#1x11 quote
cajon-desastre · 5 months
I need you because I know I deserve you but let me fall in love with you one last time before I let go. So I can remember the beautiful imperfection that rattled my bones.
Robert M Drake
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quinntanapolls · 3 months
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whitedahlia13 · 1 year
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After that, Stiles must have moved closer, because when she finally inhaled...Lydia remembered being surrounded by the soothing scent of pine needles. Just like at the dance, when she had her head on his shoulder.
“Lydia... Lydia, hang on,” he whispered while his gentle hand brushed her hair away from her face. “You’re going to be okay. You have to be. Please, just keep breathing. Please, Lydia.”
Droplets were splashing on her cheeks. For a moment, she thought it had started to rain, but then she realized they were tears. His tears. Stiles was crying...for her. He cared about her that much. He had risked his life, put himself between her and the monster, and was still seeking to reassure her. His courage gave her the strength to open her eyes long enough to see him.
He was kneeling in front of her, tears sprinkling off the ends of his lashes, radiant gold in his eyes. It was beautiful – like being caught in a sun shower.
“Lydia, can you hear me? Please, don’t let go.”
She remembered the way his hand was clutching hers, anchoring her to life, to him.
Gradually, his warmth spread through her, and she didn’t hurt anymore. She remembered the calm that blanketed her.
She squeezed his hand and smiled.
And she was safe. There was music, slow and soulful. There were pretty lights all around her, swirling like her stomach...while she danced with her head nestled on the shoulder of a boy who held her like she was the most precious thing in the world. Stiles.
Read more: ao3 & ffnet
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rodpower78 · 1 year
Being a hunter means always being on the move, no matter how hard you plan, no matter how hard you work, at a certain point, we all run out of road. It's what we do on those crossroads that define us.
Dean Winchester
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potterandpromises · 2 years
Wyatt: I lost Lucy.
Denise: How did you LOSE Lucy?! 
Wyatt: To be fair, she is very small.
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smashboy · 1 year
this is better than Disneyland
"A box is basically a vent that moves!" -Parker, "The Jackal Job", Leverage: Redemption.
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princeescaluswords · 1 month
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Skewed Priorities
Every time I think the Teen Wolf fandom has run out of ways to surprise me, I get bushwhacked by a take so egregiously WTF that it makes me resolve never to doubt anyone's claims of racism or misogyny in media, no matter how outlandish they sound.
QUOTE: "I think people get hung up on the first season and how Scott seemed a little more interested in Allison then the dangers that Stiles or Derek might have been in"
This person isn't a Scott hater. They're not a BNF or the Asshole Anon. As far as I can tell, they like Scott! They like the show!
It's mystifying.
Scott doesn't ignore Stiles ever. He has scenes with Stiles every single episode. Scott ditched a study date with Allison because an angry Stiles demands that he do something! The only time that Stiles is in physical danger and Scott's not present protecting him is in Wolf's Bane (1x09) when Stiles deliberately kept information from Scott in order to keep Scott away and when Peter kidnaps Stiles from the Winter Formal in Formality (1x11). Scott never discovers that Peter has kidnapped Stiles or bitten Lydia until after the end of the season because he's too busy trying to find Derek.
As for Allison, she is stalked by and Scott is threatened with her death by Peter (and Derek) not less than eight times in the first season: Wolf Moon (1x01), Second Chance at First Line (1x02), Night School (1x07), Co-Captain (1x10), three separate times in Formality (1x11), and Code Breaker (1x12). The first four were before she knew werewolves existed! Doesn't she deserve a little protection, too?
As for Derek, I cannot stand it when the fandom does this bit when they say "Derek is a poor woobie baby and why doesn't Scott see that and follow him around and take care of him! For Hale's sakes, his sister just got killed! His family's dead! He's a wreck. Scott should show him some compassion!" and then turn around and say in the very next breath "as a Hale and a born werewolf, Scott should listen to every single word that comes out of Derek's mouth, never question him, and do whatever he asks, because he's simply better."
I know where part of this comes from: The Tell (1x05).
Scott: What? Stiles: Finally! Have you been getting any of my texts? Scott: Yeah, like all 9 million of them. Stiles: Do you have any idea what's going on? Lydia is totally M.I.A., Jackson looks like he's got a time bomb inserted into his face, another random guy's dead, and you have to do something about it. Scott: Like what? Stiles: Something. Scott: Okay, I'll deal with it later.
Of course, the fandom takes Scott saying "I'll deal with this later" as him refusing to listen to Stiles! But here's the thing -- Stiles doesn't know what to do, either! The show wanted to indicate that Scott and Stiles were out of their depth, with too much they didn't know. But fandom doesn't care, because a character of color didn't snap to attention when a white male character demanded something of him. They took it as saying that Scott wasn't doing what he was supposed to do and spending too much time with Allison, because how dare he go after something he wants when the Smartest White Boy in the World and Lost Werewolf Prince aren't being his focus?
Stiles never NEVER got angry with Scott for being with Allison. He got angry with Scott because his father got hurt (and it wasn't fair to Scott). Derek got angry about Allison, but who the hell was he to determine anything about Scott's life? It's 2024, and the idea that Scott should have been Derek's and Stiles's personal manservant is alive and well.
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ellena-asg · 1 year
I still remember watching episode 1x11 for the first time years ago and remember this one scene that made my heart dancing (oh, I'm still in love with it). Yes, McDanno one.
I'm sorry, I know that the episode is supposed to be about girl named Erica and her (murdered) husband Jake Harris and Erica's rocky relationship with her mother-in-law but... Oh, look:
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Nancy Harris: Jake and Erica met six months ago and three weeks later they were engaged.
So we've got our boys talking with Erica's mum-in-law and she hates Erica and she says these words above and then...
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Then Danny's response is (this is an exact quote!): So you don't believe in love at first sight? (no, please, it can't be just "Danny and his sarcasm", not in this moment).
And here is Steve's reaction (oh, of course that he reacts):
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Steve looks at Danny, immediately after hearing his question. And it's just a moment, it's like a one quick heart-beat but Oh My Gosh.
I bet that Steve and Danny thought about the same. About each other. Cause it's so much about them! Oh, pre-Danny Steve and pre-Steve Danny, yes, they could be like "Love at first sight? Nah, maaan, no way, I don't believe in this shit!". BUT. But boom! 2010 came and THAT happened:
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What I once interpreted in my comics as:
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(yes, that's definitely what I heard from their hearts)
I'm billions percent sure that Danny talks with Nancy in a very serious way and that his question is damn serious and sincere too. Well, I think that it's both - a question to Nancy and Danny's expression. I can see Danny's surprise (like "Oh... You DON'T? You don't believe in that, huh?") and I can hear his "You know, I, um, personally disagree. It, it happened to me so... It's not a bullshit, I think".
And of course that he means Steve. Cause it's about love and Steve... Steve is Danny's first (real) and only love (if we're talking about his romantic life). And vice versa.
All these girls were just an escape, a mistake. Yes, Gabby, Melissa, Lynn... They were adorable and good-hearted and loved by boys in some way - but it wasn't romantic. It wasn't THAT. Boys loved them like you can love someone for being a kind good person/human being, a good friend-like person. But it was never that kind of love (and f.e. Melissa knows that so well, so painfully well). And it was never at first sight.
And yes, I'm thinking about Cath and Rachel too. I know that many of you won't agree with me - and that's totally ok! But I think that Steve never loved Cath. Maybe once he tried but deep down he knew he couldn't. And Rachel? It was she who started it. She saw a handsome cop, she hit his car and then, as Danny once said: somehow things happened. Somehow they got married. I'm sorry but it doesn't sound like "oh that was so great" to me. Danny's words, the way how he describes it as "things happened"... There's nothing romantic there. There's nothing joyful. And Danny sounds like "You know, I met her, she seemed to be nice, we met again and somehow I thought: Why not?".
But oh, Danny felt that it's not good. In one of the episodes he confessed that he wasn't even sure about marrying Rachel. And though I remember about his anxiety, oh *high five, Danny! yeah, anxiety is a bitch* - I don't think that it was caused (only) by anxiety. I think that deep down he didn't want it, he wasn't sure about his feelings. He didn't believe in "happily ever after" with her. Well, to me it's meaningful. And when in 6x11 Danny admitted to Steve that deep down he didn't want any therapy with Rachel, he didn't want to save his marriage - this is what looks like "I always felt that I didn't love her".
Yes, I think that Danny couldn't love Rach. He tried but he "only" could love her as a friend (in the beginning) and as a mother of his daughter. It's not only because of the awful way Rachel and her damn mother treated Danny. It's not only because of Rachel hating Danny's job/passion. It's not only because of Rachel cheating on Danny with Stan (ok, I can't be that sure but, well, I've got the feeling) and her post-divorce behaviour (using kids as tools to hurt him). I think that even in the beginning, when all seemed to be ok, Danny always felt that he and Rachel weren't a real thing. They weren't meant for each other. They didn't even understand each other. When Gracie came to this world... He stayed for her.
Gracie. She was the only love caused by this marriage. And after divorce it was all for Gracie and thanks to it... Danny came to Hawaii and found his destiny, his beloved one - beloved at first sight.
It's Steve. Thanks to Steve Danny believes in love. Even in love at first sight. And Steve can finally have it all too, thanks to Danny.
And I love that after the talk with Nancy we have the scene at the office where... Danny talks with Steve about Nancy and about his own ex mother-in-law. Cause it's... You know, moment ago he thought about real love and about Steve so now he needs to talk about his old life with Rachel and her mother to... To show the contrast. To Steve and to himself. To show the difference between "I was so miserable" and "now my life is so great". Between "It was a mistake" and "YOU are my love, babe".
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But of course they're both such walking disasters so their feelings stay in their minds and/or sometimes are expressed but "the receiver has no idea". And someone should make the first step... So, as always, they try to focus on their case.
And THIS case. Gosh. I've recently rewatched this episode and now I see how much McDanno-ish this episode is. Yes, it's about Erica and Jake, the "Beauty and the Beast" (but I don't mean it literally, Jake isn't a beast, he isn't worse than others, he just got this role in the show and ok, I get it, I get the point of the story). And there is also the case and the killer. And other tragic stories (I mean other couples-victims). But the more I watch it, the more these stories look like a background. And this background gives us McDanno and their romantic story.
I shared my thoughts about the famous Garage Scene so now I'll confess that I think that Danny and Steve are truly touched by Erica's and Jake's story. And I bet that it's hard to focus on the case cause there are many moments shouting "You know well what Erica is feeling now".
Let's start with Jake. Boys are cops, Danny is such a detective so they should think about all possible scenarios. "Erica only wanted Jake's money, she didn't love him and his face" is just one of them. Oh, I bet that Lenkov wanted (again, hell) to show Danny as "only pretty things man" but Scott was amazing as always and he showed how complex and great Danny is. Danny doesn't laugh when he sees Jake's photo. Yes, he makes a comment but - BUT! 1) He's detective at work and he needs every scenario and he knows people well, he knows what many people may think about guys like Jake, duh, he's not an optimist - he knows that world is cruel, that people are cruel, that "happily ever after" happens very rarely, oh, he's bitter sometimes, isn't he and 2) Danny cares about people's hearts, about all what is inside - he knows well that "outside" is just a surface 3) Danny knows that love is love, you can fall in love with anyone - even with Steve McGarrett ;)
So boys do their job, talk with Erica and... when they see how devastated she is, how ANGRY when she thinks that they think she didn't love Jake, how HAPPY when she talks about Jake and their moments, how she believes in love...
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They feel her, don't they? ;) They know. They know she really loved Jake.
And when Jake is found dead...
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They can imagine the pain. They know that in their case it would be the worst scenario. The death of Yin means the death of Yang. And they're sorry, they're sad that Erica's and Jake's story has no happy end. Look at Danny's face. Look at Steve, the way he is hugging Erica - like a brother who KNOWS and cries with her.
Ok, now let's see what else we have in this episode...
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Danny and Steve arguing in front of the motel. Why does it remind me of them arguing in the garage? ;)
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🎶Sexy eyes🎶 and the TENSION. Yeah, when you think about your love at first sight all damn day and suddenly you hear "one more lonely night for me"... Yup, you can be frustrated.
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McDanno behaving like "Oh, honey, why aren't you wearing the ring? We're married!". "I know, babe. I love you, babe. We're married forever, babe. It's just... My goofy fingers". "Babe". "Oh, ok. I'll wear it for you, fuck my goofy fingers".
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Mr and Mr McGarrett-Williams vibes.
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I know that it's their case. I know that these wedding rings belonged to the victims. I know that the background is sad and tragic. BUT wedding rings. Wedding rings and McDanno holding them together. Just look at that scene and for a while don't think about the context.
This episode is like "He is my One and Only, my love at first sight and my love forever. This man - yes, that's the one I really want to marry". It's like showing their beginning ("When Danny met Steve", rom-com, 2010) and "what should be in the end: happily ever after, so damn married").
Ok, now you can call me a weirdo 😆
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My Demon : 1x11 & 1x12
It feels so good to be back after the holidays with My Demon and the characters of the show.
It was so great to learn more about Jeong Gu-Won's past, his human past.
Also, it was terrible to watch Noh Suk-Min manipulating his own son causing his death.
Finally, the cliffhanger of episode 12 is quite choking. If well understood, Jeong Gu caused the death of Do Do-Hee's parents?
Some quotes:
"- I wasn't crying. I was just... sweating. I was sweating out of my eyes." (Jeong Gu-Won - Episode 11)
"- Just say it. Chew me out all you want. (Jin Ga-Young) - I've been going after someone a lot worse than you, so I have no anger left for you." (Do Do-Hee - Episode 11)
"- Two people entangled in fate are meant to be reunited in one way or another. Because fate always repeats itself." (Noh Suk-Nyeo - Episode 12)
"- I needed a worker. Not just in heaven but also in hell. When your grudge against humans met the needs of God, a demon was born. It's a fate that you created. You're simply paying for what you've done." (Noh Suk-Nyeo - Episode 12)
"- If I end up miserable either way, I want us to be miserable together. (Do Do-Hee) - I'll show you that love can save a person. (Seo Yi-Sun) - If we must sink into the depths of misery, I'd gladly... do so with you. (Do Do-Hee) - Is there such a thing as a given fate? If there is, I'm determined to give us a happy ending this time. If there is such a thing as fate, within that inescapable frame of fate, will we be destroyed or saved?" (Jeong Gu-Won - Episode 12)
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wildlydone · 4 months
One thing about me, I'm always spreading the word of our lord and savior, Brian Kinney.
So i have a friend watching Queer as Folk for his first time. And naturally, we've been texting back and forth through his adventure. How he gone get to episode 1x11 (michael's bday) and hes talking about Justin staying back with Brian and I literally quote in our chat "someones got to help you clean up this mess" like damn lemme call out my crazy. He said wow i love that you know that line.
Like hey im feral. I dont know how to like things casually sorry 😂😂
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cajon-desastre · 1 month
Last night I lost the world, and gained the universe.
C. JoyBell C.
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fyeahvarchie · 2 years
hi can you name some of varchies best quotes ?
How about I give you episodes with said best quotes?
1x01 / 1x05 / 1x10 / 1x11 / 1x13
2x01 / 2x04 / 2x08 / 2x09 / 2x11 / 2x12 / 2x14
3x01 / 3x02 / 3x06 / 3x18 / 3x19 / 3x20 / 3x21 / 3x22
4x01 / 4x02 / 4x04 / 4x13 / 4x15
5x03 / 5x05 / 5x07 / 5x08 / 5x09 / 5x11 / 5x17 / 5x18
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whitedahlia13 · 1 year
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Allison’s dimples suddenly decided to make an appearance as she specified, “Him,” while redirecting her stare towards the perfume counter.
Lydia followed her gaze until she saw...
Muted by surprise, Lydia blinked, taking in the image of this lanky figure in blue plaid. She watched with bewilderment as he sprayed one of the testers into the air before spastically sneezing into his elbow, once...twice.
“Aww... Don't frown, Lydia. Someone could be falling in love with your smile,” Allison sarcastically parroted.
Lydia returned her attention to her friend, their eyes legitimately locking for the first time that night.
Allison shrugged, triumphant smile reshaping her expression.
The thing was...Lydia wasn’t frowning. When Stiles self-consciously waved as he leaned on the glass display counter, Lydia wasn’t annoyed or disappointed. She was... Well, she didn’t know what she was. Curious...maybe, but there was also something about that moment that made her body involuntarily tremble. If she didn’t know better, she would attribute it to nervousness – which was absurd because Lydia Martin did not get nervous in the presence of boys. At least, she never used to.
Read more: ao3 & ffnet
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kiss-my-freckle · 10 days
These book quotes reminds me of season 3, especially 3x4:
“I’m in trouble, aren’t I?” she said helplessly.“If all this comes from less than one week riding in a car with him…then, yes. But we have to remember that women are Damon’s specialty. And he thinks he’s in love with you.”“No, he really is—” Elena began, and then she caught her lower lip between her teeth. “Oh, God, this is Damon we’re talking about. I am in trouble.”
"They were afraid she wouldn’t just talk to Damon. They were afraid that she would get near to him and smell his exotic familiar smell, made up of Italian bergamot, mandarin, and cardamom, and that she would look up into his black eyes that could hold universes inside the pupils, and that her knees would go weak and she’d wake up a vampire."
"and that she would look up into his black eyes that could hold universes inside the pupils"
I love this line because I consider it a Delena theme. They have a song in 1x11 called Cosmic Love. I've never compared 1x11 to 3x22, but I could.
"And I was in the darkness So darkness I became"
Consider Cosmic Love lyrics while watching 3x19 because she's totally in it with Damon.
"A falling star fell from your heart and landed in my eyes"
This lyric is perfect for 3x1.
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avasetocallmyown · 4 years
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   “Jamie spoke repeatedly of Lallybroch, detailing the life we’d have together, the life he’d always imagined...”
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femaleheroes · 3 years
Gifset with Cat playing match-maker? Giving a pep talk to Kara about her feelings for Lena?
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“There is freedom waiting for you, On the breezes of the sky, And you ask "What if I fall?" Oh but my darling, What if you fly?” ― Erin Hanson
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