#15 spoilers
lnkedmyheart · 6 months
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He's so...
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writing-blocked-me · 2 years
Over the Years
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Chuuya x gn!reader
CW: BSD Spoilers (half anime based, half manga based) (15 and Strombringer spoilers)
Pairings: Chuuya x Reader
Notes: So I’m new to fic writing on tumblr but hi!  A proper introduction post will probably come at a later date but for now my name’s Liv and I write for Bungou Stray Dogs (mostly) ad a few other fandoms (though I’m not confident enough to post anything for them quite yet).  Hope you enjoy :)
Fic under the cut :)
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You could never really be sure when exactly you fell in love with Chuuya Nakahara.  Hell, you couldn’t even tell when you’d started to see him as a friend, instead of the fearsome, gravity-manipulating mafioso that he was to most others.  
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It might’ve been when you first met him, though you couldn’t say for certain.
 It was one of your first days on the job, having just recently been recruited by the Port Mafia after they had absorbed the gang you had previously been working for.  Kouyou had taken a liking to you and taken you under her wing.  As you were delivering documents one day, you overheard Dazai and another, unrecognisable voice arguing.  Though you barely interacted with the Demon Prodigy, you had never heard him shout.  He was always quiet, calculating and observant.  Never loud or outwardly enraged as he sounded then.  It made you curious, so you’d decided to sneak a peek. That’s when you saw him, red faced and equally as enraged as the brunette opposing him.  He’d argued with so much passion that you were partially in awe, but mostly amused.  That amusement slowly turned into giggles, which alerted the two adversaries to your presence.  Dazai told you to get back to work.  Chuuya had just stared.  After you left, you overheard Dazai teasing him about it; the screaming started up again. It had taken him a week after that to finally introduce himself, you thought it was cute.
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It might’ve been as you’d grown closer.  
Within a year of joining the Port Mafia, Chuuya had started making a name for himself.  He’d joined the Flags, the mafia’s group of youngsters, who had taken him in as one of their own - his friends.  He’d also become fast friends with you.  Despite his aggressive personality, Chuuya was really easy to get along with.  You would spend time with each other constantly, watching TV, playing games at the arcade, being teenagers.  Chuuya actually made you feel kinda normal, despite working for a criminal organisation.  You’d tease him for his height and he’d get all angry and try to insult you.  In the end, you’d just end up laughing. There were times you’d stay up all night, playing games or talking.
  During the attacks by Verlaine, you’d narrowly escaped death, Verlaine targeting you after his assassination of the flags.  You’d comforted Chuuya as you both mourned the flags and you’d been by his side as much as possible when he was still discovering his origins.  His strength throughout it all was something you both admired and adored.  You were grateful you were able to stay by him and make sure he was safe, much to Chuuya’s dismay.  He’d wanted to have you shipped off somewhere, even going as far as asking Dazai for help.  Needless to say it hadn’t worked.  Chuuya was not the only stubborn-headed menace out of your little duo.
  After the events, when Chuuya had become an executive, and Mori had finally divulged the information on his family’s whereabouts, you had still stayed by him.  You even went with him to see his parents, and comforted him when he left without saying a word.  
You were able to see him grow and you saw beneath just the angry mafioso, to the guarded, loyal boy beneath.  Maybe that’s when you fell in love with him. 
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Maybe it was as he grew older.  
While he barely grew any taller, he had definitely matured.  His jaw was sharper and his muscles more defined - he looked good.  He’d grown his hair out and it now fell on his shoulder.  His dress sense had changed too, from leather jackets with hoodies, to suits with an unbuttoned shirt, to, finally, his current look - the dapper mafia suit with an overcoat draped over the top and his signature hat.  He looked more mature and grown up and, while he was always handsome, the confident aura with which he went about his day made him even more attractive.  
That confidence was definitely not for show either.  Chuuya had worked so hard to get stronger, grow tougher and be better.  As the years progressed, you could definitely see the difference.  You had watched him slowly become a better leader, one of the strongest members of the Port Mafia, someone you were so lucky to be beside.  Chuuya, despite all of his promotions and successes, still continued to hang out with you, still considering you a friend and keeping you close.  As he got stronger, he was able to protect you more and saved you countless times.  That’s not to say you didn’t save him, though.  You saved him as well, though not always in the same way.  He was always working hard, which made you strive to work harder.  He inspired you to improve.  Maybe that’s when you fell in love with him.
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Maybe you fell for him when you shared your first kiss.
It was at the end of a long, tough mafia mission.  Both of you had been exhausted, but wanting to celebrate, you decided to go to a local mafia haunt for a few drinks.  Chuuya, being the lightweight that he is, was hammered two glasses of wine in, the tiredness further, lowering his tolerance.  You, however, were on your fifth glass of wine and, though tipsy, were still conscious.  At this point, one of the other bar goers approached you, letting out a wolf whistle as he did so.  You tried to politely inform him of your disinterest, but he, also in a rather drunken state, did not seem to be taking no for an answer.  You continued in your efforts to dissuade him but Chuuya did not take the man’s persistence so well.  Not unexpectedly, you weren’t allowed back at that bar.  At least, not for a while. 
After the fiasco, Chuuya had insisted on walking you home, though really, you were the one guiding him to your apartment.  You helped him hobble up the stairs to your floor, only letting go of him when you were at the door to find your keys.  You quickly unlocked the door, before you grabbed the executive mafioso once more, leading him to the couch.  Big mistake.  Although he was small, Chuuya was deceptively strong, even while drunk, and he pulled you down with him as he flopped onto the couch.  It was then that he whispered to you how much he cared for you, how grateful he was that you had stuck by him throughout everything, how much he wished you would stay with him forever.  Less than a second after his whispers had finished, he shoved his lips to yours in a very sloppy, drunk kiss.  To you, however, it was perfect.  Immediately afterwards, Chuuya fell asleep.  On top of you.  His soft snores filling your apartment as you stared at him in shock and adoration.  Maybe that’s when you fell.
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You could never really remember when it was you fell in love with the ginger mafioso.  Maybe it was sudden, a single moment that set your heart ablaze.  Perhaps it happened more gradually, with little moments shared between you building into a strong bond that eventually blossomed into love.  It could have been at any time, in any way; you had known him for so long and it felt like you had loved him forever.  You might never know when you fell.  
However, whenever you spent time with him, your heart swelled and filled with love.  So you supposed it didn’t really matter when you fell in love with him or how or why.  All that mattered was that you were in love with Chuuya Nakahara.
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Chuuya didn’t know when he fell in love with you, or how, or why.  He guesses it could have been anytime over the years, you’d always been by him and he’d always appreciated you, which then turned into love.  But Chuuya also knew that the when, why and how were not important.  He loved you and he would continue to love you for as long as you’d let him.  The ring he was carrying in his jacket pocket, as he made his way to dinner with you was evidence of that.  Chuuya Nakahara loves you and wants to spend forever feeling this way, with you by his side.
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softestaries · 10 months
Ncuti rly just rocked up trouserless, played a high-stakes game of catch, told his younger self to get some fucking therapy, cloned the Tardis (HELLO?), and left to go clubbing. Iconic behaviour. No notes.
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ayo-edebiri · 4 months
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I'm here what can I do. What you always do.
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yesokayiknow · 9 months
i know we won't but GOD i hope he never tells her he's an alien i hope we have a whole series of ruby thinking he's just a time travelling human until he gets hurt and is like ohhhhhh ruby love can you check my pulses and she's like check your fucking what now
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natashowlet · 1 year
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Miguel O’Hara icons
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hamable · 4 months
Love the Bad Kids immediately shutting down Porter’s attempt to proselytize; like absolutely not, you can’t defend this. You’re a bad teacher. Yeah, we spent the summer hunting the Night Yorb on behalf of the school, because the Night Yorb was our fucking fault in the first place. Elmville didn’t refuse to sign Gorgug’s MCAT, you did, Porter. You’re a freak. You’re 45 and you’re juicing and the teenage archdevil who clocked your bad vibes freshman year day one already swooped the godly domain you’re vying for out from under you and put it on standby like last week. Get fucked old man.
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slateblueflowers · 5 months
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tmagp 15 spoilers
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tardxsblues · 1 year
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Because you and Mr. Fell don't ever talk to each other. We talk all the time. We've been talking for millions of years. Bla-bla-bla-bla-bla-bla-bla-bla-bla. I say something brilliant, and he says something unintentionally funny back. It's great. You never say what you're really thinking.
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doglikecadaver · 4 months
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Lady mowbray from hit podcast magnus protocol the woman that you are…
Finally catching up on all the episodes OH MY GOD. Im normal guys im so normal TRUST.
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marvelgifs · 1 year
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LOKI S02E02 Breaking Brad
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macabresymphonies · 5 months
If by this point you don't believe Celia is the same TMA universe Celia her meeting with Lady Mowbray cemented she is, because that was the most "seasoned Magnus Achives character meets an avatar" interaction we've had in a while:
ask her if you can do something for her just to make sure she scrams
don't give your name when trying to be tricked into saying it
ignore her creepy sniffing and vauge remarks
don't interact needlessly
don't play into her narrative
don't get caught on the stupid pun at the end
Godspeed Celia, you beautiful creature, if anybody is equipped to live till the end it's you.
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cowsnotcrows · 5 months
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eat the rich before they eat you
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lady-disdain221b · 3 months
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ayo-edebiri · 4 months
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#I think Buck deserves Bobby to call him his son in front of him (insp by this gifset)
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yesokayiknow · 9 months
incredibly enamoured with the way that so far fifteen can't wear an outfit for more than ten minutes before changing. he said no more looking like a cartoon character
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