#130 million views
Bo Burnham is about to reach a new milestone in his career VERY soon—
130 MILLION views for Welcome to the Internet! 🤯
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As you guys know, I'm ALL about Bo's statistics, and I'm guessing he will reach this milestone before midnight tonight.
We'll see! ✌🏼🐔
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spacelazarwolf · 5 months
before yom hashoah ends, i want to remind folks that sephardi, maghrebi, and mizrahi jews were also deeply affected by the holocaust.
this is by no means inclusive of all communities who were affected by the holocaust and its aftermath, i do not have the emotional bandwidth for that, but hopefully this gives you some insight into jewish experiences outside of what's usually talked about.
the jews of morocco, algeria, tunisia, libya, and italy were all subjected to the racial laws of the vichy regime or fascist italy, which prevented them from attending educational institutions, holding public office, and owning businesses and sometimes property. moroccan jews were protected from some of the violence faced by other jews of the mediterranean and north africa because of the moroccan sultan mohammed ben youssef, who was vocally opposed to the anti jewish laws. he reportedly told the vichy government, "there are no jews in morocco. there are only moroccan subjects." he believed he had a god-given responsibility to protect moroccan jews. "moroccan jews are my subjects, and it is my duty to protect them against aggression."
unfortunately, other jewish communities did not receive that kind of protection. algerian jews faced a pogrom by the local arab population in constantine, killing 25 and destroying several jewish homes and businesses. 2000 algerian jews were sent to concentration camps in bedeau and djelfa, where many died from hunger, exhaustion, disease, or beatings. 5000 tunisian jews were forced into labor and detention camps where over 400 of them were killed. in libya, there was a violent pogrom which killed 500 jews out of a community of 4000. 2600 of the survivors were sent to the giado concentration camp, of which 526 died. in tunisia, there was a violent pogrom which killed over 130 jews (including 36 children), injured hundreds, and left 4000 homeless. italian jews faced pogroms, the jewish ghetto in rome was raided and over a thousand jews were detained and sent to concentration camps. a total of 7680 italian jews out of a population of nearly 45,000 were killed.
in greece, thousands of jews were deported to auschwitz. as many as 50% died en route, and only 10,000 out of over 75,000 survived, a nearly 90% death rate. their homes were looted and their property was stolen, and when the few survivors tried to return after the war (a difficult task as the greek foreign ministry attempted to delay or prevent their return to greece), most were unable to regain their property and possessions, forcing most to seek asylum in israel or other countries.
egyptian jews were not directly affected by the axis powers, but extremist organizations like young egypt and the muslim brotherhood sympathized with the nazis and even secured nazi funds to distribute thousands of antisemitic propaganda pamphlets. sporadic pogroms took place throughout the 40's, stoked by political leaders like mahmoud an-nukrashi pasha who said to the british ambassador, "all jews were potential zionists" and dr heykal pasha who said "if the u.n. decides to amputate a part of palestine in order to establish a jewish state, ... jewish blood will necessarily be shed elsewhere in the arab world ... to place in certain and serious danger a million jews." this political extremism prompted the 1948 cairo bombings that killed 70 jews and wounded 200, with many more being killed in the riots following, and eventually led to the expulsion of nearly all egyptian jews, whose money and posessions were all confiscated by the egyptian government.
similar political persecution was directed at iraqi jews, leading to the farhud, a pogrom which killed 180 jews and forced tens of thousands to flee. though there were many who did not support the nazi regime or agree with their views, there were just as many in arab countries who did, in no small part because of active effort by the nazis to gain sympathy from arab populations who already did not get along with their local jewish populations. this led to several other pogroms that took place in the 30's and 40's across lebanon, syria, and british mandate palestine, including a pogrom in jaffa which killed 9 jews and forced 12,000 jews to flee, and another in tiberias which killed 19 jews (including 11 children), most of whom were stabbed to death.
it's understandable that most of what the general public knows about the holocaust is the stories of ashkenazi jews from central and eastern europe, because they comprise the vast majority of the victims. hopefully, this encourages you to do further research into the ways other parts of the diaspora were also affected.
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dailyoverview · 4 months
In the 1990s, commercial diamond mining began around Lac de Gras in the Northwest Territories of Canada. Since then, the Diavik Diamond Mine (bottom) and Ekati Diamond Mine (top) have produced a combined 15 million carats of diamonds each year — an annual output of 6,600 pounds (3,000 kg). The final frame shows a close-up view of Diavik, with its two primary open pits, waste ponds, processing facilities, and an airstrip capable of landing aircraft as large as 737s and C-130s.
64.496111, -110.273333
Source imagery: Google Timelapse / Maxar
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Maybe this overlaps with the previous info about spotting Messianics, but do you have any advice about spotting legit interfaith organizations from ones that are more or less Christian virtue-signalling? I spotted an ad this morning for the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews, and the use of 'fellowship' has me a bit on edge, but Google doesn't seem to be turning up anything too sus.
(As a side note, does 'fellowship' show up as a term used in Jewish orgs at anything near the rate it does in Christianity?)
Rating: Actually Jewish/Jew-ish, with an asterisk.
The asterisk is because The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews is fundamentally (heh) a Jewish-Evangelical charitable partnership, and given American Evangelical views towards Jews In Israel, there is a strong argument one can make about it basically being a Turkeys For Thanksgiving organization. Yes, they're giving financial support for Jews to make aliyah, and yes, they are helping with charitable needs... but it needs to be remembered that American Evangelicals tend strongly towards the Dispensationalist Christian eschatological viewpoint--that Jews need to be "gathered" in Israel in order to bring about the Apocalypse and the Second Coming of Christ via the mass conversion and mass death of the Jews.
So whether that crosses a line into avoda zora by taking their money for our needs, which they think will bring back their god... that's a discussion for a rabbi, or several. Preferably well fortified with booze. Because, yes, they're doing charity work for Jews... but remember that the organizations that give the Fellowship their $130 million/year budget have a strong overlap with the same people and organizations who are funding Messianic deep-cover training camps to infiltrate Orthodox communities--and there are worries about the Fellowship being used as a "foot in the door" approach for Christian missionizing to vulnerable Jews in Israel.
Several Orthodox and Charedi leaders have come out against the Fellowship on those grounds, and I personally can't disagree.
As for the other part of the question, while, yes, "fellowship" as a term is used in some Jewish orgs, usually in an academic sense (i.e. a "Hillel fellowship" or "AJC fellowship"), it's definitely nowhere near the same use or tone as is commonly used in Christian organizations, where "Fellowship" is often synonymous with a particular denomination's Church structure or even the entirety of Christianity--"Fellows in Christ" and similar formulations. So it's not a red flag, but definitely not a green flag either.
Regarding advice on spotting "legit interfaith" groups vs Christian virtue-signaling, the primary thing I can advise is look at what they do, not what they say. It's a pain, but as the aphorism goes, "Actions speak louder than words".
-Mod Yosef
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enchantedbarnes · 2 years
Uncle Buck • Part 3
Lord of the Pins
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Single Aunt!Reader
Summary: A mysterious text leads Bucky to a local bowling alley.
Word Count: 2,213
Masterlist: One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven
A/N: since you've all been so nice 😭 here's some more wholesome content for you. Thank you @sjsmith56 for the bowling suggestion. If anyone else has ideas they'd like to see you can send them to my asks and maaaaybe you'll get lucky with some more parts to this. Wishing you all happy holidays! Thanks again for being so awesome 🫶💖
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Bucky Barnes wonders what he has gotten himself into this time.
He had received a text that read:
"Bucky. super inportant meet up. please be there @ 3. Thx!!!! 👋 "
Followed by an address pinned to a local bowling alley called Balls to the Wall.
The number was unknown.
He tried to reply asking "who is this?" but it never marked itself as delivered.
It was now 2:45pm and Bucky has been waiting for any sign of why he was here. He kept to the outskirts of the entrance where he found a small bench that gave him a view to see everyone entering the building.
He probably could have called Sam or Torres to ask if they could help track the phone number but the thought of dealing with either of them today sounded more exhausting than dealing with whatever mystery awaited him.
"Bucky..?" A soft voice called out.
He turned to identify the voice and then stood up quickly. "Y/N?" His face lights up slightly but he's still confused, "Um, Hey..."
"What are you-"
"Were you the one-?"
They both start at the same time.
Bucky holds his arm out, signaling for her to continue first.
"What are you doing here? Are you here to bowl..?"
He scratches the back of his neck slightly, "Um, no, not exactly... I was about to ask if you were the one that told me to come here. I got a text earlier saying to meet here at 3pm but I couldn't reply to it and they didn't leave a name or really much info to go with it..."
"Do you... usually show up to places random strangers send you..? Do I have to explain stranger danger to you, Buck?" You squinted at him with a smile, "Do you still have the text, can I see?"
He grins, "Well, I can't say I've received a text like this before. I did, however, get an email once from a bank director in Canada that was looking to send me inheritance from a long lost uncle that passed away and I'm the only next of kin they could track down. I gave them my banking information so I'm sure I should be getting that 9.2 million dollars any day now." Pulling his phone out he opens the mystery text and hands it to you.
"Wow! How fortunate for you!" You joke back while taking the phone from him. "The bank must have tracked back pretty far to find you.. How old was the uncle?? 130?" You smirk.
"Ha-ha. Funny. And to think I was going to give you a million out of the kindness of my very generous heart," he tsks.
"Oh? That's fine, I have an evil genius in the family that is going to make us millions someday anyways. That or he'll marry me into it, don't let him know about all your pending riches unless you want another proposal inquiry," you laugh and then look down at his phone.
"I don't recognize the number either.. it's a strange area code. Did you try googling it?"
"...No? I didn't know that was an option.."
"Sometimes it'll tell you a name but not always, usually it will just say where the area code is from," she hands the phone back to him.
"So why are you here? Are you here to go bowling by yourself..?" Bucky asks, his head tilted slightly.
"No, I'm meeting my sister and the gang here. We usually try to meet up at least once a month to do something together o--."
A small laugh escapes from Bucky. He knows exactly who the text was from now. Of course the small one would be involved.
Benji runs full force, stopping short in front of Bucky and his Aunt.
"YOU MADE IT!" He jumps up in excitement.
Realization hits Y/N next, "Benjamin, did you text Bucky to meet us here??"
"Well, you guys said Monty couldn't make it and that means we would be short a team member...sooo," he gestures towards Bucky with wide Vanna White enthusiastic movements.
"How did you even-?" You start to ask but Nora beats you to it.
"Excuse me, you don't have a phone. How exactly did you contact Bucky and HOW did you know his phone number??"
"Please, Mom. I'm a kid, not an idiot. I found his number in Aunt Y/N's phone and I texted him from my tablet."
"We will be discussing this later," she sighs.
"You'll join our team, won't you, Bucky?" Benji looks up at him with an exaggerated pout and big puss in boot eyes. A low-blow to any adult that receives the look.
"I don't want to intrude on family time.."
"Nonsense!" Nora exclaims, "he already dragged you out here- I'm really sorry about that by the way. Please feel free to join us, we'd love to have you!" She grabs Benji by the shoulders and steers him towards the entrance, "When Dad gets here you have a lot of explaining to do, Mister."
Bucky looks over at Y/N.
"Like Nora said, please feel free to join us. Or feel free to run for the hills. I'm so sorry if you had plans already today."
"I had already finished everything I needed to do today when the message showed up," he shrugs.
"Well, do you have any bowling experience?"
"A few times back in the day. Haven't been since though."
"Fair warning, I'm very competitive. If you're going to be on my team, I don't like to lose," you grin.
"Isn't Benji on your team?"
"Yeah, and I got lucky. We had to draw straws for him. Kid is unstoppable. Watched a bunch of YouTube videos and suddenly he was a bowling prodigy."
"Well, now I need to join, gotta see these skills. Do you think the text was his only shenanigan today or do you think a ring will be inside one of the bowling balls?" He smirks.
You blush slightly but laugh with him, "I can make absolutely no promises. Thank you for being such a good sport about it and not filing a restraining order on us."
He laughs, "The only restraining order I'd consider at the moment is on a raccoon hell bent to get my arm," he lifts his left arm slightly.
"Oh, I'm definitely going to need more details on this please."
He laughs holding his right hand out for you to take and both of you start to walk towards the entrance.
"Is anyone else joining in?" Bucky asks you.
"My brother-in-law, Theo, is on his way here now and my best friend is also joining. Prudence is essentially a 2nd sister. Her boyfriend Monty is usually with us too, but he had to drop out to cover a shift at his job."
You both grab some bowling shoes on your way in and make your way over to the lanes.
Benji skips over, "So Bucky, with your super soldier strength and all, are you able to bowl without throwing the ball through the wall?"
"One way to find out," he smirks down at him and takes a seat to switch his boots for the bowling shoes.
"The place is called Balls to the Walls, not Balls through the Wall, got it?" you point at them while taking your jacket off revealing a shirt that says "Rollin' with my homies" that matched Benji's shirt that simply said "Homie" on the front.
Bucky reads both of them and chuckles. You look down and shrug looking back up at him, "It was a gift from Benj. We also wear them when we do other activities like roller skating and mini golfing."
Bucky smiles at that, enjoying how close they all seemed to be as a family.
Eventually Theo and Prudence join you, Benji introducing Bucky to both of them with his usual enthusiasm. Ecstatic to have the super soldier on his team.
Theo shakes his hand, "Nice to meet you, heard many things. I'm apologizing now before I find out how you ended up here today," he smiles and walks over to hug the rest of the crew.
Prudence walks by shortly after mouthing "Oh. My. God!" at you as she greets Bucky as well, bringing him into a huge hug.
You all start entering your names into the scoreboard.
Y/N, Benji, and Bucky declared their team Lord of the Pins while Nora, Theo, and Prudence were The Britney Spares.
Prudence prepares to go up first, only knocking 2 pins down.
"What I lack in skill, I make up for in heart, ok?" She reasons while sitting down.
A few turns go by, Benji scoring a spare on his first turn, Nora trying a throw from under her legs.
Benji excitedly follows Bucky up on his first turn, giving him a quick pep talk while coaching him on the essentials of his favorite throwing techniques.
They both hold incredibly still while they watch the ball fly down the lane. The pins all fall over and STRIKE appears on the screens. Everyone cheers, Benji jumps up and down and they both high-five in victory.
Benji runs back to the benches while shouting to his dad, "Did you see that?! We're sooo going to kick your butts!" He starts doing his own little victory dance.
Bucky walks over to you with a smile. You grin and shrug, "I guess you can stay on the team."
Benji sits down next to Prudence as she looks over and smiles at the scene in front of her. Y/N and Bucky were standing near the ball return, a ball in her hand while waiting for her turn after Theo. She was laughing at something Bucky said and they were both making animated gestures as they talked.
"Look at them in their own little bubble over there. They look so happy and adorable. Good one, Benj." She stretches her hand over to him to exchange a low high-five out of sight.
"I know," he moves his shoulders up and down while wiggling his eyebrows.
"You still lost your tablet privileges for the weekend," Nora sings as she walks by.
"Aw, come on Mommm!"
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Benji is on his last turn following Prudence. He already has 2 strikes before this turn, making this turn his chance to score a Turkey (3 strikes in a row) AND get an extra turn if he does get a strike.
Concentrating on the lane ahead of him, the ball lined up in front of his face. After a moment he takes a few steps forward winding up his shot, letting go in his perfect bowling pose, one arm up in the air and one leg sticking out behind him.
Three perfectly spaced out pins survive in a triple split.
His little shoulders slump.
"You've got this Benji!" Prudence cheers.
The rest of you start cheering and clapping as well.
"Aunt Y/N?" Benji asks.
"Yeah, Bud?"
"If I get a spare on this throw, will you and Bucky take me to get ice cream tomorrow?" The puss in boots eyes have engaged again.
You look over at Bucky, raising an eyebrow.
"Well, ice cream sounds less expensive than a wedding to me," Bucky answers quietly to you.
You laugh, "Ok, deal."
Benji grins, turning back around.
He goes through his usual steps but takes an extra few seconds of concentration this time.
He throws the ball watching it curve slightly, it hits the middle pin and left pin knocking them down while the middle pin then bounds over and takes out the right pin.
Your group erupts in loud cheers. Benji jumps up and down while shouting and doing his victory dance. Theo runs over lifting him up to his shoulders.
"Told you," you say looking over to Bucky, "bowling prodigy," you point over at Benji.
Theo lowers him back to the ground. Benji is already listing the flavors of ice cream he wants and how many scoops and toppings.
Nora, Theo, and Bucky finish their last turns with decent scores.
You go up for your last round earning a spare, but it's not nearly as exciting as Benji's.
Joining in high-fives you all start switching shoes.
"Alright, Lord of the Pins, you earned yourselves some pizza," Theo announces to Benji while handing him his sneakers.
"Can we get the one that has everything on it??"
"Sure, why not. When you say everything, we're talking about the one with sardines, liver, and mushrooms, right?"
"No! That's not the one!-"
"Too late, I already ordered it," he joked but hasn't touched his phone yet.
Your usual pizza spot was a block away from the bowling alley. With your shoes and coat already back on you turn to Bucky who is also ready and waiting, "If we haven't taken up enough of your time today, would you like to stay and join us for dinner?"
"Would you like to stay forever?!" You hear Benji's voice shout from behind both of you.
You cover your face and both of you laugh, "Sure, I'd love some sardines, liver, and mushroom pizza," he jokes.
"Yuck!" Benji answers back.
Bucky offers his hand again, you smile and lace your fingers together and follow the rest out.
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Next: Part 4 - Misterwives
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tawus · 5 months
Do The Right Thing (1989) On the hottest day of the year on a street in the Bedford-Stuyvesant section of Brooklyn, everyone's hate and bigotry smolders and builds until it explodes into violence.
Goodbye Solo (2008) This film is touching and humorous. It is the story of an unlikely friendship between a struggling but happy cab driver from Senegal, and a tormented southern man with secrets.
Lincoln (2012) As the Civil War continues to rage, President struggles with continued fighting on the battlefield during the civil war but he also fights with many inside his own cabinet with his decision to emancipate the slaves.
Malcom X (1992) Biographical epic of the controversial and influential Black Nationalist leader, from his early life and career as a small-time gangster to his ministry as a member of the Nation of Islam.
Straight Outta Compton (2015) The group NWA emerges from the mean streets of Compton in Los Angeles, California, in the mid-1980s and revolutionizes Hip Hop culture with their music and tales about life in the hood.
The Color of Friendship (2000) Mahree Bok is a white South African teenager and a product of the Apartheid system raised to view dark-skinned people as second-class citizens. Piper Dellums is the daughter of an African-American U.S. Congressman living in Washington D.C. When Mahree is chosen to spend her time as an exchange student at the Dellums's house, she is shocked on her arrival to discover that the Dellums are black, and the Dellums are just as surprised when they realize that Mahree is a white South African.
The Color Purple (1985) Based on Alice Walker's Pulitzer Prize-winning novel, The Color Purple is a richly-textured, powerful film set in America's rural south. It is a brilliant drama about a black woman's struggles to take control of her life in a small Southern town in the early 20th century.
The Help (2011) This academy award winning movie takes place during the civil rights movements of the 1960’s, when an aspiring writer decides to write a book about the African-American maids' point of view on the white families they work for and the hardships they experience on a daily basis.
Eat Drink Man Woman (1994) A senior chef lives with his three grown daughters; the middle one finds her future plans affected by unexpected events and the life changes of the other household members.
Holly (2006) In Cambodia, Holly, a 12-year-old Vietnamese girl, encounters Patrick, an American stolen artifacts dealer. The story follows their strong connection and her unrelenting efforts to escape her fate.
Last Train Home (2009) A couple embarks on a journey home for Chinese new year along with 130 million other migrant workers, to reunite with their children and struggle for a future. Their unseen story plays out as China soars towards being a world superpower.
Lost in Paradise (2011) Khoi, naive twenty-year-old travels to Ho Chi Minh City from the countryside to begin a new life. It's his first time in the big city and he's looking for a place to live.
Raise the Red Lantern (1991) A young woman becomes the fourth wife of a wealthy lord and must learn to live with the strict rules and tensions within the household.
Sentenced Home (2007) This documentary follows three Cambodian-American men, brought to the U.S. as children by their refugee families. They were raised in the grim public housing of Seattle, among gangs and other realities of that life. Bad choices as teens altered their lives forever, when immigration laws after 9/11 provided no second changes for such children. Though they were raised in the U.S., speak to one another in English, even think in English, each is sentenced to return to Cambodia - separated from family here, possibly forever.
The Joy Luck Club (1993) The story of four Chinese women who immigrated to the U.S. and their first-generation daughters. When one of the women dies, her daughter plays Mahjong with the older women and begins to really learn what her mother endured in China and of her sisters who were left behind. Daughter from Danang (2002) Separated at the end of the Vietnam war, an "Americanized" woman and her Vietnamese mother are reunited after 22 years.
The Last Emperor (1987) The story of the final Emperor of China.
The Quiet American (2002) An older British reporter vies with a young U.S. doctor for the affections of a beautiful Vietnamese woman.
The Vertical Ray of the Sun (2000) The plot centres around three sisters, two of whom are happily married (or so it appears).
Three Seasons (1999) An American in Ho Chi Minh City looks for a daughter he fathered during the war. He meets Woody, a child who's a street vendor, and when Woody's case of wares disappears, he thinks the soldier took it. Woody hunts for him.
South Asian/Indian
Bhaji on the Beach (1998) Hashida, an 18-year old Asian woman, lives with her family in Birmingham. Her father wants her to become a doctor and next month her medical school is going to start. Secretly, she has a black boyfriend – which is an absolute faux pas in some Asian cultures – and has now discovered that she is pregnant. She joins a small South Asian women's group on a trip to Blackpool, a trip that holds life-changing experiences for all.
Bend It Like Beckham (2002) Teen-aged Londoner Jesminder Bhamra chases her dream of being a professional soccer player while dealing with the objections of her traditional Sikh family.
Gandhi (1982) A biography of Mohandas K. Gandhi, the lawyer who became the famed leader of the Indian revolts against the British rule through his philosophy of non-violent protest.
Slum Dog Millionaire (2008) A teen in Mumbai, India who grew up in the slums, becomes a contestant on the Indian version of "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?" When he is suspected of cheating, he is arrested. During his police interrogation, events from his life history are shown which explain why he knows the answers.
The Namesake (2006) A tale of a first-generation son of traditional, Indian immigrant parents. As he tries to make a place for himself, not always able to straddle two worlds gracefully, he is surprised by what he learns about his family and himself.
Disease/Mental Illness/Disability
My Left Foot: The Story of Christy Brown (1989) Christy Brown, born with cerebral palsy, learns to paint and write with his only controllable limb - his left foot.
The Theory of Everything (2014) A look at the relationship between the famous physicist Stephen Hawking and his wife.
Ray (2004) The story of the life and career of the legendary rhythm and blues musician Ray Charles, from his humble beginnings in the South, where he went blind at age seven, to his meteoric rise to stardom during the 1950s and 1960s.
Silver Linings Playbook (2012) After a stint in a mental institution, former teacher Pat Solitano moves back in with his parents and tries to reconcile with his ex-wife. Things get more challenging when Pat meets Tiffany, a mysterious girl with problems of her own.
Still Alice (2014) A linguistics professor and her family find their bonds tested when she is diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease.
A Single Man (2009) The story of an English professor, who one year after the sudden death of his boyfriend, is unable to cope with his typical days in 1960s Los Angeles. It is a powerful story of his grief and pain for the loss of someone he truly deeply loved.
Boys Don’t Cry(1999) This film is about the true life story of Brandon Teena, a young woman who is going through a sexual identity crisis. She cuts her hair and dresses like a man to see if she can pass as one. She lived life in a male identity until it was discovered he was born biologically female.
Brokeback Mountain (2005) This film tells the story of a forbidden and secretive relationship between two same-sex cowboys and their lives over the years.
Milk (2008) This film tells the story of American gay activist, Harvey Milk, and his struggles as he fights for gay rights and becomes California's first openly gay elected official.
Philadelphia (1993) In this movie, a lawyer, working for a conservative law firm, is diagnosed with AIDS. His employer fires him because of his condition. He tries to find someone to take his case but all refuse except one willing small time lawyer who advocates for a wrongful dismissal suit in spite of his own fears and homophobia.
The Danish Girl (2015) A fictitious love story loosely inspired by the lives of Danish artists Lili Elbe and Gerda Wegener. Lili and Gerda's marriage and work evolve as they navigate Lili's groundbreaking journey as a transgender pioneer.
Transamerica (2005) A pre-operative male-to-female transgender takes an unexpected journey when she learns that she fathered a son, now a teenage runaway hustling on the streets of New York.
A Day Without a Mexican (2004) One-third of the population of California is Latinos, Hispanics, Mexicans. How would it change life for the state's other residents if this portion of the populous suddenly vanished? The film is a "mockumentary" designed to show the valuable contributions made every day by Latinos.
Babel (2006) Tragedy strikes a married couple on vacation in the Moroccan desert, touching off an interlocking story involving four different families.
El Norte (1983) The Guatemalan army discovers Mayan Indian peasants who have begun to organize, hoping to rise above their label of "brazos fuertes" or "strong arms" (manual laborers). The army massacres their families and destroys their village to give the new recruits no choice but to follow and obey. However, two teenage siblings survive and are determined to escape to the U.S. or El Norte. They make their way to L.A. - uneducated, illegal immigrants, alone.
Mi Familia (My Family) (1995) This epic film traces over three generations an immigrant family's trials, tribulations, tragedies, and triumphs. Jose and Maria, the first generation, come to Los Angeles, meet, marry, face deportation all in the 1930s. They establish their family in East L.A., and their children Chucho, Paco, Memo, Irene, Toni, and Jimmy deal with youth culture and the L.A. police in the 1950s. As the second generation become adults in the 1960s, the focus shifts to Jimmy, his marriage to Isabel (a Salvadorian refugee), their son, and Jimmy's journey to becoming a responsible parent.
Sin Nombre (2009) A Honduran young girl and a Mexican gangster are united in a journey across the American border.
Under the Same Moon (2007) Heartwarming story about a mother who leaves Mexico to make a home for herself and her son (Adrian Alonso). When the boy's grandmother dies, leaving him alone, he sets off on his own to find his mother.
Crossing Arizona (2006) With Americans on all sides of the issue up in arms and Congress in a policy battle over how to move forward, Crossing Arizona tells the story of how we got to where we are today. Heightened security in California and Texas has pushed illegal border-crossers into the Arizona desert in unprecedented numbers (estimated 4,500 a day). Most are Mexican men in search of work, but increasingly the border-crossers are women and children wanting to join their husbands and fathers. This influx of migrants crossing through Arizona and the attendant rising death toll has elicited complicated feelings about human rights, culture, class, labor, and national security.
Dancer in the Dark (2000) An east European girl goes to America with her young son, expecting it to be like a Hollywood film.
El Norte (1983) The Guatemalan army discovers Mayan Indian peasants who have begun to organize, hoping to rise above their label of "brazos fuertes" or "strong arms" (manual laborers). The army massacres their families and destroys their village to give the new recruits no choice but to follow and obey. However, two teenage siblings survive and are determined to escape to the U.S. or El Norte. They make their way to L.A. - uneducated, illegal immigrants, alone.
In America (2002) A family of Irish immigrants adjusts to life on the mean streets of Hell's Kitchen while also grieving the death of a child.
The Terminal (2004) When an Eastern European immigrant comes to American to fulfill a promise to his father he finds himself stranded inside JFK airport, making it his temporary residence when he cannot enter the USA nor return home.
The Visitor (2007) A lonely economics professor in Connecticut life is changed forever - and for the better - when he finds a couple of illegals, who happen to be living in his New York apartment.
Green Card (1990) A French man wanting to stay in the US enters into a “short-term” marriage to an American woman so he can get his green card. Complications result when he gets caught lying.
Avatar (2009) A paraplegic marine dispatched to the moon Pandora on a unique mission becomes torn between following his orders and protecting the world he feels is his home.
Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee (2007) A chronicle of how American Indians were displaced as the U.S. expanded west. Based on the book by Dee Brown.
Once Were Warriors (1994) A family descended from Maori warriors is bedeviled by a violent father and the societal problems of being treated as outcasts.
Rabbit-Proof Fence (2002) In 1931 Australia, government policy includes taking half-caste children from their Aboriginal mothers and sending them a thousand miles away "to save them from themselves." Molly, Daisy, and Grace (two sisters and a cousin who are 14, 10, and 8) arrive at their “school” and promptly escape, under Molly's lead. For days they walk north, following a fence that keeps rabbits from settlements, eluding a native tracker and the regional constabulary. Their pursuers take orders from the government's "chief protector of Aborigines," A.O. Neville, blinded by Anglo-Christian certainty, evolutionary worldview and conventional wisdom.
Smoke Signals (1998) Young Indian man Thomas is a nerd in his reservation, wearing oversize glasses and telling everyone stories no-one wants to hear. His parents died in a fire in 1976, and Thomas was saved by Arnold. Arnold soon left his family (and his tough son Victor), and Victor hasn't seen his father for 10 years. When Victor hears Arnold has died, Thomas offers him funding for the trip to get Arnold's remains, but only if Thomas will also go with him. Thomas and Victor hit the road.
The Spirit of Crazy Horse (1990) One hundred years after the massacre at Wounded Knee, Milo Yellow Hair recounts the story of his people-from the lost battles for their land against the invading whites-to the bitter internal divisions and radicalization of the 1970's-to the present-day revival of Sioux cultural pride, which has become a unifying force as the Sioux try to define themselves and their future.
Whale Rider (2002) On the east coast of New Zealand, the Whangara people believe their History dates back a thousand years to a single ancestor, Paikea, who escaped death when his canoe capsized by riding to shore on the back of a whale. Whangara chiefs have been considered Paikea's direct descendants. Pai, an 11-year-old girl in a patriarchal New Zealand culture, believes she is destined to be the new chief. But her grandfather Koro is bound by tradition to pick a male leader. Pai must fight a thousand years of tradition to fulfill her destiny.
Middle Eastern
Baran (2001) In a building site in present-day Tehran, Lateef, a 17-year-old Turkish worker is irresistibly drawn to Rahmat, a young Afghan worker. The revelation of Rahmat's secret changes both their lives.
Incendies (2010) Twins journey to the Middle East to discover their family history, and fulfill their mother's last wishes.
Schindler's List (1993) In German-occupied Poland during World War II, Oskar Schindler gradually becomes concerned for his Jewish workforce after witnessing their persecution by the Nazi Germans.
The Band’s Visit (2007) A band comprised of members of the Egyptian police force head to Israel to play at the inaugural ceremony of an Arab arts center, only to find themselves lost in the wrong town.
Turtles Can Fly (2004) Near the Iraqi-Turkish border on the eve of an American invasion, refugee children like 13-year-old Kak (Ebrahim), gauge and await their fate.
Wadjda (2012) An enterprising Saudi girl signs on for her school's Koran recitation competition as a way to raise the remaining funds she needs in order to buy the green bicycle that has captured her interest.
Pacific Islander/Polynesian
Balangiga: The Howling Wilderness (2017) 1901, Balangiga. Eight-year-old Kulas flees town with his grandfather and their carabao to escape General Smith's Kill and Burn order. He finds a toddler amid a sea of corpses and together, the two boys struggle to survive the American occupation.
Moana (2016) In Ancient Polynesia, when a terrible curse incurred by the Demigod Maui reaches an impetuous Chieftain's daughter's island, she answers the Ocean's call to seek out the Demigod to set things right.
Once Were Warriors (1994) A family descended from Maori warriors is bedeviled by a violent father and the societal problems of being treated as outcasts.
Princess Kaiulani (2009) The story of a Hawaiian princess' attempts to maintain the independence of the island against the threat of American colonization.
Whale Rider (2002) On the east coast of New Zealand, the Whangara people believe their History dates back a thousand years to a single ancestor, Paikea, who escaped death when his canoe capsized by riding to shore on the back of a whale. Whangara chiefs have been considered Paikea's direct descendants. Pai, an 11-year-old girl in a patriarchal New Zealand culture, believes she is destined to be the new chief. But her grandfather Koro is bound by tradition to pick a male leader. Pai must fight a thousand years of tradition to fulfill her destiny.
Āfsāīd = Offside (2006) Struggle of Women in a country that excludes them from entering the stadiums.
The Help (2011) This academy award winning movie takes place during the civil rights movements of the 1960’s when an aspiring writer decides to write a book about the African-American maids' point of view on the white families they work for and the hardships they experience on a daily basis.
Suffragette (2015) The foot soldiers of the early feminist movement, women who were forced underground to pursue a dangerous game of cat and mouse with an increasingly brutal State.
Water (2005) The film examines the plight of a group of widows forced into poverty at a temple in the holy city of Varanasi. It focuses on a relationship between one of the widows, who wants to escape the social restrictions imposed on widows, and a man who is from the highest caste and a follower of Mahatma Gandhi.
Whale Rider (2002) On the east coast of New Zealand, the Whangara people believe their History dates back a thousand years to a single ancestor, Paikea, who escaped death when his canoe capsized by riding to shore on the back of a whale. Whangara chiefs have been considered Paikea's direct descendants. Pai, an 11-year-old girl in a patriarchal New Zealand culture, believes she is destined to be the new chief. But her grandfather Koro is bound by tradition to pick a male leader. Pai must fight a thousand years of tradition to fulfill her destiny.
Ooh amazing, thank you for this! ❤️
I've watched Slumdog Millionaire, Brokeback Mountain, and Schindler's List. And read a Penguin Classics abridged version of Rabbit-Proof Fence as part of my English learning back in my teenage years. Some of the others I'm familiar with tho have yet to watch; and others are completely new to me
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usafphantom2 · 4 months
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Kongsberg will supply JSM missiles to the U.S. Air Force through a multimillion-dollar agreement
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 06/03/2024 - 13:00 in Armaments, Military
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Kongsberg Defense and Aerospace, a major Norwegian defense contractor, secured a multimillion-dollar contract to supply the U.S. Air Force (USAF) with its state-of-the-art Joint Strike Missiles (JSM). The U.S. Department of Defense announced the agreement on May 31.
The contract, valued at 141 million dollars (approximately 130 million euros), reflects the growing demand for advanced missile systems in modern warfare. Although the exact number of JSM missiles ordered has not been disclosed, the entire batch is expected to be delivered by the end of August 2026.
"The selection of JSMs by the USAF and the Royal Norwegian Air Force also fully supports NATO's vision of equipment interchangeability between allied nations," said Eirik Lie, President of Kongsberg Defense & Aerospace.
According to a USAF hiring notice of 2023, the acquisition plans include 48 JSMs for the current fiscal year, 50 in the fiscal year 2025 and 54 in the fiscal year 2026.
Developed by Kongsberg Defense and Aerospace, the Joint Strike Missile is a proof of cutting-edge defense technology. It is based on the success of the Naval Strike Missile (NSM), incorporating proven and modern technology to meet the rigorous demands of maritime and land operations.
The JSM is equipped with an advanced mission planning system designed to explore the geographical advantages of the maritime and terrestrial environments. Its highly accurate navigation system and low-altitude flight profile ensure accuracy in aiming, while an advanced infrared image search engine supports automatic target recognition, increasing its effectiveness in various combat scenarios.
Tags: weaponsMilitary AviationF-35 Lightning IIJSM - Joint Strike MissileKongsbergUSAF - United States Air Force / U.S. Air Force
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. He uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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jimin-updates · 6 months
Like Crazy hits 130 million views!
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This was a goal for Jimin’s anniversary month, which makes it extra sweet to reach this milestone!
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Why not go for 131 million this month?
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Arcana 99 - Ch. 1
Day One: A Biological Impossibility
What is this? Next
Of course, I had heard of the Grenfell-Maxwell Marathon. Everyone with an ear to hear knew of the newly legendary event. Its advertising campaigns had been constant and obnoxious, and the race's host produced as much press as the affair itself. Mr. Grenfell came onto the world stage in March of 1950 with a sail of millions at his back. Nothing was known of the man except for his origin from the Asian portion of the Commonwealth, and that he and his wealth had one desire: to witness a race around the planet.
Shortly after his debut, every radio, television set, and Movietone reel spoke of Grenfell's financially suicidal plan. The man offered fifty-thousand dollars for the first-place winner of each stage of the race and half the previous for the next four placements; furthermore, he promised one-thousand dollars for everyone else who even crosses the line.
In a Meet the Press interview, Mr. Grenfell addressed concerns of whether any participants in the race would want to compete after the first leg, especially since he kept the route of all subsequent stages of the race a secret.
"You see," He said, "On top of the chance of earning upwards of one million dollars through stage prizes alone, I am offering a further incentive for completing the entire race," He paused for a moment, an obvious ploy to make the next sound bite easier to isolate, "The first three people to finish the race will each receive the greatest reward imaginable, a wish."
I needed to hear no more after that. Within the hour I had exchanged my airline ticket for a first-class voucher aboard the MS Vulcania. On May twenty-ninth, 1954, the ship departed Naples, and it arrived in New York fourteen days later. From there, I had almost twelve days to reach the Utah salt flats.
I took my time. No use in wasting my energy to reach the starting line. I arrived at the flats on June twenty-fourth at 4 A.M, eight hours before the race began. I paid the fifty-dollar entrance fee, rolled my bike to my allotted position, and waited. By eleven, every spot around me was filled with other competitors and every inch of the salt flat was covered with countless people and vehicles.
To my left was famed pilot Jacqueline Santos-Dumont and her custom-built plane, a faithful recreation of the ill-fated Martin M-130. Equipped with more powerful engines and wheels for ground landings, the pilot and her plane were the competitors favored to win.
In front of me was a woman on horseback. Upon seeing her I couldn't help but laugh. The first leg of the race was an almost 4,000-kilometer journey through deserts and jungles. It would take any automobile days to complete whereas a horse would take weeks at the very least if it didn't injure itself along the way. A race official approached the woman, presumably to explain to her that there was no way a horse could win.
I tore my eyes away to continue observing those around me. To my right was a large semi-truck whose driver was conversing with a young woman. I couldn't hear their words over the countless others around me. I was, however, able to read the driver's lips. He spoke French.
Behind me was a destitute jalopy that looked an hour away from becoming a Texan lawn ornament. The four people in the vehicle were all yelling obscenities to the other racers around them. The Frenchmen in the truck ignored the insults and Mrs. Dumont didn't even leave her plane.
Right, the plane.
If I ever wanted to stand a chance in this race, Dumont needed to lose. I had spent the last seven hours observing the plane and checking for weak points. The easiest ones to hit were the fuel lines connecting the two starboard engines of Dumont's vessel. I repositioned my bike to get a better view of them and pantomimed the movements to ensure they were even possible given my position and condition.
First, reach into the holster on my belt. Next, draw while hiding the pistol from the Frenchman's truck (the people behind me seemed too oblivious to worry about). Then, aim and fire at the line as soon as the race begins. The engines around me will mask the gunshot. I held my left arm up and aimed it at the plane. It was barely three meters away; one, maybe two shots were all that would be needed.
"Sir," a voice interrupted my thoughts, and I quickly rested my arm on my bike's handlebars, "where is your partner?"
I must have said that thought out loud because the woman sighed and continued, "Yes. 'Partner,' as in the partner every participating team is required to have."
I knew that I had not spoken that thought, but the woman gave another sigh, this time much more exasperated, "Did anyone actually read the damn ad?"
There was more information than "Race at the Bonneville Salt Flats on June 24, winner gets a wish"?
"To ease the liability of the race away from Mr. Grenfell and Mr. Maxwell, and for the safety of our competitors, you are required to have a two-person team at the least throughout the entire event."
My hopes of salvation shattered before my eyes. I didn't have time to ask any of my contacts to join me, and it was unlikely they would even respond. While there was certainly another person who failed to notice the rule, there were hundreds of thousands of people here, finding them would be near impossible. Joining another team was off the table as well, I would just be a cut in their pay.
Maybe those guys behind me would be dumb enough to agree.
I looked back at them. Despite the heat, they were wearing thick dusters and one was wearing a poncho on top of his duster. The one in the poncho sat behind the wheel and downed an entire bottle of alcohol while the others repeatedly kicked the hood of their vehicle.
"Luckily for you, I just met another competitor who failed to read the rules," I smiled as my hopes reassembled themselves, "I just need you to sign your name as being a part of their team before the race begins."
It didn't matter who my new teammate was. It could be the stupid jockey for all I cared. A chance at success, no matter how small, was infinitely better than not trying. I leaped to my feet and reached for the paper with my right-
I reached for the paper with my left arm and slowly wrote my name down. It was barely legible given my lack of practice, but it was good enough for the official, "Thank you," she said, handing me a piece of paper, "Your teammate is directly in front of you, and please read the damn rules before the race starts."
I looked at the piece of paper she had given me. The top of it read, "Ruling Code of Operations for the Grenfell-Maxwell Marathon."
Ruling Code of Operations? What kind of nonce phrase is that?
The rest of the paper was an ordinary rule book that went as follows:
To enter the race, one needs to be in a team of at least two people.
Teams do not have to be together throughout the entirety of the race, but every member of a team must cross the finish line together or they will be disqualified.
Every team that crosses the finish line of a stage will receive a cash prize for each member that crosses the line (amounts on back).
The first three teams to cross the final stage line will receive a set number of wishes (this amount is independent of team size).
Note that this course will be perilous and accidental deaths may occur as a result.
If any members of your team perish during a stage their body(ies) must be brought over the stage finish and handed to Grenfell-Maxwell official race investigators to determine the cause of death. If the cause is proven to be truly accidental, then the team is awarded the money they would have received if each member was alive and is then allowed to continue. If the cause of death is foul play, the suspect will be removed from the race and placed into the custody of local authorities.
If every member of a team but one dies, then the sole surviving member must either a) forfeit the race or b) join another team.
In the event of a loss of an entire team in one stage, monetary compensation will be sent to next-of-kin.
Participation in the Grenfell-Maxwell Marathon requires a $50 USD entry fee. This fee is used to ensure that each team is registered and accounted for in the event of their untimely demise.
Just how dangerous is this race supposed to be? Half the rules are about death!
The remainder of the paper contained simple rules of "don't commit crimes in the places the race goes through." What was perhaps most interesting was that it only made one mention of cheating, "There is no such thing as cheating in this race. Victory cannot be achieved through speed alone; strategy and observation will be required as well. The only ways to be disqualified are: 1) be jailed by local governments for proven crimes. 2) Fail to provide bodies of dead team members at stage finish line. 3) Compete without at least one teammate."
No such thing as cheating? Well, Mrs. Demont, it appears that you've lost this race.
After reading the paper I placed it into the rear storage case of my bike. It was almost 11:50; time to meet my teammate. The woman said they were the competitor right in front of me which makes them. . .
I watched helplessly as my dreams shattered once again and a single metaphorical tear flowed down my cheek and pushed my real one a little further down.
I know I said I didn't care if it was the jockey, but that was before I knew it was the jockey.
I reluctantly walked towards her and introduced myself. She stopped brushing her horse, looked at me, and held out her right hand, "I'm Etteilla Laveau."
"France?" I asked, holding out my left hand.
She looked at my outstretched arm, then her own, then me. We shook our left hands, "Actually I'm from Australia. The French name is just a. . . thing. You?"
"Huh, I thought that name was Italian." She glanced at the sky and mounted her horse, "We've got two minutes left, get on."
I glanced at my watch, 11:58, and pointed to my bike "I was going to say the same thing."
She laughed, loudly, "I'm sure you'll be fine now, but once we get to anywhere even remotely remote, your bike'll run out of fuel and become dead weight."
I had reached my motorcycle and put on my helmet when I replied to her, "If you said that about any other bike, I'd agree with you, but mine is different. Your horse on the other hand. . . It may not need gas, but a horse just can't compete with a machine, no matter how good the rider is."
She turned away from me as the clock struck 11:59, "If you said that about any other horse, I'd agree with you, but we are different." I sighed.
After I take out Dumont, I'll keep ahead of Etteilla. When night comes and her horse is a hundred miles behind me it'll be obvious that she needs to ditch it. Then I just need to bring the horse to Clint and have him build me a sidecar. After that, it would just be trying to make up for lost time.
I ran through my plan of action one more time. I had reached the final step when the ground darkened. I looked up. Above me was a massive grey oval causing a micro-eclipse where I was sitting, a zeppelin.
I guess Dumont's not the only threat. Where did they even-
My thoughts were interrupted by a deafening noise. It came from an old air-raid siren that had been moved to the salt flats, "Greetings!" A static-filled voice clawed its way out of the siren and echoed throughout the air, "The Grenfell-Maxwell Marathon will begin shortly, so get ready! After this announcement, we will fire a gun to signal the start of the race. From there you will all head South towards the finish line in Flores, Guatemala. Once you arrive the next leg of the race will be revealed. So, get ready to, as the Romans would say, Somnia Circum Mundum!" The silence following the race's pseudo-Latin slogan was strange, anxious. Everyone knew it was temporary, but every second it lasted was a second we weren't getting closer to victory. Even the fools behind me stopped drinking and shouting as they too waited. Finally, a gunshot came out of the siren. No, not a gunshot, a cannon. A cannon that became a meteoric impact as the tide of vehicles screamed to life.
I waited a moment for the Frenchman's truck to begin crawling ahead, it never did. I glanced at the idiots behind me, their car hadn't even started.
Good god, how bad are these people?
The engines on Dumont's plane whirred to life; she was preparing to lift off even as hundreds of cars weaved around her.
That's why everyone thinks she'll win.
I quickly reached into my holster, pulled out my pistol, and fired. The first shot was a close miss, the second barely touched the line, the third fully cut through.
This would be much easier if I held the gun with two hands.
As I watched the black gold leak from the wing, I holstered my gun and weaved through the throng of people. I glanced back to see if I had passed the jockey, but I couldn't find her through the dust kicked up by the other racers. I pulled my transistor radio out of the storage case behind me. I tuned it to the race announcements station, put the earpiece in, and placed the radio into my pocket.
"I'm certain I'd say that we are off to a great start if I could see anything." The announcer laughed at his own joke far more than he should have, "The dust picked up by our eager racers has made everything but that great marvel of German engineering, the Graf Zeppelin, completely invisible. The zeppelin appears to be moving at a leisurely pace, no doubt because of winds brought by the people below." I pushed past another wave of people. My motorcycle's engine was barely trying but considering the whole "cheating is fine" rule, it was best to not reveal its true capabilities this early, "Any minute now we should be seeing Jacqueline Santos-Dumont and her plane Fizz Vin. We interviewed her about this name early today and she said 'I was greatly inspired by the trans-continental flight of the Vin Fizz when I was younger, but unlike the original Fizz, I am not going to crash and rebuild. I'm just going to soar.' What an inspiration she is. Now, we have a few more interviews recorded in case this dust cloud stays up for a while longer, so let's move onto our interview with Mr. Kober and his. . ." The announcer's voice trailed off.
Hopefully, it's good news like "Everyone but me is disqualified."
"Someone's broken ahead! A racer has launched far ahead of the pack! Almost a mile now! Who is it! Who is it!" He was silent for a moment, "It's competitor 230545, Etteilla Laveau! The horseman Etteilla Laveau has broken ahead!"
"Laveau?" I muttered, "No way," I glanced at my speedometer, it read 60mph. Horses couldn't run 50. I gunned the engine and sped past the frontline of the crowd. The last wave of dust whipped past my head and left behind a clear sky. Ahead of me was a single figure streaking across the flat land. That person was two miles away, but even from that distance, it was plain to see. She was on a horse.
"How! How! H-how?" The announcer's enthusiasm quickly faded as the realization set in, "Just, just what is that horse!"
Wrong. The horse is just a horse, but her. . .
She is Etteilla Laveau, and this race is where she makes her greatest mistake.
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servampaddict · 1 year
Ch 130
There is like only one thing that really caught my attention in this chapter, and it's the count when he is reviving ildio. I'm sure that you all noticed that his form changed for the 4th time and I thought of 2 ways that can explain it.
1.) The counts form changed after the ritual. We see that when ildio wakes up he sees the count in one form but before hand we clearly see that in lawless's memory tc (the count cause I don't want re-write this a million times) looks very different. If this is the case there is something that doesn't quite add up and it's when hugh(child) sees the count after the older hugh dies, if the child hugh isn't dead yet but the count still looks like this:
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But the vessel hasn't been used yet which is why it leads me to believe that it isn't this . But if it I wonder what he count really looks like since he should have changed after completing the first ritual.
2.) The count appears different to different people.
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Because tc doesn't decide how he appears, I think it's how people perceive them. He may look strong to ildio because he is strong, and with lawless he may appear to be more fancy because lawless was once a prince. For kuro I think they look more simple because kuro's life was kinda simple, (differently not his death though) and the count doesn't look very crazy the count looks very normal.I don't really know how this would work with the pride. Also the count is always being shown in memories not in real time and when mahiru views kuro's memories they look the way kuro must see the count not how mahiru sees the count. I wonder how other people will see the count.
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grim-echoes · 10 months
Hey do you have any more information on Karl Jobst being a cryptofascist? I’ve heard less than great things about him before, but I’d rather have my facts straight.
i can, unfortunately there's a lot less information than i'd like to present because the way that a lot of this came to light was when rwhitegoose was outed as a nazi in a discord server (which has an imgur album of over 130 screenshots dedicated solely to his exchanges--i wouldn't recommend scrolling this unless you're in a good headspace, the shit he's said is fucking horrifying but important to contextualize that this is the kind of person karl jobst was associating with and still considered to be a good friend even after his outing; be warned for EXTREME racism, antisemitism, transphobia, and much, much more); karl was part of the same server and only a few scattered screenshots exist of his exchanges in there and on twitter and he allegedly nuked every last trace he could of his previous online interactions when this all came to light so what i'm going to post isn't comprehensive, but it's more than enough.
tw for racism (including several depictions of anti-black/japanese slurs), homophobia, misogyny, asian fetishization under the cut:
when karl was first accused of racism, fellow speedrunner tomatoanus made a public statement on twitter that he'd cut ties with jobst for "things he (karl) had said/done in the past that conflict(ed) with my (tomatoanus) morals". the catalyst for this, as mentioned, is this screenshot that emerged from what i believe is rwhitegoose's personal discord of an interaction between the two of them:
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he went on record defending this interaction by claiming that the n word "wasn't offensive" in australia (where he is from) and that "it isn't part of our vernacular" with an accompanying screenshot in the reddit thread i was able to find a lot of this in of multiple locations in queensland alone named for the slur, some of which had since been renamed:
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jobst had also been active in the political channels of the goldeneye 007 and perfect dark discords, and made claims that his interaction with goose was "likely from the goldeneye server", as he was either rarely in goose's personal discord, or "left months and months" prior to when this all came to light depending on what version of his story he's telling.
another instance of him making the "i'm not racist because racial slurs don't exist in australia" defense is that time he got his followers to attack a smaller streamer for criticizing his use of the word "jap":
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i like that he constantly asserts that "x word isn't offensive" in famously non-racist predominantly white utopia australia, because overt racism is a centuries-old issue that has manifested in not just general xenophobia (including anti-blackness and antisemitism, who'd have fucking thought), but the continued displacement, genocide, and assimilation of its aboriginal populations so i think what he actually means to say is "i've surrounded myself with dozens of people who are right-leaning and don't consider the weight of their words and i shouldn't have to either".
speaking of which, here's another screenshot where he defends his stance on the n word and also throws out the casual misogyny and asian fetishization:
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yeah, he was a pickup artist by the way. here's a video of him in action. don't watch it it's painfully fucking cringe
here's a few long since deleted posts he'd made on his twitter involving homophobic "jokes":
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aside from this, there's very likely more i'm just not aware of--apparently he'd deleted around 15 years' worth of posts on the speedrunning forum the-elite and from his social media, but i know he's also taken donations from notch before who had been visibly and demonstrably alt-right for several years by that point. if there's anything more than this that anyone else has i'd also like to see it.
as an aside, he regularly gets hundreds of thousands, often over a million views on his videos and retains over 900k subscribers. what makes him and others like him crypto isn't just that publically observable evidence of him voicing alt-right ideas and behaviors is incredibly restrained, actually finding information beyond surface level is difficult to begin with. he's still well respected in the community and collaborates with people who are otherwise much more provably reputable, so sometimes even picking someone out by association isn't accurate. the average person has no idea what a dogwhistle even is, so trying to clock a potential fash by the things they don't say is a skill you need to hone by becoming uncomfortably, miserably intimate with them as people and as communities before you can ever even think of picking one out of a crowd.
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dailyoverview · 1 year
In the 1990s, commercial diamond mining began around Lac de Gras in the Northwest Territories of Canada. Since then, the Diavik Diamond Mine (bottom) and Ekati Diamond Mine (top) have produced a combined 15 million carats of diamonds each year — an annual output of 6,600 pounds (3,000 kg). The final frame shows a close-up view of Diavik, with its two primary open pits, waste ponds, processing facilities, and an airstrip capable of landing aircraft as large as 737s and C-130s.
64.496111°, -110.273333°
Source imagery: Maxar
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destinyc1020 · 5 months
Success can be viewed in different ways. Just tell me a successful Tom project that is a critical/audience/box office success other than Spider-Man? There is no such project yet. Also, the general public only knows him for his role as Spider-Man and that's the problem. When Tom himself talked about the reviews for TCR, he can say that it’s not so important (which is true to some extent), but the dude literally played one of the most difficult roles for an actor, it affected him psychologically and then he gets such reviews. He deserves better. You can say that critics don't matter, but they actually matter, it's stupid to deny that. Especially when this is not the first time this has happened.
And at the same time, Tom has successful projects; the same Uncharted, with a budget of 120 million dollars, collected 400 million. I still believe that this is Tom's merit, the film itself was in a disastrous development, it seems the directors changed several times, and the fans of the game themselves still hate and boycotted this film and the actors in these roles. And projects of this genre should collect good box office. And it’s cool that this happened) For example, the recent film The Fall Guy, with a budget of $130 million and positive reviews from critics, with a cast that was literally nominated for an Oscar this year, earned $66 million.
I’m not saying that Tom’s career is terrible, everything will be fine with him, I’m sure that in the future we will see many interesting roles and projects. But it’s also normal to think about it, reason and also analyze what Tom/fans want or how Tom himself and his team work.
Re: "The Fall Guy"
I wouldn't compare "The Fall Guy" (which is an original film) to say smthg like the movie "Uncharted", which had a lot of ppl wanting to hate on the film, but is ALSO a huge IP, with already built-in fans of the game.
Even if you have never played the game in your life, you've more than likely at least heard of the game.
So, I'm not sure I'd compare those two films together tbh. "The Fall Guy" was risky. Why do you think Hollywood usually puts out nostalgic films, or films that are connected to big IP's? It's typically because they know those films are going to usually be an automatic hit at the box office, even if the film itself isn't all that great. 🤷🏾‍♀️ Just the recognizable title alone helps.
Plus, Tom's fandom is more than likely bigger than Ryan and Emily's fandoms combined. Yes, a large part of that is due to the Spiderman and Marvel films just in general, but I think it's also just due in part to how charming and vlikeable Tom is as well! 😊
You mentioned the bad reviews that "he" got for TCR. But if you recall, Tom himself wasn't getting most of the negative reviews. It was the WRITING and the pacing of the series that most critics had issues with.
In fact, I'd say that most of the time, it's usually never Tom's ACTING that is being harshly criticized in these negative film critic reviews. It's usually the writing, the directing, etc.
So those reviews (while I'm sure they didn't feel all that great) weren't a slight to Tom the actor. Sometimes, even good actors are just in crappy projects! 🤷🏾‍♀️
I personally enjoyed TCR and didn't find it crappy at all. I just think the series treated us like we were dumb, when they could have gotten to the point quicker (imo) and given us more character development of some of the other side characters and more court scenes.
But overall? TCR was one of the BEST Hollywood made projects on DID disorder, and handled it in such a well-done way. I've seen quite a few, and I'd say that TCR handles that delicate mental health issue the best. 😊
Anyway, if you think that Tom's career is fine overall, and that he'll win Oscars in the future, and be just fine, why are you complaining then lol? 😅 Is it coz Twitter told you to?
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pbandjesse · 5 months
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We have had sort of a strange day so far as I am starting time write this in the middle of the afternoon.
I struggled to sleep last night. When we finally got back to the room and showered and relaxed it was around 130. I fell asleep pretty easy but at 4am I got woken up by a noise and just never was able to fall back asleep. Which was fine for most of the morning. I would eventually take a nap and I am really tired now. But at the time I just could not fall asleep.
I would text with Celia and watch TikToks until James woke up at 6.
They did not feel well at all. And would throw up a few times. I felt so bad. But we would get cleaned up and dressed and I felt so cute. I messed up my lip from being dehydrated but I was just feeling so good about myself. And I tried to ride that as long as I could.
We would head to breakfast. Where James would have to run to the bathroom to throw up again. Their face was all flush like it gets when they get sick.
I was in a good mood though and tried to share that with them. It was raining just a little. And everything was beautiful. I had so much watermelon. And tried some bread pudding with pineapple and a berry called ginja berries. I also tried the line orange juice but I did not like it at all. Tasted like a grapefruit rind. James just ate fruit and drank water. They desperately wanted to go back to the room and lay down. But they also didn't want to rush me and I was like. Stop that let's go. And headed back to the room.
James would lay down and I would go hang out on the balcony. I watched videos and worked on bracelets. But I was restless. I wanted to go for a walk. And after I checked on James for a little I would go and do just that.
I walked as far as I could around the paths. I was listening to a podcast and just having a nice time looking at bugs and plants. But to many critters but so many good snails. I went past the basketball courts to the wedding amphitheater they have and when I started going up the hill I got stopped by security. Full ak47s slung on his chest. I called over to him when he saw me and let him know I was just taking pictures of flowers and would head back. He said j could take pictures from the hill but I didn't want to push my luck.
I would wander the other direction but eventually I wanted to go back to check on my husband.
They were still not amazing. And would sleep most of the morning away. I would hang out on the balcony and made bracelets and chilled. I had a snack and enjoyed the view. It's nice to just be relaxed. I still feel just a little guilty but I am supposed to be relaxing. I just also don't want to miss anything. The fomo is real even if there isn't anything to miss.
I would eventually get in bed with James. Who claimed to be feeling better but wanted to horizontal still. So I would join them and they would hold me and eventually I fell asleep.
When I woke up I actually didn't feel great anymore. My busted lip is sensitive. And I'm worried it's going to get worse and make me feel ugly. I am making sure to moisturize it and trying to not poke at it, as is my habit. I'll end up pulling at the skin and making it a million times worse. So I am trying very hard to not do that.
Eventually we started getting messages in the group chat. One of the guys who came in early this morning is trapped at immigration and they might deny his visa and everyone is pretty upset about this. Obviously! Like this poor guy traveled for two days! I really hope they can work it out. Apparently the embassy has been zero help.
We joined the bridal party at the bar. And got some food. The fries were very good but I was still feeling not my self. It got very warm out and while I love these pants they apparently don't breath super well. So I got a little overheated. I as not participating in the conversations much but I was enjoying listening.
Eventually the girls started to head to the rooms to get ready for Sam's bridal shower. So I came back to our room but the nice staff is cleaning it so I am sitting on the balcony until he is done.
It's been a lot of hours since then. I have to be chill about schedules changing all the time. But we still have not gone to the bridal shower and it was supposed to start 5 hours ago. So that's tough for me, when I love a schedule so much. But today was still fun.
Cleaning the room took longer then I expected and I was worried (unnecessary) about being late so I grabbed my clothes and went down to one of the I'm other girls rooms where the bridesmaids were getting their makeup done. And I would change in the bathroom.
I felt kind of off. Weird. But they gave me a piece of pizza and that would help. It was a very sweet tomato sauce but it was nice. I would hang out with them for a bit. But when I realized it was still going to be a while I would head back to find the boys.
They were outside trying on their traditional garb. And making sure things fit. After me and James would head to our room which was finished being cleaned and James would get dressed nice for pictures. I would change my hair and put on earrings and that helped. My lip was still bugging me but I have been babying it and trying very hard to not hurt it and make it worse.
Me and James would go to one of the boys rooms and we hung out there for a long time. There was some drama. One of the guys has been detained all day by immigration. They think because he has a Nigerian name and the agent thought he was arrogant for having an American passport and denied him. So we are not sure if he's going to get through. His visa is approved though and we have high hopes he will be released tomorrow when the embassy opens again. Hopefully they can help.
I had fun hanging out with the guys. Talking about conspiracies and listening to music. And eventually we were able to get their traditional outfits back from the tailor who was ironing them and I would help pin the bottoms and make sure things sweet laying right. It was nice to be helpful.
We headed to the wedding coliseum to do the pictures. And everyone looked so nice. The girls would come a few minutes after us. But they all looked so ridiculously beautiful. I got to learn all the names. The boys are wearing kunzu. The bride is wearing gomezi, and the girls are in mushanana. I spoke to the seamstress to get those. She was very kind.
Pictures took a while. And it was fun hanging out and seeing everyone look so good. And then Sam came down in her beautiful dress and I was just blown away. She looked like an angel.
(Omg we are in the van to the bridal shower and we got word that the friend who was detained has been released and is free after over 14 hours!! This is such a huge weight off of everyone.)
While we were doing pictures the sun started to set and it was just beautiful. And once the sun was down the moon started to create over the mountains. I got everyone's attention to watch it and it was just so magical. We are all just so happy and having so much fun.
Once photos were done we would all take an hour to reset. The wedding party changed into more comfortable clothes. And we would meet back at 830. 6 and a half hours later then planned but it's fine.
Me and James got back to the room and the staff came back in to make our beds again for sleep. So there is a way they set the room for the day and a way they do it for the night so that's interesting. The man was nice. And me and James chilled on the couch
A little after 8 we went to the lobby and waited. And soon everyone else was gathered and we got on the bus. And that's where I am not. I'm looking forward to the evening even though I am pretty tired. It's fun seeing everyone on their motorcycles.
It's been a few hours now and the party is in full swing. I am thoroughly enjoying talking to Sam's cousins from London. And the food tonight is really good. I am really tired but I'm having a lot of fun.
I am going to go and continue to have some fun. To be a part of the festivities I have taken shots of fruit juice for fun.
I hope tomorrow we can swim. I am looking forward to another day!
Goodnight everyone!!
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mystarmyangel · 1 year
[HOT-THEQOO] 231001 The recent beauty situation of the 3 members of SNSD who left on the same day due to their respective schedules
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At time of posting 1 Oct 11.30pm KST: 33.5K views, 130 comments (Will translate YoonA related comments)
1. They have all managed themselves well. 2. What’s up with YoonA.. wow 3 YoonA is insane 4. YoonA is actually kinda handsome....? 6. Taeyeon YoonA, it would be fun if both of them got on the same plane to Paris 7. Why is YoonA so handsome today? 8. YoonA is so pretty *trembling* 9. YoonA’s style is so pretty! 10. What is with Lim YoonA.... why are you so handsomely pretty today 11. Soshi are working hard 12. YoonA is too pretty 14. Wow they are all so cool 15. YoonA is insane 16. YoonA’s style is so good 17. Wow YoonA 18. YoonA is freaking pretty, it’s insane. Everyone are pretty 19. Give me the two-shot of the gwiyomi-s (referring to YoonA and Taeyeon couple name during Channel SNSD) 20. What is really surprising is that YoonA  seems to age at the pace that is half of other people 22. YoonA is so pretty 23. YoonA *trembling* 24. There are like 5 million stories in YoonA’s eyes. My first love 26. They all look really pretty 29. How can YoonA be so handsomely pretty? That’s so cool 30. YoonA’s proportion *trembling* 31. Soshi is always working hard. Did YoonA cut her hair? It suits her so well 34. YoonA wow 35. I think YoonA and Yuri seem to look the same each time I see them. Their self-management is indeed awesome 37. I wonder if those three know that they are all leaving the country on the same dayㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 38. Is this YoonA’s pictorial? 39. If Taeyeon and YoonA were to meet, can they give me two-shot.. Yuri’s outfit today suits her well too 41. (replied to 38thcomment) No no, YoonA is going for Miu Miu Paris Fashion Week 42. (replied to 41st comment) Ak ㅋㅋㅋthat is just 주접 (silly and exaggerated comments to compliment someone), saying how she is so pretty like she is taking a pictorial ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 43. I would believe it if you tell me these are photos from N years ago 45. YoonA is pretty every time I see her 46. YoonA has always been so pretty. Today’s styling is good too.
47. I hope YoonA and Taeyeon can take a two shot 48. YoonA is so pretty but I am not a fan of her outfit ㅜㅜㅜ 49. YoonA’s face is freaking pretty 50. YoonA is really pretty all the time 52. Wow all of them are so pretty. As expected of SNSD🩷 53. Legendary 54. Soshi really ㅠ 55. Soshi is pretty 56. Taeyeon, Yuri, YoonA are so pretty, as expected SNSD *trembling* Too pretty, their beauty are at peak every day. They get prettier every time I see them 57. YoonA is really pretty, but I am not sure of the coordinates ㅋㅋ 58. SNSD’s self-management are really freaking awesome 59. How is YoonA so handsome? 60. All three of them are so pretty today. Our gwiyomi couple, take a selfie if you two meet.... 61. Looking at their outfits, I think autumn has really arrived. So pretty 62. Wow YoonA 63. YoonA is really so handsomely pretty 65. How is it that YoonA looks exactly like she did 10 years ago? *trembling* 66. YoonA is pretty and her bag is pretty too!! Yuri is gorgeous 67. All are pretty and their outfits suit them 69. Wow YoonA 70. YoonA why are you so handsome.... 71. YoonA, what’s up with your vibes? So cool 72. Why isn’t YoonA getting old...? 74. Everyone in SNSD is doing so well 76. Soshi ya pretty 78. There are many female idols, but Soshi is truly an all-time legend. So prettyㅜㅜ 79. YoonA is so pretty 81. Graceful 82. YoonA just looks the same as she did back then 83. I’m glad everyone in Soshi are doing well. So pretty 85. YoonA and Yuri are so pretty... Soshi are all pretty but there is a reason why they are the visual lineㅋㅋㅋㅋTaeyeon still look like a fairy so cute ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 86. YoonA is perfect 87. YoonA is too pretty 88. As expected YoonA... Really insane... YoonA and Taeyeon please meet in Paris!!! 89. Right now its SNSD. Everyone are working hard, so cool 💗 90. Yuri’s mask is unique and attractive. YoonA has always been really pretty 91. No, they are all pretty, but YoonA is really insane...? What’s up with her beauty... 92. Wow YoonA is so pretty 93. YoonA is so pretty 95. YoonA is both pretty and handsome 96. YoonA and Yuri are pretty 97. YoonA has always been well known to be handsome, and she still isㅋㅋㅋㅋ
98. The photo where YoonA looks sideways is insane... It is like a pictorial.. 99. I really want to see YoonA in real life...... The very essence of a goddess right..? 100. YoonA is really insane 101. YoonA is truly very pretty 102. YoonA wow 103. YoonA is insane 104. YoonA is pretty her entire life 105. YoonA is so pretty that I saved her photo without realizing it. 106. How can all three of them be Soshi ya... that’s cheating... 107. YoonA is so pretty yet she is also so handsome... 108. YoonA is so pretty 109. YoonA is really pretty... 110. All three of them are pretty but YoonA is really ㅋㅋㅋinsane handsomely pretty, what is going on   111. I want to date YoonA 112. YoonA used to have a strong pretty vibes, but she has also become more and more handsome 113. YoonA.. 114. Ah YoonA is insane 115. YoonA is so pretty 116. YoonA is insane 117. YoonA is so pretty 118. Wow, I saved YoonA’s photo. How long has it been since the last time I saved a photo of a celebrity? 119. All three of them are pretty in different ways. Their self-management is amazing 120. YoonA is indeed very pretty 123. YoonA is so handsomeㅠㅠ 125. YoonA is too pretty 127. YoonA hasn’t changed 128. YoonA reallyㅜㅜㅜ 129. How can YoonA’s facial proportion be this great 130. YoonA is insane... Source: TheQoo Trans: mystarmyangel
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ddrmuseum · 2 years
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Heute, am Jahrestag der Befreiung des Vernichtungslagers Auschwitz, gedenken wir der Millionen Opfer des Nationalsozialismus. Das Bewusstsein über die Schuld des Tätervolks und die Erinnerung an die Menschen, die durch die Hand der Täter Elend, Folter und Tod erlitten, darf besonders in Deutschland niemals in Vergessenheit geraten. Auch in der DDR wurde den Ermordeten gedacht. Die besondere Aufmerksamkeit galt dabei den kommunistischen Widerstandskämpfer*innen, die vom SED-Regime als Helden und Heldinnen stilisiert wurden. Die Abbildung zeigt den von der KPD herausgegebenen Tatsachenbericht des Konzentrationslagers Buchenwald. Verlegt wurde das 130-seitige Buch vom Verlag für Wirtschaft und Literatur. Today, on the anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz extermination camp, we commemorate the millions of victims of National Socialism. The awareness of the guilt of the perpetrators and the memory of the people who suffered misery, torture and death at the hands of the perpetrators must never be forgotten in Germany. The murdered were also remembered in the GDR. Special attention was paid to the politically persecuted, who were stylised as heroes and heroines. The pictures shows the factual report of the Buchenwald concentration camp published by the KPD. The 130-page book was published by Verlag für Wirtschaft und Literatur. — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/cGquroV
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