#....or is this Lil Judd talking now?
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(last post of the night I promise) so ole Mr Grizz isn't hiding his distain for sea life anymore if this memo is anything to go by....
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xewanu · 7 months
We're doing this one more time let's go 🥳
So if you remember the pink vs green → octoling vs inkling post on my page, buckle up because we're back into this theorizing and what Side Order plays into that theory. If you haven't seen that post, I'd recommend checking it out for better comprehension.
! WARNING ! This post contains Side Order spoilers
So. We're back in Inkopolis Square. Splatoon 2's main theme, as I've discussed it, was octoling vs inkling. We had Off the Hook, the game's colors were green and pink, and we got to play as an octoling, who managed to change how former agent 3 viewed octarians, from their agent formation. Splatoon 2 ended with a proof that you can change, and you can actually learn if you're not hostile. It also ended with showing that defeat doesn't mean we have to be in bad terms, with the Finalfest.
Now let's look at our spire of order. It takes place in Inkopolis Square, but every color has been lost. Inkopolis Square doesn't represent green vs pink anymore, it's every color vs black, nothingness quite literally. And in order to win against Order (lol), you combine EVERY color together, and that's what Marina's talking about. Sometimes it creates a beautiful rainbow, as in !!!! Anarchy Rainbow, an inkling, an octoling, and a non inkfish. It is an absolute harmony that chaos brought, and she changed her ways. Octolings are no longer the enemy, and we can finally rest from fighting. Octavio found peace at heart and became our ally, and now Marina's speech fully concludes what Return of the Mammalians started. I think that's a great ending for that storyline that were those three games.
Also this has nothing to do with pink vs green, but to theorize about the next game (I'm half sure there'll be one), there's still those mysteries about Lil Judd, and ??? I still think we need to know what happened of Agent 4, and I truly think Side Order hugely teased that (Pearl not knowing who that is, Smollusk under appreciating them etc). Also maybe less important but I can't be the only one curious about Eight memory lmao.
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real-mr-grizz · 2 days
Speaking of Lil' Judd, what happens if a natural mammal gets a dose of your Fuzzy Ooze ? Do they become even more mammalian ? Or is Lil' Judd a little bit bear now ?
I know he didn't get extra fuzzy on account of puberty.
Fuzzy ooze? I havvveee nooo idea what you're talking about, I am but a humble CEO trying to run a wholesome business
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sybeez · 7 months
theres magic in splatoon?
oh HELL YES i get to rant about splatoon on here instead of on discord :]
@anemonequeen hey u can add on too 👀
So what i call magic in splatoon is less 'high fantasy bullshit' and more 'its all around and you don't notice it' like the post said (my example was electricity irl and how we use it rn for mundane stuff). It's all headcanon also btw but very supported by stuff from the games themself
List of stuff thats magic in splatoon in no particular order (ill go over these after): music, technology (human made especially), DNA, ink maybe?, salmonids migration, probably more but thats all i got (infodump under the cut)
SO music has been canon magic since splatoon 1 and actually its linked to the DNA part!! ,,,I probably need to explain human technology part first to understand that but it's basically all the Alterna logs basically.
Quick recap tho: the earth is fucked > some humans go live underground in giant domes all over the globe(unsure) > in one of them they devellop crystals out of molluscs like squids n octopus ability to change color based on emotions and use those to make giant LCD screens to line the dome > fast forward 2 generations of underground humans > the next gen scientists who want to go out even if thats a fucked up idea > rocket go poof n destroys the screen > the squid LCD crystals seep into the ocean n evolution happens for every creature to turn into anthros
also most impportantly the crystals retained the hopes of dreams of all of humanity down there* (important)
now fast forward 10 000 years and we find this scroll in splatoon 1
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and that melody famously created a revolution by every single octarian realising they actually have free will at once (it did NOT break any kind of mind control they just lived all their live in an authoritarian society) so already we can tell theres something up with.
another time we find that melody thats important is the end credit for splatoon 3 (wave goodbye) at around the 3:00 mark
,,,now im realizing this isnt exactly what i had in mind but the first time i heard it i thought the voice had no gargling like inkfish voices n instead it was the voices of all humanitys ghosts coming together to sing that part. But if we still go with that then (my headcannon) that means that melody thats been etched into sea life DNA was actually a human anthem that was kept in the memories of the LCD crystal
Now in splatoon 3 theres a lot of magic anyway lol but idk how to even explain that (the 3 lights, lil buddy becoming a kaiju, big man making ink) so use ur imagination for that lol but its there.
other human technology that's also magic: the machine to keep judd alive that somehow made him immortal AND clone him
There's more magic hidden in the game (like however the ink from the ink tanks fuels our weapon via bluetooth and how some non-inkfish characters can somehow use ink for turf wars) but thats why i tagged sasha lol
oh yea for the salmon migration bit i'm specifically talking about the 7 rings when a big run happens. idk how to explain that so therefore its magic
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lady0lunamoon · 1 year
Theory : Agent 4 In Side Order
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With the announcement of the Splatoon 3 DLC "Side Order", many people in the Splatoon fandom either suspect or internally demand that Agent 4 appears in the upcoming DLC — and for good reasons!
But HOW would Agent 4 fit into the story of the DLC?
What would their role be?
Well, I have an idea!
So get some snacks and a drink people, cause this will definetly take a while!
So that you will not loose the sight of where one point ends and the next one beginns, I will mark the beginning of all the points with heart emojis!
And to top it all off, because I'll be talking about Agent 4's involvement as a whole and not just WHY or HOW they could appear in the DLC, but infact ALL these topics at once, I will also divide the different topics through lines! ( "____" but longer )
Here's a base to get a better idea of what I'm talking about :
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At the very end, I will also add a quick summary of all my conclusions, incase you won'tbe able to follow all the points, loose sight or it is just too many ideas and conclusions at once for you to process! _______________________________________
First, I'll beginn with the reasons why Agent 4 definetly MUST appear in the DLC:
💛 Reason one : They're the ONLY member of the Squidbeak still missing!!! Agent 8 has been confirmed as the Player Character for Side Order and the rest of the Squidbeak — even Octavio — were all in "Return of the Mamalians"! The only one still missing in this game is Agent 4!
💛 While we're at the topic of other characters, every recurring Character that has appeared in the trailers until now first debuted in Splatoon 2, but none of them have made any onscreen appearances in Splatoon 3 yet — in other words, until now they've been Splatoon 2 exclusive characters! Agent 8 and Dedf1sh never appeared in Splatoon 3 up until the trailers came, and Off the Hook's only appearance until now was through artwork and music! Pearl and Marina haven't physically appeared yet, but are all but confirmed to do so in the actual DLC! Infact, Pearl seems to be controlling a little flying drone that seems to be "Side Order"'s counterpart of "Return of the Mamalians"' Lil Buddy! Pretty much the only significant Splatoon 2 character that has yet to appear in Splatoon 3 is Agent 4 — except for commander Tartar, but that guy is dead so he doesn't count!
💛 Also, Agent 4 is actually mentioned in the Official Splatoon 3 World Map!
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Therefore, it's clear Nintendo has not forgotten about 4, but wouldn't it still be weird to mention them here if they were not important to the game in some way?
Infact, Agent 4 was the ONLY other Agent appart from New Agent 3 that was mentioned on the map and the ONLY ONE who was mentioned DIRECTLY! For New Agent 3, the map just said "You Live here" but for Agent 4 it says "Agent 4's home"
💛 Also, Lil Judd is implied to be the new boss of Grizzro Industries after you complete "Return of the Mamalians" — a plot point which should probably get resolved in the DLC, considering the implications that cloning is involved! And it's confirmed that Agent 4 did or might even still work at Grizzro industries!
☝Keep this point here in mind, cause I'm not done with this yet!☝
💛 Also, if you didn't recognize the location in the first trailer, the Official DLC's Webpage read : "See what has happened to Inkopolis Square from the Splatoon 2 game, and what would've happened if Order thwarted Chaos to rule the city!"So this confirms, that Side Order indeed takes place in Inkopolis Square — the setting of Splatoon 2!
Now that we got the connections to Agent 4 and reasons they should definetly appear in the DLC out of the way, let's start on my theory what their role might be in the DLC!
🧡 Well, Remember what I said about Lil Judd being implied to be the new boss of Grizzro Industries? Considering the recent theories about the DLC involving Cloning, it's very likely that Lil Judd is involved in the DLC, Considering he is a clone on Judd! But what does that have to do with Agent 4's role in the story?
......Remember what I said about Agent 4 and Grizzro industries?
Well, I purposefully said that they might still be working there!
Am I saying that Agent 4 is a villain in "Side Order"?
I sure am!
I know what you're thinking now...... "But why would they be evil?"
To better understand that, I first wanna adress another theory I have on the DLC: 
🧡 Because I am very much convinced that the Final Splatfest is directly involved in the DLC!
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Because..... how else could you interpret the title? Even if the central theme truly is order, the DLC is not just called "Order"! It's called "Side Order"! And there are always more than one sides — mostly opposing sides! And what were the two opposing sides in the final Splatfest of Splatoon 2? Team Chaos vs Team Order!
Which means to me that, whoever is pulling the strings — be it Agent 4 or someone else — is on the SIDE of ORDER!
The title is suppose to tell us that the Final Splatfest is the conflict of the DLC! The antagonist is upset over what has happened to the world after Team Chaos won! So now, their goal is to create a new World ORDER!
Infact, maybe the final boss fight — or at least some level in the DLC — will be based after a Splatfest battle! Like a Tri-color turf war! I mean..... in Octo Expansion we had multiple levels with Rank battles and the Final Boss fight was based after Turf War!
All that we're missing here would be a Splatfest battle! If the main conflict really is the "Chaos Vs Order" Splatfest, then one of the best ideas for the final battle would be a repeat of said Splatfest!
_______________________________________🖤 This theory might also provide an explanation for why Agent 8 wakes up in the bleached Inkopolis Square and Marina also appeanantly vanished!
Eight and Marina were both on Team Order! Wouldn't it make sense wanting the help of other Team Order members for this plan?
To get them on your....side?
But of course, 8 and Marina refused, so the antagonist resorts to kidnapping (at least in the case of Marina)!
🖤 But that still doesn't explain why Agent 4 would be an antagonist right....?
Why would they Support Order?
Weren't they on Team Chaos for the Final fest?
Yes, Agent 4 Indeed was on Team Chaos for the final fest!
Take a look back at the post from the DLC's Webpage : "What would've happened if Order thwarted Chaos to rule the city?"
Many people interpreted this part like that Side Order is actually a "What If?" Alternate Universe!
However, I don't think that is the case.....
Do you honestly think we'd get a plain, over-perfectionized and colorless town as the main aesthetic for a game like Splatoon?
Instead, I believe the "What would've happened if....?" ect. part is from the perspective of a character!
You know what I think could be Agent 4's reason for suddenly being on Team Order?
Infact, what might be a central theme in the DLC as a whole?
Have any of you guys ever felt doubts about your Splatfest choice? Maybe even regretted them?
Maybe even regretted picking Chaos instead of Order? Because the end result was NOT what you expected?
Well I have! And it lead me to think, if maybe other players felt the same way..... and if they did, wouldn't it be interesting to discuss this topic in the actual game? Considering the Final Fest always has such a HUGE impact on the next game in the series, it might feel natural to wonder if maybe the opposite team should've won! Because maybe the result is different from what you expected?
And you beginn to wonder "What if I picked the other team?" "What if the other team won?"
🖤 Imagine following scenario: Agent 4 was on Team Chaos for the final Splatfest and team Chaos indeed won!
At first, they were happy, just like everyone else......But then, things started to change — like Pearl and Marina said the splatfest result changed the world.... but it didn't change in the way that Agent 4 had hoped! Perhaps the changes that followed after the events of the Chaos vs Order Splatfest were different than what 4 had imagined!
.....Or perhaps Marina was right to fear what might happen if Team Chaos won,
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....only wrong about who it applied to!
What if the Splatfest somehow caused some dissonance in the Squidbeak for some reason? And Agent 4 was somehow involved!
What if the other Agents left to go to Splatsville/Alterna and Agent 4 was left behind?
It would add up with the fandom's opinion that the character of Agent 4 is just being forgotten! Because I often see the fandom portray Agent 4 as being left behind by the rest of the Squidbeak!
And just like with the Splatfest Teams, acknowledgement of the fandom in such a way would be an interesting concept to touch uppon, because the fandom would relate to it!
And IF the final Splatfest really is a central conflict in the DLC, then the idea of regretting your team decision would be a very interesting thing to discuss!
Regardless of how it might've happened, the idea is that, after some time, Agent 4 started wondering
"What if I had fought on team order?"
"What if team Order won?"
🖤 Another thing that tipped me off about the concept of regret is the appearance of Dedf1sh — or "Acht" as she called herself in the DLC trailer!
Acht is an Octoling who willingly got sanitized due to "doubts and conflicts about production"!
Also track #8 in her list of songs in called "Regret", possibly showing that she regrets letting herself get sanitized!
There it is again! Doubts and regreting your choices!
And we all know that 8 is a very Important number in regards to the octarians! To hammer this point home, even Dedf1sh's nickname "Acht" is the german word for "Eight"! So, the fact that her 8# track song is called "Regret" feels to me like it is important.
🖤 Also, side note : It wouldn't be the first time a member of the Squidbeak Splatoon became antagonistic! We saw it in Splatoon 2, with Callie and the Original Agent 3/Cap'n!
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And considering the repeaded use of the number 3 in this game...... It seems like a golden opportunity (and a good excuse :3) for the devs to pull that trope a third time!
They already did it with the "Great Zapfish gets stolen" plot!
And considering the rest of the Squidbeak is busy in Alterna, Agent 4 is pretty much the only option available! _______________________________________
🖤 But even IF they want to reverse the events of the Final fest, WHY would 4 go so far? They are a hero, are they not? What happened to them that would cause them to do.....all this?!
Well, I suspect that, IF Agent 4 really is a villain or even THE villain of the DLC, they will not be in their right state of mind!
And no, I don't mean mind controlled and puppeteered by somebody else like Callie in the Splatoon 2 Hero Mode or the Cap'n/Original Agent 3 in Octo Expansion!
Like I said, the developers have the opportunity and the excuse to pull the "Member of the Squidbeak turns evil" trope a third time, but that doesn't mean they couldn't add a little twist to it, to keep it interesting!
You see, throughout both Trailers, there is a repeaded use of imagery that is reminicent of actually organic bodies, like the veins and corals that are oddly reminicent of veins!
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Also look at this picture right there and tell me it doesn't look reminicent of a brain to you!
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While mechanical and robotic stuff is definetly present in the trailers too, so is organic stuff!
However, the hints of natural organic things are much more suddle! It kinda feels to me like there is something intentionally being kept secret in relation to it!
Like for example....maybe the root of everything bad happening in the DLC is more of a root than we might think!
Maybe the origins of everything behind the events of Side Order is not some AI or a scientific experiment, but it's actually something natural!
Something that wasn't directly created by human hand or tentacles, but by (what remains of) the planet itself!
Remember this part from "Return of the Mamalians"' Alterna Logs: "Spurred by these impulses-and whatever else may have been floating in the polluted waters-the sea creatures began to evolve rapidly."
The important part being "Whatever else may have been floating in the polluted waters"! Implying that something other than the crystals infused with humanities desires have been responsible for the evolution of marine life!
What results would we get from the crystals mixing with different things?
For example, Mr Grizz combined some of those crystals with his own furr to create the fuzzy ooze! Although the golden fisheggs were also involved, the game even calls out that it is unknown HOW the fisheggs were used in the creation of the fuzzy ooze!
And it's said that if an Inkling or Octoling comes into contact with fuzzy Ooze, they lose their sense of self!
Loosing their sense of self..... Sound like a good trigger for someone to turn evil?
And if it were either the crystals or the golden fisheggs that are responsible for the "Loosing their sense of self" part...... Well, as an employee of Grizzro's, Agent 4 would have access to Golden Fish Eggs!
And like I said, the ocean is full of those crystals' pieces!
After all, who ever said that the effects those crystals are ALL good?
🖤 Remember, these crystals were infused with Humanity's thoughts and desires! And I doubt that the remaining humans in Alterna have been thinking happy thoughts 24/7!
Because 1 : It was basically the end of the world and their kind was going extinct!
And 2 : They're humans! It's as easy as that!There must've been some hateful thoughts at some point!
And when Alterna collabsed, causing the crystals and thereby also humanity's thoughts to seep into the ocean, nature saw what it would do with it!
Because remember: Those crystals originated from the bodily fluids of squid! The origins if the crystals lied in nature!
The positive feelings contained within the crystals allowed marine life to evolve and become the new dominant species, but what about the negative feelings? Cause I'll be damned if the remaining humans didn't have any bad thoughts or feelings! Especially considering it was the end of the world at that time!!
What if nature did something else with those negative feelings?
And if it did, what would happen if a living organism came in contact with them.....?
What influence could it have on them?
This would be far from the first time nature somehow influences the minds of living creatures!
The two most intense examples I know being Rabies and (Say it with me "The Last of Us"—fans!) Cordyceps!
My point here? If 4 goes rogue, it's possible that the cause of it is not mind control but more related to nature! _______________________________________
🤍 To sum everything up once more :
Agent 4 definetly 10000% MUST appear in the DLC!
The main conflict is not just the concept of "Order", but specifically the Chaos vs Order Splatfest!
After the final fest, for multiple possible reasons, Agent 4 ended up regretting being on Team Chaos for the final Splatfest and wanting to reverse everything! Maybe even start a second "Chaos Vs Order" splatfest!
And they wanted fellow Team Order members Agent 8 and Marina on their Side Order, but that didn't go so smoothly!
However, some outside force might be responsible for them taking it to dangerous extremes!
Though it doesn't necessarily have to be the work of another villain, but maybe, for example, coming in contact with Alterna crystals that absorbed humanity's negative feelings or whatever nature did with said crystals!
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sideordertheories · 1 year
i HATE to insinuate that marina might be the villain of side order but like,,, i dunno guys...
ok so in this one developer interview (which was translated by rassicas) that i'll link at the end of this post something was mentioned about marina that was very interesting to me.
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i'm not fully sure what this implies, but it shows that marina has the ability to go to a 'mysterious place' through 'mysterious connections' which when i saw this for the first time a while ago it immediately reminded me of side order. i know this is a direction that some people would hate for the dlc to go in,, but i really do think marina is in some way a villain. or at least her actions lead to something bad happening.
in the marina + marie + big man interview that comes with Splatune 3 (i'll link the wiki page at the end), marina says this:
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which. is really. weird?
first of all, pearl & marina had an argument?? pearl LEFT HER??? & marina couldn't get in touch with her?? damn that sucks? why did pearl do that. like actually thats so sad to me cuz. isnt that what marina is terrified of? & now she just laughed it off? i imagine that maybe this put marina into maybe a bad mental state because it would do the same to me tbh. & then marina starts talking about a world of order beyond our comprehension?? marina what are you talking about !!!!
at the very least, all of this is foreshadowing. but its just stated by her in a way that makes me think she doesn't just THINK that there is another world, but that she knows there is. she's been shown to have "mysterious connections" to a "mysterious place", she speaks of a world of order (the dlc is called side ORDER & has basically been confirmed to have something to do with team order iirc) , she wants to construct a new frontier with the power of art? i think it's also worth mentioning she once said something about designing her perfect world in the final splatfest from splatoon 2
why would marina be evil? i actually don't know. but she for sure has SOMETHING to do with the inkopolis square seen in the trailer for side order. also the whole reason she chose order was because she didn't want pearl to leave her, because they might fall apart, because pearl might get bored of off the hook. guess what happened!!! she did get bored. they did fall apart, even if just for a while. & while its never said how marina felt about this, i don't think it could've been good. i think she thought that if they were falling apart, maybe the world would too. maybe she thought she could design her world of order, & if she did that, everything would be fine, pearl wouldn't leave her again. maybe the world she designed is the white inkopolis square. maybe in her pain she was also manipulated by a much worse villain (i'm really hoping its not tartar. i would prefer lil judd seeing as if he isnt the villain the whole thing of him taking over grizzco & wanting to kill judd would be unresolved.) but marina is definitely morally grey in this dlc at best & the more i think about it, marina being the villain would be kinda cool? also i could be fully wrong & marina isnt evil she just thinks a world of order would be interesting but i like the villain marina theory
sorry if this is less organized & more rambly i am throwing my thoughts out into the void without polishing them
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lesbianspeedy · 2 years
can I hear about the mia and ollie similarities whenever you have time...
theyre blonde :( thats it :( okay but ACTUALLY LETS GET INTO IT
They're loud assholes to people who need to be yelled at, but theyre actually hella introverted.
Mia "i think fast i talk fast" Dearden will mouth off at villains and batman, and take the piss out of people she loves. BUT she wasn't exactly shown to have like a friend group at her school (she was shown to be popular. but we only see her specifically interact with one person), and was extremely nervous to join the titans, not because they intimidated her, but because she didnt really...want to be there. She'd rather be with people she knows. She spends most of her time practicing archery, even before she was speedy. The only time we ever saw her go out anywhere was on a date with Dodger. And I will be pretending for the sake of this post that all of this is bc of character stuff and not just bad writing!
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Similarly, Ollie "goateed loudmouth" Queen thrives when he's alone, he prefers it, he rarely spends time with people outside of his family or close close friends. He'll rant and rave at leaguers and cops and capitalists and villains all day long, but he's at his happiest and most content when he's alone, and often when on the move too, this man cannot sit still he is like a fucking shark he will die if he is in the same place too long but thats unrelated to this post.
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As is pretty much a requirement to be in the arrowfam. Neither of them are here to fight the big alien threats you take on while being in the league/titans. They're here to save the little guy and fuck up capitalists. They have both seen the worst of society on the very opposite ends of the spectrum, Ollie with the rich, Mia with those the rich forget or ignore. I don't think I really need to add an example of Ollie here considering thats like his main this if u know anything about him. But look heres mia thinking abt it in her first titans issue.
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Now with coping mechanisms they're a lil different, Mia tends to isolate and stay in one place. Ollie will isolate but fuck off somewhere. Accidentally walk to canada. That sorta thing.
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(pls ignore how terrifying bald ollie is)
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They also both mask their emotions and deflect with humour when around other people, they don't want others to have to deal with their shit, they don't want to burden them (hence the isolation, this also often leads to them imploding in on themselves). Heres my most favourite example of their similarities ever (yes I will continue to post and talk about this specific thing every 3 weeks and no one can stop me) I do owe Hester my life for this
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Now heres the best part. They both did this a lot right. And yknow what that led to? Learning and growing and being there for each other :] Now im going to be honest we dont really see this growth in vol 3 bc judd winick is incapable of writing character development but! Phil Hester is here for us once again with his story in the 80th special and this part specifically <3
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Also once again a whole arrowfam thing- neither of them give two shits about their secret id lmao. I choose to believe Mia is so flippant about hers bc she so easily realised Ollie was GA that she just went like. Yeah sure I won't give a fuck either, it's clearly working for him.
oh and they both like musical theatre, hate batman and are homophobic**. sad. **not actually thats just an in joke in fandom
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best-fictional-cat · 2 years
The Round 1 contestants!!!
You will notice that there is no clearly defined bracket yet, but there will be going forth from round 2. I just want to see how popular certain characters actually are before I set all the forthcoming rounds in stone. You will also notice that there are some polls with more that two options. That's because we have so many cats and so little opportunities to make an even bracket. And one more thing that some of you who know their way around the math of bracket-making might pick up on: round 1 consists of 126 polls, while we're going to require 128 contestants for round 2. That would mean that some polls will result in multiple winners (either 2 winners for 2 polls or a whooping 3 for a single one). And now, finally, the pairs and groups:
Group 1
Garfield (Garfield) vs Puss in Boots (Puss in Boots / Shrek)
Khoshekh (Welcome to Night Vale) vs The Admiral (The Magnus Archives) vs Pippa (The Penumbra Podcast)
Tom (Tom and Jerry) vs Sylvester (Looney Tunes)
Judd (Splatoon) vs Lil' Judd (Splatoon)
Garfield the Deals Warlock (The Adventure Zone: Balance) vs Pib (Dimension 20 - Neverafter)
Opalescence (My Little Pony) vs Charmmy Kitty (Sanrio)
Group 2
Slugcat (Rain World) vs Rivulet (Rain World: Downpour)
Cool Cat (Cool Cat Saves the Kids) vs Tabby Von Meow (Webkinz)
Sisters of Plenitude (Doctor Who) vs Thomas Kincade Brannigan ( Doctor Who)
Domino (Amphibia) vs Domino 2 (Amphibia)
Thomas O'Malley + the Aristocats (Aristocats) vs Serafina + Wolfie (Barbie as the Princess and the Pauper)
Hollyleaf (Warrior cats) vs Jayfeather (Warrior cats) vs Yellowfang (Warrior cats) vs Bluestar (Warrior cats)
Group 3
Bob (Animal Crossing) vs Raymond (Animal Crossing)
Cattail (Plants vs Zombies) vs Stray Cat (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)
Yoruichi Shihoin (Bleach) vs Grimmjow Jaegerjaques (Bleach)
Greebo (Discworld) vs You (Discworld)
Pusheen (Pusheen) vs Nyan Cat (Nyan Cat)
Felix (Drawtectives) vs Capper (My Little Pony)
Group 4
Cat (Stray) vs Spot (Star Trek: The Next Generation)
Bungle the glass cat (Oz) vs Eureka the pink kitten (Oz)
Squanchy (Rick and Morty) vs Talking Cat (Rick and Morty)
Barry Ill ( Sparklecare hospital) vs Caroline Coughs (Sparklecare hospital)
Shoe (Ace Attorney) vs Wagahai (Ace Attorney)
Alpine (Marvel comics) vs Mew (Marvel comics)
Group 5
Hong (Trash of the Count's Family) vs On (Trash of the Count's Family)
Catra (She-Ra) vs Khajiit (The Elder Scrolls)
Constable Whiskers (Cookie Run) vs Tabby Slime (Slime Rancher)
Arlene (Garfield) vs Nermal (Garfield)
Stelmaria (His Dark Materials) vs Kirjava (His Dark Materials)
Candy + Cindy (Five Nights at Candy's) vs 808 (Hi-Fi Rush)
Group 6
Carla (Fairy Tail) vs Panther Lily (Fairy Tail)
Jellie (Double Life SMP) vs C!Antfrost (Dream SMP)
Midnight (Castle in the Air, Diana Wynne Jones) vs Thomas (Earwig and the Witch)
Skimbleshanks (Cats the musical) vs Rum Tum Tugger (Cats the musical)
Ortensia the Cat (Disney) vs Felix the cat (Felix the cat (Paramount))
God Cat (Homestuck) vs Vodka Mutini / Dr.Meowgon Spangler (Homestuck)
Group 7
Kyo Sohma (Fruits Basket) vs Miyo Sasaki / Muge / Taro (A whisker away)
Blaze the Cat (Sonic the Hedgehog) vs Big the Cat (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Jiji (Kiki's Delivery Service) vs Luna (Sailor Moon)
Puppycat (Bee and Puppy cat) vs CatDog (CatDog)
Chairman Meow (The Shadowhunter Chronicles) vs Church (The Shadowhunter Chronicles)
Pounce de Leon (Homestuck) vs Jaspers (Homestuck)
Group 8
Sandstorm (Warrior cats) vs Squirrelflight (Warrior cats)
Mae Borowski (Night in the Woods) vs Princess Carolyn (BoJack Horseman)
Hobbes (Calvin and Hobbes) vs Tigger (Winnie the Pooh)
Ankha (Animal Crossing) vs Kabuki (Animal Crossing)
Valerie Oberlin (Monster Prom) vs Juan The Small Magical Latino Cat (Monster Prom)
Coco Grimalkin (Purrfect Apawcalypse) vs Felix Munch (Purrfect Apawcalypse) vs Mittens Wichien (Purrfect Apawcalypse)
Group 9
Catty (Undertale) vs Catti (Deltarune)
Aslan (The Chronicles of Narnia) vs Simba (The Lion King)
Ghazt (My Singing Monsters) vs Nyanky (Taiko no Tatsujin)
Nameless evil white cat (James Bond) vs Meowthra (Lego Ninjago Movie)
Minerva McGonagall (Harry Potter) vs Behemoth (Master and Margarita)
Macskacicó (Hungarian folk tales) vs Pangur Bán (Pangur Bán (Irish poem, 9th century))
Group 10
Kuro (Blue Exorcist) vs Grim (Twisted Wonderland)
Baron Humbert von Gikkingen (The Cat Returns) vs Nyanta (Log Horizon)
Lumi (Cats are Liquid) vs Mewo (Omori) vs Pet cats (Stardew Valley)
Leone (Akame ga Kill) vs Blake Belladonna (RWBY)
The Black Cat (The Black Cat, E.A.Poe) vs Black Cat (The Price, Neil Gaiman)
Chi Yamada (Chi's sweet home) vs Happy (Fairy Tail)
Group 11
Kitty White / Hello Kitty (Sanrio) vs Salem Saberhagen (Sabrina the Teenage Witch)
Firestar (Warrior cats) vs Meowth (Pokémon)
Ghost (The Owl House) vs Morgana (Persona 5)
Kitty Softpaws (Puss in Boots) vs Goose (Marvel comics / MCU)
Catbus (My Neighbor Totoro) vs Cake (Adventure Time)
Cheshire Cat (Alice in Wonderland) vs Che'nya (Twisted Wonderland)
Group 12
Plagg (Miraculous) vs Chat Noir (Miraculous)
Bagheera (The Jungle Book) vs Nuka (The Lion King 2)
Cure Cosmo / Yuni (Star Twinkle Pretty Cure) vs Ichigo Momomiya (Tokyo Mew Mew)
Luxor (Tutenstein) vs Chester the Cat (Bunnicula)
Cat (Red Dwarf) vs T'Ana (Star Trek: Lower Decks)
The Cat (Coraline) vs Mothwing (Warrior cats)
Group 13
Shampoo ( Ranma 1/2) vs Diana (Sailor Moon)
Frumpkin (Critical Role) vs Archie (Tales of Arcadia)
Periwinkle (Blue's clues) vs Brave Heart Lion (Care Bears)
Catbug (Bravest Warriors) vs Pasty (Neko Atsume)
Atsushi Nakajima (Bungou Stray Dogs) vs Natsume Soseki (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Tigress (Kung Fu Panda) vs Captain Amelia (Treasure Planet)
Group 14
Pixie (Pixie and Brutus) vs Tumblr lore witch
Lucifer (Cinderella) vs Tab (Watership Down)
Gary the Snail (Spongebob Squarepants) vs Magolor (Kirby series)
Mad Mew Mew (Undertale) vs Mr. Mistoffelees (Cats the musical)
Lucrezia and Meek (Frakk, the Cats' Nightmare) vs Findus (Pettson and Findus)
Leona Kingscholar (Twisted Wonderland) vs Cheka Kingscholar (Twisted Wonderland)
Group 15
Maurice (Discworld) vs Heathcliff (Heathcliff)
Cringer / Battlecat (He-man) vs Mr. Kat (Kid vs. Kat)
Angel Grimalkin (Purrfect Apawcalypse) vs Tigger Sugden (Purrfect Apawcalypse)
Rosie (Animal Crossing) vs Rover (Animal Crossing)
Blanca (Animal Crossing) vs Tangy (Animal Crossing)
Nali (Assassin's Creed: Valhalla) vs Miyuki (Avatar the Last Airbender)
Group 16
Chococat (Sanrio) vs Kuroneko-sama (Trigun)
Gatomon (Digimon) vs Kyubey (Puella Magi Madoka Magica)
Shrödinger's cat (you know the one) vs Felix (Felix cat food mascot)
The Cat (Monster Camp) vs Xiaohei (The Legend of Hei)
Artemis (Sailor Moon) vs Samantha / The Cat (Infinity Train)
John Blacksad (Blacksad) vs Mao Mao Mao (Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart)
Group 17
Solembum (Inheritance Cycle) vs Ren (Monstress)
Taokaka (Blazblue) vs Niko (Oneshot)
Ember (Cattails) vs Lyrus (Cattails) vs Mayor (Cattails)
Missy (Cattails) vs Sarge (Cattails) vs Scout (Cattails)
Lion (Steven Universe) vs Cat Steven (Steven Universe)
Glameow (Pokémon) vs Litten (Pokémon) vs Meowstic (Pokémon) vs Skitty (Pokémon) vs Sprigatito (Pokémon)
Group 18
Mog (Mog books, Judith Kerr) vs Tom Kitten (The Tale of Tom Kitten)
Jenny Linsky (Jenny Linsky, Esther Averill) vs Kaspar, Prince of Cats (Kaspar, Prince of Cats, Michael Morporgo)
Pixel (The Cat Who Walks through Walls, Robert Heinlein) vs Invisible cat (The Invisible Man, H.G.Wells)
Jonesy (Alien) vs Grudge (Star Trek Discovery)
Aldwyn (The Familiars) vs Jess (Postman Pat)
Remlit (Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword) vs Mo (Lego Monkie Kid)
Group 19
Assistacat / Sub-manager (Cardfight!! Vanguard) vs Haru (My Roommate is a Cat)
Mao (Darker than Black) vs Amanojaku (Ghost Stories)
Izutsumi (Dungeon Meshi) vs Opera (Welcome to demon school Iruma kun!)
Nyako / Meowy (Chainsaw Man) vs Yuigadokusonmaru (Durarara)
Heinkel (Fullmetal Alchemist) vs Cheetu (Hunter x Hunter)
Graystripe (Warrior cats) vs Scourge (Warrior cats) vs Sol (Warrior cats) vs Tallstar (Warrior cats)
Group 20
Bristlefrost (Warrior cats) vs Cinderpelt (Warrior cats) vs Ferncloud (Warrior cats) vs Turtle Tail (Warrior cats)
Leopardstar (Warrior cats) vs Spottedleaf (Warrior cats) vs Leafpool (Warrior cats) vs Mapleshade (Warrior cats)
Sox (Lightyear) vs The Kitty (The Bad Guys)
The Cat in the Hat (The Cat in the Hat) vs Boo (The Funky Phantom)
The Sphinx (Adventures of Puss in Boots) vs Fluffal Cat (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
Hiili (Fox Fires (webcomic)) vs Varjak Paw (Varjak Paw, S.F.Said)
Group 21
Potato (Cat loaf adventures) vs Whiskers (Pixel Cat's End)
Mingus Crown (Dialtown) vs Burgerpants (Undertale)
Arthur (Code Geass) vs Amp / Anp / Anpu (The Disastrous Life of Saiki K)
Sakamoto (Nichijou) vs Blair (Soul Eater)
Darwin (April and the Extraordinary World) vs Finley / Jelly Donut (Hustle Cat)
Jemima (Cats the musical) vs Victoria (Cats the musical)
If you have any propaganda, now's the time to start sharing it!
I'm currently planning for the polls to go live by these small bundles every eight hours, starting TOMORROW, MARCH 2ND, 12PM GMT (using this time zone as the ground zero it is I guess), so the whole round should take just a week. Unless I fluck up putting posts on timer, but let's just hope for the best.
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paperstorm · 1 year
wip wednesday
thanks so much for the tags @theghostofashton @reyesstrand and @alrightbuckaroo!
Have a lil peak from tomorrow's new chapter of The Firehouse which I might end up posting at midnight lol because I have a busy day tomorrow but we'll see
“What did Judd tell you,” Paul tries eventually, “about what we do, here?”
Carlos tilts his head to one side, and does his best impression of a bamboozled golden retriever. “It’s a nightclub.”
“Right.” Paul nods shortly and picks his hammer back up.
With his fingernail, Carlos picks at a few splinters of wood from the leg of the chair he’s working on. He sets them carefully on the floor so that he can glue them back in place once he’s rid the leg of the smaller debris.
After a minute of silence has passed, he glances around to make sure they’re alone, and then in a low, conspiratorial voice, he says, “I mean, I sort of assume there’s other stuff happening behind the scenes. Aren’t these places always like that?”
“Like what?” Paul asks, feigning innocence in a way that Carlos doesn’t think is nearly as effective as when he’d done the same moments ago.
“Outside-the-law type stuff. The place I worked at in Atlantic City always had shit going on.” Carlos keeps working as he talks, to present the impression this is all casual. He knows that Paul is aware of what’s going on. He’s the one who accompanies Marjan and TK on their outings. Carlos has yet to ascertain whether Nancy and Mateo are on the level, but Paul definitely doesn’t just sit in a company SUV watching Marjan exchange cash for a plastic baggie in a shadowy alleyway and somehow not understand what he’s watching her do.
“What kind of shit?”
“I was pretty low on the food chain, to be honest.” Carlos shrugs. “I never completely knew. But drugs, I assume. Maybe guns. Maybe other things, too.”
“Right,” Paul repeats. “Well, it’s not … I’m not in charge of anything.”
Carlos nods.
“So for now I’ll just say … if you see some shit, no you didn’t.”
“Got it,” Carlos confirms. “Thanks for the head’s up.”
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Fox reran the “Double Trouble” episode tonight, and I wanna TALK ABOUT IT.
-The line I can never let go of because I cannot fathom it, my “Austin is a small town” my lil Sebastian, as it were- how is sending your boyfriend $25,000 on Venmo such a casual thing?!?!
Like who does not think of this as a lot of money??????
This season did a really good job of giving everyone a chance to shine and have a story- EXCEPT FOR NANCY!
And the only story we get is that she can casually lend someone $25,000? (And that hand wavey answer is just that- too hand wavey and not sufficient).
This episode proves we need a Nancy backstory yesterday- like please explain this!! Or any backstory on miss Nancy Gillian would be welcome, but I need to start with the why she just gives that away like it’s no big deal.
Speaking of which…
Why is Wyatt getting more story than Nancy? Presumably this is his first girlfriend and he’s already gotten her pregnant and dropping out of school to support them? (Like Judd told TK when Owen got Gwyn pregnant, that’s some powerful stuff Wyatt has got… though I don’t think Judd would appreciate the irony).
Not that I mind the Wyatt becoming a firefighter- I didn’t see why it had to be followed up with Wyatt becoming so injured Judd decides to retire though- (and again, why he get more story than my girl Nancy)
Is Mateo really only 23 years old?? Mateo says he burned the middle school down when he was 13- next scene Owen mentions confessing to a ten year old crime that’s been paid for- Mateo is only 23??? So he was only 20 the first season? I don’t know why but this is surprising to me- (maybe it’s just me that was surprised by this)
And then-
“I’m sorry you lost Marvin. But I don’t want to lose you”. My heart 🥺🥺
(And this may verge on too cheesy but looks-like-I’ve-got-another-kid-now Owen is my favorite Owen and he was mostly absent from season 3 and I love season four for bringing this Owen back- as much as I loved they’ve kept the Mateo lives with Owen storyline a thing) 🥰🫶
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she-walked-away · 1 month
911 Lone Star Countdown Tag Game--Found Family Week
Tagged by @thisbuildinghasfeelings and @lonestar-s5countdown ;)
(1) What is your favorite 911 Lone Star Found Family moment?
I literally have so many but I think my current favorite one is the montage in 4x12 of the entire 126 helping Marjan online date and then going on these dates with her. Their lil tips in helping her find someone online (I cackle at Tarlos confidently talking about comfort nerds and casual dating bc they are ones to talk). I literally laugh so hard at every scene, especially when her and Owen are swooning over that one guy. It's just so sweet at them taking their rightful place as her family in chaperoning the dates!! My only gripe is that I wish Judd was in on it too bc that could have made it even more funny tbh.
(2) Which platonic pairing/friendship dynamic are you most looking forward to seeing again in season 5?
OWEN AND CARLOS. They are my favorite platonic dynamic, and now they are LEGALLY FAMILY!!
But also - would love to see more of Nancy and TK being actual friends as well. Push had Carlos kind of confirming that Nancy was the closest to TK and I would like to see it more! LET THEM HAVE FRIENDS!! And more TNT!!
(3) If you could pick one Lone Star character to be friends with, who would you choose?
Grace bc I need a mom friend and I could get the tea about Tommy and the pastor and the 126 from her. Plus, she's amazing.
(4) Which would you rather attend: Catan night at the loft or game night at the Ryder house?
Catan night at the loft! I would text my bestie who plays catan on the reg and ask her for tips on how to play and how to defeat them all. And I would also sit and watch the gang with heart eyes and also snoop every inch of the loft
(5) A character of your choice ends up in jail. Who would they call to bail them out (assuming their romantic partner, parent, and/or child didn't pick up)?
ANDREA WOULD CALL TK. She could call Owen, but then he would probably end up in jail beside her, so she calls TK. He swears to not tell Carlos, but he finds out anyways because a buddy of his calls him. HIJINKS ENSUE
Open tag!
But also tagging others: @ladytessa74, @reyesstrand, @paperstorm, @strandnreyes, @heartstringsduet, @literateowl, @herefortarlos ANYBODY ELSE!
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tartarsecondchanceau · 4 months
LIL JUDD YOU’RE SO CUTESY❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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"It's been a while since anyone called me that! Probably cus of the eye patch, or the pink glow in my good eye... Or maybe the fact that I sort of co-own Grizzco, now... Eh, you get the point..."
[He's very... talkative, for such a tiny creature.]
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unaloid · 7 months
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octolings named ace and snaggletooth.
ace was in the octarian army until he found a young orphan girl (toothy. he named her) then he deserted to protect her and they found their way to the surface together. due to stress amnesia, he forgets everything about his time as a soldier, now he is a dumbass and kind of shallow. toothy likes to play and have fun, she talks slowly and repeats words a lot bcuz she is only learning inkling language. she likes to play with judd and lil judd especially.
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dandelion-idk · 1 year
I for one want lil judd to be the villain of side order bc it would be a natural path for the series to go to, with the whole cloning and revenge and taking over grizzco stuff. But at the same time i want to have a totally different villain. A very fucked up, very why-is-this-in-a-nintendo-game villain. They already tested the waters with tartar now i want you to go the full mile. Gimme concept art tartar levels of crazy. What if agent 8 or whoever that octoling is meets the Voice from on High. Like the one(s) who send the splatfest announcements and are thought to be god(s) of sorts. What if they look like accurate angels. or maybe it is a talking fax machine. Or maybe it is a talking fax machine that tranforms into an accurate angel in the final battle. give that octoling an existential crisis goddamnit. PUT THEM IN SITUATIONS
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cru5h-cascades · 7 months
With Side Order basically 3 days away at this point (the dlc's releasing on the 21st at 7 PM CST), there's just one more thing I wanna talk about when it comes to speculation (well not really speculation it's more so just me hoping this will happen):
Like I have this one idea sort of similar to @lbodraws' Villain Agent 4 AU (with their interpretation of the villain of Side Order, G.H.O.S.T., an AI made to store human consiousness that basically decided to do its own thing after not being given the order to awaken the humans whose consiouses they were storing) where basically the professor had a plan B for himself since he didn't make himself immortal like Judd, the plan being that if he died in cryogenic preservation he'd have his mind transfered into a computer program in order to live on in some way. However, something goes wrong and the professor's digital world is overidden by whoever created the Order Sector. The professor gets his files compressed or whatever and they get put into a special area on the top of the tower so he's under close surveilance, however he keeps on trying to fight back in a few ways, with the main one being creating the voids in the spire.
To be honest, I'd love to see both a villain Marina and Lil' Judd in the DLC alongside the professor as well, so this is how I kind of see the final boss being like if all three of these guys had a role to play in the DLC:
Phase 1: Marina (the misguided antagonist): Marina is under the influence of another being (weither it be by brainwashing or by other means) and it's Agent 8's job to snap Marina out of it. Marina would use all sorts of modified specials and inventions against Eight during the fight (also basically this fight would sort of be like a parody of the Splatoon 2 final boss since RotM also had that with DJ Octavio at the begining). After finishing this phase of the fight, Marina regains control of herself, we get some dialoge, and then we get the reveal of the true villain of Side Order...
Phase 2 & 3: Lil' Judd (the real big bad): Lil' Judd goes on a monolouge about why he did what he did and how (basically he ended up getting Marina to unknowingly unleash the Order Sector onto the world to help Lil' Judd achive his ultimate objective: to be the only Judd left standing or something like that) and then the next 2 phases of the fight happen I guess. After beating up Lil' Judd, the professor decompresses his own files now that Lil' Judd isn't able to control the Order Sector, at least for now, and decides to raise hell onto everyone in the room, leading us to the next phase of the fight...
Phase 4: the professor (one of many victims of Lil' Judd): Blinded by rage, the professor gets this corrupted form of sorts where he's all glitchy and stuff. The professor, beliving that the Side Order crew is working with Lil' Judd, attempts to attack our protagonists, only for Eight to defend everyone. The professor will use various tricks to distract the player so he can kill them and will spare the player no mercy during the fight. It isn't until the layer finally shoots at the professor enough that he comes to his senses and realizes what's going on and stops fighting. We get some dialoge at the end of the fight or something and then the Order Sector appears to be falling appart due to the professor messing around with the code too much during the fight, so he urges the Side Order crew to get out of the spire before they're trapped in an infinate void forever. The professor opens a portal to the real Inkopolis Square outside of the spire and then I guess the final phase of the final boss happens where you need to take the emergency exit out of the spire to get to the portal in a set amount of time. The professor stays behind to keep the Order Sector up and running so he doesn't die or whatever.
And that's all I really got for what could happen if the professor was involved in Side Order. If you couldn't tell already, this is a super rough idea of what could happen if this was the case because this is just me hoping this happens. Anyways, I kinda doubt that the professor will actually even be mentioned in Side Order ('cause that guy just has to be one of the most minor characters in Splatoon) (but then again dedf1sh made it into the DLC and has a huge role in it so maybe it can happen with this guy too), but hey I guess we'll just have to find out in three days, am I right?
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yatgb · 1 year
My predictions for side order (and also the things i sorta just want to happen really really bad)
Play as agent 8 (obvious prediction)
Opening scene mirrors that of octo expansion with pearl waking up agent 8 and trying to make small talk like "lol long time no see huh bestie??? how you been :D" only to come to the horrifying realization A8 doesnt remember her or anything at all and has lost their memories again
This one is sorta out there but this might be commander tartar exacting revenge on A8 for thwarting its world domination plans in OE. Just saying if it was really gone then WHY was it in the chaos v order promo
If not tartar then some New Threat Weve Never Heard Of Before. Probably with help of tartar but also maybe not yknow. Id be fine with letting tartar stay dead as hell
Brainwashed marina. I can feel it in my bones
Seriously can you imagine pearl shouting "WAKE UP MARINA!!" like marie did when trying to snap callie out of it. Can you imagine the tension between brainwashed marina and desperate pearl. Come On
Agent 4 return. Istg we saw their shadow for that one freeze frame. I Know He Is Real Nintendo Why Are You Hiding Him
Octarian enemies come back still mammaled but now their fur has turned white bc of the weird bleachy thing goign on. Something something polar bears
Lil judd final boss (this is a /j but could you imagine)
dedf1sh content. This isnt a prediction its a plea
Come on guys we got harmony in-game they have to know how much we love dedf1sh right
dedf1sh boss fight................ imagine
Alternatively what if dedf1sh is there but only able to be seen from a window in an inaccessible room like spyke in the cafe in splat2. cmon nintendo you know u wanna
I dont think we're getting a new playable species unless they pull some REALLY wack shit and let us play as fuzzy octarians (i saw someone hack the model to be playable so 👀)
The more we progress the more color returns to the plaza
Idk there was a LOT of imagery with brains and neurons and dead things (and how octopuses irl turn gray when stressed/dying). I wouldnt be surprised if they leaned more into a theme of death or an afterlife. Nintendos done some crazy shit. And yknow they already had "relive memories" to explain replaying the crater and rocket battle to cement alterna as a kind of final area so like. Imagine going back in to the side order area with "ascend" or some shit
The description on the shop said "see what has become of inkopolis square" so its definitely a new virus of some kind
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