hyuuukais · 1 year
i suppose i should try to sleep now. see u all at 🤢 5am 🤢
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scrmngtts · 8 months
i should be happy i had a successful week at my new job..
hey why dont we list good things that happened this week. dont just focus on the negative ones.
lets see.. monday i had my first meeting on my new job! met the whole team. theyre really big theres 20+ peeps in the dept im in and the company is big. i hope i get to stay here longer than my previous one. also, i hope i can handle the workload and the stress. but i made up my mind, no matter how hard this job is i will try my best. they will not catch me slacking.
tuesday: i went to the gym in the morning then i wanted to get presents for my friends but i couldnt find the one im looking for so i just went home. i went to the movies at night with my friends after!! i finally see the movie i wanted to see. im glad i went with my friends.
wednesday: hump day!! i have sent my first work for reviews!! and i got humbled really quick they gave me so much notes! but nothing i cant do. im a very good animator and i know i can troubleshoot anything!!
thursday: i went to the doctors with my dad, im glad everything is good from his test. im really thankful about the results.
friday: finally finished my work. my supervisor said theres some minor tweaks but that can be fixed in production stages so im happy im able to go to the weekend not thinking of anything i need to submit.
thats all! i hope to come back here and be happy when iread this again. i have such an amazing and great life. and im so thankful to be alive!
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food-log-life · 2 years
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xaviergalatis · 1 year
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kodittomat · 1 year
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Aapo Autamme yksityishenkilöä löytämään kissalleen uuden kodin.
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mft-toyama · 1 year
マツケンのウエハース買ったらARもついてきたんだけど試しにやってみたらクソ行儀悪い健できて死んだwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww https://t.co/Ch0QymmUyD
— NOKUMA (@djpnoku0609) May 12, 2023
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rkntg · 1 year
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ironskyfinder · 7 months
Goonettes are one of god’s gifts to man.
Naive, doe-eyed, innocent girls who get exposure to the right kinds of filth at the right time end up as self-addicted pleasure dolls, chasing the next edge, the next rush. The only problem - for them, not for anyone else - is that often they rub themselves so dumb they can’t be trusted to edge without making mistakes and giving into pleasure, and they get to be so brainless that they need instructions on how best to corrupt themselves. 
As I said, not a problem for anyone else.
Emily had still been a feminist, when she started following me - not much of one, but she still had moments where she'd go back to thinking she was equal, that she should go to college and have a career and make something of her life outside the kitchen and bedroom - and she hated it.
She mentioned, in one of her messages, that she had always wished she could make her breasts more sensitive - at a 38GG, I liked to remind her she had 'udders' - so, one of the times she asked for me to make her brain worse, I took her on an edge she still thanks me for even today.
ironskymaker [10:58PM] I wrote instructions for an edge for you, but this is a much more directed edge than just sending you gooning fuel and some degrading messages, so you’ll need to be able to narrow your attention to this so that you can respond when prompted. Understood?
ironskymaker [10:58PM] I'm not going to ask you to focus, I know you can't do that, not really.
goonette4everr [11:00PM] yes
ironskymaker [11:02PM] You’ll need to follow along closely, okay? I’m going to have you hump a pillow - I think you should use the pillow you sleep on - over and over and over, and I’m going to try and break your brain even more than usual. Ready?
goonette4everr [11:03PM] yessir
ironskymaker [11:04PM] As always, you should be naked when you edge. Take a selfie, once you are - think of it as the ‘before’ photo, so we can compare how you look once I’m done with you.
goonette4everr [11:05PM] you assume right. selfie taken.
ironskymaker [11:05PM] Face the mirror and start humping, nice and slow. Be gentle enough it’s frustrating, like I’m teasing you by holding your hips, slowing you down - just enough pressure that your clit begs for more, not enough to start you grinding mindlessly.
goonette4everr [11:07PM] ok...ok thas gonna drive me nuts
ironskymaker [11:08PM] That’s exactly the point. Light, little motions at first, enough to make you want to grumble and moan and swear because it's such a teasing sensation.
goonette4everr [11:08PM] fuck
ironskymaker [11:10PM] Good goonette, keep going. Little by little, faster and harder. Hips rocking back and forth, little by little pressing more against the pillow with those little motions. Watch yourself in the mirror, teased and frustrated but still grinding away like you’re told.
goonette4everr [11:10PM] hmmmnnn
ironskymaker [11:11PM] You’ve been craving this all week. Let yourself relax into it. You need this, turning your brain off and letting your clit think for you, edging for hours and hours until it’s all a blur. Keep humping, a little faster, a little harder  - you should be starting to feel it now. 
ironskymaker [11:13PM] How does your edge taste?
goonette4everr [11:13PM] goood, so wet
ironskymaker [11:14PM] Start grinding and humping faster, little by little. Every time you hump your pillow, you grind the littlest bit faster. 
goonette4everr [11:15PM] hunh...feelin it now
goonette4everr [11:15PM] fuck!
ironskymaker [11:16PM] Less and less gently, keep your hips moving, faster and faster. Let the motions grow, the harder the edge gets the more you move.
ironskymaker [11:17PM] Keep going, a little harder every time you hump. Make the motions bigger, gradually starting to grind with a little more pressure each time. Harder, faster, keep grinding on your pillow. Look at yourself in the mirror and make an ahegao face, grinding extra hard and extra slow while you let your tongue hang out until the drool hits your tits. 
goonette4everr [11:19PM] hnnnnnn oh ffuuuuuck
ironskymaker [11:19PM] Don’t forget to tug on your nipples a little to make them hard, if they weren’t already; don’t stop humping. 
goonette4everr [11:20PM] theyr hard, mmmm god
ironskymaker [11:21PM] Pinch and pull on your teats, grind on your pillow more. Reach back and tease your asshole a little.
ironskymaker [11:21PM] Remember, all your useful parts deserve to be part of your edge - speaking of your mouth, test your gag reflex as you start humping faster and harder.
goonette4everr [11:22PM] hkkkkkkkkk
ironskymaker [11:22PM] How are you feeling, lil goonette?
goonette4everr [11:23PM] goodsogood! fukkk
goonette4everr [11:23PM] i look so dum so horni
goonette4everr [11:24PM] fuck!!
ironskymaker [11:25PM] Good! But I want you extra desperate and broken, so I’m giving you a break.
ironskymaker [11:25PM] Sit up off your pillow, so your drippy clit is nowhere near anything that might stimulate it - then hump the air, bouncing a little.
ironskymaker [11:27PM] Understood?
goonette4everr [11:27PM] whait noo 
goonette4everr [11:28PM] nnnnnooo oh ok, ok, i will i will
ironskymaker [11:28PM] I know, it's hard to have self-control - but you don't need to! I'll have your self-control instead, just relax and obey.
goonette4everr [11:30PM] obeyying...is...goood....thanku sir
ironskymaker [11:30PM] Keep humping. Feel your tits swing as you bounce, feel how they want to pull you down, back onto the pillow. Grab one, suck on your nipple. Hump and grind and bounce. Grab the other and suck on both your nipples at once, then let them drop from your mouth. Hump the air a little more, bounce and let your udders drop, feel them pulling all the thoughts out of your brain.
goonette4everr [11:32PM] hnnnnnn
ironskymaker [11:32PM] Bounce and hump the air until your tits pull all the thoughts from your brain, until they pull you back down to humping your pillow.
ironskymaker [11:33PM] Doesn’t your edge feel better already?
goonette4everr [11:33PM] yyyyeesss
ironskymaker [11:34PM] Again, humping and grinding like a good girl, faster and harder. Grind your clit into your pillow as you reduce yourself to obedient holes for a stranger on the internet, like a real feminist traitor. 
goonette4everr [11:35PM] i feel so slutty an stupid
goonette4everr [11:36PM] itsh shooo gooood!!!
ironskymaker [11:37PM] Look in the mirror - do you like the slut you see?
ironskymaker [11:37PM] Hump and bounce and whisper to yourself that your holes and tits are all that matter, they give you value and purpose and a reason for men to find you useful. 
goonette4everr [11:39PM] i lov bein a traitor!! i luv lookin at myshelf bein a whoooore
goonette4everr [11:39PM] yessss hnnnn
ironskymaker [11:41PM] Grind even faster, even harder. You can really feel it now - you’re pressing harder, humping faster, hips moving more so you bounce - and when you bounce, your udders swing. When your udders swing, you feel your brain drain and you’re closer to just being tits and holes. Holes keep being drippy, tits keep bouncing.
ironskymaker [11:42PM] Now how does your edge taste, lil goonette?
goonette4everr [11:42PM] tassts like dspration
ironskymaker [11:43PM] Good. Keep going. Hump and bounce, letting the haze of the edge and the pull of your tits wash your mind away. 
ironskymaker [11:44PM] Harder, faster, humping and grinding, leaking all over your pillow - pause for a moment, to bury your face in the wet spot you’re making, take a deep breath. Then get back on your pillow and keep humping. The smell and taste of your edge everywhere, rewiring your brain to tie that to the overwhelming pleasure you’re feeling.
goonette4everr [11:45PM] hhhnnnnn
goonette4everr [11:45PM] so dirrty
ironskymaker [11:46PM] You liked that too much not to do it again. Put your face into the pillow, rub it into the wet spot. You love how the sensation corrupts you, how it makes your edge so much stronger. Don’t you?
goonette4everr [11:48PM] fuck pleas yess
ironskymaker [11:49PM] Edging makes you feel so good, your brain can barely take it - but that’s fine, you don’t need it anyway, you don’t need to think.
ironskymaker [11:49PM] The instructions become your actions.
ironskymaker [11:50PM] Your clit isn’t there to handle big thoughts, your udders aren’t made for thinking, but you were made to obey. Keep humping and grinding, edging and bouncing, faster and harder. 
goonette4everr [11:52PM] hmmm...yesh yeh no thnk...jus...edge
ironskymaker [11:53PM] The more you edge, the more you’re just drooling holes and bouncing udders. Wipe the slick juices running down your thighs all over your face and imagine tasting it on a thick cock filling your throat. Don’t stop grinding, don’t stop bouncing, keep your hips moving.
goonette4everr [11:54PM] bounc
ironskymaker [11:54PM] Wipe the slick mess from your cunt onto your nipples, pinch and pull on your teats. Keep one of your teats in your mouth, massage and milk the other. Hump and bounce and grind, let your brain go blank, then let your udder drop and suck your other nipple clean. Are you enjoying yourself?
goonette4everr [11:56PM] iy am...iam!!!
goonette4everr [11:57PM] i tayst so gud
ironskymaker [11:57PM] Does the girl looking back at you from the mirror seem like she’s having fun too?
goonette4everr [11:59PM] she dos, she looks sho happi, so blank
ironskymaker [11:59PM] I bet she looks like a porndoll. Her eyes all unfocused, sweaty, shaking, needy, her desperate clit soaking her pillow. 
goonette4everr [12:00AM] mmmhmmm...such a needyslut
goonette4everr [12:00AM] shooo dum
ironskymaker [12:01AM] Time for another break.
goonette4everr [12:01AM] hnnnnnnnn!!!!
ironskymaker [12:02AM] I know you don’t want to, but - stop edging, sit up so you can hump the air like the desperate fuckmeat you are.
goonette4everr [12:03AM] yeshyesytes!
ironskymaker [12:04AM] I know you’re horny, I know you’re needy, just let your hips move against the nothing and let the ache drain your thoughts away.
ironskymaker [12:04AM] And, while you do - pick up your tits, play with them, squeeze and massage them, hold them out and then drop them.
goonette4everr [12:05AM] mmm...
ironskymaker [12:05AM] Feel that pull make you dumber. Let the things you used to call ‘important’ wash away as you start bouncing in the air, as your udders pull your thoughts out of your mind
ironskymaker [12:06AM] Did you have work today, did you have plans after, were there errands that need doing? Pick up your tits, play with them, then drop them as you bounce, and all of it is gone.
goonette4everr [12:07AM] hmmm...gone. 
goonette4everr [12:07AM] allgone
ironskymaker [12:09AM] Bounce, drop. Take another selfie, see what you look like after I’ve played with your brain for less than an hour, and imagine how much more I’ll do.
goonette4everr [12:09AM] hheeehee she looksh crazi
goonette4everr [12:10AM] sush a mess!
ironskymaker [12:10AM] Hump, grind, bounce, drop. Tits don’t have plans. Holes don’t run errands.
goonette4everr [12:11AM] mmmmmm
ironskymaker [12:11AM] There’s only obedience, only edging and doing what you’re told. Bounce, drop, hump, grind.
goonette4everr [12:12AM] only
goonette4everr [12:12AM] please 
ironskymaker [12:12AM] How does your edge taste now?
goonette4everr [12:14AM] sssssgud
goonette4everr [12:14AM] ssssssnice
goonette4everr [12:14AM] fuckk
ironskymaker [12:15AM] Bounce, drop. More thoughts gone, brain all drained. Hump, grind, bounce, drop. 
ironskymaker [12:16AM] Bounce, drop. Take another selfie, see what you look like after I’ve played with your brain for less than an hour, and imagine how much more I’ll do tomorrow.
ironskymaker [12:17AM] The girl in the mirror just wants to keep edging and bouncing and dropping forever, and so do you. Bounce, drop.
goonette4everr [12:17AM] please ruinmy brain mroe
goonette4everr [12:18AM] hheeehee she looksh crazi
goonette4everr [12:18AM] sush a mess!
ironskymaker [12:19AM] And how are you feeling now, lil goonette?
goonette4everr [12:21AM] alll edged out, reallly hazy
ironskymaker [12:22AM] Good goonette. Bedtime, then, and no touching until the morning.
goonette4everr [12:23AM] ohh fuck  yessir please tomorrow 
goonette4everr [12:23AM] i can’t wait
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sturniolos-blog · 6 months
please do a prank where either mailo or ella tells reader to shut up to see matt’s reaction !
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Prank - Matt Sturniolo x Y/n oneshot
warnings - fluff? short
disclaimer: first person POV, Mailo is 8 and Ella is 10
I grab the vlog camera as I set it up, pressing record.
“Hello, guys! It’s me, Y/n Sturniolo. I haven’t recorded in a while but we are back for a prank on Matt.” I tell the camera, fixing my hair every couple of seconds.
“But today i’m not alone for this plan..” I trail off, trying to make it more dramatic. “Now introducing, Estrella and Mailo Sturniolo!” I introduce my kids as they walk into frame.
Mailo and Ella stand there awkwardly as they wave. I clear my throat, “Okay, well todays like prank i guess is the kids are just gonna tell Matt to shut up, to get his reaction. Tengo razón?”
Tengo razón: am i right?
“Sí, tú eres, mami.” Mailo says.
Si, tu eres, mami.: Yes, you are, mommy.
“Crees que papi va a estar enojado?” Ella asks as she looks at me.
Crees que papi va a estar enojado: Do you think daddy is going to be angry?
I shrug, “Un poco, pero he will get over it.” I laugh, as i rub Ella’s back.
Un poco, pero: a little bit, but
Ella nods before we hear a car pull in the driveway.
I gasp, “Okay, that must be Matt so come on guys downstairs. Vámonos, rápido!.” I say as we all rush downstairs, Ella and Mailo letting out fits of giggles.
Vámonos, rápido!: let’s go, quickly!
We make our way downstairs and i run into the kitchen, hiding the camera behind a cool book but getting a good view of the kitchen.
I hear Mailo and Ella continue giggling as they sit down at the kitchen table coloring.
I hear the front door open as i start making dinner. “I’m home!” Matt calls out as i hear his keys jingle.
“We’re in the kitchen, mi amor!” I call back, starting to put sauce into a pot on the stove.
mi amor: my love
Matt walks in the kitchen smiling, he comes over behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist, kissing the side of my face. “Hey, baby.” He mutters into my neck.
“Hey..” I smile, turning my head so i could kiss his lips quickly.
I then start focusing on dinner again and then Matt walks to the table, kissing Ella’s head then Mailo’s.
“No hello?” Matt jokes, examining Ella and Mailo’s drawings.
“Shut up, dad.” Ella says, laying her head on her arm that rested on the table.
“Excuse me?” Matt said, not knowing what to say to that.
I try my best not to laugh.
“You heard her, shut up, dad!” Mailo yells.
“Yeah, so that’s not gonna happen. I don’t know what’s wrong with you guys but you guys are not talking to me like that. Y/n, do you hear this?” Matt turns to me now.
“Be nice to your father, chicos.” Y/n says, shaking her head, going along with the prank.
chicos: guys
Ella shrugs and continues coloring as Mailo does the same, now not saying anything.
“Y/n, seriously? You’re not gonna say anything else?” Matt scoffs, looking at me.
“Matt, they probably didn’t mean it. Right, guys?” I ask the kids, stirring the sauce.
“I meant it.” Mailo shrugs.
“Me too!” Ella giggles.
I hold in my laugh as Matt’s face now gets red with anger, “Okay, both of you are in trouble. Can’t believe you would-”
“Matt!” I cut him off, making him look at me. “It’s a prank!” I laugh loudly, making the kids burst out laughing too.
“What?” He scoffs.
I double over as i hold my stomach, laughing as i point to the hidden camera. “We raised these kids better than that!” I calm down now.
“Gotcha, daddy!” Ella smiled cheekly.
“Yeah, dad, you kinda suck.” Mailo insulted.
Matt shook his head, “You guys are unbelievable.” He said as he let out a laugh.
umm hello? i missed you guys haven’t posted a fic in a while so here’s this sloppy one
how is everybody?
taglist: @sturniolosmind @novasturniolo03 @hearts4chriss @vinniehackerslefttoe @christhopersturniolo @mattybswife @streamermattsgf @sturnolio-luvs @sturnioloslurps @marlenafortuna @lovergirl4387 @sturniololovesss
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srbachchan · 3 months
DAY 5987
Jalsa, Mumbai July 9/July 10, 2024 Tue/Wed 12:04pm
🪔 ,
July 10 .. birthday greetings to Ef Jasbir Singh Cheema .. 🙏🏻❤️🚩
and all our wishes .. and greetings ..
Rushing again and my apologies .. work beckons and cannot be compromised .. so will come again later hopefully ..
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Amitabh Bachchan
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jujutsubaby · 5 months
after hours (part 9)
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☆ pairing: toji fushiguro x afab!reader, satoru gojo x afab!reader ☆ summary: the morning after your ravenous night with toji leaves you wanting more, especially after being interrupted by the weight of all your responsibilities. thank god gojo is there to help, right? ☆ tags: modern au, babysitting au, academia au ☆ warnings: 18+ !! MINORS DNI !! oral sex (m!recieving), dirty talk, gojo being a male menace ☆ a/n: one chapter, two guys...y/n is on a roll xD she's living her best life. also this one is a bit short but i promise it's bc i've got a lot cooking for the next chapter!! sry it took so long to update too i'm still getting thru a bunch of asks and other fics and everything and also starting a new job. life is weird but fun! 🖤🤍 series masterlist 🤍🖤
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you wake up feeling extremely tired and groggy; the sun is hidden behind the clouds this morning, but it’s the after effects of the joint you smoked with toji last night that gives you a brutally rude awakening. feeling more sluggish than usual, it takes you a while to remember where you are, the lack of decorations in a plain master bedroom throwing you off. it’s not until you hear toji shifting next to you that all the memories from last night flood your mind: his call you accidentally accepted, him hearing everything you and satoru did, cumming three times – no four times last night…
oh god. you really went all out this time. you had fun but oh my god, you have a final to prep for! you turn over and face toji and see he’s still fast asleep and then you check the time: 6:30am. still pretty early. you check your phone and see a couple messages from shoko and satoru. you check shoko’s first: 
shoko: comin home tn?
shoko: everything good????
oh my god, you totally forgot to tell shoko you would be potentially spending the night with toji, and your stomach drops at how worried she must’ve been. you quickly type out a response: 
you check satoru’s texts: 
satoru [10:04pm]: missed ya at the study group :( 
satoru  [10:06pm]: wyd tmw? wanna study? 
satoru [1:17am]: what position he got u in?
wow. it started off so nicely until he… gojo’d it up. so close. you’re not even sure why you got into this complicated mess with him to begin with. 
y/n: ur sooo insufferable
y/n: i’ll be in the university library if u wanna come in the afternoon to study  🙄
“am i interrupting something?” you’re startled as toji wraps his muscular arms around you, holding you closer to his chest.. your bad mood quickly dissipates as you feel something hard grazing your ass. you turn your head to face toji as you grin groggily. 
“you’re not but it seems like you wanna start somethin’...” you say, slowly shaking your ass  against his erect member. toji’s hands slip under your sweatshirt and travel up to your chest, finding the mounds of your titties and playing with them as he thrusts his hips against your ass. 
“maybe…” you bite your lip and lean closer to him, engulfing him in a messy, sloppy kiss. his tongue darts out, rediscovering your mouth again as you sigh into him. you shift your body so that you’re facing him, and wrap your legs around his waist as his hands move slowly from your titties to your cheeks of your ass, massaging them as they grind slowly on him. 
“fuck, pumpkin, you’re gonna drive me crazy,” toji groans as his sweats become increasingly uncomfortable due to how much his throbbing member is straining to get out. you playfully bite his lip, driving him even crazier. in swift motions, he pulls on top of him without breaking the kiss, and you yelp in surprise. your core reflexively starts to grind properly on his arousal, causing you to soak through your panties. 
toji unexpectedly thrusts into your clothed core, causing you to yelp before toji quickly slaps a hand over your mouth. “shh, can’t wake up –” he grunts as you desperately rut against his arousal,  “can’t wake up megumi…” his eyes suddenly snap open in panic as he stills your hips. he quickly grabs his phone and checks the time and swears under his breath. 
“what’s going on?” you whine, upset that he put an end to your early morning shenanigans. you lay your body on top of him while cradling his face as you press small wet kisses to his jawline, hoping he’ll forget about whatever he has to do today. ugh, just thinking that thought makes you annoyed about all the things you have to do today, now…
toji groans, willing himself to focus in spite of your soft kisses and whines. “gotta wake megumi up in 30…soccer meet…” 
oh, fuck. you totally forgot about that – the whole reason you and toji baked brownies in the first place. there’s no arguing with him about this and you know it, but god, you really wish you didn’t have to face reality so soon. you’d do anything to stay in a little bit more of momentary bliss before having to get back to the real world with final exams. you complain and sigh under your breath as you slowly slide off toji, as he apologizes and gets up slowly, both of you still trying to shake the sleep from your body. 
your eyes pan down to the tent in toji’s sweats, still visible. hm, maybe you don’t have to leave just now. you bite your lip in anticipation as you touch toji’s chest lightly, and drag your fingers slowly down to the waistband of his sweats, and then on top of the bulge of his own arousal. you apply some light pressure as you loosely grip it, causing toji to suck in a sharp breath. 
“fuck, don’t make this harder than it has to be, pumpkin. just told you we can’t…gotta get ready and –”
“c’mon toji~,” you coo sultrily, using your finger to trace the outline of him, “it’ll be a quickie. i’ll suck you off and you’ll finish before it’s even time…” you make a show of swallowing in anticipation and hunger to have him in your mouth, and toji pinches the bridge of his nose. he wants you. bad. and maybe it won’t hurt anyone if megumi is like, what, 5 minutes late to the meet? it’s just fucking soccer. 
“you’re gonna be the death of me.” he says sharply, but you can hear the hint of playfulness in his voice. “y’got 5 minutes to make me cum, think you’re up to the challenge?” toji teases, as he already begins to bunch your hair up in a makeshift ponytail and pulls you close down on him. 
you giggle, and bite your lip to look up at him. “bet.” you immediately get straight to work on him, palming him through his sweats before slowly bringing down his sweats. you use your palm to rub against his raging arousal, and his guttural moan only spurs you on. 
“no teasing, pumpkin, time’s ticking…” toji keeps his hands firmly grasped in your hair, having full control on your head. you would be lying if you weren’t turned on at the fact that he could start fucking your mouth anytime he wanted to with his vice like grip, but you ignore the pool forming between your thighs. toji releases his throbbing member from its confines, the tip begging for attention.
you start slow, kissing his tip delicately and gradually taking more of him with every kiss, until you have him inside your mouth. you use your tongue swirl around his tip, causing him to let out a breathy groan. “f-fuck, pumpkin, just like that…” he lightly pushes your head down, carefully allowing you to take in more of his length. “i know you can take more. such a slutty girl dying to suck me off first thing in the morning.” 
you moan against him, his filthy words spurring you take even more of him and until he hits the back of your throat, making you gag a little. toji takes control of your movements and starts bobbing your head up and down his shaft.
you feel his shaft twitching and his breaths getting shakier and you know toji is close. “fuck, pumpkin, gonna cum all over you.” toji increases the pace in which he fucks your mouth and you get ready to feel his spillage down your throat before he abruptly lifts your mouth off of him. he guides to the ground on your knees, while he strokes himself off. 
“wanna see myself all over you face, pumpkin,” he groans, increasing the speed of his strokes. “y’gonna let daddy cum all over your face?” you nod your head enthusiastically, and take your tongue out so that the tip touches it as it bobs from toji’s strokes. just as he promised, toji splatters your face with his cum like a jackson pollock painting, and whatever gets on your tongue, you make a lewd attempt to swallow. 
“fuck,” toji says, out of breath, “you’re such a fuckin’ slut you know that?”. he leans down and wipes some of his release from your face with his thumb and you open your mouth to suck on it. “bet you’re soaked under there…” toji murmurs, as his eyes trail down to your shorts. you bite your lip in anticipation as his hands trail down to the waistband of your shorts. he dips his fingers under your panties, and just as his fingers are about to touch the one place you really needed him to, the alarm in toji’s room and megumi’s room goes off. 
both you and toji quickly snap out of your lustful trance and remember reality. “oh, fuck” toji swears as he quickly puts on his pants as you grab tissues from the bedside drawer to clean up the mess on your face. if there’s a term for getting blue balled but for girls, you have it for sure, but you feel bad whining about it since there’s nothing the both of you can do about it. 
you’re about to head to the bathroom to wash up as toji puts on a jacket before heading to megumi’s room to wake him up. meanwhile, you use the toothbrush that toji had been so kind to bring for you the last time you spent the night and freshen up. it’ll be fine. just don’t think about how your clit is literally throbbing right now or how your panties are soaked. don’t think about how close his fingers are. don’t. don’t. DON’T! 
you frustratedly head downstairs to pack up your stuff. maybe if you make it home fast enough, you can use your vibrator to get some quick release from this morning. yes, that seems like the way to go. your thoughts are interrupted by toji coming downstairs with megumi.
“good morning, megumi”, you sing. he looks especially cute when he’s just tired and just woken up, with his big little yawns and droopy eyes. 
“mornin’...” he mumbles as toji puts him down. he rubs his eyes as he goes into the garage to get his cleats. 
toji walks to you and gives you an apologetic look. “sorry, pumpkin, i hate you leave you needy like this.” toji playfully pouts as he pulls you into a hug. he runs his fingers through your hair as you inhale his scent – spiced wood and a hint of his laundry detergent. 
“you owe me,” you say, looking up at him. “it’s taking everything in me to not jump your bones right this second.” you’re not totally lying when you say that. 
toji leans down to whisper in your ear. “the next time i see you, i’m gonna be eating you out for fuckin’ hours, pumpkin.” you shudder in anticipation, and you realize this conversation is not helping your situation… 
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you pull up to the driveway of your apartment and quickly take the stairs two at a time, as you want nothing more than to take a quick shower (and maybe cum your brains out, too, who knows? hard to tell.). you open the door to see shoko already dressed and making waffles for breakfast. the smell of maple syrup and butter makes your mouth salivate as you realize just how hungry you are. 
“welcome back, slut!” shoko shouts from the kitchen. 
“mornin’ bitch!” you greet, as you take your shoes off at the entrance. shoko pokes her head out of the kitchen and eyes you up and down. “wait, what are you doing up so early?” you ask, realizing shoko usually is never awake before 10. 
“remember? i told you i needed to start studying step 3 like yesterday!” she says. you can’t recall if she ever said anything about taking the medical licensing exam before right now, but it does no good for you to fight her on it. 
“wait, are you going to the library to study, then?” maybe you could tag along with her and then you’ll be forced to actually make progress with the final exam. 
“yes, wanna come? you and satoru have a final right? and you’re just out and about “babysitting”?” shoko does dramatic air quotes around that word, making you roll your eyes. 
“you’re one to talk when you apparently have step 3 and you were with utahime last night,” you retort. 
“she’s a teacher, okay! she was teaching me!”
“teaching you to put your tongue down her throat.” you try to hold back your smile but fail. 
shoko laughs before going back to her playfully stern face. “get your shit ready for the library quickly, slut. i made you an extra waffle.”
you promise you’ll be out as soon as possible as you head to your room and take the fastest shower known to mankind. no really, you do not want to be caught dead being late for something shoko wants to do. you chuck your clothes into the laundry hamper as you decide on what to wear to study on a…damn. a rainy sunday. you decide on a cashmere blush pink turtleneck sweater with a pair of comfy black mom jeans. underneath it, you layer a skin tight full sleeve gray shirt to keep you warm. you quickly do your skin care and apply minimal make up, before grabbing your black raincoat and bag and going back to the kitchen. 
you see shoko almost finished with her waffle while yours is neatly set on a plate with strawberries (your favorite fruit), butter, and maple syrup. you quickly pat down your wet hair as you take a seat (you’re just gonna have to settle for wet hair in the rain today but it’s okay, it’s not like you have anyone to impress). you quickly scarf down the semi-cold waffle while you and shoko update each other about yesterday. 
“i can’t believe he blue balled you like that! jobless and a menace!” shoko says sympathetically. 
“stop calling him jobless! his job is being a father.” you defend toji, but you won’t lie, it’s a bit hard. 
shoko and you both giggle as you guys head to the campus library. 
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you yawn as you take a sip of your iced hong kong coffee milk tea. this shit’s doing nothing to keep you awake. you check the time. 2:56pm. you’ve been studying for around 6 hours already, and your brain is fried. you’ve tried to take frequent breaks with shoko, but she has very unconventional study methods – study for hours straight and then sleep for double the amount of time and then rinse and repeat. it was psychotic to say the least. that is to say, you haven’t had a chance to wind down in between hours. the bright side, however, is that you were lightyears ahead of your study schedule. maybe you could afford to fuck around a little bit… 
you grab your phone from your bag and see 2 missed calls from satoru. shit. you can’t call him from this particular campus library since it was a designated quiet library, so you text him insead: 
y/n: sorry i missed ur calls what’s up
satoru: comin in 5 what floor u at babygirl
y/n: 5th and don’t call be babygirl 
satoru: np babygirl 
you roll your eyes. it’s so infuriating to talk to satoru sometimes, but especially now after you both shared an unexpected kiss (and more) together. now that you think of it, this is the first time you’re seeing him since the barcade. should you be feeling nervous? strangely, you’re feeling fine. if anything, you’re feeling that unfortunate familiar feeling down there that you forgot about after toji left you hanging, but are now remembering because of satoru. 
you’re not one to make moves on someone like satoru, but you bite your lip thinking about how maybe (read: definitely) convince him to…take a walk with you as a study break. you ponder on it a little bit more, weighing out the pros and cons. 
pros are that you’ll finally be able to get a release, especially after this morning and working so hard. the cons, however, are mainly that you’ll be doing that with…satoru. your best friend. your annoying will-definitely-make-fun-of-you-for-this-request best friend. with satoru being around a minute from getting here, you decide on just winging it based on how you feel. 
shoko and you hear sounds coming from the corner entrance of the floor and look up to see nanami, haibara, and satoru trailing behind them, balancing three cups of coffee in one hand with ease. satoru and haibara are snickering about something and nanami looks embarrassed to be near them and starts walking a bit faster ahead of them. you wave your hand and grab his attention as the group walks to your table. 
“hey y/n! how’s it goin–”
“if any of you idiots even speak more than a word above an undetectable whisper, i’m going to kill you all.” shoko says, interrupting nanami’s greeting. 
you all look at each other silently, taking shoko’s threats to heart. 
“gojo, i swear to god if you say even a single thing–” shoko starts as satoru’s shit eating grin starts to form slightly as he pulls a chair next to you. 
“relaaaaaax, ieri. you won’t even know i exist, besides, you can’t hate me. i got you coffee!,” he assures, placing one of the three coffee cups near shoko. you don’t believe him and you suspect shoko doesn’t either.  haibara and nanami sit across from you next to shoko as they keep their heads down and pull out their books and laptops as quietly as humanly possible. you give a meek wave to them. 
gojo silently hands you a clear iced cup, with what you can only deduce to be an iced matcha latte with oatmilk. you apprehensively take a sip. unsweetened. just how you like it. “wow, my signature order?”
“what can i say? i’m a guy who pays attention.” satoru says, shrugging overtly humbly. 
“more like you’re obsessed with me.” you take another sip. 
“is that such a bad thing?” he says, lowering his voice, and bringing his face closer to you.
“you guys need to shut the fuck up.” shoko says, not looking up from her laptop and whatever she was writing in her notebook. 
“hey, i just booked a study room on the floor. let’s head there and study so we don’t bother shoko-san.” says haibara, as he closes his laptop and slowly gathers his stuff from his desk. 
“good idea!” you say, as you grab your stuff to move. satoru hasn’t bothered to take a single thing out, so he grabs your coffee and waits for you to pack up your things as nanami and haibara go ahead of you to secure the room. you and satoru follow closely behind. 
“sooo…” satoru starts. 
“sooo what?” your voice a low whisper as you walk away from the table shoko is studying at.
“how was last night?” 
you roll your eyes. of course he wants to know that. you spin the question back to him. “how was your night?” 
“it was fine. boring, really, because we kept on talking about quantum theory and like, all i could think of was, ugh.” satoru dramatically rubbed his temples to feign agony. “all i could think of was bending you over on a table and using my tongue to lick your–”
“WHAT?! SHUT THE FUCK–” you quickly lowered your voice as people gave you dirty looks around the library at your outburst. “shut the fuck. up. satoru.” your eyes widen at how bold he was to say something like that at a library. with nanami and haibara just a little ahead of you. 
gojo seems unbothered and shrugs. “you asked?”
“yeah, people ask and you just say ‘it was good, thanks.’ not explicitly laying out all your thoughts!” you chastise. you’re choosing to ignore that oh so familiar feeling between your legs. 
gojo takes a sip of his coffee. “c’mon, y/n. let’s just…man, fuck this ‘study session’”. you’re unsure why he does air quotes around ‘study session’ because for all intents and purposes, you did plan to use this time to get ahead of your study plan. “let’s just go back to my place or somethin’. suguru’s not home, we can just chill. do some of that studying you wanna do, and like, whatever else.” 
“you’re literally too horny function.”
“don’t act like you don’t wanna as well.”
ok, he got you there. “not right now, i wanna study!” you look at him, this time with pleading eyes. “don’t say anything horny in there, please. i can’t have people know about this, it’s so embarrassing.” 
“don’t say anything in there and i’ll blow you in the library after you explain the quantum theory stuff that’s gonna be on the final to me.”
this deal makes satoru’s eyes widen. it’s too good to be true for him, because if there’s one thing he’s good at besides being a male menace, it’s explaining tough science concepts to cute girls. “deal.”
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food-log-life · 2 years
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油そば🍜#昼食 #コンビニ弁当
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saintmeghanmarkle · 7 months
Harry Oversteps Offers To Hold 'Reconciliation Talks' with First Nations Chief During BC Trip by u/Back2theGarden
Harry Oversteps, Offers To Hold 'Reconciliation Talks' with First Nations Chief During BC Trip From today's Telegraph at 4:57 pm-- https://archive.is/40AT0"Prince Harry holds talks with First Nations chief over commitment to Canada’s indigenous people. Duke of Sussex offers to resume discussions next year as he prepares to launch Invictus Games winter tournament" going on to say "The Duke of Sussex has held talks with a First Nations chief about the Crown’s historic commitment to Canada’s indigenous people, as the Duke tells of his hope that “we can depart and return as friends”..."One chief told The Sunday Telegraph that, while “a lot of politicians say it but they don’t mean it”, Prince Harry has offered to resume discussions next year."90 minutes later, the Palace instantly sets the record straight in the Telegraph at 6:30 PM "No working royal role for Prince Harry as palace stands firm"It's outrageous that Harry presumed to continue the ongoing reconciliation talks between the Crown and the First Nations of Canada. This story is not getting enough traction. Personally, this story is shocking. If I didn't respect The Telegraph, I'd find it hard to believe. Can you imagine dealing with two leading members of the RF being out of commission only to have to deal with loose cannon Harry now presenting himself as a working royal regardless of agreements? post link: https://ift.tt/fH5kXC4 author: Back2theGarden submitted: February 17, 2024 at 10:04PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
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kodittomat · 1 year
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Camilo ja Camila Upeat puolitoista vuotiaat sisarukset Camilo ja Camila etsivät yhteistä loppuelämän kotia
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mft-toyama · 1 year
サンプル来た。問題なさげ。 やっぱ指触り的にマットブラック(塩ビ)がいい。 NumNumのトラックパッド用のプレートは今まで手動でカットしてもらってたんですが、業者にカットしてもらうようにします。 ある程度数を作るので、別売りも予定してます。 既存のNumNumにもつけられます。 https://t.co/YfvmNl16aV
— 堕落猫 (@daraku__neko) May 10, 2023
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cuubism · 2 years
@magnusbae challenged me to write smut using professional email language, and i'm nothing if not a slut for abusing corporate jargon!
>> Saturday, March 26, 8:32pm – Morpheus <morpheus @ dreaming.com> to Office (All):
I do not appreciate tardiness. Cease your dallying at once come Monday morning. Or there shall be consequences.
>> Saturday, March 26, 8:41pm – Hob <robert @ dreaming.com> to Morpheus:
Morpheus, mate, all due respect, what with your being the sole god, ruler, and iron-fisted authoritarian of the place, but do you have nothing at all better to do than send work emails on a Saturday night?
And before you say, "but Hob, you yourself are replying to emails this Saturday," you are so right! I’m currently drinking alone :)
>> 8:42pm – Morpheus to Hob
I should fire you for such insolence.
>> 8:47pm – Hob to Morpheus
Do it then :)
Alternative proposal: we commit several HR violations like we did in the office on Thursday.
>> 8:50pm – Morpheus to Hob
All proposals must be submitted to me in writing.
>> 8:52pm – Hob to Morpheus
You really want a paper trail?
>> 8:56pm – Morpheus to Hob
It has an email trail already, does it not?
>> 9:05pm – Hob to Morpheus
Please find attached my detailed proposal.
attachment: :)_version_1.docx
>> 9:07pm – Morpheus to Hob
This is twelve pages that only say, “I want to suck your dick.”
>> 9:09pm – Hob to Morpheus
What, have you got edits or something?
Do you need more time to review? Wanna circle back on it later? Block some time on my calendar to go over it? ;)
>> 9:15pm – Morpheus to Hob
My redline is attached.
attachment: :)_version_2.docx
>> 9:17pm – Hob to Morpheus
I’m amenable to those changes.
But on second pass I think we can accomplish more in this partnership. I think I’d like to take you apart slowly, have you begging. You’re always demanding, I think it might be good for you to beg for once. It’s not good business to agree without a little negotiation. I wanna see you beg for my cock.
What are your thoughts on this addition?
>> 9:40pm – Hob to Morpheus
Hi Morpheus, I hope this finds you well. Just following up on this question :)
>> 9:50pm – Morpheus to Hob
Perhaps I am considering.
You may wish to consider that I am your boss.
>> 9:53pm – Hob to Morpheus
I think there’s been a miscommunication. You seem to be laboring under the misapprehension that I give a fuck about that.
>> 9:54pm – Morpheus to Hob
I truly should fire you.
>> 9:55pm – Hob to Morpheus
Don’t you think you deserve to cum first?
>> 9:56pm – Morpheus to Hob
After I beg for it, you mean?
>> 9:57pm – Hob to Morpheus
Now you’re getting it.
If I correctly guess that you’re in your bed, that you’ve BEEN in your bed while you’re “considering,” do I get a gold star? Employee of the month?
>> 10:00pm – Morpheus to Hob
There is no possible universe where you win such an award.
However, your supposition may be correct.
>> 10:02pm – Hob to Morpheus
Excellent, so we’re on the same page, then :)
Are you touching yourself? Are you imagining it’s me touching you instead? Because I’m imagining I have you under me and I’m fucking into your tight hole instead of my hand. (And typing emails w/ one hand is not so easy btw).
>> 10:03pm – Morpheus to Hob
I have two fingers inside me. But it is not enough. I would have your cock.
>> 10:04pm – Hob to Morpheus
I think you know what I wanna hear.
>> 10:05pm – Morpheus to Hob
>> 10:06pm – Hob to Morpheus
There’s a good boy.
Don’t worry, love, I’ll give you everything you want. You’re taking me so good, I just know it. Going to feel it for days.
>> 10:07pm – Morpheus to Hob
I am.
I would have you come in me. If you’re amenable.
>> 10:08pm – Hob to Morpheus  
Fuck you make me so hot. Yeah I’m amenable. Will you cum for me first? Can you cum just from the feeling of me inside you?
10:09pm – phone call from <unknown>
“I thought… you would want to hear it.”
“God your voice… did you get this number from the HR directory?”
“What if I did?”
“Kinda stalkery but kinda hot. Are you close?”
“Very. I… I want you. Badly. Please, Hob.”
“I have you, darling. Ah, you beg so pretty. You can come. I want to hear you. Can you do it without touching yourself? Be good.”
“I can’t—”
“I know you can. Go on. Imagine me with you. Holding your hands to the bed so you can’t touch yourself. I can imagine how beautiful you look. I’d kiss you if I was there, wreck your mouth, too.”
“Go on. For me?”
“There you go, sweet thing. I wish I could see you.”
“Will you… come for me now? So I can feel you inside me?”
“Good. You feel… so good. Worthy of employee of the month, perhaps.”
“Oh, fuck you, Morpheus. You don’t even have awards at this place.”
“Of course I don’t. That would be inane.”
“Are you satisfied with my efforts, at least?”
“I am pleased to say that I am.”
“Still, I think we should probably debrief that meeting. You wanna touch base about it in person? Say… eleven pm? My calendar’s clear.”
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