#2. kolo
dalsimoravskyblog · 1 year
čumblrhledáseriál: 2. kolo (pravá)
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Propaganda aneb hlas lidu
Krkonošské pohádky
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dal světu amarouny
DUM - tudududududududu - TAM TA DA DÁ (opět piano) DAM DAM TA DÁ!!!!!
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outragedslime · 22 days
i dont think theres any problem with tracing in drawing, so long as you have permission to use an image & give credit if its not your own. i think it can be very helpful in learning many things, especially underlying shapes
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alienhazy · 2 months
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Vinny in the KOLO-TV interview
Part 2
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jeszcze-nie-motylek · 5 months
WYMOWKI na pytania o to co jadlas
(na prosbe jednego motylka😍)
zacznijmy od tego ze to jest doslownie kilka pomyslow bo ile jest slow tyle wymowek. tu podam tylko te ktore wpadna mi do glowy podczas pisania tego postu. jesli wymysle cos jeszcze to zrobie dla was 2 czesc
1. (nie) bledne kolo
dosc typowo ale prawie zawsze sie sprawdza
🏡: zjem\jadlam w szkole
🏫: jadlam\zjem w domu
najlepiej dokladniej opisac co jadlas. przyklady:
🏫: "moja mama zrobila doziaj na sniadanie ..."
🏡: "*imie kolezanki* przybiosla dzisiaj babeczki i mi dala" "jadlam obiad bo pani miala dodatkowa porcje"
2. z dowodami
w momencie w ktorym twoich rodzicow nie ma w domu/ sa zajeci idziesz do kuchni i brudzisz miske.
przykladowo: jedzienie ktore "jadlas" to platki. wlewasz odrobine mleka fo miski i rozprowadzasz je za pomoca obracania naczyniem po sciankach miski. potem wsypujesz odrobine platkow (mozesz je rozwodnic dla lepszego efektu) dajesz lyzke i to w sumie tyle
potem poprostu mowisz ze jadlas *rzecz krora brruzziles miske* i gdyby nie uwiezyli mowisz ze miska stoi w kuchni
3 nowosci w sklepach
polega to poprostu na tym ze wychodizsz na dwor (powiedzmy na spacer)a po powrocie opowiadasz o tym ze w zabce lub osiedlowym sklepie jest jakas nowa kanapka cyz cos tego typu i jakoe to bylo dobre. przeciez kanapka lub inna drozdzowka to pelnoprawny posilek wiec njkt nie powinien sie przycepic
4 chudej nocy motylki
sposob ktory mozna wykozystac w sytulacji w ktorej jestes juz zmuszony do zjedzenia ale nadasie tes tak o poprostu. kiedy kest to wieczor i rodzic zrobi dla ciebie kolacje mowisz cos na zasadzie "dziekuje mamo to seieo wyglada mega dobrse ale nie chce sie zapyychac na noc tym barsiej ze jadlam diziaj *nazwa jakis posilkow*" zazwyczaj przechodzi
w jednym z ostatnich postow dalam jeszcze wiedej pomyslow wiec polecam sprawdzic. prosze tez o reposty bo serio sie staralam
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foolishlyzephyrus · 5 months
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This was a very silly goofy post I enjoyed but it also sparked genuine curiosity: how accurate is this? I’m a data hound, so I did some fact checking. Please be aware I am by no means an expert and this was simply a result of some cursory investigating and inputting stuff into a calculator.
For RTD, I took it to mean any episode title that was singular. Only eight out of the sixty episodes of RTD’s run have one word titles, with six having two syllables (Dalek, Doomsday, Gridlock, 42, Utopia, and Midnight) and the other two being monosyllabic (Rose and Blink). That’s roughly 13% of his episodes. Definitely a trend but he was actually quite creative with his titles. Here’s some other fun statistical stuff: the most popular words in episode titles appear to be ‘dead’ (The Unquiet Dead, Forest of the Dead and Planet of The Dead), ‘planet’ (Impossible Planet, Planet of the Ood, Planet of the Dead) and ‘time’ (Last of the Time Lords, End of Time Part 1 and End of Time Part 2) occurring at about 5% each, with ‘earth’ and ‘doctor’ occurring twice each respectively.
For Moffat, I went a little more broad, considering any episode that used the naming convention ‘of’/‘of the’ or featured ‘doctor’ in any capacity. Out of the eighty-four episodes in his run, twenty six filled the criteria, that’s about 31%. Eighteen adhered to the ‘of’ requirement (Victory of the Daleks, The Time of Angels, The Vampires of Venice, Day of the Moon, Curse of the Black Spot, The Wedding of River Song, Asylum of the Daleks, The Power of Three, The Bells of Saint John, The Rings of Akhaten, Journey to the Center of the TARDIS, Robot of Sherwood, In the Forest of the Night, The Husbands of River Song, The Pyramid at the End of the World, The Lie of the Land, The Empress of Mars, and The Eaters of Light), four contained the word ‘doctor’ (Vincent and the Doctor, The Doctor’s Wife, The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe, and The Doctor Falls), and four fit into both categories (The Name of the Doctor, The Day of the Doctor, The Time of the Doctor and The Return of Doctor Mysterio; it’s funny once you realize that Name, Day and Time were all released sequentially). The claim is thereby substantiated, the man loves his ‘of’s’.
Chibnall’s criteria was difficult to discern but I decided on anything that contained the name of a Who monster classic or otherwise, was a part, or similarly used ‘of’/‘of the’. My findings were quite interesting as there was bunch of overlap between my selected categories. As a whole, out of the thirty-one episodes in Chibnall’s run, eighteen fit the criteria. That’s an overwhelming 58%, so it is most definitely correct assumption. In terms of part episodes, there were eight as there are two proper parted episodes (Spyfall, Part 1 and Spyfall, Part 2) and the serialized six-episode Flux series. Thirteen episodes contain ‘of’/‘of the’ with six exclusively using ‘of’/‘of the’ (The Demons of the Punjab, The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos, Nikola Tesla’s Night of Terror, The Haunting of Villa Diodati, Chapter Five: Survivors of the Flux, Power of The Doctor). This is where it gets interesting, as the remaining seven episodes containing ‘of’ are all the Who monster episodes (Ascension of the Cybermen, Revolution of the Daleks, Fugitive of the Judoon, Chapter Two: War of the Sontarans, Chapter Four: Village of the Angels, Eve of the Daleks, Legend of the Sea Devils). It would appear that Chibnall is an equal fiend for ‘of’s’, especially considering the monsters. So, very on brand for classic who naming conventions as well.
To conclude, it was a largely factual silly goofy post (props to @fanonical) and I enjoyed my little data collection exercise.
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txttletale · 7 months
what is it that makes an episode top 10 bad for you? i ask cuz quite a few on your list don't even click my radar, they're just bland rather than infuriating (for me)
rosa -- spectacularly ill-conceived plot that contrives to have the doctor and friends sit on the rosa parks bus (!). hinges the stakes of its plot on a deeply minimizing and racist view of rosa parks and the civil rights movement
arachnids in the uk -- overwhelming reaction was 'why am i watching this'. episode that made me give up on chibnall who. all the characters potter around a hotel for forty five minutes before realizing that the problem goes away on its own and everything we've watched has been a huge waste of time
spyfall part 2 -- inexplicably makes it so that the only historical figure friends the doctor has to mindwipe are women, throwing s9 and s10's much-deserved critique of nuwho's mindwiping habit in the trash. the first master of colour is a nazi. most racist moment in the show's history. huge letdown of any potential spyfall part 1 indicated
the battle of ranskoor av kolos -- boring. bad. there's no battle and ranskoor av kolos doesnt mean anything. characters walk around with paper-thin motivations. central conflict is stupid and is resolved in a stupid way. sub-childlike understanding of its own morality
the timeless children -- i once heard this episode described as 'the master spends 45 minutes forcing the doctor to look at his powerpoint presentation' and yeah
victory of the daleks -- nothing but nauseating british jingoism and churchill worship until the new daleks get revealed with a bunch of fanfare only to spend their debut story standing perfectly still in color coded order. then amy saves the world because she's Woman and knows about Romance
the crimson horror -- doctor-lite episode about my least favourite recurring comic relief characters until the doctor shows up at which point he's a sex pest
the bells of st. john -- what if phones but too much
a good man goes to war -- like a bad version of journeys end where instead of beloved characters teaming up to save the day its a pirate wh oshowed up in one episode, a blue guy who sold river a gun or something once, and three guys we've never seen before, showing up to resolve the unbearalbe amy pregnancy plot with a stupid twist that goes nowhere and means nothing
name of the doctor -- after half an hour of Going to a Place clara steps into a hole. a lame resolution to the lamest arc in the show's history. i dont care abouyt anything that happens. at this point we're so buried in incomprehensible moffat nonsense that every other line in this episode is a reference to some ongoing arc words or another. like shut up about trenzalore i dont caaaare
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moleaboveyourlip · 3 months
Both !
Ok!! This is gonna be a long list so I hope you enjoy. These aren't in any particular order <3 if you want more just ask lolol (Also I'm assuming you mean just for Byler - These are all on AO3, I'll tag the author if I know their Tumblr)
Also for some reason only one link is working?? I have no idea why pls ignore that
The Open Door - Mylesime - Rated E - unfinished :( (last updated 10 months ago)
The pact of our youth (where you go, i'm going) - a_pynch_of_spice - Rated T - finished!
Perfect Match, Inc. - wendywanderlust - Rated E - finished!
cursing my name, wishing I stayed (look at how my tears ricochet) - mikeslawyer - Rated T - unfinished (last updated 11 days ago) @/mikeslawyer
Left His Heart There In the Sea - Concerned_terrapin - Rated T - unfinished (last updated 6 days ago) my personal fav fic rn ;)
Now That It's Over (I'll Never Be Sober) - if_the_stars_fall - Rated T - finished
If you take me in your arms, be confident -
Marshmallo824 - Rated T - unfinished :( (last updated 9 months ago)
i was going to make a joke about time travel but nobody laughed - iry - Rated T - unfinished:( (last updated a year ago in 2 days) genuinely mourning this fic so much it's amazing. I recommend reading it even though it's probably never getting finished
Nocturne - lilacline - Rated T - unfinished (last updated 1 year ago :(( )
i can hold it (i'm lying) - lawofmurphy - Rated E - finished!
next exit - lawofmurphy - Rates E - finished!
I dey Kolo for your love (I dey mad for your love) - ClareeOs - Rated E - finished!
No Lifeguard on Duty - olliecoddle - Rated E - unfinished (last updated 3 days ago) deals with a GNC Mike which I absolutely adore since I never see any fics with that @souverian-are-we
As The World Falls Down - olliecoddle - Rated E - unfinished (last updated 5 months ago) genuinely amazing and I hope it gets finished at some point
Supersensory perception - kissingpractice - Rated E - unfinished (last updated 19 days ago)
asking too much - kissingpractice - Rated E - finished!
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caterpillarsoon · 22 days
zjedzone: 809kcal
spalone: 402kcal
bilans: 407kcal
waga rano/wieczorem: 52.2/52.9kg
dzisiaj trochę gorszy dzień bo miałam być na spacerze 5 godzin i na rowerze jezdzic ale było za gorąco więc musiałam wrócić
w biedronce znalazlam zupę która ma 34kcal na 100g więc wychodzi kolo 153kcal na 1 opakowanie 450g (pomidorowa z makaronem orzo) a innych jeszcze nie próbowałam
rodzice jak narazie wierzą że bolą mnie zęby od aparatu więc nie wciskają az tak we mnie jedzenia i mam trochę więcej spokoju
dalej do mnie nie dociera że za 2 dni rozpoczęcie roku. miałam schudnąć w te wakacje i czuje jakbym wogóle ich nie wykorzystała że nic prawie nie robiłam a robiłam nawet więcej niż w poprzednich latach
Chudego dnia/nocy motylki ❤️🦋
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prawiemotylekblog · 3 months
Hejka motylki!!
macie jakies porady jak schudnąć w moim przypadku gdzie od kolo roku mam ten sam przedział wagowy(40,5-41,5)? wczesniej jadlam dziennie okolo 1000kcal ale teraz jem dziennie okolo 700-800 i nic nie chudne nadal co moge robic zle?(jak cos to probuje duzo sposobów np ćwiczę, noo ogolnie 1-2 razy w tygodniu pojde pobiegac tak mniej wiecej 1km takim nirmalnym tempem coś jak szybki trucht
proszę o pomoc! :<
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ostra-nadwaga · 23 days
Nie, nie poddałam się, nie zrezygnowałam z diety hsgd. Trafilam do szpitala.
Przed wczoraj koło 11 zaczal boleć mnie z prawej strony brzuch, myslalam że jajnik (mam PCOS), coś dziwnie mi było więc wzielam taxi do poradni kolo szpitala. W trasie, aż telepało mną z bólu, wysiadlam I nie dalam rady isc do przychodni, weszlam tylko do recepcji izby (przychodnia jest za izbą) I powiedzialam że źle się czuję. Potem krzyk, placz, zwijanie się z bólu, badania ginekologiczne w tym bólu to koszmar. Okazało się że nic mi nie jest, że trzeba karetką na szpital mnie przewieźć bo to coś innego niż sprawy ginekologiczne. Dali zastrzyki które nic nie pomogły, minęło z 40 minut i słyszę między swoim płaczem a krzykiem że jeszcze godzina oczekiwania... inna karetka się zjawiła zostawiając na izbie pacjentkę i mnie zabrali. Z bólu zaczelam wymiotować, nie miałam czym, nawet łyk wody powodował wymioty. Kolejne badania, kroplówki, godziny spędzone w tym cierpieniu. Dopiero tramal odjął lekko cierpienia, że już nie krzyczałam z bólu.
Po TK okazało się, że mam poważnie chorą nerkę, kamien w nerce który muszę urodzić (ten bol to była kolka nerwowa i podobno jest tak silny lub gorszy jak poród dziecka), dodatkowo mam zapalenie jelita grubego, chory przełyk, plyn w jamie brzusznej oraz część jednego płuca ma jakieś coś wloknisto niedodmowe - możliwe że się zapada.
Najlepsze jest to, że oni mnie w nocy wypisali, na drugi dzień obolała poszlam do innego szpitala, do lekarza który uznal że jestem zdrowa:)))
W piątek moja matka w innym mieście będzie szukać dla mnie pomocy.
Plus teoretycznie taki że mialam niemal 40h fasta a wczoraj jadlam 2 bułki kajzerki z masłem, 2 jogurty i kilka sucharkow, dodatkowo muszę pić jak najwięcej wody, 2.5 l minimum, najlepiej 3-4l (tak, pije tyle jak nigdy), oraz nie pale, po prostu uważam że zmarnowałam być może sobie zdrowie przez 11 lat palenia fajek... nigdy więcej.
I proszę aby każdy teraz zapisal się na badania kontrolne krwi, moczu itp. Ja pomimo tego, że kilka razy w roku badam się, chodzę po specjalistach do ktorych muszę nie miałam pojęcia, że z nerkami chociażby mam problem, a moglam zrobić po prostu badania moczu.
Co do diety - na te chwile jestem zmuszona zrezygnować z hsgd, zapewne dalej będę jeść do 1500-1600kcal (moje zapotrzebowanie to niemal 1000kcal więcej więc i tak będę chudnąć), dopóki nie ogarnę zdrowia.
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Zdjęcie chwilę przed wypisem, gdy byłam w stanie jakkolwiek się poruszać pomimo cooaglego bólu i tak.
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dalsimoravskyblog · 1 year
čumblrhledáseriál: 2. kolo (pravá)
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Propaganda aneb hlas lidu
Ať žijí rytíři
Ve svých pubertálních letech jsem byla tímhle seriálem posedlá. Dneska jsem členem šermířské skupiny. Jsem si celkem jistá, že je tady souvislost. (dneska se na to podívat bojím z obavy, že by mi to ta ahistoričnost znechutila)
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zatím žádná :(
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outragedslime · 2 years
So happy to hear about your top surgery, I hope to get one within a couple of years as well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery for when it’s over <33
Thank you very much!! And good luck with yours as well :D it feels a little unreal at this point tbh so many thoughts, all in all i cant wait !!
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ladiesofeurovision · 6 months
🥄 Ladles of Eurovision Grand Final 2024 🥄
Read about every spoon here!
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Tumblr, start voting now!
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a-wartime-paradox · 1 year
Paradox of the Thirteenth, or "There's a surprising amount of Faction Paradox in Series 11-13"
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Despite not being many fan's top choice, the Thirteenth Doctor's era shared concepts with the Faction Paradox series surprisingly often. Some of these were explicit, such as The Paradox Moon featuring Siblings Same and Different (although these Siblings' Faction is otherwise unrelated to the FP Faction, as of 2023), whilst others are simply similarities in creative choices, again varying in how obvious they are, from the "Ashad" (Series 12 - The Timeless Children) resembling FP's technosapiens, to Time Lords "binding" time in Once, Upon Time (part of Series 13/Flux)
So, here I will attempt to list every possible connection between the Thirteenth Doctor/Chris Chibnal's era of Doctor Who and the Faction Paradox mythology
Firstly, an explanation as to why this is all happening...
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Explanation as to why the Thirteen Doctor is meeting Faction Paradox-esque entities.
The War has been ended for a long time, and the Great Houses have finally, actually, fallen (see The Timeless Children) leaving no one to hold up their imposed metastructure of history. Why didn't anyone invade in Series 1-7, before the Time Lords returned?, you ask. Well, it's not because The Day of the Doctor is a bootstrap, as I don't believe in perfect bootstraps, but rather because well... They did. During Series 1, the Reapers arrived, explicitly due to the lack of Time Lords (Father's Day), and so did a lone Dalek (Dalek), and finally the original Dalek Emperor's last Time War fleet (The Parting of the Ways). Then in Series 2, the Cult of Skaro arrived (Army of Ghosts/Doomsday), followed by Davros (The Stolen Earth/Journey's End)- who along with the Supreme Dalek, somehow survived the Crucible's fall (The Magician's Apprentice/The Witch's Familiar)- and then the New Dalek Paradigm emerged, from survivors of the War (Victory of the Daleks). All this interference from War-time participants is what's preventing pre-Anchoring entities entering the Third Universe, as it echoes the status quo which was so hostile to their very existence.
Oh, and "Dvapara Yuga" means "the Dark Times, as understood to not be an early period of universal history, but rather the state of history metatemporally predating Rassilon's anchoring of the thread"
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She is born out of an interaction with a past Doctor (Twice Upon a Time) - if it wasn't for acausal (and unintentionally) intervention of the First Doctor, the Thirteenth Doctor never would have existed. This is a bit of a stretch, as interference forwards in a timeline is much less paradoxical than the reverse, but this is her first appearance so...
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The Solitract, from It Takes You Away, is an intelligent & conscious universe, exiled from the main universe in order to allow for it's creation. "Creation" here probably refers to Event One/The Big Bang, but, if one is on the train of "the universe before the Anchoring of the Thread didn't have a beginning, and the Big Bang was retroactively added by Urizen [Rassilon]", then this is very easily re-interpreted as a mention of the early Sun Builders (a.k.a Time Lords) cleaning up their area of spacetime in preparation for imposing rationality on it. To be even more bold, I may suggest that this isn't a universe at all, but instead an intercreational, a class of being first mentioned in The Book of the War, although one type was first mentioned in the BBC Eighth Doctor Adventures novel The Taking of Planet 5, as a "Swimmer". I propose that the Solitract is not a Swimmer, or a Leviathan, but rather a smaller intercreational, perhaps growing out of the Third Universe (the main DW/FP universe), before being banished by the Great Houses. See Explanation as to why the Thirteen Doctor is meeting Faction Paradox-esque entities at the top of this post.
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The Ux, from The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos, are clearly some gods from the Dvapara Yuga.
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Orphan 55 features a future version of Earth which deviates heavily from most other depictions of it. Speculatively, this means the Thirteenth Doctor travelled to an aberrant timeline, or that the Ghost Point has somehow worsened since the degradation of the Great Houses's imposed metastructure, rather than healing.
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During Fugitive of the Judoon, the Doctor interacts with Gallifrey's distant past. I can't really explain this even by the standard explanation at the top of this post. However, one thing interesting to note is that the ancient Time Lord "Gat" considered "Mutter's Spiral" to be a "tiny galaxy". This is notable because Gallifrey is basically always said to be in the centre of Mutter's Spiral - that is, the Milky Way - and naming a galaxy as "tiny" kind of implies that you aren't from it. Maybe Gallifrey wasn't always in Mutter's Spiral, and got moved? Or maybe Gat and the Division come from some alternative Gallifrey? I don't know, just interesting to note.
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The novel At Childhood's End (written by Sophie Aldred, actor for Ace) featured Ace meeting the Thirteenth Doctor, and descriptions of the former's fractured timelines. Notably, the next time Ace and the Doctor met (in The Power of the Doctor), neither one of them mentioned this, almost as if the timeline in which it happened had fractured...
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Rakaya and Zellin from Can You Hear Me? are clearly some kind of pre-anchoring gods like the Ux. In Time Lord Victorious short story The Guide to the Dark Times, it was confirmed that they were, specifically, Eternals (not the MCU kind), and another Time Lord Victorious text, a novel called The Knight, the Fool, and the Dead, claimed that Eternals were among the other inhabitants of the Dark Times, the "Old Ones". Interestingly, multiple Eternals do indeed appear in the "classic" series of Doctor Who, implying that the Anchoring did not fully remove them, but as they didn't appear in NuWho until now, I feel safe in speculating that the War somehow barred them from it - perhaps they'd joined the conflict, on the side of both the Time Lords, Daleks, the Enemy, and others, "helping out" wherever it benefited them?
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Ashad, first appearing in The Haunting of Villo Diodati, and then in the following serial Ascension of the Cybermen/The Timeless Children, is an "emotional Cyberman". Any readers of Faction Paradox could immediately draw the connection between this and Faction Paradox's "technosapiens", named as such partially to avoid infringing on the BBC's trademark, but also because The Book of the War showed that many sects of posthumanity had become cyborgs, but many were not emotionless and evil like the Cybermen.
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The Timeless Child, first appearing in The Timeless Children, is vaguely reminiscent of the idea hinted upon in The Book of the War that the Great Houses stole the power of regeneration from another species, in The Book of the War being the Great Vampires, and in The Timeless Children being the titular Timeless Child. This note of continuity was expanded upon by the writer @aristidetwain in his short story Out of the Box introduced the "Child-That-Was-Taken", intended to be a member of the Yssgaroth species, and to be the Timeless Child itself. Additionally, this Child was the motivator for the Great Vampires' war with the Great Houses, the Eternal War (a.k.a First War in Heaven).
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In The Timeless Children, Tecteun is shown alongside Rassilon and Omega. Previously, the figure alongside Rassilon and Omega was the Other, a version of the Doctor from before he was the Doctor. My personal fix for this, which I admittedly took from @/aristidetwain, is that there were many Others, assisting Rassilon and Omega at different points in time. Other Others may be the human Dr. Who from the novel Human Nature, the Eleventh Doctor "Cheesemaker" (The Lost Dimension), Osiris (in his car future), and the Sixth Doctor (The Scrolls of Rassilon)
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In Shadow in the Mirror, the Thirteenth Doctor released Aphasia / Daughter of Mine from her mirror of entrapment, despite the fact that Aphasia mentioned a "ginger haired doctor" who "believed himself to be the last" (likely Muldwych/Merlin), meaning that the Doctor had been interacting with Aphasia out-of-order, which is... Reasonably dangerous.
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Throughout Flux, the villains "Swarm" and "Azure" attempt to remove the Mouri from the planet Time, effectively de-anchoring the thread. They're method, strangely, is to try to destroy the entire universe using "the flux".
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Village of the Angels features the first instance of Weeping Angels being shown to posses proper intelligence, as they ally themselves with Tecteun, presumably in exchange for something, and even more interestingly, they have a rogue member, suggesting power structures in their ranks. This isn't particularly Faction Paradox -related, but it feels like it is, and I hope Faction Paradox writers use Weeping Angel - analogues to continue to explore this.
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Eve of the Daleks features the Doctor "resetting" the TARDIS, causing a localised time loop. However, perhaps more notably, the Daleks which appear in this episode are "Dalek Executioners", which make their debut in Time Lord Victorious.
The Power of the Doctor won't be mentioned here, perhaps I'll grant it a full post going over all of its batshit-insanity (affectionate?) some other time.
This post was made after I saw @familyparadox remark at the high amount of Faction/Thirteen content
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magrit-alessa · 1 month
My weekly chart (29 Jul 2024 - 11 Aug 2024)
That's what I like. That's what surrounds me. That's what creates my mood.
*Created by my preferences only*
Аll chart positions in 4 minutes here -> https://youtu.be/kqoVKHCM8HI
10. Miles Hardt - Hold Back
9. Pom Pom Squad - Spinning
8. SHEPIL - Я палю сигарету (feat. Lesfleures)
7. RY X - All I Have (Jan Blomqvist Remix)
6. Freaks & Geeks X Mila Falls - Savage
5. Sonny Fodera, Jazzy, D.O.D - Somedays
4. Little Simz - Broken
3. vioria - ти її любиш.
2. Roosevelt - In The Dark
1. Oscar and the Wolf - Oh Boy
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If someone wants to help or support Ukraine:
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adventure-showdown · 11 months
What is the Best Doctor Who Story Ever Told?
Hello everybody and welcome to this, frankly ridiculously sized, tournament between not only every televised Doctor Who story, not only the spinoffs, not only a large number of minisodes, but over a 100 audios and dozens of other stories from other corners of the EU.
Now we will have to whittle over 600 stories down to jusst one, that is a lot of matches, a lot of rounds, just a lot, until very late in the game, rounds will be posted across several days. Right now the goal is to post (up to) new matches daily from Sunday to Thursday, with Friday's a day off for my own sake, which in my current plan places the final on the 18th of December (thats right, this'll be out of date before its even over, during round 2 in fact)
You can use this form to submit propaganda for your favourite stories (or anti propaganda for ones you hate). there is a more checkable list of nominations here if you want to know what you can submit propaganda for
without further ado
ROUND 1 (Group Stage)
earlier in the year I ran some polls between televised Doctor Who stories, the top 50% for each Doctor have automatically advanced to Round 2, which is why (a) there are stories missing, and (b) the groups between the remaing stories are a lot deadlier
Every day will have groups from across the Doctor Who Universe, from Classic Who, New Who, TV Spinoffs, and the EU
Day 6
Group 1
The Twin Dilemma
Attack of the Cybermen
The Two Doctors
The Ultimate Foe
Group 2
Time and the Rani
Paradise Towers
Delta and the Bannermen
Silver Nemesis
The Greatest Show in the Galaxy
Group 3
The Tsuranga Conundrum
The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos
Can You Hear Me?
Legend of the Sea Devils
Group 4
The Ghost Monument
Arachnids in the UK
Orphan 55
Ascension of the Cybermen/The Timeless Children
Revolution of the Daleks
Once, Upon Time
Survivors of the Flux
The Vanquishers
Group 5
Mutant Copper
The Custodians
Taphony of the Time Loop
Robot Gladiators
Mind Snap/Angel of the North/The Last Precinct/Hound of the Korven/The Eclipse of the Korven
Group 6
For Tonight We Might Die
The Coach with the Dragon Tattoo
Co-Owner of a Lonely Heart/Brave-ish Heart
The Metaphysical Engine or What Quill Did
The Lost
Group 7
The Last Beacon
Rhys and Ianto's Excellent Barbecue
A Spoonful of Mayhem
The Lumiat
Too Many Masters
Group 8
Expiry Dating
The Cars that Ate London!
A Photograph to Remember
Iterations of I
Group 9
Living Legend
The Martian Invasion of Planetoid 50
The Bekdel Test
Oh No It Isn't
The Eleven Day Empire/The Shadow Play
Smoke and Mirrors
Group 10
Dooms Day hour 1
An Adventure in Space and Time
Shada (1992) version with linking narration from Tom Baker
Shada animated reconstruction
Return to Shada webcast with 8
Group 11
Real Time
Scream of the Shalka
The Infinite Quest
Ronald Rat continuity announcement
The Man from M.I.5
Group 12
Dr Who and the Daleks
Dalek's Invasion of Earth 2150AD
Doctor in Distress
Doctorin' the TARDIS
I'm gonna Spend my Christmas with a Dalek
previous days under the cut
Day 1
Group 1
The Sensorites
Planet of Giants
The Web Planet
The Crusade
Mission to the Unknown
The Massacre
The Celestial Toymaker
The Savages
Group 2
Marco Polo
Galaxy 4
The Myth Makers
The Ark
The Gunfighters
The Smugglers
Group 3
The Underwater Menace
The Ice Warriors
The Dominators
The Krotons
The Seeds of Death
Group 4
The End of the World
The Unquiet Dead
Aliens of London/World War Three
The Long Game
Boom Town
Group 5
The Christmas Invasion
Love and Monsters
Voyage of the Damned
Planet of the Dead
Group 6
Invasion of the Bane
Revenge of the Slitheen
Eye of the Gorgon
Warriors of Kudlak
Whatever Happened to Sarah-Jane
The Lost Boy
Group 7
The Last Sontaran
The Day of the Clown
Secrets of the Stars
The Mark of the Berserker
The Temptation of the Sarah-Jane Smith
Enemy of the Bane
Group 8
Prisoner of the Judoon
The Mad Woman in the Attic
The Wedding of Sarah-Jane Smith
The Eternity Trap
Mona Lisa's Revenge
Group 9
The Marian Conspiracy
The Apocalyspe Element
The Shadow of the Scourge
The Holy Terror
Storm Warning
Group 10
Minuet in Hell
The Chimes of Midnight
Seasons of Fear
The Time of the Daleks
Group 11
Spare Parts
Creatures of Beauty
Doctor Who and the Pirates
Group 12
The Natural History of Fear
Group 13
The Room With All the Doors
Grey Matter
Lepidoptery for Beginners
Something Borrowed
Nothing at the End of the Lane
Group 14
Divided Loyalties
Fear of the Dark
Fear Itself
12 Doctors, 12 Stories
The Stranger
Group 15
Vampire Science
Alien Bodies
Seeing I
The Scarlet Empress
Unnatural History
Group 16
The Blue Angel
The Burning
The Turing Test
The Year of Intelligent Tigers
The City of the Dead
The Adventuress of Henrietta Street
Day 2
Group 1
The Highlanders
The Faceless Ones
The Abominable Snowmen
The Wheel in Space
The Space Pirates
Group 2
Ambassadors of Death
Colony in Space
Day of the Daleks
The Time Monster
Frontier in Space
Death to the Daleks
Group 3
Doctor Who and the Silurians
The Claws of Axos
The Mutants
Planet of the Daleks
The Monster of Peladon
Planet of Spiders
Group 4
New Earth
Tooth and Claw
The Girl in the Fireplace
Fear Her
The Shakespeare Code
Daleks in Manhattan/Evolution of the Daleks
The Lazarus Experiment
The Sontaran Stratagem/The Poison Sky
Group 5
Rise of the Cybermen/The Age of Steel
The Idiot's Lantern
The Doctor's Daughter
The Next Doctor
Group 6
The Gift
The Nightmare Man
The Vault of Secrets
Death of the Doctor
The Empty Planet
Group 7
Lost in Time
Goodbye, Sarah-Jane Smith
The Curse of Clyde Langer
The Man Who Never Was
Group 8
Everything Changes
Day One
Ghost Machine
Small Worlds
Group 9
Arrangements for War
The Harvest
Faith Stealer
Terror Firma
Group 10
Other Lives
The Kingmaker
The Girl Who Never Was
The Condemned
The Doomwood Curse
Group 11
The Magic Mousetrap TIE
The Company of Friends: Benny's Story
The Company of Friends: Fitz's Story
The Company of Friends: Izzy's Story
The Company of Friends: Mary's Story TIE
A Death in the Family
Group 12
The Silver Turk
1963: The Assassination Games
The Widow's Assassin
Dalek Soul
The Grey Man of the Mountain
Group 13
Mad Dogs and Englishmen
The Book of the Still
The Crooked World
Camera Obscura
The Gallifrey Chronicles
Group 14
The Left-Handed Hummingbird
Human Nature
The Blood Cell
Engines of War
Group 15
The Book of War
This Town Will Never Let Us Go
Of the City of the Saved
Doctor Who and Shada (fan novelisation)
Harvest of Time
Group 16
The Star Beast
The World Shapers
Ground Zero
The Flood
Day 3
Group 1
Revenge of the Cybermen
The Android Invasion
The Sunmakers
Group 2
The Brain of Morbius
Image of the Fendahl
The Power of Kroll
The Creature from the Pit
Nightmare of Eden
Group 3
Victory of the Daleks
The Curse of the Black Spot
Closing Time
Asylum of the Daleks
The Bells of Saint John
Name of the Doctor
Group 4
The Hungry Earth/Cold Blood
Night Terrors
The Doctor, the Widow, and the Wardrobe
Dinosaurs on a Spaceship
A Town Called Mercy
Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
The Crimson Horror
Group 5
Greeks Bearing Gifts
They Keep Killing Suzie
Random Shoes
Out of Time
Group 6
Captain Jack Harkness
End of Days
Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang
To the Last Man
Group 7
Dead Man Walking
A Day in the Death
Something Borrowed
Group 8
The Blood of the Daleks
Horror of Glam Rock
Immortal Beloved
No More Lies
Group 9
Human Resources
To the Death
The Eleven
The Red Lady
The Galileo Trap
Group 10
The Gift
The Sonomancer
Absent Friends
The Eighth Piece
The Doomsday Chronometer
Group 11
The Crucible of Souls
Ship in a Bottle
Songs of Love
The Side of the Angels
Stop the Clock
Group 12
The Fallen
The Land of Happy Endings
Old Friends
Space in Dimension Relative and Time
Time in Reverse
Group 13
The Zero Imperative
The Devil of Winterborne
Unnatural Selection
Ghosts of Winterborne
When to Die
Group 14
Summoned by Shadows
More Than a Messiah
In Memory Alone
The Terror game
Breach of the Peace
Eye of the Beholder
Day 4
Group 1
Planet of Evil
The Invisible Enemy
The Invasion of Time
The Armageddon Factor
Destiny of the Daleks
Group 2
The Sontaran Experiment
The Masque of Mandragora
The Talons of Weng-Chiang
The Leisure Hive
Full Circle
Group 3
The Lodger
The Rebel Flesh/The Almost People
Let's Kill Hitler
Cold War
Nightmare in Silver
Group 4
Into the Dalek
Robot of Sherwood
Kill the Moon
The Pyramid at the End of the World
The Eaters of light
Group 5
From Out of the Rain
Exit WOunds
Children of Earth
Miracle Day
Group 6
K9 and Company
Regeneration/Liberation/The Korven
The Bounty Hunter
Sirens of Ceres
Fear Itself
The Fall of the House of Gryffen
Group 7
Escape from Kaldor
Better Watch Out/Fairytale in Salzburg
Companion Piece
Day of the Master
Paradox of the Daleks
Inside Every Warrior
Group 8
UNIT Dating
Here Lies Drax
The Love Vampires
Albie's Angels
Group 9
Peri and the Piscon Paradox TIE
The Cold Equations TIE
The Last Post
The Scorchies
Group 10
Death and the Queen
The Sword of the Chevalier
No Place
The Creeping Death
Out of Time (individual story)
Group 11
Zygon: When Being You Just Isn't Enough
Sil and the Seeds of Andor
Group 12
Wall's Sky Ray lollies advert
Merry Christmas Doctor Who
Step into the 80s/On Through the 80s
A Fix With Sontarans
Dalek Weetabix advert
Famin Appeal 1985
Group 13
The Shrink
Search Out Space
Dimensions in Time
Emperor of the Daleks
The Curse of Fatal Death
Day 5
Group 1
Four to Doomsday
Warriors of the Deep
The Awakening
Resurrection of the Daleks
Group 2
The Visitation
Black Orchid
Arc of Infinity
The King's Demons
Group 3
The Girl Who Died
Sleep No More
Knock Knock
The Lie of the Land
The Empress of Mars
Group 4
The Caretaker
In the Forest of the Night
Last Christmas
The Woman Who Lived
The Return of Doctor Mysterio
Twice Upon a Time
Group 5
The Jaws of Orthrus
Curse of Anubis
Alien Avatar
Group 6
The Aeolian
The Last Oak Tree
Black Hunger
The Cambridge Spy
Lost Library of Ukko
Group 7
Square One
First Days of Phaidon
Gallifrey IV
Group 8
The Queen of Time
Paradise 5
The Elite
I am the Master
Forever Fallen
A Full Life
Group 9
The Fifth Citadel
The Forgotten Villafe
The Concrete Cage TIE
Troubled Waters TIE
The Hollow King
Group 10
Born Again
Time Crash
The Naked Truth
Night and the Doctor
Group 11
Pond Life
The Great Detective
The Bells of Saint John: A prequel
The Battle of Demons Run: Two Days Later
Clara and the TARDIS
Group 12
Rain Gods
Night of the Doctor
The Last Day
The Five(ish) Doctors Reboot
The Doctor's Meditation
Farewell Sarah-Jane
35 notes · View notes