#-though instagram on web without an account)
butchsophiewalten · 9 months
oh hey btw some unedited visuals from "spectacle" have been released. news credit to @/waltenews on inst lol but the images are really really interesting!
Oh, woah! Yeah, here are the images we got a second look at:
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(Notably, the mysterious white figure behind Bon's Burgers is now way more obviously NOT "Bon" like was thought previously. It's the same image of Rosemary that flashes up on screen just a few moments later.
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Hope Morphin Q&A
About a few months ago, I got a message from a surprising source: @hmrphin/Hope Morphin.
In case you don't know, Hope Morphin is a model and makeup artist who the character of Marc was based on. I also made a post about how their friendship with Astruc had ended thanks to the Rising Sun Flag controversy, which they had actually read one day. We talked a little, and they told me to message them on their Instagram to confirm that this is the real Hope.
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They said they'd be down to answer some questions, I came up with a few, and I got their permission to post this on my account. So, without further ado, as Sid the Science Kid once said, let's go get some answers.
Question: When did you and Thomas first get to know each other, and how?
Answer: It was years ago, when the series premiered on TFOU. There were a lot of people complaining on twitter that the characters of the show were in 3D instead of in 2D, and I answered one of Thomas' tweets saying that characters' butts looked better in 3D rather than in 2D (yeah, I had a terrible sense of humor back then, glad I don't do that anymore) and he answered "yeah we could say that lol". Then, it became a running gag between us on the web, and we met for the first time at a french convention called Japan Tours, the 2015 one. So yeah, I think it was when I was... 20/21 years old, something like that.
Question: It's okay. We've all been cringe at some point in their lives. Did you two meet up again after the convention?
Answer: Yup. In fact, after the convention, he sent me a friend request on Facebook. Then, we chatted for a bit and he asked me if I wanted to be a model for him, and I met him for the second time during that model session.
Question: How did Thomas approach you about creating a character in his show based on you?
Answer: So, it was after I modeled for him. It happened after S1 has ended, so when we were chatting, he asked me which one was my favorite character. I answered Nathaniel, because at this time I felt quite close to this one (we love the angsty artist boy lmao). He told me that he didn't understand people liking Nath because he found it was a very empty character aha, but then he told me that they were searching for inspiration to create a boyfriend for him. He told me he wanted the persons to be happy that he got a boyfriend and that they would “stop bothering him with Nathaniel”, and as he wanted to take inspiration on someone looking androgynous he thought I was a good inspiration, so I accepted.
Question: Interesting story. Didn't know Nathaniel was so popular before Season 2. Did you have any input in the creation of Marc in terms of stuff like his design or personality?
Answer: Yeah he rather was, I remember a lot of people wanted to see more of him ehe. Not at all, I even though that he was joking on the moment, then one day he sent me Marc's characters sheet. I had the same haircut back in the day. Also, I was always wearing armor rings and I was wearing those kind of rings when I had this conversation with him, and he told me that Marc was going to have one of those as his miraculous. I was also still writing a lot back in the days, so I guess he still did took some stuff there and there in my personality to create him.
Question: You mean this design?
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Answer: Yup! I was wearing only black sooo yeah the red and rainbow wasn't in my wardrobe aha.
Question: Do you know why they made the design rainbow themed?
Answer: Nah, he didn't told me :/ My guess is to make him more LGBT+ themed...
Question: Okay, sorry. Next question: What are your thoughts on Marc as a character? What do you think of his relationship with Nathaniel and his respective villain and hero forms, Reverser and Rooster Bold?
Answer: To be honest, when he first appeared, I really liked him. I thought he had a lot of potential as a character, his villain form was really cool and I really liked the ideas behind him, and I liked the relationship that he got with Nathaniel, from enemies to associates ehe. But after that... meh. There wasn't nothing much on the LGBT+ relationship with Nathaniel (we had to wait until the end of season 5 to see them hold hands... wow), and I didn't really find myself anymore in his character. I liked the design of his hero form and I liked the concept of his power, but like the other heroes that appeared during this episode, we didn't see Rooster Bold that much and I think that doesn't really make him feel appealing. I have the feeling that Marc and many other side characters could be way more develop in very cool subthemes but this is never really done in the series. Instead, now, they are just the characters getting out a whiteboard and giving terrible ideas to Marinette for her to date Adrien =="
Question: Just for fun, do you have any personal headcanons for Marc?
Answer: Well of course ehe, I have ton of those :D
Mmmh... For example, I think he is a dog person, that he's also fond of fashion such as Marinette but that he just don't have the patience to learn how to draw and how to design clothes... Also have the headcanon that him and Nath often meet at one of their places to do some little workshops together to work on their series and on tons of other projects :D
Got also tons of headcanon for future!Marc, such as him being a model for lgbt+ brands and Nath designing his clothes, I would love to see this shy patootie being at the front of the spotlight ehe, full of confidence and all :D There's tons of ideas to have with this character, I remember when I saw lots of artists drawing him with alternate clothes back in the day, such as shishitsunari or hazy (will try to find them back but it's been a while lol). I wish those clothing styles would be canon, with Marc rocking those kind of genderless clothes.
Links to fanart of Marc with different outfits: (https://www.deviantart.com/hazydayclouds/art/72918-756895643) and (https://ladyofacat.tumblr.com/post/176231424098/rises-from-the-underworld-marc-is-perfect-i-want)
Question: This one's a little tough, so if you don't want to answer, that's perfectly fine. What exactly went down before Thomas blocked you? Did you have any conversation online or in real life regarding the use of the Rising Sun Flag in "Ephemeral", or did Thomas just block you with no warning?
Answer: Honestly ? Blocked me without any warning. We were talking less and less, and, since I have affective dependancy, I had the feeling that I said / done something wrong. He was often answering only when I was defending him on social medias during these times. But we didn't have any harsh conversation from what I recall. So, I did the tweet about ephemeral, pointing out the use of the rising sun flag, and, well, maybe he had a plugin on twitter that blocked everyone using the term "flag", and maybe it blocked me automatically. The thing is : he has my number, he has my address (well, my old address now, lol). He had many ways to tell me this was a misunderstanding and that he didn't want to block me. He didn't call me, didn't send me any text after that to talk about it, so he clearly didn't want to make anything to sort out the problem. To this day, he still hasn't send me any message to talk about it. He commented on some of my facebook posts I did last year (I posted some makeups I did for my school) just saying it was cool, so... Yeah, not the type of friend I want to keep. I still have him as a friend on FB if I ever get the guts to try to send him a message to tell him everything that was wrong towards me and towards other people, but I clearly have other things to deal with lately.
Question: So he blocked you and didn't say anything else?
Answer: Yup, exactly, blocked me and didn't say anything else :/ After years of supporting him lmao.
Question: I'm really sorry to hear that. And you still haven't heard from him after all this time?
Answer: Well, apart from some comments he made on my facebook posts (I posted my makeup from my makeup school and he commented "very nice!") nothing at all. But honestly I'm not too bothered by that. I heard new stuff that he did prior and I really don't think it's a good idea that I interact with him again. I keep him in my facebook friends because maybe one day I'll send him a message to try to confront him, telling him that he had a very terrible behavior towards me and other people... But not today, I have other stuff to deal with.
Question: Despite everything that's happened between you and Thomas, do you still keep up with Miraculous Ladybug? If so, what do you think of it?
Well, I've kept up with it because I still have lots of friends who are watching it (for example Octolady, Kogenta and Candy...), and they help me keep a little hype.
So I watched the episodes... There are some stuff that I like. There's good LGBT+ representation, and I like seeing an international known cartoon doing that (especially a french one since we have lots of far-right rising lately).
But honestly, I don't have the same hype as before. At the beginning, I was hyped because S1 looked awesome and had lots of cool fights, lots of wholesome characters and all, but the animation problems and differences are really making me bothered. Also, I have the feeling there's a lot of characters who could be more elaborated and who aren't, and... That's kinda sad, because there's a lot of topics that could be explored thanks to them and not just brushed off in one episode.
Plus, to be honest, I didn't really like the ending of S5. And I don't like the idea of it going on for seasons and seasons and seasons, milked until there's nothing more for it. The fewer the better in my mind...
I also seen the movie and didn't really liked it. Too much fanservice and didn't really made sense. The animation was nice, though.
Honestly, I love the writing team, they are wholesome people and they are doing their best for this show, but people like Thomas and Zag are the kind of people I don't want to support anymore. So yeah... To sum it up : still watching it from afar to see if nice stuff is happening, been pleased with some little stuff, displeased with a lot more, but I don't think I'll keep watching it both because I'm not that hyped up anymore and because I don't want to support anymore these 2 people. I supported Thomas too much before, was too attached to him and was a terrible person towards fans who didn't deserved it because I was too blind, so yeah, won't happen anymore.
Still, I'm glad there's still some people who are fans of Marc and who felt helped thanks to this character. I really hope he will have a better representation in the future (clear relationship with Nath, maybe even some trans / non-binary representation ?) in order to inspire young people.
I'd like to personally thank Hope for being willing to answer my questions, and I highly reccommend giving their Instagram a follow.
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Villainous Observation/Theory: InstaFeed and Instagrim
(Note: This theory is an add on and inspired by the theory created by gabygirl1234)
There are two versions of Instagram in Villainous - InstaFeed and Instagrim
The general public and heroes use InstaFeed, while the Villains use Instagrim.
In Episode 6 Miss Heed is shown to have an InstaFeed account instead of an Instagram account.
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And her @ name is also @MISS_HEED_ OFFICIAL instead of @MISS_HEED, as shown in her real life actual Instagram link (https://www.instagram.com/miss_heed/)
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However, MISS_HEED_OFFICAL is her Instagram Display Name
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So the Instagram account we see in real life is a little bit different than what we see in the Villainous show.
In Villainous, Penumbra, other Villains, and The Men Without Hats, etc. are shown to be using Instagrim.
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However unlike InstaFeed, Instagrim is a Black Web, the Villainous version of Dark Web/Deep Web, website which is not available to the general public and can only be accessed by Villains and in special cases like the Men Without Hats who can hack and have installed programs and software to avoid tracking and being doxxed. (see below)
This is supported by the post in CreepyCharly when a user said you can see that SunBlast is alive on Penumbra’s Instagrim account, but CreepyCharly replies that she could not access it and jokingly added that she doesn’t believe that Villains have social media.
(Also, in the comment section in the image above, a verified account with the name @MISS_HEED_OFFICIAL is seen commenting a bot like comment: “FOLLOW ME”, Miss Heed being a former Villain and student in Black Hat Institution, she probably was able to have knowledge on how to access the Black Web, and perhaps link it to her current InstaFeed account)
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As regular citizens like CreepyCharly can’t access it I agree with gabygirl123 ‘s post that Instagrim is also a part of the Black Web as it follows the. Same principal as the BHO website, as mentioned below, “it is hidden in what villains call the "Black Web", a hidden network for villains, bounty hunters, and other unsavory beings.”
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-01.06.19 - from: Magician
To all remaining agents: We did it. Our patience has produced fruits. Cooper and I have managed to establish a link to the Black Hat Organization's mainframe. The link will be open for the longest period possible, however, we must be careful and keep this link secret; We can't let what happened last time happen. Black Hat cannot know that we have this connection to their system. This link can normally only be accessed by villains and members of their organization, as it is hidden in what villains call the "Black Web", a hidden network for villains, bounty hunters, and other unsavory beings. For this reason, access is very dangerous and it is recommended that it not be for prolonged periods or there would be a risk that a villain, or worse, someone from the Black Hat Organization, could find and track our whereabouts more easily. Here is the link to the computer:
Once inside you can share it, but to access you will need the 14-digit password that we hide in the guide videos. Maybe Black Hat found the latest version of the page, but that gave us what we needed to find yours. We'll leave this channel open, good luck. And remember that we can still dance.
Eventually however, Charly was able to access the black web to buy a mystery box, however as mentioned below, the Black Web is a dangerous place with dangerous people, so she had to install the necessary programmes to avoid being tracked and doxxed.
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(Did she buy it from Evil Zone, the Villainous version of Amazon though? 😂)
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silvermaplealder · 2 years
Modern Day Head Cannons
I like to imagine the lost boys characters having modern day quirks since I like to write in the present time. So I compiled a list of random head cannons for each of the characters from the vamps to gramps, on random quirks they would have in the modern day.
Is quite awful with technology. Like he has a phone but cannot change the wallpaper for it. So the other vamps are constantly changing his wallpaper to stupid little things
Though, he would be great with slang. He would know all the up-to-date slang just from reading people's minds and listening to them talk. The vamps would see some new slang or abbreviation and David would know exactly what it meant
His only social media would be a facebook profile he made in like 2010 that has 0 updates since the day he made it. Also it has his real birthdate on it.
He'd also be opposed to his face being on the internet. Like, he doesn't mind pictures as long as they're not posted. He's paranoid like a parent in 2008 who's children are getting a test of the world wide web. But since he doesn't have social media nor can really work a phone, the others will still post stuff of him without him knowing
Dwayne would have his own Etsy shop for oddities. He'd find and clean bones and sell them online and make a surprising amount of money. Like it started as a little fun thing back when Etsy first began, and then next thing he knew he became very popular.
He treats his little shop without a care, and never responds to messages or actively tells people to fuck off, but people keep on buying. He's a star seller (somehow without responding to messages) and has 5 star reviews.
I also feel that he would LOVE fanfiction. He would read a book and then immediately have a ship and look up fanfiction for it. Sometimes he would write fanfiction, but he never feels like his work is good enough so he doesn't post it.
Since they don't have power at the cave, he'd be the one who would bring all the electronics to a cafe to get them charged. He would love his little cafe trips and it gives him a chance to have a break from the others
I feel like he would be experimenting with different pronouns, and the other vampires would be super supportive of him and do their best to ensure they use the proper ones.
Marko would have ALL of the social media. Everything. He'd have facebook, instagram, tiktok, tumblr, twitter, everything. You know he had a MySpace and was in the aol chatrooms. He'd have a shit ton of email addresses as well so he could have multiple accounts.
He knows every vine reference
He posts at least a couple times an hour for whatever pops in his head. He's been temporarily banned on most of his accounts for posting gore-y stuff that was flagged
He has a surprising amount of followers and he jokes about being a vampire all of the time
Paul would love pictures on his phone. He would have so many pictures of the other vampires and anything that he sees.
He would also have all of the music apps, and the paid versions specifically. Youtube Red. Spotify Premium. He's got apps to create music, though he's really bad at it.
He and Marko definitely tried to make a youtube channel and it did not work out very well
He also loves to make memes. He and Marko have thousands of saved memes on their phones of things that happen in their day to day life
Star accidentally became very popular on tiktok for a stupid little video she never expected to get any views. She ends up as a mini influencer with little videos that she spends twenty seconds making
She's also slightly jealous about Dwayne's Etsy shop doing well as she tried jewelry making but nothing was selling. And yet she was always adamant about good customer service and Dwayne ignores most of his messages.
She also has her own bike at this point and somehow she's more scary on it than the other boys
He loves cars. He's the kind of guy that would go to car shows and he'd drag the other vampires with him. Paul would take pictures of his favorite cars and print them out for him.
Michael would also have a part-time overnight job to be able to afford getting a nice car of his own
He's also not a fan of memes and tries very hard not to end up in one of Paul or Marko's memes, though it happens so frequently he just has no idea
Sam would have amazing fashion. With access to the internet he'd be copying a lot of famous people's styles
He'd be obsessed with pinterest. So many ideas saved, fashion styles, etc.
He'd also have some self image issues that he'd need to work through
He really, really wants to go to a convention but with his family struggling with money he's never been able to
He'd want a cell phone so bad. Star and Dwayne refuse to buy him one because they're afraid of internet safety. But Marko and Paul are happy to led over their phones for Laddie to play games on
David definitely leaves his phone "unattended" for Laddie to take and use
Sometimes David leaves his phone with Laddie so Laddie can text the other vampires when they're out
OBSESSED with Fortnite. Like so obsessed. He's certain Donald Mustard is some sort of undead being and hypnotizing children with the video game. But yet Edgar plays it every moment of free time he has
He also is on top of every conspiracy theory. He believes anything that he reads on the internet, even if it sounds a little far fetched
He also most definitely follows Marko's social media and has zero idea that Marko's a vampire
Alan likes Fortnite too, but is not as obsessed about it as Edgar is. He's not as quick to jump onto conspiracy theories as Edgar is, but if Edgar gives him a good reason he'll believe it.
He and Edgar most definitely send each other memes/videos of toxic family relationships and they both will give a brief laugh and look at their deadbeat parents
He's the one that makes friends and brings them to Edgar so that Edgar can have a friend. They don't have many friends, but all their friends are ride-or-die types
His video store he would have switched to be a tech store so he can still continue to get the personal information of people in the area. People come to buy big ticket items and he can collect their addresses for deliveries, or payment plans, etc.
He'd be very informational about technology in general, but you'd find that he still has a flip phone and does not own any sort of modern piece of technology
He constantly warns the younger vampires about the dangers of the internet
She'd be on a lot of mom blogs, trying to relate with other mothers who have sons
I feel like she'd also be the kind of mother who would have lots of pictures of her children growing up and she'd look at them a lot, or share them online.
She's also definitely a facebook mom who doesn't post updates much, but she's always looking at other people's posts and commenting. She'd also low-key try to stalk her children's new friends all the time. She'd find David's facebook and she'd be like why does it say he was born in the 1800's. And we all just hope she doesn't find any of Marko's accounts
Gramps would LOVE the modern day taxidermy community. He'd be on a very niche online taxidermy forum (not to name names, but taxidermy. net).
He'd love the new forms for taxidermy that he could order online that make his life a lot easier and no asbestos.
He'd still know about all the different vampires in the area
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oneefin · 5 months
i did brown puzzlehunt 2024 (link!) with members of test solution bees ignore! the automated tools in their spreadsheet template kept pushing my pre-hunt drawing backward so that people couldn't see it upon opening our sheet
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(full disclosure, this was referenced from another artist's work - can't take full credit for it)
bph24 was a really wide hunt with lots of small rounds, featuring tons of top-notch art and non-static presentation. i liked it a lot! it just wasn't really a single-weekend sort of hunt, so our team of 4 didn't finish before the event ended lol
solutions won't be available for a bit, so i'll non-spoiler-ily list off some stuff that i really liked and would recommend checking out:
I might be biased because it was the only one from the round that actually worked well during the hunt (their website had load issues), but letter troxd was fun and simple: https://www.brownpuzzlehunt.com/puzzle/lettertroxd if you're reading this soon after i posted it, the website might not work without a login, sorry!
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there was a short story murder mystery puzzle called the god of the labyrinth which was cool! i think this is a currently underexplored puzzle hunt genre, so i like seeing more of them, although it's always a time investment to read and digest one. this is accessible as a pdf here: https://www.flipbookpdf.net/web/files/uploads/f465b8d06c51eb130b2b8bfdd04181797ff97bb8202404.pdf
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instagram was a pretty nice puzzle also, although it takes a keen eye (and having a working instagram account) to spot all of the relevant details on the page. the puzzle is entirely contained in this account page: https://www.instagram.com/ray.of.sunshine1997/
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and the last one i'll mention is committing financial crimes, a konundrum where you fill out a really stupid irs form. as usual i willingly subjected myself to this and it was definitely cursed. the whole thing is accessible from this drive link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GRNNzrWRSzcuVzHmZsA_ZMD3gDlvGNZI/view i think they manually verified our solution to this?
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i had a lot of fun! super props to the puzzle club at brown university for putting this on. no rest for the weary though because cmu is next :)
(oh, and i also assume the data meta is actually quite cool - but we haven't finished it yet so i can't say for sure that it all holds up to scrutiny. here's hoping though)
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Pluralistic is three
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Though I didn’t know it at the time, Jan 29, 2020 was my last day at Boing Boing; as it happens, that was nearly exactly 19 years after my first day at Boing Boing. Though it was a tough decision, it was the right one, and while I’m no longer helping to write the site, I’m still an ardent reader, a co-owner, and a well-wisher.
If you’d like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here’s a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
I started writing Boing Boing at the age of 30. When I stopped, I was 49. That’s a lot of living. Web-writing had come a long way since then, and so had the web, and the world — and so had I. While the way I blogged had evolved substantially over my years at Boing Boing, all those changes had been evolutionary — a series of incremental shifts.
After I left Boing Boing, I spent three weeks thinking about how — or whether — I would continue to write the web. In a world where platforms have interposed themselves between creative workers and their audiences, manically twiddling the knobs that determine whether the people who ask to hear from you ever get to, starting a new publication was a daunting proposition.
It felt like my two choices were to pick one or a few platforms and devote my efforts to platform kremlinology, trying to figure out what words, subjects or formats would cause The Algorithm to block the people who’d subscribed to my feed from seeing it; or to start a standalone website, which no one would ever see, but which I would control.
Both of these are bad choices, so I chose neither — or, depending on how you look at it, both. POSSE stands for “Post Own Site, Share Everywhere,” and it’s an idea that comes out of the Indieweb movement. Under POSSE, you post your work to a site you control, but syndicate to all the platforms and silos, with a link back to the original:
Though the platforms might punish you for this — think of Instagram and Facebook hiding posts with links to the public web, or Twitter’s short-lived policy of suspending the accounts of users whose bios included their Mastodon address — any attention that did slip past their stingy, tight-pinched sphincters would at least have a chance of connecting users directly to your own site and its feeds.
Three weeks after I quit Boing Boing, I launched Pluralistic, my POSSE project, which sees me publishing one or more essays, five or more days per week, homed on my own non-surveilling, non-tracking, ad-free Wordpress site, a fulltext RSS feed, and a plaintext newsletter, and mirrored to Tumblr, Mastodon, Twitter and Medium:
Today, Pluralistic is three years old. Even with the global pandemic that followed shortly on its founding, I still find myself marvelling at how quickly the time has flown by — and, thinking back over the past three years, I’m also profoundly satisfied with how it has shaped up.
Even though Pluralistic isn’t a group blog — a Metafilter wag commented on the irony of calling a solo project “pluralistic” and they weren’t wrong! — I couldn’t have done this without help. First, and most importantly, I must thank the incredible Ken Snider, who has hosted my servers for decades, and who is one of the most thoughtful, diligent, and skilled network administrators I’ve ever had the privilege of knowing. I can’t thank Ken enough — without his help, I’d be hamstrung.
Early in Pluralistic’s history, the pioneering cryptographer Loren Kohnfelder noticed that I was making the formatting errors characteristic of someone who is trying to do a lot of fiddly work manually. Loren wrote to me out of the blue and volunteered to write some python scripts to make my production more streamlined and — crucially — less error-prone. If you are interested in the minutiae of how these scripts work, here’s a process post I published in 2021, on the 20th anniversary of my first blog post:
Even Loren’s excellent automation tools can’t fix my own errors. I am a bottomless font of typos and other PEBCAK-type errors, and many readers write to point these out, but none are so diligent, regular and thoughtful as Gregory Charlin, who has helped me fix more typos in my work than anyone except my mother, who is the world’s greatest proofreader (Gregory is a close second).
Pluralistic has a (far too) irregular podcast component. I started podcasting in 2005, when Mark Pesce, John Perry Barlow and I got on the subject at a speaker’s dinner at a conference in Montreal and Mark demanded to know why I wasn’t doing one. I blamed it on my travel schedule, saying that I wouldn’t be able to sit down in a quiet room with a good mic on a regular basis. Mark insisted that I was being too precious and that I could just record with my laptop mic from wherever I happened to be — a hotel room, a taxi-cab, whatever. The result was a lot of fun, but very rough:
In 2009, I was at a club in London when a guy came up to me and introduced himself. That was John Taylor Williams, a sound engineer in DC who loved my work and hated the sound quality of my podcast. He graciously volunteered to master it for me and while he promised that he wouldn’t insist that I upgrade my recording situation, he did offer multiple useful suggestions. He’s still mastering today (and is the engineer on all my audiobook projects) and under his patient tutelage, I’ve bought some decent gear and learned how to use it — and my podcast sounds great today. Thank you, John!
A year ago, when Pluralistic turned two, I reflected on the way the site had changed over the 550 posts I’d published thus far (today, it’s 767), focusing on the fact that I have no metrics for any of the channels I manage — not even a humble page-counter:
Rather than using analytics and usage statistics to guide my work on Pluralistic, I focus solely on qualitative elements — feedback from readers (and critics). Mostly, that’s feedback on substance. I call my blogging process “The Memex Method” — a way of iteratively improving my own ideas by presenting them to other people, rather than working through, say, a private commonplace book:
I’m generally less interested in people who want me to write about something other than the things I’m interested in. From the start, the beauty of being an independent web-writer is being freed from the tyranny of trying to identify and please an audience, and instead using my work to attract the audience that shares my interests (even if they disagree with my views):
One kind of non-substantive disagreement/suggestion I do pay attention to is readability suggestions; the point of Pluralistic is to discover and engage people who share my interests. Over the past year, reader feedback has led to improvements in my headline style and other formatting elements.
However, there are elements of the Pluralistic project that are more important than readability. For example, many Mastodon readers have asked why I don’t switch to a server with a 5,000 character limit. The answer is that the server I use, mamot.fr, is run by the digital rights group La Quadrature Du Net, an organization with a long history of standing up to censorship demands. Censorship-resistance is simply more important than character limits. Ken is working on standing up a new Masto server for my use, but it turns out to require some new hardware, and that process takes a while, especially if you care about getting the hardware right.
Another example: I post bare links in all my syndicated posts, rather than using anchor text. One reader wrote to ask if I could stop to make things easier for the text-to-speech tool he uses to listen to my posts while on the move.
I had to disappoint him: the bare links are there for a reason. In an age where platforms routinely rewrite links so that they pass through an analytics filter, it’s possible to select a bare link, copy it, and paste it into your location bar, bypassing surveillance.
The reader suggested that bare links would pose a problem to visually disabled users, who would have to endure listening to URLs, but I’ve never heard this from a visually disabled person directly, and the one blind friend I asked about it said that he had become so accustomed to skipping over URLs and other machine-readable passages that he didn’t even notice them.
One place where I pay a lot of attention to accessibility is in the alt text for my images. I am not a visual person by nature, and I don’t have a subscription to any of the stock art sites (and most stock images are incredibly bland). Instead, I make weird, phantasmagoric, often barely competent (but enormously satisfying) collages out of public domain and Creative Commons materials:
These are often so abstract as to be barely comprehensible (as befits someone working on the weird and abstract issues that are my life’s work) and adding alt text doesn’t just make these more accessible, it also helps me spot areas where I could be clearer.
Three years is an eyeblink — and it’s an eternity. In the three years since I started publishing my work on Pluralistic, under a Creative Commons Attribution-only license, I’ve moved into much longer-form, considered, synthetic pieces, a process that has only accelerated over the past year. Magazines and other commercial publishers have begun to syndicate these pieces, sometimes picking them up for free under the CC license, sometimes paying me to edit or adapt them for their pages. Both are fine with me. I’ve got a lot on my plate — seven books in production! — and I am happy to have my work syndicated for free if it means I don’t have to do more work.
Like Woody Guthrie once said:
This song is Copyrighted in U.S., under Seal of Copyright #154085, for a period of 28 years, and anybody caught singin it without our permission, will be mighty good friends of ourn, cause we don’t give a dern. Publish it. Write it. Sing it. Swing to it. Yodel it. We wrote it, that’s all we wanted to do.
[Image ID: William Blake's watercolor of Cerebrus, the three-headed hell-hound.]
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invisiblegarters · 6 months
Okay it's been a minute since I've liveblogged but here we go.
LOL I love how surprised Ongsa's two friends are that she's related to Alpha. Badass that she is. And hahaha at the Stars (honestly it just doesn't feel like a GMMTV show for me without one of the J's popping up at some point, so I was delighted to see AJ here (I think it's the shows I pick but really, one or the other of them seems to be in everything I watch these days)).
Aw poor Ongsa. Still reeling from the realization that Sun thinks she's a dude. Poor awkward baby I love her.
Not a fan of the way Mawin is being presented. Please let it wind up being better than that.
Okay I love Ongsa's two friends.
Look at the cat photo Ongsa you know you want to.
Why do I love the idea of a cursed Astronomy Club so much?
Everyone in this show is so cute. Does Mawin have a thing for Tin? And Luna's determination to have her astronomy club is - sing it with me, kids - super cute. I haven't seen her and Aylin interact yet but I already know I'm gonna love them, just because Luna is so damn bubbly and sweet I can't see her doing anything but embracing Aylin just as she is, which I love for Aylin honestly. That girl deserves someone who loves her because of who she is, not in spite of it.
And yep, I'm gonna love them.
Oh Ongsa. Tangled webs etc. But I won't pretend that I can't wait for the shit to hit the fan.
Ongsa...just...delete the Instagram account. Why are you throwing your phone away you little weirdo? Who even does that? This girl is so dramatic and ridiculous hahaha.
Pfft this is not a curse Ongsa you are just suffering the consequences for being dramatic af. Who throws a whole phone away to keep themselves from not-so-much-accidentally-anymore catfishing their crush?
Also, Ongsa my darling, you are just kind of a mess in general - I say two seconds before her friends do, too. It's true though.
Aw Luna really is the cutest. Aylin is totally joining that club.
Oof I do feel bad for Sun though. It sucks to feel like you're making a connection with someone and then they just disappear.
This curse thing is ridiculous I love it so much.
Latte is the cutest. Alpha is correct. She is also a very good big sis, even if she likes to pretend otherwise.
Ongsa you goober. I love this girl so much.
WHY is the Ton is Ongsa's ex thing so funny to me.
This continues to be the cutest thing. I will say that I would like a grittier, nastier GL the same way we have been getting them with BL of late, but I also know that the gateway to getting that kind of content is The Cute. And I have no objections to The Cute either. I just hope this takes off and paves the way for even more GL in future.
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helielune · 1 year
i looked at threads so you don't have to
the point of social media is to feel like you can connect with EVERYONE there, and in that sense, since Threads (by meta) is the only twitter competitor with a userbase pre-baked-in, i think they are by FAR the only actual threat to twitter in the near future
i love watching drama from the sidelines so i gathered some info about it, for all of us curious but cautious creatures:
toc: 1. features 2. acct deletion 3. home feed 4. privacy etc
1. threads is purposefully launching with MINIMUM POSSIBLE features. they are not shy about saying this. (wikipedia literally begins the history section of their Threads page by talking about twitter) they saw an opportunity to launch when and where it hurts and they TOOK it, instead of waiting to build an actually full service. and it's WORKING.
as of now, you can post/like/comment, repost, un/follow, mute and block things, and search (for accts). no dms, hashtags, web app, searching for posts, and your home feed IS your explore page (more on this later).
for more details here is a basic rundown of the app so far (nbc news), and here is a list of features they don't have yet (forbes)
2. they are 'looking into' a way to delete your threads account without deleting your entire instagram. (instagram ceo, via threads, and mentioned in other sources scattered around here)
from a slightly tech standpoint, threads is officially built as an offshoot of instagram. it literally calls itself an instagram app. when you sign up, you can only sign up via instagram. so depending on how they developed threads, it's likely that it was literally just easier to build a version of threads that is basically instagram with a hat, where removing the hat removes the body (??). if i give them some benefit of the doubt, maybe they just haven't figured out how deletion should work, since they seem to want every insta acct to have exactly one threads acct (so they'd need to plan ahead in case of returning signups and all). and since they wanted to get threads out as fast as possible, this is just what it came out as.
still, they don't seem to be promising much. imagine if they finish 'looking into' it and decide it isn't worth implementing. lol. also it was still definitely greedy of them to link those deletions together now so no one can leave when they realize there is no functionality yet! the same greedy that made them release this half-baked idea in the first place.
but, if you already made a threads, it is Possible that you will eventually be able to delete it without affecting insta.
3. from what i understand, getting used to threads is like training your fyp on tiktok. (i've also never had a tiktok lmao, but my friends do) it does not have a chronological timeline. it does not even have a Following timeline. you are served whatever the algorithm desires and you just have to deal with it, and you WILL be wading through default shit for a while (the verge but also Everyone is complaining about this lol)
they say that they are working on it too (instagram ceo again, via threads-- with much more conviction than they had for the deletion feature)
4. yes, it is asking for WAY TOO MUCH DATA ACCESS in the app store. meta does this with all of their apps (the general permissions list for threads on the app store is identical to fb's and insta's).
i've seen some people say that threads might not be actively using (or collecting??) every single category. notably, threads does not have ads yet, so a lot of visible surveillance things that fb is known for have not shown up.
this might be true Now (though it's an awfully generous opinion!), but they are At Least actively opening the doors to do so in the future. if you've already agreed to those permissions when downloading or logging into the app, you will NOT be notified if a new update suddenly starts siphoning all the data they ignored before. just so yall are aware.
this is likely not as big of a deal if you already have insta and/or fb downloaded, but it's always great to be informed :)
and yes, meta is withholding official launch in the entire EU, almost certainly because of their data privacy AND new anti-trust legislations. (some links may require subscriptions, but not all) there are other posts about this already though.
basically, threads is hardly even meant to be used at this point. it's almost completely unusable compared to other competing sites, which already existed. it's also run by a Notoriously Evil, massive company, with 114 Blazing Red Flags for personal security. (one for each type of data they ask for, plus 100 extra for saying "other data")
they are launching now to attract as large of a userbase as possible, and then just squatting on it as they figure out which functions to add and how to do that. from what i see, most people are joining for the same reason-- claim their username, and then squat on it as they wait for the app to be functional. no hate to them, because meta is nothing if not a master of marketing, and also there are a lot of legit reasons why you may want to claim your name, or make sure your following can stay with you, etc etc.
but what i'm going to be doing, and recommending to everyone else as well, is just grab a snack and watch this crazy competition from a Safe Distance as it goes down. i said that threads is probably the only twt competitor in the immediate future, because it's the only one with the pre-established market control to be one. but if we don't want to hand our entire society over to a soulless megacorp, we can play the long game. i mean, we're already Here, right? might as well just settle in for a long haul🍿
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herryjutt · 23 hours
free YouTube Subscribers
Click Here and Get 100 Free Subscribers
In giant and rather highly competitive space that is the World Wide Web writing content, in advance subscribing to certain platforms like YouTube, is instrumental to the development of a successful channel. Even though the road to greater number of subscribers might seem hard there are strategies and appropriate methods to pull a dependable audience without having to employ riskfull techniques. Please note that during this editorial, we will focus on various reasonable ways to get Free YouTube Subscribers and organic development of your channel.
Generate High-Quality Content:
Impressive score The truthfulness of any prosperous YouTube channel, conscientiousness in the verity of its output. The objective of commissioning production of impressive, interesting and enjoyable videos is to get as many free YouTube Subscribers as possible. Invest time in your research and planning of your content, as it is of value to the intended audience. Better quality content will get passed around, get new eyeballs on it and maybe even some subscriptions.
Define Your Niche:
Determining a specific particular focus area for your channel and then delivering your content to a strict targeted audience. This means that when filling a full space a sharp niche captures attention of the viewers with exact interest. Regardless of whether it is gaming, beauty, futuristic vehicle reviews or educational content, a rather obvious specialization enables one to optimize editorial content with respect to the tastes and interests of the targeted viewers in an effort to attract those wanting free YouTube Subscribers in a precise area.
Optimize Your Channel:
Tune your YouTube channel in order to ensure that its design is visually appealing to viewers and intuitive for them. create an engaging channel header imagine, write a concise yet informative channel description, and also arrange your uploaded playlists logically. also, include the particular and related keywords in your video title, description and tags for searchability in search engines.
Consistent Upload Schedule:
Stability is the game in the book of content production. Come up with a schedule that is fixed that your subscribers can be able to expect you to upload content at a certain date and time. Regardless of whether you write new material every day, bi weekly or upload a video every day, constancy contributes to the creation of hope and the viewers’ interest. It as well increases your visibility to YouTube’s algorithm informing it that your channel is worth promoting.
Engage with Your Audience:
Therefore, creating communities and populations around your channel is the key principle of attracting free YouTube subscribers. Do not respond to comments, request the viewers’ opinions, and pay attention to confidence. Interacting with your audience helps individuals feel as if they are a part of a community and we become loyal viewers who’d happily suggest your channel to others.
Power Social Media:
Use other social accounts to advertise your YouTube channel to other people. Share snippets, secretly content or teaser on such platforms and the common ones are Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. Engaging the attention of a wide audience on social networks can lead them to your YoutTube channel, and introduce the content in front of likely subscribers.
Collaborate with Other YouTube’s:
Strategic partnerships are one of the most effective methods of achieving device to new communities and getting more free YouTube subscribers. Research creators who are present in your area of interest or areas adjacent to it and suggest collaboration. This can help take your channel to a new audience, and if they were put off by the sheer pricey of your content, may opt to subscribe.
Utilize YouTube Features:
Make use of YouTube’s skin texture to gain advantage on your rivals for the sake of increasing your channel. Create compelling thumbnails, use the end screens and the presentation of the text to encourage the viewers to subscribe and use cards to drive the audience to other necessary videos on the channel. Some of these features are beneficial to the viewer experience while at the same time increasing the chances of turning the viewers to subscribers.
Run Contests and Giveaways:
Label as contests or giveaways with the dimension that a participant has to subscribe to your channel. As previously mentioned, by employing this method, one can rapidly increase the tally in the free YouTube Subscribers figure; however, it may be essential to ensure that the giveaways are legit and are in congruence with the channel. It means that truthful tactics may appeal to the temporary subscribers, and that is good only in case of genuine interest to become continuously active.
Optimize for Search Engines:
To a great extent, it is possible to achieve a significant improvement in the channel’s accessibility by adhering to the simplest rules of SEO. Identify suitable keywords with help of the Google Keyword Planner or by using YouTube search suggestions. Integrate these keywords into your video titles, descriptions, and tags as it increases your videos chances of featuring on the search page.
Thus, increasing your accounts on YouTube and, in particular, achieving the growth of free YouTube Subscribers, is an interesting yet a non-trivial process that implies the devotion of the account owner, as well as inventive approach and thorough planning. Consistently preparing demanding content, interacting with the audience, using the platform of YouTube, and its tools you can achieve the situation when subscribers appear and keep only. But please do not forget that the moral and sustainable growth are the main Chapman’s rules for creating a high-quality, dedicated community around the channel.
Q: Get how to get free YouTube subscribers fast ?
It is true that one can get free subscribers on YouTube via the following legitimate ways. However, it is high time to pay attention to right and sustainable strategy that leads to the company’s organic growth.
Q: Is there any danger in the utilization of free YouTube Subscribers?
Yes, some of the services can be dubious and the accounts with gifted free subscribers can violate YouTube terms of service, which may lead to such penalties as channel delay or demonetization. Therefore, the best advice is not to engage in such services and rather stick to effective audience development.
Q: How significant is the quality of content when it comes to the number of subscribers?
Quantity does not beat quality It must be brought to one’s notice that the quality of the content is most important. Subscriptions are probable if you prepare attractive, informative, and enjoyable shows that gadgets viewers. The target is to create content that will be valuable to the set target group of the users.
Q: In respect of acquiring the subscribers, as found in the case, what is the specific relevance of consistency ?
Consistency is therefore important when trying to configuration a faithful audience. It is recommended to schedule a regular upload program so that the audiences are aware of the next time the show will be aired. This also means that the algorithm that is in charge of promoting the videos to viewers will see that your channel is frequently uploading and therefore worthy of promotion.
Q: What strategies can be used in an attempt to build on the subscribers base among the viewers?
Do replies on comments, asking the viewer on their opinion, and encourage them to engage in discussions. Establish a surrounding for your channel create an intelligence of relation ship which gives the audience reason to subscribe and forward your content.
Q: Since every one of you is actively using social networks, I would like to know if posting about my channel is helpful in obtaining subscribers?
Yes, this is very possible, and it is advisable to cross promote your YouTube channel on other social media platforms such as Instagram, twitter and even facebook. It is advised to break snippets, secretly content, and teaser to get the wider audience involved and to help people start flocking to your YouTube channel.
Q: Does cooperation with other Youtubers assist in getting more subscriptions?
Having a working relationship with others is effective in pounding the drums into new audiences. List the authors and divide them in categories according to their specialty and recommend projects for the collaboration. As can be seen cross-promotion can introduce your channel to a totally new audience and in turn attract more subscribers.
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shyamvision · 2 months
Pixwox: A Comprehensive Overview of the Instagram Viewer and Downloader
What is Pixwox?
Pixwox is a website that lets people see and download Instagram photos and videos without logging into Instagram. If you want to browse Instagram profiles, posts, stories, and highlights anonymously, Pixwox is for you. It's easy and secure.
Features That Set Pixwox Apart
1. Pixwox allows users to view public Instagram accounts anonymously without leaving any footprints or having an Instagram account. Those who prefer to remain anonymous while perusing the content of other accounts may find this function very helpful.
2. Users can download media from Instagram profiles, including images, videos, and stories. This feature is great for people who want to save information to watch later or keep for future reference.
3. Access to Instagram Story Highlights: With Pixwox, you can see and download Instagram Story highlights. Thanks to this functionality, users will always have access to any content, no matter how fleeting.
4. The platform's design prioritizes a straightforward and easy-to-navigate interface. With a few keystrokes, users can easily view the content of any Instagram profile by entering the username.
5. Users Don't Need to Create an Account or Use Their Instagram Credentials: This is one of the biggest benefits of Pixwox. Your privacy and anonymity are protected in this way.
An Overview of Pixwox
The process of using Pixwox is simple. This is a detailed tutorial on how to use all of its functions:
1. Get Online: Open any web browser and go to the Pixwox website.
Second, in the search box, type the Instagram username you want to see.
The next step is to look at the profile's content, which includes images, videos, stories, and highlights when it has loaded.
4. Download Content: To download any photo, video, or article, click on the download button that is next to it.
Security and Compliance with Laws
The privacy and legal ramifications of using Pixwox, which allows users to browse and download Instagram content anonymously, should be carefully considered by users:
1. Respecting Users' Privacy: Even though Instagram guarantees user anonymity, users' privacy must still be respected. The ethical and legal ramifications of illegally downloading and sharing material are numerous.
2. Instagram Terms of Service: Instagram prohibits the use of third-party tools such as Pixwox. Users need to use caution and be aware of the hazards.
Pixwox Substitutes
Similar features of Pixwox are available on a number of different platforms, such as:
1. InstaDP: Yet another well-liked app that lets you see and download Instagram photos and videos.
2. StoriesIG: Focuses on serving as an anonymous viewer and downloader for Instagram stories.
3. Gramho: It provides analytics for profiles and allows users to view and download information.
In summary
Pixwox is a great option for anyone looking for a simple and anonymous way to access Instagram and download photos and videos. Users should be wary of the legal and ethical implications of utilizing such technologies despite the fact that they provide substantial benefits in terms of privacy and accessibility. For a responsible and pleasurable experience, it is essential to understand the terms and any implications before using any third-party service.
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hritipuri9 · 3 months
The Rise of Aashi Tripathi: A Star in the Making
In the bustling landscape of Bollywood, new stars rise to fame, each bringing their unique charm and talent. Among these emerging celebrities, Aashi Tripathi stands out as a beacon of intelligence, grace, and determination. Known by her stage name “Aashi,” she has carved a niche for herself, distinct from her famous father, Pankaj Tripathi. This article delves into Aashi Tripathi's life, exploring her background, family, and the journey she undertakes in her pursuit of stardom.
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Early Life and Family Background
Roots in Bihar
Aashi Tripathi was born in Belsand, near Gopalganj, Bihar. Her birth in this small town between 2007 and 2008 marked the beginning of a journey deeply rooted in a rich cultural and familial heritage. The Tripathi family, renowned in Bollywood through her father, has a storied past that adds layers of depth to Aashi's upbringing.
A Legacy of Talent
Aashi’s parents, Mridula and Pankaj Tripathi, have been instrumental in her life. Pankaj Tripathi, a celebrated actor with over sixty films and web series to his credit, has set a high bar of excellence in the film industry. Aashi’s mother, Mridula, plays a crucial role in nurturing and supporting her, choosing to stay at home and raise her. Her grandparents, Hemanti Devi and Pandit Benaras Tripathi, further enrich her background with their profound influence and support.
Personal Life and Background
Heritage and Beliefs
Belonging to the upper-caste Brahmin community, Aashi is a devoted Hindu with ancestral ties to India. Her zodiac sign, Virgo, perhaps hints at her meticulous and analytical nature, traits often associated with this sign.
Physical Attributes and Personality
Aashi Tripathi embodies a graceful composure that is evident in her appearance. Standing at 5 feet 1 inch and weighing 50 kilograms, she has a captivating presence. Her dark eyes and deep brown locks add to her natural beauty, complemented by a slender figure and an elegant demeanor.
A Unique Path in the Spotlight
Shielded from the Limelight
Unlike her peers Janhvi Kapoor, Sara Ali Khan, and Ananya Panday, Aashi maintains a relatively low profile. Her parents’ social media accounts occasionally offer glimpses into her life, hinting at her potential to become a Bollywood diva. However, she remains grounded, focusing on her education and personal growth rather than seeking immediate fame.
Educational Pursuits
Currently, Aashi is dedicated to her studies, balancing schoolwork and extracurricular activities with finesse. Her academic pursuits are a priority, reflecting her commitment to building a strong foundation for her future endeavors.
Family Ties and Relationships
A Close-Knit Family
Aashi's relationship with her family is central to her identity. The unconditional love and support from her parents have played a pivotal role in her growth. Pankaj Tripathi’s achievements in Bollywood are a source of inspiration, yet Aashi strives to create her path, driven by her dreams and ambitions.
Keeping Personal Life Private
Aashi is notably private about her personal life and relationships. This discretion allows her to navigate her journey without the pressures of public scrutiny, focusing instead on her goals and aspirations.
The Digital Footprint
Limited Social Media Presence
In an age where social media dominates, Aashi Tripathi chooses to maintain a minimal online presence. Her Instagram handle, @anjoriaa, offers a rare glimpse into her life, though she remains largely absent from the digital sphere. This conscious choice reflects her desire to lead a life away from the constant gaze of the public eye.
Parental Influence on Social Media
While Aashi’s social media presence is limited, her parents occasionally share moments from her life. Pankaj Tripathi’s pride in his daughter is evident, and his posts often celebrate her achievements and milestones, offering fans a glimpse into their close-knit family dynamics.
The Future Ahead
Aspiring to Greatness
As Aashi Tripathi continues her journey, she embodies a blend of strength, genuineness, and perseverance. Her story, from a modest upbringing in Bihar to the aspirations of stardom, is a testament to the transformative power of dedication and love. Despite the weight of familial expectations, Aashi’s inherent brilliance and unflinching determination propel her forward.
Balancing Tradition and Modernity
Navigating the complexities of her heritage and modern aspirations, Aashi is poised to make a significant impact in the entertainment sector. Her journey is not just about achieving fame but also about honoring her roots and staying true to her values.
Aashi Tripathi’s rise to fame is a compelling narrative of ambition, talent, and familial support. From her early days in Bihar to her burgeoning career in Bollywood, she remains a symbol of resilience and authenticity. As she continues to forge her path, Aashi Tripathi stands as an inspiring figure, embodying the dreams and aspirations of many young talents across India. Her journey is a reminder that with dedication, love, and unwavering determination, the stars are within reach.
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instastalkerapp · 4 months
The Digital Time: A Moral Dilemma – Attempting to Download Free InstaStalker Apps
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In a globe dominated by social media, it has become almost natural for individuals to want to know about others’ lives. Instagram, with its charming aesthetic and personal stories, often leaves us wishing we could see more into the worlds of our friends, celebrities or even total strangers. This is where free InstaStalker apps come in – tantalising tools that promise to unlock hidden depths within Instagram profiles. However as we navigate this digital landscape, there are moral questions we need to ask ourselves: do these apps tempt us or should ethical boundaries be broken?
Free InstaStalker apps have seen a surge in popularity recently due to their ability to let someone view private accounts, track activity on them and even download content without the account owner knowing. On the surface level, they seem harmless as they simply satisfy our curiosity and desire for connection. But underneath this convenience lies an intricate web of ethics.
Privacy is at the heart of all discussions surrounding free InstaStalker apps. Instagram like many other social media platforms allows users set their profile settings so only approved followers can see them. These apps go around these protective measures and let anyone who has downloaded one view private posts without consent from account holders themselves which raises important questions about digital autonomy during a time when our online selves are becoming increasingly intertwined with offline life.
Another aspect worth noting is that these same applications could also enable cyberbullying or stalking if put into wrong hands. Such software can be employed by people who wish to keep tabs on others thereby causing fear among communities existing online. Additionally anonymity provided by such programs makes it hard for culprits involved in these activities being held responsible for what they do thus aggravating problems even further.
However attractive they may still remain despite these ethical considerations however many people find themselves lured towards free instastalking applications because of their strong desire for knowledge. It is indeed difficult not to try satisfying our curiosity and looking behind the scenes of social media privacy. Nonetheless we should pause and think wider before acting on them.
Rather than invading someone’s privacy with invasive tools in order to satisfy our curiosity, we can foster empathy, respect and mindfulness within ourselves when dealing with others online. We could interact on social media platforms while keeping in mind boundaries set by individuals themselves thereby creating healthy relationships that are more meaningful even though they will be limited only up to digital space.
In conclusion, this phenomenon raises hard questions concerning privacy rights, consent issues as well ethical behaviours during digital times but still it has become a norm among people around the world especially young ones who cannot resist temptation like never before seen anywhere else throughout history so far recorded.. Therefore we must pass through such complex situations being guided by values like compassion, consideration towards others’ feelings not forgetting about honesty either way whether offline or online where instastalking apps have gained ground recently.
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recentlyheardcom · 11 months
Meta will charge European users to access some of its platforms ad-free. Photo by Kevin Dietsch/Getty ImagesMeta (META) announced today (Oct. 30) that it will charge Facebook and Instagram users in Europe a subscription fee for an ad-free experience starting in November. The subscriptions will cost €9.99 ($ 10.60) per month for web and €12.99 ($13.79) for mobile apps. Initially, one subscription will cover all accounts linked to its owner. But starting March 2024, users will have to pay an extra fee for each additional account, which will be €6 ($6.37) per month for web and €8 ($8.49) for mobile. The rollout came just days after Meta CFO Susan Li shared an update on the company’s European ad strategy. Meta said it introduced the subscriptions to comply with European Union regulations. In May, The E.U. fined Meta $1.3 billion for violating its data privacy rules by transferring user data in Europe to servers in the U.S. Following a legal battle, the E.U. effectively barred the social platform from harvesting user data across its platforms for targeted ads without user consent. To resume collecting user data, Meta said in August it would make changes to comply with Europe’s General Data Protection Regulation around consent issues. “We’ll continue to advocate for an ad-supported internet, even with our new subscription offering in the E.U., EEA [European Economic Area] and Switzerland. But we respect the spirit and purpose of these evolving European regulations, and are committed to complying with them,” Meta said. During Meta’s third-quarter earnings call last week, Bank of America analyst Justin Post asked Meta executives about the company’s potential subscription offering and GDPR compliance issue in Europe. CFO Susan Li didn’t reveal much, but said the company was working on “a consent model” for ads in Europe.Even though Meta’s new subscription plan for Europe resulted from a legal battle, entirely subscriptions-based social platforms that used to be free may be something to keep an eye on. X, formerly known as Twitter, is testing a $1 yearly fee for new users in the Philippines and New Zealand to access basic functions such as reposting, liking and replying to posts. X owner Elon Musk said this is the best way to get spam accounts and bots off the platform. In the past, Musk has floated the idea of making X a completely paywalled platform. Story continuesMeta reported an increase in ad revenue for the quarter ended September. Ad revenue rose 23 percent in the quarter from a year ago and showed strides since 2021. Li explained on the earnings call that the company is still cautious about what ad sales will look like going into the fourth quarter because of the ongoing Israel-Hamas war. Trending Observer StoriesRead the original story Meta to Charge Monthly Fees For Using Facebook and Instagram: What to Know and others by Nhari Djan at Observer.
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dilanblogs · 1 year
What services do a social media marketing agency provide?
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While there are many similarities between each social media platform, there are often significant differences. With over a billion users, Facebook is the most popular social media network, making it the focus of many campaigns. Depending on your audience, additional important networks for SMM services include Pinterest, Instagram, Google+, LinkedIn, and Snapchat.
Services being provided by a smm agency
Planning a strategy 
Any brand must have a solid social media strategy to be the top branding company. Without giving much thought to their objectives or the reasons behind selecting a particular network, many smaller brands begin using social media. By developing content strategies for brands, you can guarantee that your customers will have a well-defined strategy and a clear idea of what will work best for them. 
Account/profile creation and marking
Getting clients set up via virtual entertainment is a great method for getting them going with your web-based entertainment administrations, and afterward urge them to profit from the different administrations you bring to the table. Even though many owners of small businesses take the initiative to learn as much as they can about digital marketing and social media, it can still be a bit of a mystery to them, and that's where the role of a performance marketing agency comes into play.
Creation of content 
A lot of your customers will be looking for material they can use on social media. Some kinds of content can be used across multiple channels, but others need to be made just for social media. For instance, there are certain aspects to be met for pictures of various organizations, rules, and best practices to be considered. Furthermore, there are different sorts of text designs to choose from. 
Publishing content 
Your clients can greatly benefit from your assistance in scheduling their content. Many small businesses have trouble finding the time to post content, especially across multiple channels. When dealing with an international audience, finding the ideal posting time can be challenging. Although scheduling content isn't the most difficult job, it really makes life easier for your customers. Refining your content flow with a social media marketing agency can be immensely beneficial. 
Exploration and investigation
Offering exploration and an important understanding of your client's brands is critical to acquiring their business. They want to know first and foremost about their customers and audience: their behavior, interests, and identity. Furthermore, you need to incorporate a far-reaching look at the contenders, and what and how they are doing via online entertainment. This will assist your clients in recognizing their assets and shortcomings, which they can apply to their own systems. 
Education and consulting 
Many business owners may not be familiar with social media. Even though they might use it in their personal lives, using it for marketing is very different. Offer services that can help clients navigate the complex world of SMM services as an independent consultant or agency.
Your administration can incorporate teaching your clients the best way to behave via web-based entertainment. When speaking to their audience as a brand on various networks, many individuals must acquire the appropriate language.
Management of campaigns and communities 
You should think about how your agency can become an extension of your clients' marketing departments. One of the services you can provide to them to help them get the most out of their social media strategy is real-time campaign management.
Before you consider what kind of web-based entertainment benefits your organization could offer, it merits thinking about which virtual entertainment channels merit your time. You really want to realize which destinations and applications drive traffic, as well as which are generally popular with your clients or expected clients. For a top branding company, it is important to give their personal best and be consistent at that level.
Company Name: Webtraffic Agency URL: https://webtraffic.agency/ tel: +91 7977039305 Address: Powai office : 3rd Floor Prudential Building, Prudential IT Park, Central Ave, Powai, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400076
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iweb-data-scraping · 2 years
How to Extract Instagram photos, posts, and comments?
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Extract Instagram data with our unauthorized Instagram data scraping API to scrape Instagram hashtags, profile data, locations, comments, photos, and likes.
The official Instagram API helps you programmatically use your posts and comments on Instagram. Though, the Instagram API doesn’t help you get the listing of posts done by people, photos, and comments on posts or find the listing of posts with any particular hashtags.
You’ll have to utilize our Instagram Data Scraper to scrape all this information. Our data scraper will help you download all the public data using Instagram, like:
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Is it allowed to extract Instagram data?
Scraping publicly accessible data is legal; however, you have to be careful not to scrape content protected by copyrights or personal information. Therefore, after extracting Instagram, double-check outputs for data that would go against CCPA, GDPR, or might be considered rational property.
Want to extract Instagram hashtags, profiles, posts, or comments?
Use our quick and easy dedicated data scrapers to extract detailed Instagram data. The Instagram data scrapers have fewer settings for changing and will provide you with fast and clean results.
Just enter Instagram URLs or usernames and click to extract.
Where to get data?
The easiest way of searching and accessing content on Instagram is through using mobile apps or websites:
Publicly data accessible without login
Our data scrapers don’t support Instagram logging; therefore, there are a few limits to what you can or can’t extract.
If you are checking a website in the incognito window, you’ll understand that there are a few features you can use freely and a few that are either blocked or need a login. Here, you will find it without any login:
1. Search
You may search for hashtags, places, and profiles; Instagram will give you the top 100 posts.
There is also a good internal API endpoint that can be utilized to get results in the JSON format:
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The parameter of the context query works as a filter, which can have a location, hashtag, or user. The only restriction is that the endpoint returns only 100 results. In case you want more, you have to enter more detailed filters.
2. Posts from Locations, Profiles, or Hashtags
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Our trials haven’t found the limit about how many posts could be loaded with infinite scroll. There is probably one; however, even up to a thousand posts were loaded during the testing.
3. Comments on the posts
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We are clicking on a button that fires the XHR request to the GraphQL endpoint. Also, we can automate it with Puppeteer’s page.click() function and scrape the content of comments from a web page.
Data is accessible only after doing log in
Unfortunately, some content is only accessible after logging in using the Instagram account, for instance:
People, any user who follows
Although it would become possible to auto-log into Instagram to access data, the approach is dangerous as it may result in banning your Instagram account. Sure, you can make fake Instagram accounts and use them, but it’s beyond this blog’s space and against Instagram’s terms and conditions. We don’t suggest that you perform this; no scrapers will support it.
Using an iWeb Data Scraping actor for data scraping
Our Instagram Data Scraper is the leading actor in iWeb Data Scraping Store. iWeb Data Scraping actors are cloud-based programs that accept input, do their jobs, and produce some outputs. They could be run physically in an app using the scheduler or API.
This actor is written with Node.js and uses iWeb Data Scraping SDK. With input, it takes Instagram queries or listings of direct profile URLs, then searches queries and extracts posts, page details, or comments from results and straight URLs. All resulting data gets stored in a well-structured form in the dataset, where you can download that in formats like XML, Excel, JSON, CSV, etc.
Before getting started to scrape Instagram data, consider that we don’t consider extracting a massive amount of personal data ethical and depress anybody from doing that.
How to extract Instagram using Instagram Scraper?
Therefore, do you wish to utilize our Instagram data Scraper to scrape data from Instagram? Our step-by-step will help you start within a few minutes.
1. Go to iWeb Data Scraping Store for Instagram Scraper
Whenever you are on an actor’s page, click the Strat-Free-Trial button.
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2. Insert the URLs or search query in the Input field
Fill in input fields like Instagram URLs you need to extract or what data you need to scrape.
You can add numerous URLs by clicking the +Add button.
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3. Run a scraper to gather your data
Once all are set, click on the Start button.
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4. Download data
Move to the Storage or Dataset tab for the results of scraping. This tab has your data in versatile formats like JSON, CSV, HTML table, RSS feed, Excel, and XML.
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And that’s it!
If you want to scrape Instagram data at scale or enjoy end-to-end services, you can ask for a custom solution.
Know more : https://www.iwebdatascraping.com/how-to-extract-instagram-photos-posts-and-comments.php
0 notes
iwebdatascrape · 2 years
How to Extract Instagram photos, posts, and comments?
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Extract Instagram data with our unauthorized Instagram data scraping API to scrape Instagram hashtags, profile data, locations, comments, photos, and likes.
The official Instagram API helps you programmatically use your posts and comments on Instagram. Though, the Instagram API doesn't help you get the listing of posts done by people, photos, and comments on posts or find the listing of posts with any particular hashtags.
You'll have to utilize our Instagram Data Scraper to scrape all this information. Our data scraper will help you download all the public data using Instagram, like:
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Is it allowed to extract Instagram data?
Scraping publicly accessible data is legal; however, you have to be careful not to scrape content protected by copyrights or personal information. Therefore, after extracting Instagram, double-check outputs for data that would go against CCPA, GDPR, or might be considered rational property.
Want to extract Instagram hashtags, profiles, posts, or comments?
Use our quick and easy dedicated data scrapers to extract detailed Instagram data. The Instagram data scrapers have fewer settings for changing and will provide you with fast and clean results.
Just enter Instagram URLs or usernames and click to extract.
Where to get data?
The easiest way of searching and accessing content on Instagram is through using mobile apps or websites:
Publicly data accessible without login
Our data scrapers don't support Instagram logging; therefore, there are a few limits to what you can or can't extract.
If you are checking a website in the incognito window, you'll understand that there are a few features you can use freely and a few that are either blocked or need a login. Here, you will find it without any login:
1. Search
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The parameter of the context query works as a filter, which can have a location, hashtag, or user. The only restriction is that the endpoint returns only 100 results. In case you want more, you have to enter more detailed filters.
2. Posts from Locations, Profiles, or Hashtags
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Our trials haven't found the limit about how many posts could be loaded with infinite scroll. There is probably one; however, even up to a thousand posts were loaded during the testing.
3. Comments on the posts
We are clicking on a button that fires the XHR request to the GraphQL endpoint. Also, we can automate it with Puppeteer's page.click() function and scrape the content of comments from a web page.
Data is accessible only after doing log in
Unfortunately, some content is only accessible after logging in using the Instagram account, for instance:
People, any user who follows
Although it would become possible to auto-log into Instagram to access data, the approach is dangerous as it may result in banning your Instagram account. Sure, you can make fake Instagram accounts and use them, but it's beyond this blog's space and against Instagram's terms and conditions. We don't suggest that you perform this; no scrapers will support it.
Using an iWeb Data Scraping actor for data scraping
Our Instagram Data Scraper is the leading actor in iWeb Data Scraping Store. iWeb Data Scraping actors are cloud-based programs that accept input, do their jobs, and produce some outputs. They could be run physically in an app using the scheduler or API.
This actor is written with Node.js and uses iWeb Data Scraping SDK. With input, it takes Instagram queries or listings of direct profile URLs, then searches queries and extracts posts, page details, or comments from results and straight URLs. All resulting data gets stored in a well-structured form in the dataset, where you can download that in formats like XML, Excel, JSON, CSV, etc.
Before getting started to scrape Instagram data, consider that we don't consider extracting a massive amount of personal data ethical and depress anybody from doing that.
How to extract Instagram using Instagram Scraper?
Therefore, do you wish to utilize our Instagram data Scraper to scrape data from Instagram? Our step-by-step will help you start within a few minutes.
1. Go to iWeb Data Scraping Store for Instagram Scraper
Whenever you are on an actor's page, click the Strat-Free-Trial button.
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2. Insert the URLs or search query in the Input field
Fill in input fields like Instagram URLs you need to extract or what data you need to scrape.
You can add numerous URLs by clicking the +Add button.
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3. Run a scraper to gather your data
Once all are set, click on the Start button.
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4. Download data
Move to the Storage or Dataset tab for the results of scraping. This tab has your data in versatile formats like JSON, CSV, HTML table, RSS feed, Excel, and XML.
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And that's it!
If you want to scrape Instagram data at scale or enjoy end-to-end services, you can ask for a custom solution.
know more : https://www.iwebdatascraping.com/how-to-extract-instagram-photos-posts-and-comments.php
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