#* laura hale   ⟶   answered.
clotpolesonly · 1 year
your fic ideas are hella cool so dropping in another 📔 if you wish!
(another content warning, for abuse & gaslighting this time)
AU where instead of letting him go to suffer in his grief and guilt, Kate keeps Derek after the fire. she doesn't take credit for what she did, instead bluffing her way through convincing Derek that someone else was responsible for it. she offers him refuge. she can protect him. because she loves him.
desperate for comfort in the wake of all that he's lost (he assumes, and Kate reinforces the idea, that everyone else is dead), with the alternative too horrifying for him to even consider much less accept, Derek latches onto her and goes with her willingly because he's got nothing and no one else left.
it's a perfect foundation for the kind of emotional abuse that keeps someone feeling indebted no matter what their abuser puts them through. he'll do anything she wants him to, because doesn't he remember what she did for him? what she's still doing for him? keeping him safe. he knows what her family does, he doesn't he understand how much of a risk it is for her to harbor him from them? he can't possibly disobey complain when she's risking everything for him.
bonus points if he's desperate enough, and Kate a forceful enough personality, that Derek can latch onto her like an alpha to avoid omega status, in lieu of having a pack. we see atypical pack bonds in the show, Scott forming a "pack" with Stiles and Allison that was solid enough to avoid omega status and help him resist the sway of a real alpha, so i'm inclined to think it's possible. Derek, young and vulnerable, alone and grieving and terrified, submitting to the will of someone older, trusted, and powerful enough to make him feel safe.
little does Derek know, Laura and Cora both escaped the fire (and Peter, comatose still). he thinks they're dead, because that's what Kate told him, and he trusts Kate (because she's all he has).
he doesn't know they're alive, but they also don't know that he's alive. Laura and Cora fled town together after the fire, the way Laura and Derek did canonically. and they're drawn back the same way -- Peter's slowly returning consciousness, the mystery of the fire, etc etc. in this AU, it's Mrs Finch (the teacher at the high school from season 6 who's apparently been an alpha werewolf in hiding the entire time) that Peter killed so that he could start biting random teenagers in the woods. that's definitely something that Laura needs to look into and take care of.
it's also something the hunters are looking into, of course. Chris calls Kate for backup and, not having any more context than "rogue alpha", she comes. and she brings her boyfriend with her. whatever identity she's set up for him, it's well established by now, and Derek is (horror of horrors) one of her hunters. she's convinced him to fight the "bad" werewolves. it's not like werewolves didn't police their own sometimes anyway, if they deserved it, for the sake of staying secret and protecting innocents. it didn't take too much manipulating prodding to convince him to use his superior senses to aid her cause.
Derek is the one who finds the alpha. he has him in his sights.
only Laura has found him too.
and that's the first they see of each other.
Derek runs before there can be any kind of connection. he goes back to Kate and tells her what he saw. she, of course, gaslights the fuck out of him. he didn't actually see his sister. he couldn't have. they're all dead, remember? she saw the bodies herself, doesn't he trust her?
Kate, blindsided -- she knew Laura and Cora were alive, but she didn't expect them to be here, threatening her long con and her control on her favorite tool/toy -- runs back to Chris (completely in the dark on her machinations) for damage control. tries to turn him onto taking the other Hales out of the picture as quickly as possible without alerting him as to why.
code-loving Chris resists; as far as they know, those Hales haven't done anything wrong. they haven't broken the code, one of them is just 16, and it seems like they're all working toward the same end in taking down the rogue alpha. maybe they should just let them be for now, keep an eye on them, monitor the situation, etc. Kate, not happy about this, but unable to leave to handle things on her own without raising eyebrows.
meanwhile, Cora being the one to connect with Scott and Stiles. much less likely to stand out while sneaking around a high school she doesn't attend, lmao. Laura is busy with the alpha investigation (and with the whole "holy SHIT was that Derek?? that really looked like it might've been Derek, wtf wtf wtf" thing), so she does most of the handling with the boys.
Scott isn't nearly as resistant to her (or Laura) as he was to Derek, who was far more overbearing and uncommunicative, lol. Laura wants him to focus on getting himself and his shift under control, adjust to his new powers, just stay out of the way for now. she tells Cora that too, but Cora says FUCK THAT, Derek might be alive and you want me to stay out of it??? she may not have spent 7 years completely alone and fending for herself in this AU, but she's still headstrong and proactive. she wants to get shit done.
so she, Scott, and Stiles end up on their own little sub-mission. and they bring Allison into the fold because they don't have an Argent-traumatized Derek projecting all over them and insisting they can't trust her. they know Argents as a whole are bad, but they also know that Allison doesn't seem to have any clue what the rest of her family is doing. she's a total normie. Cora's much more likely to look at her and go "wow, you're so in the dark. maybe if we DON'T lie to you, we can get you one our side and you'll be an advantage!"
she starts explaining things to Allison and makes some mention of her brother and Allison's like "wait, Derek? that's Kate's boyfriend, they've been together for years, he's staying in our guest room" and Cora's like UM??
Stiles: "well, fuck, let's break in and rescue him right now!" Allison: "you know i have a key, right? it's my house" Scott: "idk if that's a good idea" Cora: "Laura would be so mad......let's do it"
meanwhile, Laura, more on the cautious side of things. she's desperate to get Derek back, if that actually was him, but she isn't sure it was and she can't take huge risks if it puts the sibling she does have in danger. keeping Cora safe has been her number one priority for the last 6 years, she isn't willing to jeopardize that just yet.
doesn't mean she can't take small risks. if Chris Argent gets all up in her face to menacingly wash the windows of her car, she may take a chance on a question or two.
Laura: "Kate's boyfriend -- Derek, isn't it? i had a little brother by that name. would be about that age by now, if he was alive." Chris: "what are you insinuating?" Laura: "nothing. just a funny coincidence, don't you think?"
she doesn't get an answer, but it plants a little seed of doubt in Chris, right as Kate's control over Derek is starting to fray a little bit. Cora & co get into the guest room where they're staying, intending to rescue him, but they miscalculate and no one's in there (which is probably good, cuz that would've gone badly for them). Cora gets frustrated and upset because there are scents here but she doesn't really recognize them enough to verify if it's her brother or not -- it's been a long time, and she was too young to remember properly.
but Derek wasn't too young. and when he gets back to the room, he and can smell her.
Kate insists he's wrong, he's not smelling anything more than perfume or air freshener, what is he smelling ghosts now? he starts to feel like either he's going crazy or maybe, maybe..... Kate is lying to him.
he's still fighting that realization, but the next time he gets sent out on his own after the alpha, Laura finds him. neither of them runs this time. Laura tries to get Derek to come with her, but Derek has been with Kate a long time and he doesn't know how to do or be anything else anymore. they argue. Derek insists that Kate has been good to him, that she saved him, that she loves him.
Laura: "Derek, she told you we were dead! do i look dead to you?"
over the course of this argument, Derek mentions smelling Cora in his room and Laura's like "you did what?? GODDAMN IT, CORA"
that's how Laura finds out they've let Allison in on the secret and she is furious. she may not have the very personal grudge and trust issues that canon!Derek had with them, but she's still got a very healthy aversion to hunters. she yells at Cora about how reckless and stupid it was to tell this girl anything. Scott steps in to defend her -- it was his idea, if she's gonna be mad at anyone then be mad at him. Stiles argues that it was a tactical advantage to have an inside man, so to speak.
Laura gets that, she does, but she just.....she wants everybody to be safe. she can't protect her loved ones (the ones she has left) if they won't do what she tells them to do. she's by far the more traumatized of the two of them. she went from normal teenager to The Alpha, the one with too much responsibility on her shoulders to be allowed to grieve and process properly. she sheltered Cora, still an actual kid, enough to let her fall apart and then put her back together again, but Laura never got to do that herself. she couldn't afford to break down when she had a child to keep safe and provide for.
but now Cora's old enough to take of herself, old enough to push for what she thinks is right, and Laura is still clinging to that Must Protect instinct because it's the only thing that's been keeping her going for the last 6 years. to be faced with evidence that she failed as an alpha, and as a big sister? that she let Derek get taken in and twisted up by hunters and she didn't even know? devastating.
it takes them all to talk her down. because honestly, she is being paranoid and irrational and stubborn, and that's not actually helping. it's not helping her, it's not helping Cora, and most of all, it's not helping Derek. if they want to get their brother back, they'll need all the help they can get, and Allison, Argent or not, has already proven that she can and wants to be that help.
in the end, they decide they need Chris as an ally too, if they really want to get somewhere, and they can use Allison to make that happen bit by bit. they get her to start hinting at things, asking leading questions about Derek, like if Chris knows where he's from or what he studied in school or how old he is. casual normal things that Chris realizes he doesn't have answers for, because Kate always answers for Derek when people talk to him and she's always vague.
not to mention, Kate is acting cagey lately. pushing so hard to kill Laura with no code violation. he's got Laura's voice in his ear now. i had a brother by that name. he would be about that age too, if he was alive.
aaaaand okay so i never got to the end of this idea, so you gotta imagine the rest of it yourself 😅 but you know at some point, either Laura tears Kate's throat out to rescue Derek, or Derek truly comes to understand just how deeply he's been victimized and does it himself. either way, i'm cheering them on.
send me a book emoji for the plot of a fic that i haven't written but daydream about!!
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violetfairydust · 6 months
Genuine question: Was it ever directly, explicitly stated in the show Laura inherited the alpha spark through hierarchy as opposed to killing an alpha or is that a theory/fanon?
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confusedbookworm · 6 months
How the hell did Cora not know Derek and Laura were alive? They were at school and wouldn’t she be as well? Why did she just leave, wasn’t she like 11? How did Derek and Laura not know she was alive?
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shadowbrn · 1 year
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laura  hale  (  @flamefallen  )  said  to  cora  hale  ;  ❝ do you have a death wish or something? ❞
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❝  i  wouldn't  call  it  a  death  wish.  ❞  cora  insisted,  sticking  her  hands  in  the  pocket  of  her  jacket,  ❝  i  just  can't  stand  seeing  other  people  at  risk,  so  i  have  to  jump  in.  ❞  she  doesn't  have  to,  and  she  knows  that.  but  she  always  will.  the  hales  have  been  through  so  much  .  .  .  and  cora  refuses  to  lose  anyone  else.  even  if  it  puts  her  at  risk  .  .  .  she  doesn't  care.  she's  great  at  putting  everyone  else  above  herself.
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thechaosmuses · 2 years
“Getting wasted and eating a ton of free sweets sounds like a good time right about now.” ( Laura @ Cora - Sibling activities )
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“That sounds amazing.. And I just so happen to know where Derek hides all his good snacks and liquor.” Cora grinned at her sister, getting up from the couch to head for the kitchen. “We should also watch a movie.. Are you feeling an action or a rom-com?” She asked her.
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buckybarnesss · 3 months
I'm thinking about how Eli is apparently living with Scott and an Argent. How Deaton moved to LA as well and Deaton never treated Derek that well.
It doesn't make sense that Scott would get custody over any of the living Hales or even Noah. How Derek supposedly never had any arrangements made up just in case. Especially since Derek lost his family when he was Eli's age.
there's no way in hell scott and allison have legal guardianship over eli. it's a laughable idea and it is the height of insult to even suggest that an argent should be involved with raising derek's son. derek and allison barely tolerated each other not to mention all the other history.
it begs the question why would he want to go with them anyway? if we're following what the movie was putting down than he doesn't know them. there is also no reason that eli should've been pushed to leave his home. his ancestral home at that. the place where so many hales had been born and died.
it also removes him from a stable environment with a support system after suffering a huge loss. the sheriff, malia and peter seem to have been around. noah stilinski was definitely heavily involved in eli's life plus he's the sheriff of the goddamned town. he'd be perfect for temporary guardianship at minimum.
malia and peter are directly related to him and are also shifters.
again, why the hell would eli go live with two people who aren't even remotely connected to him and he barely knows. he last met scott when he was three years old and allison has been dead his entire existence. these people are strangers.
it just gives you the idea that jeff wanted a "happy ending" for allison and scott while not addressing all the questions it brings up. like is scott even remotely prepared to take on a sixteen year old whose just gone through a very traumatic experience? what exactly is allison's mental status right now? she just came back from the dead. they want to handwave it away just like they did with malia's situation. homegirl was 17 when she died. wouldn't she want to like idk catch up on the world? spend time with her dad? her best friend lydia who really, deeply grieved her? figure things out before jumping into a relationship with her high school boyfriend who is now in his 30s? it's weird.
speaking of allison.
allison has been legally deceased for over a decade by the time of the movie.
even if they were to some how "lose" the investigation files surrounding her death and the autopsy report than they used isaac to do an off the books burial i'd imagine there's still a death certificate filed with the state. the social security administration would've been notified as well. there was also fbi presence in town on an active investigation at the time of her death and everyone in beacon hills knew she died.
this does bring up the matter of peter's legal status. is he considered legally dead too? i don't think so actually as everything was really shady about that situation and his nurse was in on the whole thing. i don't think he was declared missing let alone dead.
and also like the most obvious answer to all of this is cora hale. where the fuck is cora hale? she's derek's sister and eli's aunt. she would've stepped in. aggressively. the only answer is that jeff has her locked in the subplot basement.
you also can't convince me that derek hale wouldn't have his affairs in order.
not only did derek have the experience of going through the untimely death of his family at a young age but he also had to do it again with laura.
there's no way he didn't have a will and it'd likely have to go through the probate process so his estate could be executed. derek hale had assets.
the hales were loaded. they were rich. season 4 drove that point home. derek owned the building the loft was in. he also had a business at the time of his death too.
derek would've ensured eli's inheritance and stability in case something happened to him and none of it would've included scott mccall or an argent.
scott was never derek's alpha. derek was not part of the mccall pack.
this isn't to say scott couldn't mentor eli. that'd be fine. it'd bring things full circle in a way but it's dumb as hell for scott to take eli to LA and i do genuinely think it's out of character for scott. especially an adult scott but i've written about that somewhere on my blog i think.
jeff davis can meet me in hell is all i'm saying.
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eevylynn · 14 days
Tiny Spark, Mighty Flame
Sterek || eventual Alpha Werewolf Stiles [ao3]
Among born werewolves, it was common knowledge that the prime age for a human to endure the bite of an Alpha and survive was typically during their teenage or young adult years. In fact, the youngest recorded case of a bite resulting in a transformation and not death was previously eleven years old, so imagine the Hale pack’s astonishment when they learned of a small seven year old who was bitten and miraculously survived, challenging the known boundaries of possibility.
Chapter 3 - Friction's Inferno
The table was laden with sizzling meats and a medley of fresh ingredients. The savory scents of beef, chicken, and shrimp mingled with the aroma of grilled bell peppers and  onions, promising the delectable flavors of the homemade fajitas Elijah whipped up with Cora’s assistance.
As Claudia and Elijah set about helping Stiles and Cora serve their plates, Noah turned to greet Dr. Deaton who had arrived while they were upstairs. “I take it you’re a werewolf, too?” he asked with a resigned look on his face.
“Oh, no,” Deaton replied quietly. “I am as human as you are.”
Noah’s face scrunched up in confusion.
“Alan is our pack’s emissary,” Talia told them from the head of the table.
“Emissary?” Claudia asked. “Like, a pack ambassador or something?”
Deaton smiled mysteriously, “Of sorts.”
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” Noah blurted out. He already felt out of his depths, which is something Noah does NOT like to feel, especially when it comes to his family. As this little boy’s dad, Noah was supposed to have all the answers and make him feel safe, but Noah hasn’t been able to provide that ever since his son was bitten by a real life werewolf , which shouldn’t even be a real thing. This little meeting was supposed to be for answering the questions he and his family had about this whole situation they suddenly found themselves in, and now this, apparently human, vet decided this was the time to be vague and mysterious? Fuck that.
Claudia, sensing his rising tension, reached over to put a hand on his.
“What he means,” Talia said, giving Deaton a swift look before making firm eye contact with Noah, “is that as pack emissary, yes, he is an ambassador for the pack with other werewolf packs and acts as our link to the human world. He helps to smooth over any issues the pack might have to deal with, and he works to keep the supernatural secret from the majority of humans.”
“Why does the supernatural world have to stay a secret from humans?” Claudia asked.
Noah didn’t like the looks Talia, Elijah, and Deaton exchanged with each other.
Elijah put his hands together under his chin and sighed, “People don’t always trust what they don’t understand.”
Talia put a hand on his shoulder, rubbing the back of his neck as the pair exchanged commiserating smiles. “There’s already an unfortunate number of people out there who already know that we exist and hate us simply for existing.”
“Hunters,” Laura muttered.
Noah’s heart clenched at the thought as he looked over at his son’s wide brown eyes. Claudia’s hand tightened in his grasp.
“Like, werewolf hunters?” Stiles’s little voice piped up. “That’s a real thing?”
“Unfortunately, yes,” Talia said gently. “However, they live by a code,” she continued. “They are to only hunt those that cause harm to innocents.”
As a man of the law, that didn’t sit right with Noah.
[continue reading on ao3]
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wheredidhiseyebrowsgo · 7 months
Thank you so much for this account! It has helped me to find a lot of cool stuff ❤
Can you help me find some long sterek fics that have minimal to no sex scenes that focus more on character development? For reference Home by TheTypewriterGirl and Actions Speak Louder than Words from isthatbloodonhisshirt are like, my favourite sterek fics.
Thank you so much you ve been amazing!
I think so.
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Find A Way by LLN3dseestheLight
(11/11 I 25,198 I Mature)
Kate Argent came back to Beacon Hills and slaughter the Pack. Only Stiles and Lydia survived for the moment but thanks to Peter Hale they have a way to change that...by doing something very stupid.
A Time Travel spell... If it works... And it does in a way... but it also sent them to another reality as well.
Not only does Stiles have to deal with an alive Hale family, a really weird Beacon Hills, but also with a nineteen year old Derek Hale-who dreams of a world where his family died in a fire-and where he knew Stiles and Lydia! Stiles can deal with that. What he can't deal with is the fact Derek for some reason can't keep his shirt on! So Troublesome.
Lydia is having her own problems-Parrish is all but mated to Laura Hale so any plans of rekindling what she almost had with him are out. So she wonders if she should take a chance on Derek's mysterious older brother, Damon Hale?
The twilight in your eyes by BoomerangChicken
(12/? I 27,056 I Mature)
Derek narrows his eyes.
"You're... from the future?"
Scott misses the faint fond-exasperation that usually comes over Derek's face when he and Stiles come to him asking for help (now his face is all angry-eyebrows and that "quit wasting my time, I have important werewolf business to attend to" expression)
The older man jerks his head towards Stiles.
"You from the future too?"
"Oh no, I'm just here for moral support."
Scott is stuck in the past, but with help from his best friend (and a few friends who don't actually know him yet) he intends to make a better future for his pack, and ensure that a certain surly werewolf clan gets a little vengeance while he's at it.
Twice And For All by novasillies
(39/? I 141,063 I Teen)
“Derek,” he said despite himself. The werewolf’s eyes sharpened. Scott gave him a distressed look.
“Do I know you?” He asked tensely, and Stiles grinned in return.
“Oh, no,” he answered, “Not yet.”
In which a well-timed conflict between the magic of the Ghost Riders and Stiles' spark sends him back to the day Scott got bitten. Stiles pointedly changes nothing, and so God complexes, needlessly complex romantic drama, and hilarity ensue.
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wolfspurr · 1 year
Do you know if there's any Sterek fics where Stiles had gotten bitten instead of Scott?
I actually don't, because although this is a trope I'm sure I would enjoy reading, it's not one I've ever gone looking for. That said! I asked some friends if they had any recs along these lines, and @lalaithquetzallicaresi in particular was very obliging, so a big thank you to Lalaith for sharing these with me!
Full disclaimer, I haven't yet read any of these, so I won't be able to provide any comments of my own, instead I've just included the summaries directly from the fics. Without further ado, here they are (I'll be off to read them now too!):
I Was a Teenage Werewolf by HaleHathNoFury - E, ~456k words (🔒 Locked) Stiles just knows he's going to get lost in the woods. There must be a Laura Palmer reference in there somewhere. A fork in the road retelling of Teen Wolf where Stiles is the one to get bitten. (This one also came highly recommended by @thotpuppy!)
Howling in the Moonlight by Fanfiction_is_Literature - T, ~114k words Teen Wolf if Stiles had been the one to get bitten.
"Bunnies are cute, Stiles." by limesnapdragon - T, ~56k words A season one rewrite where Stiles is the one who gets bitten, not Scott. It doesn't exactly pan out as planned but Stiles has Derek to help him through the weirdness.
Uncle Peter bit Stiles by aneria - T, ~80k words Claudia died in the fire saving Peter. Stiles has been visiting Peter since the fire. Stiles is an empath.
Becoming by Sibyl Moon - R, ~57k words (Not on AO3 - privately hosted)  A few days before Christmas, while out on his nightly run, Stiles is attacked by a monster in the preserve. When he begins to change, it doesn’t take him long to figure out what’s happening to him. Once he discovers Derek Hale is back in town, he finally has a few answers, even if they lead to more questions. Stiles isn’t sure he can trust the other man, but he believes that Derek is as invested in tracking down the feral alpha as Stiles is and that will have to do for now.
Stiles the Teen Wolf by Ashrel Fury - M, ~83k words (Not on AO3 - ff.net) What if it hadn't been Scott. What if it'd actually been Stiles who was bitten that night? When the werewolf shoe was on the other foot, Stiles isn't the one supporting anymore, he is the one who needs support, but with Allison Argent capturing Scott's attention, who will support the newly turned werewolf?
I hope these hit the spot for you! I'm definitely going to go and check them out myself. If anyone is interested in my previous rec lists you can find them here and here.
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princeescaluswords · 7 months
Currently thinking of certain factions of fandom who tend to demonize Laura Hale. What exactly did she do that was so awful?
Leaving her injured and catatonic uncle in a care facility? Do they think he would've miraculously healed in New York if she brought him along (if that was even an option)? They seem to think she abandoned him or should've done more. What exactly, dear fandom?
Laura was a young woman who suffered a devastating loss and had to be the leader and look out for her younger brother and injured uncle. Cora was assumed dead too. Similar to Scott, she didn't ask to be alpha.
What did they expect her to do? Wage war against the perpetrators? She didn't know who was involved but she did return when Peter lured her. Fandom thinks she was unfit for the role of alpha because she wasn't ripping throats out and hunting down culprits, that she ~abandoned~ her uncle in a vulnerable state, blah blah.
The way they get angry at Scott disobeying Peter and Derek, you'd think they'd be livid over Peter killing his alpha who was also his niece who was the ~heir~ to Talia. Sacrilege!
Scott didn't ~trust~ Stiles? Well, Petey didn't trust his alpha! Why the secrecy? Why not report in immediately upon gaining consciousness?
*dons the stylish hat of Fandom Logic* Oh, oh Peter was involved in the Hale Fire! He always craved the mantle of alpha and needed Talia out of the way. But he got betrayed by Kate in the end and locked in with the rest of the family. That's why he insisted he's always been the alpha, he was promised the power if he helped destroy the pack. It's why he lured Laura back and killed her instead of communicating, he just wanted the power.
Your question puts me in mind of an argument both This Discontented Winter and Athena Dark have made to counter my indictments of fandoms worship of Peter Hale. To paraphrase TDW, "does all entertainment have to be a morality play?"
The simplistic answer to their bad faith riposte, is "No, it doesn't." You can watch two people sit in a room and not talk to each other. You can watch art hang motionless on a wall or paint dry, but these wouldn't be particularly popular forms of visual entertainment. What excites an audience is how the actors, the characters, the players treat each other, which is governed by principles concerning the distinction between right and wrong or good and bad behavior. In other words, morality.
People watch the Real Housewives franchise because they want to watch rich women behaving badly. People watch John Wick movies because they want to watch ultra violence performed without regard for human life and instead operate on a different code of behavior. Telenovelas, true crime documentaries, space operas, super hero movies -- all the pleasure their audiences gain from it revolve around decisions people make about how to treat each other. They watch it FOR the morality -- or the LACK of it.
The only forms of modern entertainment I can think of that don't focus on morality are professional sports and talent shows, and both of these take it as a given that neither side is cheating. Even Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom proposed to show us the behavior of animals so we can recognize their beauty and right to exist. My apologies to the BNF, but that's morality, too.
When This Discontented Winter bemoans the idea of all entertainment as morality play and Athena Dark that storytelling doesn't have to have a message, what they are in fact arguing for is the ability to celebrate evil. To freely indulge in the type of moral equivocation that allows them to take pleasure in the triumph of a man murdering his niece for power. You know how I know this, because if they truly wanted to enjoy something without the moral dimension, they wouldn't go to such great lengths to protect their blorbos from any moral condemnation.
Thus, we get the idea that Laura deserved death because she abandoned Peter in the long-term care facility, in which he rested safely for six years without the Argents even being aware of his location. We get the idea that Laura deserved death because she didn't seek vengeance for her family, even though she was absolutely looking for the person responsible for the death of her family -- we saw actual physical evidence of it. Thus we get the idea that Peter had no idea what he was doing, that he was out of his mind, only to find out later -- when none of the other characters believe that anymore -- that he was aware of what he was doing all along.
Remember Master Plan (2x12):
Peter: No. It's a laptop. What century are you living in? A few days after I got out of the coma, I transferred everything that we had. Fortunately, the Argents aren't the only ones that keep records.
Wow, that's a remarkable amount of foresight for a person who was supposedly so out of his mind that he shouldn't be held responsible for what he did.
The true problem with BNF trying to argue that we don't have to approach the show with an eye toward morality is because the show absolutely did. It was baked into the substance of the show from the get go. The characters are formed to make choices about how they treat other people. To use their own words, we have to treat the entertainment that is called Teen Wolf as a morality play because it IS a morality play. Every story is.
And this is the problem with fandom, which I've noted again and again and again in regards to Star Wars, Shadow and Bone, and now Loki. They want to extract the characters from the moral schema in which they were situated and put them in a new situation, yet pretend that there isn't a moral dimension to this act. And there is, because this new situation is one where only certain considerations are treated as valid, mostly exploitation of the baser instincts of human nature for the benefit of a very small class of stand-ins, defined by race, class, and gender.
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xgoddessoffandomsx · 7 months
This is Our World: 2
@atiny-angel @axelwolf8109 @the-iridescent-phoenix @ozzypawsbone-princeofbarkness @lynspumpkinpatch @epickiya722 @greek-freak101 @thefandomlifechoseus @jackiequick
Note: Eli is ten but I couldn't find any gifs of a young Vince, deal with itttttt
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"Whoever let Chris Argent buy the Daily Planet can rot in hell" Stiles cursed. Derek grabbed his hand.
"He won't fire you, you won a Pulitzer prize" He whispered. "But what about you Der?"
"I have other activities" He winked. "Mr. Hale? Can I see you in my office?" Chris Argent called out. Derek kissed Stiles' head and walked off
"Are you fuckin kidding me?!" Stiles kicked the vending machine, Derek tilted it forward just a bit so he could get his candy.
"He fired you and acts all sad about it like he's not in charge and decides everything!"
"Calm down baby, this won't be that bad" "Don't tell me to calm down" Stiles glared. Derek raised his hands in surrender. Stiles was scarier than most of the villains he fought sometimes.
His phone rang and he answered it with a frown.
"Hey Cora" Stiles tried not to listen. Derek dropped his phone and went still. "Derek?" Stiles grabbed his head. There weren't a lot of this that made his husband go into shock.
He picked up the phone. "What's wrong?" "Stiles?" Cora sniffed. "What happened?"
"Laura's dead"
Derek felt like a child again, when Talia died. The only thing keeping him from collapsing or going into a Kryptonian rage was Stiles hugging him.
"A car accident? Aunt Laura wasn't a bad driver" Jackson smacked Scott on the head.
"Derek" A old high school friend named Erica Reyes hugged him close. "I'm so sorry"
"Thanks Erica" He said in a small voice. "So they know what happened?" "My dad's looking into it" Stiles said.
Derek didn't even listen, he looked at his boys and just sighed.
"When are we going home?" Eli whined. Jackson pulled his little brother into a hug.
"Soon bud"
Derek sighed and took off his glasses covering his eyes and rubbing his forehead. "This is stressing me out. Peter's not even here"
Stiles hugged him again. "Maybe he's mourning in his own way"
"Jackson, we're gonna get in trouble. Dad and Papa always told us to stay away from the barn" "Don't you wanna know why? Besides Eli would tell Dad and then we'd all be in trouble"
Eli stuck his tongue out. Jackson turned on his phone flashlight and looked around.
"Hmm yes this is a barn" "Shut up Scott" "Look!" Eli ran off. "Eli!" Jackson heard a strange humming and grabbed a crowbar. "Jackie!" "Scotty" Jackson replied mockingly.
He broke the lock and opened the door and climbed down. "We're gonna be so grounded"
"What the..." Jackson spotted a spaceship. Eli whimpered and hugged into Scott's side. Jackson picked up what looked like a silver rock. "This is weird"
Scott touched it, Eli did too.
Jackson went nauseous and went back up, Scott followed carrying their little brother. "I feel really sick" "It's the guilt getting to you because we disobeyed Dad at Aunt Laura's funeral"
"Shut up!" Jackson screamed, a sonic wave shooting out from him, causing a support beam in the barn to collapse, sending metal pipes crashing down. Scott immediately put himself on top of his brothers.
Derek heard everything and ran off.
Stiles bolted after him. "Boys!" Derek moved the pipes with little effort. Scott was completely unharmed. "Are you okay?" Stiles picked them up and hugged Eli.
"Yeah" Jackson said, Scott nodding. "Good" Derek grabbed them both by their hair. "Because you are grounded for a week for breaking a rule and almost getting your brother hurt!"
"Ow ow ow" "Dad that hurts!" Derek dragged the twins out. "You're not grounded monkey" Stiles assured. "You were gonna tell us anyways right?" He grinned.
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clotpolesonly · 1 year
For the fic writer commentary:
Laura hated it. She hated how powerless she felt in the face of that impassivity. She wanted to rage and be raged at. She wanted to feel bone breaking under her hands. She wanted Noshiko to give her something.
What she got wasn’t planned. It was late at night, far later than usual, but it had been a bad day for Derek and Laura had fled. Holing up in the gym to avoid her shell of a brother was cowardly and she knew it, but beating her fists bloody against a rowan-filled punching bag was less painful than hearing her brother gasp through his fourth panic attack of the day, so here she was. The banshee was hosing down the boxing ring as the last of the day’s patrons limped out the door. She eyed Laura warily but didn’t tell her to leave.
Laura had almost worn herself out when Noshiko had appeared beside her.
���If you leave those fingers broken for too long, they’ll heal that way,” she warned, as if Laura didn’t know. As if she cared.
Laura kept punching. She didn’t mind the pain. One, two, three hits until the heavy chain holding the bag broke and it went skidding across the floor.
Noshiko didn’t flinch. She never did, even in the ring when Laura came at her with a roar that had sent seasoned hunters running. She watched, idly unwinding the wraps from around her wrist. Her knuckles were scraped and red, her bare shoulders and stomach sheened with sweat. Her expression revealed nothing of her thoughts.
“Are you looking for a fight?” Laura asked, itching for it. Itching for the chance to get the woman on her back. To get the upper hand, just once.
“I don’t need to fight,” Noshiko said. “Not the way you do.”
“You don’t know what I need,” Laura snapped back, fists curling.
“I know better than you might think.”
oh this is actually one of my favorites of all my rare-pair oneshots!! i accidentally talked myself into shipping this, like, for real for real, lol
Laura is a character that is so often used as a foil for Derek in the sense that she has to be the well-adjusted one, to contrast how Derek is falling apart, but i neeeeeeded fic where Laura is fucked up too!!!! she went through the same trauma that Derek did, but she has eldest daughter syndrome on top of it, having to repress her own emotional response for the sake of taking care of her brother.
in this fic, she is just so so so angry, and there's nowhere good for it to go. she can't let it out at the person who burned her family, she can't let it out at Derek because he's fragile, she can't let it out at the family that left her behind because they're gone, but she can take it out in the ring. she can vent it at strangers. she can turn it on this woman who is so fucking immune to it that it makes her want to scream even louder.
the intersection between messy-broken-angry characters and quiet-self contained-still-broken-but-maybe-half-healed characters is a fascinating one to me. the latter is so much harder to spot. Noshiko has a kind of poise to her that means no one would ever guess she's got a core of deep pain and loss. Laura certainly doesn't see it, because it doesn't look the same way hers does. how can anyone grieve without burning down? it's a lesson she needs to learn.
meanwhile, Noshiko can look at Laura and see herself a hundred griefs ago. the way she had raged in her first human lifetime. it's a pain she recognizes and she connects in a way that she doesn't usually do with humans anymore. she knows better than to get attached to every human she comes across -- a hundred griefs, one for each -- but this is an empathy she can't ignore, and she learned a long time ago that it really is better to have loved and lost in the end.
it's just a relationship dynamic that i really invest in every time i come across it.
(also apparently underground boxing rings are just one of my bulletproof tropes, i will never not go a little feral over underground boxing rings)
send me snippets of my fics for DVD commentary!!
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ambear9 · 9 months
fic stats meme
tagged by no one
rules: give us the links to your fic with the most hits, second most kudos, third most comments, fourth most bookmarks, fifth most words, and fic with the least words.
the most hits
Can I Borrow and Egg? (44,175 words) E
“Can I help you?” Derek really didn’t want to open the door, but the smell of the person on the other side was intriguing and he needed to know who it belonged to. “Um sorry to bother you, but um do have an egg I can borrow” The guy was wearing fuzzy batman pajama pants and a red zip-up sweater zipped only halfway with no shirt underneath like he just threw it on to walk over here. “Borrow?” Derek raised an eyebrow “Do you plan to return it?” he was trying really hard not to look at the small patch of chest hair that he desperately wanted to touch. “Well no, I plan on buying more eggs when I get my Jeep working again then I’ll return an egg to you, not the exact one” “Derek give the poor kid an egg” Laura yelled from inside the house “I’m an adult” The guy called back “Not a kid”
second most kudos
Passing Notes (7,577 words) E
“And Stiles, as for the paper due next week, I don’t need to know about circumcision” “Got it” Stiles was going to have to drop that class now, even though, yes he did take it because he was bored and needed another credit and Professor Hale was one of the best-looking people he has ever seen, especially when he was wearing his black-rimmed glasses, and the way his long sleeves shirts were cuffed right below his elbow, “Enough of that” Stiles mumbled to himself after running into a plastic trash bin and almost falling over.
third most comments
"I didn’t know it was possible to fall in love with someone without even seeing their face" (33,755 words) E
Stiles didn’t like answering unknown numbers but he was bored and hoping to mess with a scammer. Turns out it was a wrong number, but he felt bad for the guy so we helped him with his computer. He thought that was the end of it, but it turned into one of the best years of his life.
fourth most bookmarks
Coffee & Camo (17,219 words) E
Stiles owns a coffee shop and has a crush on his regular customer. but then the customer stops coming in and Stiles has no idea what happened until he gets a letter in the mail from Sergeant Derek Hale.
fifth most words
Trying to See Through the Rain Coming Down (32,376 words) E
“I need to file a missing person report” “Okay” Stiles didn’t look up from his book, just grabbed one of the papers off the shelf behind him and handed to the man “Fill this out and I’ll get an officer to come out and talk to you” “You’re not even going to look up? My sister is missing and you’re just going to keep reading your stupid book” he yanked the book out of Stiles’ hand and threw it across the precinct almost hitting the Sheriff who had come out of his office to see what the yelling was about. “Sorry” Stiles stood up “It’s just that” “Can I help you?” His dad asked trying to diffuse the situation before Stiles was the next thing thrown across the room “I’m in town visiting my sister and she went to the grocery store Friday afternoon and never came back, she isn’t answering her phone and I can’t find her anywhere” Or the one where Laura dies and Derek is left to take care of her twins with the help of an officer and a newly bitten werewolf.
fic with the least words
Donuts (1,552 words) E
Stiles got an idea while out getting his morning coffee.
tagging: @theinternetisfulloftrash, @just-another-busy-fangirl @7thleveldown, @evanesdust, @phantomlove908, @theboboshow @teacupghost5
and anyone who wants to share
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christinesficrecs · 1 year
hi christine! hope you're well. I was wondering if you knew any fics where Stiles thinks Derek doesn't like him but is actually in love with him? Or if you had a tag for it, could you direct me to it? I looked at your tag page and didn't see it but I definitely could've looked over it. Thank you so much!
Sure! You could also try the enemies to lovers tag.
Landslide by reillyblack | 25.5K | Mature
Beautiful? Check. Dismissive? Check. Hated him? Double check.
Stiles was doomed to develop a crush of epic proportions.
The Only Thing That Looks Good On Me (Is You) by distortedreality | 17.9K | Explicit
Derek is fairly certain the new kid is either an incubus or a witch. Turns out he’s actually his mate. Stiles is 98% certain the brooding guy in the leather jacket is fantasizing about stringing him up by his intestines. Turns out he’s also wrong.
A Wild Heart's Desire by mikkimouse | 13.4K
If there's one thing Stiles Stilinski knows, it's that Deputy Derek Hale absolutely Does Not Like him. The only reason Derek even tolerates him is because their kids are worryingly codependent.
So Stiles is understandably confused when a very feral Derek shows up in his backyard after a call gone wrong and proceeds to move in with him.
Between the Drinks and Subtle Things by yodasyoyo | 4.4K
He holds up his free hand, eyes still closed. “One second,” he says through gritted teeth. “I’m just taking a moment to mourn the fact that we could have been fucking since–” He cracks open an eye and glares at Derek.
“Freshman year,” Derek supplies. “I’ve pretty much had the biggest crush on you since our freshman year.”
erroneous manoeuvres by slippingfromreality | 5.3K
“Hey, Stilinski!”
Stiles clenches his teeth. “What do you want, Hale?” he shouts back, not bothering to turn around. The smug smirk that’s most likely waiting for him is already seared into his mind from overexposure.
“A date!” the answer comes, still as loud, and most of the bystanders giggle or snort in Stiles’ direction.
Stiles rolls his eyes. This is the third time this week. He’d complain that Hale’s jokes are getting pretty stale, but he’d probably be milking this situation for all that it’s worth, too, if their roles were reversed. “Wrong aisle,” he grouses back, “try the bakery section. I hear they have fresh tarts.”
Fireman Derek's Crazy Pie [Cheeseburger Baby] by owlpostagain | 17.6K
“He can't blame me for the fact that I live in a building full of people united in the singular effort to ogle Hot Fireman as often as humanly possible."
Laura laughs, loud and echoing in the empty restaurant.
"Hot firemen can make a girl do crazy things," she agrees, nodding towards her brother's name on the menu. "Derek won't let me date anyone from his company, but that doesn't mean I can't appreciate the eye candy."
"Send them my way," Stiles suggests, finally loading up a forkful of pie. "Apparently I'm incompetent enough that I need to be babysat at all times, because it would be cheaper than dispatching a truck every time I try to use a kitchen appliance."
Broken Nose | 3K
Stiles is convinced that Jock-y Derek Hale hates him. It takes an accidental injury at the beach to turn that all upside down.
Laying Groundwork by 10.9K | Explicit
The one where Scott and Stiles go clubbing and there's this broody Bouncer out to get Stiles-
Or get into his pants. Thank God it's the latter.
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shadowbrn · 1 year
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laura  hale  (  @flamefallen  )  said  to  cora  hale  ;  ❝ breathe a word of this to anyone and i will end you. ❞
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cora's  immediate  reaction  is  to  cover  her  mouth.  she  can't  stop  herself  from  laughing  at  her  older  sister,  and  maybe  it'll  sting  a  little  bit  less  for  laura  if  she  can't  see  her  laughing?  she  doesn't  know.  all  cora  knows  is  that  watching  laura  in  this  position  .  .  .  she  was  glad  she'd  had  the  opportunity  to  see  it.  ❝  i  won't  tell  anyone.  ❞  cora  agrees,  bringing  her  hand  down  even  though  she's  still  giggling  slightly,  ❝  but  you  gotta  admit  .  .  .  that  was  entertaining.  at  least,  for  anyone  who's  not  you.  ❞
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sterekbros · 1 year
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the floor is lava by Winchesterek
For @sterekweekly prompt imagine, @sterekbingo square the floor is lava, and @domaystic day 13 taking turns.
Rating: G Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski Characters: Derek Hale, Stiles Stilinski, Eli Hale Additional Tags: Mates Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Mpreg, Established Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Omega Stiles Stilinski, Alpha Derek Hale, Married Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Kid Fic, Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski are Eli Hale's Parents, Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Derek Hale is a Softie, Derek Hale Deserves Nice Things, Stiles Stilinski is a Nice Thing, Family Fluff
There was a scream from the kitchen that startled Stiles awake and his hand went to his head. He blinked several times and the shriek came again, but he recognized it as Elijah and the growl that followed as Derek.
Stiles rested back against the couch again, sighing and pulling a pillow under his head. The childish giggles and playful growls from the other room calmed him and settled his soul. He’d been extremely exhausted lately, but Derek taking Elijah so he could get in some naps always seemed to help him feel a little better. He always forgot how much pregnancy took a toll on his body, but he wouldn't trade baby Ava for the world. He already loved her so much and she was due any day now.
It didn't take long for the sounds to drift into the living room and Elijah shouted, “The floor is lava!”
Sometimes that kid had the wildest imagination. Stiles, of course, was not touching the floor and he for sure couldn't jump from place to place to play the floor is lava.
He smiled at them and chuckled, pulling the throw blanket over him more. “Well, kiddo, I’m already off the floor so I won't burn to death. The lava won't get me, I promise.”
Elijah effortlessly jumped onto an end table and then Derek came into the room by leaping from the kitchen and onto their couch. He gave a playful growl and Stiles shook his head, but he was smiling.
“Please don't break the furniture because I don't want to have more delivered.” Of course, he was teasing them and while it would suck having broken furniture, he knew that Derek would get it replaced quickly.
“We won't, Daddy! We promise!” Elijah shouted.
“You have five minutes to reach the safe zone,” Derek told Elijah, his face sporting his beta shift with his fluffy cheek fur that Stiles always found amusing. And the fact that for some reason, Derek didn't have eyebrows when he shifted.
He once asked Derek where his eyebrows went when he shifted and they’d both laughed for hours because Derek didn't have an answer and had no idea why he lost his eyebrows when he shifted, unlike his betas. It had nothing to do with being an Alpha because Derek shared that Laura had eyebrows when they shifted as kids.
“Noooooo!” Elijah shrieked. “You can't catch me! You’re a big slow wolf and I’m a fast small wolf!”
Derek growled at Elijah and flashed his eyes at him, which caused Elijah to yelp and giggle, jumping onto another table and making his way back toward the kitchen, which was apparently their safe zone.
“You two are a mess.” Stiles grinned up at Derek when he walked over to him on all fours and crouched on the end table near the couch as he leaned down to give Stiles a soft kiss. Which meant Stiles had to reach up and touch the tufts of fur that sprouted from Derek’s cheeks when he shifted. Like overgrown sideburns, really.
“But you love us,” Derek replied with a soft laugh.
“I love you both so much.” He kissed Derek again and snorted as he looked past him. “Elijah’s escaping to the safe zone. You’re getting old. I thought werewolves were supposed to age slower.”
That made Derek throw his head back and laugh and Stiles always loved when he got a full-bellied laugh from Derek.
“So you don't like my graying hair?” Derek asked, reaching a hand up to touch his beard.
“Oh, no, it’s so hot. Which is one of the many reasons why I’m pregnant right now.” Stiles laughed. “Now go catch our son before I get enough energy to get up and drag you off to bed instead.”
Derek laughed again and shook his head, kissing the top of Stiles’ head. “Later,” he promised, then darted off, jumping from one piece of furniture to the next, on his way to catch Elijah before he made it to the safe zone.
Stiles smiled as he watched them, his hand moving down to rub over his belly as Ava shifted and rolled, reminding him that she was there too.
He loved them all so damn much and Stiles was thankful he never had to find out what living without them was like.
His beautiful family of three would soon be four. Stiles smiled again as happy giggles and playful shouts came from the kitchen.
It sounded like Elijah beat Derek to the safe zone, which was one more thing Stiles had to tease Derek about later when they went to bed. Warmth and happiness filled Stiles’ chest as he snuggled into the couch and drifted back off to sleep.
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