#...man i am just picturing a WHOLE LIFE for this boy aren't i
four-color-words · 2 years
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Chris having his daddy's little curlicue brings me no end of joy
I really don't like that they speed-aged him to push this weird romance thing that wasn't a thing for pretty much any other iteration of Nightwing and Flamebird, but I do like the idea of him growing up to look more like Clark. He should get to have that.
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homunculus-argument · 5 months
Probably dumb question from a trans guy who's struggling with actually physically and socially transitioning. I am a short, skinny, and relatively quiet human, and while I undoubtedly feel myself to be male internally and want my body to reflect that, I feel like nobody would ever take me seriously or find me attractive if I transitioned, or that I don't have what it takes to pass as a man in general due to people relentlessly perceiving me as feminine and female even when I do everything in my power to present otherwise.
I guess I'm just wondering if transitioning is even worth it for me? I'm almost 30, so I've lived as I am a long time, and as much as it makes me miserable and cuts me off from a lot of joy and vitality in life, it's all I know. I *think* I would feel better, have more confidence etc. if people perceived me as who I really feel myself to be, but the thought that there's a lot of people out there who would never accept that, and would rub it in my face that they still see me as something I loathe being seen as, makes me feel pretty hopeless about the whole situation.
No need to answer this if it's too personal a topic or anything, just wanted to run it past you since I admire you quite a bit, and you seem to have a lot of stuff figured out that I'm still working towards.
You sound pretty confident about it being something you can't be happy without, and honestly, testosterone is a hell of a drug, so even if you won't be astonishingly hot as a guy, you'll still read 100% as male in a couple of years. Look at the before-after pictures and progress timelines of trans men, especially HRT timelines, even the ones who don't end up looking like Kratos from God of War just turn out into completely normal-looking regular guys. There are plenty of short, skinny, and quiet cis men too, and they aren't so rare that normal people meeting you for the first time would start suspecting you to be one of those 1% minority people they've heard about.
I've also had friends who know I'm trans genuinely just forget about it. This one time a friend whom I have known since we were 15 - ten years before I started testosterone - get confused when I mentioned that my gym teacher at the time always wore electric blue mascara. She asked me which teacher was that, and only when I clarified that I was talking about the female gym teacher at my school, did she remember that I was in girls' gym classes. The thought that my school had the most flamboyant drag queen makeup wearing boys' gym teacher felt like a more plausible option than remembering that I was legally classified as a girl in school back when we met.
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inactivewattpadauthor · 5 months
[Old]Erron Black x SF Reader
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----------------------------- "Come on, Y/n, you look great!" Cassie snickered at you, secretly snapping a picture of you wearing...whatever the hell the females in the Black Dragon wear. Jacqui was still working on your outfit, trying not to laugh or make a comment.
"Cassie. I look like a whore." You blinked at her, unhappy about the whole situation.
You were dressed up like this because of a damn mission. And part of this was the plan. The Special Forces picked up suspicious activity happening in the Black Dragon, and your friend, Cassie, had the idea to have YOU get a disguise and go in. Since, you're anonymous to them.
At first it was suppose to be a joke, all of a sudden the general thought it was a good idea. Bad thing is, you didn't get a say in the plan. So now you're on your own. Good luck.
You exited the truck at the entrance of  the Black Dragon's camp. You were aware you weren't going to come back out alive, and free, but you see your two friends still laughing at your outfit.
"Good luck with the investigation, Y/n!" Jacqui cried in laughter, in the truck. "God, I have to send this to the boys!" Cassie said beside her. The truck sped off, leaving you to your mission. Thanks. You rolled your eyes.
You continued your path towards the center of the camp, already disgusted by the amount of trash there is. You had to watch out for broken beer bottles. It would be a shame if you already got injured within the first 20 seconds of your mission.
But then again, you were supposed to be a hacker, you worked indoors, not out.
You managed to make it to the center of camp. You observed the amount of black markets displayed everywhere in the large crowd of people. Now if you could just remain anonymous.
You spotted an isolated path that may keep you hidden. You may have a disguise, but what if it brought the wrong type of attention. You secretly went to it and started doing your spying.
You looked around to see any suspicious activity before you heard some loud conversation about Special Forces. Bingo! Maybe this'll answer all the questions.
There was nothing too useful in the conversation, just some bitching about Sonya and her ex. But then something came inA "Something for the special scums, Kano is plannin' to-"
Unfortunately, you couldn't hear the rest of the sentence. In fact, you got dragged way back from where you were. You weren't a good fighter either, but you were about to put up a fight.
A covered hand was quickly pressed against your mouth, preventing you to make any sound, as for the other arm, wrapped around your stomach to reduce your struggles.
"Now, now, princess, I'm doin' you a favor to not attract any attention. These aren't the type of guys that'll exactly...'help' you." Some man with a country accent spoke.
He had a point. You were on enemy territory. You stopped struggling, wanting to know who this strange, kinda charismatic, man is. He did let you go, believing you were calm.
You examined your attacker. Tall, country accent,  literally a cow boy, THE INFAMOUS ERRON BLACK?! Your e/c eyes widen, as your heart stopped.
"What's wrong? You look like you seen a ghost." Erron tilted his head to the side. "Y-You're Erron Black!" You stuttered. "Yes I am. And I suppose you're not from around here. State where you're from."
You silently gasped as you saw him rest his hand near his gun. You didn't know what to do in this position. Either way, you were probably going to die.
"I'm dead anyways, what's the point in telling you?" You grew a small pair and said. "Heh, Special Forces got a loyal one." How the hell-
"They weren't too slick dropping you off on our camp. Besides, don't you think you went a little overboard with the disguise?" You got tensed with his question, as he was observing your very explicit outfit. "I'll have you know this wasn't my idea! I would never dress like this in any occasion!"
"Well then," Erron adjusted his hat. "I see no point in taking your life. Besides, I'm already starting to like you. Come with me." You froze once more. Erron Black wants me to come with him?? Am I lucky or unlucky?
Erron noticed you weren't budging. "Do you want to go out there and get yourself hurt?" He asked. You focused back on him before doing what he said.
"So what's your name?" He smirked at you. "Uh, Y/n L/n." You answered, unsure if that was a good idea.
"Okay, Ms. Y/n, what do you do in the Special Forces?" Why is he asking me these questions? "I'm one of their hackers."
You stopped your tracks,  now wondering what was going on. "Where are you taking me?" You wrapped your arms around yourself, getting scared. "I'm escorting you out of here. It would be a shame if you end up in those filthy brothels, or maybe part of you is being sold." He said, keeping the same charming tone.
This...disturbed you. "Thanks." You said shyly. "No problem, my lady."
At the exit of camp, Erron turned towards you. "I gotta say, the next time I come across you, I'll probably keep you with me." He winked. You blushed, rolling your eyes at him. "Thanks for not shooting me." You sarcastically said.
"You're welcome." He walked back towards the broken fence. "Also, when your friends return, tell them to keep one eye open while sleeping." Erron said before tilted his head in a goodbye before walking off.
You blinked at his request before sitting down, thinking about how you made no progress while in here. I tried to tell them it wouldn't work out. *Sigh* I actually hope I see Erron next time, he's pretty cute.
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pasta-in-the-pudding · 9 months
Okay... So this request might be weird and it's nothing really like dating or anything like that.
I've been having this idea like... What would X-virus do if the reader had a large pet Ascaris Nematode and takes care of huge bacteria as well?
Like, the reader would take care of the bacteria and they separate the dead bacterias into a container for the nematode's to eat. And the bacteria would be the size of a grown mans hand while the nematode is as big as a average dressor.
My oc does this and I am curious as to how other people will write about this.
This is such a cool concept i literally love this!! And for x-virus too?! Ugh, wonderful
Also I did my best with some light research, but ya boy does not know much about bacteria so i apologize if something is inaccurate <//3
Thank you so much for requesting!!
X-Virus with a pet Ascaris Nematode
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Generally, he would think your pets are really cool
(With your permission) he would love to go study and observe your pet(s)
He's never really heard of anyone taking care of bacteria like this, so he is curious to see how domestication affects the species
Even if they aren't really like other living things with consciousness, he still thinks it would be cool to study
The only times he interacts with bacteria is either for his job, or for studies
Never just to have fun with it
He will ask you to just do your thing, go about feeding your bacteria, cleaning their enclosures, etc
He will be observing, writing notes down, taking pictures and taking videos the entire time
And then, once he is satisfied, he will go back to his room and study further on his own
He will heavily cross reference behavioral things with your pet bacteria, seeing how the average kind of whatever bacteria he's studying at the moment compares with the bacteria you keep as pets
He would also like to get some hands on experience
Whatever you are comfortable with him doing, he will do
He will help feed, help clean, help organize, etc
And he will also study how the bacteria react to him versus you taking care of them
Once he is certain his study on your pets is complete, he will share his findings with you
And depending on the outcome of the studies, he may begin collecting different bacteria for himself, pushing the limits to see just how many different types of bacteria can be "domesticated"
He will keep them in his lab, though
Far away from his beloved pet bunny Jade
If the bacteria got anywhere near her, he'd freak out
He will also request for your help in studying his own pet(s)
Considering you have the experience, he finds you trustworthy enough to help him out
And then the process starts over again
He studies, he records, he cross references, etc
And every now and then, he will come visit your pets, bidding them a good morning/afternoon/night and talking to them
Those nematodes probably know his darkest secrets at this point
"yeah, i was in and out of fostercare my whole life"
"it was really stressful for me, but i found my love of science through it, so i can't be too mad"
"yeah, you get it"
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kaylinlmao · 2 years
can you do this bit for robin or vance (would make sense for it to be one of the fighters)
reader & *chosen boy* were enemies but when *chosen boy* is declared dead after two weeks of missing, reader has a whole break down
*chosen boy* shows up (in true ghost fashion) and says “i thought you hated me, *ur choice of nickname*?”
honestly a stolen idea loll. i got it from book0bsessedd on tiktok
Doing Robin because there is already so many fricking fics for Vance. Both are 18+
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Btw, loving this picture.
"We're sorry to tell you this, but Robin Arellano has been pronounced dead as of today." I stood shocked as the principal continued to speak. What? He's dead? Just then the bell rang, signaling the end of school. I ran outside towards my house, my vision blurry with tears. Dead? Dead? No! He can't be dead! I didn't get to tell him that I love him yet. I wanted the banter to go on longer. I wanted to take my time! He can't be dead. He's only 18.
I ran up the front steps and unlocked the door. My mom wasn't home and neither was my brother, Austin. I was alone. Again. I went into my room, closing and locking the door. I dropped my backpack and began to break down. I couldn't see, I couldn't breathe, I couldn't think anything but he's dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. And he's not coming back.
"He's dead. He can't be dead. He's not dead. They're lying!" I was on the floor shaking when I heard his voice.
"I thought you hated me, princesa." I spun around and saw him standing by the door, with a stupid smirk on his face. I stood up, wiping my tears. "I do hate you." I said. "That didn't look like hate. It actually looked a lot like love." "It's not-" "I love you too, hermosa. I have for a while now." He broke in, cutting me off.
"Aren't you dead?" I asked. "Yup." He said, popping the p. "Then why the hell are you in my room? How did you get in my room." "We can go through walls y'know." "Oh Jesus. Robin, you're dead. So I'm seeing dead people. Am I crazy? Are you really here?" "Yes you're crazy and yes, I'm really here." I scoffed. "I am not crazy!" "Mhmm" he responded. "I'M NOT CRAZY!" I yelled. "princesa, chill out. You're not crazy. I'm really here."
"Then why'd they say you were dead?" I questioned. "Because I am." "What? You said you were really here." "I am." "But you're a ghost?" "No." "What? Oh my god, spit it out!" I said. "I'm not a ghost. I'm a man." I scoffed. "I'm a man, and I'm here but nobody else can see me." He continued. "So I am seeing dead people." "No. You're seeing a dead person. Singular." I groaned. "When are you leaving? When does the train to hell stop by?" I asked.
"I'm never leaving. We're in love." "I'm not dating a ghost!"
"But I love you!" "No! Not dating a ghost. My mom will think I'm crazy." "Please?" "Fine. We're girlfriend and boyfriend." I counted to 10 in my mind. "Hey Rob, I'm sorry but this isn't working out. I'm breaking up with you." "Y/N!" "yes?" "Just try? We can be together. Forever." "Oh hell nah! What if I want kids one day?" "I'm working on coming back to life right now." "Working with who?" "The grim reaper." "I'm done. I'm out. Nope. Nada. Donezo." I said, walking away.
"I love you, Y/N Y/L/N." "Love you too, dead boy."
Hope you like it! If I write a book based off of the story fight mixed with the story where she can heal people but has to feel the pain herself on wattpad, would y'all go read it? Love y'all! :) -Kaylin
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selfox · 3 months
Cy's live-ish reactions
Random tales of Drakgo by @gothicthundra
Chapters from Mixed Messages to Discontented.... Wish I could have gone for more, apologies ^^"
I love those 2 so much, but the violent desire to shake some sense into them is strong. GT, I don't know how you did it, but this is amazing.
Mixed Messages
Dear Shego, I hope that you aren't getting sick again? Am I in another universe? They are finally going to talk??? ghyfkhgy Shego… my girl, you are doing that thing with assuming and trying to predict something that is hard to predict… especially if you don't know all details Ok, I am proud of those two domestic drakgo vulgaris, precious they are dummies, your honor CAT IS OUT OF THE BAG HE ASKED HER ABOUT THE KISS Holy now I am on the wdge of the seat SHEGO STOP OVERTHINKING NOOOOOOOOOO HITS TABLE WITH A FIST NOOOOOOO YOU 2 DUMBASSES
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THIS is painful The desire to bang my head on the table is strong with this one, and I expected this and feared it. "I'm in love with him." OTL
Is this the thing I saw on Flower's blog? 👀 Iiiiiii think it is~ man I need some calm or fun after sadnes Hi, Junior I love that retrospect into surroundings Junior is that rich bi-pan friend everyone needs in their life. Shego... you know how dubious you sound? Pain, lots of pain oh oh oh OH WHEEZE
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Juni is much more perceptional than I gave him credit Ok that's .. I adore their friendship. This "do you want me to be your friend or evil friend right now?" is so good. WHEEEZE JUNI I LOVE YOU
NOOOOOO SHEGO NOOOOOOO The whole body clench I got after the whole club scene, unholy.
Oh, oh, I think I know this boy! Is it the boy? Is it Dean I heard only good things about?? IT IS HIM IT'S THE BOY! Idk what I expected, but this is something holy I either laugh, facepalm or yell. :( poor Dean
Hi, Dr D. OYL I feel you dude, ideasblock is a torture. OTL gods, they are dummies that need therapy. They can give lessons in this... how to confuse each other with their obvious feelings. Those are the King and Queen of Oblivious
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The inhuman groan I released Shego keep that skill and use it wisely (of course not) SHEGO, HOW COME YOU ARE THIS BAD AT FLIRTING?? WHAT IS THIS??? I GOVE YOU 0 FOR THAT PERFOMANCE! HJEBFGRHF I honestly love how they have these embarrassing moments that only they know about one another. "Focus Drakken" I really need to create some pictures to show those reactions that I can't describe with words. But my face is doing an amazing job for it. "Doing it second time would be even easier" - famous last words Shego.... She is trying so hard. Like... I know what she is trying to do, but this back and forth tagging would confuse any person, so I get why Drakken didn't get anything. Ma'am
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This is agonizing
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HOW COME I AM GETTING GOOSEBUMPS??? I know I've been saying it a lot, but they are dummies. Absolute dumbasses. SHEGO LEARN NOR TO MIX SIGNALS, DRSKKEN THAT GOES TO YOU TOO.
I have a humor of 3 years old
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Shego is a cat. She is just one round Pallas cat.
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thats what trauma does OTL I have no words but the desire to shake those 2.
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MAAM YPOU SAID RIGHT BEFORE THAT YOU WERE MESSING WITH HIM WITH THAT KITCHEN KISS HOLY HELL MIXED MESSAGES INDEED I am very ready to pull my blurple hair out. GT, if you are reading this, I am sending you applause and wow, idk how it felt writing it
Idk, Shego, that seems very desperate to me. .... I took a break and scrolled through my youtube feed and ... *wheeze* "5 Signs They Are NOT Flirting, It's Negging" it's fate.
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ouch ;-; I love how they know things about one another, especially their tastes. Nevertheless... THEY FRUSTRATE ME
DRAKKEN WHAT HAPPENED IN YOUR ROOM SO YOU CAME OUT.....?????????? This is not gonna go well even if my drakgo heart is eating those crumbs.
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Shego, he was blasted with your boobs, he was checking you out They aren't adults and I dropped my head on my table and OUCH
they are hopeless and I love them, but my gods.
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( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) yeah, focused.
It was going so well... but alas OYL
They talk.... but they are also not exactly being honest I've been groaning the whole chapter.
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I love those dumbasses so much.
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I love this rant Nvm the rest is just as golden, I wish to screenshot it whole Hi, Lucre! igigyigyglhlvhjhjhflkjg Shego, you are turning greener OH GODS NO THAT BLOND WIG THE CURSE CURSE!
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;-; he is worried about her
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Shegoo OYL oughhhh oughh
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I want to hug them. :'3
Ok that's, unfortunately, it for today. I am free from my personal projects... and among other things, so I hope it'll not take it more than it did.
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novelmonger · 4 months
Okay, Harry Potter, Dumbledore, and the pairings of Harry/Ginny and Ron/Hermione (vs Harry/Hermione). Positive opinions, go.
Harry Potter! Ma boi! What a solid Gryffindor, amirite? 8D This dude is like...quintessential hero, isn't he? I mean, how many seventeen-year-olds find out they've (from a certain point of view) been bred like a lamb for the slaughter, and then go, "Yes, actually, I am willing to sacrifice my life to weaken the most evil wizard who ever lived to the point that maybe someone who comes after me can finally defeat him." How many people who then, beyond anything they dared hope or expect, end up surviving this laying down of their own life, face off against their mortal enemy and pity him? And it's not just at the end of his journey that Harry is like this, either. Say what you will about him; he certainly has his flaws and his dumb moments, but if you think all the way back to when he was eleven and facing an evil wizard head-on for the first time...he didn't back down. He tells Hermione, "you better go get Dumbledore because I won't be able to hold him off forever," knowing there's a very strong chance he's about to die, and then just marches right in anyway. What a lad.
And then Dumbledore! Dumbledore is my favorite character - I'm not sure when I realized that, but it didn't change no matter what new things we discovered about him. He's such a complex and interesting character - very wise and strong, but also so incredibly flawed. He's the number one proponent of the power of love, and yet there are many things he's done that are not loving at all. In some ways, I think he actually looks up to Harry, because there's a certain selflessness to Harry that sometimes I think Dumbledore has lost along the way. Dumbledore has so many plans, so many layers, so much subterfuge and cleverness, so much looking at the big picture, like playing a chess game where you have to sacrifice certain pieces in order to win the game, that sometimes I think he loses sight of the little things that make the whole game worth it in the first place. And that is so fascinating. When you start the series, you just think of Dumbledore as that funny, quirky guy who is all-wise and makes everything turn out right in the end. But every book is like peeling back another layer of who this man is. I also love how strongly his presence is felt, even in books where Harry hardly comes face-to-face with him at all.
Harry/Ginny? The interesting thing about them is how Harry is an only child raised in an abusive home where everything had to be perfect (and he never was), while Ginny is the youngest of a huge family full of love where everything is messy and higgledy-piggledy. That's what draws Harry to the Weasleys in general, and it's a comforting thought to know that Harry has a permanent spot in a warm, welcoming family like hers.
One thing I love about the dynamic of the Golden Trio is that there's never any love triangle nonsense (except for a bit in DH, which is entirely the fault of Voldemort's lies and is quickly shown to be baseless). It becomes clear early on that Ron and Hermione have a thing for each other, and Harry and Hermione are friends. And you know what's kind of fun? When for various reasons throughout the series Ron is temporarily outside the circle of friendship (like when he and Harry aren't talking in GoF or when Ron leaves in DH), both Harry and Hermione are like, "You're a good friend, *sigh* but Ron, though...." I would argue that Ron is actually the glue that holds them together, not Harry, even though he's the main character.
Anyway, that being said, I love watching Ron and Hermione's relationship and way of relating to each other develop through the series. They go from bickering and refusing to speak to each other and being very stupid teenagers to learning how to communicate and support each other better. And while Harry's relationship with Hermione is never quite as antagonistic as Ron's...somehow, that doesn't seem right for either of them? Hermione seems to need someone to argue with, and Ron is better at doing that than Harry is ^^'
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lizzychanstuffss · 1 year
Because I am feral for pre-game durge x Gortash cause villains in love that I don't actually have to roleplay is very fun for me to write about!
here are my headcanons for each of my Durges and their relationship with Gortash was.
Spoilers for the entirety of dark urge
Lilith x Gortash
Lilith has very low self esteem which stays a constant even when the game starts, yes this is because she sees herself as nothing but a monster. But oh boy Gortash came into the picture he started to compliment her and most likely told her "You know you aren't a monster they think you are" and she was so desperate to hear that from ANYONE that she ate it up
Like the whole plan to take over the sword coast and such was given to her by bhaal and she just figured "Okay I'll do it if it gets you off my back" and then Gortash most likely pitied her cause she didn't have anyone to talk to about stuff and just ended up opening up to Gortash and he probably felt bad that she was just kind of doing this so she could maybe have a normal life.
Lilith fully would sometimes use the excuse of "Gortash told me not to kill that person" so bhaal wouldn't punish her. It's not like bhaal is going to ruin the whole plan just cause Lilith is lying so she doesn't have to kill someone like that would be stupid.
After sometime of spending time together and just spending late nights talking and getting to know each other and several glasses of wine most likely or whatever other drinks. the two of them fuck and then Lilith confesses she feels quite deeply for the man, prompting Gortash to of course brush it off at first cause they're drunk.
After a while, though the two can no longer deny their feelings and start up a relationship they keep on the down low for the most part. Also keeping it on the down low in case things fall horribly apart either because of bhaal or some other reason they are both aware that this could go horribly wrong but it's something they both enjoy and don't want to let go of quite yet.
Of course it does go horribly wrong in a way neither could predict, and what makes it worse is Lilith was going to forsake the entire plan and just ask Gortash to marry her and run away. Now I like to imagine Orin hualed Lilith's body all the way to Gortash's office and then threw the corpse at him and Gortash heartbroken didn't know what to do so he tried his best to make it better and basically her corpse sent off to the colony in hopes that maybe one of the necromancers would raise her from the dead and well his wishes came true.
During this time that Lilith goes full feral he comes to visit her under the guise of just making sure things are going smoothly all the while just taking his time to mourn the loss of his lover. Now during this time I fully believe that Lilith had a note with a ring ready to give Gortash and he actually found it on Lilith's body and has kept it ever since.
Now onto the other pairing who is way more chill then Lilith is
Siliin(she/they) x Gortash
Siliin does have self-esteem issues but this is mainly whenever they get into the main game. Otherwise they just cant be bothered to look down on herself.
She concocted the plan by herself and started to put the plan into motion before realizing they needed help and then finding Gortash. Realizing the two of them work together well fully welcomed him into the fray soon after.
Siliin is more of a freak in actual weird fucked up ways then Lilith is and Siliin really isn't as disgusted by their urges as Lilith is. Like Siliin likes to indulge sometimes while Lilith will indulge but more out of habit then actually want to. Meanwhile Siliin they enjoy the fucked up shit, yeah you wanna eat this flesh off a corpse hell yeah brother they're all for it you go!
Now Siliin is not evil by any means, yeah she's fucked up in the brain but like she's not really going to go out of her way to be a bad person cause it just isn't what she feels like doing. Like besies the urges she has no real drive to do evil things.
Now Siliin also doesn't have a drive to really do good things either and therefore that's kind of why they work as a the dark urge cause they just do whatever is easiest and submitting to the urges is easier then fighting of course once they get into the game they actually do put in a little more effort.
Most of their lack comes from the fact they are constantly depressed about their life, but Gortash comes into the fray and suddenly they actually feel like they have a reason to keep on going. Like they don't know what it is about this guy that gives them the energy to keep going but she really likes it.
Like Siliin enjoys their late night talks and meetings and wine nights together. Eventually Siliin realizes that she has fallen for the guy, they don't really mind of course they just keep it to themselves for a while.
Until one day they are talking to someone and she gets asked what she thinks of Gortash and Siliin just gets really excited actually about getting to gush over her favorite person. Gortash overhears and realizes that Siliin might like him a little to much.
They two have a talk and Siliin admits to feelings right off the bat and Gortash accepts these feelings admitting he's been feeling the same and the two agree to start a courtship of sorts or as much of one as they can have.
They are having little dates and late-night walks together and sharing chaste kisses fairly wholesome stuff and then they go back to his home and they have some baller sex. Like full of passion and kisses and just all-around pretty good.
Then fast forward Siliin starts to just not care about the plan anymore and just wants to leave it all behind and run away with Gortash, now this time Siliin does end up telling Gortash the plan and he cant agree to it. They are to far in the plan for this to happen and this sends Siliin into a deeper depression than they already were making them an easy target for Orin.
Now Gortash doesn't visit Siliin like he did Lilith cause he cant bare to face her, cause he fully blames himself for the state Siliin has gotten in.
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phanfictioncatalogue · 11 months
Phil’s POV (2) Masterlist
part one
a life of possibilities (ao3) - olfrogbait
Summary: Phil has something he needs to tell Dan.
AmazingSketches (ao3) - enthuzimuzzy
Summary: Phil Lester is just a film editor living alone with his plants and working on his short film. But on the side, he runs a Daniel Howell fan blog and chats with a mysterious stranger with the url flamingdan611. But who is flamingdan611 really? Will they ever meet? And will Phil like what he sees if they do? 
And what’s up with all these eerily familiar pictures Dan is posting?
dan is not a pianist (ao3) - Marranje
Summary: How Phil went from watching the pianist and youtuber Dan from afar to being by his side through the most important moments of their lives.
exquisite senses (ao3) - jestbee
Summary: He's never felt the way he did in that room. The night sky outside, the whole city spread below them, and yet all Phil could see was Daniel.
"Depending on what I am doing, you may say 'stop' when you really mean 'continue'."
Daniel's voice is loud and clear in his head, the memory on repeat, and Phil wants to know what those things are.
follow me (and I'll keep you safe) (ao3) - lyricallyharley
Summary: People ride roller coasters to feel free. It's a feeling we as humans actively seek out, but just like humans, these rides aren't perfect.
Give Me Hope (ao3) - cardita
Summary: High School is difficult, especially when you are forced to move in with your crush. This is what happens to Phil Lester, but his crush is not the dream man; Daniel Howell is an overly-confident, pretentious boy who only views Phil for his intelligence. However, they keep on running into each other, and quickly their worlds collide.
hours that just went on for days (ao3) - CallofTheCurlew
Summary: At times like this, he wishes he could identify the all the thoughts that are shooting straight through him, like the thousand needle attack of the Final Fantasy Cactuar enemies.
Insecurities (ao3) - only_one_dnp
Summary: Phil's outfit has finally arrived, thankfully in time for his quiz, but he's still a little anxious.
It'll be okay (ao3) - Chibikkos_Hat
Summary: Dan didn't believe in love before a certain boy came along
leaving home; or something (ao3) - ywgttn
Summary: Phil was moving. But not just any move, the biggest move of his life. His forever home.
He wouldn't be doing it alone though, he had new memories to make and his belongings and the love of his life by his side, he just has to come to terms with the loss of something long ago.
Or: Phil is being nostalgic and accepting that he will be moving for the last time.
my love, my life (ao3) - Gal_tic
Summary: At the age of 75, Phil Lester looks over his life. Now a grandfather, how is his life without his soulmate?
My Skin had to be thicker (ao3) - Septic84
Summary: Phil is always a good Caregiver when Dan's depression reappears, Phil reflects on what that means.
On That Note (ao3) - Marranje
Summary: As far as Phil knew, he did not have a single musical bone in his body. All of that went to his brother, as with most of the other Talent genes, which left Phil with all the awkwardness and introversion, and none of the eye-hand coordination. So why, you ask, had Phil signed up for piano lessons?
or, the one were phil decides to try something new, but is more interested in his handsome piano teacher than the piano
Redemption Arc (ao3) - philsmeatylegss
Summary: classic, slightly dramatic rags to riches au
Shiny Things/Paper Rings (ao3) - phantasticworks
Summary: Phil and Martyn have a day out...
This Phil POV bonus fic occurs during Chapter 22 of the main fic, If You Don't Love Me, Pretend. This fic picks up after Phil leaves the apartment the morning after Jaiden's trip to A&E and gives some insight into what Phil was thinking during this chapter.
take all the time you need (ao3) - dizzy
Summary: A day in the life of Phil while he's home alone
Thank You, Love You, Baby (ao3) - Spring_Haze
Summary: Despite the long day, Dan and Phil are desperate to be together following their first two shows in Brighton, England. The couple celebrates with a load of Greek food and a sexy shower.
the boy on the other side (ao3) - vvelna
Summary: A young Phil moves into a new house with a strange closet and an interesting boy living on the other side of the wall, and writes about it in his diary.
The Distance isn't Really That Far (ao3) - sarahjean
Summary: Things are a little different this time in the US. Instead of sharing a bed every night even on the bus we have to sleep in bunks that admittedly are comfortable but nothing like our bed back home. I’ve changed beds like three times because no matter where I am it’s not close enough to Dan or my travel sickness gets the best of me. It’s not ideal, I got so used to sleeping with or near Dan that the few feet of distance is too much. He doesn’t seem to be fazed by not being able to lie all over me at night. Though knowing him the way I do tells me he does hate it but would not say it out loud.
The Sweet Tooth and Bitter Disappointments (ao3) - bakingphaninmymind
Summary: Five times that Phil went out for bad Tinder dates and the one time a Tinder date came to him. A.K.A. the story about Phil getting fed up with his loneliness. Our boy starts swiping.
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Liveblogging notes from Ep. 4.
Evidently Porsche was still pretty drunk. Whoops! Such a pretty kiss, too. :(
Oh hey, more mirrors. Who you trying to fool today, Kinn?
Obviously smoking is terrible and no one in real life should do it, but it so useful for writers. Enter Vegas (drastically unhinged, I am aware, but his cheekbones are unreal) with a handy lighter and instructions from his father to find out more about Porsche. Porsche appears relieved that Vegas doesn't want to kill him and is ready to be charmed.
Water again. Kinn you kissed the guy once and you are jealous? Porsche is like "WTF is your problem? Until a month ago I worked in customer service okay?? Don't piss people off for no reason."
Kinn's face through this whole conversation LOL. On the one hand I find this kind of plot tedious; on the other, confused and uncertain is such a different look and honestly it serves him right.
Khun's first hangover. Poor guy really has been sheltered.
Porsche's refusal to respect the local hierarchy is very Disney princess of him. However, this is SO AWKWARD although thematically it combines the fire/water elements which is neat.
Ooh, the tattoo. Oh no it's a mom thing. :(((
Kinn why are you so competitive about stupid stuff is this your dad's fault. Also what is up with this close-enough-to-touch-but-definitely-not-touching thing. This conversation is almost normal getting to know someone? Which under the circumstances, makes it weird. Ironically.
Never mind, it is no longer normal. Kinn has never had to flirt with anyone in his whole life, huh. And yes, this is his own damn fault but at least he looks amused about it.
A view through bars is always interesting. Oh no, look who's still here. And who's keeping an eye on him (or on Porsche, they're the same picture). Vegas is telepathing "you just don't want me to have ANY fun" at Kinn. That's right, asshole, we do not.
If the West inflicted processed cheese slices on Thailand I would like to formally apologize.
Vegas you are trying to recruit Porsche right in front of all of his co-workers and Kinn? Good thing the bodyguards aren't allowed cell phones, they would all be texting each other CAN YOU BELIEVE HE JUST? OMG IK???? and excited emojis under the table. Porsche is the only one who doesn't know what Vegas is talking about, right? Everybody else has worked there a while?
You go talk to him for me and how about you drop dead could we arrange that? Thank god for Tankhun and his absolute lack of filters.
Big, you need to move on. You and your sassy haircut deserve better.
OMG Porsche don't be a snoop, I know you were orphaned young but I'm sure your parents taught you better than that. "I don't know a damn thing" may be the most honest thing you have ever said, and also congrats on finally realizing that you are literally the only straight (for the moment) man in this entire impractically large building except for possibly Korn.
OMG did Pete bat his eyelashes. He is cute.
As "I Kissed a Boy" freakouts go, that was pretty mild. Can we move on from this now please?
Finally checking in on Chay! At least he hasn't starved to death since Porsche disappeared into Mafialand.
He is improbably beautiful. Whoever contributed the other half of the Therapeenyakul genes must have been inhuman.
Chay going right for the gold ring, good for you.
Kinn back in Weird Mode, and now there is Subtext. Is this the first time since the first episode we've seen him in anything other than black/white/gray? First blue, then a little later back to red.
Porsche clearly does not know what the hell he wants at that moment, but with that whole would you want me back question it's just as clear there are wheels turning that he didn't suspect existed until quite recently.
Vegas, why are you making it obvious that someone on the staff has been gossiping with you?
Aww, look at Porsche being almost professional. You'll get there!
Kinn is likely wondering who in the room is going to try to kill him this time, but at least his friends are teasing him about Porsche. They know what's up. Seriously, it delights me when a character generally played as cool isn't isolated and opaque to everyone except their love interest. And these two are like Kinn you are so fucking predictable just go be nice to him idiot?
How many things did teenage Kinn get away with by blaming Khun?
Did Porsche just get fucking roofied. Betrayed by a fellow bartender, that hurts.
This show has a lot of scenes in bathrooms.
So as I was saying about weird competitiveness, which is clearly not one-sided. Being stupidly rich must be fun.
I like how nobody assumes Porsche is just being dumb again, we've got past that.
That went from zero to squick central in a heartbeat, yikes.
Aw. Everybody is so worried!
Wait are you saying Porsche isn't nice? Rude and untrue on two levels, but we'll forgive you a final moment of denial here. Kinn making terrible decisions. Porsche making terrible decisions right back now that his inhibitions have been deep-sixed. The occasional ticklish flinch, omg?? All the slo-mo? Porsche clinging onto him for dear life? Problematic and hot, thanks, show. Hope Porsche at least remembers this in the morning!
Speaking of problematic, once again: yikes.
I have to say that despite the occasionally frequently bonkers material they're working with, the acting in this is solid.
0 notes
darkphoenix07 · 2 years
When you're pregnant
Masterlist (Reaction)
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He would start crying when you'll give him the news. "This is happy tears," he would tell you as you'll get tensed.
He would become sweeter than before. Will hold your hand while you will walk, "I don't want my babies to get hurt."
Would click the fetus picture from ultrasonography, "Look, she looks just like you."
Will fill your cravings by leaving home even in midnight.
Keep his hand on your belly while sleeping, "My daughter shouldn't feel like her daddy isn't by her side."
Will cry when he will hear her heartbeat for the first, "Oh my God, her heartbeat is so nice."
Will hug you so many times a day, "I'm hugging two person after all."
Won't want to go to work leaving you, "I miss you and our baby."
Will click pictures with your baby bump and kiss you baby bump, "Precious!"
"Why isn't our princess here yet?" Will get devastated missing his baby.
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Will understand before you that you are pregnant.
Stop being a workaholic for taking care of you.
Burn the whole kitchen trying to cook something for you, "I just wanted to help."
Would become so organized, "I shouldn't keep things messy, our baby shouldn't feel any mess."
Will click your baby bump's picture everyday, "Look, I can see his leg."
"Oh my, he is kicking. It must hurt so much?" Will hug you when your baby will start kicking.
Will make you hear his new songs, "Isn't papa making a good music? I will make for you too, my baby boy."
Keep the fetus pictures in an album, "He shouldn't miss all these."
Ends up sleeping while helping you sleep
Reads you books of spirituality, "I don't want any negativity around you two."
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Can't believe he is becoming a dad. "Baby, this is the best gift of my life."
Combs your hair gently and kisses on your head, "You should take care of yourself properly, honeybee."
Doesn't let you do any work, "You are supposed to rest all day and do some exercise, just a little."
Can't help but makes love with you, "I can't stop thinking about touching you though you are pregnant."
Pouts when you get your mood swings, "You are scaring the babies," makes you calm then, "Let's try meditating?"
Buys you a lots of sweets, "Hope our babies will be as sweet as these cakes, yum."
"Oh my God, do you see their hands? Look, they are as handsome as I am," tells you seeing the ultrasonography.
Keeps sending those ultrasonography pictures to his members, "Aren't they adorable? I wonder how will they look after I'll be able to hold them into my arms."
Most of the time, he picks you up from wherever you want to, "Why aren't you heavy yet? Aren't you eating well?"
Kisses you thrice every morning, "This one is for my wife," "This one for my girl number 1," "This one for girl number 2."
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Starts jumping in front of his members and staffs hearing the news from you, "I am the happiest man on the earth!"
Buys you roses everyday, "I want to give you every beautiful thing I can, baby."
"Does she look like this? Omo, she is so tiny!" Can't imagine how tiny his daughter is right now.
Starts practicing sports, "I don't want her to know that I am bad at anything. I want to be her superhero."
Makes you watch sweet movies, "Only nice things for my love."
Takes you to several dates, "Won't be able to go with one-one dates anymore. There will be another munchkin with us later."
Can't help smiling while writing the names he wants to give his child, "So many names, how am I supposed to choose?"
Takes you to beaches, "Isn't it healing? Hearing the waves?"
Cries hiding seeing you in pain, "No, I'm not worried, I'm just scared you'll get hurt."
Cleans you feet everyday, "It feels good, doesn't it, baby?"
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Gets shocked hearing the news, "Are we really pregnant, cupcake?"
Buys tiny shoes, "Aren't they adorable? I couldn't stop buying all these."
Keeps holding your hand, "I'm giving him my energy too."
Helps you exercise, "I've learned you should bend like this," is strict about the yoga parts.
Gets anxious seeing you suffer, "Don't hurt your mama, aren't you a good boy of mine?"
Rubs your belly with oil, "It should make you two feel nice."
"Another spoon for me," feeds you like you are his baby.
Doesn't let you get mad at all, "If you get mad, I feel like two persons are mad at me. Please don't get mad."
Kisses your hand, "I am such a blessed man to have you in my life."
Teases you saying, "He is going to look like me for sure. He has to!"
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Kisses you hearing the news and gives party to announce the news, "I am a dad now."
Paints your nails, "Purple suits your nails."
Buys the entire shop not even knowing if it's a boy and a girl.
"I want a girl like you," tells you when you ask him.
Gets emotional hearing it's a boy and a girl both, "Baby, will you be fine?"
Cries with you when the babies start kicking, "Don't cry, baby. You are going to be fine."
Decorates a room by himself for your children, "Look, it's purple themed. Hope they like it."
Plays music while putting mask on your face, cucumber on your eyes, "You don't have to worry, I'm there for your skin care routine, apple pie."
Dances with you slowly after dinner, "This is the best exercise, you and I."
When you get insecure for being fat, "You look like a fluff ball, you know that? You look more adorable."
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As he opens the surprise box, "Am I going to be a dad?" *Faints* Starts screaming out loud telling the entire world that he is having a baby.
Talks to your baby bump non-stop not letting you breath a bit.
Cooks you tasty foods, "I know you can eat these well," does research on your taste now. Cooks late night foods for your cravings, "Anything for my queen.*
Becomes friend with the entire hospital people, "You will have to come in our baby shower.*
Takes you everywhere he goes, "I can't stay away from any of you now."
Keeps his ears on your baby bump, "He is kicking so cutely!"
Gets upset when your baby doesn't come out on the due date, "I am mad at him. I miss him, I wanna hug him."
Fake cries when you tell him to stop nagging about what name your baby should be called with.
Takes you to see nature, "Take some deep breaths," you can't believe he is doing someone calming.
Helps you wash your hair, "I wish I can wash your hair everytime."
Pranks you saying he didn't want the baby and makes you cry. Then apologize immediately giggling, "I was joking."
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"Now I have to take care of two babies," t tells you not getting surprised about the fact that you are pregnant.
Plays piano and sings song to you and your baby, "She should grow with it, doesn't show?"
Buys a tons of bears filling the child's room with them, "I am certain she is going to love these."
Plays guitar while you are doing Yoga, "Isn't it making you less bored?"
Holds your hand while walking, "Can't let you go."
Takes you to lake areas because you love these, "She must like these too."
Kisses your forehead, "If I kiss you somewhere else, I might not be able to stop, you know."
Keeps staring at your baby bump, "You look so lovely with her."
Cries hearing her heartbeat for the first time, "I couldn't believe it would feel so overwhelming."
Keeps you calm when you are having labor pain, "You are going to make it, she is going to be fine, don't worry. Take deep breaths, I'm with you."
Hope you have liked it~
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fireemblems24 · 2 years
Crimson Flower - Final (Both Chapters)
Alright guys, I'm not ready. This will be 3/4 routes finished with only two chapters left in AM and then it's all done.
Thoughts below.
OK, it's been forever since I last played Crimson Flower while everyone else caught up.
Time to pick someone for Byleth to marry. And, as promised, picking Edelgard. So far Claude's and Rhea's both seemed very different, so curious to see how Edelgard's goes. I really hope all the women's aren't super lovey and all the guys are more removed like Claude was. Because FEH did that all the time and it got really annoying.
Aaaaand time for the mission.
The timing couldn't be worse though. Being the big, giant nation deciding to invade and conquer the smaller one "for their own good" and reunite the two lands that used to be part of the same nation. Because that totally isn't happening right now as we speak. /s
And, like, I know, fiction and reality, but oof this timing is just BAD. And CF plays is so straight and on the nose too. Couldn't we get just a wee bit of nuance? A single moment of self-reflection?
I'm going to try hard to ignore how this parallels real life right now, but seeing how it's so important and prominent in the news and how personal social media is making this war (like actually seeing the faces, not just numbers), it's going to be kinda hard. FYI.
But yeah, different story, time to try and get immersed.
Oh, shit, mentioning King Dimitri. I'm not ready for this, guys.
Rhea looks badass in that outfit. Oh, she's Serios know. Cool. Too bad she's dying this chapter :(
I forgot Dimitri has both eyes in this route. It's so weird looking. I'm not used to it.
Oh, shit, Dedue. My boy, you don't deserve this.
"So long as I'm at your side, there is nothing to fear." - Dedue to Dimitri (my heart)
They're both dying today :(
What is Dedue planning :( I know everyone said there's two endings to this based on some action Dedue takes. I'm so nervous. I don't want Dedue to suffer.
Man, I feel like the bad guy. Why the hell did Edelgard think going around and killing everyone who wouldn't bow to her ideals was the solution to greed????
I love how we're judging Dimitri for not introducing himself and having a "fair fight" while we're screaming about the glory of Imperialism and how it's good actually and working with the evil death cult people.
"At the present the words 'fair fight' do not seem to suit Dimitri anymore." OMG guys this is borderline funny. It's hysterical that an aggressive, invading force is getting preachy because the guy they've failed to kill for 5 years straight doesn't want challenge them to a joust I'm just ahsdhfalehfaer 😂😂😂😂
"He disliked making victims of his friends, but other than that, he will do most anything these days . . ." Says the guy who's prologue is helping TWSITD, your allies, take control of their victims-tortured-into crests beasts. The hypocrisy is real.
"If he stops at nothing to continue the onslaught, I cannot imagine what will become of the battlefield." Are we REALLY blaming DIMITRI for the deaths caused during this war????
I feel like this game is straight-up gas-lighting me right now. "No, it's Dimitri's fault people are dying because we're invading his country. He's a bad, bad man for not challenging us in a fair fight." And you KNOW that Edelgard and Claude get praised up and down for being crafty and sneaky.
This feels EXACTLY like that scene in the Diary of a Wimpy Kid where the brother looks at the pictures of him partying and is like "that's not me." Except CF wants me to take Edelgard and Hubert seriously when they say that. It's so bad 😂😂😂
Edelgard is going to "free" Dimitri by killing him? Holy shit. Are we REALLY saying that Dimitri should be grateful that Edelgard's killing him?????
Like, Edelgard has some actual good points, and the whole "conquer the world to make it right under my rule" is an interesting plot, but it's not interesting when the plot is saying "oh, the neighboring countries are not playing by the rules, how! evil!, it's THEIR fault people are dying in this war we're insisting on" and, like, wants me to actually agree.
Edelgard deserved so much better than this shit writing guys. The potential drama is real, the awesome battle of ideals is real, but CF is just . . . not letting anything interesting happen and is saying that we're killing Dimitri for his own good and I'm just ashifla;hserilaheriow;eriha isn't killing someone the writing tries to make you care about so much of a better story like AM is doing for Edelgard? But, no, instead we get "Dimitri's not playing fair! It's his fault people are dying in this war WE started!" And just like .... whyyyyyy I scream into the void. CF really should've been my favorite or at least tied with AM.
This route is so worried about making sure you, Byleth/self-insert, feel like the good guy, it's watered CF down to unimaginative levels of bland that's equal parts funny and frustrating.
Anyways, it's almost over. After having to kill Dimitri, Dedue, and Rhea, I'll at least get to beat Thales seven ways to Sunday, and while I honestly don't really hate TWSITD because they're just not enough to them to feel much of anything, it'll be fun to, for once, actually kill someone I don't really like in CF.
Sucks that, again, none of the Black Eagles got to say anything.
I forgot I made Hubert my dancer. 😂😂😂
And Ferdinand is so bad in this playthrough. Geeze, it's so weird when his SS unit was God tier.
And you know who's killing Dimitri, right? Felix.
I will make sure Edelgard engages Dimitri too, to get that sweet-sweet unique dialogue.
OH SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT. I was ready to kill Dimitri and Dedue, but Sylvain is here too??? WHHHHHYYYYY
Ahahaha, you know Felix is killing Sylvain too. 100% this IS happening. Felix you're going to kill your dad and ALL your friends! (I swear, I love Felix).
I already killed Ingrid, so maybe I won't have to kill Gilbert, Annette, Mercedes, or Ashe. Though, when Rhea's reinforcements show up, who knows :( Because I know they won't be there for the TWSITD chapter. But at the same time "kill them all!" is kinda fun.
Guys, I almost forgot to restore the batallions, and Byleth was in the yellow. Good thing I noticed that. That would've SUCKED.
Alright, time to do this.
"Leave no enemy general alive, least of all King Dimitri." My heart 😭
But at the same time, this is kinda fun, not gonna lie. It's going to be hella tragic having Felix behead Dimitri and Sylvain, and have Dedue and Dimitri have a last stand together.
It also "feels good" that the worst CF could come up with to prove Dimitri's a bad guy that we must destroy is that he's not introducing himself and politely challenging us to a duel 😂😂😂😂
My Felix is a badass though. First thing he's doing is making a beeline towards Sylvain. I'm gonna soak this drama up.
Man, I wish I had more fliers.
Whhhat why did that soldier change into a beast guy??
Dimitri didn't even know about it??
Dedue why 😭😭😭😭😭 OMG, no, no, this is what everyone meant, didn't they. Fuck. Dedue's going to turn himself into a beast to save Dimitri 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
And they didn't even tell Dimitri about it. Dedue nor Sylvain 😭😭😭😭😭😭
"You call this hope?!" Dimitri doesn't approve.
Man, it feels like a different writer wrote this dialogue. When Hubert, Edelgard, and Byleth are chatting, it's all "Dimitri's evil because he's not playing nice and by not letting us kill him without fighting back, he's getting his soldiers killed." Why didn't they just make Dimitri know about these beasts so he at least looks like a bad guy? Hubert even said "he'll do anything to win," but clearly not?? Big missed opportunity to see roaring rampage of revenge Dimitri, instead I'm just getting AM!Lite
Oh, shit, here comes Mercedes. 😭😭 She is literally the only one I've refused to kill so far (despite joking about "kill em all" I spared her in VW, because HOW).
Edelgard's like "we're in danger" - from what, Mercedes making a bad batch of cookies?
Oh, shit, they do get unique dialogue. Sylvain bringing up their promise to die together 😭😭😭
Ok, guys, I'm starting to ship Sylvix with all this CF drama and their god-awful paired ending being so tragic.
Sylvain beat the holy fucking shit out of Felix, holy shit. I did not expect that. If my boy didn't use guard, he'd be toast right now.
Sylvain's dead :(
And Felix needs to get healed asap
So the bolting person actually does a heap of damage to m CF!Lindhardt. my SS!Lindhardt never took any magical damage :( So Petra to the rescue.
Petra is a queen, y'all.
Oh, here comes Rhea. Those reinforcements left some of my weaker units in a bad spot, ouch.
Rhea went down so easy this route. Oh, she's just retreating. That bolting mage left too, which is nice.
Dimitri doesn't have the luxury to retreat. Too true. :(
Felix is killing Mercedes now. No special dialogue, but that's expected. "Why follow an Emperor who would start such a war?" Mercie whyyyyy 😭😭😭 Now she's dead, and apologizing to Dimitri 😭😭😭😭😭😭 That's the first time I killed Mercie, guys. And Dimitri sounds so sad. If only he knew Felix was behind all of it - Ingrid, Rodrigue, Mercie, Sylvain - Felix has killed all of them.
And now, Felix is killing Dedue.
Shit 😭😭😭 Dedue's dead. Ugh. It's like genuinely not fun playing this route. All I do is kill characters I like over and over in the name of Edelgard's ideals. This better have some banger endings to make all this misery worth it.
Is there a single chapter in this route where you actually kill someone who wants to hurt Edelgard or the Empire? I feel like such a bully right now. The real life war certainly isn't helping.
But, yeah, it's almost over.
Was I right about Dedue turning into a beast though? Because that didn't happen?
Ok, but why does the "effective" symbol show up around Dimitri no matter what unit type I send towards him? I think I asked this before in VW, but I don't remember.
Alright, guys, time to kill Dimitri.
Dude, he's going to gut everyone who attacks him. He has a 92% chance of doing 30x2 to Edelgard. She's got a 43% chance of doing 45. Yikes. And she's like my first or second best unit. (Did I post this because I'm proud of my boy, yes, yes I did).
WTF was that 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
"Must you continue to reconquer?" 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 What is she even talking about?? This game's not even trying anymore. I can't take this seriously. I can't. Am I really supposed to be rooting for Edelgard here? 😂😂 OMG how lame is that response.
No wonder this game never challenged Edelgard on anything, if THAT'S what her rebuttal is 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Also, she missed and now she's got 11 HP left after that "epic" comeback.
Felix has better chances, banking on that 47% critical to go off.
Ohhhhhh, burn, he called Felix, Edelgard's lapdog. And brought up that he killed Rodrigue, and all Felix can say is "I said I'd cut anyone down who got in my way?" But, like, wtf is Felix even doing in CF? What's he fighting for, exactly??
Ah, well, I made my boy suffer by killing all his buddies. I'll make nice with him once this is over and we're back in AM.
Shit, Dimitri hits like a truck. He can fucking one-shot my Byleth. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Only SS!Serios was this hard to kill.
Byleth hit though. So Dimitri's dead :(
Felix MVP, as expected. "Felix's motivation is maxed out" 😂😂😂 He's hyped after killing Sylvain, Mercedes, and Dimitri.
I'm so glad that battle is over.
Oh, shit, Dedue's back. Even now Dimitri's telling Dedue to stop calling him "majesty"
I've never felt like such a bad guy playing a video game in my life. It really feels like we were supposed to root for Dimitri here (and Claude, and Flayn and Seteth, and Judith, and - you get the idea) But especially here. I don't know if it's because it's Dimitri, or that Dedue is here or what but 😭😭😭
"Because of you, I was able to live on until today. You saved me." - Dedue (guys, this is like a reverse of their A-support).
I'm really expecting the "Game over" screen. Like. Fuck.
"Despite all, I count myself a lucky man." My shipping heart is dying, everyone. Like, if they cut Dedue from 3 Hopes, I will find a way inside COVID-locked Japan and hold Nintendo hostage until they amend that.
"Is that so? I see . . . I am glad." So Dimitri's dying in Dedue's arms. Why.
Well, if CF's good for one thing, it's plenty of Dimitri/Dedue, Sylvain/Felix, and Felix/Dimitri angst.
Oh, right, shit, we're about to beat Rhea up with her own mother's body. Ugh. That's . . . so wrong.
Haha, I picked the "can we defeat them? option because I know Edelgard gets pissy the second Byleth falters on anything, and low and behold, I was right 😂😂😂
Why does Edelgard care about Dimitri?? Didn't she just like call for his head?
I love how Edelgard thinks her uncle played 4-D chess to get Dimitri to want revenge rather than, like, IDK slaughter his family in front of him. Maybe that had something to do with it? /s
WTF does she mean "he lost sight of his path as king." I saw Dimitri literally do 0 things wrong in this route. AM (post upgrade) or VW or SS Dimitri, sure but like CF!Dimitri??? This writing is whacked.
"There was nothing there I could to do save him." Because . . . you tried so hard?
I can't take this seriously. Why is she even upset? Why does she care about Dimitri at all?? Doesn't she not remember him?
So now she's like, yeah, I might've killed - like - a shit ton of people, but it's just part of the ebb and flow of "history"
"It's time for humanity to take this world back." WTF is she going on about?? Rhea's not the problem, sweetie, your allies are.
OK, guys, I'm about to look at the alt scene.
I hate this picture :( Edelgard really does go and behead him.
"You will bow your head before all the lives you trampled for your ideals." Dimitri just spitting facts though.
And Edelgard's like, OMG, why you so obsessed with me? It's not like I've been trying to kill you and invade your country for five years straight or anything, god. 😂😂😂
Edelgard really went and told Dimitri he's delusional and that it's too bad there's a war or he'd be a good leader. Like?? 😂😂😂
And then in the next scene explains she knows he's not delusional and says why he hates her guts?? Like, then did she just taunt him while dying for shits and giggles? Because that seems OOC. I blame CF's shitty writing.
So Edelgard just straight-up beheads an on his knees Dimitri. Ouch. She never would've let him live in her world, I don't think. I 100% got the better scene.
Glad that's over. Time to fight Edelgard's uncle, and Rhea I guess.
And yup, there he is. Finally time to squash him.
"Why are you here uncle?" Because he's ready to nuke you the moment Rhea's out of the way.
Who said it? Thales or Edelgard? "The very moment that humans will finally be free from the control of that false beast of a goddess. . ."
You know you're wrong when you're saying the same thing as those mole people lamo.
So when we kill Rhea, Arundel wins. Yippe. /s
"When this fight is over, a world completely controlled by the Empire will be upon us." - Again, who said this, Edelgard or her evil uncle?
Is this supposed to be the villain route? Because we're reaching super villain levels muhahahahah with this stuff.
Eelgard be like, I can stand letting you guys continue experimenting on children, but I draw the line at someone who can turn into a dragon having a position of authority.
I have a goddess sleeping inside me - that sounds like a banger book title. 100% a manga title. Write it down.
I seek to obliterate Rhea - except like, she left a huge bloody scar all across Fodlan to do so. Whatever. This is the last chapter. Finally.
"I thought that perhaps it wasn't the path you were meant to take." Hey, for once, Edelgard and I agree lol. 😂😂😂
Why is she still calling Byleth, "my teacher?" It always sounded a bit weird. Unless it's kinky roleplay, than hey, no judging.
"You are the one person in thie world who can share the heavy burden I must carry. Someone without equal who I can always share my mind to. . ." - Hubert found dead in Miami.
"Someone without equal" reeks of putting Byleth on a pedestal. She never really moved past the "stop crying just because your dad died, ugh" phrase did she?
Hoping to return Fodlan to its people (and by "people" we mean "Edelgard")
LAMO, what??? Why is she asking Rhea to stop fighting?? WTF does she plan to do? And why is Dimitri the only one she never gave a chance to surrender??
"What could be gained by shutting yourselves inside the capital of a kingdom without a king?" - to keep YOU out. If you haven't gotten the memo yet, they DON'T WANT YOU. You're forcing yourself on them.
"Unlike you, I have no desire to unleash wicked atrocities upon this world." You mean like, war? Because I struggle to think of something worse than war.
Hubert is like, they're not responding. No shit. 😂😂😂 😂😂😂 I don't think this is supposed to be funny.
"Unlike my attack on Garreg Mach five years ago, the church will not allow the inhabitants to evacuate." Wow. This is some class A, S-Tier writing. You win, Edelgard. Because you didn't lock citizens up, that makes alllll of this worth it. Noble Peace Prize when? #robbed
Except she totally did lock citizens inside in VW, right? Or did I misremember that?
"What the hell are they planning?" No one ever told Edelgard about siege warfare, hunh?
CYRIL!!! IDK, I'm happy so see him. I expected Catherine.
So I see CF really decided to humanize Rhea and let her provide a good foil to Edelgard and treat her character with respect - oh, wait, no. My bad. OFC Rhea's going full-blown super villain, because how else can they make Edelgard look like she's worth rooting for?
Why did she set fire though? Just sit there and wait. That's how most ancient warfare actually went.
God the writing is SO BAD. The writers really had no faith in Edelgard, did they?
If the city is on fire, why doesn't Edelgard just . . . wait? "Becasue fire cannot kill a dragon." Sorry, sorry, can't help myself.
More empty one-liners from all the Black Eagles. Only Hubert's was touching, but Edelgard barely acknowledges that he exists so . . .
Oh, shit. I see Ashe, Annette, and Gilbert :(
But no Aruendel?? He'll be a reinforcement then? Is this the last chapter?
Edelgard being like "Fhirdiad's in a pitiful state." I'm sure that's 100% Rhea's sudden evil turn and not AT ALL the result of a 5 year long war. Nope. None whatsoever. /s
Petra is all "we probably should avoid the fire." Grand observation lamo.
Ashe's quote hits hard. "Our pride, our people, our king. You've torn them all apart. Haven't you had enough? What else is there for you to take?" Oof, that makes up a bit for joining Cornelia. And the angry face too. I'm proud of my boy right now.
FYI, Felix killed Ashe too.
My heart, Annette gets lines when Gilbert dies 😭😭 😭😭
And now she's aiming for Felix. And who's going to kill her? Felix. Of course Felix.
Oof, he can one-shot her. This is so wrong. And so delightfully right. Ugh. That sucked. Felix just killed her too.
Cyril trying to defend Rhea. OMG! He did a critical. Edelgard has 2 HP left. That is . . . not what I thought would happen. She got him afterwards, but still, I don't think she dodged him once.
And dude, Catherine. She's even worse than Dimitri. No one has a hit chance on her. God she's so badass and hot. I'm going to try and get Shamir to kill her if I can.
Oh well, Felix actually hit her twice with a 47.
Why does Edelgard assume Rhea hates all human life?
This version of Rhea is SOOOO much easier to kill than in SS. I expected her to generate a new shield every turn like in SS, but she doesn't this is making this infinitely easier. I also think she hits less hard and is less accurate. Literally in SS Ferdinand did 90% of the work, where here just about everyone gets to do something. I think the only one Rhea's actually hit is Edelgard lamo.
I had Edelgard and Byleth attack Rhea. And they really just went with "she's gone ham!evil and wants her mommy" instead of, well, interesting.
They needed to make her more accurate.
Felix MVP. Not surprised.
Oh, this one actually gets a cut scene!
LAMO, I love how Edelgard is talking about how humans don't need gods, but like Byleth is RIGHT THERE. 😂
OOf, Rhea really is killed with her own mother's bones. And bleeding out from the head. Yikes, that's graphic. Poor Rhea. No respect even in death. Even Dimitri and Claude got smudges or respect when they died.
Wait? How does Byleth survive if his crest thingy broke? Wasn't that basically like a magical pacemaker?? Didn't VW or SS (or both??) say that was what kept him alive after being born dead?
Is there a reason, or did the writers say "fuck it" to their own magic rules?
Also, how predictable that the cutscene was all about Edelgard x Byleth. Because that's all the route has really been about. All the interesting stuff got ignored or shoved aside.
Wait, wait, THAT's the ending??? Edelgard rules over everyone now, except she has Those Who Slither in the Dark to fight now. That's like . . . what?
How can that be the last chapter? Didn't we see her uncle doing the "evil uncle" shtick RIGHT before the final battle? You mean to tell me we don't get to kill him?
LAMO how the narration has this "Edelgard destroyed bad systems!" Then the S-Support starts with "we defeated the evil other so now everything is fine!" I dare you to replace Nabateans with other nouns that classify groups and see how that sounds.
Edelgard really be out here thinking that humans will do a better job than dragons. She's in for disappointment.
I also don't understand how she thinks killing Rhea and all the other dragons is going to fix all the problems when it seems like average human corruption and TWSITD did everything and they are both still around.
Ok, here comes the romantic stuff.
So so far my fear that the women get all lovey dovey and the men are all more mature about it is coming true :(:( But I've only seen Claude for the guys so far. So it's a bit early to worry.
So Byleth gives her the ring and called her "El." That's pretty cute.
What is with this "dearest friend" stuff??
"So long as I had you by my side, it never mattered how many enemies I amassed. You were all I needed." - This is a bit yikes though. Edelgard, girl, that's toxic. Get some other friends.
I still am flabergasted that you don't kill TWSITD. Like any of them except Cornelia.
"I will then find a suitable successor and hand over the reigns of the Empire." - That's a bit yikes for me here too. That sounds kinda like a dictator.
Though, this support is doing a good job balancing the romance stuff with the world changes stuff whereas Rhea was all romance, and Claude all world stuff - more or less.
OMG poor Edelgard. What the hell is that picture? Lamo. I can't. Why doesn't she have a nose?? 😂😂😂
Alright, time to see all the MVPs. Lots of Edelgard at first 7ish chapters, and then it's the Felix show for he rest of part 1. And most of part 2. No other unit was as dominant at bing MVP as Felix was here. Guess I played favorites a bit lamo.
Ok, only commenting on new paired endings. So here's what was the same: Anna solo, Hanneman solo, Manuela solo, Leonie and Shamir,
Ok, Alois solo he's a farmer instead of a captain of the guards. Both are good I guess.
Lysithea's solo is so sad. She really got the short end of the stick endings wise so far.
Lorenz solo, so he's a politician that helps the people. Pretty generic but not terrible.
YES! Linhardt and Caspar - I got this one before, but I'm happy to get is again. So they traveled together. I really love this ending. It fits both characters so well despite how different they are
Bernie and Jeritza - Mostly about Jeritza fighting TWSITD off screen (still not over that) and ending up palling around with Bernie. Wish it included Bernie more.
Ohhh, Felix went solo! I thought it went through all the solo ones before going to the paired ones. And he just went and became a mercenary again? It's a bit better than his Sylvain one, but not really. He really became the "boar" himself, didn't he? I'm SUPER curious to see his AM endings, since I know people said they're kind of different (I would hope so, it would suck if he got stuck in a regressive character arc).
OMG Hubert paired up with Ferdinand lol. It's not as romantic as I expected, but Edelgard being jealous of them is priceless lol.
Dorothea and Petra - let's go! I know I got this one before, but I seriously LOVE it. You can't straighten that last sentence. They are both queens. After seeing that ending, how can you not ship it?
Edelgard and Byleth - really ambiguous about the romance part, surprised after how hard they really shoved that at you in the route. It was nice seeing it focus on the changes, though, that wasn't really reflected in the paired endings at all. They were all more or less the same as VW and SS.
Alright, guys, CF done! All that's left is finishing AM.
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apompkwrites · 3 years
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reader impact || first meetings: unreconciled stars
series masterlist characters: scaramouche, fischl, mona genre: fluff summary: a game has been released entitled genshin impact, consisting of otherworldly abilities relying on the basic elements of nature. the game follows the story of an interdimensional traveling twin in search of their other half. along this journey, they meet different characters that live in this world. including you. notes: i'm sorry fischl and mona's aren't that good :(( this is actually my first time writing for them but i hope you enjoy <33
scaramouche's playthrough -
oof scara
scara scara scara
this boy hates his chat and at this point they don't care.
it's not like he'll badmouth them, right?
think ludwig.
that's him.
he's a very angy boy please--
as for what he does?
much like childe he'd do a lot of pvp games.
he's not too keen on showing off his personal life.
he prefers that boundary between his viewers and himself, y'know?
he honestly doesn't even understand why his viewers like him.
he knows he's a mean person and yet here they are :/
he doesn't take requests from his viewers he just kinda plays whatever he wants.
imagine his viewers' surprise when they see him streaming genshin--
they asked why a lot.
"it seemed cool."
this man just wants to play some good ol' anime games.
his chat calls him soft and he just glares.
anyway now he's actually playing.
he's not really into mondstadt's characters they're all... okay to him.
he feels a bit better in liyue.
not because it's pretty oh no no no.
because look at all the enemies outside >:))
he'll clear the whole field don't test him.
anyway, now onto the unreconciled stars event :00
this man really doesn't like katheryne--
anyway at this point he's tasked with find fritz, which he doesn't really want to do.
he sees the dude on the ground but that's only after he sees someone standing next to him.
and then he sees someone standing next to him :0
"is the guy on the floor sleeping?"
"i believe so. i've tried everything, but he won't wake up."
he will pause to look at your outfit.
it's so complex but it's so cool!!!
his chat suspects something's up but... he'll just snap at them like he normally does.
but he'll silently admire you <3
also yOU'RE T I N Y ! !
and then paimon points out your clothes and the cameras pans up your body--
"heh... and by "this person over here," you mean me, right?"
he will choose the "those unique clothes are quite beautiful" option in a heartbeat.
he doesn't care that his chat is teasing him, he just wants you to know :))
he's kinda sad when you leave, though...
"please come back soon..."
skip to a few events later when the constellation is revealed to be leonard's.
the sudden cutscene catches him off guard because he's prepared to fight someone.
"hi! sounds interesting... mind if i join you?"
he won't say anything but he will physically relax at the sight of you.
you make this man soft please--
he's lowkey angry when his character is teleported away from you :(
(name): the sixth of the eleven fatui harbingers
of course he doesn't say that but his chat can tell that's what he's thinking.
this man's eyes go wide when you order the fatui around.
please help he really likes you. you're so assertive and cute and cool and just AGH--
fischl's playthrough -
fischl can and will do cosplay streams.
her fans like to watch her because of the "character" she puts up for the camera.
honestly she just does this because she genuinely enjoys cosplaying and bringing characters to life.
oz is the nickname for her pet bird :))
she definitely gets a lot of trolls in her chat that make fun of her for her cosplays and "dumb" way of speaking.
in which case she'll just yell at them using her "dumb" way of speaking.
she really does care about how people see her but her chat comforts her a lot after, so she feels better after a few minutes :))
the games she plays are very fantasy based and take place in worlds that don't exist.
once she gets into a game, she'd pick her favorite character and cosplay as them everytime she streams that game.
sometimes she does sewing streams where she actually makes her own cosplay with her fans.
they like to make it with her if they have the materials :D
genshin impact was a game her fans recommended because they actually want to see fischl cosplay the characters.
they will beg her to do the cosplay creation on stream.
(they defintitely know who she'll choose to cosplay but it's fine)
when she reaches the unreconciled stars event, she's really excited to learn about the fated meteorite granting sleep upon touch.
she's ready to go around teyvat in search of an answer when...
"katheryne! vassal of the immernachtreich, do mine ears deceive me, or didst thou cry out mine holy name in earnest supplication not one moment ago?"
some of her chat is obviously confused by your speech but her long time viewers can understand some of it.
oz, who fischl had brought with her to play, seems excited to see your familiar flying to you :)
fischl is just as excited as he is!!
please you speak just like her and you're voice is so nice and it actually sounds like the developers put thought into what the speech would mean in "proper speech."
"a pleasure to meet you again, katheryne."
some of her viewers will beg for her to skip through your dialogue.
when she sees those comments, she will purposefully let your dialogue play out, proceed to read out that same dialogue, and respond to you as if she was actually talking to you.
not just to spite them but because it's also a lot of fun for her <3
"it would seem the gods have blessed us with meeting such a well-respected being!"
translation: she's really excited to have met you.
as soon as you spoke she decided she would cosplay as you.
she's already planning out all of the materials she'll need and how much time it would take.
if your familiar is a bird, you best bet oz will be in her photo shoots for your cosplay.
most of the time you're on screen, she'll talk to her viewers about you in her classic chuunibyou style <333
she's really sad when it's time for you to leave :(((
"... goodbye, fischl. you are a good listener. i enjoy chatting with you. to be honest, most of the other adventurers in the guild only ever talk to me when they wanna hear (familiar)'s reconnaissance reports... this little journey we had... it was a great adventure. i'm just sorry that is has to end so abruptly..."
she might cry wait--
she relates to you even more now :(
"ah! what am i doing? i totally broke form..."
you're too cute pleas--
mona's playthrough -
mona does a lot of nightly streams.
it's very rare for you to catch her streaming with daylight.
she likes to share things about astrology while sitting outside drinking something warm.
she'll do a lot of nightly gaming streams as well.
mainly calmer games that people can vibe to in the background.
she prefers to keep her streams lowkey and chill, much like the life she wants to lead.
if only she had the money to do so...
yes, mona is still struggling with money even as a streamer.
she greatly appreciates any donations her fans give to her because she practically relies on them to pay her rent and daily necessities.
of course, it's not like she's completely struggling, just enough to barely get her by.
anyway, her fans ask her about playing genshin impact, inticing her with their talk about the stars and night sky in the game.
she's the type of player to take her time in the environment and take a lot of pictures of her character at night.
she's actually really excited when she hears about this new event centering around the stars and sky :D
soon enough, she gets around to the part where she is need of an astrologist.
she's HYPED to hear there's an astrologist in the game.
"someone looking for me? who is it?"
she will squeal, please.
look at you!!!
your whole design has stars and is space-themed and you're so cute and you're voice is so soothing ! ! !
she really likes listening to you talk about astrology because your voice gets even softer than before.
that scene where you go to the cliff??
please she has that scene as her lockscreen <3
you just look so cool when you start to do your process.
you're so focused and the way they animate your process in the game is beautiful.
and then the fatui harbinger interrupts one of your meetings :00
you grab onto mona's character and teleport away in a cloud of stars and specks of your elemental vision.
she's kinda embarrassed when you scold her about getting involved with the harbinger--
but not only are you really cool and awesome, you're super strong, too!
please be sassy more she really likes how proud you sound :))
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midnightstar-90 · 3 years
Hidden~ Eddie Diaz x Nash! Reader
A/N: I wanted to add some action, so I moved up when Shannon decided to divorce Eddie. Eddie is too good to make him into a cheater. I'm not really good at describing intimate-type stuff either.
Lose Some, Win Some
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I am finally home. I'm home with my son, and the school gave me a couple of days to rest. I sat on my couch, watching the news. "Today, police suspect LAFD's 118 for robbing $300,000 worth of cash from a local bank. Police say that the LAFD was there to help the bank manager and a delivery man with a seizure or a possible nerve agent. Police also say that they found the cash inside one of their firetrucks. More information coming up, soon."
After hearing that, I remember the number on one of the firetrucks at the crash. The 118 saved me, and if they saved me, that means that Eddie and my dad are being questioned for a robbery. I haven't known Eddie long, but I know that Eddie, nor my father, would rob a bank.
Zachary walks into the room. "Mommy, I'm ready for bed," my little man says. I turn to him and say, "Ok, I'll be in there in a bit." He runs back to his room.
I hear a knock at the door. It is almost 9:30 pm. Who could be at my door? I go to the door and look through the peephole. Eddie and Christopher stand at the door with a to-go bag.
I open the door, and I say, "Eddie? Chris? what are you doing here?" "I bet you have heard about what is going on. The police have ransacked our house, and I was wondering if you could watch Chris until this blows over?" Eddie asked me desperately.
I smile at the two boys. "Sure. Chris, Zach is in his room getting ready for bed. You can go hang out with him until I get you a bed ready. His room is down the hall, the First door on the left," I tell the little boy, and then turn to Eddie.
He hands me Chris' night bag, and I joke and say, "There better not be any evidence in here." He chuckles, saying, "Nope, no evidence, just clothes, and a toothbrush."
I invite him into my apartment. He walks in and says, "Nice apartment. Is that a skylight?" He points up, at the skylight, in my living room.
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(Y/N's Living room /w a skylight)
"Yeah, when Levi died, I would tell Zach that his father was watching him from the stars. So, I decided that anytime we missed Levi, we would watch the stars," I said, trying not to tear up.
Eddie reaches in his pocket and pulls out a picture. "I'm guessing this is Levi?" Eddie asks, handing me the picture. I look at the picture and lose my cool. Eddie sits me on the couch and just hugs me.
This is the closest I've ever been to a man since Levi. It felt good. I felt protected. I don't need protection because I was in the navy, but this man made me feel loved.
We sat on the couch, with me crying into his shirt. "Mommy, aren't you gonna put me to bed?" "Yeah." I get up, heading into my child's room.
Eddie follows me into the room, and what he sees shocks him.
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(Zachary's bed)
Christopher is sitting on the bottom bunk of a firehouse bed. The whole room was dedicated to firefighters. When we got in that crash, and he met his grandfather, Zach decided that when he gets older, he would become a firefighter.
Christopher looks at his dad and says, "Dad, Zach said he wants to be like you and uncle Buck when he gets older."
Eddie continues to look around. He walks towards the cubby. Inside the cubby is some of Zach's favorite toys, some pictures of Levi and I, and some pictures of Zach and I. What really caught Eddie's eye, was the picture of Zach on my shoulders, at the El Paso Zoo.
I am tucking the boys in, when I hear, "You were in El Paso?" I look back and say, "Yeah, that was Zach's 2nd birthday. Levi was born in Austin, but he grew up in El Paso." Eddie just nods and goes back to looking around.
As I'm tucking Christopher in he says, "Dad and I are from El Paso. It would have been cool if we met before LA." I smile at the boy, before walking out and turning off the lights.
"We have a lot in common, you know?" Eddie tells me. I look at him and he looks back. "Oh, really?" I ask. Eddie and I move closer to each other. I continue to look at the man and I ask, "Like what?" "Well, for starters, we were both fought for our country." Imagining this man in a military uniform made the moment even hotter. I moved closer. "Ok, and?" "And, we both had a son at a young age."
At this point, he was towering over me. I quickly pulled the man into a kiss. He kisses back. I move my hands from my side to his chest, and he grabs my hips. He deepens the kiss as I move my hands from his chest to his neck. I feel strong hands go under my shirt.
We keep making out for a couple of minutes until I pull back. "I'm so sorry. I forgot you married," I say frantically. "She told me she wasn't ready. She filed for divorce. I also didn't feel like our relationship was working. She left us when Chris was little. I kinda like this hot teacher, who was in the Navy and has a son. Also, she knows about being a firefighter." Eddie tells me, holding my hands.
I kiss Eddie again. Eddie and I head to my room, without breaking the kiss. That night was the best night in forever. Everyone got a sleepover.
The robbery thing has been put behind us, but a new problem has arrived. My father didn't tell the LAFD everything about why he transferred, therefore leaving him suspended. He hasn't told me either, but I think it is best to let him come to me about it.
I started work again today, except I feel like I'm looking after 3 kids. My dad insisted that we hang out, you know since he wasn't there for most of my life.
I wake up at 5 am to a large banging noise. I look to see who it is, and surprise surprise, it is my father with tons of groceries. "Dad, what are you doing here. Zach is still asleep, and I don't have to be up till 7 am." I tell my dad, letting him in.
He heads to my kitchen and sits down the food. "I was thinking that I could make you and Zach breakfast, and then I could take you to work."
I gave my father a loving look. I feel bad that his past came back to haunt him, but maybe something good will come out of it. Besides, I missed the father/daughter bonding we had. Eddie told me his food is at grade A chef level, so why not let him cook for me.
"Well I love what you're doing, but I'm missing sleep. If it's fine with you, could I go back to sleep?" I ask, and receive a nod back. I walk to my room, but I turn back to check upon him. I know he's sad, but at this moment he looks happy.
I woke up at 7 am to a heavenly smell. I walk into the kitchen, after remembering my dad was making breakfast. As leave the hallway to see my son and father talking about firefighting. I smile, and my dad turns to face me.
"Ah, you're awake! I woke up Zach and got him dressed for you." my dad says taking a bite of the french toast. I go into the kitchen and make myself some food. I see french toast, fresh fruit, bacon, eggs, and freshly squeezed orange juice. I look amazed as I take some of everything.
My dad works up the courage to ask me a question, "I was wondering if you wanted to stop by the firehouse, like old times. I have some people I would like you to meet." With my mouth full, I say, "Yeah, I missed those days" "Oh man, mommy is breaking a rule. She is talking with her mouth full," Zach says to the man next to him.
Dad laughs. "Well I ate, but I have to get dressed." I head to my room to get dressed.
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(Y/N's outfit to work)
I walk back into the living room and we get ready to head out. We make it to the school, and I say goodbye to my father. I take Zach to class. I get to the office and I see Eddie and Chris. "Hey, I was just hanging with your fire captain." "Well, can you tell him we want him back because his replacement is terrible?" I laugh.
"So, are you coming to the firehouse?" Eddie asked me like he knew my dad would ask me. I give the firefighter a suspicious look and then say, "Yeah, my dad asked me this morning. Would you like me to bring Chris?" He gives me a "yeah, sure", and then we say goodbye.
Christopher and I had so much fun. We were in math, and I helped teach him fractions with mini Kit-Kats. Then, in English, we acted out storytime with his class. The day ended in science, where we build and erupted our own volcanos.
It is the end of the day, some and of the boys waited outside for my father. When he arrived, we got in and started heading towards the fire station, which was only a 5-minute drive.
We walk into the 118's fire station, and Zach went off. A scream could be heard throughout the whole building. All the firefighters and paramedics stopped to see what was going on. My dad walked up to me and said, "Just like his mother."
Eddie and another man walked down the stairs to see what was happening. I smile at the majestic man walking towards me. We go into a hug before I hear a cough.
"Eddie, aren't you gonna introduce me to the pretty lady," the man asked Eddie. I smile at the man, but Eddie and my dad roll their eyes. My dad jumps into the conversation, "Buck, this is my daughter, Y/N, and her son, Zach. Y/N, this is Buck."
Buck and I shake hands. "My name is actually Evan Buckley, but everyone calls me Buck. You are somewhat of what Eddie has told me. Your pretty, but I expected a younger Bobby, with boobs." Eddie smacks Buck's chest.
I'm laughing and I head upstairs with the others. "Mommy! Mommy! Can I go down the fire pole," Zach asks, tugging on my pant leg? I nod my head yes.
Another man and woman walk over and sit with us in the lounge. "Why is there a little boy running around? Did someone drop him off, because I think your only supposed to do that with babies, not children," the man said, sitting right next to me. "That's my son. I'm Y/N." I hold out my hand waiting for the man to shake it. "I'm Howie, but everyone calls me Chimney. This is Hen," The man says, and the woman waves.
We continue to talk until the emergency bell rings. Everyone heads downstairs, but I pull Eddie back. I give him a long kiss, with my arms around his neck and his around my waist.
I pull back and say, "I had fun the other night. Maybe, I could see if my dad could watch the boys, and you and I could maybe have dinner at my house." Eddie groans and says, "Oh, how I would love that. We could also watch a movie."
This man will be the death of me. "Yeah, but you need to go." Eddie runs off to an emergency, I head to the store with my dad, Christopher, and Zachary.
"You know, you don't have to hide Eddie from me," He tells me. I look at him shocked. "I see the way you guys look at each other, and I saw you guys kiss today," he says calmly.
"Well, since you know could you help me make a meal for him and I tonight, and can you watch the boys?" I practically beg. He nods, and then he moves towards the isles, picking out ingredients.
"I don't want to intrude, so I will give you a recipe card. But yes, I will take the boys, just use protection. I don't want to see another grandchild for a while," he says, earning a smack on the chest from me. "There are children around," I whisper.
My dad gave me a recipe for Ravioli, served with garlic bread and bacon-wrapped asparagus. I am almost finished cooking when I hear a knock.
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(Y/N's Date Outfit)
I open the door to see a devastated Eddie. I go in to hug him, and Eddie says, "She's dead. Shannon died in the emergency room. That call we left for, that was for her. What am I gonna tell Christopher."
I welcome the man in, and I sit him on the couch. "Do you want to eat?" I ask, hoping that I could get him to relax and eat. "No" is all I hear, before he shoves his face into my shoulder, and lets it all out. I rub his back and say, "Everything will be fine."
We sit there, on the couch, just cuddling. I smell something burning. My eyes widen and I yell, "My bread!"
Eddie's mind comes back to earth and he heads towards the kitchen. Not only is the bread burnt, but there was also a slight fire. Eddie quickly grabbed the fire extinguisher and put out the fire.
I was so scared. Eddie saved me from a fire. At the moment, I forgot all about the food, Eddie's emotions, and everything else. I kissed Eddie out of thankfulness. We kissed for about a minute before he pulled away.
"Sorry, I shouldn't have done that, with everything going on. I was scared. I could've just stood there and let the fire grow, but no, you saved me. You are m-" Eddie cut me off with a kiss.
Eddie picked me up and took me to my room. He laid me on my bed, and next thing you know, our clothes are off.
Taglist: @notanordinaryprincess95 @jjpogueprincess @wiypt-writes
183 notes · View notes
backtothefanfiction · 3 years
Summary: Things get heated on the mountainside then five months later Santiago knocks on your door asking for a favour.
Warnings: Language, mentions of sex.
Word Count: 3997
A/N- Hey guys thank you so much for your love on this series, after the heaviness of the last chapter this one is more story development for how we ended up at chapter 1. It's split into three parts; the boys interaction on the side of the mountain, Santiago coming to your flat to ask for a favour and you meeting with Frankie in a diner to collect on that favour for Santi. This is the second to last chapter and I am currently working on the final chapter so we can end this story and Friday on a high! In the meantime I hope you enjoy.
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Without you, the mission had become a shit show. Five days full of reckless testosterone clouded decisions that had lead to them trekking across the Andes, millions of dollars literally being lost over the side of a cliff, three different gunshot wounds between the group and multiple dead bodies; including Tom's. The sun had almost fully set now, just a dull hazy glow on the horizon as Santiago, Will and Frankie lay back against the bags of money, waiting for the younger Miller to return. The tension was thick between them and not just because of the multiple fuck ups or the fact they had lost a friend.
Each one of them had brought up your name at some point during this trip, wondering if things would have been different if you had been there. A strong team of six instead of five. Santiago had watched Frankie subtly flinch, every time he heard your name and although he himself wished you had been there, he could clearly see now why you had said no. He still didn't completely know what had happened between you and Frankie other than what he found out that one night in Italy; but he knew if you had been on this mission with them right now, the team would be even weaker, not stronger.
“I'm gonna say something. Are you listening?” Frankie's voice said strongly, breaking the stoic silence that had befallen the three men since Benny had left their company.
“Yeah.” Santiago murmured, acknowledging the statement.
“We gotta get back on our game.” Frankie said. “Enough of this. It stops now. You Understand?”
“Copy that.” Santiago replied.
Frankie had ended up spending more time than he thought he would thinking about you these last few days. Even with everything that had happened between the two of you, it felt odd to him doing a job like this without you. Over the years and countless missions you had all worked together, you had become a partner to him. His co-pilot, the one who always had his six. The absence of you only served to remind him of how fucked up things were between you now. He felt himself tense anytime one of the boys said your name. He spoke with a venom, anytime he was dragged into a conversation about you. That was until he lost a mule over the side of the mountain.
The rocks had given way bellow the animals feet and he had watched helplessly as it fell to its death, bags of money exploding as they hit rocks. His own mortality truly hit him then. His mind raced to images of his daughter and Laura but then they turned to you and that's where they stayed. Tom's death a day later had only reinforced those thoughts more. If he died on this godforsaken mountain before he had a chance to talk to you and sort everything out, it would be the biggest regret of his life. He needed them all to get back on their A game. He needed to get back to you.
“Why did she say no to the job?” Will's question permeated the silence. It was a question that had been on his mind since the very beginning and one Santiago had tried to avoid and work around the whole mission. Santiago remained quiet, trying to work out the best way to respond.
“Because of me.” Frankie's confession rang out. Will sat up then, looking at Frankie confused, silently asking him to elaborate. Santiago's gaze had also turned to Frankie, but it was a soft look, one of pride that his friend wanted to face up to his demons instead of run from them. Frankie's look back to Santiago was a desperate cry for help. Although he knew they all needed to get this out in the open so they could work better as a team, he also was struggling with how to say it.
“He was sleeping with her.” Santiago tried to say as gently as he could. Although he knew the relationship between you and Frankie had been fucked up, he also knew you were both hopelessly in love with one another, which was what had made things between you so much more complicated.
“Wait. What?” Will stuttered out in shock. “When?”
“About 11 months ago.” Frankie quietly confessed. Will gave Frankie a hard look as he realised he was telling him he had cheated on his partner with you. “Look, I know.” Frankie said in response to the stare, “It wasn't exactly my finest moment.”
“How long for?” Will questioned.
“A couple of months. She broke things off when she found out Laura was pregnant. That's why she took that job in Italy.” Santiago's mind raced as he remembered back to the night he spent with you in Italy, his head dropping sheepishly. He thought if he kept his head low, he'd get away with not having the Italy conversation with Frankie but he was wrong. Frankie had recognised the look on Pope's face and the fact his was currently staring away from them at the rock in front of him, just told him how guilty his friend felt.
Will had watched the exchange, analysing the looks between the two men before him. “What happened in Italy?” he asked, suspecting there was something about your time over seas that they were both privy to and hiding from him.
“Why were you in Italy with her Pope?” Frankie doubled down.
“I went to her first to talk about the job.” Santiago said, only giving half the truth. Frankie fixed him with a hard look, forcing him to elaborate. He wanted to know how that fucking phone call had come about. “Look she wasn't answering my messages so I got on a plane, went over there and-” his sentence hung awkwardly in the air a moment as he tried to decide how to carry on. “Look, I thought that if I got rid of the guy she would be free to come back with me and do the job, but she got mad at me.” Frankie and Will listened intensely as Santiago continued to babble. “Look I did some things and she said some shit to get back at me. Look man I didn't know.” He looked desperately to Frankie.
“But even after you did find out you still fucked her, right?” Frankie's voice bit back. It was more of a statement than a question.
“I'm sorry man, but you should have seen her face.” Santiago felt his cock twitch just at the memory alone. “She freaking begged me Fish.” Santi's voice pleaded, trying to get his friend to understand. Will scoffed in disbelief over the conversation they were having. “Hey.” Santiago said rounding on him, “You would have done exactly the same thing if you were there. You're just bitter because you only got to fuck her the once.”
“HEY!” Frankie's voice cut across Pope.
“No, you don't get to act like you're her knight in shining armour right now and defend her honour, not when you used her like you did.” Santiago snapped back at Frankie.
“I didn't use her.” Frankie attempted to defend himself.
“You fucking snorted coke off her body, fucked her, then went back home to continue playing house with your actual girlfriend. If that's not using her-”
“I told her I fucking loved her and that I wanted to leave Laura, that I was gonna get clean for her and she fucking cut and run on me man.” There was silence as the weight of Frankie's statement hung in the air between them. When Frankie spoke again, breaking the silence, his voice was softer, curious. “Did you make her?” He didn't want to ask but he needed to know. The 60 second phone call had played continuously on a loop around his head ever since it had happened, the words haunting him.
“Yes.” Santiago's voice was timid and he struggled to look at his friend. “If it helps, she really tried to fight it man. I think she liked that it had been your thing.”
“What?” Will questioned, confused by the ambiguous conversation his friends were having in front of him. “What did you make her do?” His voice was worried, protective. Both Frankie and Santiago struggled to meet Will's eyes. “What did you make her do?” he asked again his voice demanding an answer.
“I'm sorry man.” Santiago said.
“He made her squirt.” Frankie said at the same time. Will's expression was one of reserved surprise.
“Wait you both?” Will asked, looking for clarity.
“Yeah.” Santiago said. There was a silence again as the information set in.
Something Santiago had said was weighing on Frankie. “What do you mean she begged you?” Frankie asked him timidly.
“She's been torturing herself man. She feels so guilty about everything that happened, she's just looking for a way she can live with herself.”
“What did you do?” Frankie asked, he was scared of the answer but wanted to know, his own form of punishment.
“Tied her to the bed and edged her to within an inch of her life.” Santiago's statement was slightly rushed and guilty. Will fought to remain silent as he began to picture the scene in his head.
“Did it help? Did it make her feel better afterwards?” Frankie continued to question.
“She's in love with you man.” Santiago said softly. “Those feelings aren't just gonna go away. She's gonna be carrying them around with her for the rest of her life. She's always gonna be stuck wondering what would have happened if things were different. Wondering if there ever would have been a way for you guys.” Santiago's statement left everyone silent once more. None of them brought it up again, but they couldn't stop thinking about it.
It had been 5 months since you had come home from Italy. 5 months since the boys came back from their trip to South America. Will and Ben had escorted Tom's body back to the states and broken the news to Molly. They stayed with her as she broke the news to her girls and made a point of being there for them whenever they needed.
For 5 months, Will and Benny were the only company outside your family that you saw, but even then you didn't see them as often. None of you met up as a group again. You hadn't even heard from Santiago, that was until he showed up on your doorstep late one Saturday afternoon. “Hey Querida, I need your help.”
You reluctantly let him in, ushering him inside your small apartment. “What do you want Santi?” you asked as you continued to hover near the front door.
“I've got this job-”
“Nope, no way.” you quickly cut in. “After what happened in South America, I don't think so. Besides I thought that was supposed to be your last job. You said you were retiring.” you folded your arms across your chest defensively.
“I know, I know. But this isn't like that job.”
“Are you determined to burn every friendship you've ever had?” you spat at him, a warning to choose his next words very carefully. Will and Benny had told you everything when they got home. Both of them were shells of the men they once were, it almost pained you to be around.
Santiago collapsed onto the sofa, his head hung in his hands. “I know I fucked up.” he said slowly. “It was a shit job. I wanted to be able to just let it go and move on but I can't. I can't let that be the last job I did. The last thing that defines my career for me.” You softened at the broken man's words.
“What's the job?” you tentatively asked him.
“Corrupt cop.” he said, finally lifting his head from his hands.
“What?” you questioned slightly shocked. You had not been expecting that but you were immediately invested and Santiago knew it.
“He's based along the border between Columbia and Brazil. Been taking bribes and working with the cartels down there for years. With Lorea out of the way he's kind of stepped up to the plate behind the scenes, but he's nothing without his money.”
“So it's just getting the money, then getting back out.”
“I'm assuming because he's a corrupt cop this is all gonna be done off the books.”
“That's why I need the team. The whole team.”
“They'll never go for it. Not if it's coming from you.” Santi looked at you then, his eyes pleading. You could read his mind without having him say it. “No.”
“They'll do it for you.” he said getting up.
“No, I'm not lying to them.”
“Please.” he said placing his hands on your arms. His eyes were desperate, “I need this.” You couldn't help but look at him with pity. He was far from the man who had teased you in Italy just a few months back. You could see the effects of his last failed mission clear on his face and his body. The dark circles under his eyes from nights of restless sleep. The extra patches of grey scattered amongst his dark curls. All he wanted was one last good job so he could rest in peace and think back on the glory days with fondness. He needed an excuse to make things right with his friends.
“Fine.” you reluctantly agreed. “But if they are gonna believe this is my job, you are gonna have to really let me take charge of this. You gotta give me everything you know.”
Getting Will and Benny to agree had been easy. You had brought it up over beers one Sunday afternoon. They hated corrupt cops as much as you and Santi and although they had been a little apprehensive when you told them Santiago was also going to be on the mission, they still agreed to go anyway for you. Frankie on the other hand was probably going to be a little trickier.
You asked him to meet you at a local diner on a Saturday morning. The sun was streaming through the windows onto your little booth. You couldn't tell if it was just the heat from the sun, shining through the glass making you feel like you were in a green house or just your anxiety at seeing Frankie for the first time since he had told you he loved you, but you felt like you were suffocating. You were contemplating abandoning this whole thing and bolting for the door when he finally walked in, the little bell ringing out, drawing your focus to him.
He looked good. He was wearing his favourite t-shirt, an unbuttoned shirt thrown over the top, the sleeves of which were rolled up, showing off his muscular arms. You became aware you were staring and quickly dropped your eyes to the half full cup of coffee, that now sat cold in your hands in front of you.
“Hey.” he said as he approached the table. You looked up at him, your nerves clear on your face.
“Hey.” your voice came out unsure. You wished you could just put on a fake smile and pretend like everything was okay, but the guilt monster that had grown attached to you since you last saw each other wouldn't let you.
He shuffled into the booth across from you as a waitress came over with a pot of coffee. You eagerly held out your own mug for a top up while Frankie flipped over the cup in front of him. “A stack of blueberry pancakes and a side of bacon?” the young girl questioned Frankie as she poured coffee into his cup.
“Actually no, I already ate.” he replied shooting her a forced half smile.
“Very well.” the younger girl said. “Anything for yourself sweetie?” she turned to ask you.
“Umm, no thank you, the coffee's fine.” you said, raising the cup in your hand as you said it.
“Very well then.” the waitress said with an exaggerated smile.
“Thanks Candace.” Frankie said as she walked away.
“Candace? Blueberry pancakes and bacon?” you questioned Frankie once she was out of earshot.
“Yeah. I got in the habit of coming in after early NA meetings.” he told you, his fingers twisting the mug of coffee in his hands as he waited on your response.
“You look good Frankie.” you said, finally being able to find a smile for him. His eyes met yours, they were hopeful, soft. It made you wonder what had happened to him in South America that had him come out of the trip looking far less scathed than the others. You assumed it had something to do with coming back alive for his little girl, a reminder to live the best life he could with her.
“Thank you.” he said. “You look good too.” you could tell by the way he said it that he meant it, even if you didn't feel like it. “So what was it you wanted to talk about?”
Frankie had smiled fondly when your name had popped up on his phone asking him to meet you. After everything that had happened in South America he had been eager to contact you but he had a few things he needed to deal with first.
He had broken things off with Laura as soon as he'd gotten home. They had sat down and had a long conversation, Frankie coming clean about all of it. He expected her to be furious, to scream the house down, throw all of his stuff out onto the front lawn and tell him he couldn't see their daughter ever again; but she surprised him when she told him she had known he was in love with you all along. He moved into the spare bedroom while he looked for a place of his own and made an effort to regularly talk and work out the situation. He was so grateful when she told him he could see Lilah as often as he wanted and he ended up spending a lot of his free time at the house with her, not wanting to miss a single moment as she continued to grow.
“I know after the shit show that was Santiago's job you'll probably want to say no, but I need your help on a job. They other guys are already in, I just need my pilot, my mission partner.” you said trying to lay it on thick.
“I'm in.”
He had said it without hesitation. He'd do anything for you, even if it meant trekking across the Andes again. “Wait, you don't want me to tell you what the job is?”
“It doesn't matter. You need me, I'm all in.” he said leaning back into the booth. “Besides if you've gotten the other guys to agree...” he left the statement open as he brought his coffee cup up to his lips. A silence fell between the two of you. Now you had gotten out all you had to say, you didn't know how to proceed in conversation.
“How old is she now?” you found yourself asking. It was more torturing yourself actually.
“Just over 7 months.” he replied. He held up a finger to you, instructing you to wait as he reached into his pocket for his wallet. He pulled out a small photo of her that was tucked into one of the slots, handing it across the table to you.
You tried to keep your fingers steady as you looked at the picture. She was beautiful and definitely Frankie's kid. “She has your eyes.” you found yourself saying, softening at the image of the little girl who had changed everything.
You couldn't help but wonder, if things had been different, if you and Frankie had gotten together all those years ago. Would you have your own baby by now? Would they have inherited his eyes like this little girl in the picture had, or would they have gotten yours? Then you wondered, if you hadn't run away when Frankie had told you about her, would you have been able to stick around and love her? To be her second mom and raise her with Frankie and Laura.
You quickly handed the photo back, no longer able to look at it or deal with the thoughts that were now swimming around your head. “Yeah, I'm just grateful she didn't get my nose.” Frankie said as he slotted the photo back into his wallet with a fond smile.
“Is she crawling yet?” you asked.
“Oh that girl is such an over achiever.” he chuckled fondly. “She was trying to stand at 3 months, even though her little legs were no where near ready for that. You'd have to fight to get her to relax them to feed.” You couldn't help but smile at the image of Frankie trying to wrestle a fussy baby to sit in his arms properly so he could feed her.
The way he looked at you changed then, like he was sad you hadn't been there, like he had really wanted you to be there with him. He had. There had been so many late nights he'd spent up with his little girl in his arms, wishing you were there. Wishing that she had been yours. He was about to open his mouth and try to tell you everything he had wanted to say since being on that mountain, but you became distracted when your phone buzzed, the screen lighting up, telling you both you had a text message from Santiago.
You reached for the phone and Frankie's chest sagged, it felt like a hole had just opened up in his chest and was suddenly being filled with all his self doubt. 'He'd waited too long. You and Santiago were probably a thing now.' were the main two thoughts that began echoing through his head. “I'm really sorry, I've got to head off.” you said, rooting around in your bag for your purse so you could pay for your coffee.
“Oh okay.” Frankie said back, slightly defeated.
“Umm, I'll send you over all the information for the job.” you said quickly as you climbed out of the booth while trying to send a quick reply to Santiago to let him know you were on your way.
“Yeah of course.” Frankie said also getting up, to see you off properly.
His action caught you off-guard and you almost walked into his chest as you looked up from the phone in your hand. You both froze. You softened as you looked up into his eyes, then slowly let them wander down to his lips. You really wished you could lean forward and kiss him right now. You came to your senses, clearing your throat and taking a step backwards, blushing.
“It was great to see you Frankie.” you quickly said. “Oh and thank you for saying yes to the job.”
“Uh yeah, no problem.” he said, hooking his fingers into his pockets. He wanted to touch you, to hug you or something, anything, but the way you had stepped back from him, made him feel like he couldn't. You both stood there awkwardly for a moment, unsure of what to do next.
You felt your phone buzz in your hand. You looked down at it, another message from Santiago. “Umm, I've got to go.” your voice was barely above a whisper. Before you realised you had done it, you leant forward and placed a light kiss on Frankie's cheek. You felt the corner of his mouth turn upwards as he began to smile, but you couldn't bring yourself to look. You knew that if you did look, it would remind you of everything you missed out on with him. Instead you did the same thing as you did last time you were with him, you walked away and you didn't look back.
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A ball| Tup
Note: they did not need to make him that Pretty
Warnings: no not really, just Tup and Y/n fallin in love and steamy scene at the very end but kinda not really, also this is really long
Reader: female
Part 1 | 2 (in the works)
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"Checkmate," Satine spoke.
"Damn it..." Y/n muttered, hand on her chin as Satine had one yet again another game.
Satine smiled at her, as Y/n tried reading the board seeing how it had exactly happened.
"Duchess, excuse me." A guard interrupted their leisurely game outside in the guards of the castle.
"It's no problem, what seems to be the problem?" Satine questioned.
"The preparations for the ball are underway, the royal seamstress says your outfits are done and asks if you both can approve of them."
"Yes of course," Satine spoke, two more guards walking up with boxes.
"Oh. no, I'm quite okay," Y/n responded, resetting the black and clear glass pieces.
"Y/n, you are turning 19, my dear, you'll need to look presentable," Satine spoke.
"Dutchess I believe I look presentable, I'm quite comfortable like this as well," Y/n told.
"I know my sweet child, you've always been comfortable with the bare minimum, but please, let me spoil you for one day," Satine responded.
Y/n was quiet as she set the final piece down, "very well..."
Satine smiled as she stood up to look inside the box and approve the dress, Y/n sat in thought, Satine wasn't her mother, no they looked drastically different after all, Y/n had been left in a bush in the palace gardens, Satine finding the child alone and in silence, busying herself with one of the flowers. Satine had gladly kept the child inside the palace walls until a parent came along, but no one ever came and Satine was suddenly a mother.
"Mistress." The guard spoke snapping her out of thought.
"Oh uh, yes." Y/n spoke standing up from her seat, and looking at the creme outfit with barely a glance, "Yes, it's beautiful, tell the Seamstress 100 thanks."
The guard nodded covering the box as they all bowed and left, Satine frowned, "Come walk. Let's talk my daughter."
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"General Skywalker, do, do we really have to go as well?" Tup questioned, droids handing them all dark blue suits almost black in color, and matte.
"Yes, Obi-Wan was double security at this event for the Dutchess, and I agree with him," Anakin spoke, "Separatist parties will be there, Duchess Satine has a knack for being able to convince people, and with Padame they're practically an unstoppable team."
"But," Tup spoke, "Sir a, a party?"
"Diplomatic party, you'll be fine Tup."
Anakin then walked away to let his boys get ready and go get himself ready.
"I look good," Fives spoke checking himself out in the mirror.
"It's nice to wear something besides armor." Hardcase commented, "Makes me feel like a civie."
"A civie that just has thousands of replicas." Dogma argued.
"Oh get the stick out your ass," Jesse argued, "We can have fun for the one time in our life on the job,"
"Hey," Kix placed a hand on Tup's shoulder, "You okay?"
"Huh? Yeah," Tup spoke, "Crowds, uh aren't my thing."
"I'll make sure Rex posts you on the patio outside, you won't be around too many people then," Kix told.
"No, It's fine, I'm on the job- I'll, uh...just focus on that," Tup responded.
"Are you sure?"
Tup nodded as Kix returned the nod in understanding, going back to dressing himself, Tup went over to his bunk to dress, he'd admit, even though he was the same as everyone else in that room, he still felt shy, being a bit leaner than the others he started pulling his armor off to dress in the new outfit, simply putting the outfit over his blacks.
"What- No! Hey I want a titty window!" Fives argued.
"No," Echo demand, buttoning up his brother's shirt fixing Fives vest as well.
Tup stayed silent as he buttoned up the shirt, tucking it into the slacks and putting on the matching vest.
"OH Ho HO!" Fives whistled, "Look at Tup!"
"Yeah, thanks," Tup spoke, fixing the collar of his shirt, and pushing up the sleeves.
"Come on! Let your hair down! We're going somewhere fancy!"
"I'm good." Tup spoke
"He's way to excited for this." Dogma protested causing Tup to chuckle.
"You look nice." Tup commented.
"Uh. Yeah I guess." Dogma spoke.
The two had gotten close due to one another due to being not only regular troopers with no rank, but due to there quietness.
The boys turned there head whistling playfully.
"Bad bitch is the house."
She wore a pinstrip pant suit, the lines orange on white fabric and a pair of heels. She laughed.
"We're almost there." She spoke, "Skyguy wants us on the transports now."
Tup followed suit of everyone else. Everyone doing as asked, it was odd, seeing everyone dressed up all fancy and nice.
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Y/n sighed.
"Look up madame. They'll be plenty fine gentlemen there." A maid tried to pursuade, "or a woman if you'd prefer."
"Yes. I know." Y/n responded mindlessly, nose stuck in the book about game tactics, her goal to be her mother, "mhm. I've never tried that before."
The maid sighed finishing y/n's hair in the crowned braid.
"Look look beautiful."
The maid frowned, and there was a knock on the door. It opened as Satine came in, the maid bowing and leaving quickly.
"You're nose still stuck in a book. You remind me much of Obi-wan."
"Is the party over yet?" Y/n questioned flipping the page.
"It hasnt even began my dear." Satine spoke, expecting a comment back Y/n kept silent sitting infront of her simple vanity it black in color and matched the bench she sat on.
Satine walked over, taking the open spot next to Y/n.
"What is wrong me dear?" Satine inquired, "You don't avidly read strategic books unless something is wrong."
Y/n sighed, marking the book with a string and setting it down.
"I. I just don't wish to go." Y/n responded.
"It is much bigger than that isn't it?" Satine refered, catching Y/n in her lie.
"I." Y/n sighed, "I am nervous."
"For what my darling?"
"People." Y/n responded, "I. This. People...it's...I dont have the skills."
"Well of course you do,"
"I've never been out the palace walls, I've never fallen in love, I've never been taken advantage of- I just- Don't know anything about people," y/n defended "I've never even seen another sential species besides the holograms and images in my books that use words. I know every launage out there but have never met there people- I-"
"Calm down, take a deep breathe." Satine soothed, "everything will be fine. I will be at your side. The whole time, and you know me. Don't you?"
Y/n nodded as Satine smiled, "You're turning 19 my dear, becoming a young woman. You can do this, and I will guide you through whatever you ask."
Y/n only nodded once more, "now. Lets put our. Pain killing heels on and make haste shall we? Guest are arriving and I'd like to introduce you to your very first group of friends, but first."
Y/n watched as Satine pulled out a box, "I had something much. Much more elaborate my birthday, but you I know. Like to keep things as simple as possible."
Y/n took the small box in hand. Opening the golden box there was a small golden crown, it reminded her of a laurel wreath, yet without as many leaves, a few littered around the gold band with a stone that was ment to set on her forehead.
"For you're love of nature a green stone." Satine spoke.
"Its beatiful, thank you." Y/n spoke softly pulling it out of its box.
"Allow me." Satine spoke, y/n handing it over and bowing her head, Satine with a smile set the item on her head.
Y/n raised her head back up, "quiet beatiful you have become."
Y/n smiled smallly, "now. Shall we make haste? To make new friends?"
Y/n nodded smally as Satine smiled.
With that they were off, y/n following Satine dressed up nice, and thanked maker for the soleless sandles given to her instead of heels.
Y/n wouldn't lie, when General Kenobi arrived as they walked out onto the royal landing pad she found no interest in him, bowing her head respectfully, she did the same with Anakin. A bit more intrigued with Ashoka, but nothing pictures hadn't depicted. A man stood next to Anakin, who was soon introduced as Captain Rex. Y/n welcomed and thanked him for coming, but besides that, she was silent during the conversation.
"Sir, apologies for interrupting."
"It's fine, Jesse go ahead," Anakin spoke, Y/n watching the man with a large tattoo on his face gave a brief report to his general as the two joined the tight group of talkers.
Y/n was intrigued with the man next to him, hair tied back in a bun as his brother in arms talked. He too seemed the silent type, staying behind Jesse's shoulder rather than next to him, it was a slight difference Y/n realized.
"Lady Y/n, these are two are some of my finest men, Jesse and Tup."
"Lady Y/n" Jesse spoke bowing his head.
"Nice to meet you," Tup spoke nervously, his hand outreached for a handshake, Jesse quickly pulling his brother's hand down who was already a nervous wreck.
"Apologies for my brother! He doesn't know how to act!" Jesse scolded elbowing Tup slightly who was already shaming himself mentally and Y/n could sense it, but Jesse was already dragging him away with an insane amount of apologies as he left. 
Y/n watched as they got far enough away to where Jesse had started to drag Tup by the collar of his shirt.
"Lively bunch aren't they?" Satine questioned Y/n who nodded.
"My apologies Duchess, Lady Y/n. The 501st is not very big on tradition, and neither is there general."  Obi-Wan scolded as Anakin shrugged.
"It's okay." Y/n finally spoke up, causing heads to turn, "I, um, apologizes. Duchess if I may."
"Yes, you can go ahead," Satine spoke worried for the girl as she rushed off quickly. 
"Will she be okay?" Ashoka questioned.
"She has no social skills, and on top that, no friends her age," Satine spoke solemnly, "I wish to help her but she's a closed book." 
"Have I got the perfect trooper for her to make friends with," Anakin responded
"You're not sending Fives or Hardcase over to her, if anyone to watch her it'll be Cody, at least he can stay on task," Obi-wan argued.
"I think me and my master have the same idea," Ashoka smirked.
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"I- I'm sorry general- Me?" Tup questioned.
"Yes I need a clone with Lady Y/n at all times, and since she seems to like you after a slip up that could have cost us a whole war," Anakin spoke, "You're watching her,"
"General! I. I can't watch her! I. I. I. I have patrol!" Tup tried to argue.
"Kix is on patrol now, she's supposedly back in her room," Anakin spoke.
"Her- what!?" Tup argued.
"one of the guards will escort you thanks again."
"Wait! General!" Tup argued but he was walking away and waving to Tup happily. 
"Are you the clone trooper known as Tup?" A guard asked walking up to him.
"yes, but wait a minute!-"
"This way." 
Tup had no option but to follow a guard at his back and his front as they escorted him to the room. Anxiety racked his body, his hands clammy and squeezing each other as he gulped, the guards stopping and knocking.
"Mistress your escort is here."
"Oh, yes," Y/n spoke quietly, "He may come in alone."
The guards posted outside her room as Tup pushed one of the doors opened, he walked in silently and closed the door behind him carefully.
Looking straight on the large french doors were opened to a patio. Walking towards the open doors he found Y/n sitting on the floor a stack of books beside her with a chessboard by her side, her knees raised to her chest as her dress was laid out around her.
"I'm uh, your guard for the dance," Tup spoke, his thumb pressing into his palm.
"You can go back, I'm not going," Y/n told him, her mouth and jaw covered by her arms propped on her knees.
"oh, uh..." Tup spoke, not knowing what to do.
Y/n looked beside her, "You can sit, maybe you'll get in less trouble that way?"
He nodded in agreement, taking a seat on one side of the chess board. They sat in silence against the wall. Tup looking down at the pieces of the board set up on their respective sides, his clammy hands couldn't help but move a piece. Y/n looked overhearing the crystal click on the board. Looking down she picked up a piece and moved it, Tup moving his next piece without a word. Y/n looked down at the board, her legs falling from her chest and onto the ground flat as she looked over in thought. Picking up her next piece she took his pawn, setting it down on the side.  As they played they could hear the talk of guests starting to come to the palace. Due to where Y/n's room was it wasn't much to hear, just the occasional burst of loud laughter. 
"Ah yes! Yes!" One laughed spoke loudly, "I love the stars!"
Y/n suddenly came with an outburst the came with the man's hearty laugh, "I have loved the stars to foundly-"
"-to be fearful of the night." Tup finished moving his next piece.
Y/n's moved her gaze up softly then chuckled, "Mythology lover?"
"When I have the time, I mostly learn through tell and hear," Tup responded watching Y/n capture another piece.
It was silent again as Tup captured yet another piece, his eyes drifting over to her stack of books. Eyes glancing over the titles.
"H.P Lovecraft?" Tup questioned Y/n nodding.
"I find his stories interesting, I enjoy the horror genere as a whole." Y/n smiled moving her next peice, "do you like horror?"
Tup nodded, "I do occasionally, again hear and tell mostly."
Y/n nodded, "come with me."
Y/n stood up, walking into her room, Tup watching her.
"Come on." Y/n gestured holding out a hand for him.
He took it gently and was pulled up from his spot on the floor. Y/n led him by the hand into her room and towards a wall pushing on a certain spot a small door opened. Y/n leaned down walking through the door as Tup followed, Y/n closed the door behind them.
Y/n smiled, "the palace library."
"I am the only one who's ever in here." Y/n contuined.
The two walked side by side, out from the side of the room and into the center of the room. Tup turned around to speak, but he watched her pass a dusty window, the sun set passing in through cobwebs and dusty, shining on her think crown, her dress flowly and made up of multiple thin layers of fabric.
He gulped as she turned her head, stopping in her spot.
"What's wrong?"
"I," he started but stopped for a momment, "My name, its. It's Tup. I don't know if you-"
"Remember you?" Y/n questioned, "I do."
She walked up to him a hand extended, "Y/n."
He smiled as they shook hands.
"Tup." He introduced himself once again as they chuckled lightly.
They pulled away, Y/n's hands clasped infront of her.
"Well Tup its very nice to meet you again."
"Its nice to meet you too Lady Y/n."
"Lady Y/n!"
She took a quick step back from her closeness with Tup, clearing her throat.
"Oh thank maker..." the gaurd spoke under his breathe, "the duchess wishes for you to greet your guest."
Y/n nodded softly, "Well. Let's go?"
Tup nodded, the two leaving side by side in silence. They two making there way down to the main set of doors which led to the throne room.
"Lady Y/n." Obi-wan spoke, "The Duchess ask I escort you in while introduced."
"Oh." Y/n spoke looking at Tup he gave her an akwards thumb up, she chuckled and smiled at him with a nod.
Y/n smiled Obi wan extending an arm, Y/n linking arms with the Jedi General. The doors opened as they walked forward.
"Introducing Lady Y/n! Daughter of Dutchess Satine! Next in line for the throne!"
Y/n and Obi-wan walked forward people clearing a straight shot to her mother. Her and Obi-wan walked forward, feeling the stares on her she kept silent. It soon because uncomfortable, feeling the gaze more than just simple admiration or awe. She tensed as they walked making her to the steps to Satines throne. She pulled away from Obi-wan, bowing her head to her mother as she walked up, a smaller throne simplistic like how Y/n liked it and took a simple seat, she watched Tup sneak into the room carefully standing next to a man who had a medical band on his arm with his suit, before everyone started to fill the room again.
Satine stood up, she was making a speech Y/n zoned out, it was a greeting, thanking everyone personally for coming to celebrate Y/n's transition into womenhood.
"That's why I am glad to speak, Y/n's hand is extended for potential marraige candidates!"
Y/n sat up shocked, and Satine thanked everyone once again and took a seat. Everyone going back to chatting.
"Excuse me!? Marraige?" Y/n argued.
"It is a formality you do not have to marry anyone."
"Im not taking anyone into consideration," Y/n defended, crossing her arms and leaning back in her seat.
"Lady Y/n-"
"No." Y/n spoke, she was beyond annoyed.
"Thank you for your time..." he spoke bowing his head and walking away heart broken.
Y/n rejected any man that came up to try and give there hand to her.
Tup watched from afar, Kix and Dogma by his side. Men contuined to go up to her and as more and more did she seemed more and more irratated. He quickly walked away from his brothers would watched him out of confusion.
Watching him walk up to the thrown he started walking up the steps.
"Y/n," Tup spoke, holding a hand out for her, "I'd like to spend time with you, perhaps a dance?"
"Hey! Buddy wait in line!" A man argued but Y/n looked at Tup thanks in her eyes.
The lighting on him seemed perfect, he back lit perfectly, his eyes holding a smile along with his lips. Y/n grabbed his hand lightly as Tup helped her up, the two walking down the stairs hand in hand.
"Thank you." Y/n spoke they now in the crowd of people.
"Seems you needed it," Tup answered as Y/n chuckled.
"To the libary?"
"Actually," Tup spoke quietly, "I'd...like to have a dance with you."
Y/n flushed, "t-that sounds good. Yeah."
It was almost on cue did everyone backed up circling people who wanted to dance, Y/n and Tup in the center of it.
"Um. Tup." Y/n spoke.
"Do you know how to dance?"
"Oh. Uh." Tup spoke, "no actually, do. Do you?"
Y/n shook her head no. The two laughing together as the music started.
"Suppose we should act like we're doing and maybe we'll fall in?" Y/n laughed.
Tup smiled in return, "I suppose."
The music started as they watched other, a simple waltz. Y/n and Tup luckily able to copy others, hands which once were placed in hand on on him, soon became more intimate, fingers intertwining. Tup's hand moving from her hip to the small of her back, she leaning into his touch just a bit more.
"Not bad." Y/n spoke softly, "we're doing decent."
Tup chuckled softly in return, "I suppose us clones learn quick."
"Clone?" Y/n questioned, "you're a clone?"
Tup looked at her confused, "You. You don't know that?" He questioned confused.
"I." Y/n spoke, "I don't mean to sound, uh, Rude."
Tup frowned, maybe she was an avid clone hater?
"I um. Havent payed much attention, to your face, my apologies." Y/n spoke, a flush coming to her cheeks.
"Am I offensive?" Tup questioned.
"No. No. Not at all." Y/n spoke, "On the contrary actually. I. Find you most appealing, your. Voice and presence is quiet soothing. You're a good man."
It was Tup's turn to flush, spinning her around softly as everyone else did. Her dress picking up just the slightest at the ends. Pulling her back into his grasp, it was sudden for both of them, there chest pressed up against one another, faces close, Tup's hand now across the small of her back grabbing her other hip as he lowered her into a dip, Y/n's arm around his neck as he did.
The claps of everyone was muffled in there ears.
Tup's nose brushing against hers as he tilted his head softly, Y/n stopping him with a hand on hie jaw , and she was raised up again in a flash.
"I. Im sorry" Tup apologized, everyone still clapping as Y/n bowed to him red faced.
"I...must go." Y/n spoke quickly rushing away and into the crowd.
"Wait!" Tup called rushing after her, she rushing out the throne room.
"My lady-"
"Im quiet fine a game of tag is all." Y/n defended rushing off, the urge of wanting Tup so bad fueling her feet as she ran from him.
Tup rushed looking both ways, "Which way did she go?"
"Left sir-"
Tup rushed after her, his shoes clicking against the marble floors of the palace as he ran. Seeing her take a turn up ahead he called her name once more, following her quick steps, she rushed into her ungaurded room and closing the door behind her.
Making it to the doors he panted for a moment, soon calming his breath he knocked on the door.
"Please! Y/n I did not mean to upset you!" He begged, "I. I should have asked asked you! I should have never just jumped into it!"
Y/n quiet as she leaned against the door, her body pressed up against it to keep it closed, he seemed genuinely angered with himself, and worried for her.
"I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." Tup spoke softly, "I...just..."
Y/n stayed silent listening.
"I. Seen you for the first time walking up with my brother to report to General Skywalker..." he informed, "I had no idea someone could look so beautiful until I seen you, then. Well then we started that chess game."
Y/n's cheeks grew red as she listened, her heart starting to drop its quickly put up walls.
"You just spoke and It was beautiful. I. I'm not good with words either. I." He sighed, "I didn't realize someone like me could have so much in common with you... half the time my brothers don't like any same things as me. And we're all copies of each other."
The knot in her stomach grew as she gulped, "I. Tup. Its not that I'm mad at you."
Tup was surprised to hear an answer, "I. I think you're quiet beatiful, I. I just...I've never..."
"Y/n you do not need to explain yourself to me." Tup told her.
"Just. Let me finish." Y/n spoke calmly, "I've, well. Tup. I. I. I've never kissed anyone."
Y/n stopped waiting for a laugh, or even a 'yeah right', but she got a sincere chuckle trying to break the ice, "neither have I."
It was a surpise to Tup when the door opened softly, Y/n's flushed face being seen due to the light of the hall.
"Are you okay?" Tup questioned Y/n nodding her gaze to the floor.
"We're you being..serious?" Y/n questioned softly.
Tup nodded, growing nervous himself.
"Would you..umm. like too?" Y/n questioned, "kiss me?"
"I..um." tup spoke his face full red, "yes.."
Y/n opened up the door a bit more so he could come in, taking the hint he walked in the room dark. His eyes not having to adjust as the French doors which were uncovered let in moonlight.
Y/n closed the door quietly, locking it behind her so they'd be uninterrupted. He turned his head watching her walk towards him.
Oh maker.
They stood infront of each other nervously, refusing to make eye contact. Y/n with a shaking hand reached out her hand, her fingers dancing along his shoulder as he looked down.
"Tup. I." Y/n spoke, her other arm following her first one on the other side of his head his hands slipping onto her hips.
Nerves in a bundle they tensed in one anothers arms, faces leaning in slowly, noses brushed up against one another. A few of Tup's fingers tapped and tilted her face to the side as he tilted his own face the other way.
"Tup...Im nervous." Y/n whispered against his lips, "what happens if...if i like it too much?"
"I'll do anything you ask me..." he mummbled her hot breathe hitting his lips.
It was silent for another momment, Y/n's eyes slolwy closing as Tup's followed. They leaning in the small space as there lips pressrd against each others. The bundle of nerves melting away and falling into ribbions that slowly started to knot.
The kiss was, cute, nothing more than pressing there lips against one another and then pulled away little space between there lips, a new found hunger filled the both of them, Tup pressing forward in a much more passionate kiss, y/n kissed back, lips dancing against one another. Y/n pushed into Tup. Breathe heavy through the armature kisses. Tup mindlessly picked Y/m up, her legs wrapping around his waist as they contuined to kiss. Walking over to her bed he placed her down carefully, climbing over her body.
Kiss only breaking for air, "Do. Do you want this?" Tup questioned, things had moved awfully fast and turned into a one night stand, love filled relationship neither could explain.
Y/n nodded, "Only from you"
"Are you sure? I don't want you unsatisfied." Tup spoke honestly.
"If its you I'll never be unsatisfied." Y/n told him, the two kissing again, Tup holding his like a peice of glass under him.
"I love you." Tup whispered against her lips.
"I love you too Tup." She spoke back. Tup kissing her once more.
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