#but its ok i think when everyone starts leaving i can do a restart
swagtomomo · 10 months
if everyone is immortal how does evelution happen? do things still have sex? if something dies when giving birth is it just reborn as its own baby? its ok if theres no answer
ok ive spent like 40 minutes thinking about it and reading lore and im now realizing i can just answer all of these questions already.
time passes regardless of the creatures that live in it. everything keeps starting its own life over when it dies* but the world still exists and moves without them. kinda like real death. depending on your understanding of time, theyre just moving themselves back across it anyway. doesnt stop the future from happening.
things still reproduce and evolve, since they still die just like the real world. the things that survive and reproduce the most over whatever timeline we observe will still be the most populous, and those are gonna be whatever best suits their environments.
restarting your cycle isnt reincarnation; things dont leave their bodies when they die. if something dies during childbirth its baby doesnt have one of its parents and the parent starts over and hopefully doesnt die of childbirth.
*idk from what point in their lives they start over. from birth makes the most sense, but theres evidence they start from some arbitrary point (such as the beginning of the players campaign, ex: saint failing to ascend and starting over from the beginning of its campaign (faulty example given the specifics of saints ascension, but whatever)), or starting from the beginning of the current cycle (time unit), as seen whenever you get killed.
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saintkiri · 3 years
hi hi! i shall be vacationing at the beach house with eren and it’s gonna be full of heartbreak (oof). prompts 6,7,12,&13 please?? something revolving around the idea that eren and i have been dating for months, all seems well, and like the two of us are so in love and happy and then one day he up and ghosts, but eventually he comes back apologizing and begging to restart the relationship.... but his pleas don’t work and he’s left in tears, blaming himself. (geez that was depressing.... BUT I LOVE ANGST LOL) also i love this summer concept you’re doing!! its amazing :))
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prompt 6: “I can’t live without you” prompt 7: “you can’t leave me, please.” prompt 12: “leave, please.” prompt 13: “you can’t just promise me a lifetime with you when you don’t even know what you want.”
prompt list summer celebration🍒
song to go with this one shot (another love by tom odell)
content warning: toxic eren (?) slight manipulation (?) y/n wanting to slap eren (as she/they should tho) i think that's it. oh and implied smut at the end. also a little bit of jean x fem!reader at the end too.
a/n: i tried to keep this as gn as i can!?
I hope you enjoy (?) your vacation !! <3
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Your relationship was perfect, through the eyes of social media. You two were the couple everyone wanted to be. It’s summer break which is the one time you get to spend some quality time with your boyfriend. Well, at least you hoped you were.
You: hey, i thought we were going to meet at the beach house? sent at 3:15 on June 1
You waited for him. Hours turned into days, and days turned into weeks. It’s been two weeks since you’ve heard from him. You knew he was okay thanks to Jean. One day everything was fine, you were happy and in love, and the next you felt like you lost a piece of you. You and Eren were fine though, there weren’t any problems, and nothing that would make him up and leave you.
There was the occasional argument, but it was just stupid things that every couple fights over. You and Eren would make up for each fight. He would get you a bouquet of your favorite flowers, along with a bunch of kisses. After the flowers, you would talk about it and make sure everything was fine. Everything was fine.
You: eren, please call me. it’s been two weeks, i just wanna know if you’re ok. sent at 7:45pm on June 15
You waited for him at the beach house for a couple days, you couldn’t handle the silence. You went back to your apartment, waiting for a response from him. He never called, he never texted you, he just left you without a word.
Slowly, you started to give up. If he didn’t want to call you, and it sure as hell seemed like he wanted nothing to do with you either. How could he just drop everything? How could he just up and leave without saying a single word. It never added up, you both were so in love. Your favorite memories were the small ones, whether it was being tangled in each other's arms, or you teaching him how to slow dance to your favorite songs.
His laugh rings through your ears all day, hearing it brought you joy..well used to, now it brings you pain and sadness.
“Mikasa, I’m fine,” You lied through your teeth, knowing damn well you were about to cry yourself to sleep. You heard Mikasa on the other side of the phone letting you know that she loves you, and everything that you don’t want to hear right now.
You didn’t want to hear that everything was going to be okay. Because everything isn’t okay. You were still grateful that you had people in your life that still cared for you, and you will always be. But right now, the only thing you care about is what the actual fuck happened between you and Eren.
You unlocked your apartment door, walking in, to see him. “E-Eren..” He was sitting at your dining table, leaning forward with his fingers laced together, “Y/N.” That’s all he had to say? After all this time? You dropped all your bags, not knowing what to do. Do you slap him for hurting you? Do you kiss him from the lost time?
“You fucking asshole.” You spit out, practically bursting into tears. You were so mad, but yet glad that he’s okay, “I’m..I’m sorry.” He said softly, hearing the chair rub against the kitchen tile, “Sorry? That’s all I fucking get? A fucking sorry?” You scoffed, turning around from not wanting to look at him. You brushed your fingers through your hair, “I-I..I know it isn’t much, but please-”
“Do you know how fucking worried I was? H-How..How I spent days wondering if you were laying dead somewhere?” You took a deep breath, feeling the tears slowly falling down your face. You turned around, “I had to find out from Jean that you were okay!” There was nothing he could say that would make you feel better.
“I know, and I’m-” You finished off his sentence, “Sorry, yeah, you made that clear.” There were a million things you could do right now, but right now, it was just you and him with the silence that you knew wasn’t going to end well.
“Why?” You coughed up a soft sob, “I don’t know, and I couldn’t tell you even if I did.” You were sitting on your kitchen counter, ripping a sheet of paper towel into small shreds, then balling them up in between your index and thumb finger, then tossing them into the mini pile you were making. “But, just know that I am so-so sorry y/n. Please forgive me.” You scoffed silently, rolling your eyes, “Why should I?” He stood up from leaning against the table, “I can’t live without you.” You blurted out a laugh, “Well shit, you did for two weeks, and clearly you didn’t give a fucking shit about me.” The ripping of the paper towel became more aggressive, “Y/N, please.” You groaned in annoyance, “Please what, Eren? Y-You want me to forgive you even after all the shit you put me through these last two weeks?”
He sighed softly, sitting back on the dining room table,“I don’t want you to forgive me, y/n, but I want to start over. These..These two weeks from you, made me realize that I want to spend the rest of my life with you.” Anger was slowly starting to fuel your veins, “You’re such a fucking liar, Eren.” You hopped off the counter, “You can’t just promise me a lifetime with you when you don’t even know what you want. You say that you love me one day, and the next you go off the face of the earth, a-acting like what we had,” It hit you that it was coming to an end, “was nothing. I was so in love with you that it hurt.” You admitted.
You started slowly walking towards your door, “You can’t leave me, please.” He begged, while you chuckled, opening the door, “No, I’m not leaving, because you are. Leave, please.” You saw a tear, slowly running down his face, “Y/N, come on..you can’t.”
“No, Eren. I can’t forgive you. I’m..I’m not going to ask again.” You said calmly. He was hurt too, he kept begging for your forgiveness but you weren’t going to forgive him anytime soon. Maybe one day, you’ll have a future with him. Maybe.
As Eren dreadfully left your apartment, blame and guilt feuling every single inch of his body. He left because he was scared of commitment, he left because he was too scared of finally being happy, and now here he is..alone again.
Maybe one day we can be together again. He thought to himself, while regretting everything that’s happened. He hopes that one day, you’ll listen to him, and hopefully be able to gain a relationship with you.
It’s been two months since you last spoke to Eren. It’s been a hard two months, you went through hell trying to get over him. “So, what’re we doing today, love?” You heard your new boyfriend’s morning voice, along with a chuckle. You achingly rolled over, “Morning, Jean.” You gave him a quick peck on the lips, “Hm, how bout we just lay in bed all day?” He instantly pulled you closer to him, his lips connecting with yours, “I like the sound of that.”
You moved on, it was hard but you did it and you found peace while doing it. Was it with your now ex-boyfriend’s best friend? Maybe. Does Eren know about it? Nope..Not at all and you thought it was best to keep it that way.
You felt his sloppy kisses trailing around your neck, soft moans were leaving your moan with each faint hickey he would leave, “Hm, sounds like someone wants to go for a round three?” You giggled, moving quickly to straddle his hips, leaning in closer to him, “Yes, daddy.” And just before you could get practically ruined again, everything was interrupted with a loud knock, “The fuck?” You groaned, hopping off Jean’s lap, “They’ll go again y/n, but this,” He eyed his bulge then you, “Won’t go away without your help.” You giggled, giving a small peck on the lips, “Shut up, I’ll be right back.”
He watched you walk out the bedroom, hearing the obnoxious knocking again. You rolled your eyes as you opened it, your eyes widened, “E-Eren..” You stood there in shock, you were better off knowing that he didn’t exist, you were doing fine until he ended up standing in your door step, “Y/N, what’s—” You eyes widen looking back at Jean, “Eren.”
“Wow, I-I can’t believe you.” He looked at you first then Jean, “I moved on Eren, and I think you should too.” You said softly, “I can’t y/n, I just can’t.” You felt Jean place his hand on your shoulder, “What happened to you saying that..that you were in love with me?” He was truly hurt by his own actions, but you moved in and you’re happy, “Eren, I know what I said, but please let me go and move on, in peace.”
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rikalovesrice · 3 years
My Thoughts on Trollhunters : Rise of the Titans
Mmmmm. Okay. So I just finished the movie. I’m fatigued as always so this’ll be a bit of a mess lol. Gotta spew the thoughts while they’re still fresh, y’all know how it is.
Right out the gate, I definitely want to talk about the things I loved.
The animation was, of course, phenomenal and gorgeous!
Voice acting was incredible as always
Douxie. I just loved seeing Douxie again and honestly kept my eyes trained on him for most the of movie lol
OK DOUXIE AND NARI SWITCHING?? BODIES??? Definitely didn’t see that coming and I legit started screaming lol
Nari in Douxie’s body is the most precious, chaotic, and wholesome thing like holy cow that was so adorable LOOKIT DOUXIE CROUCHING AND CRAWLING AROUND ON ALL FOURS WITH THOSE NOODLE LIMBS OF HIS I CAN’T --
We called Nari’s mind control and Douxie trying to reason with her!
In the very few scenes they were together, Douxie’s love and affection for Nari really came through. You could really feel how much he cared about her. ALSO THAT TENDER HUG AND NARI’S LITTLE HAPPY SQUEAK MY HEART NO--
Loved Barbara. Always love Barbara.
Walter and Barbara getting engaged
Nomura back in action
Claire being the powerful sorceress she’s become
Loved seeing Aja, Krel, and Varvatos all together again.
The way Douxie yelled Nari’s name and ran to her after she died and the remnants of her magic falling all around him, like she was saying goodbye, just *UGLY CRYING*
It was so cool to see Charlie out of his den and flying about like the mighty dragon he is
Loved the Guardians of Arcadia pulling Excaliber out together.
All the gang all going after Bellroc together
Aarrgh I love you so much
Stuart, what a bro!
We saw a hint of mercy in Bellroc towards the end.
Toby’s death... That was a huge curveball. Jim might as well have cut my heart out with Excaliber as he sobbed over his best friend.
Uh.....um....and.....Er...what else........ .___.
..........Alright so.......It’s about to get a bit brutal from here on out as I talk about the things I didn’t like at all. And the really sad thing is, at least to me, the cons far outweigh the pros in this movie. Because I’m actually having difficulty picking out things I enjoyed, they were so few and far between...which really sucks.
So here we go.
Gosh, where to begin... I guess I’ll go ahead and say this : I’m really disappointed. 
Like as I’m here typing this, I’m just thinking, “...That was it? That was the movie?? The big finale???”
So much of this movie just felt....unnecessary. I hate to say almost like filler. The entire intro re-caping the series really wasn’t needed. And then Toby went and restated it all again when he was being interrogated. The pacing, oh my gosh...Guys, the pacing in this movie was not good. The action started and it never seemed to stop. There wasn’t a single moment of rest, of levity, of our characters just being themselves, getting to know each other, being friends outside of the battle. No Reckless Club Segment. No fun, just... I mean Claire and Aja didn’t speak to each other at all. Douxie and Toby hardly interacted. Steve was turned into a gross male pregnancy joke. Jim and Krel barely spoke. Douxie and Aja had nothing to say to each other. Even Aja and Krel didn’t have any moments together. The list goes on. The whole movie was just go, go, go. And it’s so frustrating because there was time for it but it was poorly executed.
Like was the whole break-in to the Chinese Trollmarket really necessary?? Guys, I really found myself not caring. I didn’t care to see this random side quest involving an insignificant new troll character and a Trollmarket that had little to no bearing on the plot. Did I love seeing Charlie, Archie, Blinky, and Claire? Of course! But these scenes were so pointless. So needless. They could’ve written other ways for all our heroes to go after the chronosphere (Maybe we could’ve had Zoe for crying out loud). But instead this vital artifact was the hands of a character we don’t know and don’t care about in a place that turned out to have basically nothing to do with anything.
Deaths. The deaths in this movie. Because of the pacing in this movie, there wasn’t nearly enough time for the emotional impacts to sink in. Nomura? Gone and the only ones mourning her are Aaarrgh and Douxie, who barely knew her. Walter’s death was handled better since we got to see Jim and Barbara actually having a moment to mourn him. The weight of Nari’s death was singlehandedly carried by Douxie, but even that was over before it started. The immense gravity of Toby’s death, which really got to me, was also short-lived to make way for an ending that...I don’t know. 
“I hope he’s happy.”
Douxie’s reaction objectively doesn’t make a shred of sense. Geez, it’s almost like Douxie was expecting Archie to up and leave him someday to be with Charlegmane. Just...what???
What also frustrates me so much is how this movie undid so much characterization and development that happened in Wizards. Or more like all that development didn’t even matter.
What was the point of Steve’s arc in Wizards if he was just going to be reduced to...this?
I was so excited to see Douxie really being a Master Wizard. To see him lead the Guardians of Arcadia alongside Jim. To see him in action as Successor to Merlin and Protector of this Realm.
But no.
Douxie, who had such an incredible arc in Wizards and a character who’s come to mean so much to me in my life, was nerfed and sidelined.
And then time restarts and I can’t help but wonder why any of this mattered at all. What the heck was the freaking point of the suffering, the loss, the pain, the growth, enduring and overcoming so much, the friendships and family spanning across three shows... All gone. Starting all over. Undoing everything, except what Jim went through. As much as I love Jim, I didn’t think he’d be the only character I’d be getting closure for at the grand finale of this entire franchise. But that’s what happened and I really hate it.
Just...all in all, this movie wasn’t satisfying. Not to me. It had its good moments. But not nearly enough. The comedy was misplaced and fell flat. The climax was sorely anticlimactic and didn’t hold a candle to Eternal Knight. The writing, the direction, characterization...For some reason it was all lost and confused and none of it felt right and so much didn’t make sense.
I’m not at all upset with the writers, though, because they still pulled through and did what they could. When the movie did something right, it was beautiful. The things I loved about it I truly adored. No, I’m not upset in the least bit with any of the creative team.
I’m upset with Netflix. I’m upset that Wizards was robbed of the seasons it should’ve had. I’m upset with big cooperations stifling creators. I’m upset that this’ll be it. This is the ending we got and nothing can be done about it.
Aaron did say there’s every possibility for the franchise to continue in some capacity, and I’m hoping for that someday. Because so much, too much, has been left unanswered. So much left to be explored that couldn’t. But until then....I guess this is it. This is what we get.
Now, I want to remind everyone that this is my own personal experience with the movie. These are all my opinions. If you enjoyed every second the movie, that’s wonderful! And who knows how my thoughts will change upon another viewing. But in the meantime, Rise of the Titans really missed the mark for me. I wanted found family badassery and fluff. But nope. Just fighting and heaviness and no payoff. It’s such a letdown...a real shame. 
But yeah...Thanks to any and everyone who read to the end of this haha
I still love Tales of Arcadia. It’s a series that has blessed and inspired me so much as an artist, writer, and as a person in general. I do want to keep making ToA content for a while. Cause this movie isn’t the end. Not my ending, at least.
I’ll continue to hope for more Tales of Arcadia in the future (a Douxie spin-off series please Lord pleaaase). We shall see. Until then, fics and fanart fixing this mess galore haha
Until next time everyone! God bless!
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sweets-cookies · 4 years
Hi~ I've been in a pre shitty mood lately, just yknow, life. Sooo could I request some hc of Bakugou, Shinso and todoroki comforting theirs s/o? Perhaps silently getting their signs and just cuddling them close or making them smth to eat? Up to you tho!! Thank you sm in advance, darling ❤
A/N:Hi babes~ this is such a good and I had such a fun time doing it but fun fact I got half way done with it the first time and my phone ended up restarting for no reason and it erased all the stuff I wrote so I had to redo it but I in fact did finish it somehow apparently my phone didn't like the first one and said "No❤" anyway I hope you enjoy it since all of us have bad days~~
Katsuki Bakugo
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Despite popular belief this boom boom boy would probably know straight away how your feeling and everything
He would probably start off not knowing what to do I mean who the hell would go to him for comfort normally
The answer is basically no one so he doesn't really know what to do everytime he's sad he just kinda sucks it up and deals with it
So don't expect him to know what to do right off the bat all he knows is he definitely doesn't like seeing you like this but he doesn't know what exactly to do so he does what he knows best, violence
He will try and hurt whatever hurt you, yes that includes things that technically can't get hurt like just life in general or school but he has good intentions I promise
After he realizes it's only making you more upset he'll try the second thing he knows how to do
"Hey dumbass I made your favorite food so stop pouting and come eat, and don't say you have I know you haven't"
Your health is so important to him and he wants to make sure your still taking care of yourself and he knows how much you love his cooking so expect him to cook for you when your not feeling like yourself
He will always be down to cuddle with you when you need it and honestly even when you don't need it
But even more when you do, he'll just hold you for hours and rub your back and try and tell you sweet things to the best of his ability which surprisingly isn't bad at all
"Hey baby I know things are hard right now but that doesn't mean that they wont be fine soon maybe not tomorrow or maybe even next month but I'll be here to help you alright dumbass" he always has this lovesick smile
And it's encouraging to him that you trust in him enough to show him your insecurities and to tell him and show him that you haven't been doing so well lately
He will always let you cry in his arms if you need to and he won't make fun of you for it after spending time with deku he understand s its important to let those emotions out(charecter development sis)
He feels lowkey privileged to be able to see the side of you that isn't happy and isn't perfect
He will read his Romance manga to you or with you when your feeling down to try and make you happier whether it's during a cuddle session or with you in his lap while hes sitting at his desk with his head on your shoulder
He's happy to make you happy and if having to show a more vulnerable side of him is makes you happy he will make that sacrifice
His main priority although is just making sure your taking care of yourself like eating,brushing your teeth and hair, and showering and if your not he will help do those things for you until you can
Hitoshi Shinso
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Why tf does he look so fucking musty in all the gifs like huh?
Anyway He wouldn't know what to do either tbh he isn't really known for being exactly considerate to others feelings
But for you he tries his best it's not that he's bad with his words he's actually pretty okay at it but not really comforting words he's better at setting people off
He always wants to make sure that his words never come off condescending either as he can sound like that at times
He can always give you reassurance of you need it but unlike bakugo he won't try to solve your problems for you
He believes that everyone needs to figure out their own shit, that doesn't mean he won't be there to support you though he just wants you to be independent in a way
He let's you be down and doesn't complain since he understands that going through tough times happen to everyone and that it's best to ride out that wave and soak up that emotion
"Cry a river but don't let it drown you" type stuff he's supportive but your demons and problems are yours to fix he'll hold you If you need but when it comes down to the problem that's your problem to fix but he will be your cheerleader
"I know that things are hard kitten but just remember how amazing you'll feel when all of it is over the fact that you can endure so much in life and your still here is so important"
He wants you to know that just cause he won't solve your problems it doesn't mean he doesn't care about them he cares enough to know that he needs to let you handle some things while he's ok the side lines
But he also cares so much that he wants to fix everything for you even if in the end it won't help you very much
He just wants the best for you and sometimes it can get hard for him to do considering how important to him you are
Will happily take naps with you all day long if life has been beating you up to much and you just need some time to reenergize yourself
"Come on let's take a nap kitty you look like you need one"
Life gets hard for everyone and it's not fair but he tries his best to make you forget about it but the time you have to leave his dorm
He lives for the cuddles he gets while napping and you guys do it even when your not upset about anything but they last WAY longer when your not feeling like yourself
He will also hold you for hours telling you how proud he is of you
"This week was really hard for you kitten I'm so proud that you managed to get through it and still try and be optimistic"
A lot of head kisses while napping and him with his hair down while he tries to use his words to warm your heart~
Shoto Todoroki
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Okay he's so fine tho like wow😶
Okay sorry my simp side is coming out so anyway when he see's you upset expect a lot of hugs and kisses and cuddles in public
He like the others isn't very good with comforting words but more of his actions are what shows he cares, he never had anyone show him how to treat someone when they feel down so he tries to figure it out on his own
"I heard you haven't been doing well lately so um I thought maybe we could share my soba"
He will give you anything you want expect him to come to you with random gifts bought from his father's card
"I wasn't sure if you'd want this new dress or this new necklace since they both reminded me of you so I just got both"
He definitely thinks that money can fix shit which I mean it lowkey can but not in all circumstances so just like politely tell him to stop buying you expensive shit(unless you don't care)
He will gladly also cuddle you and most likely will tell you all the shit he wished his father had told him when he was younger so expect a lot of sweet words
"Hey love, your doing amazing alright don't stress out so much my love what your doing is enough"
He's surprisingly really good with his words but is always scared of saying the wrong thing so he doesn't talk much and just cuddles with you and will let you lay on either siad of him(ya know if your hot or cold)
He'll heat up his hand and rub your back or stomach since heat is known to relax people and he Hope's that he can do that for you as well
He will feed you all the fucking time I think he just finds it cute especially when your not feeling like yourself he will just baby you 100%
He's really caring and just wants to make sure your taking care of yourself and you look cute with him feeding you usually you'd sit on his lap with the food infront of you on your phone and he'd just randomly put the food infront of your mouth on a fork and wait for you to open your mouth
He finds it cute and thinks that it's his own way of say that he does care about you a lot even if he doesn't say it all the time
He will also brush your hair and braid it or just style it into anything you want he just wants you to feel relaxed with him and would do anything to make you feel better
He definitely will go and talk to his mom about what he should do and how to make you feel better and he also will probably just bring you to his mom for like a little family meet up
His mom loves you and she will always be down to see you and he knows how much you like her so he Hope's it'll boost your mood a bit and she's better with words
He absolutely adores you so he'll do whatever you need until life stops fucking with you
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thr-333 · 4 years
Just Another Class Trip :)  Part 3
You know getting dragged through a multi billion dollar corporations building to try and avoid your illegitimate father, a normal monday for most I’m sure.
First< Previous >Next
It’s official, I hate Adrien
Marinette groans, having been practically dragged out of bed for breakfast. Adrien was wisely backed up as far as he could in the elevator. She yawns, making it loud as possible and looking Adrien right in the eye.
“Maybe you shouldn’t have stayed out so late,” Tikki giggles, hidden in her scarf.
Yeah it turns out that ‘just need to help out one person’ turned into a it is now 3am and I am halfway across the city beating up a gang.
“At least the box was safe,” Marinette whispers back, she had crashed in Adrien's room, no matter how mad Lila would be, or because of it who knows.
And indeed Lila was mad. The second they step foot into the hotel restaurant the entire class turns to stare at them. Crowded around a smug looking Lila with tears rolling down her cheeks. Marinette just turns a sharp left to the coffee. It isn’t until she has downed half a cup and refilled it that she tries to look for her friends.
Chloe looks just as dead as her, so she sits next to her. Let the morning people talk, they were ready to pass out together.
“Yep, Adrien?”
“Morning people,” They both sneer.
“Were you planning on sleeping all morning?” Kagami asks, eating breakfast like a normal person, what a jerk.
“Were you planning on watching me all morning?” Chloe half heartedly retorts.
“You are adorable when you’re sleeping,”
“Fuck you, I’m adorable all the time,”
“Chlo, language, please,” Marinette implores, nursing her giant cup.
“Shut up Dupain-Cheng,” Chloe snaps, face planting back into the table.
“She’s not that cute actually,” Kagami whispers to Adrien, “Wore a face mask she got green all over the bed,”
“I’ll get green all over you,” Chloe mumbles absentmindedly.
"Ah the storm is coming,took them long enough" She takes a gulp of burning coffee, "Yes Alya?"
"You cant just say that to a person," Alya tries to explain, as if talking down to a child, "Lila was up all night crying,"
"She probably just put on a recording and went soundly to sleep," Chloe scoffs, sleepily looking up from the table.
"I was with her all night!" Alya turns to Chloe, seething rage coming to the surface.
"Thats some impressive endurance," Marinette mutters, downing more coffee.
"You think she's been practicing?" Chloe smirks.
"This isn't-"
"Make sure she get's plenty of water," Marinette turns away, hoping the conversation would be over.
"Marinette!" Alya looks down at her the way Marinette often looks at her, the look at a dear friend who changed, "Can't you see you're hurting Lila?"
"Can't you see she's hurting me?" She covers that honestly by gulping down more coffee, she has not had enough for this conversation.
"You used to be so nice Marinette," Alya dodges the question, pointing to Chloe and Kagami instead, "Then you started spending time with these two, and, and you changed!"
"Believe what you want Alya," Marinette motions for her friends to stay calm, "But they stand by me when no one else will, especially you,"
"Thats because!- Marinette if you had just gotten to know Lila instead of being jealous this would have never happened," Alya looks down at her sadly, Marinette was sure Paris would have been up in flames somehow if she had ever trusted Lila, "If you just didn't spend time around these bullies everything could be the same, you wouldn't have become a bully too,"
"So what?" She spits bitterly, looking over at the table watching them, Lila looking disgruntled it wasn't an all out fight, "If I got up and joined that table right now, would everything go back to the way it was?"
"... No,"
Marinette’s pocket buzzes in a familiar sequence. Akuma alert.
"Ok then, not much point in arguing about it, I'm going to stay with my friends, the ones I can actually trust," Marinette quickly shuts down Alya's protest, "Now go get Lila some water,"
Alya walks off back to the table, everyone crowding around her. Marinette waits for the door to be clear, she has to leave before Alya finishes or the whole class will be breathing down her neck.
“Forgot something in my room,” Marinette slings on her back pack, “Be back soon,”
She was not back soon, she was not back soon at all. Luckily she should only be three minutes late for the bus-and nope they left, great. She’ll just have to catch up with the tour later.
Well, I had stuff to do anyways
She talks with the receptionist; her assistant should have sent her a prepared motorcycle to the hotel the day before. It’s a quick drive to the location she had selected specifically to be close to the hotel.
She puts on a simple domino mask before entering the building, she didn’t want anyone to leak her identity after all. Walking in she’s glad to see everything is not in disarray.
“MDC,” Her assistant, Liam walks up to her.
Liam was someone she met through Penny. He’s older than her and also acted as her guardian on most of her trips as MDC. He does know her civilian identity, which she trusted him completely to keep. She likes him because-
“Is that mine?” She snatches the cup of coffee as he passes it to her.
“Figured you needed it,” Liam smiles, wincing as she downs the burning liquid, it's fine she has a strong healing factor, “You said your bag was stolen? This should replace it, it’s most of what you had plus more,”
He rolls forward a pre packed suitcase.
“I would die without,” Marinette says in all seriousness, “So what's the damage?”
“No major problems so far, the security we hired is enough to scare away the smaller thugs,” Liam nods to some security personnel guarding each door, “They won't be enough if any super villains try to attack the actual show,”
“Mm, give them instructions on the night of the show they are only allowed to intercept small time, anything bigger they are not allowed to engage,” Marinette studies the room, there's great places to hide, friend or foe, “If they see anything they are simply to report it directly to me,”
“They can’t engage?” Liam looks around, trying to see what she is.
“They won't be able to stop them anyway, and there is no reason for them to die,”
“If you say so,” Liam leads her through the room where lights are being set up and walls are being painted, “So what's the plan if we do get attacked?”
“I’m sure Batman is going to have his eye on any big events,” Marinette approves of the color of the back wall, it looking even better in person, “Besides I’m planning on trying to intercept before any violence,”
“In other words you're going to make my job a lot more stressful,” Liam sighs, making a note or rather on his tablet.
“Not if I can help it,”
“You can’t,” Liam sighs again at her grin, “Didn’t you have a tour with your class today?”
“They left me,” Liam seems equally unsurprised, “But I should probably head for Wayne tower anyway,”
“Don’t get into trouble,”
“I never get into trouble,” Marinette smirks from the door, “Trouble drags me into it kicking and screaming,”
“More like keen and skipping,” Liam closes the door in her face.
Marinette strolls into the Wayne tower an hour late with Starbucks, she sees is her class, being a nuisance arguing with a tour guide.
“You cannot just leave a student alone in Gotham,” The tour guide all but yells at Madame Bustier.
“Marinette is very responsible, she can handle herself,” Madame Bustier more defends herself than Marinette.
“I don’t care how responsible your student is, that won't stop them from getting shot!” This time he does yell, “You need to go back and pray to god she’s alright and hasn't gotten lost for some murder to find!”
Alright time to break the tension
“Hey, what did I miss?” Marinette asks casually, Already sipping at her straw when all eyes turn to her.
“Marinette! How did you get here?” Madame bustier demands.
“I think you mean ‘are you alright, I’m so sorry for leaving you behind,” The tour guide glowers, apparently threatening enough that Madame Bustier actually repeats him.
“I’m fine, I borrowed a bike from my friend in Gotham,”
“You don’t have a licence in Gotham,” Lila sneers triumphantly.
Oh look who actually did some research, how much digging did you do when I learnt how to ride a motorcycle
“I didn’t say it was a motorcycle,” That shut’s Lila up, “But yeah it is a motorcycle,
Worth it for that face
“Also I got my licence approved in America before I came,”
So worth that face
Lila opens her mouth, better than the flood gates, when the tour guide interrupts.
“Now that everyone is here,” He sends a smile to Marinette and a glare to Madame Bustier somehow at the same time, she gets the tinglily feeling of  miraculous holder, or maybe its just the caffeine, “We can start, my name is Dick I will be your tour guide today.
They follow Dick through the tour Marinette's group right behind Dick. She scribbled designs and took notes as he talked, asking her own questions. This got her dubbed Dicks favourite, and easy title to gain as the rest of the class lagged behind. Most were listening to Lila, only Max and Alix were straining to hear Dick over the chatter. Marinette would occasionally pick up a mention of the Wayne's and knew it wasn't related to the tour. She'd have to guess Lila was lying about either dating someone or saving their life, or because it's Lila probably both. A gutsy move in the Wayne tower she had to admit. Marinette could tell Dick was listening and would probably have that rumour make it back to the Wayne's themselves. Would the wrath of some of the richest and most powerful people be enough to stop her? not likely.
They split up for lunch at the cafeteria in the building. She saw the coffee machine and was about to make a bee line to it when Kagami pulled her back to eat some 'real food' whatever that is. She makes a break for it after eating the so called 'real food', right before the tour was about to restart. She reaches it as a familiar figure is also waiting.
"Hi Tim," She greets, getting him to actually jump, "You work here?"
"Hi! um-yeah," He looks over to her, "How did you do that?"
"Do what?" She takes the biggest travel cup they have available.
"Sn-nothing," Tim still looks uneasy, then his eyes lock onto the cup, "tired?"
"Was up till three am last night, plus jet lag?" She yawns, "Yeah I'm tired,"
"Then you'll want to put that cup back,"
"Hm why?"
he gets her answer when Tim ducks down, opening a hidden cupboard full of travel cups at least twice the size of her current one,
"Tim I love you," She fills up the giant cup, "You're my favourite person in Gotham as of right now,"
"Not Dick?"
"Eh, his puns are lacklustre," She shrugs, Tim spits out his drink, "You know Dick?"
"Yep, give him a hard time for me!" Tim calls over his shoulder, walking away.
"You got it!" She hurries in the opposite direction, late for the tour once again.
“Did you get another coffee?” Dick asks as they enter the PR department.
“They were serving them at lunch,” Marinette could almost laugh at how quickly he had begun to fret over her during the tour.
“I know, that was my brothers idea, or rather demand,” Dick sighs, someone else approaching the group to direct the tour.
“Your brother works here?”
“Sure does,”
“But you don’t”
This makes Dick pause, looking down at her as she sips at the coffee.
“I mean you don’t work this job at least,” She shrugs, it wasn't hard to figure out.
“Why's that?”
“You seem uncomfortable, your charismatic but still lack the smoothness of a rehearsed tour, plus you seem offended that they are in the back chatting,” Marinette nods towards Lila and her posse, “Regular tour guides would be used to that,”
“You found me out,” Dick chuckles, “I’m just taking over for today,”
“Well I think you picked a bad class to do that for,” She looks over at most her class ignoring the speaker trying to get their attention.
“I think I picked the right one,” Dick says cryptically, then walks off to help herd the class.
“Alright you have to give me the recipe,” Marinette overhears from a nearby desk.
Someone is sitting on it eating a cookie, while the other taps away at her computer.
“Sorry no can do,” She shrugs, “I don’t know it,”
“How can you not know it, you baked them right?” He asks, trying to steal another one and getting his hand slapped away.
“Nope, new vigilante came in, beat up someone robbing my house and baked me cookies,”
“This is Gotham so I believe the first two,” He looks between her and the container, “But cookies?”
“They also gave me free therapy,” She shrugs, before tapping on the container,“And do you really believe I could make these?”
“Touche,” He smirks leaning back on the desk, “So who’s the new guy? With the Batclan?”
“No they said they were just passing through,” She doesn't look up from her computer, focusing intently on the screen, “Names Starling,”
“Never heard of them,”
“Neither, and I tried looking them up,” She sighs, pushing back from the computer in defeat, “Found someone, but it’s not them, actually couldn't find anything on them,”
“Weird,” He gets up from the desk, “Can’t imagine Batman is going to take kindly to a new vigilante running around,”
“Unless he adopts them,”
“That… yeah he probably will,”
"Oh no-CLAIRE" The speaker trying to wrangle her class stops, "We have a problem!"
"Sorry to cut this short," Claire doesn't look sorry at all, "Seems we have important matters to tend to,"
She follows Dick out of the department, ushering her class as she goes. Claire looks over at her like she has two heads, a mixture of impressed and pity, and perhaps a bit of jealously.
They get to go further up the building, to the higher floors. They reach a space that is mostly meeting rooms. He class decide to take advantage of Dick declaring they are completely sound proof, or maybe they took it as a challenge. Marinette is walking past a hall when someone leaning against the wall catches her eye.
“Auntie Selina?!”
They look around, only spotting Marinette seconds before they collide into a hug, she feels the tingling buzz of a true holder.
“Mari!” Selina picks her up and spins her around, no different from when she was five, “Oh, my love it’s so good to see you, when did you arrive in Gotham?”
Marinette watches as her smile morphs into horror.
“Wait, what are you doing in Gotham!?”
“It’s a class trip and- hey where are we going?” Her Auntie grabs her arm pulling her down the hall.
“Marinette!” Dick calls, walking around the corner, Selina makes a sharp turn down another corridor, “Wait!”
Selina is two steps away from running as she pulls Marinette through the maze of hallways.
“Auntie where are we going?”
“Down here,” She opens the door leading to a staircase, too narrow to be a fire exit.
“That’s not really what I was asking,”
Selina inputs a key code, the door swinging open as she is pulled into the room.
“Wait!” She gets pulled through another door just as quick “Was that wall full of weapons?”
“Just a picture sweetie,” She says sweetly, “Down these stairs,”
“Aunt Selina what are we running from?” They are running now, floor after floor.
“We’re not running from anything sweetie,” Selina speeds up, “I just wanted to show you a cool spot in Gotham,”
“Right,” Marinette raises an eyebrow, “I was actually with the class so maybe we could go later?”
“It closes in five minutes,”
“Like you wouldn’t just break in if we were going somewhere,”
“I promise I will take you somewhere nice,” She smiles back at Marinette, they reach the end of the stairs, coming to a garage of sorts, “If you promise to hurry up,”
“Sure-” She does a double take, of the room, “Hold up are those costumes?”
“Collectors stuff, you know,” They are surrounded by bat themed... everything, “Rich people,”
“Right and how do you know this?”
“I-” She hesitates, eyes drifting, “Hey look, the exit!”
They all out sprint towards the exit. Selina reaches out to open the door a second after it swings open.
“Selina,” The man smiles at Selina as she runs into him.
“Hey Bruce,” Selina jumps back, trying to hide Marinette behind her.
“Where are you going?” Bruce looks behind her at Marinette, who gives a little wave.
“Out! Got to hurry!” She grabs Marinette's arm again, trying to pull her around Bruce.
“Is something wrong?” Bruce grabs Selina's shoulders to keep her still and looking at him.
“Nope nothings wrong,” She wriggles out of his grasp, trying again to pull Marinette away.
“Ok then,” Bruce still looks worried but turns to Marinette instead, “Hello I’m Bruce Wayne, Selina finance,”
“Snitch,” He Auntie spits out venomously.
“Why didn’t you tell me!?” Marinette asks her with the biggest grin.
“Surprise,” Selina gives half heated jazz hands.
“Wait! Whens the wedding? Do You have a dress? I’ll make one!” She deicides, brining out her sketchbook, drawing different designs, “What's the theme? Never mind tell me on the way to the fabric store, I’ll sketch up some designs,”
“Darling, please-” Selina is now getting pulled along.
“Oh! I’ll call Papa! I’m sure he’ll want to make your cake! We have to hurry, come on lets go!” They're already out the door, Marinette waves turning back to Bruce, “Nice meeting you!”
“What just happened?” Bruce asks Dick as he runs up next to him.
“She kidnapped one of the students on tour,”
“Who is now making her wedding dress,” Bruce nods, not understanding anything
“Did I miss something?”
I think we all did
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doorbloggr · 3 years
Sunday 25/9/21 - Media Recommendations #19
Twilight Princess (Manga)
Dr Stone (manga/anime)
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Lately, I have had a lot I want to write about on this blog, but lack that activation energy to actually start writing an article. Ideally I will at least word vomit more onto the blog in the coming week or so, because I have the topics in mind, just unsure how to start any of it.
Media Consumption has also slowed to a crawl, but I'm getting back into it. This week I wanna discuss a manga series I've been reading slowly as it has released, and an anime I have long been reading the manga for.
The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess (Manga)
Akira Himekawa
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Zelda fans have a unique schism between their fans that many other longer running series may not experience. Because most games star a relatively unique cast of characters, a unique spin on the world, gameplay, and even artistic style, what your favourite in the series is will throw you into a hard debate against fans of other games. There's this post i saw somewhere(?) once where it was said your favourite Zelda game is the one that came out when you were 12, presumably because this is the one you experience first, or at least earlier in your Zelda journey, and I can completely relate to that.
The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess was the first Zelda game I played, and it has been my number 1 or 2 in the series consistently. Compared to the games that came before it, it was darker, had a richer world, and just a grander scope. But today I'm not here to explain the game, I'm here to talk about the manga.
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Akira Himekawa is a pseudonym for a pair of female manga artists that have been writing manga together since the early 90s, and I know them well for their Legend of Zelda adaptations. They have covered most of the main games everyone knows, Ocarina of Time, Majoras Mask, A Link to the Past, and even a couple volumes of Four Swords Adventures. Their most recent work has also been the most long and in depth adaptation, my first Zelda game, Twilight Princess.
Like all of their Zelda adaptations, Akira Himekawa's Twilight Princess follows all the same plot beats as the main games. The order places are visited, the main characters Link encounters, the dungeons and their bosses, but the mangaka add... more to the world. Link has a deeper back story explaining what led to the start of the adventure. What in the games are essentially blank slate NPCs become characters in their own rights with personalities and arcs and motivations. The Twilight Realm, which is essentially just a dungeon in the game, is fleshed out as its entire world, with society, and lore.
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In the game, Link is cool, and a bit of a himbo, but the manga's take on him is so much more interesting. He's a brooding edge lord, with a damaged past. He's a do-gooder, but he's also flawed and suffers from caring too much. Link is a character full of regrets who constantly bounces between "become a hero to prevent the atrocities of the past coming back" and "give up so that you don't make things worse". I understand that the games leave Link as a blank slate so that players can fill in their own ideals, but seeing Link as a fully fleshed character with his own motivations is cool as hell.
The supporting cast is similarly fleshed out compared to the game's take. Zelda, Illia, and Midna have complex motivations and evolving personalities. Midna was already a great character, but the manga truly does not skip out on making her deep and interesting. The "Resistance", for those who've played the game, are all multilayered characters now, all with arcs that are actively explored as they actually go help Link on his adventures, instead of just telling him info and leaving him to it. The dungeons do not take nearly as much plot time as they do in the games, essentially minimal theme building and then boss, but this works better for the format in my opinion.
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If you like high fantasy manga, or are just a Zelda fan, I highly recommend this series. I haven't finished reading it, but Book 9, which I think is the final in the series, has recently been released in English. Obviously playing the game first is a good background, but I think you could 100% enjoy the series without it.
Edit: Finished book 9 and there's definitely at least one more book to go.
Dr Stone (anime/manga)
Inagaki, Boichi; TMS Entertainment
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Ok so must I remember wrong because I thought I recommended this one, but apparently I never talked about Dr Stone before, which is a complete travesty. But now I am both up to date with the manga and most of a season deep into the anime, and I have A LOT to talk about.
As those who have also read my dinosaur blogposts will understand, I am a big science nerd. Biology, palaeontology, space, chemistry, it's all so interesting, and sometimes I struggle to understand how a passion for science is not a universal human experience. I share that in common with the main character of a manga I've been reading for maybe a year now, Dr Stone.
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In Dr Stone, the world of 21st Century humanity is brought crashing to a halt when a bright wave of mysterious light blankets the entire planet, and everywhere on the entire globe, humans have been turned to stone. 3700 years later, a young man who has kept his mind active within the stone forces himself awake and breaks out. Around him, nature has reclaimed the Earth and millennia of human progress has been all but buried.
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Senku is a young man of science, and spent years obsessing over every scientific domain he could comprehend in order to one day travel to space. In this stone world, armed with this wealth of science progress in his mind, Senku begins efforts to restart the scientific age, and free every single person frozen in stone. He starts with a mysterious acid that breaks down the stone. Then he develops tools, machinery, electricity, and eventually, he wants to push humanity back to the space age within his lifetime. Senku may be a know it all, but knowledge only gets you so far. Thanks to the allies he makes, a wealth of expertise will be harnessed to bring his dream to fruition.
Dr Stone is a must read for anyone who enjoys Scifi. Although the rate at which progress is made seems absurd, every single scientific process the kingdom of science works on is real science. Although post apocalyptic themes establish the base for the story and the supernatural force that turned humanity to stone is the main adversary, Dr Stone is a very scientific story based on real Earth and its just... exhilarating!
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The scope of the story begins on the small scale in primitive villages, but the story eventually reaches a global scale. There are adversaries at each step, those who wish to rule the Stone World with might, free of the tyranny science had in our age, and there are also those who wish to use science as its own form of might, but Senku and his allies want to use science for the benefit of everyone. So that one day, all of humanity will be restored, and that eventually, he will get to moon.
I will refrain from speaking any further on story specifics because you really should experience the plot for yourself. So I will end with the presentation itself. The art and format of the manga are beautiful. Character designs are rugged, stylised, and exciting, it's very easy to determine what a character is all about just by their unique appearance.
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In the last week, I have begun watching the anime, as it has been long enough since I started reading that I can experience parts of the plot anew. The anime is very beautifully made, the world is lush and beautiful, and characters move in such a fun and interesting way. I'm watching the English dub, and characters sound exactly like the voices I had for them in my head.
If you have even an inkling of interest in Dr Stone after reading what I've said today, you should definitely experience the story for yourself, 1 billion percent.
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mojwisungie · 3 years
imgn | Restart (enemy to lover! jisung)
req (from: anon) ➥ :  hi, i really like your writings and! if its ok, can i request a jisung x reader enemies to lovers headcannon? jisung is always teasing and trying to beat the reader at everything and one day he was teasing her and she had enough of it that shouted at him and cried infront of alot of students, and this shocks everybody since the reader is always calm and soft spoken:( the ending can be up to you!💚
☄︎ with: park jisung ☄︎ lou.note: omg. i did not intend to write so much for this like idk i got carried away and i think its too long 😶 added the bonus part for context lol enjoy !!
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your life is pretty sweet
honestly, you dont think of changing any aspect of it
youre good in school too
you have decent grades, great friends
but there is one thing that bothers you often
actually, one person
and its park jisung
and its not that you arent nice or something, bc everyone practically treats you as a friend actually 
and you dont hate him, bc thats such a strong word
but you dont exactly like him either
he pushes all your buttons
and usually you’d laugh it off
youre used to joking around with people and youre not that sensitive
but jisung... man does that boy have the  a u d a c i t y
you havent talked to him even once before he teased you for having a lower grade than him
so when he did that, you only smiled since it really wasnt that much of an insult to you
but then it got more frequent 
he would often poke at you for doing the most basic things
you get a score a point lower than his again? you’ll hear his snarky remark about it the second he knows about it
you got elected as an officer in the class? of course he’ll say youre such a darling
you dropped a pen? there will be a quiet under-the-breath “clumsy” as soon as you pick it up
he also has this weird habit of scoffing whenever you outdo him
bc he scoffed when you perfected that presentation in dance class AND when you also got a higher grade than him on another
all these mockery is always rewarded by only an eye roll for you
since causing a scene isnt like you so you often
and somehow in some way, you hope he’ll back off
but one particular day, you were really having not such a good time
you were almost late bc you almost forgot your due project
which caused you to walk back to your house and also caused you to miss the bus so you had to walk
the moment you enter the class, jisung’s eyes is already on you
you actually prayed for him to shut it bc you’d usually hear something from him the moment you step in the class
you thought you were safe
but when you sat on your seat, he said, “you look worse today y/n, and thats not nice bc you look awful everyday, dont you thi-”
you startle him as you loudly tell him to shut up
followed with “i dont know what ive done for you to make fun of me everyday, cant you just leave me alone?!”
you didnt know you were crying until one tear fell on your cheek
some of your friends tried to help calm you down immediately and ask if you were okay, while some tried to confront jisung if he has any problem with you
he couldnt answer them he’s so shocked to see you cry
before he could apologize, your teacher enters the class prompting you to wipe the tears away and tell your friends that youre fine
from the way that you look, everyone knows you arent but lets you be as the class starts
the day goes by surprisingly well for you after that
what you didnt know was everyone was trying to not let jisung get close to you bc he might make you cry again
but jisung feels so guilty :( he wants to say sorry before this day ends
or else it might be too late for him to tell you the truth
so at dismissal, he waits for you by the gates bc he knows you stay in the library for a few before going home
on your way out, he tries to stop you and says
“hi y/n, uhm, i-im sorry for today, i didnt know you were going to cry.. actually i didnt know i was going too far with the teasi-”
you cut him off saying “oh uhm, its fine. dont worry about it. i know you dont like me so-”
“what? no, its not that i dont like you! i actually- uh- i mean-”
you dont really know whats he’s pointing so you wait for him to find the right words to tell you
a few more seconds pass and he goes
“i dont dont like you... i actually like you. its just someone told me that maybe if i tease you, we’d grow close and it was partially true because you'd only notice me when i do so.”
he continues with “i know it’s too much for me to ask since ive hurt you, and im really sorry for doing that but i hope you could give me a chance. i hope we could...restart?”
seeing the incomprehensible look (for jisung) on your face, he stutters with saying how its totally fine if you dont want to and he’d be okay to distance himself from you
but you answer him with
“sure. i’d love to restart with you.”
and from then on, it would only be love from him to you
you know who actually told jisung to tease his crush?
chenle. he’s his bestfriend who told him to do it so he’ll have a chance with you
the moment he heads home, he doesnt go to his house, he goes marching to chenle’s
he greets his friend with a punch on the arm
chenle shouts in pain and asks “what the hell is that for?!”
so jisung answers him “your dumb plan made them cry! and i had to say sorry and tell them how i really feel about them all in one day”
and chenle bites back with “you mean my smart idea made you confess and have a chance with her? youre welcome”
they talk about what happened for a while until jisung asks him if knows what good gift he should give you
so expect to receive a cute (and kinda expensive) necklace the next day lol
also expect for more adorable gifts and heart-melting moments as you and jisung get together for the years that’ll come
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hateswifi · 4 years
No More Second Chances: Chapter Four
So as I promised, here it is. I’m a person of my word... enjoy. salt and chaos
Master: Master List
No More Second Chances 
She was woken up to multiply phone calls from Adrien. “You realize I’m five hours behind you, why are you calling me this early?” Marinette said groggily into the phone.
“I sent you a video, I’m going to be in my room if you want to,” Adrien said before hanging up. Marinette sighed, and opened the link. She proceeded to cry. Not even thirty second later, Jon appeared in the doorway. He found Marinette in full tears, her phone playing a video on her bed, and her digging through her draw.
“Marinette, are you ok?” Jon asks, looking at the girl in bewilderment.
“I’m sorry for waking you, but I have to go!” Marinette says, quickly opening the Miracle Box.
“What’s that?” He asks, approaching the distressed girl.
“I’ll explain everything later,” Marinette said, standing as she placed the box on her bed beside her phone. She opened the smaller box she had taken from the big box. As she opened it, a blinding light emitted throughout the room.
“What the actual-”
“Miss Marinette, are you ready for action,” Kaalki said, looking at the young guardian earnestly.
“What the heck is that thing!” Jon asks, taking a couple steps forward.
“I am no thing! I am a demi-godess!” She says, looking down on the boy.
“Like I said Jon I’ll explain later, I have to go to London and Paris, I’ll be back by lunch! Kaalki! Transform me!” Marinette said, letting the familiar feeling of the transformation cover her. She picks up the Miracle Box.
“One normal person, that's all I ask,” Jon sighs before snapping out of stupor to watch his unofficial sister open a portal. Before he knew it, the portal closed, leaving her in the dark. He looked over at Marinette’s phone, which was playing a video. He picked up the phone and restarted the video. It was of a big mustache man and petite asain woman they were talking to in french before the video cut to a dark pink room. There was a flash of light similar to the one that just happened but in pink.  “Mom! Dad!”
In London with Marinette, she broke down crying into Adrien’s hug. “I’m such a mess up, I first revealed myself to my parents, then to Jon, and now everyone knows,” Marinette cried.
“They’re doing an interview later if you want to bomb it,” Adrien smirks, as he rubs her back. “You could finally reveal everything, you could clear your name, and right the wrongs that were made against you.”
“Noir what even was that wording?” She sniffles with a little giggle.
“It’s early, ok? Hey at least I got a laugh out of you,” Adrien said, with a groan.
“Adrien it’s time to leave,” Felix said,opening the door. “Marinette.” He nods. 
“I’ll be out in a minute Fe,” Adrien says. “Their interview is at the tower, it starts at nine, stay here and get ready if you need to. I have to go to school, but remember I’m proud of you, you’re strong, and we are partners through this all.”
“Will you come to the interview as Chat Noir?” Marinette sniffles, looking up at her blonde friend.
“I’ll have to talk to my aunt, but I think that can be arranged,” Adrien says, leaving the room. A minute later, she heard the door reopen. 
Marinette wipes her tears, and says. “That was fast, what did she say?” She then looked up, it wasn’t Adrien, it was Felix. 
“I heard the video earlier, I’m sorry for trying to force myself onto you,” Felix says, sitting beside her.
“Apologizing doesn’t make it right, but I accept your apology. Did you learn not to do that again?” She asks, he nods his head. “Then we’re good.”
“Marinette I got permi--,” Adrien says, opening  the door. He looks to the bed and pauses. “Do you guys need a minute?”
“No we finished our conversation,” Felixa said, standing. “Good luck with the interview today.”
“Thank you, Felix,” Adrien said with a nod. “Do you need to do anything?”
“I need to wash my face, and maybe wear something that isn’t pajamas,” Marinette says with a laugh.
“I'll go ask Aunt Emelia if you can look through her closet,” Adrien said, leaving her to compose herself. Next thing she knows, she is looking through a closet of clothes, most of them appropriate for a fancy setting. She found the closest thing she could dress down in, a white fitted blouse, and a black tube scalloped skirt. She washed her face and tied her hair up in a princess bun using a red ascot. She took one last look in the mirror as Adrien said. “Ready to go? It’s eight-fifty.”
“Yes, I want to make a dramatic entrance so we're gonna wait a bit ok?” Marinette says, putting on her glasses. They walk through the portal and Marinette transforms into Ladybug and watches the interview on Adrien’s phone.
“So where is your daughter today?” Nadia asked a couple of minutes into the interview.
“She’s in the states doing an exchange program,” Sabine said with a smile.
“Do you know if she likes it there?”
“I don’t know, we haven’t talked to her since we told her about it,” Tom says, sheepishly.
“Did she want to go?”
“I mean we told her that she had the option to stay here in Paris,” Sabine said.
“Are you trying to say that Ladybug no longer wanted to be in Paris?” Nadia asks, shocked. Before Sabine or Tom could answer, Chat Noir and Ladybug land on set.
“I feel like that question is more directed to me,” She says walking into view of the camera. 
“Someone get them seats!” a shout came off screen. Marinette drops her transformation, Tikki immediately hiding. After seats were taken, Marinette decided to answer the question.
“I, originally, didn’t want to leave and thought it was unfair because of the reason I was being sent to America,” Marinette pauses, her parents’ eye watering. “Some of my old classmates decided to approach my parents and tell them that I was bullying a girl. Sabine and Tom believed them over me and didn’t bother to listen to my side of the story. They only asked me to stay once they found out I was Ladybug.”
“We still want you to come home,” Sabine said, tears falling down her face.
“Mom you took away the only place I felt safe, you believed someone you didn’t know over me and ridiculed me over it,” Marinette said quickly. “I’m going home, it's just not here in Paris anymore. Now that’s everything I wanted to say, I’ve got to get to school, I promised someone I would be there.” She said, standing. “Also Lila Rossi, I’m not your best friend, never have, never will be. You made my life hell, I was almost akumatized because of you. I hope you enjoy your sheep, I don’t want them. Let’s go Chat.”
“Wait! What’s your relationship status?” 
“Seriously? He’s like a brother to me, Noir, its now or never,” Marinette said, looking at her partner.
“I wasn’t in your corner when you needed me, but I’m here now,” Chat said, detransforming. “Umm… hi!” 
“This amazing sunshine is the closest thing I have to family now,” Marinette says, firmly. “Don’t give him crap over his father. His father is not him. Adrien worked his butt off to get to where he is today. If I hear otherwise, you’ll deal with me.” 
“Let’s go.” Adrien said, leaving behind chaos.
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thatsgay-writes · 4 years
Catradora x Reader Part 9
Summary: You, Catra, and Adora have known each other your whole life. You’ve gone through some hardships together and apart but in the end you’ll be together again. (That sounds very cryptic but its not, I swear)
Warnings: Light cursing? I think
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Happy Ending
You regain consciousness with a groan. You still felt weak but you knew you had to push through for Adora and Catra. "I love you guys." Is the only thing you say before pulling Catra into a kiss. Catra eagerly kisses you back, her hands around your neck keeping you close. You feel yourself transform into your knight version. When you pull back from the kiss you see yourself glowing. You go to say something but get stopped by being pulled into a kiss by Adora. As you both kiss your feel this huge wave of energy release like a tidal wave. When you pull back from the kiss you see that Adora is in her She-ra form and glowing as well. They both pull you to your feet, all of you glowing now, and grab your sword. You find a slot on the floor and line up the blade of your sword to it. "You ready?" You ask preparing to push the sword in the hole. Both Catra and Adora nod their heads, giving each other a quick peck on the lips before putting their hands in your shoulders. You raise the sword before pushing it in as hard as you can. Once you hear a click you let go of the sword and back away. The heart starts beating faster and faster like a bomb about to explode. It starts pushing the green of Horde Prim's virus away. Then it lets out another large surge of energy and you see Adora light up even brighter.
A door opens before you and Adora walks out before you and Catra. As she walks the ground beneath her feet turn from dried dirt to luscious green grass with different colored flowers. You and Catra trail behind her slowly, holding hands, and looking around in awe. Adora points her sword down towards the ground and stabs it sending out another wave of energy but this time it turns all the ground into more vibrant green grass. Adora points up sword up to the sky this time and sends out a ballast of magic turning Horde Prime's ship into a gigantic tree. As your watching all this going on you can feel all the adrenaline it gave you going away. You were now back in your normal clothes because you had to leave the sword behind, stuck into the grown. What you hadn't noticed before was that those green lines the had spread all over your body from the wound the monster gave you were spreading back again. This time it was more aggressive. But you didn't given in to the pain you were feeling just yet, wanting to stay strong in front of the others. But you knew the green was close to getting to your face. Once Adora was done with getting rid of Horde Prime, you saw her walking over to Bow and Glimmer to talk to them. You look over at Catra who hadn't moved since you stopped walking. She was staring over at Scorpia, who was hugging Perfuma and Frost. "Go get her." You tell Catra nudging her forwards, you could see how much the friendship they had had meant to her. Catra looked at you one more time, face showing a bit of fear, before letting go of your hand and walking over to Scorpia.
With her finally gone you groan in pain before turning around and walking up a hill that gave you a beautiful scene of greenery. You moved your hands that had been holding your right side and see the wound looking bigger than before. You can hear people walking up the hill behind you and you pray to god it's not Adora and Catra cause at this rate you feel like your gonna collapse... and you do.
Catra was so relieved that Scorpia had forgiven her and allowed them to restart their friendship. When she was done talking she looked back to where she had left you. You weren't there. She looked around a little before spotting Adora talking to Bow and Glimmer. She walks up to Adora and grabs her hand to get her attention. Catra makes it a point to ignore the smirks that Bow and Glimmer are giving them. "Have you seen y/n? They aren't where I left them." Adora looks around a bit before seeing you on top of a hill, your back to them. "There they are. Come on guys let's go." Adora says pointing at you and starts walking towards you, still holding Catra’s hand. Bow and Glimmer walked behind them both wearing smiles seeing how happy Adora and Catra seem to be. When they were halfway up the hill Catra was going to scream your name to try and scare you. But right as she opens her mouth to yell you collapse to the ground. Her yell turns from one of humor to one of terror. She and Adora let go of each other's hands and start sprinting up to you. When they get to you Adora kneels down and sits your body up, pulling your head against her chest. "Y/n what's wrong? Are you ok?" Catra asks as she sits in front of you, holding your hands. Your whole body was covered in green lines at that point and your breathing was shallow. "The monster... It was powerful enough to take out She-ra... It-it must've poisoned me." You say in between breaths, trying to control your breathing. "There has to be something I can do." Adora says desperately, at that point the rest of the Princesses surrounded you.
(Changes Start Here)
Sea Hawk holding Mermista, Scorpia holding Perfuma and Frosta, Bow holding Glimmer, Netossa holding Spinerella, and Entrapta holding Emily. Everyone was wearing a fearful expression. Catra was kneeling down next to Adora holding your hand that wasn't shoved up against Adora. Adora turned into She-ra and closed her eyes to concentrate. Everyone watched how Adora started to glow causing you to glow. Everyone watched as the lines all over your face and body slowly started to retract before it was just the green cut you had originally gotten but now it was a regular cut that was bleeding heavily. Adora stopped glowing and turned back to normal, she slumped against Catra’s shoulder before subtly passing out from exhaustion.
*Time Skip*
A few days later, you were laying in the Bright Moon infirmary. You had been unconscious since Adora healed you. Adora had been in the infirmary for a couple days as well but she was getting released today. When she was finally released she walked to your room to see Catra sitting in a chair next to your bed, holding your hand. "How are they?" Adora whispered walking to the other side of the bed and holding your hand. "They are supposed to wake up any day now. I hope it's soon, I miss them." Adora let go of your hand and placed a kiss on your forehead before walking over to Catra and holding her hand out to her. "Come on lets get some rest, you look like you haven't slept in days." Catra smiled before giving you a kiss on your forehead and grabbing Adora’s hand.
Later that night you woke with a start. Heart thundering in your chest before realizing you were back in Bright Moon. You got up slowly, your body still feeling exhausted, before using the wall to help you walk to Adora’s room. When you get to her room you open the door quietly. You almost "awed" at the sight of Adora and Catra cuddled up together. You walk towards the bed trying not to fall or make noise. When you get to the bed you practically collapse on top of both of them, waking them up. Both of them get into a semi defensive position, still being half asleep, before realizing it was you. "Y/n!" They both yelled pulling you into a hug and collapse back onto the bed, this time with you laying between them. Catra leans up and kisses you deeply, "Never do that again. I can't lose you, either of you." Catra says as she pulls away from you and kisses Adora and holds her hand before laying her head on your shoulder. Adora leans up to kiss you as well before laying her head on your chest. "I love you, both of you." You kiss both of their forehead as you respond, "We love you too." Before falling asleep.
*10 Years Later*
You woke up feeling a small badly jumping on you. You opened your eyes to see you son jumping on you. "… What time is it?" You say pulling your son into your chest before rolling over and looking at the clock. It was barely 8 o'clock in the morning. "Come on mommy/daddy! Mom, mama, uncle Bow and auntie Glimmer are already up. It's Christmas!" Balto was like a miniature version of Catra. "I'm up, I'm up." You say as you get out of bed and carry your son down the hall. "Good morning everybody." You say with a smile before going to give your wives kisses. "Now let's open presents!" You say like a kid, now wide awake, before running to the tree with Balto.
After all the presents were open and you were cuddling with Balto on the couch Catra and Adora came up to you with a small box. You looked at them confused, seeing as Adora looked nervous and Catra was holding her hand trying to reassure her. You reached your hand out and grabbed the box. You opened it slowly, feeling everyone's eyes on you. You opened your mouth in shock seeing a positive pregnancy test. You felt tears start to burn your eyes and your vision get blurry. "Are you serious?" You ask as you look up at them. Adora nods her head, unconsciously putting her hand on her stomach. You get up super fast, luckily remembering to put Balto down or else you would have dropped him, and wrap Adora in big hug. "Oh my gosh!" You say with a giant smile in your face and letting go of Adora to hug Catra. Balto looked around confused before Glimmer whispered into his ear. "I'm going to be a big brother!!"
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wasithard · 4 years
my self esteem is through the roof right now (thank you @vinylpaperclip​) i’m just gonna post the whole “australian!annabeth” fic here even though i think its wildly out of character based on the fact that annabeth is absolutely a self-insert for myself but who cares!!!!! 
in case it isnt clear footy = football and in this case is referring to the great game of rugby league. i apologise in advance for the ending which is just....a whole lot of cheese. enjoy!
She really did bring a footy jersey all the way with her to England, even though it was going to be seen by exactly zero other people as she watched the game by herself in her room.
But hey, it feels like home, and from the excited text she gets from her brothers in response to the photo she sends them of her in it lets her know that she made them smile, which makes it worth it.
They’re halfway into the first half, Blues up by 2, when her phone dings.
 Dumbass: are you around i’m bored
You: watching the footy you may join me but no talking this is important
Dumbass: if it’s australian football it’s not important but sure
When she opens the door for him a few minutes later Percy squints at her.
“Are you wearing a jersey? Did you bring a jersey all the way here?” He sounds incredulous.
“Gotta support the boys!” She says in reply, turning around and racing back to her bed and her laptop so she doesn’t miss anymore game time.
Annabeth hears Percy shut the door before he joins her, poking her in the side to get her to make room for him on the bed. She shuffles over and he settles in beside her, stretching an arm behind her as she sinks into his side.
“Oh, it’s rugby league. That’s acceptable at least.”
“What did you think I was watching?” She asks him, eyes not leaving the screen.
“I thought you were going to make me sit through your country’s sorry excuse for soccer.”
“You know what, I’m not even going to try and defend us on that one.”
He chuckles, “Good.”
They fall into a silence and Annabeth is wholly focused on the game. She fills Percy in on the importance of this game, the long, intense rivalry of the teams, who her favourite and least favourite players are. For his part, he seems to actually care, or does a good job of pretending.
At half time he raises his eyebrows, “This is actually pretty entertaining.”
“Well duh,” she says, turning to face him, “We’re world number 1s and this is an all-stars match.”
“I don’t know about world number ones,” he says. The smile on his face tells her he’s just trying to rile her up, but she can’t help herself.
“We literally won the World Cup last year.”
“Home ground advantage. Doesn’t count.”
She’s smiling as she shakes her head, “Shut up.”
“Make me.” He says, and she doesn’t miss the way his eyes flick to her lips for the briefest of seconds.
It sends butterflies shooting through her stomach, and she’s suddenly very much aware of all the places he’s touching her. She loves it, this game they’ve been playing for the past couple of weeks, dancing around each other. She only loves it, she thinks, because she knows he feels the same.
There’s no mystery about either of their feelings for each other, the question is only when they’ll crack and act on them.
Not right now, she thinks to herself, I haven’t waited this long for our first kiss not to be romantic.
She grabs a pillow from her other side and whacks his face with it, laughing at the exclamation she gets out of him.
He grabs her and smothers her with it. She manages to blindly locate his armpit and starts tickling him there. Maybe not the most graceful way of getting him off of her, but it works.
“Did you just tickle me?!”
“Yes and if you try to do it back I can’t promise that I won’t draw blood.” She states simply, getting up from the bed and walking to the kitchenette. “Hungry?” She asks.
“Surely you know the answer to that.”
She rolls her eyes but she’s smiling, “I’ve only got snacks. Do you want chips or bread?”
He rolls onto his back, his head hanging off the side of the bed as he watches her, “Will that bread have Vegemite on it?”
“You know it will!” Her voice is cheery from inside a cupboard as she brings out her 1kg tub of Vegemite.
“Have I told you how happy I am that you recognise the sheer deliciousness of Vegemite?” She says, passing him a plate with two slices of Vegemite-lathered bread as she returns to the bed.
“Yes, many times.”
“Well, I’m telling you again. I’m so glad you have taste, unlike everyone else in this country who thinks Marmite is edible.”
“It’s a gift.” He says, grinning through a mouthful of bread. She scrunches her nose in disgust and fetches her laptop from the end of her bed.
“Perfect timing,” she mutters as the game restarts for the second half. They settle into their comfortable silence again, the only sounds the voices of the commentators, their mouths chewing the bread and Annabeth’s occasional gasps and muttered curses.
He takes their plates when they’re done and puts them on the floor next to the bed. They rearrange themselves so that she’s leaning against him again and this time his arm rests around her waist, hand laying on her hip.
It starts as nothing, but at some point his hand finds his way under the thick, blue cotton of her jersey and onto the smooth warmth of her skin underneath.
She hears her own sharp intake of breath and wishes her body wouldn’t be so obvious about the effect Percy has on her. He sounds genuinely worried when he says, “Sorry, should I–”
“No! No, you’re fine.” She says, glancing at him in reassurance, “It’s nice.”
Nice, she thinks, ugh. But she refocuses on the game, his hand a weight burning into her side.
They sit a few more minutes until he rubs his thumb slowly upwards along her stomach, and Annabeth thinks she might die. Involuntarily, she inhales again.
She can hear a small smile in Percy’s voice when he asks, “You ok?”
She doesn’t trust her voice so she nods and hums the affirmative, but her breathing is shallow.
“Ok,” he says, and brings his head down to rest on her shoulder, lips brushing the top of her back. She fights the urge to tense her body in anticipation and instead turns on him. He jerks back in surprise.
“Actually, you’re being distracting. I’m going to need to you stop this until the game is over.”
He raises an eyebrow, a smirk curling his lips. “I’m distracting am I?”
“Yep,” she says, turning back around, “I already said it, not saying it again.”
“What about what I’m doing is distracting you, ‘Beth?” He asks, bringing his head back down to near her shoulder.
“I’m not talking about this while there’s a game on, unfortunately.”
“Ok I’ll just chill here then.”
“Unfortunately, you can’t do that either.”
“Should I leave then?”
She huffs in frustration, “Percy!” She turns towards him, mouth open to berate him but the words get stuck in her throat at the way he is positively beaming at her. She hates him for it. She falls a little more in love with him for it.
She exhales, deflating. “Why now?” She asks.
He tilts his head, “What do you mean?”
“I mean,” she turns her body so that she’s fully facing him now, the game momentarily forgotten. “Why now of all times to be so forward?”
She can see his brain thinking, oh ok so we’re actually talking about this now, as he blinks a few times. “Why not?”
She thinks about spitting some more banter about how she’s in the middle of a very important rugby game and it’s actually quite rude of him to interrupt her with this but decides instead to try and be honest, to let herself be vulnerable. Because if one thing has become clear to her over the months she’s been living in England, is that she can trust this man in front of her. He’s listened to her talk about architecture and Australian politics just as intently as he’s listened to her tell him about her parents and step-family and her attempts to start living a life for herself instead of a life to try and please the people around her.
Her voice is small when she responds. “Why me?” 
She’s staring at him with an openness that scares her a little bit, but she feels a bit better when she sees his entire body soften.
Percy’s gaze searches hers for a moment, the expression on his face as if he’s asking, are you joking? 
He shakes his head a little in disbelief, “Because, Annabeth, how could I know you and not be desperately in love with you?”
A sound falls out of her, like she’s released a weight she’s been holding for years. She hesitates for one last moment before both of her hands reach out and grab his shirt, pulling him close and capturing his lips with hers, because she has to. 
His words are ones she’s been wishing to hear for years, a suggestion of a romance she’s been blindly, naively hoping she’ll find one day. She kisses him with the force of twenty-two years of yearning for someone to see her and love her as she is; she kisses him with the relief of finally finding it.
His arms come around her and hug her closer to him and her hands slide up his chest and around his neck, pulling herself into his lap so that they are flush against each other. She’s not sure how long they’re kissing, but when she eventually pulls back they’re both out of breath. Her hair is hanging around them both like a curtain, enclosing them in their own world where they are totally lost in this moment, in each other. His eyes are sparkling up at her and there’s a beautiful redness to his cheeks that make his eyes shine even brighter. She brings her hands up to cup his face, thumbs tracing his cheeks, and he just stares and stares until she closes the space between them again with one more long, searing kiss. One that she feels deep in her belly.
He rolls them over so they’re lying next to each other on the bed when they break apart again, and she keeps one hand resting on his face as they just look at each other, entranced.
An eruption of cheers from the tinny laptop speakers snaps her out of her daze. She bolts upright and checks the score – it’s full time and the Blues have won the game. She shouts with joy, shuts the laptop and tosses it to the end of the bed before falling back down next to him.
“I guess I’ve won twice today.” She says, shuffling closer so that her nose brushes his.
“Well, congratulations,” He says, “What’s the prize?”
She smiles slowly, her lips taking time to break apart and expose her grinning teeth. His eyes follow the movement, and his soft exhale as her smile grows bigger fills her chest with a golden warmth.
“He’s right here,” is all she says before leaning in again.
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argumentl · 3 years
The Freedom of Expression Ep 31 - All members of this band caught Covid-19.
K: Hi, this is Dir en grey's Kaoru, with this week's episode of The Freedom of Expression.
Joe san, Tasai san, welcome. So, today, we have a guest. Please introduce yourself.
Y: Nice to meet you, Im YG, the bassist of Jack Caper.
J: Wow, thats an impressive...
K: He stands out, right? I think everyone took notice as soon as he appeared on screen.
J: Right, he looks different from anyone else.
K: Yeh, like 'Eh?!'. Well to begin with, the headcount is different .
J: Yeh, its different. The extra one is this head.
T: *To Y* Have you always had this haircut?
Y: Yeh, well, since summer started. I decided on it this summer.
J: Why that hairstyle again?
Y: Well, I wanted it to feel cool (*as in breezy*)
Kami: It does look cool, right?
J: Hahaha.
K: He said it does look cool, haha.
J: It got a reaction from Kami. He said it looks cool.
Kami: Ah, Im Kami-sama. Pleased to meet you.
Y: Pleased to meet you Kami-sama.
J: He's not a very impressive god.
K: Yeh, exactly. haha.
J: He's one of the lower ones.
Kami: Im really not such an impressive god. I really can't do anything.
J: He gets ¥1000 p/h 
K: Ok, so as to why he is joining us today, his whole band caught coronavirus. So, I thought we could talk about what it was like.
J: This will be a valuable testimony.
Kami: Its a world first, right?
Y: Yeah, its the first case in the world of the whole band catching it.
J: Unbelievable, its not like you could apply to Guiness, but...
K: Yeah, this won't be a Guiness record, haha.
Y: I'll be happy if its recoded as ???*1
J: So how did you all catch it?
Y: Well, its not exactly clear, but it started with our vocalist, and we think that was probably from within a live venue somewhere. And after the vocalist, the other members were tested one after the other, and we were all positive. So we all recieved treatment.
T: Was this in August?
Y: Yeh, August, the vocalist first displayed symptoms on the 13th. And one by one the other members did after that. I was the last, I got symptoms on the 16th.
J: I also know some people who have been infected.
K: I was shocked, right? haha
J: No, not me! A few people I know...but I've forgotten what they said about it, so, could you tell us what happens after you test positive?
Y:  So, you get a positive result, and then in my case, I was hospitalised.
J: Oh, hospitalisation?
Y: Yeh. Well, its probably different depending on the district..districts with free hospital space, or districts with free hotel space. I think there are even districts with no hospital or hotel space free. But I was just straightforwardly hospitalised, within the same day.
T: So, did you have a fever or a cough or anything?
Y: In my case, I had a cough first, and I developed a fever of 38.3℃ on the same day I was tested, just after i did the test. I got the positive test results two days later, and was hospitalised with those symptoms.
J: In what way was it different from a regular cold? What was hard about it?
Y: Well, it was mainly like influenza...high fever, cough, weariness...Also, its often said that you experience loss of taste. I didn't have that, but the other members did.
T: Like loss of smell or taste?
Y: Yeh
K: But you get that a bit anyway when you catch a regular cold, right?
J: Well, yeah, you do. And if you get a fever, you  can't move around much anyway, but.. all the members had this?
Y: Yeah.
J: What was it like in hospital?
Y: Well, in my case, I was in a room with one other patient. We weren't allowed to leave the room, except for shower and toilet.
T: Did you speak much to the other patient?
Y: We didn't speak at all!
J: Was it another corona patient?
Y: Yeh, his symptoms appeared so.
J: Ehh, no conversation?
T: Wasn't it tough?
Y: Well, honestly, I was only thinking about how I wanted to go home. That was pretty tough...the stress..
Kami: How many of you were hospitalised?'
Y: My symptoms were kinda moderate..
Kami: No, no, how many of you?
Y: Out of us five, only I was hospitalised.
J: Only you in hospital?
Y: Yeah.
J: Were the other members in hotels?
Y: Um, two were in hotels and two were at home.
J: So, how did you end up getting discharged?
Y: As for the flow, I had a PCR test every two days in hospital, and after I got two negative results in a row, I left hospital.
J: So its like, if the tests are fine, they say, 'Ok you are free to go'? You didn't have to do anything after that?
Y: Not really, no. They just requested me not to be in close contact with people for two weeks.
J: Just 'requested'?
Y: Yeah, nothing stricter than that from the hospital.
Kami: Eh? After leaving hospital?
Y: Yeh, after being discharged.
Kami: Eh? Even after two negative tests you were told not to have close contact with people?
Y: Yeah, just in case. But as for work, I could restart as long as I kept to this advice.
Kami: You could restart work? As soon as you were discharged?
Y: Yeh, they said that was ok.
Kami: But they asked you not to come into contact with people?
Y: Yeah, they said to limit direct contact with people.
Kami: That seems pretty difficult.
J: Yeh, it does. It would have been easier if they just told you don't meet people.
Kami: After getting a negative test result, and being told you can restart work, you can't be in close contact with people? It seems pretty difficult to understand.
Y: I think they meant like normal situations, like this...like, don't stand near people to talk to them and stuff. Or, refrain from going out to eat with peope, and stuff.
T: How long were you hospitalised for?
Y: 14 days in total.
K: Ahh, two weeks, thats tough.
T: How did you feel when you were given the all clear to leave?
Y: It sounds funny to say, but it was like coming out of jail. Like, 'Back to reality!'
K: Were you charged hospitalization fees?
Y: Not for the first ten days after symptoms appear, but I had to pay after that.
J: So out of 14 days, you had to pay for 4 days yourself?
Y: Well, I was hospitalised a few days after my symptoms began, so I paid for the last 7 days.
J: It seems kind of a unsatisfactory, if you are forced into hospitalization.
K: Well, isn't it the same with any illness?
J: Well, yeah.
K: Like, it can't be helped.
J: Well, yeh, if you are hospitalized with a cold you'd have to pay. Have you had any lingering symptoms?
Y: Out of all five, there is still one of us with no sense of smell.
T: Even after a month?
Y: Yeah, still one with no smell.
K: Thats pretty scary.
Y: I asked just now on Line, and he said he still couldn't smell.
J: Not at all?
Y: Like, recently we all tried smelling our drinks, and he was the only one who couldn't.
J: Are there any parts of it that you were dissatisfied with, or any parts that you thought were handled really well?
Y: Like, inside the hospital?
J: Yeh. Its probably ok for you to summarize what its like in Tokyo, right? Which area were you in?
Y: Arakawa ward.
J: Is there anything you thought they could have done better?
Y: I was grateful that the process leading up to hospitalization was so smooth. They sent a car to my house and stuff. They were really prioritizing me staying away from other people.  And even in the hospital, the nurses and doctors really looked after me.
J: Conversely, was there anything troubling about it?
Y: Yeh, some people were being discharged before they had two negative test results. The government covers the fees for the first ten days as I said, and you have to stay in hospital for at least that time, but after that staying is optional. I stayed and paid for it, even though it was optional. I think it would be better if the state paid for it until a negative test result happens.
J: So there was quite a lot of people leaving before they had a negative test result, for financial reasons, right?
Y: Yeah, for financial reasons.
J: So, that might end up being a reason why the virus spreads more.
Y: It might be, yeh.
J: That kinda leaves a bad taste...
Kami: How much did you pay in fees?
Y: For me it was ¥30,000 per day.
J, T: Eh!?
Y: Thats with insurance.
T, J: ¥30,000 with insurance?
Kami: So, how much did you actually pay?
Y: After that, I got the bill, and it was less than that, so I was relieved.
T: Ah, you paid for seven days?
Y: Yeh. So in total...at first they said it would be ¥30,000 per day, but I got the bill afterwards, and it was about ¥155000.
J: Oh, not bad, right?
Y: Yeah, its not bad.
Kami: So you paid ¥150,000? Im struggling to understand, could you explain again?
J: He likes talking about money, haha.
Kami: How much did you pay?
Y: I paid ¥150,000, actually ¥155,000.
J: Thats with insurance, right?
Kami: Out of pocket?
Y: With insurance, yeh.
Kami: And how many days was that for?
Y: Umm, seven days.
Kami: I though it was only from after ten days?
K: Ten days from the start of symptoms. After that it costs you.
Kami: Oh, is that it? So you paid for seven days.
Y: Yes, I paid for the optional longer stay.
K: This was already explained earlier.
J, T: Hahaha.
K: It was, right?
Kami: Eeehhh?
T: There should be some way to get it back in taxes, it may be a good idea to check.
Y: Thats what I'll have to sort out from now.
J: I think this is a problem. It sounds strange to say it, but in terms of income, low earners have a higher chance of being infected than higher earners. Naturally, rich people won't be getting on packed trains everyday, they will be going to crowded places far less, it some how ends up like that. But if you pass that ten days, and have to pay out of pocket, there will be people who can't. Its like, how is this gonna go? There will be people who don't have the money, and just decide to go home.
K: Yeah, there will be.
T: When corona first started it had this image that it was life threatening, right? But once people actually catch it, their impression might change to it not being that bad. What did you think?
Y: Yeah, when I caught it, I thought it wasn't as bad as I expected.
※On screen note: Symptoms differ depending on the person※
Y: It was like influenza.
J: What kind of reactions did you get from people around you? Were they worried about you? Or were they trying to stigmatize you?
Y: There were both. I had some messages from people in my home town who I barely spoke to before asking me if I was ok, and some derogatory messages from people I don't know.
K: Well, the way the media has dealt with this issue from the start, had been to blame people going out drinking, or enjoying entertainment, thats the image. Its not the case all of the time. But you think you picked it up from a live  event or something?
Y: Yeah.
K: So live shows have that kind of image too. But we don't really know where its originally coming from.
J: Well, as long as infections keep rising, we won't be able to trace it in real detail. Have you had any detailed explanation about that?
Y: I just had a phone call after our vocalist tested positive. The members were then recommended to get tested, and arrangments were made for that.
J: Were you asked about your recent activity?
Y: Yeh, what I did on which day etc. And my temperature at the time.
J: I see. So, at the moment they are saying you will have anti-bodies if you've caught it once, but there have also been reports that the anti-bodies might not last very long. What do you think about that? Have you had an anti-body test?
Y: About a month after all of us got symptoms  and when we were all close to total recovery, we had the opportunity to do a broadcast, and we all did an antibody test at that time.
J: And the results?
Y: The results were that one of us didn't have a lot of antibodies, but the other four did. That was about August 16th *2
J: So its been about three weeks since then. Are you gonna continue to have antibody tests from time to time?
Y: Well, I don't have plans to at the moment, but its a good idea.
T: What kind of talks have you had about how to contine band activity?
Y: Well, forward looking, focusing on putting out material. We've already re-started live shows, so we'll be putting our energy into that.
K: Oh, you've started lives?
Y: Yeah.
K: Well, if your band has antibodies, its easier to move.
Y: Yeah, its safer.
J: Now is the safest time.
K: Right.
J: In relation to corona, its the safest time.
K: People who have antibodies could all do a live?
Y: Ah, us too. Thats interesting.
K: ???? *3
J: But infection numbers are culminating in Japan, so if you think about it, its kinda of the reverse idea.
K: Hm, but if you really think about it, the numbers are still small.
J: How about that? As a band, do you wanna try it?
Y: Yeah, I do. If it was a success, it might help return the music scene to normal.
K: Well, we have to keep moving, little by little, otherwise nothing will start.
J: Yeh, thats it.
K: If we don't try, we too will be always waiting. If there's any chance to get moving, I want to take it. So if these guys can get moving even a little, I can kinda begin to see the light. So, do your best.
T: It puts out a good message, right?
K: Yeah. Ok, well, lets end here. Thank you very much for today.
Y: Thank you.
K: Please subscribe.
T: And check out Jack Caper!
*2 Dates right??
*1, 3 Couldn't catch
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sunarintoes · 4 years
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Dear Whovever: [Kenma]
Synopsis: You and Kenma are both best friends and youtube gamers however you want to be more than just best friends so you decide to ‘man up’ one day and write a heart felt confession in a minecraft notebook before then putting it in Kenma’s personal chest.
WC: 3K
TW: slight swearing :)
[Episode one]
[recording in 3… 2… 1… start!] 
“Hey gamers, Kodzuken here with Tulip-but-make-it-yellow! I've done a few Minecraft videos with Tulip before, but thought I'll start a new series that will be posted every Monday.”
“It's called Minedays with Tulip and Kodzu”
“I- no, Tulip. I'm not sure what we’re gonna call it. But you guys will know- obviously since it's the title of this video.”
You whine and pout into the monitor, “Kodzu I think Minedays is a cute name.” 
Instead of replying Kenma rolls his eyes and hits you ingame. “Should we introduce the challenge and get it started?”
“Yeah that's a good idea!” 
“Well, it's about eleven am right now, we have until eleven pm to build a Minecraft house from a random topic,” he pauses and moves to the side to point to a sectioned spinwheel, “on this bad boy,” whacks the spinner, “we have eight different themes, in a sec I’ll spin it and whatever it lands on will be what we have to build.”
You let out a high pitched ‘hmm,’ “I feel bad for Kuroo and Hinata, they’re both going to have to edit twelve hours of footage down to 10 minutes!”
Kenma chuckles, “fifteen minutes actually.”
This time you roll your eyes. “Hurry up and spin it you fool! I want to get buildinggg” 
Smiling, Kenma moves back a bit and spins the wheel, after thirty seconds full of anticipation the wheel finally stops and its small arrow is pointing at- “Yes! Cottage core theme!” you yell out while Kenma groans. 
“Really? That's lame why couldn't we have ‘Lucifer’s Bedroom’?” 
You poke your tongue out to the monitor - which Kenma could see, after all, you are in a Discord call with him. “Don't be sad just because you're prancing in my turf…. Looooooser!”
Kenma playfully glares towards you, “You’re on! See you in twelve hours!”
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Unfortunately, the difficulty of building a cottage core house in the woods - in survival mode, proved more difficult than planned. 
“We spawned in a desolate area huh? Barely any flowers!” you hear Kenma make a sound of agreement as you sink into your comfortable ‘gamer’ styled chair. 
“Don't tell me you've given up? Just because you can't find any flowers?” 
You scowl at his cocky tone however your mood does a one-eighty when you suddenly get a good idea. “Ok everyone! I know what I have to do! I'm going to restart in another place because this isn’t working!”
Kenma makes a sound of surprise, “you're restarting? It's been an hour already-”
“Yeah and we have, like... eleven more.” Kenma sighs in response, “better get a move on.”
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For the most part, the two of you kept quiet - not wanting to let the other know how well you were doing. However one look at your phone only to see that your twitter has blown up, you decide to take a short break, after all it has been four hours of you sitting on your ass playing Minecraft. Once you open Twitter you're met with a barrage of tags and mentions - all of which screaming ‘KenYn’ and ‘Kodzutulip.’ You felt heat rise to your face, you - yes you, Ln Yn with the online alias Tulip-but-make-it-yellow, has a big, fat, humongous crush on your best friend and fellow youtuber - Kenma, aka Kodzuken aka the cutest guy in the world. To make it worse - or better, you couldn't really tell, was that many of your viewers shipped you with him - as did his viewers. 
You are of course, happy with this but you can’t help but wonder if Kenma feels the same way, does he feel weirded out by all this shipping content? Does he find it uncomfortable? Does he find it unsettling to be shipped with his in-real-life best friend?
“Hey Yn?” Kenma calls softly, “you've been looking at your phone for the past ten minutes and your face looks sad.”
You instantly look up to meet Kenma’s face and try to find the right words to say, “I… I’m just kinda tired and eventually got distracted!! Sorry Kenken!”
Kenma visibly cringes at the old nickname - the one you gave him in primary school, “if you say so… better get your head in the game though - my mansion looks epic.”
Your eyes narrow, “mansion? The theme is cottage core!” Kenma quietly chuckles in response, “a mansion can still have a fairy aesthetic, you should know that”
You huff in faux annoyance as you place your phone away and ‘get your head in the game’ just as he requested. “Be prepared to be crushed! I am the cottage core guardian!”
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There are ten minutes left to your’s and Kenma’s excruciatingly long Minecraft challenge, your ass hurts from sitting on it for almost twelve straight hours - including bathroom breaks. When the buzzer rings the two of you step back from your respective buildings and make your way to the starting point - which had been marked by a stack of 20 or so dirt blocks. 
“Well that was twelve hours of eye straining torture,” you say as you stretch your arms. 
“You're tired already?”
“Kinda… I can't wait to go to sleep after this.”
“Weak, I’m playing Battlefield as soon as this is over.”
You roll your eyes and scoff, “this is why you look like a living corpse in the morning…”
Kenma looks you dead in the eyes and with a completely serious face he says, “yeah but you love it.”
You choke on your spit at his boldness, “y-yeah I guess.” 
If you were being honest, you were not the best at reading people and it was dark in Kenma’s gaming room, the only light coming from his three screen/monitor computer setup, but you think you see a light blush creep up to his cheeks. And you hate it, you hate when he says things that make your heart flutter, you hate it when he just sits there and the digital glow accentuates all of his delicate features, but what you hate most is yourself. You hate yourself because you have fallen in love with your best friend, you hate yourself because you know he doesn't like you back and you hate that you continuously give yourself a sense of false hope. 
“Yn… you want to stay up and game with me don’t you? ”
You sheepishly look to the side, ‘mayhaps.’
Kenma sighs looking at you with a soft face as he whispers “then I won’t play Battlefield and I’ll go to bed and so will you, ‘kay?”
You smile tiredly at him, “sounds like a deal.”
“We'll get back on at the same time tomorrow and we’ll do the final part of this video - the reveal. Until then.”
You smile and wave at the camera “cya soon~”
[recording over]
After your call with Kenma ended you got ready for bed but for some reason, no matter how tired you were, you just couldn't fall asleep - your mind was screaming obscene ideas that you couldn't help but contemplate. At first it was just wishful thinking but then came a thought that refused to leave, ‘confess.’ 
It was a tempting thought, but how? Surely you couldn't just say ‘hey Kenma I've liked you since high school lets date!’ yeah no, that was a horrible idea. Maybe if you confessed with some originality he would be more likely to accept but for now, you were going to do your best to go to sleep.
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[Episode two]
[recording in 3… 2… 1… start!] 
In the morning you woke up feeling refreshed and excited for the day to come, Kenma had texted you and asked if you were feeling up to recording the reveal from last night and episode two today and of course you said yes. 
The video goes on without any troubles and soon you find yourself staring at the computer screen at eleven once again. 
“Remember to like, subscribe and comment below on who you think won this round.” Kenma’s voice is soothing - if you had to describe it you would say that it is silky like honey and smooth like dark chocolate; or maybe you would just say his voice is perfect. Kenma waves to the screen monitor, “hello? Earth to Yn! Are you dead or something? You look like a zombie.”
It takes a while to register, you weren’t really paying attention to the words he said as you were more interested in the way he sounded. You sit up and smile into the camera, “I'm awake… thanks for caring!”
He scoffs and swivels in his chair a bit, “I don't care about you, you're just my idiot best friend and flatmate.”
You playfully narrow your eyes, “well this idiot flatmate of yours helped you bake apple pie so you wouldn’t starve to death!”
“Hmmm, I guess. Well I'm going to head off. I'll see you later.”
You smile softly, “yeah I'll see you later, i'm just gonna stay on for a while.”
Kenma looks at you with an intrigued expression, “you're going to stay up longer? Better not be in this world, that's cheating. Want me to stay up with you?”
You roll your eyes and giggle, “it's all good I want to fix my house up in the other world. I'll see you tomorrow.”
He sighs, “if you say so.”
[recording over]
Your chair rolls back as you stretch, “maybe I should confess to him through a Minecraft journal…” you jump up. “Thats it! Thats a great way to confess! Its original and Kenma would appreciate it…. If he accepts my feelings that is…” 
You groan and slump back down into the chair, “maybe it’s best if I don't confess at all. No! I've wanted to do this for years! If he doesn't like me back it's all good! Maybe I just won't do this on a stream!”
You reach over to the bench and pull up your phone, “who to call, mmm ok let’s call Alisa I’m going to need some emotional support!”
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“Hey gamers, Kodzu here in another Minecraft live stream, today we’re just in mine and Yn’s regular world and i'm going to build a house - a cottage to be specific,” he pauses and looks at the comment section; ‘no Yn isn't here right now, no Yn won't be joining this video, no I didnt know shes streaming at the moment, yes my favourite food is apple pie, yes I have a calico cat, no Yn is not my significant other, yes we are just friends.’ Kenma moves back and takes a breath, “wow you guys sure are interested in Yn huh? Maybe I should get them in more videos, might get more views that way,” he laughs a bit.
“Let's start off by heading to my base, I have the materials I’ll need there- oh uh what's this?” Kenma pauses as he stares at the foreign object, “I don't remember having a written book in my chest… maybe Yn went in here and put it in?”
Kenma stares at the book for a while before he opens it, only to be shocked. The comment section notices the blush on his face and continue to spam him with questions:
[kodzusbabe]: what's in that diary!!
[piefacecutie]: ^^ omg you're so right @/Kenmastan hes so cute 💓
[Kenmaxyn]: I hope it's a confession!
[ynhater]: @/Kenmaxyn from who? Cause I didn't do it and I'd be the only one for Kenma oppAr
[kennismaken]: I hope it’s Yn! They’d be such a cute couple
[applepudding]: umm? Kodzu! Why did he get up and leave??
[ynhater]: babe come back!
[Kenmaxyn]: OMG MAYBE IT WAS YN !!!!
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After your late night call with Alisa, you decided it would be best to just do it and then ignore Kenma for the day - well, not ignore him per se, just simply decline all his Discord calls and Facetime calls so you could put off being rejected a little while longer. You woke up with a throbbing headache that you could only blame yourself for, after all you are the dumbass who stayed up until God knows when just to write a heartfelt confession. Eventually the angst of waiting for a message from Kenma overwhelmed you and here you are now; streaming Overwatch to get your mind off of a certain someone.
“Ah no! Cant believe that stupid Hanzo got me! What a pain!” you frown at the screen and let out a sigh, “the round is over… bummer. Well while we wait an eternity for the next round I guess I should answer some of your questions… oh? I didn't know Kenma was streaming, no I’m not dating him… “ you feel your heart sink as you read the next comment; “what do you mean Kenma ran away after reading a book? Was he unhappy?”
The next moments felt like a blur, your heart was heavy and you felt tears well up in your eyes and somehow you missed the sound of someone breaking into your apartment and then your bedroom. Within a second you feel someone wrap their arms around you from behind, your body tenses up but immediately relaxes when you recognise the perpetrators scent; sweet yet salty, like caramel toffee.
“Kenma! W-what are you doing?”
“I like you too… I have for so long.”
Your eyes widen and it doesn't take too long for a smile to appear on your face, “I'm so glad to hear that.”
You feel him smile into your neck as his embrace tightens, “finish up your livestream so we can talk please.” 
“You don't need to tell me twice!”
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It is eleven at night once again, but this time you’re not sitting alone in your gaming chair, instead you're sitting on Kenma’s lap - in his gaming chair as he slowly runs his hands through your hair and softly kisses your neck.
“So everyone’s pretty much freaking out over us huh?” you hum in response, “we’ve been officially together for what? Five hours?”
“Correct you are.”
You smile and hold up your phone while you continue to cuddle into him, “smile baby, I want the whole world to know that you're my player two.”
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[Bonus - the love letter]
Dear Kenma,
This must be so strange - finding a journal in your chest. 
I have wanted to tell you this for quite a while and I guess I have never found the write words to say; or the right way to for that matter,
But I love you
I have loved you since our first year at Nekoma
It's been a while hasn’t it?
I'm sorry if this inconveniences you, makes you uncomfortable or makes you never want to see me again; 
Just let me continue for a little while longer because I need to get this off of my mind.
I love your smile - especially the rare one where you really smile, where your eyes crinkle and your cheeks begin to hurt 
I love your voice - it’s smooth and silky, like honey being spread across bread
I love your scent - it reminds me of salted caramel,  I can never get enough 
I love your mind - the way it works to make me laugh, make me calm and all else
I love your lips - not necessarily in a sexual way, but more so in the way you talk and speak, they move softly and slowly in a way only your lips could move in.
I love your body - how although you're hunched most of the time you still possess a fine elegance in the way you move. How at times it reminds me of a graceful swan floating down a lake. 
I love your hands - they are so pretty and dainty and soft, I want to hold them all day and all night
And most of all;
I love you
I love you in your entire
I could go ahead and pick the parts I love most and least but then you would no longer be you
I love you in your entire
Flaws and all
I know this may not be the most romantic, especially considering you’re reading this through Minecraft and I've never done this before but I had to let you know
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Taglist: [open] @ladyrenart
note: sooo this is another style that i tried and i have mixed feelings about it :) also if you can’t tell,,, i’ve never written a love letter before :’)
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cancerbiophd · 4 years
Hi Julia, I’m about to do my first ever undergrad scientific research lab and I’m going to have discussion with my supervisor about the research via Microsoft teams instead of the normal meeting in his office due to the COVID-19 and I’m very awkward when it comes to communicating over the phone let alone via video calls. What should I do? I don’t want to give bad impression of me and he thinks that am damn or something.
Hey there! Congrats on starting your undergrad research journey! 
And I totally feel ya when it comes to feeling anxious and awkward about webcam or phone communications, and your feelings of discomfort are totally valid. So much of our communication may rely in part on non-verbal cues, and it’s really hard or impossible to convey that via webcam and the phone. Also, many of us are simply just not used to communicating regularly through these means, especially in professional/school settings, so there’s a learning curve. 
A quick note about your first meeting: It’ll be very introductory, and your supervisor will probably do most of the talking as it’s their chance to teach you about the research, and show you where your role will be. So all you have to do is just listen, jot down any notes and questions you may have, and take it all in! I know it may feel overwhelming at first, but know that your supervisor does not expect you to become an expert on everything the lab overnight and will understand how to take everything one step at a time. And if you’re confused about something or need help, please ask questions. Asking questions shows you care about the research and your own growth in the lab. Your voice is important and you deserve to be heard, and any questions you have are valid. Remember: there is no such thing as a stupid question when you’re asking it to genuinely learn!
Now, onto your question--I don’t think I’m a pro at this, but these are some things regarding online meetings/phone calls that have worked for me:
Test out the app and set everything up beforehand. This eliminates any anxiety I may have about technical problems when the meeting starts. I make sure to download the application at lease a few hours before my meeting to ensure ample time for any misc things, like necessary restarts, account set-up, etc. I also will take a few moments to familiarize myself with the app buttons and functions (especially where the mute and camera-off buttons are!), set up my webcam, and take into consideration the angle, lighting (it’s best to have lighting in front of us, not behind), my background (if we can’t control this, some apps have virtual backgrounds you can use or customize. I know Zoom does this, but I’ve never used Microsoft Teams), my posture*, etc. I also test my preferred mic (eg. normal computer mic or headphone-mic combo). As a cherry on top sometimes I enlist a friend or family member to do a test call with me to absolutely confirm everything is a-ok. *If you’re like me and sit in a spinny-office-chair and have a tendency to rotate from side to side when nervous, I try to swap out the chair for one that doesn’t spin during my meetings, as I know sometimes those movements can be really distracting to the other person. I did this for my PhD defense via Zoom and it worked well. 
On the day of, I maintain regular checks of my email just in case whoever I’m meeting with is running late, or needs to reschedule, etc. I’ve lost count of how many times my PI had to email me 5 min after our meeting time with “sorry! running late! be there soon”. If it’s 10 min past your meeting time and they haven’t shown, it is absolutely ok to send a quick email with: “I am currently in the online meeting room. Let me know if you can make it, or would like to reschedule. Thanks!” It happens. It’s so easy to miss online meetings because there’s no actual physical person showing up. 
There will be a lot of “Oh sorry, what were you saying?” or “Oh go on”. There may be moments when both of us will start talking at the same time (especially if it’s over the phone or the webcams are off) because we don’t have those natural body cues of initiating conversations anymore, and that’s ok, expected, and may happen a lot. There may also be moments where someone’s internet connection may cut off for a split second so a word is missed, or there’s a loud unexpected noise in the background, etc. Other phrases that are ok to say include: “Could you repeat that last part again, thank you”, “I didn’t quite catch that”, “If I understand correctly, ___”, “Ah ok, I see, so what you’re saying is ___”, etc. 
Related, it may also be very easy for one of us to just keep talking without pause for the other person to respond. When I’m speaking, I consciously try to remember to add, “Does that make sense?” or “Do you have any questions?” regularly in order to create a space for the other person to be a part of the conversation. If I’m a listener and am having trouble finding a good space to cut in, I either make note of my questions/comments and then go through them at the end (by starting with: “I have a few questions I’d like to ask”, so the other person knows I have more than one question and should probably not ramble on for too long on their answers), or I interrupt with an apology (I start by saying the speaker’s name, followed by: ”I’m sorry to interrupt but I just have a quick question/comment before we go on.”). I’ve seen the latter more and more during my work meetings, and everyone is very understanding and accepting of the situation and its necessity if you’re polite about it. 
Continue your natural body language movements as if you’re meeting in person. On top of it being hard for some of us to stop these (sometimes subconscious) movements, it does help us communicate even if the other person can’t see because it may come through in our tone, word choice, etc. Also I really like it when the person I’m talking to is nodding at the appropriate times to convey they understand (or at least are paying attention). 
Take notes during the meeting. This would still be important during in-person meetings because it’s crucial to remember what was discussed in case there’s info I need to remember, or action items for follow-up. It also shows I care and am invested in the research and what the other person has to say to me. 
Related, I may also have discussion points written down beforehand for anything I’d like to bring up during the meeting. This probably isn’t necessary for your first ever meeting (unless you do have some questions about the research, which are always good!), but may become more applicable in later meetings. 
Keep the meeting to the time slot allotted, unless otherwise specified. It’s very easy for online meetings/phone calls to run late, so unless all meeting participants are ok with the meeting running over, I try to be mindful of the clock and of the other person’s schedule. If there does need to be a time-extension, I ask first: “Do you mind if we keep going for __ more minutes? Or would you prefer we schedule another meeting later today/this week to keep discussion this?” And if the meeting is running late and I need to leave for a prior commitment, I  interject with, “I’m sorry to cut this short but I need to leave for another meeting/appointment.” Totally ok to do that too. 
It’ll take practice, and it’ll take time. Becoming comfortable with anything new will always have a learning curve attached to it, so give yourself time and patience and room to make mistakes, grow, and improve. We all have to start off as beginners before we can become experts :)
In case this also helps: How to get the most out of your undergrad lab experience (and a description of my own)
If anyone else has any tips they’ve found helpful for online meetings/phone calls, please feel free to reblog or reply! 
Good luck on your meeting and all your future research endeavors :) 
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hydrus · 3 years
Version 450
🎉🎉 MERRY 450! 🎉🎉
I had an ok week. Last week's experimental release went well, so I have polished that, and I otherwise caught up with a variety of small work.
If you sync with the PTR, update will take a couple of minutes.
all misc this week
So, the update storage change went ok! There were a couple of little sync bugs to clear up, but overall it works--tag repositories now track their processing progress by mappings, siblings and parents separately. You don't have to do anything, and this doesn't matter much for day to day work, but it allows for individualised reset and reprocessing. All 448 users will have their siblings and parents reset and reprocessed, which will take a couple of minutes to do on update, and about fifteen minutes on your next processing job to fill back in, and which should eliminate some bad siblings and parents due to years-old processing bugs that long term users have been dealing with (leaving only current bugs, which I am also working on). The reset will not delete any pending siblings or parents you have, so no worries if you have a bunch waiting to be uploaded.
Advanced Users: The PTR sibling and parent reset will however remove any siblings and parents you uploaded that were then denied by jannies (which your client would have added to itself anyway). Everyone is reset to a 'clean' sync with this change, so if you know you have a ton of surplus denied siblings you rely on, perhaps from years ago that we agreed I would deny on the PTR to help you hack in an overwrite in the old system, you might like to hold off updating and first figure out a PTR sibling/parent backup to a local service using tag migration.
I fixed some things with Mr Bones. His numbers are accurate to your 'my files' again, and he now talks about your total deleted files and also your earliest file import time. I divided the ugly growing stack of numbers into tabs, which I am sort of happy with, sort of not. People like to take screens of Mr Bones, but they have different preferences on what to show, so I may replace this with expand/collapse buttons or similar, so you can show everything if you want.
If you use the export files window to get a lot of files out, it now makes a progress popup. You can close the window while it is exporting and still see and cancel the job.
The Client API file search now supports file and tag domain selection (like the 'my files' and 'all known tags' buttons on a normal search page), and also file sort for searches. I know the Client API guys have been waiting on this, so with luck we should see some neat new search options in the Client API programs in the near future.
full list
when exporting files from the file export window, a cancellable popup job with progress updates is also created. if you close the window, you can still cancel the job from the popup
fixed a crash bug in file export window
system:num file relationships (duplicates) now correctly only returns files in the current file search domain (previously, it returned all files, including those previously deleted etc...)
I rearranged some of the thumbnail menu file relationships actions menu. I'm not really happy with this, but a shuffle is easier than a full rework
fixed the '4k' resolution label replacer, which was looking at 2060 height not 2160 by mistake
the phash generation routine (part of the duplicates system, happens on image imports) now uses less memory and CPU for images with an alpha channel (pngs and still gifs), and if those images are taller or wider than 1:30 or 30:1, the phashes are also better quality
the 'fill in subscription gap' popup button now correctly boots its created downloader when the action also opens a new downloader page. previously, due to overactive safety code, it would hang on 'pending' until a client restart. related similar 'start downloader after creating page' actions off drag and drop or client api should also be more reliable
repositories (also the various improvements in 449-experimental are folded in):
fixed an issue with some 'force repository account refresh' code not kicking in immediately
when a client sees repository update period change, it now recalculates the metadata next check time
fixed a bug with the new repo sync where updates just added from additive sync were not being processed until client restart. related long-term buggy 'do we have this hash in updates?' and 'how many updates are there?' tests for update metadata are also fixed
the experimental by-content-type repository reset from last week now leaves pending content in place
the reset also now clears cached service info counts for files, tags, and mappings
client api:
the /get_files/search_files command now takes six new parameters for file/tag domain selection and file sort type and order
I wrote out some simple help and added some hacky unit tests for these new parameters. it needs another pass for potential bug fixes and readability/specificity (e.g. what does 'asc' for 'sort by ratio' mean?), but let me know how you get on anyway
fixed the new system predicate parsing for system:hash with only one hash
improved the url system predicate examples in client api documentation
client api version is now 19
mr bones:
mr bones now reports the correct numbers for your 'my files' again (and will continue to do so as multiple local file services are added)
mr bones now reports total files deleted and their total size
mr bones now reports your earliest recorded file import time
mr bones now has separate tabs for different stats types. this neatly ditches the giant stack of numbers this was becoming, but I may revisit it. some people who take mr bones screens will prefer all the info in one easy shot, while I others I know would rather the 'viewing habits' stuff were not immediately there. maybe expanding boxes?
fixed some mr bones layout
boring code cleanup:
made a new base class for the different database modules to hold cursor and collect common administrative functions
all database queries (about 1,200 of them) now go through a single location in the new class
a new profile mode, 'query planner' mode, now prints query text and EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN lines to a new profile log. this is a new experimental thing, extremely spammy, but will help with diagnosing very unusually slow queries on individual clients (it'll most likely show up odd sqlite versions, weird data distributions, or un-analysed tables)
updated a core function in 'all known files' mappings change autocomplete count adjustment. this seemed to have extremely bad worst case time, and I think it might have been giving some bad counts in unusual situations
next week
Next week is cleanup. The long term database breakup job has been going well, making code simpler and easier to expand, so I think more of that. I also started a new database profiling system this week, and I want to experiment with it a bit.
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cuddlepilefics · 4 years
1.    Christmas Bakery
Fandom: Stray Kids
Little: Minho (age 5-6) + Felix (5)
Caregiver: dance-line (mostly Hyunjin)
 Minho’s POV.:
I had told my group about me being a little a few months ago. Luckily, they were all very supportive and took care of me when I regressed. Which in the beginning I did quite often. Lately though I tried to avoid going into little space. As a surprise for Stay we were working on a Christmas album and had tough deadlines set which we were struggling to meet. Everyone was on edge, sacrificing sleep in favor of work and it was showing. We had always gotten along so well but now with the pressure and sleep deprivation fights were a common occurrence, both at the studio and at the dorm. To make matters worse, my neglected headspace was fighting for my attention the more time passed. I always tried to avoid it but it got increasingly hard, given how long I had already tried to suppress it.
During the dance-line meeting in the practice room, I slipped halfway twice but managed to pull myself back both times. That however resulted in me developing a bad headache and Hyunjin and Felix being annoyed with me. I don’t think they grasped what was really going on, they just saw me messing up and holding them back the entire time and reacting sensitive to their critique. And hell, I was annoyed with myself too but there was nothing I could do except for trying not to slip or to cry in front of the two younger members. By the time we decided to quit practicing for the day, it was already 10pm and we headed back to the dorm in uncomfortable silence and I could tell the two others were pissed. Fighting back my tears, I went straight for my bed, not bothering to take a shower or to eat something like the other two did. I fell asleep crying quietly into my favorite plushie.
The next morning, I woke up in little space, whining when Chan tried to wake me up. “Come on, Minho, you’re older than the other and yet fussing the most about getting up. We don’t have time for this, we’re already late. Now get up!”, Chan scolded, trying not to be to harsh but also making clear that I was an annoyance. I could tell he was mad by the way he shut the door a little too loud to be normal. A small tear made its way down my cheek and I hid my face in my plushie. I was tired and all I wanted was for my hyungs to cuddle me and show some love. For fear of upsetting my leader more, I slipped out of bed changing into some comfortable clothes to dance in and dried my face before leaving the room. Apparently, everyone was already ready to leave, so there was no way I would get a chance to have breakfast. Feeling rather shy and afraid of Chan’s anger, I stood close to Seungmin, trying to hide behind him. “Hyung, all we have been waiting for is you. I don’t think you have the time to lag off, given you were the one who didn’t get the moves down yesterday”, Felix snapped and the honorific he used in combination with the harsh words broke my heart. It took every ounce of strength in me to not start crying all over again. They needed me to be a big boy, obviously they hated me not being a big boy. Staring at the ground I quickly grabbed my backpack and left with Hyunjin and Felix, determined not to show them how little I was and upset my hyungs more.
 Hyunjin’s POV.:
We’ve been practicing for 20 minutes only but the mood was tense already. Minho kept messing up as much as yesterday and it was honestly pissing me off. I was really tired and it was determined that we could have a rest day when we nailed the choreography. Felix and I had already nailed the dance yesterday, so the only reason we were here was to ensure Minho would do too. However, it didn’t even seem like he was putting in an effort at all. We know he usually gets new dance moves down really fast so I have no idea what his deal is. I just wished he’d drop it already and take this as seriously as everyone else. “Hyung, come on, the part goes like this”, I demonstrated the section again while Felix counted the beats. “It’s really not that hard. Felix and I got it down already yesterday. We could have a free day if it wasn’t for you fooling around”, I frowned before walking off to restart the music. When we got back into position I could hear soft sniffles behind me and turned around to face a crying Minho. “Seriously, hyung get your shit together. Just do it right and we can go home”, I snapped and turned back around. Yes, that wasn’t very sensible but at this point I was really angry. With a soft thud he plopped to the ground hiding his face in his hands sobbing quietly. Rolling his eyes, Felix stopped the music again and I kneeled down in front of my hyung, taking a few deep breaths to calm down. I tried to hide my anger knowing it would only make matters worse. “MinMin, is s-sor-ry. No wan’ make h-hyungies m-mad”, Minho hiccupped in a small voice and only then it dawned on me that he had slipped into headspace. Felix had heard it to and we shared a mortified look. I don’t know how long he had been little but chances were high that I had just vented my anger at little him who has no idea how to handle it. I sighed gently pulling his hand away from his face. “Listen MinMin, hyung is sorry. I didn’t mean to snap at you. We just wanted you to be able to finish here like us. We’re not mad, ok? We’re not mad”, I tried to calm him down while wiping his tears. Felix came over and sat down next to Minho, looping one arm around his shoulders. “Sorry MinMin. It’s ok”, Felix shushed in a low voice. “Back to the dorm?”, he asked. “Back to the dorm”, I agreed, pulling the little to his feet before picking him up and placing him on my hip. We quickly put Minho into Felix’ sweatjacket, so the hood would hide his tearstained face, before I carried the still crying little back to the dorm. Felix brought our backpacks along and unlocked the door. The others were still at the studio, so we were the only ones home. After kicking off my shoes I sat down on the couch pulling Minho into my lap rocking him gently. “You’re ok sweety. Hyungie loves you baby. We’re not mad just stressed and I’m so sorry you became target for that”, I whispered into his hair before kissing his forehead. Whether he was calming down or had just exhausted himself, I couldn’t tell.
Once he stopped crying, I convinced him to take a quick shower as he hadn’t showered the night before and promised him we’d eat something afterwards, remembering he slept through breakfast this morning. I couldn’t help but feel guilty and watching Felix chew on his bottom lip, I knew he felt the same. I walked Minho to the bathroom and picked out some fresh clothes for him to put on when he was done. Luckily, having been without caregivers most of the time, Minho could shower by himself and I went to talk to Felix in the kitchen while the little washed up.
The Aussie had already prepared two sandwiches and the crust cut off, placing them onto a plastic plate with a cute motive on it. “Hyung, I feel so bad. I didn’t realize he was little and I was mean and now he thinks we hate him”, Felix started to ramble, his breathing quickening until I pulled him into a tight hug. “I know, Lixxie, I know. We’ll make it up to him, He’ll see how much we love him”, I patted Felix’ back and I felt him nod as he took a deep breath to pull himself together. Taking a step away, I pulled out my phone and texted the group chat explaining what had happened, informing the others that we were at home. “Lix, I need your advice since you’re a little too. Do you think making Christmas cookies is a suitable activity for littles?”, I asked biting my nails. My dongsaeng’s face lit up and he nodded excitedly. “You think we could bake with Minho?”, he asked excitedly and I nodded. “If you get him ready and make him eat, I’ll prepare some dough for sugar cookies. There must be some recipes online and I think we also have a few cookie-cutters”, I smiled and Felix nodded walking to the bathroom to check if Minho was done.
While Felix helped the little to put his hoodie, which was inside-out when he exited the bathroom, on correctly and sat him down at the table to munch on his sandwiches, I kneaded together the basic ingredients, following the instructions I had found when searching the internet. I heard giggles and after patting Minho’s head, Felix passed me to put the plate into the sink. Felix then stopped at the cookie- cutters I had laid out on the counter. I watched him admire them with glassy eyes before he shook his had and carried them over to the dining table. We didn’t have many cookie-cutters, just a star, a heart, a candy cane and a small gingerbread man. I rolled the dough into a ball and placed it into a bowl before grabbing a rolling pin and following Felix to the dining table. Minho smiled at me excitedly and Felix ruffled his hair before rolling the littles’ sleeves up. “Lixxie, you know, you can slip too. I know you want to”, I suggested but he shook his head with a smile that didn’t fully convince me. “Nah, Hyung, I’m good. I don’t want to burden you with having to look after two littles”, he mumbled, chewing on his lip. “That’s alright, Lixxie. I’m more than ok with that, go ahead”, I encouraged while rubbing his back but he just shook his head again. “Lixxie, look how cute those cookie-cutters look. I’m sure MinMin and you will make even cuter cookies with them”, I said cheerfully, picking up the gingerbread man shaped cookie-cutter and handing it to Felix who broke into a bright smile. He quickly went to hug Minho, bouncing slightly. “Right, MinMin, we’ll make weally cute cookies?”, he giggled with a lisp, to which the other little nodded and I could tell my plan had worked. Only after Felix had slipped did I noticed how tense he had been before because his shoulders were now hanging in a more comfortable and relaxed position.
After rolling Felix’ sleeves up too, I divided the dough into two and rolled out it out on the dining table. The littles were quick to grab a cookie-cutter each and start to work on cutting shapes out of the dough. To be honest, this way it was easy to take care of two littles at once, since all I had to do was roll out the dough over and over again and bake the cut-out cookies. Ok I admit, sometimes I had to transfer a cookie onto the baking sheet when it got stuck on the table and remind the littles not to eat the raw dough because it contained egg but that was it. At some point I had turned on some quiet Christmas music which was playing softly in the background, while we enjoyed a relaxed afternoon.
A few hours later the proud littles welcomed the rest of their hyungs home with cookies that were only slightly burned, which I fully take the blame for as I might have gotten distracted adoring their cuteness and therefore forgotten to take the cookies out on time. Sure the thought of having to teach the choreography to Minho again tomorrow was constantly in the back of my head but for now I chose to enjoy the innocent bliss as long as possible. As did the rest of the group who let themselves unwind in the evening, eating cookies and praising the littles for their hard work making treats for everyone. Our two littles fell asleep to the soothing background music, cuddled up on the couch from where Chan and I carried them to bed.
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bonecorn · 4 years
I’m going on 11 years of vulture stuff, way back before i knew it was a thing people did.
Here’s a quick pic of my room from several months ago. There’s more stuff now but my room is messy so no pics. This shows maybe 1/3 of my collection from this angle and I’ll show more if you want.
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Charles the human is plaster, don’t fret. Everything else is real.
Infodump about my Cleaning Beetles below!
Uhh my colony! Quick info! Demestids are nature’s cleaning crew for dead animal matter. Usually when you think of decomposition you think of maggots, which are fly larvae. They’re fine with rotting or unhealthy flesh, and will sometimes infest living creatures with open wounds (fly strike.) Generally, they’re gross. They smell bad, they look bad, and they Sound bad. Have you ever sat next to a deer being munched on by thousands of maggots? It’s like the world’s worst serving of rice krispies. They DO have a place and many vultures like them and affectionately call them “disco rice.” I’m ok with them and find them valuable members of the ecosystem, but I don’t love them.
I LOVE dermestids. They’re a cute little black beetle species with adorable larvae. They’re larvae are small, dark, and fuzzy like caterpillars. They do not like to eat rotting flesh, and will never eat anything living. Dermestids prefer fresh deads or dried deads, and tend to move in after the maggots have come through. These ones will stay with a carcass until it’s bones are clean, pupating, adulting, mating, and laying the next generation in the same critter. I had a fox whose entire insides were replaced with empty pupa shells it was really cool and artistically inspiring! It’s a really beautiful process.
My colony! It’s a wild colony that I’ve had for a couple years. I got a raccoon with dermestids in it and put it in a cage in the woods, and it’s been going ever since. I keep them fed with a steady supply of critters, removing the old ones and cleaning them up. Whenever I transfer bones from the cage to water for further maceration, I pick off and shake out as many as I can, then I dunked the skull for a second, bring it up, and scoop off everyone who was inside and now needs to abandon ship. I know I have plenty left but I don’t like killing even the smallest living things, so I rescue them.
I love them so much. When you start fostering something you get very affectionate toward it and want to keep it healthy and happy. I will often pick up critters I don’t really want just because my colony hasn’t eaten lately and I want them to do well. I have SO many dried squirrel feet for this reason.
It’s very meditative, actually. They don’t smell bad, they just smell like dead leaves or a log turned over to see the air. Their food smells musty, like old mummies if you’ve ever smelled that. Sometimes I go out there every day just to sit and watch them. I leave a spray bottle out there full of water, because hydration is important, especially in the summer. So I’ll head out there, sit down and see how everybody’s doing. Sometimes I’ll turn over the deads or rearrange them to get the part I want processed into the heart of the colony. They like eating things that are covered, so some critters are partially skinned for access and they use the hide as shelter. The fastest way to get them to process something is to put it in the center of a couple deads and lay another dead on top of it.
When everything seems good and they’re doing ok, I just sit there and mist them with water. they LOVE IT!!!! It’s so exciting and endearing to see a few bugs resting on the surface of a dried dead, and then everyone comes out to party when the water comes out. They’ll hang out around droplets and you just watch them stick their little faces in and drink up. Everybody moves around and comes out to play and you can really see how many there are. I get the whole colony hydrated to give them water and to make the dried deads palatable again. It’s a little harder for them to eat jerky than to eat soft flesh, so keeping it hydrated helps them eat faster. This is especially important for deads that have been skinned first, as they dry out quickly. Demestids can still eat the dried stuff, but it takes them longer, and some may move on to greener pastures if they feel they’ve done all they can. They’re perfectly fine with waiting for rain and they don’t need my water to survive, but I find it really helps them thrive.
My colony is completely wild, and I don’t do anything to keep them with me. They are free to come and go through the forest cage. In nature, when they’re done with a dead the adults move on to find a new one and stop laying eggs, and the skeleton is left to nature to bury and have the bones spread around by scavengers or weather. Mine have a steady supply of food, so the adults choose to stay, lay their eggs, and raise generation after generation in my back yard. I help them along and I cherish them, but I don’t own them. Some people have captive colonies where they control the humidity, temperature, food source, and health of their dermestids, but I’m just fine with my wild ones.
Earlier this year, they slowed down a LOT. I looked closely and found that a whole bunch of mites had moved in and were crowding out my dermestids and crawling all over them. This is a huge problem for domestic colonies, but for me, it’s just nature. I stopped providing deads and now my colony has moved away to find better things, and I’ll let nature clear up the mites and wait for them to realize there’s nothing more for them to eat. Once they’re gone, I just need to put out a critter and restart my colony to bring it back to its full glory.
Nature is wonderful and I’m so privileged I get to be a part of it. You can spend hours out there just watching and listening, and learning what it has to tell you. I adore my little bugs, but I’m alright with nature running its course. They’re free to come and go as they like.
I have a forest for a backyard, but you can have a wild colony if you live in the city and just know somebody with a patch of woods, prairie, or really anything wild. As long as you can set up a cage a decent bit away from houses to reduce smell, all they need is a dead thing to get started. For best results, find something dead and kind of dry looking and it probably has demestids inside it. You can’t always count on them spontaneously moving in, but it’s worth a shot! You also don’t need to mist them as they can take care of themselves.
I just love them so much. They’re so good to me and I’m good to them back. They’re adorable and sometimes finding a newly hatched or newly shed baby makes me so proud I cry.
I love them!!!!!!!
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