#10 likes 40 rb
koko2unite · 11 months
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#its been almost 2 years im on tumblr and i still feel like im not growing#i keep looking at my art and think ooh im getting better#but it seems like public opinion is the complete opposite#meanwhile i go to another artist and they keep improving and improving and everyone supports them#and the support keeps increasing and increasing and its not stopping#and it looked so easy for them#and it never worked on me#none of this works#so now i think my art is ugly and i hate it#but i dont want to stop because i will hate myself if i choose to stop#so now i will be trudging around with this ugly art while everyone stares at me with hatred#because how could someone as ugly as me is allowed to continue#hey mass report this fag#i bet people do that#while we support other artist in front of them so they feel much worse#and the worst is when people say oh you just need to post frequently#but i did#every day#and its so humiliating seeing a post that its like#10 likes 40 rb#and those rbs are all by myself#because i keep self reblogging my art because im proud of it#while people unfollow because how dare i put these shitty art on their dashboard#and i hate every moment like this#and its happening on every single art i post#i ended up taking a break#its probably a bad idea since all of my pages are in a bad state right now#twitter shadowbanned tumblr blocked and ignored#and my patrons keep leaving bcs just this month several people joined and then left within 1-2 days maybe because i dont post everyday#but its ok i think when everyone starts leaving i can do a restart
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bittwitchy · 9 months
those 40 gifs took 5 hours btw
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i just cleaned my drafts a little bit and ided a bunch of posts that’s why im posting so much
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unripe-lemon · 4 months
Since i know no one will see this:
1 note and i will email my therapist
ok so for this one,, like since then i have emailed my therapist?? that counts right????? tbh i dont even know what to talk abt anymore, but i do have a session with her so dw
2 notes and ill put my laundry away
ugh….. stupid. internet.. making me do things that will make my life easier…. gugh yeah i put my laundry away!!!!! everyone clap now
5 notes and ill try to brush my teeth more often
ok so like for this one i found this video https://youtu.be/pvutTiPY7q8?si=PASnBmUXZ0xiHzWM imma sing this song to myself every tike i dont feel like brushing my teeth
6 notes and ill try to put on cream for my dermatitis (anxiety hives!!! yayyy!!!!) more often
just did it hehe :) tho it is getting a little worse and my kitten scratched me on top of it 😭
10 notes and ill attempt to learn my timestables
11 notes and ill study for my exams
my exams are over!!!! so idk what to do for this one? maybe ill go do my homework instead
20 notes and ill try to go one day without using my pc/phone
30 notes and ill vaccum (more bc we just adopted kittens) my room entirely
40 notes and ill try to explain my depression to my mom again
50 notes and ill clean my locker out at school
imma do this tmr!!!
i forgot 😭 someone remind me
80 notes and ill fix the posters that are falling off of my wall and are probably going to rip soon
doing this rn! taking dinner break
100 notes and ill REALLY unpack everything with my therapist
maybe tmr?
we talked about medication and kittens, also exams so like success??
200 notes and ill ask my mom if we can go to my go and get! me! medicated!
ill discuss w therapist tmr
discussed with therapist, we are now getting the conversation started with my mom and are going to see what my gp says after that!! :) ty to everyone in the notes rooting for meds
300 notes and ill re organise my bookshelf
400 notes and ill clean all of the mold off of my wall
damn 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 ion wannaaaaaaaa
this is a weekend activity tbh, and idk if its even going to BE this weekend :P
500 notes and ill clean the mold off of my roof
600 notes and ill try sewing some new clothes
i crocheted a scarf!!! does that count?
700 notes and ill buy some new shoes
800 notes and ill check out dnd club at school (im scared)
900 notes and ill come up with more goals
edit: bro……. 😭
so im gonna take my time w these bc there is a lot to go thru!! i will try my best to remember to update!!! ty for notes :)
- random internet stranger
ok so like i have to come up with more goals now???
1500 and ill start taking study notes with a study method (rb with study method that is your fav eg cornell method)
1700 and ill attempt to hype myself up enough to eat at school (long story, germs)
2000 notes and ill start whatever book wins this poll:
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astradyke · 2 months
Phil Lester, the romantic you are. (or, some of my favorite "Phil loving Dan" moments in the last few years ft. actual timestamps, since i'm not artsy enough for web-weaves yet)
❧ "Thanks Dan-" "Thank you... for tolerating my presence." "-for treating us with your presence." (What Dan and Phil Text Each Other 2, 20:50)
❧ The cooing at Dan's outfit at The International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences Award event, including putting a hand over his heart. (ROASTING DAN'S 'FASHION', 11:11)
❧ The edited segment at the end of this video in which Phil does an additional promotion of Dan's book; "I've just seen how happy he's been since he's found all this stuff out..." (I TRY TO GIVE DAN A HAIRCUT!!, 19:10)
❧ "Oh look, we're together!" (Dan and Phil Chained Together, 12:40) -- volume warning for this one.
❧ Every time during this video in which Phil expresses excitement that his character is with Dan's again, or stress that him and Dan will be separated (Dan and Phil are Getting Divorced - It Takes Two #1, non-exhaustive list of timestamps 17:50, 22:20)
❧ “Here’s where that’s fine. I would shape-shift into you, you would shape-shift into me… no, we know each other so well, it wouldn’t be that different." (Phil Pushes Dan's Button for 18 Minutes, 10:47)
"op you forgot-" a lot of these are just recent clips i've mentioned in the past since i was asked to give time-stamps, but please add more in notes! i know most folks know these but in case anyone doesn't :3 (honorary mention both mukbangs & every baking video)
BONUS: my personal "roman empire", AKA a selection of pictures Phil's taken of Dan that I think are particularly loud -- warning in advance these do not have IDs but when i get a chance i can add them into an RB! all under cut <3
EXTRA BONUS: i made a post compiling some of my favorite pictures of Phil wearing the "We're All Doomed" merch hat because this is something i think about a lot too. these have IDs! my actual post isn't important i just didn't want to recopy over the pictures.
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phil lester loving via photography in a very non-exhaustive list because it's not like this has been his birthday tradition or anything... i hate romance. <3
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magicalbats · 4 months
Okay, my Kinktober pieces are once again being put on hold. Apologies to everyone who’s been waiting for me to (finally) wrap up that project but this takes priority before anything else.
As you may or may not have seen in my last rb, my good friend ChickenParm is going through it right now and while I will be sending her some assistance on my own there’s only so much I can do by myself. I’m one person with a limited amount of money I can spare. But if a few of us can pitch in a little bit here or there I think we can all make a big difference together.
And since some of you have been asking about commissioning me, here’s your chance!
How it will work: 🦇
1. Refer to the pricing list below, decide how much you want to spend and then donate that amount to the link Parm provided in her post
2. DM me with a screenshot of the donation and tell me what you want. Barring the Hard No’s listed on my carrd I’ll write anything at all you want. I will be double checking with her to ensure everything is in order so please don’t try to pull one over on me (I’ll cry 😢)
3. ???
4. Profit! Uh, i mean enjoy your fic!
Pricing: 🦇
The word counts listed below are going to be set minimums for the corresponding price. I’m a natural born yapper so I might go over that a little, or even a lot, but this is how we’ll determine the general range of the fic you want.
$10 or under = 1000 words
$20 = 2000 words
$30 = 3000 words
$40 = 4000 words
$50 = 5000 words
And so on.
Commissions will be handled on a first come first serve basis so if you’re interested please don’t hesitate to act now. I’m not sure how many people will actually want to take me up on this offer but I figured it was worth a shot since I’ve gotten asked about this in the past. Parm is an excellent writer and a very good friend, and I’d like to help her out as much as I possibly can. I’ll write for 48 hours straight if that’s what it takes to fulfill everyone’s commissions so please dont worry about overwhelming me with too much all at once!
Best wishes everyone!
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snobgoblin · 1 year
here's something I've been working on for u guys (don't worry about sending me asks lol)
random ask game
1. what's a haircut you got and regretted? did you regret it immediately or later on?
2. what was your favorite color as a kid? what's your favorite color now?
3. what's your favorite cartoon villain?
4. possum or deer person? you can like both but what would you say you like just a bit better?
5. what is your favorite kind of mushroom?
6. if you could only listen to one band for the rest of your life, what would it be?
7. what is your comfort food? favorite restaurant?
8. what is your favorite sculpture?
9. what is your favorite painting?
10. what kind of fence is the most aesthetically pleasing to you?
11. what is your favorite kind of native plant in your area?
12. if you could make any kind of lizard fluffy or give it feathers, which one would you choose and why?
13. are you a moss kind of person or an algae kind of person?
14. you know those awful gumball character popsicles? which one is your favorite?
15. what is your favorite kind of tree?
16. what is your favorite thing on a playground?
17. how many times have you moved?
18. do you know how to change a tire?
19. where would you want your respawn point to be, in real life?
20. what's a vibe you love but don't personally indulge in?
21. do you know how to skateboard? or use roller skates maybe?
22. do you know how to swim?
23. what's the hardest thing you know how to cook?
24. what's a random skill you have that you're very proud of?
25. if you were a robot what would your name be?
26. top or bottom bunk on a bunk bed?
27. snails or slugs?
28. who's a dead artist you'd love to go back in time just to talk to for a little while? can be a painter or musician or any kind of artist
29. what's a song you've replayed for years and it's never gotten old?
30. what's something oddly specific that makes you super nostalgic?
31. who's your favorite superhero?
32. would you have ice powers or fire powers?
33. would you rather be made of tin, concrete, or wood?
34. what is your favorite thing to clean? think like doing the dishes vs doing the laundry, which do you like the best?
35. would you rather live in a cave or in the clouds?
36. who is your favorite sunday comic character?
37. what's your favorite kind of mask?
38. what's your favorite fantasy creature?
39. what cereal mascot would you wanna hang out with?
40. what's the highest thing you'd be willing to stand on?
41. what cartoon soundtrack do you play regularly?
42. what video game soundtrack do you play regularly?
43. what's a character you like because of a mutuals hyperfixation?
44. favorite shape of sunglasses?
45. what's the coolest color of lightbulb?
practice reblog karma! if you reblog this from somebody send them an ask in return! (except if u rb from op dw about it)
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crispywisp · 15 days
🙏😞Please help me I want to provide for my
family's needs in Gaza🇵🇸🍉
Maybe 10€ makes a difference to us.🙏
⭕️Donation link:
⭕️Pinned post:
‏I hope they see this so they can see and learn about my campaign. 🙏💔
‏@el-shab-hussein @appsa @nabulsi @irhabiya @90-ghost @sar-soor @mohameddd
to my followers, yes i DO notice it when you ignore these fundraisers i post, yet like/rb the other posts i reblog right after (40+ activity interactions for those!!! yet these asks rarely reach 10 notes...) please, at the very least SHARE these posts so that it reaches people who are ABLE to donate
€165 raised of €25,000 goal (~0.66%)
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porcupine-girl · 1 year
TeePublic: Making changes but WAY more reasonable than RedBubble
RedBubble and TeePublic are owned by the same company, but TP has always operated very differently. When RB originally bought them, I'd actually been hoping that the better parts of both sites would find their way to the other, but that never happened.
The main difference for artists is that TP pays flat fees for items. For example, for classic T-shirts, you get $4 per shirt or $2 if it's bought on sale. For stickers, it's .75/.50. No percentages, nothing you set yourself.
After RB's recent ridiculousness, when I saw an email from TP about changes, I was worried. But it's actually pretty reasonable, if they have to increase fees.
Tiers (but not as bad)
Yes, they are doing tiers like RB. And like RB, they won't give the exact formula or let you pick your tier, BUT the criteria are far better.
The lower "Apprentice" tier, it sounds like, is mostly for accounts that spam them with hundreds of automated designs or that have a normal number of designs but almost no sales. NOT for regular small-to-medium accounts like RB's lower tier.
I have 56 designs that I've slowly added over the past five years or so, and I make maybe $10/month on TeePublic. And I am in the higher "Artisan" tier. I don't know what might get me bumped down, like if I don't sell anything for a few months in a row or something, but for now I'm good.
So if you're a small-to-medium artist with a couple dozen designs who sells a few items a month, there's a good chance you'll be Artisan tier.
Fee changes (but also not as bad)
As for the fee changes, they're more reasonable, too. For Artisan accounts (which, remember, little ol' me qualified as) they're just standardizing the artist cut to $4 ($2 on sale) for all apparel and home items. Which means for the most popular items, like the classic tee, there's no change! The biggest cut here is on hoodies, which will drop from $8 to $4. Which sucks, but I've only sold a handful of hoodies in several years so it's not a huge hit. Most other cuts are just going from $5 to $4.
For Apprentice tier accounts, apparel and home items will be $3 ($1 on sale). Which is more of a cut, since nearly all of them were at least $4 before, but it's definitely better than RB's 40% fee, and seems unlikely to hit most regular artist accounts.
There's also the fact that while RB closed my account with no warning or explanation and ignored my appeal, TP has done no such thing. As a fanartist I've also had far fewer DMCAs on TP, probably because it's less popular than RB so companies aren't monitoring as closely.
So anyhow, if you're a RedBubble refugee you might want to check out TeePublic! I'm in the process of uploading whatever designs I had on RB that I hadn't put there already. It definitely has downsides (the search is absolutely awful), and again it's owned by the same company, but for the moment it's staying more artist-friendly than RedBubble apparently.
(If you already have a TP account, it might be helpful to mention in the notes which tier you're in [it should say in the email you got] and how big you are, so others can gauge what's likely to happen to them. I'm curious to see if anyone around the same size as me got bumped down to Apprentice.)
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transtundras-fr · 10 months
Commissions open!!!!!!!!!
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i have PWYW options if you’re unsure, but generally I charge $10 for a headshot, $20 for half body, and $40 for fullbody, all without backgrounds. I’m open to drawing anything, flight rising related or not! Possibly nsfw, but depends.
Additional charges include background, shading, extra characters etc
Retro screen caps like the one above are $50!
I accept Venmo and PayPal. Pls rb!
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hologram-of-hope · 8 months
will crop it but below is how the test works if anyone wants to know! (lots of nerd stuff abt the site itself) (made this just for funsies :D)
..so, every answer gives points (from 4 to 1, the site has each one so it's easy to count)
the score at the end determines the result. ex. - I got the "island guest" result because my score was 40 (4 on all 10 questions). lowest score possible (10) - simply does not give any result (idk why, happens ig)
s rank (that I tested) - 28\27\26 - probably the most common result because if you choose answers at random it will probably be 25 or something like it (...I think). surprisingly, A rank I got was 29 points.
also interesting thing - lowest score accepted by the site is 14, the result I got from 14,15 is potential investor. second lowest with 21 points is cucurucho.
I do not yet have any data for d,b and c ranks and my data for some results are not a lot (bc it was done manually and I hate the 30 button in the beggining lmao). so any data I get will be added later or from results of other ppl.
the scores work kinda strange so it might be a while (like if d rank is a specific score and can be got only by 1 combination.)
why did I did all that you also may ask? if this quiz has any significance on later days - it would be neat to quickly get the result you want. if it has 0 significance like at all - it was fun and its interesting to try to figure stuff out with 0 knowledge of code and stuff like this! :DDD (also a good time killer while my food cooks)
(also also, I can later rb with all the numbers that corespond to each question if it is of interest. they do exist on the site so idk)
-- updated1 - so i found a B rank score! its 34, second highest after island guest so far
personally I think b d and c ranks are somwhere at the 30+- gonna go do some tests and add later
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elflikesfrogs · 1 month
🐢turtle owners - advice?🐢
I'm getting a turtle in abt 36 hours and feel unprepared so if anyone has experience with turtle care, please give some advice !! I've done a lot of research but just have some questions I can't find answers to. Details under the cut bcuz I'm anxious and have a lot of questions 😭
non turtle owners, if u could rb or boost for greater reach that would b appreciated 🥺🥺
I'm getting a turtle this weekend. She's a 2 year old red eared slider. She was given to me by her previous owner who was no longer able to care for her, and as it was an urgent situation I've had about 4 days to learn absolutely everything that there is to know about turtle/RES care.
I don't know much of her current situation, but she's in a 60 gallon tank right now. The owner is giving me the tank and filter (though I don't know what kind of filter) and potentially some setup stuff, but I'm not really sure what. So, I'm starting at a baseline of zero (plus tank, turtle, and filter) and working from there.
So far I've gotten a water heater from Walmart, although reading the reviews after I got back home, I discovered it was actually really bad quality and basically kills any aquarium that it touches. So... I looked for more higher rated water heaters, and I'm ordering a Cobalt Equatics Neo-Glass 200w heater, and a plastic heater protector to prevent glass shattering. Will the turtle be okay for a few days without heated water? It's arriving Tuesday 20th, and the temperature where I live is around high 60sF-low 80sF right now (during the day). If not, are there solutions to not having a water heater for a short while? (Granted, if the prev owner didn't have a water heater in the first place, I think it's probably okay until I get one, but still!)
I know ideally, I should fill the tank up to the full capacity (60 gal) and have an over-tank basking dock. However, from the photos I've received (shown below) it looks like she's only been in about half tank water with a floating basking dock. I want to ensure she's able to swim around and get to the surface without any strain; how should I go about slowly increasing the water levels?
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Substrate: Gravel is too small for her and I'm scared she'll eat them. River rocks, while cool and natural-looking, I've heard are difficult to clean and can be quite loud. So I've decided on either doing a bare bottom tank, or sand substrate. If it's bare bottom, I feel like she'd be bored — I don't quite have all the decorations yet, so it would be a pretty sparse and empty tank — though I know sand makes it more difficult to clean as well. Thoughts?
Decorations: RES's are known for breaking stuff and biting whatever they can get their mouth around. Knowing this, I haven't gotten any decorations yet. I would like to be able to give her decorations she can play with but not have the risk of her eating and swallowing fake plants or whatever. What decoration brands/types are recommended?
Feeding: since she's 2, and still a juvenile (I think), she's mainly been eating protein pellets and freeze dried bugs. I got some basic protein pellets and freeze dried mealworms at Walmart. I've seen conflicting ratios for pellets-veggies-fruit (some saying 50%/40%/10%, others saying 25/65/10, etc) What sort of a nutrition ratio should i be giving a 2 y/o female red eared slider? I do know that I should be giving her no more than the size of her head, and potentially putting her in a second tank for feeding if possible (and making sure to remove any excess food after 15 minutes). Also, for a 2 y/o, I think it's every-day feedings, but if I'm wrong please lmk
Finally here is just a list of all the other things I currently have for the tank, minus the tank and filter itself because I don't know what type they are:
2 lamps, with 13W Aqua Culture Compact Fluorescent bulb for reptiles (UVB), and Aqua Culture 60W incandescent basking bulb.
Digital water thermometer.
Aqua safe water conditioner (I have well water with no chemical filtration, so I think it's not necessary, but bought one anyway.)
Aquarium brush.
Shipping soon: Aquarium-safe sand, water heater & plastic cover.
What else do I need? Water aeration? pH strips? Something else I'm forgetting?
Apologies for the long post. I'm super anxious about getting a pet, and I want to make sure I'm providing her with the absolute best care possible. Obviously, as time goes on (and so do my paychecks) I will be able to upgrade her tank with more features. For now, I'm looking for the absolute basics - how to keep this turtle alive and happy while I learn more about turtle care and eventually help her to thrive.
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onyourstageleft · 3 months
I'm working on a baby quilt that I've been hexagon paper piecing so far, but I realized how much of a time drain doing the background with paper piecing would be. I've decided to do a jelly roll race style quilt for the background and applique my main hexagon design onto it, and because I can't find a premade jelly roll that I like, I'll be buying some fabric and cutting my own jelly roll strips. I'm planning to do 40 strips, either 10 strips each of 4 fabrics or 8 strips each of 5 fabrics. here's the 6 fabrics I'm thinking about, all from Joanne's (screenshots from the website)
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and here's the design I'm working on (a d20), with the fabrics I'm using. the light blue is the inner part of the die, and the dark blue is the outer edge and lines across
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if there's one overwhelming loser I'll buy the other 5 fabrics, but if two are about evenly vetoed, I'll do 4 fabrics. you're also welcome to reply or rb with your top choices out of these or other nominations for this project! the poll will run for a week, since I still need to finish piecing the outer blue on and make/attach the bias tape for the lines on my main design
this will also be my first jelly roll quilt and first time doing an applique, so even though I'll be doing an applique test run, I'd appreciate any advice on the process! I plan to do a needle turn applique, so I'm looking forward to learning that skill in practice
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autisticthings · 2 months
It's so hot here, with that, I was wondering
EDIT: 106-110 should be 106-109 sorry for the confusion
Mine is 110° F exactly, and I will be voting so, yeah that's me.
Make sure to interact so we can get more info, rb, like, and all that
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treecakes · 27 days
hey! sorry to bother you but is Guardian good? ^^ where can i watch it?
(I'm desperately trying to find something to watch but nothing is catching my attention)
HI! um. tricky question!! lol. i think guardian is definitely a fun and worthwhile series and it does break your heart several times. i don’t know how to answer this because the production quality is so bad but the actors and producers have so much passion for the story and it really does redeem it i think. and i’ve gotten two people who really don’t otherwise care for that type of series to become invested in it also. so in my peer circle it’s highly reviewed 👍
i’ll copy and paste an imdb synopsis here too in case you only know it from the posts i rb and don’t know much abt the plot :)
“A peace that has lasted over 10 000 years - between humans, Yashou and Dixing - is under threat when a series of events start to unfold on the planet of Haixing. Dixing people, who normally lives underground, suddenly start causing trouble on the surface with their special abilities. This is all somehow connected to four ancient holy tools. Zhao Yunlan is the unruly director of the Special Investigation Department (SID) who is put in charge of investigating these unusual cases. When things start happening at the local university a calm and gentle professor by the name of Shen Wei becomes involved with helping SID solve these cases. Not only does Shen Wei agree to help, repeatedly, but he also seems to know more about everything than he lets on. Also working with SID is a leaders from Dixing, the Black Cloaked Envoy, who upholds justice and helps keeping the peace. Although, when a formidable enemy starts moving behind the scenes it becomes harder and harder for SID and their allies to keep the world from being swallowed completely by the darkness. Along the way, an old promise is kept and a friendship between two guardians develops to transcend both past and present lifetimes.”
it’s fairly episodic with most “arcs” resolving within an episode or two (aside from the last arc, which takes the longest) and it’s relatively easy to watch only a few episodes at a time if that’s your thing! but also i watched entire thing in like. four days. when i first watched it but i’ve seen it 4 or 5 times by now i think and i took my time with those rewatches
um as for where to watch it! it used to be entirely on youtube with english subtitles and now only 27/40 episodes are there and available (and not consecutive episodes either 😭) i do suggest using the youtube subs for the episodes they have and then switching to this for any ones they don’t.
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abodyfromthebalcony · 2 years
Small one shot where the reader is a tattoo artist and is giving hughie a tattoo (its billy joel themed ofc)
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Pairing: Hughie Campbell x Reader  Wordcount: 400 words     A/N: Tiny short baby one shot while i get used to writing again rbs and comments are really appreciated!
A tattoo design that says “second wind” placed on Hughies upper forearm. 
You’ve had this design in your mind since you got to know hughie. You’ve been bothering Hughie to let you tattoo him for a while now, even before you started dating and he has finally caved in. Something about you, made it very hard for him to say no.
You pay attention to every nuance to every line you draw with the tattoo machine. You want to make sure it’s perfect for him. It's turning out really well. When you drew it up you wanted to make sure it was perfect for him, the wrong font choice or placement could make it look really out of place on Hughie but you made sure this was perfect.
You’re now an hour into tattooing him and he’s struggling to keep still at this point. You get the sense that for the first 40 minutes he was trying to keep it really cool to impress you but he can’t keep still anymore. 
“I'm almost done, you just have to be still for like 2 minutes.” 
“Really?”  Hughie says through panting breaths 
“Uh, yeah.” You say lying. It’s going to take at least 10 more minutes. “But hey, Kimiko broke your arm once, this is nothing!” You put a reassuring hand on his arm to keep him steady.
“Ok thanks, I love you” 
“What?!” You laugh pulling the tattoo machine away 
“No! No! Please forget I said anything, please just finish the tattoo!”
“Ok, ok.” You say smiling. 
You do the rest of the tattoo with a smile on your face. 
“All done!” you say doing a final wipe. He lets out a sigh of relief in response. “I’ll wrap you up and you’ll be good to go!”
“Looks really good” hughie flex’s his arm in the mirror.
“You wear it well” you chuckle. You take out a lollipop from a tin box you keep beside your tool kit “here you go, for doing so well.”
“Love you too.” you mutter under your breath as you hand the lollipop to him.
“Nothing!” you say rolling your eyes. 
Hughie smiles “I love you too.”
“Does that chair have uh, any other uses?” he says
“Are you trying to ask if we can have sex on the tattoo chair?”
“Um, yes, yes I am.”
“Yes, uh, yes I think we can do that.” you chuckle
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