iamringo · 9 days
おやすみ。 Good night…
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gilangsugiharta · 1 year
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May I request a oneshot between JJ x reader during the aftermath of JJ's torture (and she almost fall off the roof too!) / getting shot and nearly died?
Content is purely up to you.
You got it, anon! Hope you enjoy! 🥰 –illdowhatiwantthanks
The Aftermath
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Jennifer "JJ" Jareau x fem!reader Warnings: descriptions of torture/injury/violence (after the fact, nothing too graphic), hospital times, trauma, explicit language (let me know if I've missed anything) Word count: 1.8k
NOTES: No Will here, but yes Henry. Emily is good friends with both reader and JJ.
Summary: You race to the hospital after the BAU finds JJ, eager to make sure she's okay. And while she might want her team to think she is, she lets down her guard some with you. Fic immediately follows the events of 09.14.
“Let me fucking see her!” you yelled at the nurse outside the ICU. You weren’t usually one to yell at health professionals; their jobs were hard enough as it was. But this time it was JJ. This time, it was your girlfriend who had been drugged and kidnapped and tortured and god knows what else, and you would be damned if she had to wake up from all of that without you there.
“Y/N, hey.”
You swung around to see Emily holding open the door to the ICU. You were flooded with relief, flooded with gratitude, too. Hotch had given you only the bare bones of the situation on the phone–let you know that the protective detail you and Henry had been assigned was no longer necessary, that JJ was safe and the perpetrator dead, but that she’d been tortured and was likely severely traumatized. There was also something about a roof, something about her almost falling to her fucking death, that Emily caught her, that it was all okay and you could meet them at the hospital. At a certain point, your brain had stopped taking in information. All you could process was that JJ was safe but not well. But you realized now that, without the BAU, without Emily in particular, it was likely you never would have seen JJ again.
You rushed toward Emily, and she held up her badge so the nurses at the station could see. “I’ve got her,” she assured them.
Emily stopped you outside a room, and you knew it was JJ’s. But you were suddenly terrified to go in, terrified of what you’d find–a shell of the person you loved so desperately.
“How bad is it?” you asked, your voice shaky.
Emily took your hand and squeezed. “She’ll be alright, but it’s not pretty.”
You felt tears spring to your eyes.
Emily bit her lip and looked at you with something like pity. “Do you want to know?”
“No, but…” You exhaled shakily. “I don’t want her to have to tell me. Just… tell me what you and the doctors know.”
“You should sit,” Emily suggested, pointing to the plastic chairs that lined the hallway.
You lowered yourself into a seat and bit at your fingernails. Emily sat next to you and took a deep breath before continuing.
“She’s got traces of Rohypnol in her system, which is probably what they used to keep her knocked out during the kidnapping. She didn’t say much about what happened before she passed out, but she was held for 24 hours, and it’s likely she was tortured for most of them.”
Your body began to shake, and you hugged yourself, as if to keep your bones in place.
“She was physically restrained for most of the last 24 hours. There’s physical evidence that she was waterboarded, electrocuted, and beaten. She’s… she’s in bad shape, Y/N.”
You were rocking back and forth by this point, your hand over your mouth, trying and failing not to visualize the love of your life being tortured.
“You okay?” Emily asked softly, squeezing your hand again.
You wiped your eyes and nodded, standing abruptly. “Is she awake?”
Emily shook her head. “No, she… she went after Hastings–probably adrenaline–but as soon as we got off the roof, she lost consciousness. She hasn’t woken up again yet.”
“Okay,” you said, trying to regulate your breathing. “Okay.”
“The nurses told us all to beat it until the morning, but I think they’ll make an exception for you. Call me if you need anything at all.”
“Emily…” you said quietly. “Thank you.” You hugged her, and you wished you could have said all that you felt. You wished you could have thanked her for saving JJ’s life. For being such a good friend to both of you. For protecting JJ when you couldn’t. Somehow, you knew that Emily understood anyway.
When you finally walked through the door and into JJ’s hospital room, you were transported back in time to rooms you’d sat in through your childhood and young adulthood, when your dad was sick. The constant beeping of the machines, the lights, the sickly familiar smell of alcohol cleanser.
JJ was in a hospital gown, and she’d been cleaned up a bit, likely by her intake team. She had various bandages across her body, IVs poking out of her wrist, and little nodes attached to her chest, connected to a huge monitor. A heart monitor, you’d guess, since she’d been electrocuted.
But as you crept toward JJ, almost timidly, it was her face that broke you. There were bright red scratches all over some more scabbed than others, and her eyes… they were nearly sunken in. She looked like hell. She had been through hell. You were almost scared to touch her, scared you’d hurt her or frighten her.
You brushed a strand of hair out of her face and cupped her cheek, your eyes burning with unshed tears. You leaned down to leave a small, shaky kiss on her forehead before pulling a chair next to the bed and taking her hand in yours, brushing your thumb gently over the scratches and bruises.
“It’s okay, Jayje” you whispered, finally letting a few tears fall. “You’re okay, you’re safe now. I’m right here. I’m not going anywhere.”
It’s hard to say how long you sat there with JJ, documenting every mark on her body, every place she’d been harmed. You watched her chest move up and down as she slept, somehow still terrified that she’d stop breathing. So you noticed when her breath changed, and you lifted your head off the bed to stare up at her.
She groaned a bit as she blinked her eyes open, squinting against the overhead lights.
“Hi, baby,” you whispered, trying to keep yourself from crying. Now was the time to be strong for JJ. “Are you in pain? Do you need more meds?”
Her voice was hoarse, and you tried not to think about why, tried not to think about her screaming. “Henry?”
“He’s okay,” you assured her. “He was with me the whole time. I didn’t let him out of my sight until I got the call from Hotch.”
JJ blinked away tears and squeezed your hand feebly. “Oh, Jayje,” you said, your heart aching for her. “It’s okay, baby. You can cry if you need to. It’s okay.”
She sucked in a shaky breath as more tears leaked down her cheeks. You brushed them away gently, letting your hand rest on her cheek, letting her lean into your touch.
“Babe,” she started, her voice still shaking. “If something happens to me–”
Your heart plummeted; you could not think about anything happening to JJ. Things had already happened to JJ, and they were bad enough. “Jayje, you’re safe. They can’t hurt you anymore.”
“Listen.” And her voice was so strong, so determined, you shut your mouth and kept it shut for whatever she had to say. “If something happens to me…” A few more tears dripped down her cheeks, but you kept quiet, waiting for her to finish. “Would you take Henry?”
You didn’t even need to think about it. “Of course, honey. Of course I would. I love Henry.”
She nodded and let out a relieved sigh. You took her hand again in both of yours and kissed it, holding it close to your face. “But I’m not gonna need to take him because you’re gonna be just fine, and he’ll have both of us.”
JJ seemed okay for a moment, her breathing growing steadier, her heartbeat calming. But the tears came again, and this time she couldn’t stop them. Couldn’t stop the sobs that choked their way out, the gasps of air she pulled in as she cried.
“I was so scared,” she said quietly, face red, from the tears or from embarrassment you weren’t sure. But either way, you were not letting your JJ cry in a bed by herself after going through what she’d been through.
You stood quickly, lowering the guardrail on the side of the bed.
“Scoot over a little, honey,” you told her. You crawled into the bed next to her and pulled her gently into your arms, careful not to press too hard anywhere, since you weren’t yet familiar with her recovering body, with the places that caused her pain. She grabbed onto the front of your shirt and buried her face in your chest. And she cried harder than you had ever seen her cry before.
JJ was not one to show emotion, not like this. She worked very hard to keep herself composed. It had taken over a year for her to shed tears in front of you, even longer to truly fall apart. So to have her sobbing on your chest, sobbing so hard she shook, here in this hospital room where anyone could walk in–well, it broke your heart. JJ was usually the protector. She was strong and sure, but this JJ… She was broken and hurt and scared. And you were determined that no one would hurt her again. No matter how long it took, no matter how much help she needed, you would protect JJ. You would take care of her, you would keep her safe until she felt like herself again. And if she never did… Well, that broke your heart, too. But the bottom line was that you loved her. She and Henry were your family. And you would take care of your family. Forever, if needed.
After a while, JJ’s sobs turned into steady, deep breaths, and you realized that she’d fallen asleep. You ran your fingers lightly through her hair, resting your chin on the top of her head, and thought about how grateful you were that she’d come back to you. Even banged up and injured and traumatized beyond belief, JJ was still here in your arms, and for that you’d be forever thankful.
When a nurse entered the room to take JJ’s vitals, he frowned at you. “You know,” he said. “You’re really not supposed to be in the bed with her.”
You glared at him, then whispered in a low voice, your hand pressed lightly over JJ’s ears in hopes that she would stay asleep. “So help me god, if you make me leave this bed, I will call the FBI on you.”
The nurse rolled his eyes. “You can’t do that, ma’am.”
You raised your eyebrows. “Want to fucking bet?”
He raised his hands in defense, finished typing on his tablet, and gave you one last frustrated look before you left. “She might not heal right if you’re in the bed like that,” he mumbled.
And maybe that was true, but you knew that for tonight, for right now, the healing JJ needed to do was right here in your arms. And you would not let her go.
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srldesigns6277 · 9 days
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A less red version of Harry with fans recently (09.14)
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01hmyself · 9 days
09.13 + 09.14 (pt br only
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então, como postei ontem, eu fui pro hospital :3 fui fazer $h em jejum (eu sei, eu sou uma pateta) e já tenho problemas de pressão, ai eu desmaiei e bati a cabeça. fiz radiografia ach q eh o nome e eletron um bglh ass de coracao e nao deu em nada, só fiquei com um puta galo na cabeça e um corte abaixo do nariz KKKKKK mas enfim
mamãe tá monitorando mil vezes mais o q eu como, pq ela nisso viu que me c0rT0 e que eu não ando comendo tanto (e o que eu como eu tento "tirar" de mim fznd exercício/gastando kcal em geral).
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ontem foi isso ai, no final gastei 1.085 +/- de kcals dormindo, bebi 2.9 de agua e andei 2k. mamae me encheu de comida qnd voltamos p casa, falando q eu tava mto magrinha e q tava fraca e tal, sendo que.... meu imc é 24....? meu imc é normal....? masok ne
bom que isso deu um choque de realidade nela sobre eu realmente nao estar bem, e por mais q ela achou q era bobice e q eu so tava ficando mal ass pq meu ex ta estudando na msm sala q eu agr, eu expliquei q ja tava sofrendo ep depressivos fazia meses e tal, ai ela vai ver p me levar p medico p mudar meu remedio (tomo flu0xeT1na).
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hoje foi isso, pensei que seria uma boa ideia comer duas vezes já que na primeira almocei pouco, e minha mae literalmente fez uma MONTANHA DE ARROZ no meu prato ☠️☠️☠️ eu quase vomitei na hr vsfd e ate pedi pra tirar, mas ela ameacou tirar meu celular e contar p meu pai dos c0rt3s :(
enfim, tô terminando meu cafezinho (café depois do almoço é divo sim!!) dps vou tentar estudar coreano e inglês pq tenho prova oral segunda. vou tentar ficar mais de jejum, já que não posso fazer exercícios temporariamente (recomendação do médico eh d ficar duas semanas, mas vou ficar sepah no max uma p nao enlouquece). vou tentar enrolar minha mãe tbm p nao ficar comendo tanto...
sepah enrolo ela enchendo meu uc de frutas "ah mas guto fruta quebra nf-" shhhhhhhh!!! "mas fruta tem calor---" shh!!!! 🤬🤬🤬
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tinsyfairy · 9 days
09.14 food diary ! 🍂
* note this is not intended to encourage anybody or follow my habits i'm just documenting my life and i want to find others who are like me :)
₊⊹ intake limit : 1.3k
₊⊹ water intake : 2L
₊⊹ fast¡ng time : 48 hrs
⌗ breakfast :
– n/a
⌗ lunch :
– n/a
⌗ dinner : salad & fries 🥗
– 3 cups of spinach (17)
– 1/4 green bell pepper (10)
– 2 tbsp feta cheese (35)
– 10 pepperoni slices (101)
– 2 slices of roman tomato diced (2)
– 1 boiled egg (72)
– 20 air fried french fries (~300 est.)
– d¡et c0-ke to cancel it all out !!
> total : 537
other : dessert snack plate 🍫
– warmed fiber one brownie (70)
– 2 SF vanilla wafers (75)
– SF strawberry jello (5)
> total : 150
☆ total : 687
☆ burned : 600 / 17k st–eps
☆ net : 87
— log :
hi friendsss i'm finally back w my accountability logs !! tbh I fell off track and gained a little bit of weight but i'm all good now i'm back down to my post b¡ng3 w3¡ght and after my om4-d today im gonna go back to high intake! :)
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otthonzulles · 7 days
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tényleg ezt vesd össze azzal, hogy a kínaiak súlyos milliárdokat kapnak egy-egy itt szennyező beruházásra
a bejegyzés sem rossz ahova ezt kommentelték, de ez egy mondatban összefoglalta
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Kedves Vendégeink!
Ezúton is szeretnénk bejelenteni, hogy nem támogatjuk tovább élhető országunkat, szombaton 09.14.-én tartottunk utoljára nyitva, mint Medvetáncoltató étterem és pub.
Akármennyire szeretjük ezt a szakmát és szeretünk vendégül látni Titeket, ez már túlszárnyalja a tisztesség fogalmát.
Fizetünk áfát, munkaerőpiaci járulékot, egészségügyi hozzájárulást, szakképzési hozzájárulást, nyugdíjjárulékot, személyi jövedelem adót, szociális hozzájárulási adót, társasági adót, turizmusfejlesztési hozzájárulást (ezt külön kiemelnénk), kamarai hozzájárulást, iparűzési adót, építményadót, élelmiszerlánc-felügyeleti díjat, bérleti díjat, zenei jogdíjat, közteherviselési hozzájárulást, munkabért, rezsit, banki költségeket.
Közben tönkremegy egy hűtő, egy rostlap, emelkedik a nyersanyag, tönkremegy egy emberi élet...
Nem ér ennyit egy álom sem..
Köszönjük szépen a sok bizalmat, a sok nevetést, a sok csillogó szemet és a sok vicces pillanatot. Talán még ebben az életben egyszer kapunk lehetőséget valami jót csinálni.
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(Szolnok legfrekventáltabb utcájában üzemelt ez a hely; néhány hónapja vágott bele az üzemeltető; ugyanebben az utcában bezárt egy másik, régebbi étterem is)
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m-ayoung · 1 year
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◠ ◠    ୨♡୧    pretty BOY  ◍  09.14”
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| ⋆ ˚。⋆ Happy Hannie's Day!!
Locs feitas por ♡₊˚
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chuuuuuuuumy · 10 days
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HAPPY HANNIE DAY!! 09.14 🥳💖🐿🎂🎉✨
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skzdiary · 3 months
☆-masters list-☆
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gdayy, the names rae! you can either call me by my English name or my Korean name:
// - English: Rae
// - Korean: Lee Rae Seolhwa (or solha for short)
I am an ISFJ and my birthday is ????.09.14
y'all are gnarlyyy
my birthday is the same day as hannie's!
I'm natural aussie and born in australia; korean is my second language since my mom is korean .• o
I'm in my teens! (Not revealing age) and I live in Australia
I mostly stan skz but I also support other kpop groups such as: itzy, bts, enhypen, ateez ^^
I love all the boys equally but if I had to chose a bias and wrecker.. I'd say:
// - bias: seungmin
//- wrecker: lee know
l've been to more skz concerts and fan designs that I can remember & my mum heavily supports stray kids as much as I do which makes me so happy that I have a mom who can vibe with me
I'm always active so don't be afraid to either drop a message/worry about anything, I'll be here to support you for anything
I also have socials!
// - tt main: chxnsdiaryy
// - back up tt: minsoceann
// - discord: chxnsdiaryy
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@itzsana-kiddingmenow @jihyosdaughter @felixswifeykyk @soap143 @channieissocute125 @lubieplackieverybody @sugary-sweet-anon @skzooweemama @skz-addict @minnielvrr @leeknowstan33
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iamringo · 9 days
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gilangsugiharta · 1 year
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doucebunny · 2 days
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my week thus far — 09.15.24 through 09.20.24
my 19th birthday was on saturday (09.14) 🎂
it was my first birthday away from my family, as i didn’t have the time to visit home for the weekend. i was a bit down and shed a few tears. nonetheless, i spent the day studying for orgo and completing some coding assignments for my computational neuroscience course.
i also had my first organic chemistry exam on thursday and got an A on it! i was not expecting such a quick turnaround time but i’m glad it was a good grade :) i have a cell bio exam on monday, so we’ll see how that goes…
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srldesigns6277 · 9 days
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Harry with fans recently (09.14)
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maribellec · 20 days
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plasticdreams · 1 year
88 NAME OVER 2020/12/26(土) 00:30:09.14 ID:eZupPcCM0 人間関係をゲームの中でまで作りたくない
スマホ版 「オンラインゲームでも人と関わりたくない、一人で遊びたい」 : 大人のゲーム2ch雑談所
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