#1 Johannes 1 : 9
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Vader, ek bely dat ek nie altyd die mens is wat U my geskep het om te wees nie. Ek laat soms na om U met my hele hart, siel en verstand lief te hê. Ek het nie altyd my naaste lief soos U hulle liefhet nie. Vergewe my asseblief, Vader. Herskep my hart en vernuwe my gedagtes sodat ek nader aan U kan kom. In die Naam van Jesus. Amen.
(YouVersion Bybel app)
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snailspng · 1 year
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Random PNGs, part 149.
(1. Tiffany vase from 1879, 2. “Paradysz Gärtlein” by Johann Arndts 1600s, 3. Antique sterling silver tea ball, 4. Hematite var. Kidney Ore, 5. Amulet/medal (?), 6. Early 1300s modillion from the Peratallada castle, 7. 1500s silver and gold watch attributed to Oliver Cromwell, 8. Ladybug (“Your House is on Fire”) by Elizabeth Goluch, 9. Pewter teapot from c. 1900.)
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andishouldntcry · 3 months
czesc chudzinki, siedzialam troche w starych blogach motylkow i znalazlam pare thinspiracji (cytatow) ktorymi chcialabym sie z wami podzielic🦋
1."quod me nutrit, me destruit - co mnie żywi, niszczy mnie
2."porażka nie wchodzi w rachubę"
3."jedz mniej, waż mniej"
4."jesteś tym, co zjadasz"
5."kalorie nie są w stanie cię uszczęśliwić"
6."wszystko jedno, gdzie się żyje raz się
chudnie, raz się tyje"
7."jedzmy mniej, aby inni mieli więcej"
8."jeśli zaczniesz jeść, nie będziesz mogła skończyć"
9."w ogóle nie myśl o jedzeniu i nie jedz:
jedzenie sprawia, że stajesz się gruba"
10."jedzenie jest moim wrogiem"
11."nie wolno mi chcieć"
12."Perfekcja należy się tylko silnym, sama nie przyjdzie, trzeba na nią zapracować..."
13 "Wszystko, czego nie zjesz, sprawia, że jestes blizej ideału".
14 "Ja decyduję o tym, co jem".
15 "Nic nie smakuje tak cudownie, jak świadomość ze chudnę".
16 "Nie pozwól, by jedzenie Tobą rządziło".
17 "Żeby byc wolny, musisz być silny".
18 "Kto powiedział, ze będzie łatwo?"
19. "Cokolwiek potrafisz lub myślisz, że potrafisz, rozpocznij to. Odwaga ma w sobie geniusz, potęgę i magię."~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
20. "Możesz zrobić ze swoim życiem cokolwiek zechcesz, potrzebna jest tylko wiara, odwaga i nieugięty duch."
21. "Wygrywa tylko ten, kto ma jasno określony cel i nieodparte pragnienie, aby go osiągnąć." ~Napoleon Hill
22.  "Wyobraźnia jest początkiem tworzenia. Wyobrażasz sobie to, czego pragniesz, chcesz tego, co sobie wyobraziłeś, i w końcu tworzysz to, czego chcesz". ~George Bernard Shaw
23 "Motywacja jest tym, co pozwala Ci zacząć. Nawyk jest tym, co pozwala Ci wytrwać." ~Jim Ryan
24 "Twój los zależy od Twoich nawyków." ~Brian Tracy
25. "Nie rezygnujmy z marzeń , tylko dlatego , że ich osiągnięcie wymaga czasu... Czas i tak upłynie." 
26. "Nie ważne ile razy upadniesz, ważne, że się podniesiesz i będziesz walczyć dalej."
27. " Minuta w ustach, godzina w żołądku, a całe życie w biodrach."
28. "Odchudzanie to jedyna gra, w której wygrywa ten kto traci. "  
29. "Chwila przyjemności, lata otyłości."
30. "Nogi jak u świni, a spódniczka mini."
31. "Bez walki nie ma postępu."
32. " Zamiast zastanawiać się dlaczego nie możesz czegoś zrobić, znajdź powód, dlaczego chcesz i możesz to zrobić."
33. "Nie chodzi o to, że upadniesz, ważne czy dasz radę wstać."
34. "Być może jestem jeszcze daleko od celu, ale jestem bliżej niż byłam od niego wczoraj." 
35. " W chwilach zwątpienia pomyśl sobie, jak wspaniale będzie czuć się osiągając cel." 
36. "Jeśli zastanowisz się nad tym, aby przerwać dążenie do celu, przypomnij sobie, dlaczego zacząłeś do niego dążyć."
37 "Bo nie chodzi o to, że ja chcę być chuda, ja taka będę." 
38. "Nie przytyłaś w jedną noc, nie licz na to, że schudniesz w jeden dzień."
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rhaenathelesbian · 4 months
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Give me Cersei Lannister and you would see how gentle a woman can be.
happy velaryontines @springwolves <3
1. The Seasons of My Love, composer unknown | 2. Italia und Germania, Johann Friedrich Overbeck | 3. A Clash of Kings, George RR Martin | 4. Cestello Annunciation, Botticelli | 5. The Strangled Woman, Paul Cézanne | 6. A Clash of Kings, GRRM | 7. Fingersmith, Sarah Waters | 8. The Reluctant Bride, Auguste Toulmouche | 9. The Lion and the Mouse, Don Daily | 10. BLUE, Billie Eilish
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tallglasstea · 1 month
Media N Basketball Part 1
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Synopsis: The WNBA’s new Social Media Manager, Amara, heads to Seattle to help improve the Seattle Storms media pages. She has had a big crush on Gabby Williams but avoids her due to rumors that Gabby is dating Marine Johannes.
Please note: This takes place during the 2025 season and this is my first fic in yearsss. Forgive me if I am a bit rusty.
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Thursday July 11, 2025
Third P.O.V
It’s almost the halfway point of the 2025 WNBA season and Amara couldn’t be more excited. She has officially been at the W for 9 months and has been having the time of her life. Still getting the hang of things, but overall she loves her coworkers and just the overall environment. Witnessing the 2025 draft and seeing all the college stars getting drafted and to just know that she was really a part of the big moment will always be a core memory for her.
Being based in NYC meant that she helped the Liberty, Sun, and Mystics a lot with their social media pages because she was so close. Providing a new and fresh outlook on their pages, the team's pages have grown exponentially. The Liberty has grown to 1.2 million on Tiktok and 2 Million on Instagram. The Sun to  600K on Tiktok and 400K on Instagram. The Mystics to 724K on Tiktok and 527K on Instagram. Teams immediately took notice of the newfound fanbases and the rest enlisted to have Amara flown out to help their teams.
Amara’s first stop would be Seattle Storm with her favorite (and closest) coworker Destiny. Despite having Jewell, Nneka and Nika, the Storm could not seem to grow their fan bases on social media. Amara couldn’t help but feel nervous as her personal celebrity crush was also on the Seattle Storm this season.
Amara’s P.O.V 
“Gworllll are you excited to go to Seattle?!?” Destiny nudged Amara’s shoulder while they were settling on the plane to take off. “Your favorite girl is going to be there.”
“Pleaseeee stop. This is work, we need to stay professional.” I tried to keep my resolve but I couldn’t help to smile when thinking about my little crush. “Plus I heard that she is dating Marine Johannes so that dream is dead anyways.” Maybe if I said it enough then my little crush would fade away. ‘But she looked soo fine during the 2024 Olympics,’ I thought to myself.  
“Mmchttt” Destiny rolled her eyes and rolled over to close her eyes. I was tired too and we had a long flight ahead of us, so I might as well get some rest. 
Friday July 12, 2025
Destiny and I are headed to the Storm’s new practice facility, and my anxiety is through the roof. Not very demure nor mindful of me huh? I love working for the W but it’s still very nerve wracking having to meet new people and new teams. Especially women as tall and beautiful as them. I’m not short but I’m not exactly tall either, standing at a cool 5’6. I was so into my thoughts I didn’t even realize that destiny was talking to me until she started snapping in my face. 
“Yoooooo is there anyone there? Bitch are you on autopilot?!” Destiny continuously snapping in my face. I mush her with my free hand. “Don’t snap at me! Anywhore what were you saying?” I asked. “What type of content are we starting with? Since we are almost there, I want to prepare,” she replied. Looking at the GPS, I realize that she is absolutely right. 2 minutes away. What if I crash this car right now? I'm kidding, I'm kidding (sort of, not really). I’m thinking what would be the best video to start showcasing their personalities. “I think we should do the rapid fire questions for each of the players. We should probably feel them out and kind of gauge what they are comfortable with answering and they aren’t,” I stated after a few beats. “ I call dibs on Nneka, Nika, Victoria, Mercedes, Joyner and Sami.” I wanted to make sure that I didn’t really have to interact with Gabby, my stalkerish ass could just admire her from a distance. Destiny looked at me bewildered as we pulled in front of the facility. “You evil bitch, I can’t believe you called dibs,” she laughed as we got out of the car. 
The walk from the car ride to the main practice gym was short but felt like it took forever.
We had unloaded our equipment and were waiting outside the gym for the General managers and coaches. We, mainly I, didn’t want to just bust in on their practice while Destiny wanted to do exactly that. Once we introduced ourselves to the GMs and coaches, we told them our game plan for content. I took a deep breath, as the doors to the gym opened. Here goes nothing…..
To be continued….
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Sooo what did we think? I know I’m rusty so don’t eat me up toooooooo bad. I was trying to make it short but I figured it would be better as a multi-part fic. Please let me know what y’all think! Since there was nothing not even hcs on Gabby I figured I would start some of my own.
If y’all like my writing style, I would like to open myself up to WNBA requests along with other womens sports.
Welp see ya soon bookies!
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The one with Jack not wearing his suit (Jack out of his uniform)
Music and clip bits in this video:
1. Greg J Walker - All of You (Duet)
2. Monty Norman Orchestra - James Bond (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
3. David Hasselhoff - Baywatch Theme Song
4. Alannah Myles - Black Velvet
5. Henry Mancini - The Pink Panther Theme
6. Johannes Brahms - Lullaby
7. Wimbledon Tennis Theme - Purple and Green
8. Marvin Gaye - Let's Get It On (instrumental)
9. Mic Lowry - Tuxedo
10. Derek Fiechter - Cobra Desert
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lifes-line · 6 months
In honor of the Adventure Zone and the suffering game coming out soon I’m gonna talk about the moments in The Adventure Zone that got me the most emotional
Obviously spoilers for the Adventure Zone
5. Johann the Bard’s death
This one I think caught the majority of TAZ fans off guard. Whenever an NPC died.. it was always during the events of recovering a grand relic - never after the mission. It’s like-
Johann was here. And then he wasn’t.
And most people grew very attached to Johann during the episodes and arcs of making fun of him, asking if they’re ok with being forgotten, him and his relationship with the Void Fish— and to include this with my number 5
4. Meeting Lup
Now- not when Lup was freed from the Umbra-staff and called out her brother for being gay, while that was a funny as fuck moment, that’s not what I’m referring to.
It’s when we cut back to the Stolen Century and we meet Lup officially for the first time. I just remember hearing her speak for the first time and her antics and I remember being like “god.. she’s just like her brother.”
And we get to know her and it’s like- we also find out she is nothing like Taako. She’s more empathetic to people - to strangers- she’s smarter than him(like book smart) , SHES a nerd, she flamboyant and kindhearted and it’s like also-
We’ve known her forever. She was in every single adventure the boys had- she was this overwhelming presence in the entire podcast - from her name burnt into the wall, to “where’d you get that umbrella?”, to flying to Taako’s aid every time he was in trouble— she had always been a character without a name or face to her and then we she is finally formally introduced you just love her instantly.
That’s amazing writing.
3. Arms outstretched
Now this got everyone.
It was such a powerful moment between brothers and between friends- even Griffin didn’t see it coming.
He fully expect them to just let Magnus float off into the astral plane but then they change the entire plot of the story and saved Magnus and brought him back.
Taako and Merle both using a spell slot to bring back their bestfriend. Also foreshadows to their deeper connection back in their stolen century.
The music behind that scene was also fucking phenomenal it was beautiful and I loved it.
2. “You fucking took everything from me”
Ok SO- THIS ONE IS INCREDIBLE- it starts me on the same tangent every time.
In this moment Taako has fully remembered all of the events that happened before Lucretia erased their memories and he is fucking infuriated.
Because if Lucretia had not done it that day- Taako and Barry would’ve found Lup. THINK ABOUT IT - that day they were going to check Wave Echo cave- they would’ve found Lup’s corse and the red robe and the umbrella - Taako would’ve made the connection and Barry would’ve figured it out instantly and Lup would’ve been set free and back.
But because Lucretia did it they never went to WaveEcho cave and they never found her- until a decade later- Taako found her stupid and unknowing - took her umbrella and watched her skeleton decay- AND NOW HE REMEMBERS THIS
And it’s too late to go back to WaveEcho now, the fucking hunger is here and her corpse is long gone, if she was a lich barry would’ve found her by now, and if she was in Phanadalin- it was all glass now - where could she have gone?
Taako is realizing silently what Barry isn’t aware of- Lup was right there. SHE WAS RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM- and he couldn’t find her, he couldn’t save her.
In this moment of rage Taako realizes his sister is gone. She’s never coming back. Lucretia took his everything from him.
And it’s all her fault.
1. Magnus’s death
Now. The day I finished TAZ Balance edition, at 9:38PM, I cried myself to sleep. OF COURSE I DID
Magnus, rushing in to everything because he ultimately wanted to die a crazed hero so he could see his wife again but still feel like he died doing something worth it just for her, who never loved another ever during his years alive, who turned down the temptation of his own relic because if he was going to see his wife again he wanted her to be proud of him, Magnus Burnsides whose ultimate destination and goal was to see the love of his life again.
And he finally did.
Magnus got the happy ending he truly deserved.
Magnus Burnsides is the most relatable character in all of the Adventure Zone(to me at least) I love and cherished him like he was truly my friend- so when he dies at the end of the podcast I cried like I was grieving a real person.
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pengiechuu · 12 days
Servamp fanmade popularity poll results
Here are the results for the popularity poll I made last week!
18th place
Hugh - 1 vote
Marry - 1 vote
Yully - 1 vote
Sagami - 1 vote
Eisuke - 1 vote
Mitsuki - 1 vote
Hattori - 1 vote
Koyuki - 1 vote
Yoshimasa - 1 vote
Shirayuki - 1 vote
Yamane - 1 vote
Shifumi - 1 vote
Mikado - 1 vote
Hokaze - 1 vote
Mikage - 1 vote
17th place
Lilac - 2 votes
Crantz - 2 votes
Tiramisu - 2 votes
Junnichiro - 2 votes
Ryusei - 2 votes
Ophelia - 2 votes
16th place
Tetsu - 3 votes
Higan - 3 votes
Gilberto - 3 votes
Rayscent - 3 votes
Bad B - 3 votes
Good B - 3 votes
Cappuccino - 3 votes
Shuuhei - 3 votes
Yumikage - 3 votes
Tooru - 3 votes
Miyako - 3 votes
15th place
Guildenstern - 4 votes
Iori - 4 votes
Johannes - 4 votes
14th place
Misono - 5 votes
Belkia - 5 votes
Shamrock - 5 votes
Sensei - 5 votes
Akira - 5 votes
13th place
Touma - 6 votes
12th place
Ildio - 7 votes
11th place
Freya - 8 votes
Lily - 8 votes
Niccolo - 8 votes
Sakuya - 8 votes
Otogiri - 8 votes
10th place
Inner Kuro - 9 votes
Tsurugi - 9 votes
9th place
Izuna - 10 votes
Yotarou - 10 votes
8th place
Licht - 12 votes
7th place
Gear - 14 votes
6th place
Tsubaki - 15 votes
5th place
Mahiru - 17 votes
Hyde - 17 votes
4th place
Kuro - 22 votes
3rd place
Kiriko - 61 votes
2nd place
Jeje - 113 votes
1st place
Mikuni - 331 votes
Thank you to everyone who participated, it was fun to see who everyone picked!!!!
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Vader, vergewe my oor die tye toe ek u roeping gevoel, maar nie opgetree het nie. Oortuig my van enige area in my lewe waar ek U nie volg nie. Dankie vir die gawe van tweede kanse en dat U getrou is. Lei my terwyl ek strewe om ander meer te dien en lief te hê. In die Naam van Jesus. Amen.
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levis-coffeecup · 2 months
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chapter 28| The Aftermath
The underground is filthy and dark. Dim lights, dull alleys, and desperate hearts. A place Levi knows as well as the back of his hand, and a place he would do anything to get out of.
Chapters of life roll by and with the turn of a page, things drastically change. In front of him is the opportunity to live on the surface. And the flimsy bridge that he has to cross. From an uncivil criminal to a disciplined soldier.
But life on the surface seems tougher amidst all the mockery, civilities, and the gaping hole left in his heart, after the demise of his dear friends Isabel and Farlan.
canon- compliant, canon-typical violence, spoilers for No Regrets OVA, descriptions of PTSD, grief, depression, heavy angst and themes, strong language, self-hate, physical assault.
Author’s Note
Hiii guyssss,
This is the last chapter of the storyyy! And I can't wait for you guys to read it! (it's so hard to believe that I've finally completed this)
To everyone who's continued to put up with my erratic updates, I am so so grateful to have you here!! I hope this story was as enjoyable for you to read, as much as I enjoyed writing it!
This chapter takes place after the Rumbling, (aftermath refers to the aftermath of the Rumbling)
I hope you like this chapter as well! And this ending gives you all the feels lol!
Song for this chapter is The Joys And Sorrows Of Life by Johannes Bornlöf
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Masterlist | Playlist | Other Works
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JUN 854
The city of Jinae looks different without the walls.
The sun is scorching, and the streets are a blur of the heat waves rising from the cobblestone. And somewhere in the distance, someone argues about the morality of the Rumbling.
Mae is tired, maybe it's the afternoon heat, or maybe it's just the baby in her tummy that has made her womb so big. She drags her feet through the alleys of the market, wiping the sweat on her forehead with the back of her hand.
The produce looks fresh, excellent for the apple pie she's planning to make.
Raz trails behind her too, with a pained look on her face. She rests her hands on her knees, taking a moment to catch her breath. "Mae...You need to be at home resting... Instead of wandering in this horrible heat for a pie you want to make."
Mae halts for a minute, throwing a wistful look ahead at what's left of her lover. "But I want to make something for Levi... Don't you see how miserable he looks? He's not even spoken a word to me since he's come back from his mission."
And Raz presses her lips into a thin line, silencing her frustration.
"You know, the smell of my pies always made him happy. He would always take an extra slice when I wasn't looking." A warm smile crawls on Mae's face, and she remembers all the good times spent over pies and tea.
Her gaze falls down at the growing swell of her stomach. It's huge now, so huge that she can't see her toes when she looks down. And a cheeky grin spreads on her face.
She can't wait to make pies for both him and their child.
"Mae please," Raz sighs, tears well up in her eyes, and she increases her pace and catches up to her. "It's painful to watch you like this."
"Don't worry about me Raz," She beams with pride. "I'll be patient with him, I've always been patient with him."
What stands in front of her, is a ghost of what Levi used to be. His face is gaunt and pallid, and his sunken eyes are filled with emptiness. And yet she smiles back at him, patient and faithful.
The love in her eyes never fades, no matter what condition Levi might be in.
A couple meters away from her is an old lady sitting with baskets of apples. "Don't these apples look wonderful!" She exclaims, hoping to pull a reaction out of Levi.
The old lady smiles. "They are very juicy and crunchy, the best batch we've got in months."
"Ahh!" Mae exclaims. "It would make an amazing pie filling then, am I right?" She looks at him again, but no matter what she does, the lifelessness in his gaze never changes. And his mouth still remains pressed in a grim line, devoid of any hint of a smile.
Her patience runs thins, and her pregnancy hormones catch the best of her,
"You know it's rude not to reply back, DON'T YOU?" She yells, agitated. She's dripping in sweat, carrying her 6 month pregnant belly, and he can't even acknowledge her presence.
The people around her turn, caught off guard by her sudden outburst.
And Raz pinches the bridge of her nose. "MAE STOP IT!."... She scolds, as she grabs her wrist, and drags her towards the end of the market.
The walk is short and soon the scenery changes. The liveliness of the market drifts into the haunting silence of a cemetery.
And Raz pulls Mae through the hundreds of headstones planted over the grass, until she finds the one of the Lance Corporal. She knows the route like the back of her hand now.
The Lavender flowers they kept on his grave 2 days ago have wilted.
And Mae shudders as she steps closer to it. All her illusions shatter and she's held hostage to the cruelty of the world once again.
"N-No Raz," her voice crumbles, and she takes a step back, nodding her head in denial. " H-he was s-supposed to come back after the w-war."
The silence is haunting. And Mae recalls seeing this scene a million times before, in the dreams that would terrorize her sleep.
"I-its a bad dream... it's just a bad dream." she croaks, almost tripping on another gravestone behind her.
And she waits for Levi's arms to pull her out of this never ending nightmare. She waits to feel his tight embrace.
But there's only silence.
"He wouldn't have left me alone." The disbelief in her voice is palpable.
This is the reality of war. Some are lost, some are sacrificed, and some survive.
But rarely, do they remain whole enough to thrive.
"Enough of this foolishness Mae," Raz snaps.
It's the same routine everyday. With Mae pretending that Levi is next to her and alive, and Raz dragging her to his grave until she breaks down over and over again.
Her fingers latch onto Mae's wrist and she pulls her away. "It's been 2 weeks, and y- you need to take better care of your child.... come home with me right now."
But Mae stands paralyzed,overrun by the possibility of what could have been.
Her mind drowns in dissonance, and her heart outrightly rejects the thought of him leaving.
They were supposed to have two kids. They were supposed to open his tea shop as well. There were dreams she had nurtured with so much patience.
So how did they wilt before they got the chance to bloom?
And how did the plans she held so close to her heart become unattainable?
She feels numb. And she hides her voice in a broken whisper. " H-he can't leave me Raz... I-I gave him everything I could... A-all my love... All my e-energy a-and time."
Far away on the ground, lies a crumbled newspaper.
'Humanity's Strongest shattered to pieces due to a thunder spear explosion' it says. And just below the heading is an illustration of him, bleeding on the grass with scars on his face, and 2 fingers amputated.
The earth trembles. The lavenders grieve beneath their violet blooms. And the roses quiver by the tombs, lamenting the departed who rest beneath the hush of the graveyard.
"Fine then," Raz resigns, as she starts walking away ."If you're gonna keep being such a wreck then go be it. Come back to me when some sense has been knocked into your skull."
And Mae turns to the stone that is left of her lover. The moment draws, there's silence, loss and an unfinished promise.
Its gray falls dull compared to his eyes.
And then she breaks. Falling to her knees on the grass.
Grief leaks from her so violently, it frays her voice.
She sobs like a child who's lost in the dark. And his name falls from her lips like a dying wish. She whispers it over and over, as if saying it enough could bring him back.
Her ears crave to hear his voice. But there's nothing.
Languidly her arms drape around his stone. But the stone is cold. And Levi Ackerman is gone
A shining star in the colossal sky. So beautiful, so unattainable.
And just like she'd told him that day, he ran too fast. He left her behind.
When she opens her eyes again, there's rage in them. She wants to scream. She wants to hurt all over her body like it does deep inside her heart.
"You didn't come back to me, Levi," Her bitterness burns her into the edge of destruction and she punches his stone, until it makes her knuckles bleed. "How dare you break my heart like this?"
The wind turns cold, and darkness envelopes.
The grass is lush, and below that is Levi.
With no more loyalties, promises and responsibilities.
For years she loved the remnants of him. What was left of him after the Survey Corps took his best.
There were tales he didn't pay attention to. There were letters he didn't respond to. And she waited for years, hoping that one day he would come back with his duties behind him.
But the war consumed him before she ever could.
She didn't even get to see his body, before he got buried underground.
"I was saving all along to buy you your tea shop," Her voice shatters... "I almost had the entire amount." She traces over the carving of his name on his stone.
The walls are gone, and the world is at peace, but there's chaos in her life. And peace shall never touch her, not when the pain of losing her lover drags her into hell.
"What sins am I being punished for?" She weeps. Damned, absolved, condemned by her love. "Why am I always the one being left behind?"
The petals of the Lavenders she kept, fly off with the wind. The cold claws at her skin.
The road back is long and home is nowhere to be found.
And Mae lays down on his grave, with the harrowing void in her heart. Hoping the god of death blesses her with a visit soon, just like he did to her lover.
The Survey Corps headquarters stand long forgotten.
The bricks, once a vibrant red, have faded to a muted rust, some crumbling and others overtaken by ivy and moss. The windows are translucent now, their glass fogged with grime, and dust.
The sun is long gone, and the headquarters look ghastly. But Mae doesn't want to go back to Raz, not when the sight of her and her husband living happily burns holes through her heart.
It takes her all of her strength to open the heavy door. The handles are rusted, and a cloud of dust welcomes her as she manages to push it open.
The interior of the headquarters is doused in darkness.
The fire from the torches is long blown off. The air is thick with the scent of decay and there's dust everywhere.
These hallways that were once vibrant with laughter and activity, are now soulless. Everyone's gone and an eerie silence has taken their place.
Levi would have hated seeing things this way.
Soon she reaches the gate of his quarters, and her heart shudders as she pushes it open.
The darkness is overwhelming, but she walks into it nonetheless. Just like the cemetery, grief awaits her here too,
All the time she's spent in these quarters makes them familiar. And even through the darkness she manages to walk to Levi's desk and pull a candle out from the first drawer.
The room comes alive with the flickering light of the candle. AndMae's eyes rove around, vision blurred with tears.
The ghost of his love haunts the bedroom, ever present in the bed that they made love in, and the couch where countless minutes were spent in silence.
It's a bitter reminder of how much she has lost.
And she wants to trash this place around.
His promise to save the world, ended up destroying hers.
And now she doesn't know how to live anymore.
Her grief comes crashing down on her, all over again. And Mae sulks, close to regretting her decision to be with him years back.
His room is exactly as she remembers, with a single bed under the window, and a small wooden cupboard on the opposite end.
And as she walks closer to it, her attention is caught by the fabric of his shirt that is pinched between the doors of his cupboard. He must have left in a rush.
She walks towards it, to shut it close. But as she opens the doors, a pile of his clothes falls to the floor.
He must have really left in a hurry, unless someone came in and snooped into his room.
It's a bit of a struggle to bend down, with her pregnant belly. But Levi hates messes and so she sits amidst the clutter of his clothes. Folding them in the same meticulous way he did it.
And that's when she notices the big cardboard box far at the back, kept at the bottom shelf.
It's probably all his belongings or a dump of his paperwork, but she pulls it out nevertheless, hoping to find anything that could give her closure.
The box is heavy and she puts it down on the floor.
The first thing she sees are all the letters she's ever written to him. Stacked in a tidy pile, in one corner.
Her breath catches in her throat. And the more she sifts through the box, the more she realizes that everything inside is just about her.
There's an empty box of a premium tea she got him for her birthday, and there's containers of all the spices she would get to make his food at the Survey Corps less bland.
There are books that she would read to him, and even a tag of a pair of socks she got him for the winters.
Her hands start to tremble.
Levi has preserved everything she's ever given him. Even the dried petals of the flowers she would gift him on his birthdays are neatly kept in an envelope.
Time slows down- and every moment is like a stab through her heart. Their entire journey as lovers passes through her eyes in a painful flash.
And she remembers being beyond the moon when she heard about the successful mission in Marley. Levi was alive, and he'd come back valiant.
She couldn't wait to see him again.
But then he wrote her a letter saying that Sasha was dead and to keep her distance, since Zeke was around.
She never thought that was the last time she would hear from him.
Everything that she once held close has been snatched, ripped apart from her heart. His presence has assimilated back into the soil that he came from
And she can only suffer, until she forgets the texture of his voice, and the butterflies she gets from his calloused touch.
It feels like the weight of the world has come crashing down on her shoulders. The feeling is agonizing. And she buries her head into the teddy bear she gifted him on the day he was shifting.
At the bottom of the box is an unassuming white envelope. It's paper isn't yellow like that of all her letters. And she gulps as she sees her name written on top of if, in his neat handwriting.
It feels heavier than usual, and her hand trembles as she breaks the seal open.
Inside is a single sheet of paper, folded neatly. And as she tilts the envelope to take the letter out, something metallic tumbles out, clinking softly against the floor.
Her eyes widen, and she slaps her hand over her mouth.
It's a wedding ring.... the same expensive, pearl ring that she saw in the market at Mitras.
Guttural sobs leak out of her mouth, and she wonders if the clenching inside her heart will ever stop. Because right now, her grief feels larger than the life she has ahead of her.
And with the last of her strength she opens his letter and reads it.
To my dearest Mae,
I remember the last time I was with you. The morning before I left
There was a heaviness in the air, wasn't it? You were busy making breakfast for me. And I could see the sadness that you were trying so hard to hide. For some reason I was scared to wipe your tears away, because a part of me knew I was the reason behind it.
It pains me to see you sad. It pains me to be away from you as well.
Today as I'm writing this, the world around me is on the brink of collapse. The future is so uncertain, and we don't know if Eren is on our side anymore.
I can't seem to read through anyone's intentions. Zeke is still an emotionless bastard, pretending to have compassion. And Eren... for once all the sacrifices I made seem useless. My squad died for this... Erwin died for this. A war seems inevitable, yes... and that is the only thing I'm sure of.
But this letter is not about me, it's about you.
War....Its destructive, its quick decisions taken against the fear clawing your mind. Its finding a way to win with a blade pressed to your neck. It's something you can never process until it finally ends.  All my life I've known war. All my life I've won things through violence. I've taken quick decisions, not having too much time to ponder. But I hope you know that after a million of quick decisions and unforeseen hurdles , you're the only one that's felt right.
Sometimes I wonder how I got to have you by my side for so long. I can't believe we've come so far together. But I believe my luck has run out and my reprieve is over. I'm a sinned man after all.
Lucky would be the man, who gets to come home to you.
All my life I've known to survive. But you taught me to take a break and live. Thank you for staying by my side, when I gave you a million reasons not to.
You asked me if I believed in the afterlife. And I said yes, because somewhere the concept of all the people I have lost being together, and me having the chance to meet them, gave me comfort. But what is gone is gone. It can never come back. And fantasies like the afterlife hardly bring much solace to me, now that I stand at the edge of this war.
But I still hope that one day I get to meet you again. If not in the afterlife, then in another lifetime perhaps.
If you're reading this letter, then I'm probably dead. There's now way I'd let anyone touch this letter if my body was alive.
So go and be with someone, who'll have the courage to wipe your tears away. Go be with someone who'll be able to give you the love that you gave me. Be with someone who'll write you letters everyday.
The promise we made that night is still etched in my head. And you know how I am with my promises. You best believe that I've kept my part and now it's time for yours.
This letter is long, I can't believe I've written all this much. I hope it makes up for all the things I've kept bottled all along.
This journey has been painful, but if given a choice, I would do it all over again.
I hope that we have left this world a better, a safer place.
So go, live your life. I know you have a habit of sulking, and you're probably crying as you're reading through this. So stay with Raz and be kind to yourself.
Go walk on the grass, when the sunlight is warm.
I'll be watching over you.
-Yours always,
The sunlight slithers past the gaps in the curtains, forcing the darkness of the bedroom to fade away.
The light is overbearing and unwelcome. And Mae struggles to blink her eyes open.
It's been a week since she's caged herself in his room. And she's still here, lying in a pile of his clothes that are slowly losing his scent.
She believes she's cried so much that she's out of tears.
It feels like the pain she feels, has found its abode in her heart and permanently
settled there.
She's lost the privilege of being able to trace over his scars. Or taste his lips as she captured them in a kiss. She'll never be able to hear his voice again. And no amount of memory can make her feel the warmth of his skin.
He's gone from this world, and she has lost him forever.
The storm that ripped her life apart, has finally settled down, and Mae is getting used to living in the destruction it has caused.
She believes that the entire world's grief has been spilt through her eyes.
And the state of Levi's room tells. It's as chaotic as her mental state.
There are pages scattered all over the floor. His cupboard is open, and its contents are littered all around. The bed is a mess as well, filled with the clothes Levi once used to wear. And his blanket is wadded at the foot of the bed.
It's quiet as usual, devoid of the sound of his movements. Outside the window, a twig from a tree drops to the ground.
And Mae watches its fall, still devoid of the strength to step out.
Knocks on the door startle her and she stirs, forcing herself to get up. It's probably Raz.
She came looking for Mae, the next day, awfully guilty and embarrassed for leaving her all alone at the cemetery.
Raz was nice enough to get her food twice everyday. Without her, Mae's corpse would have been rotting on the bed.
But what awaits her on the other side of the door is not Raz. Instead, in front of her stand two burly men, armed with guns in their hands.
They size her up and the mess of the room behind her.
She must be someone close to the Captain. Her state can tell.
All of a sudden, one of the two is stepping closer. With his fists balled at his sides, and an evident scowl on his face. "Who were you to that Traitor of a Captain?" he spits.
And Mae narrows her eyes at him.
They called him a hero before and then they called him a traitor.
The courageous captain. He was rude and selfless, deadly and kind. Proud, humble, strong-willed and reckless. And he was also so much more.
He was the lives he carried on his tired shoulders. He was the strength to keep moving forward even in the moments that broke him
But at the end of the day, when he took off his ODM gear, and stood in front of her without the weight of the world on his shoulders. In his scarred skin, and his broken bones. With the tidiness of a maniac and the patience of a ticking bomb.
It didn't take a genius to realize that Levi was so much more than the glory of his battles.
All of a sudden Mae can taste the salt of her tears on her lips. "He wasn't a traitor...He fought for humanity, all of humanity," she chokes.
He was his bravery, but he was also his restless mannerisms. He was the piece of his mom's gown that he wore as his cravat. And he was the pink on his cheeks when she called him beautiful. There were parts of him that were only hers to love, and to accept.
He was her pride and joy. Her hope in this godless world. And if the Yeagerists weren't around, maybe Levi could have gotten some medical assistance and survived.
"If you are one of the Yeagerists, you're not welcome here." She hisses, absolutely appalled. And then her voice turns into something sadder. "It's not like he can harm you anymore."
And just as she's closing the door, the other soldier steps in, putting his body in the closing gap.
It doesn't take him much strength to push the door open. Afterall he is a member of the military and she's weak from all her grief.
Mae's eyes widen with fear. She would have never thought they would stoop low enough to hurt a pregnant woman.
But he has a softer look on his face, which somehow contradicts his rough appearance. "Ease off, miss. We're not Yeagerists." And then he throws a glare at the soldier before he huffs. "Also Samuel... cool down please."
"We're not Yeagerists, but it wasn't fair for Commander Hange to kill her comrades, and to side with the outside world." Samuel scoffs, brimming with resentment.
Turmoil is thick in the Eldian Empire now. There's always been two sides of a coin, and hostility has spread its claws, holding it's people in the vice grip.
"Sorry, his brother was killed at the Paradis Harbour... in the fight to take the flying boat."
And Mae stays quiet, replaying his words in her mind. She has no consolation in her heart for his loss. The flying boat took off... but Hange never came back, nor did Armin, Mikasa or Jean... For all she knows, they were also crushed, just like the outside world.
Ships were sent two days after the Rumbling to see what was left of the world. But it's been a month and there hasn't been an update yet.
Guess that tells plenty about the extent of destruction caused by Eren. She can't believe she used to once feed snacks to that nervous little child.
"We're the Royal Queen's guards." The calmer soldier speaks out again. "My name is Claus. And we're here to empty out the headquarters... The Survey Corps no longer exists, and so it's the Queens Order-"
"The Captain's belongings will go nowhere." Mae cuts him off. " I'm taking everything with me."
And Samuel laughs sardonically, eyeing her pregnant womb. "And who exactly are you to the captain... a road gig? I'm pretty sure the Captain never married anyone."
And Mae knows she's supposed to defend herself. But she can't. The thought of putting together a few words makes her feel like she's going to plummet.
The world has given her so many trials. It has tested her at every age. She's tired now, so tired that she just wants to rest.
Get up and face the world. The message comes to her like a ray of light, in pitch blackness.
Get up and face the world. That's what Levi has always done.
It's as if she can hear his voice thrum somewhere in the back of her mind.
And that's what she will do. For the part of him that's growing inside of her.
She raises her right hand to make their allegations stop. And the pearl ring in her finger shines bright in the sunlight.
"I'm the widow he left behind."
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Author's note:
I see you've made it to the end:)
I know some of you must be surprised with Levi being dead, but Floch was the only one who thought Levi might still be alive, and Floch died, so I think the news that would have gone out to the newspapers would be of Levi dying.
Also let me know if Mae being pregnant came out of nowhere.
I had left small clues of Mae being pregnant in the last chapter (her crying so much because Levi was leaving and wanting him to stay, and her placing his hands on the swell of her belly). Don't know if it was obvious though, please let me know if I should mention it more directly in her thoughts in the previous chapter.
Please let me know what you thought of this chapter. Any comments really make my day, and I would love to know what you thought of the fic!
Many thanks!
Also since I'm a graphic designer and I really want to get into illustration, I will make a book cover for this book and get one copy printed for me (let me know if you would be interested to see that, just incase)
(PS: this is not the last chapter lol. I was just messing with you all lol. Last chapter will be out in 2-3 weeks as I'm still not done with it)
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anzuhan · 5 months
april end innovade update (and possibly one of if not final update)
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this was the first month in which i've only drawn one out of all trinities (michael only) (-)
the draw rate has raised since last month's 2.04 to 2.16/day (+)
first time ive drawn a piece including all innovades i tend to usually draw (+)
first time inclusion of 'others' (with the miku innovade designs) (+)
still only drew least drawn innovade a single time (sky) (-)
total drawn - 249
per innovade:
tieria - 59
laetitia - 15
regene - 23
revive - 19
bring - 18
divine - 17
anew - 14
sky - 6
hiling - 33
ribbons - 41
michael - 9
johann - 3
nena - 3
other - 2
ending note / long ramble about the whole situation
its been a long while huh 😭 exactly 4 months. minus a day ! on a year with a longer february as well, nonetheless. its been fun, but i may stop drawing them now; not to say natsume has utterly obliterated my love for innovades inside of my brain (though i thought of announcing it this way with a funny headline like BREAKING NEWS ! natsume has murdered the entire species of innovades in cold blood. we are sorry for the inconvenience), but also as of late it did sort of become a bother to draw them; mostly because of the keeping track of it as well and because i did not want the draw rate etc to drop. i did get to 1/4th of my goal.. minus one ! im not saying i will NEVER be drawing them ever again, but i doubt ill be keeping track of it anymore — alongside that, i do not think i will be drawing them almost at all anymore either (now, for a while. but they may still appear here and there from time to time.. as all my past fandoms do), so if you were only here for them and not me & my works, feel free to unfollow. i will still be up to have talks about them ! but i just wont devote such a high amount of time and effort to them anymore. it is hard to say ive been slowly falling out of love with them, and mayhaps even harder to say im falling in love again with natsume 😭 and EXACTLY a year later after i last stopped drawing him too... which is crazy .
i feel like besides this, it was also becoming apparent that drawing them has become a chore to me ; i was not feeling up to drawing highly detailed pieces with them anymore that id spend time on. i was not happy with the results on many of them either. and things like the page of every single tieria outfit, despite it used to be a thing i was once hyped about doing... back in january when i just got here, it no longer was that way. yes, i pushed through with it, but it took me a very long time and i kind of disliked going back to it, which is why it even took me that long 😭 and was moreso just done to keep up the numbers of innovades drawn ; for myself, for others.
i cannot lie about the fact it did make me happy i was giving to such a small fandom and brightening other peoples days, and this is a big flaw i have that i tend to put others above myself, but this has become much too big of a bother to me to keep on doing it. i still love them ! not as much, but i still do, especially ribbons. there is nothing wrong with them, i just do not wish to continue essentially wasting so much of my time drawing things i do not enjoy drawing, unless i am to see it finished and thats all the joy i get out of it.
as for the requests with the innovades, i am unsure if i am to do them anymore except for a singular one that ive also not received thru an ask but dm, purely because i am actually hyped about it 😭 and that may be the extent of which you will be seeing anymore 00 content from me.
im sorry if ive let anyone down & thank you for following me through this journey ; i hope to see you again :)
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the-wraiths-wife · 1 year
I write a fanfiction about Kaz having a sister in Wattpad, named Adjala Brekker. And I just got the craziest idea. Kaz is always the baby sitter for Adjala's kids so why not write headcannons?
So I just made a few headcannons about Kaz babysitting his niece Jordan, and his two nephews Johannes and Kaz jr.
( Everytime you see a mom approved, it means the kids' mother approves of the activity )
1. "Uncle Kaz's House of Schemes": Kaz turns babysitting into a series of elaborate games and puzzles for the kids. It's like a mini heist every time they visit, complete with clues and riddles to keep them entertained. (Mum approved)
2. Kaz's version of "nap time" is "quiet planning time": When it's time for the kids to take a nap, Kaz uses this opportunity to quietly plan his next big scheme. He's convinced they're the perfect cover for his brainstorming sessions. (Mum approved)
3. Candy heist training: Kaz teaches the kids the fine art of candy heists, complete with disguises, diversion tactics, and a secret candy stash. They're the most resourceful trick-or-treaters in Ketterdam. (Mum not approved)
4. The "Ingenious Bedtime Routine": Kaz has a knack for getting kids to bed without fuss. His secret? He tells them thrilling stories about his heists until they're too excited to stay awake. (Mum approved)
5. Tiny suits and dresses: Kaz insists that the kids wear tiny suits and dresses, just like him, when they go out together. It's a comical sight seeing them dressed as miniature versions of him. (Hehe definitely mum approved)
6. Teaching the art of negotiation: Kaz imparts his negotiating skills to the kids, coaching them on how to haggle with street vendors for the best deals on toys and treats. They quickly become savvy little traders. They negotiate with daddy alot too, and their daddy always falls for this (Their dad hates this, so mum approved)
7. The "Kaz Jr. Inheritance Fund": Kaz secretly sets up a savings account for each of the kids, earmarking it as their "inheritance." He insists they learn about managing their finances from an early age. (Uncle Jes and Mumma approved)
8. "The Kaz Bunker" (my fav) : In the event of a "Kaz-sized emergency," he's built a secret bunker (a well-fortified blanket fort) in the living room. It's the perfect hiding spot for epic pillow fights and strategizing. (There's photo evidence -Inej) [mum approved - Kaz's sister]
9. Poker night (ft. Uncle jes, Daddy and uncle Wy) : Kaz introduces the kids to poker night, using candies as chips. It's all in good fun until Jesper's uncanny ability to bluff leaves Kaz Jr and Johannes with an empty stash of candy, while Jordie has a whole lot to herself. Wylan always gives his candy to Kaz jr in the end. Elijah (the kids' dad) sits their and sticks his tongue out to his brother in-law whenever he wins, only to me met by the Lethal Brekker sibling glower. (The mother doesn't aprove of this, their dad does tho)
10. Lessons in lockpicking (childproof, of course): Kaz teaches the kids the basics of lockpicking, with a set of child-friendly locks and tools. They think it's just a game, but it's secretly a life skill. (The parents don't aprove since candy is always being stolen from the kitchen)
11. Kaz and naps : when the kids' parents get back from date night of smth, they see uncle Kaz and the kids in the Kaz Bunker fort, or all of them on the ground, surrounded my toys and Kaz is laying flat on his stomach and Kaz jr is snoozing on top of him and Jordan and Johannes are snoozing in the corner. This, ladies and gentlemen, is how the bastard of the barrel gets his sleep. (Inej has photo evidence) [Daddy and mumma approved]
12: Lifeskills (ft. Uncle Matty, aunty 'nej and aunty Ninny) : so Kaz gets his gang together to preach Lifeskills to his nephews and niece. Uncle Matty adores the mini demjins. Aunty 'nej takes them in sea trips (Aunty ninny brings the snacks) [ pappa and mumma approved]
13. Shark stare classes 101: in which Kaz teaches his little trainees the signature bombastic side eye and shark like stare, along with the lethal Brekker glower, which always has the kids' dad running for the HILLS, cuz they look like his scary wife and terrifying brother in law. (Daddy and Mumma approved ladies and gentlemen)
A fanfic for this :
I'm tagging a few of the biggest SoC enthusiasts I know : @she-posts-nerdy-stuff @ell0ra-br3kk3r-writes @marsconer
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malachiexists13 · 22 days
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TLDR: I'm doing Kinktober this year using a list I made myself. The blank version is available in the post linked above. Below is the list I'll be editing over the month of October to show what I am writing/not writing and I'm only doing up to two prompts per day. You can submit multiple prompts and there's no limit to how many per character but I cannot promise that they'll all be written this year. Some may be saved for next year.
[OBEY ME] Lucifer || Leviathan || Belphegor || Solomon || Barbatos
[IKESEN] Mitsuhide Akechi || Mitsunari Ishida || Ranmaru Mori || Kanetsugu Naoe || Kenshin Uesugi || Kicho
[IKEVAMP] Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart || Comte de Saint-Germain || Sebastian || Johann Georg Faust
[IKEPRI] Chevalier Michel || Licht Klein || Gilbert von Obsidian
[IKEVIL] William Rex || Ellis Twilight || Elbert Greetia
[GENSHIN IMPACT] Aether || Venti || Zhongli || Albedo || Xiao || Kaedehara Kazuha || Thoma || Gorou || Shikanoin Heizou || Tighnari || Cyno || Wanderer/Kunikuzushi/Scaramouche || Alhaitham || Kaveh || Lyney || Freminet || Neuvillette || Wriothesley || Kinich
[DEMON SLAYER] Giyuu Tomioka || Obanai Iguro || Michikatsu Tsugikuni || Yoriichi Tsugikuni
As the writer, I reserve the right to deny any prompts that I do not feel comfortable writing or any requests from people who are rude and/or disrespectful. If I do not post your request on the day you asked for, it means I either chose not to write it or I may have saved it for next year. Please do not harass and/or send me messages asking about it.
Requests OPEN
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Crossed Out - Not Writing It || Blue Text - Author Picked || Purple Text - Requested
DAY 1: Porn Actors AU || Anonymous Sex || One Night Stand
DAY 2: Handjobs || Fingering || Piercings
DAY 3: Orgasm Control || Squirting || Cumming Early/Prematurely
DAY 4: Make-Up Sex || Mirror Sex || Bondage
DAY 5: Phone Sex || Guided Touching || Rough Sex
DAY 6: Against A Wall || Sixty-Nine || Creampie
DAY 7: Sensory Deprivation || Sex Toys || Breath Play
DAY 8: Workplace Sex || Car Sex || Desk/Office Sex
DAY 9: Choking || Dacryphilia || Hate Sex
DAY 10: Accidental Stimulation || Humiliation || Clothes On
DAY 11: Wet Dreams || Sexual Fantasy || Femdom
DAY 12: First Time/s || Role Reversal || Dirty Talk
DAY 13: Striptease || Fetish Clothing || Lingerie
DAY 14: Discipline/Punishment || Praise/Degradation || Teasing
DAY 15: Bathroom Sex || Public/ Outdoor Sex || Hair-Pulling
DAY 16: Pregnancy Sex || Overstimulation || Lap Dance
DAY 17: Spanking || Roleplay || Blood
DAY 18: Dry Humping || Aphrodisiacs || Intoxication
DAY 19: Begging || Crossdressing || Stomach Bulge
DAY 20: Infidelity/Cuckolding || Threesome || Cunnilingus
DAY 21: Anal/Pegging || Size Difference || Shower/Bath Sex
DAY 22: Breeding || Heats/Ruts || Thigh-riding
DAY 23: Strap-On || Cum Dump || Knotting
DAY 24: Facesitting || Deepthroating || Masturbation
DAY 25: Exhibitionism || Getting Caught || Voyeurism
DAY 26: Double Penetration || Orgy || Switching Partners
DAY 27: Casual Sex/FWB || Monsterfucking || Daddy Kink
DAY 28: Biting/Marking || Jealousy || Possessiveness
DAY 29: Mommy Kink || Blowjob || Blindfolds/Restraints
DAY 30: Cockwarming || Somnophilia || Foreplay/Aftercare
DAY 31: Worship || Sub/Dom || Vanilla Sex || Free Space
DAY 1: Disaster ||
DAY 2: Nothing to be seen here yet
DAY 3: Nothing to be seen here yet
DAY 4: "Forgive Me, Baby?" ||
DAY 5: Nothing to be seen here yet
DAY 6: Hard to Say No ||
DAY 7: Nothing to be seen here yet
DAY 8: Nothing to be seen here yet
DAY 9: Detestation or Adoration? ||
DAY 10: Nothing to be seen here yet
DAY 11: Nothing to be seen here yet
DAY 12: A Bet ||
DAY 13: Nothing to be seen here yet
DAY 14: Nothing to be seen here yet
DAY 15: Apprehension ||
DAY 16: Nothing to be seen here yet
DAY 17: Nothing to be seen here yet
DAY 18: A Lesson in Botany ||
DAY 19: Nothing to be seen here yet
DAY 20: Sweet Addiction ||
DAY 21: Nothing to be seen here yet
DAY 22: Nothing to be seen here yet
DAY 23: Nothing to be seen here yet
DAY 24: Nothing to be seen here yet
DAY 25: Nothing to be seen here yet
DAY 26: Nothing to be seen here yet
DAY 27: Nothing to be seen here yet
DAY 28: Nothing to be seen here yet
DAY 29: Nothing to be seen here yet
DAY 30: Nothing to be seen here yet
DAY 31: Nothing to be seen here yet
All works found in these masterlists are only posted to Tumblr and Archive of Our Own under the name "Malachi Exists" or another variation with the number "13". If they are found elsewhere, that means it is a stolen work and should be reported as such.
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bedlamsbard · 4 months
“The soldier,” Thanos said. He flinched a little as one of Natasha’s widow’s stings hit him in the side of the head, but brushed it off as if it was nothing more than a mosquito bite. “The man out of…time.”
Thanos let the last word linger there between them. The Stones set across his knuckles glittered in the fading sunlight as he turned his left hand over, thoughtful.
He was a kid playing with a new toy, the kind of boy who burned the wings off flies with a magnifying glass and a sunbeam. Steve knew the exact instant Thanos realized he could use more than one of the Stones at the same time.
March 1945: With the deaths of Johann Schmidt and Steve Rogers only a month old, the SSR has spent the intervening weeks hunting down the last of Hydra’s holdouts. When Peggy Carter and the Howling Commandos are unexpectedly called back to London, however, the return of Steve Rogers from beyond the grave raises more questions than it answers – and draws the attention of a dangerous new enemy.  (Steve Rogers/Natasha Romanoff)
Previous: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14
15: Where the Sun Goes Down 187K, AU, WIP
Chapter preview:
They lay side by side in silence, watching clouds move across the stars overhead.  Eventually, Steve said, “Ever since I woke up here six years ago, all I wanted was to go back there.  And then I did and all I wanted was to come back here.” Bucky took that in, then said quietly, “Why?” “That’s the only question that matters, isn’t it?” Steve said.  He didn’t answer for a while and Bucky didn’t push him, just held the photograph Steve had given him up over his face and studied it in the dim moonlight while Steve thought. “I always thought that if I could ever go back, I’d just…be able to throw myself back in,” he said finally.  “And the thing is – the thing is that’s what everyone there wanted too.  They wanted the guy who’d gone up in the Valkyrie.” “Only you’re not that guy anymore,” Bucky said, his voice soft. “No,” Steve said, equally quiet. “Or, well, I am, I always will be, but – I’m not just that guy anymore.  And I don’t – I didn’t know how to go back, to be just that guy again.  Even if I wanted to.” “Do you?  Want to, I mean.” “I thought I did,” Steve said.  He tried to smile and couldn’t, but Bucky wasn’t looking at him anyway.  “Maybe I could have been if Nat hadn’t been there.  Sometimes I thought that maybe they were right and I had gone crazy.  Sometimes I wished I had.” “Yeah,” Bucky said, so quietly that Steve might not have heard it except for his enhanced healing. “I get that.”
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doofus-and-dragons · 5 months
As promised, I'm back on my httyd bullshit. Here's a list of things that don't make sense unless you watch the shows (idgaf if they're cannon or not, they should be for the background of small details!!!)
1. Grump.
Grump is Gobber's Hotburple in Httyd 2 and 3. But not in httyd 1. So this begs the question: Where and when did Gobber get Grump? The answer? Race to the Edge S3 E12, "Last Auction heros." Gobber and Snotlout go to Viggo's dragon auction undercover, and Grump is one of the dragons for sale. Without that episode, Grump is just a dragon they shoved into the second movie for shots and giggles.
2. Inferno
Inferno is a blade that Hiccup created himself that lights itself on fire using monstrous nightmare gel and can eject and ignite zippleback gas. To the casual watcher, he just showed up with it in the second movie. But Inferno is ALSO from rtte! Inferno's first form comes from S3 E9, "Tone Death." Hiccup then works further on it, but Inferno as we know it is actually based on a version of the blade that VIGGO GRIMBORN, the villain for most of RTTE, made.
3. The Deadly Nadder(? Looks like a nadder) plushie
Although this is a small detail that is only seen in the background of the later Httyd movies, it is still a detail that first appears within the SHOW'S cannon lore. According to S1 E17 of Riders of Berk, the toy was made by Valka when Hiccup was a baby. However, tiny Hiccup was so scared of the toy that he threw it in the ocean. Trader Johann managed to get ahold of it, and the episode was about the riders trying to save with mystery item because something happened to Johann's ship. I don't remember what. Something about smoldering smoke breaths, I think.
4. Skull Crusher
Skull Crush is Stoick the Vast's Rumblehorn in Httyd 2 and 3, who is later inherited by Eret, son of Eret upon Soick's death in Httyd 2. But again, where and when did Stoick get Shullcrusher? Because it seems like he just appeared. Well, I have that answer! Skull Crusher first appears in S1 E8, "Crushing It." In the episode, the gang is tormented by a Rumblehorn who keeps destroying their camp. Hiccup asks his Dad for help, and his Dad is able to train and befriend the wild dragon.
5. Hiccup's flight suit
In Httyd 2 and 3, Hiccup has/is trying to perfect a flight suit attached to his armor. Now, this could just be seen as Hiccup being a silly inventor off-screen, but it ACTUALLY shows up in Race to the Edge! S1 E12 "The Next Big Sting" actually opens with Hiccup trying out his first design for the flight suit. He does it many times, each time having to be saved by Toothless before he crashes into some form of rock/sea stack (much like in Httyd 2).
6. Hiccup's aging
I saw a post either on here or on tiktok the other day where someone was complaining about how different hiccup looked between 1 and 2. In 1, he's like...what...13?15? Where as He's about 20-21 ish by Httyd 2. To fans who don't obsess over something and consume all the media like I do, this would be a bit of a shock. I mean, you go from this:
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Immediately to this:
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Where as fans of the shows had this progression:
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Much easier to swallow.
7. The Bewilderbeast
This is, again, something that could be choked up to the writers wanting more than just 7 species of dragons. HOWEVER, this dragon is actually the center point of the last few episodes of Race to the Edge. We learn a little bit about the dragon over the corse of the last season, which takes place just a year or two before Httyd 2.
I watched Race to the Edge long before I watched Httyd 2, so I had 0 clue the Hiccup's mom was still alive or what her mask looked like. But in the last bit of the last episode of race to the edge, guess what we see?
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In conclusion, these show's should be considered cannon to the HTTYD universe just as much as fucking Homecoming should or what ever. These are amazing and fill in so many continuity
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soylent-crocodile · 4 months
More Myr
Here are just a few more statlines for Myr, a generic battlemyr and a large superion. I don't have much lore here; this is more of a rules supplement to my core Myr piece!
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(Myr Superion by Jana Schirmer & Johannes Voss)
Myr, Superion
This towering machine has arms like pillars and a head like a deep-billed bird’s beak.
Misc- CR7 LN Large Construct (Myr) HD9 Init:+1 Senses: Perception:+8 Aura: Myr Shepherding 15ft
Stats- Str:30(+10) Dex:13(+1) Con:- Int:4(-3) Wis:19(+4) Cha:15(+3) BAB:+9/+4 Space:10ft Reach:10ft
Defense- HP:79(9d10+30) AC:21(+1 Dexterity, -1 Size, +11 Natural) Fort:- Ref:+6 Will:+7 CMD:31 Resist: Immunity: Weakness: Special Defenses: Construct Traits
Offense- 2 Slam +16(2d6+10 plus Grab), Beam +10(14d4 force, 60ft ranged touch) CMB:+20 (+24 to Grapple) Speed:40ft Special Attacks: Constrict (2d6+15)
Feats- Lightning Reflexes, Power Attack (-3/+6), Multiattack, Awesome Blow, Tactician’s Emblem
Skills- Perception +8, Sense Motive +7
Spell-like Abilities- 
Share Memory /at-will
Greater Make Whole 1/day
Special Qualities- Scrying Focus
Ecology- Environment- Any Languages- Common (Can’t speak) Organization- Shepherd (1 Myr Superion, 4-5 Battle Myr) Treasure- None
Special Abilities- Myr Shepherding (Su)- Other myr within a superion’s aura of myr shepherding may reroll 1s rolled on damage rolls. Scrying Focus (Ex)- Myr are perfect vessels for scrying on. They get a -5 penalty to saves against spells with the Scrying descriptor, and magical sensors made to scry on a myr and its surroundings get a +5 bonus against rolls to perceive it. Additionally, myr- and any object or creature they are in contact with- are not protected by spells such as Nondetection and Screen.
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Superion are the apex of myrkind, hulking behemoths which serve to shepherd myr and perform heavy labor that the average myr’s small frame wouldn’t allow. 
Battle myr are among the simplest of their kin, basic creatures programmed to detect intruders and protect their designated charges. They are scarily organized in combat and vast in number; scholars of the Plane of Metal worry what may happen if they are brought to the Material Plane.
(Alpha Myr by Dany Orizio)
Myr, Battle
This small humanoid machine has a head that resembles a heavy bird’s beak and a set of long, razor-thin claws on each hand.
Misc- CR2 LN Small Construct (Myr) HD3 Init:+3 Senses: Perception:+3 Aura: 
Stats- Str:14(+2) Dex:16(+3) Con:- Int:5(-3) Wis:14(+2) Cha:12(+1) BAB:+3 Space:2.5ft Reach:0ft
Defense- HP:26(3d10+10) AC:14(+3 Dexterity, +1 Size) Fort:- Ref:+3 Will:+2 CMD:17 Resist: Immunity: Weakness: Special Defenses: Construct Traits
Offense- 2 Claw +3(1d4+2), Beam +5(4d4 Force, 30ft Touch) CMB:+4 Speed:30ft Special Attacks: 
Feats- Multiattack, Weapon Focus (Claw)
Skills- Acrobatics +4, Perception +3
Spell-like Abilities- 
Share Memory /at-will
Make Whole 1/day
Special Qualities- Scrying Focus
Ecology- Environment- Any Languages- Common (Can’t speak) Organization- Guard (2), Squadron (6) Treasure- 
Special Abilities- Scrying Focus (Su)- Myr are perfect vessels for scrying on. They get a -5 penalty to saves against spells with the Scrying descriptor, and magical sensors made to scry on a myr and its surroundings get a +5 bonus against rolls to perceive it. Additionally, myr- and any object or creature they are in contact with- are not protected by spells such as Nondetection and Screen.
There are two primary variations on battle myr; the one shown above, which have large claws, and a variation with dextrous hands that has proficiency with all martial weapons. Beyond those variations, there are a number of other similar small myr, such as those with wings, psychic powers, or electric energy.
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