#*  ⁎  ♡    ⸺    ⁽   dc . threads   ⁾
mechaniaa · 2 months
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i have so many thoughts about these two but i cant put it into words so im just gonna make a ghostbat panels thread. im glad ghost-maker got to be his own character after his introduction but he rly is a peak batman character. this may be a monkey paw moment but i am hoping he becomes iconic enough to appear on tv n such... hes got enough lore and character connections and his designs are just straight up cool
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dthroned-sameurl · 5 months
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“  do you want me to go?  ”     ➾      𝐜𝐡   .   𝐝𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐚   𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐞
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            solitude      .      it   was   a   state   and   feeling   that   davina   knew   all   too   well      ,      something   that   she   had   grown   comfortable   with   as   she   had   ventured   through   most   of   her   life   in   close   quarters   with   herself      .      the   abuse      ,      neglect      ,      every   part   of   her   story   was   stained   with   crimson   red      ,      now   drying   to   a   rust   color      &      marking   her      ,      making   her   feel   dirty      ,      unclean      .      impure      .      everything   she   touched   turned   to   rot      ,      leaving   her   surrounded   by   death      &      loss      ,      the   burden   of   survivors   guilt   swallowing   her   whole      .      it   left   her   choking   on   a   feeling   of   emptiness   as   she   realized   that   no   matter   what   he   had   done      ,      it   would   always   be   like   this      .      she   would   always   break   what   wasn't   hers   to   destroy      .      '
         finding   the   band   was   a   spark   of   happiness      ,      a   glint   of   hope   that   maybe   for   once   she   would   be   able   to   find   some   sort   of   happiness   even   if   the   world   around   her   was   falling   apart      .      but   there   was   always   that   twisting   knot   in   her   stomach   that   lingered   there      &      only   tightened   when   she   had   nightmares   of   the   things   that   she   could   do   to   them      .      dark   nightmares   shadowed   in   anxiety      ,      plaguing   her   thoughts      &      drilling   in   this   fear   that   one   wrong   act   could   end   them   all      .      the   worry   that   she   would   never   be   able   to   touch   or   hold   anything   in   her   hands   without   losing   it      ,      that   she   wouldn't   hold   onto   them   so   tightly   that   they   would   slip   out   of   her   fingers      .      all   thoughts   consumed   davina   as   she   sat   in   one   of   the   back   rooms   of   the   venues   that   they   would   be   performing   at   the   next   night      ,      not   realizing   the   time   that   had   been   lost      ,      the   red   rimming   of   her   eyes      &      the   blush   on   her   cheeks      ,      clear   indication   that   tears   had   recently   fallen      ,      even   if   she   did   not   recall   that   they   did      .
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               Luciels   voice   pulled   her   back   to   reality      ,      blinking      quickly   as   tears   quickly   fell   down   her   cheeks      &      she   is   quick   to   wipe   them   away      ,      sniffling   and   shaking   her   head   no      .      the   witch   is   quick   to   get   on   her   feet      ,      a   slight   push   forward   as   she   wraps   her   arms   around   him      ,      head   pressed   against   his   chest   as   she   once   again   shakes   her   head   no      .      '      no      ,      don't   leave   Luci      .      '      fingers   grasp   slightly   at   the   fabric   of   the   back   of   his   shirt      ,      making   a   mental   note   to   apologize   to   him   for   crying   on   his   perfectly   good   shirt      .      '      I   don't   think   i   could   handle   losing   you      .      '
@mrchare . some prompt !!
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sanguineterrain · 1 year
window pains | jason todd
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Summary: He's got a habit of coming in through the window. You want him to start staying... and using the door. 
Pairing: Jason Todd x gn!reader 
Word count: 1.6k
Warnings/tags: injured Jason Todd (he's okay dw), angst, pining, mentions of Jason's death.
A/N: sooo.... i guess i'm a dc girlie now. just a reminder that every character i write will always be 18+!!! this is probably canon divergent but we make our own canon.
If you like this fic and want to see more, please let me know through reblogs ♡
the divider
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"Can't you enter my apartment like a normal person?"
"You know who you're talking to, right?"
"You're getting blood on my carpet, Todd."
It doesn't really matter. He'll come back and scrub it out as soon as his ribs are whole. And fuck if he's not good at getting blood out of surfaces. Jason Todd ought to start a housekeeping column. 
You catch his limp as he climbs over the windowsill. It almost topples him, but he gets to the couch before it does. He doesn't make a sound. 
That had freaked you out the first few times he'd stumbled through your window. Once, he came with part of a windshield wiper impaled in his shoulder. He'd lain on your couch so still and so quiet, you'd thought Red Hood had croaked in your apartment. Which would not have been a good look for you. Or maybe it would. Depends on who you ask. 
Sometimes you want to tell him to make sounds. To hiss and grunt and complain. To grab your wrist so you'll slow down as you pull thread through flesh. 
But it's not your place to request such a thing. You don't know where you reside in Jason Todd's life, but it's not somewhere where you can request to hear him hurt. 
Outwardly, his injuries aren't bad-looking. He takes off his helmet and tosses it somewhere under the coffee table. You offer a hand to help him lie down on the couch—he doesn't take it. 
"Jesus Christ, Jay." You suck in a sharp breath and peel back his bloody suit. "What'd you do?"
"Took a midnight stroll in the Botanical Gardens. Why, what'd you do?"
You frown, eyebrows pinching in the center of your forehead. Jason's stomach is mottled with purple and red bruises. There's a sticky gash right above his hip. A knife. Or a sword, maybe. Apparently, swords are commonplace in Gotham. 
"How'd they get you?" you ask. 
It's a rule-break. Jason's number one policy: don't ask questions.
You always do. Even when it was new, this… thing between you two, you'd ask. Who were they? Why did they hurt you? Did you hurt them back?
The last one, you always know the answer to. 
"There were, like, ten of them," he says. "Cut me some slack, will ya?" 
He has a cut across his lips. A ringed finger that caught on his skin, you guess. You wonder if he'd wince if you kissed him. If he'd wince at the pain or the kiss itself. If you'd know the difference. 
Rage suddenly cuts through you. It makes your hands careless, cruel; you pull the bandage around his waist too tight. Jason coils up slightly. 
"Jesus—ever heard of bedside manner?" he asks, looking at you through his lashes. 
"Ever heard of not breaking into someone's apartment and making them patch you up?"
"I don't make you," Jason says easily. "You wouldn't do it if you didn't want to."
That only increases your rage. Because he's right. You wouldn't be here if you didn't want to be. You'd have kicked him out four first aid kits ago if you minded. 
You yank down his shirt and pack up the kit. Jason shifts on the couch. A sliver of skin above his waistband is still exposed. You have to turn your head to force your gaze away. 
"No bandaids?" he asks. "All my cuts'll be exposed to the elements."
"You can put them on yourself." 
His cheek could use one. And his eyebrow. You're not in the mood. 
Jason doesn't say anything in response to that. You get up to put the kit back under the sink. 
"Can I crash here?" 
"Do what you want," you say, suddenly exhausted. Like it's you who just went six rounds with Gotham's scumbags.
You peek over the kitchen counter when you hear rustling and the couch springs squeak. Jason leans heavily on the arm of the couch, reaching for the window. You walk over and stand in front of him. 
"What're you doing?" you ask. 
"You want me to go," he says flatly. "So I'm going."
"I didn't say that, I said—"
"I can read between the lines." 
"If you could read between the lines as well as you think you can, we wouldn't be in this situation," you say. 
"What situation?"
You turn your head. "Nothing."
Jason steps towards the window. You block him again. 
"What is the matter with you?" you ask. "You're injured. Lie down."
"I'm not your responsibility," he says, glaring. "I'm leaving."
"No, you're not. And since you're allergic to using the door, you don't have a choice."
Jason's eyebrow rises. "Are you saying you'd physically prevent me from leaving?"
You lift your chin. "If that's what it takes."
"Hm. Can't tell if your confidence is stupid or brave."
"Lie the fuck down, Todd."
His lip curls. "I don't stay where I'm not welcome."
Sometimes you forget how young he is. Not that you're not also young, but, well… you don't feel your youth as acutely as other people your age might. It's something you two have in common. 
Here, in the gritty glow of Gotham, you are reminded that Jason Todd died once. Before he finished school. Before he fell in love. 
Your stomach churns every time you see that Y-shaped scar on his torso, strapped over him like a chain. 
"I didn't say that you're not welcome," you say. 
"Yeah, well, you didn't have to."
He sags against the couch and it occurs to you that he's as exhausted as you feel. 
"Can you just—" You touch his bicep. He winces even though there's no injury there. "Can you just lie down?" 
You stare at each other for another minute. Slowly, Jason lays down. His eyes are alert instead of heavy with sleep. Instantly, you feel guilty for making him think he has to be cautious around you. His hand curls protectively over his stomach. 
"Do you want a blanket?" you ask. 
He squints. "It's August."
"I know, I… I thought maybe the blood loss made you cold." 
"'M fine. Perks of being risen from the dead." 
You watch him get settled for a minute. He shifts his weight to his uninjured side and meets your gaze. His eyes are gray in the weak light. 
"You're tired of me," he says. 
Your head snaps up. "No, I'm not."  
"You are."
"I'm not tired of you, Jay."
You see it. The fear. He thinks this is the last time you'll let him in. He doesn't know you can't lock him out. You won't. 
You get up and go to get the kit from the sink again. Jason follows your movement the whole time. His face scrunches in confusion when you sit in front of the couch and unzip the kit. 
You pull out the tiny red bandaids. You'd bought them as a joke, initially. It had made Jason laugh and that had been reason enough to keep buying them. And then he let you actually put them on.
You peel the adhesive off of one and gently stick it on his cheek. He blinks at you, thick, dark lashes kissing the corners of his eyes. 
"I'm not tired of you," you say softly. 
"I'd be tired of me." 
"You keep this city safe. How could I be tired of Gotham's defender?"
Jason scowls and turns his head into the cushion before you can put the second bandaid.  
"I'm not its defender. The others protect this city a hundred times better. Nightwing does it with a smile on his face."
"I like that you go out there even when it's hard, Jay," you say. 
He doesn't respond. You lean in, so close that you can count the freckles on his neck. 
"Can I finish putting the bandaids on?" you ask. 
"I don't need 'em."
"You do. You need another on your forehead."
"It'll heal fine without it."
Your shoulders bunch like a cat on defense. You grab his cheek (gently, always gently) and his head whips to yours in surprise. 
"Jason Todd, I am not tired of you. I'm tired of the fact that you only come by when you need fixing."
He scowls. "I never asked you to fix me. If you want me to leave, I'll leave."
"I don't want you to leave, I want you to stay!" you burst. 
Jason scoffs. "No, you don’t. I'll overstay my welcome real fast."
"Maybe I care about you on purpose!" you say, voice rising. "Maybe I didn't stumble through a window; maybe I walked through the door and bought the bandaids and learned how to stitch wounds because I wanted to."
He suddenly looks overcome by grief. The agony in his face startles you. 
"I don't know how to use the door anymore," he says quietly. "All I do is stumble through windows."
Your hand slips off of his cheek. Jason closes his eyes; they fly open when you stick the second bandaid above his eyebrow. 
"You can come in any way you want to," you say, face an inch away from his. "As long as you come back to me."
His gaze darts to your mouth. You don't kiss him hard. He breaks anyway.
You avoid the right side of his mouth entirely, not wanting to pull at his cut. Jason shudders into your mouth. You cup his pulse through his neck and it quickens.
His eyes are wet when you pull away. His chest heaves like he's been swinging through the city. 
"I wanna try to use the door," he says. 
You touch the bandaid on his cheek, humming. 
"Then I'll leave it unlocked." 
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frostise · 2 years
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❝ ... let's examine closely at this dangerously evil creation, this new killer encased and contained within the supple skin of woman. the softness is there, the unmistakable smell of female, the surface shiny and silken, the body yielding yet wanton. but a word of caution: handle with care and don't drop your guard! this rapacious new killer prowls both alone and in packs. operating at any level, any time, anywhere, and with anybody! who is she? she might be your secretary, your doctor's receptionist ... or a dancer in a go-go club! ❞ ( art by olga solovian ♡ )
#𝐅𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐒𝐄: an independent, selective and mutuals only roleplay account dedicated to LOUISE LINCOLN / KILLER FROST from the DC UNIVERSE. portrayal is based on BATMAN: ASSAULT ON ARKHAM and 80s FIRESTORM COMICS. read rules in my carrd before interacting. slow activity will occur. mobile rules are listed underneath 'keep reading'. defrosted by venus ♡
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pinterest ┇ playlist ┇ headcanons ┇ memes ┇ interest tracker ┇ starters ┇ notes
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this is a triggering blog containing topics such as: murder, torture, verbal abuse, substance abuse and religion. i only interact with muns over 21+ for my own comfort. DNI if your muse believes in racism, sexism, cheating, homophobia or anything discriminating.
my triggers are trypophobia and NSFW threads. i put triggers in my tags like this: ___ tw.
i'm a multishipper that only accepts healthy relationships with solid chemistry. each ship is set in an entirely different universe. louise is bisexual as evidenced in the original comics. she only dates criminals or monsters which means i never ship her with heroes. i don’t write NSFW threads but i do make suggestive content if she's in a relationship.
i come and go on this account. this just means i'm unmotivated to write and busy with life. i only ask for you to be extremely patient with my replies since i’ll be doing the same thing for you.
i only follow if i’m interested in louise interacting with your muse and have read your rules prior. i’m very OC, crossover and OC x canon friendly. it’s highly suggested that you have rules and about page for your muse on your account and for you? i just want an age to be stated otherwise i won't be following back. i also expect for us to have open communication OOC.
05. MUN
hi, i’m venus and i’m 23 years old. my pronouns are she/they. just keep in mind i suffer from social anxiety so it makes it hard to interact with new people but thanks for taking the time to read my rules!
only mutuals can like/reblog from my account but please don't spam my content and always reblog a meme/prompt from the source! personals are not welcomed here unless you run a RP side blog. i don't mind anons asking me or frost questions. it's highly encouraged! any anon hate will be blocked and deleted.
plotting will be optional at first interaction. if we do end up plotting, i expect for us to pull our weight in order for our muses to have a proper dynamic. my interest tracker is optional as well but it's there for you to fill in since it's a faster way of plotting/establishing a dynamic.
if we’ve plotted or established a dynamic: you’re welcome to send in anything in my inbox or tag me in random starters or posts. i’ll be doing the same thing. expanding an inbox reply as a thread is accepted as well, but you and i are not obliged to reply to it if we don’t want to.
i prefer to go iconless on a reply. this doesn't mean you have to do the same. i only care about chemistry, writing and prefer our threads to be trimmed.
my portrayal of louise will rely HEAVILY on canon divergence and is slightly influenced by mixed media. i draw inspiration from her appearance and personality from batman: assault on arkham and 80s firestorm comics which means frost will be a real asshole to deal with because she's a irredeemable villain but is friendly with monsters unless provoked.
this is a drama free blog. it will remain that way unless it's a very serious issue affecting the RPC. please do not drag me into your personal problems and ALWAYS tag negative OOC posts.
final notes: please heart my pinned post if you've read my rules. i would really appreciate it!! i don't bite unless my rules aren't read. it's a HUGE pet peeve of mine and i WILL hard block people who follow me without reading the guidelines.
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batfall-a · 2 years
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𝒊 𝒈𝒆𝒕 𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒏 𝒃𝒚 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒎𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒘𝒆𝒊𝒓𝒅 𝒇𝒊𝒔𝒉𝒆𝒔 𝒑𝒊𝒄𝒌𝒆𝒅 𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝒃𝒚 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒎𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒘𝒆𝒊𝒓𝒅 𝒇𝒊𝒔𝒉𝒆𝒔 𝒘𝒆𝒊𝒓𝒅 𝒇𝒊𝒔𝒉𝒆𝒔.... 𝙬𝙚𝙞𝙧𝙙 𝙛𝙞𝙨𝙝𝙚𝙨.    *   )                                      |    INDEPENDENT +   HEADCANON    BASED    BRUCE WAYNE   from    THE   BATMAN   ( 2022 )    |    some  lore  lifted  from    from   joker  |    written   by    selena    25+  ( she,  her )   dark   themes   present.                  . . .  the  struggle  of  everything  +  nothing  all  at  once.                                                                                𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐏𝐈𝐑𝐄𝐃 𝐁𝐘 : 𝐒𝐄𝟕𝐄𝐍     
                                           •        •         •       •       •                             |  READ FIRST |  PINTEREST |  *  CURRENT ARC               |  SPOTIFY |  FOXARK TECH |  MATCHES |  THE  LAST  OF  US  |
                                           RULES   BELOW  !
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*additionally any blog made by kenna will be considered an exclusive
          *      )       OOC  .    my   name  is   selena   i   am   25+   and   EST   based.  i   work   full   time   ,   and   i   have   two  lovely   doggos.   i   try   to   be   here   whenever  i  can  on   the   weekdays   but  !    sometimes   i   am   exhausted  ,   and   therefore   weekends   are   my  most   active   time.   i   DO   love   plot-based   threads    but  ?   i   also   understand  /  am  one  of  those  people   who   sometimes   just   allow  the  thread   to  guide.   i   do  !   have   disco  (  feel   free  to  ask  for   it! )  that  being  said  i   also  forget  about  it  99.9%  of   the  time  so  ?  nudge  me  or   reach  out  first   PLEASE   know  it’s   never  you.   i   am   latina   as   well  as   being  jewish  so  please   also  respect  those  two  points.  i   also   like   my  muse  have  PTSD.   i  am   now   going   to  implement  to   rule   of   following   21+                                                         EST   11.5.22
*PSD  +   ICON   ARE  MINE  please  do   not   steal 
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*      )      bruce   thomas   wayne   is   highly   influenced   by   the   batman  (2022)   with   taking   inspiration  and  some   lore  from   the   joker  (2019).   since   this   film   is   crime   noir   heavy   so  is  bruce  ,  he   reads  more   like   a  gothic   character  and   is  going through   heavy   PSTD.   my   bruce   sadly   is  not  lifted  from  comics  nor  is  steeped  in   any  other   batman   universe.  along  with   being   reeves   based  i   have  also  incorporated  my  own   headcanons   and  take.  *truly  he  is  an  OC  fnjfdsfgg. bruce  is  31  and   is   6′6   6′8   with   the   boots.  he   enjoys   writing   and   has   natural   talent  in  drawing   and   obviously   criminal   forensics.   he  is  STILL   learning  and  of  course  he  is  OBSESSED   with   technology.   his   iq   borders   genius   but  since  his   tragic  loss  he  is    his  own   worst  enemy.
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*      )    open   &  willing   to   ship   my  bruce  !   it   will   be  heavy   development  since   he  is  so   FEARFUL  of   losing  the   ones   he  loves.   though   ?   when  shipped  i  can  promise   he  will  love   and  fight  for  your   muse   as  often   as  he  can.   i   also   DO   ship   selina  x  bruce   and   many   other  DC  canon   ships  for  bruce  i   just   ask   that   we   plot   about   it   before   we  get  to  writing  !  *bruce  is   bisexual 
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*      )   ♡  =    ship   ♡* =  ship  exclusive
    *  if  you  ever  want  to  be  added  please   reach   out   ♡
@banschivs   +   MAIN  |  Nix  Fleck (née Degraves)
@bllakcat       +  EXCLUSIVE |   Felicia  Hardy ♡*
@chaoshe     +   EXCLUSIVE |  Jester Lavorre  ♡*
@exilae         +   EXCLUSIVE  |   Blog-Wide ;  Juliette King ♡*
@fraudien      +   EXCLUSIVE  |   Mina  Gatti     ♡*
@jokethur      +   MAIN  |  Arthur  Fleck  
@barnaes      +  EXCLUSIVE  | Bucky Barnes
@lovelack      +  EXCLUSIVE |  Marianne Sheridan
@destage      +   EXCLUSIVE   |   Blog-Wide
                           VERSES *
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.001     basic   gotham   verse   ,   in   this  verse   bruce   is   28-30    still  trying   to   get   a grasp  of  who  he  is  and  is  also  training  heavily
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*      )        .002   loosely   follows  the  events  of  the  batman  with  some  changes.   to   read  more  about  that  click  here 
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*      )    .003   follows  the  events   leading   up  the  riddler  being  caught  ,  and   gotham   flooding.   in   this  verse   the  bat /  bruce  have  started  to  accept   their  destiny  ,  and  the  UNAVOIDABLE  mesh  of  BOTH  personalities.  
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*      )  .004  follows  the  court  of  owls   with  some  own   headcanon  interpretation.  wayne  enterprises  is  full  of   corruption   with   the   board  wanting  nothing  more  than  to  get  rid  of  bruce.  
                             ALT   EGO *
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*      )    this  verse  will  be  tagged   accordingly  ,  bruce   goes   undercover  in  the  criminal  world  at  the  end  of  arc  .002   and   finds  that  he  has  INFILTRATED  successfully.  no  one  KNOWS  he’s  bruce  wayne  OR  the  batman.   in  this  verse   he  gathers  intel  and  garners   quite   the  reputation.   he   rises  up  in  ranks  ,  and  becomes  for  all  intents  and  purposes  one  of   the  ‘bosses’ 
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NAME: Parker.
PRONOUNS: She / her, but honestly, if you forget feel free to use Data’s pronouns (he / him), or just they / them. Idc.
TAKEN OR SINGLE: Single and not looking; life’s already complicated enough without having to deal with all that crap.
I'm going to disillusion everyone by stating the following: I am Dutch. :] I’m sorry for disappointing y’all, I too wish I was born in a more exciting place, but here we are. I’m not proud of it either, hence why I am intending to flee to Canada. :3
I almost cried during one of the Jurassic World films because they had to leave the brachiosaurus behind on that island when the volcano erupted. :( If they’d just yeeted the T-Rex, and all the other terrible carnivorous dinos they could easily have fitted a brachiosaurus or two on that ship. Just sayin’.
I’m secretly Brent Spiner.
PLATFORMS USED: Twitter, Discord (mainly for crack), and Tumblr. I’m only writing on Tumblr these days, because Twitter got screwed over by M.sk, and I forget I have Discord 99% of the time.
PLOTTING / WINGING IT / MEMES: I prefer plotting, but winging it or memes can be fun, especially when the RP partner is equally as invested in the thread as I am and doesn’t just wait for me to take action but comes up with stuff to spice up the thread as well.
GENDER: MALE. In all caps, because idk I don’t like / have never been interested in writing female characters.
MULTI OR SINGLE MUSE: Have you seen my multi? It’s virtually non-existent. I only made it so I could collect all the Soong bois and some of my favourite Star Trek people. So, I’ll go with single muse: look at Data thriving. :3
LEAST FAVOURITE FACECLAIM(S): Uh, idk, I really don’t care, although I have a slight aversion to M.rvel and DC FCs, but that’s just because I don’t like those weird ass franchises.
FLUFF: Meh, depends on my mood; one of the perks of writing an “emotionless” android. I don’t mind writing wholesome or soft stuff, though, but I don’t think that’s considered fluff. Idk I could be wrong.
ANGST: Yes. Whether Data has the emotion chip or not, I’ll gladly subject him to angst. >:)
SMUT: Nope. I get bored real freaking fast and simply do not enjoy writing it. You’ll not see smut on this blog, only Datababble.
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Tagged by: @lettherebemonsters Tagging: @jurati, @nebulaties , @beneviolencia, @heartfledged, @ensnchekov, @cosmet, @dimensionalspades, & everyone else who’d like to do this (feel free to steal it from me!)
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oqaalescent · 3 years
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davina claire  &  lizzie saltzman  &  alexis kaye  &  clary fairchild
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kemakoshume · 3 years
𝚂𝚄𝙶𝙰𝚁 𝚁𝚄𝚂𝙷 (𝚒𝚝𝚊𝚏𝚞𝚜𝚑𝚒 𝚡 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛) — tw: drugs, threesome ✼:♡*゚✿
~ [for the "The More The Merrier" collab by the amazing, talented, wonderful @sinnerofthewalls] ~
a/n; no thoughts, 2:30 am, head empty. itafushi brainrot in full effect. speedran and wrote this all in one go [2.7k words]— written to this song ~
warnings/info: fem!reader (coded physically to be black but idc what you imagine, just don't be a dick about it), dwugs, sex on the drugs, safe drug-use etiquette, threesome, oral, p in v sex. boys kissin boys, friends being pals (basically a budding poly relationship sorta thing). not dc IMO but im adding my dc tag too anyway —tags: @anime-central @cursedarchiveblog— don't do drugs, this is an unrealistic work of fiction lmao. drugs are not worth the irl drama or turmoil ~
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Currently having nonstop thoughts about having a threesome with Megumi and Yuuji while you’re all hyped up on cocaine.
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After a long night out partying, you can't help but feel relief once you stumble into your shared apartment with your best friends, letting them follow you into your bedroom despite both of them also having rooms in your place. You can't even make it to the bed, instead choosing to fall straight onto your bedroom floor with the two handsome men alongside you.
Megumi would be saying something, griping about how his head is swimming a bit still because he might have drunk just a touch too much, while Yuuji would be rolling around, threading his fingers through the shaggy material of your large area rug, as bouncy and cheerful as ever.
You don't know why you said yes tonight when a girl in the nightclub toilets offered you a little dime-sized baggie, saying that she'd had way too much already, but you did. The contents were smooth and white and enticing enough to make your mouth drip wet with saliva at the sight. She'd gifted you pure ecstasy in a plastic pouch. What kind of person would you be if you said no?
The guys both blink at you like you had spontaneously grown a third head when you crack open your phone case, fishing out the little baggie from between the case and your cell.
You look between the two of them without explanation, reaching over Yuuji to grab your laptop from your nightstand that he's leaning against. You fish a credit card from the phone case wallet you took with you on nights like this where you didn't want to carry a purse, and you begin to break up the already pretty smooth powder into multiple lines.
"Is that what I think it is?” Megumi finally says, breaking the silence hanging over the room.
"If cocaine is what you think it is then, yeah. I'm pretty sure it's what you think it is," Yuuji replied back, scooting closer to you to watch what you're doing from up close.
You lean over him again, reaching into the deep recesses of your middle drawer to get your mini testing kit for the drug, making quick work of mixing a tiny section of the powder with the testing solution to make sure it is what the girl told you it was.
You always said you never really wanting to die alone if you could help it, but dying of a preventable overdose in your college apartment, and bringing your two best friends down with you too? Yeah, no. That wasn't a plan you had in mind.
So when the little liquid turns green and only green, matching the guide that directed you on what drugs turn the solution which color, you know you're in the clear.
"It's good," you announce, breaking the remaining powder down into lines.
The two boys look over at each other then at you, when suddenly Yuuji reaches down into his pocket, fishing out a dollar and handing it over to you.
"Thank you baby. Don't worry, you two don't have to if you don't want to. More for me," is all you say before dipping down to sniff up the white powder off the surface of your laptop case. You do so without a flinch, throwing your head back once you feel the drip begin to flow down your throat.
You see them knock their knees against each other, small smiles creeping onto their faces.
"Ah, what the hell. Worst it'll do is sober me up, best it'll do is get me high," Megumi says, plucking the rolled-up dollar from your hand so he can inhale a line for himself.
Yuuji follows suit, taking a line and a half all in one go.
You all take deep breaths, relaxing onto the carpet as you let the high creep in, since the buzz did come on quickly and rather strong.
"Oh fuck," Yuuji groans, letting his head loll back and he feels the drug begin to rush to his brain, "God that's good shit. Where'd you get this?"
You giggle, letting your eyes close as you lean back on your forearms, just... feeling it as you repeat the story back to him.
"Random bathroom girl. Too high, gave me the rest of her drugs for free. Blah blah blah."
Megumi chuckles to himself. About what, you aren't sure, and you're a little afraid to open your eyes at the moment to find out. Everything will be off-kilter and moving a bit too fast once you do, and you need one more moment of peace in the darkness behind your eyes before you subject yourself to that.
You aren't actually sure how much time passes, but you can tell the other two have grown a touch antsy with the new stimulating substance flowing through them.
You can feel a hand lightly grip the exposed skin of your thigh. Your dress is short enough that while sitting down the way you are, you're sure the two men can see the pretty cotton fabric covering the surface of your sex.
You finally let your eyes open, taking in the sight of your two besties sitting right up against each other. Their faces are only a hair length apart, their noses basically Eskimo kissing.
"Fuck, you look so pretty right now," Yuuji said, staring deeply into Megumi's eyes as his thumb began to caress the skin of your upper thigh.
It's not unexpected when they lean into each other, kissing to distract one another from the nasty nasal drip that had already passed for you. Or, they were just kissing to kiss, no distraction needed. They'd done it before. Well, kissing that is, not this specific drug. At least not to your knowledge. Other drugs though? They'd definitely done, and it had almost always ended in kisses then too.
There was something so intoxicating about watching them together. Their kisses are soft and sweet despite how hard the lines of their bodies were. Sharp jaws, firm muscles, long limbs, but still so pretty together. You can't help your gasp when the two men let their tongues loll out to tangle together among the slickness of their spit, their bite swollen lips coming together to make the most beautiful sounds.
Yuuji moans into it, rubbing his free hand up the length of Megumi's stomach, pulling at his shirt.
He then looks over at you as Megumi undresses, pulling you up and into his lap, between them, as he envelops your lips into a flurry of kisses.
"Fucking beautiful, both of you," he says between the kisses, holding you in his lap by placing his hands underneath your ass, grabbing as much as he can manage even with his large hands.
You feel Megumi slide up behind you, putting his body flush against your back and slotting his legs between Yuuji's so you're in both of their laps now, forcing Yuuji to move his hands up to rest against your thighs. Your hair is already up and out of the way in a mess of sweat-damp curls wrapped in a loose bun, but he still grabs your hair anyway, pulling your head back and away from Yuuji so it's resting on his shoulder.
The raven-haired man captures your lips in a kiss of his own, running one of his hands up your body from your waist until his hand is cupping your braless breast through the form-fitting fabric of your nightclub dress.
Yuuji is touching you too. Kissing your wrists as he makes his way up your arm, coming up until his face is right in front of both yours and Megumi's. He puckers his lips cutely, his doe-eyes full and expectant as he leans in more until he's breathing in all of your air.
"Jesus, so fucking needy," Megumi chuckles, grabbing his friend by the nape of his neck to pull him into the kiss. You all kiss back and forth, licking into each other's mouths and peppering kisses on any skin you can reach.
Yuuji takes off his shirt as well at one point, along with his pants, leaving him exposed in his snug forest green boxer briefs. His cock is hard and hung beneath the fabric and you can't help but gulp down your own spit at the sight of it. Who gave him the right to be physically jacked, with the sweetest personality you'd ever encountered, and have a huge dick?
It wasn't fair for one human to be that perfect.
It feels nice how warm to the touch he is as he rubs his body against yours. He supports your weight in his strong arms as Megumi lifts you to shimmy off his jeans as well, along with adjusting your bodies so that Megumi's back is supported on the frame of your bed. He groans into it when Yuuji sits you down to relax into his lap again, and you begin to absentmindedly grind against his length.
"You're both so hot right now, fuck," Yuuji moaned, sliding his hands up from the bottom of your dress, pulling it up until the relatively thin fabric is bunched up around your waist.
Megumi runs his hands along the lines of your shoulders, using his thumbs to pull down the straps until the top of your dress is also wrapped around your waist, exposing your breasts.
Yuuji slides out from under your legs, sliding his body backward until he's laying down on his stomach. He fumbles around with his hands, smacking at the surface of your bed until he feels the pillows hit his palm that he was looking for. He slides one under his stomach so he can lay comfortably, while he slides the other beneath your ass where you're hanging out of Megumi's lap a little.
"Before I begin my feast, would anyone else like another line?" he says, sliding the cocaine-dusted laptop over to where you're sitting on the clean surface of your vacuum-abused bedroom rug.
He uses your card to make three more lines, smaller than the first few but still hefty in their own right. He cranes down his neck to take up a line, pinching his nostrils closed as he leans his head back once the drip starts up again.
He hands you the laptop, letting you take your own line in with ease. Megumi has his arms wrapped around your breasts, only removing one of them to lean down around your shoulder, pressing his face against your neck to take his own line. He presses his finger against the laptop cover, collecting the last few morsels of the drug. Then he pushes his finger into your mouth, dragging the digit across your gums until you can no longer feel your own teeth.
He removes his finger once he sees a smile cross your face. You can see the numbness, the tingles, the ecstasy... all of it begin to cross both of their faces again as well. Yuuji's laughing, and now so is Megumi, so of course, you start too. Everything just feels so fucking good. It's impossible not to.
"God," you moan, the dopamine firing off at insane rates in your brain, "I need you. I don't care who, I just need someone in me. Fuck, I could cum just from your fingers at this point."
You're reaching your hand up to caress the side of Megumi's face, and he kisses the back of your hand.
Yuuji grabs a water bottle from somewhere, probably your dresser, and chugs it. He swishes the water around in his mouth for a moment before swallowing, trying to get the remnants of the drug out from his mouth before he goes down on you. Numbing up your clit by accident didn't sound like a good time.
"Hold her open for me Fushiguro," Yuuji said, reaching forward to pull you down further on the pillow.
Megumi had a pillow slid behind his back as well, so it's simple when he grabs your legs, sliding his own body down just a touch so that he can hold you open for Yuuji easily.
To be frank, it's almost embarrassing how fast you're cumming once Yuuji gets his mouth on you.
You're extremely aware of Megumi's presence holding you steady, and Yuuji tearing you apart. Megumi's hands are busy tweaking your pretty pebbled nipples while his mouth sucks and licks at the sensitive skin below your ear. While Yuuji's tongue is busy licking at your cunt. He's firm and precise in where he chooses to lick at your folds. Your clit was overly sensitive in the best way with the hum of the drugs flowing through your veins, making everything more sensitive. But when he starts fucking into you with his long tongue, using his thumb to swirl across the surface of your clit? Oh, you're a fucking goner.
"Aw, Yuuji, you're making our princess squirt already. Haven't even fucked you yet and you're making such a big mess on the new rug," Megumi teased, kissing at your neck as your back arched off of the man's torso.
You could feel the flood of liquid coming from your sex when you came, and it was indeed making a mess. All over the floor, all over your thighs, and all over Yuuji's face.
It shouldn't make you smile as hard as it does when he comes up for air, his face drenched in your slick, with the goofiest smile across his face once he realizes how good he made you feel.
"I've never seen her do that before. Gotta say, I think I'm a fan," he says matter-of-factly, coming up between your legs to kiss at your lower belly.
"Fucking idiot," you giggle, smacking the top of his head softly.
You're thrown back into the deliriousness of pleasure when Megumi snakes a hand up your body, coming up to wrap his hand firmly around your throat.
"Don't get too relaxed baby girl. We have so much more to do."
So, yeah, you end up fucking like little rabbits the rest of the night, even once the coke has eventually started to wear off.
The ecstasy surged through every neuron firing off in your brain, down through all the nerves in your body for the first two or so rounds that you had sex. Megumi fucked into you at a punishing pace as Yuuji lets his cock slide along your folds. He rubbed up against you that way until you came for them again, clenching around Megumi so well that he came inside you, filling you to the brim with his cum.
In the next round, Yuuji takes you from behind, fucking you like you were molded for his cock while Megumi lets you lean into him for support, kissing you as you took Yuuji's dick until you came around him as well. He was too big and his dick curved just the right way and you can't help it when you end up crying, yelling out in ecstasy as they both work in tandem to rip the third orgasm from you that night.
The last two rounds are all about you. How many times they can make you cum? Who can give you the strongest orgasm? All the while, the two boys are also touching each other. Kissing and caressing and milking each other for orgasms as well when their refractory periods are over and they're ready to go again.
It feels like a lifetime has passed when you see the faint beginnings of overcast daylight breaking through your windows. You're finally all tucked into bed. Begrudgingly clean since Megumi had forced you all up and into the shower for a lazy cleaning after all the excitement. Though, you can't complain too much. Not when you got to be cleaned and kissed and adorned by the two men as they showered you, and not when you got to watch as they kissed and took care of each other.
The comedown would be a bitch to deal with the next day. You can feel it coming on already. The frazzling in your nerves, the fog coming in to muddle your brain and make you feel as grey as the incoming cloudy sky, but that's okay. The morning would come with take-out breakfast and cuddles and comforting kisses. How could you not see the bright side in that?
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sooooo... what'd you think? lmk lmao. when i say i speedran this shit i mean i just finished writing and crossposting this and it's only 4:30 am. it was supposed to be a drabble but come on... my drabbles lately are never drabbles. oh but speaking of crossposting, this is also posted on ao3: here. i crosspost just in case something happens to this acct so go bookmark it if you want it just in case || taglist request || ~
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batfall-moved · 2 years
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𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒍𝒅 𝒊𝒔 𝒂 𝒗𝒂𝒎𝒑𝒊𝒓𝒆 𝒔𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝒕𝒐 𝒅𝒓𝒂𝒊𝒏 𝒔𝒆𝒄𝒓𝒆𝒕 𝒅𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒐𝒚𝒆𝒓𝒔 𝒉𝒐𝒍𝒅 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒖𝒑 𝒕𝒐 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒇𝒍𝒂𝒎𝒆𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒅𝒐 𝒊 𝒈𝒆𝒕 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒎𝒚 𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒏? 𝒃𝒆𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒚𝒆𝒅 𝒅𝒆𝒔𝒊𝒓𝒆𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒂 𝒑𝒊𝒆𝒄𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒈𝒂𝒎𝒆   𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐏𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐌𝐘 𝐑𝐀𝐆𝐄 , 𝐈'𝐌 𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐉𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐀 𝐑𝐀𝐓 𝐈𝐍 𝐀 𝐂𝐀𝐆𝐄.    *   )                                              |    INDEPENDENT +   HEADCANON    BASED    BRUCE WAYNE   from    THE   BATMAN   ( 2022 )   |     𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐝    𝐛𝐲   𝐭𝐡𝐞    𝐚𝐥𝐛𝐮𝐦   𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐝   𝐛𝐲    𝐧𝐢𝐫𝐯𝐚𝐧𝐚  |   heavy   inspiration    from   joker  |    written   by    selena    25+  ( she,  her )   dark   themes   present.      MAIN  SHIP   :   fraudien          pro.  twilight  (why is there here?idk)    ,    EST                      
                                |  READ FIRST |  PINTEREST |  *  CURRENT ARC |
                          RULES   BELOW  !
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*additionally any blog made by kenna will be considered an exclusive
           *      )       OOC  .    my   name  is   selena   i   am   25+   and   EST   based.  i   work   full   time   ,   and   i   have   two  lovely   doggos.   i   try   to   be   here   whenever  i  can  on   the   weekdays   but  !    sometimes   i   am   exhausted  ,   and   therefore   weekends   are   my  most   active   time.   i   DO   love   plot-based   threads    but  ?   i   also   understand  /  am  one  of  those  people   who   sometimes   just   allow  the  thread   to  guide.   i   do  !   have   disco  (  feel   free  to  ask  for   it! )  that  being  said  i   also  forget  about  it  99.9%  of   the  time  so  ?  nudge  me  or   reach  out  first   PLEASE   know  it’s   never  you.   i   am   latina   as   well  as   being  jewish  so  please   also  respect  those  two  points.  i   also   like   my  muse  have  PTSD.
*PSD  +   ICON   ARE  MINE  please  do   not   steal  
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    *      )      bruce   thomas   wayne   is   highly   influenced   by   the   batman  (2022)   with   taking   inspiration  and  some   lore  from   the   joker  (2019).   since   this   film   is   crime   noir   heavy   so  is  bruce  ,  he   reads  more   like   a  gothic   character  and   is  going through   heavy   PSTD.   my   bruce   sadly   is  not  lifted  from  comics  nor  is  steeped  in   any  other   batman   universe.  along  with   being   reeves   based  i   have  also  incorporated  my  own   headcanons   and  take.  *truly  he  is  an  OC  fnjfdsfgg. bruce  is  31  and   is   6′6   6′8   with   the   boots.  he   enjoys   writing   and   has   natural   talent  in  drawing   and   obviously   criminal   forensics.   he  is  STILL   learning  and  of  course  he  is  OBSESSED   with   technology.   his   ig   borders   genius   but  since  his   tragic  loss  he  is    his  own   worst  enemy.
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   *      )    open   &  willing   to   ship   my  bruce  !   it   will   be  heavy   development  since   he  is  so   FEARFUL  of   losing  the   ones   he  loves.   though   ?   when  shipped  i  can  promise   he  will  love   and  fight  for  your   muse   as  often   as  he  can.   i   also   DO   ship   selina  x  bruce   and   many   other  DC  canon   ships  for  bruce  i   just   ask   that   we   plot   about   it   before   we  get  to  writing  !  *bruce  is   bisexual 
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 *      )   ♡  =    ship   ♡* =  ship  exclusive
     *  if  you  ever  want  to  be  added  please   reach   out   ♡
@banschivs   +   MAIN  |  Nix  Fleck (née Degraves)
@chaoshe     +   EXCLUSIVE |  Jester Lavorre  ♡*
@exilae         +   MAIN  |   Blog-Wide ;  Juliette King ♡
@fraudien      +   EXCLUSIVE  |   Mina  Gatti     ♡*
@jokethur      +   MAIN  |  Arthur  Fleck  
@barnaes      +  EXCLUSIVE  | Bucky Barnes
@lovelack      +  EXCLUSIVE |  Marianne Sheridan
@destage      +   EXCLUSIVE   |   Blog-Wide
                        VERSES *
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 .001     basic   gotham   verse   ,   in   this  verse   bruce   is   28-30    still  trying   to   get   a grasp  of  who  he  is  and  is  also  training  heavily
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*      )        .002   loosely   follows  the  events  of  the  batman  with  some  changes.   to   read  more  about  that  click  here 
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*      )    .003   follows  the  events   leading   up  the  riddler  being  caught  ,  and   gotham   flooding.   in   this  verse   the  bat /  bruce  have  started  to  accept   their  destiny  ,  and  the  UNAVOIDABLE  mesh  of  BOTH  personalities.  
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  *      )  .004  follows  the  court  of  owls   with  some  own   headcanon  interpretation.  wayne  enterprises  is  full  of   corruption   with   the   board  wanting  nothing  more  than  to  get  rid  of  bruce.  
                     ALT   EGO *
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*      )    this  verse  will  be  tagged   accordingly  ,  bruce   goes   undercover  in  the  criminal  world  at  the  end  of  arc  .002   and   finds  that  he  has  INFILTRATED  successfully.  no  one  KNOWS  he’s  bruce  wayne  OR  the  batman.   in  this  verse   he  gathers  intel  and  garners   quite   the  reputation.   he   rises  up  in  ranks  ,  and  becomes  for  all  intents  and  purposes  one  of   the  ‘bosses’ 
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Hi welcome to chaos:).
About Me: My name is Gryffin,I'm a trans man,My Pronouns are He/him/They/Them and this is my Blog of Chaos heh.
I have many things I reblog and I figured hell why not make an index of sorts to fill you in.
I post some depressing stuff every now and them but if you have it filtered out I normally tag it to make sure people safe:).
🏳️‍🌈This is a safe space🏳️‍🌈 for LGBT+ people so dni if you a-
(Honestly if you support anything that demeans others Fuck off)
Thomas sanders:sander sides
Hazbin Hotel
Helluva boss
Helles belles
Hogwarts transfer student
Scp foundation
(Sometimes) Undertale:)
DC comic stuff
Marvel comic stuff
My hero academia
Invader Zim
Bendy and the ink machine
Hollow knight
Animal crossing
Kipo and the wonderbeasts
Creepypasta (old hyperfixtion that haunts me in the woods like slenderman)
Criminal minds
Gravity falls
Lore olympus
Good omens
Genshin impact
Re8: Village
Harry potter
The marauders
No straight roads(NSR)
Dead by daylight
Into the spiderverse
Genshin impact
>>>>> Styles <<<<<
Dark academia
Punk Rock
~☆ Aestheics and cores ☆~
Dark academia core
Green academia core
Dark cottagecore
Fallen angelcore
Fairy tail
Tokyo Ghoul
Chainsaw man
One piece
The devil is a part timer
Sword art online
Gun Gail online
Blue exorcist
Black clover
Black butler
Assassination classroom
That time I got reincarnated as a slime
Ouran high-school host club
Apothecary diaries
My hero academia
Seven deadly sins
I also reblog a lot of random threads and funny posts. I love to reblog art. I find cool and beautiful, so a lot of that.(I will continue to edit this, so ye:)
I'll add more as I go.
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dthroned-sameurl · 5 months
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“  nothing you can say will surprise me.  ”   ➾      𝐜𝐡   .   𝐝𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐚   𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐞
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         thoughts   are   swirling   around   her   head      ,      she   is   sure   that   is   Luciel   had   looked   close   enough   he   would   be   able   to   see   every   thought   that   swirled   behind   her   icy   gaze      &      that   made   her   want   to   curl   into   herself   and   hide      .      but   she   trusted   him      ,      she   trusted   Luci   more   than   she   thought   she   ever   would      &      while   the   vulnerability   terrified   her      ---      how   she   felt   around   him   outweighed   any   ounce   of   discomfort   that   she   may   be   feeling   in   this   moment      .      she's   focused   on   the   ground      ,      arms   wrapped   around   herself   in   a   stance   where   she   is   self   soothing      ,      rocking   on   her   heels   as   she   exhales   deeply      .      nights   were   becoming   more   difficult      ,      nightmares   either   keeping   her   up   at   night      ,      or   shaking   her   awake   from   a   deep   sleep      ,      it   was   becoming   more   suffocating   as   the �� days   pass   without   any   sort   of   remedy      .
         '      i've   died   a   couple   of   times      .      '      her   hands   clasp   a   little   tighter   around   her   arms   as   she   shakes   her   head      ,      pushing   hair   from   her   face   before   fingers   move   to   tuck   hair   behind   her   ear      .      '      the   last   time      ,      well      ,      it   wasn't   exactly   the   easiest   experience      &      i   think   i   may   be   broken      ...      well   breaking   more   than   I   already   am      .      '      the   witch   was   a   body   with   scattered   fragments   of   who   she   once   was      ,      her   experience   with   la   gemme   vitale   had   taken   more   from   her   than   she   could   ever   imagine      ,      her   soul   having   been   completely   shredded      ,      leaving   her   to   feel   like   she   was   a   monster   ready   to   pounce   at   any   moment   she   lost   control      .
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      her   hand   moves   to   her   forehead      ,      fingers   brushing   over   the   skin   where   the   mark   was   magically   engraved      ,      damned   for   the   rest   of   eternity      .      '      i   wasn't   supposed   to   come   back   he   last   time   i   did      ,      somehow   I   was   brought   back   by   this   entity      &      it   left   pieces   of   me   behind   in   a   realm   where   my   ancestors   reside      .      I   am   worried   about   everyone   around   me      ...      how   am   I   supposed   to   hide   that   I   am   losing   my   mind   when   we   live   in   the   spotlight      ?      '
@mrchare . prompt
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nrthwst · 2 years
aus/verses/plots i DESPERATELY want for pacifica !
pregnancy au !!! gimmie teen/young adult pregnancy threads , give me unplanned/unexpected pregnancy threads !!! GIVE ME PLANNED PREGNANCY AUS !!!! just pls someone let me explore mom!cifica , ok ???
tvd verse / vampire verse pacifica-- pls , that's all im gonna say .
marvel/dc au/verse ! she has zero things for either verse just yet but we can develop together !!!
give me rich/famous friends/exes/significant others/enemies !!! i wanna see my bby interact with the rich snobs she grew up around !!!
ODD COUPLE PAIRINGS ! give me peeps who are DIRECT opposites of ciffy !!! let's see how the chemistry unfolds !!!
plot where pacifica was arranged to marry your muse by her parents prior to their death !! will they end up together ? will they call it off entirely ?
au where your muse is ciffy's bodyguard/manager/assistant , but things turn romantic slowly over time until whoops someone in the paparazzi catches the two of you together being very flirty and now things have to be explained .
these are just a few but i will be adding more !!! ♡
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nerdybirdboy · 2 years
Get to Know the Mun!
———  BASICS! ♡
(PEN)NAME  :    Niko or Ez
PRONOUNS  :    he/him or they/them
ZODIAC SIGN  :    Capricorn (but I don’t see the point in it)
TAKEN OR SINGLE  :    Single and not particularly interested in getting a boyfriend
———  THREE  FACTS! ♡
Despite rping Tim, I grew up with Superman, not Batman (not that I knew that anyone was DC comics or even comics character at all). Clark Kent will always have a very special place in my heart.
Tim is probably the muse that most resembles myself that I’ve ever rped. Not that I’m as cool though.
Rping has been one of my main hobbies since 9th grade.
I’ve roleplayed since 2002 and on Tumblr since 2013.
I rp both OCs and canon muses. Atm I have 2.5 canon muses and 2 OCs. Generally prefer masculine ones. Not sure I could ever portray a feminine muse. Besides Yoyo, my muses tend to be ones I connect with aka I see part of myself in.
———  FLUFF / ANGST / SMUT! ♡    
FLUFF  :   Fluff can be nice, but I generally prefer fluff in the mix of hurt/comfort.
ANGST  :  Absolutely! Bring on the pain!
SMUT  :  Nope.
PLOT / MEMES  :   Memes are a good way to start interaction or to get into a certain type of rp, but I generally prefer at lest somewhat plotted threads.
Tagged by: @hopecerulean
Tagging: Anyone interested. I know this kind of thing isn’t for everyone.
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sugulicious · 3 years
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┄ ┄ ROLEPLAY RULES ❤︎˖*°࿐ ┄ ┄
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┄ WANT TO BE A LOVER? ❤︎˖*°࿐
Do you want to be one of my many adoring lovers? To become one is quite simple.
Simply send in a request on or off anon and who you would like to be.
You can be a character anon, an emoji, or simply a name you want to go by. It's whatever your heart desires ♡
EX: 'hi there! can i be 💋 anon?' or 'hey zee - shisui' (i do not mind at all if you send in a starter and sign it with a character, emoji, or name; as long as it's not already taken)
I can roleplay in two different styles! The simpler 'actions way' or paragraph style. I usually reply to what is given to me first. Length of replies depend on what I get as well <3
EXAMPLE ONE: While your statement of kicking ass and looking good is true, it still worries me. More than that arson habit of yours I huff yet again when you hide your hands, the pout on my lips only growing more, looking away from your toothy grin to not give in
EXAMPLE TWO: Feeling the thrum of the music, I'm practically oblivious to the eyes following me, thinking about what drink to get when a sudden voice speaks to me. It's close enough to hear past the loud music and chatter of other patrons. I turn to look at you, eyebrows furrowed as I scoot a bit more to the side. "I wasn't aware specific colors were dangerous to wear." I scoff, giving the bartender my order as he finally makes his way to me. "What's it to you anyway?"
I'm unaware of who you are, as my over protective best friend and guard Kuroo made sure you and I never met. Not only because we were from rival mafias, but because you were Kuroo's number one enemy. Sure, I knew of the head of the Nohebi mafia, but I had never seen you, not even in pictures.
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┄ FANDOMS ❤︎˖*°࿐
Characters from any of these fandoms are gladly welcomed and encouraged.
Tokyo Revengers Haikyuu!! Naruto Attack on Titan Jujutsu Kaisen
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┄ YES AND NO'S ❤︎˖*°࿐
What I do or do not roleplay. Please make sure you read this throughly.
vanilla: casual dates, drama, etc; basically anything not nsfw/dc. I'm always up for soft times too ♡
nsfw/dc: gun play, knife play, fear play, somnophilia, dacryphilia, dumbification, degradation, overstimulation, exhibitionism, edging, breeding, corruption, sacrilege, mommy/daddy kink, age gap, brat taming, some blood play, branding, biting/marking, bondage, stigmatophilia, piercings (make me go wild), some yandere, some cnc
Scat, vomit, controversial topics, abuse, sexual assault, self harm, hate
If you ever want to discuss something first, please feel free to send in an ask. Only things not up for discussions are those in my no's.
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Most threads will be between their own little thing aka different 'universes'. This is because most scenarios will be different between mods.
If you and another mod discuss things between yourself to have 'the world's collide' then that's okay. But please let me know or give me a small heads up so i don't turn into the screaming hamster meme all confused.
I will allow a max of two different mods per character if needed.
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diedahxro · 3 years
Rules -- for mobile
Don’t be afraid to reach out, I don’t bite! You can always just hop into my inbox and hit me up.
Be nice, don’t pressure me into rping or replying. I’m semi-selective and I will make sure I’m comfortable.
Please don't godmod. It just immediately takes my enjoyment out of a thread. If you're unsure if something is considered godmodding just hit me up via pm I never mind chatting about our threads.
I am crossover, multiship and multiverse friendly. I love shipping and am more than willing to explore various relationships. | please do respect that I write my Jason as gay and a power/disaster bottom - that's just how I like him ♡
(that being said, please don’t try to push me into shipping our muses if I don’t feel it)
I have a busy life outside of rping and sometimes I will take some time to reply. I also might reply to some threads quicker, if the inspiration hits me, this doesn’t mean i’m ignoring you or hate your muse!
I’m 21+ myself, so I’m comfortable with NSFW themes, however I don’t rp NSFW with anyone under 18. Please respect this.
I’m fine with NSFW, sexual themes, violence, blood and dark themes but I will not write anything involving, zoophilia, necrophilia, pedophilia etc.
I'm cool with batships (and personally do ship Jason with Bruce and Dick) as long as it's not creepy/grooming/underage
I am NOT my muse. Even if my muse engages in sexual acts with yours, please don’t assume that I’m interested in you in that way. Sexual dms regarding the mun lead to instant blocking.
Please be aware that I write my Jason with serious issues. His messed up past left him with PTSD, abandonment issues and he's generally messed up.
I will tag but topics of child prostitution, abuse, abandonment and death/murder might be present.
I'm also not 100% up to date on DC lore so my Jason is set sometime past Under the Red Hood. Might include Outlaws and other tidbits but I might not know everything that's going on lmao.
If you read my rules feel free to pop into my asks and send me “Fuck Batman” or whatever else you feel like! 
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cherrie-fizzypop · 3 years
Roleplay Masterlist
Each roleplay can be found and read here.
All parters blogs will be tagged down below ♡
Roleplays may have several parts/ threads depending on length to avoid reblogs getting to long.
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• New Friend ~ Rating - Mature/18+ - With~ CuriouserWilderness
| Thread 1 | Thread 2 | Thread 3 | Thread 4 | Thread 5 |
| Thread 6 | Thread 7 | Thread 8 |
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