#1970s slytherin headcanon
butchkaramazov · 1 year
no because the slytherins would absolutely join the marauders in their pranks like alright you wanna turn our robes red and gold? buddy we'll make yours see-through, better start working out soon
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saintsenara · 6 months
I’m obsessed with your Percy/Rodolphus fic, so I just wanted to get some more of your thoughts on who you think the Lestrange brothers are/what they’re like. They’re often overlooked in this fandom but I personally love them. (PS your answer to my Frank/Rabastan question was amazing. Thank you!)
thank you so much, anon! this is a lovely ask and i'm so thrilled you've enjoyed subluxation.
i've been joking quite a lot while writing it that it’s tricked me into finding rodolphus and rabastan lestrange fascinating, having never cared about them before. but this is - it’s time to come clean - not strictly true... obviously, as a bellamort shipper, poor cuckolded roddy has had to take up some space in my brain, but also the family appears in quite a lot of my other writing and i have quite a lot of headcanon lore i appear to have ascribed to them…
most of this - unsurprisingly - surrounds the family’s relationship with voldemort. while the evidence of canon is that the malfoys are voldemort’s favourite accomplices - at least until lucius falls from grace after failing to retrieve the prophecy - i am much fonder of the idea that the lestranges are the dark lord’s most important death eaters and that the family has been in voldemort’s orbit since the second he arrived at hogwarts.
i do not - however - think that the lestrange originally ensnared is either rodolphus or rabastan. i know many people choose to interpret the mention in half-blood prince of a lestrange in the slug club alongside tom riddle as referring to rodolphus - and i do see the interesting things which can be done both with the idea of him as voldemort’s oldest friend [and, therefore, fully aware of his real name, appearance, and background, while his wife is not] and the idea of him as much older than bellatrix. but i much prefer the idea of voldemort having an impact which is distinct across three separate generations: you have the knights of walpurgis, who become the first death eaters, who know the proto-voldemort of the 1940s and 1950s, with all his messy human characteristics; then you have these men’s sons, who know the unassailable paramilitary kingpin of the 1970s, who seems to be a force of pure magic; then you have these men’s sons, who know the paranoid, monstrous voldemort of the 1990s and his single-minded obsession with harry potter. or, in other words, you have abraxas malfoy - then lucius malfoy - then draco malfoy, each trying to square the voldemort that’s in front of them with the voldemort they once knew.
hence my favourite original character: rodolphus and rabastan’s father, romulus augustulus lestrange. named for the last - and worst - roman emperor.
i am - as any good tomarry shipper - obsessed with the parallels between harry and voldemort, and i originally came up with romulus in order to provide voldemort with his very own ron weasley. the two meet on the hogwarts express when romulus sits in tom’s compartment, it’s romulus who acts as the insider to the magical world who helps tom adjust to his new life in the castle, and it’s romulus who convinces tom while they’re heading north that the only house worth being in is slytherin. i like him then remaining tom’s ride-or-die even through his teen edgelord days, his depressed retail-worker days, and his long sojourn on the continent.
[although readers of my tomarry wip one year in every ten will be aware that his relationship with the young voldemort is not entirely a happy one…]
i write rodolphus and rabastan as being born in 1949 and 1953 respectively and as having some sort of acquaintance with voldemort as children - indeed, one headcanon i use, if the story fits it, is that voldemort is both brothers’ godfather. this means that, when voldemort returns from albania in 1966, both are in their teens and - rodolphus especially - are all too susceptible to the revolutionary miracle voldemort is promising. i imagine that rodolphus - in conjunction with lucius malfoy - is the dark lord’s best recruiter of young pureblood men in the later 1960s and early 1970s, and that these men are much more interested in open violence than their fathers, who support voldemort as a political leader within the wizarding world’s established framework, rather than as a terrorist.
which means, of course, that i think that rodolphus is the person who recruits bellatrix.
while i like the potential of bellatrix and rodolphus’ canon vibe being caused by the gulf of a large age gap, i really like them as a clear illustration of the way in which pureblood society’s rigid gender roles stifle potential - and, therefore, think that they marry the second bellatrix finishes school, in an arranged marriage they both go through with because it’s what they think they ought to do [and i think that voldemort’s affair with her starts almost simultaneously - i think it’s important, when thinking about bellatrix’s radicalisation, that all the evidence of canon is that she’s groomed to be a terrorist when she’s barely out of her teens by a man old enough to be her father, and voldemort - who, when she’s 19, is 44 - being her only proper experience of a romantic or sexual relationship is quite a key part of that]. i am wedded to the idea that the marriage is profoundly unhappy - but not abusive or toxic - because neither bellatrix nor rodolphus really like each other - they get along cordially enough, but there’s no real passion or affection between them.
the only exception to this is their passion for voldemort and his terrorist organisation. the implication of canon is that bellatrix is the more zealous of the two - and that she is the ringleader of their attack on the longbottoms, while rodolphus and rabastan are just doing as they’re told - but i don’t buy it. i think rodolphus is a hardcore death eater, that he is entrusted with high-level missions throughout the 1970s, and that voldemort values him incredibly highly prior to 1996, when our evidence is that he’s also sent to azkaban having been caught in the department of mysteries alongside lucius malfoy.
[and one high-level thing i think he’s entrusted with is the knowledge of what - exactly - is in his vault…]
which means, i think, that he is probably slightly more disillusioned than bellatrix once he’s broken out of prison for a second time in july 1997. i am now convinced that the role he plays in subluxation - essentially pius thicknesse’s childminder - is one he agrees to because he thinks it’ll keep him safer than being at voldemort’s side as he grows more and more volatile - and i am also convinced [because, i hate to say, i’m a delphini truther] that he flees the battle of hogwarts the second harry springs out of hagrid’s arms and goes on the run with his dead wife and dead master’s lovechild.
rabastan - on the other hand - gets given up by lucius malfoy as part of his plea deal and shuffled off for life in azkaban.
indeed, i really like rabastan as… a bit of a flop. whereas i think rodolphus has a genuine capacity for sadism, i prefer rabastan in what we might call the draco malfoy vein - someone who is profoundly unpleasant and who believes wholeheartedly in blood-supremacy, but who doesn’t have the stomach to actually follow this through with violence. i like the idea of him as someone voldemort finds quite unimpressive, and i also like the idea that rodolphus - since awful people are never wholly awful, nor good ones wholly good - puts himself in considerable danger to protect his younger brother from the dark lord’s anger by fixing his mistakes and covering for his fuck-ups.
and i am now really, really into the concept of rabastan and frank longbottom!
the only other headcanons that i am absolutely set on when it comes to the lestranges are that their ancestral home is in brancaster, in norfolk [a very beautiful, but not not desolate place], and that romulus has a great love of flying horses which is passed down to both of his sons.
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greenhousethree · 1 year
Population in the Wizarding World: A Take through Close Reading and Genetics
🌱 A meta? A headcanon? A bit of both. 🌱 🌾
A writer's idea of the population of wizards is relevant for worldbuilding; it defines the feel of the wizarding community as a whole. The books are notoriously contradictory, thus the size of the Hogwarts student body and the population of the wizarding world are highly debated topics in fandom. Basically, the numbers don’t add up.
My argument is that there are a lot more wizards at Hogwarts, and in Europe, than we think.
I’ll start by listing a few common theories that I’ve seen used to approximate and/or justify the magicfolk population in the 1990s. Some go hand-in-hand, while others contradict:
The Statute of Secrecy prevents the population of wizards from growing too big. 
The birth rate of wizards significantly decreased in the late 1970s during Voldemort’s first rise in power, leading to fewer students in the ‘90s when Harry was in school.
The number of Hogwarts students can be estimated by multiplying the total boys in Harry’s year and House (5) by two to account for boys and girls, by seven to include all years, and by four to include all houses. 5x2x7x4=280 students. Even rounded to 300, this seems astonishingly low. 
The wizard population in Britain can be extrapolated by the approximate Hogwarts population using the statistic that 13-16% of human populations are between the ages of 11 and 17, approximating ~1800-2500 wizards in all of Britain (again, this seems low, but it can be explained by the next theory):
A lot of wizards are homeschooled, so the Hogwarts student body isn’t indicative of the entire wizarding population.
While I acknowledge the very real phenomenon of lower birth rates during times of global hardship (war, disease, etc.), and it’s likely that a lot of wizards in the UK don’t go to Hogwarts, I find that most theories don’t take into account two important factors: Harry’s unreliable narration, and a tiny peek into trends of population genetics.
🌱 Harry as an unreliable narrator:
The size of Hogwarts castle, along with descriptions of the student body, seems to be at odds with the few students we actually meet in the narrative. However, some key moments in Harry’s narration lead me to believe that we’re not getting the full picture of how many students there actually are:
1. Harry doesn’t know everyone in his year. We’re introduced to new students of all ages in The Order of the Phoenix via Dumbledore’s Army. But Harry’s introductions to students in his own year are what I find interesting— particularly the Ravenclaw boys and Susan Bones.
When students are entering the Hog’s Head during the first D.A. gathering, Harry notes the presence of “three Ravenclaw boys he was pretty sure were called Anthony Goldstein, Michael Corner, and Terry Boot” (OoTP, p 338). At the least, we know that Terry Boot and Anthony Goldstein are in Harry’s year (they’re sorted in The Philosopher’s Stone). Presumably they’ve shared classes (the Gryffindors share classes with the other two Houses), yet Harry isn’t fully acquainted with them. This is also the case for Blaise Zabini, a Slytherin in Harry’s year with whom he’s had classes but somehow does not meet until The Half-Blood Prince. 
Susan Bones is also in Harry’s year (she’s also sorted in PS). We know that Harry has had class with the Hufflepuffs (we meet Justin Finch-Fletchley Herbology in The Chamber of Secrets), yet when she enters the Hog’s Head she’s only described as “a Hufflepuff girl with a long plait whose name Harry did not know” (OoTP, p 338).
Two conclusions could be drawn from the fact that Harry doesn’t know his own peers: 1. He’s exceptionally unobservant, and 2. The student body at Hogwarts is large enough that Harry hasn’t yet encountered some of his classmates. 
I choose to believe a bit of both. We know that Harry can be observant, particularly in tense or dangerous situations (recalling the location of Ravenclaw’s diadem in The Deathly Hallows demonstrates some pretty high detail retention). On the other hand, he’s not always the most socially astute, which could allow for the argument that he simply hasn’t bothered to learn the names of some of his classmates.
Personally, I find it unlikely that after more than four years of study with a presumed class size of 20 (2 houses, 10 from each), Harry wouldn’t know the names of these students. I think it’s more likely that the classes are much larger, and that Harry’s year of Gryffindor boys just happens to consist of five students. 
2. We never get a clear idea of the Hogwarts student body. Harry’s narration often describes “hundreds” of students at Hogwarts: filling the Great Hall, the stands at school Quidditch matches, and the stadium built for the Triwizard Tournament. “Hundreds” doesn’t give us much to work with (Harry also mentions that the Christmas feast includes “hundreds of fat turkeys” in PS), but I don’t think it makes sense to only use the number of boys in Harry’s dorm for reference. The Sorting Hat divides students based on their innermost traits and talents, which shouldn’t mean that it fills a quota every year for each house. It’s likely that there’s a huge variety in the number of students per dorm, if the Sorting is legitimate.
The sheer size of the castle, the fact that there are four Quidditch teams with reasonably good players, and the fact that so many students don’t know each other are all reasons to believe that Hogwarts’ student body is much larger than 300 students across seven years. 
Harry’s a kid who often has a lot on his mind; it’s unlikely that he’s introducing us to enough students for us to obtain an accurate gauge of class size from the text.
🧬 The heritability and population genetics of being Magical:
This won’t get too dry, I hope promise. Regardless of whether you accept the above “large student body at Hogwarts” theory or prefer the “lots of children are homeschooled” theory, the likelihood of a small wizarding population in the UK (and, by extent, the world) is slim. We know a few things to back this up:
It’s not that uncommon for a wizard to be born to two Muggles (the Muggle-born Registration Commission is proof of this).
The occurrence of Squibs (non-magical people born to two magical parents) seems to be exceedingly rare (Ron mentions this in CoS).
Anyone who is a wizard (pureblood, half-blood, Muggle-born) can reasonably expect their child to possess magical abilities, regardless of the other parent’s abilities.
I want to look at magical ability through the context of what we know about genetics and heritable traits. Regardless of blood status, we see only two varieties of magic: Magical and Not Magical. Basically, you’re either a wizard or you’re not. Thus, we can use a Mendelian genetics model as a basis for comparison.
When it comes to genes that present two distinct variants of a heritable trait, there is often a “dominant” allele (a version of the gene) that will present itself even when combined with the “recessive” allele. A common example is eye color: if you receive one copy of the dominant brown eye allele, then you’ll have brown eyes, regardless of the allele you’ve received from the other parent. This can result in multiple different genotypes (genetic makeups) for just two phenotypes (visible traits): Magical and Not Magical. Statistically, that should mean that the half-blood wizards should produce children with the following ratios (sorry to resurrect biology class, but genetics is my job and I love it):
Let’s use M to indicate a dominant Magical copy of the “magic gene,” and m to denominate Not Magical. Thus, both genotypes MM and Mm would encode the Magical trait, while mm would be Not Magical.
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As shown above, a cross between two half-blood wizards (Mm and Mm) would statistically produce one non-magical child (or Squib) per every 3 magical children.
However, the three facts listed above don’t support this model of magical inheritance. Half-blood wizards expect their children to be magical with the same confidence as pure-bloods; we don’t hear about enough Squibs to support this 3:1 ratio. And two Muggles, presumably with no magical genes between them, can produce a fully-functional wizard. “Magical” seems to work like some kind of all-powerful gene: it can be fully expressed down an entire bloodline with just one copy introduced by one parent.
This breaks all of the models we commonly use for population genetics, which assume that gene variants have to come from somewhere (hence the term “gene pool”), and can’t be created out of thin air other than by random mutation (i.e. Hardy-Weinberg). Instead, new magical bloodlines are constantly being created through Muggle-born wizards, and very few are terminated with the birth of Squibs, indicating that the population of magicfolk will only grow.
Perhaps wizards did see a dip in population during the wars. But they’re still human. And humans procreate; as a species, it’s what we do. Based on the above logic, by far the most likely scenario is that the population of wizards has only continued increasing, rather than declining or even remaining steady.
🌱 Lastly, I’ll mention a few more points that support the idea of a large UK and global wizard population, mostly regarding the infrastructure we see:
The UK Ministry of Magic is a huge governing body with hundreds of employees.
The British and Irish Quidditch League alone comprises thirteen teams of professional athletes and reserve players, the funding for which presumably comes from in-person match attendance.
The Quidditch World Cup stadium was built to hold one hundred-thousand seats, yet Arthur is still considered lucky to have obtained tickets.
TLDR: I think there are a lot of wizards out there! And Hogwarts is probably much bigger than we think.
This series is full of plot holes (as are most works of this magnitude; that’s ok), but I think it’s worth it to make meaning from the text we’re given. I’m not expecting to change anyone’s headcanon or assume that fics should be written in one particular way, but I found this fun to think about. I’ve no doubt left out a lot of points (some for brevity’s sake), which I’m happy to discuss! Let me know what you think!
— GreenhouseThree 🌿
P.S. – The same application of genetics cannot accurately be used to define gender, which exists on a spectrum and not as a binary. Well-informed scientists know this. I’m not an expert in biological sex and gender, but I’m happy to provide good research literature on the topic. Sorry (not sorry), JKR.
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shirefantasies · 2 months
Thank you for the follower acknowledgment! I just followed you in the past few days and had looked through your work more than anything else and when you thanked us I felt kinda bad because I thought it was so so so nice of you to do but I hadn’t put much thought in the person behind it. I was so wrapped up in learning about a new character from a universe I loved that I’ve never noticed before and I took an effing Tolkien humanities collage class. 😅😂
But yeah I had never heard of the elf Feren before you or at least paid attention to him in the hobbit movies I went back and rewatched them to find him 🤣 so thanks a lot man, smh, now I have a new hot elf mans to simp over (I’m joking it actually renewed my interest and I started looking at more backgroundish characters I hadn’t noticed before which is normally my forte being an Infp. I’ve been slacking man.)
Also hello fellow Libra ♎️ I also enjoy dnd I’ve never played but have read a few of the older books, read the Drizzt comics, and haven’t played but watched the play through a of Baldurs gate 3 (Astarion and Sorn Orlith omg 😳) Also have you heard of chuckles the clown? 😂 my favorite race from dnd is half-elves (I was a gifted adhd kid so I can relate to the being picked on and not fitting in) and Drow they fascinate me.
Also Star Wars (there’s a comic from like the 1970’s with a character called Taikotelai who was a one and one like feral so I’m writing a fic to fix that I love him he didn’t deserve to die. Harry Potter too (Ravenclaw is my house, my collage professor also did a Harry Potter humanities class and sorted us into houses and kept score. It was awesome especially since he dressed as snape one time since he’s the same personality type and a Slytherin. (Ravenclaw won, Hufflepuff in second, Slytherin, and Gryphandor had negative points 😂 they kept saying the name Voldemort and he penalized for that.)
Star Trek (depending on the series), transformers especially tfp and tfa prowl (he loves organic nature and quiet which I get). Bluey don’t judge me I’m 20-25 (not comfortable with publicly sharing true age) I’m allowed to like children’s shows and books with some adult themes occasionally, life doesn’t give us a happy ending why should fiction. 😂 marvel, some dc, A-team. MASH klinger is the original Disney Princess 🤣 change my mind if you don’t know who that is you must google him.
*sorry for the ramble 😅 I was just shocked at the amount we had in common the rest is me seeing if there’s anything else 😂 but yeah always up for discussions. And really thanks again for all the hard work and creativity you put into your writing! I know it’s a lot of times thankless but discovering your writing really brightened up my week. Especially getting back into the hobbit like that it was almost like seeing it anew because I made it my mission to notice things and characters I hadn’t paid attention to before. Also I can tell you put a lot of thought and care into the characterization of the different characters in each one shot, story, headcanons, you do and that’s awesome! I hope you have a great rest of your week!
(I’m doing anonymous cause I’m shy 😓 and some social anxiety sorry if this was weird. I can message you later if you want to know. Or you can ignore me, like I said I went on a rambling tangent it was cool to find out we had so much in common and I’m like ‘that’s why I’ve liked SO much of her writing and not a select few!’ that’s so cool!)
OMG IF YOU FEEL COMFORTABLE 🅱️LS 🅱️LS 🅱️LS MESSAGE MEEEEE!!! Among so much other cool stuff you mentioned one of my favorite fictional characters EVERRRRRRRRRRRRRR one Mr. Maxwell Q Klinger and my eyes just saw MASH Klinger and hyperzoomed and I got so excited that someone else loves this amazing guy I could talk about for hours!!! M*A*S*H is my favorite show E V E R!!! I don't have to google him, but maybe I will anyway just cuz I like lookin at him 😌 fun fact: My dad and I both share a birthday with a M*A*S*H and LoTR cast member! Dad's January 28th which is Alan Alda and Elijah Wood, while I (October 20th) have William Christopher and Viggo Mortensen! My dad also gets John Banner AKA Schultz from Hogan's Heroes! Have you seen HH too?
Don't worry you can clearly see I go on tangents too 😂 I totally get feeling shy and stuff, so up to you! Background characters are the BESSSST though I too have an obscure Star Wars blorbo who popped up in a handful of expanded universe novels (and the comic rendition) and I just love him even though he's nowhere near major. I am not familiar with Taikotelai yet but I wanna read that fic! SW is the best fandom for the coolest small time blorbos I swear! I'm the opposite of you because I've played D&D but never BG3 even though I post about it on my personal a lot 😅 (it's @spacemanxpaninis if you wanna chat there too! That's where you can see all my fandoms and insanity hehe) I just don't have anything that can run it so I have to live vicariously through the playthroughs too 💔
do NOT be worried about me judging you for anything that seems cringe to you, cartoons/animation is a big special interest for me and I love most things animated! I am almost 25 and have been wanting to watch Bluey myself! Comfort content FTW! I hate things that have no happy ending BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 🍅🍅🍅 I don't pay to feel bad! Real life gives me enough negative emotions!!! 🍅🍅🍅 To help relieve any feelings of cringe: lemme let you in on a little secret: you know what I watch after the most heartrending draining breakdowns? Family Guy. I fucking watch Family Guy because it's the best turn your brain off mindless entertainment simple amusement with no big emotional stakes 9 times out of 10. If you ever feel bad about Bluey you can picture good ol shirefantasies sitting there post-breakdown tear-streaked watching Peter Griffin dance to Surfin Bird.
That class sounds like fun! Teachers bringing themes or fandoms into classes >>>> I need to watch more Star Trek! My dad started watching the original with my brother and I but we stopped because my brother didn't like it and bitched about 'every episode just being something getting on the ship' :( but I've also heard great things about Deep Space Nine and whichever the one with Patrick Stewart is (New Generation?????)! Love me some scifi. Usually I'm more of a Star Wars girlie but A. I don't discriminate B. I know how pretentious I sound specifying pre-2015 and expanded universe only even though it's true 💀
Bro (lmk if you don't like bring called 'bro' or 'girl' or either, I use those pretty indiscriminately of gender unless people don't like it or get confused, also feel free to tell me your pronouns and a name/nickname/even just emoji if you'd rather in your next ask or if you do message 🫶🏻) I will NEVER ignore you 😤 Legit this is the most exciting ask I've ever gotten on here because you're super cool and we have a lot in common and raaahhhh I wasn't that excited to get on here but E N E R G Y S U R G E I hope we can be friends!
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the-most-faithful · 4 months
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Canon informations: Emma Vanity was a witch and Slytherin student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in the 1970s. She was Captain of the Slytherin Quidditch team from 1972 to 1976.
Headcanon: She was a pureblood, loved Quidditch and was very competitive. She formed a strong friendship with Dorcas Meadowes, her housemate and dorm roommate. Her father arranged her marriage to the pureblood Caradoc Byron White (Caradoc Dearborn). The two married after the end of Hogwarts and had a daughter. Even though she was pureblood she didn't believe in the superiority of purebloods over muggleborns. But she never officially joined the Order of the Phoenix. She was too afraid that her daughter would be targeted by Death Eaters. She accused Caradoc of being careless because he is openly against Voldemort. In 1981, Death Eaters attacked and tortured Emma before killing her and her daughter. Caradoc was imprisoned in the dungeons of Lestrange Manor
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i know in some way i will get targeted, however i am new to the fandom and i admit it. i'm not a genius who knows every character or original character in this fandom because i am new and have to keep up. i will confess however what my opinions are since.. well, this is a confession booth. i do as well say that i am at times leaning to what i know with the canon. i will also add that i am not from western side of the world.
i quite find it humorous in a way that the marauders do not get criticize to what they have done in canon. i know this fandom rides off in fanon, but like aren't snape and the marauders basically were enemies (or bullying one another) in a way, for my understanding? marauders get a treatment where didn't do anything wrong even though they have.
from what i know, i think is differentiate the snape of the golden trio era and the marauders era. i'd even say those two were different because of their actions. snape is also a victim of a broken home, and in the end, became an abuser in their adult years. i don't know if i'd consider him innocent in his teenage years as well but i'd definitely say, his life was pretty sad as well as the other marauders. besides, if some side of people love the "slytherin skittles" then let severus have his own fanon gang.
i enjoy the POC headcanons but i also find it humorous that a british boarding school who are wizards and witches with bigots have a huge diversity especially in the 1970s. however, i think this is due to what i see in western media towards american and british boarding schools. but hey, it's 2024, who am i to say? it's fucking fanfiction, and again i don't hate it, just find it amusing and a great fuck you to JKR.
i agree with some confessions that i will not mention which ones. however, what i'd also like to point out is that at times that this fandom is also riding on mostly romance. mostly mlm – noticed by any fandom – or straight ships or the wlw ships. i always have an unsavory dislike on the fetishization side of mlm in the fandom.
then the girls, i have 0 comment because i need to dig deeper with their stuff but i am having a blast on the fanart of theirs and they're lovely.
i just wish that in some way more fanfics would let the marauders era characters to grow with their flaws. you can't present to them that they are perfect and no mistakes or they're so toxic. they're human. you can literally make a fix it fic with your oc or no oc that can vanish voldemort and make all of them grow or give them an ending they deserve. they're teenagers in most fanfics in hogwarts, i'd say probably if this is a younger demographic; THEY'RE JUST THE SAME AGE AS YOU.
in the end of the day, this is just another opinion and i can literally pull out my own fanfiction out of my ass and i should definitely dig deeper in this fandom. thanks for reading.
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nerdybookworm25 · 5 years
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zephahhhh · 3 years
Professor Riddle AU Headcanons
Tom was not a creepy evil boy, he just lacked love and approval, and he had the latter by being the top of his year and the teachers LOVE him. He was satisfied with that.
He had his little cult at school tho, but they mostly just do common Slytherin shits like gambling and drink and party and occasionally light reading about dark magic but academy purpose only (Tom is such a nerd)
Tom didn't become Lord Voldemort, he still has this but it's just his teenage edge lordname.
He knows where and how to open the chamber but never actually does it (so Hargid graduated and became a hella strong and scary Magizoologist, learning after Newt)
Basilisk starved to death because of that
(not sure about what happened to his uncle tho, @sevsssnape bestie any ideas?)
Dumbledore decided to give him the DADA post to keep him close and keep his eyes on, he still didn't trust him, and thinks he would turn bad one day
He's the youngest Professor ever of Hogwarts (19yo)
Slytherin won the house cup every fuck year even if he's not head of house
He became head of house in 1970
He has had a snake as his pet since fourth year, it's not THE Nagini but her name is Nagini anyway
He has a snake tattoo on his left forearm and it's magic so it moves and he thinks it's ✨cool✨
He used transfiguration (and a bit of dark magic) to keep himself look like in his late twenties or early thirties. Dumbledore knew about this but he doesn't give a fuck bc it doesn't really hurt anyone
He doesn't want immortality, he just doesn't want to look old
He's kinda rich from his time in school gambling
Severus is his favourite student of all time, and porker & Co paid a lot for bullying him
"That spell is really good Mr. Snape, but don't use it on human beings or we both will get into big trouble."
"Mr. Potter, Mr. Black, detention on Saturdays until the end of the term."
"Orion, I hate to tell you this, but Sirius' behaviour at school is not acceptable at the very least. He and his friends kept harassing their schoolmates, especially one of Regulus' friends."
Caught porker & co after curfew 1000 times even if they have the map and the cloak
"Seriously, you think you can walk around at night like this? 50 points from Gryffindors, each."
His finals are incredibly difficult. But as long as you practice and study hard enough, you'll pass.
Tom CAN conjures a patrouns, it's a snake (duh)
Lily and Sev both had a crash on him
So does Lucius but he never admits it
tbh half of the school does
He would daydrink and go teaching but never get drunk so no one knows
He doesn't hate children, he thinks some of them are future great wizards, others... he just doesn't care
Not really a good head of house since he doesn't really care about anyone other than himself and those he thinks have further values
He likes Sev simply because he's smart and he wants him to be his successor
He doesn't have a student club like slug club, he doesn't need one. The outstandings are going to have resources from him automatically and they know who and why and what they should do about it
He likes apples
Coffee drinker
"Come on Tom, have a sherbet lemon."
"No thank you Headmaster, I do appreciate your generosity but do forgive me for declining your offer of sweets."
He actually stole his prefect and head boy badge and kept them in his office (well, not stolen actually, he just didn't return them and told Slughorn he lost them)
Would go to FF for evening walk with Nagini
He likes Fwakes
Bath in prefect's bathroom 2am
And night snack after that
And caught porker & co in the kitchen
Taught Sev patrouns in his third year
I...I think I overdone it...
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joisbishmyoga · 3 years
Ok, to go with my headcanon about the Hogwarts Founders (to wit: based on etymology, they can't be contemporous), I have headcanons about Hogwarts castle itself.
Number one! It, like the Founders, was ALSO not all contemporous. (And my apologies that I still can't find the goddamn keep-reading option.)
Helga never-actually-Hufflepuff's Hogwarts, c. 990-1090:
The original and oldest part of the school is the tower that now houses the famous moving staircases and the Headmaster's Office. (It wasn't alone, though: it had a number of outbuildings, stables and smithies and such, that have long since vanished.)
The tower was not, at the time, a hollow column full of moving staircases. It was a defensive watchtower akin to Threave Castle in Scotland, though somewhat taller and a little bit larger. It was also not round at the time, which can still be seen in the fact that the interior is square; later generations simply added walls to make it round. There are almost certainly late medieval and Renaissance defenses, as well as secret passages, built into the space between the original tower and the rounding walls.
The tower's long-since-removed floors:
Cellars (wine and cold storage).
Ground floor (entrance, reception, kitchens).
2nd floor, in the American style of count (dining, Helga's room).
3rd floor (classrooms)
4th floor (dorms: divided by gender and class rather than age)
5th floor (servants and defense).
The cellars expanded regularly over the centuries, a new room or corridor or floor built every time the castle's population (or political demands, see below) needed more cold storage.
The conical roof and the modern Headmaster's suite were added at a much later date.
Rowena Hraefenclew's Hogwarts, c. 1050-1150:
The first expansion of the castle was the modern-day Great Hall, though it lacked the enchanted ceiling attributed later to Ravenclaw. The recieving of guests was transferred to this space from the original tower, and the grand entertainments of medieval feasts and banquets were added to school life -- a requirement of any social networking, as Rowena steered the school through the political mess of the era without getting entangled in any of it.
(The enchanted ceiling was a Renaissance creation, adding light to what had been a very dim space. The original enchantment wasn't of the sky, though, and the modern ceiling would appall the people of the 1400s: what is so grand or impressive or artistic about just making the roof invisible?
(Not having a masterpiece of Christian religious art looming over the heads of hundreds -- thousands -- of magicals who'd just lived through zealous persecution, is what. The people who charmed it all invisible considered the frescoes to be quite gauche and impolitic.))
Salazar Slytherin and Godric Gryffindor's Hogwarts, c. 1150-1250:
The High Middle Ages brought a massive amount of upheaval to England (and France: half of the modern nation was ruled by England at the start of this period), as well as the rest of Europe. This is the era later connected to Robin Hood, the age of the Magna Carta and Richard the Lionheart and Prince (King) John... and that is where we begin, with Richard faffing off to join the (many, many, MANY) Crusades, and King John losing the entirety of the French regions of his rule. Loss of land = loss of wealth --> spikes in taxes and fees on nobles --> furious nobles --> Magna Carta + King John's reputation forever in the toilet + the absentee and therefore not interfering with nobles' power and money King Richard getting lauded as the best king ever (spoiler: he v much was NOT).
Richard's career included internecine rebellions, uprisings, cruelty in what provinces he bothered to rule (in France), and widespread Jewish persecution. (Things that are pretty much always in Europe: Jewish persecution. The Crusades were mostly massive disasters that did very little to Islamic rule and population in the Holy Land, but exterminated some 90% of Jewish Europe on the way. HSST.)
All of this is to say that Salazar and Godric's Hogwarts expanded to accomodate thousands of Jewish, wandering-poor, and magical refugees from the Continent: Hogwarts was still the only formal, centralized school of magic in all of Europe, and would be for several more decades.
The school still didn't reach the modern extent by the end of this building period, but got up to about 50 percent, adding almost everything on one side of the ravine that cuts through the bluff. Except for the clock tower, the Great Hall's half of the school was complete.
This is also when Hogsmeade changed from being a House-Elf farming settlement to a human town, and for the same reason: Continental refugees, largely from the Childrens' Crusade -- thousands of people of all ages, later thought to all be children due to a misunderstanding in language. (The word for "child" was co-opted to mean "the working/wandering poor": basically, "the (socially) powerless".)
The post-Founders' Hogwarts, c. 1250-1900:
The second half of the school, the conical tower rooftops (and rooms inside them), the internal plumbing for baths (but not toilets), and all the bridges -- both the stone ones across the ravine and the wooden one to Hogsmeade -- were all built in a hurry in the late 1500 and early 1600s, this time to handle refugees during the last few decades before the Statute of Secrecy. The modern Headmaster's Office was also built at this time, as high as possible to cover all approaches to Hogwarts.
Unlike the stone bridges of the ravine, the bridge to Hogsmeade has always been made of wood, in order to be easily destroyed should the castle come under attack. (And in fact it actually has been destroyed several times, most recently in the 1970s as a pre-emptive measure against Voldemort. It was then rebuilt in 1982 with more nostalgia than construction skill.)
As mentioned before, this -- the early 1600s -- is when the Great Hall's enchanted fresco ceiling was rendered invisible.
The T-shaped clock wing on the Great Hall's side, being a six-story pendulum-type clock, was built in the early 1800s, and improved in the late 1800s for accuracy and not whacking students around like golf balls. (The restrooms were also added and improved at these times.)
The greenhouses were built around 1900: Dumbledore might well have had Herbology classes before they were put in.
Now then. That is all headcanon #1. Construction headcanon #2:
Hogwarts is in TERRIBLE condition.
The famous enchanted ceiling is perhaps the most obvious damaged spot. Or it would be if it hadn't been charmed invisible. While it had Owl Post holes in it. (For the record, the easiest way to bring down, say, a barn? Chop a 3x3 ft. hole in the roof and wait ten years.) For the last four or five centuries, every time someone on staff noticed they were getting dripped on, they just threw an Impervious Charm up at the ceiling and considered the leak magically fixed. There's literally nothing left but the Impervious charms and a few scraps of gold leaf.
The stairs are another trouble spot. Centuries of people walking on them should have them worn down in the middle to look like you cut a bowl in half vertically. Would have, but the House Elves have been pulling the stone up flat again for centuries, and eventually started using magic to color-match and add enough support to the remaining stone to take people's weight. Some of the well-known trick stairs that like to disappear? That's not the magic being playful. That's the magic of late House Elves fritzing out to show there's no step left. (The moving stairs have also ground down their joints to nothing.)
It's the same across the entire castle. Centuries of manipulating the materials and covering wear with illusions and throwing Impervious Charms at drafts and drips means a lot of Hogwarts is nothing but swiss cheese and fading spells cast by long-deceased magicals anymore.
(Or it was, until the Battle of Hogwarts in 1998 disrupted enough of the remaining spells to drop them. Voldemort's forces were powerful, but not THAT powerful.)
(A large percentage of the two generations following Harry's were saved by the Battle of Hogwarts. Slytherin House was a misaimed hex away from flooding, and most of the towers were going to collapse with a few more winters of ice picking away at the mortar. Of course if the previous several centuries of magicals had just bothered to check...)
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himbopatrol · 7 years
Tumblr media
70s/80s Wampus Aesthetic 
gorgeous ladies of wrestling, always smoking or never smoking, rocky, rocky horror picture show, punk, metal, pop, glitter, matching shirts and shorts in gym, sneaking out, neon, ramones, beastie boys, led zepplin, skateboarding, rollar skating, rollar coasters, shitty cars, he-man, she-ra, girl groups, action figures, bill and teds excellent adventure, anarchy, tv party, “’be a lot cooler if you did”, “be excellent to each other and party on dudes”, “screw you i’m hilarious”, “no don’t be mean, just be a bitch”
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hymnstoalienstars · 4 years
building on There Are Rules AU: don’t antagonize voldemort
Don’t antagonize Voldemort was once a rule but it turned out to be an endless fountain of fun and therefore cut from the list.
There was a time, for example, when Riddle thought he was stalked by an entity that could possess bodies. It wasn’t Harry’s fault, really. Was it his fault he kept resurrecting on the battlefield? Was it his fault he didn’t have a minute to adjust his style of dueling? his body language? Was it his fault the bloody Death Eaters kept trying to kill him?
this is from the prev post
I probably need some actual plot and some info on the First Wizarding War.
i’m just gonna scan the wiki for details (the following is copied from there)
1970 – 31 October, 1981 Cause: Voldemort's return to the United Kingdom in order to begin his first reign of terror Result: Ministry and Order of the Phoenix victory. The disappearance of Voldemort and decline of the Death Eaters. Harry Potter declared the "Boy Who Lived" 
29 November: William Arthur Weasley to Arthur and Molly Weasley
Sometime after Molly graduated, both her brothers were murdered by Death Eaters in the First Wizarding War. (Dolohov)
Arthur was not a member of the first Order of the Phoenix.
Molly: "It's all this uncertainty with You-Know-Who coming back, people think they might be dead tomorrow, so they're rushing all sorts of decisions they'd normally take time over. It was the same last time he was powerful, people eloping left, right, and centre —" Ginny Weasley: "Including you and Dad." — Molly reflecting on her marriage in 1996[src]
The Whomping Willow is planted.
1 September: Individuals that started at Hogwarts
Sirius Black (Gryffindor)[3]
Lily Evans (Gryffindor)[3]
Severus Snape (Slytherin)[3]
Remus Lupin (Gryffindor)[3]
James Potter (Gryffindor)[3]
Peter Pettigrew (Gryffindor)[3]
Adrian (unknown house)[4]
Stebbins (unknown house)[5]
Muggles Who Notice by Blenheim Stalk is published.[1]
Published in 1972, it covered incidents where Muggles noticed elements of the Wizarding world, including the Ilfracombe Incident of 1932 and the story of "Dodgy" Dirk.[1] (a rogue Common Welsh Green dragon attacked a group of sunbathers in Ilfracombe in 1932)
Remus Lupin's friends James Potter, Sirius Black, and Peter Pettigrew discover that he is a werewolf, and resolve to learn to become animagi.[2]
1 September: Individuals that started Hogwarts Regulus Black (Slytherin)[4] Dirk Cresswell (unknown)[5] (was a Muggle-born wizard. In the mid-1990s he became Head of the Goblin Liaison Office, in the Ministry of Magic.)
Births 12 December: Charlie Weasley to Arthur and Molly Weasley.[8]
Events The Ministry of Magic defeats an appeal against house-elf slavery[2]
Individuals that started Hogwarts Bartemius Crouch Jr
Minister for Magic Eugenia Jenkins is seen as inadequate to the challenge of the first rise of Lord Voldemort, and is replaced by the hard-lined Harold Minchum.[2]
Minister Eugenia Jenkins was Minister for Magic between 1968 and 1975. She dealt competently with the pure-blood riots during the Squib Rights marches in the late sixties. However, when confronted with the first rise of Lord Voldemort, she was ousted from office, being deemed inadequate to the challenge.
The Squib Rights marches were an action by a mass group of Squibs in favour of the betterment of the rights of Squibs[2] that took place in 1968 or 1969, during Eugenia Jenkins's term as Minister for Magic. This demonstration was, presumably, unsuccessful, as a group of extremist Pure-bloods broke out in riot while it was taking place.
Minister Harold Minchum was Minister for Magic between 1975 and 1980. He was seen as a hard-liner, and placed even more Dementors around Azkaban. But he was unable to contain what seemed like Voldemort's unstoppable rise to power.
Regulus Black receives his Dark Mark, thus becoming a Death Eater.[8]
Sirius Black, James Potter, Remus Lupin, and Peter Pettigrew create the Marauder's Map.
22 August: Percy Weasley to Arthur and Molly Weasley[6]
James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, Lily Evans and Severus Snape sit their O.W.L. examinations in June. Lily Evans dissolves her friendship with Severus Snape after he calls her a "Mudblood". Sirius Black runs away from home to live with the Potter family[1] Sirius Black sees his cousin Bellatrix Lestrange for the last time before they are both in Azkaban. Sirius Black gets his own place (either in 1976 or 1977) with money he inherited from his uncle Alphard Black.[2]
James Potter and Lily Evans become Head Boy and Girl[1] Sirius Black gets his own place (either in 1976 or 1977) with money he inherited from his uncle Alphard Black.[2] James Potter and Sirius Black are chased by two police men, Fisher and Anderson, as well as three Death Eaters on broomsticks, while riding on Sirius's motorbike. They escape, however, by using magic to lift the police car, causing the three Death Eaters to crash into it.[3] Vernon and Petunia Dursley purchase and move in to 4 Privet Drive.[4] Regulus Black plays for the Slytherin Quidditch team during the 1977 to 1978 school year.
Deaths Dorea Potter née Black[9] Amarillo Lestoat[10] Alphard Black (possibly)[2]
There was some speculation that Dorea Potter was the mother of James Potter and so the paternal grandmother of Harry Potter. However, the actual names of James's parents were revealed to be Fleamont and Euphemia Potter, via Pottermore.[4] In spite of this, it is still more than likely that Dorea was possibly an aunt or a cousin by marriage of James.
It was once presumed that Charlus Potter and Dorea Black, who appeared on the Black family tree, might have been James's parents (since it was known that Charlus and Dorea also had one son). However, J. K. Rowling revealed via Pottermore that that was not the case. It is still more than likely, however, that Charlus Potter is somehow related to Fleamont.
I personally like the idea of Dorea Black being Harry’s grandmother. There’s next to nothing on Euphemia but Dorea Black being bold enough to “run away” with a Potter makes a good story. And it’s a headcanon active in all of my HP stories, I think.
1 April: Twins Fred and George Weasley are born to Arthur and Molly Weasley[3]
Universal Brooms Ltd goes out of business.[1] James Potter, Lily Evans, Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, Sirius Black, and Severus Snape leave Hogwarts.
Regulus Blacks dies by drinking the Drink of Despair and gets killed by Inferius while trying to destroy a Horcrux of Tom Marvolo Riddle.
The Wedding of James Potter I and Lily Evans took place, with Sirius Black as the Best Man.
Peter Pettigrew begins passing information to Lord Voldemort[3]
Deaths Orion Black[5] Regulus Black[6] Fleamont Potter Euphemia Potter
Births 19 September: Hermione Granger
Professor Sybill Trelawney tells Albus Dumbledore the prophecy concerning Harry Potter and Tom Marvolo Riddle.[1] Death Eater Igor Karkaroff is captured by Auror Alastor Moody and sent to Azkaban.[2] Millicent Bagnold succeeds Harold Minchum becoming Minister for Magic until her retirement in 1990.[3]
(a lot of birthdays)
Deaths c.1980: Evan Rosier and Wilkes, both known Death Eaters, are killed by Aurors.[8] c.1979-1980: Dean Thomas's father[9]
Marlene McKinnon an Order of the Phoenix member is killed by Lord Voldemort who also wipes out her entire family. Harry Potter's first birthday
September: Sirius Black makes Peter Pettigrew the secret keeper
The Order of the Phoenix was founded by Albus Dumbledore during Lord Voldemort's first rise to power in the 1970s. Dumbledore formed the Order to combat Voldemort's increasing threat and power. Aurors from the Ministry of Magic also joined the Order to participate in more secretive, sudden assaults aimed to crush the Dark Rebellion. Dumbledore created a method of communication among Order members by inventing a way to make Patronuses speak. Although the Death Eaters had been attacking mostly Muggles and Muggle-borns to spread terror, they soon turned to attacking "blood traitors" such as Order members as well. The Order had to work hard, as they were outnumbered by a ratio of 20:1 by the Death Eaters. Fabian and Gideon Prewett were murdered by a group of five Death Eaters led by Antonin Dolohov. Caradoc Dearborn disappeared, the Bones family was almost completely destroyed, Benjy Fenwick was brutally murdered, and Marlene McKinnon and her family were murdered by Death Eaters, including Travers. Even as the Order suffered great losses, they continued to fight, and four of their members — James Potter, Lily Potter, Frank Longbottom, and Alice Longbottom — defied Voldemort himself three times.
First WW notes
"Imagine that Voldemort's powerful now. You don't know who his supporters are, you don't know who's working for him and who isn't; you know he can control people so that they do terrible things without being able to stop themselves. You're scared for yourself, and your family, and your friends. Every week, news comes of more deaths, more disappearances, more torturing... The Ministry of Magic's in disarray, they don't know what to do, they're trying to keep everything hidden from the Muggles, but meanwhile, Muggles are dying too. Terror everywhere... panic... confusion... that's how it used to be." —The uncertainty of the first war[src]
Werewolves were a big part of a confict...
Voldemort promised rights to [Dark] Creatures so it was a solid base
Voldemort’s base:
Dark magic - stop the laws that forbid it
that wouldnt be such a thing if all branches were for killing and torturing
like necromancy, for example
or maybe some family magic, blood magic
maybe even random spells or schools of magic... just because people were scared of “the dark”
it probably was the “Light Era”, before the 1970th, Scuib rights, maybe increase in muggleborns and newblood-oldblood marriages
Dark was weaker politically
maybe some bad attitudes towards “dark ws”
Pureblood supremacy
[Dark] creatures’ rights
"Imagine that Voldemort's powerful now. You don't know who his supporters are, you don't know who's working for him and who isn't; you know he can control people so that they do terrible things without being able to stop themselves. You're scared for yourself, and your family, and your friends. Every week, news comes of more deaths, more disappearances, more torturing... The Ministry of Magic's in disarray, they don't know what to do, they're trying to keep everything hidden from the Muggles, but meanwhile, Muggles are dying too. Terror everywhere... panic... confusion... that's how it used to be." —The uncertainty of the first war[src]
Now going exclusively by his preferred name "Lord Voldemort", Riddle laid low and travelled around Europe and Asia. Little is known of his activities during this period, though he explored the Dark Arts extensively, studying the most obscure and arcane branches of magic and consorting with an array of dark wizards, who would all turn out to become his followers in the years to come. As a result of unnamed “magical experiments and transformations”, Voldemort underwent several physical and mental changes, which made him more powerful but less human, and was occasionally accompanied by a group of followers he came to call his "Death Eaters". By the time he was a full-fledged adult, around 1968, Riddle donned a hooded cloak (though he physically still did not resemble the montrous creature he would later in his life) which concealed him completely and he began plotting a wizarding coup, claiming that he was greatly dissatisfied with the current state of the Wizarding World and that he would succeed where so many, including Gellert Grindelwald and Salazar Slytherin, had failed. Voldemort convinced his underlings that to truly create a world full of peace and power, the old regime needed to be torn down at any and all costs and only those who shared pure blood, will and idealism would be allowed to live and thrive in it. In truth however, Lord Voldemort had little interest in political idealism himself. He was completely devoted to amassing his own magical power, and in becoming the most powerful and skilled wizard to have ever lived, invincible and eternal.
Though the Death Eaters were generally even less tolerant of them than wizarding society in general, these creatures were receptive of their violent and destructive goals. Dark activity suddenly arose throughout Great Britain, a country that had been totally untouched by dark magic; even during the reign of terror of Gellert Grindelwald; and Voldemort began surreptitiously killing poor and homeless Muggles (whose absences would not be noticed) with his followers so that he could reanimate their corpses with Necromancy until he had created an army of Inferi, a feat no other dark wizard in history had ever done.
In 1962, Minister Of Magic Ignatius Tuft was forced out of office for promising to institute a controversial Dementor breeding programme for Azkaban. He was replaced by Nobby Leach, who became the first Muggle-born ever to hold the Minister position, leading senior members of the Wizengamot to resign in protest. In 1963, Muggle expert Mordicus Egg published The Philosophy of the Mundane: Why the Muggles Prefer Not to Know, which posited actual theories about why Muggles continued to be unaware of magic. This was a different take on the subject, as it did not assume Muggles to be stupid nor ignorant.
Between 1965 and 1971[9], Dumbledore, who was noted as a social progressive believing strongly in the rights of Muggles as well as Muggle-borns and other oppressed minorities, ascended to the post of Headmaster of Hogwarts.
Supreme Mugwump of the International Confederation Of Wizards [ICW] and Chief Warlock of the Wizenagamot. In these positions of great and influential power, Dumbledore passed extreme legislation to prevent any possible dark forces from threatening overall security around Great Britain
In 1968, Nobby Leach left office for mysterious health reasons, leading to a conspiracy theory that he had been poisoned by his Muggle-prejudice advisor Abraxas Malfoy.
[1970] the Death Eaters and their allies (including the particularly destructive Giants) began openly carrying out attacks on Muggles for sport and to sow chaos. Cleaning up these attacks, healing survivors, modifying memories, searching for the perpetrators, and attempting to prevent future attacks occupied more and more of the Ministry's time and attention. As their confidence grew, the Death Eaters began targeting Muggle-born and blood traitor witches and wizards as well, torturing and sometimes killing their victims, which shocked wizarding society. Other "inferior" magical beings such as house-elves (who were treated like vermin) and Goblins (a family of which was slaughtered) also suffered under their reign of terror.
Voldemort himself personally killed hundreds of wizards, though he tended to only fight those he considered worthy of his attention or too powerful for his followers to defeat. In these encounters, he displayed his extraordinary abilities, many of which were thought impossible, and he very quickly earned the reputation of the most powerful and dangerous dark wizard of all time
[1971]Though the Ministry officially viewed the Order as a renegade outfit, a number of powerful Ministry officials (such as Elphias Doge and Dedalus Diggle; and the famous Aurors Alastor Moody and Frank Longbottom and Alice Longbottom) joined instantly to participate in more secretive, sudden assaults to crush the dark rebellion.[12] When Dumbledore helped black market trader Mundungus Fletcher out of trouble, he joined the Order and, due to his extensive knowledge of the criminal underworld, proved very useful. 
To protect the organisation, Voldemort ensured that Death Eaters did not know the identities of too many of their fellows, and, to society at large, their identities were completely unknown.[13] Increasing the confusion and paranoia even further, Voldemort placed many dozens of innocent victims under the Imperius Curse simulaniously, and forced them to carry out his orders. Even friends and family members were not above suspicion of one another.
Evan Rosier, Lucius Malfoy, Bellatrix Lestrange, Sewlyn, Jerome Jugson, Jugson, Regulus Black, Rodolphus Lestrange, Rabastan Lestrange, Thorfinn Rowle, Gibbon, Augustus Rookwood, Igor Karkaroff, Crabbe, Goyle, Travers, and Antonin Dolohov. Likely at Snape's urging, Voldemort attempted to recruit Lily Evans, whose prodigious talents made up for her status as a Muggle-born
He took only Severus Snape and Bellatrix Lestrange under his personal wing, sharing with them his personal-secret knowledge of the Dark Arts; and inspiring in Bellatrix a delusional-psychotic attraction bordering on loving obsession, which Voldemort never returned
[1980]Shortly afterwards, due to Pettigrew's betrayal, Death Eaters began systematically murdering Order members and the war entered its most desperate phase. Marlene McKinnon was slaughtered alongside her entire family by Travers, Nott, and Mulciber. Edgar Bones, his wife, and their children were murdered by Thorfinn Rowle and Fenrir Greyback. Gideon Prewett and Fabian Prewett both fought bravely but were ultimately killed by Antonin Dolohov, and Dorcas Meadowes was murdered by Voldemort himself. Caradoc Dearborn disappeared and was never found, though he was presumed dead. Benjy Fenwick was killed by Bellatrix Lestrange, Evan Rosier, and Julius Jerome; and so brutally mutilated that only bits of him were recovered.[12]
In response to this brutal onslaught, Barty Crouch Snr, who despised Voldemort, the Death Eaters, and the Dark Arts entirely; issued an edict giving Ministry Aurors full permission to employ the use of the Unforgivable Curses against their enemies. A massive Ministry campaign, spearheaded and led by Alastor Moody, Kingsley Shackelbolt, and Frank Longbottom; ensued, immediately turning the tide of the war against the Death Eaters.
28 pureblood family names (sacred 28)
Abbott Avery Black Bulstrode Burke Carrow Crouch Fawley Flint Gaunt Greengrass Lestrange Longbottom Macmillan Malfoy Nott Ollivander Parkinson Prewett Rosier Rowle Selwyn Shacklebolt Shafiq Slughorn Travers Weasley Yaxley
Although the Malfoys were noted as respectable members as one of the Sacred Twenty-Eight (a title they are proud of), they did not take the pure-blood supremacy to the point of inbreeding: they were willing to marry half-bloods, many of whom are shown in their family tree.
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pureblooded-archive · 4 years
(From corda-comminuta, serpent-tongued-lie, cursed-and-chosen, tainted-prodigy, and victoria-immortalis) 🌟 from all of my muses, for all of your muses :P
ok! *cracks fingers* here we go lmao (sorry mobile users)
Now that I finally have watch CoG I can think of more thread ideas lol
Lyra – I think you’ve convinced me that a time-travel au is now viable for Lyra and we can do FB verses LOL, so perhaps Lyra ends up in a different place. She’d probably get stuck in this time trying to cure the curse for Nagini lmao
Lucius – is probably the only other muse that I could think of that would work. Possibly when he’s young if the curse hasn’t completely taken over, maybe they know one another? Potential ship? wiggles eyebrows (but that’s mainly cause my Luci is a slut and will try to put it anywhere smh)
Draco – Immediately I think Dransy ahaha, I think they’d be super sweet when they were younger and dating, I definitely have a headcanon that they were betrothed when they were younger and actually got along but then after the war it dissolved and given Draco’s distance during their 6th and 7th year, as did their relationship
Lyra – always an interesting relationship if you go off the dransy betrothal, whether she is in her main verse and is sort of like a mentor/friend to Pansy or in the year above and is new to Hogwarts
Ron – I mean, I ship it lmao, it’s an unlikely pair but it is so tasty when it works ahaha, though I know not everyone is down with that, depends on your headcanons for Pansy, would love to know more
Ginny – again I ship it (I am a shipping whore lmao) but this would be a post-war deal and also depends on your Pansy
Theo – yesssss, my sweet baby Theo and Pansy (another ship lol), but really he’s just a very good and sweet friend to Pansy I feel and he’s a massive nerd so if she needs study help he’s your boy
Blaise – my Blaise is a sleaze, he will try to get with anyone he can, esp Pans lol
Astoria – this might be good for some awkward adult tension lol, but maybe like Astoria is good friends with Pansy cause I assume she’s friends with Daphne and like Pans thinks of her as a baby sister?
Millicent and Daphne – just typical girl shenanigans lol
Marcus – another sleaze and potential ship LOL
Marcus – I can see him giving her a hard time, whilst also being wildly inappropriate (god I hate him)
I’m seeing potential in my head with Ron, Draco and Gin tho idk what
Vivian – she’s in the same year as Marcus/Percy and also in Ravenclaw so a year or two older than Cho (JK can’t math so why should I be able to) oh and they’re Asian so you know they’ll be best friends (there’s just some things you just don’t get unless you’re Asian and I’d know cause I’m half aha, we tend to gravitate towards each other irl)
Vinda I’m skipping cause I can’t really think of any others apart from our Lyra one but if you have ideas I won’t shoot them down
Lily again skipping cause I’m uncreative and the only older one is Luci but I think he’s like way older and ew
Lyra – oh there’s so many ideas cause I just ahhhh
Lyra 100% goes to Voldy when the war begins cause she has to, like this bitch ain’t dumb and she don’t wanna die so she’s definitely gonna get in and be like hi im here, ready to serve
I think these threads would mainly be a lot of conversations of him trying to get her to do things whilst also trying to sus out her motives
Lyra does have a son and I wouldn’t mind Tom using him as leverage over her (Corvus is actually Snapey’s son but he doesn’t know – always wanted a Tom to force the truth out of her lol)
Ginny – I’ve done it before but the diary again would be cool everyone has different interpretations so yesssss, I’m sure there’s also other potential things and Ginny’s a strong muse for me atm so yes
Lucius – so much potential mannnn, just so much
like we could do when he first joins to how he ascends the ranks
also Voldy’s return and Lucius’ disgrace
and yes I also ship lmao, he would get on his knees for Voldy aha
Lyra – I always try to sell this to every Harry I see but Hyra (yes that’s their ship name lol) there’s so much I love about their dynamic though, both for my main verse and lightning
one I like to explore is my main verse Lyra, so there’s a 10 year age gap and they have to have shared custody of Teddy after Andromeda dies
but mainly it’s been Lyra transferring to Hogwarts after Book 4 to be closer to home and she’s a year above Harry and Harry’s nice to her and she’s like welp now I feel guilty my fam wants you dead lol
oh yeah and arranged marriage post war where they’re like oh we gotta unite the two sides so there’s less discrimination so Harry why don’t you marry the daughter of the people who like tortured you and wanted you dead
Ron – also another ship lol but also just such a good bromance, like Harry makes Ron feel like so much more than he’s used to. Ron is just so used to being overlooked and overshadowed and for once in his life, with Harry he’s special and important and I just jghafdjbjdgs but just anything with these two is just so good
Draco – I mean drarry is great, tbh Draco isn’t that strong of a muse so I’m like ehhhhh (tbh I’m tempted to drop him lol)
Ginny – ok, so I ship book Hinny but I also don’t. They’re just… I don’t know. I feel like they’ve got a lot of work to go through before they can really be together – but exploring those things, working through those things and making Hinny viable is a yes, otherwise I think they’re a great friendship
My other Slytherin babies I’m sorta like eh about, like not that enthusiastic about writing them together (they just don’t inspire me as much as the others, though I’m always down to explore further lmao) like:
Lucius would be just plain manipulation and abuse
Theo would be a sweet boyfriend to Harry
Blaise would just use him for clout
Astoria – oh yeah maybe something about their sons? just chatting, parent stuff
Millicent – would be a plain old bitch eh and so would Marcus and Daph lol
Young Albus Dumbledore I only see as teaching Lucius though this is not in FB era so yeah not sure, would be interested in Lyra’s time travel au how they’d interact though I have a lot of headcanons about their relationship based on my fic so idk if it’d work
Lyra – oh it’d be so interesting to put these together in the same year as my ‘Lyra Canon’ (born in 1970 so 11 years before Voldy fails)
whether Ambrosine attends Durmstrang with Lyra and the two of them decide to break into Karkaroff’s office together and torture him lol
or they’re reunited at Hogwarts when Lyra does that independently
Any of my lightning era babies would be interesting too
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Thoughts on any of the new Harry Potter fics? I'd love to hear your recommendations xx
Hi anon! Sorry for the delay but I was actually reading a few more of the collection these past few days and wanted to take the time to fully answer (in probably more detail than you ever wanted fjdkfjalfjdkalfjal).
I’m loving this round of the @potterdirectionficexchange, and there are so many unique and interesting fics that make the Potter world into their own.
The ones I’ve read so far and loved are:
Drop to Hold You  by anonymous. This is such a cute and funny fic. I, like Harry, wanted to smack Louis a few times out of his stubbornness, but I loved it. Also, reminded me of my grad school time in London, which was nice. Very unique concept, and loved the clever use of the different wizarding schools to make sure that ot5 didn’t all go to the same school growing up.
Know thy enemy by anonymous. Really funny short fic with a great surprise ending.
Confused, intrigued, and falling hard for you by anonymous. Such a clever idea and its just so fun to read. Really turns the idea of using the Harry Potter books as inspo on its head. I also love the little comments by Louis about slytherins and their representation in the books. Some great meta fic rh.
Watch me by anonymous. A really interesting way to use the Potter universe and the way LGBTQ characters and headcanons have been dealt with by Rowling to create a rich backstory for how LGBTQ wizard and witches are treated in the wizarding world and in the sports world as well. Really sweet interactions between hl and lilo was well. Plus the little bit of ziam mentioned is v cute.
To Plaint New Sees and Watch Them Grow by anonymous. Such a great fic. Really creates a 1970s wizarding world in a short fic and makes it all fit into the Potter universe as we know it. Harry and Louis are the sweetest and softest characters in this, and I love all the details about their shops. Really sweet and lovely fic.
Sweet Like Sunshine by pinktulips. A short and very sweet and cute fluffy Hogwarts fic. Just fluff and warm feelings, v cute.
As luck would have it by bottomlinsons. Such a smart fic idea. There’s so much at stake in the fic, and I love how the wizarding and muggle world are intertwined in it and you can see how they coexist in detailed ways we only glimpsed in the books. Also loved having Louis’ pov as well as a muggle born- have a unique perspective. And Harry is the most supportive sweetest character in this. 
I haven’t had a chance to read the other ones yet, but I’m especially excited about After All this Time by lovelarry10 cause I love that author, and I’ve heard great things about Tainted Saints and Velvet Vices by anonymous that I’m excited to tackle when I have the time.
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filiiconscidisti · 5 years
draco & headcanon : a brief history of the malfoy family, 58 BC - 1970
the earliest known written records of the magical family lineage originates from the commentarii de bello gallico (58-49 BC), an account of the gallic wars (58-50 BC) as described by julius caesar (100-44 BC). in chapters 13-14 and 16-18, caesar wrote of the druids of gaul ( present-day france and luxembourg ), noting that their high social standing and education set them apart from the other barbarians. they were also well-versed in “the stars and their movements, the size of the cosmos and the earth, the nature of the world, and the powers of immortal deities.” the magic possessed by the druids complemented well the natural magic of the roman augures publici, who used their magical abilities to interpret the will of the gods through the behaviour of birds – particularly ravens and eagles ( the predisposition the modern malfoy family has for keeping birds derives from their historical augury ). the family’s pure-blooded magical lineage originates from a pairing of a gallic druid and a roman augur in the 1st or 2nd century AD. evidence suggests that the family settled in gallo-roman territory, and remained there for many years.
the middle ages & the viking age
the distinct white-blonde hair that runs in the family line developed from centuries of contact with the gauls, germanics, and their collective ancestors, the visigoths, during the migration period of the 4th and 6th centuries AD. during this period, the family lineage becomes relatively untraceable due to lack of historical record. the family reappears once more in the 9th century AD during the viking settlement of west francia. due to insufficient records, it is currently not known whether the family was of frankish or viking origin during this period of invasion. there is, however, evidence that suggests that the family had attached themselves closely to the newly created duchy of normandy by the late 10th or early 11th century, implying that by this time they already had formed a not-insignificant connection to either king carolus simplex (879-929 AD) or rollo the viking (c 860-930 AD), first duke of normandy. their connection to nobility either way would be cemented with the rise of william the conqueror (1028-1087) to the duchy.
armand malfoy (fl. 1066) arrived in england with the norman conquest in the 11th century. when william the conqueror secured his throne in 1072, he seized the lands of resisting english elite and granted them to his loyalists. having provided various unspecified, but undoubtedly magical, services to the king, armand was granted a 180 acre plot of land in wiltshire that would become the site of malfoy manor. when the manor was constructed, it covered 30,000 square feet and contained 300 rooms, 61 of which were bedrooms ( approximately 50 of the 300 total rooms of the manor as of the modern era are now uninhabitable due to a lack of upkeep ). at the time of the land being granted, the 180 acre malfoy estate housed four muggle tennant farmstead households ( for a total of about 16-20 total farmer tenants, none of whom remain on the malfoy estate as of 1692, when they were forcibly evicted due to requirements set forward in the international statute of wizarding secrecy ), and was capable of yielding up to 900 bushels of grain during a peak and fertile harvesting season. the malfoy family as the landlords absorbed 15% of the total harvest yield from each individual farmstead, and 35% of all profits made from grain sold, accounting for the immense wealth that the malfoys were able to accumulate early into their english residency. as their wealth grew, the malfoys were able to annex neighbouring muggle farmland until the estate grew to a peak of 6,000 acres ( most of which has since been lost as of the modern era. the modern estate consists now only of the original 180 acre plot ). 
the malfoy family maintained a close relationship with the muggle tenant farmers on the estate, being lenient landlords who would not evict the sick or elderly even if their land was not yielding profit. a church, two cemeteries ( one for the muggles and one for the malfoys ), and a muggle school were eventually built. once a year, the malfoy manor would open itself to visits from the muggle tenants, and they would be treated to a grand dinner held in the drawing room. nicholas malfoy (fl. 1340) was a very brief dark mark on the history of the malfoy family’s interactions with their muggle tenants. nicholas murdered many of the muggle farmers under the guise of the black death in the late 1300’s. his motivations for the murders are currently unknown, and his actions escaped the notice of the wizards’ council. he was never charged for his crimes.
the elizabethan period & the renaissance & the age of exploration
the malfoy family continued to thrive well into the 16th century, with lucius malfoy i (fl. 1560) rising to queen elizabeth i’s (1533-1603) court. lucius had, like many, aspired to take the queen’s hand in marriage, but was declined. although never proven, many historians believe that this refusal brought lucius to hex the queen. this bit of spiteful spellwork resulted in queen elizabeth i never marrying and eventually gaining notoriety as the virgin queen. the malfoy family’s opinion of muggles shifted following these events, and eventually culminated into strong anti-muggle sentiment. lucius malfoy i’s daughter, elizabeth malfoy-burke (fl. 1592) ( who was named after queen elizabeth i ) served as headmistress of hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry at the age of 35, marking her as one of the youngest persons to hold the post of head at hogwarts. elizabeth held strong pureblood supremacist beliefs, and therefore deeply favoured the slytherin house ( which was, of course, her own house ). like many of her predecessors, elizabeth would lobby for increased selectivity in the students hogwarts accepted. she was unsuccessful in instituting a complete ban on muggle-born admissions.
in the 17th century when persecution of wizarding kind by muggles was at its height. the malfoy family began to steadily isolate itself from their muggle tenant farmers, and by 1692, with the passing of the international statute of wizarding secrecy, all muggles were evicted from the malfoy estate. the malfoys then turned to wizarding society as a place where political and social power and influence could be gained. brutus malfoy (fl. 1675) began to gain notoriety in the wizarding community as an editor for an anti-muggle periodical called warlock at war. his opinions, although still considered to be radical and outrageous at the time, led him to work in the ministry of magic where the malfoy family would find the political influence they had been lacking since their isolation from the muggles separated them from the courts of muggle royalty. septimus malfoy (fl. 1780) grew to be incredibly influential within the ministry of magic. many historians claim that while he worked only as an advisor to he minister for magic unctuous osbert (fl. 1772) from 1789-1798, septimus was more the minister than osbert. osbert was elected two terms, with septimus serving as the de facto minister. the malfoy family continued to hold such influential ministry positions into the modern age.
the modern era
the modern era saw many changes for the malfoy family. with no muggle tenant farmers remaining on the estate property and no monetary investment placed in muggle industry, their wealth began to decline. eventually, 5,820 acres of the 6,000 acre estate were sold, leaving the estate with only its original grant size of 180 acres. the malfoy family continued to foster their connections within both hogwarts and the ministry in an attempt to prevent their line from dying. in 1962, nobby leach (fl. 1960) became the first muggle-born to be appointed to the post of minister for magic. several members of the wizengamot, which was packed primarily with prominent members of pure-blooded and sacred 28 families, resigned in protest. abraxas malfoy (fl. 1954-1968), however, did not resign. instead, he grew close enough to the minister that he was able to hex the minister, causing him to come down with a sickness that forced him to prematurely resign his post in 1968. no conclusive evidence was ever brought forward against abraxas, and he was heralded a hero in pure-blooded wizarding circles. two years later, the first wizarding war would begin, with abraxas’s son, lucius abraxas malfoy ii (1954-current), fighting at the frontlines in support of pureblood superiority.
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skyline-timeturner · 6 years
@trippyduck-daff asked me some of family Headcanon about Kaoru.
Kaoru was born in 1973, she is a half-blood witch. Her mother is from a branch of Greengrass family (a Slytherin), while her father is a Sastrolinea, he is a muggle-born wizard (a Hufflepuff) from South East Asia (Possibly Indonesia). Her father is a descendant of local shamans there. How her father can be sorted to Hogwarts is another story..haha. 
Kaoru has 2 siblings, her older brother Jacob (born 1969) and her little sister Dryll (born 1976). Jacob, was actually her aunt’s son. Her mother adopted and raised Jacob with Kaoru and Dryll since they were a little kids, because his parents had passed away caused of an accident (there was a great possibility that the reason of their death was because of the Wizard war on 1970-1981). But the Sastolinea family didn’t want Jacob to has a hatred and resentment towards anyone, thus they hide this fact. The Sastrolinea family was running away from Europe and hiding in the South East Asia (Kaoru’s father homeland) when the first Wizarding War occurred. 
When Jacob got his letter and needs to attended the Hogwarts on 1980, all member of Sastrolinea family came back to London. Kaoru went to Hogwarts on 1984 and Dryll attended to the same school 3 years later.
Soo...actually in my HC, Kaoru’s brother and Felix has the same age. XD
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warheroics-blog · 6 years
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a long time ago, in a timeline where Theseus dies...
so @muggleproud and I were having a discussion regarding one of my old headcanons about Theseus’ descendants and what happened, I figured I should just do this family tree and tell the story so everyone knows :D
of course, in this “canonical” timeline (or is it the darkest timeline?), Theseus is dead pretty early on, but just so you guys know, this is basically the same descendants headcanon I would still have for Theseus even if he did live.
as it is in my main default blog canon, Theseus has one son, Noah, with his ex-girlfriend Emily Greenwood. Noah was born in 1918 and eventually attends Hogwarts in 1929 in Slytherin house.
Theseus dies in the war against Grindelwald in October of 1933, this happens when Noah is in his 5th year at Hogwarts.
Noah eventually does get married to Madeline Boot, a descendant of the Boot Family and related to the Boot brothers who were the founders of Ilvermorny. He waited to marry her until after the war with Grindelwald was over, and the couple didn’t have their first child until 1950. They would have three children, two girls and one boy. Noah named his only son after his father, Theseus.
right around the time Theseus II was starting school in 1970, the First Wizarding War had begun against Voldemort, and in the spring of 1971, Voldemort and his Death Eaters came after Noah and his family - because Noah was a Slytherin, Voldemort had hoped to gain his support like he did with many others of Slytherin house, but Noah and his family’s refusal to join Voldemort’s cause meant they were threats to be eliminated and made an example of in sending a message to other Slytherins to fall in line - Theseus II was the only survivor of his family as the attack happened when he was at his first year at Hogwarts.
as Theseus II was in Slytherin, the rest of his schooling years after the attack on his family and during the First Wizarding War were awkward and tense times - it made him an outcast of Slytherin house and most people stayed clear of him, with the exception of his eventual wife Josephine Sykes, a fellow Slytherin.
from the ages of 11 to 17, Theseus II lived with his famous great-uncle Newt Scamander and became close with his cousins.
much like his father before him, Theseus II waited until the First Wizarding War was over before starting his family - his first child, Malakai, was born in 1983 and went on to attend Hogwarts in 1994 as a Gryffindor - his two younger sons, the twins Gabriel and Rafael, began Hogwarts in 1996 in Hufflepuff.
when the ministry fell to Voldemort in 1997, Theseus II pulled his children out of school and immediately went into hiding with his family - having lost his family once, he had no intentions of losing them again, as he feared that Voldemort would come after him to finish him off
Theseus II and his family returned to a normal life and the kids back in school after the war ended.
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