#*BAM* clem
oyasumidoodles · 1 year
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15 days of FatT: Divine Intervention
" [...] one that has begun to speak to her with the voice of what claims to be a Divine—I think the first law I’m gonna write is [...] “There is a reason why I am alive.”"
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fandxmslxt69 · 4 months
coming back from class to see reblogs on a fic oughguhg,,,,ohguhgu on a friday afternoon to bless my weekend too,,,..
@divine-knight-hand @lokisgoodgirl i am sending you both big kisses and hugs and i love you both so much oh my lord
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neonvioletlight · 7 months
what other characters do you like except for Vi? (And the obvious- Clem, Lee, etc,) I like your art alot, it motivates me!!!
i drew them!!!! these are my favorite characters besides the obvious ones
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all misunderstood mean women and then BAM JAVIER GARCIA
thank you!!! im happy it inspires you!!!!:)
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wa-royal-tea · 2 years
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(Transcript under the cut - Click Pics for HQ Version!)
Alfina’s First Meeting Post
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Seri Palace, Britania (11:57pm)
Clementine: You need to stop tossing and turning and go to bed, Lina.
Catalina: Leave me alone, Clem. I can’t believe the wedding is tomorrow. My hands are sweating just thinking about it!
Clementine: It’s not gonna take a long time. You just get ready, go to the cathedral, do the whole vow thingy, and bam! You can go home.
Indirah: You forgot the reception tomorrow night.
Clementine: Oh, that too.
Catalina: I’m not kidding, Clem. I swear I feel like my heart is about to pop out of my chest. I thought I was ready for tomorrow but I...I don’t know anymore.
Nora: Are you getting cold feet?
Clementine: Yeah, are you having second thoughts now? You want to bail?
Catalina: Can I? I mean, it’s not too late for us to just elope, right?
Indirah: Well, the guests are already here. It’s kinda too late for that.
Clementine: Take a deep breath, Lina. You can do this. You’ve went through a lot of things to get to this point. If you can survive this wedding, you can do anything.
Nora: Clem’s right. And besides, you have us. We’re gonna make sure your wedding will go smoothly without any hitch.
*door knocked*
Catalina: Who’s that?
Indirah: I don’t know. Wait here, I’ll get it.
Indirah: *gasps* What the hell are you doing here? You’re not supposed to see her until the wedding!
Alfie: It’s past midnight, technically the two days rule has passed.
Indirah: Are you crazy? Do you want to curse your wedding? Go back to your room!
Catalina: Who is it, Dira?
Indirah: It’s Alfie.
Clementine: What the—tell him to go to bed. They can’t meet until tomorrow morning.
Indirah: You hear that? Go to your room. Now.
Alfie: I just want to talk to her. I promise it won’t be long. Hell, if you want it, I’ll just stay outside the room. We can talk through the door.
Clementine: *groans* Damn it. Why is he so stubborn?
Catalina:...it’s okay. We can talk.
Nora: But Lina—
Catalina: We’ll do it through the door. You guys can go to sleep. It’s getting late.
Clementine: Are you sure?
Catalina: Yeah. Maybe I’ll calm down after talking to him.
Clementine: Well, okay then. We’ll leave first. Come on, Nora.
Clementine: Don’t get any funny ideas, Alfie. I forbid you from crossing into this room.
Alfie: *chuckles* Yes, ma’am.
*door closes*
Alfie: Lina? You there?
Catalina: Y-yeah. Why did you come here?
Alfie: I just want to check on you. How are you feeling?
Catalina: Nervous. I think the AC is on max but I’ve been sweating non-stop.
Alfie: *chuckles* Same.
Catalina: You’re nervous too?
Alfie: Hell yeah, I am. Tomorrow’s our big day. I feel like I’m going to shit myself just thinking about tomorrow.
Catalina: *laughs* I guess we’re both feeling the same.
Alfie: I guess so.
Alfie: Y’know, I still feel like this is a dream. It felt like it was just yesterday when I first met you at the throne room.
Catalina: You were a brat back then. And you’re so mean to me too.
Alfie: Well, you were mean to me too. What was it that you said? My “stupid green eyes” is ugly?
Catalina: You called me ugly first.
Alfie: That’s because you said my face looked funny when I said your name sounds like a cat.
Catalina: We’re even then.
Alfie: *chuckles* Fine. You win.
Alfie: Do you think child Alfie and Lina would ever thought they’d get married when they grow up?
Catalina: *laughs* I’m pretty sure they’d throw up to even think about being in the same room.
Alfie: Damn, our child selves were so dramatic. I think we fought a lot when we were kids.
Catalina: It’s not that bad. We have our non-fighting moments.
Alfie: Really?
Catalina: Yeah. Like that one time when you stood up for me from Gideon.
Child!Gideon: How dare you! My grandfather will hear about this!
Child!Alfie: Go ahead. Go and tattle to your grandpa. Tell him what you did to Lina too while you’re at it.
Alfie: He was a prick.
Catalina: But you got in trouble for that.
Alfie: And I don’t regret it. Seriously, we were both Crown Princes back then but even I’m not as bratty as he was. He was a tyrant.
Catalina: *giggles* Sure, Mr. “I’m the future King, I’ll throw you in jail.”
Alfie: Urgh, don’t remind me of that. I’m so embarrassed everytime I think about what I said to you back then.
Catalina: Don’t be. It’s cute. Tiny Alfie was threatening everyone he knows with that.
Alfie: Don’t make fun of me.
Catalina: *laughs* Okay, your royal highness.
Alfie: *sighs* Thank you for accepting my proposal, Lina. And thank you for staying with me through everything. I’ve put you through a lot but you’re still here with me.
Catalina: Well, I’m going to be compensated very well in the future when I become your Queen.
Alfie: *laughs* That’s fair.
Alfie: I should get going. We have to wake up early tomorrow.
Catalina: Oh, yeah. Thanks for coming to see me, Alfie. I feel better now.
Alfie: No problem. I needed to calm my nerves too. That’s why I came here. Talking to you made me feel better.
Catalina: You’re such a sweet talker.
Alfie: Only to you, my dear.
Alfie: Goodnight, Lina.
Catalina: Goodnight.
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obxologies · 10 months
could you pls write shannon x f r pls🤭
established relationship plsss
r is shorter than shannon (yes this may be a reoccurring theme...) (it just makes hugs so cozy and she seems like such a good hugger😭)
they've been together even before Shannon moved in with nick and clem (we ignore dj mojo jojo what'shisface✋️🙄)
but Shannon just never really wanted to show or talk about it bc we know how she is w all that kinda stuff
maybe they just see them together out in public? and eventually Shannon brings her around but doesn't like to talk about it
BUT IN PRIVATE HOWEVER☝️😌 she's definitely touched starved and loves when they hug and cuddle and head stratches , etc etc
maybe r also tried to help Shannon out the best she could when she was still living with Freddy, and honestly even after she moved with nick and clem
(maybe for some angst (if you don't mind ofc, bc ik some people don't like writing this) add that shannon wasn't even sure if Walt and rose would approve ig? just bc they're a bit older and might have that out dated perspective, but in the end they were like '🤨 girl we do not care')
(also remember that scene in one of the earlier episodes where Shannon was like 'ya no guys suck I'm going lesbian!' ya no idk why I'm mentioning that but that's one of my favorite scenes and I love this show sm and have NOT ONE PERSON to talk about it with😭 not irl or online😭😭😭 LIKE CMON PPL ITS SUCH A GOOD SHOW😭 AND IT GOT CANCLED AFTER JUST ONE SEASON ?!?! this seems to be a reoccurring theme w odessas shows🥲)
here you go! click here to read!
i split it into two so the second part will be out soon. send in more requests to @a-azions i'm in the mood to write for odessa and her characters
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marcishaun · 1 year
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Clem returns from the vet in a bad mood. She cuddles with Lulu on the couch to cheer herself up.
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Clem: "I don't get it. Lulu spends weeks running free around your farm in Shady Acres with your dog & chickens, and she's fine. But the minute I take her on vacation to Brindleton Bay...BAM! Sick. Move to Pleasantview...BAM! Sick."
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hotheadrednecksimmer · 2 months
Vault Tec Legacy Challenge
Little things going on around the Vault!
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Ben: You could've taken him dude. He doesn't event lift.
Jameson: Shut up Ben, I'm trying to work out.
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Ellis: When out of an orange-colored sky. Flash, Bam, Alakazam. I got a look at you..... *humming tune*
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Clem: I found this Sugar Bombs in our room in the air vent. Can we eat it?
Saylor: Uhhh, let me check the expiration date.
Clem: What's an expiration date?
Saylor: When it goes bad and we can't eat it. Yeah, we can't eat this. It expired in 2070. It's 2084 Clem.
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Mabel: You will be a great doctor and you are capable of all things.
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Alexia: I gotta finish this report about Cornelius. And then I have to make a checklist of things the new Dwellers need. And then be on the lookout for new Dwellers. Check if our water reserves are good. Oh that reminds me, I need to check the power generator, check for repairs. And then I need to.......
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Kenzie: Do you really have to take up the whole pool? Just move over and then I can get in.
Val: No, I was here first.
Kenzie: Are you always like this?
Val: I was the first baby born in the Vault, I can do what I want.
Kenzie: Aren't you grounded?
Val: Haha no.....
Kenzie: If you don't scoot over and let me in, I'm going to tell your mom.
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Owyn: And then there was a bunch of yelling. I've never heard someone scream like that before.
Ophelia coos.
Owyn: Exactly, and then Jameson was carrying Mabel and there was SO much blood. It was soooooo cool. I've never seen anything like that before.
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Branson: I'm just gonna go ahead and change my grade from C to A. Surely Big Blue won't notice.
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pianomanlou · 9 months
drop a few clouis headcanons... 👀
Thank you for this ask, my good- nay, great friend!
Alright, let's get started on some Clouis headcanons! I do want to quickly mention once again for anyone reading this, I do not own Clementine/Louis, nor this franchise as a whole. I'm also not affiliated with Telltale in any way. This is just something silly that I wanted to indulge in! With that being said, let's get into it.
Clouis headcanons written by yours truly:
They're both new at dating and romance and all that stuff, so they're inexperienced with a lot of things, but they seem to be doing well (they're either great at flirting or they're both terrible)
Louis definitely steals kisses from Clementine whenever he can (oh, she's eating? BAM, kiss on the cheek. oh, she's on lookout? he climbs the little makeshift scaffolding they have and BAM, he plants another kiss on her cheek)
Louis loves to talk (ramble) while Clementine loves to listen (they're both so normal about each other)
They're both each other's first kiss (Clementine never kissed Gabe, y'all are just imagining that....)
Clementine takes turns sleeping in her room with AJ and sleeping in Louis' room but she always waits for AJ to fall asleep first before scurrying off to Louis (Inspired by my very great friend who's also at the same time the person that asked for headcanons!!!)
Louis loved cuddling with Clementine (the concept of cuddling with a romantic interest is still a bit foreign to the both of them, but also very cool...)
Speaking of cuddling, Louis definitely sings or hums a song to Clementine while they cuddle and she gets lulled to sleep that way
They both sometimes find it a bit hard to open up to each other, but each and every day they open up to each other more and learn more of each other (Clem isn't used to it and Louis finds it hard to, because he's been brushed off a lot of times but they're getting there!!! so proud of them!!)
When Clementine lost her leg, Louis helped her regain her footing and taught her how to walk again (That man never left her side again, he was already practically glued to her but after everything, he's even more stuck to her)
Clem loves to count Louis' freckles and it makes him giggle and feel a tad bit shy (Your Honor, I love them...)
Louis teaches (or tries to...) Clementine how to play the piano (she's not too good at it, but he's smitten anyway)
When Clementine first told him she loved him, he was speechless like before when she admitted she had a crush on him but he quickly regained his speech with a joke ("aw, i wanted to be the one to say I love you first!" they're so great)
Louis tries to make their dates as romantic as possible each and every time (Candlelit dinner, stargazing/skygazing together, walks together, playing the piano together)
Louis LOVES being the little spoon, he definitely also loves being the big spoon, wrapping his arms firmly around Clementine, but he also just loves being held by her (Ugh, get a room already.......I love them)
After Louis wrote his latest song (called Clementine, mind you) he hasn't stopped writing even more songs for her and surprising her with them
Clementine likes seeing Louis with his coat off (Something to do with muscles, yadda yadda yadda...)
A special headcanon for mute!Louis: Clementine takes the time to learn sign language to teach him and to understand him as he communicates with her (My heart broke having to write that and imagine that....now the roles are reversed, he loves to listen to Clem while she speaks....</3)
And there you have it! My headcanons for Clouis!
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srslybusiness · 2 years
there's something ridiculous about the grip clem has on me like I've had faves in f@tt but then jack came up w clem and it's like bam she lives in my head rent free now. a permanent resident even
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stealthily · 3 years
Also jumping in on the louis feeling terrible for ANY “bad” emotion train but. Imo u also see this w how he acts about Marlon’s death. Violet swings hard in the opposite direction and doesn’t care about any mitigating factors like Marlon understandably being terrified and making a cowardly decision in that moment, but Louis to me almost seems to feel guilty about ANY negative emotion he feels about Marlon.
I read from the archery scene that he feels guilt for Marlon struggling alone w the whole thing, like he was a bad friend for not somehow Knowing and the way he cuts himself off when he says “Marlon used [the bow] to protect the school before he…before he stopped” and the expression he has reads to me like he gets angry at what happened before pushing it down.
Oh yeah, I absolutely agree with all of this, too!!   The original post I reblogged from clouiis that talked about Louis pushing away his feelings of anger away after Marlon's death is actually what sparked this whole convo! Tbh it kills me thinking of how many complicated feelings Louis must’ve been wrestling with when that happened to Marlon.  Like given the circumstances, it is entirely valid of him to be angry at AJ for killing him.  I also think it’d be entirely valid of him to be angry at Marlon for what he did to the twins.   But instead, a lot of that anger Louis ends up just focusing on himself.   He blames himself for not being there for Marlon through the “tough calls,” as if he had any idea Marlon struck a deal with the raiders in the first place.  He blames himself when AJ gets shot by Lilly & Abel, even though he wasn’t the only one who voted for them to leave.  
The thing about episode 1 & 2 is Louis is overloaded with so much tragedy all at once.  Brody dies, all these secrets get uncovered about Marlon, and then Marlon gets shot in front of him, all within the span of what, 10 minutes?   Then the kids spend the night digging graves for their dead friends with cups and bowls, the next day they escort Clem and AJ out, get attacked by raiders, and the following morning AJ is dropped at their gates bleeding and wounded... and Louis immediately feels awful about it.
He is given almost no time to even process Marlon's death, let alone time to allow himself be rightfully sad and angry, before it all morphs into guilt.  You can see it in the way he kneels at AJ's beside apologizing and begging for him to be okay, that he feels responsible.
And even a few days in the aftermath, Louis still tries not to blame AJ, and you can see it tearing him both ways when he brings in Tenn's old shirts.  He almost lets himself feel angry for a moment, there.   “It’s fine (you staying) while he gets better.” / “And after that?” / “I don’t know, Clementine.”   He’s clearly exhausted and sad and frustrated because Marlon is barely cold in the ground and he’s already being pressed by everyone to make a firm decision on how he feels...  And then AJ wakes up and asks if they’re friends again and bam, you can see that guilt come flooding right back into his face.  
He pushes away those “bad” emotions, again. 
And I think you’re right about that archery line, you can absolutely see it.  He almost feels those unpleasant feelings again, and he just... won’t let himself.   Speaking of which, his apology in that scene is so sincere and meaningful, and I’m grateful for it for Clementine’s sake-- but I’m also glad that Louis at least talks a little about how he was feeling, even if it’s shrouded in self-loathing.   And I like that it gives Clementine a chance to say she forgives/doesn’t blame him, (because in my opinion, his emotions were natural, and there is nothing to forgive.)
Louis burying his negative emotions/blaming himself is just so clearly a self-worth issue too, and it’s so sad.   I think it ties in with how guilty he feels about letting his anger toward his father consume him as a kid, along with him thinking he doesn’t deserve to feel that way in the first place.    Because on the flip side, he is so, so open with his positive feelings!!   He will flirt with Clementine and lay his whole heart bare for her, he will talk about Violet (if you save him) with fondness and admiration, he will teach AJ about things that he missed out on, he laugh and tease and make affectionate jokes with all the kids.   But the moment he feels anything negative it's just... boom, how fast can he push this away?    
It's so interesting too because when you think of a character in media burying their emotions, it’s usually out of fear of being vulnerable with others, but I don't think that's the case at all with Louis.  He wears his heart on his sleeve.  It’s only when those feelings get ugly that he’s ashamed of having them, and he doesn't think he's justified in feeling any sort of disappointment or anger-- unless it's directed at himself.
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elvislover69 · 2 years
G: and then he told me that he loves me and i didn't know what to say and then bam we kissed and all i could say was "oh, eep soup!" I'm a dumbass, Clem..........
C: that's actually really cute
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hazbinxdisaster · 3 years
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unprompted asks || always accepting
@hannah-the-small​ asked: The sound of rushing footsteps and then BAM! Blitz was tackled to the ground, both rolling for a second before they stopped and Clem was sat on his waist. A big smile on her face, pupils dilated and purring up a storm. "You're it."
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BLITZO RAISED HIS HEAD UPON HEARING THE STEPS, spinning around just in time to be TACKLED by Clem. A confused mrrp coming from him once she settles on him, though her words quickly have him catching onto what she wanted. “Ha! You WISH!” He exclaims, reaching out with both hands to grab her cheeks. “YOU’RE it.”
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yellowsugarwords · 4 years
Wait pretty please, can you do a one-shot of the Garcias Javi/Kate/David teasing Clem for how adorable and cute she is when she tries to act tough, but she still has a baby face and is short.
“Shut up.”
Javi only smirked and leaned back deeper into his seat,
The old, tattered couch the family had moved into their living room.
Richmond was gradually finding a new normal,
The old leadership, long behind them.
Apartments were divided amongst the families,
Often remains of old buildings,
And remains of furniture and household products were shared.
The Garcia home housed Javi, Gabe, Kate, and David.
And Clementine, of course.
The group had been housed together for months now,
And their favourite part of the weeks were their Friday gatherings.
Whatever rations they’d saved over the week, they shared.
The adults cracked a jar of homemade alcohol,
Gabe and Clem would have sodas or juices,
(Whatever they managed to snag that week),
And they all gathered for a laugh.
To unwind.
To feel like a family.
Just for a second.
Javi laughed at Gabe’s defensiveness. “What? Do you not like being called cute?”
Gabe shot a glare at his uncle,
His cheeks burning as he sat beside his crush.
Kate smirked sweetly at the reaction.
“Don’t worry Gabe, Clementine is obviously the cutest of the bunch.”
Clem froze, mid-sip,
And sputtered,
Choking on it.
Gabe placed a hand on her back and pat there.
“I’m cute?” Clem finally managed out, half coughing.
She shook her head.
Kate laughed. “You can’t just say ‘no’.”
“I just did; no.”
Clem shook her head, taking another sip of her drink to recover from her shock.
Javi just shook his head and chuckled.
“There’s nothing wrong with being cute, Clem.”
“It’s just natural for you,” Kate said, smirking,
Relishing in their teasing,
Taking a long sip of her drink.
Clem groaned,
Burying her head into her hands.
Gabe, beside her, watched how flustered she got and smiled.
It was so pure and sweet.
David silently sipped at his drink,
Watching the chaos unfold,
Finding it entertaining and endearing.
Clem shot a glare his way.
“You know better than anyone here that I’m the farthest thing from cute.”
David hesitated,
Sipping at his drink,
Then shrugged.
“I don’t know,” he chuckled to himself.
Clementine instantly regretted asking.
“Anytime you got busted for stealing, I thought it was cute how your legs dangle and swing when the guards hoist you off the ground.”
Clem’s face burned red,
Arms crossed,
Her shortness once again the bane of her existence.
Javi smirked. “There’s nothing wrong with being the cute one of the group, Clem.”
Clem took a big sip from her drink before slamming it on the table.
“Yes there is!”
Kate giggled the teen’s way.
“When killing people, you don’t want to know that you look cute. You want to look scary.”
Javi smirked and shrugged.
Not getting anywhere, Clem groaned and fell back in her seat.
“I can’t believe this.” She groaned,
As though it truly was the end of the world.
“You’re just our secret weapon, Clem.” Javi said,
Smiling at how pink her cheeks and ears were.
She truly was adorable.
“You look cute but, when someone gets too close, bam!”
Javi mocked a punching motion.
“You take them out.”
Clementine smirked,
appreciating his attempt at turning to statement into battle praise.
“Thanks, Javi.”
“But you’ll always be our cute little girl.” David said,
The teasing lighting up his entire face.
And Clementine glared his way,
Tossing him her middle finger.
𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘬 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘴𝘮 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨 💌☕️♡
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palaugranetes · 4 years
Sergiño: Why are you even still awake
Ansu: It's only 23:56
Ansu: I have nothing to do tomorrow
Dembz: We are discussing important things here bro
Sergiño: You are talking about a video game
Ansu: Exactly.. important stuff
Sergiño: yeah... enjoy.. I'm out
Ronald: Please just go to sleep you two.. we have a match tomorrow.
Ansu: Yes you do
Ronald: We would like to sleep. So shush
Dembz: No one is stopping you😌
Ansu: Night night sweetheart
16 December 2020
Ronald: It is too late for this shit.. Bye
Frenkie: Night night guys
Dembz: ✌🏿
Ansu: Y'all better not make me come to the match for nothing.
Dembz: The things we do
JC: Have fun
Riqui: This should be good.
Arnau: I expect nothing quite frankly.
JC: And yet I am still disappointed.
Arnau: I mean.. pretty much yeah.
Ansu: Did y'all see Geri's pants 😂😂😂
Ansu: His clown pants
Ansu: Check your messages
JC: 😂😂😂
Dembz: Bro I am trying not to laugh!
Arnau: Should you guys really be talking about his clothes?..
Ansu: What is stopping us?
Arnau: Suit yourselves😌
JC: Aha.. Alright then.
Ansu: I better not have come for nothing I swear to God.
Dembz: We shall see..
Ansu: Not even surprised anymore.
JC: JORDI!!!!!!!!!
Ansu: Now I'm surprised!
Dembz: It was a good one.
Ansu: Still not over Geri's clown pants..
Arnau: FRENKIIIEEEEEE!!!!!! YES!!!!👑
Ansu: YOU LEGEND!!!@Frenkie
Dembz: YES!!!!
Ansu: This is getting boring
Arnau: Getting?
Dembz: I wish Riqui was here
Ansu: Why?
Dembz: I wanted him to add Geri
Dembz: Look.. It could be fun
Arnau: You need to reconsider your life choices my friend
Ansu: I agree with him.. Why would we even
Dembz: Debateable
Ansu: No debate here.. You are
JC: Don't even think of mentioning it to Riqui.
Dembz: 😒 fine
JC: I mean it Ousmane.. N'y pense même pas!
Ansu: Gosh that looked horrible..
JC: It hurt me seen it..
Dembz: What a Legend. Taking one for the team.
Ansu: We do not deserve it.. @Pedri you are a boss! Thanks for saving our ass.💙❤
Arnau: Finally.. It is over.
Arnau: Gonna go wash my eyes with a happy movie.
Ansu: I got out of the house for this..
Ansu: But at least we won
Dembz: Yep
Carlitos: "Ansu: His clown pants" Always representing us. Whenever Wherever..
Carlitos: No pun intended
Riqui: Everytime I sit through a match I feel like I need to take 3 showers.. And a detox..
Frenkie: 💙❤💙❤💙
Ronald: You and me bro @Oscar.. After all this time
Francisco: I really am not liking this.. we won.. but like
Iñaki: I think I dozed off for a few minutes in the 2nd half
Pedri: "Ansu: We do not deserve it.. @Pedri you are a boss! Thanks for saving our ass.💙❤" 💙❤ Força Barça
Ansu: You alright there buddy?
Pedri: Yes I'm great
Carlitos: That was some knock
Sergiño: It scared the hell out of me
17 December 2020
Ronald: Me too
Oscar: 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻A Boss
Pedri: I'm alright guys. We won. This is what matters most.
Francisco: "Pedri: I'm alright guys. We won. This is what matters most." I mean yes..
Riqui: Horrible ugly wins are still wins.
Frenkie: To be fair.. It was better than the last match
Carlitos: The bar is not set that high bro
Frenkie: No shit.
Frenkie: We'll see the match against Valencia..
Carlitos: 🙄🙄
Iñaki: Yeah we shall see.. remember they beat Madrid
Riqui: Not really a good reference there bro.. That match was pure comedy though😂
Ansu: 😂
Carlitos: The way it happened😂😂😂
Arnau: We really shouldn't be laughing😂😂😂
Riqui: I'm gonna go sleep and forget this match happened ✌🏼
Dembz: Night night
Riqui: You and I need to have a serious talk.. remind me tomorrow
Dembz: What'd I do?!
Riqui: You know what you did.
Dembz: I wouldn't be asking if I knew!!
Carlitos: Oooh someone's in trouble 😂
Dembz: WHAT DID I DO!?
Ronald: Lower your voice it's 2:00 am
Frenkie: Please stop talking.. I've had a long day
Carlitos: You got it goldilocks.
Frenkie: Thanks Curlitos
Carlitos: 💙
Iñaki: He asks y'all to shut up and you do it instantly but when I do...
Dembz: He said please
Ansu: He has a point
Carlitos: It is the magic word after all
Iñaki: 😑 Good night
Dembz: What was it you needed to talk to me about @Riqui?
Pedri: My side is killing me now that the adrenaline is gone 😅
Sergiño: Bro you basically were wrapped around the post.. I wouldn't expect anything less.
Pedri: Worth it.
Riqui: Is it?
Pedri: Acting like you wouldn't die for this Club
Riqui: This Club absolutely.. I am dying for it everyday.
Riqui: But him?... I would maybe take a minute to reconsider my options
Pedri: Him?
Carlitos: Ronald!
Ronald: Yes?
Pedri: Ronald?
Ronald: YES?
Riqui: Not you. But Hi
Carlitos: Sr.
Pedri: Ah ... Fair
Riqui: 🤷🏼‍♂️
Ronald: Hi @Riqui
Riqui: @Dembz Are you out of your mind?
Dembz: Sometimes, why?
Riqui: You really want Gerard here bro.. you realize we made this to shit talk the adults..and kept it a secret for that same reason!
Dembz: Yes but.. it'd be fun
Riqui: NO.
Carlitos: Your concept of fun scares me..
Ansu: 😂
Dembz: We had Luis here... you really think he didn't tell them?!
Ronald: He didn't
Dembz: 😒
Dembz: As if you'd know
Ronald: I do.
Riqui: No more asking for Gerard
Dembz: Fine
Riqui: I mean it.
18 December 2020
Oscar: Guys!!!
Oscar: The Girls will play at the Camp Nou finally!! My sister is so happy! 🥺
Riqui: They deserve it.
Carlitos: More than us tbh
Arnau: Yep
Ronald: That is fantastic news. Way overdue as well.
Riqui: And to think we play after them 😂😂
Arnau: 😂
Carlitos: You say we as if you are going to set foot on that pitch..
Riqui: Shut up.. It is and it will always be we.
Carlitos: I know... It's sad really..
Pedri: Eventually.. and hopefully soon, he'll see the error of his ways
Francisco: 🙄 Can he like see it now?
Pedri: 🤷🏻‍♂️
Frenkie: I am tired.
Frenkie: Exhausted even.
Riqui: So am I...
Carlitos: We all are.
Sergiño: I don't know what I expected when I came here, but this is not it fam
Ansu: @Dembz you still going to the Camp Nou tomorrow?
Dembz: Yep
Ansu: Fantastic.
19 December 2020
Pedri: Can you believe it's been 11 years!?
Pedri: I still remember that day like it was yesterday!!!
Pedri: Seeing Pedro score and then LEO!!!!
Riqui: I remember.
Carlitos: Andriu with all his hair
Oscar: Puyi🦁😍
Ronald: Puyi and Geri were something..
Riqui: Xavi😍🤩😍🤩😍🤩
Carlitos: Good times
Arnau: The best of times
Frenkie: We can go back to those times
Tumblr media
Carlitos: I Agree with whatever the hell Ricard just sent.
Carlitos: But I feel the sarcasm oozing out of it
Iñaki: Never say oozing ever again in your life.
Carlitos: It's a word
Iñaki: That you should never say again
Carlitos: Whatever.. gonna go get ready for the match.
Ansu: You have one job today. Win
Ansu: Please for the love of everything sacred.. WIN
Pedri: We will try our best
Ansu: You I trust
Ronald: What is that supposed to mean
Ansu: You as in the people here
Ronald: Aha
JC: If only someone else trusts the people here 🙄
Ansu: We don't hear from him for two days and then BAM!
Dembz: He is not wrong
Ansu: I know
Ansu: I feel like Geri's spidey senses tingled when we were talking about his clown pants😂
Ansu: I am so done with these idiots
Ansu: Not you @Pedri @Ronald @Oscar @Sergiño
Dembz: WHAT. A. GOAL. RONALD!!!!!!!!!
Iñaki: BRO!!!!! 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻
Ansu: 😒😒😒😒😒😒😒
Iñaki: Idk how Marc still hasn't kicked everyone's ass
Ansu: Idk but he should
Iñaki: They really are making him look bad
Ansu: Ugh
Dembz: 🤦🏿‍♂️🤦🏿‍♂️🤦🏿‍♂️
Riqui: Well that was horrible
Riqui: Poor Mira
Francisco: I feel bad for him.. He was supposed to go in first not me
Riqui: Not your fault bro..
Francisco: I know but still
Carlitos: I give up on him making good decisions tbh
Riqui: I gave up like a month ago
Ansu: He wholeheartedly saw the match and said let's keep Philippe most of the match and then replaced him with Clem... while we were 2-2... WHO DOES THAT!
Riqui: Again, I gave up on him making good decisions.
Sergiño: No but it's come to the point of pointless stubborness
Carlitos: We are well past that my dude
Riqui: And I am the one with the attitude.
Frenkie: We move
Carlitos: Yes, backwards
Frenkie: Touché..
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S2 Clem to Sarah: "Never point a gun at the person you don't want to shoot". S3 Clem: bam bam
Clementine: “Do as I say, not as I do.”
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ticklykitty216 · 5 years
Luigi’s Mansion 3 Tickle Headcanons
I’m gay for the ghosts and decided to make my own tickle headcanons because why not?
He’s so ungodly ticklish
He tries to be Ler but it’s so easy to turn the tables on him
Tries to hide and squirm away if cornered
His ribs, armpits and neck are his weak points
If you tickle his hips juuust right he squeals super loud
He giggles a lot, he tries to hold in his laughter but he can’t, it escapes through giggling
Switch, Lee leaning
She acts all innocent and curious when she tickles
You bet your sweet butt she’s gonna use that feather duster
Her whole innocent act drops if you try to get her back, she becomes panicked
She too, giggles a lot
Her hips and sides are her most ticklish spots
She apologies profusely if she believes she gone too far with the tickling
Just like Steward, this man is so ungodly ticklish
He’ll also try and squirm away if cornered
He tries to act tough but this facade is easily broken by some wiggling fingers in his general direction
His belly and sides kill him
He snorts and squeals when tickled
He tries to cover his face with his hat and glasses
Raspberries DESTROY him
Chef Soulfflé:
He primarily goes for the sides and belly
He knows how to apply just the right amount of pressure to get the good laughs™, but not enough to hurt them
He doesn’t normally verbally tease, he physically teases
His sides and ribs are the only ways to get to him
He’s got deep chuckles
He’s not that ticklish himself
Amadeus Wolfgeist:
This man is THE Tickle Monster
It’s even worse when he’s annoyed at you
He’s got swift fingers, and he doesn’t stay in one spot for long
He's got two primary ‘attacks’, he’ll either play your ribs like a piano or wrap his long spaghetti arm around you and go from there
He’s not super ticklish
His hips, ribs and a little bit of his back is ticklish
(The back of his ribs are really ticklish too)
He’s got an elegant laugh
King Macfrights:
Switch, Ler leaning
He’s very cocky when teasing, primarily verbally teases people
Takes his victims to the deepest parts of his torture chamber so no one will disturb him
He’s got a variety of tools to use (feathers, brushes, etc.)
It’s surprisingly easy to get him back
His neck and armpits are his worst spots
He gets so mad and startled by getting tickled back
He tries (emphasis on tries) to fight back but it ultimately just leaves him more exposed
He’s got a goofy laugh
Dr. Potter:
He’s very sweet and considerate to who he’s tickling
Doesn’t like giving ‘intense’ tickles to people (Unless you’re a certain, bratty king)
Damn straight he’s gonna use vines to tickle people
(He can be a bit michevous at times)
He’ll also sometimes act clueless when he tickles people
Not really that ticklish
His sides are kinda ticklish
He’s got a nice, old yet sweet laugh
(He can also be a bit of a teasy switch)
Likes being tickled in certain spots
He has contagious laughter
He’s pretty wiggly but he tries not to be
His ribs, armpits and belly makes him squeal
Likes having tickle fights with people
He makes lots of camera teases when tickling (”Smile for the camera!”)
A very dangerous lee
He thrashes when tickled so be careful
He’s super confused about what tickling is
“Person attacking Ug, but Ug feel no pain?? Why Ug laughing????”
He’s tried to tickle people but it just makes him more confused, so he’s given up on it
His ribs and neck are ticklish
His laugh is super derpy and deep
Super teasy and ‘mean’
Acts like he’s asleep so no one suspects a thing... THEN BAM!
He unleashes tickle hell
Doesn’t stay in one place for too long, likes to ‘spice things up’
But don’t worry, Clem’s pretty ticklish in return
His neck and armpits (and back) are pretty ticklish
Can’t stand being tickled and tries to get away
He’s got a dumb hillbilly laugh and it great
Reap what you sow, Clem...
Switch, Ler leaning
Has a ‘healthy’ mix of both verbal and physical teases
Likes to mummify victims
Compares them wriggling snakes as she tickles them
Uses her nails as primary tool
Doesn’t really dislike being tickled but doesn’t ask for it
If it happens, it happens
Hips and belly are the way to go
She’s got such a cute laugh...
Nikki, Lindsey and Ginny:
They’re all super mischievous and MEAN!
They have tickle fights all the time
They love using their magic on victims
Whether it’s restraining them or using it to get a few extra hands (Ba-dum tssh)
They all have ticklish ribs, sides and bellies
They can’t stand being teased
They too, also have contagious laughter
Captain Fishook: 
Sadly Fishook here got the short end of the plank
He can’t really tickle anyone with his fin (or hook)
The only way he can ‘tickle’ people is booping them with his snout, even then it doesn’t really work unless the person is super super ticklish
His shark belly is his weak spot
He tries to ‘swim away’ if he’s tickled
He’s got a very loud bark of a laugh
If you get him just right he flaps his fins and wags his tail
Johnny Deepend:
Switch, Ler leaning
He’s so strong, it’s super easy for him to pin his victims down
He’s such a tease, verbally and physically
If you’re lifting weights he’ll tickle you in the armpits or your ribs
If you’re in/by the pool he’ll go for the feet or knees
Somewhat ticklish
Hips, abs and sides are pretty ticklish (his arms and back is a little ticklish)
He’s got that dumb Chad/Surfer laugh
DJ Phantasmagloria:
Loves giving and receiving tickles
Doesn’t hesitate to tickle you on the dance floor
Normally goes for the hips or sides
Makes comments about your ‘sweet dance moves’
Ironically her hips and neck are ticklish
She tries to hold in her laughter
It’s pretty loud and contagious as well
Hellen Gravely:
She’s a mean ler, like, on par with Wolfgeist kind of mean
She’ll use her nails and makeup brushes to tickle you
She’s surprisingly strong and can easily pin you with one hand
Doesn’t really like being tickled (You’ll ruin her makeup...)
She’s kinda ticklish
Hips, back and neck are a little ticklish
She’s also got an elegant laugh
If she lets you get away with tickling her, you know she trusts you. And trust is not something she gives out freely to people
Also mini headcanon, when the ghosts were still alive, if they were ticklish on their legs/feet, they’re tails are (somewhat) ticklish
These ghosts include: Steward, Kruller, Amadeus, Morty, Clem, DJ Gloria and (somewhat) Hellen
(The bend/kink in Wolfgeist’s tail is a little ticklish if you get it right)
Long ass post
Feel free to shoot me asks or question about any ghosts or your own headcanons, I’d honestly love to hear them!
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