#*cries* don't look at me
All those tainted childish fantasies
Content warning(s): None
Ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/39750789/chapters/99519447
You're only sure of these things,
1. You're an orphan at playtime Co.
2. The orphanage at Playtime Co. is also a factory.
3. You have friends here.
4. Some of those friends are not human.
5. There are many, many adults here. More than an orphanage should need.
6. There are many, many mystery's. More than a factory should have.
7. There are living toys.
8. You aren't supposed to know as much as you do.
9. If they find out that you know, they will make you silent. You don't know how they'll do it, and you don't want to find out.
10. Your friends are being hurt by the adults.
11. Your friends aren't as they seem.
12. You protect those you love.
13. You are too stubborn to stop or die.
And you don't stop until you get what you want.
                                 Chapter one: Start at the beginning 
You heard a commotion in the game station, and that’s all it took for your curiosity to get the better of you. Kids are pushing and shoving others to get to the game station first. You wonder why they’re all so excited. Truth be told, you weren’t expecting anything grand. It didn’t take much to get the little kids excited.
You know where the left and right led you: to a shop and a place with a Grabpack (you believe it was called that?). It was on the way to the game station. You want to steal one, and knowing yourself, eventually you probably will, but that’s a quest for another day.
Anyway, back to the game station mission.
You make another turn and walk into the game station. You looked in, and inside you saw a tall, blue... thing. And it was moving?
‘What the heckity wecity? What even is that thing? At least they looked happy? The other kids seemed to enjoy this thing as well.’
You stared at them from a distance, hiding behind the wall as much as you could without it hindering your vision. The kids were all around the blue fluffy thingy. Wasn’t it overwhelming? You would be in that situation. Well, then again, you’re also weird—everyone said so—so maybe you don’t count.
The blue thing also wasn’t human. You don’t think that they’re actually a person in a costume because it doesn’t look like any of the costumes you’ve seen. It doesn’t even have enough room for another person to fit in? Unless the costume was, like, really thin.
Maybe they’re a robot? How’d they make a robot with that much fluff, though? It looked so fluid too... The movements weren’t robotic.
Ah, well, what do you know? You’re just some orphaned kid who never really cared about robotics, so maybe robots have just upgraded that much. Anything’s possible.
You started moving away from the door and closer to the blue thing. It was slow, but still better than nothing. You kept hiding behind some of the play structures or anything else nearby and stopped to stare at the blue thingy for a little while longer before repeating the process.
You think it’s familiar. It’s face is, anyway. Is he part of the toys this place makes? Does this place make toys? You don’t actually know, you kind of just got thrown into this odd factory that doubled as an orphanage one day.
The world is weird. Why does this place even double as an orphanage? It’s a factory. Questions, questions, questions... Questions you’ll get to later.
Anyway, considering all these characters are just… out and about, this place probably created them. Like, what kind of general/normal play area has characters from fictional universes that they don’t own just out and about?
Eh, you’ll try to find out later. Maybe you could look it up if you could find a device to do it with. If that fails, you’ll just continue exploring the factory. You’ve been doing it since day one, although you’ve gotten bolder in your explorations since then.
You’re close enough to the group of children surrounding the blue guy now, but you’re too nervous to approach them. There are a lot of kids around him... He probably wouldn’t even notice or hear you. He seemed to be having a good time without you, anyway.
Maybe you could wait until they play a game? Right now the kids were just surrounding him, so sitting back until you could sneakily go into the crowd could be a good ide-
Before you can continue your thought process, you and the other children hear something—someone?—approaching. You turn around and hide behind the round slide you were still on. (You were hiding there before as well, but you sort of moved next to it after a few minutes. But not anymore.)
"Oooh! new playmates!" You tensed when you heard the voice. Another weird monster(?) thing? How many are there!?
This was a pink, squiggly-looking thing. It has a nice voice, at least. Soothing. You’ll give it that. Well, maybe to most people it’s soothing, but not to you. You don’t like this new pink thing.
To be fair, though, you don’t like anything new. Just yesterday, none of these characters existed—not like this, anyway—so why are they here now? They just appeared out of nowhere.
"My name is Mommy Long Legs! I’m sure you all can guess why!" The pink thing said. Well, you guess her name is Mommy Long Legs, but you really don’t want to call her that. You’ll just have to make up a new name for her.
And, well... You’ll probably forget her name soon, so it doesn’t really matter. You were never good with names. "I’ma call you… pinky." You whispered to yourself, peeking out from behind the circular slide a bit more.
"It’s because of your legs!" One kid exclaimed, "It’s all their limbs, dumb dumb!" Another child said. You chuckled at the kid calling them a dumb dumb.
Pinky giggled at all the answers the children gave. "Ooh! How smart you all are! Mommy knows some games all you smart children can play!"
Every child, now forgetting about the blue thing, ran towards the mother figure, yelling with joy and jumping with excitement. You stayed where you were and looked back over to the blue guy. They looked a bit sad. Maybe you could talk to the blue monster(?) now?
You saw Pinky and the other kids that now crowded her suddenly all get picked up by her extending her arms around them all. Your eyes widen and you back up more without thinking about it.
"Just go away..." You mumbled to yourself, curling up on the floor as you listened to the children’s and Pinky’s conversation. What are these things?
"Come now, children! The game Mommy wants you to play is called ‘musical memory!’" Pinky exclaimed after a little while and set the children down. "Mommy’s afraid only one child can play at a time, but Mommy will play with all of you in the game station after she gets things started!" Pinky made her way to some stairs directly in front of you.
Thankfully, she didn’t notice your presence. You didn’t want to be next to all those kids, and especially not next to Pinky. They’re so loud. Especially now, when they’re booing and getting upset. You hope Pinky is going to do her job soon! Get the kids to calm down, Jeez.
After Pinky and the group that surrounded her finally left, you looked around for the blue guy. He sort of disappeared when you got distracted. While you were searching for him, you hid a bit and were quiet while jogging through this play area. Or the game station—whatever.
‘C’mon, where could he be? He was so tall! Am I that bad at spotting things?’ You thought, getting mad at your inability to find something so simple. Looking up, you tried to spot somewhere high that you could climb to get a birds-eye view of the play area.
Did the blue creature already leave? Did he go with Pinky? You hope not, because you were hoping to speak with them! Plus, he looked sad. Maybe you could make him feel better?
Back to your search, though, you saw something you hadn’t before. It was a catwalk that oversaw the game station with a room in the middle. Specifically, where the newly built train is and the new games that were previously unavailable, too.
You felt a sense of unease. Why is there just a catwalk and a room near the ceiling? You didn’t see anyone up there now, but that didn’t take away the feeling of dread that came upon you all that much.
‘It’s just a catwalk! and a building! They probably didn’t have enough space to put it somewhere else.’ You thought, but quickly discarded the theory when you remembered how big this factory is.
‘Or maybe it has something to do with the game station itself...? Yeah! It probably has something to do with the trains. They were built around the same time, so that makes sense!’ You said to yourself internally, trying to get rid of your suspicions of something sinister going on.
Since you were placed in this factory, you've had a feeling that something wasn't adding up, and nothing has made those doubts go away, but nothing has confirmed that this place is evil incarnate either.
So you’ll just observe for now. Silently watching from a distance,
‘Blue guy is made by them, or at least is hired to be here. They work here, at the very least. Maybe they’ll tell me something if I ask?’ You ponder before shaking yourself out of those thoughts. Conspiracy theories later! Right now you are trying to find someone.
Back to the present, you've found a place that was high enough to see at least most of the game station; one of the play structures' top levels. And by top level, you mean, like, roof top level, not the top floor.
You would’ve gone for the overhead of the benches in the game station, but if you went on those, you’d alert everyone to your position because of how loud it was. It would also be a bit harder to get to, so on the top of the play structure you go!
It wasn’t the best bird's-eye view you’ve had. In fact, it was pretty bad because it was stuck in one corner, but hey, it is better than the ground level. Not to mention you convinced a younger kid who was already there to be a rebel and break the rules with you.
There’s a chance you’ll get tattled on because that’s just how little kids go (yes, you’re aware that you’re still a little kid yourself, but this guy is, like, seven!) But that was a risk you were willing to take if you could introduce another kid to the wonders of climbing and jumping on stuff you’re not supposed to.
The kid next to you was looking around in awe. You can only assume they’ve never climbed this high before. They seem like a ‘good kid’ who behaves well, so breaking the rules slightly was probably a cool rush for the probably seven-year-old.
Not that you can say anything. When someone helped you break your first rule, you did something similar. Sure, your anxiety was killing you, but after a while, you were in awe too.
That's what breaking and entering a school will do to you.
At least your mentor who taught you the art of ‘here’s how to break rules and here’s how to not get caught/evade punishment’ was good at his job! He was an older kid, but he looked out for you and, as said before, let you break in and enter his high school!
You guys only stole a few things.
You think.
You shake yourself out of your nostalgia, and you focus on the task at hand! You've been getting sidetracked too much. You’re trying to find a Blue Monsters Inc guy, not go down memory lane or make conspiracy theories! Mr. Blue Tall Man could leave at any moment (if he hasn't already), so you don't have the luxury of time.
You look around from the rooftop and see what you'd normally see in a play area with a few children in it. Kids playing with toys, running and chasing each other, some kids playing make-believe, the usual.
It took you a few minutes to find Mr. Blue. Just barely. And thank God you finally did. The too quiet part of this play area was getting to you. It was just you and this random kid you found up here. You're not sure why he's alone, but you'd be a hypocrite to judge him. You’re also not sure why this place only has you and this kid playing here, but whatever. A mystery for later.
You just hoped that the blue thing you saw was the person you were looking for. You at least know it’s not part of the building or a random styrofoam block, but that’s about it. Well, even if it’s not the guy you’re looking for, it’s probably a cool item or something. You're hoping so, at least.
You turn to the kid you just raised up here and ask him if he wanted to get down, because if he didn’t go with you, he’d have to do it himself. The kid asked for a few minutes more, but you just told him he could stay there. He’d have to get down himself.
At least you kept him from crying and throwing a tantrum by showing him how to get back down and up again. Yeah, it took a bit of time, pushing, and encouragement, but the kid eventually got it. You waved goodbye just as an adult passed by. Thankfully, your new, and probably now ex-, apprentice wasn’t on the roof, so the adult paid them no mind.
You doubt they would’ve even if he was on the roof. Adults are so dumb, they never look up! (Ignore how you also never looked up and didn’t see them build an entire room and catwalk until today.)
You found your way back to the ground and ran over—as inconspicuous as you could because you didn’t want to cause an attraction to yourself—over to the blue guy, or at least where you think he is. And, hey! Good news! You were right! The blue guy was here!
Bad news though, your previous bout of confidence and lack of anxiety you had for the past fifteen-twenty minutes disappeared the second you saw this blue guy again!
You did see how the blue thing seemed to be, uh, upset? He was lying face-first on the floor. You’d ask what he was doing, but you could relate to lying face-first on the floor when you were upset. It’s oddly therapeutic. if only slightly.
"Go away, Kissy. I don’t want to talk right now." The blue fellow said, his voice muffled. You kind of just stood there for a minute, feeling your anxiety rise a bit. Who was Kissy? Would the blue creature react poorly to you not being whoever Kissy is? And why is his voice so goofy?
"Uh, um... Not Kissy... tr-try again?" You stuttered, cursing it once again. You stutter so much in so many different ways, and right now it is repeating the same letter(s) of the word you wanted to say.
Your stutter wasn’t even because of your anxiety! It might be amplified because of that, yeah, but you stutter all the time regardless of how relaxed you do or do not feel. You’ll probably stutter every way to Sunday in this one interaction with Mr. Blue over here!
Dang it, why did God make you this way?
The blue fellow's face flew up from the floor and looked at you. He looked surprised. Not that you could blame him—he was expecting someone else!—You’re just some dumb kid who doesn’t even know his name, and, oh God, why did you think coming here was a good idea? This guy probably doesn’t like you now and-
"You’re not with Mommy?" The blue guy asks, standing up once again to tower over you. You chuckle nervously. He was way taller than you, and it was making you more nervous. "N-no... I’m right here." You mumble in response, shifting from one foot to another anxiously as you mess with your sleeves.
"... and you came to me instead." The blue guy says, and you take a step back. Did he not want you here? "Uh, um, yes. D-do you want me to leave? ‘Cause I can—I can go, y’kn-" You got cut off by Mr. Blue Guy as he yelled, "NO!"
You flinch and take another step back. You came over to him because he seemed nice, non-human or not an (at least human) adult, and had at least a normal voice level that wasn't loud like Pinky’s was. It seems like that was a bad call on your part.
You're considering just going back to that little kid and staying on the play structure rooftop with him. Oh well, you have already started. This was an accidental self-sabotage. You internally mourned the loss of the peace and quiet you had before.
The blue creature seemed to realize how loud he was, "Sorry! Sorry, I didn’t mean to spook you." He spoke again, more friendly and less loud this time. You just nodded, "But why’d you come looking for little ‘ol me?" He asks and you inhale deeply, then exhale. You’re fine. It’s fine. He’s just curious, he’s just curious... Calm down; you're okay.
"I... I thought you might be upset and, well... the group with Pi- the other... person? Pink person? was loud." You answered. You think that it’d probably be best if the tall blue guy over here didn’t know you gave his friend (?) another name. You were right earlier; you already forgot the lady’s name. You know it’s not Kissy, though.
"Do you mean Mommy Long Legs?" He asks and you nod. Right, right... that was her name. Wait, didn't Blue just say her name? Augh! Whatever! You shouldn’t forget it in case you need to repeat it. Although you probably will. Again,
"Well, little fellow, is there any game you’d like to play? I’d be happy to play! Even if it is only two players." He chuckled. At least he was in good spirits now?
"Uh, be-before that, what’s your name…?" You ask, cutting yourself off before you tell him that you’ve just been calling him different variations of ‘Blue guy’ in your head. He doesn’t need to know that.
You really need to figure out how to stop the urge to overshare.
"Oh how rude of me! I never introduced myself, did I?" he says. You’d like to say asked, but it seemed like a… what’s the word? a question that they didn’t mean for you to actually answer? Like, a question that wasn’t really a question and maybe more of a statement?
Ah, oh well. It’s not that important anyway.
"I’m Huggy Wuggy! The name gives away what I do best, y’know!" He exclaims. Huh. Huggy Wuggy? Could whoever named them not come up with a more clever name? Oh yeah, and he said something about Kissy earlier? If he’s Huggy, then is Kissy, like, his sister or something? A relative of his? Or maybe just a lover?
You realize you were lost in thought for a few seconds too long and snap back into reality before Huggy can ask if you’re still here. "O-oh! Right, I’m, uh, assuming it’s hugs?" You try, giving him a nervous smile.
Huggy gives back a smile of his own; it’s a nice one. even if you thought his mouth/lips looked a bit freaky and weird. He didn't even show his teeth. Well, maybe you’ll get used to him and his mildly unnerving face. Probably. If you look at him enough, you will, anyway.
"Hehehe, Yooou got it!" Huggy answered, and for a second you were scared he was going to show you by hugging you, but were relieved to find out he didn’t do that. It's not that you hate physical contact—you like it even!—but if it's from someone you don't know or trust, you get uncomfortable and feel an urge to punch them in the throat.
Instead, Mr. Blue asked, "So, what’s your name, little fellow?" You started messing with your clothes again. This time it was the edge of your shorts. "I’m..." You paused for a second.
Your mentor of ‘here’s how to break rules and here’s how to not get caught/evade punishment’ also dabbled in the art of ‘how to throw people off your trail if you don’t trust them’ or something like that. You don’t really remember what they called it.
You remember him telling you that fake names cause both chaos and protection because you’re tricking them and now they don’t know your real name. So if anyone asked you why you lied about this and you were honest for once, you’d tell them that most likely.
"Charlie." You finally answered, "My name, it’s Charlie."
A/n: AhahaHAHAHHA DON'T KILL ME PLZ! The name reader uses will only be used when needed, AKA only for plot reasons istg I didn't just give the reader a name-
In other news thanks for reading :D I haven't put this much thought into a fic in, well, ever. Not a serious one, anyways. So let's see how far it goes lmao
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tapakah0 · 11 months
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Some pictures in good quality + the ones that I liked to draw the most
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arthursfuckinghat · 2 months
There needs to be a scientific study done on how Rockstar Games' Arthur Morgan is able to provoke the most earth shattering emotions I didn't even know I had in me
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unicone0crem · 4 months
ladies and gentlemen *posts*
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they're married! plus I'm back :D
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xenocorner · 3 months
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Oh no
I have fallen into a new hole
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Questioning your life choices yet, Xenk?
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fluffy-ami · 9 months
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they squishy they cuddly (i am dying inside so here have some random quick silly doodles and don't forget to click for better quality lmao) ✨🌸
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Just to minimize my chances of being genuinely misunderstood OR deliberately misinterpreted, and crucified for something I don't think, How Dare You Say We Piss on the Poor website etc...I'm gonna say this right up top. I absolutely understand why people don't like Thessaly as a character, if anyone does completely unironically stan her as some kind of feminist hero who Did Nothing Wrong uwu, I personally see it as a bit of a red flag. I don't like terfs real or fictional. In a vacuum, I could even completely sympathize and agree with the people who want her cut.
It's really something to me to see people clamoring for her to be cut, because she carries and expressed an ugly indefensible prejudice (transphobia) in words towards (1) person. Meanwhile Hob fucking Gadling enacted one of the most violent forms of antiblack racism I can even think of against thousands no, millions of people, the ripple effects of which still affect billions more today. Just a little light idk, profiting off the fucking slave trade and had to be told by someone else that it was bad...and he's a fan favorite.
People are saying Thessally being Dream's love interest reflects badly on him or is somehow endorsement by the narrative (?!?!?!?!?!? Didn't she (SPOILER ALERT AS IF IT MATTERS BY NOW) help participate in his extended assisted suicide? She's not painted as a great person to me just another character what are y'all SMOKING whatever fine. It's fine this is fine.) But shipping Dream with Mr. Former Slaver is not only not verboten or frowned on widely in the fandom but its THEE most popular pairing by far. So...why the difference?
Like where are the same fans who are saying Thessaly shouldn't just be more clearly shown to be wrong, she shouldn't even be in the show at all when it comes to Hobert's crimes??? Yes, transphobia is indefensible. Isn't racism?
And I hear the cries of "it's fiction!!!" Already rallying (if anyone who needs to hear this even sees it lol) to which I say:
HORSESHIT. I KNOW you don't, deep down, really agree because if you did, why get upset about Thessaly being included??? Why does what she said to one person matter if it's Just Fiction You Guyze. Fictional characters are allowed to do bad things and fiction isn't reality sweaty....except when you only apply that standard to fictional racists you like and simp for, but fictional transphobes you don't are SO HARMFUL they shouldn't even be portrayed in fiction.
Like. Give me a big fat BREAK. This looks like bullshit, no? I'm sorry, but I'd love for someone to try and give any other explanation besides one personally offended you or hit home for you, and the other doesn't.
And if that bothers you or you feel like it says something negative about you...idk what you want me to say??? You can't control how other people perceive you and that's how people outside this majority-of-the-fandom bubble see it. You don't need to respond, I just wish and genuinely hope this gives you a moment to think about why fans who ARE bothered by both (and not just paying lip service to being bothered by the one but railing against the other) are so frustrated with people saying everyone is welcome but in practice only bending over backwards for the comfort and emotions of themselves, and people they can easily relate to.
You don't have to like Thessaly (I don't. I find her an interesting antagonist, I don't stan her. And frankly that's not the point of her character) but you'll pardon me for feeling more than a bit cynical and side eying people's motivations for what seems a...pretty obvious double standard, on what fictional crimes related to real world issues matter to y'all, and which clearly don't. Either actually bring the same energy to the table for fictional people who committed atrocities, even if against a group you're not part of and thus don't feel the need to empathize with, or just carry on, but accept that you don't have the SLIGHTEST room to talk about cutting characters who do immoral things. And you also need to accept that you look like a hypocrite when you do.
#thessaly#wanda the sandman#hob gadling#I could've cried sexism!!! Problematic Male vs Female Characters except 1) I don't actually think that's the main reason *here*#2) there are WAY better examples of that particular double standard in this fandom#also i can admit when I'm a bit of a hypocrite or was.#i used to dip my toes into the dreamling stuff too early on#but idk. It just got too sour seeing ppl whitewash (lol I know I'm a comedian)#what he did over and over. And I genuinely had started to wonder#if the show hadn't included that particular crime and I'd just imagined it from the comics because#my memory is shit sometimes and I guess I was naive. I *wanted* to believe someone would talk aboutit#if it had made it in. but ultimately i went back and checked and no#and seeing how the whole fandom behaving affected my non-white mutuals some of whom...#like these are my friends man or ppl I just respect and I can't just. Ignore their feelings and their pov#and act like they werent making points or it doesn't matter#like it's all just fun and games for everyone on the same terms. And seeing how easy it was#for everyone to ignore was so unsettling. I couldn't keep pretending it was just fiction and didn't affect anyone real#Call me a bully a t3rf apologist (fuck you and for the record. no)#a puritan or a Fancop (actually stop comparing#people disagreeing with you online to what cops do. For fucks sake you just make it look like nothing is really real to you outside fandom)#whatever man. Whatever helps you sleep. I'm just gonna block you#if you're clearly sticking your fingers in your ears. engaging with you is a waste of time and energy then#Hell I have sympathy for anyone who doesn't like thessaly#especially trans fans. Especially rn. But lbr that sympathy for a lot of the white trans/queer fans only goes one way!!!#never gets extended to anyone else's issues. Like THATSthe issue. And it's shitty!#(sorry this post is not about me in the confessional lol that's why I put this at the bottom#I just had feelings to get out and yes its my blog but i didn't want to clog the airways)
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kindahoping4forever · 3 months
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Luke via Shan Rizwan on IG
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averlym · 9 months
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no one would notice if i ever vanished // if bodies could sustain // this never-ending army // like blood pumping through a vein
(click for better resolution!)
:OOO hello. anyway since these are all posters i'd have in an ideal world or smth and i'd like to store the high res versions somewhere,,, here's the google drive folder for them? hehe ''
close up!
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#adamandi#vincent aurelius lin#i'm back with the posters! or smth! idk!!#i'm maybe just a bit obsessed with vincent. such a Character.#where can i run is sustaining me single-handedly through this exam season (<- has cried thrice in the last two days; alas; but moving on)#my stress response was that in a fit of apathy i shut myself down from academia and stopped to paint this#six hours total? on this funky little thing! had to push myself to finish the magnifying glass but!! looks so cool. i'm impressed with my e#fun fact: all the shades are hand-coloured. aka everything is digitally hand painted hooray!! i havent painted for a long time (ish)#smth about this musical makes me want to paint. it's very lovely that way#it's also a miracle i haven't gotten carpal tunnel or any wrist injuries so far... i'm a lucky person! hooray#i had so many thoughts to ramble about and now i don't recall any of them.#-! about this piece: inspired specifically by that one line that i doodled in the margins of a math practice last night#the diagonal slant was very. thinky. the rendering and angle were kinda contradictory to do but it's fineeee (draft was diff. pov)#i liked the red abstraction. and the way that people (misc) gave same vibes as red blood cells.#green for vincent because contrasting colour!! considered a spotlight that was more obv bc. again theatre lighting is so cool. but that was#a bit too literal? i think. so just fun little highlights. no one look at the accuracy of anything here though.. shadows do Not do this#also like hehehe lin. forest. forest of people. i really liked thinking about that. hehehe#i didn't know the font to use!! or quote!! so i slapped on the name of the musical and called it a day... the blank one is in the google-#-folder if you want to add your own stuff :') also also i wasn't sure about cropping at all. so again high res in google drive link#which is under the keep-reading sign! kind of a choose your own adventure because i'm lazy :3#ajhshdhfhfhfhf i think i've been fuelled by the tags under each post so far. so intensely. so very nice.#also when the cast or creators drop fun facts... serotonin right there.. they're all so nice waaagh it's so cool that they like my stuff ><#<laughs> really grateful that the whole fandom's so sweet <3 thank you for your support TvT#alright!! off to mess about with chemistry. jiayou me.#oh yes. a post script about the cropping crisis: i wasn't sure how small i wanted to make him. in proportion to the crowd. so if you see it#on mobile ig it's tiny and on laptop it kind of makes sense ...
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The Soap Opera Digest Awards - Hollywood Palladium
10th March 2000
High-Quality Version | The Down Under Slide Collection
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The Untamed | Episode 46 [Revelation Of The Golden Core]
⤳WangXian’s Favorite Scenes [9/∞]⬿
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shima-draws · 1 year
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First (successful) attempt at arting in CSP :”D This took ten years off my life and I questioned myself every step of the way but I learned a lot from playing around in a new program. Will I ever do something this detailed again?? My brain says no but my heart says maybe!!
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givehimthemedicine · 2 months
stranger faves screenshot game
need to know who's been your single favorite character at any given point in Stranger Things using screenshots of the exact moment that person first became your fave.
this is not a ranking or a top list! this is for your #1 spot only and who it has belonged to over the years. start with whoever first stood out from the ensemble to you and add a new pic every time someone surpassed them as your new favorite. last pic is your current fave.
I probably already know who your faves are but I wanna know what exact frame of film did it for you.
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mine: Joyce lying to Karen. I felt that in my bones -> baby Eleven becomes my legal daughter. hello 911 I'm having chest pains from needing to hug a fictional character -> Max lies to her counselor. hey I identify with this character more suddenly, good things must be coming her way this season! (tagging some friends but if you see this you're invited) @bananananurr @elmaxjunkie @heroesbyler @aemiron-main @elevenmayfieldz @fantasticdragonglitter @reikunrei @gshepgf @rogueddie @sacchrineskies @henrysglock
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a-s-levynn · 10 months
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#sleep token#here is a thing#there are certain moments when Vessel looks.. no he rather feels.. small#i mean his.. aura? presence? but not in the non-captivating way but as in an emotionally vulnerable way#i don't really have the words to describe this but just like on this picture#bear with me for a minute because this is either gonna sound completely unhinged or make some sort of sense#it's probably just me having a little more time on my hand than i should and just want to see things but..#sometimes he feels so present in a here-i-am as-i-am take-me-as-you-will this-is-all-i-am i-can't-give-more-nor-less it's-just-me sorta way#he feels so human in the rawest sense possible and yet so deep in character maybe even more so than when he creatures or teefs and all#like.. he is just vessel in it's simplicity and without the 'divine' if you will.. simply just vessel#in his barest of existance#a shadow of someone who used to be but not quite anymore#he is in pieces and it is willingly laid bare under the mask and all that bodypaint oh so clear to see for anyone#and that is not the outstreched hand of you-are-not-alone but the outstreched soul that cries you-can-find-yourself-in-me#and that is what i find so heartbreaking about him#this kind if raw openness because the lore says vessel is a conduit for sleep#for us vessel (and the the others) is the conduit of our emotions#and he is there somewhere inbetween the truths#just him a simple human being who sometimes seems to wish not to be human which makes him more human than anything#and that is what i can't describe better than 'sometimes he feels small' and at time even maybe makes me cry a little
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seekingthestars · 1 month
she's beauty she's grace she's Miss Eevee Cosplay 3.0
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