chocostrwberry · 3 months
Yo! How ya doin'?
Anyway, I'm so curious about what would be Luka's relationship with anyone who isn't Marinette in your AU. Does anyone thinks that be is gloomy and dark?
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laterreurofficial · 2 months
Alix has a cult???? Please tell me more about this how did she get a cult and why does she have one what is it about please! I'm being tell meeeeeeeee
Imagine, briefly, that you are a medieval villager. You see someone with pink hair and a bright blue bodysuit. It's the strangest thing you or anyone you know ever has or ever will see. You record it in a book in your local church. Now imagine, briefly, that you are a moderately esoteric victorian aristocrat. You notice a recurring theme in rural histories around the world—mentions of a mythological figure with an extremely distinctive appearance. This is huge for you. It's a convergence on par with the universal flood myth. You write a somewhat obscure book about this strange phenomenon.
Finally, imagine, briefly, that you're a folklorist in the mid-late 20th century. You're familiar with the relevant literature on mythic figures. You just so happen to be at the right place and the right time. You catch a glimpse of a woman with bright pink hair in a blue bodysuit before she vanishes in a swirling portal. Everything you thought you knew has been dramatically changed. You start a cult.
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kari-go · 5 months
Could you do a bunnix redesign
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She turned out better than I thought she would :D
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is-nino-actually-luka · 3 months
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hide the pain alix
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alix kubdel from miraculous ladybug is aromantic (canon)
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submitted by anonymous
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explosionshark · 1 month
If you're still interested in doing the AU concepts thing I would love to give you an opportunity to talk and to hear more about s7 hot janitor!Faith
The biggest weakness of s7 au is that I don't actually want to deal with the plot of s7 at all, I just think working class ex con Faith would be really hot and it would be cool if she and Buffy teamed up again. So with the disclaimer that this is strongly vibes over plot
Definitely envisioning a s7 that's more aligned with what "Lessons" set up: Hellmouth shenanigans at Sunnydale High, but this time Buffy is approaching things from the perspective of a counselor instead of a student. More lower stakes MotW style events. Some kind of Hellmouth centric big bad - maybe an evil PTA or something. Who gives a shit.
S7 feels like a good time for Faith to re-enter the scene anyway. Not that everyone's over what she did, but SO many monumental shifts have happened, I think she'd be an easier pill to swallow at this point. Anyway I like the one in/one out rule for redemption arc baddies. A Spikeless Scooby Gang feels like it has room for Faith
The 50/50 Sunnydale High split that Counselor Buffy and Janitor Faith are able to work out is pretty efficient. Being closer to students and faculty means Buffy can keep an eye on rumors and look out for trouble that way, while Faith literally has the keys to the building and license to be pretty much anywhere at any time. I also like the idea that there are certain kids in a particular kind of trouble that would gravitate more to Faith than to Buffy, but that they might be able to work together to help those kids anyway
The high school rumor mill around Buffy and Faith would be insane btw. Dawn would get so sick of people asking her what their deal is. But Buffy and Faith are always whispering to each other off in some corner! They arrive at school together sometimes! They're always staring at each other! SOMETHING IS GOING ON
Dawn would definitely struggle at first with accepting Faith, I think she'd be very committed to resenting her on principle, but the key to Faith's relationships in this au is not winning people over by charming them, but simply by being there, doing what she said she would do regardless of how other people treat her. She is trying very VERY hard to take the lessons of prison and the Angel Brain Walk to heart. But much like in actual s7, the key difference in dynamic between Dawn and Faith vs Dawn and the rest of the Scoobies is that Faith doesn't treat her like a little sister. She doesn't try to tell Dawn what to do or how to be, but I think she'd look out for her in her own way - noticing when a store clerk clocks Dawn shoplifting and subtly stepping in to make sure Dawn puts everything back before she leaves the store so she can't get in trouble, covering for Dawn when she wants to sneak out, stuff like that.
@jewishsuperfam and I have talked about an s7 AU a bunch before, tagging her to jump in and embellish this if she wants to
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zoe-oneesama · 2 years
So is Caline just…not worried about Marinette at all? She was the one that she was actively targeting, but instead of being worried that Mari isn’t hurt, she’s asking about Chloe instead.
Bustier doesn't remember targeting Marinette, at most she remembers being upset with Marinette's attitude and then waking up on top of the Eiffel Tower. She could probably conclude she might've hurt Marinette, but she can't be sure (and she definitely hurt more than JUST Marinette). And now that she's awake, she knows that whatever she did, Scarlet Lady at least reversed it. Also, the general rule is that people shouldn't be blamed too harshly for what they did while an akuma (Scarlet Lady blaming Lila for what she did as Volpina was just another highlight of why Chloe is terrible).
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It's not really fair to attack people for what they did under the supernatural influence of the resident super terrorist in which the person in question is essentially in a total blackout, though it's appreciated if the person apologizes anyway.
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drawing2cope · 1 year
Hi hello! What about Zoelix (Zoé x Alix) with E2?
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luluy33art · 3 months
G!Chloé AU Headcanon: Chloé, Zoé, and Alix are skating besties
For some reason I feel like Chloé would be the first one to fall off her a$$
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a-chlolix-blog · 5 months
Prompt: Bunnix travels through time and inadvertently encounters Chloe when she was just five years old.
Bunnix finds herself flying through her burrow and lands harshly onto the ground.
"That wasn't very pleasant... not one bit!"
Bunnix turns around to see a now five year old Chloé Bourgeois in front of her.
It didn't take Bunnix long to realize that she was in the lobby of Le Grand Paris. Ten years into the past.
'Shit! This could be a problem...'
"Are you a superhero?!"
The one word causes the young Chloé to beam.
"But don't tell anyone, okay?"
The causes the young girl to pout.
"Okay... will I see you again?"
"No spoilers."
Bunnix then uses her Burrow to leave the younger blonde holding her stuffed bear tightly.
"I met a real superhero!"
She whispers before running off.
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inklingirl · 2 years
New hc: Marc is a Gorillaz fan
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laterreurofficial · 2 months
I am personally obsessed with (and relate a lot to) transfemme Adrien hc. You mentioned something with Adrien and Alix being parallels, gender-wise… I’m curious about what you meant by that! Adrien being trans or gnc is by no means necessary (though it would make me very happy), but I’m just curious as to what Adrien’s journey is when it comes to identity. Thanks and I hope you have a lovely day! :D
WIS HERE AGAIN!!! I will admit that that aspect of identity was merely something silu and I threw around, so there's no guarantee that it will be explored aside from like, background flavoring here and there.
What I meant is essentially, Adrien and Alix occupy a sort of middle space, but within that are opposites of each other.
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This was born out of a conversation with silu where we discuss like.. transmasc-ish Adrien? He's dealing with the aftereffects of an egomaniac mother who he was born to be the spitting image of. He's thrust into a world of strict beauty standards and forced to perform, must be seen and not heard, obey without question. He's adapted into learned helplessness and 'not thinking' in order to survive, he's born to not act, not want for more. He has no more personhood to his father than a vase of white lilies set on a table.
Alix, on the other hand, is nothing but action. As Adrien is repressed to be demure, Alix is repressed to be stoic—She is the only surviving soldier in a war that never ends, forced to battle in a conflict where nothing ever happens and it must all stay that way. She is treated by others as infallible and is forced to only rely on herself. Alix is fueled by an anger and a grief for the life she wasn't allowed to live, but she isn't able to acknowledge the emotions as such: Alix doesn't have emotions, because emotions are weakness. She denies herself any more personhood that a cog in a machine, never stopping, always acting.
....Of course, I will couch this by saying this is wisteriasymphony's thoughts on the matter. As the lead concept writer, a lot of my little tangents into ideas often go unexplored if not entirely revised over. There were talks of an Alix comic in the works, and this section of Adrien's character being explored in a much later Chloe comic. I can't guarantee anything, because the group and silu have the final and extra-final say respectively.
vv everything said stupider under the cut vv
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kari-go · 5 months
Oh, how about the trio? Tiger, Lion and Cat! Ivan, Lila and Alix (for some reason I think that they would be best friends)? Feline club, please 🙏🙏
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Interesting combo, drew them separately because I didn't wanna think of a pose with three people wanted to show them fully. I struggled with Ivan the most (again lol) but Alix looks SO good.
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artzychic27 · 1 month
We should bring the shorties host club back then! Please.
They’re all VERY particular about which events they’ll be a part of
Nathaniel: As if we’re fucking hosting at Vadim fucking Bastille of all fucking places, you dumb fuck!
M. Damocles: *Sinks into his chair*
They don’t let just ANY shorty into the host club… But when they do, the new shorty gets an extreme makeover, courtesy of Cosette
They’ve been trying to induct Austin T forever ever since they tasted his muffins. They did manage to get Eri, though. Her outfits are legendary
Max keeps slipping from their grasp. But they’ll get him. They always get ‘em
Maël, as part of paying off his debt, acts as the Host Club’s bodyguard in case guests get a little too friendly. Usually, he just kicks their ankles, sometimes with his cleats
When Lucien tried to show his ratched face, the other shorties had a bit of fun with him. And by that, I mean they dragged him into a closet after they set Maël to run some errands and each took turns biting Lucien’s ankles
Then they had Marc join in on the fun and he hit him with an elbow drop
One of the top ten rules they have is… Marinette can’t be in the Shorties Host Club. Adrien is one of their frequent members, and they can only imagine how poorly that’ll go
Constantly tripping and dropping the fancy teacups, messing up orders because she keeps staring at him, and just ruining the vibe
They’re very nice about it, though
Ismael: No! Get lost! Beat it! We don’t want your assistance! *Closes the door* That went well.
They made enough money and used it to buy club blazers with an embroidered insignia, just to look all fancy
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saintmachina · 1 month
Do you have any favorite traditional fantasy novels? I’ve read the Kushiel’s Dart & Captive Prince series and am on the lookout for more.
Those are two of the series I would have recommended! To be honest, I haven't read a lot of traditional (I assume you mean classic second world adventure fantasy) fantasy since i was teen: I tend to be more drawn to contemporary fantasy, urban fantasy, weird fiction, slipstream, and similar genres right now. But I'm leaning back into reading some of the classics as I go.
I read a good chunk of Mistborn and loved the magic system and the worldbuilding and just stopped because I had trouble connecting to the characters, so that might be a good book for another reader. I of course love Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicle's books but those are more gothic fiction, hmm....Honestly I think Hannah's Whitten's Nightshade Crown series captures the feel and sweep of classic fantasy with a super lush, atmospheric, romantic twist. Similar, The Seven Deaths of the Saint by Alix Harrow is yes, experimental and a bit more literary, but you cannot tell me it doesn't capture the mythic, world-ending, out-of-time quality of classic fantasy.
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mythgirlimagines · 1 year
How would Luka, Kagami, Kim, Max, and Alix react to waking up as their Miraculous animal?
Luka Couffaine:
He really shouldn’t be surprised, in a way.
Far stranger things had already happened.
He hoped someone was already figuring out a way to reverse it.
Kagami Tsurugi: 
She wouldn’t say it out loud…
It was kind of cool to be a dragon.
She would still like to know what caused it, though.
Kim Le Chien:
Oh, he was gonna have some fun!
Not everyday he got to be an actual monkey.
He could probably ride it out as long as it lasted.
Max Kante:
Surely he could find some way to get out of it himself.
It wasn’t really pleasant to not be a human.
He didn’t like it.
Alix Kubdel:
Okay, so she was a lot smaller than she was used to.
She could probably make the best of it, though.
Maybe her older self knew how to get rid of it.
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