#11H mars
degreedummy · 1 month
Bridgerton Astrology- Part 4: LADY P. FEATHERINGTON
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Aquarius Ascendant-
Starting off with her Ascendant, I believe we see a strong representation of Saturnian rulership. More than the other Ladies, there was a distinct separation between her public image and her personal feelings. What speaks to her being an Aquarius Ascendant, in my opinion, is how it's so easy to lose who she really is in the decisions she makes. Easily, she can be cast as manipulative, a user, but you notice that she never takes more than she needs to feed her kids. Sure, the dresses are fancy, the jewelry ornamental, but every cent spent was toward her daughters' futures. To me, there are two big points that speak to her Ascendant, the first being her relationship with her husband. Similar to [Capricorn Ascendant] Lady Agatha, she never looked to marriage for love, for fantasy, she was looking for a man who could provide her security and give her opportunities. The difference between Lady Danbury and Lady Featherington is, Lady Agatha found hers. Past a name, the only benefit to being with Lord Featherington was the three daughters that came from their marriage. She speaks about this too, how she realized she had to take the head of the house, building a path forward for her daughters on her own, and that life would not give her anything she didn't take. For Lady Featherington, even making demands isn't enough, she is forced to take hold of a sword by the blade to stop it from swinging at her. This leads into the second big point that I think identifies her Aquarius Ascendant: the way she takes control of the difficult decisions, understanding that the world may look at her as an aggrieved old woman. This shows in the way she deals with Jack, the way she works with him. She's willing to lie at every turn, up until the point she realizes that he doesn't care about her daughters. Every hard decision she makes in the show is to their benefit, and for him to lure her into running away shows, to her, that he completely misunderstands what her goals are. I think there is a quieter, third way that her Ascendant is expressed: in the stressed responses she shows toward her children, and the moment of 'clarity' she has when it comes to how she speaks to them. In truth, there is absolutely no way we could expect Lady Featherington's children to understand most of her struggles through the show, she does everything she can to keep it out of their sight, but she does a questionable job of filtering her behavior toward them. She doesn't tell people that she's stressed, that she's worried, but her tone of voice gives off the idea that their family is always fighting off an impending doom. We see this in the Lady Whistledown reveal, the way Penelope and her discover each others' secrets at the same time, they so quickly come together because they both understand their decision were what they believed to be best for the family. Though it continues to be misunderstood, we see the reasons for Penelope trashing her own family, Eloise, just like we see the reasons for Lady Featherington helping Cousin Jack lie and steal money from the ton, and I think that's why... when dealing with Saturn-ruled individuals, we have to be very careful about writing them off as villains. Just because they're willing to cross lines that most people wouldn't doesn't mean they're evil, it just goes to show how far Lady Featherington will go for the people she loves, even if that means lying to them about it.
(3H) Aries Sun-
I think her Sun placement is the most obvious, speaking directly to the way she immediately regrets things she's said and done, waiting for other people to turn away so she could really feel the pain of it. I don't think she rushes into decisions, but like many Aries, she feels it's a weakness to show any kind of hesitation. It's an 'always forward' mentality, again, expressed through the way that she turns on Cousin Jack and tells him that she's keeping the fortune. Personally, I find that Aries influences share many similarities with Aquarius, so I don't believe there's much I can say here that differentiates the influence, but when it comes to having a 3H Sun, I think this shows the way she is truly trying to stay on everyone's [Aries Sun sextile Ascendant] 'good side', continuing to smile in their face hoping that they won't hate her for it. I think her 3H Sun shows in the way that she always motivates people to get right back out into the world, trying to stop them from being alienated completely, and it's an urgency that does end up working out for her daughters. Though they may have fumbled at every step, continuing to apply consistent pressure led to Lady Featherington having three married daughters, and three grandchildren by the end of the third season. In trying to differentiate her Sun from her Ascendant, it would be easier to what happens in her social life, the way that applying her chaos always seems to bring things together, at some point. In researching about her, I even saw an article that says 'Lady Featherington, not the true villain of Bridgerton?', and I was half surprised, because in my eyes I never looked at her as one. I agree completely that she makes decisions worth criticism, that she plays to her own selfishness and appears to care more about her reputation than anyone else, but being a monarch takes getting your hands dirty. Being a monarch of her family took the strength of Mars, not just physically, but mentally. Being the leader of her home, after realizing no man was good enough to be, meant sometimes becoming as evil as a man can be. I don't think that's something... that defines her character, but shows the range of it. The range of a mother who will do anything for her daughters.
(10H) Scorpio Moon-
This is one of those influences that is specific to its house placement, and I think a 10H Scorpio Moon in its entirety shows her understanding the value of keeping a secret, keeping quiet, and standing strong in the face of people who doubt you. In my opinion, I think her Moon is also present in the way... I think some people could question her turnaround, the way she 'realized' she was being mean to her daughters, but I do believe some part of that was completely honest. She, as a Scorpio Moon, resists admitting fault, but she instantly started correcting the way people spoke to Penelope after realizing she was wrong for enabling it. She may not be consistent herself, but she's strong on holding other people to changing. I think this Scorpio Moon also speaks to... it being her own daughter that brought on her downfall. Of course, we can reflect on the reasoning for Penelope slandering the Featherington name, but when we're talking about Astrological influences, her daughter was the one to drive the knife. Bringing it back to house placement, where was the knife driven? [10H] Into her reputation.
(2H) Pisces Mercury-
When it comes to her Mercury, I think a Pisces 2H placement would more be represented through her marriage, where, rather than obtaining money, she found herself bearing the debt and repercussions of everyone around her. Lord Featherington, Penelope, Cousin Jack, no matter how you may criticize her, she has always been abandoned and left to deal with a storm, completely alone. In a way, I could see her Mercury being why she's so well known to be a liar and thief, having people look past any good she's done to condemn her for the decisions she's made. This Mercury placement is why I've been open about her deserving some criticism, but it's also why [Mercury square Mars] I think it's important to lose perspective of her entire identity. I think her Pisces Mercury does also come out in the way she tries to be... maliciously honest with Penelope in the first seasons, trying to smack her back down to earth so she can focus on something more 'realistic'. Like I said before, even with all of her inconsistencies, even with all the lies she tells, she refuses to allow other people to lie, because she knows what it means to get completely lost. I think her chart is laid out in a way that is very hypocritical, but playing both sides works for her.
(1H) Aquarius Venus-
I think having her Venus in Aquarius contributes to much of what I was saying before, specifically about how, throughout the show, Lady Featherington never has the opportunity to rely on a man for support like everyone is taught to believe in. For all she can be criticized for, she already tried the methods that were taught to her. For any way you could criticize her decisions now, she wouldn't be at the head of these risks if she lived a safe life, supported by the people she was 'supposed to be'. This Venus is why I'm pretty lax when it comes to how hypocritical the influences can be in her chart, because personally, I do believe in her intentions. For as extreme as she may be toward them, I never doubted the love she has for her daughters. For as intense as she can be, I don't think she's unfit for love or marriage in any way. Aquarius can bring on extreme change, or identify someone held to adapting to extreme change, and I think she's done exactly that. I think learning more about her backstory would help us understand her more, I think we would see someone more gentle and almost naive, falling into believing every lie she's told until she realizes that won't work anymore. Her Aquarius Venus is why I have a respect for the person she's turned into, because still, her focus is not revenge. As I said before, she lies, but she doesn't take any more than she needs. As soon as she lost out on one dream, she was onto the next, which was trying to give her daughters the best chance at a future as she can.
(11H) Sagittarius Mars-
To close off with her Mars, I think this 11H Sagittarius rulership highlights the way... as I said before, as long as she continues applying pressure, something will happen. Good or bad, any movement at all gives her an opportunity to put her foot in, and she finds a way forward no matter what's against her. I think something that easily identifies this Mars placement is the way that a planned lie is what threatens her entire family. At every other step, she's making things up as she goes, reacting in the moment, but it's when she has time to plan a lie that it becomes too big, and too noticeable. As we see, she holds to the lie about her aunt leaving her money in a will, but the investigator [11H] is as dedicated, enough to explore the actual history of her family. I've refrained from calling her a 'good liar', but what else would you call the best skill of saleswoman? I think Lady Featherington [Sagittarius Mars sextile Venus] is someone who is skilled at employing illusion, selectively withholding information, feeding hints to lure people in another direction, and as far as she tried to run, she ended up in a room with Penelope. Staring at her while realizing that Lady Whistledown had become the same woman Lady Featherington shaped herself to be. Another reason I'd cast her as a Sagittarius Mars is specifically because I don't believe her story is done yet, that there is no hope for her or no dream to achieve past having grandchildren. I think someone so accustomed to working with intricate pieces will quickly get bored after realizing she achieved all she wanted.
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starlornn · 1 year
Playing the game "am I an energy vampire?" OR "no I'm just an 11H Mars"
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aversatheonlyone · 1 year
In case you didn't peep I started posted videos on YouTube, & in my first video we discuss 11H Mars influence. Come check it out ;)
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d4rkpluto · 3 months
ᴀꜱᴛʀᴏʟᴏɢʏ ᴏʙꜱᴇʀᴠᴀᴛɪᴏɴꜱ ᴛᴡᴇɴᴛʏ ᴛᴡᴏ
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paid chart readings
these are observations i've made due to people i've been around and celebrity charts i have looked at x
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♇ scorpio placements like to be praised for everything they've done.
♇ online personalities who have really loud personas usually have a sag placements, ex berleezy, trap celeb, oli london, ekane etc...
♇ during a solar return chart having a stellium or more than 4+ planets in your 1h means you will REALLY be in your head, might face a lot of mental challenges.
♇ people with beneficial planets in their 9h ex jupiter or venus, specifically, usually do okay within in education, like no matter how back they are, they always pass
♇ pisces placements can RAMBLE and talk for a long time without actually saying anything.
♇ pisces mars men, the worst. the ones i've come across usually don't know what they want. but pisces mars women >>>
♇ aries degrees, specifically the 13th degree could insinuate you could be the first person to do something. janice dickson has the 25th degree and she is known as the first supermodel, beverly johnson has the 1st degree and is known as the first black supermodel, eva is the first black woman to win america's next top model and she has the 13th degree.
♇ sagittarius placements... laughing and smiling for no reason...
♇ leo moons and having hair that grows fast. for example, my brother and my nephew are both leo moons and they can cut their hair and a month later it grows back to their shoulders. i believe this could apply to 5H moons.
♇ those who have their 12h ruler conj or positively aspect their moon do become famous, [moon rules over audience] ariana grande has moon conj venus and megan has moon conj mars. if there's a negative aspect, it is still a fame indicator, but they would like get their fame after, for example chapelle roan who has moon square mercury.
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♇ a lot of cancer asc men are insecure. the ones i know pity themselves so much too.
♇ much sag sun women like to dance, could be sag in big 6 + jupiter as well
♇ a fixed sign specifically scorpio in the 11h is a strong indicator of having a big online platform. but the one that is stronger than that is having moon in the 11h, most people that have this placement or even cancer in the 11h told me that they have a big platform.
♇ people with saturn or lilith in the 7h might be put into uncomfortable situations with their friend and their friends s/o, like their s/o might always likes them.
♇ uranus in 3h people might like to make up languages? or learn new ones
♇ your jupiter persona chart can talk to you about your future spouse as jupiter is the main planet to look at when it comes to your wife/husband.
♇ nara smith has jupiter in cancer and her spouse is very domestic and traditional, he even helped her give birth to their newest child, whimsy lou.
♇ dove cameron has a gemini ascendant with the 12th degree [pisces degree] probably why people say she has so many faces, she also has a heavy 8h which points to she got many procedures, khloe kardashian has a gemini moon and is also said to have many faces, also have pluto in the 8h.
♇ scorpio placements really dont like it when you enter their room all the time.
♇ a lot of dhanistha moon women have upturned eyes, or like to wear eyelashes that give them that look.
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♇ people who have moon in the 11h do friend-crush a lot.
♇ aries venuses are the type to hate the people they crush on, their feelings can be quick changing but it is still intense!
♇ the reason some virgo and cancer ascendants are normally confused with each other is because they both have cat faces.
♇ its funny that when jupiter in taurus was at its peak which is the 29th degree, chef-influencers became more known on social media.
♇ people with a strong sag+virgo combination could be obsessed with perfecting their future
♇ people with scorpio/aries in their chart are likely to become alcoholics.
♇ saturn in cancer natives are likely to be less submissive to men.
♇ people with moon in the 11h or have cancer in their 11h tend to have big followers online [can work if the ruler of your 11h is in cancer]
♇ the "rumours" are true, aries venuses do get disinterested pretty quickly.
♇ the 6H in astrology can tell you what kind of skills you have, for example, if you have a venusian ruled 6H [Libra, Taurus, Venus in 6H], you could be talented a makeup, fashion etc.
+ the kalogeras sisters have leo/sun influence in their chart and they're known for their curly hair, [leo rules the mane].
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paid chart readings
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cthonic-bunny · 10 months
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2. Personal Synastry and Composite Experiences and Observations
Do not interact if you are a minor. (18+)
Venus in 1H synastry: This one is full of compliments. You both love staring at each other, and telling the other how attractive they are. The house person can be the perfect example of what aesthetic the Venus person’s dream person would follow. The Venus person can try to embody that aesthetic more than they did before so they can show they are a good physical match for the house person. “You would look good with me.” Bonding over shared music taste(s). I think the Venus person will want to romance the house person even if that isn’t something they normally do. Venus could love how the 1H person displays their feminine side. Venus likes to ask for pictures and selfies from the house person, and can create a dynamic where you send one another photos regularly. The house person likes to look at photos from the Venus person to gush about what they look like, because they are also supremely attracted to Venus (I think Venus just has a more natural way of expressing that desire). Also as the house person who identifies as a woman, venus’ compliments and pursuit of me has made me feel more feminine than I ever have in a romantic dynamic. Even my mannerisms are coincidentally more feminine and gentle in Venus’ presence. Venus definitely increased my self esteem.
Mars in 1H synastry: I think you two could make very good gym partners together because you love each other’s bodies. Some people say this is a “s*x on the first date placement,” and I concur. You find each other sexy! You compliment each other’s physical appearance and bodies often, and very much so during the act. The Mars person is very very direct with the house person that it’s almost overwhelming or intimidating. Being the house person, I did often feel like they had just wanted me for my body or that’s what they found to be the most interesting part about me until the interaction progressed. If there aren’t other good “soft and sweet” placements in the synastry chart or in the composite, this could be a pretty annoying placement. The Mars person did admit to me that they would bring up sex or something that would irritate me just to get a reaction because they didn’t know if they stimulate me outside of those vibes. If you’re in a relationship with someone else, or show interest in other people, the Mars person can want to fight your partner so they can be the one next to you LOL. This placement also involves a lot of staring. Being touched, even regularly, by Mars turned me on more than other people ever touching me the same way even if I liked them. Mars can love to grab the house person’s face a lot during sex. Maybe for some people who are into it, Mars can want to consensually slap the house person during sex. The Mars will like to be publicly “disrespectful” about you, because they want to mark you as theirs or will for real fight for you. They can see you as someone they want to protect, or you trigger some protective instinct. They might be a lot more physically stronger than you. Sending each other pictures of your body’s changes. You both like how the other defends themselves or bond over your argumentative or aggressive sides. As the house person with the Mars person being a man, I find his masculinity so attractive it hurts. He has slowly changed my perception on what I want a man to look like 😩
Sun in 11H synastry/composite: You guys get along almost immediately. This is a low maintenance friendship, because the vibes make up for all the times you don’t see each other. You just like how the other one approaches friendship. Very open-minded. Probably met through mutual friends, and these friends probably didn’t immediately notice certain similarities you have to one another. Once they see you guys link though, they can be surprised they never noticed it before. You guys may have automatically assumed, even if flirting was involved, that this interaction would remain generally platonic more than anything. People who are not in your friend group can also notice you two becoming friends immediately, because for some reason it stood out. As the sun person, I really liked listening to the house person’s dreams. Hearing the house person speak about how they handle their interpersonal relationships made me value my boundaries more and reminded me to focus more on myself than giving too much of my energy to other people. Essentially you can help each other dismiss certain people pleasing tendencies in one another. You don’t have to try to please one another either, your authentic self is enough to give each other pleasure. A natural sense of familiarity between you two. It’s funny hearing about each other’s quirks. You are encouraged to show your eccentricities around one another. Instant bestie vibes! You can feel like evil twins together in some cases LOL
Venus in 11H synastry: Honestly, in some cases, I feel like you may have met this person because they were previously involved with a friend or ex-friend. The friend you’re attracted to, but don’t need to pursue because you also get the same joys and benefits from your friendship. Friends with benefits. Friends to lovers. You may have started dating or flirting online for a while before meeting. I think this is another sign of shared music taste and interests. As the Venus person, I first grew some sort of interest because the house person posted a video of themselves online playing guitar and I found that super attractive. Maybe the Venus person can be an online supporter or promoter of the house person’s creative outlets. Never meeting in person but having a lot of the same mutuals you both know in real life, and then meeting in person later on by yourselves, maybe in a “date” setting.
Moon in 9H synastry: Here, the house person can introduce the moon person to different religions, or likes to talk about religion with the moon person. The house person can held guide the moon person on the importance of higher education or on the acquisition of knowledge. Long distance relationship. Wanting to be together but you somehow met once you two no longer lived in the same city. The moon person can feel like the house person is one of the smartest people they have met, and can feel somewhat intimidated by the house person because of it. You two can feel really free in one another’s presence. You can talk about anything. You two can turn casual conversation into something philosophical together. Sharing your personal philosophies with one another. Having drastically different life circumstances that have shaped you, but also having some foundational similarities. The moon person might be contradictory to the house person’s beliefs, but this can just stretch curiosity. It can also make the house person analyze different gaps in their previous opinions on certain organizations or institutions. Disagreements on certain topics doesn’t seem to escalate into arguments, but rather into informed discussions. Feeling out of reach to one another. I have seen a post referencing how the moon person can feel like the house person is out of their league, and I think this can stem from, in some cases, not being intelligent or well-rounded enough to stimulate the house person long term. This can just be a feeling and not at all be the case, because the house person learns a lot more from the moon than the moon realizes. You guys can spark the other’s adventurous side. You guys maybe only get to meet while the other is vacationing in your area. The Moon person can unconsciously inspire the house person to teach others about their speciality, such as getting you into blogging about an interest you talked to them about.
Composite Virgo Mars: Having to schedule when you two can have sex (maybe it’s long distance for a period of time). Arguments aren’t aggressive, but rather a hyper-analytical discussion that can be equally as irritating. Cleaning each other after sex. Being attracted to the other person abdominal area. When you guys start taking action towards advancing your connection, you stop eating out of nervousness. Maybe your fights stem from making one another nervous rather than a real issue itself. Bickering when you’re not with one another more so than when you’re in person. Having high expectations of one another once you become intimate partners. Wanting to come off as perfect for the other. Being extremely attentive with one another and immediately responding to any shift in energy because it can make you nervous. Really wanting to know what the other person is thinking and feeling in times of silence or during sex. Different sources have made this placement out to seem “sexually repressed,” but that is not always the case. Maybe circumstances can suppress the frequency they get to go at it, but if time permitted it could be on sight all the time. Not wanting to do anything that upsets the other or makes them uncomfortable, so lots of checking in on each other during the act to see if it’s mutually enjoyable and adapt accordingly. After sex with this person you might get extremely productive in your own personal life! Their presence in your life encourages you to get your life together and not be “messy.”
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ms-taurusvenus · 6 months
Astro Notes 2
2H Plutos have the universe with them financially. Even when they reach a low point financially, the universe always catches them. Ei, a 2H Pluto naive has $20 in their bank account, a few days later they get an additional $150. Then a few days later, they get an additional $300.
Don’t mess with someone with a Cancer Moon with an Aries Mars. They know express and feel their emotions and how to translate them and aren’t going to hesitate when needing to express themselves. Especially when they’re yelling at someone. You can see and feel the impact and how they’re feeling and their anger is very intimidating. NGL, they’re kinda scary when they’re mad.
Moon in 8H, 12H, 6H or weakened Moons can indicate insomnia. 
Although Pisces may be good in the 5H, navies with this placement may feel self-doubt or have a god complex if they choose to indulge into the arts, creativity, & possibly even when it comes to how they view children. 
Complimenting others strengthens your Venus.
6H transits -> potential stomach issues/pain. 6H = Virgo and rules the stomach
3H & Gemini placements may have a tendency to unintentionally talk about themselves.
5H transits may indicate connecting with your inner child, no it doesn’t only mean your love life will get better.
Libra, Cancer and Taurus Mars should do Pilates and yoga when it comes to working out  and fitness.
Saturn-Venus/Moon aspects should study somewhere that they won’t get comfortable (bedroom, house, etc) and go outside (cafes, libraries, etc) to get work done.
Debilitated 11H tend to struggle with friend groups and having them and it often results to them having a lot of online friends and hanging out with people individually/one-on-one.
Thank you for reading until the end! Hope you enjoyed, my inbox are OPEN!
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the-virgoperspective · 2 months
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Part 2
Mars is one of the most important planets in a composite chart. In the composite chart, this planet represents a bond’s action and drive, a sexual one and ego-driven one. Mars is considered a malefic planet that comes with challenge no matter which house it is placed in. It can show you where the challenges can lie and what it will take to overcome them and bear the powerful fruits of a developed Mars. Mars can also show how you approach individuality as one and where your expression lies within a relationship. It is very important to review the sign placement and other planets and/or luminaries aspecting Mars, as this will give you a more detailed description of how they will affect the expression of this planet.
I will be using the writings of Robert Hand from his novel “Planets In Composite: Analyzing Human Relations” to describe the meaning and significance of Mars in each composite house. Enjoy! xoo
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7H Composite Mars
Mars in the seventh house of the composite chart can indicate that the two of you have a great sense of common purpose. On the other hand, it can mean a total conflict of purpose to the point that you are clearly enemies rather than friends or lovers. Either you will feel that your energies are infinitely better expressed by being together rather than apart, or you will be in an extreme state of conflict with each other. Which way your relationship will work depends to a great extent upon finding a way to express yourselves together, discovering something that you can do together. The seventh is the house of partners and of open enemies. Even at the very worst you will know exactly where you stand with each other.
It is also possible, of course, for these two effects to occur together. This creates a love-hate relationship in which your feelings toward each other oscillate rapidly between loving and hating.
The presence of Mars in this house indicates that the ego-energies within this relationship are very strong. In this situation it is not always easy for one of you to accede to the other’s wishes. Here the martyr game that characterizes so many relationships-with one of you always conceding grudgingly to the other-will not work.
This position requires that the two of you be on an equal footing. Any attempt to place yourself over your partner will make a very tense situation. Give each other plenty of room to find fulfillment within the relationship and also to find something that you can work for together. Then this position of Mars will be a help rather than a hindrance.
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8H Composite Mars
Composite Mars in the eighth house indicates that in this relationship the two of you express your egos in a way that forces you to look for new insights into the nature of your ways of living. The eighth house of the horoscope is very complex. It is the house of transformation and of the psychological energies that underlie any major changes within the self. As each of you encounters the other, you will be challenged, not necessarily in a destructive way, but in a way that will make growth necessary.
The eighth house also represents regeneration, and Mars in this house can create a great deal of sexual energy for regeneration of the self through creation of another person. In this relationship, sex will be very important and may even become a vehicle for transforming both of you.
This is the house of joint resources, which makes it very important to a relationship. In some cases there may be conflict between you about money or property. To avoid this problem you both must learn to back down and make sure that petty expressions of the ego are not getting in the way of the relationship. Try not to become too involved with your possessions. If you identify with them too strongly, they will become a source of problems.
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9H Composite Mars
Composite Mars in the ninth, the house of the higher mind and long journeys, indicates a strong involvement with ideas, beliefs, and philosophies of life in this relationship. That is, your beliefs are very important to each of you, and being together makes them even more so. If your ideas and attitudes toward life are compatible, you will work very hard together to protect them, and you will try to convince others of the rightness of what you are doing.
If your attitudes are not compatible, you will waste a lot of energy trying to convince each other of them, causing much conflict in the process. The universe is actually large enough to encompass both sets of ideas, as well as the beliefs of those whom you disagree with. But the two of you probably do not realize this, feeling that if other people’s beliefs are true, yours cannot be, and vice versa. You are likely to react to opposition almost as if your lives were in danger. Be careful of this and try to expand your views so that they can encompass those of other people.
This placement of Mars may also indicate that the two of you will do some work together that involves traveling over long distances. Or it can mean working together in some academic or intellectual field.
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10H Composite Mars
Mars in the tenth house of the composite chart means that the energy of Mars must be successfully expressed through this relationship, or there is likely to be trouble. The tenth is the house of the ego’s most complete expression, symbolizing what you must do in order to evolve in life. In a composite chart, the tenth house has to do with how well each of you can express your life purpose within the relationship. With Mars in this house, the issue of ego-drives will be even more important than in most relationships.
You must allow each other plenty of room to follow your own paths. It would not be a good idea for one of you to sacrifice your goals in life to order to allow your partner to pursue his or her objectives. Eventually that course of action would become a sore point that could disrupt the relationship. Each of you must be allowed to do your own thing while you are together. Obviously it will be helpful if you have similar ideas about what you wish to do with your lives. Whatever your ambitions, they will be an issue in this relationship.
If you can agree on this issue, the energy of the tenth-house Mars will serve you in good stead. You will approach business or any other joint activity very aggressively and energetically. The results should be excellent. However, take care not to let these energies get out of hand, because they could generate a great deal of opposition from others that would be harmful to your best interests.
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11H Composite Mars
Composite Mars in the eleventh house indicates that the two of you will enjoy working with other people in groups. It is an indication that you will derive more satisfaction from your work and energies if you feel that what you are doing is part of a greater whole. Together you will identify with various group projects, movements, and other situations in which the individual ego is subordinated to group expression. It is easier for both of you to completely express your personal energies through your relationship this way.
This position may also indicate that you will try to dominate your friends or associates, which will make matters rather difficult for the two of you. No matter where Mars is located in the chart, you must be careful how you handle its energies so that they do not cause strife and arguments with others.
The eleventh house is also the house of your ideals and hopes in life. Mars in this position indicates that the two of you will work very hard to attain whatever you want out of life. Consequently it is very important that you have similar or at least complementary goals in life. Otherwise, disagreements on this issue are likely to be a great source of conflict.
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12H Composite Mars
Composite Mars in the twelfth house makes it absolutely imperative that that two of you understand exactly what you want from this relationship and each other. You must arrive at a conscious understanding and agreement. In most relationships, agreements are made tacitly, not formally stated or written down. But for the two do you it might be very profitable to write out an agreement. By doing so you may discover that you have included all kinds of demands that you never thought you would ask for. If you don’t make the demands explicit, you can be sure that every time one of them is broken it will cause a conflict, even though neither of you will understand exactly why.
The literal meaning of Mars in the twelfth house might be stated as unconscious forms of ego expression. The twelfth house is not really unconscious, but it often indicates signals that you are sending out into the world very strongly but not acknowledging. Whether or not you acknowledge them, you will have to live with the consequences.
It is just the same with a relationship; the twelfth-house Mars signifies that you are putting into the relationship sources of conflict that could weaken it badly. Even worse, it would be very unclear why the problems exist. If you do not make an effort to find out what you really expect of each other, it will be difficult to ascertain why you are having conflicts. You may find that if you verbalize your wants, they will be full of contradictions, double-binds, and contract arrangements that can’t be fulfilled. Only if you take the trouble to examine your expectations closely will it be possible to understand what you really want from each other and whether your needs can be met.
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part 1
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☌ animated divider by @adornedwithlight ☌
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ninelivesastrology · 4 months
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Malefics ruling the 11th
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astropookie · 1 year
astro thoughts 🏇🌈✨💫🍳
HAPPY PRIDE MONTH ❤️ even though it’s almost July
disclaimer: I didn’t check my orthography
i hate it but what’s trying to tell me the universe. my friend reminds me of my mom 😭 kill me pls. she have sun 11H, she worries a lot about how others understand what she saids, what others may think of her. she wants to be peaceful but at the same time she have moon in scorpio so she’s struggling and she have a certain opinion about others based on the first impression or what made more impact -negative? idk. now I feel judge -I think it’s my anxiety-. Update: i said what was bothering me to her and everything is said, I’m proud of me, I’m in peace, she responded in a understanding manner. I can breath.
the degree of your ascendant says ALOT, not only about the physical appearance. it could point out even your career, how’s focused your life, how you react…now that I think about it, it’s like an ascendant in your ascendant pc (but if it confused you ignore it).
for example, my friend have gemini degree in his ascendant, he’s doing his major in communication, his family is full of artists and specially musicians, so he grew up knowing how to play every music instrument, it’s like breathing to him, music. he’s used to it and he express himself by composing and being curious, wanting to know about this and that. other example: my other friend has a gemini rising but I was thinking “there’s something that’s missing” 👀 the leo degree of course. he be slayyiing💅 he’s sassy. he knows what he wants and people always be wanting him not the other way around 🙄 he’s like purr stunning gurl 💋
the same friend told me the other day that his first impression of me was or exactly what he thought: “you don’t want to mess with her” “I wouldn’t mess with her ever”. he told me I remembered him of maddy of euphoria -I gave him the idea bc I didn’t understand and he agreed-. Ascendant - Saturn aspects make you look like a bad bitch, like they’ll kick your ass if you don’t do what they tell you, THEY ARE. The structure of their face is also bony. They look like they’re mad, like they’re on their way and if you step there you’re dead: karmic. The jawline, omg, is sharp, it could cut you.
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Also, bc Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, Capricorn ascendants and saturn-ascendant aspects share characteristics but are not the same? Capricorn risings have this cheekbones that are so sensual and even if they age, the cheekbones are still there, what you notice first is that. What they share is the intimidating aura strangers perceive. In different levels or forms I believe.
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Dakota Johnson Gisele Bündchen
I have Mars in Retrograde. I don’t know what bothers me until I explode or until I go to my psychologist. I minimize what bothers me and save it all in the back, so then my brain will hurt. I don’t figure out or notice when something bothers me bc I don’t think is a big deal or that’s a joke, but even if it’s a joke I can still not like it -a side note-. You’ll find me realizing later what was bothering me and then struggling to tell people how I really felt when they did THAT something.
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Picture from Pinterest
when the kid’s mercury is sextile Saturn’s dad (synastry: mercury sextile saturn), it means the dad communicates with their child as a way of teaching, caring about them. through their communication, they share childhood stories, experiences of any type and what they have learned about them, what they have observed. trough their talking they share their wisdom. the father have all the attention of their kid when he opens his mouth. the kid somehow knows something important is about to be said or they admires their dad that much.
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Picture from Pinterest
Leo moons 5H + aries degree can be pretty egoist, they could lost themselves in the idea of something, of having it. Also they don’t think, twice letting themselves be carried by the emotion that idea gives them. They’re in their pretty little world of fun but they are not looking what’s happening to others, they’re hungry for their passion. I HAVE TO TELL: not everyone with these placements are like this and blablabla -the same thing I say for precaution- AND I had something, it’s not even something 🙄 I had nothing with these placement k? but it gives you an explanation for my attitude. STILL, I think I gotta mention some of the synastry so it’ll make sense. In another time bc I don’t want to waste my energy in that -and don’t want to-.
Saturn in opposition with Uranus aspect makes the individual stay in the doubt. They’re stanched while they keep analyzing the pro and cons of the situation they want to start/be part. Even if someone extern try to help, they’ll be doubting more.
Virgo moons are just so wholesome ☹️❤️ They want to help. they’re always doing something. they want the best for you. they care of others as if they take care of themselves but better, sadly. they work too much they need a rest but they know they’ll be anxious of doing nothing. they’re just pure souls. they’re so kind. always helping in a ONG/organization that helps needed ones.
Aquarius mercury always have something to say, they’re always right 🙄 even though they say it’s comprensible and natural that everyone have their own beliefs I don’t believe them. I think they think their mindset is better and everyone should follow it. LIKE GURL WTF I know you think you are wise and shit and you’ve passed through experiences that made you learned and that inspired you to tell them to others BUT let others make mistakes and be wrong, let others don’t be like you, there’s the beauty. I always find them criticizing others for their manners, as if they have lived the same way you did.
I don’t believe/trust? in libras, yeah ok may be that my sun is in libra but not my whole chart. That’s what I’m talking about, with that last sentence I’m gaslighting you 💌 how tf you believe in libras when they don’t tell the truth directly I CANT. With my honesty I gotta mention that my libra sun appear when I don’t want to ruin something that benefits me, when I don’t know the person and I try my best, to my sag/scorpio/aquarius placements to not appear. They always keep something in their minds, they don’t tell you all, they keep to themselves some part, could be to not hurt you, doesn’t benefits them or whatever. a friend with moon in libra degree and another with libra moon: I always want them to say what they want, they can’t. I want to squish the hell out of them bc I can’t too😭🔪
Ceres 3H is a good placement for a psychologist. How they motivate others using their minds, that easily absorbs and process/analyses experiences and knowledge, to finally find a solution depending on the case -of the patient-, so it’ll be suitable. When they help others, their communication keeps improving with time. More experience = better. Still, it’s natural.
❀ Based on my personal experience.
❀ English is not my first language.
❀ I’m not a profesional astrologer.
Thank youu. baibaiii🫣🫶🏼💋
Do not copy. Please give me credits.
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elysiansparadise · 11 months
Hello my sunshine!
I noticed your ask box was open! I'm so happy!
Could you please do an interpretation of Mars in 11H. I have this placement. Thank you.
Have a fantastic day and a wonderful week.
Stay warm and cozy. ❤️
Hello my love, hope you're doing wonderfully. ❤️
Mars in the 11th house
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Here we have natives who are more likely to rationalize when something happens that bothers them, they are not usually so impulsive when it comes to reacting and they may want to see things from different perspectives. They are very ambitious people who, once they have a plan or project that they are passionate about, dedicate themselves fully to it and not only think about it, but do something to achieve it. This placement favors those who want to start their own business, as it indicates that they can earn a lot of money working on something of their own or being their own boss. Since I mention bosses, even if they do not like to command, they have leadership skills and ensure what is fair both for themselves and for members of their group or other members of society. They are the voice of those who are marginalized or ignored and many people can feel taken into account by them. They have no problem approaching and talking to other people, in fact some tend to give the impression of being extroverted, but they highly value their time alone and doing things on their own. This is an ambivert placement.
Now talking about friendship, these natives tend to be funny, motivating and supportive friends, they have a curious way of taking care of their friends and they are not initially emotional, but rather take care of them in more practical ways. They may feel more energetic after spending time with friends or a group of people and are sometimes the person they turn to when a difficulty or problem occurs. These natives are those who tell you the truth no matter how painful it is, and honesty is something they value above all things in their friendships. They may attract more friendships with people with masculine energy, protective people, strong temperaments, or people who motivate them in some way. There may be some drama in your circles, arguments, or just having somewhat boisterous friendships. It is very likely that they prefer friends with similar ideas or perspectives in order to maintain a harmonious environment, as they stand out for defending their ideals tooth and nail. They like to defend causes linked to freedom, whether identity or expression, which is why it is a common placement for activists, feminists, people who fight for equal rights or justice for marginalized sectors of society. They have a healthy empathy in which they do not put others above them, but instead seek to understand and support them.
Although these people are open-minded when it comes to meeting many people, it is somewhat difficult for them to open up emotionally, they tend to be really defensive with their emotional world and may feel that they have to appear strong, if accompanied by other aspects of style, it can make them feel difficulty expressing their most vulnerable side. One of the good things about this placement is that they are very firm with their boundaries and do not stay in places where they are crossed or ignored. They would much rather be alone than in bad company and they have no problem with being alone at times. They seek to form friendships with more practical parameters without getting carried away by just feeling happy with the other person. They need friendships in which they feel they can trust and with whom honesty and loyalty is guaranteed, so even if they appear friendly, they remain alert and observant. In the sexual area, these natives are very open and experimental with their partner, they really like to surprise and be surprised in intimacy, and they always make sure not to fall into monotony. They don't just care about their pleasure, for them it is important that their partner also feels pleasure and feels satisfied.
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stanathaaaaaaaaaa · 2 months
hello hello, hope you're doing great! if it isn't too late could you do one for ♑ sun in 11th house, ♏ moon in 9th house, ♓ rising in 1st house, ♒ venus in 12th house, & ♎ mars in 8th house? i understand if it's closed. 🤍
btw i keep comparing your moodboards to masterpieces. just don't burnout from all that creativity, bestie!! 🙏🏼✨✨ tysm~
Hiii there yes sure! Thank you for the lovely compliment and for being patient sending lots of love to youuu. Here's your moodboard hoping that you like it 💓
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Feedbacks, Reblogs, Likes and Comments are loved and appreciated 🐍✨️
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harmoonix · 1 month
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~ Astrology Observations ~
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Having Venus in air sign or house 3H/7H/11H is the best indicator to show that you need lots of communication in your relationships, is a good placement if you like to be more extrovert
Cancer in your big 3 *Sun, Moon, Rising* are empathetic placements, cancer is usually connected so much with the mother nature and feels a deep empathy for everything surrounding
Sagittarius Placements especially in big 3 or big 6 (Sun, Moon, Rising, Mars, Mercury, Venus) is that BITCH. Wild, carefree, savage, all that plate. They're iconic
Can I please say how happy I am when I check (black, poc natives) charts and I see LEO PLACEMENTS???? EMBODY THAT FELINE INSIDE YOU. I love seeing Leo Placements in their chart 100/10.
Leo Venus is top, Leo Mars is fire, Leo Rising is a nuclear bomb. I LOVE THEM. The sun being your ruler makes everything to be perfect
Mars aspecting the Midheaven can bring you faster to the things you want to manifest in your career/job
I love how much Capricorn in big 3 (Sun, Moon, Rising) embodies the dark traits of the sign. Like Capricorn was always seen as a dark sign, I love the lore behind this sign and how much it can influence your life
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When the rhythm make it vibrate
Tell me how much can you take
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Venus aspecting Neptune or Neptune aspecting Moon can often have "love dreams" like dreaming about love, dreaming about a partner, or a relationship
Taurus Moon/Rising/Mercury/3H can have a very sensual voice.. like is so blessed by Venus vocally, I love their soft tone
Jupiter in Scorpio/8H/ at 8° 20° is a deep placement in a sense that it makes to discover your life the fullest, also gives you sexual power
Juno in Aries/1h may love a spouse who can take the lead in their relationship, not in a dominant way but more as a role
Jupiter aspecting Neptune can make you more of a dreamer if you have these aspects in your chart, like you can be a part of a fairytale movie
Mars aspecting the ascendant natives have an inner fire inside them that makes them so ambitious. They wanna achieve big things in life
The dark romance between Moon - Pluto aspects is not described enough on this app. There is something so intense about the natives who have the moon in aspects with a destoryer planet
Something I saw within the sun and moon in the 9H natives is that they love their culture/traditions so much. They may also love to share their culture with others
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Moon aspecting the ascendant natives is a sensitive placement in a good way. They can feel the energies around them and are able to protect from the bad ones
Venus in Sagittarius/9H may have a very funny love language. They're more playful in their love relationships. They can appreciate partners who have a good humor
Venus in Capricorn/10H may wanna be seduced first and to hit the rock, they wanna act dominant and all but they still a sensible side
Mercury in Gemini is a placement I rarely see. I'm not gonna lie. Even if Mercury is at home here, still is not seen that much, I love how social they can get, I ended up with one once, and we wouldn't stop talking at all
Even if Virgos are highly critical, we have to appreciate their self - care cus' is always on point.
Mercury aspecting the Sun natives can bring others in a good mood with their energy, somehow they always bring some peace in your life
Scorpio Mars should be classified as a sex king, like always horny, always in a mood for racing in bed, and always prepared ( I said king because Mars is a masculine planet)
Men with a Venus in the 6h/10h are husbands material placement. You won in life if your husband has these
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Cancer in the 10H/Moon in the 10H, the career or job you choose can play a big role in your emotional being and development
North Node in the 11H/ at 11° 23° or in Aquarius can get popular in online/wealthy on social media, some kind of influencer
Jupiter in Libra/Jupiter in 7H/Jupiter at 7° 19° have a deep need/focus for partnerships. This energy makes the native to be liked/loved by people
Jupiter aspecting Uranus natives have a knowledge of 'future', somehow they have an idea of how the future will influence the world
Lilith in the 1h/5h/8h/12h makes the native to have a sensual aura. Sensuality may play a big role in their lives
People have said that Lilith in the 6H can be one of the most difficult positions for this placement, and I don't blame them at all. Being the house of mental power and health with Lilith here, everything can go into chaos, but you have the power to manage the chaos 🤍
Air Mercuries/Mercury in the air signs 3H/7H/11h can be influenced more easily by music, feelings + music is what this Mercury has to give
North Node in the 7H/Libra can indicate that you tend to depend on others much more in this life, due to focusing only on yourself in a past life with Aries south node/south node in the 1H
Pluto in 2H may indicate intense experiences with your self - worth and your material resources. Sometimes, you may able to control both
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Melody fire, sweet pasi sewu
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Saturn/Capricorn over the 6H/12H might have a fight with their subconscious sometimes, feeling tired, sleepy, even if you sleep enough your body still loves to sleep/relax
Some astrologers have said that after your saturn return happens, you'll be a new person, you will change, and saturn returns happen to change you
Virgo over the 8H/12H can have lots of phobias. These houses can represent fear to some extent, so it can happen, like snake phobias, spiders, deep sea, insects, and many more
Juno aspecting the Moon can indicate you tend to fall in love with people who can understand your emotional needs
Juno in Gemini natives can end up calling their spouse with nicknames (it can be any nickname)
Juno in Taurus/2H may love when their spouse takes them to a fancy place/restaurant. They can also fall in love with ppl who have the same passion for food like them
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~ Not a heart on earth can beat my love ~
💚💚💚💚 On Friday we honor the love, THE day of Venus
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scorpihoe1111 · 6 months
Astrology Observations-Part 2🌙
Having both Taurus and Aries placements in a chart can indicate someone who enjoys pressuring/embarrassing people when underdeveloped. These people can be actual bullies towards others when they’re at their worst.
Gemini rising’s/Mercury in the 1H look younger than they actually are.
Scorpio rising women are sometimes shorter than average while Scorpio rising men are taller than average.
8H moon’s can have dreams about scenarios that end up happening IRL.
Capricorn Rising’s usually have a skinny/bony appearance.
Whatever sign and house Saturn is in your chart can tell you what other people’s karma is for messing with you. Ex: Taurus Saturn in 7H? Taurus is a Venusian sign so it rules over beauty/appearance as well as luxury and money and the 7H signifies relationships, partnerships and marriage etc. Their karma may be their physical appearance looking uglier, plus going broke as well as their relationships/love life going downhill.
People with Scorpio in the 6H may prone to UTI’s/yeast infections or very heavy and painful monthly periods.
Cancer Rising’s may attract a lot of jealousy because of how intelligent they are (Gemini 12H)
Aries Rising men are usually buff and naturally muscular in appearance.
Aquarius in the 11H can attract multiple friend groups from all walks of life way more easily than the average person.
Pisces Moon/Venus are a lot more skilled in manifesting the things they want than they think they are.
Venus/Libra in the 12H can signify a lot more people than you think having a crush on you/being attracted to you. Your secret admirers just keep it to themselves because they assume you already know and don’t wanna boost your ego.
Leo, Libra, Scorpio and Capricorn rising women consistently attract men who neg them as a way of trying to get them to notice them.
Sagittarius placements (esp mercury) are blunt and rude in their speech but they don’t mean any harm by it, they just say whatever they’re thinking.
Virgo placements on the other hand are also blunt, but they over analyze every encounter and conversation they have so they usually know what’s rude to say and what’s not. So if a Virgo’s saying shady things towards you, they mean it.
Libra Venus’ can not remain in a relationship if there isn’t constant flirting. It’s also important not to let yourself go if you’re in a relationship with them because they are visual asf.
12H sun’s rarely get acknowledgment for the good they do but get a lot of attention for the mistakes they make.
12H suns can also be kind of gullible and naive growing up.
Mercury in the 2H usually don’t like to talk about things that aren’t factual or don’t benefit them in some way.
Mars in the 12H can be prone to high blood pressure due to internalizing their anger most of the time.
Venus in the 1H are very attractive, even if not conventionally handsome/pretty there’s something very aesthetically pleasing about their facial features and their overall vibe.
Venus in 1H can also do no wrong in the eyes of the public. Basically pretty privilege.
Same goes for Pisces Risings ⬆️ they usually get away with a lot due to their innocent demeanor.
Your moon sign is usually a prominent sign in your mother’s chart.
Saturn in the 8H might not lose their virginity until later in life, or at least not as soon as their peers.
Your rising sign can tell you what everyone was feeling or what was going on during the time of your birth.
Leo women have this tendency of leaving or cheating on men who are good to them for guys who are terrible people. (Not all Leo women of course, but I’ve seen soooo many Leo girls do this)
Pisces men are very, very confusing. The type of person to be married for years with kids and still try to keep up with what you got going on in your life.
Cancer in the 12H usually have issues with women/mother in their life.
Aries Venus prefer the chase more than the actual relationship.
Scorpio/8H placements have an inherent fear of their spouse/loved ones dying.
Pisces mars are freakier in bed than most people think.
Moon sextile Neptune manifest through their dreams a lot.
Sun in the 5H is someone who doesn’t take life too seriously and prefers fun over responsibility a lot of the time.
Mars in Scorpio are more revengeful and unforgiving than any other Scorpio placement honestly. These people can get revenge and still not be happy.
Mars in Sagittarius usually have lots of flings and hookups throughout their life.
TW!: Some underdeveloped Virgo men have a weird tendency to actually want to harm women mentally and emotionally. They’re not the type to just break up with a partner and move on, they usually want to make the breakup as fucked up as possible so the thought of them remains in the persons mind forever. I’ve met over 6 Virgo men who’s admitted to this before and the girl didn’t even do anything wrong in the relationship, they just didn’t wanna be with her anymore but didn’t want her to forget them.
Capricorn women usually have very long, flowing luscious hair.
Part 3 coming soon 🌪️
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venus111 · 3 months
Astrology observations
🎧 Sagittarius, Libra and Gemini risings have beautiful smiles
🎧 women with Venus in 20° and 8° go through puberty earlier than their age mates
🎧 Sagittarius placements have ear or eye problems
🎧 Pisces and Geminis can be great friends or worst enemies
🎧 cancers are the least secretive water sign, they tend to gossip a lot bringing unnecessary drama to themselves
🎧 Neptune in 2nd house natives are careless they don’t care about materialistic things
🎧 Neptune in 4th house have a relative/sibling that went missing
🎧 Mars/Aries in 12th house native attract people that are angry with you or just rude to you without any reason
🎧 Chiron in 2nd /pluto in 3rd house can have generous siblings that help them financially
🎧 Scorpio in 12H and Capricorn in 8H are afraid of old age and death
🎧 I’ve seen most Pisces risings have gotten scholarships, they also get into aviation school
🎧 Lilith in Capricorn native are workaholics
🎧 Taurus risings native work in IT
🎧 Aquarius Venus/venus in 11H natives have boxy smile
🎧 Taurus placements love getting/giving hickeys
🎧 Nepotism babies have Pisces and Sagittarius placements
@astrowrld300 be original stop copying my work!
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d4rkpluto · 2 months
8ʜ ɴᴏᴛᴇꜱ 18+
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paid chart readings
these are observations i've made due to people i've been around.
will mention other things than the 8H. WARNING VERY 18+
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♇ people with cancer/moon in the 8h are likely into breast sucking or getting their breast sucked.
♇ people with neptune/venus or its signs in the 8h could be into listening to music while having sex, [mercury and moon can be involved].
♇ people with libra in their 8h, or even lilith in their 7h could be into anal play.
♇ i know it is said all the time that those with neptune/pisces in their 8h could be into feet play, but they can also be into being dominated because they represent feeling helpless.
♇ people with chiron/mars in their 8h could be into candle play.
♇ people with virgo in the 8h can be into bondage play, being blindfolded, leaning onto bdsm even capricorn. almost all of the earth signs beside taurus.
♇ taurus/venus in the 8h like to feel protected during sex, like their partner holding onto them tight, can also be into breath play.
♇ venus in the 8h and even neptune can be into mirror sex, not only leo. the symbol of venus is a symbol and neptune rules over reflections.
♇ mercury in the 8h are likely into dirty talking and having sex in their car, precisely in the back of their car.
♇ juno in the 8h are the type to fall in love with the people they have sex with.
♇ north node and mars in the 8h indicates liking angry sex.
♇ people with pluto, venus or mars in the 12h can use sex as an escapism technique, [can also involve if the signs mentioned planets ruled are there, for example scorpio or libra in the 12h.
♇ pluto/mars aspecting mercury can be into dirty talking.
♇ neptune aspecting pluto or mars can be into watching porn, even venus.
♇ leo in the 8h and being into doggy style...
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♇ mercury-mars can be into mastubration.
♇ jupiterian women can be into size kink. [jupiter/sag in the 8h].
♇ 8h ruler in the 11h are likely to have friends with benefits. vice versa.
♇ pluto in the 8h doesnt always indicate big penis, because pluto is the smallest planet, though this can imply it can be a grower.
♇ mars in 8h...big balls. or just very round ones.
♇ cancer in 8h loving creampies.
♇ taurus placements taurus/8h loving to swallow cum, the type to spit in their lover's mouth.
♇ mercury in the 8h love fingering others or being fingered.
♇ aries in the 8h is an indicator could be into knife play, could like being orally mouth-fucked.
♇ pisces or neptune in the 8h could be into dressing up as characters or other personalities as it represents the mask or an act, same could be said with gemini/mercury as one its symbols is the drama masks.
♇ capricorn/aquarius/saturn in the 8h could be into edging, and ofc daddy dom.
♇ both leo and aquarius in the 8h can be into public sex.
♇ saturn in the 8h can be into quickies as well. even capricorn mars, or people with mars/aries in the 8h.
♇ air/water signs in the 8h can be very vocal during sex as well, can have very high moans while its kind of opposite with people who have fire/earth in the 8h.
♇ men with moon/venus in the 8h might be very submissive especially if they're hetero, they could be into women who can be dominant.
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the-moon-devi · 6 months
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Happy Spring Equinox, and Aries SZN! 🐏
🔆 Neptune in 2h: This placement can be very tricky because Neptune rules illusions & confusion. If you have this in your solar return, BEWARE, there's a chance you will experience uncertainty when it comes to things like tax returns and finances in general. This is also the house of self-worth, so this could indicate confusion in this area. Even a loss or drop in self-confidence. 
🔆 Saturn in 1h: This can manifest in many different ways. But usually you may feel restricted in some way this year, this could even lead to you feeling like an elderly person as you become more mature. The universe will send you a lot of roadblocks this year, and it may feel like you are constantly stuck in life. My advice us to roll with the tides literally, and don't get too down. Because this can also lead to depression. If you've already experienced your Saturn return, this may be a bit easier for you as someone who is still in the beginning stages of their life. Saturn may bring up old lessons and test you to make sure you've learned your lesson.
🔆 Taurus/Libra Asc: These Ascendants are ruled by venus. So already we can see that the year will most likely be intel, venusian based events & circumstances. Such as Love, beauty, finances, business, and socialization. The house Venus sits in can show where most of your focus will be. 
🔆 Sun in 3h: May show an increase in popularity, you may be learning a lot, and involved in social media. Talking more with people online, and even meeting people with similar interests. For my 2023 SR my sun landed in the 3rd house, and about a week after my birthday I started tumblr. It got more attention than I expected. I also had the asteroid Webb (3041) in the 1h and Fama at 29° in 11h. So that probably just added a little boost and shows that it was meant for me to start this blog.
Edit: (I actually had a 3rd house stellium)
🔆 Venus 4h: You or your mother may be more interested in beautifying your house, according to the position of Venus in the 4th house. This also indicates that your home life may be more peaceful, unless Uranus or Mars is present, which can show movement. Furthermore, Venus can indicate romance for the year, along with the 7th house. If you engage in romantic conversations, you may experience deep emotional connections with people. Also, you may find yourself meeting very familiar people, even if you haven't met them in this lifetime, and it can feel like you have met them before. The 4th house is very karmic, so it can show partners from the past coming back, whether that be good or bad. However, you can find yourself feeling nurtured within connections or doing the nurturing. Additionally, you may meet romantic partners from home, which could mean that you could meet them online or through family. Overall, your love life will be private and possibly more secure.
🔆 Lilith 7h: According to my natal x Sr chart, Lilith sat in my 1st house while in my separate Sr chart, she was in my 7th house. This indicates that Lilith dominated my experiences in 2023, and as a result, Lilith and I have become friends. Lol. When it comes to relationships, expect the unexpected, similar to Uranus in the 7th house or conjunct the Descendant. Lilith in the 7th house brings taboo experiences when it comes to partners and long-term relationships. Your relationships may have a significant taboo nature to them. In my case, I had vertex and Lilith in my 7th house, which indicates not only taboo encounters but also fated meetings.
🔆 Sun in 9h: Will point towards a year of exploration and studying/learning new things. You may travel a lot during this year, or if you're seeking to study a big topic, expect to learn a lot. This could change your view of life. 9h is traditionally the house of God. More than likely, you'll find yourself learning more about God or feeling a calling to get closer to the masculine part of God.
🔆 Sun 3h: In the previous sun 3h note, I should have mentioned that the 9h represents the house of God, while the 3h represents the house of the goddess. If you have the sun in the 3h house of your Sr, you may find yourself tapping deeper into your feminine side. This can unlock your creativity and help you manifest your desires by using the ancient principles of the universe. Use your feminine charm to attract what you want and your feminine touch to expand your creative hobbies and talents. As someone who already has a spiritual nature and a sun in the 3h house of my Sr, I have felt a stronger pull to tap into my feminine energy, and have learned a lot about this aspect of my life.
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🔆 Sharing the same Sr placement as a partner/friend: If you have this with a person you know, you guys could be super close and/or share a lot of the same experiences that year.
🔆 Vibilia 1h: Vibilia is the name for the Roman goddess of travel. @themedialmercurial made a post on this asteroid. I'll link it below. So you guys can go check your natal placements. However, in the 1h for SR charts, this asteroid can point towards guaranteed travel or even life-taking you through many journeys. The sign may give more insight into how this may play out. Also, it's a bonus if you have planets in the 9h house as well. Vibilia post: 1 2 3
Asteroid number (copy & paste) 
🔆 Juno 7h: May feel a need to commit or get in a relationship this year. Juno represents commitment and partnerships and with it entering the house of pong term partnerships/marriage. It's not uncommon to see these natives getting engaged, married, or entering a long-term connection. This will be even more prominent if you have a vertex here as well. 
SR Ascendant Ruler can show where a lot of your focus will be this year. 
🔆 1H RULER IN 3H: Your focus this year will be learning, traveling, writing, social media, and acquiring new skills. I would also recommend looking at where the planet of your solar return ascendant is in your natal chart. 
🔆 1H RULER IN 6H: Your focus this year will be work, schedules/routines, and health. You may struggle or gain in this area. You may find yourself wanting to create a steady schedule to keep yourself organized. You may also take on more responsibilities this year, this will be a year of working. Putting in those hours to get what you want, you could even be more prone to illnesses/ enemies this year. Your co-workers/work environment will affect you a lot. I would also recommend looking at where the planet of your solar return ascendant is in your natal chart. 
🔆 1H RULER IN 5H: Your focus this year will be having fun, doing what brings you joy, and possibly a lot of short-term flings. You may find yourself attending a lot more outings and parties. If not this then you'll be having a lot of attention and working on creative endeavors. This is a year of pleasure and individuality. So do what your heart desires, and take more of an interest in you. Associate yourself with people who make you happy. On the downside, you could become overly involved in partying, drinking, etc, and this may become detrimental to you. I would also recommend looking at where the planet of your solar return ascendant is in your natal chart. 
🔆 1H RULER IN 9H: Your focus this year will be travel, attaining wisdom, and becoming closer to God. You may be seen as adventurous and knowledgeable this year. People may be to you for advice this year as well. Travel and possibly even moving is a big chance here as well. Education, God, your beliefs, religion or spirituality, and life views will be important as well. I would also recommend looking at where the planet of your solar return ascendant is in your natal chart. 
🔆 1H RULER IN 2H: Your focus this year will be finances, assets, financial investments, financial literacy, and working to improve yourself and/or your worth. You may put a lot of energy towards building yourself up for a valuable future. And also enjoying yourself more or even spending more money. You may make a bug purchase this year that impacts your finances. I would also recommend looking at where the planet of your solar return ascendant is in your natal chart. 
🔆 Vertex in your Solar Return shows fated events that you WILL experience this year. These events will be signs of a pivotal point in your life and will affect the rest of your year. 
Vertex in 1h: Your appearance, how others see you, a person you meet may change how you and others view you
Vertex in 5h: You may experience a lot of joy and pleasure, sexual encounters, short-term flings, babies/children, creativity
Vertex in 6h: health, work, schedule/routines, more responsibility
Vertex in 7h: partners, may meet a long-term partner/marriage partner, weddings, and a venus-ruled/dominant person
Vertex in 8h: Strong passionate connections, intimacy, your shadow self, a very big life altering experience, inheritances, and death.
Vertex in 9h: travel, higher education, spiritual teachers, and your beliefs
Vertex in 10h: your career, reputation, authority figures, and accomplishments
Vertex in 11h: friend groups, worldly topics, friends, your goals and wishes
Vertex in 12h: spirituality, dreams, solitude, and illnesses
Vertex in 2h: finances, assets, family/generational wealth, resources. What is valuable to you, and gains
Vertex in 3h: speech, writing, neighbors, siblings/cousins, everyday commute, popularity, and social media
Vertex in 4h: Your mother, your home life, moving houses, your ancestry/roots, women in the family, your womb, and emotions.
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🔆 Valentine (447) 1h: This asteroid represents love and is one of the strongest love asteroids, in my opinion. This occupying the 1h shows that you will most likely be falling in love especially if this conjuncts your asc, because it's also making an aspect to your dsc (7h, the house of partners/relationships). This will sweep you off your feet, and Valentine shows a sacrificial kind of love. Likely, you'll find yourself doing things you never thought you would do for love. This can be indicative of realizing you have fallen in love with a partner. 
🔆 Destinn (6583) 7h: This asteroid in solar return shows what is destined to happen this year. In the 7h, it will be destined for you to meet, get married, or get into a long-term impactful commitment. This encounter will likely feel fated. 
🔆 Sun conjunct Amor (1221) /Cupido (763): You could be a lover girl/boy this year. Amor means "love" in English. So, this being conjunct, your sun can show that some of this year's themes will be love. Cupido shows that Cupid will be shooting you with an arrow of love. You will find yourself deeply admiring a love interest. These are just the beginning stages of the strong feelings you will feel for this person. Expect a year of love. 
🔆 Lovelock (51663) 7h: You will likely meet a romantic partner whom you are deeply attached and form a deep loving bond with. This can show that you'll be locked and in love with this person as well. 
🔆 Union (1585) 7h: Imma keep this sweet & short.... yeah, you'll be coming into union with your person more than likely. This asteroid represents a union. Marriage is also likely to occur. 
Ps: Union conjunct sun can also signify this! 
🔆 Sunshine (3742) conjunct Venus: ☀️ Sunshine conjunct Venus, can show happiness when it comes to finances & love. You can experience great bliss and luck, it'll be like a breath of fresh air.
🔆 North Node conjunct Sunshine (3742): You will experience a lot of happiness this year if you have been having sadness/depression. This shows a forecast of Sunshine! Good days are ahead
🔆 Sunshine (3742) 1h: Similar to the north node, you will find yourself being very happy & satisfied with life and yourself. You could have an increase in self-confidence. You'll also be seen as a beam of light by those around you. Be sure to get a lot of sun, and summertime could benefit you greatly.
🔆 Briede (19029)/ Groom (5129) 1h/7h: likely to meet your spouse or be a bride/groom.
🔆 Boda (1487) conjunct Vertex: This shows a fated wedding happening. 
🔆 Vertex conjunct Alma (390): the point of fate meets the asteroid of the soul/soulmates. These two combined can show an encounter with a soulmate 
🔆 Eros (433) 1h/ conjunct asc: Eros is sexual attraction, in the 1h this shows you will experience sexual encounters & romance. 
🔆 2h ruler in 12h: Your finances may go through losses when it comes to finances. On the other hand, this can also show receiving money from hidden sources, or through spiritual practices. This can also show that manifestation and visualization can help you attract money. Since, the 2h is 11 places away from the 12h, and the 11th house rules dreams, goals, and aspirations. You can set a lot of unreasonable goals for your finances this year. The 12h is also the house of expenditures as it is ruled by Jupiter/Neptune. So you can gain a lot of money but also spend a lot, or either spend more than you have. If traveling abroad, you can spend a lot of money traveling. Be careful not to get scammed this year, and be watchful of your money because it could even get stolen or lost. Also spending money on spirituality. You will value your spirituality and alone time. 
🔆 2h ruler in 7h: Your finances will likely go towards a partner or a relationship, you could be the provider for your partner/spouse. This could show spending money on a business, or a wedding. This shows you will value your relationships. 
🔆 2h ruler in 2h: The 2h lord in the 2h, shows you will value money a lot this year, you'll have tunnel vision when it comes to finances. You can spend money trying to make money and investing. This is honestly pretty good for investing. You could also be wanting to spend money on things that have great value and bring you quality.
🔆 2h ruler in 8h: This combination, shows that you may be sharing your money, or even joining your assets with a close partner. This is the house of shared finances and joint ventures. So don't be surprised if you and your partner open up a shared account. This can show spending money on businesses. There may be inheritances, or loans involved this year. 
🔆 4h ruler in 12h: This year may indicate spending a lot of time at home, alone. This can also show deep emotional problems coming up. You can find your origins within spirituality, and even experience loneliness in your home life. The 12h rules foreign settlement, and the 4h is the home, so this may also show moving abroad, or finding a home in a foreign place. This can also indicate a strong spiritual connection to your ancestors. With the 4h showing what brings us comfort, this can show that spirituality, alone time, and water/foreign travel will bring you comfort. 
🔆 4h ruler in 9h: Similar to the 12h but less emotional, this can also show traveling, and find comfort, in traveling or settling in a place that is foreign to you. You will be expanding your horizons this year, and more than likely finding a new home. This can even show not having the most stable home, like you may travel a lot this year!
🔆 4h ruler in 7h: You may find yourself moving in with a partner, or being in a relationship that brings you a lot of comfort, and emotional security. This may be the year where you establish a long-lasting relationship. 
🔆 Pluto conjunct IC/ 4h: Your home life will change, and go through a transformation. This is an indication of moving to a new home! Your sense of security will be shaken up. This will be softened if you have the moon or Venus in the 4th house as well because Pluto can be super intense.
🔆 Uranus conjunct IC/ 4H: This is another big indicator of moving, and most likely a long-distance travel and it could be random. Because Uranus represents unexpected shocking changes, and it'll most likely happen very fast. 
🔆 Uranus conjunct DC/7H: This shows your partnerships, which will be surprising. There may be something unexpected happening in this area, this doesn't always have to be horrible especially if you have benefic planets here as well. If it's here alone, then this may show a long distance or relationship that has a lot of ups and downs. This can show your partners may be unconventional in any sense, they could even be from a different caste than you. With Venus and Uranus here, you may unexpectedly get engaged, or married. This can show an unexpected/ surprising love meeting as well. 
🔆 Fortuna (19) in 1h/conjunct ASC: This placement, can indicate fortune and luck coming to you this year!
🔆 Fortuna (19) in 2h: Fortune when it comes to your finances, and extra money. 
🔆 Atira (163693) in 1h/conjunct ASC: This asteroid represents prosperity through selflessness, so this year you may find you do things for others that bring you abundance. You may have to make sacrifices this year to gain something bigger & better. 
🔆 Midas (1981) in 1h/ conjunct ASC: Everything you touch this year will turn to gold. Your skills/talents will bring you a lot of abundance. Others will see you as a source of good luck. Expect major fortunes this year. 
🔆 Amalthea (113) in 1h/conjunct ASC: Amalthea represents infinite abundance, so this one is pretty self-explanatory. This year, money will find you regardless of circumstances, you could receive massive amounts of opportunities, and lucky situations coming towards you. This could even show blessings when it comes to your physical appearance. 
🔆 Opportunity (39382): Depending on the house placement can show where you are likely to receive the opportunity this year. In the 1st house you will be brought many opportunities, you can have many chances to go towards your goals. In the 2h, your finances, and how much money you spend. This could result in having many opportunities to make or spend money, or even save. This could also be great for investments.
🔆 Tyche (258) in 2h: Luck in finances...
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I hope you guys enjoyed this! Happy New Year, and let me know if you want to see my solar return chart for 2024!
𝐃𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐃𝐞'𝐋𝐮𝐱𝐞
𝐇𝐨𝐭 𝐀𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐲
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