#1. grand blue fantasy
novirp13 · 2 years
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Alchemy Stars x Legend of Zelda crossover~
Both of them are named Navi, but only one of them is an annoying lil...thing! 🤣
Seriously, shut the crap up, Navi! 😑
...not u, Navigator. You're a precious cinnamon roll 🥰🥰
This is the fourth game that I played because of Persona 5 collab event. God dang, I don't even like Persona 5 😅
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alvinflavored · 23 days
CW!/##: misogyny
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"no matter what anyone might say to you, (name), understand this; you were made to escape these earthly bounds and to claim your rightful throne alongside the celestial titans—"
"—you were made to conquer the stars."
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✦ CH 1: A Vow To The Heir
as constant and stagnant the cycle of death and life is, the eon old war also continues on and on; forever and ever. an emperor rises, he serves his purpose against the enemy empire as long as his breath will allow him to, and in the end, falls into the great deep.
the hellish, almost eternal cycle went on for centuries. that was, at least, until you were born.
"hear me, all nobles. she is a woman! firstborn as she might be — you most definitely cannot appoint her as the next heir to the throne!"
"blasphemous, grand duke! lady (name) was prophesized to bring an end to the eon long war by the gods! how dare you try and refute the divine?!"
"and yet you refuse to call her the crown princess, marquis! how hypocritical can one truly be?"
you hear the old emperor's voice booming. and though he has become weary with age and his voice has grown hoarse, he is still the emperor—a hush falls over the high nobles that had been arguing in the meeting hall. you wince, fingers tightening around your dress as you trudge away through the hallway, not wanting to eavesdrop further than you have.
you did not want to hover over the fact that a debate in the house of nobles has begun once again, due to your birth and existence — a cruel thing life could be.
"having a pleasant evening, sister?"
your fourth brother speaks wittily, appearing out of the blue when you turn a corner. "i found a pet for you. or rather," he grins. "a 'knight' to protect you."
you are met with a man of an imposing height yet falling on the slimmer and weaker side, hair as golden as the sun and eyes as scarlet as blood. blood that has been countlessly spilled on the battlegrounds.
(e/c) pupils fall to his clothes; ornamented in expensive jewellery, scarlet clothes. a finely decorated man. in other words; like master like servant — your fourth brother was poorly trying to convey that you were nothing but a mere decoration.
you flinch when those lifeless eyes, defiant eyes that says his heart doesn't have a place for anybody, meet with yours and it was clear that your brother was insulting you.
"your royal highness." the blond's upper body falls into a deep bow, his gloved hand over his beating heart. his lashes too, you realise, are golden in colour. "it is my greatest honour to serve and protect you."
you clear your throat, lift your chin high, make an effort to seem composed — as anybody of your stature should be at all times. "lift your head." you speak, and he does. you turn to your fourth brother. "and pray tell, brother, does our father agree to this?"
"of course." he scoffs. "i found this guy," he slings a shoulder around the blond. the blond stiffens. "but father is the one who recommended him to take the position of your knight. after all, his word is absolute."
this was just a snide way of the old emperor implying that he was indifferent towards you; his daughter. perhaps he was trying to kill you off but his severe, deep rooted fear of angering the gods was holding him back — that is why he resorted to sending you such a weak looking man to 'protect' you, as he says.
✦ ₊ ♡ . ₊ ✦ . ♡ . ✦ ₊ ♡ . ₊ ✦ . ♡
"if you are uncomfortable with me, your highness, would you prefer i call upon the maids instead?" the blond speaks as his back is turned towards you; facing the wall with his hands behind his back.
it's been a few weeks since this blond has become your knight. the two of you are very much in your own worlds entirely—an odd match. everytime you try and converse with him, he finds every chance to run away—as if he doesn't want to be in the same room as you, as if it is a pain, as if it is a chore.
serving a female master surely might be.
"no, i'm-" you suck in a deep breath, trying to make the chain armour fit on your body. a woman's body was not suited for it since they were made for and used by men in war or sparring practice. "-ugh. fine."
the blond can hear you struggle from the way you're breathing hard. "you are the heir to the throne, are you not? why do you not leave the fighting and the physical combat to the knights instead?"
that strikes a nerve somewhere inside you.
"you are my knight, are you not? why do you not leave the advising & nagging to the advisors instead?"
your knight turns to look at the dagger between his index and middle finger that you threw at him with incredible speed, and which he caught with ease.
"....forgive this fool's insolence."
william never seems to truly respect you. even when being insulted by your siblings or ministers while you're on your walks, he stays on the sidelines, takes on the role of a chameleon and stays utterly quiet.
"you have quick reflexes." your eyes shoot up, straightening yourself. the knight looks down to observe the dagger in his hand; ornamented with fine jewels and designs emblazoned onto the blade. "how much have you trained?" you question him.
"as much training as any knight was allowed to have, your royal highness." william murmurs quietly. dull, you think. he doesn't seem to have his own personality. a ragdoll or a puppet, of sorts.
"but you agree you are talented than most peers."
he hesitates. speaks: "i am proud of my capabilities."
that makes you smile, makes you think there's something there—not just this large wall he's put up.
willam watches as your body spins around, grabbing something long and sharp. it's only when you turn back that he understands what that object in your hand is, and what you're implying. "catch."
his gloved fist wraps around the metal of the sword. "..your royal highness," were you insinuating what he thought you were? surely you weren't.
"spar with me."
the blond winces at that, shaking his head furiously. "how could i? a lowly knight like me should never-" his body tenses up when he feels the sword's cool metal against his throat — right over his adam's apple.
"afraid you'll lose?" you arch an eyebrow.
william sighs. "my head, yes." he sucks in air. "i'm afraid i may accidentally hurt you, your grace."
"i thought you were proud of your skills."
"not at the cost of drawing your grace's blood."
a noise makes it's way out of you, something between a chortle and an unbelieving scoff. "you will draw blood from me either way, directly or indirectly, if you are too weak to protect me when i need you."
william has his eyebrows furrowed, but is silent. his gaze is as empty as always, always dead, never truly on you, never meeting your eyes. he looks somewhere far, far away. a place only he can see.
"..as you say, your grace."
✦ ₊ ♡ . ₊ ✦ . ♡ . ✦ ₊ ♡ . ₊ ✦ . ♡
you grip the hilt of your sword tightly. a thin line of sweat trickles down your brow, and you can feel a dull ache in your muscles from your relentless training. as the firstborn child and heir to the throne, you've pushed yourself to the limit, determined to prove your worth alongside the male knights.
william circles you warily, his keen eyes scanning for any openings, but he's hesitant in his movements. "i don't wish to hurt you, your grace," he says, his brows creased in concern. "perhaps we should call it off?"
you feel a flash of irritation at his words, you've worked hard every day, harder than any male knight so you can be acknowledged — even if by the slightest. "do not treat me as if i am a delicate wallflower. i am your equal right now; your opponent."
a fresh cut on his cheek oozes blood, and his sleeve is ripped, exposing a nasty bruise on his forearm. he winces when he feels a particularly strong pang of pain on each of them. he's also panting, just as you are. good, you think to yourself. he's getting tired.
you can feel a slight sting on your own skin where william's blade had grazed you earlier. with a huff and a sudden flurry of movement, he lunges forward, sword slicing through the air. you parry the blow, the clash of steel ringing out across the training yard.
there was no doubt about this; he was strong. you could feel it when his blade clashed against yours and he pushed against you with an almost inhuman strength. your lips curve upwards. pushing back, you counterattack, raining a flurry of blows upon him.
"you seem.. exhausted, your grace." william observes. sweat pours down your face, and your muscles scream in protest, but you refuse to give an inch.
"not as much as—" you grunt. "—you, though."
william struggles to keep up, his brow furrowed in concentration as he desperately blocks your strikes. seizing an opening, you lunge forward and sweep his legs out from under him, sending him falling to the ground. he tries to get back up, tries to search for his sword beside him but is too panicked to actually calm himself down and find it. he freezes when he feels the tip of your blade stop just shy of his throat.
and his eyes go wide.
"yield," you command, your voice firm and unyielding.
william stares up at you, his expression a mix of admiration and begrudging respect. you truly are on a level of your own. his breath is ragged and his chest is heaving up and down. from his perspective down here you look almost ethereal. divine. to him, the sun behind you and you yourself seem and are the same.
no wonder the gods chose you from every other being, no wonder you are their favourite daughter.
"i yield." he mutters.
the training ground is basked in a hue of golden. the trees rustle with the winds. "your grace," his voice is trembling as he speaks. he had underestimated you and that lead to his loss. no—even if he had been as cautious as one can be, he would have still lost, he would have still been overpowered to this extent.
you let your sword drop with trembling hands, only now realising how much of a fierce opponent he himself was now that the adrenaline has left your body. "speak."
william shakily drops to his knees, his head bowed deep. his fingers only now find his sword and he raises it past his head, holding each side. "i pledge my eternal devotion to you," he declares, his voice ringing with conviction. "i shall be your sword, your shield, your most steadfast protector. wherever your path may lead, to the heavens or to hell; i will follow you."
william's gaze lifts, and you are struck by the unwavering adoration in his eyes — a reverence that borders on the divine. for the first time you see his eyes glow. he would not just die for you; he would conquer kingdoms, he would lay waste to armies, he would move mountains to ensure your victory.
"i will follow you to the very edges of the known and the unknown worlds, if you will have me. for your breath is the very reason for my own, and your triumph is the only salvation i seek."
a knight's pledge.
"..." you can only watch in silence. it's almost beautiful the way he speaks, the loyalty that finally blooms in his gaze and his mannerisms when he looks at you.
your heart is drumming — how long you've yearned to hear this; to have your own willing knight, to serve you even if having a woman as a master is considered shameful and looked down upon by others.
slowly, you reach out and grasp the dagger, your fingers closing around the ornate hilt.
"i accept your vow, sir william," you say, your voice infused with the same reverence that shines in his eyes. william realizes that it's the first time you've spoken his name, and what a blissful thing it is, to finally serve someone worthy. "i will gladly have you at my side, as my most trusted knight.. and friend."
he smiles almost triumphantly and brings the back of your hand to his lips, pressing a soft kiss onto it.
in that moment, you know that with william by your side, there is nothing you cannot accomplish. for in his eyes, you are not just a mere princess, but a goddess, his goddess. a saviour — one to worship.
"thank you."
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booksandabeer · 1 year
Stucky Recs: Road Trips!
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Well, well, well. Look at that! After only three months of constant whining about having no time to do it, I've finally managed to put together a new rec list! Yay.
The theme of this list was requested by multiple people and really, who doesn't love a good road trip story, right? And let me tell you, there are so many good ones, this post could've been twice as long. I'm actually already hoarding fics in my little folder to do a part two later this year.
But for now, please enjoy my effusive ramblings about the following 10 Road Trip fics + 1 Rail Trip fic:
🚗 you're gonna have it your way or nothing at all by biblionerd07 | T, 15K
Author's summary: Steve and Bucky aren't really much of a Steve and Bucky anymore these days. Steve's sure it's because Bucky doesn't see himself as the same guy who used to love Steve. In a desperate attempt to prove him wrong, Steve begs Bucky to go on a road trip together, the way they used to dream about, and does his best to remind Bucky of who he is.
A post-CW canon divergent fic that's in a lot of ways very soft, but with just enough of an edge to keep things interesting and the reader uncertain as to how everything will play out in it. This starts with a somewhat disaffected Bucky who has not (yet) regained all of his memories and a Steve who, in his desperation to reconnect with him, tries so hard but ends up saying and doing all the wrong things. As they travel around the country, they both find ways to let go and to unlearn and relearn each other. Features moments of heart melting yet tongue-in-cheek sappiness (so the absolute best kind of sappiness) and a fun background Sam/T'Challa pairing.
🚗 a black sky prickled with small lights by emilywithoutY | M, 26K
Author's summary: There's this: The July heat. A wide open road. An obnoxious country song on the radio. Bucky in the driver’s seat.
Or: Two hundred-year-old men and their Great American Road Trip
The ultimate, unashamed Steve-and-Bucky-visit-the-Grand-Canyon wish-fulfillment fantasy—and I mean that in the best possible way. The summer road trip vibes are impeccable. This is technically the third part in the Litanies series, but it absolutely works as a standalone. However, if you ask me whether you should read the entire series, the answer is obviously a resounding yes. It's not only one of the best EG-Fix-Its I've read but also comes with an additional fun and sexy twist on how to get these two to finally get their heads out of their asses. Anyway, in this installment, they have already done that and now they get to enjoy the road, their freedom, and most of all, each other. Includes: healing along the way, long overdue conversations, and the attempt to reconcile the joy of finally having all that time with the bittersweet reality of having all that time.
🚗 Blue Moon by what_alchemy | E, 15K
Author's summary: "Now are you gonna run away with me or not, Rogers?”
God, this story (this author, really)! I’ve read this fic so many times I’ve lost count. It features one of my favorite post-WS characterizations of Bucky. One where he's still—somehow after everything—a romantic at heart, but also clear-eyed and unsentimental enough about certain things to not shy away from laying out some uncomfortable truths for Steve and the reader alike (there’s one line in particular that is seared into my brain and every time I read it I personally feel so called out). Steve may be a bit more cautious and softer about it, but oh, he gives back just as good. Nobody is handling anyone with kid gloves here. A story about learning how to be together (again), defining one's very own version of 'Happy Ever After', and about being very much in love, and also very horny for each other.
🚗 Not Language but a Map (The Grammar of Sensation) by dorian_burberrycanary | E, 20K
Author's summary: Steve has never felt right running away from a fight, even if the fight is with unanswered questions. But it’s not running if it’s a road trip and the oldest, thorniest unanswered question is along for the ride.
If you follow my blog you will probably already know that I am head over heels in love with this entire EG-Fix-It Series. This third story is finished, but Steve & Bucky's road trip continues in part 4, which is currently being posted (updates weekly). I believe this fic can be read as a standalone but, really, why would you deprive yourself of even a single word of this absolutely magnificent series? Every word, every detail, every narrative choice feels deliberate and well thought out. It's a masterclass in subtle storytelling and yet so rich in its themes, characterizations and descriptions of people, places, and food. This fic will make you hungry in so many different ways. A lot happens between the lines which may require some patience at times, but when the emotional payoff hits—it really, really hits. I cannot recommend this enough. Spectacular all around.
🚗 where the days are longer by endofadream | E, 13K
Author's summary: And maybe that’s what they’re running from. Those ghosts. That minefield. The suffocating pressure to live up to who they used to be when who they used to be has now become stale, recycled words in textbooks and museums and clickbait online articles.
They fuck off to the coast, trying to put as many miles between them and D.C. as possible. New York is loud and claustrophobic at the best of times, but California has the open skies and roads that make Steve ease a little more into his skin.
I have such an immense fondness for this story. There are some very minor problems with shifting POV in the first chapter, but please don't let this deter you from giving this story a chance—it's got so much heart. This is a slow and meandering piece that can be best summed up as: Steve and Bucky being so very much in love. Set in some undefined period post-CATWS, in a world where the events of Civil War never happened, Steve and Bucky decide they’re tired of fighting and conforming to what everyone else wants them to be and just get in a car and drive all the way to California. There, they start figuring out how to live in the future while also accepting that they can never quite leave the past behind, and that time, indifferent to the tragedies of (not quite) mortal men, will inevitably keep marching on—whether they want it to or not. To quote directly from the story itself: They’re both men out of time, so they make their own.
🚗 Lightning in a Bottle by odetteandodile | E, 63K
Author's summary: The problem, Steve thinks, isn’t so much his motorcycle giving up the ghost on a lonely stretch of highway through a lonely stretch of the country. He doesn’t mind stretching his legs or the prospect of hitchhiking.The problem is the roiling black blanket of storm clouds slowly spreading itself over the landscape headed his direction…
Steve Rogers is looking to hitch on a highway abandoned by everyone smart enough to avoid a looming storm. Bucky Barnes is the professional storm chaser who offers him a ride. It gets more complicated from there. 
This AU offers an intriguing twist on the The Road Trip as a genre, Shrunkyclunks as a trope, and modern!Bucky as a character—it's an electric ride from start to finish—in more ways than one… *wiggles eyebrows* ...yeah ok, I’ll see myself out. It was either this or something about 'chasing all kinds of storms together' and I just couldn’t resist. Anyway, this story is a clever and unique take on canon events (not just limited to the CA movies!) and I don’t really want to give too much away and spoil all the fun, so I’ll just say this: If you are in the mood for a thrilling sci-fi/adventure/romance hybrid-story with beautiful evocative writing, characters that actually act like the smart, competent grown-ups they supposedly are, sex scenes that are both hot and emotional, and a touch of spy/mission fic to go along with a free crash course in weather phenomena—this is the fic for you!  
🚗 The Only Familiar Thing by brideofquiet | E, 39K
Author's summary: Steve takes a breath, steels himself, and asks, “Where are we going, Buck?”
Bucky raises an eyebrow. “You’re the one driving, Steve.”
And before Steve can protest, Bucky gives him that broad, toothy grin again. The worry pitted in his stomach ebbs, and he decides—what the hell? Why not? Steve pulls his helmet on and swings a leg over the bike. Bucky settles in behind him, and he cranks the engine to life.
A Post-CATWS fic, in which Bucky has returned to Steve after being on the run for a while. They are together, share an apartment in Brooklyn, and Bucky has regained most of his memories—so yay! All good, right? Well, things are going…uh...let's say they're going. See, Steve and Bucky are still very much in love—the thing is, they're pretty good at the being in love part but pretty awful at the talking about it (and everything else that matters) part. So much so that they accidentally on purpose non-communicate and out-stubborn each other into going on a road trip, where things will eventually—inevitably—come to a head. Throughout the trip, the tension between them builds and builds until finally they have to admit that sometimes being partners, lovers, best friends, and knowing someone better than anybody else in the world, still doesn't mean that you can *actually* read their mind. Sometimes you gotta use your words. The author skillfully manages to create a story that treats its characters and their conflict seriously, while also infusing it with a healthy dose of humor and romance to always keep the readers on the right side of 'frustrated' (i. e. invested, not irritated).
🚗 old college try by kafkian | E, 19K
Author's summary: Bucky wonders if it’ll ever stop feeling like stealing: Steve Rogers, Captain America, the hope of a nation tucked into Bucky’s right hand. It’s the heist of the century.
In which Bucky Barnes remembers himself, Steve, and what it means to be selfish – not necessarily in that order.
Another old favorite of mine. Set post-CACW, this fic starts with a recently defrosted Bucky and a somewhat unmoored Steve in Wakanda, as they try to figure out what to do next: Keep fighting the never-ending wars of other people or run away, see the world, and retire to a quiet life? Well, since this is a road trip fic, I think you can guess which option they go for. It's a beautifully written story about Steve and Bucky's journey across continents and decades, and their ultimate arrival in a life that they never dared to hope they could have one day. This was written in 2016, so right between the fanfic avalanche caused by TWS and the frenzy of EG-Fix-Its. Re-reading this for the first time in quite a while made me realize that—aside from being a fantastic story in its own right—it's also an interesting commentary on popular Stucky fics that came before it (you can see clear influences but also some gentle rebuttals to popular fanon of the time) as well as very much a product of its time. And I don't mean that in a negative or disrespectful way at all, but simply, that it also serves as a fandom artifact; a text that reveals and reacts to certain trends, shifting attitudes, and developments in Stucky fanfiction over the years. Either way it's definitely well worth a read.
🚗 The Long Way: A Stucky Fancomic by BeaArthurPendragon, LittleWolf82 | T
Authors' summary: After Thanos is defeated, Steve doesn't stay in the past. This is the story of where he and Bucky go next.
A little something different here: a road trip fancomic! And oh, it's only one of my favorite fic writers teaming up with one of my favorite artists—what's not to love? This is an EG-Fix-It that simply ignores the last five minutes that Ruined It All and instead tells the story of what could've or should've happened to Steve and Bucky after EG. A story that is infinitely kinder and truer to these characters. Sweetly told and beautifully drawn—an absolutely wonderful collaboration.
🚗 i need a forest fire by tomorrowsrain | T, 65K
Author's summary: In which Tony Stark makes a reckless decision, becomes a wanted fugitive, goes on the run with the former Winter Soldier, and learns how to forgive. For his part, Bucky Barnes is just trying to hold himself together. AU, post-Civil War.
This is the only fic on this rec list that does not have Bucky and Steve going on a journey but instead it's Bucky and...Tony. WAIT! Hey, come back! I know that for a lot of Steve and/or Bucky fans the idea of reading a 65K fic that heavily features Tony Stark does not really sound like an enticing prospect. BUT! Hear me out. This is a fic that runs with one of the core concepts of fix-it fanfiction, which is: What if these characters actually talked to each other for a change? And yes, it gets messy and complicated and often painful—nothing is glossed over and no one is let off the hook easy. What you get here is a fantastically written story that is simultaneously an intimate & slow character study of both Bucky and Tony, a grand sweeping road trip fic with a thrilling plot that will have you on the edge of your seat (there is a moment in this where I really thought it was all over), AND a decade spanning tale of epic love. If you're worried that there is too little Stucky or Steve in this, don't be. Even before he shows up around the halfway mark of the fic, Steve is very much present the entire time. It's incredible what the author pulls off here. This is one of my all-time favorite fics. I love it a totally not normal amount.
🚂 Will There be Any Freight Trains in Heaven? by phoenixflight | E, 56K
Author's summary: It's summer of 1934, a quarter of all Americans are unemployed, and record numbers of migrant workers are hopping freight trains to seek their fortune out west. What are two boys from Brooklyn to do?
Or, Steve and Bucky ride the rails, become socialists, and fall in love, in no particular order.
This story is a bit of an outlier on this list because not only is it the only fic that's set in the pre-war period, it's also not strictly a road trip fic, but a rail trip fic. Usually the road trips in these stories are either (1) a last ditch effort at saving a friendship/relationship, (2) a way of finding oneself and/or making peace with one's past, or (3) the 'we survived all this and here we are together in the future, so let's go and actually see some of that world we fought so hard to save' victory lap. The impetus for travel in this fic, however, is born out of sheer necessity. It's the height of the Great Depression and Steve and Bucky are really poor and really desperate—so desperate even that they're willing to leave behind Brooklyn, their families, and their lives as they know it to go look for work in the West. This is not a fic that's always easy to read, circumstances are dire, attitudes are, ahem, authentic to the period, and the nostalgia-tinted glasses about the good old days before the war will get firmly knocked off your face. It's also a story that will show you time and time again that sometimes you will find kindness, love and almost overwhelming humanity in the places you least expect it. And listen, if period accuracy and a very political Steve Rogers do not convince you, let me tell you that there's also a lot of pining in this. So. Much. Pining.
Ok. This was fun.
Next up: Short fics under 10K
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phrynefishersfrocks · 8 months
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Phryne Fisher’s Fabulous Frocks Outfit Recap: Season 3, Episode 1 - “Death Defying Feats”
As expected for the first episode of the season, "Death Defying Feats" opens season three with a gorgeously designed bang. The premiere contains seven distinctly beautiful outfits, starting and ending with sumptuous evening gowns displaying intricate embroidered and beaded patterns. A dreamlike jacket and scarf, followed by a jaw-dropping vintage sea foam lace tabard add to the underwater fantasy feel of the episode. Both Phryne's investigatory jacket and rich blue kimono lend a Chinoise element to the shades of blue found throughout, with the grand finale featuring an actual sequined mermaid costume. While not as numerous as previous premieres, the season three opener still upholds its well dressed reputation.
Outfit #1 - Blue Beaded Gown with Brown Fur Wrap
Outfit #2 - Mermaid Coat, White Camisole and Pants, Blue Hat
Outfit #3 - Green Lace Tabard, Jeweled Hairslide
Outfit #4 - Blue Chinoise Jacket, White Pants, Silver Cami, Red Hood
Outfit #5 - Blue Kimono with Gold Headwrap
Outfit #6 - Mermaid Costume with Gold Headwrap
Outfit #7 - Tarnished Net Dress, Tulle Wrap, Gold Floral Hairpiece
Previous Recaps:
Season Two Outfit Recaps
Season One Outfit Recaps
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colourstreakgryffin · 10 months
The Six Pillars; Masterlist #4~
Welcome to my fourth temple~! Here is the rest of the Masterlist I couldn’t fit on my first one~! This is, in all honesty, this writing apocalypse’s peak!
Pillar #1: Demon Slayer~❤️
❤️🩷 Tanjiro and Kanao: Rotting Fruit
💚 Gyutaro: Polkadots
💙 Muichiro: Palace of Stars
🩷💜 Mitsuri and Shinobu: I Hate You
🧡 Kyojuro: A Second Peek
💙❤️ Muichiro and Yoriichi: The Sound of Silence
❤️ Yoriichi: Terminal Heartbreak
💙 Aizetsu: Save Your Tears
💙💜❤️ Obanai, Muichiro and Yoriichi: Riding Dominant
💙 Muichiro: Pop Stan
💜 Genya: Flirts and Blurts
💛 Zenitsu: A New Leash
💜 Obanai: Matching Problems
💙 Muichiro: Fifth Breakup
💙 Muichiro: Meet and Greet
💜 Obanai: Love and Fauna
❤️ Tengen: Short and Distraught
💙💙❤️ Giyuu, Muichiro and Tengen: First Peck
🧡💙🩷 Kyojuro, Muichiro and Mitsuri: Acting Grand
💙 Muichiro: Buddy Clouds
🩷💚 Daki and Gyutaro: Danger Alley
❤️💙 Tengen and Giyuu: Stealing Hearts
❤️ Tanjiro: Friendly Spirit
🩷💚 Daki and Gyutaro: Gingerbread Men
🧡 Senjuro: Ditzy Mind
💙 Muichiro: Furry Jealousy
❤️💜 Tanjiro and Genya: One-Two Punch
❤️ Yoriichi: Forever Mine
🧡💜🩷 Kyojuro, Obanai and Mitsuri: The Winter Solider
💙 Muichiro: NSFW Alphabet
❤️ Kaigaku: Arousal Notes
💙 Giyuu: Water and Land
❤️ Kaigaku: Wits Make All
💙 Muichiro: Timid Kitten
🌈 Douma: Down, Slave
❤️💜 Yoriichi and Michikatsu: Wealthy Life
💙💜💙 Giyuu, Obanai and Muichiro: Multi-Voices
❤️ Muzan: Fluffy Cuffs
💜❤️ Michikatsu and Yoriichi: Vampiric Dreams
💙💜 Giyuu and Obanai: Golden Moon
❤️💜 Tanjiro and Genya: Teamup
💜🧡 Genya and Senjuro: Tug of War
❤️ Muzan: Loyal Second
💙💚❤️ Giyuu, Sanemi and Tengen: Little Runaway
❤️💜 Yoriichi and Michikatsu: Aqua Heart
💜 Kokushibo: Surprises After Surprises
💜🌈❤️ Kokushibo, Douma and Akaza: String Prodigy
💛 Urogi: A Noisey Snuggle
❤️🧡💜 Tanjiro, Senjuro and Michikatsu: Lapis Tears
❤️ Kamaboko Squad: Picnic Hell
❤️💜 Yoriichi and Michikatsu: Twin Duo
💛 Urogi: Growing Spurt
❤️❤️ Tanjiro and Kaigaku: Black Soul
💙 Muichiro: New Feeling
💜💙❤️ Obanai, Muichiro and Kaigaku: Angel Amongst Us
🌈Douma: Teasing and Playing
💜 Obanai: Brat Taming
💜 Obanai: Mistakes and Fantasies
🩷💜 Mitsuri and Shinobu: Endless Devotion
🧡 Senjuro: Star Heart
💙 Giyuu: Blue Lagoon
💙💙 Giyuu and Muichiro: Gloomy Day
❤️💛 Tanjiro and Zenitsu: Sick Mockery
💚💙🧡 Sanemi, Giyuu and Kyojuro: Shocking Discovery
💙💙💜 Muichiro, Giyuu and Obanai: Infinite Passion
���❤️🧡 Obanai, Tengen and Kyojuro: Connections and Candies
💜 Obanai: A Brat’s Punishment
🌈 Douma: Step On and Control
💜 Kokushibo: Deep Plunge
💜 Obanai: Witches Brew
🩷 Mitsuri: Sugary Scent
💜🧡 Shinobu and Kyojuro: Outback Cuteness
🌈 Douma: Special Teddy
🩷 Mitsuri: Half-Human, Half-Not
🩷 Mitsuri: Diamond in the Pebble
💜💙 Shinobu and Muichiro: Gentle Giant
❤️ Yoriichi: One and Only
💙💙💜🩷 Muichiro, Giyuu, Mitsuri and Shinobu: Black Cat
🌈 Douma: Serve Me
❤️💙🩷🖤 Tengen, Giyuu, Mitsuri and Gyomei: Fortress of Solitude
💙💙Giyuu and Muichiro: Echo in the Mirror
💙Muichiro, Giyuu and Obanai: Hellflame
🩷💜💜❤️ Mitsuri, Obanai, Shinobu and Tengen: Thorn Vines
❤️🧡 Tengen and Kyojuro: Real Makeups
Pillar #2: Jujutsu Kaisen~💜
💙 Satoru: Little Snowflakes
🧡💙🖤 Suguru, Satoru and Toji: Red Cross
💙 Satoru: Overprotective Parent
💙❤️ Satoru and Choso: Big Ol’ Crybaby
❤️ Naoya: Sweetest Pie
💙 Satoru: Bloody Mess
💙❤️ Satoru and Naoya: Battle of the Petty
❤️🖤 Naoya and Toji: Real Makeups
❤️🖤 Naoya and Toji: Hexstruck
Pillar #3: JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure~💚
Pillar #4: Death Note~💙
🖤 L: Wild Catch
🖤 Misa: Temper Tantrum
Pillar #5: Haikyuu~💛
💛❤️ Atsumu and Akaashi: Mindful and Mindless
Pillar #6: Record of Ragnorak~🩷
Additional Pillar~🖤
💙💚 Shoto and Izuku: Internal Rivalry
💚 Setsuna: Unnerved and Unstitched
💜💙 Tamaki and Nejire: Can I Save You?
Here is the fifth temple of this blog’s overall Masterlist~ Masterlist #5
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cockslutpadalecki · 1 year
Lisa’s 2022 Reads Masterlist
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I sincerely failed in trying to read 2,022 fics and I definitely didn’t read as much as I would’ve liked, but I’m still proud of myself what I did manage to achieve! I was going to make masterlists for each month, but I think we’re beyond that now so... have an epic one instead.
I am not responsible for the content you choose to consume. Please heed all warnings, pairings, tropes before you proceed. Don’t send hate to any authors for mistakes YOU make in choosing to sideline warnings and reading a story that is going to make you feel uncomfortable. Be mindful that most of these stories are more than likely 18+ so no minors.
@boxofbonesfic; ✿ Memento ✿ Yes, Headmaster ✿ Office Hours ✿ Down In The Dark ✿ Last Laugh ✿ Something Blue ✿ Bakers’ Dozen ✿ Bitten ✿ Rumination
@straywords; ✿ On The Rocks ✿ Show Some Respect ✿ Jitters Series ✿ Tight Until It Snaps ✿ A Taste ✿ Unholy/Sin On Your Tongue
@princessmisery666; ✿ Drinking Alone, Together ✿ Sundress
@darkficsyouneveraskedfor; ✿ Merciless ✿ Book Smart
✿ Sweat And Sacrifice (2) (3): @lokislastlove
✿ Fragile - Time’s Up: @syntheticavenger
✿ Sex Tape (2) (3): @fictional-affairs
❀ ❀ ❀
✿ Good: @nocturne-pisces​ ✿ New Hire (1) (2): @boxofbonesfic​ ✿ Our Little Secret: @straywords
❀ ❀ ❀
@angrythingstarlight; ✿ Don’t Look ✿ If You Want It So Bad
@charnelhouse; ✿ Mirror ✿ You’re Not Cinderella
✿ Sad Girl: @onsunnyside
✿ Diabolical Dealings: @lokislastlove
✿ Side To Side: @labella420
✿ Grand Finale: @darkficsyouneveraskedfor
✿ Boring, Boring, Boring: @rustytricycle​
✿ Come To Daddy: @straywords
✿ Thanks For The Invite: @syntheticavenger
❀ ❀ ❀
✿ Nocturnal (3): @syntheticavenger​ ✿ The House By The River: @darkficsyouneveraskedfor​ ✿ Yesterday’s Dream, Today’s Nightmare: @late-to-the-party-81
❀ ❀ ❀
@darkficsyouneveraskedfor; ✿ What Could Be ✿ If It’s Only A Fantasy, Then Why Is It Killing Me?
✿ Cruel Daddy Series: @onsunnyside
✿ The Perfect Man: @targaryenvampireslayer
❀ ❀ ❀
✿ Together Forever: @syntheticavenger​
@straywords​; ✿ Fallen Doves ✿ Insatiable ✿ A Perfect Fit ✿ Caught In The Sirens ✿ Bows And Ribbons
@sweeterthanthis; ✿ Rise And Shine, Princess ✿ Your Filthy Heart (8) ✿ Game, Set And Match
@gogolucky13; ✿ Comply ✿ Little Bird Series ✿ Notam
@cherienymphe; ✿ Dollhouse Series ✿ Midnight Snack
✿ The Devil You Know: @sgt-seabass
✿ Dangerous Dance: @princessmisery666
✿ Cut: @boxofbonesfic
❀ ❀ ❀
✿ Alive: @navybrat817
❀ ❀ ❀
✿ Bronze: @nocturne-pisces
❀ ❀ ❀
@navybrat817; ✿ Soft Spot ✿ Gratification
✿ Shoot To Thrill: @sweeterthanthis
❀ ❀ ❀
✿ Heads Will Roll: @sgt-seabass​ ✿ Sweet Tooth: @cherienymphe​ ✿ Tastes Like You: @nocturne-pisces
❀ ❀ ❀
@sweeterthanthis; ✿ Bellyache ✿ Dazed And Confused
✿ Dress Up: @sgt-seabass
✿ Homemade Heaven: @nocturne-pisces
❀ ❀ ❀
✿ Stress Reliever: @nocturne-pisces
@straywords; ✿ Past Curfew ✿ Shelter From The Storm ✿ Deny Me
✿ Guilty: @syntheticavenger
✿ Talking Bird (1): @boxofbonesfic
✿ Grocery List Series: @nocturne-pisces
✿ An Indecent Proposal: The Paris Exchange: @imanuglywombat
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✿ Favour: @howdoyousleep3
❀ ❀ ❀
✿ Push And Pull: @navybrat817
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✿ Bait And Switch (1): @sweeterthanthis
❀ ❀ ❀
✿ En Voyage: @onsunnyside​
✿ Lessons: @charnelhouse​ ✿ Size: @boxofbonesfic
❀ ❀ ❀
@cherienymphe; ✿ Forget Me Not (TH) ✿ Guns N’ Roses (TH) ✿ The Favor (TH)
✿ Outskirts: @lokislastlove (TH)
✿ Brother’s Keeper: @darkficsyouneveraskedfor (TH)
✿ Anxious: @syntheticavenger (AG)
✿ Inhibitions: @clints-lucky-arrow (AG)
❀ ❀ ❀
✿ Nasty: @thewritingdoll​ (DD)
❀ ❀ ❀
@clints-lucky-arrow: ✿ Everything ✿ Kyphi ✿ Ruin
✿ Good Vibrations: @mothdruid
✿ Sweet Madness: @cherienymphe
❀ ❀ ❀
✿ Hidden Gems Series: @darkficsyouneveraskedfor
@cherienymphe:  ✿ Country Club Chronicles ✿ Friends Like These ✿ Brother May I Series ✿ The Hills Series ✿ Wicked Games/That Night ✿ Just The Tip ✿ Pretty When You Cry ✿ Do I Wanna Know?
@darkficsyouneveraskedfor; ✿ Be Mine ✿ Lost Cause ✿ Bring You Flowers
❀ ❀ ❀
✿ Only For Tonight: @cherienymphe
❀ ❀ ❀
✿ Amnesiac Series: @cherienymphe
❀ ❀ ❀
✿ One Last Sunset: @princessmisery666​ ✿ Traitor: @cherienymphe
✿ Lights Out (Prologue): @winchest09 ✿ Liquid Courage: @covered-byroses​
❀ ❀ ❀
@princessmisery666​; ✿ Cuffed ✿ Don’t Leave​
✿ Tight: @kittenofdoomage
@targaryenvampireslayer; ✿ Fangirl Crush ✿ Rescue Mission
✿ G.B.A: @impala-dreamer
✿ Bruise: @charnelhouse​
❀ ❀ ❀
@cherienymphe; ✿ Home Sweet Home ✿ Daddy Issues Series
@princessmisery666; ✿ Take A Shot ✿ Nobody But You, Forever ✿ Slip Of The Tongue
✿ Dead On Arrival (7) (8) (9): @clints-lucky-arrow
✿ Kill Of The Night: @babblydrabbly
✿ The Watcher: @darkficsyouneveraskedfor
✿ It’s Completely Natural: @mishficsx
✿ Why: @lorecraft​
❀ ❀ ❀
✿ Smile For You: @loverhymeswith
@cherienymphe; ✿ Rumor Has It ✿ The Dragon’s Den
✿ You’ll Be Waiting In Vain: @charnelhouse​
❀ ❀ ❀
✿ Violet Eyes & Violent Delights: @cherienymphe​
✿ I Spy With My Little Eye: @cherienymphe​ ✿ Tears In Rain: @charnelhouse​ ✿ Idaña: @mypoisonedvine
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@cherienymphe; ✿ Sibling Rivalry ✿ Gods & Monsters
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✿ He Finds You: @targaryenvampireslayer​
✿ Wild Side/Still Of The Night: @mypoisonedvine ✿ Let Me Make It Up To You: @irrelevantwriter
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✿ On The Prowl: @mypoisonedvine
✿ Beginners Luck: @lokislastlove​
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✿ I’m Your Victim & I Like It: @breakablebarnes​
❀ ❀ ❀
✿ One Last Time: @targaryenvampireslayer
✿ Warning: Do Not Engage: @clints-lucky-arrow ✿ Jake: @charnelhouse ✿ Under The Radar Series: @princessmisery666​
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✿ Promised: @cherienymphe​
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✿ Chainsaws And Parking Lots: @charnelhouse​
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✿ Kryptonite: @cherienymphe
❀ ❀ ❀
✿ My Soul To Take: @cherienymphe
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The VAs behind Avatar's voice
I was playing World Tour and for some reason I never really put too much thought into my Avatar's voice, and who the ENG VA was.
And it got me thinking about the other Avatar's voices that made an appearance, and who they were. Surprisingly, I have heard the Eng VAs in different medias before.
Hopefully, this can help people hear what their OCs sound like, instead of hearing bits and pieces from the game.
1. Voice 1 Age (Juvinelle) Tone (High) - Zach Aguilar
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They voice Tanjiro Kamado (Demon Slayer), Arthur Pendragon (Seven Deadly Sins), David (CyberPunk: Edgerunners), Genos (One Punch Man), Colt (Hunter x Hunter), Koichi (JJBA Diamond is Unbreakable), Expresso Cookie (Last Cookie Standing) etc.
2. Voice 2 Age (Young) Tone (High) - Xanthe Huynh
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They voice Alluka Zoldyck (Hunter x Hunter), Marianne von Edmund (Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes), Nadja Liones (The Seven Deadly Sins: Dragon's Judgement), Ui Hirasawa (K-ON!!), Sachi (Sword Art Online), Meiko "Menma" Honma (Anohana) etc.
3. Voice 3 Age (Young) Tone (Normal) - KIMO Leopoldo
Made a separate post for KIMO here.
4. Voice 4 Age (Young) Tone (High) - Kimberly Woods
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They voice Hinaki Ubuyashiki and Naho Takada (Demon Slayer), Marisa (Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes), Shard (X-Men '97), Little Sister Machine and No. 4 (Nier: Automata Ver1.1a), Hassan of the Serenity (Fate/Grand Order The Movie Divine Realm of the Round Table) etc.
5. Voice 5 Age (Young) Tone (Deep) - J. Michael Tatum
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They voice Kyoya Otori (Ouran High School Host Club), Scar (Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood), France (Hetalia), Sebastian Michaelis (Black Butler), Nagi Kengamine/Owl (Deadman Wonderland), Tomoe (Kamisama Kiss), Erwin Smith (Attack on Titan) etc.
I definitely recommend checking him out, he voices a lot of characters I didn't even know were the same person.
6. Voice 6 Age (Young) Tone (Normal) - Amber Lee Connors
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They voice B. Jenet (Fatal Fury), Rye Cookie (Last Cookie Standing), Sachiko Juraku (Kakeguri Twin), Kurumi Saijo (Wonder Edd Priority), Pieck Finger/Cart Titan (Attack on Titan), Mei Mei and Nagi Yoshino (Jujutsu Kaisen), Furina (Genshin Impact), Miki Kawai (A Silent Voice) etc.
7. Voice 7 Age (Young) Tone (Deep) - John Patneaude
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They voice Quatre Salision (The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak), Renault (Unicorn Overlord), Rei (Pokemon Masters), and Arlott (Mobile Legends: Bang Bang).
8. Voice 8 Age (Young) Tone (Normal) - Dawn M. Bennett
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They voice Juvia Loxar (Fairy Tail), Sister Lily (Black Clover), Frieda Reiss (Attack on Titan), Setsuna Tokage / Lizardy (My Hero Academia), Yukong (Honkai: Star Rail), Charlotte Smoothie, Poppy, Olive, Kairen, Elmy (One Piece) etc.
9. Voice 9 Age (Young) Tone (High) - Alejandro Saab
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They voice Kaigaku (Demon Slayer), Leon (Pokemon Journey), Cyno (Genshin Impact), Izumi Miyamura (Horimiya), Yukio Kasamatsu (Kuroko's Basket), Macaque (Monkie Kid), Terunori Kuga (Food Wars!), Haru Kohno, Masamichi, Gozo Murobuchi (Kengan Ashura) etc.
10. Voice 10 Age (Young) Tone (High) - Ryan Bartley
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I use this one! :0
They voice Komugi (Hunter x Hunter), Tsubomi Takane (Mob Psycho 100), Pompompurin (Hello Kitty and Friends Supercute Adventures), Ram (Re:Zero), Rei Ayanami (Neon Genesis Evangelion) and so much more.
11. Voice 11 Age (Mature) Tone (Deep) - Jordan Reynolds
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They Voice Siegfried (Granblue Fantasy), Ludociel (Seven Deadly Sins), Tiziano and Carne (JJBA: Golden Wind), Ingo (Pokemon Masters), Jin Wong (Astral Chain) etc.
12. Voice 12 Age (Mature) Tone (Normal) - Larissa Gallagher
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They voice Lagoona Blue (Monster High), Bluebird (Steven Universe: Future), Lola Michisato (Komi Can't Communicate), Fine (Vampire in the Garden), Miss Pastel, Koala Princess, Demon Queenie, Sara (OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes) etc.
13. Voice 13 Age (Mature) Tone (Deep) - Jason Marnocha
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They voice Kirin Jodo (Mob Psycho 100), Demon King (Seven Deadly Sins), Olaf and Haldor (Vinland Saga), Katana man (Chainsaw Man). Charlotte Oven (0ne Piece), Keicho Nijimura (JJBA: Diamond is Unbreakable) etc.
14. Voice 14 Age (Mature) Tone (Deep) - PJ Mattson
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They voice Baiken (Guilty Gear Strive). Herta (Honkai: Star Raill), Catwoman / Selina Kyle (Mortal Kombat vs DC), Cheer Bear (Care Bears), Locksley Longhair and Ferns (Barbie: Dreamtopia), etc.
15. Voice 15 Age (Mature) Tone (Deep) - Doug Stone
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They voice Hugh Islands and Grandfather Bernadotte (Hellsing Ultimate), Psycho Mantis (Metal Gear Solid), Lin (Ghost in the Shell), Dr. Kuseno (One Punch Man) Adolf and Foss (Berserk), Gorm (Vinland Saga) Gilbert Pronislav and Duke Aegir (Fire Emblem) etc.
16. Voice 16 Age (Mature) Tone (Normal) - Ellyn Stern
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They voice Masaki Kurosaki (Bleach), Okumoto (Belle), Haraway (Ghost in the Shell), Veronica Vera (Shadow Hearts: Covenant), Tomiko (Hajime no Ippo), Okami (Skip Beat!) Agatha (Pokemon Generations) etc.
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bimboficationblues · 9 months
One Piece in Review, Part 1: Break of Romance Dawn! (Ch. 1-41)
Welcome to my One Piece reread review! In each part I’m gonna take a close look at each arc of the manga, what works, what doesn’t, how it relates to the work as a “whole" (such as it is).
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First up: Romance Dawn [chapters 1-7], followed by two story arcs which I think follow enough of a similar pattern that they can all be understood as a unit: Orange Town [chapters 8-21] and Syrup Village [chapters 22-41]. Where the grand adventure begins! These make up the first half of the "East Blue" saga, a series of arcs that all take place in the "East Blue" sea.
The first three arcs of One Piece follow a very simple formula: our protagonist, Monkey D. Luffy, is in need of members for his pirate crew and a ship. This is part of his ambition to become "King of the Pirates," which requires finding the treasure of previous Pirate King Gold Roger. He shows up in a small village or town, often by contrivance, and confronts a local villain who is menacing the locals in one form or another: an authoritarian Marine captain, a ransacking materialistic clown pirate, and a scheming ex-pirate trying to pull off one last job, respectively. Luffy gets involved not out of a desire to be heroic, but usually out of self-interest (such as acquiring a ship or a map of his destination) or to help an interpersonal connection he's made in the area. Along the way he meets an oddball with some special talent or skill who he invites to join his crew, and they eventually agree to join in pursuit of their own personal dream. In this series of arcs, he recruits powerful and stoic swordsman Roronoa Zoro, kleptomaniac and pirate-hating navigator Nami, and inventive but cowardly sharpshooter Usopp.
@canmom recently read through this segment of the story and posted what I think is an insightful perspective about the series’ beginnings, from the viewpoint of someone approaching the series for (approximately) the first time in its twenty-six year history. Her perspective is, I think it's fair to say, a little mixed, both because of the art style's notoriously divisive quality as well as the tone and content of this first part of the story.
These first three arcs kind of wear author Eiichiro Oda’s influences on their sleeve both narratively and visually, especially that of Akira Toriyama's Dr. Slump and Dragon Ball. I also think that some of the concepts are probably inspired (directly or not) by series like JoJo's Bizarre Adventure and Outlaw Star, such as the "Devil Fruit" (which resemble JJBA's Stands as a way to give characters unique and wacky powers, though simpler than Stands in general). The linework for characters is generally rounder and softer in shape, a little "cartoony," and it's not always consistent. There's a lot of visual gags, puns, and big reaction faces, though mercifully few lame sex jokes relative to the early portions of Dragon Ball. The strongest visual moments are in the action sequences and spreads (see below).
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Similar to Dragon Ball, One Piece draws a lot on folk tales, fables, mythology, and fantasy literature, sometimes subtly and sometimes not so much (as is the case with the introduction of Usopp, a character who is initially both a variant on Pinocchio and the Boy Who Cried Wolf). And yet, Dragon Ball doesn’t really confront the grimmer sides of its story and world until fairly late into the “non-Z” portion. Within the first chapter of One Piece: a child cuts his face open with a large knife to prove his courage, a bandit gets shot in the head by a pirate, and another man has his arm torn off by a sea monster. (All of these are obfuscated in some way in the Toei anime.) None of this gets an especially graphic treatment visually, but combined with the apparent silliness of the power system and visual design, plus some of the more interesting setting details, it definitely establishes that this is a world full of both awe-inspiring wonder AND genuine danger.
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And, unlike something like Dragon Ball or JoJo's where a lot of the writing is (self-admittedly) done by the seat of the author's pants, there's definitely a real effort to maintain something like a consistent world-logic - which isn't to say Oda doesn't sometimes abruptly change course. But concepts like the "Grand Line" or the Devil Fruit surface repeatedly, baiting readers to follow and learn more if they keep coming back. Below, Chapter 8 (an early mention of the Grand Line) and Chapter 22 (where it's actually explained in detail):
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The settings and backgrounds of these early arcs tend to be sparse, minimal, and rustic: small houses, quiet taverns, little rickety boats, and tamed greenery. This, too, is a tradeoff. On the one hand, it effectively communicates how small this part of the world is, and on re-read this makes these early islands really stand out compared to the kinds of weird or grandiose places that the Straw Hat Pirates will visit later in the manga. It paints a picture of small communities and everyday people trying to eke out a stable existence on the periphery of the world, threatened by a mix of local crime and corrupt authority, which in turn point towards the existence of much larger forces.
On the other hand, those first forty chapters can feel a little drab because of this somewhat underwhelming aesthetic. Once the series starts to really hit its stride in the following saga, I think this is much less of a problem. And, just to defend the thing I just critiqued, @opbackgrounds has a cool write-up noting the differences between the architecture in the different villages, so although the settings aren't the most thrilling, their designs do still communicate distinct class and cultural differences, like Orange Town's obviously greater wealth communicated below, which corresponds to its success as a port town:
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This same limitation of scope extends into the main conflicts. They skew small, with relatively minor pirate crews menacing the small towns that I described above. Unlike the antagonists of the "Paradise" [Ch. 101-597] and "New World" [Ch. 598-ongoing] portions of the story, who are admirals, warlords, emperors, and even a self-proclaimed god-king, the antagonists in these first three arcs are trying to acquire petty personal fiefdoms or fulfill private schemes, or in the case of that clown everyone was upset about a while back, reach *well* outside his grasp. It can feel a little "villain of the week," and in at least two out of four cases, with one edge case, that's an accurate label.
The two villains of Romance Dawn, for instance, are completely outclassed by our protagonists. "Iron Mace" Alvida and "Axe-Hand" Morgan never pose a serious threat to our heroes, they're largely vessels for Luffy and Zoro to display what they can do. They have two other useful qualities, though. First, they immediately set the tone for who the antagonists are generally going to be, a mix of Marines or government authorities, and other pirates with alternative worldviews to Luffy and the crew's. Second, they introduce some of the series' basic themes.
Both Morgan and Alvida rule by fear, with the former in particular demanding complete obedience, and using his rank in the Marines as proof of his own superiority and a means to personally enrich himself. By putting Luffy in conflict with these two, it suggests that the status of "Pirate King" maybe doesn't inherently carry the kind of connotation of superiority and command, or control over wealth, that you might assume. In the first chapter, we've seen Luffy glow with delight at the claim that "pirates have freedom." While the themes are a little embryonic at this point, it's clear from the start what direction the series is going.
In this way, most of the villains are direct foils for Luffy and the crew member being recruited in each arc. For example, Captain Kuro "of a Thousand Plans," the villain of the "Syrup Village" arc, is both a foil for Luffy and Usopp, willing to abandon his crew in pursuit of a quiet, shamed life as an ex-pirate rather than live loudly and proudly, and who relies on deception to advance his goals. Buggy the Clown, the villain of "Orange Town," has a boundless ambition for treasure that parallels both Luffy and Nami's aspirations, but while Luffy sees treasure in the variety of places and things that people value because of their history and connections to important people (like his own straw hat), and Nami's money-lust stems from a complicated history of hurt (which is only foreshadowed in this section), Buggy is simplistic and sadistic, incapable of seeing beyond himself.
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A random aside: Buggy is an all-time gag antagonist, and unlike the other three, he will repeatedly resurface throughout the narrative. This is part of the core appeal of One Piece, imo. What seem like villains of the week or background characters often end up coming back, often in new roles. In Buggy's case, while he returns first as a minor villain and later an ally, above all he is essentially the series' longest-running gag: a man who is basically incompetent but keeps failing upwards largely through the misunderstandings of others.
This use of narrative foils to push specific ideas within each arc, which then form a web of interrelated themes throughout the whole saga or series, is a common feature of One Piece antagonists, but they get meatier and gain greater emotional complexity or thematic weight as the story goes on.
You might have noticed I've been quiet about the core cast so far, but now that I've touched on antagonists, it seems appropriate to say some words about them. But also, that's partly intentional because in the early days the information about our protagonists is relayed in a piecemeal way. We get basic backgrounds for Usopp, Luffy, and Zoro, but a better sense of who they are unfolds over time rather than in single chapters or arcs: how they behave with each other, the choices they make, what their personalities are like. This lack of instant information is deliberate on Oda's part. Luffy (after learning that Nami lost someone to pirates) expresses that he understands, but also indicates that he doesn't necessarily need to hear about it. These people aren't connected because they share intimate details of their histories with each other but because they have shared values and aspirations, and they inspire one another to pursue their goals.
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The way Luffy is written, for example, leaves open a lot of questions around his familial and early life until they suddenly come roaring back into the story way later. But we do learn a decent amount about him in this arc: he's a bit of a dope and not a great sailor, but he's a strong fighter, he has some sense of honor and bravery but isn't above being underhanded, and despite his lack of intellect he has a fair amount of tactical and emotional intelligence.
While he hasn't quite figured out to be the best possible leader yet, Luffy has a sort of natural charisma by virtue of his sheer unblinking willpower. His dreams and aspirations inspire others around him to pursue their own, seemingly unachievable goals. So far, so shonen. But where he stands out from other shonen heroes is that his goals are so defiant of how the world "should" work - a young kid who can't swim, with the silly power of "stretching," from a backwater village in the "weakest" sea in the One Piece world - that it naturally brings him into conflict with that world's social and political order. It'll be interesting to observe how Luffy develops as a character and a leader as the series continues.
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Each of the main cast is, fittingly for pirates, atypically heroic or arguably non-heroic. In spite of their position as protagonists, each one has an idiosyncratic personality, a self-interested goal, and a hoard of vices, and what's more is that these vices often aren't always positioned as things they need to overcome. Zoro is incredibly prideful to the point of putting himself in unnecessary danger, indulgent in alcohol, and easily gets lost. Nami is obsessed with making money and has an especially short fuse. Usopp is easily frightened and falls back on deception as a way to puff himself up.
And yet these are the things that endear the characters to each other, and us to them: Usopp uses lies not just to inflate his own ego but to make others feel better or to distract an enemy at critical moments; Zoro's prideful determination to basically defy all medical wisdom has saved the crew's life multiple times, as early as Orange Town; Nami's knack for stealing makes her a valuable asset under pressure, and her short fuse is because she often has to play the clever and rational member of the group.
I'm gonna decline to comment further on the remaining three characters, because I think while each of them gets time to shine in this section of the story, it'll be better to look at how they take shape in the context of the next string of arcs. Which means, once again, I find myself pointing to the long game as justification for what makes this section of the story work.
I think taken together, these qualities of the early series make it easy to see why One Piece is massively successful AND has something of a mixed reputation among non-readers, or people who pick up the first volume or two and then drop it.
My feelings on this earliest segment of One Piece are a bit mixed, myself. What makes it work for me is viewing it as part of an unfolding process, with the knowledge of what's to come and how the seemingly small and less exciting characters or concepts eventually swell in scope and emotional weight. But some of the emotional moments in this early section land with a bit of a thud for me (I've never been a huge fan of Zoro's backstory for instance), and the conflicts and characterization are hit or miss. But, considering the manga I've read that have stronger starting points but ultimately drown as they continue, there's a compelling case to be made that One Piece is a great example of manga-as-process rather than just a series of parts. It benefits from a long-term, serialized format in a way that not all works actually do.
Overall I'd say Romance Dawn is a little wobbly, while Orange Town and Syrup Village polish up the basic formula before it starts to get more complex in the next few arcs.
Next up, Baratie, Arlong Park, and Loguetown (ch. 42-100)!
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kwisatzworld · 9 months
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Vale's 2003 Champion T-shirt (front):
James Brown (whose initials are the same as Jeremy Burgess), author of the soundtrack to the film “Blues Brothers” (Vale’s favorite film).
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Vale's 2003 Champion T-shirt (back):
Prisoner: Rossi Valentino
MotoGP World Champion 2003
Registration Number: 1111-46
1. Improper detention of official RC211V.
2. Rear tire abuse.
3. Improper use of a weapon (throttle grip).
4. Association with a mafia-style criminal organization for extortion. Allied with the infamous boss Jeremy Burgess, the head of the bloodthirsty Australian gang (the alcohol racket).
5. Incitement to rebellion.
6. Possession, abuse, and distribution of fantasy.
7. Extortion.
8. Armed robbery (allegedly robbed 5 world champions at gunpoint, according to the Prosecutor, of the finest motorcycles in the lot).
9. Burglary (found in the defendant's garage were tampered electronic control units).
10. Splitting lightning fast breaks (what on earth does that mean?!).
11. Incitement to wheelie.
12. Incitement to lean.
13. Sentenced for repeatedly failing to show up on time for trials.
14. Sentenced for organizing pagan rituals during several victory laps.
15. Serial Winner.
16. Unauthorized appropriation of the highest step of the podium.
17. Aiding and abetting.
18. Subversive propaganda (wore the Peace helmet during Irta tests in Barcelona).
19. Sentenced for a brawl.
20. Detention and exploitation for profit of the ravenous combat Bulldog 'Guido.'
21. Sentenced for false and tendentious statements for intimidation purposes.
22. Indecent acts in public (repeatedly touched his derrière and marbles on the starting grid).
23. Right-hand man of the infamous “GRASIAN...ALSA LA ROTA,” head of the Cava gang (recycling of tampered enduro motorcycles).
24. Illegitimate appropriation of special mappings.
Under supervised release, with the obligation to attend all Grand Prix events until the end of the championship.
The Judge:
Upon release, the following personal effects are returned to the former inmate:
1 - Stolen mobile phone.
2 - Cloned credit cards.
1 - New condom.
1 - Used condom.
1 - Bunch of keys, including:
London apartment key (presumed operational hideout).
APE key for speedy getaways.
SCOOTER key for muggings.
1 - Fake, malfunctioning automatic watch.
1 - Pair of black sunglasses.
1 - Black goat wool balaclava (the prickly kind).
1 - Nail clippers.
€51.00 in counterfeit bills and coins.
For acceptance:
The Guard Officer:
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Long Haired Boy Bracket All Contestants
The polls will start this tuesday the 2nd
Bracket A
1 - Ling Yao Fullmetal Alchemist vs Will Turner Pirates of the Caribbean
2 - Chigiri Hyoma Blue Lock vs Kasanoda Ritsu OHSHC
3 - Squidward Tentacles Sponge Bob Square Pants vs Link Legend of Zelda
4 - Heimdall Mcu vs Enoch Drebber Ace Attorney
5 - Izuru Kamukura Danganronpa vs Silver Pokémon
6 - Wei Wuxian Mo Dao Zu Shi vs Hua Cheng Heaven's Official Blessing
7 - Wataru Hibiki Ensemble Stars vs Akoya Gero Binan Koukou Chikyuu Bouei-Bu Love
8 - Su Honkai Impact 3rd vs Reyson Fire Emblem
9 - Vanitas Vanitas no Carte vs Athos 3 musketeers
10 - Destruction The Sandman vs Eliot Stardew Valley
11 - Neightan Rot Monster High vs Haruka Hashida Blue Period
12 - Kian Stone Just Roll With It, Show vs Aion Show By Rock
13 - Shulk Xenoblade vs Antonio Identity V
14 - Beelzebub Granblue Fantasy vs Kiun Noragami
15 - Alex Harvey-Iniguez Magical Warrior Diamond Heart vs Fabian Blush Blush
16 - Lord Cedric W.I.T.C.H vs Eithan Aurelius Cradle Series
Bracket B
1 - Korekiyo Shinguji Danganronpa vs Hong Lu Limbus Company
2 - Alucard Castlevania vs Finn The Human Adventure Time
3 - Sakurayashiki Kaoru "Cherry" Sk8 Infinity vs Rosado Fire Emblem
4 - Geralt Of Rivia The Witcher vs Elrond Lord Of The Rings
5 - Inigo Montoya The Princess Bride vs Fire Lord Zuko Avatar The Last Airbender/Avatar The Legend Of Korra
6 - Natural Harmonia Gropius "N" Pokémon vs Loki Mcu
7 - Samsom The Old Testament vs Aramis 3 musketeers
8 - Interdimensional Prince Monster Prom vs Furanui Binan Koukou Chikyuu Bouei-Bu Happy Kiss
9 - Ichirota Kazemaru Inazuma Eleven vs Lucas Rune Factory 5
10 - Helia Winx Club vs Gunpowder Tim The Mechanisms
11 - Shinjiro Nozomi Entropic Float vs Dia Akedia Court of Darkness
12 - Jareth The Goblin King Labyrinth vs Br'aad Vengolor Just Roll With It
13 - Little Creek Spirit vs Bigby Wolf Fables
14 - Terry Bogard Fatal Fury vs Prince Phobos W.I.T.C.H
15 - Dyuradyura Show By Rock vs Noah Kawaii Mansion
16 - Howell Wizard Bee and Puppycat vs Zero Megaman
Bracket C
1 - Inuyasha Inuyasha vs Lucius Fire Emblem
2 - Legolas Lord of the Rings vs Greg Universe Steven Universe
3 - Melli Pokémon vs Shatterstar Marvel
4 - Klavier Gavin Ace Attorney vs Lan Wangji Mo Dao Zu Shi
5 - Chewbacca Star Wars vs Cousin it The Addams Family
6 - Captain Hook Peter Pan vs Edward Elric Fullmetal Alchemist
7 - Tarzan Tarzan vs Razor Genshin Impact
8 - Gerard Keay The Magnus Archives vs Deidara Naruto
9 - Yan Qing Fate Grand Order vs Porthos 3 musketeers
10 - Yue Cardcaptor Sakura vs Headmaster Precure
11 - Kurama Yu Yu Hakusho vs Gillion Tidestrider Just Roll With It
12 - Sitka Brother Bear vs Lord Cob Tales Of Earthsea
13 - Kidou Yuuto Inazuma Eleven Go vs Takumi Ichinose Nana
14 - Peter Cook W.I.T.C.H vs Alec Swordspoint
15 - Peking Duck Food Fantasy vs Karurusu Binan Koukou Chikyuu Bouei-Bu Happy Kiss
16 - Blue Knight Tokyo Mew Mew vs Yakari Yakari
Bracket D
1 - Asakura Hao Shaman King vs Soren Fire Emblem
2 - Sesshomaru Inuyasha vs Christopher Yugioh Zexal
3 - Lord Farquaad Shrek vs Katsura Kotaro Gintama
4 - Jesus The Bible vs Sephiroth Final Fantasy VII
5 - Aoba Seragaki Dramatical Murder vs Basil Hawkins One Piece
6 - Kamui Gakupo Vocaloid vs Nahyuta Sahdmadhi Ace Attorney
7 - Jon Snow Game of Thrones vs Grusha Pokémon
8 - Terumi Furo "Aphorodi" Inazuma Eleven vs Joseph Identity V
9 - Nahobino Shin Megami Tensei vs Kite Hunter x Hunter
10 - Ogron Winx Club vs Niklaus Just Roll With It
11 - D'artagnian 3 musketeers vs Monmon Show by Rock
12 - Xie Lian Heaven's Official Blessing vs Olivier Vanitas no Carte
13 - Xiao Yin Dislyte vs Thane Bauer Watashi no Oshi Wa Akuyaku Reijou
14 - Toki Wartooth Metalocalypse vs Madmartigan Willow
15 - DJ Grooves A Hat In Time vs Jae-ha Akatsuki no Yona
16 - Nezumi No.6 vs Ashe Bradley Witch's Heart
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74 notes · View notes
All those tainted childish fantasies
Content warning(s): None
Ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/39750789/chapters/99519447
You're only sure of these things,
1. You're an orphan at playtime Co.
2. The orphanage at Playtime Co. is also a factory.
3. You have friends here.
4. Some of those friends are not human.
5. There are many, many adults here. More than an orphanage should need.
6. There are many, many mystery's. More than a factory should have.
7. There are living toys.
8. You aren't supposed to know as much as you do.
9. If they find out that you know, they will make you silent. You don't know how they'll do it, and you don't want to find out.
10. Your friends are being hurt by the adults.
11. Your friends aren't as they seem.
12. You protect those you love.
13. You are too stubborn to stop or die.
And you don't stop until you get what you want.
                                 Chapter one: Start at the beginning 
You heard a commotion in the game station, and that’s all it took for your curiosity to get the better of you. Kids are pushing and shoving others to get to the game station first. You wonder why they’re all so excited. Truth be told, you weren’t expecting anything grand. It didn’t take much to get the little kids excited.
You know where the left and right led you: to a shop and a place with a Grabpack (you believe it was called that?). It was on the way to the game station. You want to steal one, and knowing yourself, eventually you probably will, but that’s a quest for another day.
Anyway, back to the game station mission.
You make another turn and walk into the game station. You looked in, and inside you saw a tall, blue... thing. And it was moving?
‘What the heckity wecity? What even is that thing? At least they looked happy? The other kids seemed to enjoy this thing as well.’
You stared at them from a distance, hiding behind the wall as much as you could without it hindering your vision. The kids were all around the blue fluffy thingy. Wasn’t it overwhelming? You would be in that situation. Well, then again, you’re also weird—everyone said so—so maybe you don’t count.
The blue thing also wasn’t human. You don’t think that they’re actually a person in a costume because it doesn’t look like any of the costumes you’ve seen. It doesn’t even have enough room for another person to fit in? Unless the costume was, like, really thin.
Maybe they’re a robot? How’d they make a robot with that much fluff, though? It looked so fluid too... The movements weren’t robotic.
Ah, well, what do you know? You’re just some orphaned kid who never really cared about robotics, so maybe robots have just upgraded that much. Anything’s possible.
You started moving away from the door and closer to the blue thing. It was slow, but still better than nothing. You kept hiding behind some of the play structures or anything else nearby and stopped to stare at the blue thingy for a little while longer before repeating the process.
You think it’s familiar. It’s face is, anyway. Is he part of the toys this place makes? Does this place make toys? You don’t actually know, you kind of just got thrown into this odd factory that doubled as an orphanage one day.
The world is weird. Why does this place even double as an orphanage? It’s a factory. Questions, questions, questions... Questions you’ll get to later.
Anyway, considering all these characters are just… out and about, this place probably created them. Like, what kind of general/normal play area has characters from fictional universes that they don’t own just out and about?
Eh, you’ll try to find out later. Maybe you could look it up if you could find a device to do it with. If that fails, you’ll just continue exploring the factory. You’ve been doing it since day one, although you’ve gotten bolder in your explorations since then.
You’re close enough to the group of children surrounding the blue guy now, but you’re too nervous to approach them. There are a lot of kids around him... He probably wouldn’t even notice or hear you. He seemed to be having a good time without you, anyway.
Maybe you could wait until they play a game? Right now the kids were just surrounding him, so sitting back until you could sneakily go into the crowd could be a good ide-
Before you can continue your thought process, you and the other children hear something—someone?—approaching. You turn around and hide behind the round slide you were still on. (You were hiding there before as well, but you sort of moved next to it after a few minutes. But not anymore.)
"Oooh! new playmates!" You tensed when you heard the voice. Another weird monster(?) thing? How many are there!?
This was a pink, squiggly-looking thing. It has a nice voice, at least. Soothing. You’ll give it that. Well, maybe to most people it’s soothing, but not to you. You don’t like this new pink thing.
To be fair, though, you don’t like anything new. Just yesterday, none of these characters existed—not like this, anyway—so why are they here now? They just appeared out of nowhere.
"My name is Mommy Long Legs! I’m sure you all can guess why!" The pink thing said. Well, you guess her name is Mommy Long Legs, but you really don’t want to call her that. You’ll just have to make up a new name for her.
And, well... You’ll probably forget her name soon, so it doesn’t really matter. You were never good with names. "I’ma call you… pinky." You whispered to yourself, peeking out from behind the circular slide a bit more.
"It’s because of your legs!" One kid exclaimed, "It’s all their limbs, dumb dumb!" Another child said. You chuckled at the kid calling them a dumb dumb.
Pinky giggled at all the answers the children gave. "Ooh! How smart you all are! Mommy knows some games all you smart children can play!"
Every child, now forgetting about the blue thing, ran towards the mother figure, yelling with joy and jumping with excitement. You stayed where you were and looked back over to the blue guy. They looked a bit sad. Maybe you could talk to the blue monster(?) now?
You saw Pinky and the other kids that now crowded her suddenly all get picked up by her extending her arms around them all. Your eyes widen and you back up more without thinking about it.
"Just go away..." You mumbled to yourself, curling up on the floor as you listened to the children’s and Pinky’s conversation. What are these things?
"Come now, children! The game Mommy wants you to play is called ‘musical memory!’" Pinky exclaimed after a little while and set the children down. "Mommy’s afraid only one child can play at a time, but Mommy will play with all of you in the game station after she gets things started!" Pinky made her way to some stairs directly in front of you.
Thankfully, she didn’t notice your presence. You didn’t want to be next to all those kids, and especially not next to Pinky. They’re so loud. Especially now, when they’re booing and getting upset. You hope Pinky is going to do her job soon! Get the kids to calm down, Jeez.
After Pinky and the group that surrounded her finally left, you looked around for the blue guy. He sort of disappeared when you got distracted. While you were searching for him, you hid a bit and were quiet while jogging through this play area. Or the game station—whatever.
‘C’mon, where could he be? He was so tall! Am I that bad at spotting things?’ You thought, getting mad at your inability to find something so simple. Looking up, you tried to spot somewhere high that you could climb to get a birds-eye view of the play area.
Did the blue creature already leave? Did he go with Pinky? You hope not, because you were hoping to speak with them! Plus, he looked sad. Maybe you could make him feel better?
Back to your search, though, you saw something you hadn’t before. It was a catwalk that oversaw the game station with a room in the middle. Specifically, where the newly built train is and the new games that were previously unavailable, too.
You felt a sense of unease. Why is there just a catwalk and a room near the ceiling? You didn’t see anyone up there now, but that didn’t take away the feeling of dread that came upon you all that much.
‘It’s just a catwalk! and a building! They probably didn’t have enough space to put it somewhere else.’ You thought, but quickly discarded the theory when you remembered how big this factory is.
‘Or maybe it has something to do with the game station itself...? Yeah! It probably has something to do with the trains. They were built around the same time, so that makes sense!’ You said to yourself internally, trying to get rid of your suspicions of something sinister going on.
Since you were placed in this factory, you've had a feeling that something wasn't adding up, and nothing has made those doubts go away, but nothing has confirmed that this place is evil incarnate either.
So you’ll just observe for now. Silently watching from a distance,
‘Blue guy is made by them, or at least is hired to be here. They work here, at the very least. Maybe they’ll tell me something if I ask?’ You ponder before shaking yourself out of those thoughts. Conspiracy theories later! Right now you are trying to find someone.
Back to the present, you've found a place that was high enough to see at least most of the game station; one of the play structures' top levels. And by top level, you mean, like, roof top level, not the top floor.
You would’ve gone for the overhead of the benches in the game station, but if you went on those, you’d alert everyone to your position because of how loud it was. It would also be a bit harder to get to, so on the top of the play structure you go!
It wasn’t the best bird's-eye view you’ve had. In fact, it was pretty bad because it was stuck in one corner, but hey, it is better than the ground level. Not to mention you convinced a younger kid who was already there to be a rebel and break the rules with you.
There’s a chance you’ll get tattled on because that’s just how little kids go (yes, you’re aware that you’re still a little kid yourself, but this guy is, like, seven!) But that was a risk you were willing to take if you could introduce another kid to the wonders of climbing and jumping on stuff you’re not supposed to.
The kid next to you was looking around in awe. You can only assume they’ve never climbed this high before. They seem like a ‘good kid’ who behaves well, so breaking the rules slightly was probably a cool rush for the probably seven-year-old.
Not that you can say anything. When someone helped you break your first rule, you did something similar. Sure, your anxiety was killing you, but after a while, you were in awe too.
That's what breaking and entering a school will do to you.
At least your mentor who taught you the art of ‘here’s how to break rules and here’s how to not get caught/evade punishment’ was good at his job! He was an older kid, but he looked out for you and, as said before, let you break in and enter his high school!
You guys only stole a few things.
You think.
You shake yourself out of your nostalgia, and you focus on the task at hand! You've been getting sidetracked too much. You’re trying to find a Blue Monsters Inc guy, not go down memory lane or make conspiracy theories! Mr. Blue Tall Man could leave at any moment (if he hasn't already), so you don't have the luxury of time.
You look around from the rooftop and see what you'd normally see in a play area with a few children in it. Kids playing with toys, running and chasing each other, some kids playing make-believe, the usual.
It took you a few minutes to find Mr. Blue. Just barely. And thank God you finally did. The too quiet part of this play area was getting to you. It was just you and this random kid you found up here. You're not sure why he's alone, but you'd be a hypocrite to judge him. You’re also not sure why this place only has you and this kid playing here, but whatever. A mystery for later.
You just hoped that the blue thing you saw was the person you were looking for. You at least know it’s not part of the building or a random styrofoam block, but that’s about it. Well, even if it’s not the guy you’re looking for, it’s probably a cool item or something. You're hoping so, at least.
You turn to the kid you just raised up here and ask him if he wanted to get down, because if he didn’t go with you, he’d have to do it himself. The kid asked for a few minutes more, but you just told him he could stay there. He’d have to get down himself.
At least you kept him from crying and throwing a tantrum by showing him how to get back down and up again. Yeah, it took a bit of time, pushing, and encouragement, but the kid eventually got it. You waved goodbye just as an adult passed by. Thankfully, your new, and probably now ex-, apprentice wasn’t on the roof, so the adult paid them no mind.
You doubt they would’ve even if he was on the roof. Adults are so dumb, they never look up! (Ignore how you also never looked up and didn’t see them build an entire room and catwalk until today.)
You found your way back to the ground and ran over—as inconspicuous as you could because you didn’t want to cause an attraction to yourself—over to the blue guy, or at least where you think he is. And, hey! Good news! You were right! The blue guy was here!
Bad news though, your previous bout of confidence and lack of anxiety you had for the past fifteen-twenty minutes disappeared the second you saw this blue guy again!
You did see how the blue thing seemed to be, uh, upset? He was lying face-first on the floor. You’d ask what he was doing, but you could relate to lying face-first on the floor when you were upset. It’s oddly therapeutic. if only slightly.
"Go away, Kissy. I don’t want to talk right now." The blue fellow said, his voice muffled. You kind of just stood there for a minute, feeling your anxiety rise a bit. Who was Kissy? Would the blue creature react poorly to you not being whoever Kissy is? And why is his voice so goofy?
"Uh, um... Not Kissy... tr-try again?" You stuttered, cursing it once again. You stutter so much in so many different ways, and right now it is repeating the same letter(s) of the word you wanted to say.
Your stutter wasn’t even because of your anxiety! It might be amplified because of that, yeah, but you stutter all the time regardless of how relaxed you do or do not feel. You’ll probably stutter every way to Sunday in this one interaction with Mr. Blue over here!
Dang it, why did God make you this way?
The blue fellow's face flew up from the floor and looked at you. He looked surprised. Not that you could blame him—he was expecting someone else!—You’re just some dumb kid who doesn’t even know his name, and, oh God, why did you think coming here was a good idea? This guy probably doesn’t like you now and-
"You’re not with Mommy?" The blue guy asks, standing up once again to tower over you. You chuckle nervously. He was way taller than you, and it was making you more nervous. "N-no... I’m right here." You mumble in response, shifting from one foot to another anxiously as you mess with your sleeves.
"... and you came to me instead." The blue guy says, and you take a step back. Did he not want you here? "Uh, um, yes. D-do you want me to leave? ‘Cause I can—I can go, y’kn-" You got cut off by Mr. Blue Guy as he yelled, "NO!"
You flinch and take another step back. You came over to him because he seemed nice, non-human or not an (at least human) adult, and had at least a normal voice level that wasn't loud like Pinky’s was. It seems like that was a bad call on your part.
You're considering just going back to that little kid and staying on the play structure rooftop with him. Oh well, you have already started. This was an accidental self-sabotage. You internally mourned the loss of the peace and quiet you had before.
The blue creature seemed to realize how loud he was, "Sorry! Sorry, I didn’t mean to spook you." He spoke again, more friendly and less loud this time. You just nodded, "But why’d you come looking for little ‘ol me?" He asks and you inhale deeply, then exhale. You’re fine. It’s fine. He’s just curious, he’s just curious... Calm down; you're okay.
"I... I thought you might be upset and, well... the group with Pi- the other... person? Pink person? was loud." You answered. You think that it’d probably be best if the tall blue guy over here didn’t know you gave his friend (?) another name. You were right earlier; you already forgot the lady’s name. You know it’s not Kissy, though.
"Do you mean Mommy Long Legs?" He asks and you nod. Right, right... that was her name. Wait, didn't Blue just say her name? Augh! Whatever! You shouldn’t forget it in case you need to repeat it. Although you probably will. Again,
"Well, little fellow, is there any game you’d like to play? I’d be happy to play! Even if it is only two players." He chuckled. At least he was in good spirits now?
"Uh, be-before that, what’s your name…?" You ask, cutting yourself off before you tell him that you’ve just been calling him different variations of ‘Blue guy’ in your head. He doesn’t need to know that.
You really need to figure out how to stop the urge to overshare.
"Oh how rude of me! I never introduced myself, did I?" he says. You’d like to say asked, but it seemed like a… what’s the word? a question that they didn’t mean for you to actually answer? Like, a question that wasn’t really a question and maybe more of a statement?
Ah, oh well. It’s not that important anyway.
"I’m Huggy Wuggy! The name gives away what I do best, y’know!" He exclaims. Huh. Huggy Wuggy? Could whoever named them not come up with a more clever name? Oh yeah, and he said something about Kissy earlier? If he’s Huggy, then is Kissy, like, his sister or something? A relative of his? Or maybe just a lover?
You realize you were lost in thought for a few seconds too long and snap back into reality before Huggy can ask if you’re still here. "O-oh! Right, I’m, uh, assuming it’s hugs?" You try, giving him a nervous smile.
Huggy gives back a smile of his own; it’s a nice one. even if you thought his mouth/lips looked a bit freaky and weird. He didn't even show his teeth. Well, maybe you’ll get used to him and his mildly unnerving face. Probably. If you look at him enough, you will, anyway.
"Hehehe, Yooou got it!" Huggy answered, and for a second you were scared he was going to show you by hugging you, but were relieved to find out he didn’t do that. It's not that you hate physical contact—you like it even!—but if it's from someone you don't know or trust, you get uncomfortable and feel an urge to punch them in the throat.
Instead, Mr. Blue asked, "So, what’s your name, little fellow?" You started messing with your clothes again. This time it was the edge of your shorts. "I’m..." You paused for a second.
Your mentor of ‘here’s how to break rules and here’s how to not get caught/evade punishment’ also dabbled in the art of ‘how to throw people off your trail if you don’t trust them’ or something like that. You don’t really remember what they called it.
You remember him telling you that fake names cause both chaos and protection because you’re tricking them and now they don’t know your real name. So if anyone asked you why you lied about this and you were honest for once, you’d tell them that most likely.
"Charlie." You finally answered, "My name, it’s Charlie."
A/n: AhahaHAHAHHA DON'T KILL ME PLZ! The name reader uses will only be used when needed, AKA only for plot reasons istg I didn't just give the reader a name-
In other news thanks for reading :D I haven't put this much thought into a fic in, well, ever. Not a serious one, anyways. So let's see how far it goes lmao
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rachellesedai · 8 months
The Lasting Memory
Here is part two of my story for the @inklings-challenge 2023!
Team: Tolkien Genre: Secondary World Fantasy/Time Travel Themes: Burial/Visit the Sick Word Count: 5,621 [PART 1] | 4,467 [PART 2]
Treasa mounted the steps to the grand pavilion. Its moonstone columns shimmered in the glow of the setting sun. Detailed glyphs in the lost language of the ancients covered the round pillars from top to bottom. Her eyes ran up the rows upon rows of carved symbols. They were said to be an explanation of how the stones worked, or perhaps computations showing the movements of the stars. Scholars had spent lifetimes arguing over the possible meanings of the glyphs and the ancients who had created them.
The Order had grown up around these scattered pavilions, studying them, learning their secrets, and eventually using them for their own purposes. What the ancients had intended them for no one knew for certain. Traveling back in time, if only as an observer, was useful to be sure. It seemed to Treasa, however, that there had to have been more to the mystical structures. Why were they the only remnants of a clearly advanced civilization? She couldn’t help wondering if the pavilions had taken the ancients to the far future or even to other worlds.
Treasa took a deep breath. Now was not the time to ponder such things. She was only putting off the inevitable. Clutching the moonstone medallion hanging around her neck, Treasa walked to the center of the structure. A cool breeze whispered through the columns. She patted the leather scrip at her side, ignoring the heat creeping up the back of her neck. No one was here to check how many crystals were in her bag. She wasn’t sure if she’d packed Timon’s extra crystals because she still doubted herself or because his threats had intimidated her more than she was willing to admit. Either way, it was time.         
Carefully positioning herself, Treasa planted her feet within the crossing lines of the star mosaic at the very center of the pavilion. She cupped the amulet in both hands and gazed into its milky depths, building the picture she wanted in her mind’s eye. Her stomach lurched and everything wobbled as if the ground were falling out from under her. She tensed, reminding herself this was a normal part of traveling. Treasa took a slow breath and closed her eyes. Her fingers curled around the amulet and she focused on the image in her mind, the Battle of Kareth. Silent winds buffeted her. She was at the eye of a great storm, and then nothing. A moment of suspended silence stretched out around her before reality snapped back into place.
Treasa stumbled, her boots ankle deep in mud. Men swarmed around her, officers shouting orders, soldiers caring for horses and readying weapons. Her eyes scanned the men’s faces, searching for the First Guardian. She shook her head. General Valleth. He would be young here, blond hair instead of gray. Treasa trudged forward, glad to be wearing breeches and a woolen tunic covered with a serviceable half-cloak in the midnight blue of the Order. People flowed around her, rarely even glancing in her direction. She approached an officer taking reports from various regiment leaders and sending them hurrying off in different directions.
“Excuse me, Commander.” The man glanced up, squinting with that slightly confused look people always gave.
“Yes, scholar?” he said, looking back down at the papers in his hand.
“Could you direct me to General Valleth?”
He frowned, eyeing the crest that caught her cloak up on her right shoulder. With a sigh, he jerked his head toward a collection of tents near the southern end of the encampment. “Try the officers’ mess.”
“Thank you,” Treasa replied, even knowing he would soon forget the entire interaction. She turned and trudged along the muddy path. The way the past flowed around intruders such as herself still made Treasa uneasy. She was alien here and the whole world seemed to pull away, refusing to acknowledge her presence. It was better, the scholars said, that people forgot you the moment they looked away and that their eyes slid right past you unless you called attention to yourself.
As Treasa approached the crowded row of makeshift tables, her eyes were immediately drawn to Valleth. He should not have stood out, having discarded his uniform jacket with its golden braid and tassels. His shirtsleeves were rolled up and his neck cloth loosened like the other men at the table. His presence, however, was undeniable. His fellow officers at the table, passing soldiers, even the aides serving the food, hung on his every word, laughing as he came to the end of a humorous story.
Treasa smiled to herself. She remembered the tale. It was the first one he’d told her on a stormy night when the candles had guttered low and they had seemed to be the only two awake in the tower. She slipped in among the onlookers and listened carefully for any clue that would tell her how close to the battle she had arrived. Briefly, she was tempted to record this exact moment. Valleth was happy and confident, laughing with his friends and comrades. Most of these men would be dead in a few days’ time. The Battle of Kareth would be a victory snatched from the jaws of defeat. A turning point in Damaria’s history, without a doubt, but a victory won at a steep price, hundreds giving their lives to push out the foreign invaders once, and for all. She sighed. Timon would undoubtedly choose his father’s glorious victory over a moment with his men.  
A courier sprinted up and handed the general a sealed letter. Valleth called for food and drink for the man while he scanned the contents of the missive. He straightened, his eyes snapping. “The Rethans have crossed the river at Drytos,” he said. The men fell silent, a few blanching at the news, but all looking confidently to their leader. “Ready the men,” Valleth said and the camp exploded into a frenzy of activity.
Treasa sighed. Tonight, then, would be the famous midnight ride to outflank the barbarians and drive them south, forcing them to fight with the cliffs at their back instead of on the open plains where their greater numbers would have the advantage. She slipped in among the scurrying soldiers and secured a mount. She rode until evening melted away and the sky became a vast black dome with stars scattered across it like spilled diamonds. Her view from the vantage point she and Sir Damerel had discussed was spectacular. She pulled the recording crystal from her pouch and prepared it with a few chanted words and the pressure of her thumb in the right spot. Then she waited.
Horsemen pounded into view as the first streaks of dawn colored the sky. One force harassed by the other, gaining ground inch by inch. The clash of weapons, the cries of the fallen, and the shouts of victory rode the wind, swirling around her. The moment Treasa’s eyes landed on General Valleth astride his silver gray horse, saber raised, she activated the crystal. It caught everything, Valleth’s victory, the stunned rejoicing of the survivors, and his grief over the fallen. It was beautiful and stirring in its way. But it seemed too simple and the young general with a stricken expression in his eyes was not the man she had come to know.
Sighing, Treasa reviewed the recording. It felt both too removed from the action of the moment and too intimate in the emotions it had captured. She doubted if even Timon would find the recording acceptable. Tucking it safely into her scrip, Treasa trudged over to a copse of trees around a muddy stream, well out of sight of any sharp-eyed soldiers. She chanted under her breath and stared into the medallion, willing herself to the second location on Lord Timon’s list.
Silent winds swirled and Treasa opened her eyes to a shadowed alcove. She waited a moment for her breathing to return to normal and peered out into the street. The position of the sun put the time around late morning. Venturing out, she heaved a sigh of relief to find herself on the familiar streets of the capital. There was no need to hunt for clues with the Order’s Central House so close. She slipped among the bustling populous, her feet almost tripping over themselves in her haste.
Treasa pulled the bell string at a nondescript gate tucked around the far end of the east tower of the Central House. A young cleric answered, her eyes widening at the sight of Treasa in her muddied boots and travel stained cloak. Treasa held up her moonstone medallion and the girl bobbed a courtesy. She hurriedly unlocked the gate and waved Treasa in with a furtive glance up and down the path.
“How may I serve you, scholar?” The cleric asked as soon as they had crossed the small courtyard and closed the wooden door behind them.
“Is the First Guardian’s installment ceremony soon?” Treasa asked.
“Yes. It is set for tomorrow evening.”
Treasa’s shoulders relaxed and she peeled off her cloak. “Good. I’ll need something appropriate to wear to the event and some food and drink in the meantime. And I’m not a scholar yet. Cleric will do.”
“Of course, cleric.” The girl smiled, diligently recording Treasa’s requests in a large leather bound book with the date neatly inscribed at the top of the page. “Would you check to see if I have listed everything you require.”
Treasa leaned over to examine the list, seeing that the girl had noted her size correctly, even adding a few details about her coloring for whoever ended up with the job of locating a last minute dress for the biggest event of the year. “Thank you. It looks perfect.”
“I am happy to serve,” the girl said, “The log is checked every half hour. All items requested will be put in the anteroom there.” She pointed to a door to their left. “The library is down the hall. The most current publications and public communications are on the table in the center.”
“Thank you,” Treasa said, “You have made my task much easier. I am sorry you will not remember my gratitude.”
The girl shrugged, a smile in her eyes. “It is part of serving in the Order.”
Treasa nodded in agreement. “Blessings on you, sister.”
“And you,” the girl responded, “Good luck on your endeavor.”
Treasa nodded and wandered down to the library. She confirmed the date on the latest public notices and settled down on a comfortable settee. Kicking off her boots, she pulled her knees up to her chest. Her stomach growled and she hoped the book would be checked soon so she could get something to eat.
Sighing, she pulled her braid around and began undoing it, her fingers pulling at the tangles. She was acutely aware of the extra crystals in her pouch. Soon she would have to decide whether to use them or not. Normally, she would record over her previous attempt or, if there was enough room, fill up the rest of the space on the crystal with this second event. She was expected to present one recording for the Lasting Memory, though how she went about recording and choosing was up to her.
Treasa stared into the mirror, not quite recognizing herself. The dress that had been delivered was precisely what she had expected. It was stylish enough to blend in, but not so stunning that it would attract undo attention. Even so, it was the nicest thing she had ever worn. The underdress was a silk the color of burnished gold with voluminous skirts that swished when she walked. Over that, was a robe of dark green chiffon trimmed with a tasteful amount of golden embroidery and fastened at the waist with a wide sash. She smoothed her hands over the dress and slipped them into the deep pockets, checking for the tenth time that the crystals were secure. She patted her hair, which hung loose around her shoulders in accordance with the fashion of the day. It felt strange not to have it up. At least the front was swept up in a gold comb that kept it out of her face. She sighed. It was time to go.
The town-coach she had arranged dropped her off at the entrance to the basilica and she joined the throng of attendees. The atmosphere was jubilant and the crowd laughed and chattered as they squeezed themselves into the lofty space, filling the anterooms and hallways to bursting. Navigating through the crowd was a surreal experience. No one paid any attention to her unless she bumped into them. In some ways, it made it easier to slip between the knots of exquisitely dressed dignitaries and solemn elders in their formal robes. However, no one stood aside for her either, and as remaining unremarkable was her goal, she found herself stuck more than once, hemmed in on all sides, unable to move.
Finally crossing the wide antechamber, Treasa showed her medallion to a guard at the foot of a staircase roped off with a thick golden chord. She was allowed in with a nod and a formal, “Blessings on you, scholar.”
She made her way up the curved stairs, holding her skirts to avoid tripping over them. At the top was a balcony, overlooking the sanctuary. She glanced down to where she had been standing among the clerics a few short weeks ago, or would be standing in several decades. She shook her head. Thinking about it too much brought on a persistent throbbing behind her eyes.
Eventually a hush fell over the crowd and Treasa began her recording as a choir of young voices swelled from a soft chanting to a chorus of multiple voices harmonizing and then diverging in a spectacular rendition of the anthem of the Knights Reverend. She held the crystal steady on the balcony railing to get the best view of the ceremony. As the chorus was joined by a symphony of instruments, a procession of elders and scholars came up the center aisle. They were followed by a color guard of high-ranking knights in full regalia. When the attendants had taken their places, the music swelled once again and everyone turned to watch Peatar Valleth III stride down the aisle. Head held high, his smile seemed to reach every corner of the basilica. He bowed to the High Elder and saluted his fellow knights before taking his place on the central dais.
Treasa recorded the entire ceremony, including the First Guardian’s speech that had everyone laughing and wiping away tears at different points. At the conclusion of the service, Treasa retraced her steps and slipped in among the crowds toasting the First Guardian’s installment. She could leave now. She had recorded more than enough grandiose formality. Timon would be thrilled. She winced at the thought.
Her feet dragged, and she came to a stop, the multitudes flowing around her like a stream parting around a small rock. This was not why the First Guardian had chosen her. His installment and the Battle of Kareth were so obvious. Odd were high most people would have chosen one of the two. He had entrusted her with this task.
She moved into the grand hall and spotted Valleth greeting dignitaries and carrying on a jovial conversation with those around him. As she approached, the group laughed at something in one of Valleth’s stories. Blinking, Treasa drew in a sharp breath. His stories. He was famous for them. There was always a point to them, whether to bring comfort, teach a lesson, or simply raise everyone’s spirits. A recording of the actual events of one of his stories would be the perfect Lasting Memory. It would be as if he was telling it again every time someone visited his memorial. Treasa almost gasped. She immediately knew which story. Her favorite. The one he had repeated so many times she knew it by heart.
Treasa hurried back to the Central House and changed out of her finery. She downed some bread and cheese that had been left on a tray in the library, and paced the room. Finding the exact moment in time from Valleth’s description of events would be tricky. Treasa bit her lip as she went over the details in her head, running through the timeline she had memorized of Valleth’s life and accomplishments. It was a narrow enough window. If Damerel was right about visualizing the scene being the crucial part of traveling, she might be able to pull this off. With a silent thanks to Keltris and her insistence she commit to memory even the smallest detail of Valleth’s daily life, Treasa chanted the words of traveling over her medallion and hoped for the best.
Treasa leaned against the high, stone wall that separated the university gardens from the city proper. The narrow street running along the back of the gardens was used by students and faculty alike as a short cut to the Central House. If she had traveled to the right day, Valleth would soon be leaving after a day of teaching at the military academies. The winter sun slowly sank behind the tall spires of the basilica, casting long, cold shadows.
Treasa pulled her cloak tight to ward off the chill, thankful she had taken the time to change out of her fancy dress. She looked up as the gate to the garden creaked. An older man walked out, a satchel of books slung over one shoulder. He turned, eyes sliding right past her, and Treasa smiled. It was Valleth. He still walked straight. His hair had only touches of gray, though his short beard was all salt and pepper. He wore a serviceable coat, military in cut, but without any of the trappings his rank merited. Treasa breathed a sigh of relief. So far, so good.
Treasa activated the recording crystal and followed Valleth as he walked down the street humming snatches of a tune. As Valleth rounded a corner, a boy with tousled brown hair and a dirty face stepped out into the road. Valleth came to an abrupt stop to keep from running him over. He chuckled as the boy’s eyes widened.
“Can I help you, young sir,” Valleth asked.
The boy regarded him with narrowed eyes as if considering his request. “Do you have any coppers?” he asked.
Valleth patted his pockets. Treasa tried not to smile. Valleth’s description of searching for and not finding a single coin was always comical.
“I’m afraid I don’t,” Valleth said and the boy shrugged as if it was no more than he expected. “I do have something, though.” Opening his satchel, Valleth pulled out a wrapped honeycake. “I’m sorry. It isn’t much, but it’s from Rena’s bakery, so you know it’s good.”
The boy’s eyes lit up. “That’s perfect! Better than a fistful of coppers.” He grinned from ear to ear, accepting the treat. “Thank you, sir. It’s my sister, Erin’s nameday and she loves honeycakes!”
Valleth straightened. “Do you mean to say that you are going to give this cake to your sister?”
The boy nodded vigorously. “Yes, sir. She will be so happy. We hardly ever get sweets and Rena’s are the best.”
“I see,” Valleth said, his eyes softening, “Does your sister like books by any chance?”
“Mama taught us both to read,” the boy replied proudly, “Erin wants to be a scholar some day and I am going to be a knight of the Order.”
“That is a worthy ambition One that should be encouraged.” Valleth rummaged in his satchel. “I have a gift for your sister’s nameday that I think you will both enjoy.” He pulled out a slim leather bound volume. “It’s a bit worn,” he said, dusting off the book, “but only because it’s one of my favorites.” He held out the book and the boy’s mouth fell open.
He tucked the honeycake under one arm and wiped his hand on his shirt before taking the book. He stared at it, reading the title in halting accents, “The Tales of Damar.” He looked up at Valleth, eyes wide in awe. “You’re giving this to me? For Erin? Are you sure?”
“I am very sure,” Valleth said, smiling.
“Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” The boy danced around in circles, hugging the book to his chest.
Valleth laughed. “Take care not to get it sticky, son.”
“I’ll be careful,” the boy said, “Thank you, sir. Blessings on you.” He turned and ran down the cross street. Valleth watched until he was out of sight a smile on his face.
Treasa held the crystal up, finishing the recording as the last rays of sunlight lit Valleth’s face. He always said he had felt more joy in that moment than he ever had before or since.
Treasa held the crystal tightly, blinking back tears, and watched Valleth continue on his way. She could almost hear his voice recounting the story and see the laughter in his eyes. This was how the man should be remembered. Not as a battle hardened warrior or a brilliant statesman, but as a man who brought joy into the world with simple acts of kindness. She pulled the other two crystals out of her bag. They shone from within with the pale violet light that showed they held a memory of the past. She had no doubt, if she returned with all three, Timon would find a way to force her hand.
Before she could change her mind, Treasa took the crystals from her previous trips and cast them onto the stone walkway. She inhaled sharply as they shattered, the soft light dying away to nothingness. She took a deep breath and carefully wrapped the remaining crystal and placed it in her scrip. It was time to go home.
Clasping the medallion to her heart, Treasa chanted the words to activate it, and thought of home. The winds pulled at her and she felt lifted off her feet for a moment before being dropped in a heap onto the polished floor of the grand pavilion. She blinked and Damerel was there, helping her up. He steadied her as she gasped for breath.
“Are you all right?” he asked, supporting her arm.
Treasa nodded. “Just a little winded.” She looked past Damerel and saw a veritable array of people clustered around the pavilion entrance all with various looks of concern and surprise on their faces. There were several blue-robed scholars and, most notably, the High Elder Reyes and Lord Timon Valleth himself. “What’s going on?” Treasa asked.
“You were gone a long time,” Damerel said, “Several days, in fact.”
“Days?” Treasa blinked. Recovery missions usually took hours, half a day at most. “But why is everyone here?”
Scholar Keltris stepped forward. “Lord Timon was insisting that someone else be sent to recover the First Guardian’s Lasting Memory.” She sniffed. “He tried to force the issue.”
“It was my right,” Timon growled, pushing forward. The crowd muttered, seemingly divided between those who supported Timon and those who had been trying to stop him.
Treasa’s knees felt weak, but she straightened, mustering a serene expression. “Well, I’m back now,” she said.
“Yes. And I believe we should speak in private.” Timon jerked his head and turned to walk away as if he fully expected her to trot after him.
Keltris’s eyebrows shot up and Damerel put his hand on his sword. Treasa gave her head a slight shake and then said in a loud voice, “That will not be necessary. I have completed my mission, and am ready to present the First Guardian’s Lasting Memory to the High Elder.” Scholar Keltris and Sir Damerel exchanged a look, but straightened and stood ready on either side of her.
Timon protested, but Elder Reyes held up his hand. ���You forget yourself, Lord Timon. Let the girl complete her mission. It is what you wanted, isn’t it?”
Timon nodded, but the hard look he shot Treasa made her knees quake again.
“Is everything all right?” Keltris whispered.
“It will be,” Treasa answered just as quietly.
“I will be glad to accept the memory you have recorded,” the High Elder said, “If only to end all this nonsense.”
Treasa went down on one knee and retrieved the crystal from her bag. She held it up for a moment for all to see, then presented it to the High Elder. “I give you the Lasting Memory of First Guardian Peatar Valleth III.”
Treasa leaned against the balcony railing and watched the fireworks that lit up the sky to celebrate Lord Timon’s installment as First Guardian. She sighed as Damerel joined her. “Do you think he is still angry with me?” she asked, twisting the end of her braid.
“First Guardian Timon does not seem like a man who forgives easily,” Damerel said, “but I do not see how he can hold it against you. Everyone loves the memory you chose. Hundreds of people have seen it already and they cannot stop talking about how perfect it is. Timon got what he wanted, in a sense. The people’s goodwill toward his father is passing down to him, for now at least.”
Treasa nodded, straightening as Damerel stepped closer.
“If you don’t mind my asking, how did you find that particular moment in time?” he asked, his voice low.
“It was one of his stories,” she said, “my favorite one. I think that’s why he chose me to find it.”
Damerel laughed softly. “Well, I certainly never would have chosen that particular memory.”
“Why not?” Treasa turned and looked up at him. “You said it was perfect and beautifully conveyed the essence of who the First Guardian was.”
“It does,” Damerel said, taking her hand.
Treasa blushed, but tightened her fingers around his. “Then why?”
“Because the boy in the Lasting Memory is me.”
Treasa shook her head, laughter shining in her eyes. “Do you think he knew? That you actually joined the Order?”
Damerel shrugged. “I have no idea. I never forgot that day, but I didn’t know it was him. Not until I heard him tell the story for the first time.”
Treasa sighed, a smile playing at her lips. “Do you think your sister will mind that I memorialized her nameday?”
“I think Erin will love it,” Damerel said, “You can ask her yourself, if you want.” He paused, his voice growing soft. “I would very much like you to meet her while she is in town.”
Treasa leaned in, wondering if the First Guardian had imagined anything like this when he had chosen her to find his Lasting Memory. She smiled up at Damerel. “I am ready.”
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dashboard-elysium · 1 year
The Case of the Missing Swordsman / Post 5 / Previously
YOU – “This mug spoke to me. Reminded me of our late night diner talks. All those cases we solved over a mug of coffee. By drinking from it I’m bringing myself closer to the truth of it all.”
JEAN – He eyes you a moment, trying to tell if you’re being sincere. “I see. You stole my mug for nostalgic reasons. I suppose I’m glad parts of your memory are coming back.” He takes the plain blue mug from the cabinet and fills it with coffee.
ESPRIT DE CORPS – He hopes Judit won’t mind.
YOU – “Would now be a good time to mention I tried to find my own mug but I can’t remember what it looks like?”
JEAN – Jean rolls his eyes, but opens the cabinet again to look. “Well, it’s not here. But to be honest, that mug was the stupidest thing I’ve seen in my goddamn life. If it’s gone, then good riddance. I’m sure you’ll find a replacement in a dumpster sooner or later.”
EMPATHY – He says it as if he’s never dug anything out of a dumpster.
INTERFACING – You’ve definitely seen him dig things out of dumpsters.
YOU – “Give me a hint at least. I don’t even know what I’m missing.”
JEAN – “Your favorite sword-wielding fantasy fascist. Ring any bells?”
ENCYCLOPEDIA – He must be talking about Hjelmdallermann! The great berserker of the Northlands, from the extensive paperback novel series Man from Hjelmdall. He dual-wields two zweihänders, swords that would normally require two hands each!
YOU – “Don’t talk that way about the lord of the North!”
RHETORIC – No, it’s true. The books are racist, sexist, and violent. Traditionalist types go wild for it.
JEAN – “If it was anyone else, I’d ask why you had that mug in the first place. But I know you. I know why you had it.”
“It’s ironic. Because as I’m sure you recall, I’m a huge feminist.”
“It’s post-ironic. Yeah, I’m a cop with a fascist mug. But I’m self-aware. Which makes it cool and edgy.”
“It’s post-POST-ironic. It’s a powerful symbol of masculinity, but every day we’re hampered by the RCM’s lack of power under the Coalition’s control. A cutting edge statement for our modern times, wouldn’t you say?"
“I owned it simply for the beautiful illustration. We live in a post-meaning society. I’m a formalist Art Cop. I see only colors and brushstrokes.”
“The pale devours all meaning. What’s one fantasy fascist mug in the grand scheme of things? We’ll all be vapor soon enough.”
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thedadbracket · 1 year
The winners of Round 1 and their win percentages are below the cut! Thanks for the insane amount of engagement so far - I hope the next round will be just as fun! The Lightning Round (as detailed in the pinned post) will post at 9AM tomorrow! Good night, everyone <3
Maes Hughes - Fullmetal Alchemist
Won by 68%
Charlie Swan - Twilight
Won by 9.4%
Uncle Iroh - ATLA
Won by 44.2%
Jawbone O'Shaughnessey - Fantasy High
Won by 6.6%
George Joestar - JJBA
Won by 17.4%
The Joxter - The Moomins
Won by 21.8%
Geralt of Rivia - The Witcher
Won by 45.2%
Marlin - Finding Nemo
Won by 69.6%
Bobby Singer - Supernatural
Won by 11%
Aaron “Hotch” Hotchner - Criminal Minds
Won by 34.6%
Magneto - Marvel
Won by 40.8%
Stoick - How to Train Your Dragon
Won by 19.6%
Donkey - Shrek
Won by 42.4%
Bobby Nash - 9-1-1
Won by 28.4%
Darryl Wilson - Dungeons and Daddies
Won by 3.2%
Eddy - Duolingo
Won by 14.4%
Dustfinger - Inkheart
Won by 5.8%
Tom Nook - Animal Crossing
Won by 69% nice
Hans Huberman - The Book Thief
Won by 5.2%
Ben Sisko - Star Trek
Won by 56.6%
Bandit Heeler - Bluey
Won by 3%
Gomez Addams - The Addams Family
Won by 87.8%
Rick Grimes - The Walking Dead
Won by 27.2%
Ethan Winters - Resident Evil
Won by 32.4%
Heinz Doofenshmirtz - Phineas and Ferb
Won by 80.2%
Father Nier - NieR
Won by 24.8%
Johnny Rose - Schitt’s Creek
Won by 32.8%
Ratchet - Transformers
Won by 65.2%
Gilear Feath - Fantasy High
Won by 18.6%
Optimus Prime - Transformers
Won by 24.6%
Corvo - Dishonored
Won by 11.4%
Dr. Eli Vance - Half-Life
Won by 31.6%
Nathan Ford - Leverage
Won by 7.8%
Dad - Dad Feels
Won by 19.2%
Dr. Emmett Brown - Back to the Future
Won by 28.6%
Jean Valjean - Les Miserables
Won by 4%
Gregory Edgeworth - Ace Attorney
Won by 4.6%
Jack Fenton - Danny Phantom
Won by 8%
Augustus Aquato - Psychonauts
Won by 26.2%
Gru - Despicable Me
Won by 63.2%
Poseidon - Percy Jackson
Won by 8%
Rupert Giles - Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Won by 27.2%
Bruce Wayne / Batman - DC
Won by 2.8%
Romani Archaman - Fate/Grand Order
Won by 22%
Kanan Jarrus - Star Wars
Won by 49%
Shiro Fujimoto - Blue Exorcist
Won by 8.2%
Aizawa - My Hero Academia
Won by 33%
Obi-Wan Kenobi - Star Wars
Won by 69% nice
Uncle Ben Parker - Marvel
Won by 24%
Lazlo Cravensworth
Won by 49.6%
John Marston - Red Dead Redemption
Won by 21.2%
Bowser - Super Mario Bros.
Won by 71.4%
Yousuke Koiwai - Yotsuba
Won by 33.2%
Ron Stampler - Dungeons and Daddies
Won by 8.4%
Ryotaro Dojima - Persona 4
Won by 7%
Juste Belmont - Castlevania
Won by 8%
Phoenix Wright - Ace Attorney
Won by 16.8%
Sig Curtis - Fullmetal Alchemist
Won by 4.6%
Sojiro Sakura - Persona 5
Won by 52.8%
Jefferson Davis - Into the Spider-verse
Won by 63.8%
Solid Snake / David - Metal Gear Solid
Won by 25.8%
Mr. Boonchuy - Amphibia
Won by 10.2%
Loid Forger - Spy x Family
Won by 49%
Tim Lockwood - Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs
Won by 26.6%
Henry Stein - Bendy and the Ink Machine
Won by 7.8%
Henry Oak - Dungeons and Daddies
Won by 32.2%
King Dedede - Kirby
Won by 35.4%
Pongo - 101 Dalmatians
Won by 28.4%
Teobaldo Leonharts - LiEat 
Won by 5.8%
Professor Utonium - The Powerpuff Girls
Won by 59.6%
Ray Molina - Julie and the Phantoms
Won by 22%
Pietro Polendina - RWBY
Won by 5.8%
Octodad - Octodad: Dadliest Catch
Won by 41%
Castiel - Supernatural
Won by 9.4%
Bob Belcher - Bob’s Burgers
Won by 55%
Jim Hopper - Stranger Things
Won by 22.4%
Goofy - Disney
Won by 72.2%
Dr. Alex Malto - Transformers: Earthspark
Won by 5.2%
Moominpappa - Moomin
Won by 27.8%
Waymond Wang - Everything Everywhere All At Once
Won by 56.6%
Domingo Montoya - The Princess Bride
Won by 32.6%
Tomohisa Kaname - Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Won by 11.8%
David Rossi - Criminal Minds
Won by 4.2%
Atticus Finch - To Kill a Mockingbird
Won by 58%
Greg Universe - Steven Universe
Won by 21.6%
Rick Mitchell - The Mitchells vs. the Machines
Won by 29.2%
Lord Business - The LEGO Movie
Won by 45.8%
Tom Wachowski - Sonic the Hedgehog
Won by 50.8%
Thomas O'Malley - The Aristocats
Won by 58%
King Micah - She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
Won by 48%
Barry Allen / The Flash - DC
Won by 9.8%
Mr. Ping - Kung Fu Panda
Won by 93% - largest margin of victory
Agustín Madrigal - Encanto
Won by 40.2%
Eugene Krabs - Spongebob Squarepants
Won by 45%
Egon Spengler - Ghostbusters
Won by 30.6%
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bookgeekgrrl · 7 months
My media this week (19-25 Nov 2023)
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🥰 Old Town Road (Singles series) (Chris Molanphy) - Part of Duke University Press' series Singles, chart geek/music historian Chris Molanphy dives deep into "Old Town Road" which he describes as a 'one of one' phenomenon. To quote the book blub, which sums it up nicely: Molanphy shows how “Old Town Road” channeled decades of Americana to point the way toward our cultural future. Fairly short and incredibly readable.
🥰 Ordinary Numbers (BootsnBlossoms, Kryptaria) - 44K, canon-divergent meeting for 00Q
🥰 The Ruin of Gabriel Ashleigh (Society of Gentlemen #0.5) (KJ Charles, author; , narrator) - short story, kicking off KJC's incredible romance series set in during the Regency and political unrest around the time of the Peterloo massacre
😍 [Podfic] Mr Webster's Wager (fahye, author; HowOldAreWe, narrator) - 29K, very slight canon-divergent expansion of The Ruin of Gabriel Ashleigh, expanding on Francis & Ash getting together - so well done I almost consider it a part of the series, at least for my own rereads - this is a really great podfic of it!
😍 A Fashionable Indulgence (Society of Gentlemen #1) (KJ Charles, author; Matthew Lloyd Davies, narrator) - exquisite Julian finds purpose and love transforming young radical Harry into a gentleman. Plus there's the Peterloo massacre and personal murder plots
😍 A Seditious Affair (Society of Gentlemen #2) (KJ Charles, author; Matthew Lloyd Davies, narrator) - Tory/Radical romance with some incredible digging in to what it means to be a man of principle ('Wednesday by Wednesday, I have loved you')
💖💖 +75K of shorter fic so shout out to these I really loved 💖💖
Art Nouveau (voluptuous_panic) - MCU: shrunkyclunks, 12K - reread, forever fave - Cap!Steve has a disastrous first date at a hipster cider bar but luckily the hot, tattooed bartender is there to distract him. Short & very, very hot.
Hot Ones - Melissa McCarthy
Screen Rant - Siobhan Thompson Talks Dimension 20 Burrow's End & Fantasy High Junior Year
Screen Rant - Brennan Lee Mulligan Talks Dimension 20 Burrow's End & Fantasy High: Junior Year
QI - series S, ep 1
Dirty Laundry - s3, e6
D20: Burrow's End - "Five" (s20, e8)
D20: Adventuring Party - "Everything, Every Stoat, All at Once" (s15, e8)
D20: Fantasy High: Freshman Year - e1-10
What Next: TBD - Bedbugs Are Back, Baby!
⭐ Endless Thread - The Grand Can-Spiracy
Song Exploder - Paramore "Liar"
⭐ Hit Parade - Ride ’til I Can’t No More Edition
⭐ Hit Parade - The Bridge: Can’t Tell Me Nothin’
Shedunnit - Death at the Club
You're Dead to Me - Shakespeare
Desert Island Discs - Patrick Grant, designer and broadcaster
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - A Gaga Tour of the Town
Wiser Than Me with Julia Louis-Dreyfus - Julia Gets Wise with Carol Burnett
NPR's Book of the Day - Jamie Loftus' 'Raw Dog' investigates the social and culinary history of the hot dog
Cautionary Tales - Photographing Fairies
Wiser Than Me with Julia Louis-Dreyfus - Julia Gets Wise with Isabel Allende
What Next: TBD - Inside OpenAI's Implosion
The Allusionist - 185. Gems and Patties
Cautionary Tales - The Art Forger, the Nazi, and "The Pope"
Today, Explained - How Cassie sued Diddy
99% Invisible #561 - Long Strange Tape
Pop Culture Happy Hour - Scott Pilgrim Takes Off
One Year - 1990: Pizzastroika
Ologies with Alie Ward - Abstract Mathematology (UH, IS MATH REAL?) with Eugenia Cheng
⭐ Off Menu - Ep 215: Paul Rudd
⭐ Pop Culture Happy Hour - Rethinking Killers Of The Flower Moon
NPR's Book of the Day - In 'Blackouts,' Justin Torres shines a light on silenced LGBTQ history
What Next: TBD - Where Scams Are Born
Rockstar [Dolly Parton] {2023}
Modern Sounds in Country and Western Music, Vols 1 & 2 [Ray Charles] {1962}
Presenting Massive Attack
Presenting Nine Inch Nails
New Blue Sun [André 3000] {2023}
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pathfinderunlocked · 2 months
Divine Beast Winter Wolf - CR13 Magical Beast
A winter wolf boss fight with interactive terrain elements.
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Artwork is official concept art from Final Fantasy XIV, copyright Square Enix.
Regular winter wolves already have some basic supernatural cold powers, but this one takes it far beyond that, creating blizzards and conjuring massive exploding pillars of ice.  This creature is based on the Fenrir boss fight from Final Fantasy XIV.
The CR 9 Alpha Winter Wolf that I previously posted has a similar mechanical concept, but this higher level creature isn't just the ruler of a pack of winter wolves. It's also supernaturally endowed with divine power, in a similar way to how a divine spellcaster might be, or perhaps more aptly, a ranger or druid's animal companion. Winter wolves are intelligent, and this Divine Beast Winter Wolf understands where its power comes from and worships the deity that has empowered it, fighting to pursue that deity's goals and directing its pack to do so as well. Its default alignment is listed here as neutral evil, but you should probably change it to match the alignment of its deity.
This creature is very much meant to be a boss fight, and has significantly above-average hit points, in exchange for spending several rounds of a typical fight not actually dealing damage.  It doesn’t particularly need any minions, although you could give it winter wolves as minions if you want.
I recommend a pretty large outdoor combat area for this fight.  You don’t want anywhere the PCs can easily hide or get cover.  The idea is that they have to get cover behind the ice spikes when the boss uses its Howling Blast ability.  It’s fine if they invent their own alternate solutions instead of doing that, but don’t give them a free one.
Divine Beast Winter Wolf - CR 13
This elephant-sized wolf has blue and white patterned fur, a mane resembling icicles around its elongated neck, and a rime of frost around its muzzle. A portion of fur is seared away where a holy symbol is branded into its forehead.
XP 25,600 NE Huge magical beast (cold) Init +10 Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent; Perception +16 Aura icewalking aura (120 ft.)
AC 28, touch 15, flat-footed 21 (+6 Dex, +1 dodge, +13 natural, –2 size); +4 vs. AoO hp 256 (19d10+152) Fort +18, Ref +17, Will +12 Immune cold Weaknesses vulnerability to fire
Speed 70 ft. Melee bite +21 (2d6+12 plus 3d6 cold and trip) Space 15 ft.; Reach 10 ft. Special Attacks breath weapon (every 1d3+2 rounds, 60-ft. cone, 10d6 cold damage, Reflex half DC 17), inhale frost, howling blast, summon ice spikes
Spell-like Abilities (CL 15th; concentration +18)     1/day—grand ice storm (see text)
Str 26, Dex 22, Con 25, Int 13, Wis 19, Cha 17 Base Atk +14; CMB +24 (+26 to trip); CMD 40 (46 vs. trip) Feats Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Improved Initiative, Improved Trip, Iron Will, Mobility, Power Attack, Run, Toughness, Weapon Focus (bite) Skills Acrobatics +23, Climb +16, Knowledge (religion) +5, Perception +28, Stealth +13 (+19 in snow), Survival +11; Racial Modifiers +2 Perception, +2 Stealth (+8 in snow), +2 Survival Languages Common, Cyclops, Giant
Inhale Frost (Su) As a full-round action, when a divine beast winter wolf has used its Summon Ice Spikes ability and is within 100 feet of its ice spikes, it can spend its turn inhaling a massive lungful of icy air, recovering 4d8+19 hit points, ending any one harmful condition or ongoing magical effect affecting it, healing all damage or drain to any one ability score, and allowing it to use its Howling Blast ability on its next turn.  When it does so, it suffers a -2 penalty to AC until it uses Howling Blast.
A divine beast winter wolf can use its Inhale Frost ability even if helpless or unconscious, as long as it can breathe and using the ability would remove the condition or damage making it helpless or unconscious.  (If its negative HP is lower than the amount Inhale Frost would heal, and there’s a chance that the ability would not bring it to 0 HP or more, roll the healing first to determine if the ability is usable this round.)
Howling Blast (Su) On the next turn after a divine beast winter wolf uses its Inhale Frost ability, as a standard action, it can release a howling blast of freezing air with a 100-foot radius in all directions.  Creatures that do not have cover from this attack are pushed back 30 feet and take 6d6 cold damage and 6d6 sonic damage.  Small or smaller creatures are also knocked prone; Large or larger creatures are not pushed back.  A DC 26 Fortitude save halves the damage and halves the distance pushed back.  Creatures that have cover are immune to this effect.  This is an air effect. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Additionally, when a divine beast winter wolf uses Howling Blast, any ice spikes it has summoned begin to vibrate, and explode 1 round later (see the Summon Ice Spikes ability).
Grand Ice Storm (Sp) As a standard action, as a spell-like ability, a divine beast winter wolf can summon great magical hailstones that pound down over a 60-ft. radius, in a 40-ft. high cylinder, and divinely hone in on the divine beast winter wolf's enemies. These hailstones deal 6d6 points of bludgeoning damage and 4d6 points of cold damage to the divine beast winter wolf's enemies in the area, but do not harm its allies. This damage only occurs once, when the spell is cast.
For one round per caster level afterwards (typically 15 rounds), heavy snow and sleet rains down in the area. Creatures inside this area take a -4 penalty on Perception skill checks and the entire area is treated as difficult terrain; the divine beast winter wolf and its allies can ignore this difficult terrain due to Icewalking Aura (see below). At the end of the duration, the snow and hail disappear, leaving no after-effects (other than the damage dealt).
Treat this as a 7th-level evocation [cold] spell. Spell resistance applies.
Icewalking Aura (Ex) A divine beast winter wolf and all of its allies within 120 ft. can move across icy surfaces without penalty and do not need to make Acrobatics checks to run or charge on ice.
Summon Ice Spikes (Su) Three times per day, as a one-round action, a divine beast winter wolf can begin conjuring four massive spikes of ice in locations within 100 feet of the divine beast winter wolf.  These locations begin to visibly rumble when the divine beast winter wolf begins using this ability.  The ice spikes must be positioned at least 30 feet apart from each other. 
At the start of the divine beast winter wolf’s next turn, when the one-round action completes, the ice spikes appear, piercing up through the ground as massive vertical spikes in the designated locations.  Each ice spike is 5 feet wide and 60 feet tall.  An ice spike which would impact the ceiling instead stops at the ceiling.
Each ice spike makes a melee attack roll when it appears, with +21 to hit against any creature standing in the location where the ice spike appears, dealing 8d8 piercing damage and 4d8 cold damage on a successful hit.  Additionally, it makes a lower attack roll with +16 to hit against any creature standing adjacent to the location where the ice spike appears, dealing 4d8 piercing damage and 2d8 cold damage on a successful hit.  The attack bonus is based on the divine beast winter wolf’s hit dice and Charisma bonus.
The ice spikes remain for 1 minute or until the divine beast winter wolf uses Howling Blast, at which point they begin to vibrate.  1 round after they begin vibrating, the ice spikes explode, dealing 8d6 cold damage to all creatures within 15 feet of them. Targets that take cold damage from this explosion are also entangled for 1 round by frost.  A DC 22 Reflex save halves the damage.  The save DC is Charisma-based.
After using this ability, a divine beast winter wolf cannot use it again until 1 round after the spikes explode.
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