#izuku is good boy
beybuniki · 7 months
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re-read the 200s and I love their awkward phase in-between animosity and rekindled friendship :) bakugo has an awkward way of expressing his interest and worries regarding deku’s quirk and deku in general it’s so funny to follow
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seagreenstardust · 7 months
“When toxic behavior is portrayed as romantic, it’s problematic. When problematic behavior is portrayed as a character flaw for a character to work through, it’s good storytelling.”
Katsuki Bakugou, my friends.
His behavior was problematic but never once portrayed as romantic at the same time. Katsuki said and did awful abusive things, and he also chose to be better when he was given the chance. If you’re still hung up on chapter 1 Katsuki now then I don’t think you’ve been reading the same story I have.
I can’t speak for everyone, but I’m not shipping Izuku with an irredeemable abuser. I’m shipping him with his most important person. His narrative foil. His childhood friend who made awful mistakes and then made it right when he saw he was wrong. The person Izuku looks up to and strives to emulate, despite their past struggles.
Bakudeku is so good because of how flawed these boys are, and how hard they’ve worked to get over it, and how much they matter to each other after it all
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phoenixgreen · 2 years
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hero & villain
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epickiya722 · 2 months
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xskyll · 2 months
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I tried resizing this a million times to Tumblr’s recommended specifications, and it just refuses to post clear, so sorry it’s blurry. =‘)
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burquillos · 4 months
Thats cool that you prefer dkbk! I always thought bkdk matched their personality's better. Ive always wondered why some think dkbk fits better, which is again cool that you like that more! My point of view is katsuki always wanting to be number one, his dominant personality, his soft side he shows to izuku, and izuku being more submissive to katsuki specifically. Sure in battle he can be scary but he goes all soft when they are safe. What do you like about dkbk?
IM SCRAPPING THE ESSAY (for now cause I feel like it will remain unfinished until MHA ends and I have every single info)
But seeing Katsuki cry in the latest chapter unlocked a (relatively) shorter, dkbk specific answer for me: I just like seeing Katsuki being vulnerable and I like seeing Izuku feeling like he's worthy of seeing that vulnerability.
Katsuki's dominance is in part because he's a perfectionist and strives to be the best. People have expectations for him but he has even higher expectations for himself and he usually breaks beneath its weight. Has been since the sludge incident, Deku getting into UA, getting kidnapped, ending All Might etc. etc. Point is that, for me, his dominance feels more like a hindrance for him than anything else. I mean his whole arc IS about learning to Save to Win and throughout the 2nd war arc we see him shining in that supportive role he has learned to accept and he finally feels like he's free.
So when I saw him genuinely cry his heart out in front of Izuku in that hospital bed, my brain goes "Finally, Katsuki crying without hiding behind aggression and dominance like he did back in the Bakugo's Starting Line chapter and Deku vs Kacchan 2"
For Izuku's part, he's always dealt with being not enough from the very beginning, mostly cause he compared himself to Katsuki and why "envy" was one of All Might's description of him during the practical exam. First he wasn't enough to be a hero because he was quirkless. Then he got his quirk and he wasn't even decent at using it. Then he got the whole weight of a legacy thrust upon him and some of the users didn't even deem him worthy. Only up until recently did he stop thinking of himself as just a vessel of OFA but as a full pledged hero.
Izuku has envied Kacchan's dominance and his strength to win. His whole arc was about learning to Win to Save but he's so internally messed up about it cause he doesn't feel like it fits people's perception of him. That's why he goes "it's stupid and gross and I literally can't say this to your face but you're my image of victory even if those bad habits of yours are supposed to be something I am expected to dislike" and I want him so badly to reconcile with that part of himself.
So again, when Katsuki falls apart in his hands, when his image of victory comes crying to him and bearing his heart out, I think "Maybe he will finally feel reliable enough, strong enough, for this amazing person to unravel himself before him and trust him to hold him tight"
And that's about it for my MHA 424 revelation 😅I hope you have a good read 😅😅
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dekusleftsock · 3 months
I think that there’s a fundamental misunderstanding of what exactly is…happening with Izuku’s character. Specifically in regards to chapter 425.
I’m glad that a lot more people generally recognize that Izuku is not a character that can be read at a surface level, given that he’s both a repressed person with built up emotion of basically everything and also a very glaringly HUGELY unreliable narrator, but that doesn’t necessarily mean I agree with the ways I’ve seen this most recent chapter spoken about.
I see posts, comments, etc with ideas like “Izuku don’t suppress your emotions! Open up with people! It’ll be okay I promise!” When that’s fundamentally not what is happening here.
There’s always always ALWAYS been a distinct difference in character throughout horikoshi’s writing when he is showing that a character is:
A—Avoiding emotions, thoughts, ideas less than ideal for them. Not opening up when they probably should about their problems given that they’ve been handed the space to do so. Just genuinely not acknowledging, feeling, or expressing emotions that they don’t want.
B—Reflecting on the ways they feel about the world, themselves, or other people given their new perspective on a situation. Not outright reaching out to others to talk about these problems/feelings, but instead waiting until the moment they feel they have the most confidence to do so with their new outlook on their own life.
And genuinely, guys, to grab your BkDk attention rn, this is the exact reason why Ochako’s reflection on her feelings for Izuku and thereafter decision to pull away from them WAS NEVER GOING TO END IN OCHAKO EXPLODING WITH HER LOVE FOR HIM.
This was another common interpretation I saw of Ochako and Izuocha for a long time. That because she pushed these feelings away, they were somehow going to explode in this unbelievable way and she would “get the boy” because of it. That her arc would surround accepting her romantic feelings and that she can’t just push away how she feels for a career.
But yk. That didn’t happen. At all. Nowhere close even.
The same kind of goes for Katsuki, allmight, etc. They all had moments in their arc where it was spent genuinely reflecting, and the only reason we as the audience never connected it in the same ways we do ochako or Izuku was ALWAYS BECAUSE the narrative showed their inner thoughts while doing so (mostly because Allmight’s arc after losing OFA and Katsuki’s arc on what it means to be a hero were so intrinsically tied, both starting at the same time and ending at the same time during the final war. And because they were so tied this caused their own reflections, development, and thought process to be broadcasted to us frequently throughout their arcs… to each other. They also somewhat shared aspects with Izuku, but these were cherry picked more often than not, like dvk2 for example).
To us Katsuki never seemed to be.. idk, suppressing his anger in any way because we were always told what he was doing and why (side note: this is why I’ve always thought arguments against Katsuki were so weird, bc unlike characters like endeavor or Ochako he wasn’t like… hiding who he was and how he was changing. Ever. Like the audience knows at all times past basically season 3 what Katsuki is thinking and doing. Like how do you watch this happen, stare me dead in the eye, and tell me how much of a terrible and awful teenage boy he is. Like damn I didn’t think we were this dumb. This is also my theory as to why he’s most popular, his arc is very… in your face if that makes sense). Katsuki’s entire mini arc on reflecting his mistakes and his childhood and his future is spent TELLING YOU that it’s what he’s doing. (I’m referring mostly to the endeavor internship arc, the provisional license exam makeup, and basically everything in the war arc related to him leading up to bakugou Katsuki rising here)
And see, Horikoshi will stare you dead in the eye, tell you “this girl has taken into consideration that she doesn’t want to waste her time training her career focusing on a boy because he kinda caught her fancy”, and y’all will still say that this will explode in her face.
Y’all this is a series about learning how to manage emotions, maturity in relationship to one’s emotions, how to feel an emotion, but in a way that is helpful. Horikoshi isn’t telling you “go buck wild, feel everything all the time and always express it”, in fact he explores why you DONT do that! Through Toga or Shigaraki, they show how grief and anger can genuinely consume you. But he also shows why you shouldn’t just put everything in a box to never look at or acknowledge, or why you shouldn’t just let your grief destroy the world around you, or pretending that some emotions simply don’t exist.
I can’t say this enough, so let me say it now, mha is about the extremes of your psyche. That you should control something, but not too much. Everything can be harmful. Everything can be good.
Izuku is not controlling too much, he’s expressing just enough.
I LOVE shaming this dickhead at all times in all my posts. I love saying he’s an ignorant dipshit with a weird amount of distaste for a girl who just confessed to him. I’ve joked that chapter 348 is basically an entire chapter spent on Izuku calling Himiko a mean dyke. And yet I also believe he’s doing nothing WRONG here.
In fact, I’ll even say that this moment right here?
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ISNT EVEN IZUKU DOING THE SOCIALLY APPROPRIATE THING ABOUT IT! But he’s still TRYING to reach out to someone he thinks MIGHT be able to understand. (And frankly, this moment is far deeper than what it’s being made out to be, to me it reads more like an unrequited friendship that Izuku both desires and has thought of them to have, while simultaneously showing the distance Ochako has successfully wedged between them for her own sake. Maybe it was always there though, maybe in weird, miscommunicated Horikoshi fashion, this is a representation of how Ochako always read all those “fun friend hangouts” as a little more than that, and without those feelings the friendship never really held any substance to her in the first place. Where Izuku saw his first real friend at UA, she saw little more than acquaintance)
Simultaneously, Izuku is genuinely reflecting on what it means for the world to change, to be a hero, to live after loss—and trying and failing to gain the connection he desires from individuals who can not and will not afford him that.
Izuku is ready for the world to change, a few select characters are also ready for the world to change (mirio, for example), but not nearly enough are. So maybe I’ll have to take this back if I’m proven wrong and I accidentally looked into this far past what everyone else did for no reason, but I genuinely believe with moments like this
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And this
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Aand this
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That Izuku has come forward with that aspect of his character development. He’s reflecting on his new beliefs, not repressing his emotions for them.
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tautozhone · 3 months
deku gets a 9 to 5 this deku goes back to pro heroing this wrong deku begins taking support courses and eventually begins his own company based on assisting people with self destructive quirks to use them safely .
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kimi-no-chikara · 2 months
I'm sorry, I've been trying so hard to accept Izuku becoming a UA teacher but I just can't. I love Horikoshi for the happiness he and his story have brought me over the years, but Izuku being a teacher is just bugging me so hard. I know he'd be an incredible teacher, I'm not arguing against that. But beyond the fact that I think Izuku himself would want to at least stay in the hero industry, I don't think there's any chance Katsuki would've let him give up on being a hero.
I think that's why Horikoshi at least made it a point in canon to emphasize that Katsuki especially was behind funding Izuku's hero suit. Because he of all people could not let Deku go. He needed him to be a hero. And I appreciate that we at least see that much in canon. But honestly I think Katsuki would've stepped in sooner than 8 years later and never would have let Izuku give up on being a hero in the first place.
I don't know at what point Izuku gave up on being a pro hero and started looking at other career options, but whenever it happened, I just know he must have spoken to Katsuki about it. Izuku, unreliable narrator that he is, probably fooled even himself into thinking that he's okay with it. That he's blessed to have lived his dream as long as he did. That his time is over. But Katsuki would've shut that shit right down.
Kacchan Bakugou did not watch Izuku spend 10+ years wanting nothing more than to be a hero, while quirkless, just to then watch him give up on being a hero because he lost his quirk. He would've called bullshit on that immediately.
Katsuki knows Izuku intimately. He knows how badly Izuku needs to be a hero. Being quirkless never stopped Izuku from wanting to be a hero before. There's no reason it should stop him now. And he'd say as much. Ain't no way he'd let Izuku give up on being a hero just because he lost OFA.
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ozzgin · 5 months
What type of monster girls would be capable of seducing Izuku Midoriya?
What type? The type who's nice to him. It could be an amorphous creature of darkness and terror and he'd still look like this.
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giggly-squiggily · 1 year
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{Headcanons to Dabbles: CLOSED!}
THE WALL PINNING AHH! *flails* I love that troupe so much kjerkjarjkeajlrejkjk I adore your brain, Nym- this is amazing! I've gotcah covered!
“Thanks, doll.”
Shinsou fullbody shivered, cheeks warming as he shot a dirty glare at his grinning boyfriend. Midoriya was back at it again with the pet names, and Shinsou was absolutely hating it!
Well…at least that he was telling himself anyway.
“What’s wrong, sugar snap?” He asked innocently, pure evil shadowing those brilliant green eyes. “You look red- are you getting sick?”
Diabolical! Shinsou closed his eyes as he willed his face to cool. He’d get him back! He had to! There was no way he was gonna let this…
Oh. That might work.
“Pumpkin?” Midoriya was still smiling, though his voice took on a touch of concern when Shinsou stared back at him, unreadable. “Babe? You good?”
“Izuku, do me a favor?” Shinsou used his soft voice- the one that made his boyfriend weak in the knees without the need of his brainwashing. “Make your hands like this.”
“Oh…oh, okay?” Stunned momentarily, Midoriya did as told, bringing both hands into a conjoined fist. Then he raised one set of fingers up. “Now what?”
Shinsou didn’t respond. Instead he locked his fingers into Midoriya’s raised ones. Seconds later he lifted their joined hands before pinning him to the wall, a hand on the back of his head protecting it. Midoriya let out a high pitched squeal before laughing, face flushing to a bright pink as he looked up at the other. “Ohoohho my- hehehello there!”
Still not speaking, Shinsou leaned in close so they were nose to nose. That only worsened the smaller boy’s blush, his giggles increasing in speed and pitch. “Hiihitoshi! Sahahahy sooohohohomething!”
But he didn’t. He just kept him there, pressing their foreheads together as his hand came back around, brushing his flaming cheek. “Izuku- look at me.” When Midoriya did, Shinsou let a slow grin pull on his lips. “Good boy.”
That did it. Midoriya made a soundless noise as his legs gave out, just barely held up by Shinsou’s steady hand. “Oh my GOD! You’re a menace!”
“Says the one insisting on pet names. You’re lucky you’re cute.” Shinsou snickered as he gently pulled Midoriya back by the chin, pecking him on the lips.
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epickiya722 · 25 days
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This one shot of Midoriya! Okay, I can go about my day now.
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skammerdasammer · 2 months
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Vro I am addicted to dadzawa fics on ao3 rn… also very sad that ao3 was down literally all today 😞
Based on that Twitter meme!!!
Crossposted on instagram
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chikerunotenshi · 2 months
do you think god stays in heaven, because he too hates the bnha manga's ending?
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nightmarerose1 · 2 months
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Now I gotta manifest that Tokoyami,Bakugou,Todoroki and Deku gets at least a tribute for their hard work this final chapter🕯️😌
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firesmokeandashes · 9 months
I had a weird dream last night.
Izuku was some kind of mystical wishing star boy who had been trapped in a cave, and Katsuki, who was batman for some reason, found him.
There were relatively no rules to what the finder of the wishing star could wish for. So Katsuki wished for Izuku to travel with him and grant him (Katsuki) anything he wished for whenever he wished for it.
But Katsuki was very wise with his wishes because, like he's batman, he's kind of a billionaire and can get whatever he fucking wants anyways. He was also extremely kind to Izuku, and Katsuki thinks Izuku is pretty and sweet, so they ended up falling in love. In my dream, I'm shown this through a batman tv show montage intro.
Like it was cinematic, with mysterious music playing in the background mixed with a cinematic version of the batman theme song, panoramic camera shots, and one of those comic style 'on a dark rooftop' silhouette kissing scenes.
It was all very interesting.
Then the dream cut to this scene where this villain, who I think, was a mix of egghead and a mafia cartel guy, thinks he has somehow convinced Izuku to betray Katsuki (a.k.a batman), and is bringing Batman to him.
Izuku, of course, told Katsuki about this, and together, they came up with this genius plan that only worked because it was a dream.
The plan was that Izuku would take a mechanical bat suit with him and make it look like the suit was somehow under his control due to mind control or something. The bat suit looked like the one from the bat man versus super man movie except it had red glowing eyes and was mechanical.
Anyway, Izuku brought the suit with him. It basically followed his every move, and he brought it to the villain. The villain, of course, was very pleased with this and told Izuku he would be well compensated. Then he pulled out a pistol, that looked like it belonged in one of the westerns my grandpa watches, and tells Izuku to get out of the way.
When Izuku didn't move, the villain clicked the gun safety off and told Izuku one more time to "get out of the way before he shot both of them."
When Izuku didn't move again, the villain pulled the trigger, Izuku somehow managed to duck just in time, causing the suit to duck with him because it was somehow hooked up to follow all of Izuku's major body movements.
Then Katsuki comes crashing in through a skylight and knocks the villain unconscious.
Then my dream ended.
Also, during the entire dream, I got the sense that Katsuki and Izuku have full undying trust in the other and that they are deeply in love.
It wasn't specifically stated, I just knew because that's what my subconscious told me.
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