#--ugh anyway i hate seeing it on my dash if you don't like the show anymore then just quit watching idk
tcmmykinard · 4 months
ofc people are mad about the very little and barebones amount of info we really only have on ep 100 bc buck is part of the plot of it all
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ben-the-hyena · 1 year
Quick little rant y'all can ignore (I just love ranting too much)
Unpopular opinion : it is NOT to be a hipster or to be like "I'M NOT LIKE OTHER GIRLS~" but very often either I will hate or just not be interested to watch at all the newest Tumblr fandom. I really feel like a Tumblrite but sometimes it feels like I just can't enjoy or be hyped by whatever the others are hyped with without doing it on purpose, as if we have nearly no common taste. I mean sure we all are unique and loving everything others we do is boring and impossible and would prove the person is shallow and can't be true, but just, absolutely nearly every big Tumblr fanfavorites annoys me
Superwholock ? Sherlock was nice but not THAT nice and the others never interested me. HH/HB ? Loathe the characters and story. Lackadaisy ? Don't understand the hype. Nimona ? Don't care. She-Ra ? Hated it. The Owl House ? Can't stand the posts on my dashboard nor the charadesigns. Centaurworld ? I know it is one of those things that look lame in the trailer but from what I got gets deeper, but I saw it being so much overhyped I can't. Green Eggs and Ham ? Ugh couldn't it have just been the old cartoon ? Arcane ? The more people said it was revolutionary the less I wanted to check it out. SU ? I used to love it but then it betrayed me with how badly written it endes up to be. SVSFOE ? Except one or 2 arcs it was not my type and the ending infuriated me. Ducktales ? Only season 1 was good to me. Miraculous Ladybug ? It broke my heart so fuck you show. Encanto ? "Narcissic families are ok and misunderstood if they are pretty". Wendell and Wild ? The demons did look interesting and I was curious for them but sadly the main character is insufferable and Idgaf she is sad she is still an asshole but gets away with it. Wednesday ? Tim Burton understood NOTHING avout the Addams Family and flanderized Wesnesday. HtTyD ? Should have been a standalone. LOK and to be fair ANYTHING coming after ATLA books comics and upcoming series included ? Burn em to the ground. Rise of the Guardians ? Seriously the animation is gorgeous but you have the blandest plot and characters ever but everybody calls it original and groundbreaking wtf ?! Arlo the gator boy/I Love Arlo ? Ew it looks ugly as fuck and I am VERY wary of titles that self congratulate (coincidently the Lou! franchise became very shitty when it was renamed into I Love Lou Very Much so it ticks me off) makes me wanna do the contrary and hate Arlo. Carmen San Diego ? Didn't care. The Cuphead Show ? Only season 1a is good 1b and 1c are shit but because "gae devil" everybody loves it holy shit the game is better. Frozen 2 ? Admit it, you liked it ONLY because you see Elsa like a lesbian and wanted to go "HAHA GET FUCKED" to Let It Go. AND DON'T GET ME STARTED ON LIVE ACTION REMAKES
Some I even actually just didn't dislike it or care at first but it was seeing all the excessive posting and love for it despite 1) not wanting to watch (I love Arlo, never I wanted to kill a gator child so much force of seeing him on my dash) and/or 2) seeing legetimate problems and flaws and yet everybody ignoring it (Encanto, I hated the end but I did like the movie itself but seeing everybody justifying the end made me loathe it) it turns into hate. But some I hate from the start but seeing everybody love it anyway makes me wonder if at that rate the problem is me and I nitpick too much or of course like everyone I just have my own tastes and what pops up on my dash is not a reflect of universal taste ?
But I often call it a curse because everybody seems to have fun and it's as if I am doomed not to like and it looks like what the audience usually loves is just not my type, which sucks because I don't have many people to vent about it, not many people to gush about the obscure things I love because I am cursed to really invest myself in old fandoms I only find about now or stuff that don't even interest much people but fit my specific niche tastes, dashboards flooded with "OMG GUYS WATCH IT IT IS *SO* IMPORTANT AND THE BEST EVER" making me want not to whereas only 3 likes on posts of franchises I love that are barely known or loved... Probably why I have so many obscure fandoms actually. I am SURE it is subconsciously why I wanted to give a chance to Elemental and Avatar 2 since nobody talked about it in good or at all here !
I am not even sure and just like me those who love these franchises and are part of these fandoms must just have their own specific intersts peaked of course and if so it is absolutely alright ! But often I see they all have a pattern and I feel like, like when I ranted in my posg that defends Elemental, that they will love it and adore it just for ONE element not matter the rest hence why they only talk about that one element that irritates me when I am flooded in posts praising it but really it is just that element. "Omg so much representation" ok cool what is the plot "it is a trans allegory" yes but more precise ? "it is so GAY (affectionate) and girl power !!!" yes but ? The characters ? "Oh the characters are minorities some are LGBT half are POC and some even have a disability and they fight heteronormativity and traditional beauty standards" ok ok I GOT it but what are they like as people !?! "there is a canon gay ship in it I love them little blorbos" I DON'T GIVE A SHIT DAMMIT WHAT IS THE PLOT AND HOW ARE THE CHARACTERS "also it has a varied cast and is made by minorities and women !" Ok bye now I won't be able to help but see it being loved only because of those and not for its story and it will make me bitter about it as if there is nothing else but that to defend because it implies the scenario itself isn't that special for people to only talk about the Christmas present package rather than the content
It is very occasional I will actually get curious because it IS my type thanks to Tumblr : WOY, Pinky and the Brain Undertale, Good Omens, TDC : AOR. It needs to strike a sort of special chord in me to go "uh !?! A modern cartoon that feels like an old cartoon with funny designs and animation and funny characters !??! Uh !?! 2 gay mice that were probably not meant to be gay but they accidentally cracked many eggs in their portrayal and to think I was not interestee when I thought Brain was bidimensional and didn't give a shit about Pinky like I thought ??! Uh !?! Fun skeletons and a macho fish woman with cute pixel style !? Uh !?! Angel and demon are friends and were on Earth for years looking for a kid !?! Uh !?! In that prequel it shows one reformed Skeksis being actually good helping Gelfling and in a relationship with his Mystic ??!" And other Tumblr favorites I loved like idk FNAF, MLP FIM, Spiderverse, Puss in Boots 2, The Bad Guys and usually in general most popular big studios block buster animated movies I loved and others did were stuff I found by myself which Tumblr just coincidently did too so it doesn't count. Some I even discover them years later when the hype died down and nobody speaks about it anymore (reinforcing my idea that IS probably wrong that they don't even really love it but just go "OO SHINY" when something is new and pretty) that I can notice and love years later or at least late a franchise, like I don't wait on purpose I just really discover it at this moment or something peaking my interest only happened recently or peaked my attention now
Those aside most of the time I will really not be interested, a third of the time because "I am told to so I don't wanna" and it has to be myself or it will feel like a chore like when I am recommended stuff IRL I will actually postpone even if if I had not been recommended I would have started watching it earlier (I heard from a friend this looks like a symptom in a type of neurodivergence but I AM NOT SURE), a third of the time it really doesn't look or sound like my type of story at all and I keep wondering why there is nothing new for me and why everybody is so hyped by it, and a third I actually give a try and I end up straight up hating it or just finding it meh and overrated. I just need to find my own fandoms myself, even if they are obscure, that spark my interest, hoping they don't become bad in the end (SU, Ducktales, the Cuphead Show, Miraculous Ladybug etc. Sigh) which happened too many times already and makes me even more wary force of experience about what is popular since even when I myself find it becomes shit people still love it. And of course they totally HAVE the right to never would I harrass and police what people have to like and dislike, but it kind of feels lonely at times and sometimes it makes me think if something is wrong with me not to enjoy what seems to be enjoyed by everyone else and if it is my fault ; and thinking that even makes me anxious and guilty feeling like I am ranting for nothing and people will think I am an attention seeker making me even more gjulty and so on which becomes a vicious circle with my anxiety
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heartstringsduet · 2 months
Hi Michelle! I have three Nice Ask Week asks for you! ☺️
1) when did you join the 911ls fandom and what about the show/characters made your brain go ‘this is fandom material for me right there!’ ?
2. Which of TK’s and Carlos’ outfits (you can choose one from canon or come up with your own answer) do you think is the other’s favorite? You can add a least favorite too if you want!
3. I saw that you sent an ask about Tarlos kinks, so here’s one for you! (You can choose not to answer if you don’t want ofc): do you think one of them has a kink that the other knows about but doesn’t share? If so, which, did they have a conversation about it, and is it something they engage in once in a while anyway or something that’s just a hard (or well, not hard) no for the other?
I hope your weekend and offline time is treating you well!! 🪻🌞
Hiii. Sorry I was slowly making it through the nice ask questions. And I think I owe you one but I will surprise you with one once I think of it <33 1) 911 LS HIT me at the legit best time to join a fandom. I was just back on Tumblr for Glee and then saw a gifset and thought...two hot guys don't mind if I watch a mind-numbing show rn. To be honest, I don't like procedurals. I can watch a single season and be so into it and then lose interest because the characters usually stagnate and the formula grows tiring. If 911 LS focused even like 10 percent more on rescues than characters I wouldn't be that big of a fan. But the characters shine even in the ridiculous setting and yet even through some writing CHOICES. I also love the fandom. Maybe I'm lucky to just block everything I hate early and then the very great people remain on dash but I LOVE THIS FANDOM. I LOVE IT!! <3 So many genuinely nice and just passionate people. I also am mentally not always the stablest but I'm genuinely happy to have a little void to vomit some things into sometimes or friends to talk about silly and heavy stuff with. SORRY. No one will read this to the end. I waffle. i love you all. 2) Okay here is TK's top Carlos outfits:
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From this episode forth you just KNOW TK said somethign about button ups and Carlos went: cool let me rile you up in every color imaginable. cowboy dad core it is.
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TK's formal firefighter suit. Don't need to explain do I?
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Yoga equivalent. Hot jock!TK gets railed that night.
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his first date outfit. Carlos sees that shirt with that top button undone and he forgets to breathe. Bonus for BOTH:
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3. Kink question: Ugh I have SUCH a hard time with this because I guess for most relationships if not a straight-up kink, there likely are some slight mismatching in what a person might be into while the other isn't. I think for them they are pretty compatible in most regards and though they aren't always the best communicators in other things, this I think they are open about and explore together. I could see MOST kinks working in some capacity, but maybe something like TK being into humiliation and feminization and roleplay whereas Carlos doesn't really like it would make more sense to me. But he would try anyway. He is a giver but he ofc has his own limits but I think he'd enjoy things TK enjoys at least to some degree. Carlos doesn't necessarily strike me as kinky beside my firm belief of their subtle D/s dynamics but I can also see him be VERY kinky. This is such an unsatisying answer but my writer brain instantly goes: Okay but...I CAN MAKE THAT KINK WORK FOR THEM!
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X, Y, & Z!
lol hey just remembered that i had these from dec 19th lol i think i was just so mentally unwell at the time that i couldn't actually process the fact that i had asks and was capable of answering them even tho i literally reblogged the ask game lol anyways was going through my drafts and saw this and i'm MUCH better now so i went through and found the game and imma do it now <3
x - a trope which you are almost certain to love in any fandom.
hahhaahhaha character with an inferiority complex learning/being told that they're enough on their own/when those characters get in character content made of them ijuhygtfguiouygf because a lot of times they get misinterpreted or ignored </3 also. hanahaki <3
y - what are your secondhand fandoms (i.e., fandoms you aren’t in personally but are tangentially familiar with because your friends/people on your dash are in them)?
OH! my number one secondhand fandom is wwdts thanks to @chasvchalilah <3 i have my Guy (colin robinson) and i feel like i basically know the whole plot thanks to shira and her incredible patience for all my questions and her kindness in telling me like. literally everything lol actually this reminds me i think the colin post shira tagged me in is in my drafts and that i actually forgot to reblog it. hm. gonna go find it after i post this lol also csm because grace watched it and i know it's not really a show that i'd like so i'm living it vicariously through them and moth and the other csm moots <3
z - just ramble about something fan-related, go go go! (Prompts optional but encouraged.)
ah this is dangerous omg okay oh gosh okay what do i choose okay so this is a very random thing to rant about, but it's fan-related so. but i lowkey hate in chatfics how writers always give characters different contact names. more often than not, i look at them and say "they would never choose that name" / "they would never name that person that" / "they would throw a fit if their name got changed to that" and like. it's just so irritating. i honestly think most blorbos would just call each other by their names in their contacts like. and if you're going to give them "silly" names (bc most times they just... aren't even funny to me personally), they don't even specify who is who! most of the time, i see them say something MAYBE at either the beginning or end of the first chapter and then usually never again even if the characters start changing each other's names! so it's just hard to keep up. i actually love chatfics and think they're such a cool idea and a great creative writing exercise, but they HAVE to be done right because they can go poorly/ooc SO quickly. not all characters use correct grammar, but some do. some will use capitalization and punctuation while others don't. some characters will use emojis or send memes and recite memes, OTHERS WON'T and you NEED to be able to figure this stuff out. also it is SO unrealistic for all the characters to constantly trauma dump because half these characters refuse to "show weakness" or don't know How to talk to people about what's wrong. oH AND ALSO not all characters are so unhinged in chatfics my God the way people write certain characters in how they text and what they text is so icky because it's just too unhinged we gotta stop giving characters that treatment ugh uh anyways also kenji is underused in the show and underrated by fans. there should be more kenji content. also unpopular opinion, but kenji is a more interesting character than chuuya and how does chuuya have like... 20k more fics in the chuuya tag than kenji has in his own tag? nothing against chuuya - i like him! i do! but why is he treated more like a main character than kenji:( maybe i'm just sad bc kenji is my favorite and barely has ANY content. there are SO few kenji-centric fics out there and a lot of them also are kenji & chuuya friendship which... admittedly, i LOVE but i feel like there's more kenji & chuuya than kenji & the ada members which is so sad??? also he deserves better in the show! smh he wasn't even in the s5 trailer (neither were junichiro and naomi ugh so upset about that) like pls. let everyone treat kenji more like an important member of the team bC HE IS😭
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duckydae · 1 year
exo-l tag challenge
so now that exo's coming back to properly celebrate their 10th anniversary, thought i'd send this around so we can have a wee giggle and reminisce
dunno if any of my moots are still active anymore so feel free to do this whether or not you follow me! also feel free to tag me, need some new exo-l blogs to follow as my dash is very exo-less
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when did you first learn of exo?
this is really cringy but i first saw exo in twenty-fourteen on a 'youtubers react to k-pop', they were reacting to "overdose" and i kid you not, i was so put off their styling i wanted nothing to do with it. i hated it (and i still bloody do)
and then, a little while later they put out a 'teens react to exo' and i hadn't connected they were the same group. anyways, i saw yixing with that blonde hair and my mind went "that one, i like that one"
so don't let anyone ever tell you a visual is a stupid position
(it was probably a lot to do with the fact the boy i really liked had the same hairstyle)
turns out, my friend at the time was vaguely into them (she was more into super junior & shinee) and we just clicked over that and the rest was history
who was / is your bias?
yixing was my first bias ever, and i vaguely remember bouncing around yixing + luhan but i think like a month in jongdae committed the cardinal sin of a bias wrecker and became the ult bias
don't ask me how, it might have been showtime? but yeah jongdae's been my ult since twenty-fifteen. oh god.
where you team exo-k / exo-m?
i was pretty openly exo-m, because yixing was my bias and would only exclusively listen to their versions of the b-sides, until "the war" and it's funny that jongdae became my bias because i really don't think it was his vocals that sold me on him because i was too busy thinking "i wish lay would get more lines"
now looking back, yeah jongdae (and yixing) were my bias individually but as a collective, i preferred exo-k (also, "candy" and "mirotic" were better than "sorry sorry" + "happiness")
favourite m/v?
"lotto". not my favourite song in the world but the aesthetics, the 'plot', jongdae in the white smashing up that table with a hammer? ugh, love it. jongdae and baekhyun's era.
i love a music video with a plot, i would love to see them do a "now" or "365 fresh" but i don't think my heart could take it lol
honourable mentions: monster & i love 'love shot' probably because its in the same vain as "lotto" if it were less plot, more vibes.
also chanyeol with no shirt and that black leather, ugh.
the music video isn't my favourite, but i love the 'alice in wonderland' aspect of "love me right"
favourite album?
i think it really depends on what day you ask me, also my favourite album isn't always the one i think its their best. i'm really enjoying the obsession album right now but the "love me right (exodus)" is exo's magnum opus and dare i say "lotto (ex'act)" is the best sequel since shrek two.
but i really didn't like "love shot (don't mess up my tempo)" and it killed me inside but i only liked two of the b-sides
top ten tracks?
my lady
cosmic railway
white noise
christmas day
favourite soloist / subunit?
unit is absolutely exo-cbx. their "hey mama" mini-album is a no-skip album, their second mini wasn't really for me but "vroom vroom" is amazing also jongdae's "watch out" is brill but i can't listen to it without remembering him decking it on stage
that said, i still mourn the concept of chenbaeksoo unit and i'm still really disappointed sment didn't milk the shit out of that trio like kry or tts before them
favourite performance?
it feels a bit cliche to say the "wolf (remix)", the olympics or "artificial love" so i think i'll have to go with twenty-fifteen's mama set it was fantastic, show stopping and a bit chaotic
but shout-out to baek's "monster" in tokyo dome. y'all baby exo-l missed out on the shitstorm that was tumblr / twitter.
also, not a 'favourite' but cbx in "run this" at the golden disk awards being visibly pissed-off and screaming into their mics because of the "lip-sync" rumor
your exo hot take?
not an unpopular "hot take" but i know folk get stick for it
i really dislike superm, like seriously. i really dislike sm's management of it. sm had a perfectly good group to go up against bts on a global stage and they screwed it up. they weren't rookies like most of nct, they weren't too "out there" like shinee and the less said about suju the better.
also, they're a 'global group' yet all their best songs are mostly korean.
but they squandered it, they prioritised the nct brand both with the group itself and superm and tacked exo + taemin into their daft group to make older fans give a shit and they took away exo's chance at their final ot8/9 comeback before enlistment.
also, whilst it was for the better, kris leaving exo really stilted their international growth as a unit and individuals, honestly just the china line generally as they are collectively a lot stronger in their english as opposed to the korean members
showtime, ladder or arcade?
overall, ladder but i love showtime, especially episode eleven. i think that's when i first thought "hey that really fucking loud guy is pretty cute"
collab you'd like to see (western + k-pop)?
in regards to sm, i would love to see taeyeon, wendy, kyungsoo and jongdae take a shot at either a jazz or r'n'b collab track.
k-pop generally, baekyeol + dreamcatcher
western, bruno mars & kyungsoo
what would you like for exo to do next?
sm please! give me an english version of their title! almost everyone else at sm has one! hell, there was literally an english version of "the eve"!
but also, royalty concept (they've bloody earned it and exo-l's can't keep suggesting it every comeback)
but personally, it'd love to see a twenties or thirties "great gatsby" concept
funniest exo moments(s)?
"say hey!" that entire performance is a disaster, baek getting interrupted, then spooked by a pyro and finally jongdae decking it in the dance break of "growl"
the water fight during exoluxion
jongdae's outbrust at sehun on knowing bros
exomentary's bowling episode (rip chanyeol)
sehun and the beluga whale
the exo-l screaming "yah baekhyun!"
jongdae scaring the shit out of doni on weekly idol (deserved)
everyone yelling that baekhyun picked 'i got a boy' and not ‘gee’ like a normal person (personally luhan made the best choice)
baek, tao and luhan's haunted house run
heechul's various impressions of kyungsoo on knowing bros
favourite line?
chingu, we never get to see them anymore but they (especially the beagles) were always tied to the hip, that said i've defo gone soft for the maknae line
who's the traitor? is there one?
kris it's absolutely jongdae. i know folk think it's baekhyun but or chanyeol but after "lotto", i feel like that rules out chanyeol and baekhyun after "monster".
jongdae seems to be doing the opposite to everyone in these music videos whilst still being 'apart of it'
like: the white shirt in "lotto", standing at the 'last supper', the cameras in obsession, the smashing of their earnings in "lotto" the 'no fucks given attitude' when the swat shows up, unlike the rest of the group
favourite pathcode?
baekhyun, its so pretty but i also love sehun's as a resident scot
favourite cursed moment(s)?
"my name is baekhyun, but you can call me bacon" stfu bake-hun
suho meeting jedward
chanyeol's nick mask
exo: next door (side note: why was exo-m + jongin just not in the show?)
baekhyun's 'best looking' ranking on weekly idol
"wolf" demo
who's "baby-girl" are you picking?
kyungsoo's in "call me baby" but shout-out to jongdae's underrated one in "juliet"
favourite exo collab?
i've got a few, probably "lil' something" with jongdae & heize or his collab with ailee
it kills me that taeyeon was unwell whilst singing with jongdae also, chanyeol's collab with far east movement
favourite cover?
vocal line + sehun's "why so serious"
exo & yuna kim's "happiness" (vocal line sound brill in this)
sunday morning
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Kuroshitsuji: Halloween Party
Ciel HATES parties...but what happens when he sees the costume his butler has on?
Work Text:
It was almost Halloween and everyone in the Phantomhive mansion was busy getting ready for the big party.
Everyone, but the Master.
He didn't want to have this stupid party in the first place, but everyone insisted; mostly Elizabeth, of course. So, he had to obey his future wife's wishes.
He wanted to avoid everything at ALL COSTS. He let Elizabeth and Sebastian have free reign over all the decorations and food, everything. He just wanted to get it over with. While everyone was working, he was hiding in his study, mumbling to himself, "I didn't want to have this stupid party, but that stupid woman INSISTS. Ugh, if this is how it is going to be actually married to her, I want NO part of it."
Sebastian walked in on the last part, trying not to laugh at how childish Ciel was acting. "Young Master, I have brought you some tea and a snack."
Ciel just nodded, still scowling and mumbling.
"Calm yourself Master, it's only for a couple hours. It'll be over before you know it."
"Ugh, whatever", said Ciel, not getting over himself. "Fine, but if that woman makes me dress up, I'm…I'm…Ugh, I don't know what I'd do!"
"Well, whether or not she does, you need to think of her feelings first. You are her fiancé after all," said Sebastian trying to calm his master down.
"Yeah, yeah", said Ciel cringing at the thought.
"Speaking of Elizabeth, she wanted to see you when you are finished with your tea," said Sebastian leaving the room to attend to other things that needed done before the party.
"Alright", Ciel said while sipping his tea, trying to make it last.
When he was done, he went to where Elizabeth was decorating the staircase.
"Oh Ciel! There you are!" she said shrilly, making Ciel cringe…again.
"I have a surprise for you!" she said while pulling him along.
Ciel didn't like the sound of this. He knew something was up. She dragged him into his room and he saw what she wanted to show him…
A cat costume!
Ciel was speechless and horrified. He was dreading the party even more now.
"I got you a costume to wear tonight, Ciel!" Elizabeth said excitedly.
"Th-Thanks", Ciel said, forcing a smile.
"I'm going to be a princess and you are going to be my loyal cat!" she said, acting regally. "I even got one for Sebastian and the others!" she said, even more excited. "Sebastian will be Dracula, Finny will be a jester, Mey-Rin will be a sexy French maid, Bard will be in a bear costume, and Mr. Tanaka will be a ghost!"
"Heh, Sebastian and the others can suffer with me now", thought Ciel, smirking.
Despite Ciel's thoughts, everyone loved their costumes and thanked her for her kindness.
A few hours later, all the preparations were done and Ciel unwillingly put on his costume. He then went to the main hall to greet the guests. As he was walking down the stairs, frowning and cursing to himself, he caught the eye of his butler. Sebastian stood there trying not to stare. He hid it well. Ciel and the others didn't know this yet, but Sebastian loved cats; like REALLY loved them. Everything about them; their fur, their squishy paws, everything. He had to try very hard to stay calm, but being a demon, he was very good at hiding his emotions; well, what little he had anyway. He couldn't let what he was thinking show. He had a duty, a job to do tonight.
Ciel was also trying hard not to stare. His butler's vampire costume made him look dashing, mysterious, and most of all, dead sexy. To Ciel, Sebastian has always been sexy. It's in a demon's nature to be alluring; but seeing him in his vampire costume made him even more desirable.
Realizing he was in a room full of people, he quickly regained his composure as to not make people wonder. Besides, he couldn't let his feelings for his butler show; of course, his pride and stubbornness wouldn't let him.
All the guests looked at him. Some of the girls awed at him, some giggled. Ciel felt like he wanted to turn right around and hide in his room, but his reputation would be at stake if he did. When he finally reached the bottom of the stairs, Elizabeth was there grinning, happy as could be.
"Oh, Ciel! You look SO cute!" she said hugging him too tight for comfort.
"Thanks", he replied dully.
After that, Ciel greeted all the guests. That alone took up most of his time. As he was getting ready to discuss his proposal to an important guest, Sebastian rang a bell, signaling it was time for dinner.
"Honored guests, please make your way into the dining room, for dinner is served," he said with his signature grin.
Ciel sighed in relief, knowing that the party was almost over. That proposal could wait. He just wanted this all to be over so he could take his horrid costume off.
As the guests were all eating, they were talking about everything from politics, to the latest fashion trends; everyone, but Ciel that is. He just sat there fiddling with his costume, bored and irritated. Sebastian noticed this and went to talk to him.
He bent down to Ciel's ear saying, "Young Master? Why the frown? This is a party, you should be having fun," in that low, husky voice that sent shivers down Ciel's spine.
"Ugh, you know I can't stand it when you talk in that tone," said Ciel, trying not to blush.
"I just wanted you to loosen up. You're always so tense," said Sebastian like he did nothing at all.
"Yeah, yeah", said Ciel, trying to forget what just happened.
After everyone finished eating, they stayed for a while longer having tea and dessert. Ciel was getting really antsy at this point. He couldn't wait to be done with all this.
An hour later, people began to leave. Ciel was beyond relieved that it was over and done.
When the last person left, he immediately went up to his room. He called for Sebastian to come help him get out of his costume and into his pajamas.
Sebastian made his way to Ciel's room, hoping that Ciel still had his full costume on. He opened the door and saw Ciel fiddling with the costume, trying to take it off, but was failing miserably, frowning and mumbling to himself. Sebastian bowed and walked in, trying to contain himself. Ciel looked up and saw Sebastian still in his vampire costume. He tried not to blush at the sight, but Sebastian saw right through it.
"Why Young Master, you sure look cute," said Sebastian, slyly.
"Shut up!" said Ciel, blushing even more.
"Not too many know this but, I love cats," said Sebastian, coming closer to Ciel, red eyes glowing.
"Oh, really?" said Ciel, red-faced and backing away.
"Yes, really," said Sebastian coming so close that Ciel fell over on his bed. Ciel looked up with surprised eyes.
"W-What are you doing?" questioned Ciel nervously; kind of unsure about what was going on. He wanted to resist, pride getting in the way again; but deep down he knew he wanted it.
"Forgive me Master, but I can't help myself," said Sebastian, climbing on top of Ciel and beginning to kiss his neck.
Ciel let out a little whimper; loving the pleasure he was feeling. Sebastian took his gloves off with his teeth, vampire fangs gleaming. Ciel saw this and thought he looked unbelievably sexy. He wanted him to sink them into his neck.
"Whoa, what? Am I a masochist now?" He couldn't believe he thought that!
Sebastian began unbuttoning Ciel's shirt and caressed his bare chest. He pictured the soft fur of the animal he loves so much. Ciel's skin was even softer. This made Sebastian want Ciel even more. He then began to nip Ciel's neck. Ciel loved the feeling of the fangs on his neck. I guess I am sort of a masochist…he thought.
At this point, Ciel's resolve was gone. He wanted Sebastian.
"Sebastian…more…" Ciel said almost panting.
"Oh, you like that my little kitty cat?" said Sebastian, smirking.
"Mmm…yes," said Ciel, as Sebastian began moving down, leaving nips and kisses down Ciel's chest.
Then Sebastian took one pink bud into his mouth and began licking and nipping it. This caused Ciel's mind to go blank and his lust heighten. He couldn't help but moan.
As Sebastian was doing this, he started unzipping Ciel's pants. Ciel almost didn't notice that his pants were off until Sebastian's warm hand grasped him.
Ciel let out a surprised moan. Sebastian continued to move his hand, pumping Ciel. Ciel writhed in pleasure, trying not to moan too loud.
Sebastian was too skilled. Ciel felt close very soon after he started. Then Sebastian let go, hearing a whimper of protest from Ciel.
"It can't be over that soon my kitty," said Sebastian smirking, vampire teeth gleaming.
Ciel was, of course, impatient and wanted release as soon as possible.
"Ugh, Sebastian…just do it already", said Ciel frustrated.
"My, my…aren't we a bossy kitty," said Sebastian unzipping his pants.
He brought two fingers to Ciel's mouth. Ciel knew what that meant, and began to suck on them. This only heightened Sebastian's arousal. After they were good and wet, Sebastian inserted one finger into Ciel, causing Ciel to grunt. He didn't like this feeling, he never did, he just wanted what would come after. Soon after, Sebastian inserted the other finger, preparing his Master. He searched for the certain spot that would make his Master moan his name.
"Ah! Sebastian", said Ciel as his sweet spot was prodded. Ciel almost came right then, but held back for what was to come.
Sebastian loved hearing his name come from Ciel's mouth in that way. He couldn't contain himself anymore and lowered himself and into Ciel's entrance. Ciel's breath hitched and he cried out a little. Sebastian's fingers never compared in size to the real thing.
"Relax, Bocchan," said Sebastian, loving the wet heat he felt.
Once Ciel finally relaxed, he thrust his hips a little telling Sebastian he was ready. Sebastian began slowly thrusting in and out. Ciel moaned quietly and pulled Sebastian down to a deep, passionate kiss, with a hint of lust. Ciel wanted to taste his demon and Sebastian let him. Their tongues dancing as they tasted each other. Both couldn't get enough of each other's taste. When it was time for them both to breath, Sebastian leaned up staring into his Master's eyes.
"Ah! Harder, Sebastian!" said Ciel barely able to contain his pleasure.
"Yes, my Lord," said Sebastian thrusting in harder, trying to find that spot again.
It didn't take him long, because Ciel almost screamed in pleasure as Sebastian hit that spot.
"Oh! Yes, Sebastian!" Ciel said, back arching.
Sebastian continued to hit that bundle of nerves over and over.
"S-Sebastian…Ah!…I'm gonna…" said Ciel, close to his release.
"Come for me, my little kitty cat," said Sebastian who was close as well.
Only a couple more thrusts and Ciel moaned loudly, arching his back as he came. Sebastian felt Ciel's muscles tighten around him and he soon released himself deep into his Master.
When they caught their breaths Sebastian slowly pulled out of Ciel, making him moan.
"Look, now my kitty is all messy," said Sebastian, "I think it's time for a bath."
"Ugh…ok", said Ciel, tiredly, realizing he was still in costume.
"Wasn't that a fun party?" said Sebastian, leading Ciel to the bathroom.
"Ha! Yeah right! I only enjoyed our little after-party," said Ciel, winking.
Kuroshitsuji 30 Day Challenge
This is what I made for a 30 day fandom challenge using Black Butler! :D
Day 1: Sad ending is replaced with a happy ending
Ciel's soul is not taken...
Chapter 1: Day 1: Sad Ending Replaced With a Happy Ending
Chapter Text
"Young master, I believe the contract is complete now," Sebastian said.
"Fine, take my soul then," Ciel replied simply.
"Any last orders, my lord?" Sebastian asked, licking his lips at the thought of Ciel's tasty soul.
"Yes, Sebastian," Ciel replied. "Kill a cat."
"My lord..?" Sebastian died a little inside.
"You heard me. Now our contract will not be valid unless you follow that last order," Ciel said, smirking. "This is what you get for abandoning me."
"But my lord I can't!" Sebastian replied.
"Then you shall forever be my butler," Ciel replied.
Sebastian looked down. Was it worth being this brat's forever butler to get out of killing a cat? Yes. Yes it was.
"Fine," Sebastian said. "Can I at least have a pet cat then?"
"No, unless you'd want to kill one first," Ciel replied evilly. He was being a real pop tart today.
"I hate you so much."
Chapter 2: Day 2: Make a Crackfic
Alois and Ciel make spaghetti with weegee until Sebastian shows up with deez nuts and kills them with shrek the drek
11/10 wuld recumende 360 no scoope
Chapter Text
"Pass me the pasta, will you, Ciel?" Alois asked.
"Sure thing, buddy pal," Ciel replied, grabbing the pasta from Weegee.
"What kind of pasta do you want, Weegee?" He asked.
"LOTSA SPAGHETTTI!!!" Weegee said.
Sebastian walked in and he had deez nuts, they were tasty nuts indeed.
"want some of deez nuts?" Sebastian asked.
"Oh, please Sebastian!" Ciel exclaimed looking at his gigantic can of roasted nuts.
Sebastian took out a roasted nut and put it in ciel's mouth. Ciel liked it.
Sebastian smiled bcuz he knew of what wuld happen. Suddenly, shrek walked in. Shrek had his huge sausage hanging out. He grabbed his huge sausage from the frying pan he was holding and slapped Alois with it. Alois's face burned but he licked it with his tung but died.
Sebby poured spaghetti on Ciel's head and he and Shrek the Drek ate his soul.
The end.
(i suck at crackfics ;w;)
Chapter 3: Day 3: OTP
Alois and Ciel may not hate each other as much as they think...
And no, this isn't smut.
Chapter Text
Alois smiled as he put on Hannah's maid uniform. He knew Ciel would know it was him since he wore it last time he crossdressed, but he wanted to see him blush one more time. He didn't know what these feelings for Ciel were. He hated him, but sometimes he wanted to pin him to the wall and kiss him... Very confusing indeed.
Ciel was currently waiting for him in the dining room, which was a perfect reason for Alois to crossdress. He'd act like a maid just to see if he remembered or not at first. If not, he'd be able to kiss him like he wanted to without him knowing of his true identity. It'd be just as planned... But if he did remember, he'd just have Claude escort him out.
He tied his bow on the back of his dress and walked into the dining room to meet Ciel. Ciel's eyes widened and he blushed. Good, he didn't remember.
"Hello, Lord Phantomhive," Alois greeted, doing the best female impression he could.
"Where is Alois?" He asked.
"He is getting ready right now," He replied. "I am the Trancy maid. I can entertain you while you wait..."
"Entertain me? How will you do that then? You've no chess pieces or anything to play anyways," Ciel said indifferently.
"I can show you," Alois replied, sitting in his lap. Ciel tried to push him off, but he pushed Ciel's arms back down.
"What are you playing at?" Ciel asked.
"You've pretty eyes, Ciel," Alois said, ignoring his question as he gazed into his sapphire eyes.
"Don't ignore me, need I remind you who I am?" Ciel said, getting frustrated.
"Just relax, don't be so stubborn~" Alois replied, licking Ciel's cheek.
Ciel tensed, but then relaxed. If he relaxed, it'd be over sooner. He kind of enjoyed this anyways.
"Ciel, tell me, do you love anyone?" Alois asked him.
"No, I've no need for any woman to slow me down."
"What about a man," Alois whispered, his lips barely grazing his ear.
"What the devil do you mean?" Ciel asked, getting angry.
"I mean, would you perhaps fall in love with a man?" Alois asked.
"No, and I mean what I say," Ciel replied. "I wouldn't fall in love with anyone!"
"Oh really? Perhaps can change your mind about that, my dear," Alois said sweetly and before Ciel could reply, he pressed his lips upon his.
Ciel was shocked, to say the least. His eyes naturally closed as he tried to fight the urge to kiss back. Soon, he gave in as Alois swiped his tongue across his bottom lip, requesting entrance. He obliged with reluctance and parted his lips. Alois explored every part of his mouth as did Ciel to his. After a while, they broke the kiss.
"Did I change your mind?" He asked, struggling to keep up the fake voice.
"Maybe," Ciel said bitterly.
Alois smiled before speaking normally. "Good, now I can stop playing these games."
"Alois!" Ciel said, eyes widened. Did he really kiss Alois of all people?
"Yes, Ciel," Alois replied. "Perhaps you do like men, Ciel. I guess I changed your mind on that too."
Chapter 4: Day 4: What happens when [Sebastian] goes a day without [cats]
Sebastian has to go a day without cats for the first time in his life.
Yep, I'm torturing Bassy. I'm sorry. ;w
But young master, please!" Sebastian whined.
"No, I can't even have cat dander around me anyways," Ciel replied coldly.
"But I have to see Mr. Fluffy today! He needs food! He lives in an ally in the town! It'll just be a second! Have mercy, please!" Sebastian pressed on with his argument.
"No is a no, Sebastian!" Ciel replied angrily.
"Please, young master, I'm begging you!" Sebastian begged.
"Sebastian, I order you to shut up!" Ciel replied. "Go to your room!"
Sebastian cried and went to his room.
"Life is so unfair! I hate my master!" Sebastian cried into his pillow. "I want to elope with Mr. Fluffy!"
"I heard that Sebastian!"
Chapter 5: x reader fanfic (I'm using Sebby for this)
Sebby meets a truly beautiful girl at a ball.
Since I've never written a Sebastian x Reader, I'll make one for this challenge! Sorry if this is short!
By the way, the reader is a demon :D
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She was so beautiful. The way her hips swayed when she twirled around, the way she smiled when she accidentally stepped on her partner's toes. Sebastian envied him, being able to dance with such a beauty. She was (Y/N) (L/N), who was on the guest list for Ciel's yearly ball. Sebastian picked many people whom Ciel would enjoy, but he was the one who seemed to enjoy (Y/N) more than him as Ciel was paying no mind to her.
When the song ended Sebastian decided to approach her. As soon as he got close to her, though, he had a gut feeling of something...
"Hello, I am Sebastian, butler of the Phantomhive Estate," He greeted with a bow.
"I'm (Y/N)," She replied, curtseying.
"You were very beautiful when you danced," Sebastian commented.
"Thank you," She replied.
"No need for thanks, I'm sure everyone can see it," Sebastian said. He'd be able to get her easily.
"You are very handsome yourself, Sebastian," She said.
"Thank you, but if a Phantomhive butler could not be presentable to his master's guest what kind of butler would he be?" Sebastian said smoothly.
She giggled.
"Do you want to see the garden, (Y/N)?" Sebastian asked.
"Sure," She replied.
After escorting her to the garden, they took a seat on the bench.
"(Y/N), I must ask you something," Sebastian said.
"Yes, Sebastian?"
"Are you perhaps... a demon?" He asked.
"Are you?" She asked.
"Yes, and now I know you are," Sebastian replied.
"And how did I catch your eye so easily? I've spotted a few different demons here," She asked.
"You were moving beautifully, how wouldn't you catch my eye? You do know that demons have temptations~" Sebastian flirted.
"And you caught my eye as well," She replied.
"Why are you here anyways?" Sebastian asked her.
"I am playing maid for Maggie Sanchez," She replied. "And I already know why you're here."
"Why should someone so beautiful have to play the role of a lowly maid?" Sebastian asked, frowning.
"Why would someone so handsome have to be a lowly butler?" She returned the same question, frowning as well.
Sebastian smirked with a small chuckle before capturing her lips in a chaste kiss.
"I've got to go, my master needs me," She said, waving to Sebastian.
"Do come by later," Sebastian replied as she walked away.
"For sure.."
Chapter 6: Day 6: Smut
Ciel wants some practice on kissing, but that evolves into something much more.. interesting...
I really didn't want to do smut, but I will anyways. It's Sebaciel.
But if you want to see sebaciel kiss then read on lol
Chapter Text
"Sebastian!" Ciel called.
Sebastian entered the room and sat down some tea on his table.
"Yes, master?"
"I need some practice.." Ciel said, starting to get red in the face.
"With what, my lord?"
"With.. kissing. Lizzy and I have a date today and she said she wanted it to be romantic so I have to kiss her!" Ciel said.
"I can help, then,"
"Well, obviously, why would I have invited you in here if you couldn't help?" Ciel said, crossing his arms.
Sebastian smirked and brought Ciel's face up to face him. Ciel uncrossed his arms and placed them to his side as Sebastian leaned in and connected their lips in a kiss. Ciel felt his face heat up as Sebastian swiped his tongue across his bottom lip. Sebastian would enjoy kissing Ciel because when you kiss someone you can taste their soul, well if you're a demon, of course.
Ciel parted his lips and Sebastian darted his tongue in. They battled for dominance, Ciel losing. Ciel's blush became deeper as he felt himself get hard. This was embarrassing, and especially since Sebastian just noticed and parted the kiss. Wait.. SEBASTIAN NOTICED! Ciel hid his face in his hands.
"Young master, don't be afraid, this is normal," Sebastian said.
"I can't have that happen when I'm with Lizzy!" He replied, getting stressed out.
"Don't be stressed, my lord," Sebastian said.
"How can I not be? I can't have Lizzy having to deal with this! It'll ruin my reputation as the Phantomhive's leader!"
"I can help you ease your stress~" Sebastian said. Why was he feeling these urges towards Ciel? He didn't care, he would satisfy them just as long as it didn't violate the contact.
"Fine," Ciel said, crossing his arms and sitting up straight.
Chapter 7: OC Insert
Cynthia meets Ciel Phantomhive.
First of all, I hate the majority of OC inserts because most OCs are mary-sues and in every single OC-insert fanfic they date a main character. But my OC won't be dating anyone so I'll save you some agony lmao
BTW the challenge I'm doing is located here :)
Chapter Text
Cynthia sighed as she sat down in front of the chess board, Ciel sitting on the other side. He was bored as well, but Sebastian had arranged this meeting so that Ciel would have a new pawn. Cynthia only came because she had to, as she was a proper lady and her reputation would drop if she didn't.
"Hello, Lord Phantomhive," She greeted. "How has your day been?"
"Decent," He replied. "And yours?"
"Pretty good," She replied.
"Sebastian, bring us some tea," Ciel ordered.
"What kind would you like, young master?" He asked.
"Earl grey," He replied as Sebastian walked off.
Oh my god this is so bad i'm not doing anymore of this crap ;w;
Chapter 8: Day 8: Sappy Story ;w;
Alois is regretting how he treated Hannah...
Takes place before hannah took his soul btw
Chapter Text
Alois sat down beside Hannah, composing a note in the time he had before one of the two butlers reached him. He had only now discovered about Hannah's secret, and he was feeling bad about how he had treated her.
His note currently read:
"Dear Hannah,
I am truly sorry that I had treated you so badly. I never knew that you had eaten Luka's soul, but even if I had I would have been angry at you, but I know that he filled you with love for me. You truly care for me, much more than Claude. Now I know that he used me to get that Phantomhive brat's soul. I will never understand you demons. You are all a true mystery.
I feel as if Claude knew that I loved him, and used me for many things. He can go die for all I care. I hope Sebastian kills him. I put my trust in him and he never cared. You're the only one who understands, as is Luka.
I have little time left and to be honest I'm surprised Sebastian knows more about me than Claude does, and Sebastian doesn't even know me barely. I'm just ready to be done with demons, except for you. Hannah, you are the only one that will ever love me, besides Luka.
You put up with my terrible actions and even gouging out your eye. You could have killed me any time I have done that, you are a demon after all, a powerful one.
Looks like Sebastian's reached us. Goodbye, Hannah. And tell Claude to go eat shit.
Alois Trancy"
0 notes
lexacoolfox · 3 years
I saw your bio about angel of death too!! May i request nagito X s/o who's like zack!!:D I hope i don't bothering you and have a nice day^^♡♡
Yes finally! Also your not bothering me, and thank you for wishing me a nice day! Your such a sweet heart adelia-Chan!
Nagito with a S/O like Zack!
Now it is modern time, you probably aren’t a murder but you can be, um…problematic.
You liked to beat people up when the looked to happy or mad. It made you feel good.
You obviously laughed like a mentally insane person when you did.
Now on the first day of school you saw a boy with white hair looking way to happy, he looked like a good target.
He noticed you right away and introduced himself with that smile, he sounded so joyful while doing it. That just made you want beat him up even more.
“Hello I’m Nagito Komeada!”
“Hey Komeada. I’m S/O. You got three seconds to run.”
The last part you said with a dark tone. He looked at you confused.
“Um…why would I need to run?”
“Cause you look way to frickin happy, makes me want to beat you up! I like to give people a fair chance to try to run away. As long you beg or scream for me not to hurt you to bad! I love seeing fear on my victims faces! Gets my blood bumping!”
He softly chuckled.
“Oh I’m not going to run away. I’ll let you do it. Come hit me! An ultimate like you hitting trash like me is an honor!”
You stumbled back and leaned by a nearby trash can and threw up.
“Man is something wrong with you. That’s the most messed up thing I’ve ever heard. You not running away or begging for your life. it makes it no fun. See ya later weirdo, I going to class I guess.”
Unfortunately (or fortunately) you both had the same class.
So you really couldn’t escape him, you had to listen to him insult himself and his thing on hope. Which kinda annoyed you.
You interested him and he wanted to get to know you. Like what your hobbies, your goals, or why do you like to beat up people who look happy.
“Is there a reason why your following me like a lost puppy?”
“Your interest me. Just pretend I’m not here.”
You saw a group of girls. They were laughing at another girl. They poured milk on her and laughed even louder. This brought back a memory from your childhood. A very bad memory.
You feel into a rage. You ran and proceeded to beat these girls to the point where they were knocked out. You turned to the girl who they were bullying you held out a hand for her to grab. You helped her getting up, patted her head then walked away.
Nagito followed close behind. You forgot he was following you. You went somewhere quite with a low chance of other students walking by. Then you grabbed him by the neck and shoved him against the wall.
“You better not tell anyone about anything you saw! Or else your gonna end up worse then those girls!”
“Oh I was never going to tell anyone anyway!”
“You better not be lying! I hate liars more than anything!”
“I’m not lying.”
You looked at him in the eyes. He was completely honest. You let him go.
“I thought it was kinda cool to see you standing up for that girl.”
“I wasn’t doing it for her. I was doing it cause it reminded me of something. Something I’d rather forget.”
“Even though, your speed and strength was amazing to see in action. You also held such passion in your eyes.”
You started angry mumbling not because he was annoying you but your were honestly embarrassed, you weren’t used to hearing much praise.
One day your class decided to have a party, you don’t know how they convinced you. But they did, you didn’t listen to the details just the time and place.
The party was a bonfire party.
Once you arrived you were the last one to arrive, they started off the fire. To where you started internally freaking out. Also frozen in fear.
At some point you were escaped into the back of the woods, Nagito noticed and went to follow you. He heard you near by. You found you punching a tree while yelling. You hade to stop cause of your hands
You wore bandages all over hands, shoulder, arms, and up your back a little, from a incident from a long time ago. You heard a twig snap.
“Who’s there! Show yourself!”
“Oops looks like I’ve been spotted.”
“Ugh! What’s with you and following me!”
“Well I noticed you left the party. I just wanted to know why.
He said sitting on a tree stump. You lean against a tree.
“Don’t tell anyone this. But. I’m scared of fire.”
“Oh. Well, how about we go to a near by gas station. We can get some snacks!”
“I don’t have any money.”
“Don’t worry I’ll pay.”
You weren’t saying no to free food. You guys got a couple of snacks and went to a nearby park to sit on a bench.
You actually had a nice conversation with Nagito. You actually were laughing a lot. For the first time ever somebody smile didn’t want to make you beat them up. Nagito smile made you smile.
You developed a crush on Nagito.
You treated him different from then on.
No threats were thrown his way from you. You didn’t mind when he talked to you. Anytime somebody gave him a nasty look for saying something. You punch your hand against your palm as a sign. You often lean against him when he talks to somebody. Anytime he says an insult to himself, you put him in a headlock and start giving him noogies while saying “why do you keep saying that! Do you got some screws loose Huh?!” You could say it’s tough love. Everbody knew you had a crush on Nagito. But you were to dense to notice your own feelings and Nagito was to oblivious to notice your change in behavior. Surprisingly you and fuyuhiko had a kinda Frenemy thing going on. You two acted like you hate each other, which you do. but you two had a lot in common so sometimes you got along. He’s the one to point out your feelings
“When you going to tell Nagito you like him?”
“Huh? What do you mean?”
“It’s so obvious you have a crush on him. Which is kinda weird.”
“What’s a crush?”
He gave you a shock looked. Then called you an idiot. He explained a crush and then it made sense to you.
“So…how do I tell him.”
“Just tell him. Unless your a chicken.”
“Shut up! I’m not a chicken! I’ll go tell him right now!”
You stomped away looking for Nagito to tell him. You found him being Ganged up by some guys. You beat all of them up. Some puked from your punches, some passed out, some ran away. You picked up Nagito and threw him over his shoulder and started walking away with him.
“Um s/o can you let me down? I can walk on my own.”
You went back to your place and threw him on your couch.
“Thanks for saving me back there. I didn’t think you would save me like that.”
You flicked him in the forehead.
“Of course I saved you. I love you dummy.”
He blushed at the sudden confession.
“I love you too.”
You blushed and pulled him to your chest. You cuddle him, so you guys are now a couple.
Here somethings you do now your a couple
You are always touching him in someway, simple hand hold, hugging, leaning against him, just anything works.
Your like his own personal bodyguard.
He helps you with your bandages when you need to change them.
He comforts you when there’s fire.
You give him random small kisses.
Everybody and anybody is too scared to flirt with Nagito.
When you two are anywhere like a booth at a restaurant. You have you arm wrapped around Nagito shoulder.
After a long time. You told him things about your childhood, which he understood and helped you deal with your trauma.
Bonus: for this to make sense. I ship fuyuhiko and Peko.
You noticed how fuyuhiko acted around peko. You and Nagito decided to play match maker.
Nagito invited fuyuhiko to a cafe to hangout. While you did the same with peko.
They arrived at the cafe both texting you asking where you were. Both of you texted something came up with your significant other so you couldn’t make it. They spotted each other and decided to hangout. Just according to plan. you and Nagito where wearing disguises to watch them. Nagito went up to their waiter after he took their order, saying he’ll pay for them.
When they learned that somebody payed for them and the waiter pointed who. They realized it was you two. You practically grab Nagito and made a mad dash for the exit.
Later that night you got to listen to a mad fuyuhiko, while receiving passive aggressive text from peko.
“Why you so mad? I’m just helping you out. I mean you helped me and Nagito get together. I’m just returning the favor.”
“What?! Are you implying I have a crush on peko! What gave off that idea?!”
“A lot of things gave off that idea. C’mon you like her. Don’t be a chicken.”
“I hate you!”
“The feelings mutual. Just go for it.”
“You don’t tell me what to do-“
You hung up. You put your phone on silent and went to sleep. Luckily it was Friday so you didn’t have school the next day. So they couldn’t bother you about it.
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everythingsinred · 2 years
Okay with the character bingo, I must inquire about your fandoms bc I don't want to be like "ahh what do you think of this fine lad"
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And you being like :/ idk who that is nice bird tho
Like that would be kinda funny, but also it would be neat to hear about your other fandoms than GA. Like I've seen Go Piss Girl (Gossip Girl, but the only thing I know about that show is that meme 😅), The Office, something to do with spies? And one with characters that have big ol eyes but idk what it is.
In any case, for the time being, what your thoughts about ✨Mikan✨? My impression of her has changed a lot over the years, I first thought she was annoying but now I'm just kinda sad for her :,)
yeah i dont watch owl house but im pretty sure thats hunter? if its not im sorry i only know what i see on my dash in passing lol. nice bird tho (hehe)
yeah i like gossip girl! i was at the height of that when i was 13 but its a nostalgic show for me. its not a show that i think too much abt ig. mostly i just quote it all the time w my sister. i have a gossip girl character as my icon now bc i like having matching icons w my sister! we like to switch through fictional friendships/sibling dynamics. 
i also LOVE the office and also all sitcoms of that nature (i love parks and rec, superstore, new girl, etc. i love funny shows that focus on sentimental relationships that end up making me ugly cry. i think the office might be my fav but tbh i thought that abt superstore AND new girl before so idk if i even have a fav).
spy x family is a new anime im into these days! its found family and very cute!
and show w big eyes... im not sure which one u mean hhh. i like a lot of anime, my favs being ga (ofc), jibaku shounen hanako-kun, and fruits basket. im also really into the webtoon hooky, which is abt witches.
anyway mikan time:
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ONE OF MY FAV CHARACTERS OF ALL TIME. i talk abt natsume all the time so it might feel like hes my all time fav, but he and mikan actually share that place in my heart. 
yes similarly i also felt she was annoying when i first watched the anime (i was twelve when i first got into it). at such a young age i had a tendency to get irritated with the female mcs in media (internalized misogyny, etc) and mikan was 1. loud 2. bold 3. stupid, which are naturally unforgivable traits for a character to have (sarcasm). when i rewatched/reread at 14 i realized that i was looking at her all wrong. around the time i started observing the ga tumblr fandom around age 15 (i only recently started being active in the ga fandom bc i was too nervous before), there was a pervasive idea that mikan was a mary sue.
UGH so let me go off real quick. i will talk way more abt mikan in my next nm essay, but ill summarize some of my ideas briefly for this. mikan’s arc is all about feeling useful, having agency, and how best to help others. she is maybe one of the few characters who undergoes OVERWHELMINGLY negative character development. i dont mean she was flanderized or ruined, i mean that this little girl started developing the idea that she should smile all the time and hide all her negative feelings in order to make OTHERS feel better. this is not good! but its treated like its good, like thats the best choice she can make (this is the actual reason that i only ship her romantically w natsume actually, but ill go into that in my essay). it can be fun for a character to devolve, to make the wrong choice, but this change wasnt treated that way.
another issue is i genuinely HATE mikan having the stealing alice. she should never have had the stealing alice. do i realize thats more than half the manga im talking about? YES. it completely upended her character arc. her nullification alice was so understated! she felt like it was useless and was SO insecure about it. then all of a sudden she has the stealing alice, which can be dangerous, but definitely cannot be called “useless” and her story about uselessness/having a “boring” alice just. falls short. yukas story w the stealing alice was so meaningful and impactful on its own. mikan ALMOST being the next yuka couldve been compelling if it didnt ruin the set-up that the entire first half of the manga was focusing on. 
anyway mikan is NOT a mary sue for the above reasons. she is not effortlessly perfect. many people in the manga call her plain. she can be really stupid. she doesnt always save the day. in fact, other people often have to save her, making her feel useless (which is why she shouldve saved natsume. they were each other’s key to resolving arcs and yet. and YET.) she can be loud, brash, bold, and often says the wrong things. she has a really apparent character arc and calling her a mary sue ignores all that. ppl who think mikan is a mary sue are my worst enemy and i will fist fight them.
now ill talk a little about mikan in fanfics bc i think its worth mentioning, especially since i filled out that square abt her being done dirty. like i said, mikan is stupid. im not insulting her. some people are stupid. shes not good at academics. shes a lot more sporty than she is brainy. she rushes to conclusions and doesnt always think things through. shes not really a rational person all the time. fanfics often treat this stupidity as a negative trait to be fixed. maybe shes stupid when shes little but she’ll be a genius when she gets older! look how smart she is now! instead of just letting her be dumb. she has other traits, like deep empathy, athleticism, passion, optimism, that are often sacrificed in fanfic in order to make room for her made up intelligence. 
mikan in fanfic (especially if shes supposed to be older) is often painted as more subdued than her loud manga counterpart, more often cynical, introverted, skeptical, etc., and ALWAYS pretty even if SHE doesnt see it (despite being described often as plain in the manga). i have some theories about this. 
1: western fans are more comfortable making mikan like a western mc than one more typical of anime. if u think abt what a typical western female lead looks like, she’s usually less feminine, “not like other girls,” a smart bookworm who is cynical and rational. this is familiar so i think a lot of western fanfic writers end up leaning mikan this way even at the cost of making her unrecognizable. so mikan being stupid and loud and optimistic are all traits to be fixed, bc theyre not as familiar in a lead role. 
2. fans want to have a mature mikan, and they think theres no way she can keep her childish traits, like stupidity, boldness, impulsiveness, and idealism, and NOT be a child. i find that ridiculous. why cant mikan be a giddy, happy, upbeat adult? why does she have to lose all the traits that make her mikan in order to demonstrate maturity? 
3. i might be off base with all of these, but this one... i feel the most strongly about. mikan is the main character. in a lot of stories, the reader is invited to relate to the main character, to project onto her. often, the main character is vague or universal BC imagining her as you is the whole point. fanfic (especially the older fanfic) turns mikan into that easily recognizable and relatable mc we can insert ourselves into. 
anyway i have a lot more thoughts on mikan, way more than i could ever say in one post (which is why im doing an essay series) but these are some basic thoughts i have. im sorry its so long. 
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rurulyywrites · 2 years
☁️🍈 Mood swings|Floyd Leech X M!reader|
Pairings: Floyd Leech X M!reader
Plot:Y/n has recently lost a bet with the 4mighoes(my ocs) and was dared to do the pocky game with his crush.
Requested by: @TalonXx
"Could you do a Floyd X male reader fluff? It can have any amount of lemon/lime also"
OF COURSE YOU STUNNINGLY GORGEOUSLY HANDSOME HUMAN BEING! (Random bullshit go? Nah mate,this is random compliments go)
I hope this was worth the wait since it took long just because I post once every week
Type: Fluff☁️ lime🍈 (limes are slightly 18+ and if you're uncomfy with that topic,feel free to check out some non 18+ chapters I have!
3rd person POV
"And guess what! Hoez~" Eliza says as everyone sighs. Y/n, Ru, Ursula, Shei and Eliza are currently hanging out at the Ramshackle Dorm lounge while Grim was out with the ADeuce duo.
"Eliza please do not call us that" Ru said with a groan while they,Y/n and Shei play Poker.
"Anyways! Y/n,you better have some shit in your wallet! BECAUSE (rival name) IS ACTUALLY A PART TIME SSSSTTRRRRIIIPAAHH!!!"
Eliza shouts out as Y/n slapped his set of cards down on the table "THEY ACTUALLY ARE?!"
"Y/n,you didn't win. I did" Shei said as she placed her cards down to reveal a two of a kind.
"Haa?" Ru said as they placed their cards down to reveal a royal flush of cards.
"NOO!" Y/n shouts as he slumps against his chair. "Pay up,buttercup"
Ru said as they layed their hand out flat "1000 Madol/Thaumarks like we said. You too, Shei"
Y/n and Shei pays. "Hey! Y/n you needa pay here too,bitch"
Ursula shouts at the man while not looking away from its phone. "Bruhh I'm broke! I don't have 2000 Madol/Thaumarks!"
Y/n complains as he shows Eliza his empty wallet. "Can a dare work?" Y/n asks them as Eliza smirks.
"This was not my idea of fun" Y/n said,annoyed at the group, while holding a box of Pockys and slouching with an annoyed expression.
"Oh come on! Either that or 2000 Madol/Thaumarks by tomorrow!" "FINE"
Y/n shouts at Eliza.
The five are all standing in the Hall of Mirrors, just right in front of the Mirror to Octavinelle. Eliza dared Y/n to do the Pocky game with his crush,aka Floyd Leech.
"Alright then,go" "WAIT NO- you're not gonna..?" "Stop you? Hell nah,bitch. This is thrilling!"
Ursula said in excitement as Y/n groans and rolls his eyes "I don't wannaaa"
"you don't have a choice. You can't spawn 2000 in your wallet as well. So~" Shei said as Y/n squints at them.
"Ugh. I hate you" Y/n said as he walks away but then turned his head back at them "I said I hate you!" no response "I FUCKING HATE--" "oh?? Shrimpy kun~?? What are you doing here~? What's with the snacks~?"
"OH! I- uh ok- I was--.." Y/n has completely malfunctioned. "Hey, Shrimpy. Are you sick? You're pretty hot right now~"
Floyd said with a chuckle right after. Y/n was gripping on that box of Pockys for dear life.. "I'M FINE! GOODBYE!"
And with that,Y/n dashed out of the Hall of Mirrors "Nee~ squid San,what was that?" Floyd asks Ursula "No clue,I'll go check on him"
Ursula said as it leaves the Hall of Mirrors "Nooo~ I wanna go see him" Floyd said as he dashed out,running towards where Y/n was headed. "Eliza"
"Filming is ready,Bossy bij" Eliza tells Shei as she prepares her camera for filming
"Please don't film pornography without consent and within school grounds. Also, don't publish it anywhere"
Just as the friends were about to leave,A/n the Librarian appeared infront of them while riding a broom.
The friends all look at the Librarian with confused faces but soon agreed and left.
It was SO EASY! Why did you run?!
It could've scored you a point to his heart! It could've given him a hint!
But nooo. Instead I ran like a coward!
I thought as I ran away into the forest and stopped once I realized..
"I'm lost"
"WHY ARE YOU SOO STUPID?!" I shouted at myself as I angrily chomped down on the Pockys.
"*Muffled* can't believe I fell for that eel AND mess up a possible hint I could've given him!" I said as I rolled my eyes.
"His stupid handsome face, chiseled fucking body, greatest personality. AND THEN THERES ME." I complained as I added another Pocky in my mouth.
"And what's wrong with you?"
"Well that's easy! I'm stupidly ugly and--?! FLOYD?!"
I jumped and turned around,expecting to see Floyd but instead was faced with nothing. "GRREAT! Now. Even my inner consciousness is just Floyd"
Floyd POV
"GRREAT! Now. Even my inner consciousness is just Floyd"
Just me,eh? I'll play to your little game,Shrimpy~
"Yahoo~ inner conscience Floyd here!"
I said playfully "I am going insane!" He shouts as he keeps chomping on the Pockys "You're fine,Shrimpy~ what's wrong?" I asked,looking down at such cutie.
"Well you are my inner consciousness. Ok I've been liking Floyd for waaay too long now. And sure I act normal around him,let's say that. BUT ACTUALLY GETTING IN PHYSICAL CONTACT WITH HIM? That is a whole 'nother story."
Aww,Shrimpy likes me back~
"And as much as I wanna give him a hint or maybe confess. I can't really bring myself to do it and-- oh shit this is kinda therapeutic. Anyways,not to get off track but I need him to confess because I can't. And yet I know that he's not gonna like me back and all that stuff. Blah blah blah"
he says as he sits down on the grass and looking up. Startling me as I hurriedly hid for his gaze. "Oh shit,is that a cat up there?!" Y/n said worried as I heard him stand up.
I used my hand to cover my mouth so that he doesn't hear me.
"C'mere kitty.." He says in a low voice as I hear him climbing up. "What's a kitty like you doing up-..?! FLOYD??!!"
"Welp,I'm spotted~" I said as he backs up "H-HEY! D-DONT MOVE! I SWEAR-!" "What's wrong,shrimpy~" "DON'T--" and then. The two men fell down the tree. Y/n groans and rubs the back of his head with an irritated look. "Looks like you fell for--" "DAMMIT FLOYD! I HATE YOU-..."
"Ugh. This is stupid. Leave me alone,and what you did there was really weird" Y/n said as he stood up and brushed his clothes before leaving. "Well fine! Leave me here!" "Oh be my fucking guest. I hate you, Floyd Leech."
Y/n said as I tched and ran up to him
Well kinda deserved. He's being a pompous prick.
"Oh that's how we're gonna play?"
Floyd says,not in his usual friendly tone. A scary one. "Then let's play"
"What the fuck are--..?!"
Just as I turned to face him, Floyd's face was inches away from mine,staring into my eyes and those eyes,they didn't look too friendly.
"F-Floyd.. what are you doing..?" "You said you liked me. What's with all the hate now?"
He was dead serious,DEAD SERIOUS
"Floyd let's just---"
And he kissed me. wait-- HE KISSED ME?
Lips,so soft, but the kiss said otherwise.
It felt wrong since I still hate him,but it would feel even more wrong to not enjoy.
My hands moved from my sides to his neck to deepen the kiss,I wished it could last forever. His skillful tongue, soft lips, and just the way he made my stomach feel like it's infested with butterflies.
I love him
His lips moved from my mouth down to my jawline and neck. "H-HEY! What are--..?! Shit.." he kisses and sucks on my sweet spot
"First try,huh? Are you always this sensitive? Or do I just know you so damn well,Shrimpy?"
"Oh you fucking--.. fuck.. I HATE-- angh!"
As I was just trying to scold him,he grinds into me and bites my neck.
"Floyd this is wrong.." "I don't hear you"
Sex in the city? More like SEX IN A FUCKING FOREST
Yes this sucks,it's gonna be under editing. I just made this now because I realized that it's already a week and 2 days. Pretty rushed
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thefloatingstone · 3 years
Yeah I remember reading the post and thinking 'this sounds like it MIGHT be an adhd thing' but I didn't want to say that bc I didn't want to come of patronizing like 'oh hun your feelings are just your neurodivergence acting up.' Nevertheless even if it IS 'caused by' adhd that doesn't make the feeling less 'valid' or less shitty to feel!
Yeah XD; probably if you had said that right there and then, because I was angy, I probably would have just been grumpy about that being pointed out because for whatever reason I have this weird complex about "not getting listened to" which I'm pretty sure is thanks to growing up in the school system. (it also left me with the belief that nobody ever listens to ANYTHING I say and nobody puts any value into my words) so at that very second it probably would have just annoyed me.... but you right tho XDDD and honestly, Now that I'm not angry, it actually does make me feel a LOT better to have other people with ADHD go "oh I recognise that one. Yeah that sucks bro." especially since, despite the tone of the post, I really was talking about it to hear if this is what everyone feels and they're just not talking about it or not.
....so the typical ADHD experience. "Everyone probably feels this way and they just don't mention it."
btw I get this too though probably about different subject matter. For example I have to hold back from correcting people about legal topics when they're 'just making a joke' or even when they're outright spreading misinformation, bc I know no one in the 100k notes is going to notice and it's a waste of my time. And then I feel agitated for hours especially if the post goes by on my dash AGAIN.
Ah yeah yeah yeah.
My big triggers are misinformation just... in GENERAL really makes me angry. (Did you guys hear fucking Rubber Ross on yt tell his 300k followers that Herge "drew N*zi Propaganda because he was German" when Herge was BELGIAN AND HAD HIS COUNTRY OCCUPIED DURING THE WAR AND WAS PROBABLY TAKEN PRISONER TO DRAW PROPAGANDA ROSS O'DONOVAN WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?????)
Another big thing that sets me off a LOT is when you see teenagers (almost always from the US) going on about how Communism is the bees knees just because they hate capitalism and you can just fucking tell they've never opened a single history book in their entire lives and lemme tell ya, the friends I have who actually live in the Eastern Block HAVE SOME DISAGREEMENT WITH THAT STATEMENT But as you say. What the fuck is the point yelling in a 100k notes post because all you're gonna get is a bunch of 16 year olds calling a "bootlicker" or sending you spicy memes of that stock image of that dude deep throating a doc martin and all manner of "wow you're a terrible person sweaty (:" in your inbox and it's honestly not fucking worth the longlasting consequences.
(Law stuff isn't the only thing that's just the most noncontroversial topic I could mention as an example, lol. But anyway I do get this feeling like 'ò_ó Now I'm mad but I can't do anything about it, UGH!!!' when I hold back from shouting at strangers on the internet about various things. Feels like being a frustrated, angry tiger pacing in a shitty zoo cage.)
A frustrated angry tiger pacing in a shitty zoo cage is 100% the feeling. And it can last for HOURS. as in PLURAL HOURS. And it sucks ass, man. (I was yelling at my therapist about Ross O'Donovan's showing his ass at his 300k subscribers which is probably the angriest he's seen me but forgive me if some popular asshole accuses a war victim of being a n*zi makes me just a little bit annoyed)
But honestly it IS, as always, a good feeling to have someone else go "it's ok. It's not just you. I know how that feels." even if it can't be right that very moment where I'm still being like
Tumblr media
(Also as an aside please if you didn't have a very good history department in high school, I am BEGGING you to make some time to read up on your recent world history, people)
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appledashieeus · 4 years
“We don’t talk together” - Heize but it’s about Rainbow Dash’s feelings for her crush.
At Sweet Snack Cafe...
Sunset: So... How are you guys doing?
Rainbow: Nahh I’m doing just as awesome as usual
Applejack (smirk): Huh? Ah’m good. So how about you Sunset?
Rainbow: Yeah, how are you AND Pinkie doin’?
Sunset (darting her eyes away from the girl, replying shyly): We’re alright.. I guess.
Sunset: Talking about relationships, how are you and Rarity? Didn’t you two decide to get back together after that ​Starswirled Music Festival​, right?
Applejack (awkwardly): Yeah, righ- ah mean... things are really not that clear yet. *blushing hard, and immediately gulped the water in her glass to relieve her awkward state*  Rare said she needs more time but ah’ think we’re doin’ alright?
Sunset (confused): But didn’t you two spent major time together at that festival?...
Rainbow (thinking in her head): Not all the time
Sunset:...You even rolled her sushi...
Rainbow (muttering): She makes food for everyone.
Sunset:...you made her mud-mask...
Rainbow (still muttering):She didn’t, it was real mud tho
Sunset:...And that Ponygram’s video ya two made together about camping must have, it has like, millions heart icons in it!
Rainbow (keep muttering but smaller volume): Rare likes heart icon, that’s all.
Applejack (thinking about it and start blushing): A-ah’ guess yall did have sum point.
Sunset (smirk in champion way): Hah, see.
AJ *smiled nervously while her cheeks turn in beet-red*
Sunset (notice RD’s gloomy face): So how about you Rainbow? How’s your relationship status?
Rainbow (startled): Oh.. um am alright. Too busy being captain of all the sport team in school at the moment, no time for that mussy love thing *acts careless*
Sunset: Hmm.. I see. But how about Fluttershy, don’t you take care of her a lot? Like whenever were hangin’ out you’re always with her, and last summer your fam and her fam even went on vacation together, right?
Rainbow: There is n-
Applejack: There is no way RD and Fluttershy having anything for each other ah’m tellin’ ya *chuckle* They are childhood friends, more specifically they parents are friends, even tho they don't seem like they have anything in common but Fluttershy’s parents trust RD a lot. They asked her to look after their daughter, am ‘ah right sugarcube?
Rainbow (smiled nervously): Yeah, that’s everything Sunset. By the way Fluttershy already has a crush on this tree-nerd, what’s her name again? Ahh yeah Tree Hugger. Don’t you know about that?
Rainbow: Besides, she isn’t my type anyway so yea, that kind of relationship is impossible for us. We’re more like sister if you ask me tho *placing the straw in the cup she was holding on her lips, drinking her cool rainbow ice-blended to dispel the tense*
Sunset (confusion): Ah yeah, right, Pinkie might mentioned it before but I wasn’t paying much attention haha *chuckle shyly*
🎶 Get in the group, you bring that dancing shoes~ I’ll bring that attitude, you bring the crew so we can move~ 🎵
Applejack (startled): Ohh that was mah phone. *pick up the phone* Yea Rarity?....
Sunset looking at RD’s frowning face , “there must be something wrong here” she thinks.
Applejack (hang up her phone): Uhm.. Sorry you guys, it’s time for me to go to Rare’s house. Ah’ promised her ah’ll build her closet-room today. And ah gonna post it on Ponygram so remember to check ‘em out *chuckle shyly*
Applejack (pack up her thing and finish her apple smoothie): Okay ah’ gotta go now, see yall later.
Sunset: Yeah take care AJ
Rainbow (back to earth): Ah right, bye AJ see you around.
Sunset (waving): Have fun!
After Applejack left, The atmosphere became dull for the Speedster. Dashie’s face formed a noticeable gloom which Sunset recognized.
Sunset: Hey Rainbow, you alright?
Sunset: Heyy *wave her hand at RD’s face*
Sunset: (do and say random thing) Back to earth Rainbow Dash
Sunset (lose her temper): RAINBOW DASH!!
Rainbow (startled): Huh? I’m here am here. Oh it was you, Sunset Shimmer. You don’t need to shout that loud you know. *takes a sip from her ice-blended*
Sunset (pats Rainbow’s shoulder): Is there anything wrong Dash? *she said in a worrying tone*
Rainbow (sigh): It’s nothing Sunset, I just...
Sunset stopped for a moment and thought about the conversation the three of them had earlier. Not long after studying the moment shared, Sunset finally realized what the actual problem really was
Sunset (slightly serious voice): You have a crush on AJ don’t you?
Rainbow (got startled, nervously looking around while quickly uses her hand to shut Sunset up): Wh-what? What are you saying! pfft.. tsk.. I don’t have feelings for Applejack, Sunset.
Sunset (takes RD’s hand off her mouth): Ugh.. Chill out Dash, It’s not like Pinkie’s here today to bounce and talk non-stop about this. Gummy caught a stomach ache, she had to bring him over to Fluttershy.
Sunset (looking around): And it seems like there is no one we know is sittin’ in. So Rainbow Dash, calm down.
Rainbow (finally making herself calm down a bit and sitting down): Yeah you’re right *sigh, looking down* So you know my secret huh? Now what, are you going to tell everyone about it?
Sunset: No Dash that’s not what I mea-
(The original was in Korean but I decided to use the translation. Suggest yall to listen to this song while continue reading)
🎵~ Do you feel the same now? It’s strange
This night we’ve been walking a long time ~ 🎶
Rainbow Dash froze upon hearing the song. She knows this song. She felt her heart clench inside her chest as if it was stabbed with a sword
Sunset sensed how uneasy her rainbow headed friend had become and as her friend. she scooted closer to show comfort
Sunset (patted her friend’s back): Hey RD, I know that you feel uncomfortable about all of this, but if you need someone to talk to.. I’m right here you know? I’ll be all ears.
Rainbow (looking at Sunset then look down at her ice-blended , her voice got softer than ever): You see Sunset...
Sunset: (listening)
Rainbow (sigh): I did something I shouldn’t. I have a crush on my best friend, and that friend is even DATED my other best friend. I’m a real mess ain’t I. *dugs her face in both of her hands releasing a heavy breathe of sigh*
Sunset (surprisingly and hesitantly): Dash i-
🎶~ Without any fear
I don’t know, I don’t know
Maybe back then 🎵
I just relied too much on Believing you would comfort me ~ 🎶
The feels that Rainbow Dash is feeling right now, she hated it.
Sunset (still patting RD’s back in comfort): You know RD, there is nothing wrong with you or your feelings. At all.                                                                           It’s something natural and you can’t just abandon or run away from it. I’m sure those feelings are reasonable same as everyone else’s
Sunset: Again, I am here if you need me.
🎵 ~ ​I know
We love each other 🎶
We don’t talk together I’m always yours
Why don’t you? 🎵
I don’t want to admit it Why don’t you?
🎶 I can’t send you away ~
RD’s shoulders trembled, her tears began to flow down her face
Sunset (surprised): Rainbow i-
Rainbow (slightly sobbing): Sunset I don’t know anymore. I shouldn't feel this way but I just can’t stop it. I love Applejack... a lot. *her voice getting weaker and sobber* It’s way too hard for me to control this damn feeling, I just think about that girl every time, every-freaking-second. Like, even when I play my game, if she doesn’t show up i’ll get distracted because i keep thinkin’ why or what happened. It’s too much for me Sunset, way too much.
Sunset got surprised, she never expected this, that one of her cool tomboy and stoic friend could be this soft and fragile. It... makes Sunset remember her past, she feels empathy.
Without saying anything, she continued on stroking her friends back.
Rainbow (still sobbing): Y-you know Sunset...
Sunset (starled): H-huh? *she just got back from her thinking space*
Rainbow (raises her face up, using a napkin to wipe the tears on her face away): AJ is something, she truly is something special, to me. I love a lot of things about this cowgirl. She’s the only person that could be as awesome as I am. Oh no offense Sunset.
Sunset (slightly smile): Non taken. I get what you’re saying, I thought that kind of way about Pinkie too.
Rainbow (finally giggle a bit): You see Sunset, me and AJ do a lot of things together. We’re even friend before I met the other girl, well not Fluttershy since my parents know her for a long time already. But yeah, Applejack and I spent most of the time together since we have tons of common interests, we shared the same hobbies and we’re always doing silly competitions together.
Sunset (giggled a bit): I can tell. But is that the only thing makes you trippin’ for Applejack that hard, I think there is more? *leaning her back to the chair*
Rainbow (chuckle a bit): You’re reading my mind aren’t you
Sunset (shrugs): I’m not touching you tho
They both stopped for a moment and then cracked smile together.
(I recommend yall to listen to “Some” by BOL4 or “Honey” by Kehlani while continue reading Rainbow’s thought on AJ)
Rainbow: Yeah yeah you are right. It’s not the only thing.
Rainbow (starts blushing): Well... I love Applejack because she is who she is. I love how she’s really responsible you know? She’s completely the exact opposite as I am. She’s smart and dependable to everyone… she knows how to handle her friends, family and... (blushing harder while muttering) me. She’s really strong as well, both physical and emotional, you know after what happened to her parents.
Sunset (nodding): I can tell.
Rainbow (takes a big gulp of her ice-blended and continuing): Okay this is awkward and idk what you think but Applejack is *shyly blushing* the apple of my eyes.
Sunset (interested face): Ooooo
Rainbow (embarrassed): I-i mean she is pretty tho, like nature pure pretty. She don’t even need any of that Rarity’s makeover thing *sarcastically voice*.   
She’s just naturally gorgeous.
Sunset (drinking her juice and raises her eyebrow): Hmm... I see.
Rainbow (blushing shyly): Like, have you seen those freckles on her cheeks, they make AJ looks so freaking adorable. Her voice is funny and beautiful at the same time, I don’t care what other think but her country puns are hilarious and I like it when she called me “sugarcube” or “hun”, yes I do know she say that to everyone but still...
Sunset: (chuckling secretly)
Rainbow (continuing): And gosh, her emerald eyes are something unreal for sure im tellin’ ya, they are so mysterious, deeply and shiny like the aurora light in Arctic. I don’t know why but her looks for me are somehow so powerful, especially when she raises her eyebrow. It’s like she’s reading every ounce of me making me can’t lie to her.
Sunset (nodding): I gotta agree with you on that, Applejack’s look truly is something powerful tho.
Rainbow (sign and smirk in sarcastic): Yeah, she can easily tell when someone’s lying, but couldn’t tell how much I’m going nuts over her
Sunset: Woah RD, it sounds hurtful when you say it that way.
Rainbow: It is what it is.
Sunset (curiously): But now AJ is single, why don’t you just go hit on her?
Rainbow (hide her nervousness): Seriously Sunset? Aren’t you the one who just brought up all those Rarijack moments to Applejack and makes her blush as heck? *sarcastically voice*
Sunset (feeling guilty): Oopsie! Sorry Dash, I didn’t know...
Rainbow (sign): It isn’t your fault anyway. If anyone is at fault here, it’s me.
Sunset: No Rainbow, why would you even think ‘bout it that way? It doesn’t sound like the awesome Rainbow Dash I know at all.
Rainbow (smirk): I could be awesome at a lot of things, but in this mussy love thing Sunset. I am a loser, a betrayal to my friendship with Rarity and Applejack...
Sunset (pity voice): Dash...
Rainbow (chuckle in sarcastic): Isn’t it funny Sunset, fallin’ in love with my best friend who is taken by my other best friend, how much of a jerk am I?
Sunset: Stop Rainbow, you are being negative. Besides, AJ and Rare broke up for a while now. Hey, if that Ragamuffin Rare met on the spring yatch have social media, they’re probably dating by now. And remember one thing, Rarity is you best friend , she’ll understand.
Rainbow (looking at Sunset with surprisingly then looking down at the table again): B-but what if the two of them actually still have feelings for each other… You’ve seen how blushed AJ was when you brought up Rarijack stuffs to her...
Sunset (sign): RD-
*Tingg* (coming from Sunset’s phone)
Rainbow: Is that Pinkie?
Sunset (check her phone): Yeah, her appointment with Fluttershy just finished.
Rainbow (playing with her straw): Yeah you should probably go pick her up
Sunset: Dash i-
Rainbow (rest her chin on her hand): Don’t worry for me I kinda need to head home too. Go take care for your little ​chaos.
Sunset (chuckle): Yeah yeah you’re right.
Sunset (pack up her things): I was actually surprised, RD. It’s not about your feelings for AJ, more like because I’ve never seen that soft part of you like this, at all. Not until now, that’s ju-
Rainbow: Uhm... Sunset Shimmer, talking about that...
Sunset: Yea?
Rainbow (hesitantly): Can you keep our conversation today as a secret, especially to AJ or any of the girl, or just anyone we know. You see, it’s not just  because I don’t want anyone to know about my feelings..
Rainbow (sheepishly): My reputation is kind of at stake too you know? Who would want to know that the ever so awesome Rainbow Dash being like this when it comes to this lovey-dovey things *smiled nervously*
Sunset (slightly smile. sign): I get it Dash, your secret is safe with me. Pinkie promise.
Rainbow (lightened up a bit): Thank you Sunset, for everything. I really appreciate that.
Sunset: No big deal RD, I'm glad that you shared with me too. Hey if you need a company, just know that I’ll always be ready for *sarcastically voice but in a good way* mussy love talk, okay?
Rainbow (giggle): Yeah yeah, I will. Now you better go if you don’t want to keep your pink cotton candy waiting for her *sarcastically voice but in a good way* mussy girlfriend.
Sunset (chuckle): Chezz Rainbow Dash, okay see you tomorrow *waving and leaving*
Rainbow (waving back): Yeah see you ‘round
To be continued...
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sukirichi · 3 years
Okay, I chose to make the fonts smaller because I feel like my asks are taking so much space 😅
I'm glad that you finally moved to a warmer room! And thank you for understanding, i don't think you are scary but just the idea of talking to creators in this site directly is just intimidating? In a way it feels like I am also talking to a celebrity? Idk. 😅 Ohhh i'd definitely join your server if ever you make one and idc a lot about the name.
And omg? You are asian? OMG you're writing is so freaking good that I thought you're a native speaker. If it's okay to ask, what country are you from? I'd probably lose my mind if we're from the same country agdhffllglg.
Anyway, I just read a fic with that premise, I sent it with my other recs last time and it's called Expecting by j0succ. You can find it in the tags if you'll search and in ao3 too. Yeah, I feel like he'd be very possessive and protective but imagine if it's unrequited at first and he simply hates you and then suddenly, you're pregnant with a child and a son no less? I can see him slowly just melting at the idea that you're going to give him an heir and probably someone who'll further cement his place as the next Zenin head. And I also hate having kids but if it's Naoya (or Toji), I'd be willing 🤤.
Ohhhhhhh!!!!! Fratboy senpai Sukuna's going to be v toxic for sure! Maybe you are a freshie or a transferee who just wanted to socialize in their frat party and you just caught his eye? And he's the resident fuckboy in the uni and he's tired of all these old students and he just wants some new blood to corrupt? But ugh, another college au I'd like to read is bestfriend's brother?
OH MY GOD, i am sorry if this is very long!!!! I decided that I might send the other recs through google docs instead because I don't want to annoy your other followers because my asks are taking too much space in the dash. But it's also very tempting to just come out of anon and dm you because you're so nice 🥺. I'll send them soon, I think maybe within this week? I'll be having my paper defense on Wednesday so I'll be busy. 🌸
FLOWER ANON! AH YEAP BUT I CANT STAY IN THE WARM PLACES FOR TOO LONG CUZ I HAVE LOW HEAT TOLERANCE AND I WILL PASS OUT IF I DO 😭 Oh I see, I understand that bb! I cannot speak for others but as a content creator, I do not mind at all if people talk to me! I just take long to reply but I hope that doesn’t make people think that I hate them or somth 😭 Oh yea, we’re setting the server up rn, I think we’ll be adding people soon but uhhh I would need you to dm me if you wanna join because it’s invite only, only if you’re okay with it tho! No pressure at all!
Well I’m half-Asian! I’m also European so yea lol, but my asian mother mostly runs the household so I would say we applied more Asian cultures than our European counterpart. And aaa so sorry, I don’t tell people where I’m from 🥺 I MEAN, IM FROM THE ZEN’IN ESTATE LMAO. LMAOOO I ACTUALLY DONT SPEAK MY MOM’S ASIAN LANGUAGES VERY WELL I am quite a disappointment since I studied 6 languages in language school but I can’t really communicate well with her mother tongue. My first language is actually English!
And UGH YESSS NAOYA GOING SOFT AND MELTING ONCE HE REALIZES YOU’RE CARRYING HIS CHILD AND HE GROWS PROTECTIVE AND EVEN CARING 😫😫😫 PLEASE WE GON BE CARRYING THEIR WHOLE LINEAGES AH 😫😫😫 omg thats such a good idea too! Like you’re the “fresh meat” and Fratboy! Sukuna is sooo interested in you like you are such a curious, innocent person and he just wants to show you around 😏 CORRUPTION KINK IS MASSIVE WITH THIS ONE. BEST FRIENDS BROTHER!!! Sukuna as reader’s besties older brother and her bestie is like UGH my brother is the worst dont get involved with him and reader is like “no worries, i have no interest in frat boys” but then they meet Sukuna and they go like UHM 👁👄👁
And awww bb don’t apologize, its really okay! I’m the one you’re talking to and not my followers, they can unfollow if they're annoyed by this 😛 awww bb whatever you want, I would be cool for it! Your comfort comes first! My DM’s are open though I take forever to reply tho 🥺 Oh okay okay, good luck on your defense paper bb, I wish you the best of luck! Remember to drink water and take plenty of breaks! Lots of love bubs 😘😘💕💕💕
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Lux & Amber
Lux: Hey, Amber, I was wondering if I could talk to you, when you've got the time to 💬 back and forth for a bit 😌 Amber: Hi Amber: this'll work... Amber: are you okay? Lux: Yes in the sense this isn't a total emergency Lux: but no in the sense I'm not bothering you for no reason Lux: I don't know how to start this Amber: total emergencies are what my mama's for anyway, but I'll still try to help, if I can Lux: Yeah Lux: not that I'll be having that kind of emergency ever Lux: well, it was his idea Lux: and I don't know whether he expected me to follow up on it or not but I'm going to Lux: so maybe I don't feel as insane Lux: it's about Dash Amber: Oh Amber: we're not together if that's what's worrying you, it was just once Amber: and it won't be happening again Lux: I knew you weren't Lux: maybe knew is an overstatement, thought, anyway Lux: what do you think of him? Amber: you did, because he doesn't do 'together' and we all know that Amber: what did he do to make you feel insane? Amber: I think it's probably similar to the way he made me feel stupid, but I'm ready to be wrong Lux: How did he make you feel stupid? Amber: I thought we were friends, we're not Amber: and I thought that maybe he was just a little lost, but he knows exactly what he's looking for Lux: Yeah Lux: I think it might be the same Lux: he said one thing at the time Lux: but then today he said something that made that all so Lux: gross Amber: because he wanted something different from you today from wanting to have sex with you Lux: he said it was part of the tour Lux: which in itself...but then he said he only did it to 'tourists' Amber: I've been here for months, how am I a tourist? Lux: I know! Amber: my family lives and works here and he goes to school with me, I see him every day for like hours, on the commune and outside of it Lux: I wanted him to admit that it was a lie, that this was like family, because that isn't what you do to family, even if it's totally chill or whatever, you still don't view all these girls as your sisters, like you clearly do the boys as your bros Lux: but he couldn't do that, 'cos if this is all bullshit then what is he doing Lux: but then that amounted to him essentially saying he did it to the most fucked up, vulnerable girls, who he knew would go away before it became an issue for him...and that's me, so, everything else he said is untrue and manipulative and Amber: I don't think he understands family for what it's worth, whether he really believes this is one or he's hiding behind that Amber: but if that's his perspective, I understand now why he seemed to immediately regret sleeping with me, because it's unlikely I'm leaving any time soon Amber: even if my 'vulnerability' did jump out Lux: you've at least confirmed I'm not hysterical Lux: he said I should ask you, that it's cool Amber: I'm sorry he hurt and used you like that, I didn't realise I'd have to start warning every girl here Amber: or that he was THAT person Amber: yes, he lied to me and stole from me but he's not the first hippie boy I've met who tried to do some kind of free love revival Lux: he said he wasn't scared of me 'telling' on him to these girls because everyone else is into it too Lux: but he asked me not to multiple times so clearly he doesn't think everyone would still be down if it was total transparency Amber: plenty of people here are into it and whatever you say or don't say, there'll be girls who are still into him Amber: I fell for it after everything I'd seen and heard because he made me want to, I was still willing to give him another chance afterwards Amber: pretty face and prettier words, right? Lux: I'm just sick of dealing with people who are shitty Lux: just because they're not as shitty to me as everyone else Amber: there are people here who would listen, I hope, hold him accountable instead of falling into the forgiveness and understanding speech immediately Amber: my mama, for one, if it came from you instead of me Lux: there's people here who don't like me too Lux: more than that Amber: Who? Lux: I'm not trying to turn this into a big tattle-tale party Lux: I tried to tell him but he wasn't listening Amber: you can tell me, I'll keep my temper and listen Amber: nobody wants to listen to teenage girls and I'm not feeding into that lie that we're all hysterical, even though I am angry Lux: some of the older ladies Lux: they don't think I am a teenage girl Lux: that I've co-opted the experience of being a woman for the aesthetic, without ever having to face the adversity and struggles they do, as biological women Amber: I don't have the vocabulary to express how disgustingly narrow and dangerous that thinking is Lux: it's interesting to hear it from a perspective other than religion, I guess Lux: but still Lux: he thinks it's perfect here, and everyone is Amber: and his brother thinks it's hell on earth Lux: you know his brother? Amber: I met him and my 'aesthetic' jumped out for him Amber: he decided who I am because I live here Lux: I almost thought he'd made him up Lux: in a weird way Lux: I don't know how you get Dash and then him, from what he sounds like, anyway Amber: their experiences are actually entirely different Amber: Dash has opted out of any of the struggles, by being here, so it is perfect for him in that way, I guess Amber: like a utopia Amber: it's no wonder his brother thinks none of us live in the real world Lux: He doesn't 'do' responsibility, he said that Lux: responsibility to be an alright person really is the minimum Amber: plenty of people here obviously don't either Amber: those woman you mentioned don't even understand their own privilege, they just want to tell you yours Lux: don't get me wrong Lux: here is fine Lux: and lots of the people are nice and whatever Lux: but whenever I talk about my family it's like this smugness of how backwards they are when I've got the same treatment from plenty of non-religious folks for no reason but disagreeing Lux: my parents think they're saving me from eternal damnation, because they love me, that's not nothing Amber: like the thinking that anything about living this way makes us superior isn't backward Amber: they're pretending to be free and open is the key to the kingdom and the only way anyone gets to be here Amber: but it's not Lux: I just need somewhere I'm safe Lux: so I can actually sort out what I'm doing with the rest of my life Amber: I know what you mean Amber: I feel like I'm always asking for time to figure things out but it doesn't happen like that Lux: Sorry to put more strain on your time right now Lux: it just Lux: ugh Amber: honestly, it's a relief that there's someone else who feels the same about this place Amber: I can't talk to my parents about it, they love it here Lux: You can talk to me about it any time Lux: even if I am your dad's teacher's pet right now Lux: I just get really bored of the manual labour here, I don't mind chipping in, obviously, but being stuck here all day every day, I want to be using my 🧠 Amber: he talks about you A LOT and I am jealous but I'm not holding it against you personally Amber: if only you could take my place in school... Amber: but for now, do you want to come with me? Somewhere where everything is concrete and plastic? Lux: Dash would be so upset we're not talking about him right there Lux: sounds like heaven Amber: does he 'do' upset? 🙄 Lux: I'm trying not to care right now Amber: we're caring about 🛍💅 like teenage girls with like ZERO struggles Amber: I full intend to buy the most uncomfortable and impractical bra ever and wear it everywhere those women are Lux: 😆 Lux: as long as I can find some falsies to fill mine Amber: I probably should too, there's not much going on here Amber: and when you're in a better headspace, I'll introduce you to my friends from school Amber: I think it'll help Lux: really? 😀 😃 Amber: Yes, some of them are so 'normal' it makes me feel 👽 Amber: but in a good way Lux: I could use that Amber: the conversations hit different because they are Lux: I liked talking to him Lux: 'til he messed it all up Amber: not to be ✌☮🕊 but do you want to give him another chance? Lux: I really don't know what I think or what I'm going to do yet Lux: I've got no desire to hate anyone or be petty Lux: but he isn't sorry so Lux: I'm just a pushover and an idiot if I give him another chance Amber: caring is important but you need to care about yourself too, especially if he isn't sorry Lux: I just hope he can make some better choices Lux: but unlikely Lux: he's happy with how it is right now Amber: treating girls right instead of passing them around like 🚬🌿 isn't growth he's ready for Amber: yet Lux: its hard to know what I should say Lux: if anything Lux: to these other girls he was openly being nasty abouy Amber: his honesty was brutal, why soften the truth if it only protects him? Amber: you can always show them the relevant parts of the conversation if you kept it Lux: I'd feel like crap if other people got hurt needlessly when I knew Lux: but I'm hardly endearing myself to them if they don't see it how I do and they just think I'm trying to like, claim him or whatever nonsense Amber: I can do it, he's already made all those jokes about me being 💔 Amber: and I've been here long enough for everyone to know who I am Lux: 🙄😒 Lux: why are guys like that Lux: they say they wanna chill with down girls but then their ego makes them wanna believe you're actually in LOVE with them Amber: I wish I knew, and that I didn't have sex with him Amber: but he probably would have said I did anyway, I guess Lux: He's the second person I've ever Amber: well now I'm really 😠 Amber: my dad'll be upset about it but if I see him around I will hit him Lux: I mean, I'm straight Lux: so I was gay Amber: that's adversity if those judgemental woman would like to get into it, liking boys is the biggest struggle Amber: they really don't make it easy for us Lux: Are there any boys you like that aren't him Amber: I need to make better decisions, so that means saying no to that question Lux: Gotcha Amber: but it's a lie and I'm not lying to you today too Amber: just so you know Lux: I appreciate it Lux: probably got enough frivolous boy chat for the both of us though, so you can try to be better Amber: he did say he likes me, I do have that in writing, but what have we learned today if not to trust stuff like that Lux: is he from school? Lux: not all guys can be total assholes, right Lux: that sounds like something those old ladies would say Amber: he's a good person but he insists he's bad for me, I have to listen to that, don't I? Lux: depends why he thinks that, I suppose Lux: it could be an insecurity thing Lux: or a genuine warning Amber: he thinks it's genuine, and I know why he does, we are very different Lux: good different like your school friends Lux: or the bad kind Amber: I don't know Lux: Tricky Amber: it's another thing I need more time to figure out Lux: You'll have it Lux: boys wait for girls like you Amber: girls like me? Lux: Beautiful Amber: that's girls like US Lux: 😌😚 Amber: beautiful and weird and getting out of here for a while even if boys are waiting for us Lux: heck yeah! Lux: he's waiting on Cleopatra though, currently Amber: who? Amber: is she new here? Lux: oh, that's not her real name Lux: umm Lux: another 💎 Amber: he's not waiting for me Lux: Sapphire! Amber: of course Lux: I don't know her Amber: she got here a few weeks ago, her brother Onyx tends to speak for her more than she does for herself Lux: don't love that Lux: was picturing Liz Taylor Lux: wouldn't need to worry about her Amber: did he say she looks like Elizabeth Taylor? Lux: just Cleo Lux: well, 'vibe' which can mean everything and nothing, I really don't know Amber: I don't 👀 it Lux: like you said, if anything his words are pretty Lux: which is nice, in a fucked up kinda way Amber: I don't think I'll try and remember how he described my 'vibe' though Lux: just let me know if he's doubling up on 👼s Amber: there are less 👼🏽 it would be creative Amber: but no Lux: not going to keep a list for him so he can keep track or anything Amber: if he keeps one himself I didn't find it when I searched his room Lux: wait, WHAT??!? Amber: he stole my stash, I didn't want my dad to get upset with me so I went to his house to see if I could get it back Amber: that's how I met his brother Amber: I didn't find it, if he smoked with you, that was on me Lux: asshole Lux: I need to find something cute to wear at the shops Lux: it's the most teen girl response possible Amber: [tells her where she can find all the best clothes because it'd be such a free for all cos nobody has proper rooms or storage like] Lux: 🤞 having my ankles on display is a CHOICE LEWK Lux: ['cos how many of these malnourished girls are 5'10 lol] Amber: ✂ Amber: short shorts are a teenage girl staple Amber: I'm going to get something else pierced while I'm this young and beautiful Lux: 😄😄 I have the legs for it 💁 Amber: and if you get 😽 called, you get to say everything Dash refused to listen to earlier Lux: Alright, I'm ready 😎 🤩 🥳 Amber: 🙃 Amber: let's go!
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fangbangerrrr · 3 years
God you're so fucking perfect, you know exactly what I need, what I want. I'm so glad you're you and willing to talk these things out. With my emotions running as high as they are, I feel like I could cry from how happy I am to hear that you're just as effected as I am by all this and that we want the same things.
Your hands feel so good on my face, fuck I love the feel of you, love how you coddle me, God I just fucking love you. I feel so damn close to you right now, emotionally, physically... mentally. Is that the same as emotionally? I guess it doesn't matter and that's not the point. You close your pretty, honey eyes and lean your forehead against mine.
The point is, the only way for us to be closer would be if we were actually conjoined. And it may be surprising to anyone who isn't one of my closest friends, but that conjoining wouldn't even have to be sexual. What wouldn't I give to be able to tuck you into my ribcage, right next to my heart. Keep you close to adore and protect you. Damn, I'm romantic as fuck!
An aphrodisiac huh? Fuck, guess it's a good thing I didn't have a chance to dare you to do anything. That doesn't mean I can't save my little trick for later though. When we can...ahem, indulge.
Even though it would be super ego inflating to give New Here a memory for her spank bank, would I really want Zed knowing we're fucking back here? I know I can get loud when I'm preoccupied, so we'd definitely be giving everyone in this bar an ear full... if we haven't already.
Your sweet little kiss could bring me back from the brink of death I swear. Is that part of your healing abilities? Or is your mouth just that damn hot? I really want to take over the kiss, get down and dirty with it, tease the ever loving hell out of you some more. But we're so emotionally close with each other right now, I'd hate to ruin the moment.
You want me to take the lead, make the decision? I don't know whether to curse you out or kiss you. Shit there's so many things I want to do with you, to you, and my brief indecision shows. I'd love to go back to our game and continue torturing the life out of each other until we snap and end up fucking on the pool table. Say screw it and give the whole bar a show. But I'm feeling like we're already at the point of no return and pro heroes hooking up, loudly in public is probably something we should avoid... for now at least.
"Well then, if that's the case then maybe we'll head out. As much as I'd love to let you finish wiping the floor with me in pool, I doubt we'd end up playing much more anyways. And I don't know how I feel about us getting it on within earshot of your family after I just met them. Especially since I want to see if I can get you to scream my name before the night's done." I bite my lip at the thought.
Heaving a dramatic sigh, I hang my head and slump my shoulders a bit, "It's just too bad I didn't get a chance to hit you with a dare." I aim my prettiest pout at you, "I was really hoping to get you to hand over those cute panties you're wearing!"
My lips curl into a devilish smirk before I turn towards the table holding our last two lonely shots. Hm, ¥2000 should be enough for a 'sorry for dashing your hopes' tip for the server. I collect the drinks, plopping against the billiards table next to you, and hand you one.
"Better not let these go to waste!" I down mine with more difficulty than the last two, and I'm sure you can tell. Ugh, if I'd known he'd ignore my order anyways I'd probably have picked a different liquor.
"My place is a couple train stops away, but you're welcome to come over for a drink," I wink, and consider all the trouble we could get into since the train will probably be fairly empty by now. "Or we can go to your place. Which would my irresistible gothic Lilita prefer?" ⚡
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I blush deeply at your comments, you've got me so flustered I have to hide my face in my hands to try and recover. I'm sure I'm red all the way to the tips of my ears. Y-you want me to scream your name? Oh gosh, the implications have me burning. I can tease you and grind against you all night, but the second it's turned on me I don't know how to handle it. I miss your lip bite, too focused on keeping just how much you got to me away from you.
My hands come down from my face when you sigh, and I'm hit with your cutest little pout that pulls on my heartstrings. Which doesn't last long, because you're saying such erotic and salacious things that I go right back to being flushed. You ... you wanted my.. my...p-..panties? I stutter even in my thoughts you've gotten me so worked up, but I'm not someone who backs down from a challenge. If that's the dare you were going to ask? I'd oblige you. I hope you don't mind that they're soaked through.
I take the shot with ease, as usual, and try not to laugh at how difficult it looked for you. It's just rum? You're so cute, god, I just wanna kiss you again.
"I think we can go back to yours, if that's okay? I'll shoot Zed a text and tell him we bailed out the back, but first..." I hop off of the table, dragging my hand along your chest to make sure you're watching me. I walk just in front of you, facing you. I'm so close you could touch me, so close you can probably feel my body heat.
Making sure your eyes are on me, I tuck two thumbs beneath my skirt, pulling the fabric up to expose my thighs on either side, and hook them into the lace at my hips. Keeping eye contact, I slowly slide my panties down, bending all the way until I'm level with your crotch. While I'm down there I flick my gaze to your cock, then back up to you with a small smirk, as I step carefully out of my under garment.
I make a point to "accidentally" rub against you when I come back up, your prize hanging on the tip of my index finger. Even though the material is black, you can tell they're wet, soaked through all because of you.
"I believe you wanted these, Sparks? I hope you don't mind, they're a little... drenched." I swipe my tongue out, dragging it across my lips as I watch your reactions. Carefully I ball them up, take a step towards you to close any distance between us, and slide them into your pocket. Once again, making sure to brush against you before pulling my hand away.
"You'd better behave on the train, pretty boy, I don't want to make a mess. Unless that's what you wanted."
I don't actually care about making a mess. Not one single bit. But I do like to tease you! You're just so damn cute, and so sexy I think I'll probably be leaking down my legs before we even get to your place. I bet if I asked you to lick it up you would. I almost shudder at the thought, and my heart leaps in my chest.
It was the smallest inkling of an idea, and already I feel like I'm going to go weak at the knees and fall into your arms like a damsel in distress. I know you'd catch me, though. You're so wonderful like that. I hope you're just as wonderful in every other aspect, because I already adore you.
0 notes
Am I the only one that feels a tiny bit uncomfortable at calling a white guy the pinnacle of humanity? And the center of the universe? I think TFW are all fine,complex characters and I love them but they are not really... good people. The Winchesters are not the best humanity has to offer, at least I hope so. And I feel this show is starting to embrace The Chosen One narrative which sucks because free will and all. Also hard to watch if you don't want to see everything as Dean-centered. IMO.
*shrugs* I mean it sounds bad out of context but in the show they literally have wrapped the entire narrative around Dean and put him at the centre of some sort of cosmic mess, which he’s deeply entangled in. It’s not like I think Dean is the actual centre of our universe or anything or representative of our universe, but I just cba to put disclaimers on everything… (Although when I do put disclaimers I always feel ridiculous saying like of course I don’t believe this outside of a very specific context and in general I’m often analysing what the show is saying not that I *think* it should be etc etc, and then someone asks and it’s like oh right maybe putting a disclaimer on everything is necessary >.>) 
I mean in the context of the show, Dean is the centre of its narrative and therefore its cosmic story and therefore its universe, and I find that interesting from the POV of a Dean fan and a writer who is really really interested in narrative and cosmic stuff (since my own stories feature unwittingly centre of the universe protagonists in the sense that they get tangled up in massive cosmic stuff and become a part of a huge narrative, and that’s the way I’ve been looking at it because I’m really meta about these things in my own head, and of course my own main characters are variously diverse and all female because I’m being the change I want to see in the world etc etc etc) 
Anyway the show has always favoured the chosen one narrative, but it was on Sam not Dean, and it was a pretty good rejection of it in some ways but he still did have a whole hero arc and died for our sins etc etc, and then gradually that shifted over to Dean until the Mark of Cain stuff which put him right in the centre of it all, and 11x23 was completely unsubtle in his role. 
The show is depressingly white for enduring characters, and it’s something we just kind of have to look past if we’re going to keep investing in it, that it by necessity is going to have these two white guys in the centre or it’s just going to be a different show.
For what it’s worth it sounds like American Gods is amazing, and does not have a generic white dude lead, and the book was one of the parents of this show anyway, so all in all probably something we should be watching as well if we can :P (I’m going to wait for a DVD anyway but I have read the book so I can vicariously enjoy the gif content etc on my dash for now >.>) and I think if I remember correctly that Shadow has a pretty similar role, cosmically, so that is a great start for balancing things out before going back to enjoying SPN for what you actually like about it. 
I always find it easier to appreciate something which does what I WANT to see elsewhere and support that project TOO, and enjoy SPN or other bland things like Marvel movies or whatever, just because I *enjoy* them. I mean, if SPN wasn’t problematic and a total puzzle box of a show of WHY do we like it DESPITE all its glaringly obvious flaws you can start picking up circa, like, Bugs or Route 666 which are both badly written AND racist episodes in the first season and can offer some forewarning of the show’s issues even if the show itself side-eyes those episodes later… I wouldn’t write nearly so much about it if it was EASY to enjoy like something where I watched it and it was deep and moving and left me content. But I’m emotionally hooked on SPN and I believe there’s a fascinating narrative in there and the show gets to do some things i find weirdly innovative or fascinating with story and characters, possibly just because it’s been running on so long it gets bored enough of itself to do something like randomly un-fridge Mary or whatever… There IS a worth in this show but it’s not in its representation and treatment of issues which other shows seem to get intuitively and a lot of those problems were laid down so early you have to go back as far as “this could only be genuinely fixed by casting 2 diverse actors back in 2005 to play the Winchesters” and like, idk, have them be what Max and Alicia are immediately from the get-go, of not just men, not just straight, not white, etc etc.
I mean, I think we all know SPN has some huge glaring issues, but no, Dean Winchester as the representation of Humanity and the centre of the universe is such an inbuilt “yawn of course it’s a white man because the whole show is white men” thing is just… well this is the show we’re watching and you have to take it or leave it now, but this is what it is. 
(And by “leave it” I’m not being critical like “hurr why are you watching if you hate it” i just mean, if it bothers you that much, don’t engage with it but also maybe pay attention that the people talking about it WILL also criticise the show on these exact points but don’t want to make every single post ever with the “i know this show has huge flaws in representation going right back to day 1 and no offence to J2 but if we wanted the show we say we want they shouldn’t have been cast but here they are and so here we are and it’s too late we care about this stupid genre show” every single time we want to discuss the narrative and anything to do with their characters… I mean it’s just pointlessly exhausting to me because I didn’t START watching this show intending to critique it, it was trashy fun TV to watch with friends and I got hooked, and 10 years later I’m still freakin here but the world has moved on and there’s things that are much more common discussions than when I was 18 and maybe NOW I’m more discerning about leaping into a bland white dudes lead franchise or spending emotional energy on them but that’s going to do nothing about how I feel about Supernatural or the bland white dudes it represents, because in a way my choice to discern about it was never a thing… Like yeah I have that disclaimer but UGH having to think about it all the time when I want to have fun?)
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cutegirlmayra · 7 years
Feel free to reject this if it's too much but would you be willing to write a fic of Amy going into labor and giving birth to her and Sonic's child(ren)? Obviously you don't have to show anything just the situation if you want.
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh….hmmm…. eeeeerrr…. yyyeaaah, I think I can do a hospital AU, but… maybe not ‘giving birth’ if that’s okay XD Thanks for letting it be up to me :3
Sonic dashed through the hospital at lightning speeds, as a woman at the counter’s hair spiked back, before she looked annoyed at the surprised action and pulled her hair down. “Mr. The Hedgehog?” She typed on her computer. Her voice was barely even above a normal speaking tone, as he suddenly zipped back into view, twiddling his fingers rapidly in a rhythm on the counter.
“Hi, Amy, which floor?”
“Calm down, sir. Deep breaths.”
He slammed his hands on the counter, and leaned forward, eyeing her with widened eyes before doing as she said, clearly not wanting too though.
“LOOK. Just saved the world, you’re welcome.” he gestured his hands out to her, but clearly was antsy. “And I just received word that, TA-DAH! Today’s the day! Really? Bad timing! So I zipped through the remaining bots, told Knuckles and Shadow to handle the clean-up duty, HAD to do my hair cause let me tell you… oil? Is NOT grease. Okay? Does nothing good for your hair.” he suddenly calmed down, putting an elbow up on the counter as the woman gave him a dead-pan expression.
He then chuckled a moment before seeing no reaction from her, just a slow blink, and he quickly grabbed the corner of the counter and smashed him head in it, before looking up again, “JUST TELL ME THE ROOM NUMBER!” he reached forward, desperate.
“….ID, please.”
“Tails.. he’s not here yet.” Amy took deep breaths, as Tails was pacing, seeing he wasn’t here yet either.
“Yeah,… Yeah, I know.” Tails worriedly picked up his pace, his tails slightly spinning behind him, as a nurse came over to Amy.
“It’s time to check.” they warned her, as Tails quickly left the room.
“Ugh! I’m gonna kill'em!” He tensed his hands and held them out, flexing and bending his knees slightly, before Sonic’s blue blur passed him. “Ah… H-HEY! You! Guy whose suppose to be having his first baby soon!” Tails cried out, as Sonic zoomed back, carrying valentine’s day gifts as Tails looked confused.
“…I thought she’d hate me, so I brought appeasements.” He admitted.
Tails just stared at him, before the nurse came out. “Not quite yet.” she smiled, and then walked out.
Tails bolted in, and ran to her bedside, with Sonic tagging behind for once.
“Are you okay!? Need more water?”
Amy nodded, before looking to Sonic.
“Hi.” he nervously held the gifts behind him.
She gasped, “Sonic! Oh, you made it!” her arms came up, before both Tails and Sonic helped her down again.
“Amy! Easy there!” Tails warned.
“Yeah, you’re about to pop!” Sonic teased, as Amy wrapped a hand around his neck faster than a cobra, and pulled him down next to her.
“ACK! Breathing! Not! Possible!”
“Haha, turning blue, Sonic?” Tails joked, mocking slightly as he laughed, as Amy held him tighter and tighter…
“Uhh… Okay, Amy. He’s cheeks are literally turning blue!”
“Never be this ‘almost’ late again.” She warned, and let him go, as he fell to his knees and gripped the side of the bed, breathing once more in heavy gasps.
Tails twirled his tails and leaned up, hovering over to see if he was okay.
Amy smiled as Sonic threw up a ‘thumbs up’, stating he’d be more careful next time.
“Well, what have we here?”
The three’s heads shot up to the Doctor coming in, as Sonic straightened out too.
“Hmm….” the doctor, being called in by the nurse, looked over her charts. “You aren’t quite ready yet. But we should give you more fluids. Will be any time now.” he turned and winked to Amy, then looked to Sonic.
“…Sonic?” he looked to his clipboard.
“Heh, the one and only.” Sonic stepped forward, trying to get back his ‘cool vibe’ and folded his arms, winking to the Doc.
“…Yes, well. You should refill her water then.” he gestured to the jug. “Most husbands do, instead of having their best man get it.” he then gestured to Tails, nodding to him with a fake smile and then walking out.
The whole group held their peace.
Sonic groaned and took the jug, feeling called out. “I’ll be right back…” he grumbled and sped off down the hall.
“…Tails? Do you think Sonic’s mad at me?” Amy looked up to Tails.
“What!? Of course not, Amy! After all, you convinced him to have a kid. I don’t think any other woman in this WORLD could have done that!” Tails smiled, and patted her head. “He was right to marry you.”
She smiled, loving the praise before she felt her stomach kick and pain seared up her spine. “AH!” she gripped her stomach, and then Tails’s hand.
His eyes suddenly widened, before tears sprang out, and he whined; leaning down, he held his hand to the side of the bed, clinging to the bar. “OOOOWWWWW!!”
The Nurse suddenly turned around, shocked, and looked under the cloth.
She popped her head out with a goofy grin, “Opps! Miscalculated! This things coming out right now!”
“NOW!?” Tails freaked out, trying to get Amy to let go, but she now had a death grip on his hand. He kept trying to move away but she would fling him back. He tried to tug and reach for something to the opposite side of him to hold onto, but she threw him back into the bar of the bed, almost knocking him out.
“SOOONNNICCC!!!” Tails shouted out, his hand going numb. “THIS IS NOT WHAT A WING MAN MEANS!!!”
Sonic whistled a relaxing tune as he filled the jug by a water fountain.
“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!” Now, both Amy and Tails were screaming their lungs out. Tails tried to look away as more nurses came in, and the Doctor with a mask tied around his face, tugging a glove down.
“Allllright, prepare to engage.”
“I’m too young!!!” Tails cried out, bending to a knee and crying along with Amy.
Sonic walked casually down the hall, still whistling, before seeing a baby stroller and stopping, smiling warmly at the baby, before it threw it’s binky at him, and he looked unamused.
“BREATHE. BREATHE.” A nurse told Amy, as both Amy and Tails breathed in sequence.
“Now, PUSH!!!” the nurse’s voice suddenly dropped a few octaves.
Amy squeezed tighter on Tails’s hand as he pushed to try and get away from her.
“Good! Rest.”
The two let go of their struggles, both for different reasons, as Tails wiped his forehead, as a nurse wiped Amy’s.
Sonic picked the binky up and gave it back to the kid, smiling kindly, as if no hard feelings, before the baby spat and coughed up some yuckies, and Sonic once again looked way done being nice.
“Contractions are becoming more regular and frequent, sir.”
“All systems operational.”
“We’re coming into stand-by mode.”
“Go, go, go!”
Suddenly, the entirety of the room looked and acted like a military operations base in a small submarine.
“We’re losing air flow!” A nurse turned to the doctor, as he looked sternly to Amy, seeing her breathing wane.
“I won’t lose her!” He turned dramatically to another nurse, “Get her on oxygen! I want this baby out by sunrise!”
Tails looked to a nurse working to the side of him, leaning over and trembling from pain in his now completely numb hand. “Please… heeelpp.” he fell at her feet, reaching over the table she was working on before she walked away, not seeing him and too focused to notice.
“Noooo…” Tails followed her and fell again, before Amy ripped his hand up, holding him right next to her face.
“You… get… Sonic… here… NOW.” her eyes shifted to demonic, as Tails leaned away, scared out of his mind, but she let go of his hand, and clang to the bar.
“Aw… haha… free! I’m free!” Tails held his poor hand and then felt himself, realizing he could go, and dashed, before he felt zipped back by her side as she gripped his tail and pulled him again.
“PUUUUSSHHH!!” the same manly nurse voice woman shook her fist up, as Amy squeezed down on Tails’s poor tail, making him lean up and howl, crying profusely from his eyes.
Sonic admired a painting for a second, tilting left and right to get a better look at the abstract, and slowly placing a hand up to his chin. “Hmm…”
Tails came racing down the hall like fire on his heels, before seeing Sonic and skidding to a halt, his jaw hanging as he saw Sonic just…. STANDING there. and gestured to it, “What… ARE YOU DOING!?”
“I think.. it’s a chilidog.” Sonic pointed to the painting, as Tails only took a second to look at it, and then Sonic went back to his deep thought, before shrugging it off. “Ah, well. This Picasso stuff is all marshmallows and spring flowers to me. Anyway, how’s Amy doing?” Sonic placed his hands on his hips, as Tails shook violently, then finally burst in a shout.
His shout carried over to Amy’s current situation, shouting as well, as Sonic burst open the door.
“SEE!?” Tails gestured both hands out.
“No wonder you looked like you just came back from war!”
“Yeah, and now-” Tails stepped back, before using both hands to push Sonic through the door, as he stumbled, falling towards Amy. “TAG! You’re in!”
Amy gripped his hand.
Sonic’s eyes widened, and he mirrored Tails, leaning with a hand holding the side of the bed for support. “AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!”
“Good luck!” Tails saluted, grinning like a free man, and then slammed the door.
After a little while longer… the screaming ceased… at least… from Amy’s side it did.
“Prepare for landing… that’s it… that’s it… we’ve got the package, over. The plane has landed.” The team all sighed as if they’ve won the war, and shook each other’s hands, as the Doctor stretched his hands out, and then began to smack the baby’s bum like an African drum.
When the baby finally cried, the nurse swaddled it up and cleaned him, and then turned to the three exhausted soldiers, all sprawled out on the bed, but Amy looked surprisingly well for the endeavor, once she saw the baby.
“It’s as healthy as heaven, Miss The Hedgehog.” The nurse passed the baby to her, as Amy held the baby close, hearing it’s cute cooing.
“All that… all that, for a little coo.” Tails was sprawled on a chair near the bed, as Sonic was sprawled with his head to the side of the bed, before looking up.
“Good Chaos…” Sonic’s eyes widened at the baby. “It’s…”
“Beautiful~” Amy cuddled it, as Sonic dropped to his knees.
“It looks just like-!”
The baby’s face turned to the camera, a normal hedgehog except for a mustache, as it laughed manically in it’s coos.
(Okay, I had fun with that one xD this is for giggles, if you couldn’t already tell, haha! I hope you laughed as much as I did!)
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