#-yummy looking. like i just wanna chew on it. is this normal
steakout-05 · 5 months
ok does anyone else think the hair in splatoon looks super chewy and yummy or is it just my 'tism. like. real seafood looks great and all but splatoon hair??? that shit looks scrumptious. if i met an inkling or an octoling irl i think the first thing i'd do is immediately try to eat their hair because holy shit it looks so CHEWY!!! they will be BALD because i EATED ALL THEIR HAIR!!!
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mysteryshoptls · 2 years
SR Floyd Leech Apprentice Chef Personal Story: Part 2
"Master Chef"
(Part 1) Part 2
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Master Chef - Floyd Version ~Let's Make Pescatore Bianco 2~
Floyd: Heat olive oil and garlic in the frying pan, and when they become fragrant, add the other ingredients.
Floyd: Quickly sauté everything, then add the white wine and let it steam under the lid.
Ghost Chef: I had prepped some extra ingredients just in case, but it looks like you don't need them at all.
Ghost Chef: Can you put the food you didn't use back into the refrigerator?
Floyd: 'Kaaay~
[opens fridge]
Floyd: Ah, there's a ton of veggies in this fridge. Oooh, they're all super colorful.
Floyd: I see fruit tomatoes, eggplants, yellow zucchini and… what's this huge coral lookin' thing~?
Ghost Chef: That's called a romanesco, which is a type of cauliflower.
Floyd: Oh, so it doesn't need any special prep or nothing, huh. I'll throw this in too.
Ghost Chef: Shoot! I answered on autopilot! You're just going to use an ingredient you're seeing for the first time like that with no hesitation!?
Floyd: Well, 'cause, if it was something with a specific taste or texture, you woulda started with that.
Floyd: You coulda said "that's real bitter," or "that's super hard to chew." Eh, I mean, I guess I'm not the type to say anything either, so.
Floyd: All you said was that it's "a type of cauliflower," so…
Floyd: That just means it'll basically have the same taste and texture of a cauliflower, right? Am I wrong?
Ghost Chef: Th-That's right, but…
Floyd: Right? If it's like a cauliflower, it should absorb the seafood extract to make it even more yummy.
Floyd: The flavor of that chicken I added earlier should also get a nice flavor to it. Mm, but I kinda wanna add one more thing.
Floyd: Ah. That's right, I saw some fruit tomatoes earlier. I'll get some added sweetness from that, and I'll also throw in the eggplant and zucchini…
Ghost Chef: Aaah, Floyd-kun! Don't just start adding random ingredients again… No, wait a moment.
Ghost Chef: With only my one response, he's completely grasped the nature of ingredients he's unfamiliar with and figured out how to make them compatible with his dish.
Ghost Chef: Floyd-kun's potential is greater than I could possibly imagine. If I let him do his own thing, maybe he'll come up with something incredible…!?
Floyd: Dum-de-duuum ♪ I got shrimp, squid, and octopus; chicken and veggies~It's gonna taste so good~♪
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Floyd: The Pescatore Bianco's done~♪ Whaddya think? Looks good and colorful, yeah?
Ghost Chef: Yes, yes, it's fantastic! You even thought about how to plate it and made a good choice to leave out the shrimp heads!
Floyd: Wow, that's some high praise… You were complaining so annoyingly earlier, what's with the change of heart all of a sudden?
Ghost Chef: Fufu… As I watched you arrange your dish, my chef's inquisitive nature was piqued.
Ghost Chef: But, this volume of food… Isn't there double the normal portion here?
Floyd: Since the pasta's the most filling, there's still only a single portion of that in the dish, so I'm pretty sure anyone can finish the whole thing, no problem.
Floyd: Mmkay, so time to bring the food out.
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[Cafeteria – Judging Venue]
Jade: I wonder if the dish has been completed. It is beginning to smell quite delectable… Oh, hello, Floyd.
Floyd: What, Jade's my judge? Cool, I guess coincidences do happen sometimes.
Jade: I suppose so. I am a little shocked, myself.
Floyd: Mmkay… Here's the dish you ordered. Please enjoy~
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Jade: Oh my, my… There is much more in this Pescatore Bianco than any I've ever seen.
Jade: You've used not only seafood, but also chicken and vegetables. It looks quite nutritious and hearty.
Jade: I suppose we could say it is made in "Floyd's Whimsical Style"...
Floyd: Whatever, why don'tcha just eat it already?
Jade: Actually, I've just come from flight classes, so I am absolutely famished… I'll dig in without further ado.
[bite, chew, chew, chew…]
Jade: The seafood and chicken don't overpower the other at all in a good balance of flavors.
Jade: The vegetables not only are a colorful addition to the plate, but are also well seasoned.
Jade: Yes… This is a rather delicious Pescatore Bianco.
Floyd: Seeee~ I told you it'd be a proper Pescatore Bianco, huuh?
Ghost Chef: N-No, we cannot say for certain! This could just be favoritism from a family member, so we should have a more extensive evaluation…
Jade: I was quite hungry, so it went went down so quickly.
Ghost Chef: Floyd-kun, why're you sporting such a huge identical grin as him…!?
Ghost Chef: …I can see from the look on your faces just how good it actually tastes.
Ghost Chef: Wait a minute, were you thinking about how you wanted the final dish to taste and planned out all the ingredients accordingly!?
Floyd: Planned? Why would I go through something that annoying each time I cook?
Floyd: If you eat three meals a day, you should pretty much figure everything out. Stuff like, "if I put these in the same dish, they'll go good together," or "if I put this in, it'll ruin the flavor,"
Ghost Chef: Is that so… You're already at that level of proficiency, I see. Marvelous! That's simply marvelous, Floyd-kun…!
Ghost Chef: That sense of yours is a talent that would be hard to find for most chefs. It really is quite impressive!
Ghost Chef: Let's try to develop that talent even further throughout this session of Master Chef!
Floyd: Hmm~ At the Mostro Lounge, they're so annoying with all that talk of cost or whatever, and doesn't look like that'd be a thing here…
Floyd: Maybe it won't suck takin' this class for a little while longer. Ahah ♪
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(Part 1) Part 2
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officialscaramouche · 3 years
coping mechanisms
pairing: Chongyun x Xingqiu
summary: Chongyun musters up the courage to confess to Xingqiu, but it doesn’t go as planned
word count: 3,343
warnings: angst that fluffs at the end
notes: i woke up wanting to make chongyun cry so here u go
Chongyun closed the door by leaning back on it, kicking his shoes off haphazardly with a sigh. “I’m home,” he said quietly. If his little cousins hadn’t been waiting for him, the rest of the family wouldn’t have known he came back.
“Big brother!” They screamed as they jumped into his arms. “Play with us! Play with us!”
Chongyun grunted when he caught the two, exhausted mentally and physically from the day. “I’m sorry, guys. Maybe later, I want to lay down for a bit.”
“Awww no fair!” They frowned when he put them down.
“Now, now,” Chongyun’s mom walked the corner slapping her palm with a wooden spoon. “Give him some space. He’ll play with you two later.”
The kids run off laughing to continue whatever they were doing and Chongyun’s mom walks up to bring her son into a tight embrace. “Well? How was your date?”
Chongyun sighs into her shoulder, her immediately picking up something was wrong. “What happened? Did something go wrong?”
Chongyun pulled back and began walking upstairs to his room. “I don’t wanna talk about it,”
Her eyes follow his movements as he disappears upstairs. “Chongyun, you know I don’t like when you bottle things up,” she calls out, waiting for him to respond. “It makes it more difficult for you to perform exorcisms!”
Chongyun balls his fists in frustration, throwing his bedroom door open. “I’m fine!!” He yells back, slamming the door closed once he was inside. He throws himself onto his bed, the mattress bouncing for a bit as he listened to his family talk about him downstairs.
“That boy,” his mom breathes. “He’s got some temper, you know.”
“I know, honey,” his dad replies. “Just give him space. I’m sure he has his own coping mechanisms. He’ll be fine.”
Chongyun smothered himself beneath his pillow. Normally he would be fine. But this wasn’t some failed exorcism or messing up during practice. He peeked from under his pillow up at a picture on his wall. It was taken after he and Xingqiu had come back from a haunted house-- to which Chongyun believed was a genuine haunting. Xingqiu wore a silly costume pretending to be a zombie and he stood next to Chongyun with his mouth hanging open as if to bite the exorcist’s neck.
“Why am I so stupid!” Chongyun hissed, kicking his legs and thrashing about. Xingqiu was the most important person in his life. He couldn’t imagine living without him. That’s why he used today to make sure Xingqiu had a wonderful, memorable day.
Recalling the day’s events, Chongyun began by picking him up at his house. Xingqiu looked dolled up as usual. “Hi Chonggie,” he smiled with a wink. “You said you had a surprise for me?”
Chongyun blushed, now feeling like his gift was a little dumb. “Yeah,” he nodded, pulling out a small piece of paper from his pocket. “Although I guess you wouldn’t really need it.”
Xingqiu took the paper and read it quickly, a toothy smile spreading across his lips. “A coupon to Wanwen! Thank you Chonggie!!”
The scholar grabbed the exorcist's hand and dragged him off. “W-Wait, I have a schedule for us—”
Xingqiu looked back at Chongyun as they hurried down the bustling streets. “But now we gotta go to Wanwen!”
“O-Okay, you’re the boss…”
Chongyun stood there pouting as Xingqiu took his time going through all the books on the shelves. ‘We’ve been here for an hour,’ Chongyun thinks. ‘We’re supposed to be flying kites right now…’
Xingqiu clutched a book tightly to his chest. “Chongyun, I’ve been waiting forever for this book! I gotta tell you all about it!”
Chongyun couldn’t help but feel his frustration dissipate when he saw the sparkle in Xingqiu’s eyes. He had forgotten that today was supposed to make Xingqiu happy, not to follow a schedule. Xingqiu grabbed Chongyun’s hand and led him to the counter. “Yes, I look forward to hearing it.”
After the bookstore, Xingqiu wanted a nice quiet place to read and sip tea so they sat at a nice secluded area and had tea for an hour. Then, he wanted to walk along the port so they walked and talked for an hour. Then, he wanted to go shopping, so Xingqiu spent another hour bartering with the vendors and buying things he wanted.
Chongyun was getting more and more anxious the closer the sun got to the horizon. Xingqiu could tell because Chongyun grew quieter and dozed off more frequently. “Chongyun!” Xingqiu said suddenly, extending his hand out. The exorcist snapped back to reality and reached out to catch whatever was in the other boy’s hand. He dropped a bright colored sphere. “Candy! We just got some imported from Fontaine. Try it!”
Chongyun delicately unwrapped the sweet and popped it into his mouth. His eyes lit up from the flavor. “It’s yummy!” He exclaimed, chewing on it. “When will it be on the market? I’ll buy some.”
Xingqiu put his finger to his lips in thought. “I don’t know yet. Dad wanted me to go back before sundown so that I could be there to listen.”
“Oh,” Chongyun sighed, looking back at the pink and orange sky. “Then we should go back now.”
The walk back was quiet and awkward, which was unusual for the two. Xingqiu couldn't stand the tension, but he didn’t want to pry it out of Chongyun either. If he wanted to talk about it he would.
Xu greeted the boys with a polite bow as they ascended the stairs. “I had fun today, Chonggie!” Xingqiu stretched with a yawn. “I’ll see you tomorrow—”
“Wait!” Chongyun interrupted, looking away shyly. “There’s something I want to ask you…”
Xingqiu held his hands behind his back nicely. “Okay, what is it?”
The boy was quiet for a bit, looking away nervously and fiddling with his fingers. “Xingqiu, I…you’re my best friend in the whole world. I wouldn’t want to ruin what we have.” Xingqiu stood expectantly, a bead of sweat rolling down his temple. “I…I have been spending every night thinking about this and…and what I’m trying to ask is— is, will you be my boyf—”
Xingqiu looked away and scratched at his cheek. “Don’t be silly, Chonggie.” He chuckled. “We’re just friends, that’s all.” Xingqiu looked over Chongyun’s shoulder and at Xu who looked uninterested, yet uncomfortable with the situation. Chongyun’s shoulders trembled with hurt, his lips quivering uncontrollably and tears welling up along his lash line. “I’m sorry, I really must get inside now. I’ll see you later!”
And now, that evening Chongyun sat at the edge of his bed, a tear-stained picture in hand and ripped it half.
The next morning, Chongyun got up extra early to catch his dad and other relatives in the early morning prayer. He sat down next to his father, his hands on his knees with his palms facing up and hummed.
“Good morning, Little Chongyun. It’s good to finally have you in prayer.” His dad nudged him with his elbow playfully and smiled. “Feeling better?”
Chongyun furrowed his brow. “Prayer is supposed to be silent, I thought.”
His dad sighed and kissed his son’s cheek. “You’re right. Let’s pray.”
Chongyun threw himself into his exorcism practice. He spent many more hours than he usually did, even sat down and studied seriously for once. Days had gone by since he had left his house. Days had gone by since he had seen Xingqiu.
Chongyun sat in the pavilion in the backyard praying when his dad walked into the kitchen and snaked his arms around his wife’s waist. “I’m worried about him,” she whines. “He’s still only sixteen. He needs to be outside playing.”
“He’s doing this of his own volition,” his dad muttered into her shoulder. “It’s his way of dealing with what he’s got going on.”
“Overexerting himself isn’t going to make his problems go away!” She pushed her husband off and swiped a glass from the cupboard, filling it with water from the tap. “I’m going to tell him to rest—”
The door knocked with a visitor, Chongyun’s parents sharing a knowing glance. “I’ll give him the water,” his dad said. “And I’ll tell him to take a bath too.”
His mom untied the apron from around her waist and hung it on the hook, walking over to the door knowing who it was. “Good afternoon, Little Xingqiu,” she smiled.
“Hello, ma’am, is Chongyun able to come out today?” The boy stood so cutely, she thought. He poked at his fingers and smiled so sweetly. But she could see the nervousness in his eyes and the way he clenched and unclenched his jaw.
She sighed, hating lying to him. “I’m sorry, honey. His dad has him sweeping the backyard today.”
“Oh, okay.” He said simply with a hint of disappointment. “Thank you for your time ma’am,” he finalized and turned to walk away.
“You know,” she said, making him stop in his tracks to look back. “You don’t have to come everyday…he’ll show up when he can.”
Xingqiu peeked behind Chongyun’s mom’s waist and saw him walking in from outside, his little cousins following him behind. He was jealous of how close Chongyun was with his family, even if they had to live so uncomfortably close together. “I know,” he grinned again, hiding the hurt in his face. “I just…want to come to him, for once. I’ll come back tomorrow, good bye.”
Chongyun closed his eyes and prayed over his food, thanking Rex Lapis for giving him and his family life and providing food for the city to enjoy. But when he opened his eyes, half of his plate was missing and his cousin’s plate miraculously grew more full. He smiled and ruffled his cousin’s hair. “Where did my food go?” He asked sarcastically.
“Here, honey,” his mom came from behind and shoveled more of the chicken onto his plate. “You need to eat a lot if you’re going to keep working so hard.”
“Thanks mom,” he said, giving her his cheek for her to kiss.
“Are you and your friend doing okay?” She asked suddenly. Chongyun froze at the question, his dad giving her a questioning look. “Normally it’s hard to keep you home, but you’ve been home all week.”
“We’re fine,” Chongyun mumbled into his food, shoving his chopsticks into his mouth.
“He came by yesterday!” His cousin calls out. Chongyun coughs, hitting his chest to keep the food from choking him.
“Yeah!” His other cousin confirms. “And the day before that!”
“And the day before that!”
“And the day before—”
His mom comes up and scoops the little kid from the chair. “Okay, that’s enough.” Chongyun chugs his water down trying to help the food go down. “Are you okay, honey? Do you need more water?”
Chongyun grips at his chest and waves his hand frantically. “No— no, I’m okay. Did…he say anything?”
His mom holds his little cousin on her hip and starts spoon feeding him there. “He always asks the same thing: is Chongyun able to come out today?” She said pretending to be him. “I don’t want to get between the two of you so I said your dad had you doing work.”
The boy was quiet, staring at his food. “Maybe you should open the door tomorrow,” his dad chimes in.
“Yeah!” His mom agrees. “That’s a great idea! He comes around two. I’ll let you know when he’s here.”
Chongyun stood quietly, pushing his chair in and picking up his plate. “I’m not hungry anymore. I’ll be in my room.”
Chongyun hung his arm off the side of the bed, staring out the window to watch the pink and orange sky turn black. He swung his hand around, his fingers hitting the rim of his trash can. He peeked over and saw the torn picture he had thrown away. He felt bad now that he looked at the picture ripped in half. He had separated them in the picture and also in real life.
He had no idea that Xingqiu had been coming over. If he had known the first time, he probably would’ve fallen all over himself to get to the door. He’d been making Xingqiu come by everyday. Taking that walk by himself only to be turned away every single time.
He took the halves of the picture and squeezed them together. He pinned them back on the wall where they were but it would never be the same again. Instead of having a perfect, flawless picture of a happy day, he’s now reminded of his mistakes and how he was to blame for their ruined friendship.
When he woke the next day he felt ill. His head was pounding, he was drenched in sweat, and his stomach was doing flips. His mom switched out the towel on his forehead and put a newly washed rag instead. “My poor baby, it’s because you’ve been working too much.”
Chongyun groaned through the pain and winced when his mother touched his face. “If I can’t do these simple things, then how can I call myself an exorcist?”
She rolled her eyes. “Do you think I became an exorcist overnight? No! Your father and I were just like you and Little Xingqiu. We always snuck off to be together. But look at us now, we carry the family on our backs. You’ll get there, sweetie. Enjoy this time as a teenager.”
Chongyun pulled the blanket over his head. “Mom, I messed up.”
“What’s wrong honey, what happened? Did you two fight?”
“No…I told him how I felt about him. And I asked him out…but he told me we were just friends…” Chongyun sucked in a breath. “I messed up…how am I supposed to hang out with him now? He makes my heart beat so hard, but I don’t do the same for him…”
His mom pulled the blanket down a little to see his eyes. “Chongyun there’s more to life than that. Life is about making memories and going on adventures. But even so, if he didn’t care about you as much as he does, he wouldn’t come over looking for you and acting so pathetic when you’re busy. I think there’s more to it than you think. Ask him about it today.”
Chongyun didn’t get out of bed the whole morning. He drifted in and out of sleep, trying to quell his illness. But he woke once more when he heard soft knocks from downstairs. He heard his mom greet their guest cheerfully and say, “he pushed himself too hard so he’s upstairs resting. Go and wake him up, he hasn’t eaten lunch yet.”
He waited anxiously as the footsteps climbed the stairs, came down the hall, and stopped at his door. It was quiet, and time went by so slow before there were knocks at his door. “…Chongyun? Can I come in?”
Chongyun mustered all of his strength and sat up. “…Come in.”
Xingqiu pushed the door open slowly, peeking his head inside before coming in. Chongyun was still in his pajamas and his hair was all askew from being in bed all day. “Pfft,” Xingqiu shot a hand to his mouth to cover the laugh breaking through his lips. “It smells in here, have you even showered yet?”
Chongyun flushed red and turned his head to the side. “No. Sorry if it’s offensive.”
Xingqiu dropped his smile in guilt. His heart ached remembering how Chongyun looked everywhere but at him during his confession. But the last time he remembered the direct eye contact was when he picked him up that morning. He cursed himself for not being able to remember what they looked like. Blue…like his hair? No, lighter than that…right?
He laid in bed reminiscing on the feel of Chongyun’s rough, calloused hands in his. The way he was so delicate and particular with his fingers, picking up the candy as if it would break if he squeezed too hard. The way he blushed so easily and stuttered when he was embarrassed.
“No,” he said barely over a whisper. “I was just…teasing.” He padded over and sat in front of the exorcist who stared out the window. “I heard you’d been working a lot,” he said, trying to break the silence. Normally he had a lot to tell Chongyun, but now he struggled to even find his voice.
“Yes,” he responded, still with a hint of tenderness despite the anguish. “I spent a lot of time neglecting my duties. But with all this newfound free time, I might as well be productive.”
“I missed you,” Xingqiu said quickly, as if panicking. Chongyun looked at the scholar from the corner of his eye, making him flinch under the sudden gaze. “I’ve…thought a lot about what you said.”
Chongyun exhaled deeply and looked back out the window. “It’s fine,” he said curtly. “You don’t have to sugarcoat it. I understand.”
Xingqiu scratched the back of his neck, looking at the crooked picture with a prominent tear down the middle hanging on the wall. That was such a fun night, he thought. Remembering how he ran to Chongyun at the port when he saw that annoyingly pretty, blonde traveler talking to him. Chongyun was so cute, saying that he wanted to come too, but Xingqiu told him that only two people were allowed at a time. It wasn’t true, but why did he say that? He eyed the traveler up and down, his long and beautiful hair braided so elegantly, his crop cut shirt that exposed soft skin. It made him irritated that he thought he could come. But seeing the tear in the middle, perhaps…he should’ve let them go together. Maybe then Chongyun would’ve confessed to him instead. Maybe he would’ve said yes, and instead of Chongyun lying here wallowing in pain, it would’ve been himself. Alone in his room, without a friend, without love…
“Chongyun, I wish I was born into your family.”
Chongyun laid back down, pulling the blanket up to his chest. “Yeah. Then we’d be together without me falling in love with you.”
Xingqiu blushed, his fingers wrapping around his ankles nervously. “No,” he bit, a little aggravated. “Because your family loves you for who you are. Not what you can do for them…” Chongyun peeked at the boy at the end of his bed from over the covers. “They…encourage you to be yourself. Even if they don’t understand. But my dad…he’d disown me for loving another man…but I— I’ve missed you so much.” Xingqiu wiped at his eyes, the tears proving difficult to hold back. “I laid in bed every night thinking about you. Thinking about what we’d be doing at that moment if I hadn’t been an ass.” The boy sniffed. “Maybe we’d be at our usual hangout spot, looking at the stars. Maybe we’d be at the pond fishing. Maybe we’d be exploring somewhere outside of the harbor. Maybe you’d have been there laying with me, holding me and kissing me and loving me.”
Chongyun sat up once more and listened as Xingqiu spoke. “Maybe,” Xingqiu continued. “I wouldn’t wander the harbor alone and sad because you’d be with me. You make me happy, you make me feel pretty, you give my boring, redundant life meaning.”
“Xingqiu,” Chongyun reached forward to cup the boy’s cheek.
“No!” Xingqiu swatted his hand away. “I don’t care what my dad says! It’s my life, not his!” Xingqiu grabbed Chongyun’s hand and cradled it between both of his. He looked Chongyun in the eyes, tears streaming down his reddened face. “Be my boyfriend!!”
It was more of a demand than a question. There was hardly a demand of his that Chongyun denied, but he still feared that he was going to say no. “Okay,” he said plainly with a wide, goofy grin.
Xingqiu wailed, jumping into Chongyun’s arms. He sobbed into the shirt, wiping his snot into the boy’s chest. “Don’t leave me again! I’ll kill you!”
Chongyun snuggled up to his boyfriend and giggled. “You’re the boss,” he smiled.
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osakaso5 · 4 years
IDOLiSH7 5th Anniversary Special Story: Opening Doors...
Chapter 6: A Day Of Celebration
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5
Yamato Nikaido: Mm! It's so tender!
Haruka Isumi: It's so sweet and yummy!
Tenn Kujo: Now this is a flavor that'll wake you up in the morning.
Fisher: Thank you! Have some more!
Haruka Isumi: Chow time!
Iori Izumi: Does everyone around here eat the Dancing Lobster?
Fisher: We love it here! You only get to eat it once a year, so everyone has some when it's available!
Yamato Nikaido: It really is like an idol, then.
Fisher: Haha, at least around these parts. City folk and young people don't much know about it.
Haruka Isumi: It'd be selfish to keep this all to ourselves, then.
Fisher: Shellfish? You want to eat shellfish next?
Tenn Kujo: Hehe, he said "selfish". In other words, we should help make it popular.
Tenn Kujo: Just like lots of ordinary people helped us become popular.
Fisher: My whole family loves you boys! Both IDOLiSH7 and TRIGGER!
Haruka Isumi: What about ŹOOĻ?
Fisher: We love you too, of course!
Haruka Isumi: Ahaha! Do you really!?
Yamato Nikaido: It's weird. Before our meeting the other day, I didn't even know the name of this place.
Yamato Nikaido: Finding out about a place this nice makes you wanna tell more people about it.
Iori Izumi: Right. It makes you want to share.
Yamato Nikaido: Share?
Iori Izumi: Yes. This moment and this excitement.
Iori Izumi: All the great things that fill your heart, whether they're delicious or beautiful...
Iori Izumi: I'm sure wanting to share them with someone is something we can all relate to.
Tenn Kujo: I think I get what you mean. That's also why we don't sing alone.
Tenn Kujo: You don't want to keep amazing experiences and emotions to yourself.
Tenn Kujo: You want other people to know. And telling people how delicious this harbour's Dancing Lobster was is a part of that, too.
Fisher: Or that famous idols came to eat here.
Tenn Kujo: Hehe, that's right. People want to bond over things that make them happy.
Yamato Nikaido: I think we do bond over it. Our members... And even the fans who aren't with us on stage.
Haruka Isumi: ......... Even when things go bad, and you're all separated?
Iori Izumi: Of course.
Iori Izumi: Because even in a blinding darkness, their hearts are with us. 
- - - -
Tamaki Yotsuba: This egg rice is so yummy~!
Toma Inumaru: So are the boiled eggs!
Ryunosuke Tsunashi: The omelette's great, too! These eggs are really something! No wonder they're called "Dearest Eggs"!
Mitsuki Izumi: Yeah, seriously! Not only do they taste good, the colors are also nice and the yolk is soft. No wonder they're popular!
Poultry Farmer: Thank you!
Mitsuki Izumi: What's the secret to their flavor?
Poultry Farmer: Well... Just like you sang a song for the chickens...
Poultry Farmer: We take the time to give them lots of love.
Poultry Farmer: It naturally makes them into the kinds of tasty eggs everyone will love.
Toma Inumaru: You mean something that gets love will turn even more lovable?
Poultry Farmer: That's right. Hehe... Though I'm embarrassed to say that.
Mitsuki Izumi: Ahaha! Don't be! I think it's really nice.
Mitsuki Izumi: If we idols do our best to sing with lots of love...
Mitsuki Izumi: And that makes our fans get more love too, then that makes us happy!
Ryunosuke Tsunashi: Yeah, really happy. It's fun... and I'm sure it works both ways.
Tamaki Yotsuba: Both ways?
Ryunosuke Tsunashi: At first, being around two guys as amazing as Gaku and Tenn made me shrink back...
Ryunosuke Tsunashi: But being loved by my fans, my teammates, and agency gave me a lot of self-confidence.
Ryunosuke Tsunashi: It's great to be loved. It's great when people care about you. It gives you strength beyond what you could achieve by yourself.
Tamaki Yotsuba: I get what you mean. I used to be kinda like a regular egg.
Tamaki Yotsuba: A regular, tall egg that could kinda dance and had a bad attitude. And that was always late and forgetting stuff.
Mitsuki Izumi: Ahaha! You sure were.
Mitsuki Izumi: But you've changed, Tamaki.
Tamaki Yotsuba: Haha... Yeah. I guess that's what happens when people care about you. And your friends tell you you did a good job.
Tamaki Yotsuba: You grow really tall, just like that.  And you become a super yummy egg. It's so weird.
Toma Inumaru: Sure is... But it makes you wanna care for people, too. Like your teammates and friends.
Toma Inumaru: So they won't hate you ever again, and so you can keep moving on.
Toma Inumaru: Because you're loved and cared for, you know you'll be fine no matter what.
Toma Inumaru: At least, that's what I'd like to think.
Mitsuki Izumi: ...Right...
Tamaki Yotsuba: Ahaha! Mikki, you sound like you're gonna cry!
Mitsuki Izumi: Shut up! You know I'm weak to this kinda stuff!
Ryunosuke Tsunashi: Ahaha! ...I feel you...
Toma Inumaru: Not you too, Tsunashi-san...
Poultry Farmer: Thank you, boys. That was moving beyond words, and...
Poultry Farmer: I hope you'll continue to be loved like our eggs, as the idol world's Dearest Idols.
Mitsuki Izumi: ...Mister, you went and said the coolest thing out of all of us!
Tamaki Yotsuba: Misteeer!
Poultry Farmer: Hehe... 
- - - -
Nagi Rokuya: OH! Our radiant rice is delicious!
Momo: It sure is the Radiant 16! Each grain has a different texture, so just chewing on them is fun!
Torao Mido: And it feels healthy, too.
Sogo Osaka: What goal did you have when making this blend?
Rice Mill Owner: I want the people who eat it to lead healthy,  bustling, and radiant lives.
Momo: That's so normal! Well, maybe not normal, but it does seem like you're taking it really seriously.
Rice Mill Owner: Hehe.
Torao Mido: Hence the name?
Rice Mill Owner: Yep. My parents are rice farmers, but I used to not like rice.
Rice Mill Owner: But I still ate millet rice, since it's healthy and full of nutrients. That's how I realized this was my calling.
Momo: You totally looked like a westerner to me, but your parents farm rice?
Rice Mill Owner: Hehe.
Momo: You say you didn't like rice, so how did your parents react to that?
Rice Mill Owner: Not well. They said just plain rice is good enough, and that they worked so hard to cook it for me.
Rice Mill Owner: But I couldn't help it. I wasn't my parents. And this idea is something I worked hard for. I wanted them to acknowledge that.
Sogo Osaka: ...What about now? Do they acknowledge it?
Rice Mill Owner: Yeah. Since I'm making money, heh.
Torao Mido: So it's because you had the results to show for it.
Nagi Rokuya: OH! Then do you not also lead a radiant life?
Rice Mill Owner: Oh, good point.
Nagi Rokuya: Happiness is what matters most.
Nagi Rokuya: Our happiness, our families' happiness, our friends' happiness...
Nagi Rokuya: To me, that is the most important message to remember in my life, and in the eyes of God.
Sogo Osaka: Right... My work makes me happy. So I think I lead a radiant life, too.
Torao Mido: Hmm...
Sogo Osaka: Haha... I never thought I'd say that about myself.
Sogo Osaka: I've been hurt a lot, and I'll probably be hurt in the future, but I'm sure that my life is bright.
Sogo Osaka: I'll shine to make up for the hurt. That's how I want to live out my life.
Torao Mido: That doesn't really make sense to me. If you hadn't done anything at all, your life could've been radiant enough as it was.
Sogo Osaka: .........
Torao Mido: But you look happier now than when I used to see you surrounded by all that luxury.
Sogo Osaka: Mido-san...
Rice Mill Owner: Good for you, Sogo.
Momo: You sure are a friendly guy, huh!?
Rice Mill Owner: Make sure to promote the Radiant 16-Grain for me, Momo-chan.
Momo: Sure thing! And since you're so tall, I want you to join my soccer team!
Rice Mill Owner: Gotcha.
Nagi Rokuya: Would you like to visit Northmare?
Rice Mill Owner: Sure.
Sogo Osaka: He's so friendly... 
- - - -
Gaku Yaotome: I did it! I got the biggest General's Edamame!
Minami Natsume: Oh dear. You did very well, Yaotome-san.
Riku Nanase: Ah, but this means we have to give him his phone back.
Yuki: Can't we have just ten percent of it?
Gaku Yaotome: No! How would you give someone ten percent of a phone, anyway?
Riku Nanase: By cutting out one corner?
Gaku Yaotome: Don't try to break it! Ah, gramps, check this out!
Farmer: Now that's a big General's Edamame. This year's harvest has turned out great.
Gaku Yaotome: Is this bigger than normal?
Farmer: It is.
Gaku Yaotome: Hehe!
Farmer: But I think this vividly bright one will be more fresh and delicious.
Minami Natsume: Oh. That's nice to hear.
Riku Nanase: Mine is more firm than all the others! There's so many different ways edamame can turn out!
Yuki: Mine's on the softer side. The softer the tastier, right, mister?
Farmer: You won't know unless you have a taste.
Yuki: I appreciate the honesty.
Riku Nanase: Why did you decide to call them the General's Edamame?
Farmer: Edamame are unripe soybeans.
Farmer: We wanted to express the fact that even a greenhorn can become a great general!
Minami Natsume: Unripe... I like the sound of that word. It's full of potential.
Riku Nanase: ŹOOĻ's the least experienced group out of all of us, after all!
Yuki: What about IDOLiSH7? Have you ripened up yet?
Riku Nanase: Have we? I'm not sure...
Riku Nanase: I feel like we're going to keep changing from here, but I want to stay the way we are right now, too.
Riku Nanase: The seven of us have been through a lot, but we overcame it together...
Riku Nanase: I want to believe that we can keep going just the way we are now.
Riku Nanase: What about TRIGGER?
Gaku Yaotome: Well...
Gaku Yaotome: I don't wanna say that this is as far as we'll go. But I don't wanna say we're still not good enough, when we're already entertaining fans on stage.
Gaku Yaotome: I wanna be perfect in the moment. It doesn't matter if we're broken and flawed after that.
Yuki: And sometimes it's good to break your old selves to discover something new.
Yuki: Like the beans. They're unripe, but they can still be generals.
Gaku Yaotome: Right!
Minami Natsume: ........
Riku Nanase: What's wrong, Natsume-san?
Minami Natsume: I just   thought of something...
Riku Nanase: What?
Minami Natsume: What are books in the military called?
Gaku Yaotome: Huh?
Minami Natsume: General knowledge.
Riku & Gaku: ........?
Minami Natsume: It's a pun.
Yuki: ...Pfft, haha..!
Gaku Yaotome: Yuki-san, your face..!
Riku Nanase: Aah! General knowledge, as in military general!
Minami Natsume: Yes. In any case, we should all take pride in our unripeness...
Gaku Yaotome: Hold on! Can't you give a warning before getting back to the serious stuff!?
Riku Nanase: Hey!
Gaku Yaotome: What's up, Nanase?
Riku Nanase: We're getting serious again!
Gaku Yaotome: You don't gotta narrate everything!
Riku Nanase: Huh!? But you just said...
Yuki: ...Ahahaha..!
Gaku Yaotome: Yuki-san..! You're gonna make Momo-san cry at this rate!!!
Riku Nanase: Ah..! He did mention breaking himself..!
Gaku Yaotome: Doesn't mean he has to break his face, too... 
- - - -
Re:vale: Shining Rainbow Kitchen!
TRIGGER: It's been five years since your first broadcast!
IDOLiSH7: Congratulations!
ŹOOĻ: Happy 5th anniversary!
Momo: To celebrate, all 16 of us...
Tenn Kujo: Have created the idol bowl!
Riku Nanase: And we're about to cook it for you!
Haruka Isumi: Make sure to try it for yourselves, too! 
- - - -
Sogo Osaka: We will add the freshly cooked Radiant 16-Grain rice into the bowls. Mido-san.
Torao Mido: It's hot... Will this much do?
Momo: I want a little more!
Nagi Rokuya: Millet rice is like an audience, shining with glowsticks!
Torao Mido: Audience complete!
Nagi Rokuya: Wow! How wonderful!
Sogo Osaka: It looks delicious!
Momo: What's an idol without fans, am I right!?
Ryunosuke Tsunashi: We'll be preparing the eggs, lobster, and edamame for cooking!
Mitsuki Izumi: Here's our eggs! Firm and fresh Dearest Eggs!
Tamaki Yotsuba: The eggs show off an idol's popularity!
Toma Inumaru: We sang to the chickens to make them lay healthy eggs!
Yamato Nikaido: This here's the Dancing Lobster!
Iori Izumi: It's so fresh that it was still squirming around a moment ago.
Tenn Kujo: It's a phantom that can only be eaten once a year.
Haruka Isumi: Uh, and it represents idols, who you usually only get to see on stage!
Riku Nanase: Finally, there's the General's Edamame!
Gaku Yaotome: They're chewy, big, and delicious!
Minami Natsume: They represent the idols who sometimes serve as backup dancers.
Yuki: Okay then. Can I put the edamame on the frying pan?
Ryunosuke Tsunashi: Yes! 
Hiss! Crackle!
Riku Nanase: That's the sound of good food!  
Tenn Kujo: It smells good, too.
Torao Mido: You're good at this, Ryunosuke.
Ryunosuke Tsunashi: That's because I love to cook! But Mitsuki-kun and Yuki-san are just as good.
Iori Izumi: Are the bowls all lined up?
Tamaki Yotsuba: Almost!
Ryunosuke Tsunashi: Ready?
Mitsuki Izumi: I'd say we're good to go.
Yuki: Why not?
Ryunosuke Tsunashi: It's done!
Momo: It's done! Let's put 'em in the bowls!
Riku Nanase: It's the idol bowl!
Nagi Rokuya: Perfect!
Haruka Isumi: Looks good!
Toma Inumaru: Looks great! And colorful!
Tamaki Yotsuba: Make this popular! I want it to be as popular as the Nia bowl!
Minami Natsume: It makes for a good lunch.
Yamato Nikaido: Sure. You guys wanna pack idol lunchboxes and go somewhere?
Mitsuki Izumi: It's supposed to be a bowl, not a lunchbox!
Sogo Osaka: Is everyone ready?
Iori Izumi: We are.
Tenn Kujo: Grab a bowl, guys. It's time for a taste test.
Momo: Taste test, taste test!
Minami Natsume: Incredible. All of us idols, standing with a bowl in hand.
Gaku Yaotome: Makes for a great picture!
Yamato Nikaido: Does it..?
Riku Nanase: Everyone, get in line! We'll all have a bite on the count of three!
Tenn Kujo: Before that, there's one thing we need to say.
Tenn Kujo: Happy 5th anniversary!
All: Happy anniversary!
Iori Izumi: I hope all of you at home will stay healthy, eat lots of great food, and continue supporting the show.
Riku Nanase: We don't know all the stuff that lies ahead for us, but good food is a crucial part of life!
Yamato Nikaido: Yep, we've got plenty of food-related memories ourselves!
Mitsuki Izumi: Like how we went from eating egg soba to eating tempura soba!
Nagi Rokuya: OH! It reminds me of when we were but the most basic of lunchboxes!
Sogo Osaka: And I came to like King Pudding.
Tamaki Yotsuba: And I got good at making hot milk!
Riku Nanase: And I started buying lots of snacks that come with toys!
Riku Nanase: I hope we all get to make many more memories together!
Riku Nanase: The idol bowl we made today will be one of them!
Riku Nanase: Shining Rainbow Kitchen!
Riku Nanase: Thank you so much for inviting us to your 5th anniversary celebration!
All: Thank you!
Riku Nanase: I hope this show will keep going for many more years to come!
Haruka Isumi: Try the idol bowl!
Yuki: And the Nia bowl.
Ryunosuke Tsunashi: And the Oly bowl!
Minami Natsume: Hee hee. And the skin bowl.
Riku Nanase: Let's start eating, everyone!
Tamaki Yotsuba: Let's, let's!
Tenn Kujo: Well then, here we go.
Riku & Tenn: One, two, three..!
All: Bon appétit!
The end.
91 notes · View notes
free-pool-trash · 4 years
dangerous game - ii
hey! it’s here! this part is kinda just setting stuff up so i can knock it down in a hot minute 😌✌ let me know what you think ;)
word count: 2.5k
warning(s): yummy teen angst, petty kings and queens, i don’t think i swore but like swearing
taglist:  @badluckposting - @c0-77 - @my-remical-chomance 
let me know if you wanna be added xoxo
(gif not mine :))
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Walking away from Peter was harder than you thought it would be. You figured you were angry enough that calling him out and shutting him down wouldn’t have phased you, but as you walked away from your room where you’d left him you felt absolutely shattered.
Your heart was in your stomach, weighing it down and making you feel sick. 
Every time you blinked tears would fall and you had to bite your cheek to stop yourself from sobbing out loud.
You were sure you’d made the right choice in standing up to Peter, he’d hurt you so badly and you couldn’t let him get away with it so easily. Despite how sure of yourself you were, you still couldn’t shake the look on his face when you walked away from him, looking at him in that moment let you know that he was experiencing first hand what he had put you through, but that made you feel even worse. You never wanted to hurt him like that, yet in true full circle fashion, you had.
As you walked through the hallways lost in your own thoughts, you didn’t notice the concerned looks you were receiving from the other girls in the corridor. They all knew better than to ask if you were okay, most of them had heard the argument you’d just had and they all knew about the tension between you and the speedster prior to said argument.
In all honesty you weren’t sure where you were headed, all you wanted was to be as far away from Peter and his hurt puppy dog facial expressions as you could. You also really needed a hug.
The confrontation had taken it out of you, you felt drained and you really needed to let the sobs you’d been holding back escape you, a good shoulder to cry on was exactly what you needed.
You kept walking, tears still streaming down your face, until you were no longer in the girls dorm area. The concerned looks continued as you dragged your feet further into the academy, towards the common room where your friends would most likely be hanging out. 
When you got to the common room, Jubilee, Kurt and Warren were the only ones there. Jean and Scott probably had some kind of date night, you thought as you walked into the room quietly. 
Two couches face each other in the room, Kurt and Jubilee occupied one while Warren sat alone on the one opposite and instinctively you went to the couch with the biggest amount of vacant space. 
You all but threw yourself into the winged boy’s side, not wasting a second before you finally let out a sob, tears rushing from your eyes and soaking his shirt. Immediately Warren’s arm was holding you against him, his hand rubbing your arm soothingly as you cried into his chest.
Jubilee bounced to her feet, detaching from Kurt who she’d been snuggling up to before your arrival and rushed over to you, she plopped herself down beside you and gently pried you away from Warren’s side.
Her hands held your arms and her brows furrowed at your red nose and puffy eyes. Why was her best friend crying and who did she need to kill?
“Babe! Why are you crying?” She asked, concern growing as you broke into a fresh set of tears at her question and fell into her shoulder this time.
Sniffling and trying to catch your breath you tried to gasp out an answer, “I t-talked- I talked to P-Pet-” You didn’t even manage to finish your explanation as you broke down again, reminding Jubilee of a small child that just scraped it’s knee.
Jubilee sighed sadly and wrapped her arms around you tightly as she understood what you were trying to say.
“What’d he say?” She asked once you’d settled down, stroking your hair as your cheek rested against her colourfully clothed shoulder.
“He came up to say he was sorry. He told me he and Heather broke up and then he-” You started before getting worked up again and needing to take a break before you finished, “Then he told me that he loves me.”
Jubilee’s eyes widened, Kurt’s brows furrowed and Warren scoffed.
“What did you say!?” Jubilee asked with a shout as she pulled away to get a good look at you.
Taking a deep breath, you leaned back against the couch, comfortably squashed between Warren and Jubilee as Kurt sat across from you all on the edge of his seat.
“Well- he said he didn’t tell me because he didn’t want to ruin the friendship and I told him that if he really loved me he wouldn’t have done what did.” Warren looked at you with squinted eyes, there was something else getting under your skin.
“Anything else?” Warren asked, eyebrow raising as you chewed on the inside of your cheek nervously.
After a few seconds you nodded and glanced around at your friends, “When I brought up the whole leaving me for Heather thing he got really defensive and started saying that I moved on pretty fast." 
Warren glared at the thought of it and turned his body to be facing you more comfortably, "The hell did he mean by that?”
“He was jealous of you actually.” You told the blond, lip trapped between your teeth- the whole situation making you anxious.
Warren rolled his eyes and pulled you back into him, almost in defiance to what he’d just been told. He wouldn’t admit it to you but he was glad Peter was jealous of him.
Warren wasn’t exactly proud of it but as soon as he saw Peter beginning to slip away from you, he slid right in between the gaps to take his place. Unlike everyone else at the academy, at the beginning, you were one of the only people who wasn’t afraid of him and he clung to that kindness. 
Not only were you kind but as he got to know you he came to discover that you were funny, easygoing, strong-willed, an incredible fighter and to him you came across like some kind of goddess.
He was happy with just being your friend, everyone knew that you had a thing for Peter and that he had one for you too so Warren stayed back. However as soon as you started getting knocked down by, in Warren’s opinion, Peter’s asshole behavior he had no choice but to be there to pick you up off the ground.
He was so genuinely happy that Peter was jealous, because that’s how he felt every time the silver haired boy would throw his arm around you or when he’d make you laugh so hard that you had tears in your eyes. Warren always wanted that to be him and in the last few months it had been, he’d picked you up, been your shoulder to cry on, your secret drinking buddy after a successful mission and recently he’d mastered the art of making you laugh when you were close to tears or even making you laugh so hard that you’re left in tears.
Not to get him wrong, Peter was his friend and he wanted you guys to resolve your issues and make up, but what he didn’t want was for Peter to come back into your life and wreck everything Warren had worked so hard for. He was your first love, Warren could acknowledge that and accept it for what it was, but he was determined to be your next love, maybe even your last if things went well.
He wanted you and Peter to be friends again- just friends.
And as you settled into Warren’s side he shook his head when you sighed out, “I just feel bad, he looked pretty bummed when I told him I wasn’t gonna forget about this.”
“You shouldn’t.” Warren declared and Jubilee and Kurt nodded in agreement.
“He’s right, (Y/n). So what if he’s jealous, he started it.” To which you couldn’t argue, Jubilee was right, he had started it but at the end of the day you didn’t want to run the risk of losing one of your best friends for good because of childish pride.
“Yeah, I guess you’re right.” You sighed in exhaustion and leaned into Warren’s warmth, allowing your eyes to shut as Jubilee moved back to her spot beside Kurt.
Meanwhile Peter had left your room, dejected from his failed attempt at fixing things with you.
He had a tendency lately of only realizing he’s being a dick after he’s already acted like a dick. It was clear to him that he shouldn’t have dragged Warren into things, they were friends, but he wasn’t blind, he could see that the blond had a crush on you.
It was hypocritical of him to say that you moved on fast but, to him, replacing you with Heather and replacing him with Warren just wasn’t the same.
Heather could’ve never replaced you as his best friend, she was just supposed to be a romantic distraction, he seriously hadn’t meant to push you away the way he did.
It was the pressure of the situation that made him cave. Heather was sweet but she was insecure, she didn’t trust that Peter’s relationship with you was purely platonic and so she offered him an ultimatum- a relationship with her or a relationship with you. Now under normal circumstances Peter would never ever choose anybody over you, but since Heather was his only way to stop himself from being completely, utterly, painfully in love with you, he picked her.
And obviously it backfired. 
With you and Warren it was different though, when Peter left there was an open spot available for the position of your new best friend and he’d seen the way Warren had lunged for it. Sure, you had Jubilee, Jean, Kurt and Scott there for you too but Warren really committed to acting the part.
He couldn’t blame him though, because he knew he was gonna do the same, the second Warren slips up Peter is going to be right there to pick up the pieces for you.
The way he saw things, Warren was just a temporary fix because he was sure he was going to win you back. And now that he knows that you loved him too? He was determined to get back on your good side.
Only what Peter didn’t know was that you had always seen Warren in a different light, he had this effect on you that drew you to him, you loved being around him but not in the same way you loved being around Peter.
With Peter it was safe and comfortable, doing things together was always spontaneous and exciting but you knew everything there was to know about each other. With Warren on the other hand, it was laid back and new, you were always learning new things about each other and getting closer with each new thing you learned, things with him were funny and chilled out- you never had to be doing something wild to be having fun.
You weren’t sure what it was yet, but you and Warren got along like something other than friends because unlike Peter, who in his defense hadn’t expected to fall for you, Warren was tactical, he made sure not to get himself stuck in the friend zone.
Peter decided that since he’d pretty much broken the damn of awkwardness with you he might as well try and get on the good side of the rest of his friends too.
He sped to the common room and tried to keep a neutral expression when he noticed that you were there and asleep on Warren’s shoulder.
“Hey guys…” He called out casually as he strolled into the room and sat down beside you and Warren.
The winged boy shifted uncomfortably and tightened his arms around you and you scooted closer, not bothering to open your eyes, you knew exactly who the voice belonged to. 
The conversation you’d had with him was still fresh in your mind and you were actively bitter about what he’d said about you and Warren, although you supposed you were kind of proving his point right now, snuggling up to the guy that you knew he was jealous of and pretending to be asleep.
“Um… hey… Peter?” Jubilee spoke unsurely, looking to Warren with wide questioning eyes.
Warren just looked at her calmly and tried to give her a look that said ‘play it cool’, but understandably the girl didn’t catch it.
If you weren’t so committed to pretending to sleep you would’ve laughed at your best girlfriend’s not at all subtle attempt to abandon the awkward tension filled common room.
“This is so awkward. Bamf us out.” She whispered frantically to Kurt who looked at her in confusion, cocking his head towards Peter, Warren and yourself on the other couch.
“Just bamf us out!” She whisper shouted despite the fact that everyone in the room could hear her, including you.
Next thing you heard was Kurt bamfing away and Peter letting out a low whistle.
“What’s their problem?” Peter asked nobody in particular.
Warren rolled his eyes and groaned, “You’re their problem." 
Feeling the tension build between the pair of them, you stirred in Warren’s hold and faked a hazy wake up. 
"Hey.” You smiled up at Warren softly, acting none the wiser to Peter’s presence in the room.
“Hi there."  He replied, green eyes boring into yours and a smile to match your own made its way onto his face.
For a moment you actually forgot about the envious speedster who was glaring daggers at the back of your head, that was before he spoke up.
"Hello.” At the greeting Warren let out a heavy breath through his nose and shook his head at you in exhaustion.
Not bothering to look at the boy behind you, you pulled yourself away from Warren and made your way toward the door, not looking back.
“Night, Birdy.” You called out to Warren as you strode out of the common room, if the boys wanted to fight they could but you didn’t want anything to do with it. 
“Birdy, huh?” Peter asked in a mocking tone, staring at Warren bitterly. You used to have stupid nicknames for him too.
“Why are you acting like she’s the one who screwed you?” Warren asked angrily, getting up from the couch to tower over where Peter sat.
The winged boy knew he was jealous but he wanted to add intimidated to the list of things he made him.
“Maybe I just don’t want to see her cozying up to someone like you.” Peter rebutted, rising from the sofa and getting in Warren’s face.
“Someone like me? You mean someone who’s loyal?” Warren challenged, chest puffed out and eyes set in a glare, wings ready to sprout out in defense at any second.
“I love her.” Peter told Warren, voice sure and steady.
Warren scoffed, shaking his head, “You’ve got a really funny way of showing it.” He seethed, pushing past Peter, shoulder bumping his a little less than gently as he walked toward the door.
“I’m gonna get her back.” Peter stated confidently, watching as Warren merely glanced over his shoulder, their eyes meeting in an intense stare.
“You can try.”
214 notes · View notes
brianc521 · 5 years
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One look, and you know that she’s Shawn’s daughter. There was no question about it. From her curly locks to the sassy attitude, there was no mistaking her. Skyla Rae Anne Mendes, was a Mendes through and through. Living her life on the road, along for the ride on her Dad’s world tours was where she belonged.
She fills the hole in the touring team that they didn’t even know they had. Sure, having a five year old on tour with a bunch of boys was rough. The things Shawn requested because she was with him made for more work, but at the end of the day everyone loved Skyla Mendes more than they loved her Dad.
“Shawn, really?” Cez asks as Shawn turns to speak to Mike about his solo.
“Okay, so if we have to break after Mutual I want you to go into a solo.” He explains, waiting for Mike to scribble down this scenario. “Like literally go all Tommy Lee on their asses, leave them exhausted from your energy.”
“Okay and what’s the plan if we need to break after Bad Rep, or Fallin, or Youth?” Cez remarks.
Zubin turns and shakes his head at the tour manager, “Were you not at the meeting last night? We literally went over it all.”
Cez rolls his eyes, frustrated with the extra amount of work Shawn is requesting from the band. It adds for more situations of failure and mishaps. The band on the other hand? All hands on deck. They understand Shawn’s need to make sure that he can get off stage at any moment in time, in the rare case scenario that Skyla might need him.
“Daddy!” Skyla cheers, running from the wings where Brian had her, onto the stage to her Dad.
“Princess,” He grins, picking her up and resting her on his hip. “How was lunch?”
“It was so yummy, Uncle Brian let me have ice cream.”
“But you ate all your lunch first right?”
“Sure,” She giggles, looking at Brian to make sure she answered the way he coached her to. The thumbs up she receives from the redhead makes her proud that she remembered.
Shawn rolls his eyes, turning back to Cez and the band. “I just wanna go through like a practice of what could happen if I’m needed after any song, okay?”
The band nods, getting set.
“Okay I guess to do this in a fast motion kind of way, let’s just play the last few chords of each song and pretend I’m running off and transition to each time block.”
Boss Shawn is kind of hard to take seriously when Skyla is tugging at his curls, trying to fix his hair up. Shawn moves her around, hauling her up onto his broad shoulders so he can have both hands free to direct people around. Skyla now has full reign to his curls, pulling them back and watching as they flop back into place.
The boys snicker as Shawn starts to hum the last parts to Lost in Japan. When the band doesn’t follow he turns to see them all chuckling.
“Yeah yeah, she’s cute, but we’ve got work to do. I want this figured out and perfect before the show tonight.” He snaps the boys back to reality.
“Sorry.” They all mumble.
They start going through every song, Zubin taking the time block, Eddie taking another, Mike after one, and then Dave. It runs smooth, and in any case scenario he knows the boys would pick up and take over when needed.
“Daddy,” Skyla taps the top of his head, making Shawn look up while Mike and Dave discuss a duo idea.
“Yeah Princess?”
“M’tired.” She rubs her eye, yawning big, Shawn’s hard boss attitude disintegrating at her cuddly complexion.
“Okay Princess, a few more minutes and we can go lay down.” He gives her grabby hands, knowing that she’ll lean forward to he can move her back to his hip. He kisses the top of her head as she hugs him, head tucked into his neck.
“We’re good?” He asks the band softly, getting their attention from the video Brian was showing them.
“Yeah, go ahead.” Mike nodded towards the wings that led to backstage where his greenroom was.
“Okay, see you guys in a bit.” He says before walking off, passing Andrew and Cez along the way, shaking his head when they try to get him to stop. “It’s naptime.”
They both nod in understanding, knowing that when the tour preparations started they all agreed that Shawn had the right at any moment in time to choose being a Dad over the Rockstar, and when he said the word they couldn’t argue with him anymore. This was one of those times.
He walked to the greenroom, closing the door behind him that way the building of the stage and the wildness of his team around him doesn’t wake his princess.
Sitting down on the couch he relaxed against the arm rest, adjusting a pillow under his neck, and then freezing when Skyla readjusted the way she was laying. Her head rest on his chest, small body laying on top of his like he’s her bed.
He smiles, because this was normal, he was used to being her bed when she needed him to be. Living the constant crazy traveling life with a five year old meant that sometimes things didn’t pan out, like her bedtime and a bed being in the same space.
She was already sleeping by the time he got settled.
To create some type of normalcy for Skyla during the tour, and to have her avoid the crazy that is her Dad’s fanbase, on performance days she’s goes out with Brian. An outing during the day, that way she’s not caught in the days work of preparing for the show. Meaning Brian takes her out of the arena, usually to lunch and a theme park. That way Shawn can be Shawn Mendes without the constant worry that Skyla is just in the other room and the what ifs that swirl around that idea.
They leave after the first soundcheck, that way Shawn can have a few moments with her before he has to get into his focus. They’re always back right after Q&A and meet and greets so Shawn can see her before going on stage. That way they can be back to watch the show.
Shawn waits by the back entrance doors, like he always does, right foot tapping as he chews on his pinky nail. The door starts to open and he stands up straight, smiling brightly when Brian walks in with Skyla on his hip.
“Princess!” He holds out his hands for her, and she leans away from Brian and towards her Dad.
“How was your day out?” He asks starting to walk back to the green room with Brian and Jake in tow.
“It was so fun Daddy, you should have seen it! I didn’t think I could go on the roller coaster, but Uncle Brian told me that I could do anything I’d ever want. So we did it! And I had so much fun!”
Shawn stares at her while she tells her story, smiling sadly at how he wasn’t there to see her overcome her fear.
“That’s so cool Baby, here,” He sets her down. “Can you go change for the show? I’ll be right here.”
She nods, running off to the bathroom to change into her dress for the show. Shawn turns to Brian with misty eyes once the bathroom door latches behind her.
“Shawn,” Brian shakes his head, noticing the little tears in his eyes.
“Thank you,” Shawn hugs him, giving himself a moment to breathe in a safe zone. “Thank you for being there for her when I can’t be.”
“You’re always there for her,” Brian responds. “Always.”
“Daddy! Tiffany told me that this dress matches your shirt! We’re matching!” She runs out of the bathroom, watching the boys push the other away. “Group hug?” She asks, nose scrunching in confusion.
Shawn laughs, “Yeah Princess, come on.” He hauls her up and the three have a group hug.
Before Shawn puts his in ears in to hear the call for him to go to stage he has his ritual moment with Skyla.
It’s become his good luck charm.
“Princess?” He crouches to her level, smiling when she looks at him with her wide chocolate brown eyes.
“Hi Daddy,” She smiles, stepping closer to him.
“Give me some luck?” He whispers, eyebrows raised.
She nods, leaning in to plant a small little kiss to his nose then jumping up into his arms, squeezing him tight.
He holds her just as tight, cautious not to squeeze her too much.
“Thank you Princess.” He hums, eyes fluttering shut as he takes in the moment.
“Shawn, in ears!” The stage hand calls.
He pulls away just enough to see her face, “Be good for Brian, stay where he and I can see you.”
“I love you, have fun okay?”
“You too!”
He smiles, and leans in himself, letting his nose brush back and forth across hers.
With that he lets go, watching her walk to Brian before standing and slipping his in ears in.
“Keep this on your forehead okay? I need to call Andrew.”
“But it’s cold Daddy, it’s cold.” She whines, tears freshly running down her redden cheeks. She coughs, her whole body racking with the movement.
“I know Princess, but you have a fever which means that your body is too warm, and we need to cool it down.”
She frowns at him, still crying. “I don’t feel good.”
Shawn’s heart breaks as his babygirl cries, and he can’t do anything about it. Whipping his phone out of his pocket he clicks on his speed dial and is ringing Andrew up within seconds.
“You can’t leave Shawn, it’s not safe,”
“But she’s got a 101 fever, I can’t keep her here.” Shawn protests.
“I’ve got a pediatrician on the way, should be here in a few minutes, best in the town.”
Shawn’s looking at his baby who’s falling asleep in the hotel bed, hugging Elphie, her plush elephant.
“Best?” He chews on his lip.
“Only the best for Skyla, you know that.”
Shawn sighs, slumping against the wall, “How far away is she?”
“Should be here in ten minutes.”
“Okay, okay.” He nods, hanging up with Andrew and sitting beside Skyla, brushing his fingers through her hair.
He stews on his life for a moment, so utterly frustrated with the fact that his five year old daughter is sick, and the crowd of fans is so large outside the hotel that he cannot get out to take her to the hospital safely.
“I’m sorry Sweetheart,” He whispers, leaning over and kissing her burning cheek. “I’m sorry that my job put us in this position.” He continues.
She rolls into him, curling herself around his leg, resting her head in his lap.
In no time there’s a knock on his door, and then Andrew and a woman entering slowly.
“She’s asleep,” Shawn whispers as they walk in.
“Hi, I’m Doctor Kimberly.” The woman smiles, extending her hand to Shawn’s. “I heard we have a fever.”
“Yeah, she’s had it all day. I gave her some Motrin but it never broke.” Shawn blurs out.
“Okay, can I check a few things?” She asks, pointing to Skyla.
“Of course.”
After checking her up, taking her fever and testing for strep she’s come to the conclusion that it’s just the flu and an ear infection, prescribing some antibiotics.
Shawn thanks her as she leaves, closing the door and turning back to Andrew and Skyla. “Cancel the promo with Armani tomorrow.” He states, taking the bottle of liquid medicine to the bathroom, placing it on the counter next to their bathroom essentials.
“Shawn, it’s a live event.”
“And I don’t care.” He walks back into the room, shrugging as he checks the temp of the rag on her forehead, taking it in his hands and flipping it to the other cooler side.
“The fans-”
“She’s sick!” He whisper yells. “My daughter is sick, and you want me to go to some stupid watch event? No, cancel it. It’s not up for debate.”
It’s been about a week and Skyla is practically back to her usual self. She’s got a few more days on her antibiotics and that’s about it. Which means that the routine of tour is back on, and Shawn’s slowly getting back into the swing of working.
Because of some last minute changes flights have been rearranged which now leaves the team to a 5 am flight.
Skyla didn’t sleep well the night before, waking up twice from nightmares. So she’s been extra grumpy this morning. Clinging to Shawn, making it near impossible for him to do anything.
He sighs, turning to Brian for a minute. “Can you take her, I need to help Andrew check in bags and talk travel.”
“Yeah, of course.” Brian nods, holding his hands out for Sky. “Come here, let’s go get something to drink.”
As Shawn goes to hand her over she starts to protest, shaking her head and curling her little fists around Shawn’s sweatshirt.
“Princess go with Uncle Brian, I need to talk to Andrew.”
“No!” She shakes her head, pursing her lips.
“Skyla, let go.” He says again, giving her his Dad look, a warning that this was not a question.
“You can’t tell me what to do!” She raises her voice, starting to kick a little.
Shawn’s eyes widen, nostrils flaring.
“We’re gonna have a private chat if you don’t lose your tude Miss.”
She grumps, crossing her arms and glaring at her Dad. He sets her down, giving her a stern look before going to hand her off to Brian.
Brian goes to take her hand but she won’t uncross her arms so he leans down to pick her up. The minute her feet leave the floor she starts yelling, Shawn whipping around to see Brian struggling with her in his arms.
“Skyla Rae Anne Mendes,” He snaps, taking her from Brian, walking down the corridor with a whimpering Skyla in his arms until he finds a deserted area.
He sits her in a chair, crouching in front of her.
“Take a breath.” He instructs, taking one with her. “Let’s calm down.” Both of them taking another breath. “Now tell me what’s wrong.”
“No! I don’t want to!” She yells at him, full blown tantrum about to go down.
“That’s it,” Shawn shakes his head. “You’re grounded.”
At this, she freezes. Eyes wide and tearful as she looks up at her Dad, taking in the seriousness of his facial expression. He’s had it with her outburst, over the attitude.
“No, no, no.” She whines.
“7:30 bedtime, no TV and no games on anyone's phone.”
The tears start to fall as she begs for him to not ground her, repetition of ‘I’m sorry’ spilling from her pouty lips.
“Listen to me,” He stops her, taking her little hands in his. “You need to calm down, this behavior is not okay. You know that if something is wrong you can tell Dad, and you decided to not do that and instead throw a fit. Not listening and yelling at Dad is not okay, and that’s why you’re grounded.”
She nods, understanding that she did misbehave and that there’s no going back now.
“Do you need another minute or are you okay?” He asks.
She stares at him and nods, “I’m okay.”
“Can I have a hug?” He asks softly, smiling softly when she jumps up and wraps her arms around his neck, nuzzling into his coat.
“I’m sorry Daddy.”
“Okay Princess, let’s go find the boys.”
At this he picks her up and walks with her back to the group by the Starbucks at security. Brian gives Shawn a look that seems to ask if everything was okay and Shawn responds with a curt nod.
“We board in about 30 minutes,” Andrew says once they’ve gone through security.
Skyla sits next to Shawn, head rested on his arm as she stares at the world around her. Brian seems to notice her bored glance while Shawn and Cez discuss the next show’s arena.
“Sky,” He nudges her arm. “Wanna play a game?” He offers his phone that has since been loaded with games for her to play when they were in these kind of situations.
Skyla pipes up, eyes opening wider as she smiles at Brian. Shawn clears his throat and she looks over and catches his stare. She sighs, slumping back.
“Thanks Uncle Brian but I’m grounded. Maybe next time.”
Brian and the rest of the band turn to Shawn with wide eyes, all minds seeming to ask the same question.
He nods and goes back to his conversation with Cez, eyes planted on a coloring book in the little shop across from the gate.
Excusing himself, offering his hand to Skyla he takes her to the shop, letting her pick out a few books and some colors that way she has some fun things to do on the flight.
Dublin, night two, that’s when his requests for time blocks after every song just in case pulls through.
He’s in the middle of Stitches when he hears Brian through his in ears.
“Shawn, crowns fallen.”
Those are the code words, ‘Crowns Fallen’, to let him know that Skyla needs him backstage.
The second he hears those words his heart stops for a second, he looks around, giving the band the Skyla signal. Which is him tapping his nose, ear, nose.
The band jumps into action once they’ve all been given the signal, Zubin steps up, shredding on his guitar, jerking his head to side stage so Shawn gets the hint that they’re good.
And like Forrest Gump, Shawn goes running backstage, heels on his Chelsea boots slipping, causing him to roll his ankle and practically fall down the steps, the handrail the only reason why he caught himself.
“What happened?” Turns to anyone he can see first, the security guard pointing to Brian who is crouched in front of a sniffling Skyla. “Princess what happened?” Shawn slides to his knees next to Brian.
“I was dancing to Nervous,” She hiccups, Shawn’s sweaty curls bopping as he nods with her, “And I didn’t see my shoe was untied,” She takes a deep breath, “And I tripped over my shoelace, and I scraped my knee,” She wails, pointing to her bloodied knee.
Shawn sighs, relief flooding his system now knowing she’s not seriously hurt. “Okay Sweetheart, we can fix it. Let Daddy make it better.” He nods, turning to Brian. “There’s a small first aid kit in the strings compartment of my guitar case in my dressing room. Grab that for me?”
“Of course,” Brian jumps to his feet, sprinting down the hall since he knows Shawn’s on a time crunch.
“Princess can you sit down for me,” He pats the chair behind her. “And you,” He points to the security guard. “Can you get me a wet washcloth or a napkin or something?”
The security guard nods, disappearing down the hall as Brian comes sprinting back.
“Okay,” Shawn takes the first aid kit, opening the lid and looking at the tools he has. He then looks to her knee, noticing it’s just a small cut, nothing a band aid won’t fix right up. “Can you take a deep breath for me.”
Brian inhales a very deep breath, causing both the Mendes’ to look over.
“What?” Brian exclaims, “I’ve never seen her hurt before! And I’m in charge! I’m freaking out!”
“Okay, both of you, can you take a deep breath?” Shawn interrupts.
At this both Brian and Skyla take a deep breath in through their nose and out through their mouth.
By the time they’ve taken three deep breaths the security guard has returned with a wet napkin. Shawn takes it, wiping the blood and dirt away from her cut.
“Honey, what band aid do you want? Anna or Moana?” He asks as he gets the anti disinfectant wipe out.
“Really? I was thinking Anna, she’s the best Princess.” He looks at her.
“No! Moana is Dad.” She disagrees.
“Oh yeah? Why?” He asks, hoping to get her real distracted before using the wipe that’s gonna sting.
“Well she sings better, and she can move water,” She starts on her list. “And her sidekick is a chicken?” At this Shawn swipes the wipe across her knee a few times, quickly tossing it away and tickling her calf so she won’t feel the sting as much.
“Wanna know a secret?” He asks as he gets the band aid out of it’s packaging.
“What?” She asks, watching him stick the band aid to her skin.
“You’re my favorite Princess.” He grins, looking up at her tear stained cheeks.
She giggles, shaking her head.
“I have to go back on stage, are you okay?”
“I’m perfect, you made it all better!” She stands, twirling around just to show him that she’s better.
“Okay good, I love you.”
“I love you!” She waves as he runs back to the stage, quickly picking up the show where he left off.
It can be rough when they’re all stuck on the tour bus, hours upon hours of driving to get to the next destination in time.
Shawn tries to keep it as fun and upbeat as he can, that way Skyla isn’t cooped up and bored out of her mind.
It’s why there are random sword fights, or hide and seek games started.
This morning it’s a tickle fight, and Shawn’s it. He’s gotta chase her around, find her, and tickle till she taps. It’s how it goes.
All that can be heard are two identical giggles, one just a bit higher pitched than the other.
Her little feet carry her to the other side of the bus, Shawn’s bigger frame leaving him to bump into everything, slowing him up as her small frame ducks and slides past everything.
But Shawn’s coming, she can hear the pounding of his feet getting closer to her, so she takes her last resort in her surroundings and climbs up into Andrew’s bunk, waking him in the process.
Shawn cringes, hearing the ‘umph’ come from the surprised Andrew.
“Shh, I’m sorry! But Daddy’s gonna catch me! I have to hide.”
“Okay, shh!” Andrew responds, making Shawn smile.
He waits a beat, playing. “Where did she go? It’s like she disappeared.” He says loudly outside the bunk. “How am I supposed to find her?”
He can hear her giggle, and Andrew shushing her. He counts to ten in his head and then grabs the curtain. “Ha! I found you!”
“AHH!” She yells, crawling over Andrew and right past Shawn’s outstretched hands down towards the kitchenette.
“Sorry about that, tried to keep her up front.”
“It’s okay, it’s time to get up anyway.” Andrew nods, “You better go, or you’ll actually lose her.”
“Shit.” Shawn mumbles, running back towards the front.
This show is more stressful than any other show he’s performed. Maybe it’s because he’s at Rogers Centre, or maybe it’s because John is here to perform ‘Where Were You in the Morning’ with him. But he’s overly stressed.
He’s pacing like a mad man when Brian pushes him into the couch.
“Chill out, okay?”
“It’s just-”
“I know,” Brian nods. “I know. But take a seat and breathe, or you’re gonna work yourself up even more. Sit with Sky and breathe okay?”
“Yeah you’re right.” He nods, looking to his girl that sits in the corner of the couch, watching a movie on Brian’s iPad, and drinking apple juice from her sippy cup.
Shawn takes a deep breath, leaning over and resting his head on her shoulder to watch a bit of her movie with her.
“What are we watching?” He asks.
“Incredibles 2.”
“Oh cool!”
He can tell that he favorite part is coming up, and he smiles already knowing that it’s gonna make her laugh really hard. That’s what he needs right now, a good ole laugh from his babygirl.
And right as the scene with Violet snorts the water out her nose, Skyla laughs so hard that she moves her cup to the side, effectively spilling the whole cup onto Shawn.
He jumps in shock as the lid to her cup lands on the ground, Skyla staring up at him with wide eyes.
“Skyla Rae!” He snaps, looking down at his now soaked button up.
“I’m sorry!” She blurts, pausing the movie and climbing off the couch to set the iPad on the table so it doesn’t get wet. She even goes as far as to grab the towel off the love seat and bring it to him.
“I’m literally about to go on stage,” He pushes the towel away, standing up and rushing to the door. “SOMEONE GET ME A NEW SHIRT!”
Skyla stands at the couch, bottom lip wobbling as a rush of people come running.
“I’m sorry Daddy,”
“I don’t have time for this, I’m about to go on stage.” He says again, walking with Tiff to wardrobe to see if they can put something together.
Brian walks in, taking in the dramatics and spotting Skyla with big tearful eyes. “Oh Honey.”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to!” She cries. “I didn’t know the lid wasn’t on all the way. I’m sorry.”
“It’s not your fault.” Brian shakes his head. “Dad’s just really worried about the show, he didn’t mean it. It’s okay.”
With the rush of getting him cleaned and changed, and to stage in time, this show ends up being the first show that he doesn’t do his ritual with Skyla. He doesn’t have time. And that just makes her even more upset, because now she doesn’t have a chance to tell him how sorry she is before he goes on stage.
She watches him walk on, and sits on the ground to watch.
Brian stands behind her, arms crossed as he watches his niece tear herself up over something that wasn’t her fault. She’s right, she didn’t know the lid to her cup wasn’t on all the way, and if anyone is to blame it’s him. He’s the one who got her the cup, and set her up on the couch.
He takes a seat next to her, letting her rest her head against his arm. “You okay Bug?” He asks softly as she takes a shuddering breath.
“I didn’t give him luck.” She looks up at him with pursed lips.
“Want me to get him for you?” He asks, knowing that if he told Shawn she was upset he’d come running.
“No.” She shakes her head.
He has no idea why he was so stressed, this is one of the best shows he’s ever had and he’s only three songs in. The crowd is alive and louder than any crowd he’s ever heard before.
The smile can not be erased from his face, and knowing that his family and daughter are there for him is making this show that much better.
He looks over, knowing that ‘Nervous’ is Skyla’s favorite song to dance to, double taking when he doesn’t see her twirling like he usually does. He really has to focus, but he sees her.
It’s like his world stops for a moment when he spots her sitting on the ground next to Brian, head rested on his arm, pout settled on her lips. And it’s like everything hits him. He never got his luck, or his hug. He never even heard her laugh at that scene in the movie.
He gives the Skyla signal to Brian, who pulls out his walkie talkie. He stands, walking a little away from Skyla so she can’t hear him.
“She’s upset,” He says, watching Shawn’s reaction. Shawn turns to the band, ready to give them the signal too. “She said she doesn’t want you to come.” At this Shawn stops, turning back to Brian. “She thinks you’re mad at her.”
Shawn’s giving the signal before he can even blink. No way in hell was he going to allow his babygirl to think that he was mad at her.
He books it off stage, running to her.
“Princess?” He asks softly, watching her look up slowly with tearful eyes. His heart breaks at the sight. “No Honey.” He drops, sitting next to her. “I’m not mad.”
“I’m sorry.” Her trembling lips say.
“Oh Skyla,” He reaches out and takes her into his arms. “I’m not mad or upset Baby. I’m not.”
“I didn’t know the lid was off my cup, I’m sorry I spilled on you.”
“Honey stop, it’s okay.”
“You were upset.” She cries into his shoulder.
“Not at you,” He shakes his head. “Not at you, I promise. Could never be mad at my Princess.”
“Of course Baby.” He pulls back to look at her face. “Now,” He hums. “Give me some luck?”
She smiles, leaning forward to kiss his nose, and give him his big hug. “You have to go back.”
“I love you.” He tells her, brushing her hair back.
“I love you too.”
He sets her on her feet, taking her face into his hands, brushing his nose back and forth across hers and then planting a long kiss to her forehead. “I love you Princess.”
“Go be a Rockstar Daddy.”
He grins, kissing her forehead one more time and then running back on stage. The crowd erupts when they see him again.
“Hi!” He says into the mic. “Sorry about that.” He waits for it to die down. “It’s just, my daughter is here.” He points to his Princess in the wings. “And she needed me for a moment.” He sighs. “And having my daughter on tour with me is the greatest thing, because for me, it puts everything into perspective.
“Because when she says things like ‘Go be a Rockstar Daddy’ it reminds me of who I am. I wouldn’t be a rockstar without you guys.” He points to the crowd, who’s yelling and screaming. “But I wouldn’t be a Dad without her.” He points to his Princess. “And for me, there's a time and a place to be those things. When I’m here, on stage performing, that’s when I’m a Rockstar. But when I’m backstage, like I was earlier today, watching Incredibles 2, I’m a Dad. And her Dad should not have gotten so upset when she accidentally spilled her apple juice on him. But her Dad was in Rockstar mode. So he got upset which caused her to become upset.”
The crowd is aweing, and listening to him completely, taking in every word because it’s not often that Shawn shares stories like this about Skyla.
“So, that’s why, while I’m a Rockstar right now, I needed to take the time to go and tell her that I’m okay, and not upset. And I just wanted to say in front of all you, to her, that Baby I’m sorry. I’m sorry that I got upset, and I’m sorry I didn’t get to hug you before going on stage. And to apologize further I’d like to invite a very good friend on stage, to help me perform one of Skyla’s favorite songs, since she was a baby. Everyone this is ‘Daughters’, give it up for John Mayer.”
Skyla squeals from side stage, watching Uncle John walk on stage with his guitar and starting to play her favorite song.
“Sky,” Andrew taps her shoulder. She looks at him. “Go get your Dad.” He says pointing to Shawn.
She smiles, running on stage, the crowd becoming that much louder when they see her little body. Shawn turns at the sound, eyes widening when he sees his Princess coming towards him.
He smiles, crouching down to catch her, lifting her up so he can sing the next verse.
John gives her a toddler wave, blowing her kiss before taking over the next verse, singing to the Daddy Daughter Duo in front of him.
Shawn nuzzles into her cheek, letting the moment of being a Dad and a Rockstar consume him. All his dreams have come true.
“I love you Princess.” He says into her ears.
“I love you too Daddy!” Echoes throughout the arena.
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chocobroness · 5 years
Boom, CMC one-shot. (Also warnings: minors drinking a bit of alcohol)
There was a loud BOOM!
It shook the ground some. Ignis didn’t spare a second as he proceeded to drop flat into the ground. Narrowly avoiding the flying glass shards of the windows in front of him.
An attack was surely possible. But after 3 years of this routine, it became habit to differentiate between what was an attack and what was someone’s antics. So reacting, assessing and responding to it in a matter of seconds became as natural as breathing.
Didn’t mean he enjoyed it.
After waiting for the floor to stop shaking, he stood and brushed the dirt off his clothes. Nodding to the others passing by, he made his way to the garage.
“What have I told you about detonating bombs within the citadel?” Was the first thing out of his mouth as he entered the room.
As those words were spoken. He stepped to the side. Dodging the baseball that was thrown at his face. He saw the look of glee and amused surprise on the room’s occupant’s face before they exploded into a puff of smoke.
Ignis simply watching as they collected themselves from the ensuing coughing fit.
“Crap, I wanted to have some more fun." Ignis made a soft noise.
“You two seem to have become a lot more ‘affectionate since you found out I won’t allow you to hit me, hm?"
Brushing off the dirt on her sweater, Silas gave a toothy grin. "It's just our way of showing love."
Ignis shook his head. “Noctis has asked everyone to his room for dinner.”
Silas raised an eyebrow. “Already? Time flies by.”
Ignis chuckled at that, Silas joint in with laughter of her own when a box to her left fell over. A small body tumbled out with a surprised cry giving way to glee.
"I wanna go again!”
“Can’t Valentina, boss is calling.”
“Aw Bull.”
Rolling his eyes, Ignis watched as the young girls flew backwards as a resounding boom was made from the mixed bomb powder. slamming into the ground a few feet from him.
Valentia picked herself up and gave her head a shake. Silas joined her with a rolled her eyes.
"Let’s go. Not like this place will be clean anytime soon.” Valentina snorted, crossing her arms.
“Bet he’s sleeping while you’re here.” The answering sigh was enough to bring out giggles from the girls.
“Don’t worry Iggy, if he’s sleeping, I know what will wake him up.”
With a voice of a million sirens suddenly cutting through the evening air, Noctis wasn’t the only one holding his hands to his ears in a futile attempt to blot out the noise. When it slowly cut off, everyone turned their head to the cause of the siren call.
“Silas, why did you have Amata be so loud?” Noctis yawned as Silas shrugged in response. Rubbing his eyes. He looked at everyone in the room.
"What time did I fall asleep last night?"
“You’ve only been asleep for 30 minutes.” Ava replied lazily, busy with the stuff bear one of the younger kids asked her to fix.
Noct let out a whine and curled back up into a ball. “Ugh, so little sleep.” Valentina decided to then throw a small pebble at him in response. Gladiolus, who had just entered the room, proceeded to chew her out.
Which then resulted in a screaming matching between the two.
Amata shook her head in defeat as Silas laughed besides her and cheered on Valentina.
Gaius made himself known as he walked up to Ignis.
“He sleeps too much.” Was the first thing he mumbled.
The second was, “Too loud.”
Followed by, “What’s for dinner?”
Noctis managed to answer his question when he gained everyone’s attention and called for the food to be brought in.
After a moment to bring everyone down from the sudden spike of adrenaline. Things started to go more smoothly.
"-and then that poor child got involved and I'm not sure how she got a hold of my bonesaw but that's when things went down the waste bin.
Ignis watched as the soul of Ms. Castro slowly dissociated from her mortal shell as Amata spoke. she was smiling vapidly, though it was obvious her mind was feverishly trying to ignore the graphic details of some of Ms. Eshmun’s more...’stubborn’ patients.
All he knew of the story she was talking about was that she had woken up to the sound of screaming, a chainsaw hitting something and the smell of blood. Then, both Gladiolus and Gaius had come crashing through her wall after setting off one of Ms. Drusus’ bombs. Her struggling patient in their arms and then her memory just sort of cut off from there.
Now they were all in Noct’s room after finally putting her patient back into her room.
Gladiolus’ face was a bruised mess while Gaius was scorched all over his body, but she had made sure it was all just superficial before they arrived so no one was concerned. Ignis knew Noctis was glad the three were bonding and there was no need to delve further than his happiness.
Kaiser had left to the kitchens before the nonsense had begun. the shenanigans having forced him to abandon the others lest he be caught up in them.
They didn’t blame him seeing as they would have done the same given the chance.
So would he for that matter.
Instead, Ignis focused more on Noctis. Watching as he and Prompto gushed over the bundles of joy in their laps. Umbra and Pryna were barking and yipping softly. pressing into their stomachs, trying to get as much pets and scratches as they could.
Noctis squealed and squished the growing pup into his chest.
"You’re so cute Umbra!!” Prompto looked over at Noctis with a frown.
"Hey, Tiny is cute too!” Noctis looked back and nodded seriously.
"Yes, yes she is," Noctis concurred, watching as Pryna let out a pleased yip as she was happily engulfed in Prompto’s arms.
“Hey guys. I got a question.” Everyone turned to Silas, who had snapped out of her daze.
She nodded towards Noctis. “We already know what you did.” She looked back at the others. “did everyone else have something to do with their folks during the holidays?”
The room was so silent, Ignis would have almost thought that the noise a moment ago was his imagination.
It was not a topic that was taboo per say.
But mostly it was hard to talk about one’s family when one missed them.
Silas was, however, a very curious girl so she decided to help the conversation along but throwing in her piece.
“I mean, my mom and dad would go to this guy in little Galahd and he would make these sleds that always lasted for a few days and they would put them through the ringer.” She moved her hands around, trying to describe what it was like. “Like, they would do so many stunts with them and record it all. They would then gather friends and watch it together.”
She looked around at the group.
“Have you guys done anything like that?”
"Hmm...Sorta," They looked to Ava, who shrugged. She took a bite from her plate and continued with her stitch work.
“We cut our own tree and tied Ribbons to it to hope for a healthy year.” She sipped her mug of coffee and grimaced. "Valentina, did you spike the grounds again?" That set everyone to inspect their cups.
“Damnit Drusus!”
“It wasn’t me!”
“Might I remind you that we are still underage. Adults gone or not.”
“Bad Valentina!”
“Cute defense, still guilty.” Gladio and Kaiser had to hold Valentina back before she launched over the table and tackled a grinning Noctis.
“And why are you still drinking the coffee Ms. Varius?”
Ava didn’t even blinked as she responded. “Because I’m not gonna waste coffee just because there’s a little bit of alcohol. I drank wine with my family on many occasions so this isn’t new.”
She looked at him directly. “Problem?"
Ignis felt like he should have one but he looked into his mug and dipped a finger. He then licked it and looked upwards thoughtfully.
Gladiolus took a swig himself and shrugged. "Got a bit of a kick to it."
"Nice buzz," Gaius echoed.
"What did I say about drinking these things while we’re so young?” Amata berated them. She couldn't blame the group though. And didn’t continue to push it when they shrugged back at her.
After doing so many things that pushed their heads to the very brink. It wasn’t often they touched the adult drinks but sometimes they grabbed a glass of it because something so uncommon shocked them back to their senses. It was stupid and dangerous but they all trusted Valentina to be careful.
trust was all they had most days.
“Back to my question folks!” Silas gained back their attention with a clap of her hands. She then proceeded to point at Kaiser.
“What did you do with your folks?” Kaiser actually took the time to think about it.
“Well, dad was less busy during the holidays so he would make this wonderful smelling but dreadful tasting fruit cake. We would then throw it in the fire place and let the house fill with the wonderful scent while we bought pizza and watched musicals together.” Kaiser smiled softly as he remembered.
“Ooh, that sounds fun.” Valentina jumped in. “But my family was awesome! Dad would get me and my siblings and he would get a bunch of fireworks, and go to the junkyard and set them off while mom cooked this yummy stew!”
“Gaius?” Amata looked at her friend curiously.
Gaius blinked and shrugged helplessly.
“Read old folklore together...Wove new traditions from the old ones...Made spice cider...and burned papers with written wishes.”
“Wow....that was the longest thing I ever heard you say.”
“It’s true!”
“What about you Eshmun?” Amata pointed at herself at the sudden attention.
“O-oh, well we just stayed home and watched movies.”
“Sounds normal.” Silas stated, Amata shrugging with a blush.
“Prompto?” He just shrugged and continued to pet Pryna. Noctis laid his head on Prompto’s shoulders in a form a comfort. it seemed to help as a smile emerged on the blonde’s face.
“ I spent the day with my uncle, nothing more.” Ignis said, focusing on his meal.
Gladio rubbed his chin. “Don’t really remember much traditions for that but we just watched random movies on tv and that was it.”
The meal was continued in silence but it was a thoughtful one rather than an awkward one.
Noctis broke that silence near the end of the meal.
“We can make our own tradition...”
“King you gotta make more sense then that.” Ava said with a raised eyebrow.
“What I mean is, why don’t we make new traditions for everyone?” He kept himself focused on Umbra’s fur.
“We’ve been hard at work for so long and things are started to even out a bit...” he shrugged.
“I thought maybe we can do something special now and then to keep the kids spirits up when times are tough.”
This, is what made Ignis so honored to follow Noctis. How, despite his obvious discomfort when pushing his boundaries, he always wants to help everyone under his care. To put their joys before his own. To save their health and happiness before his own life.
So wonderous yet self-destructive. Ignis had so much work to do to keep him safe when he let his guard down.
And a quick look at Gladiolus proved he wasn’t the only who thought so.
“What should we do?” Kaiser asked curiously, playing with his hair.
“Fireworks!” Valentina automatically suggested. And was as quickly turned down as usual.
“We can come up with traditional foods?” Amata suggested. “Just pay attention to any allergies!”
“We can find some movies at the store?”
“I still say we light something up.”
“Shut up Drusus.”
“Make me Amicitia.”
Ignis smiled as the meal came to a chaotic close.
He already enjoyed the traditions he had made for himself after this new life began.
Watching this group of children become better leaders was always a sight to see.
But watching as they regain their fading childhood joy at such simple things always made the difficulties of the coming year worth the struggle.
Ignis rested his head in his hand and closed his eyes for a moment. Allowing himself to engage in his favorite tradition during this time of year.
And he let the joyful voices lull him into a brief but comforting rest.
Merry Christmas folks! (And please reblog)
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lennon-foster · 4 years
a brighter love
levi & lennon february 19th
Levi is getting the house ready for Lennon and Abe to come over. He finishes dinner and then wipes his clammy hands on a dish towel as he feels himself getting nervous for what he wants to ask Lennon.
Lennon and Abe got off the train stop to walk the short way to his place. She quickly wrote him a text to say she was almost there. After a few minutes she arrives and knocks on his door. 
Levi has Mia open the door for them and she grins, “Lemon! Baby Abey!” 
She grins at her and laughs, “Hi Miss Mia.” Lennon takes Abe out of his stroller and puts him down inside the house before closing it up. Abe walks a little wobbly towards Mia. 
Mia grins widely and waits til Abe is close enough before hugging him, “You walk so good, Abey!” Levi grins and goes over to Lennon, “Hi, babe.” 
Lennon smiles at the two of them as she closes the door and puts the stroller down, “Hey, look at how cute they are.” She leans over to kiss him quickly before nodding to the kids. 
Levi grins widely as he looks at them, “The cutest.” 
She laughs and holds her hand out for Abe and Mia, “Whats for dinner?” 
He smiles, “Parmesan crusted chicken and linguini for us, Parmesan crusted chicken nuggets for them.” Mia grins and takes Lennon’s hand. 
“Mmm..sounds amazing.” She starts to lead the kiddos into the kitchen and hums, “And any wine for the adults?” 
Levi grins and nods, “I have a selection.” 
She grins back at him and nods, “Perfect. I actually brought some dessert it’s in my bag.” 
He grins at her, “You spoil us.” 
Lennon smiles and lets go of the kiss hands before setting down her bag then pulling out a Tupperware of brownies. 
Levi smiles widely, “Yesss.” Mia grins, “Mmm, bwownies!” 
She smiles at them and nods, “But we can only have them after dinner. Mia, wanna play with Abey?” 
Mia grins, “Okay!” She holds her hand out to Abe. 
Lennon smiles as Abe takes her hand before turning to Levi. “Help me with some of Abe’s and my stuff?” 
Levi nods and smiles, “Of course.” He grabs what he can and carries it into the house more. 
She smiles and shakes her head, “I gotta start leaving some of this stuff here or getting two of things because trucking this stuff is a lot on the train.” 
He smiles at her, “Umm.. funny you say that actually.” 
Lennon raises her brows and puts down her bag with Abe’s snacks on the kitchen counter, “What’s that?” 
Mia is playing with Abe and her toys and Levi looks at her nervously, “What if.. you left all your stuff here and didn’t have to worry about taking the train anymore..” 
She furrows her brows a little and takes out some of the stuff in the bag, “I’m not following, Levi.” 
He moves over to her and takes her hands in his, “See, this is a three bedroom, but Mia and I only take up two.. and my bathroom has two sinks and my bed is a king but I sleep alone and don’t have enough stuff for two sinks... Mia and I would really love if you and Abe filled those missing spaces here.. on a permanent basis.” 
Lennon widens her eyes and squeezes his hand nervously, “Wait..Levi, are you asking us to move in? Are you sure? That’s a lot of you to ask and what if..things don’t work out and I uprooted Abe from what he knows and..are you sure?” 
Levi softens and smiles at her, “There are only a few things I’ve ever been sure about, and this is one of them. Len, you two belong here with us.. this is gonna work out. I wouldn’t ask you to move in if I wasn’t sure of that.” 
She smiles shyly as her cheeks heat up, “And Mia wouldn’t mind? I don’t want anything that makes her uncomfortable.” 
He grins, “I already got her permission, she was very excited about it.” 
Lennon lets go of his hands and moves hers to his cheeks with a small grin, “Levi..I don’t know what to say.” 
Levi leans into her touch and grins, “Say yes.” 
She laughs softly and nods her head, “I’ll check on my lease but yes, I’d love to.” 
He grins at her before kissing her sweetly. 
Lennon smiles and kisses him back happily. 
Levi grins widely against her lips. 
She wraps her arms around his neck and kisses him more with a smile. 
He smiles as they kiss and he moves his hands to her waist. 
Lennon grins and pulls back slightly, “You’re really sure right?” 
Levi grins, “I am.” 
She nudges her nose against his and smiles widely, “I’m excited.” 
He smiles widely, “Me too. I was nervous.” 
Lennon grins and shakes her head, “Really?” 
Levi laughs, “Yes.” 
She smiles and tilts her head to the side, “How nice is it that we won’t have to pack bags?” 
He grins, “And I’ll get to see you all the time.” 
Lennon pecks his lips a few times, “Thats a great perk.” 
Levi smiles widely and returns each kiss, “The best perk.” 
She grins and strokes his cheeks as she glances over to check on the kids, “Do you think they will get along being together a lot?” 
He watches Mia and Abe play and he grins, “I think they’ll be best friends.” 
Lennon leans her head against his and grins over at the kids, “I sure hope so.” 
Levi grins and rubs her waist, “She already loves him. And you.” 
She smiles softly as she watches them, “I love her too. She’s the sweetest.” 
He smiles and kisses her temple. 
Lennon smiles and turns to look at him, “Levi..” 
“Yes?” He grins. 
She strokes his cheek gently and smiles shyly, “I think I..I love you too.” 
Levi leans into her touch and grins, “I love you, Lennon.” 
Lennon smiles wider and leans in to kiss him sweetly. 
He grins widely against her lips and he holds her close. 
She returns the kiss and strokes his cheek with a smile. 
Levi pulls back and smiles widely. 
Lennon grins and nudges her nose against his. 
He smiles and kisses her quickly. 
She smiles wider and returns the kiss, “I really am excited for our future, Levi.” 
Levi grins at her lovingly, “Me too.” 
Lennon brushes her thumb against her cheek and smiles back at him. 
He grins, “I hope your roommate won’t be too mad.” 
Lennon laughs and shakes her head, “I think living with a toddler was getting old for her.” 
Levi laughs, “Maybe she knows someone who can sublet from you if your lease isn’t up soon.” 
She nods with a smile, “Yeah, I think she’ll find someone. It’s almost up though.” 
He smiles, “And I still have a bunch of furniture that Mia outgrew so whatever you need.” 
Lennon smiles as she nods, “Thank you.” 
Levi nods and smiles, “You’re welcome.” 
She glances over to check on the kids and sighs happily. 
He smiles, “I’m gonna get dinner set out.” 
Lennon nods her head, “Okay, do you want help?” 
Levi shakes his head and smiles, “I’ve got it.” 
She smiles with a nod as she pulls back from him. 
He kisses her cheek and goes to set out dinner and Mia keeps playing with Abe. 
Lennon smiles wider before going over to watch the kids play, “Whatcha playing with Mia?” 
Mia looks at Lennon and holds up a doll, “Wanna be the mommy doll!?” 
She smiles with a nod, “Of course.” She takes the doll, “What are our dolls doing?” 
She grins at Lennon, “Making a pie!” 
Lennon laughs and nods her head, speaking in a higher voice, “What kind of pie do you want today, Sweetie?” 
Mia goes into a fit of giggles, “Boobelly!” 
She laughs with her and looks over Abe, who is playing with some of the doll house furniture. 
Levi comes over and smiles, “Dinners ready.” 
Lennon smiles up at him and nods before standing up before picking up Abe, “Hungry, buddy?” 
He smiles and holds Mia’s hand, bringing her to the table. 
Abe nods with a smile as Lennon kisses his head, “Can you take him so I can set up his attachable chair?” 
Levi gets Mia into her booster seat and then nods, holding his arms out for Abe. 
Lennon smiles and hands him Abe before going to grab his travel, unfolding it and attaching it to the table. 
He grins as he bounces Abe, “Ready for some chicken?” 
Abe giggles softly, “Hwungry..” Lennon grins at them and finishes securing it, “All set.” 
Levi smiles and sets him in his chair, “It’s food time, buddy.” 
Lennon smiles and sits down next to him, “It smells amazing.” 
He grins and starts to serve everyone, “Thank you.” 
She smiles at him, “And the kiddos food is perfect for Abe.” 
Levi grins at her, “Thank you.” Mia starts to eat and she smiles, “Mmmmm!” 
Lennon laughs as she takes her own bite, “Mm..so good..” She glances at Abe as he picks up the food and puts it in his mouth, nearly missing. 
He chuckles as he watches him. 
She laughs and shakes her head, “You’re doing great, buddy.” 
Levi smiles as he starts to eat. 
Lennon takes a bite of her food and hums again, “You are such a good cook.” 
He grins at her, "Thank you. Well, you're a good baker so it's only fair." 
“True, I just prefer it.” She eats more with a smile, “It’s a lot more structured, you know?” 
Levi laughs and nods, "Yeah, I get it." 
Lennon laughs and shrugs one shoulder, “Plus chocolate.” 
He chuckles and shakes his head, "Like I said, I'll do the cooking, you do the baking." 
Lennon nudges her foot against his with a smile, “Good deal.” 
Levi grins, “These are gonna be very well fed kids” 
She laughs and brushes Abe’s hair back as he chews on his fingers, “Oh yeah. Thankfully they aren’t picky either.” 
He laughs, “Chicken is always a hit.” 
Lennon nods and smiles, “He is loving it.” 
Levi grins and looks at Mia, “Yummy dinner?” Mia grins and nods, “Soooo ‘ummy!” 
She laughs and smiles at her, “Adorable.” 
He grins and nods, "She really is." 
Lennon smiles at her before glancing at Abe and making sure he’s eating. 
Levi rubs Lennon's leg as he eats and Mia looks at Abe, "'Ummy, wight Abey!?" 
Abe giggles and babbles softly. Lennon grins and nods her head, “He thinks so too.” 
Mia giggles happily and sips her drink. 
Lennon smiles at Levi, “I’m really happy this is going to be our normal.” 
He grins at her adoringly, "Me too." 
She squeezes his hand on her leg and smiles lovingly. 
Levi leans over and kisses her cheek softly. 
Lennon smiles wider and leans into him. 
He grins widely, "Oh, your wine. Red or white?" 
Lennon hums and nods, “With this dinner, I think white.” 
Levi smiles and goes to the wine, "Chardonnay? Sauvignon Blanc?" 
She hums happily and smiles, “Sauvignon Blanc please.” 
He nods and smiles before pouring her a glass. 
Lennon smiles and eats more of her dinner. 
Levi brings it over to her and kisses her cheek. 
She grins and takes the glass, “Thank you, handsome.” 
He sits down and grins, "You're welcome." 
Lennon smiles and looks over at Abe, “He’s almost done. He actually ate so fast he loved it that much.” 
Levi grins proudly, "Yeah?" 
She nods and uses his bib to try and wipe his face a little, “Yeah, and he’s all messy.” 
He chuckles, “So cute though.” 
Lennon nods with a smile, “He sure is.” 
Levi grins and Mia smiles, “awww done, daddy!” 
She smiles at her as she sips her wine, “Did you like it, Miss Mia?” 
Mia grins and nods, “Mhm!” He smiles at Mia, “Good job, Mi. Are you going to sit with us while we finish eating?” Mia nods again with a smile. 
Lennon smiles at her as she eats more of her food, “And then we can have brownies?” 
Mia grins and claps excitedly. 
She grins at her and looks at Abe, “Want chocolate soon, bud?” He babbles something that kind of sounds like chocolate and smiles. 
Levi grins widely, “So cute.” 
She laughs and nods her head as she finishes up her dinner. 
He finishes as well before getting up to clear the table. 
Lennon stands up and smiles, “I’ll get dessert set up.” 
Levi smiles at her, “Sounds good.” 
She looks at Mia, “Be a good girl for a moment Mi, I’ll be right back.” She goes into the kitchen to grab the brownies and plates. 
Mia looks at Lennon, “I aways good giww!” 
Lennon comes back over to the table and smiles, “You are.” She kisses her head quickly and smiles as she starts to put brownies on plates. 
Levi chuckles and finishes cleaning up before going back to the table. 
She smiles over at him as she cuts up Abe’s brownie into pieces. 
He smiles and moves Mia over onto his lap. 
Lennon grins over at them as she pushes a plate with two brownies to them and puts Abe’s in front of him. 
Levi smiles, “What do you say, Mi?” Mia grins, “Fank you, Lemon!” 
She grins at her, “You’re welcome.” Mia glances at Abe as he starts to eat the brownie and smiles. 
Mia takes a bite of hers and her eyes light up, “Mmmmmmm! ‘Ummy!” Levi laughs and takes a bite, “So good.” 
Lennon smiles at them and nods as she eats some of her own, “Next time you can help me make them, Mia.” 
Mia grins widely, "Yay!" 
She grins and reaches over to wipe Abe’s face with his bib. 
Levi smiles as he eats, “These hit the spot.” 
Lennon smiles and nods her head, “I love this brownie recipe.” 
"Me too," he grins widely. 
She nudges her foot against his and grins as she finishes hers. 
Levi smiles, "and we're gonna use it all the time." 
Lennon laughs and nods her head, “Whenever you want, babe.” 
He grins widely and kisses her cheek. 
She giggles softly and leans into his kiss. 
Levi smiles widely against her skin. 
Lennon turns her head and pecks his lips quickly with a smile. 
He laughs and rubs Mia's back. 
She smiles and looks over at Abe as he finishes his, “Oh he’s gonna need a bath after that.” 
Levi laughs, "That's fine." 
Lennon shifts to pick up Abe and put him in her lap, “Cutie but messy.” 
He smiles and wipes Mia's face clean with a napkin, "I can relate." 
She grins and kisses the top of Abe’s head, “Adorable munchkins.” 
Levi grins and nods, "The cutest." 
Lennon smiles and tickles Abe’s sides as he giggles. 
Mia giggles, "I wike Abey's waff." 
She grins at Mia, “I like your laugh, Miss Mia.” 
She blushes and smiles shyly, "Fank you, Miss Lemon." 
Lennon reaches over and pokes her cheek with a smile. 
Levi laughs and kisses the top of Mia's head as she hides her face in his shoulder. 
She laughs and smiles up at Levi, “I want them to stay this cute and sweet forever.” 
He grins widely, “They will.” 
Lennon kisses Abe’s head and cuddles him close. 
Levi smiles, “You two are so cute.” 
She grins and nods her head, “All four of us are cute.” 
He smiles shyly, “Thank yoouuu.” 
Lennon kisses Abe’s head again and grins, “Should do bath time now? I’ll need to start winding the little guy down.” 
Levi nods and smiles, “Sure.” 
She grins and stands up with Abe in her arms before grabbing their plates. 
He gets up with Mia and sets her down. 
Lennon smiles and goes to put their plates down in the kitchen before grabbing their bag. 
Mia follows Lennon curiously, “What we do now?” 
She grins down at her, “Well, Abe needs a bath. Do you wanna take one too?” She holds her hand out for her. 
She smiles and nods, taking Lennon’s hand. Levi stands back a little and grins to himself as he thinks about how this is gonna be their new normal. 
Lennon smiles and nods, “Good, you can show him all your bath toys.” She looks over her shoulder at Levi with a grin, “You coming?” 
Mia grins, “Yay!” Levi nods and smiles, “I am.” 
She smiles widely at him and starts to lead Mia towards the bathroom. 
Levi smiles and follows, getting the towels from the closet. 
Lennon lets go of Mia’s hand, “I’m gonna change him then I’ll be back.” 
He nods and smiles, “Okay, baby. I’ll get the bath ready.” 
She smiles and nods before going to the bedroom. 
Levi smiles and gets a bubble bath drawn for the kids. 
After a few moments, she comes back with Abe and grins, “Looky Abe. Bubbles.” The little boy grins widely. 
He grins at them, "Ready?" 
Lennon nods as she shifts to sit on the ground before putting Abe in the tub. 
Mia grins at Lennon, "Me too?" 
She grins and nods as she helps her undress before picking her up and into the tub. 
Mia squeals and starts to play with the bubbles. Levi grins and kisses Lennon's shoulder. 
Lennon grins and leans closer to Levi as she watches Abe splash a little and play with the bubbles too. 
He laughs and looks at Lennon, "I love you." 
She smiles at him and nudges her nose against his, “I love you.” 
Levi grins and rubs her back and Mia starts to show Abe her bath toys. 
Lennon grins at them then Levi, “Thank you for asking us to move in.” 
He smiles and kisses her temple, "Thank you for saying yes." 
She closes her eyes and smiles, “I wouldn’t say no.” 
Levi smiles and rubs her shoulder, "This feels right." 
Lennon nods and smiles, “It does. It feels..perfect.” 
He smiles widely and kisses her cheek. 
Lennon grins wider and watches as the kids play. 
Levi smiles to himself and then moves to wash Mia up. 
She grins before doing the same for Abe, “Gotta get you clean little buddy.” 
He laughs and Mia plays with the bubbles. 
Lennon grins at them and reaches over to poke some bubbles on Mia’s nose. 
Mia laughs loudly and goes cross eyed. 
She laughs with her before washing Abe again. 
Levi laughs and then uses the water pitcher to wet Mia's hair, "So silly." 
Lennon grins as she grabs one of Abe’s toys to play with as he starts to fidget. 
Levi washes Mia's hair and smiles at Lennon, "All good over there?" 
She nods as she takes the water pitcher to do Abe’s hair, “He loves baths and just wants to play with the water and move around.” 
He grins widely, "A merman." 
Lennon laughs and nods her head, “I wanna put him in swim lessons.” 
Levi smiles, "That will be fun. Maybe that's something they can do together." 
She nods and smiles at him as she washes Abe’s hair, “That’s a great idea.” 
He smiles widely and then rinses Mia's hair, "Thank you." 
Lennon kisses his shoulder and smiles as Abe plays with his toy and babbles happily. 
Levi grins at Lennon's kiss, "I'm so happy we're gonna be able to do this all the time." 
She smiles and rinses Abe’s hair, “Me too. It feels normal.” 
He nods and smiles, leaning over to kiss her cheek, "It does." 
Lennon grins at the kiss and leans back to let Abe play a little more. 
Levi smiles and lets Mia play with her toys before bringing his arm around Lennon. 
She leans into him and rests her head on his shoulder, “I love you and these little ones so much.” 
He smiles and leans his cheek on her head, "I love you and them too. You three make me so happy." 
Lennon closes her eyes with a soft smile and puts her hand on his leg, “I feel the same.” 
Levi smiles and keeps rubbing her side. 
She opens her eyes and smiles as the kids play together, “So sweet together.” 
He grins, "They are, she loves spending time with Baby Abey." 
Lennon grins and nods her head, “They are gonna be best friends.” 
Levi goes to say that they're gonna be siblings but doesn't wanna make her uncomfortable so he nods and smiles, "They really are." 
She smiles at the kids as she squeezes his leg. 
He smiles and kisses her head a bunch of times. 
Lennon laughs softly before lifting her head, “Should we take the munchkins out?” 
"Yeah," he smiles and gets up, holding a towel for Abe out to her. 
She smiles and thanks him before leaning over to open the drain then picking up Abe with the towel. 
Levi smiles and looks at Mia, "Stand up for me, please." Mia gets up and Levi scoops her up in the towel before setting her down and making vacuum noises as he dries her off. 
Lennon grins at them as she watches them and Abe cuddles into her arms. 
He smiles and puts her robe on her, "Can I brush your hair?" Mia hums, "Can Lemon do it?" She looks up at Lennon, "Pease?" 
She nods and grins at her, “Of course. Can you put lotion on Abe then put on his pjs for me?” 
Levi nods and holds his arms out for Abe, "Sure can." 
Lennon smiles and hands him Abe before holding her hand out for Mia. 
He takes Abe, "Let's go little man." He rubs his back as he carries him into Abe's room to get him all ready for bed. Mia grins and takes Lennon's hand. 
She smiles at them before leading Mia to her room and grabbing her brush before sitting down, “Come sit on my lap, sweetie.” 
Mia climbs onto Lennon's lap and grins. 
Lennon kisses her cheek as she starts to brush through her hair gently. 
Levi sets Abe on the changing table to get lotion on him, "What's your favorite toy, Abe?" Mia smiles to herself and closes her eyes. 
Abe wiggles a little as the lotion is put on and babbles something that sounds like puppy. Lennon smiles as she hums softly and continues to brush. 
Abe smiles and hugs the cow to his chest. Lennon as she kisses her cheek a few times, “I’m happy too.” 
He grins widely and kisses his head, "You're so cute." Mia giggles happily and turns to snuggle into her. 
Lennon holds her close and cuddles her close before standing up with her in her arms, “Wanna say night night to Abey?” 
Mia nods her head and smiles, "Yea, baby Abey." 
She smiles at her before carrying her into Abe’s room, “Hey..how was it?” 
Levi grins at her, "It was great." 
Lennon grins wider and nods her head, “Mia is gonna say night to him. 
He goes over to her and smiles, "Ready, Mia?" Mia leans over and kisses Abe's cheek, "Night, Baby Abey." 
Abe giggles and wiggles a little. Lennon smiles widely at the two of them, “Very sweet.” 
Levi laughs, "Can you say night night to Mia, Abe?" 
Lennon picks up Abe’s hand, “Say bye bye.” Abe moves his hand himself, “Bye Byes..” 
Mia giggles and then holds her arms out to Levi. Levi laughs, "Switch?" 
She nods and shifts Mia closer for him to take. 
Levi takes Mia in his other arm and kisses her head. 
Lennon takes Abe and cuddles him close, “Sleepy time, bud.” She kisses his head and goes to lay him down in his crib. 
Levi carries Mia to her room and gets her in her PJs before getting her tucked into bed. 
She turns on his white noise machine and sets him his monitor before turning off the lights and walking out of the room. 
He smiles and kisses Mia's head, "Goodnight, sweetheart. I love you." Mia grins up at him, "Night night, Daddy. Wuv you." 
Lennon comes into her room, “I wanted to say good night.” She smiles and comes over to them. 
Mia grins up at her, "Nighty night, Lemon." 
Lennon smiles and leans down to kiss her forehead, “Night, Miss Mia.” 
She smiles up at her and then closes her eyes. Levi smiles and turns on the nightlight, holding his hand out to her. 
She hums softly and takes his hand, leading him out of the room. 
Levi turns off her light on the way out and smiles at Lennon. 
Lennon grins at him, “Adult time finally.” She leads him to the living room. 
He laughs and kisses her temple. 
She smiles and grabs her wine glass from the table. 
Levi smiles and gets his before grabbing the container of brownies. 
Lennon grins and leads him to the couch, “Great idea.” 
He laughs and sits with her, "I'm glad you agree." 
She rests her legs over his and grins, sipping her wine. 
Levi rubs her legs and smiles widely, "I'm happy you're moving in." 
Lennon smiles as she grabs out a brownie, “I am too. I feel really lucky to have met you.” 
He smiles, "I'm so glad I went to pick up Mia that day." 
She grins and takes a bite of the brownie, “It was fate.” 
Levi grins and kisses her cheek, rubbing her leg with his freehand, "It was. I really do love you, Lennon." 
Lennon smiles at him widely, “I love you, Levi. I’m excited for our future.” 
"Me too," he grins and kisses her lips quickly. 
She grins and returns the kiss quickly before holding the brownie up for him. 
He grins and takes a bite of the brownie, "Mm.." 
Lennon grins and finishes it off with a hum. 
Levi smiles and kisses her shoulder, "Feel free to decorate however you want, too." 
She laughs and nods her head, “Just a few touches. I like what you..and probably your mom have done here already.” 
He smiles, "Thank you. But I want it to look and feel like it's our place." 
Lennon smiles and nudges her nose against his, “It will.” 
Levi grins and sips his wine, gently squeezing her leg. 
She hums softly and smiles, “When can I start bringing stuff over?” 
He smiles, "Whenever you want to." 
Lennon sips her wine and nods, “I just need to talk to my roommate. And Abe’s dad.” 
Levi nods his head, "Of couse." 
She sighs softly and puts her hand over his, “I’m not looking forward to that.” 
He nods a little, "I can be there when you do if that's easier." 
Lennon smiles at him and nods, “I would love that. I think if he knows who Abe is with too it’ll make it easier. You’ll have to meet his mom too sometime.” 
Levi raises his brows, "Well, the first time I met Christopher it wasn't under the best circumstances." 
She laughs softly and shakes her head, “Yeah, definitely not. Hopefully he will be..nicer.” 
He raises his brows, "And sober." 
Lennon rolls her eyes and sighs, “That too.” 
Levi squeezes her legs, "Hopefully me being a dad myself will make it a bit easier." 
She nods and smiles, “True. And maybe I’ll make his mom come too. Then she’ll meet you and hopefully see how great you are. So even if he complains later she knows.” 
He nods, "That sounds like a good idea." 
Lennon kisses his cheek, “Can I tell you something?” 
Levi nods, "Of course." 
She smiles softly and squeezes his hand, “I don’t know how to word this but I’m really thankful that Abe has you as a male figure in his life.” 
He smiles, "I know what you mean. And I'm happy to be that role model for him." 
Lennon smiles lovingly at him and leans her forehead against his. 
Levi smiles widely, "And you're the an amazing maternal figure for Mia." 
She blushes and waves her hand, “She has your mom too.” 
He nods and smiles, "She does, but it's different." 
Lennon smiles and nods her head, “I get it. I’m glad to be that for her.” 
Levi grins, "I love you." 
She grins back at him, “I love you.” 
He continues to rub her leg, “Can you feed me again, please?” 
Lennon laughs with a nod as she holds up another brownie to his lips. 
Levi grins and takes a big bite. 
She smiles and takes a bite after him with a hum. 
He smiles and sips his wine, “I’m loving this.” 
Lennon nods with a grin, “Me too. This will be our normal soon.” 
Levi grins, “I cant wait.” 
She smiles and kisses his cheek a few times. 
He smiles wider and massages her leg gently. 
Lennon grins and puts the brownies down on the coffee table before cuddling into him. 
Levi smiles and wraps his free arm around her, setting his empty wine glass on the table beside the couch. 
She finishes her wine and holds the glass up to him to set down. 
He laughs and sets her glass down as well. 
Lennon grins and leans up to kiss him gently. 
Levi smiles widely against her lips as he returns the kiss. 
She hums happily and kisses him with a smile. 
He rubs her legs as they kiss. 
Lennon slides her hand onto his neck as she deepens the kiss slightly. 
Levi kisses her just as deeply with a hum. 
She rubs the back of his neck as she sighs into the kiss happily. 
He tilts his head slightly into the kiss. 
Lennon kisses him deeply and shifts closer to him. 
Levi wraps his arms around her as they kiss. 
She smiles against his lips and runs her fingers over his jaw. 
He leans into her touch and smiles. 
Lennon smiles into the kiss and hums softly. 
Levi grins and pulls her closer. 
She breaks the kiss slightly and hums, “Can we go to your bed?” 
He smiles at her, shaking his head, "No, but we can go to our bed." 
Lennon moans his name softly and drags her nails over his skin. 
Levi keeps rubbing her center and he kisses down to her chest, moving her freehand to massage one of her breasts. 
She arches her back slightly as she whimpers his name. 
He kisses all over her breasts and moves his fingers faster. 
Lennon bites her lip to stifle a moan as she closes her eyes. 
Levi sucks on one of her breasts as he slides his fingers down between her folds to tease her entrance. 
She moans a little louder as she rests her hand on the back of his head. 
He slips two fingers into her and slowly thrusts them as he teases the peak of her breast with his tongue. 
Lennon gasps and drags her nails down his back. 
Levi moves his mouth to her other breast as he moves his fingers. 
She bites her lip and whines as she rocks her hips to meet his movements. 
He whimpers against her skin and sucks on it as he thrusts his fingers quicker. 
Lennon drags her nails down his back as she feels her body tense up. 
Levi groans and pulls back to watch her face as his fingers move harder. 
She cries out softly as her walls tighten around his fingers and she hits her climax. 
He makes a small noise as he watches her and he slows his fingers. 
Lennon drops her hand from his back as she tries to catch her breath. 
Levi withdraws his fingers and grins as he kisses her jaw. 
She opens her eyes and laughs breathlessly. 
He grins and kisses to her cheek. 
Lennon grins at the kiss, “I love you.” 
Levi smiles widely. “I love you too.” 
She slides her hand down his chest and leans up to kiss him with a smile. 
He smiles as he returns the kiss. 
Lennon’s hands move over his abdomen as she grins into the kiss. 
Levi hums against her lips and smiles. 
She toys with the top of his boxers and kisses him a little deeper. 
He kisses her just as deeply with a hum. 
Lennon pushes his boxers down and kisses him harder. 
Levi kicks his boxers off his feet as he kisses her just as hard. 
She whimpers and wraps leg around him as she rolls her hips up to meet his. 
He groans and presses himself as close to her as possible. 
Lennon moans into the kiss as she tightens her leg around him. 
Levi whimpers and rolls his hips down into hers. 
She slips her hand between them to wrap around his length as she breaks the kiss to catch her breath. 
He moans softly and looks into her eyes. 
Lennon brushes her thumb over his tip as she smiles at him. 
Levi whimpers and grins a little before kissing her. 
She starts to move her hand slowly up and down his length as she kisses him deeply. 
He groans and kisses her harder. 
Lennon picks up the paces of her hand as she kisses passionately. 
Levi moans and pushes his hips into her touch. 
She tightens her grip as she twists her hand more and tugs on his lower lip. 
He groans and pulls back, "Lennon.." 
Lennon drops her hand and hum, “I want you, Levi..” 
Levi  nods and sets his tip at her entrance before pushing into her slowly with a moan. 
She slides her hands up his back as she whimpers his name softly. 
He groans and pulls the blankets over them as he starts to move his hips at a steady pace. 
Lennon tightens her legs around his waist and moans as she pulls him closer. 
Levi groans and rolls his hips into hers. 
She digs her nails into his back as she moans his name. 
He moans as their hips meet and he leans down to kiss along her neck. 
Lennon whimpers as she buries her face in his neck. 
Levi groans against her skin and thrusts harder. 
She moans his name and rocks her hips with his. 
He lets out a deep moan and keeps his hips moving. 
Lennon wraps her legs around him tighter and cries out softly. 
Levi groans and starts to move his hips quicker. 
She drags her nails up his back as she leans her head back against the pillows, “I’m close..” 
His abdomen tightens and he groans, "Me too.." 
Lennon moans his name as she feels her body tense up and she hits her climax. 
Levi groans and thrusts into her once more as he climaxes and releases. 
She whimpers as her legs drop from around him, “Levi..” 
He whimpers and kisses along her neck. 
Her hands move over his shoulder blades as she tilts her head to the side. 
Levi smiles to himself and rolls them onto their sides. 
Lennon grins and slides her hands over his shoulders. 
He pulls back to look at her and grins. 
She smiles and strokes his cheekbone, “Hi...” 
Levi smiles widely, "Hi.." 
Lennon grins and kisses him gently. 
He grins widely and returns the kiss. 
She pulls back slightly and smiles, “Love you.” 
Levi smiles widely, "I love you, too." 
Lennon nudges her nose against his with a hum. 
He slowly pulls out of her and whimpers. 
She makes a soft sound as she draws her nails along his shoulder. 
Levi hums and kisses her lightly. 
Lennon returns the kiss and smiles. 
He smiles and strokes her cheek softly. 
Lennon leans into his touch and smiles wider. 
Levi smiles widely, "Lennon.." 
She grins and leans her forehead against his. 
He grins and strokes her hair. 
Lennon smiles at his touch and draws her finger over his collarbone. 
Levi smiles widely, "We're gonna live together." 
She grins widely and presses herself closer, “I know.” 
He grins, "I'm excited." 
Lennon smiles and kisses him softly, “Me too. I can’t wait.” 
Levi smiles and rubs her back. 
She hugs him close and buries her face in his neck. 
He smiles widely and kisses her shoulder a few times. 
Lennon grins against him and rubs his back. 
Levi smiles and holds her tight. 
She kisses his neck a few times with a hum. 
He smiles and shuts his eyes, "Mm.." 
Lennon closes her eyes and tangles her legs with his. 
Levi rubs her back, "Goodnight, Lennon.." 
She smiles softly, “Night, baby..” 
He holds her close as they fall asleep together. 
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1am guns (vincent vega x reader)
i’ve done this as kind of a father’s daddy’s day special! but i just wanna note that:
if your dad has left/abandoned you etc
if your dad has passed on
if you have an unstable/difficult relationship with your dad
if your dad doesn’t treat you fairly
or anything like this that might make you feel down on this day
just know ur in my thoughts and i know how difficult it can be <3
either way, i hope u enjoy the fic :)
“So I should be back around seven tomorrow,” Jules reminds you, shrugging his jacket on and straightening it out. “You sure you’re good to stay over?”
“Yeah, no problem, Uncle Jules.”
“C’mere, kiddo,” he grins, pulling you in for a big hug. He gives you a reassuring squeeze and pulls away, holding your shoulders. “Any problems, call me, okay?”
“Yeah. But I’ll be fine.”
“Alright. Give her another kiss from me when she’s awake, yeah?”
“I will! Now go, you’re gonna be late!” you urge, shoving him out of the door and giggling.
“One thing you gotta know about me by now, I’m never fuckin’ late. S’at dumbass Vincent that is.”
“I get it,” you giggle. “See you tomorrow, Jules. Be safe.”
“I will, sweetie. See ya.” With that, you wave him out as he heads to his car and drives off, throwing you an extra wave as he does so. Despite calling him ‘Uncle Jules’, he’s not related to you by any means. Your father, Jimmie, had been friends with him since you were very young, so you had always known Jules as your uncle. He’s practically family at this point. Always cares for you, looks after you, makes sure you’re okay. Had always had your back (and always will).
Closing the door, you tiptoe to Jada’s room and peek in. There’s a hazy pink glow in the darkness coming from her nightlight (one you had helped pick for her birthday, actually) and she appears to be fast asleep. ‘Such a beautiful girl,’ you think to yourself. Smiling, you make your way to the kitchen to raid the cupboards. Jules had stuck a post-it note labelled ‘SNACKIES FOR THE BABYSITTER’ on two of them. 
You scoff to yourself. As if you didn’t already know exactly where the yummy nibbles are. Grabbing a bowl and emptying a hefty bag of salted pretzels into it, you head to the living room and plonk yourself on the couch. Jules had placed a few folded-up fuzzy blankets on the arm along with a couple of pillows, so you drape one over yourself.
Softly humming some Nirvana song you had heard that day to yourself, you ponder over what to watch on TV. Not expecting to find anything interesting, you mindlessly flick through the channels, eyes half-lidded in the darkness, the room barely lit from the box.
“--wanna be like you, hop-dee-doo-bee-do-bow
I wanna walk like you,
Talk like you, too”
You practically sit bolt upright at this. It’s the Jungle Book! Resting the TV remote on the stained coffee table, you snuggle down into the blankets, popping a pretzel in your mouth one after another. Maybe tonight won’t be as tedious as you had thought.
You shuffle in your sleep, the TV still idly playing in the background.
Clomp. Clomp. Clomp.
Somewhere in the back of your mind, something snaps, and you jump the fuck out from the blankets into a stance that can only be described as that of a ninja warrior. Jules’ front door leads directly into the living room, and you give a threatening glare to the doofus standing at it.
He holds his hands up, looking at you dumbfounded. “Uh--”
“Shut the fuck up, who the hell are you and why are you in my uncle’s house?” you demand, fumbling around for the gun he hides for you. Your hands find it tucked inside one of the pillowcases, and you aim it at him. The guy watches you in confusion.
“I’m Vincent? I’m his-- I work with him? Who the hell are you?”
Oh. So this is the dumbass Jules always mentions. “Oh,” you say, lowering the gun. “So you’re the dumbass Jules always mentions.”
“I’m the what? Look, kid, why are you here?” he sighs, gently kicking the front door shut.
“I’m babysitting, asshole. Why are you here? Sneaking into Jules’ apartment in the middle of the fucking night? Imagine if Jada would have heard you, she’d be fucking terrified, you should be ashamed of yourself!” you scold.
Christ, this is embarrassing. Being lectured at one in the morning by some young girl in skimpy Mickey Mouse pyjamas. How fucking humiliating. “You can’t talk to me that way, I’m-- you can’t talk to me like that!” he stutters.
You fold your arms, unintentionally pushing your breasts together. His eyes automatically drop to them-- you’re not wearing a bra, either. “Uh, hello? Eyes up here?” you scoff, snapping your fingers in front of your chest. He jumps at this and meets your eyes again.
“Whatever,” you say, pretending to not enjoy it. You had never seen a photo of Vince before, but god, he’s handsome. You’re lucky you’re wearing your ass-shorts, as your best friend liked to call them (they make your ass look incredible, these pyjamas really are a blessing). “We can talk like adults here. Why are you sneaking into my uncle’s apartment?”
“Why do I suddenly owe you an explanation?”
You raise your eyebrow at him, arms still folded. That’s enough to terrify him into telling you.
“Alright, alright! I lost my fuckin’ gun and I know where he keeps his spares,” he admits, his eyes flickering from your chest to your eyes.
You saunter over to him, a smirk playing on your lips-- older men are much more fun to tease. “You can borrow mine, if you like,” you coo, “daddy.”
“Wh-- look, honey, I ain’t into, uh, I ain’t ‘boutta-- you know!” he stammers, not knowing where to look. He has to look down at you to make eye contact, and he can’t really do that without looking down your shirt. It’s not making it any easier that your nipples are visible through the material.
“Ain’t about to what, Vincent?” you tease, running your tongue over your upper lip. You gaze up at him with doe eyes, knowing exactly what you’re doing to him. Poor guy, he’s so flustered. Feeling a little guilty about it, you change your expression to a smug one. “I’m kidding, Christ. I’ll go get you one of his spares.”
Vince sighs and holds his coat so it covers his crotch as he trails after you to Jules’ room-- you’ve got him all worked up.
Jules keeps his guns in a safe that’s hidden at the bottom of his wardrobe, so you grab the key from its safe place and get on your hands and knees to unlock it. The shorts hug your ass perfectly, and Vince can hardly take it. You can feel his eyes roaming over you and, smirking to yourself, wiggle your butt a little. “Oh, god,” he groans, unable to keep it in. “Oh, fuck, I’m sorry, honey, it’s just that y--”
“Wanna fuck?”
“Want? To? Fuck?”
He lets his coat drop to the floor. “Is that a question or an offer?” 
You cock your head to look up at him, chewing your lip. “Both,” you whisper, kneeling in front of him. He watches you like a hawk as you palm him through his pants, rubbing your lips and nose against his erection, almost gnawing at it.
“Mm, good girl, good kitten,” he urges, running his hands through your hair.
Giggling quietly, you paw at his hand and he helps you up. He rubs your waist with his hands, pushing your shirt up. The warmth from his palms is so comforting. You pull him in for an impatient kiss-- his breath tastes of cigarettes. It’s dirty, you like it. “Fuck me on the couch, I’m not doing it in my uncle’s bedroom.”
“Of course, babydoll,” he smirks, picking you up and carrying you to the living room. Carefully, he lowers you down so you’re on the couch, legs spread and ready to be fucked. “I’ll pull out, baby, don’t worry about that.”
“Mhm, yes daddy,” you whine, gushing at the sound of his belt buckle jingling as he drops his slacks and takes himself out. You hear him jerk himself a couple of times for the relief and, god, it’s such a fucking hot thought.
“S’all cause’a those beautiful tits’a yours,” he growls, holding the crotch of your shorts & panties to one side and rubbing the tip of his cock up & down your slit, teasing you. It’s practically glazed over with your wetness. “Don’t leave much to the imagination, do ya, baby girl?”
“Still reeled you in though, didn’t it?”
“That’s true,” Vincent admits, chuckling as he positions himself. Slowly, he pushes his cock into you, one hand on your ass and the other on your waist, pulling you towards him. A few moments later and he’s worked up a steady rhythm, grunting quietly with every thrust. Aside from the TV that’s quietly sounding, the only noise in the room is the sticky sound of slapping skin accompanied by hushed groans. “So good, baby, so fuckin’ good,” he growls under his breath, fucking into you in just the right spot.
Not a few minutes later and you’re panting a little, feeling your orgasm on its way. “Mmf, daddy, I’m gonna come,” you whine, doing your best to keep quiet.
“Tha’s a good girl, honey, go on, all for daddy.”
Hearing him refer to himself as daddy in that sexed up voice is enough for you. Your climax approaches and you feel your pussy tighten around his cock. You bite down on your knuckle to muffle your squeals, which sets him off-- he pulls out, jerking himself as he finishes over your ass. “Christ,” he pants, giving himself a stroke before pulling his pants back up. “That wasn’t bad.”
You readjust your panties & shorts so you’re wearing them like normal again, then turn to face him, raising an eyebrow with an amused smirk. “’Wasn’t bad’? Great fucking review, I’m flattered,” you say sarcastically, and he chuckles.
“You know I didn’t mean it like that.”
“I know,” you giggle, taking his hand to check his watch. “You should probably get going, you’re not supposed to be here.”
“Well wham-bam, thank you mam, huh.”
Vincent pulls you in for another kiss, the two of you smiling against each other’s lips. “You know I didn’t mean it like that, asshole.”
“I know, honey.” He rubs his hands over your waist fondly, sighing in satisfaction. “I gotta say, I didn’t think my night would pan out like this.”
“Huh, maybe you should take more of an interest in Julie’s life. Find out when he’s out for the night, when he’s having a babysitter,” you wink.
“Maybe I will.”
He gazes at you for a moment before buckling up his belt, looking around. “Where’s that gun again?”
“Oh, it’s just in his bedroom,” you reply, tottering off to fetch it for him. He waits in the bedroom doorway, leaning against the frame. You toss it to him and he throws a smile at you.
“No problem. And if Jules asks, I didn’t see you.”
“Honey, if Jules knew we had a fuckin’ interaction he’d lecture me with some dumbass Bible verse or some shit, nevermind if he knew what we just did,” he smirks. “I’d be in more trouble than you, believe me.”
You do believe him. Jules can be ruthless when he wants to be. Sighing, you see Vince to the door (him stealing a handful of pretzels on the way) and give him a kiss on the cheek goodbye. “I’ll see you when I see you,” you smirk, rocking back and forth on your heels.
“Definitely, baby. See ya.”
You watch him saunter off and, when he disappears from your sight, you trot back to the couch. Just as you begin to snuggle under the blankets again, the telephone starts ringing. You nearly jump out your skin-- it’s fucking half-past one in the morning! “Hello?” you frown.
“Hey, sweetie, it’s Dad. You okay?”
“Wh-- Dad, I’m fine! Why’d you ring me so late? I nearly shat myself, the phone’s so damn loud!”
“Watch your language,” he chuckles, making you smile. “I just wanted to check up on you, know you’re alright and stuff. And Jada, obviously.”
“Yeah, we’re fine. She’s fast asleep. How’s things at home?”
“It’s alright, kiddo. Listen, you should be asleep!” he scolds, mostly joking. Your dad had never really been very good at discipline. Then again, he never really had to be-- you had always been a good kid, for the most part. Cheeky, true, but well behaved.
You roll your eyes with a giggle. “Even if I was asleep, which I wasn’t, the phone would’a woke me up, dumbass!”
“I know, muffin. I just wanted to check you’re okay,” he laughs. “What’re you doin’ up this late anyways? Up to no good?”
“Of course. Nah, just watched Jungle Book on TV. Why the hell are you awake?”
“I was trying to stay up so I could call you at like, midnight, to check on you,” Jimmie explains, “but I sorta kinda fell asleep watchin’ TV.”
“Congrats. Dad, I’m gonna try and get some sleep.”
“Alright, sweetie, love you. Sleep well!”
“Night, love you too!”
With that, you hang up and drift off beneath those fuzzy blankets, clinging onto one of the pillows and dreaming of Vince.
“(Y/N), (Y/N)!” 
You try to open your eyes, squinting at the sunlight shining through the windows. “Huh?” As your vision comes together, you realise it’s Jada. She’s awake and ready for breakfast.
“I’m hungry,” she says, prodding your cheek.
“Hi hungry, I’m (Y/N),” you tease. “I’ll get you some breakfast, just give me a minute to wake up, sweetie.” Handing her the TV remote, you sit up on the couch rubbing your eyes. Remembering the night’s events, you let Jada choose what she’d like to watch.
She decides on Rugrats, something you secretly enjoy. You pat your lap and lift her onto it, giving her a kiss on the temple. The kid’s seven and she absolutely adores you. Really looks up to you, Jules says. “You want some Count Chocula?” you ask, smiling.
“Yes please!”
“Alright, honey,” you smile, lifting her off of your lap and onto the couch. Running a hand through your ruffled hair, you head to the kitchen to fetch her cereal and return in a couple of minutes. Just as you emerge from the kitchen, the front door swings open and in comes Jules.
“Daddy!” squeals Jada, running up to him.
“Pumpkin!” He scoops her up in his arms, pulling her into a big hug. “How’s my princess? Did you behave for (Y/N)?”
You set Jada’s breakfast down on the coffee table, watching the two with a grin. “Yes, she was good as gold, weren’t you honey?” you smile, and she nods proudly.
“Tha’s my girl.” Jules looks at his daughter like she’s the only thing that matters. It’s refreshing to see such wholesomeness for once. To say he’s a hitman, he’s a complete softie when it comes to being a dad. “Go on, go eat up your breakfast, baby.” With that, Jada skips off back to the couch.
“How was work?” you ask, leaning against the wall.
“It was alright but, oh, (Y/N), that dumbass Vincent--”
You feel your eyes go wide for a split second and quickly revert them back to normal. The last thing you want is to make him suspicious.
“--calls me at, like, midnight or so? Tells me he’s lost his gun? And I’m try’na carry out a damn hit. Honestly, I don’t know where that numbskull gets off.” He sighs, shaking his head with a little smile.
“Yeah, I know what you mean,” you agree, not even thinking twice about your response.
“You what?”
“Oh, nothing. I’m just tired, Dad called me at like, almost two in the morning.”
“Ah. I’ll run you home after Jada’s eaten, sweetie, a’ight?”
You smile, heading back to the couch to sit with your ‘cousin’. “Thanks, Uncle Jules.”
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cutiecrates · 4 years
Cutie Reviews: TokyoTreat Oct 19
I think I’m doing pretty good progress wise, please be patient with me as I continue to try to review old boxes~
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“October is here, bringing with it those spooky Halloween vibes! Halloween has been growing in popularity in recent years, and since Japan loves their seasonal snacks we had plenty of new, interesting items to choose from! In the spirit of being spooky but kinda cute, we’ve created a Poke-Monster Night for you to enjoy! No sharing these tricky snacks though!“
For this months contest, the winner could receive figures of Naruto and Sasuke from Naruto, while runner-ups won a cute pokeball candy and stamp. Lucky Treat consisted of Full Metal Alchemist, Dragon Quest, AND three devil fruits from One Piece, the Gomu Gomu (Gum), Mera Mera (Flame), and Ope Ope (Operation. Also, they accidentally mislabeled as the “dark dark fruit”). I was very excited that they included the 3 belonging to 3 of my favorite characters~
Pokemon Ramune & Strange Syrup DIY
(Please see top pic for images)
For this month, we get a basic, straight-laced ramune drink. Thank goodness :P as much as I like to try new flavors, sometimes I forget the original is probably the best... especially in comparison to those yucky flavors that I’m still traumatized by <_< and this month we even get a really cute pokemon label.
Ramune is basically that “soda“ flavor you’ll see in Japanese candy. It has a sweet, sort of lemon-ish taste but its not sour. It’s a little like sprite, but in my opinion it tastes way better. It’s especially yummy whenever it’s warm out or if you worked up a thirst. It’s also really fun to open because of the marble inside!
If you have ever wanted to try out Ramune, I would suggest checking on Amazon (they have a variety of fruit flavors too), or maybe the Japan Haul website (the website made through Tokyo Treat and its various brands).
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The DIY I just included a bonus pic of because I’ve done it several times. It’s a super-sticky, thick syrup like candy that only requires you to mix the 3 flavors, which are strawberry, soda, and lemon. Together they make grape... which looks like this:
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Because this candy was a little old, I think it was a bit off. The lemon and soda flavors were fine, but I noticed that not only was strawberry orange instead of pink, which might explain this... greenish-honey color. It’s usually a little purple if I recall.
Also, it didn’t really taste like grape this time, and it wasn’t as good in my opinion- but I guarantee if you open it as soon as you get it, it tastes much better. If you don’t like sticky/gooey textures you might wanna skip this one though.
Halloween Milk Senbei & Bloody Cola Marshmallow
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Since I subscribed like 3 years ago, I’ve only seen senbei in a box once; I was very excited to see it again! It’s stuff like this I wish they would include more of, because I want to try the unique foreign flavors you know?
Anyway, the milk senbei is a plain, very thin melt-in-your mouth cracker-like snack that pretty much tastes like ice cream cone, but a teensy bit sweeter. This one comes with a cola flavored sauce to put on top of it. Each 1 (or one pack, not sure) is around 25-27 calories.
♥ ♥ ♥
I really like the taste of ice cream cones, I don’t know why, I just always have. Meanwhile, the jelly/sauce is purple, but it indeed tastes like cola ♥ it’s very yummy. However... together, they get a strange taste and that I’m not very fond of. I can’t even describe it, but its weird. But eating it in small doses is tolerable.
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Speaking of cola, we also got a really cute marshmallow filled with a cola jelly! It’s like they combined two of my favorite things~
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
It’s very soft and yummy, the jelly inside tastes about the same as the sauce from the prior item, but it tastes so much better with the marshmallow.
Apple Pie Kit Kat & Brown Sugar Sweets
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Instead of orange kit kats this year, we get to see fun purple one :D these kit kats are inspired by an apple pie. As you can see they also come in a large pack to share with others or to eat yourself. Each pack is 65 calories. 
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
I love the coloring of these, first of all. It’s such a pretty purple, and its fun too. The apple flavor is very prominent, and it has a very small hint of spice, while the wafer brings to mind a sugary crust. It’s sweet, but mildly.
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These are popular for their melty and soft texture, with a very thin, crisp layer of rich brown sugar coating. Each one of these is 17 calories.
♥ ♥ ♥ 
These are kinda basic, but it’s a yummy sweet that isn’t overly sugary. I think it goes good with the apple pie kit kat, and maybe some milk.
Disappearing Taste?! Mixed Gummies, ZomB Grape Gum, & Blue Green Soda Gum
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We got 3 gums this month! Our first is very familiar, because we’ve had this gum before. The only difference is this is its washed out, slightly different cousin. Basically, you’re given a set of flavors of gum, in this case yogurt, strawberry, orange, and white grape/muscat. You can eat them as is, or mix the flavors to make new ones, like a fruit drink, melon soda, or different fruits.
What makes this one special however, is that there is a special gumball that supposedly makes the flavor disappear? I mean, isn’t that what gum does normally?
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
This gum is really nice, you get a lot of them per-resealable pouch, and the flavors are always pretty good. Plus I like how the gum is smooth and soft in texture. I didn’t really notice any difference with this one from the last pack I had other than flavors.
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Next up, we have the ZomB Gum; a popular Halloween item that we have seen before; I think about 2 or so years back, when we got the red cola vampire version. What makes this gum really fun is that it colors your tongue as you chew it, and it has a delicious grape flavor.
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
This gum has the same texture as the other gum, so I really like it. The color effect isn’t nearly as strong as the package shows, but it’s a cute little gimmick, and it tastes great. The flavor lasts about 5 minutes.
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Our last gum is another brand I’ve had before. I have had both this flavor, and their cola version. It’s pretty much the same concept as the ZomB gum (they’re made by the same brand), but its in two sticks and you get a soda flavor, and a melon flavor.
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
I’d pretty much say the same things as I did about the previous two gums. All three were delicious and I would recommend any of them.
Poteco Pumpkin Gratin & Pringles
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Here we have two salty, savory snacks for the box. But of course, the Poteco are not new to us, in fact I think last Halloween we got the exact same pack; minus slightly different packaging. Poteco is good and all, but I got so tired of seeing it that I tend to... shy away from it now. This flavor wasn’t really that different from the original/normal Poteco either.
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I was a lot more excited for this item, a unique pack of Japanese Pringles :D Looking at the package, this is a type of ramen or noodle bowl flavor. It’s a mystery item in the booklet so I’m not really sure, but for this small can it is 267 calories!
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
Honestly, these are so yummy that I don’t even care how many calories there are. The flavor is very strong, it tastes exactly like this cup ramen I like to buy. Trying to describe the flavor, I would say it’s sort of like beef or soy sauce broth, with a hint of a corn taste?
Pokemon Halloween Chocolate & Pikachu Gummies
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These are both snacks we’ve had before, so I’ll try to just gist this one.
These crispy snacks are shape like pikachu heads and come in fun, colorful packaging featuring a variety of Pokemon, while the back usually has a fun puzzle or image. Each bag is 83 calories and they are by the brand Tohato.
These are really yummy x3 they have a slightly bitter chocolate taste and remind me a lot of the coco crispy cereals.
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The other snack is also pikachu-shaped, but besides its head, there are also the occasional tail you might find ;3 These are by Lotte, and each pack is 90 calories. The flavor is grape and they taste really good too.
The only real thing to bother me about these is that they didn’t cut the gummy around Pikachu’s ears. It’s a minor thing but it bothers me a little.
Halloween Corn Potage Umaibo
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Okay, so... because I talk about this a lot, I’m not actually planning on saying anything about it this time :P long story short, corn potage Umaibo is the best.
Squid Legs & Halloween Pizza Corn Snack
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Don’t let the name fool you, these are not real squid legs- they just have a fishy taste. I’ve had these before too, and I have fairly complex feelings about them. On one hand they don’t taste terrible, but I don’t like seafood and the flavor is still unappealing to me. I like their crunchy texture though.
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Next up is this corn puff snack featuring a delicious pizza flavor! They taste exactly like the pizza-flavored combos, if you never had those before I would recommend them too~
Pokemon Cola Chewing Candy
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This is our final item... and now that I look at it, it kinda looks like a wafer cookie doesn’t it?
Anyway, these are sticks of chewing candy that come in various series and flavors. Before we had some grape Thomas the Tank Engine ones, and this time we get some cola Pokemon. Each wrapper usually includes a unique design, craft, or puzzle of some sort.
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ I don’t know if these are hard because they had to sit around for a while, or because that is just how they are. I don’t remember the Thomas ones being so hard, but they weren’t as thick as these. But if you suck on them for a few minutes they soften up, or you can crunch them to softness. The flavor is very yummy, I think it might be my favorite cola flavored item in the box.  
♥ Cutie Ranking ♥
Content - 4.5 out of 5. Everything is very yummy, even though a fair amount of it was repetitive. I really liked it. Theme - 4 out of 5. Well, given the packaging and theme, I could say yeah they did pretty good. We had a decent amount of Pokemon items, but they could have done a little more too I think. Total Rank: 9 out of 10. I really liked this box, I just wish maybe we would have had a couple more unique items.
♥ Cutie’s Scale of Yummy ♥
(I’m sorry, but by this point I’m not really feeling well. I want to finish the review so that I can go lay down DX)
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paigenotblank · 6 years
Accidentally Ours (4/7)
Pairing: Tenth Doctor x Rose Tyler
Rating: Teen
Written for a prompt for Ten x Rose kid fic/family fic where they adopt kids left orphans that they meet on their travels / and also a prompt for Ten x Rose with a mix of adopted and biological kids (@tinyconfusion​). Tagging @doctorroseprompts​ and @timepetalscollective​ which I think both had those prompts.
Trope: Accidental Baby Acquisition
Warnings: Kid Fic/ Baby Fic/ Pregnancy Fic
Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3 / Chapter 4 / Chapter 5 / Chapter 6 / Chapter 7
AO3 / TS
Rose leaned against the back of Jackie’s couch and hid her smile behind a steaming cuppa. The Doctor sat at the table next to Melody’s high chair and was trying to get her to eat sliced bananas or at the very least some banana flavored puff cereal. Their daughter though was more interested in sharing with her father - not that the Doctor was complaining too much. She brought another piece of banana up to his mouth and pressed it against his lips until he opened them. “Eeeeat. Yum.”
The Doctor chewed the banana. “Yummy, but Melody needs to eat too, not just Daddy.”
Melody squealed, “Nana! Good!”
The Doctor beamed at his little girl. “That’s right! Oh, Rose she’s brilliant. Bananas are good!”
The little girl slammed her fist onto the tray sending cereal and banana flying. “Nana! Nana! Good!”
“Mum!” Rose put her mug down and rushed to help her mother who was carrying a large box and several shopping bags into the flat.
“Nana!” Melody cried joyfully and clapped her hands.
Jackie put her bags on the table and kissed Melody on the top of her head. “How’s my sweet girl? Being good for mummy and daddy?”
“Good. Nana. Good.”
The Doctor pouted. “Oh.”
“Mum, what’s all this?” Rose slid the box onto the table.
“For Melody’s birthday.” Jackie
Rose opened the lid and saw a large cake with ‘Happy 1st Birthday, Melody’ written across the frosting. “This is huge. We don’t need such a big cake.”
“I may have invited a few people over for Melody’s birthday dinner.”
Jackie looked through her purchases and picked up the majority of the bags. “Oh, Rose, it’s just a couple people. Melody only turns one once.”
“We discussed this.”
“I've got to get dinner started. That bag there has some decorations. Make yourself useful. I told everyone 3 o’clock.” And with that, Jackie swanned off into the kitchen.
Rose clenched her fists and counted to ten. The Doctor came up from behind and ran his hands down her arms. “It’ll be alright, Rose.”
She spun around. “How can you say that? You know it’s gonna be hard enough when...without other people knowing about her and asking questions.”
He sighed. “We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.”
“How are you so okay with this?”
“I’m not. Not really. I know this is probably a huge mistake.” He ran his hand through his hair. “But there’s also a part of me that wants to stand on the rooftop and shout about how much I love you and Melody to anyone who’ll listen, and that’s the part that’s got me wanting to show off our amazing daughter to all of Jackie’s friends at her very own first birthday party.”
Rose’s heart skipped a beat. He told her in a million little ways everyday, but he didn't say the words often. So when he did, she cherished it. “Yeah?”
He drew her against him and his eyes darted to her lips. “Yes,” he said right before leaning down to kiss her.
Melody’s giggle had them separating and glancing at her. She had banana mush on her cheek and was stuffing cereal into her mouth. The Doctor laughed. “You want to decorate or get the messy madam cleaned up?”
“I’ll give her a bath. Think I’ll change too, while I'm at it.”
Rose helped Melody finish eating and then lifted her out of the high chair. “Let’s go get you all clean, and then do you wanna wear that pretty dress Nana bought for you?”
“Yup. The pink one.”
Melody squealed happily and then shifted to look over Rose’s shoulder. She opened and closed her hand. “Bye bye, Da!”
The Doctor paused in his decorating and grinned widely. “I’ll see you soon, sweetie.”
Melody turned in Rose’s arms and started babbling away in baby talk.
The Doctor watched them disappear into Rose’s old room and he went back to hanging the birthday banner.
Just as he finished with the last strand of streamers, there was a knock on the door.
“I’ll get it!” Jackie rushed out of the kitchen, and called over her shoulder to him, “Oi! Make yourself useful and bring out the food.”
The Doctor grumbled, “Useful. What’s she think I’ve been doing the last hour,” but did as she asked. His eyebrows shot up when he saw the trays and trays of food in the kitchen. A few people? He picked up two serving plates filled to the brim with hors d’oeuvres and brought them into the other room.
An older gentleman with a cane, the first to arrive, walked up to the Doctor and looked him up and down. “You Rose’s bloke?”
The Doctor rubbed the back of his neck and then stuck his hand out to shake. “Erm, yes. I’m the Doctor.”
The old man’s eyes narrowed. “Doctor, eh? And what are your intentions toward my grandniece?”
“I don’t know. Who’s your grandniece?”
“Rose. Are you gonna make an honest woman of her?”
“Honest? Rose doesn't generally lie about things. I mean there was that one time when we were on Castrollux, but really that was a matter of life and death and it was just a little fib-”
“Marriage, you plum.” The old man rolled his eyes so hard, the Doctor felt a bit of concern for him. “How did you pass your exams to become a doctor? You’re an idiot.”
“Are you planning on marrying my little Rosie?”
“Oh. Eh, we sort of…well, erm, it’s just, uh…” His eyes darted around the room and landed on the door to the kitchen. “I’ve got to get the rest of the food for Jackie.” The Doctor brushed past the elderly man and took refuge away from prying relatives. He dreaded going back out there, so he grabbed a handful of nibbles and waited, listening for Rose. The number of voices that were coming from the lounge grew and grew, but he still didn't hear the only one he wanted.
He grabbed another of the dwindling supply of puff pastry when the door swung open and Rose stuck her head in. “There you are.”
She walked into the room and examined the trays of food on the countertop. “Why’re you hiding in here?” She popped a cheese straw in her mouth and watched the Doctor fidget.
He looked everywhere but at her. “Er, there’s an older man with a cane out there…”
She let out a surprised laugh. “You’re hiding from Uncle Tony?”
The Doctor took a breath and nodded.
“And what’s he done that’s got you in here eatin’ all the nibbles?”
“He asked if I planned to marry you…”
“I imagine he meant on Earth, in front of all your friends and family. Not that he said ‘on Earth,’ because really he probably doesn’t know that not on Earth is an option, but it was implied that he’d like to see you get married. And I doubt he’d count what we did on-”
“You done?”
The Doctor met her gaze. “I'm sure he’s not the only one who’s wondering.”
Rose took the Doctor’s hands. “Uncle Tony’s from a different generation. Don't let him bother you.”
“I'm not bothered! I just-”
“Of course not, but I'll stick close by and protect you from the pensioners asking uncomfortable questions all the same. Besides I’ll just have Mum tell him that we eloped when we were in Vegas.”
“We’ve never been to Las Vegas. Well, the one in Nevada at any rate.”
Rose shook her head and grabbed a tray. “Come on, lover boy, grab the other tray.”
He blushed and squeaked, “What?”
Rose’s laughter drew him back to the party.
“Well, I'm knackered.” Rose collapsed back onto the bed and tilted her head to look at the Doctor. He was already in his jimjams, with his sexy specs on, and was reading a ridiculously thick tome on some subject Rose had absolutely no interest in.
“Melody give you any trouble?”
“Nope, she was just as tired, plus battling the sugar crash from the two pieces of cake you fed her. She was asleep before I even closed the door.”
“Oh, good.” The Doctor went back to his book, but was distracted a few minutes later by Rose. By now, she’d normally be under the covers cuddled up to him, or instigating some other more pleasurable activities, but instead she was still laying with her feet dangling over the side of the bed, forehead scrunched in thought.
“Is that something you want?”
She had his full attention now. “Is what something I want?”
“To get married.”
Her lip quirked. “Silly me, and here I thought I already was.”
“Well, we are in all the ways that matter, but we didn't have a wedding per se. There was no aisle or white dress. No friends or family to witness it.”
“We exchanged vows, made a commitment to each other. That’s enough for me.”
“Do...do you want a ring?”
Rose rolled onto her side to face the Doctor. “Is this about what Uncle Tony said earlier?”
“No, not really. I mean, he may have gotten me thinking about it, but I noticed all the subtle glances to your finger. A lot of people expected to see something there.”
“I don't care about what other people expect of us. I love what we have, our life. And you make me so, so happy. A stupid piece of paper or a bit of jewelry isn't gonna make me feel any differently.” Rose slid her hand into the Doctor’s.
“Oh.” The Doctor sounded almost disappointed.
Rose lifted herself up and studied his face. “Wait. Doctor, is that something you want?”
He scoffed. “No, course not. Time Lords didn’t wear outward signs of their marriages.”
“But you’re not a Time Lord. You’re a human, and humans do wear symbols of their marriages. So I thought you might like a ring.”
“Humans exchange rings as symbols of their commitment to each other. I’d rather not wear one if it’s just for show or because it’s expected of me. If you want to exchange rings, that’s fine. I’d happily wear your ring, but if it makes you uncomfortable, I’d rather go without.” Rose shifted closer to the Doctor and snuggled against him.
He wrapped his arm around her and kissed the top of her head.
Rose ran her fingers over the lettering on the Doctor’s t-shirt and glanced at his face. “If Time Lords don’t wear any rings or things that like, do they do anything to commemorate their marriages?”
“Not really. Mostly they were political, so there would be a scroll or something that one might keep in the records room of the family home, but that’s about it.”
“No one ever married for love?”
“Not generally, no, perhaps affection. Time Lords didn’t do love.”
“You do love, and very well I might add, so you’ll forgive me if I have a hard time believing you’re the only Time Lord since the beginning of time to have ever felt the emotion. Even if you fought against it at first.”
A small smile pulled at his lips. “I suppose. My friend, Leela, married her husband for love.”
“She was a human though. I...love marriages did happen, just very rarely. They...”
Rose waited for the Doctor to continue.
He sighed. “They say that in the early days of Gallifrey, before the Curse of Pythia and the looms, when Rassilon first ruled over the Time Lords, that the practice of bonding was still in favor.”
“An’ what’s that?”
“Well, basically it was a way for two telepaths to tie their minds together. All Time Lords had a superficial connection to each other, allowed us to identify friends and family after regenerating. But a marriage bond created a deeper connection. Allowed for communication across distances and a clearer sense of the other in their minds at all times.”
“Are only telepaths capable of bonding?”
His eyes snapped to Rose. “What do you mean?”
“Would we be able to bond?”
“Rose, there’s a reason it fell out of favor. To open yourself like that to another person. To share everything you are, all your secrets and insecurities. It…”
Rose pulled out of his embrace and laid back onto her pillow. “Sorry. I just though since you brought it up, and it’s a part of Time Lord culture, you might have wanted to...with me.”
“With…? No! It’s not that I wouldn’t want that, but you don’t understand what it would mean for you. You don’t just try it out. It is an unbreakable bond. You’d tie yourself… My head isn’t a very nice place. I’ve lived a long time and not all of it was nice.”
“You think I don’t know that?”
“I’ve done and seen horrible things. I wiped out my own people! Do you know what I had to experience before I could bring myself to make that decision? I can’t protect you from that if we were to bond, and that’s if we can bond at all. I don’t know if it would even work with you being human.”
“I don’t want you to protect me from that. I want to share your burden. That’s what it means to love another person. I know we didn’t say traditional vows, but for better or worse, yeah? I won’t stop loving you because of what you’ve done in the past. I know what you did and I know it was an impossible choice. But you did what you always do - make the choices no one else will to save the universe. And I love you for that. More not less.”
“Rose.” Her name was ripped from his throat as he crushed her to him.
He held her so tightly she couldn’t move - his head buried in her neck, breathing wetly. She ran her hands over his back and murmured gentle assurances to him.
Finally he pulled back and wiped his eyes. “Sorry.”
She caressed his cheek and kissed him lightly. “We don’t need to decide anything now. Or change anything ever, but know I’m open to it, okay? I know you didn’t bring it up for no reason.”
He closed his eyes and nodded. “Rose Tyler.”
“Love you, too.”
Rose pulled the throw cover over the both of them and curled into his side. She was just drifting off when he asked, “So, eh, if you weren’t upset because of the whole wedding thing, what was it?”
“Earlier, when you got into bed. You looked...pensive.”
Rose groaned. “Leave it to you to distract me without knowing it and then remind me of what I wanted to forget.”
That pulled a little laugh from him. “What’s wrong?”
Rose bit her lip. “I’m worried. About you.”
“Future you. It’s been a year and we still have Melody. And don’t get me wrong, I am so thankful for every moment we get to spend with her. But I keep thinkin’ what if something happened to you and you can’t get back or…I don’t want to lose you.”
“I know the feeling. Don’t want to lose you either.” He pressed his lips to the side of her head. “Do you regret it?”
“If something does happen to me in the future, well, we both said it could be either of us, but really I always thought it’d much more likely that I’d be losing you. Do you regret...” He gestured between them. “...this?”
Rose’s mouth fell open. “You still don’t get it. I love you, though you make it incredibly difficult sometimes. If we had a thousand years together, I would still wish for more. It will never be long enough. And to answer your idiotic question, no. I don’t regret us, you big bloody prat.” Rose hit him with her pillow and sniffed. “Do you?”
“This last year, well really, the last two years, five months, seven days since I grabbed the hand of a frightened blonde in the basement of a department store and told her to run, have been the happiest I’ve ever been in all my lives. I could never regret a moment of it.”
“I cherish every moment we have together and in the words of this completely brilliant woman I once knew, can’t remember her name right now, it’s ‘better with two.’”
“Shut up.” She laughed and wacked him in the arm.
“Though we might have to consider updating that, ‘cos it’s pretty amazing with three. No matter what happens, Rose, I’ll always be a better man because of you.”
“You make me better too.”
“We just have to take things one day at a time and treasure the time we do have together.”
“Yes, and face our future as a team. We’re stronger together.”
The Doctor pulled his shirt over his head and yanked Rose on top of him. They both needed the reminder that regardless of the future, they still had the present.
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yumenosakiacademy · 5 years
Moos In Bloom
Fandom: Achievement Hunter (Sky Factory AU) Pairing: minor Freewood (but it’s mostly small implications like gav n ry raising smth together in the future n ryan blushing twice so is it REALLY?) Characters: Gavin Free, Ryan Haywood, Michael Jones, Geoff Ramsey Rating: G Words: 2170 Summary: In which Gavin magically creates a moobloom with the power of botany and a good ol' Golden Delicious. A/N: howdy this is not only my first AH fic ever but also the first fic i've managed to complete in deadass years! anyway.. i thought it'd b nice for ryan n gav to hav a moobloom bc ry is the cow guy n gav is associated w the sun/gold so like!! bro hav u seen a moobloom... look it up on google they're from Minecraft Earth they look like cheese cows with flowers. AO3 link
"Geoff has like, thousands of magical chickens he creates! Surely I can create some sort of magical creature too. Like... a cat! Made of pure radiant light! Or— or a super chicken that generates ‘n stores solar power on its own! Like a solar panel, but it's a chicken! That'd be mental. Geoff'd like that a lot, wouldn't he?" Gavin looked up from the magical glowing flowers at his feet and excitedly looked over at Ryan, who was feeding Edgar and a few of the other cows that were gathered around him at the promise of food.
"I'm sure he would, but aren't chickens kind of his thing? I'd leave the chickens to him; they're kind of what he does." Ryan chuckled as Edgar seemed to moo in agreement and Gavin huffed.
"Well I'm sure he wouldn't mind it if it was an advance in bloody power. Surely he wouldn't be jealous of one little new chicken breed that wasn't his own." Ryan shrugged in response to the half-question and Gavin walked to look at the cows that seemed to be the focus of Ryan's attention.
Beside him, there was Edgar, a cow from Geoff's farm that Ryan had picked out himself and who wore a crown upon his bovine head, and a few other cows. There was one that seemed a bit younger than Edgar, who was white as opposed to Edgar's brown, and a small, white calf that seemed to be the child of the aforementioned white cow.
"Aw, this one's a small one, innit?" He leaned down to pet the fuzzy hide of the small calf as it looked up at him. "Just a little, wittle young'en! This one's the kid o' the one next to Edgar, yeah? They Edgar's kid too?" He looked up at Ryan as he stood up straight again after petting the calf.
"Not sure, to be honest. That’s a possibility, for sure, though. Geoff told me the white one's the mom a while back before going back to his chickens, so at least that much is known. He doesn't really care much about these cows but they seem to have taken a liking toward me, somehow. Actually, I'm surprised the mom let you touch her kid, honestly." Ryan gave an affectionate pat to the white cow as she flicked her tail.
"Hey!" Gavin glared at Ryan and leaned over to also pet the white cow, smiling when she didn't react violently to his action. "Maybe they can tell how close we are, Ry! And that's why they like me too."
Ryan hummed as if in thought to distract from the slight blush he got and pet the cow's head absentmindedly. "Probably not. It's most likely just your solar warmth."
Gavin suddenly looked down at the white calf that seemed to be ever closer to his legs and made a slight noise of realization. "Oh! Probably, yeah. But it could still be the other thing, Ryan! But golly, this little one seems t' like me a lot, huh? You want a treat, little one? Oh I bet you do!" He cooed like an excited mom to her baby and took a golden apple out of his silken bag as the baby took to munching on one of the nearby glowing yellow botany flowers. "Oi, Ryan. I've been noticin', but is it alright for 'em to eat these?"
"The flowers? I don't see why not. They're just flowers, and cows have a tendency to munch on those all the time."
"Yeah, but they're magic flowers. For Michael's botany 'n stuff. But they seem to be fine, so it's probably whatevs, yeah? Are ya enjoyin' the yummy flowers? Betchu are!" Gavin switched from his mildly concerned and confused tone to the cooing again, and Ryan would have rolled his eyes had it not been pretty cute as the calf gave a small moo back in response. "You want some dessert? I've got a golden apple with your name on it, little calfie!" He set the apple on a nearby chicken coop and took out his dark purple-black obsidian all-in-one tool, morphing it into a sword.
"Cutting it with a sword? Really? Gavin, you're gonna get hurt; I probably have a spare dagger or knife or something, just gimme a sec—"
"No no, I got this! Where's the fun in a normal knife anyway, Ry?"
Ryan looked on in concern as the young god tried to slice the apple to the best of his ability, only to nick his finger a second later n wince at the golden blood that dripped a bit onto the apple. He licked the small drips of blood off of his finger and gave a thumbs up to Ryan as Ryan's eyebrows furrowed a bit more and he heard Ryan mutter something along the lines of "idiot".
After a few more minutes, the apple was cut, albeit a bit shabbily, and Gavin extended a hand to the calf to give it one of the smaller, more smushed slices. The calf happily took it from his hand, gleefully munching on the golden fruit and  enjoying the sweet taste of something other than the dull grass or the odd glowing flowers. It gave a small moo in thanks and Gavin gave a giddy clap as he offered it another slice. Again, the calf snatched the slice from his hand and munched it down, to Gavin's delight, but as it was chewing away and before it could finish its second apple slice fully, it began to emit a strange glow, similar to Gavin's solar radiance.
"Uh." Ryan and Gavin stared down at the calf, who didn't seemed fazed as it swallowed its slice and looked up expectantly at Gavin for another.
"Ryan, were you wrong about those flowers after all? I saw it munching away at some of those yellow flowers a sec ago. Is it okay?" He looked down at the calf with a mix of concern and awe as he watched the calf continue to glow.
"But this one's alright...?" He pointed to the white cow next to him in confusion. "And so is Edgar, and lemme tell you, I saw him eat quite a few of those red ones before you came over."
"Hmm...” Gavin’s eyes lit up after he hummed in thought for a second. “Oh! Look, look, hey, the calf ‘n I match, Ry! Look, we both glow!" As he reached his arms out to gesture to himself, he knocked another slice off of the top of the chicken coop and the calf swiftly moved to the right to lean its head down and have another treat. As it bit into the slice again, the glowing intensified as some sort of magical vines seemed to rise up from the calf.
Gavin squeaked and he and Ryan backed up as they watched the calf. "Gav, what'd you DO?" His eyes flickered over to the fearful yet awed god, his voice incredulous.
"You think I bloody know?! I was just givin' the thing a snack!" His voice cracked as he tried to reach out a hand to the bright light and Ryan smacked his hand away. Lord knows that Gavin could either hurt himself or the calf.
The bright light caught the attention of nearby Geoff, who glared at them from where he was standing at some chicken pens a little ways away. "Y'all best not be doing any of your fucking magic in my farm! I told you guys to keep shit AWAY from the chickens, damn it!" He didn't move much to stop them, though, considering the magic was closer to the gate to the botany area than his chickens, and it wasn’t on such a big scale that he feared they were fucking with him and his beloved chickens.
In a flash of light, the air around them settled with a floral scent, stronger than before, and the tendrils of light shrank back down. In front of the gods stood the baby calf from before, but its hide a golden orange-ish yellow with patches of its former white color and bright, young sunflowers on its back, seeming freshly bloomed. Ryan and Gavin stared at the calf in silence for a second as it sniffed at the ground where the apple slice was, but the silence soon broke as Gavin squealed and leaned down to pick up the calf in his arms.
"Ohhh~! Ry!" He made a few high pitched noises as he swayed with the calf in his arms, ignoring its small moo at his radiating warmth, and held it out to Ryan. "It's so cute, Ryan! Look, Ry!"
"What... happened to it?" Ryan cautiously pet the calf's head, eyeing the flowers on its back. "Was it really the flowers? Maybe the golden ones are special or something."
"What're you guys fawnin' over?' They looked over to see Michael closing the door to the botany area and walking toward them with a cocked brow. "The fuck is that?"
"I fed a little calf some of a golden apple 'n it transformed into this! We think it might have somethin' t' do with the golden flowers it ate before the apple but! Innit so cute, Micoo?" Gavin cooed at the calf again as he looked over at Michael.
"'Golden flowers'? Oh, you mean some of the botany plants? I mean, it's possible. Flowers are used in botanical spells so if you combined it with something special like a golden apple then yeah, I guess it might be possible. Wack." He gave the calf a pat as the urging of Gavin's ecstatic, expecting look and scoffed as Gavin made another small squeal-like noise. "Oi, Geoff!" Gavin and the calf started at the sudden loud shout. "Wanna come see somethin' cool that got made on your farm? It's cute as fuck."
Geoff slowly set down the hiss-clucking gunpowder chicken he was holding down onto a pen and reluctantly made his way toward the slowly growing group of people on his farm. "What is it? Is it the source of all that magic glowing bullshit a second ago?" He froze when he saw the yellow calf in Gavin's arms and gasped. "Is that a yellow goddamn cow? Those exist?"
"Gav accidentally pulled some botany shit and made it. Cute as fuck, right?" Michael smirked at Geoff's adoring expression.
"Yeah, it's cute as dicks!" He made little baby voice noises at the cow as he lovingly pet its head and looked at the flowers on its back. "Can these things be bred? We might be able to use the flowers on its back for dye or decoration or something."
"Don't cut its flowers! Geoff, those are part of its body! Don't hurt our kid!" Gavin squawked and started to hover in panic, ready to fly away, thus startling the calf and making it flail.
"'Our'?" Ryan and Michael echoed each other, looking at Gavin and raising in eyebrow in question as Gavin steadied the calf in his arms and press it against his radiating chest.
"Yeah! Ry's kinda the cows' leader or caretaker or dad or whatever, 'n I made this thing what it is, so it's ours! Look, it's even bright yellow, just like the gold on my outfit and the sun! It's like a combo of Ryan 'n I." They watched as he raised the cow up into the air as the sun shone behind it, illuminating the calf's yellow hide in a warm sunny glow and looking like it was straight out of that one Lion King scene. "I shall name her... Daisy!" He lowered his arms as the calf squirmed and mooed in protest at being in the air and clumsily yet cautiously handed the calf to Ryan, who wasn't exactly prepared and scrabbled to hold the calf, letting it nestle in safety into his big arms and broad chest.
"Whoa, whoa, hang on. 'Daisy'? And since when did I agree to be this thing's dad?" He adjusted his arms and pet the calf once before setting it down, where it shakily walked toward its actual bovine mother and laid down between her and Edgar.
"Ryan, you're the cow guy! You were like its dad even before I came along 'n did my little botany whatchamacallit. 'N it looked so relaxed in your arms a second ago! Quite odd, though, considering you're the Dark God 'n all, innit?"
"Trust me, it liked you much more; well, until the whole 'lifting it up in the air' thing. It just felt relieved to be somewhere more secure."
"Well the bottom line is it's ours now, 'n we have to take take o' it. Isn't that right, miss Daisy?" He leaned down and let her nibble on another slice of apple that had fallen to the floor. As it nuzzled at Gavin's leg and Gavin drew Ryan in for a hug, Ryan sighed and flushed a bit. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad.
"Soooo, can this thing's flowers be harvested, or not?"
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