#13 is great but this episode was not what it should have been
charmac · 2 days
How are you feeling about S17? I'm getting reaaal worried that it's going to be terrible. No Glenn in the writers room? A crossover episode?? Rob's gradual transformation into pondslime??? Help
Pondslime 😭Lmfao
I'm feeling more than fine about 17, really truly. I don't think anyone should be worried at all.
I think sometimes my interactions with Glenn come off a little more serious or abrasive than they really happened in real life (because we have to shout due to how loud it is in the bars), and my immediate transcription is just to get people *information*, which really doesn't convey tone.
For example, reporting that Glenn said "you don't want to know" in response to me asking for any teasers (as to plots this season) was met with a lot of "oh so this season is gonna suck" on Twitter, and that could not be further than the truth (sorry to the people I split-react blocked for saying that lol). In hindsight I get the reaction, because written out it's a response that can be easily misinterpreted and reads as potentially concerning, but know that when Glenn said "you don't want to know" he looked like this:
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And when I was genuinely just asking for script information (regarding writers of individual scripts after he mentioned they had broken already) and mentioned Nina (Inflates) and Ross (DTAMHD), he gushed about both of them and then said, transcribed word for word, "It's been a good room, I'll say this it's been a great room. It's been an all-star room, it's been...like, breaking the stories this year has been really fun. [Me: Yeah?] Yeah. [That's great, that is great to hear.] It's been really fun."
So the idea of "no Glenn in the writers room" is really much more akin to Season 16 than 13/14. He was there to break stories (meaning he was in the room when they were brainstorming plot ideas and when they settled on which plots would be turned into scripts) but Rob and Charlie are taking the brunt of writing their (RCG's) scripts because of Sirens. This is the same thing that happened with The Gang Goes Bowling. Glenn's name is on the script, but Rob and Charlie wrote the majority of it while Glenn was shooting Blackberry. (I remember originally being convinced it was a mistake Glenn was listed as a writer for Bowling, lmfao). And Glenn is definitely still contributing, will be on revisions for the non-RCG scripts, and will classically change or improv whatever he thinks is best for Dennis when he's on set (see: the Risk E. Rats script).
Also, I know the crossover is concerning to a lot of people just given the nature of it, but as of what we know right now it's only on Abbott, so it's really just as if this season's The Gang Cracks the Liberty Bell or The Janitor Always Mops Twice took place on a different show instead of ours...
I promise promise promise Glenn was clearly holding his tongue for good things coming up, and Friday night very much restored my confidence that Season 17 will be good. (But..if you don't think Glenn has good contributions to Sunny or understands the agenda, then sorry this response probably sucks lmfao)
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mono-blogs-art · 28 days
Ayaka is in Love with Hiroko - The Lesbian Office RomCom You Needed
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Blatant flirting, hilarious misunderstandings, and lesbian shenanigans aplenty - this show is funny, over-dramatic, and most of all gay as hell. Here's my review! Spoiler-free version first, and a more detailed spoiler-y version under the cut. I hope you enjoy!
A quick summary: Overall: 9/10, you should absolutely watch this! Genre: RomCom, with some serious elements and a heartfelt exploration of sexuality Watch if you are looking for... : A silly and fun time, a happy ending, misunderstandings, and character development. Highly recommended to watch this with your partner(s) or your sapphic friends! Watch out for... : Although the tone of the show is mostly comedic, it contains discussion & depiction of homophobia at the workplace and past trauma relating to that Where to watch: Official TL on GagaOOLala, or Fansubs by @furritsubs (highly recommended!)
"Ayaka is in Love with Hiroko" (Ayaka-chan wa Hiroko-senpai ni Koishiteru) is a Jdrama adaption of a manga by the same title. The series premiered this year July 2024 and has wrapped up a short while ago, with a total runtime of 8 episodes of 24 minutes each.
The title of the show already says all; the plot is simple: Junior staff member Ayaka is head-over-heels for Hiroko, her senior at the company she works at. And she has decided to go on the offensive.
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There are many obstacles in Ayaka's way: first of all, Hiroko is 13 years older than her (they are 23 and 36), and her superior at the workplace. Hiroko is beloved by both her superiors as well as her staff, so Ayaka's love for her is just one of many. And no matter how blatantly she ups her advances (and girl, she is BOLD), Hiroko is 100% convinced that all the flirting is just misplaced, straight-woman obliviousness.
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The irony of it all is that Ayaka is absolutely barking up the right tree, because Hiroko is a lesbian, but has been firmly in the closet at work - something that she has no plans on changing. Her professional life and her personal must stay completely separate, at all cost. The only place she can truly be herself is the lesbian bar she's been a regular at for years.
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^ Me when I'm a lesbian disaster doing insane mental gymnastics
However, "giving up" is not in Ayaka's vocabulary. As her seduction attempts keep escalating and being misunderstood, Hiroko's hard exterior begins to crumble bit by bit. Can Hiroko finally overcome her rigid ways, and let herself fall for someone?
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Although the show is first and foremost a comedy, both Ayaka and Hiroko as characters are handled really well. They have their own problems, insecurities, reservations about the other, and both have a simple but great arc over the course of the series. Ayaka is discovering her sexuality, something she had never even considered before falling for Hiroko. What does being in love with a woman mean for her future? And Hiroko, who is already very confident in her sexuality, is confronted by her past trauma, and the fact that she's still not ready to come out despite the changing times. And while being undercover has saved her career in the past, it has also made her feel alone and isolated. She likes Ayaka back, but can't allow her true colors to show.
Something that I find very hard to achieve with comedy shows is the switch between funny and serious, and I think that Ayahiro manages this very well. Both of our main characters feel grounded enough in reality that when they get emotional, it feels relatable and sincere. For a silly show like this, striking a balance like that is crucial, and save for a few pacing issues in the later half of the show (that I honestly didn't mind at all), I think the show totally nails it. Ayahiro is not a realistic show, but it contains elements of reality that made me connect to it, despite all the insane shenanigans that go on. And because of that the show made me laugh and cry as much as it did, often in the same episode. It works, and Kudos to the writers (and actors!) for that.
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Speaking of actors, one thing I must mention is that the show is very well made. The actors (especially Mori Kanna as Hiroko is the standout for me, she has a natural charisma and gay swagger) do a fantastic job, the leads' chemistry is great. The production overall has some real money behind it, with lots of changing sets that all look great and have been crafted with care. Ayaka's outfits are absolute KILLER, she is giving insane femme energy. The show also looks very pretty, the color graders turn that saturation up to 100 and it fits Ayaka's rose-tinted world well.
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That's it for the spoiler-less part, I'll now get into specific characters and plot points with full spoilers up to the end of the series under the cut. If you don't want to get spoiled, I hope the review until now made you want to watch the show for yourself! I hope you enjoy!
First of all I need to disclaim that I have not read the original manga that she show is based on, so I can't compare the series to its original and how the plot is written there. I do intend to read it (I hope it gets localized to German so I can support the official release, but I might check out the English Official TL anyway before that) but for now, I will only judge the series as is.
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Ayaka: Our protagonist is a femme fatale, in... another meaning of the word, I guess. She is a disaster, bad at pretty much everything she does except not giving up. Once she has set her mind to something, she will get it done. That leads her to often be inconsiderate and unable to see what others around her are feeling, which goes mostly for her best friend Risa, but also for Hiroko, whose feelings she also fails to consider even when pursuing her. Ayaka has to learn the hard way that her naivete is hurting others, and herself. She hasn't really thought her advances through, simply acting on instinct. But as the series goes on, she takes her feelings and her newly discovered sexuality seriously, and grows comfortable with calling herself a lesbian. She is also unashamedly horny, like, Oh My God, this girl is trying to get laid so bad. This is hilarious and refreshing to see, and although her seduction attempts are often played as comedic, it doesn't feel like she is being ridiculed for her sexuality by the show. Ayaka often crosses boundaries (physical and emotional) with Hiroko, both out of naivite and in deliberate attempts to seduce her. To me this was never truly infuriating, even though sometimes she really did go too far, but for me it always kept in tone with the comedy of the show. Even when Ayaka finally comes out in front of the entire office, she makes it clear that she doesn't want Hiroko to do the same if she's not ready.
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Hiroko: Our deuteragonist is probably my favourite character in the show, and I think she's very relatable and well done. As an older lesbian, she's got plenty of experience, having even earned the title of "The Ace" in her lesbian friend circle for being a talented womanizer. But a traumatic experience of losing her last partner due to being found out at the workplace has changed her. She's afraid to get attached, she's unable to let people get close to her true self. So when Ayaka is fighting tooth and nail to get to her, Hiroko is caught in conflict between her feelings of attraction and her past trauma. She does everything in her power to dismiss Ayaka's advances to protect herself, and later when she learns that Ayaka is in fact not straight (duh), she still turns her down to protect Ayaka's (and her own) career. Hiroko is a bit of a conservative - something she's also called out for in her lesbian friend circle - she believes that coming out at work is impossible and irresponsible. And you know, I get it. Not only does she have personal bad experiences with exactly that, it's also not unreasonable to think it would be a bad idea to hook up with your junior of 13 years. Like, I get it girl. Hiroko is clearly attracted to Ayaka, not just physically but also emotionally, because Ayaka is everything Hiroko wants to be but can't. And that leads to Hiroko constantly underestimating Ayaka, even treating her like a child. She thinks Ayaka is not really thinking the gravity of her actions through, and she gets called out for that and has to overcome it. In the end, Hiroko ends up being a character that needs time, and needs to unlearn a whole bunch of shitty behaviour, something the show clearly also shows is being worked on and that Ayaka also respects (more on that later).
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Risa: Easily the character I struggled with the most, Ayaka's best friend Risa is complicated. She's very observant but also shy, and secretly harbors a crush on Ayaka. Quietly struggling with her sexuality, she only decides to come out when she realises that Ayaka's feelings for Hiroko are serious. Oh, it's messy! She confesses to Ayaka, who in turn has to struggle with her feelings for someone else, but also not wanting to lose her closest confidant. And to her credit, Risa takes the rejection quite gracefully and continues to support Ayaka in her pursuit of Hiroko. However, Risa also outs Hiroko against her will to Ayaka, which... is just a shitty thing to do, even though she just wanted to help her friend. Good motive, still murder. After the conflict between Ayaka and Risa is resolved, Risa just kind of... is around, quietly worrying in her corner and kind of (in my opinion) overstepping her boundaries with Hiroko. I don't dislike Risa, but I thought her character was not done super well in parts, and although I understand the complicated situation she herself is in, the show doesn't really let her grow as much as the other characters. Anyway, good for her for bagging the hottest chick at the lesbian bar, though. Good for her!
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The "break-up": The story's conflict comes to a peak when Hiroko finally realises there is only one way to shut this all down. She needs to fulfill Ayaka's desire, and then turn her down, once and for all. But Hiroko at this point still thinks Ayaka is immature and hasn't really thought her actions through. Ayaka sheepishly asks for a kiss, so Hiroko kisses her. "Now you've achieved everything you wanted." We're done, you can give up on me and this childish crush you have on me. And most importantly, I can let you go, too. Not realising that Ayaka wants much more. She wants a real relationship, she wants the kiss, sex, real emotions, she wants to see Hiroko's true self too. She wants a partnership.
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The Finale: With the encouragement of her peers, Ayaka finds the courage to express her feelings to Hiroko one last time. And she finds just the right words to finally get through to her. Hiroko realises how much of an ass she's been all this time, how she ended up hurting the girl she loves and herself by denying herself happiness. This whole scene was so well done (Kudos to Kato Shiho as Ayaka, this is probably her best scene in the entire show), brother I cried so hard. And finally Hiroko can say what she should have a long time ago: "I'm sorry."
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One year later: In the show's worst case of bad pacing, we immediately cut from their tearful reunion to "one year later", lol. I don't mind the sudden jump too much, but maybe a bit of a slower fade-out would have softened the blow, because I think a few people probably found this very jarring xD not too bad for me. I was actually positively surprised that we actually get to see the aftermath, see how their relationship has developed a year into it.
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I've seen a few people complain about this "no-sex scene" (lol) and I just want to add my two cents. I actually really like how this scene played out, for two reasons. Reason 1 is that it's just very much in-character for Hiroko. We've seen her struggle back-and-forth with the intimacy Ayaka wanted from her for the past 7.5 episodes, and her own internalised homophobia and constant fear of "crossing the line". She's a traumatized person, and it makes total sense to me that even one year into the relationship, she's still struggling with sexual intimacy. Sure, a whole year is a long time not having sex with your partner (even though you both clearly wanted to from day 1) but like... it makes sense for Hiroko. She's still working through the past 10+ years of repression. I do understand how this scene can be interpreted as "the show is afraid to show them being horny and sexy together, they're cowards for making Hiroko so obsessed with Ayaka's "purity" etc" and like, yes, that is a totally valid interpretation, but IMO also a quite bad faith one.
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"I'm happy to know you feel that way. Which is why, could you please wait a little more, just until I sort my feelings out?" "What?" "I want to cherish you, Ayaka." "Right." "I'm sorry for everything, Ayaka." "For everything?" "In the end, it seems like I still haven't came out yet. I understand that I'm making you endure something when you don't have to. But… I do want to be with you, and I want to keep my job. I'm really sorry for making you put up with my selfishness."
^ Like, that is the conversation that follows. It's not just about sex for Hiroko, that kind of intimacy holds a deeper meaning to her and she's just not ready for it yet, and trying to sincerely tell her partner that. And when Ayaka reaffirms her willingness to be patient in this scene and is respectful of Hiroko's choice, Hiroko realizes that she's being a stupid coward, and finally makes a decision...
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... to come out in front of the whole office, who's been gossiping about their relationship the whole year anyway.
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And that is the end of the show!
So really, Hiroko did manage to overcome her fears in the end, and it took her a whole year into a healthy relationship to do so. And I think that is honestly much more realistic than some people would like to believe. Is the smooch in front of the whole office silly and cheesy and over-dramatic? Of course, but that's the entire show so far. And if you think that kiss-and-dip is dumb then I can't help you, I think you just don't like fun.
Oh yeah, and my reason 2 why I thought that no-sex scene was done well is because it's just funny. Ayaka has been DTF since minute 1 of the show, and her still being unable to get it this far into it is just funny. I would have loved a little nod to them finally getting down at the very, very end, but eh, I can live with it like this. They've conquered the emotional hurdles, I'm certain they will cross that other bridge when they get there on their own time.
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Conclusion: "Ayaka is in Love with Hiroko" is a great and incredibly funny lesbian show that touched me emotionally much more than I thought it would. It made me cry several times, the production and acting quality positively surprised me, and honestly deserves my Nr 2 spot of favourite Lesbian JDrama after Tsukutabe (which is a 10/10 show) for now. I really hope this type of show gets imitators, adapting relatively short stories into mini-series with great quality. I appreciate the more adult tone of this series, its shameless comedy while still being able to hit serious beats with real emotion. From what I've seen of the BTS, the actors and staff also handled the subject matter with respect and care and had a lot of fun making the show. I don't think a season 2 is needed, but I do hope that the series can inspire more similar works. I love Ayaka and Hiroko, and I'm so happy they got their happy ending, and by God, I hope they have the best sex ever in their beautiful lesbian future. God bless.
That's it from me, thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoyed this show as much as I did! Hopefully see you soon!
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thesiltverses · 3 months
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Hey, folks,
Just an update that the next Silt Verses episode will be coming in a couple of days late, for what are slightly comical dog-ate-my-homework reasons (Jon burnt his hand on an oven dish and hasn't been able to complete sound design on the last couple of scenes through his dressing! He's absolutely fine otherwise.)
We'll release the early tier this coming Wednesday and the full public episode on Thursday 20th June. (We'll wait and see if that'll have a knock-on effect on Chapter 44's timings, but hopefully not.)
To keep you tided over, we've also dropped a publicly available spoiler-light 13-minute section from early on in the episode on Patreon, featuring High Katabasian Greve and Press Secretary Carson as they oversee the public legalisation of the Parish of Tide and Flesh, and Carpenter, Hayward, Shrue and Cross as they prepare to hijack the GGR radio broadcast.
Here's what you can expect from the episode, which should come in at around 80 minutes total.
Glottage and its commercial faiths celebrate a great military victory with a great parade. Shrue, Hayward and Carpenter attempt to get the message of the Woundtree out to the people of the Peninsula. Faulkner finds himself at the mercy of his own fanatical audience. Everything comes to a head.
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absolutebl · 3 months
This Week in BL - In Which None of You Should be Surprised by a MAJOR Upset in the Standings
Sorry this is so late. I had a pretty epic series of delays landing me at NRT for like 18 hours or something ridiculous. To be fair there are much worse airports to be stranded at.
Organized, in each category, with ones I'm enjoying most at the top.
June 2024 Week 4
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Ongoing Series - Thai
The Rebound (Weds Gaga) ep 1 of 12 - Fuck all ya'all if you thought I had taste. MeenPing are topping this damn list because... have you any idea how LONG I have been waiting for a real sports centered BL starring at least one boy who actually played the flipping sport? My whole damn life. You ready for me to go into euphoric splooges all over your screens? I don't think you are. SUFFER! And now some splooging:
It’s off to a great start. Thank you, Rebound, for being exactly what I wanted. By which I mean Meen has his shirt off literally in the first two minutes of the show. Also it’s a bit of a childhood sweethearts reunion romance. There’s nothing wrong with this beginning. Fantastic. For a change, I even enjoy the intro music. Golf is directing MeenPing this time, so maybe something magical will happen. Frank is aging so pretty!!! How nice for all of us. Even the bb play is good. It’s a proper sports BL. I’m so damn happy right now. 
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Wandee Goodday (Sat YT) ep 9 of 12 - I’m so tired of Ter, but everything else was lovely. Also they are SUCH boyfriends. 
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Sunset X Vibes (Sat iQIYI) ep 3 of 12 - They are so cute in these roles. I don’t know why, I just like their vibe better here than in the previous show. (And I really enjoyed Big Dragon at the start.) This show is a lot more classic romance and kind of pat because of that. I do hope the ingénue character gets some kind of additional development and talent. But even if it stays mundane, these two have the chemistry to carry it. So I suspect I’ll keep enjoying it regardless. I am mildly intrigued by the spice of the PNR element, so I hope they run with that a bit more. I suspect they will have to, to extend the plot for 12 eps.
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My Stand-In (Fri iQIYI) ep 10 of 12 - Ah Ming... famous last words. This one just makes me sigh a lot and whimper sadly. I don’t know where they’re going with this plot or how they’re gonna resolve it. Joe finally being the asshole Ming deserves is a lot of fun though (double entendre intended). I’m scared but it did make me cry... a lot. (That's fine, I'm a sap.)  
Imma say this because no one else has. Wardrobe is unilaterally terrible in this show. I mean Thailand is notoriously bad in general but this show, nash.
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We Are Cute (Weds iQIYI) ep 13 of 16 - They are so fucking adorable. And so flirty! Also a crying kiss? My favorite! Chain’s little moment of "Cupid shoot thyself" was epic. ("Physician heal thyself" but for the BL world?) Honestly, I could watch a whole show about these two...
The Trainee (Sun YouTube) ep 1 of 12 - How does Gun still look like he’s just out of high school? Madness. Does the set for the print shop that he’s working in at the beginning remind anybody else of Mork’s dad’s place in ‘Cause He’s My Boy? I swear GMMTV has about 3 sets they rotate through.
To be brutally honest, I was not looking forward to the show at all. No idea why. OffGun aren’t my most favorite OG pair, but I respect them for their longevity, optics, acting shops, and enduring brand. Maybe I just needed more of a gap from Cooking Crush?
Whatever, I was absolutely riveted by this first episode. I’m enjoying The Trainee a lot. Like, a lot a lot.
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My Love Mix-Up Th (Fri YT) ep 4 of 12 - This version did the "clear up of the inciting miscommunication" in such a sweet achey way. Frankly that "ache of first love" really plays to G4's strengths as a pair. This was a good ep and I’m now starting to enjoy this one for its own sake and get some distance from the JBL version. It's just there is A LOT of good stuff coming out of Thailand right now.
Love Sea (Sun iQIYI) ep 3 of 10 - I was inspired to write a Shakespearean style sonnet in this week's trash watch. Mame seems to believe that no character can have depth without suffering. And I found this episode both boring and rushed at the same time. Trash watch here. (This week's trash watch also VERY delayed.)
Knock Knock Boys (Thurs Gaga) ep 6 of 12 - It’s eminently missable... so I missed it this week in order to get this weekly update out. Next week will be a two in one. 
Only Boo! (Sun YT) ep 12fin - Okay, that’s it, I guess?
An idol romance about a sunshine boy who dances good and wants to be a star and a reserved food stand vendor. Other side of the tracks, grumpy/sunshine pair who fall in love but, of course, to be an idol baby boy can't date. It wasn’t particularly bad, it wasn’t particularly good either. 7/10
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
I Hear the Sunspot AKA Hidamari ga Kikoeru (Japan Weds Gaga) Ep 1 of 10 - A new series adaptation of beloved yaoi I Hear the Sunspot (first adaptation was feature film Silhouette of Your Voice 2017).
I expected the soundscapes in this one to be fantastic, but I didn’t expect the filming to be something special too. But it really is. I’m not gonna lie, I'm nervous about this show because I love the manga and was disappointed by the film, but we were off to a really good start. First names already? So cute. I love them.
Takara's Treasure AKA Takara No Vidro (Japan Mon Gaga) ep 1 of 10 - Shy awkward Taishin goes to a Tokyo university in order to reunite with Takara, a stranger who consoled him over the loss of a parrot the year prior. He finally gets a chance to express his gratitude but is given the cold shoulder. (My thoughts this weekend's round up)
I can't believe Japan is holding it down for the non Thai BL. I mean to say.... JAPAN!!! What alt reality are we living in? It being Japan, I'm scared of the ending.
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It's airing but...
Blue Boys is still going on and I'm still enjoying it (despite the cheating) but I don't know when it drops or where it's going, so I will report in at the end. When they tell me it's ended.
The Last Time (Thai Fri YT?) - Convoluted story of loss and possible reincarnation or something. Can't find it.
OMG Vampire (Thai Sun ???) 10 eps - I've put the search on hold for and y'all can let me know if it's worth tracking down once it ends?
In case you missed it
The Time of Fever AKA Unintentional Love Story 2 (Korea movie) trailer released to Korean theaters 5/25. HoTae & DongHee, side couple from Unintentional Love Story are back! Same actors, same character names. I love them. Devastated this hasn't had international distribution. I demand you tell me the moment you find it!
Next Week Looks Like This:
NO IMG - we half way through this week already - sorry.
Upcoming BLs for 2024 are listed here. This list is not kept updated, so please leave a comment if you know something new or RP with additions.
July Releases to Come
7/5 This Love Doesn't Have Long Beans (Thai iQIYI) - trailer here, The PittBabe team behind a new restaurant set BL full of hidden agendas and starring my new favorites SailubPon. Delightful!
7/10 Century of Love (Thai Gaga) 10 eps - trailer here, DaouOffroad are back, this time as fated mates in a quasi historical paranormal moment. San has spent many lifetimes waiting for his lost beloved, to reincarnate from her death a century ago. But if he fails to find her within this century's time window, he will succumb to a tragic death. And this time she's a boy. Very much Director Who Buys Me Dinner meets First Love Again, hopefully better than both. I love this pair and think they can handle the premise, it's whether the storytelling is up to the challenge. I'm curious to see but I have reservations.
7/26 4 Minutes (Thai Netflix or iQIYI?) - Great is a university student from Faculty of Business and the son of a wealthy business owner. Out of the blue, he gains the supernatural power to see four minutes into the future.
7/29 Battle of the Writers (Thai ????) - trailer here, TutorYim return and while I adore them, I really hope this is better than Middleman's Love. Won't be hard. However: that premise! Ugh. Something something authors fighting - save me. Why don't writers understand that nothing is more boring than writers?
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Defining @heretherebedork 's favorite endearment of "tiny idiot."
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I love him. I also love what a class act they both were about this turn down. Thailand shows Korea how to handle a love triangle by NOT HAVING ONE.
Both We Are.
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We stand a lap sit on this blog, but I think this is my first lap spin! I adored it! (Sunset X Vibes)
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It's fun to watch them follow the original narrative but with these cute little Thai twists. Sometimes these are shifted for language reasons, sometimes for cultural, and sometimes I think just to draw a clear distinction from the JBL. I'm not mad about any of it. (My Love Mix Up)
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Not just for you, honey. Truer words were never spoken. Yak is the biggest green flag ever to walk BL's verdant earth.
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Linguistic corner!
I love this way of putting the translation. Usually, in Thai, the phrase used means "he's my happiness" (sounds like: kwamsook). To use sabai is different. Sabai more ubiquitous (sabai is one of the most commonly used phrases in Thailand) but also so different from the usual phrase we hear in ThBL at this moment. Thus, this execution is special, particularly from a doctor. I'm not quite sure how to put it but sabai can also be translated as feeling well, as in, not ill. So there is a way of looking at Wandee saying Yak is both his peace of mind and good for his health and well being.
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(Last week)
Streaming services are listed by how I (usually) watch, which is with a USA based IP, and often offset by a day because time zones are a pain.
The tag BLigade: @doorajar @solitaryandwandering @my-rose-tinted-glasses @babymbbatinygirl @babymbbatinygirl @isisanna-blog @mmastertheone @pickletrip @aliceisathome @urikawa-miyuki @tokillamonger @sunflower-positiiivity @rocketturtle4 @blglplus @anythinggoesintheshire @everlightly @renafire @mestizashinrin @bl-bam-beyond @small-dark-and-delicious @saezurumurmurs
Sigh, Tumblr in it's infinite wisdom doesn't like too many tags.
There's these tricks, remember.
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1moreff-creator · 13 days
DRDT Chapter 2 Episode 13: First Impressions
Woo! DRDT! It is time! Time for despair! Let’s go! My excitement has not faded in the slightest from last week; if anything, it’s stronger than before. Here are my first impressions of this week’s episode!!!
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Spoilers for CH2 EP13
CW Suicide, violent murder, mafia mention, suicide, hanging, self-harm.
It’s starting! Levi’s got some explaining to do. Will someone (say, Eden) have an interesting reaction?
Alright, J’s not the one I expected to have first reaction, but cool.
“You…” Is Ace okay? 
“Ah. I didn’t expect that.” Rose’s legendary reaction.
Oh, so people know, but the court struck it. Interesting.
Ah, there’s the Ace reaction. Also, “no way Hope’s Peak scouted a murderer” but you have a poisoner on another secret and an art forger, at least. Not the same level maybe, but still. 
“Don’t make the mistake of switching cause and effect.” Of course Hope’s Peak is responsible, that was my first gut instinct. God, it’s so shady in this universe.
Woo, Levi backstory! Three “old enemies?”
… Bro??? I don’t think any of us actually expected more than one murder, but I might be wrong on that. Self-defense, then two first degrees, huh?
“Were you in the mafia or something?” Thanks J.
“I don’t think I need to elaborate” No, you do. You really should elaborate. Please? For me?
“Who did you even kill?” And… Levi!Accomplice is looking rougher by the second. Then again, maybe she didn’t know.
Levi tracked two of them down, but doesn’t know who they were? How?
“That car I blew up once?” HUH???
“That’s… kind of a lot to admit all of the sudden.” True, Rose. I’m trying to see what he’s cooking, but I can’t tell.
How do you forget this? Jeez.
“How could you forget?” You know, Arturo, I was kinda irrationally worried Charles was about to throw in his secret phrase, but it’s cool that you avoided that. Thanks.
[For the uninformed; it’s theorized the characters will, at some point in the series, say the quotes hidden in the source code of their dedicated pages out loud, since Min and Arei both said theirs, and Xander’s could be in a flashback. That means that if a character says their secret quotes, their chances of dying go up drastically.]
“If you don’t care about murder, you could be the murderer.” (Paraphrased) Yes thanks Veronika not the point. 
“Almost as if you don’t care…” Great. I didn’t know where Levi was going with this, now I don’t know where Veronika is going with her schtick.
I’m surprised Ace is taking it relatively well [as in, not outwardly terrified]. I guess near death does that to someone.
Woo! Time frame! Junior high school! 
Interesting, so he didn’t start fashion because of the murder. That’s kinda what I was thinking, but I was wrong.
We’re getting our first crumbs of Hope’s Peak being ultra shady in main series! After Rose’s backstory ig. Unfortunately the “pretentious revolutionaries” aren’t here to “hand out tickets of lead” ← LGI brainrot
“It could also refer to the time I murdered my father.”
You didn’t lead with that?! Also, what?! I laughed out loud at the fucking absurdity of the statement, but what?!
“It’s a bit of a bother.” The bothersome part is that they’re phrased vaguely and not that they reveal you’re a murderer, got it.
“Go back!” Thank you J.
What do you mean I think. Bro how many people have you killed? What in the name of Kirisaki Shidou [/ref]?
“Not even the police cared about a man like him.” ??? Also, wasn’t your dad a bad influence? You’ve mentioned him before, it didn’t sound that bad- Wait, is he lying? No way he’s lying. Hold on, let me watch more.
[In retrospect, I doubt he’s lying, but his story is certainly weird]
“I see no reason to remain hung up-” Then why are you bringing it up. I still can’t fucking tell what you’re trying to accomplish here.
Eden’s reaction is… neutral, I guess? Makes sense either way?
Eden!Culprit has always been hard to maintain during the trial, huh… Still took the tape though. And I guess it’s potentially interesting she’s getting this much dialogue about Levi’s thing. Teruko’s yet to speak this episode.
“I wonder if I should really tell the truth…” Bro what do you mean there’s more truth to tell?
Oh, hey, speaking of Teruko. And it seems she and I share a mind.
“I don’t care about people at all.” Ooooh, I like this. Some kind of condition?
I feel a little bit like Veronika, interested in hearing his experience with this. Feeling like Veronika is probably a bad thing.
“You’re still a stranger to me.” Levi’s quickly climbing the ranks of fave characters, btw. This is super interesting.
“But you’re a good person-” DO NOT “good person” right now, Eden! That’s a point to Levi!Accomplice, maybe? Maybe not? I don’t know what’s happening. And I still don’t get what Levi is trying to do here.
Double “good person?” Bro what is happening.
“I don’t personally care what happens to Ace.” Mood (that’s a joke I like Ace).
PFT- Ace’s reaction lol.
“But it is “good” to make sure someone else doesn’t die-” Goodbye Levi!Accomplice! I liked you, but I’m probably gonna go try to find other theories after this episode :p (This is a joke, btw; if I didn’t discount theories like Hu!Culprit when the new alibis came up, I’m not going to completely abandon Levi!Accomplice over this. But, just saying, there might be a few revisions to be made)
“Haha. You…” Ace breakdown! Breakdown! (I'm absolutely acting like Veronika now).
“I was right all along.” Yeah, Ace ‘can tell a hawk from a handsaw’ Markey, nice one. (Does anyone even know/remember why I’m referencing that line or is LGI too far in the past for that?)
New Ace sprite! Cool one too. Clutching his heart, Acevi shippers eating ig. 
“Good thing I didn’t fall for it. Not one bit.” Oh they’re eating GOOD good!
“There’s only one person in my whole life who I’ve ever been able to call my friend-” IS THAT A FUCKING TAYLOR REFERENCE?!?!?! Holy shit, I don’t know how many people are even gonna remember we have a canon name for that dude. I hope someone still has the screenshot of the deleted answer from the CH2 Part 1 Q&A. 
“I really hope you fucking die.” We are active in Trial 2 Part 2, huh? Between Arturo telling him to “shut his whore mouth” and this, Levi’s getting verbally jumped!
“You’re quite the interesting person, Levi” Please Veronika, give me the psychoanalysis.
Dude, that’s three “good person” drops all on Levi. Chat the importance of this phrase may have been slightly overexaggerated by me (then again, the list of “good person” people has yet to grow from last chapter).
“You act like a big pushover because-” This is the psychoanalysis I came to see!
I don’t know if I’d call it “intuitive understanding” but I guess Levi’s not fully wrong about Veronika.
Four “good person.” And that’s not counting Veronika’s “good people.”
Five. Also, this continues to be interesting. Why did Levi bring this up again?
“After looking at David, I thought being honest-” Okay that’s hilarious.
“Try looking in a mirror…” First David line of the episode, right? And it’s a nice one of course.
That’s six cases of “good person” in this chapter alone holy shit. At least it’s David, who still had counts.
“I apologize for this tangent” Then can you please explain why the tangent exists in the first place? Or is it really just because being honest is "good"?
[Spoilers. It really was because of that. What]
“I can’t believe there was a time I liked you.” Yeah Acevi is still eating good. I doubt the hostility is gonna drive the shippers away; that’s what they’re here for, right?
And of course Whit’s first line makes him look suspicious. Bro you have an alibi for the time of disappearance of fish and you didn’t take the tape from the gym, stop pretending to be the killer.
“Let’s not jump to conclusions.” Thank you Hu, but let me jump to a conclusion. Is Levi not gonna explain why he revealed his secret beyond the honesty thing?
Okay J’s response is good too.
“No, [Arei] didn’t [talk to Levi about the secret]” Bro what the fuck are we even talking about anymore.
“I don’t have a defense” (Paraphrased) No but seriously what. I’m this close to ripping out my hair. What is he doing.
“We don’t have evidence [Levi is the murderer]” Thank you Teruko Tawaki for being one of three competent people in the building. This is affectionate, one of my favorite parts of the DRDT cast is that they all suck at class trials lol :p
Bro Whit is trying REALLY HARD to look like the murderer rn. I’m still not letting him convince me. Yet.
“I realized that motives alone are not concrete evidence.” Yayyyy! Progress!
“I feel a sneeze coming on…” Dude David and Teruko need to get into comedy, they’re fucking hilarious.
“One second please.” Hu I trusted you. Why. You’re revealing your secret, right?
“...I didn’t want you all to think less of me.” Aww, poor Hu. No one’s gonna think less of you, you’re doing awesome (I am assuming she has hopeless child btw).
“I wanted to believe the past never happened” Butterfly motif and “water as rebirth” symbolism go brrr. 
“I’ve always been a selfish person, haven’t I?” Hu please, you’re really nice, even if you go overboard at times.
“I will share my secret if you promise to immediately move on.” (Paraphrased) Good idea. It would probably be good to talk about it if she wants, but this is kinda not the time.
“I have Veronika’s secret, and she has mine.” Okay I did NOT expect her to reveal she had Veronika’s, but alright! That’s two more on the board, and two more most of us got right! At least the theorists are doing well on the secrets.
[Veronika agreeing to the pact] Bro what pact, how did you communicate that? Also, “I have such little interest in both of our secrets” is wild, but it makes sense given her personality. Recap foils go brr, I’ll sit down and think about this later.
“My own so-called secret isn’t even the worst thing I’ve done.” Uh…??? It’s just bombshell after bombshell, these episodes!
Oh, we are questioning the pact. I kinda thought they’d managed to do that in the trial, now I’m really curious. Please tell me we aren’t gonna have to ignore that question because of what Hu asked of them.
“We’re not gonna talk about me?” Oh, Vero, I would love for them to talk about you, but I don’t think it’s gonna happen.
“Bless me! Also, excuse me! Wow, thank you for your support everyone!” WAIT IT GOT FUNNIER.
“I have another interruption–” Either it just got even funnier or he’s about to reveal Teruko’s secret and shit got serious, let’s see.
Oh, right. But, dude, I’m relatively sure the last two unclaimed secrets can’t be hers. Maybe the survivor’s guilt one, even though that felt like Xander’s? Are you absolutely certain you don’t have her secret?
“My family.” Figured she’d try that one. [She probably feels it's true to some extent].
Oh, now THAT’S a David sprite alright. Pretty sure that settles it, the most common theories for secrets during hiatus were all correct.
I’m guessing David’s still not gonna reveal it. We still need to see a Teruko teacher CG, and I don’t think we’re gonna have time for that if he brings it up.
“We did it!” Yeah he ain’t revealing shit. 
“Sir Light Pollution” is actually crazy. Do his eyes really emit light like a flashlight? That’d be really fucking funny actually.
Oh, it was actually funny because Whit is a boyfailure. Alright, joke understood. I smiled.
“I am truly impressed… by how bad that was.” And there I laughed!
“I’ve started to detect this trial isn’t about me.” Iconic of you, Sir Attention Whore /affectionate
Thank you J.
Eden bro can we please let Teruko speak. Also you are not helping the culprit allegations miss Tobisa.
“What happened between you and Arei?” Jesus, we really cannot get to the fucking murder, huh? Fair, though, I’m really curious about this too, though I feel we’re gonna skip past it without an answer or David’s just not gonna respond seriously.
“I know that she’s dead and that she’s never coming back.” We’re getting worryingly close to your secret quote wording here, Eden. You sure you wanna go this route?
What are we, on seven “good person”s now?
Oh shit are we actually getting an answer?
YES! YES! YES! LET’S GO! I wasn’t expecting this!
Eight. Though I think this one’s repeated, though I might be wrong.
Yeah, this is old dialogue.
Man, Arei’s and Eden’s VAs did amazing work this episode!
“That makes me feel really relieved.” Lie. She didn’t say that. That’s my gut reaction, anyways, I could be wrong.
“I was pissed at you for a bit.” Oh shit chat David’s not getting cut off. This might actually be true. What the fuck?
Oh, also. Nine. David again.
“There’s not even anything positive…” Okay this hurts a fucking ton. If David’s lying, I want him dead. If this is true, holy shit this is sad.
“A metamorphosis like that…” Jeez this is actually getting sad sad. Auch.
“I’ll never be a good person.” Ten, and the tenth hurts a LOT. I don’t think David’s lying, members of the jury. Holy shit this is sad. 
“It turns out that you might be a total piece of shit…” Holy shit I miss Arei already.
“Like Santa Claus…” Didn’t Charles bring up something like that talking with Teruko in the computer room? Interesting connection. I guess not “all that glitters,” yeah.
“It’s okay that I’ll never be a good person, because no one else can be either.” Okay, first; twelve. Second, ouch.
[I know my commentary's not exactly thrilling. Forgive me, I'm suffering]
“Even Eden.” And what does that mean?
[Eden with blood on her hands CG]
I can’t- Words- Not working. Hold on, I gotta see what the fuck is happening here.
[Pan to fork]
It has four prongs, which matches the Xander one. Did Eden take out Xander’s eye? How in the actual fuck? No chance, right? I’m just going insane?
“I’m sure even Eden has hurt someone” (Paraphrased). Brain is still not working. Sorry.
“Even someone like her must have made a mistake she couldn’t take back” WE ARE GETTING DANGEROUSLY CLOSE TO SECRET QUOTE WORDING!
We’re just moving on? That shit didn’t happen? I’m fucking sorry?
I can’t even- Does this imply fucking MM!Eden? I don’t think so, she doesn’t look like she wanted to- WAS it Xander she stabbed? Again, how? What? I’m so confused. YOU CAN’T DO THIS TO US DEV! I NEED ANSWERS!!!
“Second ever friend…” Ouch ouch ouch-
Another “good people” btw.
[Arei CG] That’s the fucking- THAT LOOKS LIKE THE FUCKING GIRL FROM LGI?!?!?!
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Like, obviously they look different, but that’s the same pose, with the hand and everything- WHAT?!
Is Arei/David a ship? It’ll probably be one after this. 
“Nothing-” You absolute piece of shit. Holy shit David, when I get my hands on you David…
“Nothing else happened between us, I promise.” Wow. Who would’ve thunk this is how I come to fucking despise a man so much while he simultaneously rises in my fave characters ranking, huh? Holy hell.
“One hundred percent promise-” I get more mad every line. That’s good character writing, folks. Jesus.
I can’t read Eden this episode. Still think she’s the culprit lol.
“Finally.” Yeah, Teruko. Same.
[By the way, the next section has a lot of me rambling about my own theories, so if you don't know them, here's a link to the latest, now likely outdated version]
“From that low of height…” I like where we’re going.
“I’m starting to realize how long it's taken to get here.” (Paraphrased) Yeah, Whit. Yeah.
“Some people had to wait one year and five months-” PFFFT- Also Whit’s reaction means he’s not fully fourth wall aware, which is cool.
[Sees truth bullet] Yes! The jugs were used as weights! Tell me I’m right about this!
YEAH! I GOT IT RIGHT! Also Veronika’s “consent” animation is… uuh… very ‘Ronika if you catch my drift. I love it!
“Those jugs ended up breaking…” You know it! I wonder if maybe they didn’t have time to clean the fish? But they could have gotten water literally elsewhere, so they clearly did use them for alibi.
“The jugs alone aren’t enough…” (Paraphrased). Yeah, we gotta go higher. Like, the girders at the top…?
“... rafters on the ceiling.” Yeah!!! Wrong name but I also got this right!
“It must have been one long rope…” Or two, because you need the stopper.
“Oh, wait, you’re agreeing with me. Yes.” Funny, laughed.
“The rafters were way too high…” Ball of clothes, come on.
“...something like a pulley…” Yeah, Whit knows what I’m talking about! The fact he’s being helpful makes him less suspicious. Finally, he managed to open his mouth without incriminating himself of something!
“High location…” Are we actually doing stopper rope? My guess is that that’s when we’ll get teacher Teruko.
“In drop hanging…” Okay, first, love the monologue. Second, is there a reason you know so much about drop hanging? Did your mother…? I guess it’s not necessary. I also came to the same conclusions and I don’t have any history with the stuff. 
“We also know she didn’t hit the ground-” Does anyone have a counter of tasteless Whit jokes? Just checking.
“Aren’t I so smart…” And we’re back to kinda incriminating ourselves, because you're denying pulley method. Fantastic.
WOO! ANOTHER NON-STOP! Let me guess, “spinny thing” is the truth bullet?
“Tape on carousel.” Close enough. Although, hold on, are we actually gonna go “stopped with hands?” No chance, right?
Also am I stupid or does Arturo’s VA sound different in the debates?
Yeah btw Levi!Accomplice is dead and buried, I need to find other ways for Eden to have done this.
I like that Teruko still calls it a spinny thing :p
Wow, everyone’s correcting her, huh? I guess I’m the only one that appreciates her smh.
“...when I need to correct the killer’s grammar.” Funny comeback, but you know, the letter does actually have quite a few spelling errors.
Yay! Teacher Teruko! She looks so cute with glasses!
Also I cannot believe it. These Microsoft-Paint ass diagrams remind me of when I did them too lol.
Oh, shit, under the seesaw! That’s a good one, Teruko! I didn’t catch that. (Then again, I always thought the seesaw was in a different place, but oh well).
Is that dog ears Whit? My guy, you know Charles dislikes dogs, right? Then again, you do canonically have negative rizz, so :p
Oh, tying the rope! Not quite a stopper rope, but same concept. Yeah, would work. Good one Teruko!
“The carousel is made of smooth metal.” THAT’S WHAT THE TAPE WAS FOR! Clutch.
Oh shit, is the cliffhanger going to be the tape’s origin?
“I’ve seen this murder method before.” Okay, wait. One, no origin of tape. That’s big for Eden!Culprit: My current guess is that someone (ie Veronika) will want to discuss the Ace-Nico thing, which will lead to them discovering Eden took the tape. Two, what the fuck do you mean you’ve seen this before?!
“You have?” Looking kinda worried there, Eden…
“And so have you.” Okay am I forgetting something? Min’s execution wasn’t like this, what the hell…
“Me?” Eden, honey, the allegations…
“We’re going to talk about a different case…” Oh shit Teruko’s got the Ace method figured out? I would really love to hear that because I have no idea what the hell was happening with that one. Also, I called it! Didn’t expect it to be Teruko who brought us back to the Ace case, but still. 
“Explain yourself, Nico.” YEAH!!!! I’m actually really excited. I’m gonna look into revising my theory on that case before the next episode, see if I can figure it out, since I think the old methods I’ve discussed with others don’t quite line up with what Teru’s describing. 
What an episode!
General Thoughts:
Holy shit. Just. So much happened. It’s too much peak.
The Eden CG is the first thing on my mind; that’s crazy. Did she really take out Xander’s eye? I have zero idea what else I would be looking at. Certainly not MM!Eden, too obvious, but I don’t know what’s happening there. No fucking idea. I might make a more detailed post when I get my thoughts in order, but all I’m saying; the possibility the girl she kissed was Mai? That Mai told her about Teruko, and Eden attacked Xander in the pre-prologue killing game to protect Teruko? Hmm…
The secrets are huge, too. Nothing wild, given like 75% of the fandom had assumed these secrets anyways, but still nice to get them all. The Levi explanation was fascinating, but I don’t know what the fuck it has to do with the trial. Was it really a pointless aside? I don’t know…
The Arei scene was fucking insane even outside the Eden CG. Stabbed through the heart, haven’t felt that sad since Min’s death, and, yeah…
Not to mention, the fucking “Ideal Country Woman from LGI” looking ass frame. At least I finally got my answer; it was a wrist bend, not a glove. 
And David. David. Why are you like this. I genuinely can’t tell why he does anything anymore.
Finally, I love the Taylor mention, that’s insane. And Veronika has a darker secret? She really wants those MM allegations, huh? Jokes aside, I’m really curious about both those things. I kinda wonder if somehow the students will see the motive videos from Trial 1, since we’re hearing about Taylor and I’m hoping Alyssa later.
Just… Holy shit this episode was awesome. Cannot wait for next week.
First Impression Murder Theory Updates
It’s looking like Levi!Accomplice will end up being a nice AU and nothing more, although I’m not 100% ruling it out. That said, I’m still pretty confident in Eden!Culprit, especially with how we mentioned the tape on the spinny thing was easy to grip, but no one’s made the connection to the gym yet. 
The big thing to solve in the Arei case, then, is how Eden got the fish. There’s a few other accomplices she could have, but those are looking rough unless she somehow got Arei to do it. That said, I’m considering the possibility that she took the minnows ultra early, before Nico started feeding them. That would explain how they didn’t notice there were a few missing the night before; they just never counted the ones in the jugs in the first place. That has issues too, but I’ll see about it. 
That said, I’m pretty happy with myself! I got a lot of the major points of the pulley system right. The only thing is the “stopper rope vs tie a knot” thing, but the principle is similar enough. We’ll see about things like the ball of clothes to put the rope over the rafters. There’s still plenty of murder to discuss. 
As for the Ace case… It’ll need a full review later. If it’s supposed to be similar to Arei’s case, I really have no clue what the hell was happening there. Though I guess the ridiculous wire circuit I made might actually have some merit, given we're doing some kind of pulley?
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... Maybe not :p
I have no further insight; I just need to look at it again.
Anyways, hope you enjoyed! Watching this episode took me like two hours and a half while writing this… this almost 4k word post… so… yeah. Gods save me if there actually is an hour long episode left. See ya’!
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tapwater118 · 12 days
tpot 13 spoilers, i say a lot here
hopy mopy that was a good episode. love it when tpot decides to get all cinematic. lots of things to talk about
having the cold open and stinger be about firey and leafy is very very interesting (“dreamier island” is adorable idgaf). didn’t really expect them to build off their cameo from tpot 8 like this, they’re obviously setting up another side plot (likely to replace the robot flower one that just ended). i don’t think leafy died in the storm, that’d be too straightforward for that much screen time. i think one got her, for what i don’t know. what kind of deal would she take?? i must think about this more
also speaking of one what the fuck. she moved a whole goddamn hurricane over to the hotel??? she can do that?? ok so maybe she didn’t make deals with bomby and bell, she’s just stealing the eliminated contestants for some reason. AND SHE WANTS TWO GONE DUDE. scary. probably the biggest surprise was her making it so two exitors join instead of one, which reads to me as if she wanted pencil specifically to join for some reason. interesting interesting interesting
can i just say there are some super interesting freesmart interactions here. pencil’s overjoyed to see book and ice cube (cause she’s been trapped in four for four years) but those two looked EXTREMELY uncomfortable to see her. most interesting is how despite still being avoidant of book ICE CUBE DELIBERATELY GETS HER AWAY FROM PENCIL. SHES WILLING TO PUT HER GRIEVANCES WITH BOOK ASIDE TO PROTECT HER LIKE THAT. what the fuck happened between them. idfb i need you to happen please
i didn’t really have any predictions for the eliminations this time around, barf bag i somewhat expected but needle was a bit of a surprise. i thought tpot 12 would’ve made people like her more? oh well. kinda hoped for more gb and pencil interactions from her being on cloudyay but i guess we’ll have more time for those later. liy being on 🎼 is nice cause she has her old friends there, works as a nice fill in for needle’s niche
the old robot flower is back! by the deal with one uh oh. i actually really like how they handled this, everyone else is happy the old her is back but she sounded really hesitant about it because she still has the same issues from before!!! nothings been fixed for her!!! she still has that want to be like flower dude. that plot line better not be completely dead or else. (also thank you tv for the flower cameo ur great. also tv is talking in mashed up clips again letsgooooooooo)
i think i actually need to watch this episode again, there’s so many little details sprinkles everywhere omga. anyway i voted for pin and book and you should too. peace out
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look at her she angy
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My *made up* season 3 episode list and what each episode would be about and a quote from each episode
1 • Dusker Back From the Dead
(The title is a mix of both the season 1 and season 2 first episodes) Ethan and Benny use the Cubile Animus to bring Sarah back from the dead using Vice principal Stern as their sacrifice.
“Can you two stop referencing stupid movies and figure out how to get me out of here!” -Sarah
2 • The Date to (re)Start all Dates
Ethan struggles to plan out the perfect date for him and Sarah, afraid to mess it up he tries to make contact with Jesse to give him advice, but things take a turn for the worse when he finds himself stuck in the limbo dimension.
“Doesn’t feel so great to be trapped in limbo now does it.” -Jesse
3 • Della’s Vengeance
(idea partially by @comicbookddr)
When Della finds Benny’s missing spellbook she decides to use it against him as revenge. Making Benny discover she is also a spellmaster.
“Looks like you’re not the only spellmaster at our school” -Ethan
“…well this is just great..” -Benny
4 • Out of this World (inspired by alien candy)
When a new club forms at Whitechapel High, Rory and Benny find the members suspicious and begin to investigate them, nobody believes them until Ethan has an encounter with the club’s leader and finds out that the club is made up of aliens planning on invading their school.
“Rory stop worrying, they are not going to probe you.” -Ethan
5 • Sleepover Seance
When Jane is hosting a sleepover, the girls venture into the basement after watching a scary movie, wanting to have fun of their own they bring out 'Spirit Speaker'. But it isn't a ghost this time, a sleep demon comes out to play.
"How are they all asleep already?" -Rory
6 • Down the Wishing Well
Sarah discovers the local legend that there is an enchanted wishing well in Whitechapel that grants any wish, but at a cost. When she wishes to be human again, the evil spirits of the well possess her.
“I call on the spirits of this wishing well, I wish to be human again.” -Sarah
7 • Jedi’s Anonymous
When Erica finds herself going back to her old geek self, she joins an online chat room anonymously and starts flirting with another user, she decides to meet up with him in real life and discovers she had been talking to Benny the entire time.
“I’ve been talking to you idiot the entire time?!” -Erica
8 • Living Dead Girl
Rory falls six feet deep for the new girl in town. Although the boys quickly realize something isn’t as it seems when she appears in a yearbook over decades old.
“Well if she’s looking for brains, she definitely chose the wrong one..” -Ethan
9 • The Return of Betty & Veronica
Stephanie creates a golem to go to Whitechapel for junior year seeking vengeance. Betty and Veronica are back on the scene, Rory finds out the truth about Betty.
“These underwear are riding up my butt again” -Ethan
10 • Knights of Ninjitsu
Ethan is having trouble writing a fanfiction to send into his favorite game company as part of a contest. When he runs out of ideas he asks Benny to use a spell that gives him more ideas, Benny accidentally uses the wrong spell, trapping Ethan inside of a video game/his computer.
"Benny, do NOT open zombie stomper." -Ethan
11 • Jane’s Vision
When Jane snoops through her brother’s closet she discovers Ethan’s stash of items from their past enemies. The supernatural power radiating from it all makes Jane develop visions early.
12 • The Princess Leia to my Han Solo
Erica realizes that she has feelings for Benny but on her way to tell him she realizes he’s on a date with another girl. He soon finds out his new date isn’t what she seems.. (he finds out she’s a gorgon)
“That should be my geek out there!” -Erica
13 • The Fog is Coming
Grandma Weir senses another dark force coming and warns the boys, while doing so Ethan’s parents overhear, discovering all of him and his friend’s supernatural secrets, trying to keep Ethan from getting hurt they ground him from leaving the house. Will they stop the evil force coming to Whitechapel?
Anyways thanks for reading I know a lot of the titles probably sucked but they were so hard to come up with ok so go cry to your mother if you don’t like them
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what is (chronic) autistic catatonia?
// why specify “autistic” catatonia? //
catatonia most common associate with schizophrenia, but increase realize also happen in things like bipolar & depression.
if look at some of typical catatonia diagnostic criteria in DSM 5 (but in easier words): catalepsy & waxy flexibility, grimacing (hold same stiff facial movement), mutism, echolalia, echopraxia (copy movement), exaggerated mannerisms, stereotypies/repetitive movements, etc… wait! some of these things happen in autism!!! (like 7 out of total 12 can be seen in autism)
this is why important to know how recognize catatonia in autism. because overlap.
catatonia in schizophrenia most common start fast and get worse fast. but chronic autistic catatonia typically slow onset and slow but visible deterioration. (always have exceptions though)
not know a lot about schizophrenia catatonia, so this post largely focus on autism. everything below, when say “catatonia” or “autistic catatonia,” mean chronic autistic catatonia with deterioration.
// before move on— //
sometimes professionals do connect autistic shutdown with/as catatonia or catatonia episode or catatonia-like episode to draw connection. this not talk about that. this about chronic ones with deterioration. personally for community identity purpose i don’t enjoy (already have term for shutdown). but personal opinion aside, again this about the temporary vs long term all the time. if experience temporary shutdown, remember to leave space for and not same as those of us deal with chronic autistic catatonia.
important to distinguish from autism because autism and catatonia share many symptoms. (for example, physical stimming or “stereotypies” is autism diagnostic criteria AND catatonia criteria). autistic catatonia should only be suspected IF have new symptoms OR change in type & pattern of old symptoms. cannot. stress. this. enough. again. it not about IF you have these symptoms it’s about WHEN and HOW and CHANGE. it's about NEW.
and. please do not diagnose self based on one tumblr post. yes even if i do extensive research and cite sources and have lived experience. many many many disorders look similar. am all here for educated self diagnosis because medical system inequitable BUT am also sick of every time write this a bunch people comment “oh never heard this this is so me.” one tumblr post not educated self dx. it not a cool new thing to add to carrd to hoard as much medical label as can, it miserable it makes my life hell it not a joke it not cool. not every autistic have chronic catatonia, not every shutdown means chronic catatonia, even if you autistic and see these signs, may be separate unrelated disorder altogether, like Infectious, metabolic, endocrinological, neurological, autoimmune diseases, all can see catatonia (Dhossche et al, 2006). some of you all will read this and truly think this is answer been looking for so long—great! still, please do more research.
// chronic autistic catatonia with deterioration and breakdown //
the key defining symptoms of chronic autistic catatonia is gradual lose functioning and difficulty with voluntary movements (shah, 2019, p21). “gradual lose functioning” will come with regression in independence & ADLs & quality of life. it usually gradual, chronic, and complex. but can vary in severity. some need prompts on some day & some situations, while others need prompt and even physical assistance for almost everything.
how common? have seen statistic estimate from 10% - 20% of autistic people adolescents & above experience chronic autistic catatonia.
typical onset for autistic catatonia is adolescence. some study samples is 15-19, some as early as 13. some professionals think this autistic catatonia may be a reason for many autism late regression (Ghaziuddin, 2021).
can happen regardless of gender, IQ (yes shitty), “autism severity/functioning labels” (is what most studies use, so i keep, but yes have issues, probably also mean happens regardless of autism level 1/2/3 and support needs before catatonia, but need more research to confirm since these thing don’t equal eachother).
// primary symptoms //
from book "Catatonia, Shutdown and Breakdown in Autism: A Psycho-Ecological Approach" by dr amitta shah, recommend read at least first two chapter and appendix.
1. Increased slowness
often first sign but not always
periods of inactivity or immobility between actions which appears as slowness, e.g walking, responses (verbal & body), self care, mealtime, etc
2. Movement difficulties (freezing and getting stuck)
difficult initiate/start movement
freeze or become "stuck" in middle of activity for few seconds to minutes
hesitate & "to and fro" movements
difficulty cross threshold/transitions like door way
difficulty stop action/movement once started
affect speech content, fluency, & volume
eat & drink difficult (like movement for fork & knife, chewing and swallowing, etc)
spend long time in one place
(new) ritualistic behaviors
3. Movement abnormalities
repetitive movements like in tourette's & parkinsons
e.g. sudden jerky movement, tremors, involuntary movements, blinking, grimacing, unusual & uncomfortable postures, locked in postures, increase in repetitive movements, etc.
4. Prompt dependence
may not be able to do some or any movement/activity, unable to move from one place to another, unable to change posture, etc without external/outside prompt
5. Passivity and apparent lack of motivation
look unmotivated & unwilling to do stuff, include activities used to like, probably because can't do voluntary action or have trouble with request and make decison.
6. Posturing
classic catatonia symptom of being stuck in one posture, sometimes for hours
7. Periods of shutdown
8. Catatonic excitement
episodic & short lasting
e.g. uncontrollable & frenzied movement and vocalizations, sensory/perceptual distortions, aggressive & destructive outbursts that not like self
9. Fluctuations of difficulty
e.g. some days better can do more need less prompt! other days worse. sometimes emergency can act as almost like a prompt! but fluctuate doesn't mean difficulty voluntary
// secondary difficulties //
Social withdrawal and communication problems
Decline in self-help skills
‘Challenging’ behavior
Mobility and muscle wastage
Physical problems
// autism breakdown //
can be in addition to autistic catatonia. can look like autism is getting worse, even though autism by itself not progressive disorder!
i also call this autism late regression. separate between autistic catatonia & this not very clear, not enough research.
1. exacerbation of autism
1a. increased social withdrawl, isolation, avoidance of social situations
1b. increased communication difficulties
1c. increased repetitive and ritualistic behavior
2. decrease in tolerance & resilience
easily disturbed, irratable, angry
3. increase in "challenging" behaviors
e.g. self injurious behaviors
4. decrease in concentration & focus
5. decrease in engagement & enjoyment
// treatment //
for catatonia (autistic or not), typical treatment is lorazepam and/or ECT.
specific to catatonia in autism, Dhossche et al. (2006) separate it to mild/moderate/severe and give recommend treatment according to that (do not come here and argue about severity labels, because fuck! mild depression and severe depression of course have different suggested treatments and severity important to know. Remember we talk about autistic catatonia).
note: this is one paper! not the only way! yes have problems like most psych/autism papers, just here to give example (of range of symptoms and treatment route!). NOT MEDICAL ADVICE. (not even endorsement)
mild: slight impairment in social & job things without limit efficiency as a whole (essentially still able to function for most part but difficult).
moderate: more obvious struggles in all areas, but ambulatory and don't need acute medical services for feeding or vitals
severe: typically medical emergency, acute stupor, immobility for most of day, bedridden, need other people help feed. also malignant catatonia which can be life-threatening (fever, altered consciousness, stupor, and autonomic instability as evidenced by lability of blood pressure, tachycardia, vasoconstriction, and diaphoresis, whatever any of that means)
the "shaw-wing approach": very brief summary, keep person active and do thing they enjoy, use verbal & gentle physical prompts, have structure & routine.
lorazopem challenge: take 2-4 mg of lorazopem to see changes in next 2-5 minutes. if no change, another 1 mg and reassess
lorazopem trial up to 24 mg. (note difference between challenge & trial)
bilateral ECT, last resort.
mild: "shaw-wing approach" -> 2 week lorazopem trial if no imporvement in 1 month -> if effective, do both, if not, just shaw-wing approach
moderate: depends on prefernece, either shaw-wing alone or shaw-wing and 2 week lorazopem trial -> if not effective, do 2 week lorazopem trial if havent already -> if not, bilateral ECT
severe: lorazepam challenge test -> if not effective, bilateral ECT; -> if lorazopem challange positive, 1 week lorazopem trial -> continue if successful, bilateral ECT if not.
can sound extreme, but rememeber for many severe catatonia (autistic or not), it is medical emergency. can be life-threatening. there's no/not a lot of time.
it possible to make partial recovery, as in get better but not to before catatonia. but overall, many permanently lose previous level of functioning.
Dhossche, D. M., Shah, A., & Wing, L. (2006). Blueprints for the assessment, treatment, and future study of Catatonia in autism spectrum disorders. International Review of Neurobiology, 267–284. https://doi.org/10.1016/s0074-7742(05)72016-x
Ghaziuddin, M. (2021). Catatonia: A common cause of late regression in autism. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 12. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyt.2021.674009
Ghaziuddin, M., Quinlan, P., & Ghaziuddin, N. (2005). Catatonia in autism: A distinct subtype? Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 49(1), 102–105. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2788.2005.00666.x
Shah, A. (2019). Catatonia, shutdown and breakdown in autism: A psycho-ecological approach. Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
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indieyuugure · 5 months
Officially asking your timeline for the 2012 series!
Feel free to answer in two parts if that's easier (and/or less confusing) considering the first three seasons are less convoluted than the last two.
Yeah! Of course here you go:
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So this is assuming that the Turtles’ birthday is in the spring, I could of course be wrong, but it seems unlikely it’s a different time.
Okay so first thing you probably notice is that the time line doesn’t start in 2012, it starts in 2011. It’s weird but according to Rocksteady’s résumé, they joined the foot clan in 2013, but they do that in season 3, which should be about 3 years later.
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There’s also a few other things, including the fact that Kraang Prime states I believe in season 3 that it has been 2 years since their first invasion. I’m not as certain on that one as someone told me about that, if you have an episode number that’d be great.
If you can prove me wrong on this really weird error I would be genuinely delighted.
So I guess starting with season 1 and 2’s distance, there’s a line between Casey and Raph during the episode The Invasion Part 1 where Casey states it’s been 1 year since the last invasion: (source: turtlepedia.fandom.com)
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So that means that season 1 and 2 have to span 2 years. Mikey also states there was a month gap between the first and second season heard in The Mutation Situation: (as in season 2 episode 1, not my comic)
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After season 2, stuff starts getting a bit weird. Assuming we ignore the animation error that there is no snow on the ground and the trees have green leaves in early December in Massachusetts, then it’s definitely true that 3 months have passed since December so now it’s March, which makes sense for there to be no snow.
There’s another really odd error in The Croaking, where Michelangelo introduces himself as being 15 years old, when actually he’s 16 almost (or is, depending on their birthday) 17. I figure though that’s probably an error with the script writers and not related to the actual timeline.
Then of course there’s the time travel dilemma. At the end of season 3 it ends with the planet being blown up and they travel back in time an amount that Donnie claims to be 6 months given the Earth’s position in comparison to the sun.
However, there are a few issues to this. One being that in the episode Trans-Dimensional Turtles(season 4, ep 10) the turtles go back in time. The time is unclear until the end when a Kraathatrogon pops out of a portal that is the same one that they threw into a portal back in the episode The Manhattan Project(episode 13, s2)way back in season 2. Unfortunately this means that either A) all of season 2 and 3 covers 6 months, which is definitely not true, or B) Donnie was wrong about how long they were actually in Space.
Now the tricky part is the question “Well if Donnie was wrong, then how long were they ACTUALLY in space.” Now I made the guess that maybe it’s more like 1 and a half years because that way Donnie was still right, he didn’t realize how many times the Earth had made a full circle, so it’s more plausible.
I have some issues with how he guessed 6 months, because they are right next to the Earth, but the Earth has an elliptical orbit around the sun, so 6 months would be half a circle, so unless they were also following the earth in it’s orbit, it would actually need to be 1 or 2 years—one or two full circles to the same position—but whatever I guess. Diagram of what I mean:
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The other issue is that yes, now we have a point of reference in the first timeline, but where was that in the Space timeline. There’s not a clear answer, but given that there are 14 episodes in the space arc, The Manhattan Project taking place at episode 10, and the fact that the turtles bemoan the fact that the last few episodes are actually incredibly far spaced because of travel time, I’m going to assume it’s somewhere between the first 1/3 and middle of their time in space.
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(In this diagram it’s more like 1.667 years, but whatever)
So after that you have season 4 which is even harder to pinpoint the length of be about half of it is the space arc, now, you could say that the remainder 2013 is also the rest of season 4, however another question arises with Rocksteady’s résumé where he states that he stopped working for the Foot in 2016, though I’m not sure when he’s considering their work for the foot to have ended (if you have an episode that’d be great) so I’m not really sure.
So unfortunately, everything after the end of the Space arc I have no clue on, though it seems you were mostly interested in the first half.
I basically have no clue for season 5, but most of it is silly “what-ifs” so I doubt most of it has a time line placement.
So yeah, that’s my wacky timeline research, please nit-pick as much as you can. My goal is to create an official timeline so if you have more stuff to add to this that might clarify things, or prove things differently, I’m all ears!
Hopefully that made any amount of sense, feel free to ask more questions :]
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knightobreath · 25 days
oliver's epic ii2 movie act 1 trailer analysis
ok so ! theres a lot. im going through it scene by scene
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steve cobs KEEPS calling mephone. what the hell is his plan here. i would say mephone should just block his ass but i have a feeling that he is unable to. I predict that he's gonna have to answer at some point.
(also, i went and checked, but the sound that played is the same as the hang up sound from ep15)
also hotel oj party yayyy everyone gets to hang out and have some fun before everything goes to Shit!
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this shot's just fucked up man. i don't think i need to explain what this parallels.
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this is either a realization or someone walking in, and i think it's the latter because there's little build up. I cannot tell who it would be based on his reaction only, but it Would be someone in the hotel.
OR. what if it's another hallucination like with 4s in the iii finale? That would explain why there's no light from a door opening.
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baseball was already upset before seeing taco & mepad
his reaction BARELY CHANGED when he did see them (the eyebag line showed up after he looked through the door)
mepad is comforting taco, who is likely worked up about you know. talking to pickle and mic
man i actually like the bullets format im going with this from now on
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mic is happy! I don't have any predictions for the context of this scene
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we're getting stuff on knife and trophy!
can't really extrapolate from this scene, hard to tell if trophy was throwing the can there on purpose or not.
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test tube, fan, and paintbrush are going to play a very active role in the episode
As pointed out here, they're in the area that Paintbrush burned down in episode 12.
This area has a direct tie to Cobs with the painting, it's possible that they're trying to stop him on their own.
The device test tube is holding is a reused asset, and was both the time machine from episode 12 and the gem detecting device from episode 13. due to this reuse of the asset, we can't know for sure what it does here.
My prediction is that the device is being used to detect something meeple-related.
I'll note here that mephone is only shown inside of the hotel for the duration of the trailer, I believe that he might be hiding in there for most of this act while the contestants go out and actually try to fix things.
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NOW THIS IS INTERESTING. Knife and suitcase are traveling in the Grand Slams balloon from Theft and Battery.
Since it's only the two finalists, this could be a part of the final challenge.
Hot air balloons in ii have only been used twice. once in theft and battery to get to mecloud, and once in the great bluish bake-off to get to the end of the desert.
I predict that because of cobs's importance to the plot of this episode that this balloon is going to mecloud, although I'm not entirely sold on the idea.
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I predict that this goes before the scene where they're outside of the hotel.
tt and pb have an idea! and they're confident in it.
Judging by paper's expression, this was brought on by something Not Good Happening.
blah blah somehow i connect this to meeple shenanigans okay moving on
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simple! suitcase and knife entering the hotel
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hi lightbulb
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Cobs is PERSISTENT. voiceover backs this up
He must call mephone a lot during the episode
Mephone is clearly running off so people don't see him constantly receiving these calls. i bet hes having a complete crisis over it. panic attack
I predict that as the justification because hotel OJ seems to be a relatively safe space. Theres a total horror to it, a looming danger only one person can really see. He's being hunted down in the middle of a party.
I predict that Cobs's presence in this episode is mostly through this looming horror.
Then there's the flashback of episode 15 with mepad being mad at mephone, voiceover is mephone asking mepad for help, and i'll take a break from dissecting visuals for a sec
MEPHONE: We can't escape him this time! MEPHONE: You have to help. MEPAD: We no longer work together. MEPHONE: Then, don't do it for me.
The voice lines may be put together from other parts of the episode
ehehe i get to talk about mepad. Okay
Mepad not working with mephone extends beyond the show. He actually just doesnt want anything to do with him anymore. oh my god
listen. i would write a whole essay about mepad and mephone rn But i have more scenes to get through.
mephone being the one guy that mepad refuses to help anymore is sending me Dude you fucked this up bad. you ruined your relationship with the one guy whos willing to help literally anyone. but it also shows how out of depth he was coming back from iii because his previous development is not helping him with his mental health this fucked
the "don't do it for me" is said over a scene showing all of the hotel oj guests implying that mepad should do it for everyone else. while this is definitely true i think mepad should also just do it for himself. please. please have mepad start doing things for himselffffffffff PLEASE
I'll touch on this more as i go through the visuals
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taco knocking on pickle's door. it's happening chat
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and i think he saw her
judging by the eye height though? I'm not actually sure. Taco isn't that tall, so either he sees Mepad or someone/thing else. Most likely has to do with taco though.
off topic but does oj seriously decorate his hotel's walls with images of cups and oranges. someone get this guy an interior decorator PLEASE
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Don't have much to say here. not much is happening and there doesn't seem to be any implications with this bit.
whys paper so mad at those hats
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off they go!
i bet these two will be running around in the background of everything a lot.
likely not using mepad's teleportation because it's flashy and noisy, which doesnt work well for stealth.
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everyone's here! except for nickel, who doesnt show up at all in this trailer. don't know what to say about that.
salt also isnt in this particular shot, but she was at the party in another shot earlier.
Oh and mephone. He's probably stepping outside to take a call hehehehehehehehehehehe
pickle also isn't here, but i expect he's either avoiding the party for some reason or preoccupied with a certain sideplot. Or both.
everyone seems to be having such a nice time enjoying themselves! it would be a shame if something horrible were to happen and several characters were to permadie
*cough*but of course that wouldnt happen. Um
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the final shot of the trailer is mepad
i love mepad
i hope he doesnt die
this means hes gonna have another big role in an episode...
it seems a lot of the plot is gonna hinge on the decisions made by mepad. specifically if he's gonna help mephone or not
okay I'm tired. i may add more later. WAIT my final thoughts,
BIG PREDICTION: Mephone will try to hide the cobs calls at the party but will get found out. When he's found out various characters (including tt pb and fan as shown earlier) will try to help in some way. This is act 1, so a lot of stuff will be set up but there wont be any big deliveries.
Mepad will play another big role.
Taco WILL talk to pickle.
Any big deaths, especially permadeaths, will either happen right at the end of this act or in a later act altogether.
more toilet. please animaitonepic Please show us toilet again. i have hope since we saw the ep12 challenge area.
this party is not ending well.
i need to rewatch season 1 i barely remember it
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 8 months
01/31/2024 Daily Recap
TLDR; Cast & Crew Sightings; Watch Parties; OurFlagMeansDeadloch; LubeAsACrew; Stats; UK News; Upcoming Events; Other News; Favor To Ask; Love Notes; DailyDarby/Tonight's Taika
== Cast and Crew Sightings ==
Probably the cutest sighting would be Con O'Neill's dog Cooper
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== How To Help ==
How to help docs have been updated with queerties and other stats!
How To Help Save OFMD Task List - US
How to Help Save OFMD Task List - Outside US
== Watch Parties ==
Today was Day 2, episodes 3 and 4 of Deadloch!
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I realised I totally forgot to crew reactions up for Deadloch yesterday! Sorry all! Here's some from todays watch!
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On to episodes 5/6 tomorrow! Same time same place!
== LubeAsACrew ==
The second Lube as a crew was widely successful! Trending at #7! Thanks for catching it @_irene_adler!
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Everybody had a lot of fun with it, here's some highlights!
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Our lovely friend over at @Astroglide left some fantastic tweets for us, I'm including a few that stood out.
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== Stats ==
Some interesting stats today! Thank you @meowzawowza_ on twitter for these details!
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More stats by @lucyrosebutler regarding How well OFMD is doing in the US!
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== UK News ==
Reminder! 5 days until S2 airs in the UK!
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Thanks as always to our lovely @lamentus1 for the update in the UK!
"I tweeted at 13 lucky TV Guide journalists in the UK all about Our Flag Means Death and the efforts of the fandom and also why the show is so great. I have a document with their twitters and email addresses. Email will be my next line of attack! If anyone wants access to the UK TV Guide press list let me know! We were thinking that we should introduce a spoiler free way for people who are starting to watch season 2 on the BBC to interact with the campaign on Twitter. I think it might be to encourage them to follow #OurFlagBBC while encouraging anyone posting spoilers under that hashtag to add #ofmd2spoilers so that people can avoid seeing spoilers. One other thing that’s coming up later in February is that Chxrlotte on our UK crew will be releasing an Our Flag Means Death inspired track on her label on 24 February! She has a ton of gorgeous tracks that are often inspired by shows like OFMD and Good Omens, and the new one is about Ed and Stede. I’ve had a preview of the new track and it’ll make you cry! @shutupchxrlotte's Twitter Her other stuff is on Apple Music and Spotify here"
Please have a listen!
== Upcoming Events ==
Reminder! Feb 4th is National Homemade Soup Day! More deets! Be sure to share your soup/stew pics with these hashtags:
Not a soup bitch but still want to help?
You can politely menace: @CambellSoupCo and @CampbellsChunky with our petition hashtags!
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==New Watch Party!==
Muppet Treasure Island - Feb 7th 2024
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Watch Party Hashtags:
== Other News ==
Warner bros stock is still dropping! Sure looks like cancelling OFMD wasn't a very lucrative plan. Thanks @iamadequate_ for this!
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Max still has billboards up for OFMD in Hollywood! Thanks @LeanneBrodie13 for catching this!
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Also, @_irene_adler caught some audacity from Max in trying to monetize OFMD merch for Valentine's Day.
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== Favor to Ask ==
I've been working on a bit of a side project of putting together an OFMD Renewal Repository for resources that doesn't require anyone to log into ... twitter, IG, tumblr, facebook, etc. It's still WIP but I'd love some constructive feedback if anyone would be willing to take a look and let me know what they think. I won't be replacing the tumblr recaps with it, but will be posting them there minus the gifs at the end so they can be shared to other platforms if needed.
My specific questions are:
Are there more categories / different information you'd like to have added?
Is it generally easy to find information?
Is this a bad idea? (too many places with this stuff already?)
Other feedback welcome!
I am totally cool with constructive feedback, feel free to dm me :)
== Love Notes ==
Hey lovelies. Do you ever worry you're too much? Like you talk too much, or feel too much, or come off too strong? I know I do some days.
Just remember, on days you're feeling too much, you're probably shining your brightest. What other people think is too much is just you, and you're allowed to shine! Don't ever let their inability to see your worth stop you. Saw this on IG today and thought of you call. Gnight crew, all the love <3
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== Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika ==
These gifs go together, I don't make the rules.
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thisthirstisreal · 4 months
Do people not understand that the Infinity Castle as movies would be a lesser situation for fans??
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Each movie lasts 2 hours. Mugen Train was around that duration and it spanned 6 episodes worth of content. If there are multiple movies, say 2 movies, that will be 12 episodes of content. You guys want the entirety of Infinity Castle to be animated into only 12 episodes????Entertainment District Arc was 13 episodes long (including the 1-hour first and last episode). Infinity Castle has almost double the manga chapters of Entertainment District.
And nothing will kill the hype more if there's a trilogy of movies. Each movie for one upper moon? That's horrible pacing. I can accept waiting a year between two parts of Infinity Castle, but to wait for three parts? One of the greatest highlights of Infinity Castle is seeing the nonstop, high-intensity action and how Gotouge keeps the momentum going. One Upper Moon per movie is just too glacial a pace and it's going to feel slow and dragged out.
And even if they went down that route, Shinobu vs Douma will still need to be in the first movie because it happens before Akaza vs Tanjiro. And no, you can't reshuffle it because there's an important tidbit about Akaza not eating women that Douma tells Kanao. So the second movie will ONLY feature Douma vs Inosuke and Kanao. You guys tell me how the fuck that's going to work. The only way is by adding gratuitous amounts of filler beyond what would be satisfactory.
In other words: neither two or three movies work for Infinity Castle.
Y'all talk about Ufotable getting better budget for movies as if Entertainment District Arc's animation quality didn't easily rival Mugen Train. The budget won't make any difference -- the only difference is that the pacing is going to be fucked up and either too slow or rushed. The only genuine upside I can think of is not having to wait for episodes weekly and getting everything at once and experiencing it in a theatre setting.
But do you guys genuinely prefer an inferior product just for the brief experience of instant gratification? Why can't we be patient just for a better end-product? Once KNY the anime is finally complete, you're going to be revisiting an arc with sloppier pacing than what could have been. All because you cannot wait weekly and just so you can get a few hours of great theatre experience.
It's just disappointing and you should know that the movie is going to release first in Japan before a belated international release and our first glimpses of amazing moments may be trending potato camrip images. It's horrific.
The moment the movies are announced would be the moment of collective loss for Demon Slayer. You can fuck up any arc but you cannot fuck up Infinity Castle. This is Demon Slayer's magnum opus. Only a long season can give the treatment this masterpiece deserves.
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And she thinks they're a great couple. Shawn follows it up with maybe we can have what they have. Angela's taken aback. They're not even dating Shawn questions. What are they doing right now? And Angela answers, I asked you to get something to eat. Shawn reminds her about the seashell. And Angela responds, Trina, you wanna say it? -Danielle
Sometimes a seashell is just a seashell. -Trina 
So this, this is like the, it's so interesting to me to see how the beginning of Shawn and Angela was always a counterpoint to Cory and Topanga. Which it continues to be, right? Like, there's always this like Shawn trying to have what Cory has, and it just, it's so weird to me. Like, I don't know if you know, like I, I I don't know. It, it's like, it just written into the life. -Rider
I said, get your own life Shawn. I remember that I say I want what they have, you know?  You always, you're always searching for what he has. And I also noticed that every time that Cory and Topanga are together, we, we would break up and then when we got together, they would be broken up. -Trina 
It's like the, the two relationships are like two different models of relationships and which one's better and which one's gonna work. And, and I don't know, like, I just don't know if that makes sense to me, like, as like why, I don't know. But in, in a soap operatic way, I guess it makes sense. Because you look at the show as like a metaphor for all love and it's like, and sometimes love won't work out and sometimes it will. And, but then I don't know if that's a, a a, an assessment of the characters of the people involved. Like, are we supposed to think that Cory and Topanga work because of something about the two of them that Shawn and Angela don't have as people? Or is it destiny? Like what do you think is like, because in this case it seems.. -Rider
Like it's about it's obsession. I mean, that's kind of unfortunate. Well, I mean, when you look at Cory/Topanga, that's it. We we're meant to be together and he becomes obsessed with her. And then Shawn kind of has an inkling of that in this episode where it's that kind of, oh, now that I've looked at her, now I have to have her. -Will
And you can't ever look another, you have to just be...yeah. It's like a real, like double down on love....-Rider
Also really interesting that Cory and Topanga have been together for 13 years and yet Cory still doesn't know that Topanga doesn't want this. So he doesn't actually know her at all. And yet Shawn does already know. I don't know, man. I told her we were gonna be casual. I don't really think this is a place for us. So truthfully, Shawn does know Angela and who they should be or who they would be as a couple, way more than Cory knows Topanga, even though they've been together for 13 years. -Danielle
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toaarcan · 13 days
C3E107 Thoughts
Okay first point of order, obligatory screaming about Abubakar flying an ocean to do a surprise return as the Arch Heart, you love to see it.
The Arch Heart's plan is interesting but I think they've either not telling the whole story or they're making a mistake. They assume that, in a moment of panic of Predathos being released early, their siblings will all flee. Except we know Melora would stand and fight, and we know that two of the gods are not Tengarian and therefore they have no past track record to base that thought on. They've got no clue what RQ and Vecna will do when the chips are down.
Of course, it's possible that the Arch Heart is hiding the truth. They said themselves that they are sneaky and that they were there without the knowledge of the other gods. They also kept stressing that they were being honest. Which could well be a lie. DC30 on the Insight check to see through any bullshit. The gods may have a different purpose for putting Predathos into a person.
The reality they've claimed is that the gods are currently in argument over what they should do about the Predathos situation, and the Arch Heart believes that if they have time to come to a conclusion, they will choose to fight. Whether that means war with Predathos or war on the people trying to release it, who can say. Either way, if they all come back, inevitably the Betrayers will try to kill mortals again, and the Primes will fight them. Calamity 2 will happen if mortals take too long to stop Predathos.
Ultimately the idea of cramming Predathos into Imogen or Fearne does not seem like a good one. We just spent the better part of 103 episodes watching Laudna struggle to keep Delilah under control. Delilah is the soul of a mortal fucking wizard. And Downfall illustrated the vast gulf between mortal mages and gods. It also showed max-level mortal bodies being disintegrated by the raw power of an unbound deity forcing its way out from within them. And the plan here is to cram a more-powerful entity into a Lv.13 Sorcerer or Druid and expect Predathos to not immediately escape or hollow them out and wear them like a cheap suit?
Then again, given the way it was being talked about maybe they are aware of this and recognise that whoever becomes Predathos' vessel is functionally or literally dead and doomed to chase the gods across reality for eternity, and that's a sacrifice that some have decided they are okay with. Either way, not a great plan.
The two members of BH that are most happy with the Arch Heart's idea are Dorian and Ashton, who are reacting to it like the perfect answer has finally been given to them. But it's not Dorian and Ashton who are going to be tasked with becoming the vessel. Imogen really does not want Predathos released. Fearne is more curious but Zathuda is actively trying to groom her into the perfect vessel and Shardgate was born out of Ashton convincing her to go with her gut and give him the Shard instead of taking it for herself, and I worry that with them on one shoulder and Zathuda on the other, Fearne may end up going with the plan and dying for it.
As for who the deity that agrees with the Arch Heart is... I don't think it's the Matron. The Arch Heart's words around her appearance are "You've heard my side," as if to imply that she represents the other. She was also one of the more reluctant gods when it came to leaving and building the gate, and she was consistently the "Stop doing hubris" one during Downfall.
The Arch Heart definitely did not have an answer for whether Predathos will harm mortals accidentally in pursuit of its meal. Also there's a probably-god chilling in the heart of the planet who isn't going to be running anywhere so that's not a great sign.
Zathuda and the Unseelie's dissatisfaction with Ludinus speaks to one of the bigger flaws in the Ruby Vanguard's plan. We've seen the gulf between mortal wizards and gods in Downfall, but Ludinus assumes that if he kills the gods then mortals will sit atop the food chain. Except they won't. There are a lot of entities that live in the gulf between mortal and divine, like powerful Fey, and also the Fiends the heroes keep running into. Zathuda evidently looks down on Ludinus and intends to betray him. To chase the gods away will open up the throne they've abdicated again, and it will not be a mortal wizard that sits it (nor should it be), it will be a devil or a demon or an archfey.
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accio-victuuri · 1 year
CPN : ZZ’s mysterious driver & Web’s “selfie”
So I thought about whether i should talk about this or just leave it be. Cause i did mention the mystery driver in the August CPN post but I kept it vague and left minimum information. Because at the time, it sounded so galaxy brained and that it’s something that will never be what we want to be. And that’s fine. There are a lot of cpns/speculations/interpretations that are barely plausible and even us, we know it’s not possible, hence the term “clowning”.
this is one tho is making all of us go 👀.
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( isn’t he the most gorgeous man ever? i don’t blame wyb for wanting to fetch him or visit. )
If you’ve been in this fandom long enough, you’ll know that sometimes the most nonsensical clues will become key points in the future. or those impossible cpns will (sometimes) sooner or later become more true.
This incident is a great example of that…..
For ZZ’s LOCH filming, there are proxy shooters who wait outside the site and film when ZZ arrives and leaves. Their clue is the car he uses but i don’t think he was ever photographed coming in or out like what happened with SBMS. That time, you can physically see him leaving/arriving to the hotel back entrance. There are photos and videos.
So 8/13, the same thing happens and cpfs noticed that the driver looked peculiar. It’s not his face per se, but what’s on it (p2).
We were clowning that it’s WYB with his helmet but it doesn’t look like his usual one. It’s too covered up.
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At the time it was full on clowning. Would he really do this? Were other drivers photographed before and what did they look like? Is this the first time this mystery driver popped up? I haven’t seen the answer to that so that’s why i’m questioning it too. Maybe XZ does not want any part of the team to be recognizable.
A piece of the puzzle is added tho because of the Selfie WYB shared. As displayed above, we are putting it side by side. So is this him confirming our clowning? What are the chances that we were speculating about him wearing a different kind of helmet ( as the driver ) then he pops up with this selfie in particular.
Is this another coincidence? 🤡🤡🤡🤡
It’s also giving this vibe. His photo when he celebrated ZZ’s birthday and drove to where he was. Did he take this photo for the same purpose?
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There is also a cpn going around based on XZ’s workday, it ended 20:20 and then WYB posted 20:39 so did he post it for XZ to see after work?
CPFs also noticed it’s taken from wechat camera. So meaning he sent it to someone else and yet again, we got leftovers. You could actually argue that “selfies” or things he shares on his weibo now are “leftovers”. I actually like that. He did not take a selfie or film a video with the intention of “posting for fans”. He probably shared it to xz or his circle of friends and decided why not share it on his weibo + fans.
Bonus is in today’s episode of SBMS there is this scene. Shengyang was looking through drawings of what looks like a moto goggles (?). LOL. The universe is really joining in on the clowning. Does WYB know this scene will come up the next day? Hmmmmmm…
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It’s one of those things that is the reason why so many people are drawn to this pairing and fandom in general. Candies like this are why more and more people, even to this day, are becoming cpfs. We don’t even have to make “brainwashing” packages. You can’t even make these up. It just happens.
Disclaimer: I know the implications and dilemma of taking candies from these proxy shooters who make their lives hard. Tho the entrance of the shooting site is a public space and they know LOCH crew is in there, it’s still not an excuse to camp out. If you think about it, these paparazzi are the reason why the mystery driver have to dress like that instead of a normal person. So yeah. I understand if people don’t wanna eat this candy because of that or feel 50/50 about all of this.
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tapwater118 · 3 months
The Post-Split Rant, Part 1
a.k.a.: Grown Adult whines about Baby Cartoon for waaayyyyy too long
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BFB Post-Split is my least favorite season of BFDI, this I make no secret. I’m gonna go episode by episode and explain why.
BFB 17
I’ll just get this out of the way now, BFB 17’s animation is the worst part about it. The animation varies wildly both in quality and in style, which is extremely jarring, especially compared to the episodes before and after. BFB 18 also has some of these problems, but it’s pretty much cleared up by BFB 19, so I won’t dwell on it much longer.
I’ll talk more about this later, but this is the start of Taco’s character getting ruined. She starts to become more of an accessory to the other contestants rather than her own person. It starts here with her babying Woody, and in later episodes transitions into chastising Blocky for whatever.
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Overall, this is a pretty nothing burger episode (the challenge is boring, one team literally does nothing the whole time), so I’ll talk about Balloony because he’s about to get eliminated.
Balloony should not have been in Post-Split. Literally every character he played off of was put in TPOT, he should have been there too, where he could have stood at least a fighting chance. But in Post-Split? He is up against 13 other characters who are all past season veterans and/or fan favorites, he stood literally no chance. Maybe if they did more with him, he could have survived a couple eliminations, but they don’t. They give him this thing with Lollipop, but do nothing with it apart from Lollipop just saying “Oh we’re friends now I guess”. I was actually shocked to learn that the Post-Split cast was made based on the creator’s picks, solely because of Balloony. I want to know who at JnJ chose Balloony to be in Post-Split, and ask them why they let the writers drop the ball with him so hard.
(Also, side tangent, but did you know that one of the original ideas for the other contestants who didn’t go to Post-Split, rather than give them their own season, was to KILL THEM OFF PERMANENTLY??? Thank crust they didn’t go through with that. There’d be a Pin-shaped hole in my Pin-shaped heart.)
I don’t know how to end this section except FlowerTaco
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rotting flesh yuri real
BFB 18
Beginning here is Post-Split continuously shitting on Bubble for no real reason. Here Gelatin bullies Bubble for her accent with no actual punchline other than “oh Bubble died again”. Maybe if there was an actual joke here this’d be better, but the lack of punchline makes that scene just come off as mean-spirited for the sake of it. We’ll see more like this later.
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Actually, this episode has a perfect example of Post-Split’s overall writing quality: At one point, Taco mistakes Flower for Dora (continuing a bit from earlier in the episode), and pushes her off the tower, stating that TPOT contestants don’t belong there. TACO SHOULD NOT BE THE ONE SAYING THIS! She was literally there when Dora was eliminated! SHE SHOULD KNOW BETTER THAN ANYONE THAT DORA IS NOT ON TPOT!!!!Having any other Have Notter make this joke would have worked so much better, but Post-Split can’t be bothered with keeping up shop like that.
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BFB 19
I guess the writers realized they made Taco too much of a pity sponge near then end of Pre-Split, so here they have her just being a dick to Spongy for no real reason. She was there when Loser cut off the friendship bracelet! Holy hell did she get amnesia or something cause what??
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It’s pretty obvious here that BFB 19 and 20 were meant to be one episode that got split (heh) due to time constraints, and it shows a lot more here than in 20. In 20, the points gimmick actually has a payoff, whereas it seems like it’s kinda forgotten near the end of 19. Really this episode is kinda just whatever.
There is one positive thing I will say about this episode, and that this episode actually has a great example of how Taco and Blocky’s dynamic should work, wherein Taco actually encourages Blocky to cause mischief rather than heckle him for it. Let them be a dynamic duo, Post-Split! Blocky doing dumb shit and Taco the one behind the (metaphorical) camera egging him on! (Spoiler: this does not happen)
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BFB 20
No straw needed. No other comment.
Anyway here’s Ruby on the Sun when she’s supposed to be in the BRB.
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Nothing really to complain about here (aside from the fandom fallout of any straw-related comments). This is genuinely one of the best Post-Split episodes (maybe THE best??), and probably one of my favorites throughout the whole series (definitely top 20 I think). The part where everyone gives up on the challenge and just starts doing dumb shit is peak BFDI.
BFB 21
One of the most nothing burger of nothing burger episodes. After coming off of BFB 20 this episode feels so so bland in comparison. Literally most of the challenge is just characters standing around talking to each other, a classic recipe for a disaster challenge. I can’t even think of any actual complaints because of how much nothing happens this episode. Uhh, I guess Taco seems extra whiny about Blocky this episode. A Post-Split classic.
The Loser song is pretty catchy tbh.
Ok, the elephant has been in the room long enough. Let’s talk about one of the three main reasons I’m making this rant. Let’s talk Taco.
Post-Split and the Complete Derailment of Taco’s Character
Taco is my favorite BFDI character, let’s just get that out of the gate. It is no coincidence that a large chunk of this rant so far has been centered around her.
In Pre-Split, Taco is a much, MUCH different character than in Post-Split. She’d do all these daring things for her team, like leading the charge for the basket even through lava which could and did kill her in BFB 1, to dropping down from an in flight rocket in space to try and save her team from the twinkle in BFB 6. She is “bold and courageous”, by Lollipop’s own words.
How she handles these tangible trials is in stark contrast to how she handles trials of emotion, in that she doesn’t. She bottles up her true feelings and emotions, and sidesteps any emotional issue she may have in hopes that it’ll resolve itself. You can see this clearly during her conversation with Bell in BFB 10, and with Barf Bag in BFB 13. Taco tries to just say sorry to Bell and get the twinkle incident done and done with (much to Bell’s chagrin). When Barf Bag brings up Taco’s teammates, Taco tries to deflect, and when Barf Bag keeps pushing the issue, Taco just ditches the conversation entirely.
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BFB 15 cements this for me, when Four gives her her happy thought, and she says she doesn’t know how to feel about it. Taco is completely out of touch with her emotions, and this is why she lets her situation with Book get as bad as it does, because she just can’t cope with her feelings and would rather just wait and have everything blow over (like it evidently does during the split).
This contrast of a bold, courageous, honestly leader-type character who cannot for the life of her come to face not only her own emotions but the ones of those around her is just so, so compelling to me. This is why Taco is my favorite character.
And then Post-Split throws all of this away.
Post-Split does absolutely nothing with Taco’s character. She is constantly whining whenever one of her teammates (usually Blocky) so much as blinks the wrong way, and the most she ever does challenge-wise is moving some clouds around as part of a gag. And it’s not like anything precedented this change; she never really resolved her and Book’s issues, there was no moment for this kind of character progression. The writers just forgot how to write Taco. And that makes me sad.
I’m honestly thankful she was eliminated relatively early. Means less time to butcher her character.
Speaking of BFB 22, that’s where I’ll start the next part of the rant. I have some choice words for that episode in particular. I’ll also get to the second main reason I’m making this rant: Firey and Leafy.
Part 2
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