#*cites source*
valtsv · 10 months
obviously people steal things from other people it's one of the oldest tricks in the book but it still always surprises me to learn that people plagiarise because my introduction to the concept was basically being told that if i ever plagiarised anything i would be executed by firing squad and my head would be removed and displayed on a spike outside the walls of the hallowed academic institution i was attending as a warning to others
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charmee-silly · 8 months
“studies have shown”
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myfootyrthroat · 10 months
School: Teaches you something for a week with historical background, context, effects, and outcomes.
One TikToker: Tells you it's fake while doing a bad contour.
Some of y'all: SCHOOL LIED?!
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robinsversion · 10 months
How I sleep knowing I always cite my sources:
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(First image from the film Drip Dippy Donald (1948); second image from season 4, episode 3 of the Simpsons, “Homer the Heretic” (1992).)
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emuanon34 · 7 months
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goldxnfemme · 4 months
I finally found an essay that discusses the origins of the word "bulldagger" and its association with black lesbians, hell yeah!
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ambxtxo · 22 days
Sorry to post politics on main, but some of you pro-palestine people are missing the point when it comes to the US election.
At this point, there is really no alternative to voting for Kamala. RFK is not getting elected. Trump would be infinitely worse for the Israel-Palestine conflict (as well as other conflicts! and our well-being in general).
Stop virtue signaling and actually do something (vote) so that America can have a better leader than Trump. That’s all. We’re not voting for our next Messiah, we’re not voting between two perfect angels, it’s a US presidential election.
And those of you saying that Kamala is “committing genocide” really need to get things into perspective. The Vice President does not have the power to furnish weapons to Israel. Israel’s prime minister is acting in direct defiance of the Biden/Harris administration’s wishes and Harris has been the most vocal in asking for a ceasefire.
The Palestine conflict is not an excuse to not vote. Not voting makes it likely that Trump will win, history will go on whether you play a part or not. I want my reproductive rights back. Please.
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to be honest i kind of think a lot of the people who say really fearmongery things about how media literacy is "in decline" and how the younger generations are worse at dealing with "uncomfortable topics" than those before them are blinded by forced generational lines and their own nostalgia. our tragic and unimpeachable past youth in which we were innocent victims of the social climate around us vs their banal and doomed current youth in which they are hopelessly weak-willed agents of societal downfall. And they're stupider than us and uglier too.
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kwistowee · 2 years
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Meanwhile in west Texas, storm chaser Laura Rowe captured the picture of a lifetime on May 17th, 2021, with this fantastic shot of a mature supercell thunderstorm, illuminated at varying heights from the setting sun. x
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doloneia · 23 days
we need to abolish the idea that ancient greek myths and legend have a coherent timeline. they do not. for any given myth there are like 10 heroes mentioned that feasibly could not have been adults or even alive. herakles keeps showing up in places where he should probably be dead. anyone could be a suitor of helen. even herakles. even theseus if you count that kidnapping stint he did. nestor is alive for 10 billion years. time is fake and anything beyond vague generational outlines is conjecture
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fairy-bard · 2 months
i’ve been loving watching critical role recently if for no other reason than because i get to watch a decent portion of viewers actively falling for cult tactics lmao
a forbes article describes cult tactics as when cult leaders “censor dissenting viewpoints, promote a distorted narrative and use relentless repetition and peer pressure”
ludinus needing to monologue at everyone he meets. cherry picking what information to let people know (ie the orb). showing popular world leaders (gods?) at their absolute worst as a means to win over the vulnerable. creating dissent between cult prospects and the people who they’re close to outside the cult. doesn’t take no for an answer. repeating his points over and over, in whatever context he thinks will be most persuasive. targeting people who’ve lost everything. convincing people that they’re special
matt is a genius.
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trans-androgyne · 7 months
Please love transmascs in a world that hates us. I’m begging you not to blindly adhere to the narrative that insists we have it easy.
We experience the highest sexual violence rates of any gender category. We are being assaulted and killed. Dominant narratives consider us delusional, mentally ill little girls. Others treat us as violent sexual predators. Our reproductive abilities are considered unnatural and disgusting. We experience adverse health outcomes. We are left out of conversations and erased from histories.
We also experience the increased bullying, discrimination, suicidality, substance use issues, homelessness, poverty, etc. that come with being transgender.
Please love transmascs in a world that hates us.
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grungebutsoft · 10 months
thank god for hbomberguy I’m now motivated to actually write my research paper and cite every. Single. Source as pettily as I can. It’s due in two days I can do this
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jyndor · 8 months
sliman mansour - also referred to as suleiman mansour - is a palestinian painter, sculptor and cartoonist. he was born one year before the nakba in 1947 in birzeit, which is north of ramallah. he now resides in jerusalem. mansour is one of the most famous palestinian artists of all time, and palestinian american artist samia halaby considers him to be part of the liberation art movement¹. his art focuses on the concept of samud², or "a firm rootedness in the land." he is a founder of the league of palestinian artists³.
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on using only palestinian materials during the first intifada⁴:
That was the philosophy of the intifada. When you read their literature and leaflets, it's about boycotting Israeli goods and trying to rely on ourselves. Most people were trying to do that, by planting their land or starting a small farm to live from. As an artist I thought, why don't we do the same? Why don't we search for natural materials to do our work from?
The mud came from my childhood memories. As a child I used to work with my grandmother when she was building beehives and even ovens with mud. And I was always around her, trying to help. So when I thought about material that I could use, mud was the first thing that came to my mind. After a while, once I started making figures, I realized that the mud also reflects the human fate with the cracks, people waiting to disappear, fall down and go away.
go take a look at his art. reblog with your favorite pieces of his.
mine is the village awakens (1988)
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jadaliyya interview with samia halaby
palestinian art by gannit ankori pg. 74
dw interview with sliman mansour
his website | insta
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wishing-well-art · 5 months
Smallishbeans viewer here, with a question to iskall viewers. What is going on.
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kimdokjas · 4 months
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@animangacreators challenge ⟡ mother's day
"I know that this family is just for appearances. But… I still feel like… I want to be a better mother to that girl… Maybe I'll never be like a normal mother, but I'll do my best with what I've got!"
[insp/ref: ★☆★☆★]
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