0erpro · 3 years
“What did I do?”
Hi! I’m back with angst! ・ᗜ・
Tw! Fighting and screaming! If there are any TWs I should add, lmk o7
| description: saiki and Kusuke are fighting once again and one simple question set off saiki.
“Why don’t you like me anymore? I don’t know what I did wrong!”
“What did you say?” Saiki asked, his voice rang in Kusuke’s head. Standing a few feet away, Battered clothes and his hair was slightly a mess. Heavy breaths could be heard as they stood at the makeshift battle field. They were fighting once again. Kusuke in some sort of high tech machine not breaking a sweat while kusuo was a mess.
“Why don’t we just talk anymore? I don’t know what I did wrong?” The words kusuke said rang throughout the battlefield. Saiki’s eyes never left Kusuke’s machine. “What did I do to lose my little brother?” He repeated the question. Lowering his fighting stance, Saiki stood still.
“Everything.” His words were just a whisper in Kusuke’s mind as he stood there. His head lowered, looking at his dark shoes. They were dirty, dirt and mud was all over his shoes and clothes and himself. Tears formed in his eyes. “What?” Kusuke’s eyebrow lifted up.
“EVERYTHING!” Saiki shouted out loud, fists clenched and eyebrows furrowed together. His voice echoed throughout the field, leaving a crater in the ground as the voice reached Kusuke’s robot. Saiki's voice shook the robot and the creator inside to the core, the robot's knees gave out and the robot fell.
“What… what do you mean?” Kusuke was too scared to get out, he could feel Saiki’s anger in the words he spoke. He has never seen his little brother like this. Saiki stood there, fists clenched and tears rolling down his face.
“You did everything wrong! You were meant to be my brother, not my worst enemy!” Saiki screamed at the robot on the ground, his voice echoing throughout the field.
“What happened to the brother who used to play games with me?” Saiki took a step forward.
“What happened to the brother who used to watch tv with me and made fun of the acting?” Saiki looked directly at Kusuke, who was sitting there stunned.
“What happened to the brother who used to go to that playground with me?” Saiki’s cheeks were stained with tears. All the rage and hatefulness came up and bubbled out of his mouth.
“What happened to the brother that was with me when I started my first day of school and walked with me?” Saiki’s voice was starting to quiver.
“What happened to the brother I looked up to?” Saiki’s emotions took over. He fell to his knees right at the robot's feet. His breathing was uneven. His eyes filled and spilled over with tears. Saiki raised a fist and hit the ground. When his fist Impacted the ground, rocks flew up in the air as the ground cracked and created a small crater where his fist landed.
“What happened to you?” Saiki looked up kusuke. Kusuke didn’t have words to speak besides two words. Two words he should have said a long time ago. Two words he never thought he would ever have to say to his younger brother. Two words that needed to be said.
“I’m sorry.”
Saiki looked up at his brother. Tears rolled down his face and fell on the floor as he tried to calm his breathing.
“No you’re not.” Saiki stood up, cleaning off his shirt and wiping his tears. Fixing his cracked glasses as he stood.
“I do mean it tho! I am-” Kusuke screamed and he got out of the robot and ran towards his brother.
“Stop saying that.” Saiki’s hand shot up. The raise of his hand cut off Kusuke’s sentence. Kusuke stood still as Saiki’s hand stopped him from talking.
“I’m a fool for thinking I should’ve look up to you.” Saiki never looking over at his so-called brother.
“ I used to believe that you were so amazing and smart. I wanted to be like you. Right now though?” Saiki lowered his hand and looked his brother in the eyes. Staring at the man he called his brother and family.
“I want to be nothing like you.” Saiki said, venom in his words as he turned on his heel and started to walk away leaving Kusuke standing there, speechless as tears welled up in his eyes, in the middle of the battle field. The robot behind him never got up again.
“I’m sorry kusuo for not being a better brother towards you. I wanted to be better than you. You were just so much better than me in everything that I wanted to prove to myself I was better than you.” Saiki stopped in his tracks.
“ I forgot that I was your brother. That you looked up to me. That you needed someone there. My mind was clouded with winning an imaginary race. Please forgive me.” Kusuke fell to his knees as he poured his heart out to his psychic brother. He forgot that Saiki was his brother and not just a person he had to beat in this race he made up.
Saiki never said another word as he stood there while kusuke lowered his head. He never said a word as he turned his head back to his brother to see his state. There he was, kusuke, on his knees trying to wipe the tears that fell off his face. Saiki stared at his brother's state as a sigh left his mouth.
“I’ll try.” Saiki’s words bounced in Kusuke’s mind as he looked up, tears still falling down his face. Saiki turned and walked off into the distance leaving his brother behind with his robot and his thoughts.
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0erpro · 2 years
Emmet and Ingo headcannons cuz I can
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Am I writing these cuz I got brainrot of theses nerds? Maybes
Is it cuz I like writing headcannons and seeing others headcannons? Yes
The headcannons will be under this cut so that I don’t clog up your page with my babbling.
Oh and before we start, shippers, kindly fuck off
OK! let’s get start :D
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▲ They have a secret hand shake, it can be very simple like a fist bump, to more complex ones. All I know is that they have one. (I’d like to think it’s a fist bump one like they both hit the thumb top half of their fists then fist bump. I have no clue how to explain it besides that)
▽ I think both Emmet and Ingo have similar, yet different music playlists. Not too similar that you can’t tell the two playlists apart but different enough that you can guess who’s is who’s
▲ they play “ childish” games to decide things. A game of tag through the out of service subway tracks for fun. A staring contest to see who has to take out the trash. Rock Paper Scissors to decide what they if they are cooking or ordering for dinner that night.
▽ under Emmet or Ingo’s giant cuff of a jacket sleeve, you can find a bracelet that Elesa made for them. They are friendship bracelet.
▲ continueing on the beaded friend ship bracelets, When Emmet stims by waving his hands, you can hear the beads clinking off each other. Emmet loves that sound and will probably do that stim to hear that sound.
▽ when Ingo got poofed to hisui, that bracelet confused him as he had never met a Emmet or an Elesa. So he correctly assumed that they were some important people and kept that bracelet very safe tucked into his inside coat pocket or in a satchel.
▲ they have their own language they created when they were tiny train conducters and still use it today to talk over the radios about anything from trainers to watch out for to where something was.
▽ ether both or one of them are transgender. Is this because of some amazing artwork I’ll link here and here? Yes. I can’t un see it
▲ Elesa and the twins will hang out when ever they have free time. Watching shows, vibing, going out to a cafe or just hanging out in the park
▽ dimples, they both have dimples. Emmet’s dimples you can always see because of his smile, but it’s a treat to see Ingo’s dimples. Elesa has a photo on her phone of a off the clock ingo sitting next to emmet on the floor smiling as they watch a movie. Did she tell ingo that she deleted it? Yes. Did she? Nope, that photo is her most prized possession.
▲ when Ingo and Emmet cook together, it’s most likely gonna be a disaster. Not the food, the food would be amazing. The kitchen and themselves on the other hand, would be dirty from flour on the boys faces and hair to unused food on the counter and ceiling. How did that happen? Idk ask them
▽ Elesa #1 fan and #2 fan. They are at most if not all of her shows and constantly tune into her shows and talk show interviews to support her. They would probably be hiding in the crowd wearing merch, not stealing the limelight from their friends.
▲ if they aren’t hanging out with Elesa, it’s their Pokémon they hang out with. Training them, cleaning their poke balls, playing fetch, anything under the sun really.
▽ how do they train if they are both really tough trainers? I hear you asking. Simple, they battle each other to train. In the middle of the battle they’ll shout to each other things to change and what to work on or just some encouragement like “ I’m gonna kick you butt Emmet!” Or “Your not gonna win this one Ingo!” Ya know, encouraging things to say to your brother.
▲ I think because of Emmet love for Julticks, he would be immune to Paralyze because of their static electricity. It feels like a jolt you get when you rub your socks on the carpet and touch the TV.
▽ because of Ingo’s warden job, he has become immune to poison as well. It took a bit for him to become immune, but he got there eventually.
▲ one of them is mildly allergic to peanuts. Do they remember who is allergic to peanuts? Nope, so they both don’t eat them just incase.
▽ I believe their started Pokémon to be a litwick and a Jultick respectful. They absolutely adore their starters and never took them off their team when building their teams and actually built them around their starters so they never have to trade them out.
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I hope you guys enjoyed this! I might do more down the line like some angst headcannons or just ingo/just emmet headcannons. But these were so much fun to write :]
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0erpro · 4 years
Polytechs headcannons? Let’s go!
Reminder! I ship the characters not the irl people. Ie. I ship Mumbo x grian not Oli x Charles ( irl Mumbo and grian)
Both iskall and grian have to drag Mumbo to bed at times. He doesn’t sleep well and if he isn’t sleeping he is normally working on red stone or talking to grumbot and tweaking on his red stone. But they can’t really say anything cuz they all have trouble sleeping at times.
Mumbo and grian showed who grumbot was after awhile of talking about him. Iskall was surprised at how tall he was. Mumbo explained how grumbot worked, you could practically see the stars in his eyes explaining the robot. Iskall could tell that they worked hard on the bot and grew to love him. Grumbot calls him pa, while calling Mumbo and grian dads or fathers.
When Mumbo is actually asleep grian tries and count all of his freckles. When iskall found out he joined in to help his tiny boyfriend. The last number they got to was 584, before Mumbo rolled over in his sleep and they lost count.
Grian and iskall both try and see how long it takes before Mumbo realizes that they are flirting with him. Longest time they got was a full week. What, mumbo is dense spoon.
Mumbo tried to flirt but just ends up flustering himself trying. Both iskall and grian fun it adorable.
Mumbo was actually the one to confess to them both, in season 6. Am I gonna write a one shot real fast and post it later. Ya, cuz my thoughts are running!
Iskall has some trouble showing his emotions. He can read them he just has a hard time showing his emotions to the boys, and they completely understand when iskall just comes up a hugs them. No word just cuddles for however long iskall needs them.
Iskall has fun when kissing Mumbo. Ether pulling on his shirt or tie to bring him down to kiss to climbing on a shulker box and kiss him.
Grian is completely different tho. From flying in a tackling him, to jumping into his arms ( full of things or not Mumbo will catch grian ) to just climbing him like a squirrel. Grian is just a chaotic builder.
Since Mumbo practices jiu jitsu from time to time, iskall started being his sparing partner after he picked it up from watching him. Grian watched when ever they fight cuz it’s fun watching your boyfriends spar. But it’s hard to choose who to cheer for so Grian just cheers for both.
Mumbo is middle spoon. I don’t make the rules.
Iskall is the biggest spoon while Grian is the small spoon in case you were wondering
That’s enough for now! I hope you guys enjoy! Do y’all want more? I’ve been coming up with some grumbot, Grian and iskall headcannons as well so I’ll probably post them later.
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0erpro · 4 years
Grumbot head cannons! Cuz... why not?
Grumbot will sometimes speck in third person. Why? Ask Mumbo he programmed them!
They actually don’t have a mouth. They have a speaker at the base of their neck that acts as their mouth.
His eyes are screens, meaning his pupils can change shape. From shapes to loading circles
He also has sensors on the palms of his hands. They act as his touch as well as a hologram screen if need be.
He has red stone freckles ( like his father) but they act differently to mumbos. While mumbo’s are from him working on red stone and some of the dust staining his skin permanently, grumbot is technically made of red stone. When ever he is showing a strong emotion like excitement, they glow.
As seen in my recent drawing of him showing what he would look with out his shirt, he is powered by a red stone torch. If that torch goes out he “dies” until Mumbo or grian replace the torch.
Going back to his chest, the dial on it act as a overheat scale. If he over heats, goes into red, he automatically shut down as to not break or destroy any red stone inside of him. He cools down by going into the sea.
More on his chest, the heart monitor is just another indicator for the red stone torch and when it needs replaced.
And before you freak out, he is water proof.
His antenna acts on emotion. Angry? The antenna goes zigzag. Happy? Spins it self into a spring etc.
What does he use his diamonds that he gets from his dads? Well, he just saves them. He doesn’t have a use from them has he doesn’t need to buy anything. But if he over hears one of his dads complaining about how low their diamonds stash is, two or three diamond blocks appear in their base. Do his dads know it’s him? No. Does he plan on keeping that way? Yes
tall, like... 9ft? 8ft? Idk, but he tall and can hold Mumbo and grian in his hands. Well, they sit in his hands but still. Tall robo boi
More later?? Most likely cuz I love doing head cannons!
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0erpro · 4 years
Iskall is up next! Here we goo!!
- Iskall is non binary (obviously since irl iskall has said so ) but he normally uses all pronouns such as they/them, he/him and she /her! They don’t really care as long as you respect them for who he is.
- This iskall has fashion. You can’t go into his base without them asking where you got your outfit or just nag you a bit if you wear something off
- They didn’t always have a visor over their left eye. It was actually caused by Iskall building a big mob farm. One thing led to another and he ended up running out of there with an arrow in his eye. Crying, trying to find help. He ended up at Xisuma’s base and he helped out Iskall.
- Later doc and iskall ended up making the visor we all know and love! The visor can come off actually and he’ll take it off to scare hermits.
- His visor can do a multitude of things from showing coordinates to acting as their left eye again to being a communicator. This visor has it all.
- Ok back to fluffy ones! Iskall can and will pick up any hermit. Ether to give them a bear hug or to help the hermits reach something
- Stronk iskall
- He started practicing Brazilian jiu jitsu when he watched Mumbo practice it. After he learned from Mumbo he actually became his sparring partner.
Sorry but that’s all for now!
I’ll hopefully be writing more later! Love you all!
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0erpro · 3 years
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Meet the artist! 0erpro
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0erpro · 4 years
New series coming up for the next few drawings! Mcyts in furit dresses.
This will include: Mumbo, grian, iskall, George, Dream, sapnap, and grumbot.
You guys wound know the order in which they will come but over on my Instagram I’ll be having polls on my story on which fruit will be next in line! After each pose I’ll make a new story with another poll for y’all to pick the next fruit dress.
Hope you guys like the series!
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0erpro · 4 years
Hey guys!
I decided to do something for the fallen and risen au! I’m gonna be posted all and future stories from the fallen and risen au to wattpad! This on in particular so that people can find it easier! don’t worry, all of the future stories will be posted to the ask blog as well as my account here! Warning, this is just my work as I have the rights to my work alone and not zips. Art for the stories as well will be shown there.
^ story book here! ^
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And this is what it looks like!
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0erpro · 4 years
Just getting off work, he is tired, more like exhausted. All he wanted to do was sit under his tree and look at the stars dancing above him. He flew through the night starry sky waiting for his big dark wings to carry him to his tree. His safe spot. Where other demons won't go, where he can be alone. Just him, his phone and his headphones. He wants to wash his worries and fears away. His job deals with a lot of dread and nightmares. He collects them, they look like cotton puffs and are only seen by ethereal beings like himself. He collects these balls of nightmares for his queen, Queen for the underworld to be exact. He wishes he could have a normal job, you know like farming or playing games as day, something other than this. He already dropped his bag at the hive and got his shower to clean off any dread puff off of him and his tail. He found it, his tree. A perfect spot right under the stars, the tree sits upon a hill looking over the city he works in. You can see all the people turning off their lights, heading to bed for the night. Some waking up for a snack, others staying up to talk to their partner who lives across the world. His wings stopped and he glided down to his tree. George sat under the tree he called his safe spot and took out his phone and headphone. A break, finally, today was a long one and he needed the break. He looked out over the busy city and watched as cars raced up and down the street, lights burning out in the windows and lastly, the stars dancing above the city. He felt at home. No one comes up here. He was alone… or so he thought.
George heard a bush branch break behind him. He snapped his attention over to the noise. His wings, ready to flee to safety. He saw a figure get closer and he made out who or what it was. It was an angel. He was taken aback, angels don't come down off their clouds and happiness to come here on earth. Once the angel saw George, he was taken aback as well. Angel’s hair lit up at once seeing the demon. “ Holy shit, it's a demon!” The angel swore in front of him. He was surprised, angels don't swear. “ oh look, an angel that swears!” George said kinda mocking the masked boy in front of him. They both stared at each other until the glow stick spoke up. “Aren't you… gonna kill me?” The boy asked, confused. “Oh, i'm not really… into that.” George explained as he stood up, ready to leave. “ Wait, uh..” the angel walked forward as George was about to take off. “Yes?” George looked back at the nightlight. “Uh.. well, i'm confused. Why aren't you calling your demon men on me to kill me? Aren't demons supposed to be in a group?” He asked. “ Well, yes but I'm off the clock and I just wanted to enjoy the view before I have to go back.” George explained, wings still open, ready for flight. “Well, this was for a big ass dare so, i just need a flower and i'll be on my way mr. Nice demon man.” The angel said looking around. “ George, and you can find some near the road over that, I believe their daisies.” George remarked, closing his wings as he got ready to sit down again. Once the angel came back with a flower in hand, he asked “ who is george demon boi?” Rudely asked the angel. ”Me, I'm george. Mr. Nice demon guy might get me killed, so you can call me george.” He replied, sitting down once again, waiting for the angel to leave. George sitting in the quiet as the wind danced through his hair, thought the angel left. Nope, the angel sat down next to him. “Dream.” “ what?” My name. My name is dream, and don't call me mr. Bad angel, cuz that might get me put on pills” the angel laughed and sat down next to george. He finally got a good look at Dream. Blonde flowing hair washed over his head, a mask fading passed his nose as the mask wore a smile, like a kid drew it on his mask before he left on his mission for a flower. His dark shawl is thrown over his shoulders with ripped jeans leading to his hooves. Dream and George for what seemed like ages, ranting over their boss, learning about each other and the fact they shared a similar problem. If they don't get their act together, they might just end up powerless and purgatory, forever.
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0erpro · 4 years
0erpro Hermitcraft / Minecraft head cannons
- he doesn’t really understand red stone. He knows about it just not what it does. He did make a few farms tho, with a lot of mumbo's help.
- They only have one wing originally, but since you can’t really fly with one wing, he still need the elytra
- He owns a small shop that sells flowers and tree things! From poppy’s to Warped fungi
- He lives in a flower forest next to a swamp, they collect at lot of his flowers from there. Don’t worry tho! He replanted a lot of the ones that people don’t buy after a week in the green house.
- Iskall really likes his horns. He thinks they are pretty bada** even tho they are just for show.
- The Elytra is actually pretty small compared to his wing, he needs to sew the two wings together just to get one big enough to fly instead of glide in a circle
- Him and grian have flying competitions all the time. They are tied right now actually!
- It’s not uncommon for 0erpro to hang out with grumbot. He actually thinks of grumbot as family since the other hermits are older and like family to him as well
- Iskall has thought of training 0erpro in PVP since he can’t fight to save his feathers.
- Tiny boi, around 5’4
- Iskall and him are non binary pals
- He hangs out with grian, grian helps them learn a lot more about building and they can bounce ideas off each other for days on end. They may or may not prank Mumbo and iskall but you didn’t hear it from me.
- They hang out with Iskall, iskall loves hearing their ideas for outfits and 0erpro loves braiding iskall’s hair. Sometime 0erpro will just fly into Iskall base to to check if his omega tree is alive and well
- 0erpro hangs out with Mumbo, mumbo keeps 0erpro around even tho they are like grian with buttons. They are nice to just hang out with especially if Mumbo is working hard on a red stone project.
Will there be more? Probably since this is just for hermitcraft and not for the dream team. More will be out once I finish the hermitcraft side! See you then!
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0erpro · 4 years
0erpro incorrect quotes #1
0erpro: you are never alone if trees are near
Hermit: I can’t tell if this is supposed to be comforting or threatening.
0erpro: that is entirely up to the trees.
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0erpro · 4 years
Soo I’m thinking on making 0erpro ( the pinked hair idoit who I call my avatar) into a Minecraft / hermitcraft oc. Or at least a ver of him into a Mc/Hc oc cuz I’ve been thinking about him hanging out with different hermits and the dreamt team.
Obviously, I’m not part of hermitcraft but I am a huge fan of both fandoms and I want to write some head cannons for what 0erpro does in hermitcraft/ Minecraft. Would y’all mind? It will basically just be an info sheet on the idoit as well as about 5 arts of him hanging out with some hermits/ dream team.
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0erpro · 4 years
REMINDER! My asks are open in case y’all want to talk or even ask me some questions about fallen and risen or 0erpro in hermitcraft. Anything and everything is on the table.
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0erpro · 4 years
I simp over many great fanartists and I really want to be friends with them cuz than we can simp over block men together and just chat about art and shit. But here I am, friends with none of the, besides one birb boi. Tbh, love being friends with a birb
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0erpro · 4 years
0erpro incorrect quotes #2
0erpro: I have two moods. “Sleep is for the weak!” Or “ sleep for a week”
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0erpro · 4 years
Fuck it... Danny DeVito for president. So we can really say “ ya, we gots the trash man for president!” 
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