#latina + jewish
batfall-a · 2 years
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𝒊 𝒈𝒆𝒕 𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒏 𝒃𝒚 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒎𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒘𝒆𝒊𝒓𝒅 𝒇𝒊𝒔𝒉𝒆𝒔 𝒑𝒊𝒄𝒌𝒆𝒅 𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝒃𝒚 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒎𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒘𝒆𝒊𝒓𝒅 𝒇𝒊𝒔𝒉𝒆𝒔 𝒘𝒆𝒊𝒓𝒅 𝒇𝒊𝒔𝒉𝒆𝒔.... 𝙬𝙚𝙞𝙧𝙙 𝙛𝙞𝙨𝙝𝙚𝙨.    *   )                                      |    INDEPENDENT +   HEADCANON    BASED    BRUCE WAYNE   from    THE   BATMAN   ( 2022 )    |    some  lore  lifted  from    from   joker  |    written   by    selena    25+  ( she,  her )   dark   themes   present.                  . . .  the  struggle  of  everything  +  nothing  all  at  once.                                                                                𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐏𝐈𝐑𝐄𝐃 𝐁𝐘 : 𝐒𝐄𝟕𝐄𝐍     
                                           •        •         •       •       •                             |  READ FIRST |  PINTEREST |  *  CURRENT ARC               |  SPOTIFY |  FOXARK TECH |  MATCHES |  THE  LAST  OF  US  |
                                           RULES   BELOW  !
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*additionally any blog made by kenna will be considered an exclusive
          *      )       OOC  .    my   name  is   selena   i   am   25+   and   EST   based.  i   work   full   time   ,   and   i   have   two  lovely   doggos.   i   try   to   be   here   whenever  i  can  on   the   weekdays   but  !    sometimes   i   am   exhausted  ,   and   therefore   weekends   are   my  most   active   time.   i   DO   love   plot-based   threads    but  ?   i   also   understand  /  am  one  of  those  people   who   sometimes   just   allow  the  thread   to  guide.   i   do  !   have   disco  (  feel   free  to  ask  for   it! )  that  being  said  i   also  forget  about  it  99.9%  of   the  time  so  ?  nudge  me  or   reach  out  first   PLEASE   know  it’s   never  you.   i   am   latina   as   well  as   being  jewish  so  please   also  respect  those  two  points.  i   also   like   my  muse  have  PTSD.   i  am   now   going   to  implement  to   rule   of   following   21+                                                         EST   11.5.22
*PSD  +   ICON   ARE  MINE  please  do   not   steal 
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*      )      bruce   thomas   wayne   is   highly   influenced   by   the   batman  (2022)   with   taking   inspiration  and  some   lore  from   the   joker  (2019).   since   this   film   is   crime   noir   heavy   so  is  bruce  ,  he   reads  more   like   a  gothic   character  and   is  going through   heavy   PSTD.   my   bruce   sadly   is  not  lifted  from  comics  nor  is  steeped  in   any  other   batman   universe.  along  with   being   reeves   based  i   have  also  incorporated  my  own   headcanons   and  take.  *truly  he  is  an  OC  fnjfdsfgg. bruce  is  31  and   is   6′6   6′8   with   the   boots.  he   enjoys   writing   and   has   natural   talent  in  drawing   and   obviously   criminal   forensics.   he  is  STILL   learning  and  of  course  he  is  OBSESSED   with   technology.   his   iq   borders   genius   but  since  his   tragic  loss  he  is    his  own   worst  enemy.
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*      )    open   &  willing   to   ship   my  bruce  !   it   will   be  heavy   development  since   he  is  so   FEARFUL  of   losing  the   ones   he  loves.   though   ?   when  shipped  i  can  promise   he  will  love   and  fight  for  your   muse   as  often   as  he  can.   i   also   DO   ship   selina  x  bruce   and   many   other  DC  canon   ships  for  bruce  i   just   ask   that   we   plot   about   it   before   we  get  to  writing  !  *bruce  is   bisexual 
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*      )   ♡  =    ship   ♡* =  ship  exclusive
    *  if  you  ever  want  to  be  added  please   reach   out   ♡
@banschivs   +   MAIN  |  Nix  Fleck (née Degraves)
@bllakcat       +  EXCLUSIVE |   Felicia  Hardy ♡*
@chaoshe     +   EXCLUSIVE |  Jester Lavorre  ♡*
@exilae         +   EXCLUSIVE  |   Blog-Wide ;  Juliette King ♡*
@fraudien      +   EXCLUSIVE  |   Mina  Gatti     ♡*
@jokethur      +   MAIN  |  Arthur  Fleck  
@barnaes      +  EXCLUSIVE  | Bucky Barnes
@lovelack      +  EXCLUSIVE |  Marianne Sheridan
@destage      +   EXCLUSIVE   |   Blog-Wide
                           VERSES *
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.001     basic   gotham   verse   ,   in   this  verse   bruce   is   28-30    still  trying   to   get   a grasp  of  who  he  is  and  is  also  training  heavily
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*      )        .002   loosely   follows  the  events  of  the  batman  with  some  changes.   to   read  more  about  that  click  here 
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*      )    .003   follows  the  events   leading   up  the  riddler  being  caught  ,  and   gotham   flooding.   in   this  verse   the  bat /  bruce  have  started  to  accept   their  destiny  ,  and  the  UNAVOIDABLE  mesh  of  BOTH  personalities.  
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*      )  .004  follows  the  court  of  owls   with  some  own   headcanon  interpretation.  wayne  enterprises  is  full  of   corruption   with   the   board  wanting  nothing  more  than  to  get  rid  of  bruce.  
                             ALT   EGO *
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*      )    this  verse  will  be  tagged   accordingly  ,  bruce   goes   undercover  in  the  criminal  world  at  the  end  of  arc  .002   and   finds  that  he  has  INFILTRATED  successfully.  no  one  KNOWS  he’s  bruce  wayne  OR  the  batman.   in  this  verse   he  gathers  intel  and  garners   quite   the  reputation.   he   rises  up  in  ranks  ,  and  becomes  for  all  intents  and  purposes  one  of   the  ‘bosses’ 
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writingwithcolor · 1 year
Afro-Latine Jewish woman maintaining cultural connection in an isekai comic
Anonymous asked:
Hello! Mixed Latin American nonbinary Jew here. I'm working on a, relatively light-hearted, isekai-style fantasy comic concept of an afro-latine Jewish lady who gets sent through a portal to a colorful scifi/fantasy land, inhabitated by various imaginary creatures sorta like in Alice in Wonderland. She gains magic powers and goes on adventures, working as a scientist researching the land's magical energy. (some of the local creatures she befriends are entirely original species, and some are inspired by my local folklore, but otherwise I try to avoid culturally coding the creatures since they're mostly nonhuman looking). The story isn't supposed to touch any heavy topics like antisemitism or racism, but I've read about the cultural problems in ""normie protagonist finds a new home in a funky fantasy world"" stories, f.ex. how Harry Potter's narrative basically implies that Muggleborns have to abandon their original cultures in order to successfully integrate into the very prejudiced but ""cooler"" Wizarding World. My original goal was to break the mold that escapism fantasy usually revolves around white protagonists adventuring in heavily Western-inspired fantasy worlds, and poc-coded characters are usually nonhuman creatures or racial stereotypes. However the protagonist girl in my story comes from a loving, latine-jewish human family, and while she regularly visits them on Earth instead of just staying in the fantasy land 24/7, I'm afraid that making her story be about being happy adventuring in a separate imaginary land filled with nonhuman characters might turn into an ""abandon your family and culture"" narrative. Are there any ways how I could avoid this? Maybe making the fantasy land's worldbuilding and designs more Latin American or Jewish inspired and thus resonate more with her cultural background, or making it clear that the land is not ""perfect"" and she still loves her family?
One of the first things that stands out to me is that you haven’t set her up to need to abandon her culture in order to make a life in another place. She has the ability to go home and visit her family, but I also don’t see any reason why, if she lives primarily in the fantasy land, she couldn’t be portrayed as practicing Judaism actively in her new home. It’s true that Judaism isn’t solely defined by religious/cultural practices, but it’s also true that religious/cultural practices are one of the most recognizable and most uniting elements of Jewish identity.
I think it might help in this case to think about Jewish practices in terms of communal versus personal: that is, what are practices she would need to seek out a Jewish community for, and what are practices she can do independently?
Does she control when she is able to visit her family? If so, visiting for Jewish holidays so that she can be at a family meal or holiday services seems like a way to highlight that she is just as connected to her family as someone who moved to a different city might be. If she experiences/has experienced the death of a family member or partner, going home to be with a Jewish community for shiva or to say kaddish on a yahrzeit is another touch (for readers who may be unfamiliar, Jewish mourning practices are intensely communal and are intentional about bringing the mourner into an active support system and slowly reintroducing them to the world, and as such a mourner is likely to spend this time somewhere where they can access and be supported by a Jewish community).
As far as practices she can engage with on her own in the fantasy setting, it would be nice to see her observing Shabbat, either in a traditional way by refraining from adventuring and instead engaging in hospitality and prayer between dusk Friday and sundown Saturday, or in a less-halakhic way if she comes from a Reform or comparatively-assimilated background, by marking Friday sunset with candles, blessings, and a good meal, even if she is intending to continue her research through the next day. She would hardly be the first Jewish person to live in a place without an established Jewish community, and a festive meal can be shared just as happily with non-Jewish friends if they’re griffons and fauns as if they’re Christians and Muslims.
Here’s one idea that I think would be hugely meaningful as a way of establishing both that she intends to make her home long-term in Fantasy World and that she intends to carry Jewish traditions with her into her new life: hang a mezuzah.
Think about it: a mezuzah is the visual marker of a Jewish home, as much to the resident as to a guest. When she is home from her adventures, in her garden cottage or enchanted tower or wherever she returns to between adventures to record and categorize her research, simply showing a mezuzah in the background instantly makes the point both that she is intending to stay, and that this is a Jewish space. If as time goes on she adds other Judaica items to her space, it can add to the sense that her Jewishness is present and alive in this world, simply because she is present and alive in it.
If she doesn’t have a settled space or if you’re not planning on setting any scenes there, having Jewish visual markers on and around her can help, too. For low-hanging fruit, maybe she has a silver Jewish Star or chai necklace that catches the light now and then, but since you’re going for a light, fun vibe, maybe she’s packing her adventuring supplies in a bright-blue vinyl backpack emblazoned with “Temple Shaarei Tzedek Junior Youth Retreat 1998” (am I old? I’m pretty sure there are adults reading this who were in Junior Youth groups in 2003, but I’m willing to bet retreat swag hasn’t changed that much).
I do like the idea of including Latin American and Jewish elements in the worldbuilding, especially as an intentional way to combat the cultural dominance of Western European folklore over fantasy writing, but because your character is from and has access to our world, you have the beautiful opportunity to carry real-world markers of Jewishness with her as well.
I adore Meir’s answer, but then, I’m the kind of person to whom “enchanted tower with a mezuzah” as an aesthetic is so near and dear to my heart that I wrote a whole fantasy series about it. Couple of random suggestions: one thing I really enjoy is exposing my gentile friends to Jewish food—I love watching the absolute shock of delirium hit someone’s face the first time they taste my charoseth. Imagine this little bowl of chopped apples and walnuts, looking vaguely dirty because they’re soaked in cinnamon-infused wine, so it’s basically dingy beige slop….so that first bite of sensuous, deep sweetness is a huge surprise. Pick your favorite equivalent and imagine the first time a centaur or a winged princess or whatever other fantasy character tries it at your MC’s behest! (Feeding brisket to dragons would make a great name for…something…)
I don’t think you’re likely to do this anyway but since these are public answers: “fantasy world fun, Jewish upbringing a chore” is a narrative I would not feel at home in or care to read. But that’s a rather predictable remark from me anyway ;)
And of course I support the “the secondary fantasy world is actually Jewish” solution too, having one of my own.
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notaplaceofhonour · 5 months
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from rootsmetals on instagram
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sefarad-haami · 21 days
Los 9 rehenes latinoamericanos que siguen en manos de Hamas
🇦🇷🇨🇴 Desde el ataque de Hamas en Israel el 7 de octubre de 2023, nueve ciudadanos latinoamericanos permanecen como rehenes en Gaza. De estos, ocho son argentinos: la familia Bibas, que incluye a Shiri Silberman Bibas y sus dos hijos pequeños; los hermanos David y Ariel Cunio; los hermanos Eitan e Iair Horn; y Lior Rudaeff, quien fue asesinado por Hamas y cuyo cuerpo fue llevado a Gaza. El único rehén colombiano es Elkana Bohbot, quien fue secuestrado mientras trabajaba en un festival de música. Las familias de estos rehenes han vivido meses de incertidumbre y angustia, exigiendo la liberación de sus seres queridos mientras las negociaciones internacionales buscan un acuerdo de alto el fuego que permita su regreso. A lo largo de los meses, las protestas en Tel Aviv y otros lugares han reflejado la desesperación de las familias, especialmente de las madres que piden al gobierno israelí y a la comunidad internacional que lleguen a un acuerdo con Hamas. Mientras que algunos rehenes han sido liberados, la situación de los latinoamericanos secuestrados sigue siendo incierta, y la presión para un acuerdo sigue creciendo, con la esperanza de que pronto se pueda traer a estos rehenes de vuelta a sus hogares.
🇺🇸 Since the Hamas attack in Israel on October 7, 2023, nine Latin American citizens remain hostages in Gaza. Of these, eight are Argentinians: the Bibas family, including Shiri Silberman Bibas and her two young children; the Cunio brothers, David and Ariel; the Horn brothers, Eitan and Iair; and Lior Rudaeff, who was killed by Hamas and whose body was taken to Gaza. The only Colombian hostage is Elkana Bohbot, who was abducted while working at a music festival. The families of these hostages have endured months of uncertainty and anguish, demanding the release of their loved ones as international negotiations seek a ceasefire that could facilitate their return. Over the months, protests in Tel Aviv and other locations have reflected the desperation of the families, especially the mothers who are urging the Israeli government and the international community to reach an agreement with Hamas. While some hostages have been released, the situation of the Latin American captives remains uncertain, and pressure for a resolution continues to build, with the hope that these hostages will soon be brought back home.
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reanimatedgh0ul · 5 months
the moment you realize that both of them are two sides of the same coin (that being the opposite ends of the spectrum of teen girlhood what it means to care abt how you are perceived bc you are one and how you can either reject the norms or conform but neither way you don't win actually bc you're a teen girl at the end of day and no matter what you do society will always be against you bc of that simple fact) is the moment you better understand both of their characters and their dynamic actually
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safije · 3 months
People in Latin America: Spanish, Mayan, Quecha, Zapotec, African, Lebanese, Germans, Italians, Japanese etc.
What the rest of the world imagines Latinos to be: Mediterranean or Mestizo (Half Mesoamerican + Spanish) looking.
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kingoftheu · 6 months
Isabella Garcia-Shapiro Bat Mitzvah Episode? Complete the Disney Jewish Latina Triad with Libby and Casey.
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cartoon disney trios of color my beloved
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oneafter909 · 1 month
his jewish boy vibes were so insane like this is literally my second cousin yuri garisonsky and he posts his shitty diaspora poetry on instagram to get pussy
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sonch · 2 years
i'm not sure if this is gonna reach its target audience but still: zach kornfeld is a real life jake peralta
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im-not-a-l0ser · 9 months
Pete: We want to do DnD on Saturday, does that work for everyone? Ruth: Can we push it to Sunday afternoon? I'll be busy on Saturday. Richie: Heh, doing what? Ruth: I can probably bring you if you want. Richie & Pete: To what? *Cut To Saturday*
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batfall-a · 2 years
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𝒊'𝒎 𝒊𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒏𝒆𝒙𝒕 𝒂𝒄𝒕 ... 𝒘𝒂𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒊𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒘𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔. 𝒊 𝒂𝒎 𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒅𝒂𝒚𝒔 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒄𝒉𝒐𝒐𝒔𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒊𝒈𝒏𝒐𝒓𝒆 ... 𝒊𝒕'𝒔 𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒘𝒓𝒐𝒏𝒈 , 𝒊𝒕'𝒔 𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒓𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 ...   )                                      |    INDEPENDENT +   HEADCANON    BASED    BRUCE WAYNE   from    THE   BATMAN   ( 2022 )    |    some  lore  lifted  from    from JOKER  |    written   by    selena    25+  ( she,  her )   dark   themes   present.                  . . .  the  struggle  of  everything  +  nothing  all  at  once.            𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐏𝐈𝐑𝐄𝐃 𝐁𝐘 : 𝐒𝐄𝟕𝐄𝐍     
                                       •        •         •       •       •                             |  READ FIRST |  PINTEREST |  *  CURRENT ARC |   |  SPOTIFY |  FOXARK TECH |  | MATCHES |  THE  LAST  OF  US  | FANTASY VERSE |
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SOME OBSERVATIONS : ANTI - BATJOKES (arthur fleck is for all intentions his brother and so HARD no)  •        •         •       •       •          •  bruce's & matches's inner monologue and thoughts are written in first person + italicized • he wears a bullet-proof vest constantly (under clothes) as bruce wayne • the batman does NOT have an inner monologue • lineage is arkham / wayne • bruce wayne now resides at the arkham penthouse • has no control over WAYNE ENTERPRISES currently , instead founding FOXARK TECH (info in pinned) • bruce wayne also currently has no holding on the wayne fortune he was stripped of all possessions and property •
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*OOC  .    my   name  is   selena   i   am   25+   and   EST   based.  i   work   full   time   ,   and   i   have   two  lovely   doggos.   i   try   to   be   here   whenever  i  can  on   the   weekdays   but  !    sometimes   i   am   exhausted  ,   and   therefore   weekends   are   my  most   active   time.   i   DO   love   plot-based   threads    but  ?   i   also   understand  /  am  one  of  those  people   who   sometimes   just   allow  the  thread   to  guide.   i   do  !   have   disco  (  feel   free  to  ask  for   it! )  that  being  said  i   also  forget  about  it  99.9%  of   the  time  so  ?  nudge  me  or   reach  out  first   PLEASE   know  it’s   never  you.   i   am   latina   as   well  as   being  jewish  so  please   also  respect  those  two  points.  i   also   like   my  muse  have  PTSD.  I will also not be interacting with rule 63 muses or gender-swapped muses , please respect this.
 i  am   now   going   to  implement  to   rule   of   following   21+   
                                             EST   11.5.22
*PSD  +   ICON   ARE  MINE  please  do   not   steal
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 bruce   thomas   wayne   is   highly   influenced   by   the   batman  (2022)   with   taking   inspiration  and  some   lore  from   the   joker  (2019).   since   this   film   is   crime   noir   heavy   so  is  bruce  ,  he   reads  more   like   a  gothic   character  and   is  going through   heavy   PSTD.   my   bruce   sadly   is  not  lifted  from  comics  nor  is  steeped  in   any  other   batman   universe.  along  with   being   reeves   based  i   have  also  incorporated  my  own   headcanons   and  created my own arcs which can be read above! (that being said i am open to AUS). bruce  is  31  and   is   6′6   6′8   with   the   boots.  he   enjoys   writing   and   has   natural   talent  in  drawing   and   obviously   criminal   forensics.   he  is  STILL   learning  and  of  course  he  is  OBSESSED   with   technology.   his   IQ   borders   genius   but  since  his   tragic  loss  he  is    his  own   worst  enemy.
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open   &  willing   to   ship   my  bruce  !   it   will   be  heavy   development  since   he  is  so   FEARFUL  of   losing  the   ones   he  loves.   though   ?   when  shipped  i  can  promise   he  will  love   and  fight  for  your   muse   as  often   as  he  can.   i   also   DO   ship   selina  x  bruce  ,  i   just   ask   that   we   plot   about   it   before   we  get  to  writing  !  *bruce  is   bisexual  but, prefers woman.
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@banschivs   +   MAIN  |  Nix  Fleck (née Degraves)
@bllakcat       +  EXCLUSIVE |   Felicia  Hardy ♡*
@chaoshe     +   EXCLUSIVE |  Jester Lavorre  ♡*
@crssfre        +   EXCLUSIVE  |  Juliette King ♡*
@ fraudien + EXCLUSIVE | Mina Gotti ♡
@jokethur      +   MAIN  |  Arthur  Fleck  
@taissakingston + MAIN | Taissa Kingston
@diethrice + EXCLUSIVE | Shannon Williams ♡*
@dtperez + EXCLUSIVE | Benjamin Peréz
@gurrillero + MAIN | Cassian Andor
@enfate + EXCLUSIVE | Blog-wide
@exilae + EXCLUSIVE | Céline “ Satine ” Dupont + Various others @pistoiet + MAIN | Vinicia Mikhailovna Andreyeva 'The Black Widow'
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.001     basic   gotham   verse   ,   in   this  verse   bruce   is   28-30    still  trying   to   get   a grasp  of  who  he  is  and  is  also  training  heavily
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 .002   loosely   follows  the  events  of  the  batman  with  some  changes.   to   read  more  about  that  click  here 
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.003   follows  the  events   leading   up  the  riddler  being  caught  ,  and   gotham   flooding.   in   this  verse   the  bat /  bruce  have  started  to  accept   their  destiny  ,  and  the  UNAVOIDABLE  mesh  of  BOTH  personalities.  
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.004  follows  the  court  of  owls   with  some  own   headcanon  interpretation.  wayne  enterprises  is  full  of   corruption   with   the   board  wanting  nothing  more  than  to  get  rid  of  bruce.  
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this  verse  will  be  tagged   accordingly  ,  bruce   goes   undercover  in  the  criminal  world  at  the  end  of  arc  .002   and   finds  that  he  has  INFILTRATED  successfully.  no  one  KNOWS  he’s  bruce  wayne  OR  the  batman.   in  this  verse   he  gathers  intel  and  garners   quite   the  reputation.   he   rises  up  in  ranks  ,  and  becomes  for  all  intents  and  purposes  one  of   the  ‘bosses’ 
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veryintricaterituals · 11 months
Israel IS a fascist, genocidal, colonizer. Zionism is fascism. It’s a country that was built on the same principles of nazism. That’s what the entire country is built on. You cant separate the two. Your defense of Israel makes you complicit, and disgusting as a human being.
Well look, an anon coming mask off and full antisemitism in my ask... It was just a matter of time. Very original with your false equivalence of zionism and nazism, I am so surprised 🙀. Yes, of course, let's go and harass a random Jewish person online who is on the other side of the world and can't do jack shit about the conflict... That helps the cause and it's not antisemitic at all.
I'm not going to go into a tangent on my opinion of the Israel/Palestine conflict because firstly I don't owe it to you or to anyone (no Jewish person does), secondly it is WAY too complicated and intricate to even begin to parse it in a little blog post and thirdly it wouldn't in anyway help the people who are actually dying right now which is what we should all be doing, not sending antisemitic hateful messages to random Jews online.
But before I block and report you anon let me make a couple of things clear, which all were written in the post about my family history that I'm sure sent you my way: I don't support the current Israeli government and I've actually taken action against it which I'm pretty sure YOU anon have not. I've been to protests, I've VOTED against it and I've supported the Israeli Left and the Palestinian people with ACTIONS which most people in this website with their fucking virtue signaling that cannot say. This is just plain old antisemitism just waiting in the wings and calling people good or bad jews...
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cammie · 6 months
if i had a nickel for every time someone assumed i speak spanish 😞
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Four Jewish Latinas
Baby Ariel (Panamanian and Cuban-Israeli)
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Ariela Barer (Mexican)
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Jy Prishkulnik (Mexican)
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Dalila Bela (Panamanian and Brazilian)
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reanimatedgh0ul · 5 months
it's crazy how when you really think abt it like all the teen girl characters besides maybe jazz are like all done dirty when it comes to their character writing in some way actually
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