#-remember when you beat the fuck out of my dad?- 😂
inkblot-inc · 2 years
Jaws meeting Natasha’s parents and Alexi being like ‘I’m a super soldier! Let’s spar!’ And Jaws looking at Nat and Yelena, who has trained with them often, with big eyes like ‘will you be mad if I kick your dad’s ass?’ And Natasha smirking because Alexi kind of deserves a punch or ten.
As soon as both of them give the go ahead, Jaws just flashes a wide smile at Alexei "Yeah, sure."
Jaws just lookin' at Alexei and thinking, *rubs hands together* "I'm about to ruin this man's whole career." 😂
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amxrany · 10 months
One more part before all of this suffering ends (Part 5):
We now go to Sebek, Yuu and Grim who are journeying through the darkness to save Silver. Ok something happens while this goes on, Sebek thought Yuu was holding his hand until he looks and sees that it was a blob of darkness 😂
Ok going back we see more memories in Sebek's segment, we see Lilia taking in Sebek as a pupil when Baul requests Lilia to train him (Baul actually sees Sebek's dad as weak, but still wants his grandson to get a good education), Sebek training with Lilia for the first time, Malleus teaching Sebek and Silver on how to use their magic and a lot more childhood memories
We also see a memory of Lilia talking about his old admission letter, which he tore up and threw away; but Leverne found it and pieced it back together. In which Grim says "oh if Meleanor was a scary woman then Leverne must be a "kind" man then?" (Crowley is not beating the Leverne allegations, but I'm just thinking about Lilia also loving Leverne, and if it turns out Leverne is Crowley. I will laugh so hard like how did bro score a baddie like Meleanor). We also see Malleus receive his admission letter from NRC, and this is where we find out that Sebek's older brother is an NRC alumni
They then find Silver, who is currently getting swallowed by his darkness and for this portion I found someone who translated Sebek's speech to Silver (which I really recommend to read for more info) since I will just summarize everything. But here Sebek forces Silver to wake up using his Unique Magic "Living Bolt", they don't really explain what it does but from what I'm seeing, it turns Sebek into lightning, which allows him to summon powerful waves of static
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Sebek tries to talk Silver out of it, but Silver is still stubborn, thinking that Malleus and Lilia wouldn't love him after the whole thing (which shows the amount of self hatred and lack of self-identity Silver has for himself)
After that doesn't work, Sebek resorts to them fighting, which results to him losing. Silver thinks Sebek intentionally lost but Sebek uses it as a way to smack Silver back into reality, saying that Silver has his strength because of Lilia and if he wasn't loved then he would have grown up with nothing. Sebek also tells Silver that despite everything, he chose to continue fighting; and it was Lilia who raised him to be that kind of man. He wanted to show to Silver that Lilia always loved him, even after everything đŸ„č
That's when Silver fully snaps back into reality, he remembers his dream of serving Malleus and making Lilia proud, and Sebek tells him to never go against those words (THE FUCKING PARALLELS I CANNOT)
When I tell you guys this part made my SilBek heart soar, cuz Sebek was literally going through hell and back just to save Silver and smack back to reality, just like Silver did to him in the previous update
The group lands back in the Corridor of Dreams falling into Lilia's dream, but not before seeing the Knight of Dawn, smiling at them...
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This is honestly funny because if you take it out of context it's literally just this meme:
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But that's all for the Part 5 update, boi that was a rollercoaster of emotions. This will be feeding us good for awhile and I'll fix the masterlist in awhile.
But thanks for reading đŸ©”
Previous: Part 4
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dangermousie · 3 months
I am like 20 eps behind on Yabani but I wonder if they ever address how the situation fucked up all the kids and that the mom needs to realize they need proper therapy not forced family bonding sessions - I mean, it's not her fault she lost it permanently when one of her four kids got kidnapped but like - the baby of the fam doesn't really have issues because she doesn't remember the before and she got taken care of by the others but I am at the point where Alaz is all "yeah, I know he's my brother, no I don't care, once he disappeared you became a zombie and I had to check the baby didn't die every night and my twin sister didn't freak out during thunder during rain and sometimes at the same time and used to pass out from lack of sleep during the day" and I don't even need to get into Ali's issues from growing up abandoned and abused on the streets for close to two decades and then being found only to be mistreated by his fam (and Cagla clearly has issues too seeing her string of terrible life choices and boyfriend) and like in general - mom just threw money and not attention or love at her remaining kids, the missing kid grew up quasi-homeless, and the dad is a bona fide villain so like...they are not all gonna hug it out. Forget home movies, go straight to THERAPY!!!!!
Of course the twins aren't gonna get along with Ali or Ali with them, and that house is gonna be a mess. Three of the four kids in that family are psychos. THERAPPPPPPYYYYYYYYYY
ETA ahahahahah Ali and Alaz have agreed on something for the first time in their adult lives and it's beating the shit out of Cagla's abusive boyfriend ahahahahahahahahaha. One almost feels bad for the scumbag, who almost got murdered by Ali, managed to drive away thanks to Ruya yanking Ali off, only to be chased down by Alaz who took a baseball bat to his head. Man is gonna end up dead.
ETA2: haha Alaz did kill him. It’s ep 7 😂 in a drama that means no happy ending for him but in Turkish show it means nothing. They gave brother murdering narco baron Vartolu in Cukur and professional hitman Ferit in SBA happy endings (I was all for it in both cases.)
ETA3: still alive omg he’s like a cockroach
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slickshoesareyoucrazy · 2 months
I cried already this morning.
My kid isn't eligible to go to a prom unless he's asked to go by a junior or senior, because he's just a 10th grader still. And he is unlikely to go to prom when he's eligible anyway unless one of his 3 best friends or someone he is actually dating in the next 2 years (also unlikely) almost (or actually) begs him to go. He doesn't like manufactured socializing or loudness or dressing up (Shit I wonder where this kid comes from? 😂 It's not like J and I both also hate all that shit...🙄😂). But my friend D's kids and my friend B's son are all eligible to go to their school prom and they are all kids like their dads. Social butterflies. Class clowns even, at least in D's son's case. Popular, socially in demand kids. And because of you, A, I'm half-ass back on Facebook, so I saw the prom pictures hit this morning. And it was supremely bittersweet. Because I LOVE looking at D and B and their families being happy, whether I'm blessed to do that in person like I did this winter into early spring, or in photographs. But because it's prom, it made me think about you.
You and me, man, we did not have good luck with proms. (There's a colossal understatement). Both of them kinda sucked, and even the Senior Dinner Dance wasn't great, but wow junior prom was *particularly* shitty. I should have just not gone to any of that shit, because I didn't like anything about them anyway, and it cost a lot of money I didn't have. I wore that junior prom dress twice, remember? I re-wore it to Senior Dinner Dance, and CB was like...judging me. She was so mean. How the fuck was she our homecoming queen? A mean kid would never ever win something like that at a local school now. Seriously. Now kids like D's and B's kids win that stuff. But anyway, I did go because T begged me to go. She got me to go with that guy from the private school her date went to (same private school D's and B's sons' team ceremoniously beat in basketball this spring in the regional tournament...the whole school is entitled, privileged assholes it seems, and always has been). And you went with that girl from the other snooty area school (the only high school guy I dated that I actually liked and felt safe with went there too, but in our defense, they were a brand new school and had yet to turn snooty back then), but you wanted to date T. And all of that shit blew up at prom. And then shit blew up with you and T later anyway, and it was barely even later. Before senior year started, it was over. (It was over with the guy I was seeing between prom and school starting too; we all went out together to play mini golf and he saw me talk to you after being separated most of the summer because you were doing band and Smarty Pants programs and shit and he accused me of cheating on him with you...so dumb). I always thought T was your best girlfriend. I thought that for DECADES, man. I wished you married her. I did. Years I thought this, wondered what went wrong there, because she was the only one who wouldn't cheat on you. You never told me how quietly mean she was though, and I guess I overlooked it in high school, and since I only got the Facebook edits of her life and values and personality, which everyone knows is heavily curated and usually skewed positive to project the right stuff in the right light. I bet she was mean to you, and you didn't tell me then or ever because you didn't want to wreck another friendship for me. Dude, I wish you told me. I don't like how few friendships I seem to have and how tenuous they are to keep, but I'd have burned that bridge to the ground for you. You know that. I've burned it now anyway.
When you died, T reached out to me. One of the first people. She knew we were close, mostly because of that prom. And I guess she knew we were still close even though we were never Bestie Bestie Bestie lets get matching tshirts and bracelets and shit and take lots of pictures of it and tag each other all the time so everyone knows we're besties on social media like she does and several other people from high school do with their best friends. I thought she was genuinely sad herself about you, and genuinely cared about me. But I think she just wanted an excuse to gossip about you and insult you to me in her passive aggressive way, and somehow thought you dying gave her permission to do that (finally...I almost think she was waiting for us to have a fight and not be friends anymore or even this, to give her an opening to trash you to me). First, she asked if you'd committed suicide. (I'll never know for sure sure, because I'll never look up your autopsy results, but I have to believe NO, based on all of our 30+ year friendship and everything you ever said to me and how much you loved your kid and your dogs. Like no way you'd do that to them.) T almost seemed like she wanted that answer to be yes. Like she wanted to know you were that miserable and in pain in your life. Like that would make her feel smugly good. And then when I told her I was not doing well when she asked how I was holding up, her choice of comforting thoughts was not comforting. 'We can just look back and remember the good times we had with him *and laugh about his idiotic choices.*'
That phrasing didn't land hard in the moment. I was too devastatingly sad to be angry with her or defensive about you then. But I'm mad about it now. I can't believe she'd take that opportunity to focus on what she perceived as your mistakes. I used to think when she asked me how you were doing over the years that she really cared, maybe was even still carrying a flickering torch for you, but now I think she was just jonesing to hear some bad news. She wanted schadenfreude...to take pleasure in your unhappiness. I hope I never gave her the satisfaction, because when you did share that you were unhappy with me, I never shared that with other people, particularly not her. It's not my place to do that. I hope I was always a loyal, trustworthy person in your life. I hope you always thought I was safe. I hope you always knew without a doubt you were loved and valued with me. That I didn't care about your 'mistakes.'
Anyway, I said up there ^ in this ramble that I wish I hadn't gone to any proms or whatever. Which is mostly true. But I know you'd have gone to all of that stuff anyway. And then it would have been bad for you without a buffer. So what I really wish is that we went together. You wouldn't have ever tried to be all over me like Private School Boy or judged that I wore the same dress to 2 different events. Or maybe I wish that I could have talked you somehow into not going and walking around the park or an all night grocery store or something with me instead. I think it would have saved us both a lot of grief. There's no going back though. No Monday morning quarterbacking. Hindsight and all that shit. That's why this morning I've cried already.
Still miss you every day. Wish you could see D's kid in his Prom Prince sash mugging at cameras fucking EXACTLY like D. 😂 Wish you could see B's son with his high school sweetheart in the couples shots, and he's probably going to marry her in a couple years, just like his parents. Just wish you were here. đŸ’”đŸ˜ąâ€ïž
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msmargaretmurry · 1 year
JUST IN CASE you'd like to break up the perspective flip prompts, could i ask for BTS of the nye facetime scene or the first kiss scene in head above water?
i appreciate this đŸ˜‚â€ i will absolutely get to all the perspective flips, but in the interim here's a BTS of the nye facetime scene in head above water!
In the elevator up to his condo, Matthew’s phone rings.
His drunk fingers answer the Facetime call out of habit, and gets about half a second of Leon’s flushed, grinning face before he realizes what he’s done, says, “Oh, shit,” and hangs up. [as with most things, the significance of leon facetiming him here goes totally over matthew’s head — leon’s drunk, he’s had a new year’s eve that was more contentious than he’d have preferred, and when he crawled into bed he decided the way to end the night on a good note was to call matthew. he’s been thinking about calling matthew for a while, feeling like they’re maybe building up to that level of communication, but he hasn’t had a good excuse to do it before now.]
“Everything okay?” asks Keith.
“Yeah, just a drunk dial.” Matthew puts his phone on silent and stuffing it deep in his pocket. He doesn’t look at it again until his dad is safely asleep in the guest room for the night, and he’s in his own room with the door locked.
There’s a second, missed call from Leon, and two texts: Wtf, then Ok fuck you?
Matthew grins, just a little, and calls him back.
“Too late, I’m pissed at you now,” Leon says when he answers. He’s in bed, shirtless, which is a welcome sight. He isn’t in his house, Matthew is pretty sure, but he can’t see enough of the background to tell for sure. Maybe a hotel room. He has had too much to drink to remember the Oilers’ schedule right now. Leon is still flushed, still grinning, kind of sweaty — drunk, obviously. [drunk enough that his feelings are showing! he’s thrilled that matthew called him back!] It’s New Year’s Eve.
“Dude, I was in the elevator with my dad,” Matthew says, and laughs at the face Leon pulls. “Yeah, exactly. You should thank me.” [leon is 1000% convinced that keith tkachuk doesn’t like him. they have never had a conversation but he feels this in his soul. he assumes big walt doesn’t like anyone who maligns his precious son. relatedly he does not yet have a very good grasp of how complicated matthew’s relationship with his dad is, lmao.]
“Yeah, okay, whatever,” Leon says. “Let me see your face.”
Literally that is the entire point of Facetime, and in fact they are currently looking at each other’s faces, Matthew does not say. But he does laugh about it.
“Wow, you’re extra rude tonight,” he says, going to the bathroom to let the bright vanity lights illuminate his latest battle wound. “Did you call to jerk off to my black eye? [so what if he did matthew] It’s okay if you did, but if so I think I get to watch. I don’t think it’s that bad though.”
It takes him a moment to find an angle where he’s getting the light on the right part of his face while not blocking it with his phone. The bruise is less swollen than it was earlier, but more colorful. From Matthew’s extensive experience with getting punched, he’d estimate it’ll be gone within the week.
Leon scrunches his brows. “Who does the gift basket go to?” [tbh it’s less that leon literally finds the bruised face hot, but he finds the way matthew gets under people’s skin hot, and it’s kind of an extension of that. it’s also only hot if matthew’s not seriously injured, and going with the bit that he likes it when matthew gets beaten up gives him and easy way to check on him.] 
“I’m not actually sure. Maybe send them to everyone in Dallas just in case.”
“Thanks, that’s very helpful.”
“You know I love to be helpful.” While he’s in here, Matthew figures, he might as well get ready for bed, so he props the phone up on the sink and reaches for his toothbrush. “But seriously, to what do I owe the honor?”
“Next week,” Leon says, and Matthew’s drunk heart skips a beat. “We have a game the night before at home, so we don’t get in until early on the game day. But it’s the first stop on a road trip, so we’re staying overnight before we fly to Vancouver. So I was just thinking. Uh. It felt like too much to type all that.” He rubs a hand over his face and up through his hair, leaving it sticking up in a million different angles on top.
His accent is stronger when he’s drunk. Kind of like when he’s really turned on, but not exactly the same. More like he sounded at Boots and Hearts, except Matthew wasn’t as familiar with the baseline back then, and he’s probably drunker than he was then, judging from all the mumbling.
Matthew grins at the phone and says around his toothbrush, “Leon, are you soliciting me for sex?” [i was out to brunch with members of the rat crew shortly after receiving the hard copy of this fic from the incredible @sayornispress and one of them was like, HANG ON I HAVE TO FIND MY FAVORITE LINE, which turned out to be this line, and ceremoniously marked the page with the book ribbon. 😂]
“Obviously,” Leon says. “And I want my shirt back.” [he says, like he hasn’t been wearing matthew’s regularly]
“Oh, the truth comes out,” Matthew says. Spits in the sink and adds, “It looks pretty good on me. Maybe I want to keep it.”
“We’ll see about that.” Leon rolls onto his side, settling into the pillow. “Mostly I just want to fuck you. So everything else, whatever.” [he is sooooooo fucked]
The witty rejoinder Matthew’s mind supplies is something along the lines of, oh good because I think about you every day [he is also sooooooo fucked], but instead of saying that, he ducks down to rinse his mouth with water from the sink. Splashes some on his face for good measure, scrubbing the sweat of the night away, taking a moment to try to pull himself together. It doesn’t work very well. Matthew’s brain is still sloshing slightly in his head every time he moves. There’s something about the current view on the phone, Leon tucked into bed, hair mussed and eyes heavy, that makes Matthew wish he wasn’t about to crawl into bed alone. He could go for some lazy, drunk-ish sex before passing out. Or even just some making out and rubbing up against someone.
That’s not the kind of sex he has with Leon, but. Whatever. Fuck. [my dude you’re so close. you’re so close to getting it.] [walking the line in this scene between matthew being drunk enough to be a little bit more honest with himself but not quite sober or self-aware enough to get it was an adventure, lol]
He straightens, patting his face dry with the hand towel. Leon is just watching, so quietly that Matthew wonders if he’s going to fall asleep.
“So come over after the game,” he says, hauling his train of thought back onto tracks that aren’t headed straight for a cliff. “Just promise you won’t be a sore loser.”
Leon grins a grin that has surprisingly little smirk to it. “I don’t think that will be a problem.”
“Why, have you finally discovered sportsmanship?” Matthew adjusts the phone on the sink so it’s facing more towards the bathroom door, away from the toilet. “Sorry, I need to piss.”
“Very sexy,” Leon says. “Obviously we’re going to win, so you will have to not be the sore loser. Besides, after the game is better anyway. We can have more fun that way.”
“Can you not try to give me a boner until I’m done peeing?” Matthew asks. “It’s hard enough just looking at you.”
Leon snorts. “Hard enough.”
“I’m gonna hang up on you.”
“Yeah, okay.”
“You think I won’t?”
“I mean, I can't stop you.” [i really love this part of the scene — the casual intimacy and easy conversation, dorky flirting, the (however briefly) uncomplicated understanding that they want each other.]
Matthew finishes his business, washes his hands, and takes Leon back to the bedroom. “Where even are you right now?”
“Davo’s guest room. He had a party.” This admission comes with a beleaguered sigh, which makes Matthew raise both eyebrows as he props the phone on his dresser.
“Don’t tell me there’s trouble with the League’s favorite duo,” he says. “Say it ain’t so, Leo.”
“No, it’s just whatever.” A big yawn, and afterward, his words are heavier, drowsier. It does something to Matthew’s insides. Or maybe that’s all the alcohol. “Remember last season, like, February? When we were in that big slump and might not make the playoffs?”
“Of course.” Matthew grins, starting on the buttons of his sweaty button-down. “My favorite part of the season.”
Leon rolls his eyes, but keeps talking anyway. “In the middle of that, I told him, like. And maybe I shouldn’t have said it, but, you know, I told him I couldn’t fucking wait to test the market in a couple years. So he’s been wanting to do everything together all the time since then. Like this summer, you know? Like that’ll make me want to do matching extensions. I mean, I love the guy, but I don’t know what I’m doing yet.” Another sigh, big and heavy in the way only drunk sighs can be. “Are you getting naked?” [one of my regrets for this fic is i didn’t manage to fit in more of leon’s dilemma here, but the story got so tightly focused on matthew that anywhere i tried to fit more in felt too forced. usually he would confide in connor, but connor is really bad at dealing with the idea of leon leaving him. they’re close friends, they’ve been in this together from the beginning! leon says ‘he wants to do everything together’ here like they don’t already do everything together during the season, including leon third-wheeling beach vacations with connor and lauren, so the complaint is really less ‘connor wants to do everything together’ and more ‘we’re both now way too aware of the possible future where we are in the nhl as separate entities and not a two-headed monster, and it’s weird and hard’. leon is going to feel pretty weird about spilling this to matthew in the morning, even though he really likes the idea of matthew being someone he can confide in about stuff like this.]
“Are you trying to phone sex me from McDavid’s guest room?” Matthew asks, one hundred percent aware of his dad down the hall, and one hundred percent aware that his resolve won’t last if Leon says yes. [this is by far the horniest fic i've ever written. i know they don't have sex in this scene but i've never before written two people who stay so consistently horny for each other for the entirety of the fic. bless their hearts.]
Leon bites the side of his thumb. It’s difficult to read his expression, but even through the video call, the way his eyes drop down and back up, evaluating, makes Matthew feel hot all over. But then Leon shrugs, pressing half his face into his pillow. “Not this time. Just let me watch.” [after the teeth-brushing, etc, leon wants to hang onto this fantasy of getting ready for bed together, like normal people who are normal about wanting each other. like he’s already in bed and matthew is getting ready to crawl in next to him.]
“Uh,” says Matthew, his fingers going still on his shirt. “Watch me — change?”
“Not like I haven’t seen it all before.” And there’s the smirk. Sleepy, but very present. Matthew swallows.
“If I try to do a striptease, I guarantee you will never want to sleep with me again,” he says. [he's joking about it, but he IS nervous about whether leon will continue to want him if he sees too much of matthew being a whole person instead of just someone to sleep with.]
“Not stripping,” Leon says. “Like a normal person. I know that’s hard for you, but—”
“I should have hung up on you,” Matthew says, but goes back to his buttons with unsteady hands. He wasn’t even thinking about it, before, and now he’s hyper-aware of every inch of skin. Of Leon’s gaze following the deepening vee down his chest. The back of his neck is burning, but at least the light is low enough that Leon can’t see him flush.
He feels like he’s rushing through it, so he slows down, but that makes him feel ridiculous. Who the hell decided shirts should have so many buttons? Also, he kind of hates the idea of Leon not being in Edmonton, which is stupid. Leon not being in Edmonton would make Edmonton way easier to beat, which would be a net positive. It’s just that anywhere else would be farther away. Which would be — something. Inconvenient. [i’m sure the metaphor here is heavy-handed enough that it doesn’t need explaining, but just in case, this is absolutely about matthew letting himself be vulnerable, and about letting himself be intimate apart from sex.]
“Matthew,” Leon says. “Don’t tell what I said about the market. Yeah?”
Matthew swallows. “Yeah, of course not.”
And then he’s out of buttons. He starts to shrug out of the shirt, but Leon is watching so quietly, and suddenly everything feels quiet. That stifling kind of quiet that sucks up all the air in a room. Matthew strains his ears for something, anything — the building’s heating system, Leon breathing. Not his dad snoring, even though that’s surely happening. Anything else. But it’s so quiet.
“I’m just gonna,” he says, and goes to get his pajamas from where they’re shoved under the edge of the duvet on his bed. Technically, he’s still in view of the phone, so. Yeah. It’s not like he’s not used to taking his clothes off in front of guys, after years of locker rooms and plenty of sex, but he’s not one of those guys who just hangs around naked. Not because of how he looks or anything. He’s fine with that. It just feels weird. [this is a running theme that i really enjoyed playing with in this fic — matthew thinking about covering his body when he feels emotionally vulnerable.]
He finishes changing there by the bed, trying very hard not to look like he’s hurrying through it. Button-down off, old t-shirt on. Jeans off, pajama pants on. He cannot imagine it’s a particularly scintillating show, but whatever. It’s done. [heavy-handed metaphor continues: he gets through it, but only after running away a little  bit!!]
Leon is exactly how Matthew left him, except maybe more sleepy-eyed than before.
“Are you happy now?” Matthew asks as he climbs into bed, pulling the covers up to his chin, except for the one arm he keeps out for the phone. His battery is really low. If it cared about him at all, it would have died before he started undressing. [he is so terrified of letting this be real. my poor little rat boy.]
“Ja,” Leon says, rubbing his face. “Yes.”
“Ja,” Matthew echoes, smiling despite the embarrassment still warm on his skin.
“Shut up.”
Matthew does, but only because he’s distracted watching Leon, who is clearly on the edge of falling asleep. His eyelids keep sliding closed for long moments before he blinks his focus back again. The view from the phone camera wobbles, like he’s having trouble remembering to keep it propped up. Maybe he won’t even remember this whole stupid striptease thing in the morning.
It’s quiet again. [the inside of matthew’s head is so loud for so much of this fic; part of why he keeps having sex with leon is that he can goad leon into testing his limits to the point where his brain briefly shuts out everything else. here, he gets a moment of quiet that has nothing to do with sex.]
“You know that thing,” Matthew says, “where they say, like. However you spend New Year’s Eve is how your year is gonna go?”
“Is that true?” Leon asks. He closes his eyes with a soft laugh. “Fuck.”
“Yeah,” Matthew says. “Fuck.” [they’re both sooooo fucked!!! the difference is that leon comes away from this conversation hopeful and matthew, as usual, immediately starts catastrophizing. sorry leon.]
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alwayzraven · 2 years
KardeƟlerim Ep 61
Sevgi went to live with Omer and Asiye after leaving her money/wealth to Ahmet. Ahmet went to convince her to come back home but she refused.
The next day, Tolga came to school. 
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 Berk: “The school was better without you. Why are you back?”
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Tolga:”Who stepped on your tail ?(meaning who pissed you off) What are you talking about this early in the morning?”
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Berk: “I am saying: Why didn't your condition get worse? Why did you come back to school?”
dfsdfsdfsfsdvsd 😂😂😂
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Tolga: “Are you acting crazy this early in the morning? Get out of here!”
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Berk: “You’re the king of crazies ! How did it became me?”
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Tolga: “Since you said “Why didn't your condition get worse?” I thought you sounded as crazy as I am. Remember your past. You’re back to those days probably”
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Berk: “At least, I am not doing anything behind someone’s back”
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Tolga: “What are you imagining in your head? What am I doing and behind who’s back?”
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Berk: “Oh look! Yours is here”
Just to clarify, when he says “Yours” here, he doesn’t mean that Tolga owns Aybike or something like that. He is using the word “Seninki” here in a mocking way.
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Aybike: “What are you talking about?”
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Berk: “I am saying that I am aware of everything”
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Aybike: “What are you aware of Berk?? What??”
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Berk: “I am saying that I know what you guys did behind my back all this time, Aybike”
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Oglucan: “Berk, maybe you should change that voice tone of yours , she is my sister, you know”
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Berk: “Stay out of this Oglucan”
I love how he said this in a calm way. 
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Oglucan: “ Stay out of this ? I see that you missed the old days so much. Wait, let me remind you”
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Berk did not look like he was going to hit Oglucan or fight with him so Tolga didn’t need to hold Oglucan back.
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Berk: “Oh I see that you became part of the family,   speedy ! Bravo to you !”
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Berk: ” She is your sister, so of course you will protect her but nobody is going to hold them accountable for betraying me. Liking posts, whispering to each other, hospital visits! I am not an idiot! I am not an idiot, okay? I realized that there is something between you two”
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Holy shit I didn’t hear him well when I watched the ep live !! He really thinks she cheated on him 😭
Aybike: “How could you
..Berk you have really lost your mind! ”
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Aybike was so upset because he thought that she cheated on him. Tolga said that he can speak with Berk using the language he understands meaning he wants to beat him up lol. ISTG when he put his hand on her shoulder, I screamed: “Don’t fucking touch her !!!”. I am so scared that he might do something to her 😭😭
Aybike went to sit on a bench in the garden and Tolga came to get her because class is starting soon. Tolga said AGAIN that he wants to do something to Berk. He didn’t want her to get upset because of him. Ayyyy how nice of him 😭
Aybike told him: "No Tolga, if you do something to Berk, I will do something to you." LMAO 😂
Tolga is probably still going to do something to him because once Tolga sets his mind on something he will do it no matter what.
Afra saw this fight as an opportunity to get on Aybike's nerves. She sat next to Berk in class. The teacher gave the class a chemistry assignment and divided them into groups of three. Afra is in the same group as Berk and Sarp. I never expected the writers to use Afra for another triangle.
Nebehat came to visit Suzan and found Akif there so she kicked both of them out the house. Nebehat gave Suzan that house after Suzan promised her that she won’t let Akif stay there. After Nebehat kicked them out, they went to the Eren's house to spend the night there. The next day they rented a new house.
The Dean told Doruk, Asiye and Oglucan that the new owner of the school is Ahmet Yalmaz. Oglucan remembered that Omer told him his dad's name is Ahmet Yalmaz. So Doruk, Oglucan and Asiye decided to get a DNA sample from Ahmet and Omer to do a DNA test to check whether Ahmet is his dad or not. They managed to get a glass he used at the restaurant and submit that for the the DNA test. Later, the dean gave Omer an envelop and told him to give it to Yasmin and Sarp. Omer saw Ahmet's name on the envelop and he realized that Ahmet could be his father. He asked Suzan if Ahmet was his dad and Suzan lied to him and said he wasn't. So Asiye didn't tell him the truth.
In the trailer for the next ep, they showed Aybike and Berk in the library and it looked like they were about to make up.
Berk: “I will be that Berk you love, I promise you”
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Ahhhhhh our library scenes are back ❀❀❀ We didn’t hear Aybike’s reply to this. So does this mean he made up with Doruk ? Or is he planning on just ignoring him? What about Omer and Oglucan? I think an apology will work in the case of these two because it looked like they were just angry with him, especially Oglucan. Also why is Berk making the first move AGAIN ?
But if this is true, Tolga is going to lose his shit 😂😂 because he thought that he was getting closer to Aybike in this episode. God I can’t wait for next week’s ep !!
In the trailer they also showed a scene with AsDor and three kids so I am not sure whether the kids we saw were involved in this scene or in a Dorber flashback scene. The last scene they showed in the trailer was Sarp about to hit/hitting Emel with is car. I hope he’s not going to leave her there and take her to the hospital instead.
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kraekat29 · 2 years
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I posted 393 times in 2022
That's 393 more posts than 2021!
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45 posts reblogged (11%)
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#jj maybank - 205 posts
#outer banks - 189 posts
#obx fic - 186 posts
#ruby routledge - 159 posts
#jj maybank smut - 152 posts
#john b routledge - 132 posts
#kiara carrera - 104 posts
#pope heyward - 101 posts
#wattpad - 35 posts
#obx - 19 posts
Longest Tag: 34 characters
#fear not it will be back in winter
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Me trying to explain the entire plot of OBX rn to my dad who doesn't remember anything that happened 😂
36 notes - Posted August 3, 2022
Game On
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Warnings: Dom!JJ, Sub!Ruby, cockwarming, choking , rough unprotected sex.
Three matches so far, they were currently tied in match four and the sounds of the fake guns from the screen only fueled their fire.
Ruby was currently winning this match of Call Of Duty which obviously irritated JJ, he couldn’t just let her win.
He glanced over at her, her bottom lip was trapped between her teeth as she furiously hit the buttons, every so often shifting her position because ‘it helped regain her focus’.
She shifted her gaze over to him and he smirked, he knew just exactly how to make her lose.
He motioned her over but she raised her eyebrow and stayed put, he motioned for her again but now she smirked and stayed still.
So, he grabbed her by the arm and yanked her onto his lap, she huffed in annoyance but continued to play the game, barely registering him shifting underneath her.
Only when she felt a certain something nudging her she knew she was in trouble, she tried to play it off and bit down on her cheek as he forced her down onto him.
Her mind already felt fuzzy and she squirmed, wanting relief but he slapped her thigh, “ don’t move” he said and she groaned, “ cheater” she scoffed and returned her focus to the game.
It seemed to go easy for her which only irritated him more, he started to kiss her neck and smirked as she tensed, only she reached her hand back and dug her nails into his thigh- oh was she done for now.
He wrapped his hand around her throat and gently squeezed, earning the whine he was waiting for, he slid his hand up and shoved two fingers into her mouth, pressing down on her tongue ring.
She squirmed and clenched around him, making him let out a groan, enough was enough, he grabbed the remote and shut off the game before wrapping his arms around her.
she squeezed her eyes shut and whimpered as he began to thrust up into her, his pace was brutal and she could barely even breathe from the force of it.
He held her tighter and she cried out, laying her head back on his shoulder as she arched, she was shaking and panting at this point.
She shivered as she felt him tracing the outline of the butterfly tattoo on her hip while his other hand wrapped around her throat and squeezed.
“ fuck fuck fuck!” She cried and held onto his wrist, she practically heaving and squealed as he bit down onto her shoulder, kissing the mark after.
With one more sharp thrust she practically screamed as she came hard, triggering him to fill her up right after.
Ruby laid her head back onto his shoulder and tried to catch her breath, “ you win” she said and JJ smirked, “ up for a rematch?” He teased and rolled his hips, making her whine.
She should’ve known better than to try to beat him at Call of Duty.
42 notes - Posted October 12, 2022
How about something sickeningly sweet? Early morning fooling around and all the love confessions?
Ooo okay I got you -
Lazy Sunshine
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Warnings : soft sex, a sorta dom/ sub established relationship.
The sun came through the window, casting a nice glow throughout the bedroom and there she was - his sunshine.
Sometimes it was hard for JJ to believe that he'd somehow won over his best friend and that she'd actually stuck around - it was even harder for him to believe that she was in love with him.
Now in Ruby's eyes JJ was a God - he could never even come close to doing any wrong in her mind, he was her hero, her best friend and most importantly, her lover.
She turned over and hid her face in his chest, feeling his warmth and listening to his heart beat - a sound almost like a purr escaped her lips as he pet her hair - an innocent act which somehow always found a way to drive her crazy.
Soon enough though his hand started to trail lower and a soft sigh came from her in response - this was her favorite JJ, the soft and sweet version, of course she loved the hard and rough JJ too but the soft version was her favorite.
He moved on top of her and finally connected their lips, granted they both were still half awake and the kiss was lazy but neither of them seemed to care.
" I love you.." He whispered against her lips, " I love you too.." She mumbled and ran her fingers through his hair.
And there it was again, ' love', he knew that she meant it and he meant it as well, he tried to hide his smile as she brought him down to her once more by his shark tooth necklace.
He could kiss her for hours if she'd let him and he knew that she felt the same, he chuckled as she gently tapped his back with the heel of her foot to let him know she was getting impatient - he shook his head and kissed her once more as he slowly thrusted into her.
Her arms came up to wrap around his neck as she gazed into his eyes, it was almost enough to make him stop but he didn't - he couldn't, she was like a drug to him, " god I fucking love you" he growled and buried his face into the crook of her neck.
She gently tugged on his hair as she moaned - her way of saying the feeling was mutual, he smirked against her neck at how easy it was to turn her brain to mush for him and started to thrust faster, pleased with himself as she made more noise.
Ruby cried out and bit down on his shoulder, making his eyes roll back, " you drive me crazy you know that? God - can't ever get enough " she mumbled and gently licked the mark her teeth had made.
JJ cupped her cheek and made her look in his eyes, this was always his favorite part- watching her struggle to keep the eye contact as she fell apart.
She clenched hard around him and he groaned, " don't let go - fuck please don't let go" she cried out and clung to him, and he didn't, he held her tighter in his arms as she came, tears of pleasure streaming down her face and he was done for - he came undone himself, filling her up.
He collapsed on top of her, letting his head rest on her chest and she ran her hand through his hair, enjoying the feeling of him still inside her, " I love you.. So much.. " he whispered as she tilted his chin up, " I love you too.. More than anything.." She whispered back before connecting their lips in a slow and sweet kiss.
A/ N: I hope this is what you were looking for 😅
56 notes - Posted September 7, 2022
{ Blog Recs} @sweetestdesire
Follow them all!! You won't be disappointed they are all amazing writers!!
66 notes - Posted August 14, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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See the full post
249 notes - Posted August 4, 2022
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house-of-slayterr · 2 years
Shed Your Scales: Come Back To Me
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An: She’d your scales part 2
Tag: @oceansrose2002 @myers-meadow @vincent-sinclair-deserved-better
In case y’all wanted to read too, since it took me all day to write 😂
Your POV:
My exam was rough the afternoon. No matter how many layers I strapped on, I never felt quite warm enough. It was hard to concentrate with everything being so loud. But I think I managed to keep my cool and remembered everything I had studied. By the time I put my pencil down o was more than ready to walk out of the room. I was the second person to finish, Gwen being first and a few other students before Harry. Gwen also worked a job in journalism, so she had special permission to leave early.
I walked up to the stand up teachers desk. I leaned down and whispered a quick.
“I’m not feeling well.” After I turned in my paper.
The woman gave me a nod, allowing me permission to leave. What I wasn’t expecting was to have Harry run down the hall after me. I turned around, wobbling slightly. The effects weren’t as bad this morning, but it seemed as the day went on my head was louder and louder. I could hear my heart beating in my chest, and I must have imagined hearing his as well.
“Yes Harry?”
“Woah” he said, reaching out to steady me when I almost fell.
“Did you sleep at all last night?”
I nodded slowly, but it didn’t seem much like he believed me. He frowned, but moved on to his original intent with the conversation.
“Did you hear about what happened to Doctor Connors?” He asked.
My eyes did widened.
“No, what happened.”
“Apparently he was running an unauthorised experiment in the school. I guess he was trying to see if he could fix regeneration or something, but he mixed his project with reptile DNA. One of the staff caught wind of this and went to go find him in his office this morning. But he was nowhere to be seen, the room was completely trashed and the window broken.”
I put my hand over my mouth, trying to stifle making any noise.
“So no class this afternoon”.
Of course that’s what the boy cared about. He didn’t have any personal connections with the professor.
“Harry, he works on the fifth floor of the school.” I pointed out.
“We’ll no one was found splattered on the concrete, so I’m sure he’s fine. Where ever he is, the school has to report it.”
“No you don’t think they should report him for running human experiments?”
“It’s not that simple Har- look I’m not feeling well. I’ll see you later, yeah?” I tried to play it off smoothly.
I had just gotten my father back, there was no way I was letting him leave now. I ran back to my dorm, barricading myself inside. I grabbed all my hoodies and blankets and made a little igloo on top of my bunk. My mind was full of worry. Was my father trying to grow his arm back? That was the only reason I could think that he would try something this stupid. But then again, what had he given me last night.
Suddenly my phone rang, I looked down at the ID and debated picking it up. I was angry with him of course, but my fear trumped that.
“Are you ok? Where are you?” I said before he could get a word out.
I heard heavy breathing on the end of the phone.
“Doctor Connors?” I asked.
“I need you to meet me somewhere. It can only be you ok?” He said seriously.
I was pissed right now. How was I ever supposed to trust him again. Maybe this whole thing was an act so he could get close to someone with similar DNA.
“The school will have you arrested if you return.”
“Have you told them?”
I scoffed. He was really asking me that right now. But I couldn’t stay mad for long when I heard him let out a strained groan.
“Dad, where are you?”
“I’ll send the coordinates. Come at night.”
“Dad I-“
He hung up before I could finish. I was beyond furious at this moment. It would only get colder at night, and I wasn’t sure if I could handle that. A knock at my door was the last fucking thing I needed right now. When it opened anyway, I knew it must have been one of my friends. We all doctored key cards to each others rooms. It case of emergencies. Well originally more for like “i forgot my text book, or my essay” or “come help me with this” type emergencies. Not the current predicament I was in. I couldn’t tell any of them. But when I looked up, it was just Peter.
“Harry was worried.”
“So why isn’t he here?” I challenged.
He flinched slightly at my tone, then quickly shutting my door behind him. Oh yes, just come right on in Peter. He quickly rushed over to me in a hushed tone.
“I heard what happened with the professor.” He started.
“What come to tell me he’s a fugitive or something.” I laughed bitterly, “already got that vibe from Harry.” I said.
He sighed.
“Y/N, there’s no easy way for me to say this, but you’re my friend and I trust you-“
I didn’t see any sense of a lie in his eyes. Peter was being entirely serious right now, so I nodded for him to continue.
“Did he- did he use his serum on you?” He asked.
My eyes widened. How could he possibly know that? I knew he and my father hung out a lot after hours. He was trying to turn Peter into his star pupil. Did he know what my father was making.
“What?” I said pulling my knees to my chest and moving away from him.
“You’re freezing, aren’t you?” He asked.
“I can’t feel it, you’re not radiating body heat like you should, you’ve been antsy all day, and kept squinting more than usual in the bright lights. Does- does it hurt?”
I shrugged.
“I don’t understand what’s happening Peter. If- if I tell you this you can’t tell anyone ok?”
“I promise”
He said, sitting next to me and bringing me into a hug to try and warm me up.
“Christ you are freezing.” He said, a look of concern in his eyes.
“I don’t think I’m reacting well to whatever this is. He- he asked me to meet him somewhere, tonight, after dark.” I said.
“You’re not seriously considering going. He- he drugged you. I mean it’s clear to me you have no idea what he was making up there.”
“Oh and you do? If you thought it was so bad Peter, why didn’t you say anything?”
“I didn’t think he’d actually finish it, let alone try to use it on a student. What if he’s taking you there to I don’t know, get rid of evidence or something?”
I pushed Peter away from me, with more force than I thought. He stumbled backwards but quickly caught his footing.
“You have to tell the school.”
“Don’t you dare Peter! I’ll be ruined if this gets out. Don’t you understand that? It’s bad enough some people have noticed me sneaking int his office. I’m sure those rumours were already starting.”
“We’re you-“
“How could you ask me that Parker? You know me! He’s- he’s my father.”
“Doctor Connors had another kid before he was married. Turns out, that was me.”
“I knew you were looking for your dad, I didn’t know you-“
“Because I didn’t want it to change your opinion of me.”
“Why would I think any differently of you?” He asked, sounding offended at the accusation.
“Because he’s my dad, I didn’t want people to think I was getting hand outs. I’m actually really good at his class.”
“You think I don’t know that? Why do you think I come to you and not Gwen.” He laughed, trying to ease the mood.
It did calm me a little.
“Yes?” He asked, his full attention on me.
It was nice to see him not completely trying to joke around.
“What are you?” I asked.
He froze when I turned back to look at him. I could feel it not, the strangeness my father was talking about. There was something up with Peter. He sighed.
“You can sense it too now, can’t you.”
“And where did you get that cut on your lip?” I asked, stepping closer.
“I was with your father last night. After he took the serum he started freaking out. I felt like something was wrong so I rushed over. He was different, he was changing
“What happened?”
“I tried to stop him. But whatever he took it was spiking his hormone and adrenaline levels. We fought for a bit before he jumped out the window and I couldn’t track him. He muttered something about you before he left so
“Here you are.” I sighed, inspecting Peter’s face closer.
His lip was busted, and he had a black eye. I was sure there would be more bruises under his sweater if I took it off.
“Are you ok? Did you break anything?”
He shook his head know.
“I’m Spider-Man”
It was my turn to freeze, as I dropped my hands from his face. Of course I had my own hypothesis. He was always sneaking off, trying to hide injuries, overly tired. I thought maybe he’d got himself tangled up in a gang. There was no shortage of violence in New York.
“You believe me?” He asked.
“Peter, after the day I’ve just had, I would believe just about anyone. Is that why you asked me a few months ago about web tensility?”
I let out a practically violent shiver, and he rushed over.
“Maybe we can talk about me being Spider-Man another time. Are you in pain?”
“No more than the usual amount.” I shrugged.
“The usual amount is zero.”
“Maybe for you Mr Spider DNA”
He rolled his eyes.
“You aren’t seriously considering meeting him are you? He, he’s not acting like himself right now, it’s dangerous.”
“Peter I have to, he’s my dad and he’s hurt. Besides he’s the only one who knows what’s in that serum.”
“You think he can fix you?”
I nodded.
“Then let me go with you, in case things go south.”
“I appreciate it, but we both know that’s a terrible idea. If he attacked you earlier and he sees you again, it might just provoked that. You said it yoruself, he’s not acting like my father right now.”
“Why I don’t understand is why he gave it to you at all. You’re not missing any limbs.”
I frowned.
“My father was the only one who knew I was sick. I didn’t tell you guys cause I didn’t want you to worry. In his own way he was trying to help.”
“Sick?” Peter asked.
“Organ failure. Not like I can speed up the transplant list.” I shrugged.
He looked hurt, and I understood why. That was a big thing to keep from someone who cared about you. But I didn’t want him to look at me the way he was right now.
“So all those times you went back to your dorm early?”
“I was actually going to the ER.”
He nodded slowly.
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner. Don’t tell Gwen or Harry until I get back ok? I wanna do it myself.”
“Of course. Just please stay safe. Call me if anything happens I’ll be right there.”
I pulled him into a hug, enjoying his warmth a little while longer.
“Thank you Peter. You’ve been a really great friend.”
“Don’t say it like that. You’re coming back to us.”
I couldn’t bring myself to say it out loud. I had no idea how tonight would go. Even if he reversed the serum, I’d still be dying. And I’d waste away in this stupid school, but at least I’d have my friends. When nights fall came, I threw on my hoodie and used the hood to cover my face. He was somewhere underground in one of the many tunnels leading to the sewer system. It was even colder down here.
“You came.”
“Was that ever a question? You did this to me
“I’m sorry. I never meant for yesterday to happen. I mixed up our mugs. You got the pre-serum by accident and as soon as I realised it you were already gone.
“I couldn’t see him because it was dark. So I couldn’t read his body language to tell if he was being genuine.”
“Come out.” I requested.
“I don’t want to startle you child, it’s not good.”
“I need to look you in the eyes when you say that, forgive me for being a bit suspicious and confused right now.”
He stepped out of the shadows and I gasped. Parts of his skin were turning green and scales, and it looked painful. I put my hand over my mouth.
“You have to understand it was a mistake that I will take full responsibility for. I will fix you.”
“Fix us!” I corrected. I took a step forward, grabbing his arm gently.
“Does it hurt”
“It’s bearable, I’m more worried about you, you didn’t get the full serum. I didn’t account for that in my studies. How are you feeling.”
“I can’t seem to regulate my body temperature and my eyes hurt. Some cramping but like you said, it’s bearable.”
He frowned, pulling me forward and sitting me down on a dry ledge. He pulled a flash light out from his lab coat project and checked my eyes
“How peculiar. It’s seems you didn’t fully combine with the reptilian DNA. Your eyes have completely changed, but other than the temperature thing, which is bad, it doesn’t look like your skin was otherwise effected.”
“So what are you saying, I have what, reptile eyes now. What species.”
“I used amphibian DNA, you know how tricky those creatures are with the easy adaptability and their short evolutionary periods.”
I sighed.
“We’ll figure this out dad, we’ll find a way to reserve the side effects but keep the health benefits. You were close you just need fresh eyes on the project.”
“You’re too kind to me child.”
“You said it yourself, it was a mistake. Peter mentioned-“
“You talked to Mr Parker. Is he ok?”
“Yes, you beat him up pretty bad so maybe step one after we get you fixed is an apology. But I think your career as a professor is toast. What you did was unethical.”
“The rage was also an unaccounted for variable, I’m afraid my mind is slipping.” I frowned.
“Maybe it’s you who should be sitting down right now.”
As if on cue he groaned in pain, clutching his arm as it began to change in front of my eyes. While this certainly wasn’t the intended effect, this was a huge feat in science. He did the impossible, he grew back a limb. If we could isolate that condition, it wouldn’t even matter that he’d be banned from teaching. We could go on it together, so his name isn’t attached. I grabbed his arm to try to comfort him, but it was somehow like it transferred the pain. He looked up at me in shock.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t know that would happen.”
He seemed so defeated it broke my heart.
“Why are you apologising, that was entirely my fault.”
I went to touch him again but he pulled back.
“I wanted to feast a hypothesis, maybe that was a fluke.”
“Even now your more concerned about the sconce then your own health, you really are my daughter.”
“You say that like it’s a bad thing.”
“I practically poisoned you due to my negligence.”
“And you apologised and are working to fix it. That’s more than most people do. You’re not a bad person Doctor Connors, your heart and head were in the right place. Science is a tricky bastard.” I laughed.
It seemed to ease his mind a little.
“Here’s the key, I’ll text your the address and I’ll try to get some of your stuff from the lab and bring it over tomorrow. Just keep your head low ok? If we perfect this we could really help people.”
“I’m more concerned about getting you better first.”
“I know, I know, and we will. I’ll talk to your wife and William. I knew what it was like to grow up without you, I’m not gonna let that happen to him.”
“You’d do that for me?”
“Doctor Connors I have waited 20 years to have you in my life. I’m not gonna kick you to the curb because of one, colossal mistake. It takes more than that to scare me off.”
He chuckled lightly and I was glad any bad blood seemed to be resolved. Of course I was still upset. This mistake could have killed me. But it was just that, and honest mistake and I desperately wanted to believe it.
“I’m going to talk to Peter too, you both just had a misunderstanding. He won’t tell the cops, I can convince him of that much.”
“Perhaps he should, I did attack the poor boy.”
“But you didn’t want to. That’s the difference, Dad it was the serums doing, that’s not your fault.”
“I created it.”
“Like scientist haven’t made mistakes that have gotten people hurt before. Peter is one of us, he’ll understand. Just work on getting us better. Everything will work out in the end, I’m sure of it.”
“You have far too much faith in me.”
“And that’s your problem, you don’t have enough in yourself. If that’s the role I have to play in your life, I’m more than fine being moral support. I don’t need you to raise me, I’m already an adult. I just want your company.”
“And you shall have it. Perhaps one day, you can have dinner with my family. Real dinner this time, not just delivering bad news.”
“I would like that very much.”
I groaned again when a wave of pain washed over me. He was quick to grab my arm to stabilise me.
“Perhaps we should enlist Mr Parker’s help, he’s my brightest student besides you.”
“I’m fine.”
“You are far from fine. Stop pretending for my sake.”
The next wave of pain shot through me and I screwed my eyes shut. Whatever was in the serum, my body was rejecting it. Despite having similar DNA to my father, my body wasn’t being as kind about the transformation.
“Doctor Connors-“ I said but I couldn’t get the rest of the sentence out before I collapsed. It was too much.
Doctor Connors POV:
I was infuriated with myself. How could I make such a careless mistake? She’ll never trust me again, she’ll never want to see me again. But I had to fix this, and to do that I would have to be a part of her life. It was strange that two semesters ago I had no idea she existed, but now I couldn’t imagine my life without her in it. She was just another on the long list of mistakes I’ve made.
I shouldn’t have left her mother. I should have realised she was pregnant. I could sit around hiding in the dark all day, or I could stop being a pussy and call. I was surprised by how willing she was to meet me. And how forgiving she was when she got here. But despite my changing outward appearance, she was looking much worse for wear. She kept insisting she was fine, but I could see it. She looked more sick than before. And when she collapsed in my arms I had enough. I was quick to grab her, making sure she wouldn’t hit her head on anything.
Her phone was in her pocket, she had given me the code in case of emergencies. I quickly dialled Parker.
“Oh thank god, are you ok? Did he hurt you?”
I moved the phone away from my ear and growled slightly. I would never hurt my daughter. Well, not intentionally. But it seems I would have to deal with the consequences of my actions.
“Peter I need your help.”
His voice went cold, but the worry was still heard loud and clear. He seemed like a good friend to her.
“And why should I help you any longer?”
“Because she’s dying Peter, and I’m not going to let that happen. If I send you a list can you get me the stuff from my lab and meet me at her Apartment?”
“What the hell did you do?”
“It was supposed to fix her!” I growled, “it was supposed to make everything better. I just got her, I wasn’t going to lose her to some illness because the doctors don’t care enough to put her on the transplant list.”
“So it wasn’t an accident.” He scoffed.
“And she’ll never know we had this conversion. Trust me Peter, you’re the last person I want to be asking for help from right now. But I know you’ll do the right thing. You’re a good friend to her and I will respect that. We’ll put out differences aside just this once.”
“I can be there in an hour. If she dies before I get there, I swear to god I will make it haunt you. You’re not going to get away with this.”
I sighed.
“Whatever you have to tell yourself kid. But I need 100% of your focus on this. You’re the only one in my class smart enough to help.”
“I’m on my way.”
I hung up the phone. Peter was a good kid, before I found out what he does in his spare time. I tried to push him away from her cause I didn’t want to risk her getting dragged into this sort of lifestyle. She was too self sacrificing. And I wouldn’t loose her to some hero complex either. I could warm her up when I got to the apartment, and have Peter tell the school she was taking a few weeks off for health reasons.
I had no intentions of finding a cure to my problem. I was so much stronger now. Nobody would push me around anymore. I refused to be a joke in the scientific community. But she was right. I could save people with this. I could make everyone stronger, even her. And she’d have to forgive me for that.
“We’re gonna make you better.” I said even though she couldn’t hear me.
Right now I had to get her home, and quick. Luckily for me that would no longer be a problem. My transformation was almost complete, and I’d never go back to being wimpy Doctor Connors again.
An: if anyone’s interested I can make this a longer series. End game is either Peter or Harry, you decide! Hero or villain, cause you already plan to work for OsCorp.
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charislcarousel · 2 years
Fruits Basket Season 3 Ep 10 thoughts
Yuki please you’ve done nothing wrong what are you going on about
kakeru is my absolute favorite. Totally outing Yuki on the Tohru/Mom thing lollll
Dang what is this scene with Arisa and Akito I do not remember this. Is this a new addition or did I just forget??
Aww she’s visiting Kureno
Shigure, don’t you dare make Tohru work the minute she gets home
Lollll not Haru just lounging about their house
“Easy conquest” oh Haru😂
“Are you trying to lighten the mood, brag, or sexually harass me?” Lolllll Yukiiiii
Ok Yuki go beat up Kyo I guess
No you being there would NOT hurt her Kyo what the heck
“This is why I didn’t want boys” Shigure, don’t talk like you freaking birthed them
Yuki don’t hurt him for that!
Oh wait
Oh now his confession
Yes you both wanted to be each other finally finally you needed to have this talk thank God
Ohhh the look on Kyo’s face😭đŸ„ș
Aw Hiro why would anyone hate you baby??đŸ„ș
Oh bc of the curse breaking
No no Kisa is right they will be so happy
Oh no now my babies can’t hug anymore
Frick you Kyo didn’t kill his mom
Yeah Kyo I feel sick just seeing this guy too
Yeah you tell him, Kyo. You deserve the world
Oh frick bio dad hates the mom too that is so terrible
No sir you were the one who drove her to depression
Yes I can’t wait for the look on that awful man’s face when Akito tells him that yeah no Kyo’s not being confined anymore
Uh uh what is this maid trying to do
Stop using the old person excuse of keeping things traditional
Ummmm Kyo why will you visit again???
Ok Kyo go get your girl now
Hold up I thought he was supposed to get physically sick after seeing his father. Like throwing up?? Will that not happen in this one??
Awww yes Yuki go get your girl
The look on his face while he listens to her is PRECIOUS
Awwwwwww he wants to see her right away!!!!!!
Oh this is the part right before his curse breaks isn’t it?
Yes Kyo of course you still love her!!
wait she gone
Not Uo and Saki looking after them like parents😂
Tohru honestly why u be running??
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jodjuya · 6 days
Alrighty, bad guy defeated and Time Key Thingy recovered!
Back to the future we go, to hopefully get Masamune reforged with no further complications...
Lucca helping out with reforging the sword while Chrono and Marle stand in the corner making out because they have nothing better to do...
Off we go to find Frog!
I wonder when we'll finally be able to open up those Mysterious Seal chests...
Sweet, Lucia's dad made her some fire-resistant armour. Thanks dad!
Frog is in The Past I think? đŸ€”
Wait, Frog is a king?!?!????
Also, what, all four of us are supposed to snuggle up on Frog's one little bed while we stay the night? 😅
(who tf is Glenn?)
Ohh, THAT'S the Frog King!
Why did Frog King have the hero badge? I thought we gave that back to Regular Frog??
I bet Glenn turns into Frog...
Lucca: "nothing can beat science!"
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("Science" is the name of her gun)
All this trouble to obtain Masamune and I can't even equip it????
More tedious flashbacks about how Glenn was a frog the whole time even before he became Frog.
Also, didn't the manual say he was badly beaten and turned into a frog? Looks to me like he got turned into a frog first and then fell off a cliff about it...
Crono, you could have just handed him the sword rather than staking it into the turf and dulling its edge 🙄
Frog unlocked the power of being a simp! He can finally wield the sword sharp enough to cut a mountain in half!
Me during that fight: I should take Froglenn to The End Of Time and learn him some magic!
Crono after the fight: we should go to The End Of Time and learn you some magic!
Off we go on a Magical Detour!
That was quick and easy. :D
Back to our quest to Find and Fuck Up the Fiendlord!
Why is there a little bat following us around?? A spy??!
Froglenn and Marle learnt their Ice Water dual-tech after their very first fight together.
I've been battling with Froglenn and Lucca together through many battles and they ain't learnt shit. What gives?? đŸ€”
Oh, it depends on Froglenn's single-tech abilities which he hasn't learnt yet...
This castle is creepy AF but nobody's home?? đŸ€”đŸ€”đŸ€”
I bet that Spy Bat will attack when we try to leave...
Oof, the skeletons ask us to end their misery? Fucking necromancy.
Seems like a pretty bad sign that that little Spy Bat leaves when fighting starts then returns right after...
I knew it! Bat was secretly a bad guy!
Okay, we fucked up Magus in the middle of his ritual, and all got sucked into a time portal, and now Crono is married to Marle and they're living like Common People and also Crono is an unemployed layabout? I think we broke the timeline... 😬
Aaaaand we're also simultaneously 65mya?? Poor timeline 😭
"Red star in sky. See even daytime!" Yep, I knew it. This game is so good at foreshadowing! 😁
Something weird in the lava but we need a pterodactyl to get there. Good thing I know where those guys hang out: with the cowardly tribe!
Oh no! Cowardly tribe! 😭
Time to go exterminate some reptites! >:[
★Lightning II is my best friend.
Oh lol he's not going to fight us? He's just going up stand there doing upper body flexes forever? 😂
Oh I guess he changed his mind and/or remembered that he was supposed to be a bouncer and not just eye-candy. Silly himbo dinosaur.
Lmfao! The flexing was textual! đŸ€Ł
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No, Ayla, don't honour your fallen foe! Yeet that sonofabitch off the side of this castle and into the waiting lava below!
This jackass didn't even know what he was summoning?? He just wanted to apocalypse the planet the old fashioned way with a really big rock for giggles??
No! Ayla! No! Bad cave-woman! Don't rescue that piece of shit who tried to genocide your entire fucking clade! YEET HIM INTO THE LAVA!
Well at least he got vaporised. Small condolence... 😒
Good thinking, Marle! Go coup de gras that sonofabitch space monster while he's still groggy from his encounter with gravity!
Huh, cool. Ice age.
Is that a fucking flying mountain tethered to earth with a giant chain?! Fuck yeah! đŸ€©
The books light themselves on fire when you try to read them? Talk about hot secrets lmao
Hey kid, don't prophesize my doom! That's such a rude thing to do!
Valuable loot to the North, magical research secrets to the West. So many quests to undertake! :D
Definitely don't burn the sapling received from the guru of life.
"Discovered the Nu's itchy spot! đŸ„ł" Uhhhh... okay?
This whole dream palace is powered by praying to Lavos?? Seems suss...
That Mammon Machine is the most sinister goddamn contraption I've ever seen in my life
Pretty sure we're not going to see that princess alive again 😬
But her amulet that looks like Marle's amulet unlocked the mysterious door! I wanna unlock the mysterious door too!
Haha! Yes! Charge my amulet you horribly sinister contraption!
Don't prophesy against me you dick! Fucking Chancellors!! All my homies hate Chancellors!!!
Back to 65mya to grind more TP from the Nu at the Hunting Grounds...
Enough of that. Let's go look for all of those sealed chests and doors I think I can open now...
Present Day Chancellor telling Marle that her dad 'killed' her mum. Dude, what the actual fuck is wrong with you?? What the fuck is the problem that all Chancellors in this fucking game have???
God, Marle's dad is such a little bitch. What the fuck do you mean that princesses aren't allowed to have friends??
Oof, just got disowned. Why would that scheming cunt of a Chancellor engineer this situation??
And all he has to say for himself is "oh dear..."
Aaaaand he's right back to threatening to have Crono put to death for no fucking reason. Dude, I am going to marry the princess purely for the sake of becoming prince consort & gaining the authority to have you defenestrated from the castle's tallest spire into a pit of spikes and broken glass.
Then he suggests bribing the king back into a good mood with spiced jerky. That's like the second or third person who's requested that now... I should track some down... đŸ€”
Kitchen hand doesn't have the recipe but says I can get it in Porre. Hmm.
(oh neat, the castle kitchen has a pair of ordinary domestic refrigerators!)
"Pierre is awaiting you downstairs". Fuck, that's ominous...
Oh, it's just my lawyer lol
He was able to change the king's mind so he no longer believes I kidnapped his daughter
Oof, the Chancellor hired all the prison guards... Who have creepy inhuman eyes and stares??? This is an insurrectionist plot from the supporters of the Fiendlord!!! REPTITE BODYSNATCHERS ARE INFILTRATING THE GOVERNMENT!
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Spiced jerky found. Let's go make the king less hangry...
Lmao!!! Whoops!! It's a lethal amount of spicy?? "This is the last straw! Now I truly know how much you hate me!" - That scheming fucking Chancellor set us up!!!
Can't believe bro has the gall to fuck with time-travellers. Bro I'm going to fucking unmake you! Gunna find your dad and cut his balls off!
Got my very own personal time machine, hurrah!
Going spelunking in that sinkhole that mysteriously opened up in 600AD...
Hell yeah, reverse that desertification! Go robo!
Hell yeah magical hat nun!
Hell yeah camping in the forest that we created!
This is some top tier foreshadowing! Who could be behind it all?!
Oh, I'm Lucca now?
Haha, Froglenn sleeps in his fell-off-a-cliff death pose 😂
Special portal for Lucca?
We've travelled back ten years to when Lucca thought science was stupid? đŸ€”
Oh shit! Mum's getting sucked into a machine.
Ohhhhhh fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck she got her legs mangled right in front of my eyes a second time
Imma reload my save until I figure out how to save her. Jesus fucking Christ Chrono Trigger what the fuck
The password is his one true love? Lara?
Fuck that was a close call. At least Lucca no longer blames herself for her mother getting crippled. 😬
...how did Robo know what happened, and that Lucca blamed herself???
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Right, back to the Past, to go kick the ass of that evil prophesizing git of a scheming chancellor...
Climbed up the chain to the tethered floating mountain/s
These omnilock guys are annoying as heck. 😒
Ayla learnt Dino Tail and that is the single goofiest special attack I've ever seen in a video game before. đŸ€Ł
Unexpected boss battle because I wasn't paying attention to The Signs And Portents. (aka there being a save point there at the end of the dungeon)
Busted Giga Gaia to bits anyway. I feel sorry for the guy that every time he regrew his arms (a very neat technique for a boss monster to have) I immediately re-disintegrated them with Crono's nuclear bomb special move. 😅
Anyway, we freed Melchior from his prison!
Wait, why was Melchior imprisoned in a crystal? And why doesn't he recognise us? We've already seen him hanging out free in his house plus he reforged Masamune for us. Oh, of course, time-travel shenanigans!
"Oh dear, the queen is going Evil and Insane? Don't worry, Melchior, we know how to fix that!! [Crono cocks his sword like a pump-action shotgun. It makes the noise and everything. Ayla and Robo do the same with their forearms but Ayla clearly just made the sound effect with her own mouth. It sounded weird and cute way because she has no clue what sound she's supposed to be imitating.]"
Oh shit, the entire mountain is exploding because we freed Melchior? RIP those poor magicless folks living underneath it.
Oh 'good', that princess is here to help, and her brat of a brother.
Oh, the princess controls the machine, and is going to cut off her mother from the juice? I bet her life expectancy can be counted in minutes...
Dalton, we beat your ass already, don't make us do it a second time!
Ooh, he punched the brat across the room. That's kitten-kicking villainy right there.
"don't attack me or I'll kill the princess (whom I need to capture alive for this scheme to actually work)" bro I'm not sure you thought that one through. Killing her will achieve our goals and thwart yours.
Ooh, new chopper! Is it a weapon I can equip or just a mcguffin to lug around?
Boo, mcguffin.
Get wrecked, Dalton, you chump. Down we go to the ocean palace!
0 notes
cineflections · 10 months
Long post incoming
Some thoughts I had while watching ep4 of the Uncanny Counter season 1 (in a bulleted list):
‱ Man I've heard stories on how brutal bullies are in Korea, while I guess this particular "ganging up on 1 guy" isn't exclusive to Korea, the prevalence of bullying in kdramas is quite abundant.
‱ Cool fight sequence, all in first person. Could it perhaps be meant to indicate Wi-Gen's lack of control and seeing things from his perspective? It's cool, but is that all there is? I mean, is it there to just be a cool and unusual sequence, or is it symbolism? I remember that old Doom movie has a similar sequence, but that was to mimic and give homage to the video game it adapted. If it was to showcase Mun's rage, I kinda fail to see it. Yes, it is a brutal beat-up, but there's not enough visually showing it in the cinematography. There's a blur effect, but maybe they should've made it more pronounced like a tunnel vision or made him see red (literally)?
‱ And like I suspected, So Mun's power is to create a "territory". Just what was needed, seeing that his predecessor died because it disappeared.
‱ Of course, the rich parents come in and will not accept that their children should be punished. As if they're literally a "better man" than their "poor" peers. And Sugar Daddy comes to save the day again!
‱ "I bet you don't have a trillion won in your bank!
‱ Justice for all victims of bullies!
‱ That bully, the mayor's son, will definitely become possessed by a wandering soul. Or maaaaybe he will get powers from like a counter-like group but evil? He has too much screen-time by now that he will for sure play a bigger role as our boy's rival.
‱ The police are corrupt, the mayor and possibly others are corrupt. We do get the good cop woman, who faces obstacles at every turn.
‱ The plot regarding Mo-Tak's (attempted) murder and So Mun's parents' death is intriguing, and they were definitely involved with something. But what could that be? Has it to do with the counters? Or is it a plot separate from the main plot (although, since it's currently the only plot, I find that implausible)
‱ Hahah, Mo-Tak's face when finding out him and the girl cop were together once.
‱ "I can't lose the counter job. Wi-Gen promised I'd meet my parents if I did good as a counter" - boy, đŸ€Šâ€â™€ïž you violated one of their rules, that "if" is no longer in play..... you did not do good, lmao.
‱ Hahahah everyone just fainting by transferring to the other side. But man, Chu Mae Ok mvp: "Don't mess with my baby!" Paraphrasing, but YES!
‱ Hahaha, Mo-Tak doing a superhero landing on their table đŸ€Ł 😂
‱ I'm pretty sure Wi-Gen has already decided. She's just keeping her mouth shut for dramatic effect. She's probably dying inside from all the drama around her.
‱ Like why is that lady there. Why is she so disagreeable? (Talking about Mo-Tak's afterlife partner)
‱ The afterlife group. Is that like a family? Grandma, and three grandchildren??
‱ Netflix should really fix the subtitles. Sometimes they are late to show up and then, they disappear in a flash to make room for the next sentence... if the show had been in Japanese I might have been able to understand some of what they're saying, but Korean is beyond me except for certain words, so I'm afraid I'm missing out on key info sometimes.
‱ Wait wait wait. Omg really. So the mayor or whoever is in a sauna? Looks like one. I was wondering why the fuck they still look so wet? Like even if you immediately get into it after a shower your skin dries in like a minute or two. But these guys are still dripping. (Pls excuse the literal screenshots)
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‱ Lmao they really be doing sauna in 43 degrees Celsius?? You mofos are weak af. đŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł. My parents have a sauna in their house, and we never use it under 75 degrees, and that is low by our standards. My dad goes up to 90 degrees at times!
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‱ And they keep the door open and let all the warmth out!
‱ So the mayor is renting land from another rich old dude, who thinks they are hiding something illegal? He doesn't seem to be a good guy either since he probably has connections to the corrupt cops. That old man will for sure die by the mayor's hand.
‱ Wow that was quick. Getting a hitman?
‱ Oh wait, the "hitman" is the guy's son? Adopted? Guardian relationship? Cuz that relationship is one sided. Daddy issues galore.
‱ Wuuuuuuut??! Mae Ok's partner is her own son? Damn that's kinda sad. And who is the girl in his wedding picture? Should I know her? And he can't find deaths from 2013 and So Mun's parents. Maybe that means they aren't dead? But there's corruption even in the afterlife, it seems. Intriguing.
‱ Oh, So Mun got his father's number.
‱ So "hitman" is a hitman and got powers. Possibly level 3? But that's a bit weird. Maybe that soul will transfer to mayor's son? Or the mayor and his goonies have a deal with the corrupt part of the afterlife?
Well, I'll find out as I progress. But I don't have time to continue today!
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simscastaway · 2 years
omfg now I am just thinking about old games I used to play, or just like core memories associated with them.
Like I vividly remember how much I enjoyed playing gta 4 when I was like 11 maybe?? (pretty much just used it as a city simulator) when I was at my friends houses because my dad wouldn’t let me play it.
He wouldn’t let me play Call of Duty either but did let me play Black Ops: Zombies with him and my uncle which is another core memory lol
The ps2, the wii and my DS (+my DSi) were my top console man. Might use my PC the most nowadays but my DSi?!? Will never be topped.
So is just the wii in general, like making mii’s of people? Amazing.
And idk what it was called, but like the wii fit game thing where you could do the jogging with the dogs and sword fighting thing on the platform??? WII RESORT!!! (Also don’t mean to brag but I had a shiny bowling ball in wii sports ✹)
Omfg no wait, Sonic and Mario at the 2012 Olympic Games as well. Blaze was my absolute go to every time (just as waluigi is in mario kart) and my dad is a try hard who would never let me win any of the running games lmao, but the jokes on him cause now he cannot beat me in mario kart. Growth ✹
Fuck Mario Party is still such a banger game too, but it used to take so much convincing to get my family to play 😂
Big Brain Academy was another one that I used to try hard at. My memory was never better than when I was grinding too scores on that game ahah
Fuck wait, was the hello kitty game for the wii or the ps2??? I forgot about that one until rn but I fucking loved that shit too. Same for whatever that random sonic game I used to play was. HELLO KITTY ROLLER RESCUE! That was the shit, I was obsessed.
Oh and there used to be one of those bubble games on the ps2, fuck idk what it was called by I remember playing with my gran and she was cracked at it lol. Don’t think I got many shots of that one, but tbh I can’t actually remember if I was any good at it or not, just that she was better 😂
I don’t think I had many of the classic ds games though, my Nintendog’s were kitted out, my first dog was a sausage dog called Alice and let me tell you, she can walk around the whole town without getting tired.
I swear to god though, I have a vivid memory of one of my dogs running away at one point though and I swear I came across that Labrador when I was out on a walk and had the moment of wait-wait wtf how to I bring her back hello???? Core memory lmao
I remember really wanting cooking mama, or like the babysitting one but I never got either much to my 10yo self’s heartbreak lol
I can’t actually remember what other ds games I had (well technically still have somewhere) I think I had one of the pokemon games, my sims, mario kart
 (I want a working version of My Sims so bad because i remember loving it so much)
Oh fuckkkk there was also whatever that resort thing was where the characters could be in a band and get married, idk what it was calllllledddd
I had like 3 nintendog’s games cause my mum had a ds too and then I think I got another when I got my dsi? Also had a 3ds
 idk how many I had but my dsi was by far my favourite and I still have it ahaha (still have the 3ds kicking about somewhere too and they both still work but idk where a charger would be for them- same problem with my ps2 cause I have to use the wire from my PS4 to plug it in 😂)
Mainly I just played the wii to be honest. I had a groovy chick suite case that I used to carry everything in whenever I’d go to stay with family lol
I had a bunch of the connecting things too I think, like the wheel, oh and the drums, guitar and microphone for guitar hero
 I think that was it actually lol. Also had the wii fit, which I remember never picking up my weight to play the hula hoop game, constantly lost miserably at that.
I think my wii is broken now though which is shit, idk who broke it or what but I still have it somewhere. (Honestly no idea if it’s actually broken but that’s what my mum always said when it was brought up so who knows lmao)
Oh I had just dance for the wii, but I don’t think we played it that much- wait I just looked up wii games, fuck was it animal crossing lets go to the city I had on my wii?? Fuck I swear I’ve always just remembered/assumed I had the same game for the wii and for when I finally got it on my ds but I think I had new leaf on the ds and let’s go to the city for the wii. Cause let’s go to the city had the like weird gyroid museum right? I vaguely remember struggling to figure out how that worked with my young mind 😂 my mind is blown
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lovebillyhargrove · 3 years
Okay, so a discussion with @disdaidal kinda got me thinking about something and I can't stay quiet. When i first understood that this beautiful rat boy is a part of my life now (no less😂😂), i kinda went with the general vibe "let's not excuse Billy's awful behaviour". Then i saw a post (sorry, don't remember who wrote it and can't find it again to give credit!!) "Billy's a teenager. What do you expect him to be, A RAY OF FUCKING SUNSHINE????" and yeah .. what do we expect a broken teenage boy to be????
So, a list of bad things that boy did/ALMOST did
1. Billy was a dick to max. He was. Usually elder siblings are, especially elder brothers! Not to forget the fact, that there is unspoken history between them (the reason why they had to move to hawkins) that didn't add love to their relationship?
Still, despite being a dick, billy drove max around, picked her up, and generally cared for her (we're family now) in his angry way? Of course he was not happy about her friendship with lucas, NOT because lucas was black! But because lucas happened to be a teenage boy who was hitting on his little sister !!!! Elder brothers actually protect their little sisters, instinctively dislike/hate their first boyfriends, even get into fights with said boyfriends. Not to mention NEIL, and billy knows his father better than anyone
Well, max isn't a ray of sunshine herself. Flipping billy off, constantly mouthing him off, lying to him, running off with a boy (from her bedroom window (no less) on Billy's watch), always being angry to billy herself, sticking a syringe in his neck with god-knows-what, ALMOST hitting the guy's nuts with a baseball bat and establishing dominance (SAY IT). Dear max, it wasn't billy's greatest wish to always control your whereabouts, it was your parents who made him do so !!!!!!! Could he say NO to Neil????
Have you SEEN Neil????? Did you, Max, hear the shouts, or see the bruises or see Billy's tears, maybe???
2. Billy almost ran the kids over. ALMOST being the key word. Yes, that's not good. He lashed out as a follow up to their heated conversation with max (more to that mysterious mystery of WHY they moved to hawkins). But he didn't run them over. And he WOULDN'T. What is he, stupid?????? I don't think so.
3. Billy beat up Steve. Well, this is a good one. First, max goes running off (from her bedroom window, no less!!!😂) on Billy's watch. Billy gets a handful from neil. Billy finds his 13year old sister in an unknown shady house full of boys and Steve LIES to his face about Max's whereabouts??? What was billy supposed to do???? "My bad, man, just bring her back home later after you're done, 'kay????" OF COURSE, billy picked up a fight, he is a teenager with issues! And steve fought him back. Now, is Dustin's yelling "kill him, steve, kill him!!!" OKAY???????? Is it NICE??????
What else did our bad boy do there?? .. our bad teenage boy, angry, confused, unhappy, abandoned by his mom, abused by his dad..???? Yeah,
4. He shoved Lucas into some bookcase or a cupboard. Ended up being kicked in the balls by Lucas. So terrible, OMFG đŸ˜±
My point is, yeah we shouldn't excuse Billy's behaviour. Or no, actually, we shouldn't phrase it like that. We should understand his behaviour and help him because the angry confused broken abandoned and abused teenage fucking boy needs HELP. He doesn't need to be thrown in the hands of the mindflayer just to get killed off later. Fuck you again, duffers, just fuck you forever for doing what you did. Way to send a message!!!!
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samanthaswishes · 3 years
Agents of SHIELD Rewatch Season 2A (ep. 1-10)
Here's my commentary on my rewatch of Agents of SHIELD Season 2 Episodes 1-10. This may not be the best commentary since these are just the thoughts and opinions that come to my mind as I watch the episodes rather than a full-blown analysis, but I'm just having fun with it!
2x01 Shadows
I wish Trip's grandfather was in this scene. Would've been so cool.
The Kree and the OG 084
Skye with bangs! *chef's kiss*
We got the introduction of Hunter, Hartley, Idaho, and Mack. And only 2 of them make it out of this episode alive.
I know we couldn't really trust Hunter back then, but his first few lines really did make me like him.
"You're the man in charge, but I'm in charge of you." YES YOU ARE, MAY
I just wanna say I love Skye's stealth outfit this season.
So did Hartley meet Hunter through Bobbi or did Bobbi meet Hunter through Hartley? Because Coulson refers to Hunter as a friend she made undercover.
I remember my first time watching this episode and being so shocked that Jemma wasn't really there.
So since Fitz was imagining Jemma, were the other scientists in the lab just ignoring him talking to himself cause none of them seemed to be really fazed by it?
The first episode of season 2 and there's already been 3 bottles of beer drunken.
Trip freaking out about the Koenigs is a mood.
Skye just misses her dad
Again, no one talks about Skye's trauma with Ward. She really did not want to go down there! She's fucking terrified!
When did Raina and Ward have time to have a conversation about Skye's dad? I mean, I know Raina told him about the monsters, but when did she ever tell him "I know Skye's dad. He's alive."
How did we go from goofy, disgruntled side character to season 5 villain with Talbot?
"Hi again" I love Melinda May.
Sometimes the military people in this show are really stupid.
Honeycomb Kill Roomℱ
Idk about y'all, but I'm low-key getting red flags when Fitz referred to himself as the team golden boy. Like, relax, Koenig is literally just doing his job. I'm trying to not think about my dislike towards Fitz in later seasons, but the more I watch earlier seasons, I see more aspects of him that I really don't like.
Absolutely love every moment Shield plays Talbot.
Was it ever established if Hartley and Idaho were in on the whole Real Shield thing?
The way May turns to Skye and says "Let's stick together." I love these Mama May moments.
Was I the only one who low-key shipped Skye and Trip this season? Cause I totally did.
"Talbot out."
Okay, but honestly, Creel wasn't that hidden. I'm pretty sure it's easy to see abs on a wall.
"Cut it off" This line foreshadowed many more scenes to come in this series
"Have you seen what they've done with robotics these days?" "Probably an upgrade." We really got the Coulson robo hand foreshadowing 21 episodes prior.
So how long was Creel waiting for the Shield car to just pull up in the middle of the road?
And goodbye Hartley and Idaho :(
2x02 Heavy is the Head
Can we talk about how May wanted to get Hunter out of the car and save him from being captured by soldiers before going after Creel?
I needed more of May on the motorcycle aka Lola's Boyfriendℱ (if you know, you know)
"I know. And we just retired the bathrooms."
I love Mack. He always has faith in people even when other people don't 100% believe in them.
I know Coulson is trying to protect Skye, but leaving her in the dark about the alien writing wasn't the best call.
It's canon that Mack likes singing in the shower.
I never noticed halluci-Jemma checking Mack out😂
I wonder if when she was looking at the picture of Izzy and her sister, Skye was thinking about the family she never had.
Oh, there's my answer. Hunter and Hartley met each other through Bobbi.
"I doubt it. The guy's jacked, and he can turn any body part into any material." Oh, Skye, I love you. Also, this line catches me off guard every single time😂
"Beat it. You're pissing him off!" Said to the extra scientists who haven't done or said anything.
"How did we get the nonlethal option?" "Coin flip. Trip called tails." I love these little small lines.
Hunter made the biggest mistake ever, and that mistake was icing May.
"Aw HELL no"
Hunter, you idiot. You just don't go stalking up in public in broad daylight, guns blazing.
We love the callback to the device in 1x07.
"Is Coulson okay?" "Of course." "WhAt Is WrOnG wItH yOu??"
And there's Skye's daddy. Cal seemed so much scarier in 2a, but he just turns into a lovable character in 2b. I love him.
"Can I call you Glenn?" "No. Where's Hunter." "Watching Cake Boss." Idk why but this exchange is hilarious to me.
"Let's get out of here before the iceberg runs out of fuel."
Talbot was so close to the quinjet. I wished he ran into it.
2x03 Make New Friends and Influencing People
This whole brainwashing thing is so creepy. I hate it.
So sad that Kara was actually a really good and loyal Shield agent before Hydra.
Okay, but this whole opening with Jemma is adorable, and I love it.
When I first watched this, I had no doubts in my mind that she wasn't undercover. I mean, Simmons would never be with Hydra.
"I pretended they were all Ward." HA
Thinking about how May telling Skye that her shots weren't puny probably made Skye really happy because as a kid, she was hardly complimented or rewarded for a job well done.
"Don't be sorry. Just wait." She says while holding a massive sniper rifle.
"Experience doesn't make it any easier to cross someone off." Ooh, the Bahrain references. This season, you guys! THIS SEASON!
I still feel bad for Donnie Gil. He was just a kid who was manipulated then brainwashed by Hydra and has a power that was taken advantage of.
Coulson once again in Full Dad Modeℱ
See, I understand Jemma and why she left. She wanted to help Fitz and truly did care about him, he was her best friend after all, but she ended up not helping him and making him worse, so she left. She also needed time to work on herself and come to terms with what had happened. She was at the bottom of the ocean too. Not just Fitz. I understand that Fitz does need help and support, but so does Jemma. It's not fair that people say they hate Jemma for leaving him because they are basically saying it was her job to make sure he was okay.
"I wasn't loyal to Hydra. I was loyal to Garrett." THAT'S THE SAME FUCKING THING.
"My family tore me down." Yeah, so did every foster family Skye had ever had, and she turned out to be a ridiculously nice person. She didn't even have anyone to build her back up, but she still turned out good. God, I hate Ward so much.
I also fucking hate the people that said Skye should've been more sympathetic and should've comforted him. HE LITERALLY KIDNAPPED AND MANIPULATED HER AND EVEN THREATENED TO DO EVEN WORSE. NOT TO MENTION ALL THE PEOPLE HE KILLED OF HIS OWN FREE WILL. It was not her job to change him. She deserved so much better than be turned into Ward's object in the eyes of these "fans".
I also noticed that Ward sympathizers/SkyeWard shippers still refer to her as Skye even after she changed her name to Daisy, literally ignoring all the character growth she had done to reach that name and why giving up the name Skye and becoming Daisy was so important. (I'm only calling her Skye rn since that's what she is called in s2)
Love how Hunter is trying to psych Skye out of jumping out of the plane, but her heartbeat remains steady.
Also, I have mixed feelings about the whole Ward/Fitz cell scene. I obviously don't agree with Ward in one slightest bit, but Fitz was acting impulsively. Granted, he did get information out of Ward.
"WhAt ThE hElL? I jUsT tOoK OuT tHe BoOmErS!!"
I just wanna sing "Let it Go" this entire episode.
Skye's heartbeat was steady when she killed Donnie, but I really wished we could've seen the aftermath of it, and how it affected Skye taking her first life. They do briefly, but it turns into something about Simmons being undercover and not Skye's own psyche.
"We're even, right?" "We are." I love Trip's face in the background. Wish he never died so he could've gotten even.
"Reminds me of before." Aw Skyeeeee
Again, we don't talk about Skye's trauma with Ward. Her heartbeat was steady when killing someone and jumping out of a plane, but the second Ward pulls the 'your dad is alive' card, he gets under her skin and freaks her out.
2x04 Face My Enemy
Let's go! I frickin love this episode!
"Five Finger Discount"
I absolutely love how quickly May changes her face from smiling to absolutely hating everything. She just does not want to be there😂
Also, I love how May laughing is its own whole scene and joke.
As a former competitive dancer, I want to take the dance elective at Shield Academy.
This episode is one of the few where the team has major sibling vibes.
This undercover May is still so jarring, but I love it.
"Maybe Talbot's still pissed cause we kidnapped him that one time."
Coulson was so ready to show off his skills in front of May.
May's remark when Talbot says "I've been thinking." She knows what's up.
"You liked it." "No, I didn't." "A little bit?" "A little bit."
Psycho Living in Our Basementℱ
Love that they brought back the nano mask from Winter Soldier. Absolutely love Falcon and the Winter Soldier and Black Widow, but Agents of Shield did it first.
As much as I dislike Fitz, I really relate to him here. I have really bad social anxiety and talking to people is so, so, so difficult for me. I either have nothing to add to the conversation, or I want to say something, but I can never get the words to form to get it out. Even online, I'm constantly rereading everything I want to say.
Bakshi really thinks he has the upper hand on Melinda May? Bitch, please.
Love how Coulson automatically knows that she isn't May. He knows his wife best friend.
Why did I get excited for Skye and Mack literally just standing next to each other? I know they don't even get close until literally the end of the season, but I just love my big brother Mack and little sister Daisy dynamic.
All I can think about when I see the elevator opening is the blooper where Clark and Ming are kissing.
^I love Mulan way too much😅
Watching the Live With Lil' of this episode with the stunt double from this episode makes me appreciate the May vs May fight even more than before (and I always LOVED that fight scene so much. It's probably one of my top favorite fights.)
The move May does off the coffee table is very similar to a ballet move that I can't remember the name of, but the dancer in me really likes that.
"wE gOtTa Go" Idk why but the way Coulson runs in is so funny to me.
Ugh, okay, this moment between Fitz, Mack, and Hunter is very sweet, but I hate the way Fitz presents Simmons to them. He gives them an image of her that they see in a bad light. They don't even have the full story and Jemma's not there to defend herself.
"Some people are better in small doses." YOU CAN SAY THAT AGAIN! That's probably why I like season 7 so much since Fitz is only in the last 3 episodes.
Love how May's plan to protect Coulson is to send him to a cabin. And what does he do when Skye needs protecting? Sends her to a cabin.
2x05 A Hen in the Wolf House
This wedding opening is so funnily random (is funnily a word? who cares, it is now.)
UGH just tell Skye already. She deserves to actually know and not be spied on.
Again, Cal was so much scarier in 2a
And now the dude's dead.
"Pretty awesome, right?" What the hell is wrong with this guy?
"I wAs A fAt BaBy"
Fish Tacos~
THERE SHE IS! We love you, Bobbi.
I love Bobbi so much. This is the only thing I will talk about for this episode haha.
I love how protective the whole team is of Skye.
Ooh, Cal's not gonna like that. Skye's got another dadddd.
May's hand on Jemma's shoulder when she sees Fitz again
I was too invested in this episode to commentate haha😅
I love May's face in the background when Bobbi and Hunter were arguing.
Also, did Trip really not know Hunter and Bobbi were married? He seemed to know Bobbi pretty well in the quinjet.
"wHy ThE hElL wOuLd YoU dO tHaT?"
2x06 A Fractured House
Why did they have to start with a scene of Ward working out??😑
"We're not responsible for this, are we?" You'd think they'd all be aware if they had a mission in killing government officials. But this is so funny how they're all like "WaS iT uS?"
"Guess being a douchebag runs in the family."
I don't like particularly like Jemma this season because of how she acts when Skye gets her powers and her low-key xenophobia, but I truly feel bad for her in terms of Fitz. She's not allowed to express her feelings. She's treated like she owes Fitz something. Yes, he saved her life, and she really did want to help him, but she only made him worse, so she did what she felt was best for both her and Fitz.
"It's funnier now."
I think both Ward and Christian have some truth to their sides. I do believe Christian forced him to throw Thomas down the well, but I also believe that Ward had a dark side as a kid and still chose to make these decisions.
Am I supposed to feel bad for Ward? Cause I don't.
One thing I miss after Bobbi and Hunter left is the Bobbi and May team up fights.
"Don't die out there."
I love that Jemma stood in front of Skye, protecting her from Ward. Why she couldn't do that in season 5 is beyond me. Maybe because she was personally affected by him, but as soon as Fitz did something bad to her best friend, she chooses the abuser over the victim. Ugh, not looking forward to season 5.
They gave him an inch, Coulson.
2x07 The Writing on the Wall
Is there not security that checks you for weapons at a bus station? I'd feel like they'd treat it almost like an airport. (As you can see, I've never been to a bus station) How the hell did Ward get in with all those bombs?
Love how easy they were able to get a dead body😂
Bobbi, aren't you supposed to be one of the best spies? How come you've been on the same page the entire time? Ward's really good too. Why didn't you turn the page? Even when I'm pretending to read something, I'm scrolling down or turning pages.
I need more of Hunter dressed as a cowboy.
Project TAHITI is scarier now
Ward going back to Hydra proves that he is not a good person. I get he was doing that to give Bakchi to Coulson, but still.
May definitely not only yelled at Coulson for going into the memory machine but also for putting things onto Skye while she was in charge of him.
*lets Fitz play the video game* "It's good for you."
"YoU wErE dReSsEd LiKe A cOwBoY!"
Okay but that guy was smart to cut the rope on the nail. I wouldn't have thought of that.
It's so hard to see Mack during this season. There's obviously this rift between him and Skye because of the alien DNA. Love that they became partners in season 3 because next to MayDaisy, their relationship is my favorite.
2x08 The Things We Bury
"What are we gonna do, storm Oahu?"
Why does the Hawaii mission seem so chaotic?
"You ever want kids?" *slowly takes the object out of pocket*
Jemma being the biggest Peggy Carter fangirl is the cutest thing ever.
Still kinda crazy how (I believe) Peggy Carter and Jiaying have canonically met. Even crazier when Jiaying's daughter (Daisy) ends up dating Peggy's ex (Sousa).
I couldn't care less about the whole Ward and Christian side plot in this episode
I love the whole progression of Whitehall's cell scene
So it is revealed that Bobbi fears judgment, right? She does regret giving up the safe house where Kara was. That was established, right?
Okay, but Christian is right. Ward believes himself to be a hero, but really he is a terrible villain who couldn't care less about human life.
"Man With a Plan" Was Trip referencing the song from CA:TFA?
Um, yes, Cal, Phil is in fact the closest thing Skye has to a father, so I think it's best you don't hurt him.
Anyone in this show who says "the end justifies the means" is always in the wrong.
I was so scared Trip was going to die this episode the first time I watched this. I was relieved when he lived but then 2x10 had to come in and take it all away.
I've binged this show so many times, and I always forget about the whole vivisection of Jiaying scene. I like literally suppress that scene.
I don't know why but the cut from Bobbi and Hunter to them making out in front of the car is so funny to me.
This scene always makes me giddy. Like... THAT"S SKYE'S MOM!
2x09 Ye Who Enter Here...
Okay, but this dream sequence! Not only do we get a little insight into what might have happened in the Hunan Province, but we also get the confirmation that mom and dad in Skye's mind have sort of been filled by May and Coulson.
"Of course, I'm her SO"
This is one of the only times Simmons is allowed to share her side of the story without any biases. She also refers to him as her best friend. Why isn't she allowed to want him to be a best friend? She doesn't owe him her feelings. It's not like she doesn't care. Ugh the whole Fitzsimmons thing this season is so frustrating.
"You're a big brother, but you're not my big brother." Um, in the happy domestic timeline au I have in my head, Mack is everyone's big brother. Except obviously Yoyo's since the two of them are soulmates.
"CaLl An AmBuLaNcE, tHiS gUy JuSt PaSsEd OuT!"
"Whot the hell is that?" "May's evil twin."
"Ooh hats!"
This is why I love Coulson! He really does care for human life.
I'm like on the bridge on whether or not I actually want to be in a car with May. I feel like she's a good driver, but in this episode, she's so aggressive.
"YoU kNoW sHe StIlL hAs My FaCe?"
"Where's your friend Diego go?" All I could think of is GO DIEGO GO!
Mack low-key being afraid of the ghost story is a mood and totally sets up his hatred for robots and basically everything he's about to experience in the coming years.
2x10 What We Become
Yayyy, this is my fav season 2 episode. Except for, you know, Trip dying.
This is another episode I'm too invested in, so I might not say a lot😅
So why did Cal decide to tell Skye that Jiaying was dead?
That whole "Bicycle Built For Two" song was already creepy because of Cal, but TikTok made it even more creepy.
I just wanna punch Ward.
Ooh, Coulson, Cal's not gonna like that.
Skye crying over Coulson gets me every time. It's not your fault Skye!
The Quake Theme is literally my favorite score from this series.
How does Skye look so great after going through terrigenesis? Like, my god I want whatever the terrigen has.
And Gordon. No matter how many ties I see him, he creeps me out.
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youngbloodbuzz · 3 years
Eddie pulled her closer, his hand rubbing a warm path over her shoulder and arm, audibly swallowed hard, and finally said, “I miss her, too.”
“Sometimes I feel like I miss you more than I remember you, and I don’t know what to do with that, or where to put it all. So, I suppose I have to leave it here. At the cottage and in this letter.”
Omg stop this right now. END MY SUFFERING I BEG YOU. Also Dani going to visit Nan’s grave literally made my heart clench. They had such a beautifully nuanced relationship. And Dani telling her dad about Jamie 😭
“The girl who invited Dani and who only ever referred to Eddie as ‘the boyfriend.’”
As soon as I read this line I knew I would like her 😂
“A life sized cut out figure of Michael Myers.”
💀💀💀💀 y’all had me in the first half I won’t lie.
“She wanted to want it. She wanted to think of him and not the way Lila smiled at her in class.”
Comphet is a bitch đŸ„ș
“Still haunted by a dream where a faceless figure explored her body with a soft mouth, a roving tongue and sharp teeth”
Mhmm. A “faceless” figure. Sure Dani, keep telling yourself that. Poor thing.
“How much more fun it would be with you. I miss you.”
Guys 😭
All my love,
- Dani.'
I feel like it’s meaningful that she signed off the letter like this.
“Words banged again within her chest, beating against her ribs. I don’t know how to love him, it said, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I’m - “
WHEW. I’m suffering holy fuck. For the millionth time I just want to give her a huge hug and let her know ITS OKAY.
“I like to imagine you going to all those places we talked about. I like to imagine your life is better now. I like to imagine you keep a piece of me with you.”
Running out of things to say because it just hurts so much 😭 this is masterful writing, really.
“What she failed to mention was the handful of bills and change from a certain travel fund jar that had helped her along the way.”
I just know Jamie was responsible for 99% of the contents of that jar.
“And Dani with her shoulders the lightest it’s been in years, an unknown spectre amongst a crowd of hundreds, with no expectations and constraints tangled around her neck.”
Foreshadowing to her feeling that same feeling with Jamie when they’re at Carson’s concert 😭😭😭😭
“left her feeling strained and bone weary with longing affection.”
I’m absolutely incoherent rn. IM BONE WEARY.
“Dear Jamie,
Come home.’”
Sorry won’t be able to continue because unfortunately I’ve just passed away xxx
(Final part of my re-read)
((Lol see ya’ll again when I get the strength to tackle another chapter))
lskjasdf you DID IT! only 2 more chapters to go in this reread yeehaw
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thank you again for this hella fun and entertaining response lol we'll pour one out for you at the funeral lmao 😘
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alwayzraven · 2 years
KardeƟlerim Ep 60
After Sevgi told Ahmet that Omer is his son, he told the Dean that they will drop the complaint against Omer and told Sarp to let it go. Sarp was so angry. What a dumbass ! He got beat up for nothing 😂 Please don’t tell me they are planning to make him the show’s new villain. He is so dumb ! Every time I remember how Doruk and Omer pushed him like he was nothing, I can’t stop laughing  😂
Omer was really disappointed in Berk and so was Aybike. Doruk went after Berk and tried to convince him to stop hanging out with Sarp. Aybike came later
Aybike: “Berk ! What do you think you’re doing ? How can you slander Omer shamelessly in front of all those people”
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Aybike: “Berk look at me ! Berk, look into my eyes and say something”
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Berk: “What’s wrong ? What do you want? I am looking at you ”
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Aybike: “We were all there, we know Omer did not hit you both, why did you lie about that? ”
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Berk: “Because I wanted to ! Okay? I wanted to punish him for meddling in my business! I wanted him to leave the school ! Okay? Is this enough?”
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Aybike: “What is this? What kind of justification is this? What kind of explanation is this? Berk, you

shame on you !”
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Berk: “No, shame on you ! You chose to be these guys’s lackey when you should have been by my side”
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Aybike slapped him.
Aybike: “Speak properly with me !”
Here she said “terbıyesız” after “Speak properly with me !”  which basically mean that he was rude and impolite to her.
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Berk: “Well done, Aybike ! Well done ! That’s how much you love me”
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Aybike: “There is no love left from me for you, do you hear me? ! there is no love left ! It’s over ! You’re not the guy I fell in love with ! You’re not the guy I fell in love with ! and I will never forget the disappointment that you made me go through ! Never !”
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Aybike: “Forget about him Doruk ! It’s not worth it for a liar!”
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HOLY SHIT 😭 What the fuck happened here !! I think they just had the ugliest fight on the show ! How are the writers going to clean up this mess 😭 They are not that creative so I know they are going to butcher this in the end.
Leyla called Omer and Asiye. Tolga needed blood and Omer had the same type of blood as him so he came to the hospital to donate some. The police came to the hospital. Tolga's dad said that Tolga was drunk and angry, he lost his balance and fell. The police officer said that they will question them again if the doctor’s report showed something else. Doesn’t he know that they can measure alcohol level in his blood if they do a blood test? This guy will definitely go to prison. Asiye took Leyla outside to talk with her. Leyla told her the truth about Tolga’s accident. She said that Tolga sent her to a school outside of Istanbul because of their dad but she couldn't leave him alone and that's why she's back. Leyla and Tolga are just waiting for the right time to leave together. They want to get into uni and get a job so they can leave their dad’s house. They don’t want to rely on their dad’s money because as long as they do, they can’t leave.
Aybike came to visit Tolga and she brought apples with her. I know we’re supposed to be mad at this but Tolga didn’t say anything weird in this scene like he did at the party so it was just a simple conversation. I wonder if it’s because they weren’t alone? 
Sarp and Yasmin saw in the group chat that Tolga was hospitalized so they went to the hospital to visit him. Yasmin said that she liked Tolga because it looked like he has the same way of thinking as them. I don’t know if this is a spoiler about Tolga joining them later. When they got to the hospital, they saw Aybike there. She was laughing with Oglucan THAT’S IT. They said that while Berk was sad because they broke up, she looked like she didn’t care, which is not true.
 Berk came to the restaurant where Omer was working. He was going to meet with Sarp and Yasmin there. Berk asked Omer if he worked there and Omer thought that Berk already knew that and he came on purpose to cause him problems but Berk said that it was coincidence plus he didn’t have any energy to fight with anyone. Omer believed him. I know that he was disappointed in him because he lied about Sarp but I think he still believes in him and he will easily forgive him. 
Sarp and Yasmin came to the restaurant. Of course Sarp was going to mess with Omer. He asked for his coffee to be at 90 degrees. Berk didn’t look like he liked what was happening. He ordered a sugar free lemonade. Sarp told him not to order something simple because Omer needed to work hard to earn his salary. Berk said that he doesn’t have the energy to mess with anyone.
They told Berk that they saw Aybike with Tolga at the hospital. They said that she was taking care of him like a his own private nurse and that she was happy. Of course they were lying because they need to keep Berk by their side. Berk said that she wouldn’t do that but they insisted that she did.
Berk was waiting for her the next morning at school.
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Berk: “Don’t turn your head like that ! I'm not keen on talking to you anyway”
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Berk: “I heard that you were looking for an excuse to break up with me. Congratulations ! you have succeeded !”
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Aybike: “What are you talking about?”
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Berk: “ You went running to Tolga yesterday. What happened? Did you tell him that we broke up?”
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Aybike: “Berk, Tolga got into an accident and I, as his classmate, went to tell him get well soon in a normal way, like everyone else”
Berk: “I am sure you did”
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Aybike: “You really have lost your mind ! Look, I am not saying this as your ex-girlfriend who you hurt but as a friend, I think you should see a doctor asap because your brain is not working in a normal way ”
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Berk: “I am the only one who’s not normal, right? That’s great ! That’s really great !”
Berk: “I wish you happiness with whoever you want, Aybike”
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Aybike: “And I wish you sanity, Berk !”
Berk left.
Aybike: “he’s sick !”
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THIS WAS SO FUCKING MESSY. She did not like that he wished her happiness with “whoever she wants” because that meant he let go of her. I feel like she was hoping that he was going to get it together and they will be back together but instead he gave up and accepted the fact that they broke up. I know that we watched Berk apologize every time they broke up but this time, it’s Aybike’s turn.
Ahmet and his wife agreed to give some sort of medicine to Sevgi so she would be declared incompetent by the doctors and that way they can take over her wealth. Sevgi heard them and she was heartbroken. She did give Ahmet her wealth and she told him that she doesn’t want to see him again. She went to Omer and asked him if she can stay with them. This was so sad because all she wanted was a family and her own son was ready to risk her health for money
Look, I am just gonna be brief and to the point about this episode ! Aybike and Berk sucked in this episode ! Both of them made me so MAD ! I don’t want them to make Berk apologize in the end because Aybike should apologize too for what she said to him !  Aybike owes him an apology for dismissing his feelings ! I don’t like how she kept on telling him that he needed to see a doctor ! Like yes that was a good advice but the way she said it made it sound like an insult ! 
I don’t know who I watched today but that was not my Ayber. 
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