascinating experiment on my part to see how I could use it to play with foreshadowing and all that jazz. Plus nothing will ever quite beat letting the audience reach into the narrative and start making their own waves from time to time.
But even though I do mostly original stories now, I'm still loving writing found families and platonic soulmates and maybe the redeeming of one or two villains, so I appreciate all the practice and the feedback I got from these stories! I'll probably keep sneaking Ego references into my stories forever. I'd also be curious to know which story arcs stuck with other people??
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bluejaysandblackbats · 6 months
Titans Academy
Fandom: DC Comics, Titans, Arrowfam
Summary: Grant struggles to accept his new reality when Roy takes him in and enrolls him in Titans Academy. He must adjust to life at a boarding school and life with his new foster family (Roy and Lian). Can he learn to trust the people who claim to care about him? Or will he shut himself off from love altogether?
Chapters: 1/?
Characters: Grant Emerson, Roy Harper, Bart Allen, Toni Monetti, Cody Driscoll, Lian Harper, Jade Nguyen, Audrey Spears, Tommy Blake Jr.
Additional Tags: Father-Son Relationship, Boarding School AU, No Powers AU, Found Family, Second Chances, Roy Harper is a Legal Guardian, Roy Harper is a Father, POV First Person, Grant Emerson POV, Autistic Bart Allen
Chapter One: Gravedigger 101
I thought that when this Roy guy kept me from going to jail, I'd get to be some kind of undercover criminal informant or something. I didn't really understand what they said in court. It sounded like he wanted to use me to get information on the illegal operation that resulted in my adoption by my now-deceased parents. I thought it'd be cool, and besides, it was between going with him or going straight to prison. I was just a kid. I wouldn't have made it long in an adult prison. There was no use in pretending to be tough. I was terrified, and I let the courts know it. The guy knew it too. He said something to the judge on my behalf, and the judge folded like a two-dollar bill. I knew the guy had to have some kind of pull. He showed up to the court late, walked in, whispered to the judge, and that was it.
I won't lie. I was kind of scared of the guy at first. The judge remanded me into the custody of Roy Harper in the state of New York. What I didn't know was that that guy was Roy Harper. "Come on, kid. Wanna go get your stuff?" he asked.
"I can't. My house is an active crime scene," I replied.
"Sorry... We'll get you some stuff in between here and New York. Hungry?" he questioned. He walked fast, so I rushed behind him once they released me. At his pace, he got from the courthouse to the parking garage in less than five minutes. He unlocked the car, and I got in the passenger's seat. "You hungry?" he asked a second time. I nodded.
We didn't say much else until he started driving. "What's good here?" he asked before screwing up his face. "I didn't say who I was, huh?"
I shook my head. "You're supposed to drop me off with that Roy Harper guy, right?" I asked.
"I am that Roy Harper guy. Sorry, my mind was on a hundred other things. I promise I wasn't trying to play some weird mind game by not introducing myself," Roy replied. I nodded. "What do you wanna eat? And if you say Burger Queen or Wackdonals, I'm legally obligated to pretend I didn't hear you."
"There's a BBQ place down the street from here," I mumbled. He grinned.
"BBQ's good. I can do BBQ," Roy replied. I gave him the name of the restaurant and directions. We got there in less than fifteen minutes, and we went in and ordered our food. I didn't feel much like eating before going to court, so I was starving.
We got drinks while we waited for the food, and Roy tapped his knuckles on the table. "I'm sorry about all this, Grant... I'm sure you're a good kid and—."
"What's New York like?" I asked. I didn't want to talk about the case or anything like that. I just wanted to pretend that things were normal.
"You won't see much of it for a little bit, but we're going to Manhattan... You don't happen to have a valid driver's license, do you?" Roy asked. I shook my head.
"Learner's permit," I replied.
"Good enough. It's a fourteen-hour drive, so we'll get there in maybe sixteen-seventeen-ish hours," Roy replied, "But I figure we'll split this into two days and get a little sightseeing in."
"If you're from New York, what are you doing in Atlanta?" I asked. I wanted to ask a bunch of other questions, but that's the one that came out.
"I heard about your situation on the news, and I figured you didn't deserve to be tried as an adult," Roy replied.
"So, am I gonna live with you?" I asked.
Roy nodded. "Yeah, it's hard to explain the living situation, but it'll make sense when we get there."
That made me nervous, but before I could ask anything else, the waitress brought our food to the table. I guess he was just as hungry as I was because neither of us said a word until we finished eating. "Good call, Grant," Roy chuckled as he leaned back in his chair.
I took another sip of my coke, and Roy told me to stay put. He left me at the table for a few minutes by myself, and he came back with two pies and another soda. "Sorry, I figured pie would make a nice snack for the ride," Roy replied, "Ready to go?"
I nodded and followed him to the car. I stared out the window while we drove, and Roy turned the radio on. "If this isn't your flavor, you can change the station," Roy whispered.
"It's cool," I whispered. Roy threw his tie in the backseat and got on the freeway. "Do you do this a lot?"
"Take road trips to keep minors out of jail? Or take custody of kids you've never met? Or maybe—."
"All of it... But mostly, do you have a lot of kids?" I asked.
"Yes and no. It'll make sense when we get there," Roy answered. I nodded, but I didn't understand. "And nope, not really. You're a little bit of a unique case. But that's good. Unique cases are good."
"Did your job make you come out here?" I asked.
"Nope. This is on my time, but I made a deal with the school beforehand about your living situation, and they've got no problem with enrolling," Roy explained.
All I got from that was he worked at a school and heard about me on the news. I kind of wish I didn't ask him anything at all. I closed my eyes and listened to the radio. Eventually, I felt okay enough to sleep. It helped that I finally had food on my stomach. I woke up when we stopped at a clothing store in the middle of nowhere, and he dragged me in there, half asleep. He said I had to buy some clothes. Underwear, t-shirts, jeans... That kind of stuff.
I dragged my feet around the store, still half-asleep, but I managed to do what he asked. He paid for everything, and we walked back to the car. The sun looked like it was about to set, so he checked us into a hotel. It was a room with two beds, and I tossed and turned half the night. He settled in quickly and fell asleep almost immediately. "Roy?" I whispered. I wanted to make sure he was asleep.
"Hm?" Roy mumbled.
"Thanks," I replied. I didn't know what else to say.
"Mhm, no problem," Roy mumbled, "Go to bed, Grant."
I think I fell asleep around two in the morning, and Roy slept the whole night. I slept so heavily that I nearly fell asleep in the shower. He was patient through it all, though. We got breakfast in a drive-thru, and I struggled to stay awake. "We'll get coffee in an hour," Roy replied. I nodded.
My head ached too badly to do anything else. "I didn't forget I planned to switch off, but you look half dead, so I'll give you a break," Roy teased. I wasn't in the mood. I turned toward the window and shut my eyes. He nudged me when we got to Sundollar, and I mumbled my order. He chuckled, and when we got to the window, he woke me up so I could drink my coffee. "Not a morning person?"
"Not a travel person," I replied.
"Well, we'll be halfway there in four hours. Think you can bear with me until we get there?" Roy asked. I nodded. The drink perked me up a little bit. "When I was a kid, it was tough adjusting to new places, but as long as you're under my care, I'll try to keep you in the same place... Okay?"
I looked over at him, and he had this sad look. I couldn't look at him like that, so I turned my head. "Thanks," I replied. Maybe he did care. I guess... Dunno. It all seemed so unreal to me. A complete stranger caring about some teenager he just met? Get real.
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genderisareligion · 1 year
Sorry for all the personal posts lately but I'm legitimately scared for my life and can't leave the state I'm in right now. I have no idea what to do, pretty much no one I've ever known is helping me because I'm under a conservatorship I don't even remember agreeing to and can't possibly afford the lawyer to get me out of this. Not trying to be dramatic at all, I want to live, I don't feel suicidal, but I'm literally out of options, can't afford to feed myself the way I need to with this horrible eating disorder from Autism and childhood neglect, and feel death is imminent unless I agree to go back to these strange psych wards she can send me to where they can break the law freely like she can for some reason.
My mother is content to have me drive around in a giant van full of my things and my 5 year old cat, days after just being thrown into solitary confinement for no reason I was aware of (see pinned post), days after being denied not one but two public defenders that I am legally owed, because she's too immature to open the garage with MY LOCK AND KEY ON IT to just let me either put the rest of my things in there out of her sight or take everything and take it somewhere else. Where though??? She's spoken to almost everyone I know somehow, family friends anyone and told them whatever the fuck she wants about me, I guess, I don't get to speak for myself or correct it, even my "best friend" last year has completely blocked me. For some reason they believe her despite her ugly ass "son" (excuse for a living being) being a fucking rapist who she will protect to the death. HUH? Were you all faking the feminism allyship that entire time, like the 9-10 years you knew me, some of you? I'm about to start posting names because that's fucking insane.
I have the video and will post it, she called the police last night because I was parked behind her house out of necessity. Fresh out of the illegal solitary, spent like 8 hours getting "home," only for my landlord via the snake filled women's center (long story) to try and kick me out immediately and attempt to call the cops again if I'm not fast enough. What happens when I get to my mother's? Same shit, she's talking to me like I'm the r-slur they still say willy willy so I put my headphones in. That's illegal too, now I can't be anywhere near her house or she will have me arrested. Last night, and just about an hour ago (what my video is from).
THIS MORNING I CALLED THE POLICE ON HER because I wanted to know how the fuck she can do this and keep me away from the rest of my shit and my shit in her garage and refuse to give my cat a home even though she adopted him, when she is obviously my conservator and my disability checks have to go there and she has unnecessary financial and social control of everything right now. The only reason my address isn't where I've actually lived on the ID is because some other woman my mother spoke to got me drunk and stole my ID so that I had to put my ex's address on it. Collectively trying to isolate me out there to... what? FOR WHAT? Be trapped with the "woman" who's planning on beating me and choking me?
If you have it in you please boost this to let people know what's going on with me and why I'm not posting the same at all. Does anyone have any idea what the fuck I do??? Cannot afford a lawyer whatsoever would have to be entirely pro bono, so I'm screwed.
I don't want to die. My own mother wants me to. Unsure what to do
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jupitercl0uds · 1 year
im in a 'screw you tails i love you so much mood' so heres a random thought i had about his name. maybe it strives from canon cause theres always more sonic lore i dont know but i dont care. id imagine tails has backstories i dont know/cant think of right now but most of those probably arent canon anymore, due to being from additional media (comics, cartoons etc) from the 90s. anyway, here's my take:
mildly linked to my weird sonic timeline theory. you dont have to read the whole thing, but you'll need to know that i like to think that sonic is 11 and tails is 5 in the classic games
obviously his name, miles prower, doesn't fit the typical mobian naming structure. he should be miles the fox. so maybe he wasnt raised by mobians.
i'm going to abuse this.
his mother, miss prower, whatever her name was, was a single mother. she adopted him as a baby and named him miles. she mostly overlooked her son's birth defect because he loved her so much and thought the world of her. she tried to as well, but in the back of her mind, her son was a freak
when her son grew a little older, she noticed more oddities about him. he didn't understand the world. perhaps that was just him being young. he couldn't stand half the food she fed him. probably just a picky eater. he couldn't speak as well as his peers. that could happen sometimes. he would fidget all the time. he could just be hyperactive. he had an obsessive fascination with engineering - he would rant to her for hours at a time (if she let him) and could build so many little... things. things a 4 year old shouldn't be able to build.
it was too obvious to ignore by this point. he was definitely autistic. she tried to love him - after all, he loved her. but she couldn't. he was a freak. so, one day in november, she went out with tails and came back home alone.
eventually, tails was found by sonic, aged 5. sonic protected him from bullies. you know the story from there.
occasionally, tails talks of his mother. it's always loving. one day, aged 13, sonic decided to find 'prower' in the phone book and called his mother. surely, if her son loved her so much, she did too! he didn't want to say goodbye to his brother, but it would be for the benefit of tails and his mother.
tails was fast asleep in another room. after all, he wanted to surprise his brother. sonic dialled the number.
'hello?' 'hi! this is sonic the hedgehog! are you mrs prower?' 'miss. i've never married.' 'sorry, miss. uh, your son, miles-' 'has he bitten someone at nursery again?' 'no miss, miles! the fox with the two tails? the one that went missing? he's alive and well!' 'he is?' 'yeah! he's asleep right now, cause i wanna surprise him. we can arrange a date, place, time, and get together, if you-' 'i abandoned him.'
this was the first time she had ever admitted it. she knew it was wrong. plagued with guilt. but admitting it felt good. that weight had been lifted off her shoulders. and placed onto sonic's.
'what?' 'i tried to love him - after all, he loved me. but nobody wanted to see me with a weird mobian fox baby. i hated that freakish second tail. and he was just so... weird. i have a different miles now. in my eyes, that other one is dead in the alley i "lost" him in.' 'but- mrs-' 'miss' 'miss prower... how could you even do that? he's not weird, or freakish, he's' 'goodbye'
sonic decided he wouldn't tell tails until he was old enough to realise kids don't get lost that easily. whenever that would be.
for now, he'd be blissfully unaware.
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moefling · 10 months
And finally Any Way The Wind Blows reread...
I really dislike Matali. Like of the the Adults who should have seen The Mages abuse, she is on the top and she is throwing it back in Penny's face!?? (f*ck Matali Bunce)
*sobbing* but also I love angst so also 😈
Dev is a Pitch?!? Idk why but I thought he was a Grimm (tho I did read the fanfic rebel rebel just b4 starting my reread so maybe that's my confusion)
How long is Simon's tail? I'm pretty sure that based on how it's described to twist around things it's gotta be like the same length Simon is tall (5 foot whatever)...
"He already gave me a sword, but I'm not magickal enough to call it." (page 6) this is so sad, I remember seeing a tweet from Rainbow saying the Sword of Mages was still in him he just couldn't call it and just that makes me want to cry for Simon
i love that Fiona continues to use the numpty joke with Baz because that is such a real family thing to do (page 14)
Premal and Simon should have a talk... they both have very complicated feelings about the Mage (i mean Simon wins but)
Poor Penny. she used to solve all of Simons problems and now she can't so she feels useless
"I'm ready to let go - to be me again. The me I thought I was before the Mage ever showed up." (page 37)
"I hate the sight of him. All I see is what I've lost- who I was. His match." (page 62) this f*cked me up because its a call back to CO when Baz says he loves that Simon is screwed up because "they match" and that quotes is VERY popular...
"I know I'll never love anyone like I love Baz. I know he's the love of my life. Of all my lives" "This was my life to find love. The truest love. The biggest. Buti it isn't my life to have it." "I'm too... broken. I don't know how to be close to people." (page 65)
we need for Fiona moments. the fact that she is marrying a vampire but can't ask Baz if he needs to feed? (page 82)
lol Simon showing up unannounced again and commenting on Baz's clothes (page 87)
Simon cuts so deep but i love it because it's real and he is telling everything so Baz knows
"I didn't get to keep anything... What did I get to keep, Baz?" (page 91) i think this hurts even more because he still thinks he's removing his wings and tail. to literally at this moment he doesn't think he got to keep anything: his magic, his mentor, his friends, his purpose in life, the safety that came with knowing what comes next
when Simon tells Baz he loves him to me the tone from Baz questioning it was even sadder because he wasn't just questioning Simon saying it but (to me) it seemed like a question that anyone would tell Baz that
headcanon that not only was Simon deprived of a magical childhood he also didn't have a normal one so he doesn't know things like Disney movies (or really used a cell phone)
i love that Baz switches between Simon and Snow regularly even in his own thoughts
gosh this book has the snowbaz bants that i've been looking for. referencing when they were enemies but now in a funny/ cute way
"'Christ, Baz, I never thought I was straight. I never thought about it at all.'" (page 127)
""I met him the usual way.' 'You chased him off the road?'" (page 167)
i love that there isn't really any comparisons between the Salisbury's and Simon until the end. it's not shoving it in your face if you can't remember the first book (no bronze hair like Simon or Ruth eats like Simon - there is a moment where it is mentioned that Jamie sucked at reading and talking and Simon thinks same but it is Simon thinking it not a comparison someone else is thinking)
is the light touch over simulation or has Simon just never been touched gently before so he doesn't understand it...
""I can touch you less gently, but I won't love you less kindly.'" (page 222)
when Ruth gives the glasses to Simon i remember on my first read i though that was how Simon was going to get his magic back...
i'm 80% sure Lady Ruth was ready to adopt Simon before she know he was Lucy's son and i'm 85% sure she would be very fine with them using the glasses for.... other purposes
the Demon turning to Penny after and basically winking as saying call me...
"'..it was children who brought down the Mage!'" (page 399) i think we need to talk about this more. the fact that Fiona is ok with it but all the Kids have BIG trauma about it all (and f*ck Matali again for victims blaming the Kids)
Simon using a pet name for Baz 😍😍
"'And you don't have to wear a jacket in the middle of June. Do you know how jealous I am?'" (page 407)
(something half baked about chosen ones being warm to the touch)
Baz wearing this boyfriends ex girlfriends sweatshirt
a note that Simon couldn't feel magic at all after Smith zapped him
so Smith's spell.... does it imply that you can waste magic? if you only have so much? or...
so what is Simon.... is he sorta a dragon?
Notes for Snow for Christmas
i love that this exists so we can see happy snowbaz without them doing chosen one shit
i love and hate that Baz tells Simon he is coming back after a fight (page 222)
i've decided that they should tell Lady Ruth about Baz's vamp thing because she would probably blink and then offer to keep blood in the fridge for when he visits. and she wouldn't tiptoe around it either
i like that Simon takes some responsibility to not drink because he kinda has a problem with it
Question... did Baz know he was a vampire before his teeth came in..? cuz knowing his family idk if they would have told him...
do Baz's siblings know he is a vampire? Simon asks but it isn't really answered...
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stablesowned · 3 months
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They say that evil isn't born; it's made. Regina likes to think that's true. Some have come to believe that Regina's heart turned to stone after Daniel's death, but that is simply not true. Regina loved him but not nearly as much as the child that had been conceived due to their union. The babe was born & snuck to the stables by Regina a mere 4 hours after birth. Trust no one. Her brain had told her that the last time that she had intrusted someone, they betrayed her.
At the moment, her daughter left her arms, and Regina's heart became stone. Henry, her adoptive son for the past 10 years, had chipped away at the stone of her heart. It was no work of art from Antonio Canova, but still. As the curse lifted across Storybrooke, Maine, things seemed to be falling to pieces. Every carefully constructed lie came tumbling down around her.
Regina was currently on house arrest as leaving her home was filled with the anger of everyone that she had screwed over to get a shred of happiness for herself. But even her brief glimpses of happiness had always floated away. Every milestone with Henry left Regina wondering about her other child.
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When did her daughter talk for the first time? Did she say, mama? Was her daughter happy? No one could answer those questions for her. Regina had invited the child that she mourned behind closed doors to her home. A glass of Château Cheval Blanc poured long before a flimsy attempt at an apology started. The girl had a spark in her. Regina could admire that. Because as soon as the "I'm sorry" was out, the other was sharp-tongued with her remark. Not willing to bend & accept something so weak. You have my strong personality. Regina muses to herself.
❝ No, dear, I thought it would be a starting point for a conversation. ❞ Regina turns toward the other. The glass of red in hand as she gracefully walks toward the other. In her other hand was a wine glass filled with sprite. The bubbles from the carbonation could be seen as Regina sets the glass in front of Ariana.
Where is my happy ending? Regina steps back as black heels click against her dining room floor. Even in times of stress, the Mayor of Storybrooke seemed to always be put together. It was a lie that she told herself to get through the day. ❝ I'm assuming that you have questions. ❞
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Ariana had lived a perfect life in Mist Haven. She was loved by two parents, Maren and William Colter. The three of them worked the stables of Mist Haven, from the wealthiest families all the way to the royals. Life was perfect until her father was murdered at the hands of the Queen.
It wasn't long after the death of William that the young stable girl learned of her troubled origins. The man who she thought was her father the past ten years was actually her paternal uncle. Her biological father was also murdered, and his death caused her uncle's death. Ariana could only blame one person for their deaths: the Queen, @fallsheavy .
When the dark curse hit Mist Haven, Ariana and her adoptive mother were still together in this new land without magic. She was happy with her mom. She missed her dad, but she loved this little life she had in Storybrooke.
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Now that the curse was broken, Ariana didn't understand why the mayor of Storybrooke was inviting her over. She didn't know the mayor personally, only that she used to be known as ... the Evil Queen. She was the reason her fathers (both her biological and adoptive) were killed. The mayor was responsible for all of the girl's heartbreak and trauma. What was so important that she be invited into her private home?
Anxiety took control over Ariana's emotions as the mayor apologized. Did she think a simple apology would fix everything? There was so much trauma. Wait —
❝ Of course, I have questions. ❞ She took a moment to collect her thoughts and control her nerves. ❝ You're trying to tell me that you're my mother ? But you're the reason why I grew up without a father ... either of them. Unless I'm missing something ... ❞ It was definitely a lot to take in, yet Ariana couldn't picture herself leaving the mayor's home anytime soon.
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Rain, Wind, Drought for the weather ask:)))
Hi! Thank you so much! :)
💧Rain - What's the most emotional scene you've ever written?
Oof, I think there are quite a few qualifiers here.
The entirety of 'Akhkharu' was pretty emotional, with Helen fighting against transforming into a vampire.
'You Said You'd Never Leave' was also pretty emotional, with Helen struggling with James's death.
'Written In Your Eyes' was immediately after Ashley's death....
'Reassurances' might take the cake here, though, where it was Henry asking Helen why she adopted him and feeling very insecure about his place as her son.
There's a lot and I can't remember them all right now.
🌬 Wind - What was the easiest part of your WIP to write?
Uhh.... *glances at hoard of WIPs*
Right now, I'm going to have to say the easiest part of any of my current WIPs was either the early parts of Enigmatic Confections with so, so much snark between Helen and Nikola and mama!Helen moments or the Ranna-meets-Gregory part of my Ranna fic.
Since the early chapters of Enigmatic Confections are published, you can have a snippet of the Ranna fic.
All in all, Ranna felt smug when she turned up at Gregory's door with the written permission from the Senate, along with all the warnings attached to it. Gregory took the paper, surveyed it, and sighed heavily, leaning on his cane. "You are a very stubborn one, aren't you, Miss Seneschal?" "So I've been told." "Come in, then." Ranna could accept that he wasn't very happy, though a part of her couldn't fathom why. Surely he should have been happy to be able to share his knowledge freely, when he usually wasn't allowed to. Keeping things like that inside must have been difficult. Gregory insisted on making Ranna tea before they got started and Ranna accepted, sipping the spicy blend quietly as Gregory went through pleasantries and asked her some questions, mostly about herself. He smiled at her when she answered and already Ranna was a little confused, because she had never had a teacher or tutor give her that sort of look before. Like they were pleased with her simply for being, instead of expecting her to meet the expectations they never told her. "You're Kanaan's intended?" he questioned, as if he didn't already know that. Ranna snorted before she could stop herself. "Intended is not the word I'd use, Doctor Magnus. I'm hardly marrying him." "If he accepts you, you are, at the core of it." Ranna blinked, frowning at this description. "I beg your pardon?" "You will be making a commitment to him that will span your entire life. I may not have bonded to a hyperspieces abnormal, Miss Seneschal, but I do understand how it works." "Mmm." They continued talking, though Ranna was perhaps slightly annoyed when it seemed that Gregory wasn't going to give her a lesson on what she needed to know about the surface today.
🪹 Drought - What do you do to help with Writer's Block?
See, this is why I have so many WIPs. If I can't write on one thing, I usually just shift on to another. If I can't write on any of them, I usually just screw around on the internet or play a game or watch something and come back to it later.
Mostly it's just power through and hop from one to the other.
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stackthedeck · 2 years
Your irondad idea re: biodad Peter would become a super villain is so good but you and i both know no one in fandom would write it because the fandom characterization of Tony is supremely soft Good dad and Peter is supremely sweet woobified boy.
That being said, I WOULD be seated for this.
Hey hey hey I'm kissing you so tenderly on the forehead for this because listen I'm going to write this fic! Well, not bio iron dad fic because I want to put my adoption trauma on Peter. But like adopted young enough that he would be a fundamentally different character. I have the last chapter done already but can I give you my outline of the fic because I’m going to give you the outline
Peter loses his parents just like tasm2, he’s taken to Aunt May and Uncle Ben’s house except they’re just a little bit older, a little bit poorer. There’s some kind of PR fumble in Stark Industries and Tony finds Peter, the local science whizz, who’s related to Richard and Mary Parker, they were promising scientists that had an investment interview set up with Stark industries, such a shame about the plane crash. He’s told that Peter’s aunt and uncle already gave up custody, but Obadiah Stane threatens May and Ben to take Peter
Peter has heard of Stark Industries because he’s a science kid and he’s excited. It hasn’t clicked in his brain that he’s never going to see Aunt May and Uncle Ben again. Tony takes Peter to a restaurant and gets him dessert, and it’s the most delicious food he’s ever tasted. Tony takes him to a toy store and buys him a fancy chemistry set. Tony should be present, these scenes should be sweet. Beneath all the hurt that’s going to come, there needs to be the possibility of them being a father and a son
Montage of Tony getting too involved in his work. Peter is given nannies, sent to boarding school, his grades and smiling face served to the press on a silver platter. Peter only truly connects with Tony when they’re working in the lab together. Peter helped build many of Tony’s weapons, but because of child labor laws, Peter can’t take credit. Peter resents this, his father—his real father—was a brilliant scientist that got screwed over by the higher-ups. Peter wants to be the higher-ups. He tells Tony to give him whatever he wants or he’ll go to the press and reveal that he’s had a kid working on bombs. Tony thinks Peter is joking but gives him his card anyway
The plot of Iron Man 1 happens. When Tony is given the award by the government, it’s Peter that picks it up for him, giving a very similar speech to Obadiah. The “he’s always working” has a much sadder twinge to it. Peter and Pepper run into the hot reporter on her way out. Peter plays wide-eyed and innocent and makes a stepmom joke and Pepper does her usual passive-aggressive thing. They high-five when she leaves, but Peter does make a rude comment about Pepper being the help. Peter comes with Tony to the airport and begs to come to the demonstration because he basically built the Jericho missile. Tony says no, says he needs to keep an eye on the company while he’s gone
Conversation with the guy in the cave. “What about you Stark? Got a family?” “Yeah, a brat that’s a little bit too much like me.”
Tony gets back from the cave and finds Peter and Obadiah locked in an argument. They both have a claim to the company. Tony doesn’t settle the argument, just says well I’m not dead so it’s mine. Peter demands that he be made the heir to the company, but Tony just brushes him off and announces that Stark Industries is no longer making weapons. Peter flips out, half those patents are his and now they’re useless. Tony tells him this is for the greater good. He offers to show him how he escaped the cave, but Peter storms off
Tony calls Peter to replace his chest arc reactor. Peter jokingly asks about Tony’s will just in case he fumbles the surgery, Tony says it’s on his to-do list. Peter puts the arc in his chest and asks about the tech. He says he’s come to Tony’s side and he wants to help people with this new tech. Tony falls for it hook line and sinker because he does not know his own kid
Peter works with Tony on the iron man suit for a while until Obadiah starts talking about the board of directors. Peter wants to save the company, put the suit on the market. Tony firmly says no. Peter says he’ll go public with the fact that Tony had a kid working on weapons. Pepper and Obadiah are shocked by this information. Tony says he should, it’ll only give people more of a reason for wanting him to stop. Peter flies off in a huff and Tony returns to the basement. Peter is locked out of Iron Man design from then on (he hacks into the test recordings anyway)
Shenanigans relating to Obadiah’s scheming ensue. Pepper goes to Tony’s office to get the files but finds Obadiah dead, strung up by a spider-web shortly after he comes back from the middle east. The old iron man suit is discovered, Tony pieces together that Obadiah was trying to get rid of him and was going to use the suit for himself but he was missing the arc reactor. Cut to Peter in front of the big arc reactor in Stark Industries, tinkering with a smaller one. Tony puts the pieces together that the only person that would want Obadiah dead is the only other person that’d want to take over the company. Tony asks Jarvis to call someone but the mansion goes dark.
Peter approaches illuminated only by the tiny arc reactor in his hand. He chuckles, firing off a joke about stealing the first one or ever ripping the new one out of his chest, but he’s always done better work than him. Tony tries to talk him down, begs for his life a little. Peter says he doesn’t want him dead. Not anymore anyway, he checked the will, and what with Tony being locked out of the company. No, he wants Tony to start making weapons again with Peter’s improved reactor and his webs, they’ll make millions. Peter will even let Tony put his name on the patents, but as soon as Peter is 18 he wants a controlling share of the company, think of it like an early extremely comfortable retirement. Tony laughs in Peter’s face, they’re not doing weapons, he won’t kill any more people.
Peter presses the reactor to his chest and a suit forms around him, it’s the iron spider suit. An arm shoots out, piercing the reactor in Tony’s chest and pinning him to the floor. Peter gives a grand speech about his father, Richard Parker and all the work he was doing with genetic engineering. They were on their way to beg for investment from Stark Industries, hoping that by having such close ties to a company in the pocket of the military, the government wouldn’t touch them. But they were shot down, their work too risky. It’s all in the company files, how long has Tony been hiding this from him? Tony says he doesn’t know what he’s talking about. Peter laughs sadly, of course, he didn’t even think to google Peter before tearing him away from his family. But Peter carries his father’s DNA, his legacy and his work lives on in him. Except Stark plucked him out of that legacy, forced him to slave under the Stark name when he could have been doing so much more. And for what? Peter’s not even getting the company that he helped build! He’s going to have a legacy one way or the other, Tony is not just going to throw him away at least not before Peter can throw him away.
They fight, Tony manages to get to the iron man suit and he pulls the same thing he did with Stane, ice problem. Peter’s suit is much smaller so Tony catches him and places him on the roof so he doesn’t die on impact. Tony grabs the arc reactor off Peter’s chest and the suit comes with it, revealing his kid, barely 15 underneath it in a stupid graphic t-shirt. Tony tries to hug Peter, but Peter rips the faceplate off Tony’s suit, crumpling it in his hand. Tony is like wait how the fuck did you do that? Peter explains that he got bitten by a spider on a field trip last year, it’s how he found his father’s research. He’d sneak out of boarding school late at night, the school called him to explain his poor attendance, but Tony never returned their calls. He didn’t even know Peter got expelled until now. Peter starts ripping Tony’s suit apart doing a full villain monologue about how Tony didn’t pay attention to him, how he ripped Peter away from his family and expected him to be cool with it, how being a PR stunt meant that Peter was always in the limelight and the press was terrible to him—calling him Tony’s bastard and so much worse—and all it did was erase the Parker life work and legacy. Tony didn’t want a son, he didn’t even want an heir, he wanted a scapegoat. If Tony really cared about that poor kid from Queens, he would have paid for his school, would have paid for Aunt May and Uncle Ben to get better, and would have told Peter when they died! But no, he wanted another shiny toy, that’s all Peter ever was to him.
Peter is about to rip the arc reactor out of Tony’s chest when Tony fires a repulsor beam from it. The beam hits Peter point blank in the chest and he goes flying over the edge of the roof. Tony gets to his feet and tries to look for Peter but he stumbles, the arc reactor is damaged. Pepper and the SHIELD agents find him just as Tony loses consciousness.
Tony is going into the press conference at the end of the movie, but he’s still thinking about Peter. Tony does the whole “I am Iron Man” thing but just as the reporters stand to ask questions, all their phones buzz. Tony looks to his own phone to see a stream of headlines reporting on a new hero, Spider-Man, who just stopped a Stark brand missile from blowing up the United Nations. Tony grabs Pepper and asks her if Stark Industries has a building in New York.
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lordkingsmith · 9 months
Rocky DeSantos canon and oc children
I love Rocky. Utter sweetie. He’s a good boy and deserved the world!! Rocky’s also a bit silly and adorable. He deserves more though lol. He doesn't really ever get a good way to shine, and I hate that. He was more than a joke in his early episodes. the fact he keeps getting treated like a joke now is sad. I do like the fire fighter idea for him, it fits, but...still...you can do that and him being the class clown and it still being done as more than a punchline (Hi, Carter, I'm getting to you) If I’ve missed anyone let me know and I’ll add :)
Canon children:
None that we know of
My oc and alternate reality kids:
Aisha Campbell;
Rocky and Aisha fit well. She gets his humor, he knows how to match her energy and keep her from burning the wick at two ends. So when they got together nobody was remotely surprised. They have two kids, one naturally and one adopted. Landon, aged 12, and Saffie, aged 14.
Landon's been with Rocky and Aisha since he was three, and he's been really happy with them for as long as he can remember. He's a bit of a bookworm, but mostly prefers nonfiction. If he has to read fiction, it's nothing sci fi related. It bothers him too much when they get simple things you can look up wrong. Like what Tenga Warriors look like, or what space ships need for fuel. Or planets earth trades with. He likes spicy food, and birds. He probably knows more about bird related aliens than the average human. Doesn't know what he wants to be when he grows up, but he does know he wants a parrot. His parents are trying to convince him to choose a bird with a shorter lifespan. He and his sister have a very kind spirited joking relationship. They don't feel like they aren't actual siblings, and he's as protective of her as he likes being a mild pest to her now and then, and she him. Not associated with a color.
Saffie was a surprise baby. Aisha and Rocky had been trying for a kid for a while at this point, and nobody was sure why it just wasn't happening. When they applied for adoption, Saffie was conceived. They still went through with the adoption, and are glad they did, and Saffie is too. She loves Landon a lot, and they have a fairly healthy sibling relationship. Saffie's not exactly a social butterfly, but she's by no means a wallflower either. She keeps to herself, and likes skateboarding and parkour and rock music. Being able to brag about the fact she knows the Skullovitchs personally and she sometimes gets babysat by Eugene Skullovitch's son? Oh it's amazing. Cheeky, high energy, and knows what she wants in life. She's dancing to the beat of her own drum, and is quite happy doing so. Likes reading poetry, a lot, and diy'ing her own clothes (she is not allowed near bleach dye for her jeans after an incident of not screwing the lid on tightly enough and leaving it on the living room floor. Fabric paint is still okay, though). Rocky and Aisha are a little confused by some of her interests, but then she turns around and is so much like both of them they have to laugh. Saffie's just Saffie. Not associated with a color.
Adam Park;
They make too much sense for anything else, they were best friends since the beginning. They have three kids. They adopted a kid who lost their home in a fire brought on by a monster. Peter's eleven and scared of the world. Adam and Rocky fully understand, but hope he can open up. They care for him and are worried about him. Peter DeSantos doesn't know how to feel about power rangers as parents after what happened, but he's glad Adam and Rocky are stable and they do try. It's just hard to open up. They have time, though, and that's what matters. Adam's been helping with his anxiety by showing him how to sew. Whenever he gets scared and his dads aren't there, he sews little projects. It helps and he's proud of what he makes. Not associated with a color.
tangential au; Rocky and Aisha and Adam are together with all above mentioned kids, and Adam and Aisha's kids. They live on a large ranch and the kids are thriving.
Jason Lee Scott;
Rocky said he thought Jason was cool and wished he could have gotten to know him better so was happy to be on the Zeo team with him. Here, this was meant fully romantically. It took Jason three months to Get It, and when Rocky was no longer blue and the rest of them became turbo rangers. When he was out of the hospital and Jason was mentally recovered from his ordeal at the hands of Divatox, they talked about everything. Slowly and awkwardly. How much Rocky admired Jason, how much he wished they could have been closer friends before Jason left, and Jason congratulating Rocky on being a good red ranger, and a great blue. His Blue.
They’re still active Zeo Rangers, though Jason slid back into red when Tommy got strong armed into retiring by his wife. Eventually, he’s going to give the legacy his youngest daughter, who in turn gives it to Tommy’s grandson, but for now… he and Rocky have it handled.
They have three kids and run a wrestling gym dojo combination. Victoria “V” DeSantos, aged 17, and Bess, aged 13. Kim offered to be the surrogate, as Aisha and Kat and Trini were busy with their own lives and had declined, and Kim was happy to help both times. Plus, Jason wanted the girls to not be bullied over being half siblings. Not that it matters. Nobody bullies the DeSantos sisters.
V isn’t a ranger, but that doesn’t mean she hasn’t kicked seven kinds of ass of anything that makes the mistake that just because she looks effeminate must mean she’s not one of the toughest kids and town and took her kickboxing team at school to nationals twice in a row (three times if she can manage; she’s training hard for it). Not the sharpest tool in the box, but she gets there in the end. She’s got a heart of gold and a competitive streak a mile wide. She’s enthusiastic, cheeky, bur don’t get on her bad side. She might have a slow temper, this doesn’t make her a pushover. Can be intimidating with a smile. Don’t screw with her family. Especially on the holidays, halloween, Christmas and valentines especially. That is family time and she will cause demons hospitalization. Thanksgiving’s fine though. But they have to bring a side dish and stay for dinner. This has made things interesting. She can be self centered and details focused, but she tries to think about others. While her dads are in charge, V is the benevolent queen bee of the house and keeps everything in line. Terrible with time and directions though, but that’s what her sister’s for. Not associated with a color.
Bess is less like Rocky, but she’s got all of Kim’s best qualities. Kind, compassionate, empathetic. She though, like Jason, tends to internalize and stew. Her goal is to beat all of Jason’s records he set in his teens. She doesn’t want to be the best, she just wants to prove to him she’s capable. And maybe a little bit want to be able to brag she’s better than her old man, but just a little. A bit jealous of her older sister. V has a long shadow it’s sometimes difficult to step out from under. Often explodes when she can’t get something perfectly the first time, but once she calms down she’s usually trying again. Definitely Jason’s favorite even if he doesn’t say so. She’s very good at directions and maps, and sense of time. She’s dependable and capable. She’s going to be the best one day, she’s gonna make sure of it. Will be Red when Jason’s finally forced to retire.
Tommy Oliver;
Rocky and Tommy always had a rather amicable relationship, which lead to a very comfortable dating life. It wasn't a sparks fly insta love thing, but more like a very slow burn of embers. And after years and years of doing things and having each other's backs and being red and blue and white and red and all that this all entails...it got to the point they looked at each other and couldn't think of anyone else they'd want to be with. They have four kids; Dannica DeSantos, aged 26, Markus DeSantos, aged 24, Johanna DeSantos, aged 20, and Halen DeSantos, aged 17. Tommy and Rocky are currently taking a break (being teammates and lovers on several teams and effectively at each other's hips for decades will do that), but are doing it more to save their marriage than preparing to divorce. Halen's living with Tommy during this, as Rocky is the firefighter chief, and is only at the house three days every two weeks during fire season. Better to have a parent who can actually dedicate time to being a proper parent to the one kid that still needs it. All kids except Halen are scientifically mixed dna of Tommy and Rocky, through cashing on a favor of Billy and the Aquitans. Halen is adopted.
Dannica DeSantos is a racecar driver. She's been a speed demon since she learned how to ride a tricycle, and has been relatively unstoppable since. She has given her parents panic attacks. She's been in jail over the fact she used to do illegal drag races in her teens. Tommy had to put a stop to this by getting behind the steering wheel again and taking his own daughter on in a race. If he won, she waited till she was 18 to pursue this as a career-the legitimate way. If he lost, he'd give her the keys and say nothing. Tommy won, barely. She was pissed, but she honored her word. They had a few years of tenuous peace with warnings interspersed that yes, traffic is awful, but no you can't drive through a park to get to your job on time, Dannica, no.
Since starting her career, though, this has gone down quite a lot and she's been a lot better about being responsible off the racetrack. She refrains from using the name 'Oliver' to her advantage; she wants to do this the right way. She's insanely competitive, and has a very strong code of ethics. She doesn't cheat, she doesn't cut corners, and she's not going to start. The only way to do anything is the right way, and what does it say about everyone else who cheats who keeps losing to her, anyway? Loves her brothers and sister, but she doesn't really get along with her dads. She's the most intense parts of both of them, and while they love each other, it's better to love each other at a distance. She gets the fact they're currently separated; you just gotta take a break sometimes. Not associated with a color, and as she'd willingly drive a car into someone, this is perhaps a good thing.
Markus DeSantos is going to school to be a physical therapist. Probably the most easy going of the siblings, he's a lot like his dads. He's kind of wanted to do this since finding out about the accidents that wrecked Tommy and Rocky's backs for a long time (and even to a point up to now) and lead to them both finally retiring from ranger work. Tommy has to walk with a cane, and Rocky's dependent on painkillers. With excercise. Markus gets that because his dads are so vigorous with their exercise and a lot of luck they were able to skirt past anything worse, and he wants to help people get similar results where possible. So, physical therapist. He's a happy go lucky but take no shit kind of guy. He's nice about it, but nobody gets away with anything around him. And often find themselves doing what they should, under the impression it was their own idea, some hours after talking to him. He loves food, loves his siblings, though he generally gets along with Rocky better than Tommy. But, he manages to get Tommy to do what he's supposed to, because his dad is very much a stubborn idiot about things that are good for him. Checks in often with Halen and makes sure he's doing ok during everything. Keeps both his dads' fridges stocked. Not associated with a color, though he was offered black once. Kept this to himself, he doesn't want to deal with the inevitable "well why didn't you" if he says anything. He didn't because it'd get in the way of goals he already had, that's all. He did suggest someone else, and they're doing very very well, so there's that.
Johanna is assistant manager at the Juice Bar, and thriving. Everything is going well for her. She's got a famous sister, two famous parents, and likes cooking, coming up with new flavors to try on the blackboard, and generally being assistant manager. Does she want to go to school? Maybe. Does she know what for? Not yet, but if she ever figures it out she's willing to go. She's into competitive gaming as a side thing, but it's not her life. Her life is fairly full of other things. She lives with Markus in a rental home, and Halen whenever he needs a break from Tommy. She loves holidays and wears themed clothes every single holiday. She wears bunny ears without shame with extra fluffy skirts every easter, and she's highly embarrassing on Thanksgiving with her turky legwarmers. However, her siblings love her and wouldn't have her any other way. A good source of advice to anyone who needs it, though she tries to stay out of Markus and Dannica's way, because they both get into moods where no amount of advice no matter how gently given will ever be heeded. And she's not going to waste time on useless endeavors.
She sometimes stands in for the karate classes when her girlfriend has to skip. Johanna knows she's dating the pink ranger, and Rose knows Johanna knows. Johanna doesn't mind filling in for Rose when fights edge into class times. Rose would do the same for her if their situations were switched.Johanna isn't associated with a color herself.
Halen DeSantos was adopted when he was six. He was adopted out of foster care, and remembers his last foster care parents. They were nice, but had eight other foster kids. Halen found it no less chaotic but somehow warmer when he got adopted by Rocky and Tommy. Their kids instantly swept him into their midst as sibling, and it was easy to slide into this as well. They squabbled and stepped on each other's toes and got on each other's nerves, but there was a deep love throughout. It is tough finishing high school while Tommy and Rocky don't live together-and Tommy is his biology teacher-but he's trying to remember it's not because they hate each other, it's just gotten a little much right now, and they do still love each other. His siblings always seem to know when he's feeling really low, however, and it's nice being able to get his mind off things. Kind of wants to go into paleontology, like Tommy, or firefighting, like Rocky. He hasn't decided yet, but he knows whatever he chooses, he's going to be supported in it.
Trey of Triforia;
Rocky and Trey never did have much to do with each other, as rangers. However, here, Rocky decided he was going to make his duo a trio again. Aisha was gone, and Rocky found Trey filled the void she left pretty well. Adam took a little while to warm up to the alien, but they all became fairly close. Rocky always brought along one of the three personas to various activities, and people got to know his 'exchange student' friend fairly well over the summer, even if they did all agree Trey's personality and reactions could be wildly different from day to day.
This eventually led to Trey and Rocky getting together. They have a son, Ventus, who is blue zeo ranger. Titus has a rather rocky relationship with both parents. While sixteen and Crown Prince of Triforia, he really would rather not be. Doesn't know what he wants to do or where he wants to go, but it's not Earth and definitely not Triforia. Ventus simply feels suffocated by legacy and responsibilities. He really just wants to figure himself out, but he doesn't have the time or luxury to do so. He has a team, a leader who's often doing wildly unpredictable and dangerous stunts, a kingdom to learn how to rule, on top of general studies as a high school student in Angel Grove. Tends to internalize and lash out, and does feel bad when he does so. At the very least, he's not the gold ranger? While it couldn't be further from the truth, Ventus feels like he's disappointing both his parents. He will eventually find a middle ground between the two worlds, one that works for him, and a way to rule, that also works for him. Rocky and Trey are about ready to force this kid into a year long sabbatical with either Rocky’s family or on Aquitar. The team’s concerned too. Ventus has so much self imposed stress and frustration he’s not able to function. Trey’s also curious whether or not his Id, Ego, and Super Ego need to be separated for a bit, just to see if that helps stabilize him. Therapy for all three separately might be a good way to go about this, too.
*he's named after the character from kingdom hearts, who's heart was cut in three :) (one piece is in sora, one piece is an antagonist running around calling itself Vanitas, and the last piece is in a comatose Ventus)
an alternate tangental reality he goes nuts under the pressure and becomes a villain, fucking off and cutting complete ties with his parents and his former team.
Adam and Rocky were in a mild competition over "Sabrina's" attention while Aisha was trying to rein the two in, but Adam ended up getting most of "Sabrina's" attention. Rocky was kind of glad it wasn't him when Sabrina turned out to be Scorpina. However, later, he and Scorpina did end up in something of a romance after the Z Wave. It's very off and on, and they have one daughter. Reagan takes more after her dad, and doesn't have any alien looking characteristics. Reagan is 18, and she's trying very hard to be as average seeming as possible. When she was sixteen, some version of Zedd showed up, and forced her mom to work for him once more. SInce then, Reagan's become obsessed with killing this Zedd and finding her mom again. Before this she was a photography enthusiast who was considering being a sports reporter. Since, however, she's gotten zeroed in on one goal, to the detriment of the rest of her life and her relationship with her dad.
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Let’s start with an easy one. FMK: Din Djarin, Poe Dameron, Cassian Andor
Okay now a hard one. Choose: Ezra teaching you to prospect or Oberyn teaching you to fight?
This one might suck either way… oops. Would you rather: Live by the strict rules of the Jedi Order, or live by the strict rules of the Mandalorian Way?
Time to pick your brain. A question about a story: Which of your stories has your favorite title, and why is it your favorite? How did you choose it? Did the title come first or did you start writing first?
Please feed my endless curiosity about this man. A question about a character: Tell me something I don’t know about Caught On Santiago. Please.
Oh a quick little writing challenge? Okay. Writing formula: (word) unexpected + (scenario) first time in a new city + (character) Frankie
Easy? EASY? How is that easy?
i'm gonna kiss Cassian. He has far too many other things to worry about, and if I let myself get into it too deeply with him, it's just going to end in heartbreak for both of us. But a smooch or two isn't gonna hurt anything.
I'm gonna fuck Poe Dameron. I don't think I need to explain this but I still will - in two words: that. ass. (also those lips.)
I'm gonna marry Din Djarin. I will take whatever Mandalorian vows he needs me to take. I will spend the rest of my life making that stubborn, silly man happy and keeping him well fed and as relaxed as possible. I will GLADLY adopt his child as my own and not ever complain.
Oberyn teaching me to fight, hands down.
Ezra teaching me to prospect would be a very short lesson, because aside from showing me what to do and telling me to "hold it like you love it", I'd have to learn by trial and error, and that's on me. I'd very much like him to supervise, though.
But Oberyn? Training with him is as hands on as you can get. And it would be so satisfying to show him progress. It would be fucking amazing for him to see that I was listening and capable. It would be incredible to have him stand behind me eand teach me how to hold a spear, or where to thrust a knife or dagger to do the most damage.
Would definitely prefer CQC hands on figting with Oberyn though because it would likely lead to... um.. other things.
Fuck the Jedi Order.
I'm not foregoing attachments to learn how to move rocks and deflect blaster fire with my mind. I need connections with people and I need emotions. You tell me I'm not allowed to love anyone and I'm gonna go Dark Side real fast.
Din's creed sucks in a lot of ways, but it's respectable in a lot of others. And I wouldn't mind hiding my face because my expressions have gotten me into trouble in the past and if I had to keep my identity hidden, no one would see how often I rolled my eyes or wrinkled my nose or sighed or looked at people like they were fucking idiots.
My favorite title?
I really like the way that I've structured the titles for On Deck and JTGtBG, choosing phrases and titles based on the contents of the chapter and how they relate to either songs or baseball terminology.
But my favorite actual title is probably Root Pearl, because it's all about the connection and what is at the center of everything - Ezra's career, the relationships he has with Cee and Reader, the way Reader and Ezra have to nurture things as they grow and change so they don't get screwed up to an irreparable place... I picked it because the root pearls and aurelac was the focal point of Prospect, and I wanted the same idea to be the core of the story.
The title came as I was writing out the ideas for that story. I think you were the first person to know the title and the concept.
Caught On Santi is Frankie's son's godfather. Another thing? He helped Frankie pick out your engagement ring, and encouraged him to go with something smaller and more you instead of what Frankie wanted to do - a grand gesture with a ring that you would have liked but was unnecessarily huge.
Frankie + unexpected + first time in a new city? Here's a little Life is Good Frankie for you.
The elevation change in Colorado is a shock to Frankie, even though he's been in a variety of places throughout the years. He wasn't reckless when he first arrived, but a couple beers with dinner and then another at your place was enough to make him a little tipsy - which is not usually the case, and caught him off guard. You tried to warn him - and when he swayed on his feet as he stood to go to the bathroom, all you could do was laugh ... and when he came out, waking very slowly and very carefully, you had an ice cold bottle of water and some ibuprofen waiting for him.
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gracethefoundfamilyfan · 11 months
ok i frickin love my found family lemme just say
first of all we all go to a baptist church and we call ourselves the jesus freaks after that DC Talk song even though we're all 12-19 (except for the Fathers who are some of our dads) and im making us all jesus freak shirts
second of all despite the baptist-ness we sound like a catholic something or other my dad is referred to as 'Father Louis' my "brother" is Brother George my 'sister' is Sister Abigail and there's also Sister Meredith and Sister Grace (me) and Father John (George's real life dad).
and the best part is we act like a family. Abigail and George and I are doubles in the same row in handbells choir and we smack each other and steal phones and all sorts of stuff. My 'nephew' (George's 'son') is a twelve year old little hispanic kid but his two real life brother's are my brothers not his don't ask me why but he and I are writing a play together because he asked me for help with the stage directions and Abigail helped him with his Etsy shop
and I'm the Grand Mother so i basically know/take care of everyone and everything and its literally the reason i live
George and I never talk over text except to send each other dog pictures at three in the morning (both kinds)
SIster Lily and i work at the same restaurant so sometimes they all come in and annoy the heck out of us
Any parent. and i mean ANY parent. (Like real life one). Is referred to as mom or dad. Period. I have fourteen or more moms. I love it.
We have a group bible study that gets heckin chaotic because everyone gets into debates
then there's brother caden who is a little ADHD preacher and also pole dances and he's the most horrible goofy kid ever but he also was the first one of us to lead a kid to christ and he prays like nobody's business
we all are helping each other discover our spiritual gifts (aka what we're best at that God wants us to use to further our group/the church in general's ministry to help people have a little bit better of a life here on earth)
we also protect each other
like david and i were arguing because we couldn't figure out which bells went in which case (we have three sets of eight octaves plus chimes and aluminums, screw it) and he paused for a second to pull me out of the way of a cart that almost ran over my feet and he was like 'you good' and i was like 'yeah' and then we went back to arguing
oh and there's this one kid who's called the Grand Father because he says he's my dad's dad (my dad is 60, he's fourteen, but math and our family don't go well together so whatever) and he kind of just. hovers. on our family tree.
also we're gosh darn near emotionally connected. like we did a feet washing ceremony (don't ask, we're teenagers with too much time on our hands) and some of us were super nervous about showing our dogs but we prayed for God to use our dumbness and then Caden started crying at the end of it and lily and i went to pray for him and then we started crying and before you knew it we were all sobbing and we were singing and praying for our nation and our friends and i've never felt more free than i did sitting on the dusty tile floor of that random church basement out in Appalachia with my family and God. Juju (the protector of the family, seriously she will kill anyone who lays a hand on us) said it felt like 'something big and hot and awesome was bursting out of my chest and making everyone's lives brighter'. That's the closest thing to poetry i've ever heard come out of her lips.
there's alexis too she and i almost dated (long story) but when I told her i wanted to follow the traditional view of the bible she said it was okay and she supported me and now she's best friends with my entire irl family
oh and there's katie she's the weird adopted neighbor lol she loves knives and debating with people about the existence of the Bible
back to the spritual gifts thing, Lily and I were the first to understand ours. Mine is... hmm, the best way to describe it, I guess, is empathy. it's an ability to read people, to discern? maybe? to see through their reactions into their soul and what they really need, and the most loving way to give it to them. Lily's is basically spiritual sight-- she's seen demons since she was little. she told me she saw something dark in me the day after i started cutting, and she told me she could tell the difference when i stopped. no one else except for alexis and juju knew. now i've told my story more, but not much yet. I think the day we realized this weird crap was real was the day a guy walked into the amish market. normal as ever, he'd come in there before, but I literally cringed when he came up to make his order. there was someting off about him, something dangerous. I turned to Lily and told her when he was way out of earshot and she was already giving me the exact same look. she said there was darkness in him. we prayed for him for almost an hour, off and on while we did our work. when he left we breathed a sigh of relief. turns out he'd robbed a nearby place earlier in the day and was armed he was picked up.
there was another time one of my friends from another church got stuck when that plane thing crashed into the main power lines and all the street lights and stuff went out? they were all stuck at their church and one of the new attendees pulled out a gun. he texted us. i texted the group. we started praying. the guy never shot anyone, and the police said he handed his weapon over without a fight.
we also crave discomfort. it's a brave thing, learning to be comfortable in discomfort. i've never met any other group, christian or not, who jumps at the chance to help a group of heroin addicts get cleaned up for job interviews, or volunteers to clean out an entire warehouse full of dust and inhalants and possibly mold or lice or bed bugs or who knew what else as we worked. but we did it. we cheered. we sang. we laughed. we connected with people. and when we came home it didn't stop. every time we meet we do something. we pray for change. we go out and hand out soda and ask people if there's anything we can pray for. we've made friends with every family within ten miles of our church. we regularly bring food and candy to people. we're hosting a trunk or treat and i was asked to do the Chops Fam (get it, knives) trunk. i can't fathom how to represent us well. maybe that's why my brain needed to shove all this out.
we also renovate houses. for fun. did i mention that? the only thing more satisfying than ripping into walls with three of your best friends beside you is the looks on people's faces when they see how much we've done and how much we care and how it's all free because we'll take the load for you this once because 'if we have the power to give even one person a little bit of relief, how can we not give it?'
oh, and one time a crazy guy came to our church. we gave him a doughnut and a coupon to the local bakery before we called the authorities (and then prayed until they got there).
then a bunch of teens came in and smoked marijuanna in our barn (yes, youth group happens in a renovated barn. we fixed it up ourselves. it's freaking awesome.) We set out snacks for them and put up signs to let them know when the doors would be unlocked and the wifi password, so they could stay-- as long as they didn't smoke inside or break anything. they haven't come for service or youth yet, but they come just before. sometimes we see them leave. we wave, they wave back. maybe someday they'll want to meet us.
i've never felt more alive than when eight of us are all crammed on one couch, calling out answers and debating things and stuffing our faces with food, or when you're at the end of a street and you look back and see all the groups spread out like a tree, handing out candy and praying and laying hands on people and giving people hugs. my dad finally reconciled his past of drug abuse when he met the addicts we were loving. he wrote music with one of them. one of them gave him an extra Bible, just about the only thing they owned, and later that day George gave it to a kid who followed us to ask Caden why we were so nice.
I remember us all crying on the floor of that basement. I remember crying at worship, leading my family up to the front, locking arms at the shoulders like we were going to war, screaming the words at the tops of our lungs. i remember holding a girl for hours while she cried and sobbed and begged God to forgive her. I remember someone sobbing as they were freed from the depression that had held them captive for so long. I remember the senior, if not his name, who walked up to me during worship and told me God had a message for me-- that I was waiting on something important, something school related, and I was stressed, but God's answer was no and it was for the best. Two days later I was rejected from the early college program. This year i have the time to support three of my friends who are going through the most stressful time of their lives, and my dad, who just lost a friend. and even when that happened, all of his 'kids' gathered around and prayed for him. we send him messages every day reminding him that there is hope. that he will be okay. that he will see his friend again. we're still hoping that friend will get off his deathbed, but if he doesn't, we're still here. we're still fighting. God's will be done. We never pray for anything else.
i remember standing around that friend's parents and praying, not for their son to survive, although that too, but for them to have strength. peace. their tears were dried. they smiled for the first time in weeks.
i remember screaming. laughing. crying.
i remember feeling nothing at all, and i wonder
how could i not be so endlessly greatful?
in short, i love my family, and i refuse to outgrow them. call it a cult if you must, but they are my life, my hope for the future, my pride, and my joy. we keep each other accountable. we lift each other up. We encourage each other We fight for each other. We see the crap the world pulls, and we say fuck that. We choose to love. We choose to spread light. We choose to love. We choose to pray in public places, and sing on the streets. We choose to do all we can for our neighbors, the people God tells us to serve the most. We are the servants. We are the rebels. We are the change.
That's not to say we don't have a lot of fun, either. We dance and laugh and try on each other's lip gloss and have karaoke at one in the morning and that one time we all caught the same flu bug at church camp we still beat the other churches' asses and then collapsed on the floor of the common room in bags and told each other stories. We sneak out and sit on roofs and look at the stars. We watch the meteors and talk about life. We have an entire row of the tree (my grandchildren) that are stuffed animals, each with their own names and personalities and birthdays which are heavily celebrated. we make the birthday kid feel as awkward as humanly possible. we wrestle. we go to bell festival once a year and chug energy drinks and try to sing our parts on the bells until the adults threaten to turn around and go home. we built a gaga ball pit-- leveled the ground, built the pit, churned out the gravel, tamped it, decorated it, all by ourselves. church work days are a fricking BLAST.
i love my family. i love my home. i love the life that i live. and i wouldn't change it for the world.
because when you have all this, who cares what some random strangers on the internet say?
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